Electronic Editions of Astronomical Institutions from Belgrade 2010


Electronic Editions of Astronomical Institutions from Belgrade 2010
Преглед НЦД 23 (2013), 33–36
Milan S. Dimitrijević
Astronomical Observatory
Abstract. Electronic publishing of astronomical institutions from Serbia in 2010 and 2011 is described
and analyzed.
Keywords: Astronomy, electronic publishing.
Electronic publishing in Serbian astronomical institutions started in 2006 on Astronomical
Observatory and the period 2006-2009 is reviewed in detail in Ref. [1]. Within this period, 22
compact disks and DVDs have been published and publishers were Astronomical Observatory,
Astronomical Society “Rudjer Bošković”, Society of Astronomers of Serbia and Naturalist
Society “GEA” from Vršac. In 2010 and 2011, four new DVDs were published.
1. Program, Presentations and Photos [Еlectronic source] The Third International School in
Astronomy Astroinformatics - Virtual Observatory, Belgrade, June 29 - July 1, 2010,
Belgrade, Serbia, eds. Andjelka Kovačević and Milan S. Dimitrijević, organized by Faculty
of Mathematcs, Belgrade and Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade. - Belgrade: Astronomical
Observatory, 2010 (Belgrade: Astronomical Observatory). - 1. Electronic optical disk (DVD)
Milan S. Dimitrijević
2. Abstracts, Presentations and Photos [Electronic source], 1st Workshop Spectroscopy as
a Tool to Investigate Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lenses, Kosmaj, Babe, July 711, 2010, eds. Milan S. Dimitrijević, Luka Č. Popović and Miodrag Dačić, organizers Serbian
Astronomical Society and Astronomical Observatory Belgrade. - Belgrade: Astronomical
Observatory, Serbian Astronomical Society, 2010 (Belgrade: Astronomical observatory). 1. Electronic optical disk (DVD).
3. Abstracts, Presentations and Photos [Electronic source], 1st Workshop Astrophysical
winds and disks; Similar phenomena in stars and quasars, Platamonas, Greece, September 38, 2009, eds. Emmanuel Danezis, Evaggelia Lyratzi, Milan S. Dimitrijević, Luka Č. Popović,
DVD prepared by Milan S. Dimitrijević, Tatjana Milovanov and Miodrag Dačić, organizers
The Astrophysical Spectroscopy Teams of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Milan S. Dimitrijević
(Faculty of Physics) and Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade. - Athens: School of Physics,
University of Athens, 2009 (Athens: School of Physics). - 1. Electronic optical disk (DVD)
4. Development of Astronomy among Serbs, VI, in Serbian, Belgrade 22-26. April 2010.
[Electronic Source], Editor Мilan S. Dimitrijević, оrganizer Аstronomical Society “Rudjer
Bošković”, disk prepared by Milan S. Dimitrijević and Tatjana Milovanov. – Electronic
edition – Belgrade: Аstronomical Society “Rudjer Bošković”, Society of Astronomers of
Serbia, 2011 (Belgrade: Аstronomical Society “Rudjer Bošković”,) - 1 electronic optical disk
The DVD with Program, Presentations and Photos of The Third International School in
Astronomy Astroinformatics - Virtual Observatory, Belgrade, June 29- July 1, 2010,
Belgrade, Serbia is a multimedia electronic edition which provides all advantages of such
publishing. Apart of Program, Committees and the separate lists of Lecturers and Participants,
Presentations of lectures and Photos are given. Photos are in good resolution, ready to be
included in an article, and there is also a slide show option. The DVD has CIP and ISBN
number and represents a photo chronicle of the School, a souvenir for the participants and,
with presentations, provides content of the lectures.
The second DVD with Abstracts, Presentations and Photos of the 1st Workshop
Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate Active Galactic Nuclei and Gravitational Lenses,
Kosmaj, Babe, July 7-11, 2010, besides, Program, Committees, a list of Presentations and
Photos, contains and Abstracts, as well as Scientific Rationale. This is the first scientific
conference completely organized by Society of Astronomers of Serbia and was planned as a
workshop to discuss and finish several articles for leading international journals and to start
new ones.
The third DVD, with Abstracts, Presentations and Photos of the 1st Workshop
“Astrophysical winds and disks; Similar phenomena in stars and quasars”, Platamonas,
Greece, September 3-8, 2009, is particularly interesting. It was prepared in Belgrade, but
finished and published in Greece, by the School of Physics of the University of Athens. It is
only one without CIP, because Greece is not in this system. Besides the Scientific Rationale,
Committees, Program, Abstracts, Presentations, a list of Participants and Photos, it is enriched
with Opening – thanking talks, description of excursions, the pdf file of Conference poster,
Milan S. Dimitrijević
the first page of the web-site, and Fruits of collaboration, where the results of collaboration
between The Astrophysical Spectroscopy Teams of National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens (Faculty of Physics) and Group for Astrophysical Spectroscopy of Astronomical
Observatory of Belgrade are presented. Also propositions for the future collaboration are
provided and a list of sponsors and their logos is given. We note that the header contains an error.
Instead of “Platamonas, September 3-8, 2010”, is written “Serbia, July 7-11, 2010”.
The last, fourth, DVD contains the Proceedings of the conference Development of
Astronomy among Serbs, VI, Belgrade 22-26 April 2010, in electronic form. As a difference
from hard-copy edition, where photos in contributions are black and white, in electronic
edition they are in full color. We note also that papers are in pdf, prepared for printing, so that
their quality is excellent. The contributions are in Serbian but for all other presented text there
is English version also. Besides pdf of each article, the book as a whole, with cover, front
page and impresum (colophon) is presented. In English version, abstracts in English of all
articles are given.
Electronic editions are distributed to libraries: ten copies to the National library, The
Library of “Matica srpska”, The Library of Mathematical Faculty, The Library of Paris
Observatory, NASA ADS, National Center for digitization and to other institutions.
We also started to include all electronic publications in Serbian Virtual Observatory
In such a way we hope that we succeeded to enlarge the influence of the results of activities
of our astronomer and to make them accessible worldwide.
Acknowledgments. The authors acknowledge the support provided by Ministry of Education
and Science of Republic of Serbia through projects III44002 "Astroinformatics and virtual
observatories", and 176002 "Influence of collisional processes on astrophysical plasma
[1] M. S. Dimitrijević, Electronic Editions of Astronomical Institutions from Belgrade, NCD
Review, 17 (2010), 17-24.
Електронско издаваштво у српским астрономским институцијама започели смо на
Астрономској опсерваторији 2006. године и детаљно приказали период закључно са 2009,
у Прегледу НЦД, бр. 17 (2010, стр. 17-24). У том периоду су публикована 22 компакт
диска и ДВДа, а издавачи су били Астрономска опсерваторија, Астрономско друштво
„Руђер Бошковић“, Друштво астронома Србије и Природњачко друштво „ГЕА“ из Вршца.
Овде је приказан наставак активности на објављивању астрономских садржаја и текстова
у дигитализованом облику, у 2010. и 2011. години.