3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging
3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging
REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 1 Ultrasound Biosafety Considerations for the Practicing Sonographer/Sonologist Thomas R. Nelson, J. Brian Fowlkes, Jacques S. Abramowicz Abstract— The purpose of this article is to present the practicing sonologist or sonographer with an overview of the biohazards of ultrasound and guidelines for safe usage. Index Terms— Ultrasound, bioeffects, fetal, mechanical index, thermal index, output display standard I. OVERVIEW Ultrasound is an imaging modality that has important diagnostic value. While useful in a variety of applications, diagnostic ultrasound is particularly useful in prenatal diagnosis with over 250 million fetal ultrasound examinations performed per year in USA. To date, there is no evidence that diagnostic ultrasound produces harm in the developing fetus or other tissues when used properly. There are however an increasing range of US studies being performed. Newer technologies can have higher acoustic output levels than earlier equipment. Also, subtle or transient effects of diagnostic ultrasound, such as changes in membrane permeability, are completely understood. Therefore, diagnostic ultrasound should be used prudently with ultrasound examinations performed only by trained, competent personnel. To ensure continued safety it is essential to maintain an awareness of the potential for bioeffects, especially with newer equipment and more sophisticated procedures. The purpose of this article is to review ultrasound biosafety considerations for the practicing sonographer and sonologist as well as provide references for more detailed discussion and guidance with an emphasis on fetal imaging. II. U LTRASOUND ACOUSTIC O UTPUT AND B IOEFFECTS The embryo and fetus are particularly sensitive to energy deposition from many imaging modalities, including ultrasound. Up to eight weeks after conception, organogenesis is Address correspondence to: Thomas R. Nelson, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, tnelson@ucsd.edu; J. Brian Fowlkes, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, fowlkes@umich.edu Jacques S. Abramowicz, M.D., Rush University, Chicago, IL, jacques abramowicz@rush.edu taking place in the embryo. This is a period when cell damage might lead to anomalies or subtle developmental changes. Furthermore, the brain and spinal cord continue to develop through to the neonatal period. Little information is available regarding possible subtle biological effects at diagnostic levels in either the fetus or adult. The presence of bone within the ultrasound beam greatly increases the likelihood of a temperature rise due to direct absorption in the bone itself and due to conduction of heat from bone to adjacent tissues. Generally the temperature rise is greatest at bone surfaces and adjacent soft tissues. Fetal effects vary with the increasing mineralization of the developing bone raising the potential for heating of sensitive tissues such as brain and spinal cord although the increasing fetal size in later gestation may provide some additional resistance to thermal insult. It also is important that care be taken to minimize fetal eye exposure. In general, one should limit exposure time commensurate with acceptable diagnostic evaluation. At present there is no reason to withhold diagnostic scanning during pregnancy provided it is medically indicated and is used prudently by fully trained operators [2] III. S TANDARD FOR R EAL -T IME D ISPLAY OF T HERMAL AND M ECHANICAL ACOUSTIC O UTPUT I NDICES ON D IAGNOSTIC U LTRASOUND E QUIPMENT Before 1976, there were no limits to the permissible acoustic output from diagnostic ultrasound equipment. In 1976, the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) began regulating the output levels of machines to be no more than 94 mW/cm2 spatial-peak temporal-average (SPTA) intensity for fetal use. This regulatory output level was established based on the predicate devices in use in the market at that time and the apparent safety of ultrasound as understood at that time. In 1992, at the request of manufacturers and end users interested in obtaining specific improvements in the diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound, the USFDA changed this limit to 720 mW/cm2 , except for eye scanning. Along with the change in output limits, the USFDA also mandated that machines capable of producing higher outputs be able to display to the REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 diagnostician some indication of the likelihood of ultrasoundinduced bioeffects that is known as the Standard for RealTime Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment, more commonly known as the Output Display Standard (ODS) [3]. Historically, the initial approach was that implementation of the ODS would remove limits on machine output placing full responsibility on the operator. Subsequently, it was decided to keep the limits and display the output. The Output Display Standard consists of the mechanical index (MI) and the thermal index (TI). The MI is an onscreen indicator of the potential for ultrasound to induce inertial cavitation in tissues. The TI is an on-screen indicator of the magnitude of temperature rise. The TI is a model-based approach to determine where the maximum temperature and location in the acoustic field would be expected based on the imaging parameters and the acoustic propagation model selected. While not perfect, TI and MI should be accepted as the most sensible methods of thermal and non-thermal risk estimation currently available. Nevertheless, for the acoustic indices to be meaningful, the diagnostician must be familiar with ultrasound safety issues and their implications for fetal and patient imaging studies. Implementation of the ODS puts much greater responsibility for patient safety on the ultrasound end user. Adherence to the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle is recommended. An additional major requirement for the acceptance by the USFDA of the ODS pertains to adequate education of end users. This requires information about the ODS be provided by the manufacturer, which is most commonly in the form of the Medical Ultrasound Safety publication from the AIUM [4]. However, the goal should be understanding of the potential for bioeffects through initial applications training by the vendor, ongoing CME courses and vigilant daily awareness of acoustic output. IV. ACOUSTIC P HYSICS A. Physical Properties of Ultrasound Ultrasound is mechanical energy that propagates longitudinally through elastic media creating alternating zones of compression and rarefaction. Ultrasound imaging typically uses short pulses (Fig. 1) with acoustic energy reflected back toward the transducer from interfaces having different acoustic properties. Typical biomedical ultrasound imaging parameters are shown in Table I [5]. The majority of prenatal bioeffects epidemiological studies have been based on ultrasound exposures occurring before 1992 using equipment regulated per the pre-1992 output limits of 94 mW/cm2 . Since 1992 equipment is capable of operating with much higher limits of up to 720 mW/cm2 with the specific acoustic output under the direct control of the operator and with the expectation that ALARA techniques will be utilized. The acoustic power is the rate of energy production, absorption or flow. The SI (Le Système International d’Unitès) unit of power is the Watt (1 Joule/sec). The acoustic intensity 2 Fig. 1. Acoustic pulses showing where and how acoustic output is measured and reported for diagnostic medical ultrasound. SA = Spatial Average SP = Spatial Peak PA = Pulse Average TA = Temporal Average TP = Temporal Peak TABLE I D IAGNOSTIC M EDICAL U LTRASOUND P ROPERTIES Parameter Values Speed of Sound 1.54 mm/ µs Frequency 1 - 15 MHz Wavelength 0.1 - 1.5 mm Pulse Length 3-5 cycles Attenuation 1 dB/(cm-MHz) Frame Rate up to 150 fps (30 fps typical) is the rate of energy flow through a unit area (Watts/cm2 ). Acoustic output is measured for a variety of pulse conditions with the intensity relationships between the various measured parameters shown in Table II. The current USFDA output limits for diagnostic ultrasound are ISP T A <720 mW/cm2 although Doppler measurements can exceed an ISP T A of 1000 mW/cm2 under some conditions. The acoustic output depends on the output power, the pulse repetition frequency (PRF), the scanner operating mode (i.e. B-mode, M-mode, pulsed, color or power Doppler imaging, etc.) [6] [7]. B. Mechanical Index The Mechanical Index (MI) is intended to offer a rough guide to the likelihood of the occurrence of cavitation and is related to the intensity of the pulse. The MI is defined as the maximum value of the peak negative pressure divided by the square root of the acoustic center frequency. The MI is based REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 TABLE II ACOUSTIC I NTENSITY O UTPUT M EASUREMENT PARAMETERS Spatial Peak Temporal Peak ISP T P the highest intensity measured at any point in the ultrasound beam and at any time. It is highest value of the measured intensities. (Indicator of potential mechanical bioeffects and cavitation.) Spatial Peak ISP P A the highest intensity measured at any Pulse Average point in the ultrasound beam averaged over the temporal (time) duration of the pulse. Spatial Peak ISP T A the highest intensity measured at any Temporal point in the ultrasound beam averaged Average over the pulse repetition period. (Indicator of the magnitude of thermal bioeffects) Spatial Average ISAT P the average intensity over a selected Temporal Peak area, such as the transducer face but at the peak in time. Spatial Average ISAP A the average intensity over a selected Pulse Average area, such as the transducer face, averaged over the temporal duration of pulse. Spatial Average ISAT A the average intensity over a selected Temporal Averarea, such as the transducer face, avage eraged over the pulse repetition period.This measurement of intensity is frequently quoted and is the lowest value of the measures of intensity. NB: definitions are given in order of decreasing intensity value for the same pulse conditions. on the derated peak rarefactional pressure. 1 Cavitation is the phenomena wherein bubbles form in a liquid when the local pressure (such as might be produced by the rarefaction part of a passing ultrasound wave) falls below the vapor pressure of the liquid. Cavitation generally falls into two types: (1) inertial, or transient, cavitation in which the formed bubble rapidly collapses forming a shock wave that can be capable of biological damage and (2) non-inertial cavitation wherein the formed bubble oscillates in the acoustic field. Ultrasound contrast agents also can play a role in cavitation. Ultrasound contrast agents typically are stable gas-filled microbubbles. While cavitation can occur without ultrasound contrast agents, their presence can increase the probability of cavitation and other non-thermal effects [1]. Animal studies have shown that ultrasound contrast agents potentially can enhance cavitation and micro-streaming effects resulting in microvascular damage or capillary rupture [8]. Ultrasound contrast agents also have been associated with induction of premature ventricular contractions in echocardiography using high MI pulses. Appropriately triggered excitation can be used to reduce the occurrence of such effects. In general, the risk of cavitation increases with increasing MI [2]. The potential for ultrasound non-thermal biohazards exists if equipment is used imprudently. Damage has been demonstrated in animal models for tissues having gas pockets and at MI values greater than 0.3. Thus one should avoid unnecessary 1 NB: the maximum value of peak negative pressure anywhere in the ultrasound field measured in water is reduced by an attenuation factor equal to that which would be produced by a medium having an attenuation coefficient of 0.3 dB /(cm-MHz) typically referred to as a process called derating 3 exposure to tissues such as the neonatal lung. As a general strategy the MI should be kept as low as possible while still obtaining the necessary diagnostic information. C. Thermal Index The Thermal Index (TI) is defined as the ratio of the emitted acoustic power to the power required to raise the temperature of tissue by 1◦ C. The TI is intended to give a rough guide to the likely temperature rise that might be produced after long exposure, although technically the TI is not a measure of the precise temperature rise. A larger TI value represents a higher temperature and a higher risk (e.g. a TI of 2 means a higher risk than a TI of 1.5 but not as high risk as a TI of 3). There are three forms of TI that may be displayed, according to the application: 1) The TI for soft tissues (TIS). TIS assumes that the ultrasound beam does not impinge on bone only insonating soft tissue, such as for the first trimester. 2) The TI for bones (TIB). TIB assumes that the beam impinges on bone at or near its focus that should be displayed in second and third trimesters. 3) The TI for cranial bone (TIC). TIC assumes that the transducer front face is very close to the bone, such as when scanning in the adult cranium. Generally, for TIS and TIB the maximum temperature and its location in the acoustic field would be at the focal point of the ultrasound beam but such is not necessarily the case for TIC. However, note that errors in calculating TI values, and the limitations of the simple models on which they are based, means that TI values may underestimate the temperature elevation by a factor of up to two or more although more typically the TI overestimates the temperature [1]. A temperature elevation of less than 1.5◦ C does not present a bioeffects risk to the embryo. A temperature elevation greater than 4◦ C for 5 minutes can present a bioeffects risk to the embryo. Spectral pulsed, color and power Doppler all have the potential to reach these levels. The TI provides a rough guide for sonographer/sonologist regarding the magnitude of temperature increase. However, it is important to keep in mind that the potential for bioeffects also exists with equipment that is not adjusted properly or used prudently. D. Acoustic Reporting Requirements The acoustic reporting requirements are implemented by USFDA using a two-track approach to marketing clearance, Track 1 and Track 3. Track 1 is for devices that do not follow the Output Display Standard and therefore have applicationspecific limits; Track 3 is for devices that conform to the Output Display Standard. There is no longer a Track 2. Systems that include fetal Doppler applications, except for fetal heart rate monitors, should follow Track 3. Track 3 does not apply to systems for which a display would be required but which have fixed acoustic output. Under Track 3, acoustic output will not be evaluated on an application-specific basis, but the global maximum derated ISP T A must be ≤720 mW/cm2 and either the global maximum REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 MI must be ≤1.9 or the global maximum derated ISP P A must be ≤190 W/cm2 . An exception is for ophthalmic use, in which case the TI = max(TIS, TIC), and is not to exceed 1.0; ISP T A.3 ≤50 mW/cm2 , and MI ≤0.23. The displayed TI and MI values are updated by the machine as control settings are changed by the operator Fig. 2. V. G UIDELINES FOR S AFE U SE A. Medical endorsement Diagnostic ultrasound equipment should only be used for medical diagnosis. Ultrasound equipment should only be used by persons who are fully trained in the safe and proper operation of the equipment (see Appendix I for a description of educational program content). The operator should have a full awareness of machine settings and understand the effect of those machine settings on thermal and mechanical bioeffects. The initial power setting and scanner default protocols should be set for lower power. Exposure times and power levels should follow the ALARA principle during scanning. B. Thermal and Mechanical Indices As a general strategy, the on-screen TI and MI values should be monitored after scanner adjustments and kept ALARA. Table III provides rule-of-thumb guidance for monitoring output during scanning. Typically these are acoustic output targets although it is appreciated that depending on the scanning conditions and diagnostic requirements of the study these levels may be exceeded for limited periods to ensure optimal patient care. For fetal scanning, the TIS should be used during the first eight weeks after conception with the TIB after eight weeks. In the fetus and adult, the TIS should be used for eye scanning. In the neonate, pediatric and adult patient, the TIC should be used when the ultrasound field is close to bone in the skull, such as with transcranial Doppler that uses higher power levels, otherwise the TIB should be used for everything else. Ultrasound output levels during routine obstetric ultrasound examinations as reflected by the displayed MI and TI vales are generally low [9]. However, higher output levels, particularly TI levels of greater than 1.5, can be achieved, especially with Doppler, requiring extra diligence even though they may account for only a very small part of examination time [10]. Special care, and reduced scanning times, should be used for sensitive tissues such as those found in the embryo (<8 wks), eye, head, brain, spine. In general, prolonged pulsed Doppler is not recommended for sensitive tissues [1]. The presence of pre-existing temperature elevation, such as with elevated maternal temperatures, should be considered with regard to minimizing scan times. Finally, when the probe is held in a stationary position, the freeze-frame (i.e.non-imaging) mode should be used. The potential for probe self-heating also should be considered. C. Non-diagnostic Applications Non-diagnostic uses of ultrasound equipment such as repeated scans for equipment demonstration using normal subjects generally should not be performed. First trimester scans 4 TABLE III S UGGESTED S CANNING G UIDELINES BASED ON ACOUSTIC O UTPUT Target Fetus (1st trimester) Fetus (1st trimester) Fetus (2nd / 3rd trimester) Fetus (2nd / 3rd trimester) Neonate, pediatric, adult Neonate, pediatric, adult Fetus (1st trimester) Fetus (1st trimester) Fetus (2nd / 3rd trimester) Fetus (2nd / 3rd trimester) Neonate, pediatric, adult Neonate, pediatric, adult Eye Index MI TI MI TI MI TI MI TI MI TI MI TI MI Value <0.5 <0.5 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 >0.5 >0.5 >1.0 >1.0 >2.5 >2.5 <0.32 Duration unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited <5 minutes <5 minutes <5 minutes <5 minutes <1 minute <1 minute <unlimited should avoid color and power Doppler modes and should not be carried out for the sole purpose of producing souvenir videos or photographs. Production of fetal souvenir pictures or videos during diagnostic clinical studies should not increase exposure levels or extend the scan times beyond those needed for clinical purposes. In these situations, instrument power levels for fetal scanning should set TI and MI values less than 1.0. First trimester scanning should use TI and MI values less than 0.5 and avoid Doppler modes. Frequent exposure of the same subject is to be avoided. Operators should follow safe scanning guidelines and ALARA principles. For training purposes the subject should be informed as to how the ultrasound scan relates to normal diagnostic studies. The acoustic output should be kept as low as possible, in concordance with the time/exposure equation as expressed in [1] and Table III. VI. C ONCLUSIONS Technological advances in ultrasound imaging equipment provide improved visualization, diagnosis and management. Such improvements have significantly improved fetal imaging and improved prenatal management. Further, more recent technology, such as 3DUS, provides clear images of the developing fetus that are recognizable to family and physician. 4DUS equipment further facilitates observing fetal movements similar to real-time 2DUS imaging, potentially inviting longer fetal viewing [11]. At present, 3D ultrasound does not introduce additional safety considerations although 4D ultrasound with continuous exposure offers the potential to prolong examination times and thus increase the potential for bioeffects [2]. Some non-imaging procedures such as using Doppler for fetal heart monitoring or peripheral pulse monitoring that use low power levels are not contra-indicated even for extended periods. Patient scanning with ultrasound should utilize the lowest possible acoustic output setting to obtain the necessary diagnostic information under the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principle. The reader is referred to recent articles in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine providing an in depth review of ultrasound bioeffects and exposimetry [8], [12]–[17]. REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 Fig. 2. 5 Examples of MI and TI display on ultrasound images from various manufacturers. (Images courtesy of Dr. D. Pretorius). The promotion, selling, or leasing of ultrasound equipment for making keepsake fetal videos is considered by the USFDA to be an unapproved use of a medical device. Thus use of a diagnostic ultrasound system for these purposes, without a physicians order, may be in violation of state laws or regulations [18]. It is important to keep in mind that diagnostic ultrasound transmits energy into the fetus or patient. Diagnostic ultrasound studies of the fetus are generally considered to be safe during pregnancy. However, diagnostic procedures should be performed only when there is a valid medical indication. Education is key to maintaining a safe and productive ultrasound scanning situation for patients. Unfortunately, recent reports suggest that most ultrasound users are poorly informed regarding safety issues during pregnancy [19]. Further efforts in improving the education and training of the ultrasound community are needed to improve end user knowledge about the acoustic output of the machines and safety issues (Appendix I). Proper use of diagnostic ultrasound equipment enhances the care and management of patients in a safe manner and thus provides a valuable contribution to improving healthcare when used in a safe and appropriate manner. Ultimate responsibility for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound equipment resides in the operator. R EFERENCES [1] Guidelines for the safe use of diagnostic ultrasound equipment, Safety Group of the British Medical Ultrasound Society, 2000 [2] Clinical Safety Statement for Diagnostic Ultrasound, European Committee of Medical Ultrasound Safety (2006) [3] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), NCRP report 140, Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound, II: Criteria Based on All Known Mechanisms. Bethesda, MD: NCRP; (2002) [4] Medical Ultrasound Safety, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 14750 Sweitzer Lane suite 100, Laurel MD 20707-5906; 1994 (under revision). [5] T. L. Szabo. Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging Inside Out, Elsevier, 2004 [6] Standard for real-time display of thermal and mechanical acoustic output indices on diagnostic ultrasound equipment. Revision 2. AIUM/NEMA Standards Publication - UD3; American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 14750 Sweitzer Lane suite 100, Laurel MD 20707-5906 or National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn VA 22209, 1998 (or latest revision) [7] Acoustic Output Measurement Standard for Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 14750 Sweitzer Lane suite 100, Laurel MD 20707-5906; 1997 (or latest revision) [8] Douglas L. Miller, Michalakis A. Averkiou, Andrew A. Brayman, E. Carr Everbach, Christy K. Holland, James H. Wible, Jr, and Junru Wu, Bioeffects Considerations for Diagnostic Ultrasound Contrast Agents, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 611-632 [9] Sheiner et. al. Acoustic output as measured by MI and TI during routine OB exams, J Ultrasound Med 2005; 24:16651670 [10] Sheiner et.al. Increased TI can be achieved during Doppler OB Sonography, J Ultrasound Med 2007; 26:7176 [11] Ultrasound Bioeffects: Fetal Safety AIUM Practice Guideline for the Performance of an Antepartum Obstetric Ultrasound Examination,2003 (http://www.aium.org/publications/clinical/obstetrical.pdf) [12] Jacques S. Abramowicz, J. Brian Fowlkes, Andrea C. Skelly, Melvin E. Stratmeyer, and Marvin C. Ziskin, Conclusions Regarding Epidemiology for Obstetric Ultrasound, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 637-644 [13] Bioeffects Committee of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Consensus Report on Potential Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Executive Summary, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 503-515 [14] William D. OBrien, Jr, Cheri X. Deng, Gerald R. Harris, Bruce A. Herman, Christopher R. Merritt, Naren Sanghvi, and James F. Zachary, The Risk of Exposure to Diagnostic Ultrasound in Postnatal Subjects: Thermal Effects , J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 517-535 [15] Jacques S. Abramowicz, Stanley B. Barnett, Francis A. Duck, Peter D. Edmonds, Kullervo H. Hynynen, and Marvin C. Ziskin, Fetal Thermal Effects of Diagnostic Ultrasound, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 541-559 [16] Charles C. Church, Edwin L. Carstensen, Wesley L. Nyborg, Paul L. Carson, Leon A. Frizzell, and Michael R. Bailey, The Risk of Exposure to Diagnostic Ultrasound in Postnatal Subjects: Nonthermal Mechanisms, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 565-592 [17] Melvin E. Stratmeyer, James F. Greenleaf, Diane Dalecki, and Kjell A. REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 Salvesen, Fetal Ultrasound: Mechanical Effects, J Ultrasound Med 2008 27: 597-605 [18] Carol Rados, FDA cautions against ultrasound keepsake images, FDA Consumer, Jan.-Feb., 2004. (www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2004/104 images.html) [19] Sheiner et.al., What Do Clinical Users Know Regarding Safety of Ultrasound During Pregnancy? J Ultrasound Med 2007; 26:319325 [20] Information for Manufacturers Seeking Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems and Transducers, Computed Imaging Devices Branch Division of Reproductive, Abdominal, Ear, Nose, Throat and Radiological Devices, Office of Device Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Washington, DC, 1997 A PPENDIX I FDA - E DUCATION P ROGRAM A BOUT U LTRASOUND S YSTEMS U SING THE ODS ((T RACK 3 ) [20] 6.3 TRACK 3 - EDUCATION PROGRAM 1) 6.3.1 provide an ALARA education program for the clinical end-user that covers the subjects listed below. ALARA is an acronym for the principle of prudent use of diagnostic ultrasound by obtaining the diagnostic information at an output that is as low as reasonably achievable. This education program should include explanations of: a) the basic interaction between ultrasound and matter, b) the possible biological effects, c) the derivation and meaning of the indices, d) a recommendation to use and the need for following the ALARA principle in all studies e) clinical examples of specific applications of the ALARA principle. f) A document published by the AIUM, ”Medical Ultrasound Safety” (AIUM, 1994, NB: new document forthcoming in 2008), is acceptable to FDA as meeting the generic content of the educational program. The manufacturer also should provide information specific to its device regarding ALARA. 2) 6.3.2 Minimum Requirements for Educational Material for Track 3 Devices a) Bioeffects and Biophysics of Ultrasound Interactions i) Brief description of ultrasound, diagnostic frequencies, energy levels ii) Brief description of the change in policy which requires user education iii) Short history of ultrasound use and safety record iv) Potential hazards at high output levels v) Biological effect mechanisms–Thermal, Mechanical vi) Exposure-effect studies (range of outputs) vii) Risk versus benefit viii) Present state of output levels–higher than historical levels ix) Proposed indices as indicators of thermal and mechanical effects b) Thermal Mechanisms i) Describe thermal bioeffects–temperature rise ii) Tissue type (soft, bone, fluid) and relative absorption iii) Transducer type (frequency, focusing) and relationship to exposure iv) Attenuation, absorption, scattering mechanisms in different tissue types v) Spatial volume of insonified tissue (at focus, or elsewhere) A) Homogeneity of tissue in insonified volume (effects of layering) B) soft tissue C) bone tissue (fetal, skull, other) D) fluids, gas 6 c) Nonthermal Mechanisms i) Describe mechanical effects–cavitation and role of bubbles ii) Factors which produce cavitation: A) pressure (compressional, rarefactional) B) frequency C) beam focusing D) pulsed/continuous E) standing waves F) boundaries G) type of material and ambient conditions iii) Types of cavitation: A) stable and inertial cavitation B) microstreaming C) nucleation sites iv) Threshold phenomena for different types of tissues v) Bioeffects data on animals (lung hemorrhage, intestinal hemorrhage) d) Benefits of Ultrasound vs. Risk i) Benefits of use ii) Risk of use iii) Risk from not using ultrasound iv) Increase in risk as acoustic output increases v) Increase in diagnostic information as acoustic output increases vi) Increase in responsibility for user at higher output levels vii) The ALARA principle A) controlling energy B) controlling exposure time C) controlling scanning technique D) controlling system setup E) effects of system capabilities F) effects of operating mode (learn to distinguish) G) effects of transducer capabilities e) The Output Display Standard i) Purpose: To display exposure indices ii) Mechanical Index (MI) iii) Thermal Index (TI) A) Soft Tissue Thermal Index (TIS) B) Bone Thermal Index (TIB) C) Cranial Bone Thermal Index (TIC) iv) Thresholds for display of indices A) (e.g., if system can exceed TI or MI of 1.0) v) System display levels A) (e.g., minimum TI displayed, minimum MI displayed, display increments) vi) Explanation of the meaning of the TI and MI A) threshold bioeffect levels vary depending on tissue type B) bioeffect levels vary depending on frequency, pressure f) Practicing the ALARA Principle i) How to implement ALARA by using the TI and MI indices ii) Knowledge of system controls versus acoustic output A) Overall gain and TGC versus increasing output B) Dynamic range and post-processing versus increasing output iii) Knowledge of system applications versus output A) selection of appropriate range for task iv) Knowledge of transducer effects on output A) frequency B) focusing C) pulse length REVERBERATIONS - ULTRASOUND BIOSAFETY - NELSON ET.AL. 2008 D) dwell time (scanned versus unscanned) v) Knowledge of system operating mode versus output A) B mode B) Doppler (spectral, color flow, amplitude Doppler) C) M mode D) Control exposure time E) Use the minimum possible to obtain information vi) Clinical application examples–which indices are most important? A) fetal, cranial B) fetal, Doppler C) Adult thyroid D) Adult carotid Doppler A PPENDIX II CME Q UESTIONS 1) (Multiple Choice) List the following modes in order of increasing ultrasound intensity? A. M-mode, B-mode, Color Flow Doppler, Pulsed Doppler B. B-mode, M-mode, Pulsed Doppler, Color Flow Doppler C. Color Flow Doppler, M-mode, B-mode, Pulsed Doppler D. Pulsed Doppler, M-mode, Color Flow Doppler, B-mode E. B-mode, M-mode, Color Flow Doppler, Pulsed Doppler Answer - E 2) (True or False) The mechanical Index (MI) is an indication of the relative potential for cavitation Answer - T 3) (True or False) The TI and MI are never shown together on the ultrasound scanner image display Answer - F 4) (True or False) Production of keepsake images is a USFDA approved use of diagnostic ultrasound Answer - F 5) The TI and MI change with scanner settings Answer - T 6) (True or False) The Thermal Index (TI) is a rough guide for sonographer/sonologist regarding the magnitude of temperature increase Answer - T 7) (True or False) Ultrasound scanning of patients should always follow the ALARA principle Answer - T 8) (Multiple Choice) Tissues most sensitive to ultrasound exposure are? A. embryo B. eye C. brain 7 D. spine E. All of the above Answer - E 9) (True or False) Regulatory acoustic output levels for fetal ultrasound are higher now than when most epidemiology bioeffects studies were performed. Answer - T 10) (Multiple Choice) Acoustic output depends on? A. PRF B. Frequency C. Operating mode D. All of the above Answer - D