CeX_bYWhZ cki[kceX_b 9WhZ - Le Residenze Sonnenschein
CeX_bYWhZ cki[kceX_b 9WhZ - Le Residenze Sonnenschein
<h[[Zec e\cel[c[dj CeX_bYWhZ and the new cki[kceX_b9WhZ allow you to make full use of the South Tyrol’s Integrated Public Transport network. Fh_Y[i t -PDBMbus services (urban, extra-urban and citybus services) t 3FOPO.BSBO[B4BO(FOFTJP.FMUJOBBOE7FSBOP ropeways t Renon tram and Mendola funicular t "SFUVSOUSJQGSPN.BMMFTUP;FSOF[POUIFPostAuto Schweiz bus service South Tyrol by bus or train Juniors Adults (under 16) Mobilcard 3 days 13,00 € 6,50 € Mobilcard 7 days 18,00 € 9,00 € Adults (under 14) museumobil Card 3 days 16,00 € 8,00 € museumobil Card 7 days 22,00 € 11,00 € AUTONOME PROVINZ BOZEN - SÜDTIROL Abteilung Mobilität PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO - ALTO ADIGE Ripartizione Mobilità Juniors Included in the network are: t Regional train services in South Tyrol: from Brennero to Trento and from Malles to San Candido. CeX_bYWhZ cki[kceX_b9WhZ J_Ya[jiWb[i You may purchase your Mobilcard and museumobil Card from any South Tyrol Integrated Transport ticket office, as well as from all tourist offices and many hotels. www.mobilcard.info | www.museumobilcard.info AUTONOME PROVINZ BOZEN - SÜDTIROL PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO - ALTO ADIGE Thomas Widmann Provincial Minister of Transport Sabina Kasslatter Mur Provincial Minister of (FSNBOMBOHVBHFFEVDBUJPO and culture 8edleoW][ :_iYel[h_d] Iekj^Joheb¼icki[kci :[Wh]k[iji" visiting South Tyrol is a rewarding experience on all levels. One ticket will let you travel comfortably and sustainably throughout South Tyrol so that you can appreciate the beauty of the breathtaking scenery, as well as local culture and museums. 7JTJUJOH4PVUI5ZSPMDPVMEOPUCFFBTJFSBMMZPVOFFEJTB Mobilcard or museumobil Card. AUTONOME PROVINZ BOZEN - SÜDTIROL Abteilung Mobilität Mobilcard lets you use the public bus and rail network throughout South Tyrol, including Citybus services, urban and extraurban buses, ropeways and all regional trains. PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI BOLZANO - ALTO ADIGE Ripartizione Mobilità Z VIN PRO ROL ME TI NO - SÜD t ilitä AUTO ZEN Mob BO ilung MA NO IGE AUTO AD CIA - ALTO VIN O tà PRO LZAN obili DI BO Ripa rtizi one M Abte The new museumobil Card provides a host of travel solutions, as well as admission to approximately 80 museums and exhibitions across South Tyrol. We wish you a pleasant journey and lots of fun! CeX_bYWhZ cki[kceX_b9WhZ Mobilcard lets you travel throughout South Tyrol for three or seven consecutive days. The new museumobil Card brings together two special offers: unlimited travel across South Tyrol’s public transport network for three or seven consecutive days, as well as admission to approximately 80 museums and exhibitions in South Tyrol. The new Mobilcard is available in two different versions: t .PCJMDBSE4àEUJSPMEBZT t .PCJMDBSE4àEUJSPMEBZT You must validate your Mobilcard or museumobil Card every time you travel. You are not required to indicate your destination. Date of first validation will be printed on your Mobilcard. Cards are valid for 7 or 3 consecutive days beginning at the date of first validation. Mobilcard and museumobil Card are non-transferable. Choose your card: t NVTFVNPCJM$BSEEBZT t NVTFVNPCJM$BSEEBZT Children aged 0-6 travel free of charge and are admitted free to all museums. Children aged 6 or above, under-14s (museumobil Car) and under-16s (Mobilcard) may purchase Junior Cards at discounted rates.
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