drum sticks timpani mallets bass drum mallets xylophone mallets y p
drum sticks timpani mallets bass drum mallets xylophone mallets y p
drum sticks HAY-307-A 39,4 hickory 7A 1,4 HAY-305-B 40,4 HAY-305-A 40,4 hickory 5A 1,52 timpani mallets 02-N hickory 5B 1,58 35 4 bass drum mallets BDM-2 TM-7 bamboo wool felt 3,2 38 maple wool felt, wood core 3,2 38 oak wool felt, wood core 35,5 6 metal felt xylophone y p mallets XM-1 BDM-13B 7,5 38 41,5 oak cloth, wood core 3 MM-1 XM-10 maple soft rubber 38 3 maple oak 4 40,6 rattan woven wool,, soft 3,3 40,6 rattan woven wool, soft 3,2 40,6 rattan woven wool, hard hickory 2B 1,62 03-N 34 4,5 BDM-4 TM-8 bamboo wool felt 35,9 6,4 rattan felt BDM-14 41 oak cloth, wood core 6,5 XM-1-S XM-11 38 38 3 2,8 maple super soft pvc maple maple drum rods 36 3,1 HAY-ROD-MA maple, 19 rods 1,5 bamboo felt 3,5 HAY-ROD-BB maple, 19 rods 1,5 plastic wool felt 5,2 40 TM-11 plastic wool felt 36,6 4,6 40 maple fur, felt core 55 5,5 41,9 oak cloth, wood core maple felt BDM-7 40 maple 5,5 fur, felt core BDM-15B 41,9 oak cloth, wood core 6,5 2,8 BDM-8 TM-12 bamboo felt 4,1 37 maple wool felt, wood core 40 5,5 40 bamboo, 12 rods flat 37 rattan medium hard nylon 36,5 2,8 40 6,4 38 3 maple felt BDM-9 TM-13 bamboo felt 37,5 3,3 37,5 5,7 maple felt rattan maple 36,5 1,5 BDM-17 maple hard felt 41,6 7,1 maple felt 40,6 rattan woven wool, veryy hard 3,3 40 maple woven wool, soft 3,4 40 maple woven wool, soft 36,5 maple 2,8 soft rubber maple brass 35 fiber woven wool MM-18 2,9 35 fiber woven wool, hard 3,6 37 plastic woven wool, soft 34 3,8 BDM-10 TM-14 plastic felt 37 2,9 37,5 3,8 metal felt maple hard felt 38 3 BDM-18 6 06-P BRH-5-MT 38 4,5 retractable rubber 1,6 metal bristles BDM-11 TM-15T plastic felt 36 3,2 metal nylon 41 6,4 maple fur, wood core 43 maple fur, wood core maple lexan 36,5 2 40 maple fur, wood core PA-53 BRH-7-CN 24 1,6 5 maple nylon bristles BDM-12 TM-16 34 bamboo soft puff covered 37,5 3,5 maple pvc 8,5 41,5 maple wool, wood core 36,5 maple extra hard rubber MM-9 40 maple woven wool, soft XM-18 maple brass 33 2,8 plastic maple MM-10 40 maple woven wool, hard 3,6 10-P B-NWH BRH-5-BN 5 retractable rubber 1,6 nylon bristles B-NBU BRH-5-WN TM-17T 33 plastic soft puff covered 37,5 3,5 maple pvc PA-415 TM-18 31 6 35 35 maple hard felt 41,5 oak cloth, wood core 7,5 MM-21 37 plastic woven wool, hard 3,6 40 maple woven wool, hard 3,3 gong g g mallets BDM-13 MM-20 37 plastic 3,6 woven wool MM-11 36,5 maple 2 aluminium BDM-20 38,7 maple 3,8 fur, wood core MM-19 XM-17 2,8 3,6 BDM-19 6 MM-8 XM-9 universal mallets BDM-21 39,4 6,5 + 4,5 maple wool & felt GM-1 5,5 36 maple wool, plastic core 7,5 36 maple wool, plastic core marching bass drum mallets GM-2 fiber pvc KL-01 GM-6 30 9 rattan wool GM-1A 41,9 3 maple felt 29 plastic 2,5 hard plastic KL-08 37 3,2 KL-02 30,5 2,1 tapered plastic hard plastic plastic hard yarn KL-09 33 plastic 2,5 hard plastic retractable rubber 1,6 nylon bristles PA-426 PA-421 concert bass drum mallets 30 3,7 maple hard felt 30 5,5 TM-19 PA-412 BCB-27 PA-233 27 beech soft puff covered 27 5,5 37,5 3,8 maple felt 30 6 TM-20 maple felt 3,8 BCB-30 PA-235 27 beech wool & leather 27 5 maple hard felt maple felt 41,9 4,4 PA-236 27 7,5 30 6,5 37,1 5 TM-202 maple felt TM-4 PA-234 27 8 30 6 beech hard felt 41,9 rattan wool felt, wood core 30 maple soft puff covered 30 nylon soft puff covered 6 37 oak wool felt, wood core TM-6 4 3,2 maple wool, plastic core 10 28 maple wool, plastic core GM-1B 41,9 3, thick maple felt KL-03 25,5 plastic 2 hard plastic BMB-24LLG 6,5 GM-4 GM-5 nylon felt PA-472 30 6 GM-2A 3 41,9 maple felt, plastic core 30 2 41,9 3,5 rattan felt 33 GM-2B 39 rattan 10,8 x 5,4 wool 2 41,9 maple 3 felt, plastic core 20 felt and plastic 28 2,5 32,5 maple wool felt, wood core head diameter in cm handle size in cm head material handle material TM-21 36,8 4,4 oak felt 223-A 5,2 TM-211 36,5 4,1 oak felt 20 rubber 20 maple BBP-10 18 4,8 felt 223 5,2 20 rubber, heavy © Bas van den Broek b.v. 2010 www.basvandenbroek.com 3,2 31 plastic hammer shaped rubber 27 3 plastic felt maple maple plastic maple 31 2,6 plastic rubber KL-14 4,6 30 plastic rubber & maple KL-07 KL-41 3 plastic med. yarn multi tenor mallets drum m mal a lets 31 plastic woven wool, soft core 31 plastic woven wool, hard core BTD-21 PA-425 31 4,5 30 4 nylon felt BTD-21L KL-19B 34 2,5 plastic soft yarn 37 3,2 KL-40 3 KL-19A 19,5 1,8 KL-17 plastic soft rubber 37 3,1 plastic maple KL-20F plastic plastic KL-16 BBP-08 4,5 29 2,3 KL-06 glockenspiel mallets aluminum hard felt KL-15 BDPB-20 KL-11 plastic hard rubber KL-05 BMB-24LG 37,5 6 KL-10 33 plastic 1,9 hard rubber KL-04 38 nylon soft puff covered TM-203 maple felt TM-5 3,5 GM-3 9 bass drum beaters 5,5 SRM-W 7 3,5 maple felt surdo mallets SRM-B 36,4 5,7 nylon felt rattan wool felt metal felt BCB-28 nylon felt BMB-23L TM-3 beech leather 30 5 TM-201 metal felt BCB-26 30 6 41,9 rattan wool felt, wood core BMB-23 TM-2 36 5 BMB-24 maple hard felt 37,5 plastic 3,5 felt, wood core TM-1 30 maple soft puff covered MM-17 2,9 MM-7 36,5 maple 2,8 hard rubber XM-7 , bamboo, 11 rods 1,4 solid core 10-N 7 35 fiber woven wool, soft XM-16 XM-8 7 MM-16 2,9 maple rubber 40 maple 3,6 woven wool RS-11-BSC 40 PA-52 9 35 fiber woven wool, hard XM-15 XM-6 brus brushes shes retractable metal 1,6 nylon bristles MM-15 2,9 MM-6 BDM-16 maple wool, felt core fiber woven wool XM-14 XM-5 05-P retractable rubber 1,6 nylon bristles 35 RS-12-BF RS-07-W retractable maple 1,6 metal bristles MM-14 2,9 MM-5 bamboo, 12 rods 1,5 solid core 06-N retractable rubber 1,6 metal bristles 35 fiber woven wool, soft maple rubber 3,4 35 4,5 maple, 7 rods 1,5 36,6 maple wool felt, wood core 40,6 rattan 3,4 woven wool XM-13 36,5 2,8 RS-12-BSCR RS-19-B 40 3 38 rattan medium hard nylon BDM-15 XM-4 05-N bamboo, 19 rods 1,5 7,6 3 bamboo, 12 rods 1,5 solid core 35 3,8 40 41 oak cloth, wood core BDM-6 TM-10 03-P 40 wood, rubber grip 5,2 felt XM-12 36,5 maple 2,8 hard rubber RS-12-BSC 40 MM-13 2,9 MM-4 33 4,5 RS-19-W 32 38 maple medium hard nylon XM-3 34 4 bamboo, 19 rods 1,5 37 maple wool felt, wood core XM-2 BDM-14B bamboo, 19 rods 1,5 02-P 41 BDM-5 TM-9 RS-19-BB 41 38 maple woven wool,, hard MM-3 04-N 41 MM-12 3,3 , MM-2 HAY-302-B 40,7 marimba mallets 4,5 31 nylon soft puff covered maple hard felt PA-471 30 4 aluminum hard felt
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