

PETS International
In- and Outdoor Birds
September 2010
A big problem in pet birds
By: Sara Sharpe
Obesity is a major health problem
that is increasingly encountered
in pet birds as well as other
companion animals. Unlike their
wild counterparts, pet birds are
usually confined to a cage, may
have their wings trimmed to
prevent flight and often receive
little exercise. In conjunction with
high fat diets, this can lead to
obesity and its associated
problems. Overweight birds
suffer more physical ailments,
such as arthritis, heart disease,
and cancer, do not live as long as
animals of recommended weight
and have a reduced quality of life.
We explore the problem and take
a look at how the pet industry is
helping bird owners and
veterinarians tackle this growing,
worldwide problem.
Birds like high fat seeds and if allowed to
extruded food
eat whatever seeds they choose will often
formulations that
pick out and eat the high fat seeds.
provide a uniform
Genetics also appears to contribute
mix of ingredients
towards obesity. Birds that are obese often
can help with
produce offspring that are obese. Other
weight reduction
causes of obesity include hormonal
and provide a
factors (such as Thyroid Deficiency seen
more balanced diet.
sometimes in cockatiels) and last, but
These must be introduced gradually to the
certainly not least, a lack of exercise.
bird, however. A bird’s diet should never be
switched quickly, as the bird may refuse to
Any pet bird can become fat, but certain
species are more prone to weight
problems than others. Budgerigars,
Products which help increase the level of
cockatiels, cockatoos (especially rose-
exercise such as bigger cages and exercise
breasted ones), Amazon parrots and
equipment are also useful towards
canaries are breeds prone to obesity. The
returning overweight birds to optimal
condition is also frequently seen in older
health. However, companies
birds with a slower metabolic rate. Older
manufacturing such products face a
birds may not require as many calories as
number of misconceptions amongst
they did when younger, yet they may eat
owners in delivering their message.
as much as they used to. Birds can also
become more sedentary as they age and
Overcoming misconceptions
this lower activity level may result in
Many bird owners get nutrition wrong
Obesity is defined as an increase in body
weight gain. Obesity can contribute to
because they follow their bird’s food
weight as a result of an excessive
diseases that are commonly seen in
preferences. Seed eating birds in their
accumulation of body fat. For pet birds, a
geriatric birds such as Fatty Liver Disease
natural setting do not have access to many
working definition is a weight that exceeds
(Hepatic Lipidosis).
of the dry seed types that are found in
some commercial preparations. They eat a
the ideal for that individual by 15% or
lot of seeds which are fresh and green and
by malnutrition, specifically an improper
Focus on proper nutrition and
increased exercise
balance of nutrients. Most significant in
Many companies in the pet industry are
example, a grey parrot in the wild does not
this is an excessive fat in the diet. Many
active in helping owners and veterinarians
normally have access to sunflower seeds
seeds that are fed to birds, such as
prevent or control the problem by
and peanuts, however, they are frequently
sunflower seeds, peanuts, rapeseed, niger
providing nutritional solutions and
offered to them in captivity. Because the
seed and hempseed, have a high fat
through promoting the benefits of more
birds like them very much, owners
content – sometimes more than 30% fat.
regular exercise for pets. In particular,
incorrectly assume this is their natural
more. Obesity is most frequently caused
eat and literally starve to death.
of entirely different seed types. For
September 2010
In- and Outdoor Birds
PETS International
Sara Sharpe
foodstuff. As a consequence, bird owners
and will receive a more balanced diet. The
In the area of exercise facilities for birds,
often perceive other foods, like extruded
pellets contain all the nutritional elements
Imac’s entire range of bird cages inherently
formulations, as unnatural.
required in a healthy diet for birds, such as
includes many fun accessories that allow
amino-acids, vitamins and minerals with
birds to exercise and stimulate movement.
It can also be difficult to persuade owners
an energy content that is adapted to the
Imac provides clear, precise information
to supply their bird with only a small
real requirements of the bird. There is a
advising owners on which cage size to
amount of food each day. Recommended
different formulation suitable for each
select for a variety of types of bird. Its
daily portions are a relatively small
different type of bird. The company
information also describes that particular
amount compared to many owners’
advises owners exactly how much food to
breed of bird’s behaviour and habits which
expectations and they often like to
provide each day for their birds, according
can be helpful to owners in considering
indulge their pet with additional treats,
to their type.
the exercise needs of their bird.
Kaytee produces an extruded formula
Cage manufacturers like Imac and Savic
food range available for a variety of
have seen a trend towards increases in
Exercise is another difficult area to
different types of bird – the Kaytee exact®
sales of bigger sized bird cages
influence in bird keeping. Many companies
range. The pet bird is not given the
internationally in recent months. This,
produce larger cages with additional
opportunity to pick out their favourite
however, they attribute to new European
features for exercise. However, bird
ingredients at the expense of proper
regulations protecting the welfare of pets
owners sometimes overpopulate cages
nutrition. The company has also launched
and not specifically to owners tackling bird
- They keep more birds than the cage is
a programme to promote the benefits of
designed for, so each bird has a reduced
this nutritional approach to veterinarians
capacity for exercise than intended.
so that they can educate and advise
What more can be done?
owners about better nutritional practices.
Obesity in birds is part of an alarming
which may introduce a high amount of
additional fat content into the bird’s diet.
Industry efforts
trend seen in all pet species. The question
Versele Laga recognized that many birds
Beaphar also produces a complete,
remains as to what more the industry can
were eating far more fat than owners
premium bird food in its XtraVital range.
do, if anything, to reverse this trend?
realized some time ago – they investigated
The packaging contains a leaflet, which
the nutritional content of seed mixtures by
emphasizes the importance of feeding the
exploring the nutritional value of dehulled
products appropriately to birds. It
seeds (the portion of the seed without its
highlights the problems associated with
outer covering that the bird actually eats).
selective feeding and overfeeding and
In response to this, they developed an
special attention is given to the sensitivity
extruded pellet formulation for feeding a
of birds to obesity. The packaging also
variety of birds – the Nutribird range.
includes a measuring spoon which helps
Importantly, all the pellets have a uniform,
owners to feed their bird the exact
This article has been developed with the contribution
nutritional composition and so birds
quantity of food required each day.
of; Versele Laga, Kaytee, Beaphar, Imac and Savic.
cannot select fat- or energy-rich particles
Thanks to those companies for their input.