Ministry Updates


Ministry Updates
Ministry Updates
Couple’s Ministry
Love and Respect Seminars for Married Couples
Today Oct. 25 @ 0130 PM
(every other sunday)
Venue: Children’s Sunday School Area Glen York
Elementary. Coordinator: Sis Leah Alba & Maydee Tio
Outreach Ministry
Basketball Clinic for Kids 6+ y.o and above
Every Sunday until Nov.8, 2015 @ 1-3PM
Glen York Elementary School Gym Pearland,Tx
see Bro. Arnold Tamayo if interested to join
Annual Fil-Am Basketball League
Date: October, 2015
AIC is a partner. See Bro. Arnold Tamayo if interested to
join the AIC teams.
Team 1: (34y.o and below) Team2: (35 y.o and above)
Children’s Ministry
Festival of Lights
October 31, 2015 @ 5PM
Westside Event Center, Pearland,Texas
We will appreciate you bringing a bag of candies
for the kids.
Coordinator: Sis Leah Rivas and Maricar de Castro
Men’s Fellowship
Topic: “Point Man-Principles on How to Lead a Family”
October 31, 2015 @1PM - 0230PM (Every other
Venue: Panera Bread, Pearland, Texas
Order book "The Point Man" by Steve Farrar thru Bro.
Arnold Tamayo. Cost: $11.
Music Ministry We encourage everyone who are willing to offer their
talents and gifts to the ministry to join our church
band/choir. If interested pls approach Bro. Mario
The Andrew Strategy
Each member prays for 7 family members and friends
to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Church Events
Leadership Training (Worldview)
Oct.29@ 0715PM (Every Thursday)
Venue: Pastor JV's Residence
Subject: Christian’s in the workplace: A Theology of Work
All are invited –Snack is served.
Home Bible Study Leaders and Facilitators Training
Every Sunday until November 2015, during
Sunday School.
Pistah sa Beulah
Oct.31,2015 10-4pm A fund
raising activity of Lifebridge
Church, everyone is invited.
See flyer for more details.
Hawaiian Dinner Show
Oct.25,2015 @0530PM
KIM SON Restaurant,Stafford
by Tropical Rhythms
for the benefit of FEBC.
$35 with dinner,$50 VIP
for more info
tickets sales
"Hawaiian Dinner Show"
Sermon Notes
Healing and Serving
Luke 4:38-40
1. Healing in the home.
2. Healing of a mother-in-law.
Flower Offering:
Thanks to the Palma family for the floral offering
Next Sunday (Nov.01): Lopez Family
Interested to give a floral offering, you may contact our
Flower Offering Coordinator Sis. Ayen Sales
Oct 15- Terri Lopez
Oct 25- Bening de Castro
Oct 17- Renel Sales
Oct 25- Brenda Ordinario
Oct 21- Lenjen Navares
Oct 28- Triston Gean Manalo
Oct 22- Brendan Xavi Diaz
Oct 28- Kriston Dean Manalo
Oct 24- Ofelia Tio
Oct 29- Leah Alba
Wedding Anniversary : Oct 28- Renel and Ayen Sales
Snacks: Thanks to everyone who brought food for our potbless today.
Interested to serve snacks, you may contact Sis. Ann Vencer.
3. Healing resulting in serving Jesus.
Mission Statement
The Alliance International Church is called to bring people to a
right and fruitful relationship with God, model a faith community of
disciples, and contribute to the transformation of lives,
communities and nations in Christ Jesus.
Dr. Jun Vencer* - Pastor
Bro. Ronnie Lopez – HBS and Discipleship
Rev. Ernie Montojo* - Evangelism and Visitation
Ms. Leah Rivas* - Christian Education
Bro. Mario Ordinario* - Worship
Core Values
Bro. Joel Palma
Bro. Stephen Pagdilao
Bro. Ed Alba – Communications
Bro. David Funtanilla* - Youth
Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.
Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.
Everything we have belongs to God. We are only stewards.
Knowing and obeying God’s word is fundamental to all true
Bro. Jong* & Sis Maydee Tio – Married Couples
Sis. Mae Tijerina* - Great Commision Women
Bro. Arnold Tamayo* - Men
Sis Ann Vencer – Prayer and Hospitality
Completing the great commission will require the
mobilization of every full devoted disciple.
Bro. Roger & Sis. Ofelia Tio – Young Once
Mrs. Fe Funtanilla – Ushering
Bro. Bong Dumlao* - Treasurer
2015 Theme:
Possess the Land
Sharing the Gospel Together
“… go and share” (Luke 2:17)
Ms. Maricar de Castro* - Financial Secretary
Kelvin Costes*
Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit we can
*Members of the Governors Board
accomplish nothing.
Achieving God’s purpose involves taking faith-filled risks.
This always involve change.
AIC of Pearland
Our Worship Venue:
The Glen York Elementary School
2720 Kingsley Drive Pearland, Texas 77584
Our Mailing Address:
Alliance International Church
3210 Southern Green Drive Pearland, Texas 77584
We covet your prayers and participation in
carrying out the Great Commission of our Lord
Jesus and reach the unreached with the Gospel
of the Kingdom.
Phone: (832) 270-4311
A Member Church of the Christian and
Missionary Alliance
Church Schedules
Weekly Schedule
Our church is our spiritual family
10:15 AM Worship Service
brought about by God’s miracle of
Children’s Sunday School
grace. We regularly gather to
12:00 Kononia – Coffee Break
fellowship with one another, to
encourage each other, to serve our
12:30 PM Youth and Adult Sunday School
Order of Worship
community together and to
Venue: Pastor JV's Residence
*To make a prayer request or to host a prayer meeting, please contact
worship God in the beauty of His
Our vision is to build a faith-based community of transformed
lives, transforming others in Christ Jesus. We are fully rooted in the
Bible as the inspired Word of God and firmly grounded on the
unchanging Scriptural truth that our Lord Jesus is Savior, Healer,
Sanctifier, and coming King.
Welcome To All
believers pledge to care for one another and to reach out to others
in the name of the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
--Dr. Jun Vencer
Pastor Alliance International Church of Pearland
our Prayer Coordinator Mrs. Ann Vencer at (832) 270-4311
*Worship in Music
Prayer for Children and Teachers
Special Number
Home Bible Studies
– Southview (7PM)
– Avalon & Autumn Lake (06:30 PM)
– Shadowcreek (Biscayne & Kingsley)
and Southern Trails (7PM)
*Scripture Reading
Worship in Word: "Healing and Serving"
As a church, we seek to be an International communion of
Prayer Meeting @715PM
– Southfork (7PM)
Pastoral Prayer
*To host HBS at your home or if you are interested to join a HBS
at the closest group near you, you may contact Mr. Ronnie Lopez
Pastor's & Ministry Team Appreciation
at (281)384-3826
Financial Updates:
Closing Song
Electronic Giving: Members who would like to give their Tithes and
Offerings to AIC, please see Bong Dumlao for the Account Number of
the Church
*Congregation to please Rise
The Pastor and Leaders are available
for Fellowship and Prayer.
Communion/The Lord’s Supper every 1st Sunday
Go and Witness for the Lord
in the Power of the Spirit
Church Lot Faith Promise
Please submit your Church Lot Faith Promise – let us redeem our pledges – to
Bro. Bong Dumlao (treasurer). Form is available in the registration table.
For church or building fund pledge offering, please prepare a separate check. If
cash, please indicate on the envelope that it’s for “church lot/building fund
pledge.” Goal is to raise 20% equity for lot down payment ($160K – 200K)