Village of Tannersville Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable
Village of Tannersville Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable
Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles for Conservation of Natural Resources Results from the Local Site Planning Roundtable Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable Town of Ashland Town of Jewett Town of Lexington Town of Windham Village of Hunter Village of Tannersville Prepared by: Better Site Design Roundtable Participants Barbara Kendall, Kendall Stormwater Services Liz Axelson, Morris Associates Michelle Yost, Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District Watershed Assistance Program (GCWAP) August 19, 2012 Table of Contents Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary and Highlights ................................................................................... 4 Introduction. .................................................................................................................... 6 Roundtable Membership ................................................................................................ 10 Recommended Model Development Principles ............................................................... 11 Source Control for Stormwater Management ......................................................... 11 Preservation of Natural Features and Conservation Design ..................................... 15 Reduction of Impervious Cover .............................................................................. 26 Appendix 1 - DEC/DEP Stormwater Regulations Graphics (from LID Guide) ..................... 33 Appendix 2 - Proposed Green Infrastructure Amendments and Maintenance Agreement ..................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix 3 - Model Shared Driveway Agreement ........................................................... 42 Appendix 4 - Model Shared Parking Agreements............................................................. 43 References and Websites .............................................................................................. 47 Figures and Tables Cover photo: Mikana Maeda Figure 1. Bioretention Area............................................................................................. 14 Figure 2. Minimum width of traveled way (feet) for specified design volume .................. 27 Figure 3. Types of Cul-de-sacs and Dead-End Streets ....................................................... 30 Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 1 Acronyms AASHTO - American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers BSD - better site design DEC - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation DEP - New York City Department of Environmental Protection EAF - Environmental Assessment Form GCSWCD - Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District GIS - Geographic Information System LID - low impact development NAHB - National Association of Home Builders NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service DOT - New York State Department of Transportation SEQRA - New York State Environmental Quality Review Act SWPPP - stormwater pollution prevention plan TR- Technical Release USGS - United States Geological Survey WAP - GCSWCD Watershed Assistance Program Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 2 Acknowledgements The Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable would not have been possible without the time and effort spent by the roundtable members and the generous support of the Catskill Watershed Corporation and the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District (GCSWCD) Stream Management Implementation Program, funded through the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. The GCSWCD Watershed Assistance Program (WAP) secured the grants to support low impact development and better site design planning in the Mountaintop communities. We would also like to thank the Town of Jewett for hosting three of the Roundtables and all of the subcommittee meetings, the Kaatskill Mountain Club at Hunter Mountain for hosting the kick-off workshop, the New York State Department of Conservation, and the New York City of Environmental Protection for their partnership and assistance in the Roundtable. Staff and consultants for the project included Jeff Flack, Executive Director and Michelle Yost, Watershed Program Coordinator of the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District; Lillian Stewart and Emily Ramlow, interns with the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District; Barbara Kendall of Kendall Stormwater Services and Liz Axelson of Morris Associates. Copies of this document are available from: Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District Watershed Assistance Program PO Box 996 Tannersville, New York 12485 518-589-6871 email: website: Contacts for additional information: Greene County Watershed Assistance Low Impact Development Program: Michelle Yost, Watershed Program Coordinator Watershed Assistance Program PO Box 996 Tannersville, New York 12485 518-589-6871 Better Site Design publications and information: Center for Watershed Protection 8390 Main St., 2nd Floor Ellicott City, MD 21043 410-461-8324 DEP: Joseph J. Damrath NYC Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Supply, WOH Stormwater Programs 71 Smith Street Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 340-7234 DEC: Carol Lamb-Lafay, Stormwater General Permits NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-3505 Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 3 Executive Summary and Highlights Executive Summary This document, a product of the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable, is the result of a year- long consensus process initiated by the Greene County Watershed Assistance Program. The purpose of the project was to review existing development codes and identify regulatory barriers to Better Site Design (BSD) and Low Impact residential and commercial development at the site level in the Mountaintop communities. Revised stormwater regulations issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 2010 require the use of BSD principles and LID practices when issuing permits, therefore building flexibility into local ordinances will allow more treatment options for applicants to meet regulatory controls. A cross-section of local government, non-profit, environmental, business, and community professionals formed the membership of the Roundtable. Through a consensus process, members of the Roundtable selected and adapted various Better Site Design Principles to meet the needs and current conditions within their own community. Roundtable recommendations include proposed code and ordinance revisions or recommended planning procedures that would increase flexibility in site design standards and support the implementation of environmentally beneficial practices in accordance with zoning, site plan and subdivision laws. The 21 Better Site Design Principles adapted by the Village of Tannersville Roundtable members are designed to meet the following objectives, which are consistent with DEC and DEP rules and regulations: (1) reduce overall site impervious cover; (3) integrate stormwater management; and (2) preserve and enhance existing natural areas; (4) retain a marketable product. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 4 Code modifications and other Roundtable recommendations for 19 of the Principles were crafted to provide flexibility, support, and guidance for developers implementing Better Site Design. The Roundtable process focused on model development principles that were deemed pertinent to local conditions. Highlights Source Control for Stormwater Management • • • • Encourages use of green infrastructure practices such as rain gardens, bioretention, stormwater planters, and vegetated swales to slow stormwater down, soak it in and spread it out. Recommends the Village adopt "Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws" as an amendment to the subdivision or zoning law (see Appendix 2). Promotes education on stormwater management by providing information at local town and village offices. Recommends long term maintenance of stormwater management practices and green infrastructure through maintenance agreements. Preservation of Natural Features and Conservation Design • • • • Promotes using natural resource inventory information to identify appropriate areas for development as well as important natural resources. Recommends coordination of development applications across the mountaintop by providing the same checklists for all communities, providing consistency for project applicants. Considers amending the zoning/site plan/subdivision law to implement resource analysis review, or concept plan review, as an official procedural step. Supports guiding development away from sensitive areas such as floodplains, streams, wetlands, erodible soils and steep slopes to protect residents and the community from flood damage and severe erosion on steep slopes. Reduction of Impervious Cover - Streets, Parking and Lot Development • • • Encourages techniques to slow water down before it reaches streams and roadside ditches by installing improvements to handle runoff at the source. Supports a minimum road travel-way width of 18 feet and alternative cul-de-sac designs to minimize impervious surfaces and allow for flexible road designs in the challenging mountaintop terrain. Recommends shared parking, permeable pavements and green infrastructure in parking lots to reduce impervious surfaces and allow for infiltration of stormwater where feasible. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 5 Introduction Purpose This document presents specific recommendations on how to integrate innovative best management practices into local site design within the Village of Tannersville in order to improve development projects, control stormwater at the source on both small and large projects, and support applicants facing regulatory stormwater requirements. The recommendations were crafted in conjunction with community residents representing a variety of local interests, both public and private, that participated in the Better Site Design Roundtable initiated by the Greene County Watershed Assistance Program (GCWAP). Background Protecting water resources and landscape character while encouraging economic development requires local governments, developers, and site designers to consider changing the way that land is developed. Deciding where to allow or encourage development, promote redevelopment, and protect natural resources are difficult issues that jurisdictions have to balance. Furthermore, the Village of Tannersville is located in the northern Catskills in the New York City Watershed. In addition to state and federal law, municipalities in the Watershed must follow New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations to protect the drinking water supply. Land development is regulated by the New York City Watershed Rules and Regulations and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Sites (GP-0-10-001). See Appendix 1 for graphics from the Mountaintop Low Impact Development (LID) Guide depicting the overlap between New York City and New York State stormwater regulations. While effective site plan and subdivision review, zoning (where applicable) and comprehensive planning are critical, communities should also explore measures to minimize the impact of impervious cover, maintain natural hydrology, and integrate stormwater treatment within development projects. These recommendations, which are consistent with Stream Management Plans adopted by the local communities, are land planning techniques that reduce the potential impact of development on water quality and flood hazards. Toward this end, the Greene County Watershed Assistance Program (GCWAP) assisted six municipalities in the Catskill mountains of New York State with a better site design (BSD) roundtable planning process. The purpose of a local site planning roundtable is to examine, choose and adapt 28 Better Site Design principles for local application by identifying how Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 6 local codes and ordinances can be modified to meet three basic objectives: 1. Reduce overall site imperviousness. 2. Preserve and enhance existing natural areas. 3. Integrate stormwater management. Through the Roundtable process, the participating municipalities examined their local codes and planning procedures to determine if they encourage or discourage various low impact site design principles. Low impact design using green infrastructure is now required by DEC and DEP for projects that must prepare a full Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Use of LID with green infrastructure practices also provides benefits for smaller projects that may not require a SWPPP by slowing down and soaking in stormwater, doubling as landscaping, and enhancing the aesthetics of development projects, village centers and hamlets. Using grant funds from the Catskill Watershed Corporation, the GCWAP commissioned Kendall Stormwater Services, LLC, assisted by Morris Associates, PC, (the consultants) to guide the communities through the code review and consensus process for proposing local code changes and planning procedures. The Village of Tannersville was one of six communities involved in the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable. This document provides the results and recommendations of the Local Site Planning Roundtable for the Village of Tannersville. The 28 Better Site Design Principles act as benchmarks upon which more specific code and ordinance recommendations were adapted for the Village of Tannersville. The benefits of applying these principles are summarized below: Benefits of Applying the Model Development Principles Local Government: • Assist with stormwater regulations compliance • Streamline the planning process • Address localized flooding and stormwater runoff problems • Enhance community character Homeowners: • Increase property values • Create more pedestrian-friendly hamlet areas • Less cost for stormwater treatment • Result in a more attractive landscape • Reduce car speed on residential streets • Promote neighborhood designs with a sense of community Developers: • Provide flexibility in design options • Reduce development costs Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 7 • • Streamline the planning process Allow for more options in locating stormwater facilities Environment: • Protect stream corridors • Protect local stream and lake quality • Generate less stormwater pollution • Reduce soil erosion during construction • Protect forests, wetlands, and habitats Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable Process Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable members convened over a twelve-month period to become familiar with the Better Site Design Principles, to review existing codes and ordinances, to work in subcommittees, and to reach consensus on a final set of recommendations. The Roundtable consisted of 30 members representing a wide range of volunteer and professional backgrounds and experience related to local development issues. The process included the following steps: Universal Low Impact Development Manual for Mountaintop Communities - April - June 2011 The consultants worked with GCWAP to prepare a Low Impact Development Manual that identifies structural and non-structural design options to promote on-site stormwater management where possible, taking into account mountaintop topography, soils and rural settlement patterns. The manual is available at: Better Site Design Roundtable Kickoff Meeting - June 22, 2011 About 35 interested people from across the mountaintop participated in the kick-off Better Site Design workshop. Those attending included local government representatives, developers, engineers, county agencies, and regulatory agencies. The kickoff meeting introduced attendees to the Better Site Design Principles, put into context the aims of the roundtable process within the mountaintop area, and presented for comment an outline of a new Low Impact Development Manual for the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable. Review of Local Codes – July 2011 – September 2011 Supported by a grant from the Catskill Watershed Corporation to the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District and assisted by interviews with community members, the consultants used the "Code and Ordinance Worksheet for the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable" to analyze the local codes, laws and ordinances of the six municipalities in relation to 28 Better Site Design Principles. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 8 Roundtable #1 – October 26, 2011 Roundtable participants met and heard a presentation of the Code Review results from the six municipalities. Roundtable members then discussed the results and reviewed the goals and objectives of the project. Members then divided into two subcommittees according to expertise and interest: • Residential Streets & Lots • Conservation of Natural Areas The subcommittees discussed which Principles they would accept or decline to work on and identified possible code changes or improved planning processes to discuss in subsequent meetings. Subcommittee Meetings and Consensus Building – November 2011 - February 2012 Both subcommittees met in November 2011 and January 2012 to discuss a subset of the 28 Better Site Design Principles and develop preliminary recommendations. Roundtable #2 – March 23, 2012 The Roundtable participants met together to review and comment on the work of the subcommittees so far. Members included a wide range of community participants (elected and appointed officials), engineers and designers, developers, and government officials representing NYSDEC and NYCDEP Stormwater Programs. Subcommittee Meetings and Consensus Building – April 2012 - May 2012 Both subcommittees met in April and May 2012 to complete work on the Better Site Design Principles they had selected and to develop final recommendations. Draft Recommendations Documents - May - June 2012 The consultants worked with the GCWAP to organize code change and planning procedure recommendations for each participating community into a final document for that community to consider for adoption. Some of the recommendations were the same for all six municipalities, however for some of the better site design principles each municipality developed their own recommendations to reflect community needs. Roundtable #3 - June 27, 2012 The Roundtable participants shared the final recommendations with community members at the final Roundtable. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 9 Roundtable Membership This document of recommended development principles was created by a cross-section of professionals volunteers representing local government, engineering and design firms, development, village and town residents who participated in the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable. Members of the Roundtable provided volunteer and technical expertise to tailor the model development principles for each of the six municipalities. These recommendations reflect the members' professional and personal experience and do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the organizations and agencies represented by their members. We thank the following members of the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable for their time, expertise and dedication to this project: Gene Beers Harold Goldberg Robert Pelham Jeff Flack Donna Bernard Karl Gonzalez Tom Poelker Michelle Yost Lynn Byrne Christopher Hack Paul Slutzky Barbara Kendall Roy Carlson Paul Hennessy Kathie Tatara Liz Axelson Sondra Clark Robert Hermance Richard Volpi Emily Ramlow Beverly Dezan William Maley Stephan Walker Lillian Stewart Doug Van Deusen Leigh McGunnigle Dave Weiman Darrin Elsom Carol Muth Jesse Fraine Lindsey Ostrander Town of Jewett Planning Board Town of Jewett Planning Board Town of Lexington Councilwoman Town of Ashland Planning Board Town of Ashland Planning Board Chair Town of Lexington Planning Board Lamont Engineers. P.C. Engineer Kaaterskill Associates Engineer Engineer Delaware Engineering Village of Hunter Planning Board Town of Windham Councilman Village of Tannersville Village Board of Trustees Town of Windham Planning Board Town of Lexington Planning Board Chair Village of Hunter Mayor Village of Tannersville Village Board of Trustees Town of Windham Councilman Town of Windham Planning Board Village of Hunter Planning Board Chair Delaware Engineering Engineer Village of Hunter Planning Board Town of Windham Supervisor Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District Facilitator Kendall Stormwater Services, LLC Facilitator Morris Associates Student Conservation Association Student Conservation Association Town of Windham Planning Board Town of Jewett Supervisor Delaware Engineering Engineer Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 10 Recommended Model Development Principles Through a consensus process, members of the Village of Tannersville participating in the Mountaintop Better Site Roundtable adapted 21 out of 28 Better Site Design Principles to meet the needs and current conditions within the Village of Tannersville. Roundtable recommendations include specific code and ordinance revisions for 21 of the Principles that would increase flexibility in site design standards, promote awareness of the tools that are available to landowners, and support the implementation of environmentally beneficial practices in accordance with the Village’s current site plan, subdivision, zoning and local highway laws, where applicable. The Principles are divided into three categories: 1. Source Control for Stormwater Management 2. Preservation of Natural Features and Conservation Design, and 3. Reduction of Impervious Surfaces (Driveways, Streets and Parking Lots) Source Control for Stormwater Management Principle #1: Runoff Reduction Use non-structural stormwater control practices and engineered green infrastructure techniques to slow down and infiltrate stormwater close to development and impervious surfaces. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Provide more tools in municipal codes for the applicant and stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) designer to meet state and city regulations for runoff reduction and stormwater management. For this purpose, the Roundtable participants recommend that the Village of Tannersville adopt the "Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws" as an amendment to the site plan, subdivision, or zoning law (see Appendix 2). 2. Local boards and developers should look for creative means to meet water quality reductions the regulators are looking for, e.g., non-structural stormwater practices and green infrastructure. 3. Incorporate maintenance requirements and responsibility for stormwater practice maintenance in local codes and procedures. For projects that the local boards have determined need a legal mechanism between the municipality and the property owner, Roundtable members recommend that the Village Board of Trustees use the "Sample Maintenance Agreement" included as Schedule B of the "Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws." (see Appendix 2). 4. Consider maintenance of LID practices as part of normal landscaping and upkeep. Some practices can be designed to be self-maintained since there is a strong second home Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 11 market and people may not be available for clean up. For guidance on stormwater practice maintenance local staff and boards should refer developers and property owners to the Mountaintop LID Manual at: (hard copy available at the town hall). The LID Manual summarizes maintenance requirements from the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Appendix G at: 5. Consider charging the facility or landowner for back maintenance when the municipality bears the cost, such as the mechanism used by the Town of Jewett where the Town levies maintenance costs through property taxes. 6. Develop and distribute to local applicants a packet of information on state, city, and local (where applicable), stormwater requirements including information about green infrastructure and erosion and sediment control practices (see Principle #16). The packet should cover the design, construction, monitoring, and maintenance phases of a development project and include relevant websites and resources. Distribute as fact sheets Figures 2, 3 and 4 from the Mountaintop LID Manual to illustrate the thresholds that trigger a stormwater permit (Appendix 1). All information should be available in both paper and electronic (PDF) form. 7. For small building lots that fall under the threshold for New York State (one acre) and New York City (two acres) stormwater regulations, provide education to building permit applicants including the benefits of infiltration using green infrastructure and information on construction of rain gardens, stormwater planters, vegetated swales, etc. Also provide information on what is regulated under other laws (such as New York State Protection of Waters and Protection of Wetlands, Articles 15 and 24) that may be applicable to their project. Rationale Overall benefits: By treating and infiltrating stormwater at the source using better site design (BSD) and LID, the volume and rate of stormwater runoff will be reduced, pollution will be treated on site through plants and soil, and the need for end-of-pipe treatment options will be reduced. BSD and LID are integrated management approaches to landscape design and stormwater treatment that focus on how the developed site is planned and designed to minimize hydrological impacts. BSD/LID techniques incorporate stormwater management requirements by utilizing natural stormwater treatment through conservation design and riparian buffers as well as engineered practices such as rain-gardens and swales to reduce impervious area and increase infiltration. Streamlining the development process: Incorporating green infrastructure solutions at the beginning of the design phase can potentially make the permitting process easier, lowering overall costs and benefitting the applicant, the designer and the community. Code amendments: The proposed green infrastructure amendments (Appendix 2) provide a simple mechanism for local boards to ask for LID and BSD practices to achieve runoff reduction goals. The amendments consist of four short paragraphs that clarify the purpose, Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 12 definitions, and SWPPP requirements for city and state regulations. The amendments reference the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (SWDM), bringing consistency to the local codes and awareness to project applicants who might not otherwise be familiar with green infrastructure principles. DEP refers applicants and municipal boards to the SWDM as the technical standard for vegetation treatments that should be applied in stormwater management practices. Maintenance: While DEC has regulatory authority to ensure proper installation and maintenance of practices in a SWPPP, and the responsible party for O & M of stormwater facilities should be identified in the SWPPP, enforcement is an issue. Long-term maintenance can be reduced if stormwater management using green infrastructure is installed with low-maintenance native plants and is treated as part of a regular landscaping upkeep. Principle #2: Vegetated Open Channels The Roundtable members combined discussion of vegetated swales with the runoff reduction discussion (Principle #1), rather than as a separate principle. Principle #3: Rain Gardens and Bioretention Areas Use bioretention and rain gardens for slowing down and treating stormwater in commercial and residential development and redevelopment, using criteria in the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual to design these practices. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Add language to local codes that encourages use of bioretention (Fig. 1) and rain gardens where appropriate. For this purpose, the Roundtable participants recommend that the Village of Tannersville adopt the "Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws" as an amendment to the site plan, subdivision, or zoning law (see Appendix 2), since these amendments include bioretention and rain gardens in the definition of green infrastructure. 2. Provide information to applicants and contractors on how to apply bioretention and rain gardens as well as other LID practices in the mountaintop area. For this purpose, distribute Tables 6, 7 and 8 from the Mountaintop LID Manual, which describes the land use and site characteristics appropriate for different practices. Also, distribute or make applicants and contractors aware of the GCSWCD website references for native plants in Appendix 6 of the Mountaintop LID Guide, "Plants and Ground Covers for Various Site Conditions" at: Link local municipal websites to the GCSWCD website for easy reference. Rationale Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 13 Bioretention areas and “rain gardens” (a type of bioretention area) installed on individual lots can result in a 50% annual reduction in runoff volume from residential development projects and can reduce the amount of pollutants entering local water resources (Pitt, 1987), while providing landscaping and visual enhancement. By adding the green infrastructure amendments to local codes and providing information on bioretention and rain gardens to applicants, people will become more aware of the types of practices that complement landscaping for development projects. By providing information to local applicants about DEC and DEP green infrastructure requirements at the beginning of the planning process, application processes will be streamlined, potentially saving costs for developers. Figure 1. Bioretention Area (NYSDEC, 2001) Principle #4: Rooftop Runoff Allow rooftop runoff to be discharged to yard areas, and allow temporary ponding of stormwater on front yards where local flooding is not a concern. Capture rooftop runoff with control techniques such as cisterns, rain barrels, rain gardens, stormwater planters and green roofs designed using NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual criteria or equivalent. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Encourage strategies for use of on-lot LID practices to handle rooftop runoff from new development. For this purpose, the Roundtable participants recommend that the Village of Tannersville use language adapted from the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual to amend the site plan, subdivision and/or zoning code as follows, “Encourage development designs that reduce runoff volumes and rates by directing runoff from residential rooftop areas and upland overland runoff flow to designated pervious areas where feasible using practices such as stormwater planters, green roofs, and rain gardens. Include grading considerations for proper movement of water in the design of such practices." Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 14 2. Provide education to applicants on the types of practices available for handling on-lot stormwater and rooftop runoff, under what conditions each practice is suitable, and resources to assist with their implementation. To meet this goal, provide applicants with the copies and/or web links to the Mountaintop LID Manual Tables 6, 7 and 8 as well as Appendices 5 and 6. Rationale Where topography, soils and land uses are suitable, infiltration of stormwater on or near the development site reduces flooding and contributes to recharge of groundwater supplies. LID practices such as stormwater planters, rain gardens, green roofs, and rain barrels installed on individual lots can result in a 50% annual reduction in runoff volume from residential development projects and can reduce the amount of pollutants entering local water resources (Pitt, 1987). Principle #5: Infiltration The Roundtable members addressed stormwater infiltration practices in the Runoff Reduction and Rooftop Runoff discussions (Principles #1 and 4), rather than as a separate principle. Principle #6: Stormwater Ponds and Stormwater Wetlands The Roundtable members addressed stormwater ponds and wetlands in the runoff reduction discussion (Principle #1), especially as that discussion relates to maintenance. Ponds and wetlands were not discussed as a separate principle. Principle #7: Hydrodynamic Separators Discourage hydrodynamic separators as a stormwater management practice in suburban and rural areas to prevent trapping of amphibians and other small animals. Roundtable members determined that this principle is not applicable to the mountaintop communities since hydrodynamic separators are used on a limited basis, primarily in downtown village and hamlet areas where tight retrofits are needed because of land constraints. Preservation of Natural Features and Conservation Design Principle #8: Community Planning for Natural Resources Consider natural resource protection in land use decisions by compiling and maintaining a municipal natural resource inventory (NRI) or open space inventory (OSI) that is used by the Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 15 local boards in plan review. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Use existing inventory and map resources created for the Town to identify what resources would be impacted by development. For example, streams and their corridors; wetlands and adjacent buffer areas; floodplains; wooded and steeply-sloped areas are sensitive areas and important habitats. Specific town-wide inventory, mapping and assessments have been done by GCSWCD (resource maps) and Delaware Engineering (Mountaintop Regional Watershed GIS Mapping Project) to guide applicants and the planning board in site reviews. Map and data resources and related internet links are available on the GCWCD website at: 2. Local boards should refer to community wide mapping completed as a result of comprehensive planning or other resource inventories when considering subdivision or site plan applications. For example, Lexington’s Stream Corridor Overlay (SCO) mapping is an important resource for development site resource analysis and locating development in less sensitive areas. 3. The Village Board of Trustees should consider requiring a resource analysis map that would be submitted prior to a submission of a concept or sketch subdivision or site plan. The resource analysis map should show the relationship of a property within its neighborhood context, including natural and built features. Initially, the use of resource analysis maps could be done as an informal practice as it relates to basic planning and environmental review. Encourage applicants and Village Board members to use the GCWCD GIS web maps and data resources including aerial photography and other features (floodplains, streams, wetlands, soils, steep slopes and other sensitive areas). 4. Consider amending the zoning/site plan/subdivision law to implement resource analysis review as an official procedural step. A resource analysis map would generally show “an identification of the site’s natural and man-made features which may present assets and liabilities for layout of the proposed buildings and improvements”. Revise checklists for site plan and subdivision applications by repeating the local law changes in the checklists. Recommended local law language is provided below: Village of ________Local Law Section [_____] Resource analysis map. • Prior to a submission of a sketch plat for a subdivision / site plan, or when otherwise required by the Village Board of Trustees, an applicant must submit a resource analysis map and participate in a discussion with the Village Board of Trustees to determine a conceptual plan for the proposed subdivision / site plan. The submission shall include an identification of the site’s natural and man-made features which may present assets and liabilities for layout of the proposed buildings and improvements. This will provide an opportunity for the applicant and the Village Board of Trustees to discuss the development, areas planned to remain undeveloped, and general access alignment. This pre-application process is required to assure that the Village development goals are recognized as they may apply to the site in question. • An aerial map at an appropriate scale, showing the relationship of the subject property within its neighborhood context, including natural and built features existing within 2,000 feet of the Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 16 site should be submitted. This information may be acquired through various readily available sources. This is an initial step to identify natural features such as streams, watercourses, waterbodies and wetlands; steep slopes, erodible soils, areas that are wooded and other sensitive areas. Original source: Town of Red Hook (Dutchess County, NY) Code Chapter 120, Subdivision of Land, section 120-23. 5. As an alternative to #4, the Village Board of Trustees may consider implementing concept plan review including a resource analysis map. Recommended local law language is provided below: Village of ___________Local Law Section [____] Concept Plan review. (1) This part of review permits an applicant to submit his concept for a subdivision / site plan without incurring the significant costs of detailed planning for discussion with the Village Board of Trustees. The Board will review the concept plan as early as possible in the project review to discuss whether the proposal generally complies with the pertinent supplemental regulations herein and the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of _______. (2) The submittal for concept plan shall contain the following information: (a) A vicinity map sketched to a scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, showing land owned by the applicant; and indicating the relationship of the site to existing community facilities which serve it, such as roads, shopping, schools, etc. (b) Resource analysis map(s) of the site showing: [1] Soil types and boundaries; and bedrock outcrops. [2] Topography; and steep slopes (over 25%). [3]Wetlands plus buffer areas; wet areas; water bodies; and watercourses. [4] One-hundred-year floodplains. [5] Vistas and viewsheds into or out of the property. [6] Areas of contiguous forest lands and wooded areas. [7] Nearby significant topographic features and historical structures. [8] Existing parklands, recreational and/or public open space. (c) A conceptual drawing of the entire proposed development showing: [1] The outer perimeters of the site, including the use of abutting lands and connections to community roads, pedestrian pathways and transportation, water supply and sewage disposal. [2] Location and identification of proposed uses, structures, including landscaped and open spaces and associated amenities. [3] An outline of the interior roadway system, parking areas and the connection to existing roadways. [4] Any other information which would assist in the review of the applicant's concept. (d ) A general report prepared by the applicant about the compatibility of the concept with the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of _______. (3) Within 30 days of the submittal of the above materials, the concept plan shall be discussed at a Village Board of Trustees meeting. The applicant shall be permitted to present the concept. The Village Board of Trustees will provide comments and recommendations about the site, its resources, the concept plan and compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan. Original source: Town of Pawling (Dutchess County, NY) proposed amendment to Code Chapter 215, Zoning, section 215-31.2. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 17 6. With proper permission, the Village Board of Trustees should do an on-site visit of properties that are proposed for land development. The site visit should occur after examination of resource analysis maps and concept or sketch plans. Notification under open meetings law should be done in instances where a quorum of the Village Board of Trustees may be present. 7. Coordinate development application checklists so that all of the mountaintop communities have the same checklists. There should be consistency between Towns and Villages for the Applicants’ Representatives (Engineers and Surveyors) and for decision-makers. Rationale Identifying and retaining natural resources and sensitive areas in their natural state prevents increases in stormwater runoff and related erosion and sedimentation by preserving existing stormwater infiltration areas. The creation of a community-wide inventory and assessment of natural resources and habitats provides a record of resources that are known and are of concern to the community. It fosters awareness of the location of natural areas worthy of preservation that contribute to quality of life and add economic value to nearby properties. The use of community-wide assessments and resource analysis maps during local board reviews allows a site-by-site assessment to identify the parts of properties that are more appropriate for location of buildings, access and parking areas. For example, the identification of flood prone areas; stream buffers; and wetlands can result in the preservation of natural features that can reduce stormwater runoff and attenuate flood waters. The location of buildings and improvements in areas that are higher and dryer protects both business and community assets from flooding and erosion. The recommended local law amendments provide best management principles that give the Applicants’ engineers and designers more options to meet regulatory controls, making the local regulations strong but flexible. The conceptual plan review process provides the Village Board of Trustees with a clear statement of the natural resource and other information that should be requested from the applicant prior to the first meeting. The ability for an applicant or design professional to meet with the Village Board of Trustees early in the process can save the applicant time and expense in the design and review processes. A site’s environmental constraints can be identified; and recommendations can be given on site layout and what constitutes a complete application. A site visit provides information to Village Board members that may not be obvious from maps and plans. Mapping resources may not show smaller wetland areas and intermittent streams, which are important aspects of a site’s drainage patterns and capacity to retain runoff. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 18 Principles #9 and 18: Locating Sites in Less Sensitive Areas, Habitat Protection and Conservation Overlays Leave floodplains for flood control by preventing new building and filling in the 100-year floodplain. Protect steep slopes and highly erodible soils by promoting proper grading techniques and erosion and sediment controls. Provide incentives for development on previously altered sites or in designated priority growth areas. Obtain information about rare or unusual habitats rare species and make the information available to the Village Board of Trustees and Zoning Board. Use habitat protection guidelines or a conservation overlay district to encourage protecting large, contiguous and unaltered tracts of forests, meadow and shrubland complexes, wetlands, stream and river corridors, and areas with high habitat diversity. Recommendations The Roundtable supports these principles and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Incorporate language in local laws that prevents development in floodplains. The Village Board of Trustees should have the discretion to say “no building in the floodplain area”. Consider using language from the Town of Jewett and Lexington subdivision regulations as follows, “Land subject to flooding or land deemed by the Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard.” Such language should be incorporated to regulations governing the review of subdivisions, special permits and site plans. 2. Consider adopting flexible language in local laws that gives the Village Board of Trustees the discretion to guide development away from sensitive areas (floodplains, streams, wetlands, wet areas, erodible or wet soils, steep slopes and other sensitive areas). Adopting these local law changes supports best management practices that protect against flooding and erosion. Suggested language for subdivision and site plan regulations is provided below: • “Location in less sensitive areas. The Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] may require in the subdivision / site plan design that structures and improvements be located in less sensitive areas. Sensitive areas consist of streams, watercourses, waterbodies and wetlands and adjacent buffer (100-foot) areas; steep slopes, erodible soils, areas that are wooded or have large trees and other sensitive areas. These natural features, which add value to residential developments and to the community should be preserved.” Original source: Sections of the Town of Red Hook (Dutchess County) Code Chapter 120, Subdivision of Land, from Article VI. Design Standards • Where possible, natural or existing topographic patterns which contribute to the beauty and character of development may be preserved. • The proposal shall result in minimal degradation of natural features; and may be required to conform with geological and topographic features to the extent practicable. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 19 Original source: Town of Red Hook, Chapter 143, Zoning, section 143-116 Site plan design criteria 3. Define natural features in local law provisions that are intended to protect them. A suggested simple, clear definition of wetland is provided below: WETLANDS New York State Department of Environmental Conservation designated wetlands and those adjacent lands areas within 100 feet of the delineated wetlands; and federal wetlands regulate by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Original source: Sections of the Town of Red Hook (Dutchess County) Code Chapter 120, Subdivision of Land, section 120-5 4. Site design should incorporate areas of vegetation that may be preserved as part of landscaping or require tree or other plantings as in the suggested language below: Street Trees. Trees shall be planted along proposed streets at intervals approved by the Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] except where unnecessary due to the presence of significant, preservable existing vegetation. Trees and other vegetation to be preserved shall be specifically identified on the subdivision plan. Original source: Sections of the Town of Red Hook (Dutchess County) Code Chapter 120, Subdivision of Land, section 120-20 • Plants that are indigenous to the area and others that will be hardy and harmonious to the design and exhibit a good appearance shall be used. Original source: Town of Red Hook, Chapter 143, Zoning, section 143-116 Site plan design criteria • Rationale The proposed local law changes correct deficiencies in existing laws and emphasize flexible standards that can be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Village Board of Trustees during review of subdivisions and site plans. The proposed amendments further protect the community against flooding and prevent erosion by guiding development away from sensitive areas such as waterways, wetlands and floodplains; steep slopes; and significant wooded areas. The proposed provisions also improve the community, local water resources and development projects by encouraging tree planting, landscaping and preservation of vegetation; providing areas for infiltration; preventing erosion; and removing sediment from runoff. Principle #10: Preservation of Undisturbed Areas Roundtable members opted not to address this specific principle as it is addressed in relation to principle # 9 above, and principles #16 and #17 below. Principles #11, 12 and 13: Stream Buffers, Wetland Protection and Wetland Buffers; Stream and Wetland Buffer Uses and Enforcement Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 20 Maintain and restore vegetated stream buffers and provide flexibility in buffer design to protect natural resources such as freshwater wetlands, steep slopes and the 100-year floodplain. Protect local wetlands to provide flood control, wildlife habitat, recreation areas, and natural water quality treatment. Encourage low impact uses in stream and wetland buffers such as passive recreation to be compatible with conservation. Encourage planting of native vegetation in buffers and provide enforcement and education mechanisms. Recommendations The Roundtable supports these principles and endorses the following recommendations: 1. The Village should consider providing support for creation of a county or regional wetland board. The primary purpose of the regional wetland board would be to provide regional resources, information and mapping of wetlands. Since most of the wetlands in the Mountaintop communities are relatively small, mapping and related information would be based primarily on the soil survey. 2. Consider adopting an amendment to the site plan/subdivision/zoning law to protect streams, wetlands and waterbodies. Crafted by the Roundtable Natural Resources Subcommittee, the following language is suggested: “In order to preserve beauty along streams for environmental and ecological reasons, it is recommended that all disturbance or construction be located beyond 100 feet of any streambank, or the edge of any waterbody or wetland.” 3. Consider creating a zoning law overlay district to protect streams, floodplains, wetlands and other environmentally sensitive features. Instead of requiring that a specific permit be required for development in overlay districts, provide supplemental standards for development that can be addressed during site plan or subdivision review. Any proposed legislation should address the potential expenses involved in extensive surveying of natural features. Suggested language is provided below, which could be adapted for this purpose: “E. Within the Stream Corridor Overlay District, the Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] may grant Site Plan approval only if it finds that, with appropriate conditions attached, the proposed activity: 1. Will not result in degradation of scenic character and will be aesthetically compatible with its surroundings. 2. Will not result in erosion or stream pollution from surface or subsurface runoff. In making such determination, the Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] shall consider slopes, drainage patterns, water entry points, soil erosivity, depth to bedrock and high water table, and other relevant factors. 3. Will comply with other applicable provisions of this local law.” Source: Town of Lexington Zoning Law, Section 4.08. Stream Corridor Overlay District Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 21 4. The Village should consider circulating applications for lead agency as part of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review process. A notice with a description of a project, plans and an EAF (Environmental Assessment Form) would be circulated to “involved” and “interested” agencies including the DEP. This step would be separate from the required referrals to county agencies that are regularly made under General Municipal Law 239-l and 239-m. Rationale Riparian buffers restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of water resources such as streams, lakes, wetlands or vernal pools. The streamside vegetation in a forested buffer system shades the stream and keeps the water cool; and the tree roots help stabilize the stream banks. Trees use excess nutrients before they reach the stream, soil particles trap pollutants, and the organic soils remove nitrogen. Porous grass-covered land within the buffer can increase infiltration and water storage, absorb nutrients, control concentrated runoff, and evenly spread surface flow. The benefits of riparian buffers can be summarized as follows: Benefits of Riparian Buffer Protection 1. Filter sediments, nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), pesticides, and other pollutants in runoff. 2. Stabilize stream banks and bed, and reduce erosion. 3. Increase community-wide property values. 4. Provide shade, which helps keep summer water temperatures cool. This is of critical importance for native brook trout as well as the introduced brown trout. 5. Provide food and habitat for terrestrial and aquatic life. 6. Reduce flood damage and flood damage claims. 7. Protect quality of drinking water supplies. 8. Help maintain stream flows in summer. 9. Provide for infiltration of storm water runoff. 10. Support recreation and tourism industries by providing pleasant areas to fish and enjoy the streams. Native trees, shrubs and grasses are important contributors to the overall quality and viability of the environment. In addition, they can provide noticeable economic benefits to developers and homeowners. The proposed amendments provide a simple way to integrate natural resource standards with existing site plan and subdivision review procedures. Using this model, the Town of Lexington has implemented floodplain and stream corridor overlay districts, which include requirements that come into play during review of site plan, special permit, subdivision or building permit applications. Since the requirements are addressed under existing local laws, there is no need for a separate set of regulations. This approach avoids the potential additional costs and time involved with permitting, administration and enforcement under separate floodplain, wetland or stream corridor local laws. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 22 By circulating SEQR documents to DEP early in the process, DEP will be informed of environmental constraints related to the project and can provide a response regarding DEP regulations for streams, wetlands and riparian buffers early in the project review. Principle #12: Wetland Protection and Wetland Buffers The Roundtable members combined discussion of stream buffers; and wetlands and buffers (Principles #11; #12; and #13) together because they are so closely related. Please refer to the section above. Principle #13: Stream and Wetland Buffer Uses and Enforcement The Roundtable members combined discussion of stream buffers; and wetlands and buffers (Principles #11; #12; and #13) together because they are so closely related. Please refer to the section above. Principle #14: Open Space and Flexible Design Protect natural resources, steep slopes and floodplains and reduce impervious surfaces through local land use techniques such as open space design, conservation subdivision or cluster development. Roundtable members opted not to address this principle separately since the Town of Lexington and Town of Jewett already have open space or cluster provisions in their local laws. Recommendations for other communities were considered under Conservation Incentives (see Principle #19). Principle #15: Open Space Management Roundtable members opted not to address this principle as it was not considered to be applicable to the mountaintop communities. Principles #16 and 17: Clearing and Grading, Tree and Forest Conservation Protect natural resources and water quality by reducing erosion and control sediment at development sites, designing control practices using, “New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control” (Blue Book). Encourage preservation of forests at residential development sites. Show limits of disturbance on construction plans to prevent clearing of trees and natural vegetative cover during construction. Use forestry best management practices for timber harvesting and tree cutting. Recommendations Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 23 The Roundtable supports these principles and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Provide the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) with a copy of the Blue Book describing accepted erosion/sediment control practices. The CEO should be familiar with the full Blue Book available at: or the “lite” version of the book that can be found at 2. Add basic language to existing subdivision/ site plan regulations to prevent clearing and grading of land without obtaining prior permission. Suggested language is provided below: “No clearing, grading or tree removal may be undertaken in excess of one-half (1/2) acre of land without site plan approval from the Planning Board [change to Village Board of Trustees] with the exception of the harvesting of Christmas trees; the clearing of land for rights-of-way for utilities; reasonable site clearing preparatory to construction for which a building permit has been issued; the clearing and maintenance of land for agricultural purposes; and the harvesting of trees and firewood for the personal use of the property owner.” Original source: Town of Lloyd, Chapter 100, Zoning, section 100-53 Site plan review Rationale If there is no specific development proposed involving a site plan or subdivision application, land owners are not necessarily required to get approval from the Village Board of Trustees to clear land. This leads to unregulated clearing that may be conducted without proper grading, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control practices. Clearing and grubbing of trees and other vegetation increases stormwater runoff on a site, reduces the amount of runoff that recharges groundwater resources, and increases the likelihood that erosion and sedimentation will occur. A simple amendment to local regulations will ensure implementation of effective erosion and sediment control practices for all projects. Reduction of clearing and grading also results in lower site preparation costs for the developer. By addressing timber harvesting requirements under an existing local law (zoning), there is no need for a separate set of regulations. This approach avoids the potential additional costs and time incurred by the municipality for permitting, administration and enforcement under a separate timber harvesting or tree removal local law. Providing an exemption for plans and operations to be conducted by foresters in the NYS Cooperative Forester Program provides an incentive for landowners to choose carefully who will be responsible for forest management on their property. Principle #18: Habitat Protection and Conservation Overlays The Roundtable members combined discussion of habitat protection and conservation overlays with the discussion of locating sites in less sensitive areas, stream buffers, wetland Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 24 protection and wetland buffers, and stream and wetland buffer uses and enforcement because they are so closely related (See Principles #9, 11, 12 and 13). Principle #19: Conservation Incentives Encourage incentives and flexibility in the form of open space and cluster development to promote conservation of stream buffers, forests, meadows, wetlands and other areas of environmental value. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. The Village of Tannersville should consider adopting open space design, conservation subdivision or cluster development provisions. 2. The Village should provide written materials to subdividers about the benefits of compact development and open space subdivision design. Shorter roads and utility pathways, which would reduce land disturbance, would cost less for the developer. Lots would be more marketable for prospective owners desiring to live near open, scenic lands. The cost of operation and maintenance of common facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, would also be less with shorter roads and utility systems. 3. The Village should consider the feasibility of creating a “Green” District. This would be an area in a municipality where a developer might get a tax break or other incentive for certain types of low-impact development. The developer would have to show a practical need or reason to request such an incentive from a municipality. This scenario would be more likely when the mountaintop area municipalities are under pressure from more development proposals. Rationale Open space design, conservation subdivision or cluster development permits the same density of lots and residences as would be permitted in a conventional lot layout but on a smaller area of a site. By allowing smaller size lots than normally permitted in a given zoning district substantial area of a site can remain as open space and used for LID treatments as site conditions allow. Using resource analysis and concept plan processes will locate development in less sensitive areas, leaving more sensitive areas in a natural, open state. Smaller lot sizes arranged in a more compact layout translate into shorter roads and driveways, less overall land disturbance, and less impervious cover, resulting in less stormwater and its associated impacts. Open space subdivisions provide advantages for developers and future residents: lower cost construction and maintenance of improvements; built-in stormwater infiltration areas; homes located near permanent open space, etc. However, there are significant site limitations on development in the mountaintop region, making it difficult for the Village to Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 25 provide incentives for compact design. Since density is generally reduced as a result of site development constraints, the option to add density for retaining more open space is usually not feasible. Reduction of Impervious Cover Principle #20: Street Width and Drainage Design residential streets for the minimum required pavement width needed to support travel lanes; on-street parking; and emergency, maintenance and service vehicle access. These widths should be based on traffic volume. Design and repair streets and roads with adequate drainage to control stormwater and address local flooding. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. The existing road specifications for the Village of Tannersville specify a minimum width of 18 feet. The Roundtable recommends that this minimum width be retained in the code, as it provides the local boards with flexibility to minimize impervious surfaces where feasible. 2. Consider amending the road specifications for the Village of Tannersville to specify design of storm sewers, ditches, culverts and stormwater management practices for new development ( contributing watershed less than 2000 acres) using "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", NRCS TR-55 and "Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology," NRCS TR-20 methodology. 3. Consider amending the road specifications for the Village of Tannersville to specify design of culverts and bridge openings on village roads using a 50-year design storm plus 2’ of freeboard and free flow of the 100-year storm event. For design of peak flows for culverts and bridge openings in natural streams use regression equations developed by the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) described in, "Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York,“ as revised and updated in, "Bankfull Discharge and Channel Characteristics of Streams in New York State," and facilitated by the online calculator, "StreamStats" at: 4. Encourage techniques to slow water down before it reaches streams and roadside ditches by installing improvements to handle runoff at the source, such as a series of impoundments with check dams, grade stabilization structures or other practices designed using NY Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control. 5. Planning should emphasize minimal land clearing for new streets; with larger developments, avoid dead end streets. Rationale Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 26 Residential streets are often unnecessarily wide and these excessive widths contribute to the largest single component of impervious cover in a subdivision (Center for Watershed Protection, 1998). Narrower street widths not only reduce impervious cover, but also promote lower vehicular speeds and increased safety and can reduce construction and maintenance costs. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards for Local Roads and Streets (Rural Roads) of less than 400 average daily trips (AASHTO, 2004) allow for a total minimum width of the traveled way of 18 feet when the design speed is 40 mph or less (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Minimum width of traveled way (feet) for specified design volume (vehicles per day) Design speed (miles per hour) 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 55 60 All speeds Under 400 400 to 1500 1500 to 2000 18 20 ¹ 20 18 20 ¹ 22 18 20 ¹ 22 18 20 ¹ 22 18 20 ¹ 22 20 22 22 20 22 22 22 22 24³ 22 22 24³ Width of graded shoulder on each side of road (feet) 2 6 5¹x² Over 2000 22 24³ 24³ 24³ 24³ 24³ 24³ 24³ 24³ 8 ¹ For roads in mountainous terrain with design volume of 400 to 600 vehicles/day, use 18-foot traveled way width and 2-foot shoulder width. ² May be adjusted to achieve a minimum roadway width of 30 feet for design speeds greater than 40 mph. ³ Where the width of the traveled way is shown as 24 feet, the width may remain at 22 feet on reconstructed highways where alignment and safety records are satisfactory. From: A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, (Exhibit 5-5. Minimum Width of Traveled Way and Shoulders) 2004, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C. Used by permission. Designing stormwater infrastructure using TR-55 and TR-20 methodology as required in the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (page 4-10) will allow more capacity for stormwater, minimize damage to roads, and provide consistency with DEC stormwater regulations for both small and large development projects. For free flow of natural streams, use of the regression equation method is beneficial as described by USGS, "Using regression equations can determine whether culvert, bridge, and stream ford designs will preserve stable bankfull geometry and prevent backwater situations and (or) sediment aggradation caused by over-wide or undersized channels." (USGS, 2009 p. 24). DOT specifies design of culverts on local roads and streets using the 50-year design storm (DOT, 2011), so including this specification in local codes will provide consistency with county, state and federal requirements. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 27 Principle #21: Street Length Reduce total length of residential streets by examining alternative street layout to determine the best option for increasing the number of homes per unit length. Recommendation The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendation: Consider amendments to the Village of Tannersville regulations to provide more flexibility to allow, where feasible, smaller frontage requirements, smaller setbacks, shorter roads, and shared driveways. (Also see principle #19 - Conservation Incentives). Involve the Highway Department and Fire Department in the decision-making process for code amendments for these items. Rationale Reducing street length will reduce the amount of impervious surface in a development, thereby reducing the volume of stormwater runoff and associated pollutants. Techniques to reduce street length also minimize grading and the length of stormwater infrastructure, which results in lower costs for developers. Principle #22: Right-of-Way Width Wherever possible, residential street right-of-way widths should reflect the minimum required to accommodate the travel-way, sidewalk, and vegetated open channels. Utilities and storm drains should be located in the right-of-way wherever feasible. The Roundtable members felt that right of way widths required by New York State law (three rods, at 16.5 feet per rod, 3 rods = 49.5 feet) should be followed and that any reduction in right of way width would not be feasible in the mountaintop climate where snow removal is an important objective. Therefore this principle was not discussed in the Roundtable. Principle #23: Cul-de-Sacs Only use cul-de-sacs where absolutely necessary. Where cul-de-sac streets are necessary to protect natural resources allow innovative designs such as landscaped islands with bioretention areas. hammerheads, or a smaller radius. The radius of cul-de-sacs should be the minimum required to accommodate emergency and maintenance vehicles. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 28 1. Consider an amendment to the Village of Tannersville road specifications that provides more flexibility for cul-de-sac design as follows, " Whenever a permanent dead end is allowed on a subdivision road, a turnaround shall be constructed. This turnaround shall take the form and be constructed consistent with the AASHTO manual "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004,"(Figure 3); the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and Urban Land Institute Manual "1990 Residential Street Design;" and DEC stormwater guidelines, or such other form as shall be acceptable to the Highway Superintendent , Village Engineer and Village Board of Trustees. A snow easement shall be provided on each turning circle as directed by the Highway Superintendent. 2. The Village Board of Trustees should encourage connections to existing or planned streets whenever possible. 3. The Village Board of Trustees may use the Sample Stormwater Maintenance Agreement, or pertinent sections of the Maintenance Agreement as applicable, (See Appendix 2 of this document, Schedule B) to enforce maintenance when stormwater management practices such as bioretention areas are planned for cul-de-sac center islands. Rationale As impervious surfaces, cul-de-sacs generate high volumes of stormwater runoff and high levels of stormwater runoff contamination from pollutants deposited on the surface. By making local codes more flexible, the Village Board of Trustees will have the authority to allow cul de sacs or alternative designs given specific development constraints faced by the mountaintop communities. Careful design involving input from the Highway Superintendent will ensure that cul de sacs with center islands will be accessible for plowing and emergency vehicles. Landscaped islands in the cul-de-sac designed for stormwater management can be used for snow storage, stormwater infiltration, and stormwater treatment to reduce pollutant loading to adjacent waterways. Stormwater management practices designed and installed per current specifications (New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual) can provide water quantity and water quality control. AASHTO guidelines include dimensions for traditional and alternative cul-de-sac designs and include landscaped islands (AASHTO, 2004). Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 29 Figure 3. Types of Cul-de-sacs and DeadEnd Streets From A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2004, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportatio n Officials, Washington, D.C. Used by permission. P = Passenger Car SU = SingleUnit Truck WB = Wheel Base - applies to semitrailer trucks Principle #24: Sidewalks and Curbs Roundtable members felt that sidewalks and curbs have minimal application in the mountaintop communities therefore this principle was not discussed. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 30 Principle #25: Driveways Reduce overall lot imperviousness by promoting pervious driveway surfaces, shared driveways that connect two or more homes together. Recommendations The Roundtable supports this principle and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Where feasible, the Village of Tannersville should limit the size of driveways and encourage shared driveways, offering the Model Shared Driveway Agreement to applicants (Appendix 3) as a mechanism for ensuring that costs of maintenance and repair are shared by both parties. The Model Shared Driveway Agreement can be expanded upon to spell out maintenance responsibilities and other considerations. 2. Encourage use of porous pavement or pervious pavers for driveways, properly installed and maintained using specifications in the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual. Provide information to applicants about local maintenance options such as the availability of a vacuum truck. 3. To minimize disturbance during driveway construction, consider adopting a local stormwater law or grading and clearing ordinance, referencing the New York State stormwater manuals in any local law. The "Sample Local Law for Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control" is an example of a comprehensive local law (available on the GCSWCD Mountaintop BSD website at: Chapter 65 of the Town of Dover Code, Erosion and Sediment Control, is an example of an erosion control law adopted by a rural community with steep slopes and rocky soils (available on the GCSWCD Mountaintop BSD website at: When using Chapter 65, revise Section § 65-9.B. to remove the reference, "manual titled, "Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Guidebook," published by the Dutchess County Soil and Water Conservation District," and replace it with, "manual titled, "New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control," published by the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Society." Rationale Driveways create impervious surfaces that generate stormwater, associated pollutants , and potential local flooding problems. By limiting the size of driveways and encouraging impervious surfaces, stormwater impacts can be reduced. Both DEC and DEP use the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual as the technical standard for pervious materials in development projects. By adopting a local law that references these standards, technical requirements are clear from the start, potentially streamlining the review and approval of development projects. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 31 Principles #26, 27 and 28: Parking Ratios, Shared Parking and Parking Design Standards The required parking ratio governing a particular land use or activity should be enforced in order to curb excess parking space construction. Existing parking ratios should be reviewed for conformance taking into account local and national experience to see if lower ratios are warranted and feasible. Encourage shared parking where feasible to reduce impervious area in hamlets and villages, including enforceable shared parking agreements. Reduce the overall imperviousness associated with parking lots by providing compact car spaces, minimizing stall dimensions, incorporating efficient parking lanes, and using pervious materials in spillover parking areas. Provide stormwater treatment for parking lot runoff using bioretention areas, stormwater planters, and/or other practices that can be integrated into required landscaping areas. Recommendations The Roundtable supports these principles and endorses the following recommendations: 1. Existing parking requirements in the Village of Tannersville's Zoning Law Section 11.9.B. "Additional Requirements for Specific Districts" provide flexibility, allowing for approval of parking lot dimensions during the site plan review process. Continue to implement these regulations where applicable. 2. Continue to implement existing shared parking provisions specified in the Village of Tannersville's Zoning Law. Provide model shared parking agreements to applicants to facilitate maintenance and repair (examples in Appendix 4). 3. Encourage permeable surface materials for parking whenever feasible and encourage designers to create green infrastructure stormwater practices that double as landscaping amenities for parking lots. The Northwest Connecticut Council of Governments created Model Parking Standards that provide language to encourage pervious paving materials and landscaping (posted on the GCSWCD Mountaintop LID website - see website references). 4. Continue to implement existing parking provisions in the Village of Tannersville Zoning Law that provide flexibility to reduce parking: in §3.7, for the Residential R-1 District, Table 1, “No minimum or maximum stipulated;” and §6.11, for the Central Business District, Table 4, "No on-site parking is mandated." Rationale Parking lots generate high volumes of stormwater runoff and high levels of stormwater runoff contamination from pollutants deposited on the lot surface. Stormwater management practices designed and installed per current specifications (the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual) can provide water quantity and water quality control, while providing landscaping and visual enhancement. Adopting and enforcing minimum parking requirements that call for landscaping, pervious surfaces and shared parking provides municipalities and developers with clear standards for both reducing stormwater impacts and streamlining the development process. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 32 Appendix 1 - Graphic Depictions of DEC and DEP Stormwater Requirements from the Mountaintop LID Guide (Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5) Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 33 *Note: Newly paved driveways only - If less than 100 ft. from a perennial stream² or less than 50 ft. from a wetland¹ or intermittent stream can apply for an Individual Residential Stormwater Permit (NYC DEP) Driveway Min. 100 ft. (*See Note) Min. 50 ft. (*See Note) Intermittent Stream Wetland¹ Min. 50 ft. (*See Note) Wetland¹ Min. 100 ft. Min. 100 ft. Perennial stream² Min. 100 ft. Figure 2. (REVISED 8/15/12) New Single Family Homes Outside Designated Hamlet Areas: NYCDEP and NYSDEC Stormwater Requirements and Minimum (Min.) NYCDEP Setbacks – If all Discretionary Approvals Received After March 1, 2010 Min. 100 ft. Perennial Stream²/ Watercourse³ House Septic system • 1 acre or more soil disturbance anywhere – Basic SWPPP; certain projects require Full SWPPP (NYS DEC) • 2 acres or more clearing or grading within 100 ft. of watercourse³ or on slopes of 15% or more – Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) • Common plans for development or sale of land that will result in 5 acres or more disturbance of total land area – Full SWPPP (NYCDEP and NYSDEC) Septic system Set back must be 100 ft. minimum from a watercourse³ (includes perennial and intermittent) or wetland¹ Contact NYCDEP at (845) 340-7234 to schedule a preapplication meeting to begin the Individual Residential Stormwater Permit (IRSP) process Definitions (NYCDEP) ¹Wetland - means any area mapped as a wetland by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law ²Perennial stream - a watercourse that flows throughout the year from source to mouth ³Watercourse - a visible path through which surface water travels on a regular basis, including an intermittent stream, which is tributary to the water supply Low Impact Development Manual for the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable Page 14 Figure 3. Inside Hamlet and Village Areas: (REVISED 8/15/12) NYCDEP and NYSDEC Stormwater Requirements and Minimum (Min.) NYC DEP Setbacks Hamlet or Village Boundary Inside Designated Village or Hamlet area Existing Road New commercial, institutional, multi-family building or paved surface less than 100 ft. from a wetland* or watercourse* requires Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) with LID techniques Wetland* New commercial building Perennial stream*/ Watercourse* New parking lot 100 ft. Hamlet or Village Boundary Figure 4. Outside Hamlet and Village Areas: NYCDEP and NYSDEC Stormwater Requirements and Minimum (Min.) NYC DEP Setbacks for Commercial, Institutional, Multi-family or Industrial Existing Road Perennial stream*/ Watercourse* Wetland* 100 ft. Commercial, institutional, multi-family, industrial land uses: • Existing facility - Expansion of less than 25% total impervious surface within 100 ft. of wetland* or watercourse* requires Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) with LID techniques • No new impervious surfaces allowed within 100 ft. of a watercourse* or wetland* *For definitions (NYCDEP) see Figure 2 Low Impact Development Manual for the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable Page 15 Figure 5. Existing and New Roads: (REVISED 8/15/12) NYCDEP and NYSDEC Stormwater Requirements and Minimum (Min.) NYC DEP Setbacks Intermittent stream Wetland* Min. 50 ft. Perennial stream*/ Watercourse* Min. 100 ft. 100 ft. 50 ft. 100 ft.¹ New Road ¹New road with impervious surface between 50 ft. and 100 ft. of an intermittent stream or wetland* requires Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) Installing a new paved road requires Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) Paving Footnotes: 50 ft. Intermittent stream or wetland* Widening Widening an existing road within these distances should be done on the side away from the water resource Paving an existing dirt or gravel road within these distances requires Full SWPPP (NYCDEP) a. Outside Designated Hamlet Areas – no new roads with impervious surface within 50 ft. of intermittent stream or wetland* or within 100 ft. of perennial stream*, except paving existing dirt or gravel roads or where necessary to provide access to two or more parcels or a subdivision in which case a Full SWPPP is required b. This example refers only to existing and new roads; for bridge and stream crossings refer to DEP Watershed Rules and Regulations or call NYCDEP at (845) 340-7234 Existing Road * For definitions (NYCDEP) see Figure 2 c. New road construction disturbing one acre or more requires Basic SWPPP (NYS DEC) Low Impact Development Manual for the Mountaintop Better Site Design Roundtable Page 17 Appendix 2 - Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws, including Sample Maintenance Agreement Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws – Include where appropriate in the Stormwater or Drainage Law, Site Plan Law, Subdivision Law, or Zoning Law Potential language to be added to local codes is in BOLD and underlined. Please Note: Any local law revisions should be reviewed and approved by your municipal attorney. Purpose section – add: Encourage the use of green infrastructure practices to control stormwater runoff such as protecting natural areas, reducing impervious cover, and runoff reduction techniques to the maximum extent practicable. Definitions section – add: Green Infrastructure - Green infrastructure approaches infiltrate, evapotranspire or reuse stormwater, using soils and vegetation rather than hardscape collection, conveyance and storage structures. Common green infrastructure approaches include green roofs, trees and tree boxes, rain gardens, bioretention areas, vegetated swales, pocket wetlands, infiltration planters, vegetated median strips, reforestation, and protection and enhancement of riparian buffers and floodplains. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) -a plan for controlling stormwater runoff and pollutants from a site during and after construction activities. SWPPP Requirements for full SWPPPs: When a full SWPPP is required by New York State and/or the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the SWPPP must include a description of each post-construction stormwater management practice, including documentation of the five step planning process for runoff reduction using green infrastructure as outlined in the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, most current version or its successor, using the practices in Schedules A1, A2 and A3. Schedules A1, A2 and A3 are attached Schedule B is a Sample Maintenance Agreement that could also be referred to the in local code. This was originally developed by the Lake George Commission. Prepared 1/19/12 by Barbara Kendall, Kendall Stormwater Services, LLC Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 37 Schedule A1 Green Infrastructure Planning General Categories and Specific Practices (From: New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Table 3.1) Group Practice Preservation of Undisturbed Areas Preservation of Buffers Reduction of Clearing and Grading Preservation of Natural Resources Locating Development in Less Sensitive Areas Open Space Design Roadway Reduction Sidewalk Reduction Driveway Reduction Cul-de-sac Reduction Reduction of Impervious Cover Building Footprint Reduction Parking Reduction Description Delineate and place into permanent conservation easement undisturbed forests, native vegetated areas, riparian corridors, wetlands, and natural terrain. Define, delineate and place in permanent conservation easement naturally vegetated buffers along perennial streams, rivers, shorelines and wetlands. Limit clearing and grading to the minimum amount needed for roads, driveways, foundations, utilities and stormwater management facilities. Avoid sensitive resource areas such as floodplains, steep slopes, erodible soils, wetlands, mature forests and critical habitats by locating development to fit the terrain in areas that will create the least impact. Use clustering, conservation design or open space design to reduce impervious cover, preserve more open space and protect water resources. Restore the original properties and porosity of the soil by deep till and amendment with compost to reduce the generation of runoff and enhance the runoff reduction performance of practices such as downspout disconnections, grass channels, filter strips, and tree clusters. Minimize roadway widths and lengths to reduce site impervious area. Minimize sidewalk lengths and widths to reduce site impervious area. Minimize driveway lengths and widths to reduce site impervious area. Minimize the number of cul-de-sacs and incorporate landscaped areas to reduce their impervious cover. Reduce the impervious footprint of residences and commercial buildings by using alternate or taller buildings while maintaining the same floor to area ratio. Reduce imperviousness on parking lots by eliminating unneeded spaces, providing compact car spaces and efficient parking lanes, minimizing stall dimensions, using porous pavement surfaces in overflow parking areas, and using multi-storied parking decks where appropriate. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 38 Schedule A2 Green Infrastructure Techniques Acceptable for Runoff Reduction (From: New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Table 3.2) Group Practice Conservation of natural areas Sheetflow to riparian buffers or filter strips Vegetated open swale Tree planting / tree box Runoff Reduction Techniques Disconnection of rooftop runoff Stream daylighting for redevelopment projects Rain garden Green roof Stormwater planter Rain tank/Cistern Porous Pavement Description Retain the pre-development hydrologic and water quality characteristics of undisturbed natural areas, stream and wetland buffers by restoring and/or permanently conserving these areas on a site. Undisturbed natural areas such as forested conservation areas and stream buffers or vegetated filter strips and riparian buffers can be used to treat and control stormwater runoff from some areas of a development project. The natural drainage paths, or properly designed vegetated channels, can be used instead of constructing underground storm sewers or concrete open channels to increase time of concentration, reduce the peak discharge, and provide infiltration. Plant or conserve trees to reduce stormwater runoff, increase nutrient uptake, and provide bank stabilization. Trees can be used for applications such as landscaping, stormwater management practice areas, conservation areas and erosion and sediment control. Direct runoff from residential rooftop areas and upland overland runoff flow to designated pervious areas to reduce runoff volumes and rates. Stream daylight previously-culverted/piped streams to restore natural habitats, better attenuate runoff by increasing the storage size, promoting infiltration, and help reduce pollutant loads. Manage and treat small volumes of stormwater runoff using a conditioned planting soil bed and planting materials to filter runoff stored within a shallow depression. Capture runoff by a layer of vegetation and soil installed on top of a conventional flat or sloped roof. The rooftop vegetation allows evaporation and evapotranspiration processes to reduce volume and discharge rate of runoff entering conveyance system. Small landscaped stormwater treatment devices that can be designed as infiltration or filtering practices. Stormwater planters use soil infiltration and biogeochemical processes to decrease stormwater quantity and improve water quality. Capture and store stormwater runoff to be used for irrigation systems or filtered and reused for non-contact activities. Pervious types of pavements that provide an alternative to conventional paved surfaces, designed to infiltrate rainfall through the surface, thereby reducing stormwater runoff from a site and providing some pollutant uptake in the underlying soils. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 39 Schedule A3 Stormwater Management Practices Acceptable for Water Quality (From: New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Table 3.3) Group Practice Micropool Extended Detention Pond (P-1) Wet Pond (P-2) Pond Wet Extended Detention Pond (P-3) Multiple Pond System (P4) Pocket Pond (P-5) Shallow Wetland (W-1) Wetland Extended Detention Wetland (W-2) Pond/Wetland System (W3) Pocket Wetland (W-4) Infiltration Trench (I-1) Infiltration Infiltration Basin (I-2) Dry Well (I-3) Surface Sand Filter (F-1) Filtering Practices Underground Sand Filter (F2) Perimeter Sand Filter (F-3) Organic Filter (F-4) Bioretention (F-5) Dry Swale (O-1) Open Channels Wet Swale (O-2) Description Pond that treats the majority of the water quality volume through extended detention, and incorporates a micropool at the outlet of the pond to prevent sediment resuspension. Pond that provides storage for the entire water quality volume in the permanent pool. Pond that treats a portion of the water quality volume by detaining storm flows above a permanent pool for a specified minimum detention time. A group of ponds that collectively treat the water quality volume. A stormwater wetland design adapted for the treatment of runoff from small drainage areas that has little or no baseflow available to maintain water elevations and relies on groundwater to maintain a permanent pool. A wetland that provides water quality treatment entirely in a shallow marsh. A wetland system that provides some fraction of the water quality volume by detaining storm flows above the marsh surface. A wetland system that provides a portion of the water quality volume in the permanent pool of a wet pond that precedes the marsh for a specified minimum detention time. A shallow wetland design adapted for the treatment of runoff from small drainage areas that has variable water levels and relies on groundwater for its permanent pool. An infiltration practice that stores the water quality volume in the void spaces of a gravel trench before it is infiltrated into the ground. An infiltration practice that stores the water quality volume in a shallow depression before it is infiltrated into the ground. An infiltration practice similar in design to the infiltration trench, and best suited for treatment of rooftop runoff. A filtering practice that treats stormwater by settling out larger particles in a sediment chamber, and then filtering stormwater through a sand matrix. A filtering practice that treats stormwater as it flows through underground settling and filtering chambers. A filter that incorporates a sediment chamber and filter bed as parallel vaults adjacent to a parking lot. A filtering practice that uses an organic medium such as compost in the filter in place of sand. A shallow depression that treats stormwater as it flows through a soil matrix, and is returned to the storm drain system. An open drainage channel or depression explicitly designed to detain and promote the filtration of stormwater runoff into the soil media. An open drainage channel or depression designed to retain water or intercept groundwater for water quality treatment. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 40 Schedule B SAMPLE STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Whereas, the Municipality of ________________("Municipality") and the _______________ ("facility owner") want to enter into an agreement to provide for the long term maintenance and continuation of stormwater control measures approved by the Municipality for the below named project, and Whereas, the Municipality and the facility owner desire that the stormwater control measures be built in accordance with the approved project plans and thereafter be maintained, cleaned, repaired, replaced and continued in perpetuity in order to ensure optimum performance of the components. Therefore, the Municipality and the facility owner agree as follows: 1. This agreement binds the Municipality and the facility owner, its successors and assigns, to the maintenance provisions depicted in the approved project plans which are attached as Schedule A of this agreement. 2. The facility owner shall maintain, clean, repair, replace and continue the stormwater control measures depicted in Schedule A as necessary to ensure optimum performance of the measures to design specifications. The stormwater control measures shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: drainage ditches, swales, dry wells, infiltrators, drop inlets, pipes, culverts, soil absorption devices, stormwater ponds and wetlands, bioretention and rain gardens, tree boxes, green roofs, stormwater planters, rain tanks and cisterns, and porous pavement. 3. The facility owner shall be responsible for all expenses related to the maintenance of the stormwater control measures and shall establish a means for the collection and distribution of expenses among parties for any commonly owned facilities. 4. The facility owner shall provide for the periodic inspection of the stormwater control measures, at the frequency recommended in the Design Manual to determine the condition and integrity of the measures. Such inspection shall be performed by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of New York at least once every 5 years. The inspecting engineer shall prepare and submit to the Municipality within 30 days of the inspection, a written report of the findings including recommendations for those actions necessary for the continuation of the stormwater control measures. 5. The facility owner shall not authorize, undertake or permit alteration, abandonment, modification or discontinuation of the stormwater control measures except in accordance with written approval of the Municipality. 6. The facility owner shall undertake necessary repairs and replacement of the stormwater control measures at the direction of the Municipality or in accordance with the recommendations of the inspecting engineer. 7. The facility owner shall provide to the Municipality within 30 days of the date of this agreement, a security for the maintenance and continuation of the stormwater control measures in the form of ( a Bond, letter of credit or escrow account). 8. This agreement shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, County of _____________together with the deed for the common property and shall be included in the offering plan and/or prospectus approved pursuant to ______________. 9. If ever the Municipality determines that the facility owner has failed to construct or maintain the stormwater control measures in accordance with the project plan or has failed to undertake corrective action specified by the Municipality or by the inspecting engineer, the Municipality is authorized to undertake such steps as reasonably necessary for the preservation, continuation or maintenance of the stormwater control measures and to affix the expenses thereof as a lien against the property, and /or to levy the maintenance expenses undertaken by the Municipality on the annual taxes of the property owner (check language with your local attorney). 10. This agreement is effective ____________________ From: Lake George Park Commission Model Stormwater Management Ordinance, Schedule E, Revised 11/1/10 and 6/7/12 Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 41 Appendix 3 - Model Shared Driveway Agreement SHARED DRIVEWAY AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Background of Agreement Users are owners of adjacent properties in the (City, Town, Village) of _______________, New York. User One:____________________, is owner of the property at ________________________(address)_________________________(tax parcel number). User Two:________________is owner of the property at ___________________________ (address)________________________________(tax parcel number). The Users own properties that abut each other and have access from ______________________. There is a driveway that serves both properties. The Users have determined that it is in their mutual interest to have executed and recorded an agreement for sharing the costs of maintenance and repair of the driveway. The purpose of this Agreement is to place into writing the mutual rights and obligations of the Users of the jointly used driveway. Agreement NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises and intending to be legally bound, the Users (parties) agree as follows: 1. Grant of Easement. Each party grants to the other a permanent easement over and across their respective properties for the purpose in ingress and egress to their adjoining properties. 2. Sharing of Costs and Expenses. The parties shall share the expenses as follows: _____________________, his/her successors and assigns shall pay one-half of the maintenance and repair of the driveway that is jointly used. ___________________, their successors and assigns shall pay one-half of the costs of maintenance and repair of the jointly used driveway that is used solely by them. 3. Binding Effect. This Shared Driveway Agreement shall not be modified except in writing signed by the parties, their successors or assigns. This Agreement and its obligations and benefits shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. This Agreement dated this _______day of _______________, 20____ (Signature – User One) (Print Name – User One) (Signature – User Two) (Print Name – User Two) Adapted for New York from the Township of Halfmoon, Centre County, Pennsylvania. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 42 Appendix 4 – Model Shared Parking Agreements Example 1: Model Legal Shared Parking Agreement EASEMENT FOR SHARED PARKING WHEREAS, the parties to the easement wish to take advantage of the shared parking provisions of Chapter of the (City, Town Village) of Municipal Code. 1. For consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) paid in hand, present and future benefits to be derived by Grantor and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor, , (Name) doing business as , (Name) . hereby conveys and warrants to Grantee, (Name) doing business as , (Name) its successors, heirs and assigns, a nonexclusive, perpetual easement for motor vehicle parking on the following described real property: [Legal Description of Servient Estate] situated in the (City, Town Village) of , York for the benefit of Grantee’s property described as: County, New [Legal Description of Dominant Estate] situated in the (City, Town Village) of York. , County, New Such parking easement shall be applicable only to the following parking lot(s) located on the above-described servient estate. [Include a map or sketch of the lots or parking facilities applicable to this easement, should more than one exist upon the subject property.] SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 43 1. This easement shall not be altered or terminated without the express written permission of the [Pick one but should match the local code language: Planning Board, Code Enforcement Officer] of the (City, Town, Village) of or his/her designee. 2. Grantor covenants that there are (#) of motor vehicle parking spaces on the above-described property and that Grantor shall not decrease that number of parking spaces without the express written permission of the [Pick one but should match the local code language: Planning Board, Code Enforcement Officer] of the (City, Town, Village) of or his/her designee. 3. Grantee shall post and maintain signage on the dominant and servient estates directing its customers and employees to parking. 4. Grantor may temporarily close the subject parking lot(s) for maintenance and repair. Cost of repair and maintenance shall be paid by . 5. Neither Grantee nor Grantor shall change, alter or expand the use of their respective properties described above so as to require additional parking under the provision of the (City, Town, Village) of Municipal Code in excess of existing parking spaces without the express written permission of the [Pick one but should match the local code language: Planning Board, Code Enforcement Officer] or his/her designee. DATED this day of . 20 . GRANTOR (Signature) (Print Name) GRANTEE (Signature) (Print Name) Adapted for New York from the Better Site Design Handbook (Center for Watershed Protection, 1998) and Wells, 1995. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 44 Example 2: Model Shared Use Agreement for Parking Facilities Effective: This Shared Use Agreement for Parking Facilities, entered into this , between , hereinafter called lessor and , hereinafter called lessee. day of In consideration of the covenants herein, lessor agrees to share with lessee certain parking facilities, as is situated in the (City, Town, Village) of . County of and State of , hereinafter called the facilities, described as: [Include legal description of location and spaces to be shared here, and as shown on attachment 1 - map]. The facilities shall be shared commencing with the day of , 20 , and ending at 11:59 PM on the day of , 20 , for [insert negotiated compensation figures, as appropriate]. The lessee agrees to pay at [insert payment address] to lessor by the day of each month [or other payment arrangements]. Lessor hereby represents that it hold legal title to the facilities. The parties agree: 1. USE OF FACILITIES Lessee shall have exclusive use of the facilities between the hours of [AM/PM] [day] through [AM/PM] [day]. Lessor shall have exclusive use of the facilities between the hours of [AM/ PM] [day] through [AM/PM] [day]. 2. MAINTENANCE Lessor shall provide, as reasonably necessary asphalt repair work. Lessee and Lessor agree to share striping, seal coating and lot sweeping at a 50%/50% mutual split based upon mutually accepted maintenance contracts with outside vendors. Lessor shall maintain lot and landscaping at or above the current condition, at no additional cost to the lessee. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] 3. UTILITIES and TAXES Lessor shall pay all taxes and utilities associated with the facilities, including maintenance of existing facility lighting as directed by standard safety practices. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] 4. SIGNAGE Lessee may provide signage, meeting with the written approval of lessor and the [City, Town, Village] of , designating usage allowances. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 45 1. ENFORCEMENT Lessee may provide a surveillance officer(s) for parking safety and usage only for the period of its exclusive use. Lessee and lessor reserve the right to tow, at owners expense, vehicles improperly parked or abandoned. All towing shall be with the approval of the lessor. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] 6. COOPERATION Lessee and lessor agree to cooperate to the best of their abilities to mutually use the facilities without disrupting the other party. The parties agree to meet on occasion to work out any problems that may arise to the shared use. 7. INSURANCE At their own expense, lessor and lessee agree to maintain liability insurance for the facilities as is standard for their own business usage. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] 8. INDEMNIFICATION [This section should describe indemnification as applicable and negotiated. Legal counsel should be consulted for appropriate language to every agreement]. 9. TERMINATION If lessor transfers ownership, or if part or all of the facilities are condemned, or access to the facilities is changed or limited, lessee may, in its sole discretion, terminate this agreement without further liability by giving Lessor not less than 60 days prior written notice. Upon termination of this agreement, Lessee agrees to remove all signage and repair damage due to excessive use or abuse. Lessor agrees to give lessee the right of first refusal on subsequent renewal of this agreement. [Revise as necessary to meet local needs] 10. SUPPLEMENTAL COVENANTS [This section should contain any additional covenants, rights, responsibilities and/or agreements.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date Set forth at the outset hereof. [Signature and notarization as appropriate to a legal document and as appropriate to recording process negotiated between parties.] Adapted for New York from the Model – Shared Use Agreement for Parking Facilities developed by Stein Engineering, 1997, in the document: Model Zoning Regulations for Parking for Northwest Connecticut, Northwest Connecticut Parking Study – Phase II. Northwestern Connecticut Council of Governments, 2003. Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 46 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, p.384, 395. Washington, D.C., 2004. American Society of Civil Engineers, National Association of Home Builders and Urban Land Institute Manual. Residential Streets. 1990. Bannerman, et. al. “Sources of Pollutants in Wisconsin Stormwater.” Water Science Technology, (1993) 28(3-5):241-259. Center for Watershed Protection. Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community. Ellicott City, MD. August 1998. Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc., Model Zoning Regulations for Parking for Northwestern Connecticut. Northwestern Connecticut Council of Governments and Litchfield Hills Council of Elected Officials. September 2003. Kendall, Barbara L. Proposed Green Infrastructure and Runoff Reduction Amendments for Local Laws. 2012. Lumia, Richard, Douglas A. Freehafer, and Martyn J. Smith. Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in New York. United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5112. Mulvihill, Christiane I., Barry P. Baldigo, Sarah J. Miller, Douglas DeKoskie, and Joel DuBois. Bankfull Discharge and Channel Characteristics of Streams in New York State United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5144. Natural Resources Conservation Service. "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", NRCS Technical Release -55 (TR-55). Natural Resources Conservation Service. "Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology," NRCS Technical Release-20 (TR-20). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Albany, NY, 2010 or most recent version. New York State Department of Transportation. Highway Design Manual - Chapter 8. Highway Drainage Revision 61, March 25, 2011. New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control, Albany, NY, 2005 or most recent version. Nolon, John R. Well Grounded: Shaping the Destiny of the Empire State – Local Land Use Law and Practice. Pace University School of Law, White Plains, NY. March 1999. Pitt, Robert E. Small Storm Urban Flow and Particulate Washoff Contributions to Outfall Discharges. Doctorate Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1987. Sample Local Law for Stormwater Management and Erosion & Sediment Control, originally Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 47 published in the Stormwater Management Guidance Manual for Local Officials, NYSDEC and NYS Department of State, 2004, the Sample Local Law was subsequently revised in 2006, 2010 and 2012. Steuer, et. al. Sources of Contamination in an Urban Basin in Marquette, Michigan and an Analysis of Concentrations, Loads, and Data Quality. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report No. 97-4242. 1997. Wells, C. Impervious Surface Reduction Study: Final Report. City of Olympia Public Works Department. Water Resources Program. Olympia, WA. 1995. Websites General at: (Search for local codes with progressive standards by entering key words such as green infrastructure, low impact development, bioretention, etc.) Mountaintop LID website including LID Manual, Model Zoning Regulations for Parking, NYS Sample Local Law for Stormwater Management, Town of Dover Chapter 65 Erosion & Sediment Control at: New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control at: New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual at: Plants and Ground Covers for Various Site Conditions - See Appendices to the LID Guide - pages 107 to 126 at: Streamstats at: Village of Tannersville Recommended Model Development Principles 48