Copyright, i Besa Xhaferi 2013
Copyright, i Besa Xhaferi 2013
Copyright, i Besa Xhaferi 2013 1 Udhёheqёsi i Besa Xhaferi, vёrteton se ky ёshtё version i miratuar i disertacionit tё mёposhtёm: PRODUCTION FUNCTION OF FIRMS IN TRANSITION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM ALBANIA AND MACEDONIA Prof.Dr. Mit‟hat Mema 2 PRODUCTION FUNCTION OF FIRMS IN TRANSITION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM ALBANIA AND MACEDONIA Pёrgatitur nga: MSc. Besa Xhaferi “Disertacioni i paraqitur nё Fakultetin e Biznesit Universiteti “Aleksandёr Moisu” Durrёs Nё pёrputhje tё plotё Me kёrkesat Pёr gradёn “Doktor” Universiti “Aleksandёr Moisu” Durrёs Tetor, 2013 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis has benefited from the supportive attitude and insights of several people on different grounds. First of all I would like to show my gratitude to Prof. Mit‟hat Mema for the ongoing timely and critical comments. Then I wish to thank all professors who taught on the Doctoral Studies in Economics who challenged my critical thinking and significantly improved my knowledge of economics. Next, I wish to thank my parents who showed unreserved support which enabled me to complete my degree. Finally I want to thank to all my colleagues on the doctoral program from whom despite our differences, I learnt a lot about our common language- the language of economics. 4 Deklaratё mbi origjinalitetin Besa Xhaferi Deklaroj se kjo tezë përfaqëson punën time origjinale dhe nuk kam përdorur burime të tjera, përveç atyre të shkruajtura nëpërmjet citimeve. Të gjitha të dhënat. Tabelat, figurat dhe citimet në tekst, të cilat janë riprodhuar prej ndonjë burimi tjetër, duke përfshire edhe internetin, janë pranuar në mënyre eksplicide si të tilla. Jam i/ e vetëdijshme/shme se në rast të mospërputhjeve, Këshilli i Profesorëve të UAMDsë është i ngarkuar të më revokojë gradën “Doktor”, që më është dhënë mbi bazën e kësaj teze, në përputhje me “Rregulloren e programeve të studimit të ciklit të tretë (Doktoratë) të UAMD-së, neni 33, miratuar prej Senatit Akademik të UAMD-së me Vendimin nr. , datë ________ Durrës, më _________________ Firma 5 PЁRMBLEDHJE Palёt kryesore tё interesuara nё produktivitetin dhe profitabilitetin e firmёs janё punёtorёt, pronarёt dhe qeveria. Debati konsiston nё mёnyrёn si matet produktiviteti nё kuptimin e varibalve dhe metodologjisё qё zbatohet nё vlerёsim. Qёllimi i kёtij studimi ёshtё tё ofrojё prova mbi funksionin e prodhimit dhe produktivitetit pёr kompanitё nё Shqipёri dhe Maqedoni. Tё dhёnat e pёrdorura janё ato tё ofruara nga BEEPS pёr njё kampionё tё firmave nё Shqipёri dhe Maqedoni, ndёrsa modelet e pёrdorura pёr vlerёsimn si metoda e katrorёve tё vegjёl dhe metoda e pёrgjasёsisё maksimale janё modele qё pёrshkruajnё produktivitetin dhe funksionin e prodhimit Cobb-Douglas. Studimet e produktivitetit mund ti ndajmё nё tre grupe: studime lidhur me pёrkufizimin e produktivitetit, studime lidhur me faktorёt qё ndikojnё nё produktivitet dhe studime pёr krahasimin e produktivitetit. Sugjerojmё se pёrkufizimi i inputeve dhe outputeve sё bashku me metodologjinё e studimit janё thelbёsore nё interpretimin e rezultatteve si dhe rekomandimit tё politikave pёrkatёse. Natyra e firmёs, struktura e tregut dhe financimi janё pёrcaktues tё mundshёm tё inovacionit. Prurje tjetёr ёshtё se zgjerimi i mumdёsive nё pёrdorimin e internetit rrit probabilitetin pёr tё pasur investime nё R&D. Sё fundi arrijmё nё pёrfundimin se kompanitё nё kampionin e pёrdorur operojnё me tё ardhura rritёse tё shkallёs. Studimi paraqet kornizёn teorike pёr objektin e studimit dhe mbi metodologjinё e zbatuar pёr provat e prezantuara. Kontribut themelor i studimit ёshtё paraqitja e provave pёr pёrshkrimin e produktivitetit si dhe faktorёve qё influencojnё produktivitetin pёr vendet nё tranzicion. FJALЁ KYCE: elasticiteti i çmimit i faktorёve, funksioni i prodhimit, produktiviteti i punёs, R&D 6 ABSTRACT The main stakeholders in the productivity and profitability of the firm are the employees, the owners and the government. Disputable is how to measure productivity in the sense of variables used as proxies and the methodology used for estimation. The purpose of this study is to provide evidence on production function and productivity for companies in Albania and Macedonia BEEPS data are used, and estimation methods are: OLS and MLE for models describing productivity and a Cobb-Douglass production function for a sample data in Albania and Macedonia. Studies on productivity may be divided into three strands: Studies exploring the definition of productivity, studies measuring factors that may influence productivity and comparative studies on productivity. We suggest that definition of inputs and outputs as well as the methodology we apply are crucial for interpretation and policy recommendation. The nature of the firm, the structure of the market and financing are possible determinants of innovation. Another finding is that having internet broadband increases the probability to have an R&D investment. Last we find that companies in our sample data operate with increasing returns to scale. The study provides the theoretical background framework both for the issue discussed and the estimation methodology used for the evidence provided. The main contribution to the literature is providing evidence for describing productivity and also factors that influence productivity for transition countries. Key Words: Factor Price Elasticity, Production Function, Labor Productivity, R&D 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS: List of figures: ................................................................................................................. 11 Table of tables: ................................................................................................................ 12 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 13 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ON RESEARCH AND MEASURMENT OF PRODUCTIVITY ........................................................................................................... 17 2.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 17 2.2. DEFINITION OF PRODUCTIVITY .................................................................... 18 2.2.1 MICRO AND MACRO PRODUCTIVITY ..................................................... 22 2.3. MEASURING PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY, PERFORMANCE, INPUT, OUTPUT ........................................................................................................... 25 2.3.1 PRODUCTIVITY AS PERFORMANCE MEASURE ................................... 29 2.4 INDEX NUMBER STUDIES ............................................................................... 31 2.4.1 MALMQUIST INDEX ...................................................................................... 32 2.4.2. TORNQVIST INDEX ....................................................................................... 34 2.5 COBB DOUGLAS PRODUCTION FUNCTION ............................................. 36 2.6. DISTANCE FUNCTION..................................................................................... 41 2.7. DEA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 42 2.8. PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER VARIABLES (INNOVATION, R&D, IT, INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE) ....................................... 43 2.9. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ............................................................................... 47 2.10. 2.11. MORE ON PRODUCTIVITY .................................................................... 48 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 49 3. A DISCUSSION ON DATA AND METHODOLOGY: MLE AND COBBDOUGLAS MODEL SPECIFICATION ...................................................................... 50 3.1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 50 3.2. THE QUESTIONARE............................................................................................. 51 3.3. PANEL DATA .......................................................................................................... 51 3.4. VARIABLE DEFINITION ..................................................................................... 54 3.5. MODEL AND ESTIMATION DISCUSSION ...................................................... 58 3.5.1. LOGIT ESTIMATION ........................................................................................ 60 3.6. COBB- DOUGLAS PRODUCTION FUNCTION ............................................... 67 8 3.7. BUSSINESS CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................ 69 3.8. MAIN CHARACTERISITICS OF FIRMS........................................................... 71 3.9. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 73 4. EVIDENCE ON FACTORS DESCRIBING PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION FUNCTION ......................................................................................... 74 4.1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 74 4.2. MODEL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 74 4.2. INNOVATION MODEL ......................................................................................... 76 4.3. DEFINITION AND IMPROTANCE OF INNOVATION ............................... 76 4.4. PREDICTORS OF INNOVATION ................................................................... 78 4.5. R&D PREDICTORS ........................................................................................... 83 4.6. THE R&D MODEL ............................................................................................. 85 4.7. EVIDENCE ON PREDICTORS OF R&D........................................................ 85 4.8. COBB- DOUGLAS ESTIMATION .................................................................. 87 4.9. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 93 5. CONCLUSION, POLICY RECOMANDATION, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH ................................................................................................... 95 5.1 SUMMARY ON THE LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................. 95 5.2 POLICY RECOMANDATION ............................................................................... 96 5.3 MAIN CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................... 97 5.4LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY AND RECOMANDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH .................................................................................................................... 99 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................... 101 A.1 LIST OF ABREVIATIONS .................................................................................. 101 A.2 SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................... 102 A.3 DATASET QUESTIONS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONARE ............................ 107 A.4 SUMMARY STATISTICS OF THE QUESTIONARE: AFTER CORRECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 110 A.5 SUMMARY STATISTICS OF VARIABLES ..................................................... 115 A.6 SUMMARY TABLE OF SUMMARY STATISTICS..................................... 117 A.7 NATURE OF DATA .............................................................................................. 118 A.8 ESTIMATION OUTPUTS .................................................................................... 119 9 A.8.1 INNOVATION MODEL .................................................................................... 119 A.8.2 R&D MODEL ..................................................................................................... 122 A.8.3 COBB DOUGLAS ESTIMATION ................................................................... 125 A.8.4 ELASTICITY OF SUBSTITUTION OUTPUT ............................................... 129 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 130 10 List of figures: Figure 1 Model of low productivity growth ................................................................................. 19 Figure 2 Productivity studies ......................................................................................................... 21 Figure 3 Overview of main productivity measures ....................................................................... 25 Figure 4 Performance measurement system .................................................................................. 26 Figure 5 Goal alignment model ..................................................................................................... 28 Figure 6 A framework for performance measurement system design .......................................... 30 Figure 7 Analytical framework of sources of growth.................................................................... 37 Figure 8 Knowledge production function...................................................................................... 39 Figure 9 Innovation and productivity ............................................................................................ 44 Figure 10 Superior performance principles ................................................................................... 45 Figure 11 Business constraints ...................................................................................................... 70 Figure 12 Business constraints ...................................................................................................... 70 Figure 13 Comparison of firm characteristic ................................................................................. 72 11 Table of tables: Table 1 Variable Description......................................................................................................... 56 Table 2 Comparison of business constraints in descending order ................................................. 71 Table 3 Summary statistics............................................................................................................ 75 Table 4 Logit estimate ................................................................................................................... 80 Table 5 The marginal effect of logit estimate................................................................................ 81 Table 6 Estimation results- Macedonia and Albania (1) ............................................................... 82 Table 7 Estimation results- Macedonia and Albania (2) ............................................................... 83 Table 8 Logit estimate ................................................................................................................... 86 Table 9 Marginal effects................................................................................................................ 86 Table 10 Cobb-Douglas estimation ............................................................................................... 89 Table 11 Model estimation ............................................................................................................ 91 Table 12 Heteroscedascity corrected estimation, robust ............................................................... 91 Table 13 Estimating elasticity of substitution ............................................................................... 92 12 “All theory depends on assumptions which are not quite true. That is what makes it theory. The art of successful theorizing is to make the inevitable simplifying assumptions in such a way that the final results are not very sensitive.” Solow (1956), p. 65. 1. INTRODUCTION The interest of researchers in studying productivity and production functions dates from the XIX century and is rising because of the acknowledged gains from working with higher productivity both theoretically and empirically. Albeit the benefits, difficulties on different grounds arise when measuring productivity. The long history of productivity studies and the transition since the beginning till nowadays resulted with offering a menu of alternatives of measurements. While measurement alternatives were proposed on the other hand critics and remedial measures were developed in order to have a better understanding on productivity. The rising interest hand in hand with the long history contributed the fact that nowadays the scope of productivity studies widen ( in different fields of economics) and deepen ( development of a range of models for estimation purposes) in order to provide more reliable and accurate measures. Productivity itself can take several meanings but the thesis attempts to analyze it in the production function context in microeconomics level. The focus of the thesis is to provide conceptual and methodological issues regarding productivity measurement, identifying and providing evidence for factors contributing to productivity growth. The thesis aims at estimating marginal labor productivity and marginal capital productivity. The main focus of this thesis is to look at firm, industry and market factors that drive productivity growth and estimation of elasticity‟s of corresponding inputs. The economies we are looking at have been centralized economies. Having a planned economy and being centralized does not really help productivity. The literature on productivity is not sparse but is limited for the scope of transition countries. Also there is no general remedy how to employ unproductive inputs in productive or how to make unproductive firms to turn in productive ones. In order to reach desirable productivity results there should rather be multilevel changes in considerable aspect that will be tangible to employees and employers. Academicians and researcher provide theories on productivity, but in order to suggest policy recommendations these theories we need measurement techniques and empirical evidence. Since Smiths classification of labor in productive and unproductive in The Wealth of Nations the insight of productivity in economics evolved and nowadays is extensively used. Productivity assessments provide reflections regarding the performance of individuals or business entities; utilization of resources and sustainability of business in the long-run. We acknowledge that the literature on productivity is diverse and looking at different aspects of productivity. Productivity may be discussed in the production functions using inputs such as labour and capital. An alternative way of studying productivity is looking at the cost function- the minimum cost to produce. And there is duality between approaches. 13 Economists relate input and output since 1800 ( Levinsohn and Petrin, (2000)). Sandelin (1976) notes that there are different dates regarding to the origins of Cobb-Douglas production function and suggest that the origins go back in Wicksteed (1984) while it is often stated that the origins date in Wicksell (1901). The very first estimation relating input with outputs using least squares is in the study of Cobb (mathematician) and Douglas (economist) and presented in the paper A theory of production in 1928.The Cobb- Douglas production function is discussed widely on economic and econometric grounds and yet is widely used for estimation purposes. Since the Cobb-Douglas estimation till nowadays various studies empirically test productivity. What they try to answer is what determines productivity and how to develop more accurate techniques for measurement. But yet the researchers do not develop a general road map of how productivity may be increased or incentivized because of the complexity of the matter beginning from the numerous available definition of productivity and followed by different estimation techniques. Consequently a large importance on productivity studies is addressed to issues of measurement such as: how to measure our variables of interest, check for the availability of the data, select the country and firms of our interest and then use the quantitative methods for estimating our sample of data. The purpose of the study is to asses relationships between factors driving productivity and firm specific characteristics, market structure and business environment. Transition countries are characterized with large number of small and medium size companies because of their flexibility to change accordingly to changes in the market or economy which on the other hand is typical for such countries. In this study the focus of interest is for companies in two countries: Albania and Macedonia. The focus group of companies are only SME for transition countries. Emerging market based countries such as the case of Macedonia and Albania are looking at the development of SME‟s as one of the key features for encacing the economic development of the country. In order to provide empirical evidence we employ a sample generated from BEEPS (The Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey) dataset and estimate with regression analysis. The sample structure was selected using stratified random sampling for the countries covered in the questionnaire except for Albania where frame blocks enumeration was used. The questionnaire was accomplished by EBRD( European Bank for Research and Development), World Bank and official sources in respective countries and data collection was organized in two phases : in the first one eligible enterprises were contacted , and after successfully contacted in the second phase face to face interviews were conducted..The underlying model estimated in the thesis is Cobb-Douglas production function in order to obtain input elasticity and estimate economies of scale. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is applied in the models for determining predictors of factors that describe productivity. This research contributes to the literature responding to the challenge of providing evidence on two Candidate Countries for European Union, namely Albania and this study is referred both to factors that may possibly determine productivity and to describing productivity. The study aims to provide evidence for the hypothesis stated as follows: H1: companies in respective countries possibly do not operate at their minimum cost 14 H2:Labour market may be crucial for well-being of companies H3: structure of the market may influence determinants of productivity H4 : IT investment may describe factors determining productivity The research on this study has some underlying assumptions: Assumption1: according to the fact that the targeted number of questionnaire has been reached in the respective countries we assume that our sample data is a fair representation; Assumption 2: taking under consideration that companies in both countries tend to show similar characteristics and that countries share similarities we assume that companies have identical production function; Assumption 3: following we assume that Cobb-Douglas production may describe the company‟s‟ production function and its underlying assumptions hold ; Assumption 4: we assume that innovation and R&D are factors describing productivity; Assumption 5: we assume that increasing labor productivity does not cause Principle-Agent problem; Assumption 6: we assume that increasing labor productivity may increase the company‟s productivity respectively a paradox of vanishing productivity from individual level to firm level do not happen. The structure of the thesis is as follows: the study begins with this introductory part and it is followed by three chapters and finalized with a concluding chapter. Additionally contains an appendix with more details about interested reader and the literature which was helpful for the successful finishing of the study. Productivity enhances growth in the macro level. The hypothesis is that the channel to this are form a micro level: employee productivity lead to company productivity which lead to better macroeconomic indicators – growth of the production frontier. Issues such as theoretical grounds, micro foundations and literature review on the area of interest are the focus of the first chapter: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ON RESEARCH AND MEASURMENT OF PRODUCTIVITY. Thus the aim of this chapter is to review the range of available studies regarding productivity measurement. Chapter two concludes that the definition of variables and estimation methodology is important. Analyzing the available datasets there are resulting difficulties in data that are comparable to larger number of countries, measurement problems, defining problems. Therefore a detailed overview of data, variables, characteristics of firms and estimation methodology is discussed in the third chapter: A DISCUSSION ON DATA AND METHODOLOGY: MLE AND COBB-DOUGLAS MODEL SPECIFICATION. The results of the empirical evidence are estimated using regression analysis respectively OLS and MLE for sample companies in Albania and Macedonia. The detailed evidence and economic interpretation of results is the object of analysis in chapter four: EVIDENCE ON FACTORS DESCRIBING PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION FUNCTION. The main purpose of this chapter is to estimate the model in order to provide empirical evidence for the conclusions of the study which will be presented in the last chapter. 15 Summarizing the study contains three main chapters respectively, the second one is about the literature review, the third one discusses data and methodology and the fourth chapter provides estimation results. In the final chapter we summarize main findings and conclusions of the study. Additionally we provide ideas and scope for future research that may contribute to this field of interest and we offer some policy recommendations. The limitations of the study are discussed in this last chapter: CONCLUSION, POLICY RECOMANDATION, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH. 16 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ON RESEARCH AND MEASURMENT OF PRODUCTIVITY 2.1 INTRODUCTION Productivity studies are an important area for the employees, the owners and the government. Productivity is a performance measure for any state of development since productivity may enhance growth. Micro data in studying productivity are important in different fields of economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, labor economics, international trade and industrial organization. We identify several approaches for studying productivity: index number studies, production function, distance function and DEA analysis. Besides different approaches for studying productivity we identify different empirical approaches for estimation in the empirical evidence of productivity studies and we notice that studies that use panel data are sparse. Concluding we suggest that identification of drawbacks of the empirical estimation is crucial for deciding the choice of empirical estimation. The theoretical framework of the literature review on studies on productivity finds different measures of productivity, input, and output used to study the nature and the determinants of productivity. Therefore arrives the note that researches should be cautious when proposing policies depending on the measurement of individual variables used in the estimation process. Concluding the definition of variables used in the model and the estimation methodology are crucial for the results we will obtain. There is a large “menu” of methodologies used in productivity studies but this chapter aims looking at the most common used methodologies such as: Index Numbers, Production Function, Distance Function and DEA analysis. The problem of availability of data for large samples and longer time periods is a limitation for conducting studies on productivity. In order to address in detail to the question of interest the chapter suggests that micro- panel dataset may be helpful in solving estimation and comparison problems resulting in productivity studies. The chapter tempts to answer how to define productivity, how it can be measured and how can it be practiced. Looking at the literature review was crucial for finding that most of definitions of productivity use input and output or simply define productivity as a measure of translating inputs to output. This leads to another question how inputs and outputs can be defined and are they always measurable? “Translating” inputs in outputs is a process so there may not be straightforward answers. Productivity is not a matter of only developing countries is a matter of any state of development. The theoretical framework chapter is structured as follows: begins with the definition of productivity in section 2.2; then follows with measurement issues in section 2.3. After defining notions and identifying the measurement problems develops with specific measures used in productivity studies such as: index number studies in 2.4; production function studies in 2.5; distance function in 2.6; DEA analysis in 2.7. On the next section the focus is on studies that correlate productivity with other variables in 2.8 and further identifies comparative studies in 1.9. We end this chapter with our main conclusions. 17 2.2. DEFINITION OF PRODUCTIVITY First we want to point out difference between physical and economical productivity. The first one is about the quantity obtained by a unit of input whereas the latter is the value obtained by a unit of input. If we are only interested in just one input ( being that labor or capital) than we have to do with partial productivity for example labor productivity1 or capital productivity, whereas if we are interested in aggregation of all the inputs used in the production function than we are dealing with total factor productivity2. Thus, in the process of productive translating of inputs in outputs, we may be interested in technology that the company uses, the demand and the elasticity of the demand for the goods produced the skills of the labor input and their respective learning curve. Thus in the firm level being productive may be understood as incentivizing employees to work efficiently. In the macro level studies on productivity we may be interested in GDP and employment. While firms increase productivity there are three scenario possibilities: Increasing technological unemployment because of investment in technology; Increasing the employment because of more qualitative and more costly products; Ensure stability of employment by reacting with proportional changes. This suggest us that just being productive itself does not mean that we will be able to have straightforward benefits so any institutional change should be looked with caution. While defining productivity as a ratio of output and inputs sounds simple the measurement is complex. The most common definition used for productivity is output per unit of input used. On the basic principles of economics we are aware of the fact that input resources are scarce thus it is very important to know how to utilize them efficiently. According to Smith in “The wealth of nations‟‟ productivity is related to outcomes that are fixed to tangible assets what is invested, while the outcome (the value) that is consumed than that is unproductive. He explains this difference by dividing the labor in two broad categories: productive and unproductive. Sink and Smith (p. 136) use the following definition “Productivity is the relationship between what comes out of the organizational system and what is consumed to create those outputs”, while “profitability measures the relationship between revenues and costs” (p.137). Buccola and Steve (2008) review three frameworks to study productivity : Dynamic framework, Distance function framework and Price-induced innovation framework and conclude that since three approaches have different motives it is difficult to make comparisons between them and suggest that the three approaches can bridge the gaps that makes them have dissimilarities. Oyeranti note that misconception about productivity are made when productivity is related only to labor productivity Productivity is not same with increase in performance. Cutting cost does not mean increasing productivity 1 2 We will abbreviate it as LP in the rest of the text We will abbreviate it as TFP in the rest of the text 18 Accordingly productivity simultaneously considers effectiveness and efficiency. Scot (1985) model low productivity traps as shown in the figure below: Low productivity growth (compared with input prices especially labour and energy Lagging capital formation ( and insufficient capitallabor ratio Rising prices domestic and export goods Rising unit (labour and energy) cost Lower utilization of domestic plant capacity Sluggish sales (in domestic and forign markets) Figure 1 Model of low productivity growth Source: Scott, 1985, p.8 The importance of research on productivity is outlined in Mawson et al. (2003). They refer to productivity as the economy‟s ability to translate inputs in outputs and different types of inputs give various measures of productivity. They point the difference between partial productivity and total factor productivity. When productivity is measured, usually growth and not levels are measured. They summarize approaches to measuring productivity: 19 1. The growth accounting approach ( assumes that technology is separable; constant returns to scale; producers behave efficiently; perfect competition) The TFP is the residual of Cobb Douglas production function; 2. The index number approach (TFP index is calculated straightforward as a ratio of output index and input index. The issue here is which index to choose: Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher, Tornqvist index); 3. Distance function approach (how close the output vector is to the production function given the input vector. If the economy is in the production frontier the distance will take value of 1, when it is below the frontier the value will be below 1. To construct Malmquist productivity index we need the production frontiers with constant returns to scale that show the technology available in two periods and information on input/output combinations in the two periods. We calculate two distance functions which will take values between 0 and 1 and describe the relative efficiency, how close was output to the production frontier; 4. Econometric approach (incorporates estimating parameters of a specified production function and gains information on full representation. Researchers have used different techniques to measure productivity in New Zeeland such as OLS (Razzak, 2002); growth accounting approach and peak-to peak- approach (Mc Lellan, 2001); chained Fisher index (Diewert and Lawrence 1999) and they provide different productivity measures as outlined in Mawson et al. (2003) in their literature review. Thus there is a large “menu” of alternatives in the research of productivity but this has the problem of choosing which alternative is most appropriate since they provide different measures. They explain that differences in measures may be due to different measures of inputs and output. For example capital may be measured as gross capital stock or net capital stock. Usually researches use own estimates of capital even when data are available. As considered to labor input it may be measured as total number of employees, full time equivalent or number of hours worked. While measures of output may be gross output or value added measures. They conclude that differences in productivity measures in New Zealand are due to different methodologies, different time and different industries used in the studies. Looking at the conclusions of this study, we are aware that we should be careful with the interpretation of the data, and add to our results detailed explanation of the sample selection, time, measures of variables used and the methodology used. Despite the variety of research and the methodology used in productivity research, still remains a field of interest. The micro data used in productivity studies are important for different fields of economics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, labor economics, international trade, industrial organization. Another study that reviews the literature on productivity in industrialized countries can be found in Barteslamn and Doms (2000). They discuss two groups of studies: studies describing productivity and studies describing factors that influence productivity growth. They illustrate the story behind the group of studies as shown below: 20 Firm choices Market interaction Innovative activity Input choices Product output Competition type Market share Aggregate Productivity Figure 2 Productivity studies Source: Barteslamn and Doms (2000), p.3 They underline four reasons why productivity studies are important: 1. 2. 3. 4. The dispersion of productivity is large; Productive firms today are more prone to be productive tomorrow; Resource reallocation attributes to aggregate productivity; Quantifying Schumpeterian idea of creative destruction. The micro longitudinal data have helped to improve empirical problems. Barteslamn and Doms (2000) discuss the aggregation problem for input and input in longitudinal data and simple measures cannot be used. The data on output use deflators which when do not capture quality may result in downward bias for productivity. Researches use as measure of output: physical output or gross production. Vector of outputs and inputs may be used to measure TFP. Estimating a cost function and factor demand is another method of computing productivity index. They review Oley and Pakes (1996) method: “by inverting the investment function, one can estimate the unobserved productivity component semiparametrically as a function of investment” p.10. They mention problems of no ideal dataset, problems of measuring inputs and outputs and the quality of data obtained is unknown. In their literature review they note some stylized facts on productivity: 1. There is heterogeneity between firms and establishments in productivity. Measuring the degree of dispersion in productivity: how much reflects differences among firms and how much is measurement error; 2. Theoretical models and assumptions underlying them vary; 3. Changes in distribution over time have been estimated using parametric and nonparametric methods; 4. The variance of productivity increases once they allow entry and exit; 5. Whether productivity moves procyclically with output. Incentive theory as a source of productivity is discussed in Lazear (2000).; “Hourly wages that are coupled with some minimum standard could be called performance pay because an output based performance standard must be met to retain employment”(Lazear, 2000, p. 1347). He analyses the effects of shifting from hourly wage to performance wage. Performance pay plan does not work equally for all workers because of different preferences they face. Some workers will be incentivized to work more and get paid more than the guaranteed wage. The performance indicator they use is units-per worker- per day, which results to be 20% higher under the performance pay 21 than hourly wage and the variance in output also goes up. Thus this may indicate also that profitability may increase as a result of the switch. Their result suggests productivity is as a result of incentive effect. Also the results do not show a Hawthorne effect since the initial effect of log productivity as a result of the change in payment increases after 1 year. As a result of the switch in the pay the turnover is higher; which may indicate that the less productive workers leave. But the increase in the ability is not as a consequence of the switch but as a result of selection of workers- high ability workers tend to choose performance paid jobs. Their results suggest that as a result of the switch the productivity rose by 44% and the wages increased for 7% which may also result with higher firm earnings. They discuss what happens to quality of work. Because of peer control and easily identifiable defective work (employee), and since the employee who was responsible for the work had to do the re-work, it has shown that quality of work has improved after the switch of the pay. Also the customer satisfaction index rose. Their conclusion is that in this case of this specific firm the switch results with higher productivity but this does not mean that the conclusions should be general for all the forms. Just is an evidence that workers react according to incentivize theory. Pritchard et al. (2008) use meta-analysis for the impact of the productivity system. Their conclusion is that PROMES have induced productivity improvements reflecting that potential is underutilized. According to their analysis the result is that this improvement does last over time, and in different settings. They use 83 studies from PROMES database with dependent variable productivity improvement. They conduct WLS regression and bivariate correlation to examine the relationship between moderators and continuous variables and find quite similar results with both of them. Referring to their results overall effectiveness scores improved and the effect size were large, the improvement lasts over time, in different categorical settings (different countries, organization type, job types, and organization with different functions) with variability in each subgroup. Factors that may influence effectiveness of intervention are: Positively related: quality of feedback meeting was positively strongly related to effect size, Negatively related: level of changes in the feedback system was negatively related, amount of price feedback, interdependence. 2.2.1 MICRO AND MACRO PRODUCTIVITY In the literature review we find studies that look at the productivity issue in micro and macro level. The difference is that micro studies look at the micro level firm data; while macro studies look at the macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, employment, capital, investments. The main point is that the macro level studies reference that further studies should be done using micro level data and disaggregating productivity. The general conclusion that we may draw from the literature review is that productivity is likely to generate desired results for the stakeholders and therefore should be a goal for firms and countries. What we want to point out that we still do not know what the optimal productivity ratio will be and how that can be measures? The issue we want to raise is based on the main definition on productivity which we mentioned on the first part. So if increasing productivity is desirable we may just increase it by increasing the quantity of 22 inputs. But is that optimal? Or, maybe we want an increase in productivity that will be conditional on the quality improvement of inputs and not the quantity. Growth and determinants of growth are focus of policymakers. Since the Solow model and the results suggesting that investment leads to growth researches have focused of analyzing the role of investment and capital accumulation and how it can enhance growth. According to Solow, growth is attributed to technological change. Also according to him the effect of investment is transitory. Solow (1957) represents the production function: the output as a function of labor and capital inputs and time that allows technical change. He aggregates all the changes in the production function in the notion technical change. He assumes that inputs are rewarded the marginal products. As a measure of output he uses GNP. He uses Glodsmith calculation of capital but notes that the measurement of capital is arguable since what matters in the production function is the capital in use not the capital in place. Their result show that there is increase in GNP and only 1/7 part is attributable to increased capital intensity while the other part to technical efficiency. He refers to the major part of increased GNP as a result of increased productivity. He assumes a linear production function and constant returns to scale. They try to fit their data and find that the CobbDouglas and semi logarithmic form are a bit better than others. He segregates the shifts in the production function and movements along the production function. For their estimation on data on American economy, he concludes that technical change was neutral on average, there was an upward shift in the production function and the increase was attributable to technical change (87.5%) and increase in capital input (12.5%). Arnold, Bassanini and Scarpetta (2007) use a sample of OECD countries for the time period 1971-2004 and test the Solow and Lucas model. They use pooled mean approach. According to their estimates they do not reject the hypothesis that Lucas model is better representation for CRS, also the convergence parameter is inconsistent with Solow model. They perform Wald test and the result is that Solow model is rejected by the data whereas Lucas model is never rejected. They also estimate excluding countries one by one, and again even in their restricted sample the results are not inconsistent with Lucas CRS. Even when they check for endogeneity problem still the results are in favor of Uzawa-Lucas model. They give evidence in favor of Lucas model i.e. human capital has persistent impact on GDP growth or with the model of endogenous growth. Moreover their results are consistent and robust to different robustness tests and suggesting that the growth in OECD countries for the time period 1971-2004 is endogenous. Contrarily to Solow, Temple (1998) using three sample OECD countries (than divides it in developing and industrialized countries), find that share of equipment is higher than Solow prediction and share of structures lower. His results suggest that equipment investment is important in developing countries and also test and suggest that their result is not due to simultaneity bias, nor by measurement error bias. The estimation is robust and not driven by outliers. Douglas (1992) test the Solow model for the states for the time period 1973-1986 using a single cross section data, and they use non-linear least square for their estimates. Their estimate is evidence in favor of Solow model; therefore suggesting that investment, human capital, labor, technological progress is important for growth. 23 Bernard and Jones (1996) measure labor productivity3 and total factor productivity and suggest that less productive countries catch up more productive countries i.e. countries in the 70s and 80s converge. They suggest that lagged gaps measure the degree of catch up. They use ISDB dataset for 14 OECD countries and six sectors. Their measure of productivity is value added per worker and a Divisa-Tornquist multifactor productivity growth rates. The dataset provides with data on GDP, employment and capital. The standard total factor productivity is measured using a Cobb –Douglass production function. Their data show productivity is heterogenic across countries and industries. Their results underline the role of capital accumulation in changes in labor productivity. They test for β convergence for labor productivity and find that some industries converge (services, construction and EGW) and other industries do not converge (manufacturing, mining and agriculture). As regarded to total factor productivity they find convergence in services, agriculture, EGW while mining, construction and manufacturing do not show evidence of convergence. They also measure σ convergence where services and EGW show catch up while evidence for other industries related to labor productivity is less clear cut and the results do not change even when they try to remove USA form the sample. While the convergence for total factor productivity result again in services, agriculture and EGW and there is no convergence in manufacturing. These results suggest convergence at aggregate level while the manufacturing sector shows divergence which is contrary to the evidence from Dollar and Wolf (1993). They show that, in the Cobb- Douglas model, the measure of technology (Hicks neutral measure of TFP) is incomplete and comparisons between countries may be misleading. Since productivity varies both from the measure of technology and input exponents in order to capture this they introduce the total technological progress (TTP) measure- the output produced by countries using same inputs. The problem with this measure is that it assumes same capital /labor ratio among countries- if this changes the measure may change rank. The TFP measure ignores that technology may change across country which is not the case with TTP. They suggest that answering which country is more productive depends on the capital/labor ratio we use. They check for robustness and estimate β convergence for TTP but the conclusions do not change from TFP measures. They use different measures of multifactor productivity and still they find aggregate convergence in productivity in countries in their sample but no evidence for convergence in manufacturing sector. They also check whether this results in manufacturing are due to labor measure as workers and not as hours worked but even than there is little or no evidence that manufacturing sector converges. They test whether their results may be due to PPP deflator used so they estimate again using 1970, 1975 and 1985 PPP and again they find robust results with the previous ones. Authors and researchers address productivity in micro and macro aspect. Mainly they use a production function which combines inputs such as labor and capital in producing outputs. Most of macroeconomic studies finish noting the limitations on macroeconomic studies and suggesting micro studies to capture the channels to which business climate enhances growth (Durlauf et al., 2008; Straub (2008); Pande and Udry (2005)). 3 Output per worker measure 24 2.3. MEASURING PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY, PERFORMANCE, INPUT, OUTPUT Measurement issues are very important generally and in measuring productivity specifically. Is what we call the increase in productivity the increase in the quantity of inputs or the quality of inputs? If we are measuring the ratio of output and only one particular input we are measuring partial productivity while if we are measuring the ratio of output and all inputs than we are measuring total factor productivity. While if we use TFP we are sure that every input is included we cannot answer to what factor the change in productivity may be addressed to. All of them are measures of productivity but we should be careful when choosing the measure according to the question we are interested in to answer. Another measurement issue that needs to be clarified is whether we are using level productivity or growth of productivity. If we are measuring growth accounting we are decomposing the growth of output in its potential components. Going back again at the productivity definition we know that the first thing for measurement issue is how to measure output and input. The problem that may arise with output is when output is not homogenous, and this brings the question of how to aggregate the data. Regarded to input most commonly inputs used are labor and capital, the latter may be more problematic to measure. Even after we solve all these issues still remains the problem of choosing the econometric method for modeling and estimating an issue which is not the focus of this part, but will be discussed in the next sections. „‟ Broadly, productivity measures can be classified as single factor productivity measures (relating a measure of output to a single measure of input) or multi-factor productivity measures (relating a measure of output to a bundle of inputs)‟‟ Schreyer (2001, OECD p.38.). He overviews the productivity measures in the following table: Type of input measure Type of output measure Capital&labor Labour Capital Gross output Labour productivity (based on gross output) Capital productivity (based on gross output) Capital-labour MFP (based on gross output) Value added Labour productivity (based on value added) Capital productivity (based on value added) Capital-labour MFP (based on value added) Single factor productivity measures Capital, labor& intermediate inputs (energy, materials, services) KLEMS multifactor productivity Multi-factor productivity (MFP) measures Figure 3 Overview of main productivity measures Source: Schreyer (2001), p.39 25 He suggests that labor input is better measured with working hours and capital by total machine hours and adds that “Multi-factor productivity measurement and growth accounting helps disentangle the direct growth contributions of labour, capital, intermediate inputs and technology” p. 48 . De Toni and Tonchia (2001) use a sample of medium and large sized Italian manufacturing firms. They use test-retest method and Cronbachs α. They outline the interest in studying Performance measurement system. They indicate three structures of models: vertical, horizontal and balanced. The firms that they analyze seem to have the structure of frustum model. They outline cost performance dimension (cost /productivity) and non –cost indicators (time, flexibility and quality). Illustratively they show the framework for Performance measurement system: Matrials & Labour PRODUCTION COSTS Machinery COST CAPITAL ( fixed and working) TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY SPECIFIC INTERNAL PERFORMANC E MEASURES PRODUCTION ( Labor productivity, machinery saturation, inventory&WIP levy) Run&setup times Wait&Moves time System timer TIME Supplying lead times Manufacturing lead times Distributionn lead times EXTERNAL "NONCOST " Delivery speed&Reliability Produced quality FLEXIBILITY Perceived quality QUALITY In-bound quality Quality costs Figure 4 Performance measurement system Source: De Toni and Tonchia (2001), fig.3. Framework for PMS measures 26 Time to market As shown in the figure they classify productivity as performance measure in the cost group same as production cost while non-cost performance measures are time, flexibility and quality. Dean (1999) reviews the literature that deals with output measurement in service sector data. According to the problems statistical agencies have answered improving the Producer Price Index, increased the coverage of the service industries, introduced geometric means indexes, and improved data on annual capital investment by asset category, improved methods for measuring prices of computers. He suggests that despite improvements there is still more to do for the data. Definition of output in the banking sector may need improvement for example. Crespi et al. (2006) discuss that output data are important for productivity but the problem is their adjustment. Mainly industries use turnover as a measure of productivity. They review the problems of productivity measurement in the service sector. They think of services as intermediation activities for time and space. Their message is that service sector data are problematic for productivity studies and suggest that better deflators should be used. Nordhaus (2000) provide data for measuring productivity using the income side instead of using output side. They introduce the well measured output instead of GDP. Comparing the BEA-output side and BLS- income side they both show increase in labor productivity. Chambers (1998) review mathematically input, output indicators. His indicators are translation invariant and not homogenous of degree zero as Malmquist indexes. On the other hand Dethier et al. (2008) propose a mathematical model for estimating TFP which results in line with Schumpeterian view on productivity dispersion. “Only by understanding the individual level of productivity, however, can practitioners and researchers begin to build the theories and models that deal with the dysfunctions and synergies that occur when individuals are grouped into work teams, departments, organizational systems, and economies” (Measuring and managing individual productivity- William Ruch p. 105). Ruch identifies couple of productivity linkages: Direct Indirect Proportional Unidirectional Temporal Stochastic Nominal He also identifies problems such as determining the unit of output and input whereas the problem of determining inputs is in determining labor. Rusch builds a goal alignment model when he suggests that business units are not goal driven but management drive. 27 Business Unit Goals Higher Level Goals Organizational Goals Individual Measures Business Unit Measures Organizational Measures Business Unit Performance Organizational Performance Gorup Measures Individual Behaviour Group Behaviour Figure 5 Goal alignment model Source: Rusch, Goal Alignment model 5-2., p110 Five functions of productivity analysis identified by Rusch are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define productivity and direct behavior; Monitor performance and provide feedback; Diagnose problems; Facilitate planning and control; Support innovation. We add to these regulating industrial relations and suggesting government policies to reach their targets. The measurement issue is very important because different measurement definitions may lead us to different conclusions. In a company is very important if the productivity measures align with respect to employees and the company since if this does not hold may lead to Principle –agent problems. Holzer (1988) uses data from EOPP of 3400 firms in the 80s. They estimate wage and productivity equation using levels and changes as a function of variety of determinants. They measure productivity in their questionnaire scoring it from 1 to 100. They use the same independent variables for both productivity and wage and their corresponding coefficients show which of the determinants are comparable. Their result shows that positive effect of experience and tenure on productivity. Their results give evidence that productivity scores are meaningful as measure of worker performance. Using differentials in their equations they find that tenure and training have positive effects on 28 wage growth. Even in the wage change and productivity change they confirm that tenure is positively linked with productivity and earnings, training also contribute to wage growth and productivity growth. Diewert (2008) revise measurement problems. In the input output model they note that we need information on the outputs produced, but revenues should not include any commodity taxes imposed on the industry whereas input costs should include taxes imposed. Reasoning is since tax on revenues is not received from the firm as well taxes on inputs are paid by companies. They note that this system misses information on contracted labor and rented capital. They also note the problem of labor inputs since hours worked differ, also workers skills differ therefore using the number of employees it‟s not accurate. They claim that there are difficulties in measuring productivity. 2.3.1 PRODUCTIVITY AS PERFORMANCE MEASURE We have seen the diversity in measurement and still we are questioning the causes for heterogeneity of the firms. What are the impediments and what sources are opportunities for firms? Maybe the answer will depend of the measures we are using and the measurement methodology we are using. In the following section we will look at different methodologies. Therefore we are questioning the causes for heterogeneity of the firms. What are the impediments and what sources are opportunities for firms. Dethier, Hirn and Straub in their paper provide a summary of empirical evidence on performance. They claim that the literature review shows that most papers find significant relationship between infrastructure indicators and firm performance. On the other hand, Aaker and Jakobson (1987) demonstrated that systematic risk can impact the profitability of the firm. Stierwald (2009) aims to look at determinants of firm profitability. Their dependent variable is the current profit rate and the data are for 961 Australian firms using IRESS dataset. They use GLS random and fixed effects in their estimates. They apply first differencing to correct for dynamic panel bias since GLS generates inconsistent estimates. They use a productivity estimate using log-difference between predicted and empirical cost and also control for firm level variables. Their GLS estimates with random and fixed effect and corrected for bias result with similar results. Determinants of profitability in their estimates are lagged profit rates, lagged productivity level and persistence of high productivity. Therefore their results suggest that firms with higher productivity and more profitable. Related to firm characteristics their results show that size matter i.e. larger firms are more profitable, higher leveraged firms are more profitable. Their analysis therefore e is in favor of firm effect model. The limitations of the study are that they do not answer for how long is the effect of productivity on profitability. Neelu et al. (2005) reviews the literature in order to draw the importance of performance measurement. They note the importance of quantifying efficiency and effectiveness of action in this process. They reviewed performance measurement system in three levels: (1) The individual performance measures; 29 (2) The set of performance measures – the performance measurement system as an Entity; and (3) The relationship between the performance measurement system and the environment within which it operates. Their framework is illustrated in the figure below: Figure 6 A framework for performance measurement system design Source: Neelu et al. (2005), p.1229 They specify that the literature is diverse and identify the need that performance measures to be positioned in strategic context. They review a large body of literature. The multiple dimensions of performance measurements that they revise are: 1) 2) 3) 4) Related to quality; Related to time; Related to cost; To flexibility. They identify the ABC sorting system for generating more accurate product costs. Productivity is also a performance measure. They suggest that companies should explore the rationale of measures of performance. They suggest that an individual performance measurement is included in the performance measurement system. Finally they identify: 1) Issues associated with individual measures of performance; 2) Issues associated with the performance measurement system as an entity; 3) Issues associated with the system and its environment. 30 Steindel and Stiroh (2001) review measures of labor productivity and total factor productivity or the overall efficiency of transforming inputs in outputs. They draw the difference between two concepts of output: value added (Gross- inputs (sales and input should be deflated by price index) and gross output (Total value of sales; productivity measured as sales per worker). Traditional source of productivity analysis is a production function that relates labor productivity to capital, labor quality and total factor productivity. 2.4 INDEX NUMBER STUDIES We start this section first with mathematical definitions of some of the indexes that we will use in the following parts. Paasche‟s index number mathematically is expressed as: 𝑷𝟎𝟏 = Equation 1 𝒑𝟏 𝒒𝟏 𝒑𝟎 𝒒𝟏 𝒙𝟏𝟎𝟎 Laspyre‟s price index number mathematically is expressed as: 𝑃01 = Equation 2 𝑝1 𝑞0 𝑝0 𝑞0 𝑥100 While Fischer index is Pashces index and Laspyres index geometric mean or mathematically expressed: 𝑷𝟎𝟏 = 𝑳 𝒙 𝑷 Equation 3 Substituting equation 1 and equation 2 in equation three we have the following: Equation 4 𝑷𝟎𝟏 = 𝒑𝟏 𝒒𝟎 𝒑𝟎 𝒒𝟎 𝒙 𝒑𝟏 𝒒𝟏 𝒑𝟎 𝒒𝟏 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 “An index number represents the development of certain economic aggregates (such as the total production of industry or turnover) over time. The index number abstracts from the real values (e.g. the production of steel measured in tons) or the monetary values (e.g. the turnover in a certain sector) and only reflects the change of such figures in comparison with the value of the aggregate in a reference period.‟‟4 An index number is a number which is used to measure the level of a certain phenomenon as compared to the 4 31 level of the same phenomenon at some standard period.5“Index numbers are used to measure the changes in some quantity which we cannot observe directly” (Bowly) Index number measure changing effects that cannot be measured directly. Index numbers are used for showing average changes. For testing the adequacy of index numbers we may use different tests (unit test, time reversal test, factor reversal test, circular test). We should be cautious with calculation and interpretation of index numbers before drawing conclusions. When constructing index numbers the best average that we can use is geometric average. Diewert (1995) note that the competing approaches to index number are the test approach and the economic approach. They show mathematically whether Selvanathan and Prasada Rao new stochastic approach yield estimator of variance of Paasche and Laspeyeres index. This would tell us how precise these indexes are. He criticize the test and economic approach and concludes that they „‟ give a false sense of precision” p. 29. Balk (2008) concludes that Fisher index, though is ideal, is not perfect and is inconsistent in aggregation. „‟ The Fisher quantity index is an average of a Laspeyres index, which values the quantity change for the ith item at pi0, and a Paasche index, which values its quantity change at price pi1.‟‟ P.4 (Marshall B. Reinsdorf, W. Erwin Diewert & Christian Ehemann, 2000) Chambers (2008) note that measuring productivity requires stochastic measures. The paper underlines 3 premises: 1. Accountability for the stochastic world; 2. no stochastic productivity measurement should be a special case of stochastic productivity measurement and 3 productivity measures should be computable from the available market data. The stochastic Luenberger productivity indicator generalizes nostochoastic indicators to stochastic. They note that in stochastic case we cannot compute the productivity index even when we have information about the technology because this indicator depends on output data which are not available ex ante. He suggests that the no stochastic productivity indicators may be decomposed in two components: 1: true productivity change and 2. Luck. Their measure of luck is the difference of nonstochatic productivity indicator and productivity change: 𝛅 Equation 5 L𝐁𝐁 𝐭 + 𝟏, 𝐭 ≡ 𝟐 𝜹 𝒑𝒕+𝟏 𝒑𝒕 𝑬 + 𝟐 𝒘𝒕+𝟏 𝒈 𝒘𝒕 𝒈 𝐩𝐭+𝟏 𝐩𝐭 + 𝐰𝐭 𝐠 𝐰 𝐭+𝟏 𝐠 𝐳 𝐭+𝟏 − 𝐳 𝐭 − 𝒛𝒕+𝟏 − 𝒛𝒕 He specifies stochastic productivity indicators and uses data to decompose the no stochastic productivity indicator. 2.4.1 MALMQUIST INDEX The theoretical grounds of the Malmquist index originate from 1953 from Sten Malmquist who introduced this productivity index after whom is also named. The 5 Statistics For Management, p. 234 32 Malmquist index is often referred as productivity index has to do with the production function or a function of maximum possible production using inputs (labour and capital). The Malmquist index was introduced by Caveset et al. (1982). They assume that each firm operates in the production function. They want to introduce a productivity index that will allow us to compare two different firms either operating at the same year or in different time periods. Their Malmquist input index is expressed as: Equation 6 𝐐𝐤 (𝐱 𝐥 , 𝐱 𝐤 ) ≡ 𝐃𝐤 (𝐲 𝐤 ,𝐱 𝐥 ) 𝐃𝐤 (𝐲 𝐤 ,𝐱 𝐤 ) Their Malmquist input index is defined with respect to technology and output. They show that the geometric averages of the Malmquist index result in Tornqvist index. The translog distance function for the two firms is: Equation 7 𝐥𝐧𝐡𝐬 𝐲, 𝐱 ≡ 𝛂𝐒𝟎 + 𝐈 𝐢=𝟏 𝛂𝐒𝐢 𝐥𝐧𝐲𝐢 + 𝟏 𝟐 𝐈 𝐢=𝟏 𝐍 𝐧=𝟏 𝐈 𝐣=𝟏 𝛃𝐒𝐧 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐧 + 𝛂𝐒𝐢𝐣 𝐥𝐧𝐲𝐣 𝐥𝐧𝐲𝐣 + 𝟏 𝟐 𝐍 𝐧=𝟏 𝐈 𝐢=𝟏 𝐍 𝐦=𝟏 𝐍 𝐧=𝟏 𝛃𝐒𝐧𝐦 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐧 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐦 + 𝛄𝟐𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐧𝐲𝐢 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐧𝐣 They also assume cost minimizing behaviour of firms and that firms use positive amounts of inputs. The Malmquist output index is expressed as: Equation 8 𝐪𝐤 (𝐲 𝐥 , 𝐲 𝐤 ) ≡ 𝐝𝐤 (𝐲 𝐥 ,𝐱 𝐤 ) 𝐝𝐤 (𝐲 𝐤 ,𝐱 𝐤 ) The output index can be calculated as geometric mean without knowing technology parameter if we assume profit maximizing behaviour. They identify two ways of productivity index: the first if we are looking at the maximization of output – output productivity index and another approach is minimizing the inputs- input productivity. Their definition of output productivity index is: Equation 9 𝐦𝐤 (𝐱 𝐥 , 𝐱 𝐤 , 𝐲 𝐥 , 𝐲 𝐤 ) ≡ 𝐝𝐤 (𝐲 𝐥 ,𝐱 𝐥 ) 𝐝𝐤 (𝐲 𝐤 ,𝐱 𝐤 ) While the input productivity index is defined as: Equation 10 𝐌 𝐤 (𝐱 𝐥 , 𝐱 𝐤 , 𝐲 𝐥 , 𝐲 𝐤 ) ≡ 𝐃𝐤 (𝐲 𝐤 ,𝐱 𝐤 ) 𝐃𝐤 (𝐲 𝐥 ,𝐱 𝐥 ) Their conclusion is that the Tornqvist index is superlative to other indexes. Fare et al. (1994) applied the theory of Malmquist index and they decomposed it in efficiency change and technological change. The Malmquist index assumes CRS. Grosskopf (2002) propose that decomposition of Malmquist index depends on the question we are asking. Ball et al. (2004) propose a measure of total factor productivity the Malmquist cost productivity measure (MCP) within the cost framework. Their cost index is calculated 33 using an environmental activity analysis model for the farm sector. They are measuring productivity in the presence of externalities. Fare, Grosskopf and Margaritis (2008) employ Bennet–Bowley productivity index on US agricultural sector using technology and distance production function. They show that Luenberger indicator is a difference between directional distance functions and since find a relationship between this indicator and Malmquist index.6 They use Bennet–Bowley „approximation‟ of the Luenberger indicator in their time series data. They construct Bennet–Bowley productivity indicator for the time period 1910-1990. R&D growth and the Bennet–Bowley productivity indicator track each other in the most time period. They use two outputs and for input data and the series result no stationary and also they cannot reject the presence of a cointegrating relationship between the two series. According to their result we cannot reject the hypothesis that productivity does not Granger cause R&D while we reject the hypothesis that R&D does not Granger cause productivity change. Summing up their results show that productivity growth may be addressed to R&D expenditures. Camanho and Dyson (2006) compare branches of Portuguese banks using the Malmquist index while Dong-hyun Oh(2010) note that Malmquist-Luenberger is used for measuring evaluation environment sensitive productivity growth at micro and macro level and propose another index called global Malmquist-Luenberger index for measuring productivity in 26 OECD countries for the time period 1990-2003. They use GDP as a proxy for output, CO2 and SOx emissions as the proxies of the undesirable outputs while labour force, capital and energy consumption as input. They obtain the data from Penn World Table, the World Development Indicators website. They employ to tests: the Wilcoxon test to test the null that measures are the same between indices and Kernel density plots and the results are robust for the null test. They suggest that using GM and GML generated different results. They suggest that productivity growth is mainly addressed to technology change and not efficiency change. 2.4.2. TORNQVIST INDEX The Tornqvist index is used for calculating multifactor productivity and is measures as the geometric mean of growth of rates of inputs used. When calculating the Tornqvist index the assumptions are that the firm operates under constant returns to scale and the input factor are paid their marginal product. The geometric mean of Laspayers and Pasches index is Fischer index. Grifell-tatjé and Lovell (1998) introduce a generalized Malmquist productivity index and express it as a ratio of Malmquist quantity index and Malmquist input quantity index (it is defined relative to a reference technology satisfying constant returns to scale). They note that: “It is the difference between the scale properties of these two quantity indexes which permits the measurement of the contribution of scale economies to productivity change” p7. They show that the Malmquist productivity index can be expressed as 34 Malmquist productivity index and a Malmquist scale index. They decompose the Malmquist index in three parts technical change, technical efficiency and returns to scale. Equation 11 Is the expression of their generalized Malmquist index where technical change and technical efficiency are measured relative to variable returns to scale and there is a scale effect that measures the change in scale efficiency relative to the period technology. They use experimental data to test the accuracy of measuring productivity change and productivity decomposition of five index : CCD Malmquist productivity index, Färe et al. (1994)(FGNZ) productivity index, Ray and Desli (1997) (RD) productivity index, The generalized Malmquist productivity index, Bjurek‟s Malmquist index and conclude that RD and generalized index give accurate results for measurement and decomposition. Some indexes are not accurate in measurement (CCD) while another index does not decompose accurately (FGNZ). So if the purpose is only measuring or only decomposing we can use more indexes. They demonstrate that the generalized Malmquist productivity index is equal to the Törnqvist productivity index and therefore suggesting that we can measure productivity index indirectly. They present a generalized productivity index which is accurate measure of productivity growth even in scale economies and also provides an accurate decomposition of productivity. Resendorf et al. provide formulas for decomposition of the contribution of individual changes to the Fishcer index and Tornqvist index. ”The Törnqvist index is a kind of geometric mean (or “log change”) index.‟‟p.7 (Reinsdorf, Diewert and Ehemann, (2000)). Lawrence et al. (2006) outline that the value of a firm‟s gross return to capital may be caused by growth in the size of the enterprise, improvements in productivity and price changes. They note the Törnqvist index formula has the form of a (weighted) geometric mean. They use the Törnqvist index formula in the form of a (weighted) geometric mean price and quantity index because it is easily to decompose it as a product of sub-indexes, because it can be justified by the axiomatic (or “test”) approach and because closely approximates the Fisher Ideal index. They underline how the high productivity growth of a telecommunication service was passed as a benefit to employees in form of higher real wages (30 % of benefits from productivity), to consumers in form of lower prices (50% of the benefits) and benefits for the owners (30 % of benefits from productivity). The gap showing productivity growth was positive for all 11 years in their study except for 1985. They are researching for Australian Telestra largest communication company. They suggest that there are different groups of stakeholders that do benefit from productivity growth and that are consumers, employees and owners. 35 2.5 COBB DOUGLAS PRODUCTION FUNCTION The production function relates the amount of the output to the amount of input used – a function that describes the technology. Following the literature we find that input-output models may use deflated revenue as output or nominal sales as output. Macroeconomic studies look at per capita income as a proxy for productivity, while labor productivity is important both at micro and macro level studies. Productivity in the research is discussed through production function through the relationship inputs-outputs. Banda and Verdugo (2011) calculate MFP on manufacturing data in Mexico. They use AIS data for the period 1993-2006. They use value added as a proxy for productivity and use a Cobb Douglas production function. Their results suggest: „‟ the output elasticity of capital is between 0.28 (with KLET) and 0.34 (with KL), whilst the elasticity of labour is between 0.56 (with KLET) and 0.66 (with KL). These parameters are in line with those used by others studies on MFP in the Mexican economy, assigning elasticity between 0.30 and 0.33 to capital, and for labour between 0.67 and 0.70 (see for instance, Faal 2005 and Bergoeing et al. 2002). Regarding the other factors, electricity‟s values are between 0.06 and 0.07 and for transport between 0.10 and 0.11. „‟MFP explains output growth between 58 and 69% and LP growth is explained by MFP 61.8%. Electricity is contributing negatively while transport positively to the Solow residual and this is true for different estimations and econometrical methods. They have the same effect even in the group level. When they decompose the LP growth they find that the LP growth is explained 61.8% by MFP, capital accumulation 32.4%, electricity contributes negatively by 3%, and the increase in transport explains the remaining 8.8%. They estimate using the system GMM and assume CRS. Using dynamic panel data they have TFP and LP as dependent variables and explanatory variables factor intensities, concentration, technology adoption, human capital intensity, exports using the method of system GMM. Regarded MFP they find positive relationship with: technology, human capital intensity and negative relationship with concentration, capital intensity. While as considered to LP they find positive relationship with technology adoption, human capital. Since technology is important in both cases they estimate a model with technology as a dependent variable and find positive relationship with concentration which on the other hand is in line with Schumpeterian idea: to innovate more and to use more technology a degree of concentration is needed. Additionally they find that concentration contributes to innovation but the net effect of concentration to MFP is negative. “Productivity measures the effectiveness with which inputs (materials, capital and labor) are transformed into output.” (Bart van Ark, 2002, p 69). They look at the productivity level and per capita income in USA, Canada and Europe (OECD countries) and find differences in their respective growth in the 90s. They conclude that source of slower income growth in Europe and Canada relative to USA may be underutilization of labor potential and another reason may be slower productivity growth. While the US productivity growth is explained by ICT investment. Total factor productivity is the residual of any growth model. They also look at the contribution of intangible asset to growth. They illustrate the difficulties in measuring intangible assets and its contribution to growth. They look at ICT investment and the impact of creation of intangible asset and find that different levels of ICT contribute to the differential economic growth among OECD countries. 36 GDP PER CAPITA LABOR PRODUCTIVITY Sectoral growth Efficiency of factor (TFP) LABOR SUPPLY Within industry labor productivity Investment in physical capital Non ICT capital ICT capital Hours worked per person employed Investment in intangiable capital Capital markets Share of working age populatio n in total populatio n Human capital Knowledge capital Organizational capital Product markets Share of employmen t in working age population Labor markets Figure 7 Analytical framework of sources of growth Source: (Bart van Ark, 2002) p.71 37 Active demand side policies Active supply side policies Structural reforms Songqing et al. (2010) uses a translog production function: Equation 12 𝐥𝐧𝐲𝐢𝐭 = 𝛂𝟎 + 𝐣 𝛃𝐣 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐣𝐢𝐭 𝟏 + 𝛃𝐭 𝐭 + 𝟐 𝐣 𝟏𝟐𝛃𝐭𝐭𝐭𝟐+𝐣𝛃𝐣𝐭𝐥𝐧𝐱𝐣𝐢𝐭𝐭+𝐯𝐢𝐭−𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐤 𝛃𝐣𝐤 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐣𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐧𝐱 𝐤𝐢𝐭 + They add a trend variable for observing the unobserved factors in their panel data. They are using stochastic production function. They use the data from State Price Bureau in China. Their stochastic production function estimates for 23 commodities suggest that the TFP growth in the time period 1995-2004 was positive. They suggest that technical change is driving China‟s productivity and the notice a fall in the efficiency. Legros and Galia (2011) acknowledge that many studies use R&D expenditure as a proxy for knowledge mainly in Cobb Douglas production function. In their work they add training and knowledge capitalization as measured by ISO 9000 certification as sources of knowledge. They note that training is an investment as R&D is. Their sample consists of French manufacturing companies. They use simultaneous equations consisted of six equations where productivity equation consists Innovation, training and ISO 9000 certification simultaneously. So in their analysis they once check if the firm is involved in knowledge investment and then they put in the productivity equation. They estimate using the asymptotic least square (ALS) method. They do explain each equation separately cause they are of different types: in the R&D expenditure equation the dependent variable is censored and they use Type II tobit with two equations; they use a probit model for the innovation equation. And for the second measure of innovation share of innovation sale they use type 2 Tobit with two equations where the first equation is a probit model explaining product innovation and the second equation is an OLS model explaining share of innovative sales; they use OLS for the training equation while the productivity equation is a Cob –Douglass production function. They use six data sources: 1997 French Community Innovation Survey (CIS2); the French annual survey of firms‟ research expenditure, the „„ Competences pour Innover 1997‟‟ survey (Competencies for Innovation Survey), the „„ Enqueˆte Annuelle d‟Entreprises‟‟ 1996 (EAE), the French 24–83 tax returns for firms‟ annual training expenditure, and the 1996 „„ Enqueˆte sur la Structure des Emplois‟‟ (ESE). They find that that the probability to be engaged in R&D increases with the Lerner index, also market share are positively related to R&D. Innovation is a crucial issue for productivity. Training intensity has a positive and significant impact on firms‟ productivity in France. Their results show a positive effect of all employees‟ categories on labour productivity. 38 Market share New equipments Analysis new consumption components New supplies Analysis consumers‟ moods Evaluation of training needs Cooperation agrrements Analysis consumers‟ needs public financing Imitation Lerner index Size Sectoral effects Research and development Belongin g to a grouop Cooperation agreements Analyzing competing products Innovation Training ISO 9100 certification Analyzing competing patents imitation Qualification Productivity Physical capital Figure 8 Knowledge production function Source: Legros and Galia (2011), Knowledge production function, p. 4. 7 Authors‟ reproduction 39 7 Grimes, Arthur Ren, Cleo Stevens, Philip (2011) in their literature review note that previous research does not treat micro data and looking at internet connection as a boast for productivity. They are testing whether firms with faster internet connection are more productive relative to firms with slower internet connection. They use a production function and their dependent variable is (log of) firm i‟s labor productivity relative to the industry average. They note that there are observable and no observable factors influencing the choice of access and productivity and in order to address this they use propensity score matching. They use a probit equation for internet and then use the results with a set of control firms and they find similar likelihoods. They also use the IV approach, as an alternative approach. They hypothesize that a firms choice for broadband is determined by: firm size, firm age, industry structure, the quality of ICT infrastructure in the firm‟s locality (positive);the capability of the firm‟s management with respect to ICT issues application of „modern‟ general management approaches within the firm especially with respect to high-performance HR systems, knowledge intensity of the firm‟s sector and whether the firm conducts R&D , being foreign-owned or having a foreign subsidiary, location in a city or high-density area. They use Statistics New Zealand‟s Business Operations Survey 2006 (BOS06) and Statistics NZ‟s prototype Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) as sources for the data. They estimate a probit model for firm broadband adoption and their results suggest that positively related with uptake are variables associated with the quality of management, knowledge intensity of the sector, foreign ownership, and ICT knowledge within the firm; older firms and firms with bad local ICT infrastructure have lower uptake and they find no evidence of reverse causality that highly productive firms are more or less likely to have a broadband. They statistically find that firms having a broadband are 7-10% more productive relative to the ones with no broadband, still this is not a final word that having a broadband means that firms will perform better. Their estimates are consistent across firm type. Fernandes (2008) use a sample of 575 firms in Bangladesh. They estimate a Cobb Douglass production function using OLS which may result with simultaneity bias. They measure output as ration of nominal sales or material costs and corresponding firm specific deflators, capital stock is calculated using the perpetual inventory method formula, labor is measured by the number of workers while workforce human capital by share of skilled workers. They follow Ackerberg, Caves and Frazer (2007) ACF. According to their estimates they find: 1. Firms of smaller size have higher TFP and medium sized firms are the most productive and the results are robust even whet total employment is included as continuous variable although their sample is skewed to the large firms so the results should be taken with cautious; 2. The relationship between firm age and TFP is inverse U shaped- 10-20 years old firms are the most productive- TFP increases with firm age but at a decreasing rate; 3. Firms with more educated managers are more productive; 4. Foreign owned firms are more productive; 5. Exporters are more productive; 6. Firms with quality certifications are more productive; 7. R&D is not a TFP advantage for firms in Bangladesh; 40 8. More computerized machinery is associated with higher productivity; 9. Negative correlation between advanced technology and TFP; 10. Overdraft is positively related to TFP while firms while access to loan is negatively related to TFP but the effect is insignificant; 11. Firms facing poor electricity show lower TFP; 12. Crime and TFP are negatively correlated; 13. Heavier bureaucracy is negatively correlated with TFP; 14. Positive correlation between corruption and productivity (reverse causality). Griliches and Mairesse (1995) note the critics of Cobb Douglas production function is that input variables cannot be treated as independent and the model cannot be run by OLS since they will be biased. The critics say that there may be correlation between inputs and error term. They introduce that in the anatomy of the error there is a part known by the producer but not by the econometrician and a part that is only econometrician‟s problem (error of measurement, data collection and computational procedures). Thus this anatomy leads to simultaneity problem. As a result of the critics there are used panel industrial micro-data. They discuss simultaneity, selectivity, lack of information on quality problems. These problems made researcher to use thinner slices of data to solve for simultaneity but that lead to other problems such as misspecifications. Bartel et al. (2003) state that there are two types of insider econometric studies: Cross organization studies ( plant visit) Single firm studies (interviews) The first type is very costly and time consuming process while the second type cannot examine organization specific characteristics. Another type may be using informed surveys for industry specific survey which they employ in their study in valve making industry. The matching process involves setup time, run time and inspection time. They use a production function where output8 is function of labor hours, capital and materials. The capital in preliminary estimations results insignificant but this may be because the industry has fixed factor production characteristics; capital may be measured with error or is endogenous. The results are: new technologies reduce production time, fewer machines reduce setup time, FMS technology reduces run time, and there are efficiency gains from introducing newer technologies. A related to human resource management variable training for new technologies improves efficiency in setup times and run times. The problem with their approach may be omitted variable bias and selectivity bias. They conclude that “getting the “right data” matter a great deal, but so does getting insiders‟ insight about what the right data really is” p. 10”. 2.6. DISTANCE FUNCTION Conceição, Portela and Thanassoulis (2006) use a geometric distance function where they put input and output vectors while assuming that they know the efficient input and output 8 Shipments minus change in inventories 41 levels according to the efficient Pareto-frontier. So they use target outputs. They calculate the ratio of geometric average of inputs towards geometric average to outputs which will tend to show the inefficiencies in the production under the assumption that the target is Pareto efficient. Their GDF measure is used for calculating TFP measure and finding the sources of inefficiencies. What TFP measures is the ration of ratios of input and outputs in different time periods. In multiple input- output case there is a need for aggregation and use of index numbers (Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher). They suggest that GDF measure has advantages since is does not impose any assumptions on technology. Equation 13 𝑻𝑭𝑷 − 𝑮𝑫𝑭 𝒚𝒕, 𝒙𝒕 , 𝒚𝒕+𝟏, 𝒙𝒕+𝟏 = 𝒀𝒓𝒕+𝟏 𝟏 ) 𝒔 𝒀𝒓𝒕 𝑿𝒊 𝟏 (𝚷𝒊 𝒕+𝟏 ) 𝒎 𝑿𝒊𝒕 (𝚷𝒓 They suggest that gdf can be used for malmquist index Equation 14 𝐌𝐆𝐃𝐅 = 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭+𝟏 (𝐲𝐭+𝟏, 𝐱𝐭+𝟏 ) 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭 (𝐲𝐭,𝐱𝐭 ) 𝐱 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭 (𝐲𝐭+𝟏, 𝐱𝐭+𝟏 ) 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭+𝟏 (𝐲𝐭+𝟏, 𝐱𝐭+𝟏 ) 𝐱 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭 (𝐲𝐭, 𝐱𝐭 ) 𝟏 𝟐 𝐆𝐃𝐅 𝐭+𝟏 (𝐲𝐭, 𝐱𝐭 ) They use the GDF Malmquist procedure on monthly data on 57 Portuguese bank branches. Than they use a base month and their results still show that banks are not catching up with frontier movements. Looking at both approaches they conclude that the best month is August while the worst month is November. They also provide calculation on classical approaches and compare it with the GDF approach and the conclusion is that in general the results are the same with differences in unit level. However they note that GDF is still reflecting better the changes in productivity. Saal, Parker and Weyman-Jones (2007) also use an input distance function. 2.7. DEA ANALYSIS Feng-Cheng Fu , Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg and Yong-Sheng Chen (2007) use data for state owned enterprise to measures for productivity. They use the DEA method and linear programming model in an output oriented model with the assumption of CRS for China enterprises. They also use the Malmquist productivity indicator (MPI) and decompose it in technological change and efficiency change. With DEA they calculate production frontiers. They use value added as a proxy for output and in a separate model they use taxable profits as a proxy for output. The definition of taxable profits is total sales minus cost of goods sold. Their research is on the industrial sector for financially independent companies for the time period 1986-2003. They calculate DEA efficiency for Panel data and Cross section data. According to their results efficiency in state owned enterprises in china grew in the 80; s, declined‟ in the 90‟s and then steadily progressed from 2000. They suggest that favourable reform contributed to the increased efficiency. Thus they classify the economy in three stages: the first one is reforms on the 80s, the market oriented on the 90s and after 2000 the period of privatization. They find that a favourable macroeconomic indicator may lead to productivity though they admit it is a long term determinant of productivity. 42 Andries suggest that studying banking productivity is important because increased productivity may lead to better performance. He provides comparative analysis of CEE countries for efficiency in banks. He uses Stochastic Frontier Analysis which allows the error term and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) which assumes that all deviation in efficiency are caused by firm characteristics and does not account elements that also affects the performance. He calculates Malmquist productivity index. With the DEA method you can identify the inefficiency and what should be done to improve it. Whether DEA is input oriented or output oriented will lead to different efficiency scores. The general form of production function is: Equation 15 𝐲𝐢𝐭 = 𝐱 𝐢𝐭 𝛃 + 𝐯𝐢𝐭 − 𝐮𝐢 Where v is random error, u truncated error variable, y output vector, x input vector and it can be estimated using Maximum likelihood estimation, least squares dummy variable approach and the generalized least square. They calculate Malmquist index using DEAlinear programming method. According to the studies the efficiency in banks differs in time and among banks and this is due to internal and external factors that banks face. They use two stage estimation, first they estimate the level of efficiency and then they use the estimation as a dependent variable. When the dependent variable is DEAS efficiency scores OLS cannot be used but the two tails TOBIT to analyze efficiency with other variables. Their dataset consist of 112 banks in 8 CEE countries in the period 2004-2008. They find that the average efficiency increased. The analysis uses the hypothesis of constant returns to scale. According to them private banks are more efficient while in terms of productivity state owned banks show a larger increase. When size is controlled they find that medium sized banks seem to be more productive and small banks are more efficient. They apply OLS with efficiency as a dependent variable and find that it is influenced by variables such as: bank capital structure, size of the bank, total asset of banking system, annual inflation rate, asset share of state owned banks, asset share of foreign owned banks, ownership form of the bank, the level of concentration in the banks in system; percentage of the asset owned by the 5 largest banks in the system, the banking reform and interest rate liberalization level, deposit rate and lending rate. 2.8. PRODUCTIVITY RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER VARIABLES (INNOVATION, R&D, IT, INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE) The expectation is that innovation will lead to higher productivity growth. In order to give evidence that there is a large body of literature and diverse related to productivity and profitability we bring some studies that have to do with profitability and productivity from different sector industries, different countries and looking at different variables. We are reviewing studies on : the analysis that size and growth of German companies as a result of the institutional change; the relationship between TFP and technological progress in the electricity industry; innovation and productivity in manufacturing industry; evidence of practice principles of productive firms; evidence that computerization increases productivity, innovation and productivity; infrastructure and firm performance; IT and performance and a study on determinants of profitability. 43 Audretsch, Elston and Ann (2006) check the relationship between size and growth for German companies. They use three dataset the Hoppenstedt database, Deutsche Bundesbank data sources, and publicly available data from the web. Their estimates classify between Neuer Markt firm and traditional manufacturing firms. Their estimates suggest that Neuer Markt small firms grow faster whereas in the traditional firms big firms grow faster. They present parsimonious model but still the size variable is significant unless cash flow is included when it turns to insignificant. They check for robustness dividing the sample in 3 using different criteria for small firms but the conclusions remain the same- small firms grow faster. They conclude that the institutional change of Neuer Markt has enabled new technology sectors driven by small firm growth. Rungsuriyawiboon, Supawat Stefanou, Spiro E. (2008) employ dynamic efficiency model and use two step estimation: first maximum likelihood estimation and in the second step generalized method of moment. They use electricity industry data. The time period they analyze is 1986-1999 and data are obtained from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). “The empirical findings show that the alocative efficiency gain effect from the change of variable input is the most attributed factor to TFP growth, while that from the change of marginal value of capital is nearly negligible.” p.186 Their study suggests that TFP growth was mainly driven by technological progress. Figure 9 Innovation and productivity Source: Baily and Chakrabarti (1985). P631 44 Baily and Chakrabarti (Innovation and productivity in US industry, 1985) study two manufacturing industries which vary in the capital intensity they use to look for the relationship between innovation and productivity. “It is at the point of commercial introduction that the new product or process is described as an innovation” (Baily and Chakrabarti , 1985)p. 610. Technology does not provide direct productivity enhancement but it provides the means for it. New processes and new product development improve productivity in manufacturing industry. They collected data on innovation. They have found that slowdown of innovation caused a slowdown in productivity in manufacturing industry in US. They suggest the link between innovation and productivity and also suggest that output slowdown may be as a consequence of business cycle and structural shocks. Cooper and Edgett outline how new product development productivity is measured: NPD productivity= Sales or profit from NPD (output)/ R&D spending (input) According to them studies show that there is a decrease in profitability but R&D remains constant. “The one factor that does show a dramatic change, however, and that explains the decrease in profitability, is the balance in the portfolio of projects undertaken today versus in 1990.” P.3. APQC study has developed seven principles that when employed in business will result with superior performance. These principles are outlined in the figure: Figure 10 Superior performance principles Source: Copper and Edget, fig 2. In the same study in order to have Customer focused- differentiated superior product six methods were introduced: 1. customer visit with in-depth interviews; 45 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. camping out or ethnography; lead user analysis; focus group problem detection sessions; brainstorming group events with customers; crowd sourcing using online or IT based approaches. According to them (APQC) high productivity firms compared to less productivity firms are front end loaded with assessments such as: preliminary market assessment, technical assessment, source of supply assessment, market research, concept testing, value to customer assessment, product definition, business and financial analysis. They underline the importance of metrics for successful projects and successful new products. They find that high productivity firms practice the principles of lean, rapid and profitable NPD: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. customer focused; heavy front-end; spiral development –loops; holistic-effective teams; metrics, accountability and continuous improvement; focus and portfolio management. Brynjolfson and Hitt (1998) note that while you can easily define productivity as output per unit of input the measurement is not that easy. They mention that it is even harder to measure in the information economy. ”Productivity growth comes from working smarter” p.50. They state that the conventional wisdom does not find relationship between computers and productivity but level studies contradict the productivity paradox and find that IT investments are positively correlated with firm output. When they look at variation in productivity and investment they find positive relationship but there is difference between firms on the size of the relationship. They use a firm effect model and the benefits from IT were reduced which they interpret that half of the value of the benefit is due to firm characteristics and the other part is general for all firms. When they look at the relationship in different time periods they find that the long term benefits are larger which they explain by the fact that it investments are time consuming and costly. They conclude that computerization itself does not induce productivity but it‟s a component of the system which increases productivity. “It is at the point of commercial introduction that the new product or process is described as an innovation” p. 610 (Innovation and productivity in US industry Baily and Chakabakri (1985), Broking papers on economic activity.) On their case study for two industries (chemical and textile) the management interviews answer that the slowdown of innovation contributes to the slowdown in the productivity growth (Baily and Chakabakri (1985)). Stratapoulos and Dehning (2000) are looking at the productivity paradox (the link between IT investment and performance. They note that IT investments have an upward trend and they are not expected to slow down in the near future. In their literature review they find that the evidence is that either there is no proved relationship between IT and performance or the relationship is positive. They claim that this may be due to not distinguishing successful users and not successful ones and suggest that their study is based on the fact that IT can use effectively or ineffectively. They test the hypothesis that 46 financial performance is the same between successful and les successful users of IT. They state that the IT investment would rather be short time improvement than long-term performance advantage. Their selection of the sample is from CWP100 list. They use a match paired design with matching variables controls for industry, size and capital intensity. Financial performance variables used are profitability (growth in net sales, gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin, ROA, ROE and ROI) and efficiency(fixed asset turnover, total asset turnover and inventory turnover) measures. To test their hypothesis they use nonparametric statistics the Wilkoxon signed rank test for matched pairs. Their results demonstrate in favor of rejecting their hypothesis. Therefore successful users of IT outperform in profitability measures such as ROA, ROE, ROI while as considered to efficiency measures only total asset turnover supports their hypothesis. Their study attributes explanation to the productivity paradox to the mismanagement. Their work is evidence that successful IT investment may lead to better performance. We can draw the conclusion that their study notes the importance of efficiently using IT investment rather than on costs of IT investments that make firms outperform. 2.9. COMPARATIVE STUDIES Fox (2011) notes that aggregating productivity and comparing productivity among countries arises many problems. Laurent Weill (2008) suggests that in centralized economies they could not get neither the stick (guaranteed employment), nor the carrot (increased wages). They note six characteristic of socialist economies that do not help enhancing productivity: Failure in innovation and incentive to reduce costs; managers online wanted to hit the target planned by employing more labor because of the risk of ratchet effect; guaranteed employment; prevalence of seller‟s markets; national self-sufficiency and independency from market economies; poor quality of institutions, with notably the lack of political freedom, a weak quality of the administration, and corruption. What these facts suggest as that is hazardous to compare west developed countries with developing countries or otherwise stated we are expecting a productivity gap between these country groups. He measures technical efficiency in the 70s and 80s using a Cobb Douglas production function of the form: Equation 16 𝒍𝒏 𝒀 𝑳 𝒊𝒕 = 𝜶𝒕 + 𝜷𝟏𝒕 𝒍𝒏 𝑲 𝑳 𝒊𝒕 + 𝜷𝟐𝒕 𝒍𝒏 𝑯 𝑳 𝒊𝒕 + 𝒗𝒊𝒕 − 𝒖𝒊𝒕 Where dependent variable is output per worker and input variables are capital per worker and human capital per worker, while the error term is compose of statistical noise and inefficiency term. They use two model for their panel WITHIN model proposed by Cornwell et al. (1990) and firm effects model proposed by Battese and Coelli (1992). They use Penn World Tables as a dataset for 89 countries for the time 1971–1987. Their 47 result shows that socialist countries were underperforming in the meaning they were producing only 32.36% of what could be produced optimally. The gap between socialist and developed countries increased in the beginning and end of the period showing that there was a productivity slowdown in socialist countries in the 80s. They suggest that market oriented reforms favoured efficiency especially in Yugoslavia. The country (from socialist countries) with lower level of efficiency had the lower increase in efficiencyPoland. They obtain similar efficiency coefficient and similar variations with the BC model. The difference is that with BC model the developed countries show higher efficiency coefficient (65.62%) whereas in the WITHIN model middle income countries have higher efficiency, and with BC model lower income countries are less efficient (with a mean of 36.11%) not as in WITHIN model where socialist countries are. They compute Sperman correlation coefficient and the results are robust for the frontier analysis techniques. Their result show that the mean efficiency coefficient for socialist countries varies a little from lower income countries but varies a lot from middle income and developed countries. They also compute weighted means of efficiency scores and the results remain robust to the previous stated findings. Their findings suggest that socialist countries have low efficiency indicators, market oriented reforms improve efficiency and their data estimates suggest that there is a gap between socialist countries and developed countries. Van Ark (1996) note that studying productivity is important because of its relation to accumulation of physical and human capital, technological progress, resource allocation and efficiency and competitiveness. He suggests that aggregate production function assumes assumption which cannot be fulfilled in practice -this is in favor of research that disaggregates production. He discusses issues in measuring output, labor inputs, and capital inputs. He outlines the international productivity datasets available: US Bureau of Labor Statistics, The International Sectoral Database, STAN, and Eurostat. Studies that make international comparisons mainly use Tornqvist indices. They admit that the lack of comparable data makes it difficult to make international comparison studies, besides the measurement problem and linking it with economic theory. They suggest that inputoutput tables may be helpful in international comparison by sector and industry. Johannes Van Biesebroeck (2009) constructs sectorial PPP to make country comparisons. They use that data form OECD‟s Statistics Department and the STAN database. They use value added price deflators because fewer countries report gross output and because the dependent variable is value added per worker. They conclude that there is convergence independently of the base year chosen for PPP. 2.10. MORE ON PRODUCTIVITY Productivity is a profit incentive or reward according to Marshall while the idea of innovative businessman is developed by Schumpeter. “Although there were many challenges facing the agricultural economy as China entered the end of the 1990s, it was shown that the investment into R&D (which because of time lags between investment and production of new varieties had taken place in the late 1970s and 1980s) was producing the technology that was driving TFP.” P 192, Jin et al. 48 (2010). The production technology that they employ is translog production and use panel data. Productivity can arise as growth of technology progress one strand but this has the assumption that firms are efficient. Innovation is a factor to firms‟ performance. R&D and productivity are expected to have positive relationship. R&D is used to measure knowledge in studies using a Cobb Douglas production function. Legros, Diégo Galia, Fabrice (2011) introduce besides R&D, training expenditure and knowledge capitalization as measures of knowledge. They note that training is an investment for firms. 2.11. CONCLUSION The main stakeholders in the productivity and profitability of the firm are the employees, the owners and the government. The importance of research on productivity is outlined in Mawson et al (2003). With further reviews of the literature on productivity found in: Barteslamn and Doms (2000); Mawson et al (2003). We can divide studies on productivity into three strands: Studies exploring the definition of productivity, studies measuring factors that may influence productivity and comparative studies on productivity. We conclude that the definition of productivity is crucial for the results on productivity research. There is a “menu” of alternatives in the empirical research on productivity and the lack of micropanel datasets makes the comparative studies difficult. We identify these approaches for studying productivity: index number studies, production function, distance function and DEA analysis. Malmquist index and Törnqvist index are the most common used indexes on productivity studies. For example they are used in studies such as: Fare et al (1994), Ball et al (2004); Camanho and Dyson (2006); Grifell-tatjé and Lovell (1998).The production function relates the amount of the output to the amount of input used – a function that describes the technology. For example they are used in studies such as: Solow (1957); Banda and Verdugo (2011); Grimes, Arthur Ren, Cleo Stevens, Philip (2011); Fernandes (2008).Distance function studies: Saal et al. (2007); Conceição et al. (2006) while Dea analyzis studies: Feng-Cheng Fu and ChuPing C. Vijverberg and Yong-Sheng Chen (2007). According to empirical research we find that variables correlated with productivity are: institutional change, technological progress, IT investment, innovation and R&D. Micro data in studying productivity are important in different fields of economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, labor economics, international trade and industrial organization. Besides different approaches for studying productivity we identify different empirical approaches for estimation in productivity studies and we notice that studies that use panel data are sparse. Concluding we suggest that identification of drawbacks of each empirical estimation is crucial for deciding the choice of empirical estimation. 49 3. A DISCUSSION ON DATA AND METHODOLOGY: MLE AND COBB-DOUGLAS MODEL SPECIFICATION 3.1. INTRODUCTION Science and research provides us with information and conclusion about certain topics of interest. Theoretical framework often may open discussion and contradictions among researchers. Thus overview of the theory (historical method) itself may not always provide sufficient evidence for advocating or rejecting certain theories, instead it should be complemented with empirical evidence from the recent datasets. The dynamic of society and technology may be considered as potential reason why theory often does not draw indisputable conclusions. Business activities and economy are dynamic subjects and as a consequence there is a continuous interest of researches for testing the theory, providing supporting or contradicting evidence and proposing new policies. Nowadays research on social sciences especially economics extensively use estimation methods and modeling. Thus theory is complemented with data estimation before coming up with conclusion. The follow up of the theoretical framework is identifying available datasets that will enable testing models on productivity and provide empirical evidence. Looking at datasets that contain information for conducting production function estimation for enterprises in Albania and Macedonia we choose to employ the questionnaire of The Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) because of the reliability of data collection, geographic coverage and because of the high response rate. The main focus of the chapter is to identify variables of interest, their definition and discuss summary statistics of the sample employed. Additionally the estimation methodology for the underlying models estimated in the following chapter is discussed in detail. The object of this part is to analyze and draw conclusions about: 1. 2. 3. 4. Questionnaire; Type of data; Variables and model; Estimation methodology. The chapter begins with the discussion about the nature of the questionnaire and dataset on section 3.2 and on section 3.3 the type of data we have available are discussed in detail. On the next section (3.4) the variables of interest and their nature are introduced and also the methodology of estimation is discussed on section 3.5 and 3.6. Next section 3.7 introduces the main business constrains that companies face. Follows a discussion on main characteristics of firms in section 3.8.The chapter finalizes with some concluding notes and technical information necessary for understanding the estimation results in the next chapter. 50 3.2. THE QUESTIONARE The Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) collects and assess data on private enterprise and business development. There have been four rounds of the survey starting from: - the first round ( 1999-2000) which covered 4000 enterprises in 26 countries; the second round (2002) which covered 6500 enterprises in 27 countries; the third round (2005) which covered 9500 enterprises in 28 countries; the fourth round (2008-2009) which covered 11 800 enterprises in 29 countries. All these rounds make possible to construct a panel data on enterprises in EBRD countries which can be used for analysis and provide suggestions to the private sector and the government. As we can see the geographic coverage and sample size increases from the first round to the last round. The data provided from BEEPS are comparable and may be used to assess how the business environment has changed through time. Countries that are cover in BEEPS (round four) are: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia (including Kosovo under UNSCR 1244), Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The sample is reliable according to sample selection criteria for all countries while in Albania stratified random sampling was used. The sample frame was obtained from official sources in each specific country and enterprises in BEEPS 2005. The target number of interviews was reached in most of the countries ( Belarus, Kyrgys and Croatia had larger discrepancies between the target and realized interviews). We are inspecting the panel data and we expect that we might have a problem of missing data in the panel dataset. Therefore we are going to seek the variables of interest in the panel dataset to get the general picture for the whole sample of countries and years of the questionnaire and then look at specific years and specific countries of interest for a more detailed picture. The missing data may arise because of the differences in the questionnaire through time and another reason is because the questionnaire is constructed so that in most of the questions it allows the respondent to respond with I don‟t know. These reasons will result with missing data for our questions of interest. We can use time series or cross section analyzes as subsamples of the main panel data. 3.3. PANEL DATA The simple general definition for the panel data is N sample units (i) observed over time (t). Our panel data is firms in 29 different countries for a time of 5 year. The main conclusion when looking at the summary statistics of our data is that we are having an unbalanced panel. Panel data offer hetereoiginity among units across time. Gujarati suggest that panel data enriched empirical analysis though the mathematics and statistics are high leveled, but the availability of econometric software allows us easy of computation and practice of these types of data. A simple linear model that uses panel data mathematically may be expressed as: 51 Equation 17 𝐘𝐢𝐭 = 𝛃𝟎 + 𝛃𝟏 𝐗 𝟏𝐢𝐭 + 𝛃𝟐 𝐗 𝟐𝐢𝐭 + 𝐮𝐢𝐭 Where i stand for units of analysis (individuals, firms, states) or the cross section and t for the time of analysis (the time of available data). The panel data may be balanced and unbalanced. We have balanced data if we have the information for the cross section for all the time period whereas if the number of observations differs than we have unbalanced panel. In our sample data, accordingly we have unbalanced panel because we do not have information for all of the firms for the time series. We explain this that some firms may have gone bankrupt, changed legal status or merged with other companies. Therefore not all the firms covered on the first BEEPS questionnaire appear in the second, third or fourth questionnaire. When estimating these types of data we have to make assumptions on constant, slope coefficients and error term whether they are constant or vary over individual and time. These assumptions will show the complexity that we have to deal with. Thus is the coefficients and intercept varies over time and individuals we have more complexity involved but on the same time we may have more information. More simple assumptions may mean easy of computation but may distort the true picture. Fixed effect regression means that intercept varies between units but is time invariant ore often expressed as FEM. We can use differential intercept dummies for estimating the fixed effect and the model is least –square dummy variable model (LSDV) or as a covariance model. We can account for time varying using time dummies for each year9. Gujarati lists the problem from using panel data: introducing to many dummies may lead to losing the degrees of freedom; having to many variables may lead to multicolinearity problem; the impact of time invariant variables may not be captured; classical assumptions for the error term may have to be modified. Another approach for the panel data is the error components model (ECM) or random effects model (REM). The main point of this model is the error term which is expressed as: Equation 18 𝐰𝐢𝐭 = 𝛆𝐢 + 𝐮𝐢𝐭 And consists of two parts: the individual effect error and the combined time series and cross section error. Thus the intercept represent the mean value of all the individuals while the individual error component is the deviation from the mean which is a latent variable. Gujarati suggests that the decision which model to choose should be based on the following: „‟If it is assumed that εi and the X‟s are uncorrelated, ECM may be appropriate, whereas if εi and the X‟s are correlated, FEM may be appropriate (p. 650). Our sample is random drawing so according to Judge et al. we should use ECM taking under consideration the big number of cross section and the small time; if the error and estimators are correlated ECM gives biased estimators while from FEM unbiased. We can also do the Hausman test when choosing between models. 9 Interactive or differential slope dummies 52 Greene (2005) describe the stochastic frontier model Equation 19 𝐲𝐢𝐭 = 𝐟 𝐱 𝐢𝐭 , 𝐳𝐢 + 𝐯𝐢𝐭 − 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐭 = 𝛃′ 𝐱𝐢𝐭 + 𝐮′𝐳𝐢 + 𝐯𝐢𝐭 − 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐭 , 𝐢 = 𝟏, … , 𝐍; 𝐭 = 𝟏, … , 𝐓. And the sign of S is positive if it is a production function or profit function while minus if it is a cost function and the meaning is the inefficiency term. Greene reviewing the literature notes that there are both shortcoming and virtues for both approaches fixed and random effects. The virtues of fixed effect is that is distribution free but the shortcoming is that it only draws the general picture and loses individuality of estimating inefficiency. On the other hand the random effect has tighter parameterization but allows looking at the individuality of the inefficiency term but assumes that effects are time invariant and uncorrelated with the variables in the model. The time invariant assumption is a shortcoming for both fixed and random effect model. The time invariant term in his formulations is reinterpreted as firm specific heteregoinity and not as inefficiency. Huberler (2006) notes that because of unavailability to do the cross section data in all the years of interest we result with missing data which is referred to as unbalanced panel. If the time invariant error term is uncorrelated with the error term than we have the random effect model. On the other hand fixed effect model wipe out time invariant regros and individual effects. They suggest that when estimating nonlinear panel data we can use conditional maximum likelihood estimation. They conclude that there is no uniform method for estimation of nonlinear models but there are specific forms that when we estimate the results will vary on the assumptions. Patriota et al. (2011) suggest that biased problem with heteroscadastic errors is usually a problem with the small sample with MLE estimators. They introduce bias correction estimation and show that these corrected estimators prove to be effective for the maximum likelihood estimators. They suggest that biased in small sample size may be nonnegligable. They use the epidemiological data set from the WHO MONICA and compare estimators from ML and bias corrected estimator and conclude that the biases are larger in ML estimators. They conclude that using the correction scheme the estimators are nearly unbiased even for large sample. Huwang et al. (2009) provide uniformly robust tests for the vector coefficient and vector slope parameter using testing with confidence intervals and the estimated results are close to the nominal ones.10 Semykina, and Wooldridge (2010) propose a test for selection bias FE-2SLS where endogeneity is conditional on the unobserved effect. Their test is robust even with endogenous repressors. Gerd Ronning, Hans Schneeweiss (2011) analyze panel regressions with fixed effect estimators. First we try to check the nature of our data and what the figures tell us is that 2009 and 2005 have larger number of firms interviewed while 2007 have the lowest number of interviewed firms. If we want to look at two years than we have larger sample if we choose 2005 and 2009 (refer to Appendix for details). We should avoid having the year 10 For more technical issues refer to the original paper 53 2007 because it results with very little number of firms‟ interviews that are also provided in other years. The conclusion from this is that we are far away from having balanced panel. Also we review our primary idea of using the panel for all the years because from the overall 26 911 total sample shrinks almost by 10 times, but however the object of our analysis are two countries. After data examination we choose to work with a cross section data for Albania and Macedonia for the sample of 2009 (which is the most recent data sample available at the time we obtained and examined the data). Another reason why we choose not to work with the panel data is because our focus is to estimate a production function and we are not sure that the production function is the same for all the time period. Therefore we assume Porters effect holds and continue our analysis for a sample data for Albania and Macedonia. The data collection in Albania was obtained in five regions: Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Fier and Vlora. In Macedonia there were 4 regions defined: Eastern, North-west &West, Skopje and South. 3.4. VARIABLE DEFINITION We want to look at the nature of data than the nature of the enterprises included in the questionnaire. We introduce the definition and summary statistics (in appendix) of the variables of interest. YEAR The questionnaire has 4 years of data where: - year 1 stands for 2000 year 2 stands for 2005 year 3 stands for 2007 year 4 stands for 2009 SALES Sales- is continues variable and provides the amount of sales in the last year. We expect that the higher the sales the higher the probability that company will spend on R&D. Also a sale is proxy for the gross output. POWER OUTAGES Power outages- is a dummy variable showing whether the company faces the problem of power outages or not. Power outage is reported as an obstacle for the business environment so we want to check whether it will represent an obstacle for R&D as well. We want to check this variable because is reported as an obstacle of business in transition countries. SIZE The dataset contains data from small, medium and large companies where small are companies that have 5-19 employees, medium 20-99 and large more than 100. We use a dummy variable and make a new classification of two groups: the first one is small and medium companies and the second group is of large companies. 54 SME is controlling for the size of the enterprises using a dummy. We used the conventional classification of small, medium and large enterprises and compare small and medium with large enterprises. We expect that smaller companies innovate less compared to large companies. The size variable is based on the number of employees and the categories are the standard one: small, medium, large. INNOVATION Innovation – has the establishment introduced new product or service? Innovation – in the model is a dummy variable showing whether the company has spent on innovation (introduction of a new product). The expectation is that companies that innovate also spend on R&D. The definition of innovation used in our analysis is the introduction of a new product. We will use it both as dependent and independent variable. This dependent variable is a dummy variable indicating whether the company has introduced a new product or not. INTERNET BROADBAND We have created a variable internet from the question does the company have a high speed broadband connection. Internet- is a dummy variable whether the company has an internet broadband or not. We expect that companies that have internet broadband will be more prone to R&D spending because of the speed of information that internet provides. Having internet broadband means more access to the new technology to new developments in the competition world. So we are expecting that companies that have high speed broadband have higher probability to innovate. We do not have information on our dataset whether they are using efficiently the internet broadband. The information that we have is just whether they have internet broadband or not. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT(R&D) One question in the questionnaire addresses whether the company has an R&D investment or not. We have two questions that provide us information about R&D investment: the first one is whether the enterprises invest in R&D and the second one is the amount spent on R&D. R&D investment means that the company is incentivizing development and research which is core for innovation. Therefore we expect that the probability to innovate will increase as a result of R&D investment. The dataset as mentioned provides two sources of information on R&D. When looking at summary statistics we chose to use the question whether they engage in R&D or not since it is answered for more observations while on the other hand the question on the amount of R&D results with relatively large number of missing data. R&D- in the model is a dichotomy variable telling whether the firm is engaged in R&D spending or not; since this is our variable of interest and because of its nature we have to choose from the choice of binary models for estimating. There are a lot of studies that correlate R&D with higher growth; therefore we want to estimate what may determine the probability for R&D. 55 ACCESS TO FINANCE The scale for obstacles is: no obstacle, minor, moderate, major or very severe obstacle. The dummy we created is grouped moderate, major and severe obstacle in one group and minor or no obstacle in another group. Access to finance- we expect that firms that find access to finance as a major obstacle will probably innovate less than companies that do not have obstacle in access to finance. Innovating is a costly process in the first stages until the product is introduced to the market. Innovation may be explained by the availability of financial resources. We also check whether financing is an impediment and control how access to finance being an obstacle impacts the probability to innovate compared to not facing obstacles on access to finance. EMPLOYEES Employees- we expect that the probability to innovate will increase if we have more skilled labor. We have chosen to check for the labor since in our observation regarding obstacles of businesses indicate that inadequate labor force is one of the major problems for Macedonia and Albania and therefore we include this variable on the estimation for these countries. LABOR PRODUCTIVITY We have defined labor productivity as sales per labor and generated this variable for the sample data used in the estimation. INFORMAL COMPETITION The variable is generated from the question does the company compete against informal sector. We use this variable to check the Schumpeterian view respectively to check how competitiveness responds to innovation. QUALITY CERTIFICATION The question is whether the company has international quality certification. Quality certification is a source of knowledge. We expect that companies that have quality certification are more prone to innovate. Where quality certificate=1 if the enterprise has a quality certification and equals 0 if otherwise. As a source of knowledge quality certification is important for enterprises. We summarize the variables in the following table: Table 1 Variable Description VARIABLE SALES LN_SALES EMPLOYEES LN_EMPLOYEES DESCRIPTION the establishment total annual sales The logarithm of sales Number of permanent full time employees in the firm The logarithm of employees 56 EXPLANATION Gross output Logarithmic growth Gross labor input Logarithmic growth RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) Whether the company invested in R&D or not CAPITAL Net capital of the company LN_CAPITAL INTERMEDIATE The logarithm of capital Logarithmic growth Intermediate goods employed in Cost of raw materials the production and intermediate goods used in production LN_INTERMEDIATE ELECTRICITY The logarithm of intermediate SME INNOVATION INTERNET BROADBAND ACCESS TO FINANCE has 1 if the firm is engaged in R&D spending; 0 otherwise net book value of machinery and equipment +net book value of land and buildings Logarithmic growth Total annual cost of Electricity cost electricity Size of the company ( number of <100 equals to 1 and 0 employees) for >100 The definition of innovation is the introduction of a new product. Whether the company has an internet broadband or not. 1 if the company introduced a new product; 0 otherwise 1 if the company has internet broadband; 0 otherwise Whether the company finds 1 if they find access to finance as an obstacle moderate, major and severe obstacle and 0 if minor or no obstacle LABOR PRODUCTIVITY We have defined labor Sales/employee productivity as sales per labor INFORMAL COMPETITION Does the company compete 1 if yes and 0 otherwise against informal sector. QUALITY CERTIFICATION The question is whether the company has international quality certification. Whether the company faces the problem of power outages or not. POWER OUTAGES Source: BEEPS Questionnaire 57 1 if the enterprise has a quality certification and equals 0 if otherwise. 1 if yes and 0 otherwise 3.5. MODEL AND ESTIMATION DISCUSSION On the literature review we find that possible determinants of productivity are R&D and innovation. Also we identified that among other methods Cobb-Douglas production function is applied in productivity studies. Therefore we are suggesting the estimation of three regressions. Two of them are nonlinear regressions: the first one where the dependent variable is new product and the second investment in R&D. With the first two models we want to check the nature of the firms respectively what influences the enterprises to innovate and to have R&D investment. Our dependent variables are two of the main factors for which the research provides evidence as determinants of productivity. The model for the logit is as follows: Innovation= f (sales, SME, compete with unregistered, credit) Whenever our dependent variable is a binary choice variable the model we chose to estimate is from the probability models. Most commonly used for this type of models are probit and logit. The general mathematical expression for this model is as follows: 1) probit: 𝐏𝐫 𝒀 = 𝟏𝚰𝑿 = 𝝓 (𝑿′ 𝜷) The model for the probit is as follows: Equation 20 Yit= β0it +β1it+uit Where Yit= 1 if Yit>0 and Yit=0 if otherwise 2) Logit 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡 (𝔼 𝑌𝑖 𝔩𝑋𝑖 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑖 = ln 𝑝𝑖 1− 𝑝 𝑖 = 𝛽𝑋𝑖 or respectively as a latent variable model y*= 0 x e , where y = 1[y*>0] y = 0[y*≤0] The link function in probit models is the inverse normal cumulative distribution while in the logit model is the logit transformation. Logistic distribution is leptokurtic relative to the normal distribution. Binary response models are widely used in economics. Hahn and Soyer examine how the links in multivariate binary response models can be distinguished respectively the multivariate link function and random effects model. They note that when there are extreme independent variable levels than the ability to distinguish between probit and logit is maximized. They try to find differences and compare logit and probit models using 4 conditions: 1) Nonextreme independent variable level; moderate dependent variable correlation; 58 2) Nonextreme independent variable level; high dependent variable correlation; 3) Extreme independent variable level; moderate dependent variable correlation; 4) Extreme independent variable level; high dependent variable correlation. They also compare the differences once the sample size is small and larger. They find that in small sample the probit model may slightly perform better. When the sample is larger they find superiority in the logit model. Considering that the nature dataset provides information about innovation from YES or NO answer, in the model that will be estimated it will take a binary form, therefore we will apply the logit model. We will use the logit model in order to see what are the possible effects of dependent variables in case that the binary dependent variable (innovation) takes a value of 1 in cases that the company introduces new product and zero otherwise. We may conclude that our dependent variable is dichotomous therefore the model that we will use is a logit model. In the following part we will describe the variables that we consider to have an impact on the outcome of our binary dependent variable and our expectations. Being a binary dependent variable innovation is analyzed using maximum likelihood estimation; explicitly in our model we will use logit11 regression. Wooldridge (2006) suggests that we cannot express the logit model with formulas because of the nonlinear nature, thus we express our dependent variable as a function of independent variables. “Innovative activity has a positive spillover in that all firms innovate on the same quality frontier and innovations push the frontier forward”p.1319, Lentz and Mortensen (2008). “Most firms in emerging markets are engaged in activities far from the technological frontier and entrepreneurs innovate not just through original inventions but also by adopting new means of production, new products and new forms of organization.” p.2, Ayyagari et al. (2007). They test whether innovation is the channel through which initial development affects growth. Their results find positive relationship between external finance and innovation also that foreign financing is associated with more innovation. They find that state owned firms are less likely to innovate. Also that firms owned by individuals are more prone to innovating than firms owned by financial institutions. Foreign competition is positively related to innovation. Firms that are run by experienced managers tend to innovate more. They note that human capital investment is important for innovation and conclude that higher competition and good governance may lead to greater innovation. The questions we want to answer are what determines firm to innovate? Heshmati and Pietola (2004) use CIS Swedish DATA for time period 1996-98. Their definition of innovation is positive innovation input and positive innovation sales. They use one step generalized tobit model for innovation and 3SLS. They find negative relationship between size and inefficiency. Industries with intensive production factors are less efficient than industries with average production factors. Also innovation, productivity and temporarily hired labor are enhancing efficiency. Their estimates show that larger firms and firms that innovate are more efficient. They also find differences in 11 We can also apply the probit model but since we get similar results we estimate only using logit. These models allow predicting the probability that an employee is part of a particular scheme as a nonlinear function of the independent variables. 59 efficiency of sectors. They find evidence on positive link between innovation and productivity growth at firm level. According to their results positively influence the decision to invest in innovation: profitability, knowledge intensity, size, investment intensity, and export share and labor and capital intensive production technologies. They note that innovation on input and the process of innovation impacts the innovation output. Their results suggest two-way positive causal relationship between the innovation output and productivity growth among the innovative firms. “The relationship between corporate competitiveness strategy, innovation, increased efficiency, productivity growth and outsourcing” Almas Heshmati and Kyösti Pietola (2004) Buddelmeyer et al. (2006) note that since is difficult to measure the success of innovation the relationship between innovation and firm survival is ambiguous. Their data consist of Australian firms for the time period 1997-2003. Aghion et al. (2002) provide evidence that in transition countries old firms innovate because of agency problem while new firms innovate because of competitive pressure. They suggest that hard budget constraint, competition and access to external finance may lead to more innovation and growth in companies in transition countries. Harrison et al. (2008) assess the relationship between innovation and employment. Their evidence suggests that innovators have higher employment growth than noninovators, also sales growth and productivity is higher for innovators. Their evidence is on manufacturing and service and they make a distinction between process innovation and product innovation. The evidence they provide may suggest that transition countries should boost innovation because of the expectation that it may lead to higher employment. According to the Central Limit theorem if the sample is large enough than every distribution follows the normal distribution. Biernes (2008) discuss how the logit model is interpreted. The hypothesis we are testing is whether sales, internet, power outages and innovation are determinants for R&D. Thus the second estimated model is also a logit model: R&D= f (SME, internet, power outages, compete with unregistered and innovation). 3.5.1. LOGIT ESTIMATION Probabilistic models originate from Luce 1959 and now are extensively used in social sciences. Probability models are models of choice between mutually exclusive events. The difference between probit and logit is in the cumulative distribution function where the first is specified for the normal distribution while the latter for the logisitic distribution. Whenever we have discrete choice variables we have to respond them with binary choice models respectively the basic models of this kind are probit and logit. Despite the extensive use the interpretation of these models is not straightforward task. The difficulty arises because these types of models are not linear and therefore they can no longer be estimated using OLS but rather with MLE. The idea behind MLE is choosing the maximum likelihood function contrarily to OLS where we seek for the least 60 square. Koppelman, (2000) note that likelihood is an estimation of a function of maximum utility estimation. The OLS cannot be used since the Gauss- Markov assumptions are violated respectively the error term has a logistic distribution. Therefore the OLS will produce biased, inefficient and non-reliable results. We can find that these types of model are interpreted as probabilities, odds and marginal effects. In the binary choice model log of odds ratio is the dependent variable where independent variables may be quantitative and/or qualitative variable and the difficulty in interpretation arises especially with the qualitative independent variables. The slope of coefficients in a logit model are not constant so the information that we reach from the estimation is only for the direction of the impact and it does not tell much about the magnitude of the impact. Thus before concluding the research should follow more estimation. Noteworthy “effective interpretation of the binary logit/probit models calls for more than model estimation” p.1 (Park, 2004). Logit and probit model is most common used model for a binary response dependent variable and the probability that the event will occur has a Bermuoli distribution. The difference is that the logit model follows a logistic cumulative distribution while the probit follows normal cumulative function. The formal preposition of the logit model assumes that the probability of the dependent variable is a function of independent variables. The slope of logit curve is the marginal effect of the independent variable on the probability of the dependent variable and it can be estimated as a derivative. The marginal effect in the probability of the dependent variable in the logit model depends on the value of all independent variables in the model. The logit model is formulated: Equation 21 𝐏 𝐘 = 𝟏 𝐗 = 𝟏 𝟏+𝐞𝐱𝐩 (−𝛂−𝛃𝐗) Or alternatively: Equation 22 𝑷 𝒀 = 𝟎 𝑿 = 𝐞𝐱𝐩 (−𝜶−𝜷𝑿) 𝟏+𝐞𝐱𝐩 (−𝜶−𝜷𝑿) Probit and logit models produce similar results even though they use different distribution: the probit uses normal distribution where the logit the logistic distribution. Thus for logit the function of the cumulative distribution of the error is expressed as: Equation 23 𝐟 𝐮 = 𝟏 𝟏+𝐞−𝐮 And for the probit: Equation 24 𝐟 𝐮 = 61 𝟐 −𝐭 𝐮 𝟐𝛔𝟐 𝐞 𝟐𝛑𝛔𝟐 −∞ 𝟏 𝐝𝐭 The MLE is sensitive to size. In an OLS model some of the main figures for the significance of the variables and the model that we look are t-statistic‟s and/or probability values, F values and R2 and the interpretation of the coefficients is straightforward respectively the parameter of the variables tell us about the magnitude of the impact when other variables are hold constant. In a logit model we no longer look at the F value or R2 (instead of there are other fit values which will be discussed in the following parts) and the parameter does not directly tell the magnitude of the impact alternatively researches may look at: Predicted probability Marginal effects Changes in odds Estimation of predicted probability results: Equation 25 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐭 (𝔼 𝐘𝐢 𝖑𝐗 𝐢 = 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐢 = 𝐥𝐧 𝐩𝐢 𝟏− 𝐩𝐢 = 𝛃𝐗 𝐢 The formulation was named logistic by Verhulst. Equation 26 𝑷 𝒀 = 𝟏 𝑿 = 𝟏 𝟏+𝐞𝐱𝐩(−𝒀) = 𝟏 𝟏+𝐞𝐱𝐩(−𝜷𝟎 −𝜷𝟏 𝑿) Or alternatively: Equation 27 𝑷 = 𝟏 𝟏+ 𝒆−𝑿𝜷 while the odds ratio is: Equation 28 odds= 𝟏 𝒆−𝑿𝜷 The marginal effects are not constant but vary from the independent variables therefore they can be interpreted as the magnitude changes in the probability of the dependent variable for a unit change, holding other factors constant. Marginal effect is relative changes in odds. The marginal effect tells the probability that our dependent variable takes value of 1, holding other factors constant and is estimated using partial derivatives with respect to independent variables: Equation 29 𝛛(𝐗𝛃) 𝛛𝐗 𝐤 = 𝐞𝐗𝛃 (𝟏+𝐞𝐗𝛃 )𝟐 𝛃𝐤 When we take the exponential of logit we have calculated the odds ratio. The odds ratio give information about the magnitude change of the dependent variable for an increase of a standard deviation, holding other factors constant. 62 A formal knowledge for the general logit formulation and the interpretation of marginal effects, odds and odds ratio is provided by Bierens, (2008). The latent logit model may be expressed as: y*= 0 x u , where y = 1[y*>0] y = 0[y*≤0] In the model X is a vector of random variables and u is the error term. The vector variables are variables that are expected to influence the occurrence of Y. Thus logit is often used based on utility choice and utility is determined by stochastic and no stochastic term. We have the information about the choice between alternatives. The nosntohastic term follows a logistic distribution. In case of dummy variables included we check whether there are significant differences between groups. Following we discuss estimation problems that are identified by researchers when estimating probabilistic models. The logit model is based on the assumption Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and testing this assumption tells how well the logit fits the data i.e. if the assumption (H0) is not rejected. The underlying test was developed by Hausman and McFaden (1984). MLE can be estimated using different software‟s which provide us with information about the pseudo t statistics (testing the significance of independent variables), pseudo R2 which is similar to the R2 in the OLS. In order to check for the significance of variables or joint significance of variables 2 we can follow Wald test and has 𝜒𝑚 distribution. Andrews et al. (2002) assess the fit of logit models using log likelihood and BIC as approximation of marginal likelihood. They use prediction accuracy, parameter recovery error and fit as measure of performance of the logit model. Nagler, (1994) propose a scobit estimation which follows Burr 10 distribution as an alternative to probit and logit models which allows skewed disturbance term. They compare scobit to logit not probit and note that logit is a constrained version of scobit. They sum that scobit is preferable to logit when α=1 while if α≠1 there is no much gain of estimating with scobit and that scobit may perform well for small samples. He notes that in the voting model scobit outperforms logit and the prediction between two models differ. They propose the scobit estimation as a result of the limitations that logit and probit face due to the assumption that individuals with probability 0.5 are more sensitive to changes. Logit and probit underestimate low probabilities- in the corner of distribution. Pradeep, (1994) note that when reporting probit and logit estimates usually researches use wrong formula and interpret them as probabilities and they also note that quantitative independent variables are interpreted straightforward but for dummy variables is the slope evaluation of infinitesimal of a change in the categorical variable. 63 Berry et al. (2010) note that in recent year‟s logit and probit model are used in political sciences with two independent variables that interact in influencing the probability of the dependent variable. A product term is introduced in the model and the estimation determines whether is significant or insignificant. According to them the presence of a product term does not necessarily mean that there is interaction and therefore should not be used to test and conclude interaction but should be used on theory grounds. They outline the meaning of a compression effect i.e. the marginal effect of a variable in probit and logit model in the probability of Y is strongest when probability of Y equals 0.5 and it gets smaller when the probability gets closer to 0 or 1. Thus they note that due to compression there will be interaction between independent variable nevertheless if there is a product term or not. On the other hand the introduction of a product term brings a second source of variation of the marginal effect on the probability. They specify that after Nagler (1991) paper researches were cautious to not identify compression with interaction but rather use product term to specify variable-specific interaction. Contrarily to Nagler their suggestion is that sometimes but not always a product term is necessary to capture interaction in logit and probit models. Thus they point that interaction may be caused by compression (in model with not product term) or by compression and variablespecific interaction (in models with product term). They also discuss that in a logit model if independent variables also take finite range values than their effect on the probability of Y is linear and additive and that nearly no compression is present. They note that large sample will result with consistent marginal effect on probability estimate and on average will be on target. They show that a statistical significant product term is not necessarily a confirmation for interaction and contrarily that an insignificant product term does not necessarily imply that there is no interaction. Since product term is neither necessary nor sufficient for finding interaction than the theory the answer whether or not to include a product term. They identify differences between product term, interaction term and compression and the application of logit in political sciences. Borooah, (2003) note that Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method may be applied if there are two mutually exclusive groups. Contrarily to Oaxaca-Blinder he proposes a decomposition method when there are more than two groups. He introduces a decomposition method to capture inter group differences in a logit formulation. Norton and Wang, (2004) note that interaction variables should not be treated same in linear and nonlinear models. In nonlinear models the marginal effect of the interaction variable is dependent on independent variables, the significance cannot be tested using z test and the sign of the interaction term may not indicate the sign of the interaction. Thus interaction variables should not be interpreted straightforward. They summarize that interacted variables are difficult to estimate and interpret in nonlinear models. Contrarily Allison, (1999) note that variation in the error makes comparison between groups in logit and probit invalidated. The model that they estimate is the probability a professor to get promoted and find that publishing a paper has significant different effect in male and female professors. They propose that if we want to make comparisons between groups in the legit model two things should be taken account of: sampling error and over identification. In the binary models is an important variable that may impact the dependent variable to be included no matter if they are correlated with other independent variables. Colinearity 64 may cause instability in estimation of parameters in a logit model. The problem of missing data applies also to nonlinear model and if missing data is relatively large as a consequence the research may not be conducted because no sample is left. In such situations the solution may be same suggestion as in linear models. Stepwise selection procedure should be applied in a logit model in order to check the independent variables that will be used in estimation. Lennox, (1999) note that nonlinear models should be tested for variable bias and homoscedascity in order to check if they are correctly specifies. He adds than when correctly specified nonlinear model such as probit and logit are better than DA in predicting bankruptcy models. They recognized superiority of nonlinear models over DA when they are well specified. Dubin and Rivers, (1989) note that despite the extensive use of logit model, very little focus has been on the issue of missing data for this type of models. They suggest that a Hackman extended framework can be applied to logit and probit models in order to overcome missing data problem. Allison, (1987) underline that, the logit model does not account for heterogeneity and they propose a remedy- introducing a disturbance term. The introduction of the disturbance term does not change the likelihood function. Al, (2007) note that the logit response model are restricted to well behaved classes of games. The generalization of the logit response model is on the basis of mistake model and the convergence to the Nash equilibrium in the general classes of games. Werden,Froeb and Tardiff, (2001) review the use of logit model in antitrust of mergers and advocate the use of logit in industrial organization. They note that in demand choice models endogeneity may arise as a problem. In their review they find that the application of logit is in estimating demand of hospitals, demand for telecommunication services, antitrust policy. Boskin, (1974) apply conditional logit model in the choice of occupation model and conclude that the choice is based on the maximization of the discounted present value of potential future earnings. Anderson and Holt, (2001) prove that there is a logit equilibrium in minimum and median effort coordination game and is a stochastic version of Nash equilibrium. They sum that by incorporating noise in the game an alternative of Nash analyses empirically grounded is provided. Werden and Froeb, (1994) use the logit model for the demand in differentiated product industry and the effect of mergers in this industries. They note that sometimes probit and nested logit may be preferable to logit. Schmidt ans Strauss, (1975) analyze employment using multiple logit. This model emphasizes differences due to preferences and differences due to labor market discrimination. They estimate whether there is gender and race discrimination in the employment. Consumer choice modeling literature applies logit model (Waerden, 1991). He proposes mother logit as an alternative to the consumer choice theory which is a generalization of 65 multinomial logit model. In the model for consumer choice of shopping center they apply mother logit which avoids the IIA property and it performed slightly better than multinomial logit and the difference between two models is statistically significant but relatively small. He identifies three class of study models that avoid IIA: the class that allows variances and covariance among the error term, the second class includes measure of (DIS) similarity in the utility function and the third class assumes a hierarchical decision making process. Independence from Irrelevant Alternative preposition holds in the simple logit model but does not hold in the mixed logit (Brownstone, Bunch, & Train, 2000). Mixed logit vary on the structure that they use. They estimate multinomial logit and mixed logit and capture the unobserved error correlation. They apply mixed logit in transportation analysis and conclude that using probability models in alternative fuel vehicle choice is difficult because of the large availability of choice. Nevo, (2000) note the extensive research on demand use mixed logit. Logit model is an improvement in estimating demand since it counts for heterogeneity of taste in differentiated product industries i.e. it counts for dimensionality of products. They note that in logit the substitution is estimated by the market share of the product. Utility shocks correlated across brand according to them may fix this problem of logit which on the other hand comes because of iid preposition. They propose the nested logit for modeling demand. Salas and Velasco, (2000) note that a lot focus has been attached to the economics of education. In models where individuals are choosing whether a certain level will be followed (having a dichotomous dependent variable whether or whether not) a logit model may be applied. With such models we can predict the determinant of choosing an investment in education by individuals. They estimate educational choice model using a logit model. Pradeep, (1994) underline using log likelihood tests the importance of demographic information on household segment membership. They use BIC for the choice of number of segments and their model is an extension of logit mixture model. Finnie, (2000) use a panel logit model to estimate the probability of migration. In the model they use both qualitative and quantitative independent variables and report the results as probabilities focusing only on the direction of the effect not size. Vanhoof, Ooghe and Siernes, (1998) compare logit model and decision trees in analysis of the choice of banks to give or cancel a credit. They note that logit provides with the direct link of variables and output and that in the first sight logit estimates are abstract compared to decision tree but in the logit model we can test for the “true” model, “true” variables and obtain coefficients while contrarily in decision tree only ad hoc methods can be applied in the decision to use the variables. Another feature of comparison is that particular variable can be tested in logit while in decision tree only nodes not variables can be tested and in decision trees there is no direct link between variables and output ( a variable may be used several times). 66 The literature on theoretical and empirical estimation of binary models provides evidence on difficulties in interpretation of such models and yet we find extensive use of them in different fields of economics and other social sciences. 3.6. COBB- DOUGLAS PRODUCTION FUNCTION In order to observe input elasticity‟s and returns to scale, in this thesis we rely on the Cobb-Douglas production function. Beginning with the work of Cobb and Douglas (1928) production function estimation studies originate since 1928 with tendency to prove that production functions are linear homogenous functions. The Cobb- Douglas production function is discussed widely on economic and econometric grounds and yet is widely used for estimation purposes. The regression to be estimated in this section is based on a Cobb Douglas production function, with the dependent variable growth of sales. The purpose is to observe only behavior of labor input and capital. A second regression is log of sales, where more variables are included. Mathematically we can express the Cobb Douglas production function as: Equation 30 Y = A * La K(1-a) Since the exponents on labor and capital sum up to 1, the production displays constant returns to scale. Rewriting equation 30 we get: Equation 31 A = Y / La * K(1-a) Where A is the total product output per unit of each of the inputs. In linear form we can express the general production function as: Equation 32 ln Y = ln A + a * ln L + (1-a) * ln K While if we want to look at growth instead of levels of output we take the derivatives and get the form: Equation 33 dY / Y = dA / A + a * dL / L + (1-a) * dK / K So that we can account for the percentage changes of output caused by percentage changes of each input, when knowing that A can be calculated as “residual”. The underlying econometric Cobb-Douglas production function that describes output by two inputs: respectively labor and capital, can be written as: Equation 34 𝒍𝒏𝒀 = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝑳 𝒍𝒏𝑳 + 𝜷𝑲 𝒍𝒏𝑲 + 𝒖12 The β parameters describe respective input elasticity‟s of output and the sum of parameters represent returns to scale which we denote with R. 12 𝑌 = 𝐴𝐿𝛽𝐿 𝐾𝛽𝐾 where L denotes Labor input and K denotes capital input 67 Additionally to Ark‟s (2002) definition that productivity is a measure of effectiveness, we note that productivity is a measure of both effectiveness and efficiency and that is how it defers from profitability. Schools of firm profitability are identified in Stierwald (2009). Grosskopf (2002) reviews productivity measurement and decomposition and suggest that productivity should be directed to economic growth literature from frontier productivity measurement. TFP growth estimation assumes that the units are efficient otherwise the estimation is biased also human capital is important for accuracy of measurement (Maudos et al. ,1999). Moreover they note the importance of human capital in measuring productivity growth in macro level in OECD countries using dataset of World Penn Tables. Bhanumurthy (2002) note that Cobb-Douglas production function may be used not just because of ease of computing but also because to the problems that may arise with its estimation may be addressed with corresponding remedies. Felipe and Adams (2005) note that the aim of aggregate production function is producing distribution income accounting identity. They discuss aggregation problems of production function and note that Cobb-Douglas production is the most ubiquitous form of theoretical and empirical analysis. Chambers (1998) discusses input, output and productivity measures and develop Benet Bowley measures transformation which are translation invariant. Douglas (1967) in his Comments on the Cobb-Douglas production function answers to the critics and explains how their production function started from the intuition of Euler theorem but faced most caustic criticism from neoclassicists, institutionalists, econometricians and statisticians. He ends the comments challenging researchers with the question: “There is law and relative regularity everywhere else- why not in production and distribution?” (Douglas, 1967, p.22). Without taking sides advocating Douglas or the critics and trying to answer who is right and who is wrong, one thing is sure their paper raised the voice for consistent and better data collection especially for capital which on the other hand made possible further research in different fields. Douglas (1948) accepted two critics: one of independently determining exponentials in the production function (Durand, 1937) and broadening the field of investigation (Hitherto) and they find agreement in exponential values between the results for US, Australia and South Africa. He concludes that this is not the final say and yet there is much to be done in the road ahead regarding production function. In order to check the benefits from productivity in international trade gains Harrison (1994) discuss productivity competition and trade reform. He underline that previous research found that free-trade can increase growth, though the relationship between trade reform and productivity growth is inconclusive due to that how productivity is measured. He finds strong positive correlation between trade reform and productivity for the panel sample of manufacturing firms undertaken in their study. Bernard and Jones (1996) do not find evidence of productivity convergence in OECD countries but they raise the question of comparison between countries and over time. Diewert (1991) discuses measurement issues on productivity Productivity measurement is discussed in Dean (1999). Diwert (2008) makes suggestions to agencies for data improving in relation to productivity measurement and also suggest that balance sheet information should be public. 68 It is argued by Diwert and Fox (1997) that measurement errors (adjustment error, error because of failing to deal with cost allocation and error of measuring input and output) may contribute to explaining the productivity paradox. A discussion on index numbers can be found in Caves et al. (1982) where they introduce indexes for general comparisons but note this index needs to be developed for econometric estimation. Ball et al. (2005) introduce a Malmquist cost productivity measure. The geometric mean of Malmquist index may be decomposed in catching up effect and technical change (Fare et al.1994). Stratopoulos and Dehning (2000) note that statistically is proven that using successfully Information Technologies (IT) leads to better performance to profitability and efficiency. They outline that IT investments have an increasing trend which is not expected to slow down. Regarding above theoretical considerations we suggest the estimation of the following function models: Innovation= f (sales, SME, compete with unregistered, credit) R&D= f (SME, internet, power outages, compete with unregistered and innovation). Log sales= β0+ βLLnLAB+ βKlncapital + u Log sales= β0+ βLLnLAB+ βKlncapital + βIlnintermediate +βElnelectricity+u The following section will focused on analyzing the dataset, the variables and the model methodology while the estimation and result interpretation will follow on the next chapter. 3.7. BUSSINESS CONSTRAINTS Emerging market based countries such as the case of Macedonia are looking at the development of SME‟s as one of the key features for enhacing the economic development of the country. The begining of the transition is characterized with a large number of new SME, and in later periods of transition the number of new SME is not growing rapidly but their capital is. Financing of SME in trasition countries strongly rely on credits, therefore restrictive credit policies may be considered as an obstacle for the development of SME. High interest rates as well as crediting based on conections reduces the acces to credits. SME find the credit difficult and expensive to obtain and as a result the bussines will suffer. Small enterprises compared to big enterrprises have smaller levereage coeffiecients. On the following figures we will list the business constraints that companies in Macedonia and Albania face compared to Eastern Europe& Central Asia. 69 Figure 11 Business constraints for Macedonia Source: Enterprise survey ( As the figure shows the major constraints in descending order that firms in Macedonia face are: practices in informal sector, access to finance, political instability. Figure 12 Business constraints for Albania Source: Enterprise Surveys (, The World Bank As the figure shows the major constraints in descending order that firm in Albania (2007) face are: electricity, practices informal sector, corruption. On the following table we will illustrate the differences of bussines constraints between : Albania, Macedonia and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 70 Table 2 Comparison of business constraints in descending order MACEDONIA EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA ALBANIA practices in informal sector, tax rates Electricity access to finance, access to finance, practices informal sector political instability, practices in informal sector Corruption courts, political instability, Inadequately educated workforce licenses and permits, Inadequately educated workforce access to finance, crime, theft and disorder, Electricity political instability, tax rates licenses and permits, Customs and trade regulations Electricity Customs and trade regulations Access to land Inadequately educated workforce crime, theft and disorder tax rates Customs and trade regulations courts, crime, theft and disorder Source: According to Bussines Enterprise listing, authors comparison 71 3.8. MAIN CHARACTERISITICS OF FIRMS Accordingly in Macedonia in the 2009 questionnaire approximately 75% of sample enterprises are small and medium and the others are large. While for Albania only approximately 2% of the sample enterprises in 2009 are large the others are small and/or medium. Approximately 78% of the sample enterprises are small and/or medium the others are large. Around 60% of enterpsisess in the Macedonia sample for 2009 introduce a new product. In Albania only around 37% of firms introduce a new product. Overall in our sample data approximately 57% of firms introduce a new product. Around 41% of firms in the Macedonia sample for 2009 invest in R&D . In Albania same around 41% of firms invest in R&D. Overall in our sample data approximately 41% of firms invest in R&D. Around 74% of firms in the Macedonia sample for 2009 have internet broadband. In Albania around 72% of firms have internet broadband. Overall in our sample data approximately 73% of enterprises have internet broadband. Around 54% of firms in Macedonia in 2009 reported that access to finance is an obstacle. And, for Albania only 37% of the firms in 2009 reported that, they face obstacles in access to finance. The average number of employees in the sample firms in Macedonia is 91 with a standard deviation of 220 where the smallest number of employees is 1 and the largest 2146. The average number of employees in the sample firms in Albania is 23 with a standard deviation of 45 where the smallest number of employees is 2 and the largest 320. The average number of skilled labor in the sample firms in Macedonia is 74. The average number of skilled labor in Albania is 28. According to statistics only 36% of firms in Macedonia have an internationally recognized quality certification. In Albania the percentage of firms having internationally recognized quality certification is even smaller- is 20%. In sum both countries have a line of similarities and the main difference is in their attitude to innovation (Macedonia companies tend to introduce new products more compared to Albania companies) and the substantial difference is in the skilled employees in companies which may be an indicator for labor market distortions in the countries. We illustrate these differences in the figure below: Comparison of firm characteristics 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 74.4 73.94 59.56 41.26 54.1 35.79 ALBANIA MACEDONIA Figure 13 Comparison of firm characteristic Source: BEEPS data, authors estimation 72 3.9. CONCLUSION In this chapter we analyzed the dataset. We provide more details about the selected question of interest in the appendix respectively their summary statistics. After inspecting the data we chose to follow the estimation for 2009 sample of data for two countries of our interest: Albania and Macedonia because of limitations of availability of data. The methodology we will be using for estimation is MLE and OLS. The sample representation and data collection is fair and we suggest following with the estimation. We are inspecting the panel data and we expect that we might have a problem of missing data in the panel dataset ( for our questions of interest) that may have resulted because of item no-response and not as a result of survey no-response. The missing data may arise because of the differences in the questionnaire through time and another reason is because the questionnaire is constructed so that in most of the questions it allows the respondent to respond with I don’t know. Consequently because of high rates of missing data and since data imputation may produce biased results we can follow using time series or cross section analyzes as subsamples of the main panel data. The conclusion after inspecting dataset is that the most appropriate way regarded our question of interest is to use the subsample from the fourth round of BEEPS. We presented the formal formulation of nonlinear models with specific reference to logit model, the method used to estimate and how they are interpreted. We sum that the interpretation of nonlinear models is not straightforward and the difficulty arises especially with dummy variables. We also noted the confusion that is usually about product term and interaction variables in logit models. The problems with logit model may be problems of the nature of sampling, missing data, variable bias and heteroscedascity. Despite the above mentioned logit model is applied in different fields of economics such as: industrial relations, game theory, labor market, mergers, transport, consumer choice and demand, economics of education, emigration, banking, mergers. The extensive use of nonlinear models in different fields of economics suggest us that we should acknowledge more understating and research in the nature, scope, advantages and disadvantages of these models in economics analysis. 73 5. EVIDENCE ON FACTORS DESCRIBING PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION FUNCTION 4.1. INTRODUCTION It is usually tempting to do research on transition a country especially is the aim is to provide empirical evidence. Often research on these countries may not answer all the needs because of the lack of availability of data and relatively large missing data in the available dataset. The refusal of answering questionnaire is even larger when companies are asked for questions regarding finances. However as we already introduced in the previous chapter we have a reliable dataset involving companies from both countries of interest. The aim of this chapter is to provide empirical evidence on the subject. We begin the chapter with explaining why SME studies are important and introduce the models that are estimated in section 4.2. Following sections 4.3 and 4.4 discuss the logit model for innovation and offers interpretation of the determinants of innovation- which on the other hand is expected to increase productivity. Than sections 4.5; 4.6 and 4.7 discuss the model for R&D predictors and also provide estimation results. Section 4.8 is dedicated to Cobb-Douglas production estimation and section 4.9 summarizes brief conclusions of the underlying chapter. 4.2. MODEL INTRODUCTION The SME are important for inducing competitiveness and competitive business environment. The number of SME is large in developed European countries especially in transition countries. To illustrate why the study of SME and SME policy is of great interest for researches and policymakers lets illustrate with numbers. SME in Macedonia employ 80% of the employees and represent over 50% of the GDP of the foreign trade in the country. European SMEs employ 68 million people - 72 percent of the workforce of the non-primary private sector (ENSI 1994). Thus SME are important for job creation. We propose that government policies should be simulative to SME with respect to the legislation for ease of entering the market and soften the financing obstacles that they face. Macedonia as an EU Candidate country should also change the legislation in accordance with EU regulations. The European Council in Lisbon 2000 induces EU – Member States to be focused and responsive to SME and their needs. Stiervald (2010) find empirical evidence that more productive firms are more profitable therefore we want to address factors that contribute to productivity. Despite Gibrats Law for the independence between size of the firm and firm growth; this hypothesis has been rejected from scholars‟ empirical work. Scholars provide evidence that SMEs are positively responding to Lisbon Strategies. Governments consider SME policy as a strategy for economic growth, employment generation, and source of innovation. Schumpeter (1942) called the large companies as the engine of progress; nowadays we say that this critical role may be addressed to SMEs. Piore and Sabel (1984) recognized SME as a new trend to the industrial organization. In transition 74 countries SME resulted as a consequence of the privatization process during the transition to market oriented economies. The evidence suggests that SME have positive impact on growth of the economy is large (Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers (2002), Carree and Thurik, 2006, Schimitz (1989), Acs (1992), Calderon and Nickel (1998) and Audretsch and Thurik (2000)) and that SME induce employment (Thurik et al. (2008), Tambunam (2006)). Despite the recognized opportunities of SME for the economy they face obstacles of legislation nature and difficulties in access of financing. In the following table we introduce the summary statistics of variables: Table 3 Summary statistics VARIABLE LN_SALES EMPLOYEES (LABOR) LN_EMPLOYEES R&D LN_CAPITAL LN_INTERMEDIATE LN_ELECTRICITY SME INNOVATION INTERNET BROADBAND ACCESS TO FINANCE LN_LABOR PRODUCTIVITY INFORMAL COMPETITION QUALITY CERTIFICATION POWER OUTAGES MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION 5.55 207.79 11.13 82.8 3.27 .409 16.83 8.58 8.13 0.78 .56 .715 7.67 .492 10.69 5.95 3.30 0.41 .49 .452 .519 .50 7.8 5.3 .657 .475 .338 .473 .435 .496 We follow with the introduction of models to be estimated: Innovation= f (sales, SME, compete with unregistered, credit) R&D= f (SME, internet, power outages, compete with unregistered and innovation). Log sales= β0+ βLLnLAB+ βKlncapital + u Log sales= β0+ βLLnLAB+ βKlncapital + βIlnintermediate+βElnelectricity+u 75 This part is dedicated to estimation and interpretation of results. First we estimate two models that describe factors that influence productivity, respectively innovation and R&D and then a model describing marginal productivity. 4.2. INNOVATION MODEL In this part we estimate a model for predictors of innovation. We expect that both firm and market specific characteristics are possible predictors of innovation. Following the literature on the field and the nature of our data we incorporate standard variables to test the Schumpeterian view and also we control how financing access responds to innovation as a result that is often used in recent papers related to innovation respectively whether financing is an impediment for innovation. In the first part we give an outline of the literature review on innovation, than follow with the model and results of estimation and in the final part we conclude. Information asymmetry, moral hazard and principle-agent problems are helpful starting points in explaining financing of innovation investment. 4.3. DEFINITION AND IMPROTANCE OF INNOVATION The dynamics of market has posed innovation as condition rather than a choice for companies that want to sustain and grow. Thomson (1965) outlines the broad definition of innovation as the introduction of new product, process or idea. Increasing productivity and performance are key expected benefits from innovation. Innovation may also be defined as knowledge. Emphasizing the role of innovation is crucial for market orientation companies which on the other hand mean new ideas and not necessarily new entry Hurley and Hult (1998). They note that innovation definition miss the learning orientation element. According to them the innovation process is affected by market and learning orientation, innovativeness and innovativeness capacity. Therefore firms that innovate may have competitive advantage and perform better than the ones that don‟t. On empirical grounds they find positive correlation between innovativeness and innovation capacity. Innovation implementation is a process where employees adopt the innovation in their work (Klein and Sorra (1996)). If the potential benefits are not achieved than the innovation has failed. Thus the object of their study is implementation effectiveness at organizational level which they define as consistency and quality use of innovation by employees. They note that implementation effectiveness is not a guarantee for the innovation benefits. Innovation value fit (they classify them in good fit, poor fit or neutral) and implementation climate (it may be weak or strong) are factors that they check how can influence innovation use. Summarizing their result: if the implementation climate is weak it is companies‟ responsibility for innovation implementation while if the values fit is poor (even in the case of strong implementation climate) than the employees may not be willing to implement the innovation or resist the implementation. Taking under consideration implementation effectiveness three scenarios may appear: implementation is effective and yields benefits to the company, implementation is effective and does not yield benefits to the company or the implementation fails. Thus 76 they make a distinction between implementation effectiveness and innovation effectiveness. Cohen and Levinthal (1989) model a symmetric Nash equilibrium of R&D investments where the level of R&D is chosen from firm i in order to maximize the profit given the level of R&D in the other firm. Thus the company anticipates R&D based on the information about the other firm and the change in R&D has impact on firms‟ profit. They find that the effect of ease of learning leads to higher return from R&D and therefore more R&D. The firm has incentive to invest in R&D since its own investment in R&D will make the firm to assimilate other firms and industry knowledge and at the same time the other firms will be less able to absorb the firms‟ spillovers. Ambiguous results are found about whether the increase in R&D investment will increase or decrease the investment incentive for R&D which is not the same as the traditional view. Also they model a cost reducing technological change which is again Nash equilibrium in order to find how demand function and market structure respond to R&D. According to them spillovers will encourage R&D if the environment is competitive and less concentrated. The result of the question how new technology improves technology performance is ambiguous. Their analysis suggests that the ease of learning had direct impact on R&D level. The sample in their analysis consists of two kinds of data: the first one is 1719 business units (both R&D performing and non performing) and the second sample is 1302 business units (only R&D performing). They used Breusch Pagan test for heteroscedascity in order to obtain efficient GLS estimates and because of the possibility to have biased result (for the sample data they have business units that perform R&D), they prefer OLS to Tobit and for the 1719 sample data the Tobit model. Another estimation problem may be the endogeneity of market concentration which they address using two stage OLS. Hence they estimate using OLS, GLS and Tobit. It results that external applied research is a substitute for internal R&D while basic research is a complement and determinants of ease of knowledge have impact on R&D investments. They conclude that the greater the variability in the knowledge inputs the more the investment in R&D basic research, also R&D investment have dual role in pursuing innovation and learning from external information. Breschi and Lissoni (2001) review the literature on localized knowledge spillover (production function approach and Jaffe‟s approach for knowledge spillovers) and note that a group of studies have acknowledged that knowledge spillovers are geographically concentrated. A source of knowledge spillover is labor mobility. Studies that suggest that innovation activities are localized can be found in: Kelly and Hagemann (1999), Jaffe et al. (1993). The empirical literature misses the point how the knowledge is transferred to people in same area or between firms. Firms or individual may wish to keep the knowledge as their private good; they note and also discuss the role of University and University R&D in innovation activities for firms. First the research results may be helpful for the innovation of firms, than training program that Universities offer also transfer knowledge and last but not least Universities can prepare skilled labor which may persuade firms a competitive advantage. Even the University is a sample of localized knowledge spillover. They conclude that knowledge spillovers are pecuniary and when the black box of knowledge spillover is opened we find that there is space for further research on the field. 77 Ahm (2002) note that, empirical studies on competition are based on Schumpeterian idea13 and, they find arguments and counter-arguments on his view. They outline that measuring the benefits in welfare from innovation is empirically challenging. 4.4. PREDICTORS OF INNOVATION For the model we take a sample from the BEEPS dataset and model innovation as: Innovation= f (sales, SME, compete with unregistered, credit) The definition of innovation that we use is the introduction of a new product respectively whether the company introduced a new product or not and in the model that is the variable of interest. The predictors we consider are sales (the size of sales in the last year), SME (whether the company has up to 99 employees or more), compete with unregistered firms (whether the company has unregistered firms as competitors) credit (whether the company has a credit or a loan from a financial institution). Kim and Mauborgne (1997) note that the answer why some firms grow faster than others is in the value of innovation. According to them what mattered in the question why some firms grow faster was how mangers thought about strategy- and it was the strategy of value of innovation that distinguished fast growth firms. In a sample of 100 firms they find that value innovation increase profits and revenues. According to them the specific of the value of innovation is dominating the market not competing with others in industry. Therefore they should produce some unique products that will be demanded. They conclude that a strategy of value innovation may induce growth. In order to check the hypothesis that the increase in sales will make companies to innovate more we have included the independent variable sales in our model. We expect that firms that are larger in sales will tend to innovate more. Mansfield (1962) suggests that entry is the n number of firms that entered the industry as proportion of the number of firms already in the industry. In their OLS estimates despite the small number of observations, large errors we may have biased results but the direction is correct and thus their result suggest that entry is positively correlated with profit (entry increases 60% if profits double) and negatively with the capital requirement( entry decreases by 7% if capital requirements double). Also their estimates for exit of the firms suggest that firms will exit if they are small relative to the industry and if the profits are lower (exit decreases by 15% if profits or average size doubles). In this work Gibrats Law14 it‟s tested for three industries (steel, petroleum and rubber ties) and it fails to hold. The reasoning for this may be that the exit of firms from the industry is not independent of the size respectively small firms are more prone to leave the industry that large ones. Their results when testing Gibrats Law suggest that small firms that stayed in the market have higher and more variable growth than large ones. Accordingly Gibrats‟ Law does not hold empirically. Another noteworthy feature in their estimates is that successful innovator firms had larger growth compared to similar firms 13 Studying the relationship between size and innovation A proportionate change in size for a period of time is the same for firms in the same industry independently of the size they begin with 14 78 that did not innovate successfully and the growth effect of innovation was larger in small firms compared to large ones. This suggests again that size does matter. The market structure and age according to their results has impact on the mobility in an industry. In this line we control if size matters in our sample data respectively are there statistically differences between SMEs‟ and large firms in their probability to innovate. Competition according to principal-agent models tend to explain is beneficiary for the firms since induces employees to work more effectively. The positive correlation between competition and innovation can be found in Schumpeter (1934). Thus there are expected gains if there is competition in the market. What about if the competition is informal? In our model we want to control how facing informal competitors affects the odds to innovate. We add the informal competition variable since enterprises in the countries involved in the data may have significant informal economy. Approximately 40% of the enterprises answered that they do face informal competition. Innovation is a process that requires highly qualified employees which on the other hand means high financing requirements. Due to information asymmetries innovation activities may face financing difficulties. The more recent papers on innovation control whether financing is an impediment (usually proxy by the cash flow) for innovation process but still they are inconclusive. We take an alternative approach and control whether access to finances, proxy with the variable whether the company has a credit or loan or not, is a predictor for innovation. The main problem of financing investments in innovation is the uncertainty involved regarded to the fact that whether it will be successful and whether it will provide returns. Savignac (2007) contrarily to other studies that look at financial constraints for innovation, use a direct measure of financial constraint for innovation activities stated by firms themselves and how does it impact the likelihood to innovate. Financial constrains delayed or made the process of innovation not to start at all. They estimate the propensity to innovate using a probit model and as independent variables they use conventional determinants of innovation and the financial constraint qualitative variable. They find positive correlation between financing obstacles and propensity to innovate and note that this striking result may be because of endogeneity problems. When endogeneity problem is taken account for the results suggest that the likelihood to innovate reduces 20% with the presence of financial constraints, c.p. Bronwyn (2009), note that the knowledge of the specific human capital in an innovation process may be lost if the employee leaves the firm. According to him we should not treat investment in innovation as an ordinary investment and also because of the degree of uncertainty this kind of specific investments are riskier. Thus financing innovation is more expensive than an ordinary investment. Another fact, pointed in the paper is that, innovative firms as a result of high external financing cost should rely on retained earnings and also that young and/or small firms are more prone to have financing difficulties. The nature of our dependent variable is dichotomous and since OLS produces biased and inefficient estimates for dichotomous dependent variable we use MLE. We want to determine factors for the occurrence of innovation. The model that we estimate is a logit. The results of the estimates suggest that the model fits well the data (according to log 79 likelihood) and the independent variables result significant. Hosmer-Lemeshow‟s test suggests that we may not reject the hypothesis that the distribution fits the data. Crostabulation of observed and predicted outcomes, where one predicts a positive outcome if the probability is 0.5 or more and a negative outcome otherwise suggests that we predict correctly approximately 58% of cases. Accordingly we suggest that sales, having a credit, having an unregistered firm as competitor increase the odds to innovate while being a SME company decreases the odds to innovate compared to being large company. The MLE estimation of our logit model results as shown below: Table 4 Logit estimate Innovation Coefficient Stan. Error Z P>|z| 95% 95% confidence confidence intervals intervals Sales 2.38* 1.38 1.72 .085 -3.32 5.09 SME .466* .26 1.78 .075 -.047 .978 Compete.unreg .42** .21 1.98 .048 .004 .836 Credit .556*** .206 2.69 .007 .152 .960 Cons -.765** .299 -2.56 .011 -1.35 -.179 Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance Source: authors‟ estimation The theory of the choice between Wald and LR test is unclear, in our estimation we chose the LR test. We computed LR test and it resulted that the variable credit is significant (LRχ2=7.26, df=1, p <.007). The LR test suggests also that sales are significant (LRχ2=2.96, df=1, p <.085). The LR test for SME also suggests that is significant (LRχ2=3.17, df=1, p <.0). The LR test for compete with unregistered also suggest that is significant (LRχ2=3.92, df=1, p <.047). The estimated sign of dependent variables results positive. We also conducted multiple test of coefficient and the results suggest that the hypothesis that SME and credit are simultaneously equal to zero can be rejected (LRχ2=9.59, df=2, p <.008). We also tested the hypothesis that the effect of all independent variable are simultaneously equal zero and the results suggest that we reject the hypothesis at 1% 80 level of significance (LRχ2=16.99, df=4, p <.001). Even in the case of multicolinearity the results will not be biased but the standard errors will be inflated. Additionally the correlation matrix suggests that we do not have correlation problems since the value of correlation matrix is relatively small. According to the results enterprises that compete with informal competition and have a line of credit or loan are more likely to innovate as well as enterprises with larger sales. We also calculated confidence intervals for discrete changes for binary variables with marginal effects which uses numerical methods for computing confidence intervals. The predicted probability to innovate at means of independent variables is 0.61. The estimates of marginal effect of our model are presented in the table below: Table 5 The marginal effect of logit estimate Innovation dy/dx Sales Stan. Error Z P>|z| 95% 95% X confidenc confidenc e intervals e intervals 5.83** .00 1.72 .085 -8.0 1.2 3.4 SME .115** .06 1.78 .075 -.01 .24 .78 Compete.unreg .103** .05 1.98 .048 .001 .20 .65 Credit .136** .05 * 2.71 .007 .03 .23 .58 Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance Source: authors‟ estimation with details in appendix SME, Credit and compete with unregistered are discrete variables and therefore magnitude of change is measured for a discrete change. the The predicted probabilities of positive outcome of dependent variable range from 0.52 to 0.61 with a mean of predicted value of innovation 0.57. For prediction purpose the choice between probit and logit (two most common models for binary choice outcomes) is irrelevant but choosing between linear probability models and logit and/or probit is crucial. We are 95% confident that the probability to innovate is between 0.58 and 0.71 if we set the independent variable credit equal 1 and if the company belongs to SME. 81 For a standard deviation increase in sales the odds of innovating increase by 27.6% holding other things constant. Odds for innovation are: 74.4% greater to firms that have credit than those who don‟t, holding all other covariates constant; 52.2% greater for enterprises that compete with informal competition than those who don‟t, holding all other covariates constant; 59.3% higher for SME than for large companies, holding all other covariates constant. Thus our results are in line with Schumpeterian view. In sum our estimates suggest that for our sample data the size of sales has increased the probability to innovate, also companies that face informal competition and have a line of credit or loan have higher probability to innovate compared to companies that do not face informal competition respectively companies that do not have a credit. Thus the nature of the firm, the structure of the market and financing are possible determinants of innovation. In order to check whether historically internet is a determinant of innovation we performed additional estimation where the scope of interest is only the statistical significance. We estimate for two countries Albania and Macedonia again using BEEPS dataset but for 200215: Table 6 Estimation results- Macedonia and Albania (1) Dependent variable: innovation Sample n=226 Albania& Macedonia BEEPS 2 Independent variables Amount R&D Sales Power outages Access to finance Statistically significant Internet Skilled labor As we can see from for BEEPS (2002) data only internet is statistically significant variable. We add another independent variable: quality certification and get the following results: 15 Remember that in the data inspection there are no observations for these countries for 2005 82 Table 7 Estimation results- Macedonia and Albania (2) Dependent variable: innovation Sample n=226 Albania& Macedonia Independent variables BEEPS (2002) Amount R&D Sales Power outages Access to finance Statistically significant Internet Skilled labor Statistically significant Quality certification The results suggest that internet broadband and quality certification are statistically significant and the sign is positive. Thus even in the case of Albania and Macedonia having internet broadband will increase the probability to innovate. Also firms that have quality certification tend to innovate more. 4.5. R&D PREDICTORS One of the objective of the firm is to be competitive in the market therefore firms seek how to attain this through different channels. Investment in technology, know-how, quality may empower firms to be competitive. The hypothesis we are testing is whether sales, internet, power outages and innovation are determinants for R&D. Hosmer & Lemeshow are among those who argue that we shouldn't report 'pseudo R2' in published results because its metric is not comparable to that of OLS R2. With probit and logit we get ML estimators. Researches find that R&D investment is translated in growth. The government encourages business for R&D investment through tax reduction or subsidies. Enkel et al. (2009) differentiate three processes in open innovation: inside-out, outside- in and coupled process. They note that researcher lack at looking the inside out process. David et al. (1999) note that the econometric results are in favor of complementarity between private and public R&D although this is not based on scientific observation such as Meta regression. They also underline complexities in the econometric research of R&D. They note that typically private R&D is regressed on public R&D and some control variables and then we look at the sign not the magnitude i.e. a positive sign suggest for complementarity, whereas a negative sign suggest for substitution between public and private investment. In order to make comparisons based on the study unit they 83 classify four types of studies: cross section- micro level studies, panel studies, macroeconomic studies and studies controlling for simultaneity between private and public investments. Another feature is that studies have different unit of analyzes such as firm, industry, government. The laboratory studies suggest complementary. Firm studies suggest that complementarity depends on the industry. Macroeconomic studies reviewed by them also suggest complementarities between public and private investment. Studies on R&D are not easily comparable since they have different scope on the issue. Aboody and Lev (2000) note that proxies for information asymmetry are reflecting also firm and market attributions and address to information asymmetry looking at the investment in R&D. Investment in R&D is unique, there are no organized markets for R&D, accounting measurement (R&D is immediately expensed). They suggest that R&D contributes to information asymmetry. Their dataset consist of 253 038 transactions for 10 013 firms for the time January 1985- December 1997. Their result suggest that insider gain are larger in R&D companies than in those with no R&D, therefore they proxy information asymmetry with firms R&D intensity. They classify portfolios taking under consideration where firms have R&D investment or not and whether insiders are “net sellers” or “net buyers” and obtain 4 types of portfolios. Their dependent variable is the difference between portfolio returns of firms with R&D and firms with no R&D and the regression is run for 155 observations with independent variables: market return, size and book to market employing the three factor model. Their results suggest that the returns are higher when insider purchased shares in R&D firms compared to no R&D firms, while lower when they sold shares. Insider gain is monotonic in R&D intensities for insider sales while the purchase gain of insiders is attributed to higher R&D intensities. These results suggest that R&D contributes to information asymmetry. They also document that shares trade increases in R&D firms compared to no R&D firms when insider purchase is disclosed. This finding is again consistent with the note that R&D contributes to information asymmetry. They also find that insider trade is greater and more intensive in firms with R&D than in firms with no R&D. Goyal and Moraga (2000) model collaboration in R&D activity and its impact on cost reduction, market structure and industry profits. Pissano (1990) note that the choice betwean internal R&D investment or from outside sources may imact the long term viability in the technological envierment. If this is important than we may say that this choice leads firms to cooperate and collaborate betwean each other. Competing in the technological envirement is what Schumpeter called “ creative destruction”. Pissano note that it might be the case that technological envierement (change) may lead to beneficial trade rather than competition betwean new entrants and established firms. He outlines that established firms remain competitive in marketing but not competitive regarded new technologies introduced. This may suggest as that the most productive alternative is integration betwean firms and, this is attractive for both established and new firms because of their different competitive advantages. He suggest that trasaction costs may explain why R&D may lead to vertical integration in pharmaceutical industry because of the small number barganinig and because of appropriability problems. R&D is a transaction specific investment in projects in pharmaceutical industry therefore its not ecconomicaly efficient if the project is not finished by the original contractor. This leads to small bargaining problem and less favourable situation for the R&D investor (sponsor) because of the specific nature of the investment and the difficulties in switching suppliers 84 of projects. In the case that there is competition in supplieres as well as expertise and experiece this will favour the R&D investor situation. Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1979) show that competition leads to more research. Cassiman and Veugelers (2004) note that studies find complementarity between innovation activities. They test complementarities between firm activities. They look at complementarity of innovation activities and also sources of complementarities. They estimate a bivariate probit and multinomial logit model for joint adoption on innovation activities and find evidence for complementarities. They apply performance and adoption approach. They employ sample of Belgian manufacturing firms. They find positive correlation between internal and external innovation activities. 4.6. THE R&D MODEL Our research is focused on determinant of R&D in a sample of transition country. The data are from BEEPS -2009. On this part we are going to describe the variables used for estimation: R&D- in the model is a dichotomy variable telling whether the firm is engaged in R&D spending or not; since this is our variable of interest and because of its nature we have to choose from the choice of binary models for estimating. There are a lot of studies that correlate R&D with higher growth; therefore we want to estimate what may determine the probability for R&D. Innovation – in the model is a dummy variable showing whether the company has spent on innovation (introduction of a new product). The expectation is that companies that innovate also spend on R&D. Power outages- is a dummy variable showing whether the company faces the problem of power outages or not. Power outage is reported as an obstacle for the business environment so we want to check whether it will represent an obstacle for R&D as well. Internet- is a dummy variable whether the company has an internet broadband or not. We expect that companies that have internet broadband will be more prone to R&D spending because of the speed of information that internet provides. 4.7. EVIDENCE ON PREDICTORS OF R&D Again since OLS produces biased and inefficient estimates for dichotomous dependent variable so we use maximum likelihood estimation. According to results variables innovation, internet, competer with unregistered and SME are significant with corresponding χ2 (in APPENDIX) while power outages results insignificant at conventional levels of significance. 85 Table 8 Logit estimate R&D Coefficient Stan. Error Z P>|z| 95% confidence intervals 95% confidence intervals Innovation 1.41*** .406 3.48 .001 .617 2.21 Power out .284 .375 0.76 .449 -.451 1.02 Internet 1.161*** .444 2.61 .009 .290 2.03 Compete unreg. SME .984** .448 2.19 .028 .104 1.86 -1.35** .681 -1.98 .047 -2.68 -.01 Cons -1.84** .825 -2.24 .025 -3.466 -.23 Source: authors‟ estimation with details in appendix Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance Hosmer- Lesmenhiv goodness of fit test suggests that the model is fitted well. The probability to have an R&D investment increases at sample means if the companies do innovate also if the company has an internet broadband. We estimated the correlation matrix and it suggests there is only weak and no strong correlation between variables. We also calculated confidence intervals for discrete changes for binary variables with marginal effects which use numerical methods for computing confidence intervals and the results are shown below while more details are provided in appendix. Table 9 Marginal effects dy/dx Stan. Error Z P>|z| 95% confidence intervals 95% confidence intervals X Innovation .304*** .077 3.95 .000 .153 .4559 .613 Power out .066 .088 .75 .451 -.106 .239 .398 Internet .244*** .081 3.01 .003 .085 .404 .715 Compete unreg. .209** .085 2.47 .014 .043 .376 .734 SME -.325** .151 -2.15 .032 -.623 -.028 .911 R&D Source: authors‟ estimation with details in appendix Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance 86 The results suggest that enterprises that innovate, have an internet broadband, face informal competition and large enterprises compared to small and medium have higher probability to be engaged in R&D investments. According to descriptive statistics 40, 9% of enterprises from our sample data are engaged in R&D. The predicted probabilities range from 0.03 to 0.88 with a mean of predicted value of having spent on R&D of 0.39. For prediction purpose the choice between probit and logit is irrelevant. Enterprises that innovate have 30.4% higher probability to be engaged in R&D than enterprises that do not innovate, holding other covariates constant. We are 95% confident that the probability to have R&D is between 0.3 and 0.6 given that it innovates. The estimates suggest that predictors of R&D are innovation, internet broadband, competition and size. According to our estimation results it is suggested that firms that do innovate are more likely for 0.3 to have invested in R&D than the ones who don‟t, holding other things constant. The estimated results also suggest that having comepetition (in our case informal one) and having internet broadband increases probability to invest in R&D at sample means by 0.2 respectively by 0.244 holding other covariates constant. 4.8. COBB- DOUGLAS ESTIMATION The very first estimated micro production function is in agricultural studies. A production function is an empirical relationship between inputs employed and outputs produced. Economists relate input and output since 1800 ( Levinsohn and Petrin, (2000)). Sandelin (1976) notes that there are different dates regarding to the origins of CobbDouglas production function and suggest that the origins go back in Wicksteed (1984) while it is often stated that the origins date in Wicksell (1901). The very first estimation of input-output relationship was in Cobb and Douglas (1928). Their work was object of discussions among researchers criticizing and giving credit to the same. Despite the critics Douglas continued working on the theory of production for two decades and estimating both time series and cross section. Later it was generalized and extensively used especcialy after Solow (1957) for estimating economic growth both in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Theoretically a less restrictive estimation than Cobb-Douglas is a translog production function. We estimate an equivalent linear function of logarithms of Cobb-Douglas production function. Cobb-Douglas production function may be estimated in the state level, industry level, firm or plant level. In this study we are estimating Cobb-Douglas for manufacturing industries. Allocation of resources in the production process is important because they address productivity and are a response to market demand. We estimated a two-input model: Equation 35 Sales=f (labor, capital) The above equation expresses that the production of outputs a function of labor (LAB) and capital. The definition of output in our case is the value of sales, the definition of labor is only the number of full time employees and we aggregate the capital measure 87 form the net book value of machinery &equipment and as well as land&buildings. Capital is usually the most problematic measure in production function studies since data for it are usually not readily available and researchers use their own measures of diverse aggregation components. The properties that such production functions follow are that we include the inputs required for the production and an increase in an input translates with an increase in the output and they can exhibit increasing16, constant17 or decreasing18 returns to scale. A Cobb-Douglas representation of the production function, given our variables of interest is stated as in equation 36: Equation 36 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 = 𝛃𝟎 𝐋𝐀𝐁 𝛃𝟏 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝛃𝟐 An equivalent linear function as a logarithmic representation of Cobb-Douglas production function can be stated as follows: Equation 37 Log sales19= β0+ βLLnLAB20+ βKlncapital21 + u The allocation problem of inputs for the production process is mainly management decision but it should be based on optimization. The residual of this equation is the logarithm of total factor productivity We have estimated Cobb-Douglass production function for a sample industry data in Albania and Macedonia22. We recall the definition of variables in the underlying model: the dependent variable is the logarithm of sales, labor is the number of full time employees in the company and capital is the net book value of machinery and equipment as well as land and buildings. The elasticity coefficients obtained from the estimates are approximately 0, 7 for labor and 0, 4 for capital (estimation details are provided in appendix) and they are both significant at conventional levels of significance. We performed the diagnostic testing (see Appendix) for multicolinarity and heteroscedscity and results that the model does not suffer from multicolinearity but it has the heteroscedascity problem. Heteroscedascity problem is usually present in crosssection data but it does affect only estimator‟s efficacy and does not affect the bias of estimators. We performed different types of hetersoscedascity tests such as: BreuschPagan; Cameron-Trivedi and White test and they all suggest that out model is heteroscedastic. As a result we performed White corrected standard errors and interpret these coefficients. 16 If an increase in inputs results with greater increase in output If an increase in inputs results with exactly equal increase in output 18 If an increase in inputs results with smaller increase in output 19 What were the establishment total annual sales? 20 The number of permanent full time employees in the firm 21 Where capital= net book value of machinery and equipment +net book value of land and buildings 22 Details on sampling issues are provided in the previous chapter 17 88 Table 10 Cobb-Douglas estimation O.L.S. Estimation Regressor Coefficient tratio p value S.E. t-ratio .072 6.39 .000 .250 3.12 .002 .27 2.89 .005 .103 4.43 .000 1.24 3.09 .002 1.23 4.11 .002 S.E. LN_CAP 0.46*** LN_LABOUR 0.78*** CONS 3.85*** O.L.S. Results based on White’s Heteroscedasticity adjusted S.E.’s p value Source: authors‟ calculation Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance From the results we can write the estimated equation in the log-linear form: lnSales= 3.85+0.78LAB+0.46 capital The estimated equation in its multiplicative form is: Sales=46.99LAB0.78CAPITAL0.46 This production shows that the output elasticitie‟s of labor and capital in the manufacturing sector and is interpreted as follows: holding the labor constant, a 1 percent increase in the capital input leads on the average to a 0.46 percent increase in the output; Similarly, holding the capital and constant, a 1 percent increase in the labor input leads on the average to a 0.78 percent increase in the output. Alternatively we can interpret the estimate that a 10% increase in capital will increase the output by 4, 6% which implies that there are decreasing returns to capital. Similarly a 10% increase in labor will lead to 7.8% increase in output and again implies that there are diminishing returns to labor as well. The resulting estimated coefficients are output elasticity‟s of respective inputs. In our estimation output elasticity of capital is 0.46 and output elasticity of labor is 0.78. Thus, our results are in accordance with the economic theory which tells us that marginal products of capital and labor are both positive, and both these inputs individually exhibit diminishing returns. The results suggest that labor contributes more than capital in the output i.e. in order to add output the distribution of input goods should be toward labor in order to have higher increase in the output level. Thus our estimates are evidence of applied Cobb-Douglas production function with statistically valid results. 89 The mathematics for proving that Cobb-Douglas production function is homogenous is simple: We introduced sales= f( labor, capital) and than we have the general form of the production function: 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 𝐴𝐿𝛽𝐿 𝐾𝛽𝐾 and after estimation we obtained the following result: Sales=46.99LAB0.78CAPITAL0.46 If we increase both inputs with o constant let‟s say 10 the resulting increase in output will be: A times 101.24 respectively 17.378. Returns to scale in the industry are obtained summing up the elasticitie‟s in coefficients in equation above. The obtained value of 1.24 suggests that firms are experiencing positive economies of scale of 0.24, on average. This implies that increasing all the inputs (labor and capital) will lead to a more than proportional increase in sales. Increasing returns to scale at the coefficient level of 1.24 indicates that if the inputs are increased by 100 percent the output will increase by 124 percent. Capital labor ratio may be one of the explanations for these increasing returns to scale. Another explanation may be the costs of production. Some studies report that countries with high capital labor ratio are more efficient than the ones with lower ratio. The drawback of this consideration is that they do not capture factor prices and factor endowment which may be crucial for facto allocation. The positive economies of scale suggest that industries can produce and export at competing prices and may grow employing more inputs. If this is the case these firms may generate revenues for the economy. Decreasing returns to scale means that the industry is inefficient. Bhanymurthy (2002) discusses that Cobb- Douglas production function should be used not just because it is a simple tool as critics suggest but because of advantages it possesses in handling multiple inputs in its generalized form. For these purpose we will have a closer look to the 4-input model estimation. We construct again a Cobb-Douglas production function but beside two inputs that we had in the previous model respectively labor and capital we add cost of materials and intermediate goods ( intermedite) and the electiricity input ( cost of electiricity) and have the following equation: Log sales= β0+ βLLnLAB23+ βKlncapital24 +βIlnintermediate25+βElnelectricity26+u Estimation results of the above equation are presented in Table 11: 23 24 25 26 The number of permanent full time employees in the firm capital= net book value of machinery and equipment +net book value of land and buildings Cost of raw materials and intermediate goods used in production Total annual cost of electricity 90 Table 11 Model estimation P>│t│ 95% INTERV CONF. AL LN_SALES COEF STD.ERR T LN_labour .529** .247 2.14 .034 .041 1.01 LN-CAPITAL .272*** .074 3.68 .000 .126 .419 .064 1.09 .278 -.057 .196 LN_ELECTRICITY .669*** .126 5.31 .000 .420 .919 _CONS .313 .25 -2.20 2.82 LN_INTERMEDIATE .069 1.27 .806 Source: authors estimation Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance Before starting with inference we performed diagnostic testing for the assumptions of classical linear regression model (provided in detail in appendix). The variable inflation factor suggests that the model does not suffer of any multicolinearity problems. Felipe and Adams (2005) suggest that Cobb-Douglas production function may suffer from multicolinearity so we have tested for it. We performed different types of hetersoscedascity tests such as: Breusch- Pagan; Cameron-Trivedi and White test and they all suggest that out model is heteroscedastic. The econometric literature related to this type of problem offers remedial measures such as white heteroscedastic corrected standard errors or estimation with GLS. We performed white heteroscedastic corrected standard errors for our model and noticed that the sign and significance of parameter coefficients do not change and the differences in the model with no corrections and the model with correction are relatively small. As a consequence we choose to interpret the heteroscedascity corrected model at robust parameters estimation as shown in Table 12. Because of the consequences and drawbacks of GLS (which we do not intend to discuss in this work) we do not use GLS which is usually suggested only when the significance of variables changes when corrected with white heteroscedatic corrected standard errors. Table 12 Heteroscedascity corrected estimation, robust LN_SALES COEF ROBUST STD.ERR T P>│t│ 95% CONF. INTERVA L LN_labour .529** .256 2.06 .041 .022 1.036 LN-CAPITAL .272*** .100 2.71 .008 .073 .4713 LN_INTERMEDIATE .069 .0695 1.00 .319 -.068 .2071 LN_ELECTRICITY .669*** .1711 3.91 .000 .331 1.008 _CONS .313 1.173 .79 .79 -2.01 2.633 Source: Authors estimation Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance 91 Our multiplicative Cobb-Douglas model may be described as follows: Sales=1.13LAB0.53CAPITAL0.27INTERMEDIATE0.07ELECTRICITY0.67 According to the results the variables in the model are significant at conventional significance levels, except the intermediate materials input. The corresponding elasticity coefficients of the inputs in the model are: 0.466 for labor; 0.123 for capital and approximately 0.7 for electricity. The output elasticity of intermediate goods used in the production is relatively small and result insignificant in conventional levels of significance. The evidence is in accordance with the theory since the model estimation displays positive and decreasing returns to inputs. The elasticity of output with respect to production factors imply that if capital (labor, electricity) increases by 1% , the output increases by 0.46%, (0.122%, 0.699%) respectively on average, ceteris paribus. Again the coefficient on labor is larger compared to capital but smaller than electricity, an input added in this model. The results suggest that firms are experiencing increasing returns to scale on average. Increasing returns to scale results both in the original 2-input Cobb-Douglas production function and the 4-input production function. Again increasing returns to scale suggest that a 1% increase in the inputs leads to more than 1% increase in output. Further more the resulting increasing returns may suggest that firms do not operate with minimum costs, respectively they are not Pareto efficient. Additionally we performed another test to test the elasticity of substitution estimating: Log Q/L = β0+ βLog w; Where w = real wage rate, Q/L = labor productivity and β= elasticity of substitution. Wage is measures as monthly compensation of full time employee. The results are shown in table below: Table 13 Estimating elasticity of substitution Laborproductivity COEF STD.ERR T LN_wage 1.03*** .094 10.96 .000 .844 1.21 _CONS -3.8*** -7.52 -4.87 -2.84 .513 P>│t│ 95% CONF. .000 INTERV AL Source: Authors estimation Note: level by significance *** for 1%; ** for 5% and * for 10% statistical significance The estimation results suggest that the elasticity of substitution is unitary; on average a percentage point increase in wage will result with a percentage point increase in labor productivity. According to Klein‟s viewpoint if elasticity of substitution is near about unity a Cobb-Douglas production function can be estimated. Wage rates have impact on labor productivity. 92 We suggest that incentives related to wage levels in these countries are same as incentivizing labor productivity which on the other hand is evidence that using wage incentive instruments is aligning companies‟ goal and may not lead to principle agent problem. Again this is evidence that labor productivity may be explained by employee earnings. The general idea is in line with Lazear that wages may be as incentives for increasing labor productivity. We may propose that recognized forms of financial participation both theoretically and empirically, that result with increased productivity may be used in transition countries for their expected potential benefits. Examples of this kind are employee share ownership and profit sharing. The introduction of Financial Participation in transition countries can be identified with the privatization process; it was a bridge for the transformation of the ownership of state owned enterprises. In recent years there is no evidence that these countries are incentivizing and creating a legal framework for such schemes. Increasing wages that may potentially increase labor productivity is a desirable outcome for both employees and employers and is not a Principle-Agent problem. In line whith this we propose: 1. Aligning the goals of the Principle and the Agents will lead to increased productivity; 2. Linking the effort with income may increase the performance. 4.9. CONCLUSIONS The free market, open economies and globalization all may lead to the companies’ necessity to innovate. We can identify that most of the markets can be classified as monopolistic competition. Therefore we urge that companies that try to be competitive and stay in the market for a longer time period should intensively work on differentiating products and introducing innovation and new products. In this study we provide evidence on what may possibly influence the odds to innovate. We estimate a logit model and find that companies that have a credit increase the odds to innovate compared to the ones that do not have also that the increase in sales increases the odds to innovate. Reviewing the literature and evidence for innovation in transition countries we may conclude that innovation may be beneficial for customers, employees, companies and in the macroeconomic perspective it may increase employment. That is why the research on the topic is broad and an ongoing area of interest. Our estimation suggests that possible determinants that may increase the probability to innovate are: competition, internet broadband, R&D investment and access to finance. Thus if we want to encourage innovation we suggest the encouragement of the latter. SME are recognized as engine for growth by academicians and researches and a large number of studies note that the expected benefit of innovation are efficiency and productivity. Our estimates resulted that there is statistically difference in the probability to innovate between large enterprises and SME where the latter innovate less. Innovation is a costly process and therefore the ease of financing may encourage enterprises to innovate. Another crucial factor that induces innovation is informal competition. Concluding a friendlier environment for SME should be created in respective countries in order to stimulate them to innovate more. Finally according to our results a friendlier 93 environment may be enhancing a competitive market for SMEs and no obstacles for financing. Innovation we suggest is driven by firm specific and market factors. The results suggest that enterprises that innovate, have an internet broadband, face informal competition and large enterprises compared to small and medium have higher probability to be engaged in R&D investments. R&D investment should be encouraged even for small and medium enterprises because it may be a potential source for growth. We conclude that labor productivity is important and that firms in Macedonia and Albania operate with increasing returns to scale. The elasticity of substitution is unitary and we suggest that labor productivity is incentivizes by wage growth. Our estimation suggest that policies regarding employee incentivizing for working more productively, employing adequate skilled workforce, incentivizing and subsidies for innovation and R&D may improve the productivity in the countries referenced. 94 5. CONCLUSION, POLICY RECOMANDATION, LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze production function and productivity for companies in Albania and Macedonia. The main contribution to knowledge derived from this thesis is the evidence for describing productivity and also factors that influence productivity. The main hypothesis of the study is: companies in respective countries possibly do not operate at their minimum cost. The aim of the study is to measure productivity function and scale of economies for small and medium sized enterprises in transition countries respectively in Albania and Macedonia. The research on productivity is large both at micro and macro level and the research is build on using different approaches of measuring productivity and therefore is also subject to different measurement challenges and problems. For empirical analyses data are extracted from BEEPS dataset. Due to lack of data, times series or panel analyses could not be undertaken. In the thesis the first part was to set up the theoretical framework for the research question which is then empirically tested. A comparative assessment of enterprise characteristics between the two countries is provided. The Cobb-Douglas production function and MLE are used and advantages and disadvantages of the two estimation techniques are critically appraised. This chapter is organised as follows: Section 5.1 summarizes main findings derived from this thesis; Section 5.2 outlines policy recommendations; main conclusions of the research are highlighted in Section 5.3 and the chapter concludes by identifying further research areas and limitations of the study. 5.1 SUMMARY ON THE LITERATURE REVIEW Studies on productivity have as stakeholders the employees, owners and the government. On our literature review on studies on productivity we find that different measures of productivity, input, and output are used to study the nature and the determinants of productivity. We note that researches should be cautious when proposing policies depending on the measurement of individual variables used in the estimation process. We conclude that the definition of variables used in the model and the estimation methodology are crucial for the results we will obtain. We suggest that identification of drawbacks of each empirical estimation is crucial for deciding the choice of empirical estimation. A large body of studies finds that SMEs‟ are boosting the economy as a whole and also a lot of studies study the profitability issue of firms. There may be drawn two strands of researches studying profitability the first one structure –conduct performance strand and the other strand is on the firm effects model. On the other hand there can be identified two main groups of studies: studies describing productivity and studies describing factors that determine productivity. Firm employing more efficiently their inputs will tend to be more profitable. The main hypothesis is that industry characteristics and firm characteristics both affect the profitability of firms. SCP models may relate profitability 95 to suboptimal welfare while firm effects model may not find relationship between profitability and welfare losses. Empirically both models find evidence. The literature on productivity is diverse and looking at different aspects of productivity. In the firm level being productive may be understood as incentivizing employees to work efficiently while in the macro level studies on productivity we may be interested in GDP and employment. Most of macroeconomic studies finish noting the limitations on macroeconomic studies and suggesting micro studies to capture the channels to which business climate enhances growth (Durlauf et al. (2008); Straub (2008); Pande and Udry (2005).Micro data in studying productivity are important in different fields of economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, labor economics, international trade and industrial organization. According to empirical research we find that variables correlated with productivity are: institutional change, technological progress, IT investment, innovation and R&D. There is a large “menu” of methodologies used in productivity studies but we are looking at the most common used methodologies such as Index Numbers, Production Function, Distance Function and DEA analysis. Malmquist index and Törnqvist index are the most common used indexes on productivity studies. For example they are used in studies such as: Fare et al (1994), Ball et al (2004); Camanho and Dyson (2006); Grifell-tatjé and Lovell (1998).The production function relates the amount of the output to the amount of input used – a function that describes the technology. For example they are used in studies such as: Solow (1957); Banda and Verdugo (2011); Grimes, Arthur Ren, Cleo Stevens, Philip (2011); Fernandes (2008).Distance function studies: Saal et al. (2007); Conceição et al. (2006) while Dea analyzis studies: Feng-Cheng Fu and Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg and Yong-Sheng Chen (2007).The general conclusion that we may draw from the literature review is that productivity is likely to generate desired results for the stakeholders and therefore should be a goal for firms and countries. We presented the formal formulation of nonlinear models with specific reference to logit model, the method used to estimate and how they are interpreted. We sum that the interpretation of nonlinear models is not straightforward and the difficulty arises especially with dummy variables. We also noted the confusion that is usually about product term and interaction variables in logit models. The problems with logit model (mentioned in the study) may be problems of the nature of sampling, missing data, variable bias and heteroscedascity. Despite the above mentioned logit model is applied in different fields of economics such as: industrial relations, game theory, labor market, mergers, transport, consumer choice and demand, economics of education, emigration, banking, mergers. The extensive use of nonlinear models in different fields of economics suggest us that we should acknowledge more understating and research in the nature, scope, advantages and disadvantages of these models in economics analysis. 5.2 POLICY RECOMANDATION The benefits from innovation and productivity may be captured from customers, employees, companies. That is why the research on the topic is broad and an ongoing 96 area of interest. In this study one focus was to look what may possibly influence the odds to innovate. We estimated a logit model and find that companies that have a credit increase the odds to innovate compared to the ones that do not have also that the increase in sales increases the odds to innovate. Our estimation suggests that possible determinants that may increase the probability to innovate are: competition, internet broadband, R&D investment and access to finance. Thus if we want to encourage innovation we suggest the encouragement of the latter. Our estimates resulted that there is statistically difference in the probability to innovate between large enterprises and SME where the latter innovate less. Another crucial factor that induces innovation is informal competition. Concluding a friendlier environment for SME should be created in respective countries in order to stimulate them to innovate more. Finally according to our results a friendlier environment may be enhancing a competitive market for SMEs and no obstacles for financing. Innovation we suggest is driven by firm specific and market factors. We have analyzed a cross section production function and during our research we noticed the urge of a micro panel dataset so that researchers will be able to look far beyond the scope of the provided research here. The evidence from estimated Cobb-Douglas production function is that companies in Macedonia and Albania show increasing returns to scale and the sign of corresponding input elasticities are in line with the theory. We urge the necessity of micro panel dataset especially for transition countries because this limitation results with the scarcity of research in this kind of countries who need policy recommendation in order to improve and grow economically. Policy recommendation that respective institutions should follow is to encourage firms to show increasing returns to scale or constant returns to scale or identify the firms operating with increasing returns to scale and incentivize them to stay in the business. Government policy should be to attract efficient firms. We also propose that company level studies should be incentivized. As a consequence of the transition process and privatization which is the case of both Macedonia and Albania it is expected that in the short run there will be a large number of small and medium enterprises, but on the other perspective as both countries are adhering the EU in order to survive in the open market economy they should be competitive and productive. The legislation and policy response therefore should be in line with the international market. Finally the awareness of policy makers should be focused that both productive firms and productive workers should be incentivized otherwise we encourage them to seek better off opportunities somewhere else. We propose that policies should be oriented toward: 1. Aligning the goals of the Principle and the Agents will lead to increased productivity; 2. Linking the effort with income may increase the performance. 5.3 MAIN CONCLUSIONS Costs will depend on productivity which responses to the law of diminishing marginal returns and our findings in this work are in line with theory and give supporting evidence 97 for our hypothesis. Our estimation suggest that policies regarding employee incentivizing for working more productively, employing adequate skilled workforce, incentivizing and subsidies for innovation and R&D may improve the productivity in the countries referenced. We may list the main conclusions of this research: Stakeholders: employees, the owners and the government. Performance measure Productivity may enhance growth. Important in different fields of economics Approaches for studying productivity: index number studies, production function, distance function and DEA analysis. Concluding we suggest that identification of drawbacks of each empirical estimation is crucial for deciding the choice of empirical estimation. The nature of the firm, the structure of the market and financing are possible determinants of innovation. Enterprises that innovate, have an internet broadband, face informal competition and large enterprises compared to small and medium have higher probability to be engaged in R&D investments Cobb-Douglas estimates suggest that firms are experiencing increasing returns to scale on average which suggests that the businesses in these countries do not operate at their minimum average costs Aligning the goals of the Principle and the Agents will lead to increased productivity; Linking the effort with income may increase the performance. We estimated models for factors describing productivity using MLE and Cobb-Douglas estimation for a sample representative enterprises drawn from BEEPS dataset. Following we provide the empirical evidence from estimation results. According to the estimated MLE model for innovation the following resulted: For a standard deviation increase in sales the odds of innovating increase by 27.6% holding other things constant. Odds for innovation are: 74.4% greater to firms that have credit than those who don‟t, holding all other covariates constant; 52.2% greater for enterprises that compete with informal competition than those who don‟t, holding all other covariates constant; 59.3% higher for SME than for large companies, holding all other covariates constant. Thus our results are in line with Schumpeterian view. In sum our estimates suggest that for our sample data the size of sales has increased the probability to innovate, also companies that face informal competition and have a line of credit or loan have higher probability to innovate compared to companies that do not face informal competition respectively companies that do not have a credit. Thus the nature of the firm, the structure of the market and financing are possible determinants of innovation. 98 In the second model estimating for predictors of R&D using MLE estimation results that wwe are 95% confident that the probability to have R&D is between 0.3 and 0.6 given that it innovates. The estimates suggest that predictors of R&D are innovation, internet broadband, competition and size. According to our estimation results it is suggested that firms that do innovate are more likely for 0.3 to have invested in R&D than the ones who don‟t, holding other things constant. The estimated results also suggest that having comepetition (in our case informal one) and having internet broadband increases probability to invest in R&D at sample means by 0.2 respectively by 0.244 holding other covariates constant. Cobb-Douglas production function is used extensively in productivity studies and such a function is estimated in the thesis. The very first estimation of input-output relationship was in Cobb and Douglas (1928). Their work was object of discussions among researchers criticizing and giving credit to the same. We estimate an equivalent linear function of logarithms of Cobb-Douglas production function. The resulting estimated coefficients of the Cobb-Douglas production function are output elasticity‟s of respective inputs and in our estimation ( after testing and correcting for multicolinearity and heteroscdedascity) output elasticity of capital is 0.46 and output elasticity of labor is 0.78. In the four input Cobb-Douglas estimation the corresponding elasticity coefficients of the inputs in the model are: 0.466 for labor; 0.123 for capital and approximately 0.7 for electricity. Thus, our results are in accordance with the economic theory which tells us that marginal products of capital and labor are both positive, and these inputs individually exhibit diminishing returns. The results suggest that labor contributes more than capital in the output i.e. in order to add output the distribution of input goods should be toward labor in order to have higher increase in the output level. Thus our estimates are evidence of applied Cobb-Douglas production function with statistically valid results. Finally our results are in line with the theory and we provide supporting evidence for Schumpeterian view and Lazears‟ theory of incentive wages. The empirical evidence in the study suggests that the enterprises in respective countries are experiencing increasing returns to scale. The positive economies of scale on the other hand suggest that industries can produce and export at competing prices and may grow employing more inputs. If this is the case these firms may generate revenues for the economy. 5.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY AND RECOMANDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH This study is subject to some limitations which are mainly related to lack of data. The first limitation is that the study does not capture industry and country differences; secondly; examination is done by using cross section data; thirdly we do not calculate total factor productivity and its convergence within industries and countries. We propose and suggest that further research should be done using a trans-log production function or taking the Levinshon-Petrin approach. This approach is a technique that uses the cost of material as a proxy of companies‟ information about productivity. Another approach that may be applied is Olley and Pakes if the dataset has information about investment which is their proxy for companies‟ information about productivity. 99 Concluding we may state some suggestions for the road ahead are to pursue the following approaches: Legros and Galia (2011)-simultaneous equations; Levinshon-Petrin approach; Olley and Pakes approach; Translog production function and comparative studies . The problem of availability of data for large samples and longer time periods is a limitation for conducting studies on productivity. Therefore we suggest that preparing questionnaire and colecting micro- panel dataset may be helpful in solving estimation and comparison models in productivity studies. In closing I would like to add that increasing productivity is multilevel complex framework and a better understanding of the problem may be attained by disaggregating the problem in micro level studies. 100 APPENDIX A.1 LIST OF ABREVIATIONS ABREVIATION EXPLANATION TFP Total factor productivity GDP Gross domestic product BEA Bureau of economic analysis BLS The Bureau of Labor Statistics TTP Total technology progress PPP Purchasing power parity OECD The Organization Development R&D Research and development GML General maximum likelihood CRS Constant returns to scale LP Labor productivity ALS Asymptotic least square MPI Malmquist productivity indicator DEA Data envelopment analysis CEE Central and east Europe MLE Maximum likelihood estimation LSDV Least square dummy variable GLS Generalized least square WITHIN Model proposed by Conweli et al. (1990) BC Battese and Coelli ( 1992) model FEM Fixed effect model ECM Error component model REM Random effects model ACF Ackerberg, Cavez and Frazer IT Information Technology 101 for Economic Co-operation and A.2 SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW Author /TITLE 1953- Sten Malmquist Zvi Griliches 1984 Chapter Title: R&D and Productivity: The Unfinished Business Griliches Chapter Author: Zvi Type of data;analyses&method Malmquist Index originates from and introduced by Caves et al. (1982) Literature review Review production function Log of sales output R&D capital Physical capital Labor other variables R capital &D Physical capitalQ = AXPKT, where Q is output, X is an index of conventional inputs including physical capital, K is the “stock of knowledge” (or R&D), A is the level of disembodied technology, and p and y are the parameters of interest Innovation and productivity Baily and Chakrabarti (Innovation and productivity in US industry, 1985) Holzer (1988) Their dependent variable is wage and productivity on a scale from 1-100 Fare et al. (1994) Index studies 102 Conclusion Econometric issues: (1) the simultaneity of the R&D decision, (2) heterogeneity and endogeneity of individual product prices, (3) heterogeneity of the underlying production functions, and ( the role of spillovers They find evidence that tenure and training are positively linked with wage and productivity decomposed Malmquist index in efficiency change and Bernard and Jones (1996) Cobb-Douglas : Brynjolfson and Hitt (1998) Lazear (2000) technological change Countries in 70s‟ and 80s‟ converge. Convergence is industry specific and comparison of countries may be misleading. They find evidence on aggregate convergence and no evidence on convergence in manufacturing. IT investment may lead to productivity Incentive wages productivity as a result of incentive effect and Factors that influence Productivity paradox productivity : Stratapoulos Dehning (2000) De Toni and Tonchia Build a performance (2001) measurement framework and classify productivity measurement as cost measurement. Steindal and Stiroh (2001) Review of measures draw difference of productivity between two concepts of output: value added and gross output Neelu et al. ( 2005) . also classify productivity as performance measure Audretsch, David B. : - institutional change Elston, Julie Ann and productivity (2006) Fernandes (2008) 575 firms in Reverse casualty of Bangladesh corruption and productivity Rungsuriyawiboon, TFP and technological Supawat Stefanou, progress: 103 Spiro E. (2008) Diewert (2008) discusses measurement problems R. Fare, S. Grosskopf Time series; Productivity may be and D. Margaritis Benet_Bowley addressed to R&D: (2008) productivity index Profit may be e Andreas Stierwald function of time trend. (2009) Lagged dependent variable accounts for dynamic component of profitability. Firm profits are computed as the ratio of profit level to the value of total The level of profit is defined as the difference between sales revenue and total operating expenses. Total factor productivity refers to the level of costefficiency in the production process and is defined as the logdifference between predicted and empirical cost: More borrowed capital more risk. Oh (2010) 26 OECD countries Propose global MalmquistLuenberger Index and suggest that productivity is addressed mainly to technological change Grimes et al. (2011) Cobb-Douglas Firms with internet broadband more productive Banda and Verdugo AIS data (1993-2006) Capital elasticity 104 (2011) GrifellTatje Lowell and GUSTAVO CRESPI Sussex University, AIM, and CeRiBA CHIARA CRISCUOLO LSE, AIM, and CeRiBA JONATHAN HASKEL Queen Mary, University of London, AIM, CeRiBA, CEPR, and IZA DENISE HAWKES Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London 1 between 0.28 and 0.34 and labor elasticity between 0.56 and 0.66 Decompose Malmquist index in technical change, technical efficiency and returns to scale Are output data Quarterly measures reliable to measure problems: productivity? 1.some sectors are not good measure of productivity 2. employment uses productivity adjustment (what it is) 3. income and expenditure might give other estimates Review LMD productivity studies Eric J. Bartelsman Reviews: Richard and Caves (1998) and , Mark Doms James Tybout (2000) methods of calculating TFP, choices can be made among index number approaches, econometric estimation of cost or production functions, or nonparametric methods, such as data envelopment analysis. Durlauf et al. 2008; Macroeconomic Straub (2008); Pande studies and Udry (2005). 105 the most significant contribution LMDs have made is to revisit the ideas of heterogeneity and Schumpeter‟s creative destruction. Productivity as a measure of TFP finish noting the limitations on macroeconomic studies and suggesting micro studies to capture the channels to which business climate enhances growth Barteslamn and Doms Review on literature (2000); Mawson et al. (2003). 106 A.3 DATASET QUESTIONS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONARE Questions of interest in the panel data: Industry Manufacturing Service other SIZE- the size of the industry: Small Medium Large Does this establishment have an internationally-recognized quality certification? Yes 1 No 0 Over fiscal year 2007, did this establishment experience power outages? Yes 1 No 0 What percentage of total sales does the main product represent? In fiscal year 2007, what were this establishment‟s total annual sales? In fiscal year 2007, which of the following was the main market in which this establishment sold its main product? Local National International In fiscal year 2007, for the main market in which this establishment sold its main product, how many competitors did this establishment‟s main product face? 0-1 >2 Comparing the last month to the first month of the fiscal year 2007 have monthly sales of this establishment‟s main product increased, remained the same, or decreased? Increased Same Decreased Does this establishment compete against unregistered or informal firms? Yes 1 107 No 0 In the last three years, has this establishment introduced new products or services? Yes 1 No 0 In fiscal year 2007, did this establishment spend on research and development activities, either in-house or contracted with other companies (outsourced)? Yes 1 No 0 In fiscal year 2007, how much did this establishment spend on research and development activities either in-house or contracted with other companies (outsourced)? At this time, does this establishment have an overdraft facility? Yes 1 No 0 At this time, does this establishment have a line of credit or a loan from a financial institution? Yes 1 No 0 Is access to finance, which includes availability and cost, interest rates, fees and collateral requirements, No Obstacle, a Minor Obstacle, a Moderate Obstacle, a Major Obstacle, or a Very Severe Obstacle to the current operations of this establishment? NO OBSTACLE: no obstacle, minor obstacle OBSTACLE: moderate, major and very At the end of fiscal year 2007, how many permanent, full-time employees did this establishment employ? Please include all employees and managers At the end of fiscal year 2007, how many permanent, full-time employees were: Skilled Unskilled For fiscal 2007 please provide: Total annual cost of labour (including wages, salaries, bonuses, social security payments) Total annual cost of raw materials and intermediate goods used in production Average monthly compensation for full-time production employee At the end of fiscal year 2007, what was the net book value, that is the value of assets after depreciation, of the following: 108 Machinery, vehicles, and equipment Land and buildings 109 A.4 SUMMARY STATISTICS OF THE QUESTIONARE: AFTER CORRECTIONS First we provide summary statistic for variable individually and then the overall variables after correcting for don‟t know possibility answer or/and missing data. SIZE We have the classification for Macedonia only for year 2009 for size: SME Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 90 276 24.59 75.41 24.59 100.00 Total 366 100.00 We have the classification for Albania: only for year 2009 for size: SME Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 1 53 1.85 98.15 1.85 100.00 Total 54 100.00 For both countries we have the following statistics: SME Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 91 329 21.67 78.33 21.67 100.00 Total 420 100.00 Summary statistics for the variable: Variable Obs Mean SME 420 .7833333 Std. Dev. .4124649 Min Max 0 1 INNOVATION Frequencies for innovation for Macedonia: innov Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 148 218 40.44 59.56 40.44 100.00 Total 366 100.00 110 Frequencies for innovation for Albania: innov Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 34 20 62.96 37.04 62.96 100.00 Total 54 100.00 Frequencies for our sample data: innov Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 182 238 43.33 56.67 43.33 100.00 Total 420 100.00 Summary statistics for innovation: Variable Obs Mean innov 420 .5666667 Std. Dev. .4961266 Min Max 0 1 INTERNET Frequencies for the variable internet for Macedonia: internet Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 37 105 26.06 73.94 26.06 100.00 Total 142 100.00 Frequencies for the variable internet for Albania: internet Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 45 113 28.48 71.52 28.48 100.00 Total 158 100.00 Frequencies for the variable internet for overall sample: 111 internet Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 37 105 26.06 73.94 26.06 100.00 Total 142 100.00 Summary statistics for variable internet: Variable Obs Mean internet 158 .7151899 Std. Dev. Min Max 0 1 .452759 R&D’ Frequencies for the variable R&D for Macedonia area: RandD Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 215 151 58.74 41.26 58.74 100.00 Total 366 100.00 Frequencies for the variable R&D for Albania: RandD Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 248 172 59.05 40.95 59.05 100.00 Total 420 100.00 Frequencies for the variable R&D for all: RandD Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 248 172 59.05 40.95 59.05 100.00 Total 420 100.00 Summary statistics for the variable R&D: Variable Obs Mean RandD 420 .4095238 Std. Dev. .4923324 Min Max 0 1 Another question for R&D is the amount spent on R&D. But the question on the amount of R&D is resulting with missing data as can be seen from the summary statistics below: 112 . tab accessfin if accessfin country15&year1 Freq. Percent Cum. 0 96 64.00 64.00 1 54 36.00 100.00 . tab accessfin if albania&year1 Total 150 100.00 accessfin Freq. Percent Cum. . tab accessfin if country15&year2 Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min 0 96 65.31 65.31 accessfin Freq. Percent Cum. 1 51 34.69 100.00 amountRandD 52 33511.41 90244.29 1 0 92 50.27 Total 147 100.00 1 91 49.73 . tab accessfin if albania&year2 Total 183 100.00 accessfin Freq. Percent . tab accessfin if country15&year3 no observations 0 116 59.49 1 79 40.51 . tab accessfin if country15&year4 Total 195 100.00 accessfin Freq. Percent . tab accessfin if albania&year3 0 168 45.90 1 198 54.10 accessfin Freq. Percent . sum labour if Total 0 366 163 100.00 53.62 46.38 country15&year1 1 141 Cum. 59.49 100.00 Cum. 45.90 100.00 Cum. 53.62 100.00 Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Total 304 100.00 For Albania we have the following frequencies: labour . tab accessfin if albania&year4 167 118.0719 373.9862 . sum labour if accessfin country15&year2Freq. Variable labour . sum labour if . sum labour if EMPLOYEESVariable Variable 0 Obs 1 34 Mean 20 200 94.21 Total Percent 62.96 Std. Dev. 37.04 Min Max 2 3600 Cum. 62.96 Min 100.00 Max 2 3100 299.8724 54 625980.7 50.27 100.00 ACCESS TO FINANCE For Macedonia we have the following frequencies: Max 100.00 country15&year3 albania&year1 Obs Mean Obs Mean Std. Dev. Std. Dev. labour 0 Summary statistics for the variable labor for Macedonia: labour 170 97.47647 340.2755 Min Min 2 Max Max 3360 .. sum labour if if albania&year2 country15&year4 sum labour Variable Variable Obs Obs labour labour 365 204 . sum labour if Variable Mean Std.Std. Mean Dev.Dev. 91.63562 240.3428 220.6412 80.35294 Min Min Max Max 2 1 2100 2146 albania&year3 Std. Dev. Min Max Summary statistics for the variable labor for Albania: labour 297 35.86532 80.65577 2 1120 . sum labour if . sum Obs albania&year4 skilledlab if country15&year1 Variable Obs Variable Obs skilledlab 163 labour . sum Mean 54 Mean Mean 23.14815 64.58282 Std. Dev. Std. Dev. 45.01254 195.0228 Min Max Min Max 0 1600 Min Max 0 2170 2 320 skilledlab if country15&year2 Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. The aboveskilledlab definition is of labor with44.625 no classification. 200 174.1098 Now we .will at the classification in skilled and unskilled for Macedonia and sum look skilledlab if country15&year3 Albania: Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max skilledlab Skilled Macedonia: . sum 0 skilledlab if country15&year4 Variable Obs Mean skilledlab 115 74.43478 Std. Dev. 112.4755 For Albania: 113 Min Max 0 730 skilledlab . sum 203 skilledlab if Variable if unskilllab . sum skilledlab Variable 115.4416 Obs Mean country15&year1 110 Obs unskilllab Variable if Std. Dev. 25.14545 79.26808 Min Mean Std. Dev. 908 Min Max 9.607362 41.9458 albania&year4 country15&year2 Obs Mean 0 Max 0 Std. Dev. Min 740 Max Std. Dev. Min Max 203 20.90148 64.76584 Obs Mean Std. Dev. . tab if qualcert if country15&year1 . sum unskilllab albania&year3 unskilllab 115 12.09565 36.27671 qualcert Freq. Percent Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. 0 673 Max unskilllab if . sum Variable unskilllab if 90.73663 Std. Dev. 0 Max 1008 Max unskilllab Macedonia: 23.53012 Mean Max 0 . sum 166 Obs albania&year2 0 Obs Mean country15&year4 unskilllab Variable Albania unskilled . tab Min qualcert if Min 0 Cum. Min 290 Max albania&year1 153 90.53 90.53 unskilllab 16.45455 38.84588 0 294 16 9.47 100.00 qualcert Freq. Percent Cum. . sum unskilllab if albania&year4 Total 169 100.00 87.27 Variable Obs 0 Mean 144 Std. Dev. Min 87.27 Max 1 21 12.73 100.00 . tab qualcert if country15&year2 unskilllab 20 4.9 7.09262 0 26 qualcert Freq. 165 Percent Cum. Total 100.00 . tab 0 110 1 0 89.00 qualcert if178 albania&year2 1 22 qualcert Cum. 0 . tab qualcert if 1 no observations 170 83.33 country15&year3 83.33 100.00 . tab country15&year4 204 100.00 qualcert if Total Freq. 200 89.00 100.00 Percent 100.00 Total QUALITY CERTIFICATION Macedonia: 11.00 34 16.67 Freq. albania&year3 Percent . qualcert tab qualcert if qualcert 1 0 235 Freq. 131 Total 0 366 220 100.0072.37 Total 304 100.00 1 Albania: . tab qualcert if 84 Cum. 64.21 64.21 Percent 100.00 35.79 27.63 Cum. 72.37 100.00 albania&year4 qualcert Freq. Percent Cum. 0 1 43 11 79.63 20.37 79.63 100.00 Total 54 100.00 114 800 360 Variable Obs Std. Dev. skilledlab 20 Mean 27.95 63.76971 Min . sum unskilllab if albania&year1 unskilllab 200 15.695 70.26448 0 . Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min . sum unskilllab if country15&year3 Unskilledunskilllab labor Variable 0 albania&year3 unskilllab 163if . sum skilledlab . sum 36.62069 294 A.5 SUMMARY STATISTICS OF VARIABLES Sample data Variable Obs Mean sales_output ln_sales RandD labour ln_labour 420 420 420 419 419 3384308 11.13629 .4095238 82.80907 3.272071 innov SME qualcert compete_un~d credit 420 420 420 420 420 powerout accessfin internet compete_in~l skilledlab Std. Dev. Min Max 1.02e+07 5.554266 .4923324 207.7936 1.432095 1 0 0 1 0 1.12e+08 18.53658 1 2146 7.671361 .5666667 .7833333 .3380952 .6571429 .5880952 .4961266 .4124649 .4736253 .4752303 .492765 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 420 420 158 420 135 .4357143 .5190476 .7151899 .6571429 67.54815 .4964415 .5002329 .452759 .4752303 107.7678 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 730 unskilllab amountRandD averagewage netbookmach netbookland 135 52 135 135 135 11.02963 33511.41 277.9276 821107.8 803323.1 33.66449 90244.29 148.0133 2604167 2317725 0 1 1 1 1 290 625980.7 871.9016 2.21e+07 1.74e+07 lnamountRa~D lnnetbookm~h lnnetbookl~d labourprod~t lncapital 52 135 135 419 135 7.298771 9.570401 7.266376 59874.51 16.83678 4.281841 5.24607 6.444171 166854.1 10.69095 0 0 0 .0028571 0 13.34707 16.91186 16.6716 2038163 32.43742 electricity ln_electri~y intermediate ln_interme~e 293 293 135 135 56664.65 8.132479 1421451 8.580796 316294.9 3.309198 5550820 5.957968 1 0 1 0 4121479 15.23172 4.58e+07 17.63881 Albania year 4: 115 Variable Obs Mean Min Max sales ln_sales RandD labour ln_labour 54 54 54 54 54 685822.3 7.601991 .3888889 23.14815 2.54949 Std. Dev. 1723862 6.468326 .4920756 45.01254 .9358211 -.0995268 0 0 2 .6931472 9289169 16.04436 1 320 5.768321 ln_spent_RD innov SME qualcert compete_un~d 3 54 54 54 54 9.84594 .3703704 .9814815 .2037037 .4444444 .291267 .4874383 .1360828 .406533 .5015699 9.509809 0 0 0 0 10.02391 1 1 1 1 accessfin internet compete_in~l skilledlab unskilllab 54 16 54 20 20 .3703704 .5 .4444444 27.95 4.9 .4874383 .5163978 .5015699 63.76971 7.09262 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 294 26 amountRandD averagewage netbookmach netbookland lnskilledlab 6 20 20 20 19 9695.149 260.5557 1437045 382787.7 2.556082 11100.76 131.3365 4890052 1230850 1.10251 1 187.9951 1 1 .6931472 22559.41 774.0974 2.21e+07 5529268 5.68358 lnunskilllab lnamountRa~D lnnetbookm~h lnnetbookl~d wage 10 6 20 20 20 1.99877 4.92297 9.529253 7.190054 260.5557 .8514837 5.395989 5.860659 5.843625 131.3365 .6931472 0 0 0 187.9951 3.258096 10.02391 16.91186 15.52557 774.0974 labourprod~t growth 54 54 33121.96 2.299725 62004.46 3.620878 .0111111 -7.370534 368617.8 8.02218 The table suggests that with variable amount spent on R&D we have missing data therefore we may not include it in regression analysis as it is. Macedonia year 4 Variable Obs Mean Min Max sales ln_sales RandD labour ln_labour 366 366 366 365 365 3782445 11.65775 .4125683 91.63562 3.378973 Std. Dev. 1.09e+07 5.217086 .4929703 220.6412 1.462436 -.2012081 0 0 1 0 1.12e+08 18.53658 1 2146 7.671361 ln_spent_RD innov SME qualcert compete_un~d 37 366 366 366 366 9.459412 .5956284 .7540984 .3579235 .6885246 1.694876 .4914418 .43121 .4800457 .4637306 6.508312 0 0 0 0 13.34707 1 1 1 1 accessfin internet compete_in~l skilledlab unskilllab 366 142 366 115 115 .5409836 .7394366 .6885246 74.43478 12.09565 .4989997 .4404958 .4637306 112.4755 36.27671 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 730 290 amountRandD averagewage netbookmach netbookland lnskilledlab 46 115 115 115 113 36617.88 280.9487 713988.2 876459.7 3.351492 95554.79 151.0444 1976838 2454660 1.554081 1 1 1 1 0 625980.7 871.9016 1.52e+07 1.74e+07 6.593045 lnunskilllab lnamountRa~D lnnetbookm~h lnnetbookl~d wage 50 46 115 115 115 2.471365 7.608658 9.577558 7.279649 280.8861 1.292429 4.085679 5.159907 6.566606 151.1617 0 0 0 0 -.2012081 5.669881 13.34707 16.5375 16.6716 871.9016 labourprod~t growth 365 366 63832.43 .936664 176886.4 2.583574 .0028571 -8.562719 2038163 9.079048 The same situation is with data collected for Macedonia. 116 A.6 SUMMARY TABLE OF SUMMARY STATISTICS Variable Obs Mean sales ln_sales RandD labour ln_labour 22825 22825 16777 26788 26787 4.50e+09 12.39943 .2803839 115.4018 3.274152 ln_spent_RD innov qualcert transpobst cust_trade 3144 24925 26854 26697 25576 compete_un~d overdraft credit powerout accessfin Min Max 6.62e+11 4.551746 .4492002 468.2949 1.600346 -17.51683 0 0 0 0 1.00e+14 32.23619 1 37772 10.53932 10.0425 .4365496 .1942727 .2269543 .1567485 2.161312 .4959677 .3956472 .4188707 2.08564 .6931472 0 0 0 -7 19.11383 1 1 1 4 11558 11660 11660 26625 26117 .3865721 .4030017 .4745283 .4346667 .4655205 .4869852 .4905221 .4993722 .4957225 .4988193 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 prod_sale_~p publiclist private soleprop partner 4713 26911 26911 26911 26911 .8226183 .0681506 .3890602 .263907 0 .3820319 .2520088 .4875461 .4407576 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 limpartner otherprop internet compete_in~l skilledlab 26911 26911 19128 11558 19674 .0369737 .1228122 .5904433 .3865721 62.80919 .1887008 .3282277 .4917648 .4869852 236.4475 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8217 unskilllab amountRandD lnskilledlab lnunskilllab lnamountRa~D 19487 8186 17089 9774 8186 17.62888 153488.5 2.695414 2.134367 3.857028 98.37284 3369531 1.704775 1.587288 5.064998 0 1 0 0 0 7600 2.00e+08 9.013961 8.935904 19.11383 . 117 Std. Dev. A.7 NATURE OF DATA Frequency of the questionnaire: . tab panel if a1==44 Panel: Firm interviewed in these years Freq. only in 2009 only in 2007 only in 2005 only in 2002 only in 2002, 05 only in 2005, 09 only in 2002, 05, 09 37 304 127 105 120 24 15 5.05 41.53 17.35 14.34 16.39 3.28 2.05 Total 732 100.00 . tab Percent Cum. 5.05 46.58 63.93 78.28 94.67 97.95 100.00 panel if a1==66 Panel: Firm interviewed in these years Freq. only in 2009 only in 2005 only in 2002 only in 2002, 05 only in 2005, 09 only in 2002, 05, 09 279 97 136 32 138 54 37.91 13.18 18.48 4.35 18.75 7.34 Total 736 100.00 118 Percent Cum. 37.91 51.09 69.57 73.91 92.66 100.00 A.8 ESTIMATION OUTPUTS A.8.1 INNOVATION MODEL . logit innov sales SME Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: log log log log log compete_unregistered credit likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood = = = = = -287.37734 -278.18506 -278.07192 -278.07173 -278.07173 Logistic regression Number of obs LR chi2(4) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 Log likelihood = -278.07173 innov Coef. sales SME compete_un~d credit _cons 2.38e-08 .4657748 .4200596 .5559567 -.7653765 if (albania | country15)&year4 Std. Err. 1.38e-08 .2615244 .212123 .2063587 .2992028 z P>|z| 1.72 1.78 1.98 2.69 -2.56 0.085 0.075 0.048 0.007 0.011 = = = = 420 18.61 0.0009 0.0324 [95% Conf. Interval] -3.32e-09 -.0468036 .0043062 .1515011 -1.351803 5.09e-08 .9783532 .835813 .9604123 -.1789497 Marginal effects after logit y = Pr(innov) (predict) = .5702615 variable sales SME* compet~d* credit* dy/dx 5.83e-09 .1152712 .1034227 .1362639 Std. Err. z .00000 .06477 .05222 .05022 1.72 1.78 1.98 2.71 P>|z| [ 95% C.I. 0.085 -8.0e-10 1.2e-08 0.075 -.011674 .242217 0.048 .001079 .205767 0.007 .037825 .234702 (*) dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1 119 ] X 3.4e+06 .783333 .657143 .588095 . estat classification Logistic model for innov True Classified D ~D Total + - 201 37 126 56 327 93 Total 238 182 420 Classified + if predicted Pr(D) >= .5 True D defined as innov != 0 Sensitivity Specificity Positive predictive value Negative predictive value Pr( +| D) Pr( -|~D) Pr( D| +) Pr(~D| -) 84.45% 30.77% 61.47% 60.22% False False False False Pr( +|~D) Pr( -| D) Pr(~D| +) Pr( D| -) 69.23% 15.55% 38.53% 39.78% + + - rate rate rate rate for for for for true ~D true D classified + classified - Correctly classified . sum innov sales SME 61.19% compete_unregistered Variable Obs Mean innov sales SME compete_un~d credit 420 420 420 420 420 .5666667 3384308 .7833333 .6571429 .5880952 credit Std. Dev. if (albania | Min Max 0 1 0 0 0 1 1.12e+08 1 1 1 .4961266 1.02e+07 .4124649 .4752303 .492765 Correlation matrix of coefficients of logit model e(V) innov sales SME compet~d credit _cons sales SME compete_un~d credit _cons 1.0000 0.3260 0.0239 -0.0682 -0.3360 1.0000 -0.0575 0.0973 -0.7395 1.0000 -0.0984 -0.3839 1.0000 -0.4068 1.0000 innov . prvalue logit: Predictions for innov Confidence intervals by delta method Pr(y=1|x): Pr(y=0|x): x= sales 3384307.7 95% Conf. Interval [ 0.5217, 0.6188] [ 0.3812, 0.4783] 0.5703 0.4297 SME .78333333 compete_un~d .65714286 120 credit .58809524 country15)&year4 logit: Predictions for innov Confidence intervals by delta method Pr(y=1|x): Pr(y=0|x): x= 0.6486 0.3514 sales 3384307.7 SME 1 95% Conf. Interval [ 0.5818, 0.7154] [ 0.2846, 0.4182] compete_un~d .65714286 credit 1 % in oddspercent help . change listcoef, logit (N=420): Percentage Change in Odds Odds of: 1 vs 0 innov sales SME compete_un~d credit b z P>|z| % %StdX SDofX = = = = = = b z P>|z| 0.00000 0.46577 0.42006 0.55596 1.720 1.781 1.980 2.694 0.085 0.075 0.048 0.007 % 0.0 59.3 52.2 74.4 %StdX 27.5 1.0204e+07 21.2 0.4125 22.1 0.4752 31.5 0.4928 raw coefficient z-score for test of b=0 p-value for z-test percent change in odds for unit increase in X percent change in odds for SD increase in X standard deviation of X Significance test: single and joint tests . test credit ( 1) [innov]credit = 0 chi2( 1) = Prob > chi2 = ( 1) [innov]SME = 0 chi2( 1) = Prob > chi2 = ( 1) 3.92 0.0477 [innov]sales = 0 chi2( 1) = Prob > chi2 = ( 1) ( 2) 3.17 0.0749 [innov]compete_unregistered = 0 chi2( 1) = Prob > chi2 = ( 1) 7.26 0.0071 2.96 0.0855 [innov]SME = 0 [innov]credit = 0 chi2( 2) = Prob > chi2 = 121 9.59 0.0083 SDofX ( ( ( ( 1) 2) 3) 4) [innov]SME = 0 [innov]credit = 0 [innov]compete_unregistered = 0 [innov]sales = 0 chi2( 4) = Prob > chi2 = 16.99 0.0019 A.8.2 R&D MODEL . logit RandD Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: innov powerout internet log log log log log likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood likelihood = = = = = compete_unregistered -106.25422 -89.019955 -88.664148 -88.663269 -88.663269 Logistic regression Number of obs LR chi2(5) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 Log likelihood = -88.663269 RandD Coef. innov powerout internet compete_un~d SME _cons 1.414821 .284185 1.161377 .9840382 -1.352051 -1.848304 SME if (albania | Std. Err. z .4067508 .3754238 .4442525 .4488389 .681335 .825426 3.48 0.76 2.61 2.19 -1.98 -2.24 P>|z| 0.001 0.449 0.009 0.028 0.047 0.025 = = = = 158 35.18 0.0000 0.1656 [95% Conf. Interval] .6176036 -.4516321 .2906584 .1043301 -2.687443 -3.466109 2.212038 1.020002 2.032096 1.863746 -.016659 -.2304992 . mfx Marginal effects after logit y = Pr(RandD) (predict) = .36688979 variable innov* powerout* internet* compet~d* SME* dy/dx .304585 .0664155 .2448809 .2098799 -.3256939 Std. Err. .07721 .08817 .08142 .08501 .15183 z 3.95 0.75 3.01 2.47 -2.15 P>|z| 0.000 0.451 0.003 0.014 0.032 [ 95% C.I. .153263 .455907 -.1064 .239231 .085296 .404466 .043258 .376502 -.62328 -.028108 (*) dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1 122 ] X .613924 .398734 .71519 .734177 .911392 country15)&ye . sum RandD innov powerout internet Variable Obs Mean RandD innov powerout internet compete_un~d 420 420 420 158 420 .4095238 .5666667 .4357143 .7151899 .6571429 SME 420 .7833333 compete_unregistered Std. Dev. Min Max .4923324 .4961266 .4964415 .452759 .4752303 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 .4124649 0 1 . lstat Logistic model for RandD True Classified D ~D Total + - 43 20 20 75 63 95 Total 63 95 158 Classified + if predicted Pr(D) >= .5 True D defined as RandD != 0 Sensitivity Specificity Positive predictive value Negative predictive value Pr( +| D) Pr( -|~D) Pr( D| +) Pr(~D| -) 68.25% 78.95% 68.25% 78.95% False False False False Pr( +|~D) Pr( -| D) Pr(~D| +) Pr( D| -) 21.05% 31.75% 31.75% 21.05% + + - rate rate rate rate for for for for true ~D true D classified + classified - Correctly classified 74.68% . lfit Logistic model for RandD, goodness-of-fit test number of observations number of covariate patterns Pearson chi2(17) Prob > chi2 123 SME if (albania | = = = = 158 23 19.32 0.3107 country . estat vce, correlation Correlation matrix of coefficients of logit model RandD innov powerout internet compet~d e(V) SME _cons 1.0000 -0.6512 1.0000 RandD innov powerout internet compete_un~d SME _cons 1.0000 -0.0077 -0.0441 -0.0223 -0.1641 -0.1949 1.0000 0.0499 0.0359 -0.1150 -0.1274 1.0000 0.0873 0.0279 -0.4732 1.0000 -0.0941 -0.3919 . sum predictR_D if (albania | country15)&year4 Variable Obs Mean predictR_D 158 .3987342 Std. Dev. .2221505 Min Max .0391524 .8803887 . . prvalue, x(innov=1) logit: Predictions for RandD Confidence intervals by delta method Pr(y=1|x): Pr(y=0|x): 0.5002 0.4998 innov 1 x= 95% Conf. Interval [ 0.3911, 0.6092] [ 0.3908, 0.6089] powerout .39873418 internet .71518987 compete_un~d .73417722 SME .91139241 . prvalue, x(innov=1 SME=1) logit: Predictions for RandD Confidence intervals by delta method Pr(y=1|x): Pr(y=0|x): innov 1 x= 95% Conf. Interval [ 0.3606, 0.5799] [ 0.4201, 0.6394] 0.4702 0.5298 powerout .39873418 internet .71518987 compete_un~d .73417722 SME 1 . prvalue logit: Predictions for RandD Confidence intervals by delta method Pr(y=1|x): Pr(y=0|x): x= innov .61392405 0.3669 0.6331 powerout .39873418 95% Conf. Interval [ 0.2805, 0.4533] [ 0.5467, 0.7195] internet .71518987 124 compete_un~d .73417722 SME .91139241 . listcoef, percent help logit (N=158): Percentage Change in Odds Odds of: 1 vs 0 RandD innov powerout internet compete_un~d SME b z P>|z| % %StdX SDofX = = = = = = b 1.41482 0.28418 1.16138 0.98404 -1.35205 z 3.478 0.757 2.614 2.192 -1.984 P>|z| % %StdX SDofX 0.001 0.449 0.009 0.028 0.047 311.6 32.9 219.4 167.5 -74.1 99.6 15.0 69.2 54.7 -32.0 0.4884 0.4912 0.4528 0.4432 0.2851 raw coefficient z-score for test of b=0 p-value for z-test percent change in odds for unit increase in X percent change in odds for SD increase in X standard deviation of X A.8.3 COBB DOUGLAS ESTIMATION TWO INPUT MODEL estimation COBB-DOUGLAS TWO INPUT . regres ln_sales ln_labour ln_land_capital Source SS df MS Model Residual 1005.99008 2493.7328 2 132 502.99504 18.8919152 Total 3499.72288 134 26.1173349 ln_sales Coef. ln_labour ln_land_ca~l _cons .7822951 .4603108 3.855015 if (albania | country15)&year4 Number of obs F( 2, 132) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE = = = = = = 135 26.62 0.0000 0.2874 0.2767 4.3465 Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] .2708306 .0720827 1.24557 2.89 6.39 3.09 0.005 0.000 0.002 .2465653 .317724 1.391153 Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity Ho: Constant variance Variables: fitted values of ln_sales chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = 27.70 0.0000 125 1.318025 .6028975 6.318876 . imtest Cameron & Trivedi's decomposition of IM-test Source chi2 df p Heteroskedasticity Skewness Kurtosis 27.34 16.94 10.59 5 2 1 0.0000 0.0002 0.0011 Total 54.86 8 0.0000 . estat vif Variable VIF 1/VIF ln_labour ln_land_ca~l 1.03 1.03 0.968218 0.968218 Mean VIF 1.03 . estat vce Covariance matrix of coefficients of regress model e(V) ln_labour ln_land_~l _cons ln_labour ln_land_ca~l _cons .07334924 -.00191328 -.25161408 .00519592 -.04655895 1.5514454 Correlation matrix of coefficients of regress model e(V) ln_lab~r ln_lan~l _cons ln_labour ln_land_ca~l _cons 1.0000 -0.0980 -0.7459 1.0000 -0.5186 1.0000 . estat summarize Estimation sample regress Variable Mean ln_sales ln_labour ln_land_ca~l 11.50099 3.699627 10.32298 Number of obs = Std. Dev. 5.110512 1.393104 5.234199 126 135 Min Max 0 1.09861 .693147 18.1581 7.16472 17.135 . regres ln_sales ln_labour ln_land_capital if (albania | Linear regression country15)&year4, robust Number of obs F( 2, 132) Prob > F R-squared Root MSE ln_sales Coef. ln_labour ln_land_ca~l _cons .7822951 .4603108 3.855015 Robust Std. Err. t .2507319 .1038046 1.237605 3.12 4.43 3.11 = = = = = 135 27.92 0.0000 0.2874 4.3465 P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] 0.002 0.000 0.002 .2863226 .2549749 1.406909 1.278268 .6656466 6.30312 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COBB-DOUGLAS FOUR INPUT THE FOUR INPUT MODEL: Source SS df MS Model Residual 1526.85489 1972.86799 4 130 381.713723 15.1759076 Total 3499.72288 134 26.1173349 ln_sales Coef. ln_labour ln_land_ca~l ln_interme~e ln_electri~y _cons .5291978 .2722208 .0696127 .6695686 .3133278 Std. Err. .2468409 .0740647 .0639537 .1261129 1.270661 Number of obs F( 4, 130) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE t P>|t| 2.14 3.68 1.09 5.31 0.25 = = = = = = 135 25.15 0.0000 0.4363 0.4189 3.8956 [95% Conf. Interval] 0.034 0.000 0.278 0.000 0.806 .0408526 .1256927 -.056912 .4200694 -2.200524 1.017543 .4187489 .1961375 .9190678 2.827179 Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity Ho: Constant variance Variables: fitted values of ln_sales chi2(1) Prob > chi2 = = 7.97 0.0048 Cameron & Trivedi's decomposition of IM-test Source chi2 df Heteroskedasticity Skewness Kurtosis 22.90 14.27 8.27 14 4 1 0.0620 0.0065 0.0040 Total 45.43 19 0.0006 127 p Variable VIF 1/VIF ln_interme~e ln_electri~y ln_land_ca~l ln_labour 1.89 1.84 1.52 1.06 0.530350 0.542456 0.656660 0.939897 Mean VIF 1.58 Covariance matrix of coefficients of regress model e(V) ln_labour ln_land_~l ln_inter~e ln_elect~y _cons ln_labour ln_land_ca~l ln_interme~e ln_electri~y _cons .06093043 -.00034997 .00023669 -.00557387 -.17536948 .00548557 -.00143473 -.00277582 -.0188839 .00409008 -.00199208 -.00383857 .01590446 -.07193078 1.6145804 . Correlation matrix of coefficients of regress model e(V) ln_lab~r ln_lan~l ln_int~e ln_ele~y _cons ln_labour ln_land_ca~l ln_interme~e ln_electri~y _cons 1.0000 -0.0191 0.0150 -0.1791 -0.5591 1.0000 -0.3029 -0.2972 -0.2007 1.0000 -0.2470 -0.0472 1.0000 -0.4489 1.0000 Estimation sample regress Variable Mean ln_sales ln_labour ln_land_ca~l ln_interme~e ln_electri~y 11.50099 3.699627 10.32298 8.580796 8.695702 Number of obs = Std. Dev. 5.110512 1.393104 5.234199 5.957968 3.073648 128 135 Min Max 0 1.09861 .693147 0 0 18.1581 7.16472 17.135 17.6388 14.9916 Linear regression Number of obs F( 4, 130) Prob > F R-squared Root MSE ln_sales Coef. ln_labour ln_land_ca~l ln_interme~e ln_electri~y _cons .5291978 .2722208 .0696127 .6695686 .3133278 ( ( ( ( 1) 2) 3) 4) Robust Std. Err. t P>|t| .2563157 .1006164 .0695286 .1711543 1.17272 2.06 2.71 1.00 3.91 0.27 0.041 0.008 0.319 0.000 0.790 = = = = = 135 33.55 0.0000 0.4363 3.8956 [95% Conf. Interval] .0221078 .0731633 -.0679413 .3309603 -2.006758 1.036288 .4712783 .2071668 1.008177 2.633414 ln_land_capital = 0 ln_electricity = 0 ln_intermediate = 0 ln_labour = 0 F( 4, 130) = Prob > F = 33.55 0.0000 The multicolinearity test suggests that the model does not suffer from multicolinearity while the heteroscedacity test suggests that we have heteroscedascity problem. A.8.4 ELASTICITY OF SUBSTITUTION OUTPUT . regres loglabprod ln_wage if (albania | country15)&year4 Source SS df MS Model Residual 234.657155 259.852364 1 133 234.657155 1.95377717 Total 494.509519 134 3.69036954 loglabprod Coef. ln_wage _cons 1.030584 -3.861981 Std. Err. .0940381 .5134944 t 10.96 -7.52 129 Number of obs F( 1, 133) Prob > F R-squared Adj R-squared Root MSE P>|t| 0.000 0.000 = = = = = = 135 120.10 0.0000 0.4745 0.4706 1.3978 [95% Conf. Interval] .8445801 -4.877654 1.216588 -2.846309 REFERENCES Aboody, D. and Lev,B. (2000), Information Asymmetry, R&D, and Insider Gains, Journal of Finance, vol. 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