Happy New Gardening Year! MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteer
Happy New Gardening Year! MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteer
The Tollgate Farm News Volume 19 Issue 1 January 2013 Happy New Gardening Year! MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteer General Meeting in the Conference Center Thursday, January 17, 7:00 PM All Hosta Are NOT Indestr uctible Thursday, January 17, Andy Torvinen of Perennial Accents will give his Hosta 202 presentation that looks at Hosta and the differences in their growth rates and performance based on genetic backgrounds. He will talk about why some grow like weeds and some seem to sit there year after year. A twenty-some-year gardener and practicing plant-aholic with a particular fondness for hostas, Andy describes himself as owner/HOSTAge of his Royal Oak plant sales (Saturday and Sunday on Mother’s Day weekend, and Saturday through Monday on Memorial Day weekend). He is a founding member of the Metro Detroit Hosta Society, where he continues to serve on the board. Andy gave his Hosta 101 presentation at the Tollgate meeting in February of 2009 and his Catalpa talk about shade plants and drought tolerant plants in January of 2011. He often sells hostas and other perennials at Tollgate’s Summer Celebration (July Open House). Hostas at Hidden Lake Gardens 2012 Tollgate Garden Volunteer Important Dates and Events Jan Meetings 17 TGV General Meeting 19 AGL/Team Planning Meeting Feb Mar Meetings 7:00 PM 5 TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 21 TGV General Meeting 7:00 PM Meetings Mar Activities 5 TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 2 Ornamental Grass Cutback 9:00 AM 21 TGV General Meeting 7:00 PM 9 Pruning 9:00 AM 16 Mulch Nursery Paths 9:00 AM 23 Demo Mulching 9:00 AM Page Feb 23 Activities Maple Syrup Tapping 9:00 AM from the To l l g a t e Fa r m Manager GREETINGS Roy Prentice Collecting and boiling is very weather dependent. We communicate with anyone interested in the maple syrup project via e-mail. If you are interested in being “in the know” about maple syrup happenings, let me know. I will make sure that you are added to our maple syrup e-mail information list. It is a fun way to get out of the house and enjoy the farm early in the season. Greetings All, Amazing Moving Barn. You may notice that the pole barn that used to be along the drive to the vegetable garden has strangely disappeared. As you gaze around your surroundings you will see that it is not actually a disappearance that has taken place, but a relocation. During the past few weeks, the barn has traveled a hundred feet or so east and north. It has become part of the youth programming on the site and will house animals that will be used for kid agriculture exploration programs. Now, if you peek in the windows, you are likely to see a motley assortment of ducks, geese and chickens – all happy to have indoor digs for the winter. Spring will be here before you know it. Think green! Labels!! Labels!! Labels!! I am again making a pitch for plant labels for the gardens of Tollgate. If you would like to have some of our snazzy green labels made for the plants in your garden, please send me a list. I have label makers standing by to create whatever you might need. If there are plants in the Tollgate garden that you look after, now is the time to get their identification assured. Labels make our gardens much more accessible and user friendly for our visitors. The Prentice Dogs, Tank and Hoosier, Hibernate in their Favorite Spot Maple Syrup News. The maple syrup making project is starting to get in gear for 2013. Our tapping day is set for the last Saturday in February, the 23rd, beginning at 10:00 AM. We will meet in the Activity Center and then head to the woods. Bark of the Dawn Redwood in the Demo Garden Photos by Roy Prentice Page 2 N otes from the President Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope you are enjoying the winter season making snowmen, taking walks or just planning for the spring. “Every gardener knows under the cloak of winter lies a miracle-a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to light, a bud straining to unfurl. And anticipation nurtures our dream” - Barbara Winkler Your newly elected TGAC has been planning the season calendar and preparing for the 2013 schedule! Hope to see you all at the January meeting to kick off another great year of gardening, socializing and learning together. Area Garden Leaders/Team are scheduled to meet SATURDAY, JANUARY 19 AT 10:00 AM IN THE ACTIVITY CENTER. All interested members are invited to attend if they have an interest in being more involved in a specific garden as we attempt to form teams to help manage the garden areas. See the informative note on what is an AGL as well as a look at a few (of the many) areas in need of management teams. Thank you for being a Tollgate Gardens Volunteer. Renee Cottrell, President Photo by Roy Prentice Bakers Needed for 2013 Create smiles from your fellow Tollgate gardeners by bringing some delicious treats to share at our monthly meetings. Sign up now to get your preferred month. Call or e-mail, Yvonne, 248-348-1946 mainwoods@comcast.net MEMBERSHIP In this issue of the Tollgate Farm News, you will find the 2013 Membership Form. And, as you know, you have until May 1st to get that form returned to Roy's office. But wouldn't it feel wonderful to have that baby sent in early and not have to even think about it again? Just think how warm & fuzzy you'd feel when you'd see the reminders in the up coming Tollgate Farm News and think "Yep, I did that already!" To contact me with any changes to your information please use the following e-mail address tollgatemembership@gmail.com Happy New Year everyone!!! Nancy Roggers Page 3 Page 4 Winter Around the Pond by David Komraus THE HOSTA VIRUS X Voles in the Shade House Priscilla and Paul Needle were cleaning up the shade house in mid November. They were working on removing the dried hosta foliage and found that many hostas had no roots. They dumped about 20 pots. They did see what they thought could be a vole running out of one of the bays. After further investigation, they found that the voles were enlarging the holes in the plastic nursery pots. Most hostas had no roots and some no buds. Priscilla took some of the remnants home to see if she can get what is left to root. Meanwhile, Roy is working on eliminating the vole population. Our hostas for the 2013 Plant Sale were already compromised due to parameters we established regarding Hosta Voles are Enlarging Holes in Garden Pots for plants for the sale because of Hosta Virus X (HVX) ‘TGAC Easy Access to Roots and Rhizomes has made the decision to limit outside hosta donations for the plant sale’ (from Farm News, Notes from the President by Renee Cottrell, September 2012). Since voles might spread the HVX, I did some more research on voles and protecting hosta as my own hosta garden is in jeopardy with an increasing vole population in my neighborhood. Roy suspects that the Tollgate voles are Meadow Voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). You can read more about the meadow voles at: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10319-59149--,00.html http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Microtus_pennsylvanicus/ It seems that the critters like to tunnel under garden litter, mulch, grass or snow. The American Hosta Society recommends large quantities of sharp 3/8 inch gravel mixed with the soil when planting hostas. They also recommend making cages of quarter inch hardware cloth. They said plastic nursery pots could be used but, as we can see, this would not work in the Tollgate nursery situation. Many hosta gardeners combine the gravel and the hardware cloth. The Western Massachusetts Master Gardener web site has a great “Hosta and Voles” article written by Bruce Aune for their variety of vole. I based my dimensions of the cage on his A Close-up of Roots article. Some gardeners add bottoms and some make the cage deep enough (at Gnawed Away least 8 inches) so a bottom wouldn’t be needed. Some vole varieties don’t go deep. I did read, however, that voles can travel mole tunnels. Most say it is important to extend the cage above the ground so the voles are deterred from crossing over. They don’t like the sharp edges. An added advantage of using the hardware cloth is that hostas can easily be moved when the roots attach around the cage. You would need to adjust the size of your cage to the hosta. For lack of a photo, I have created a drawing described in the “Hostas an Voles” article. You will need 1/4 inch hardware cloth and tin snips. Small plastic cable ties are suggested to attach the hardware cloth to make a cylinder. 3 inches Soil Line 11 inches 8 inches Small Cable Ties Hardware Cloth References: A Publication of the American Hosta Society. 2008. Hosta Adventure, A Grower’s Guide. 32 pp. Aune, Bruce. “Hostas and Voles.” Master Gardener Gardening Topic for August 2010. Provided by the Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association. http:// www.wmassmastergardeners.org/1008.htm Photos by Priscilla Needle. Article by Darretta Ferasin Page 5 Areas Available for AGL Assignment Throughout the Tollgate gardens we have garden sites that would greatly benefit from a little extra attention from an Area Garden Leader (AGL) or Team. These folks contribute to the overall management of our gardens by monitoring the needs of the garden, participating in the designated activity day and working the site. There are also plenty of opportunities to help design, choose plants and further develop these areas. In an attempt to make the task less daunting, co-AGLs/Teams can be established and smaller areas assigned that will fit the interest and time availability of an interested individual volunteer. Each garden has budget dollars available, activity days assigned for group work as well as special project scheduling available. The TGAC assists in coordinating help as you request, approving design and budget requests, and introducing you to your site and its’ features. If just 10 volunteers would accept some small portion as new AGL or Team member the presentation of our Tollgate gardens would increase ten fold. Please take the time to review some of the opportunities listed below. The Front Farmhouse The Front of the Farmhouse Garden is a wonderfully designed, richly planted area that could be shared or divided responsibilities for different areas. There is plant diversity, hardscape, and sun and shade plantings of perennials, bulbs, groundcovers and shrubs. Early mulching is the key to weed control and some pruning, and deadheading is required. There is opportunity to plan to add plant material where others were lost over the past few seasons. The Demonstration Gardens The east hill of the demonstration garden is the “lilac hill”. The primary plantings are various lilacs, iris and daylily. This area could be divided or shared with more than one AGL. It needs division of the daylily this season (special project day), ongoing mulch management for weed control, and new ideas for companion ground covers for summer, fall interest. The west hill of the Demo area has carpet roses, crab apple trees and a variety of iris and day lily. This area can be spectacular in the spring but has been one of the areas lacking regular maintenance. The iris and daylily will need dividing, and with Roy’s help will need initial aggressive weed management. Once controlled the area will be low maintenance after the dead heading of spent early summer blooms. Some pruning of tree suckers and yearly control of carpet rose growth is needed. Demonstration Gardens Continued on Page 7 Page 6 The Demonstration Gardens continued Patio Area The patio area is a popular quiet sitting area on the north west corner of the demonstration area with a brick paved patio, tree and grape arbor for shade, and a variety of perennials surrounding the patio. The actual gardening area is small, easily managed by one or two and in need for new companion planning ideas. English Gardens The English Gardens sponsored portion of the Demo Garden features the focal point gazebo. The paths leading up to and around the area have low maintenance shrubs, carpet roses, grasses, daylily and some tree plantings. This is also an area that could be shared or divided into 2-3 parts. Daylily division, major shrub pruning and the removal of a dead tree were recently completed. The area could use a fresh focal planting and is in need of control of the planned vinca plantings as well as the invading cone flower. The Nursery This area lends itself well to a Nursery Team management approach. Though it is a functional rather than demonstration area, management is key to our fundraising efforts. There are sections for sun and shade plants in need of routine weeding, reorganization, cataloging inventory and researching plant info which could be fun for those that soak up knowledge! Busiest work activities in spring and fall for division and Plant Sale event. Page 7 Tollgate Volunteer Information Activity Days If you aren’t getting Activity day hours are 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM unless otherwise noted on the Tollgate Garden Volunteer Important Dates and Events listed on the first page of the Tollgate Farm News or by the Area Garden Leader (AGL). Lunch will be provided - veggie alternatives are available upon request. This schedule does not exclude you from working independently on the site. However, on non-scheduled days, your efforts will need to be selfdirected with guidance from the garden area clipboards located in the Volunteer Communication Center. The Tollgate Farm News e-mail, Check your SPAM folder Volunteer Activity Day and Meetings Information 248-347-3860 ext. 400 Garden Tools Available for Use at Tollgate List of Suggested Gardening Implements to Bring from Home as Needed Spades Garden Hoe Garden Rakes Long Handled Brooms Garden Forks Wheel Barrels Weed Buckets Leaf Rakes Trowel Hand Pruners Loppers Garden Scissors Your Favorite Weeding Implement Hand Saw Plant Division Forks Shrub Rake Sun Screen Gloves Knee Pads Insect Repellant Tollgate Garden Advisory Council Farm Manager Roy Prentice - 248 347-3860 ext. 251 e-mail - prentic1@msu.edu President ........................... Renee Cottrell Vice President… ............... Peg Palmer Secretary…........................ Dave Komraus Treasurer ........................... Sue Janczarek Membership ...................... Nancy Roggers PR....................................... Yvonne DeMattos Fall Fair .............................. Dennis Roggers Programs ........................... Jackie Stengel Hospitality ......................... Yvonne DeMattos Farm News Editor ............. Darretta Ferasin For membership questions or to update your current membership information send e-mail to: tollgatemembership@gmail.com MSU Tollgate Gardens Volunteers For general information and questions Contact Roy Prentice Page 8 ● The Tollgate Gardens Advisory Council next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Tollgate Office Building. All Tollgate Gardens Volunteer members are welcome to attend. ● Listings to contact individual Council Members and Area Garden Leaders are available at all general meetings and in the Volunteer Communication Center. ● Tollgate Volunteer Membership is renewed annually. The 2012 Tollgate Garden Volunteers membership is from December 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013. THE TOLLGATE FARM NEWS Tollgate Gardens Volunteer Office 28115 Meadowbrook Novi, MI, 48377-3128 www.tollgate.msu.edu MSU Tollgate Garden Volunteers Membership Form Please print all entries. Thank you. Name:______________________________________________ 2013 Date Submitted: _________________________ Telephone number: Address____________________________________________ City:_______________________________________, MI. Day _______ - _____________________________ Evening ______ - ___________________________ Zip:______________ - _________ ________________________________ Name you would like on badge. Email:___________________________________ Has previous year’s info changed? _______ Were you a Tollgate volunteer member last year? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, do you need a new Tollgate Garden Volunteer badge? Yes ( ) Are you interested in: No ( ) Serving on a committee or garden project? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, please note below if you have a particular area of interest, e.g., rose garden, children’s garden, hospitality, public relations, computer skills, etc __________________________________________________________ Are you a MSU Master Gardener? ( ) certified ( ) candidate County ___________ (It is not necessary that you be a MSU Master Gardener to volunteer with Tollgate Garden Volunteers. An interest in gardening is all that is required.) A donation to offset costs would be greatly appreciated. ($15 suggested amount) Make checks payable to Michigan State University. Return to: Thank you. Tollgate Gardens Volunteer Office 28115 Meadowbrook, Novi, MI. 48377-3128 Phone: 248-347-3860 ext. 212 Note: Membership is renewed annually. 2012 membership is from Dec. 1, 2012to Nov. 30, 2013. Members receive a newsletter, the Tollgate Farm News, once a month (No News in Dec.). Would you prefer to receive the newsletter by mail_______ or E-mail_______ In the event of an emergency please notify: ____________________________________________ Name __________ - _____________________________ Phone MSU Tollgate Garden Volunteers Activity Calendar - 2013 Revised: Dec 2012 January February 3-TGAC 17-TGV General Meeting 19-AGL Planning Meeting 7:00 PM 5-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 21-TGV General Meeting 10:00 AM Activity Days 23-Maple Syrup Tapping April 7:00 PM 7-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 14-Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 PM 16-TGV General Meeting 20-Volunteer Orientation 9:00 AM Activity Days 6-Pond 13-PAR Prep and Nursery /division 20-Spring Clean-Up & Pancake Brunch at Noon 27-Spring Clean-Up, Hosta 2-TGAC Meeting 9-Fall Fair Meeting 18-TGV General Meeting Activity Days 6-Demo/Hosta 13-Open House Clean Up 20-Tollgate Open House 27- Children's/Nursery October 1-TGAC Meeting 8-Fall Fair Meeting 17-TGV General Meeting Activity Days 5-Plant Division & Potting 12-Fall Clean-Up 19-Fall Clean-Up 26-Demo 7:00 PM 5-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 21-TGV General Meeting June 7:00 PM 4-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 11-Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 PM 20-TGV General Meeting Activity Days 4-Rose Garden/Rock Ledge/Heritage 11-Children's/Xeriscape 18-plant sale prep/division PAR Planting/Demo 31-Plant Sale Set Up 9:00AM 1-Spring Plant Sale 9:00-2:00 8-Office/Entrance/Farmhouse 15-Heritage Festival 10:00-3:00 22-Xeriscape/Activity Center/Dry Shade 29-Heritage/Rose September 7:00 PM 3-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 10-Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 PM 19-TGV General Meeting Activity Days 3-Pond/Activity Ctr 10:00-3:00 10-Entrance/Dry Shade/Farmhouse 17-Xeriscape/Office 24-Rose/Heritage/Rock Ledge 31-Labor Day Weekend Activity Days 7-Hosta/Children's 14-Fall Fair Clean Up 20-Fall Fair Set-Up 21-Fall Fair 28-Plant Division & Potting November 7:00 PM 5-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 9-Recognition Dinner 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Activity Days August 7:00 PM 6-TGAC Meeting 7:00 PM 13-Fall Fair Meeting 7:00 PM 15-TGV General Meeting 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Activity Days 10:00 AM 2-Ornamental Grass Cutback 9-Pruning 16-Mulch Nursery paths 23-Demo Mulching May 2-TGAC Meeting 9-Fall Fair Meeting 18-TGV General Meeting July March 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00-3:00 December 7:00 PM 3-TGAC Meeting 4:00 PM Activity Days 28-Thanksgiving Activity Days 7-Rose Garden Mulching Happy Holidays **All activity days are subject to change. Please consult the newsletter or call 248 347-3860 ext 400 for updated information. Visit on web: www.tollgate.msu.edu 7:00 PM
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