Page 1 - Papillon Club of America
Page 1 - Papillon Club of America
Page 1 Inside This issue ... • President's Message......................................... 3 Officers President: Kevin Ray Vice President: Angela Pickett Treasurer: Jane Sirkoch Recording Secretary: Barbara Ankersmit Corresponding Secretary: Nikki Berthold-Illias • From the Secretary's Desk................................. 3 • Mark Your Calendars......................................... 4 • PCCR Specialties Flyer....................................... 5 • Winners’ Ring................................................. 6-7 Directors • AKC Delegate’s Report..................................... 10 Mary Jo Loye Linda Moret Jerrilin Naylor Zachary Newton • New Obedience Titling Classes........................ 11 AKC Delegate: Arlene Czech • Judge Selection.............................................. 8-9 • 2013 National Scedule & Flyer................... 12-13 • PRA Test Results - Sept. Report.................. 14-15 • PCA Website: Members’ Galleria.................... 16 • Minutes...................................................... 17-19 • Genetics & Cheek Swab Form.................... 20-23 • New AKC Titles .......................................... 24-34 PapTalk reserves the right to edit all material for content and is not responsible for accuracy of articles, advertisements, etc. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Pap Talk or the Papillon Club of America. Nominating Committee Chair - Mary Jo Loye Chris Jackson Janis McLaren About the Cover ... ...millions ‘n millions ‘n millions of butterflies What do you want to see in PapTalk? Send your comments or ideas to the Editor ... please ~ Contact PapTalk Editor: Bonnie J. Kost • Page 2 2013 National & Regional Specialty Chairs National Specialty Chair — Jack Sirkoch Regional Specialty Chairs — Kevin Ray & Zach Newton Agility Trial Chairs — Zach & Stacy Newton Obedience Trial Chair — Debbie Lowe Specialty Week Coordinators — Kevin & Paula Ray Advertising/Catalog Ads - Kevin Ray Hospitality Chair - Amy Stone Judges Education - Jan Paulk Rescue Parade - Ellen Stuban PCA Announcements - Barbara Ankersmit Reserved Seating - Angela Pickett Specialty Treasurer - Jane Sirkoch Trophy Chair - Paula Ray Vendor Chair — John Gooldy — (417) 887-6293, <jgooldy@> Webmaster - Mary Jo Korpi Message from the President Dear Fellow Members, Fall is certainly in the air. Enjoy the ‘palate of color’ that will soon be upon us for winter cannot be too far behind! The website has been updated with Specialty information including a form to download for reserved seating. The hotel is accepting on-line and phone in reservations and the website will continually be updated with further information on advertising, trophy donations, etc Information is being loaded onto the new website and in a week or two the Board will be evaluating all the bells and whistles. There will no doubt be a few bugs to work out but once those are taken care of the site will be available to the members and an announcement will be made to that fact. Details on the Log In procedure are being addressed as it will be a multi-function operation. We are looking forward to a wonderful week of specialties next May. In the meantime take advantage of the many PCA Regional, PCA Supported Shows and Independent Specialties taking place across the country. And lastly, congratulations to Jackson, the breed’s first Reserve Best in Show Papillon - GCH Involo The King of Pop. Kevin Ray PCA President From the Secretary’s Desk ... New Member Applicants for September & October 2012 New Member Applicants for August & September 2012 PCA NEWSLETTER Barbara Ankersmit Recording Secretary September 2012 Emily Dow – Junior Member 1145 Rockdale Road Dubuque, IA 52003 (563) 584-0636 Sponsors Elyse Vandermolen & Sharon Newcomb Sponsors Kathy Taylor, Sharon Newcomb Sponsors Candy Janke & Sally Rathert Nicole Peters – Junior Member 730 Hawthorne Drive Omro, WI 54963 (920) 685-6684 Callie Cunningham – Junior Member W10426 City Road WW New London, WI 54961 (920) 809-2736 Kathy Livingston Strongsville, OH 44136 Sponsors Candy Janke, Hannah Janke Sponsors Candy Janke & Hannah Janke Dorothy (Dore’) Anderson PO Box 1298 Zephyrhills, FL 33539 (813) 713-0050 Nancy Dacosta 13407 Desert Zinnia Court NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 379-1782 Sponsors Anita O Wright, Cynthia Springer Sponsors Angela Pickett & Joanne (Jan) Paulk Sandi Wasmund 333 Wyoming Blvd. SE #7 Albuquerque, NM 87123 (505) 907-6845 Cindy Crowder P O Box 686 Burlington KY 41005 (859) 652-1478 No sponsors required – former Member Corlyn Burkett 2737 Rio Grande Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 (505) 235-8370 Welcome New Members Member Information Changes Susan Edwards 8205 E Cassandra Drive Syracuse, IN 46567 (248) 620-9159 Mary Hakel Connie Barata 2333 First Avenue, Apt. 1A New York, NY 10035 (212) 348-5020 (646) 306-2486 Page 3 ed Mark Your Calendars! Show Location Date PCA Midwest Regional Specialty Des Moines, IA September 7, 2012 Sierra Nevada Papillon Club, Back-toBack Specialties Carson City, NV September 28, 2012 PCA Supported Entry Marian KC Fort Wayne IN November 3, 2012 Papillon Club of Columbia River Specialty Shows Ridgefield WA December 6-7, 2012 PCA Supported Entry Brevard KC Orlando, FL December 13, 2012 Sunshine State Papillon Club Orlando FL December 14, 2012 ******* 2013 ******** Greater Delaware Valley Papillon Club Specialty Show Edison, NJ March 23, 2013 PCA NE Regional Specialties New York City, NY February 9-10, 2013 PCA SE Regional Specialty Perry, GA April 2013 PCA National Specialty Louisville, KY May 18-25, 2013 Please contact Bonnie Kost ( to obtain a form to submit the results of your specialty or supported entry shows. Page 4 Page 5 PCA SW Regional Specialty Results ▪ Ventura, CA - REPRINTED W/CORRECTIONS July 5, 2012 BISweeps: STARSIGN’S TANGLED UP IN GOLD - Linda Neff & Regina Ryan BOSweeps: TOON TOWN PERFECT ASSET - Christa Steel & Michael Philip & Susi Gleffe BISS: GCH INVOLO THE KING OF POP - Michael S. & Donna G. Garofalo & Gia G. Garofalo, Sally Hill & Rebecca McCarty. BOS: CH ALTAIR THE HARLEQUIN OF CLASSIQUE - K. Mather, B. Leonard BOW/WD: GOLDENBAY STAN THE MAN AT KIRIN - D. Porreca & Barb Gossett RWD: HELIOS HOLLY’S FINALE - Helen Angle WB: INVOLO ROCK WITH YOU - Michael S. & Donna G. Garofalo & Gia G. Garofalo RWB: KENMAR II BE CAMERA READY - Helen Angle Select Dog: GCH ALFA’S FOREVR REBEL SPIRIT - S. Alfadl Select Bitch: CH ADFAM’S QUEEN OF THE NILE - Eydie Sawyer & Renea M. Adams AOM: CH DISYRE REGAL RIDE - Linda Fitzmaurice & Diana Sayre AOM: CH DISYRE TOON TOWN MYSTICAL MEMORY - Diana Sayre & Susi Gleffe Best Puppy: ALFA’S SUPERSTAR - Salwa Alfadl Best BBE: INVOLO ROCK WITH YOU - Michael S. & Donna G. Garofalo & Gia G. Garofalo Best Veteran: GCH SILJAN’S DISNEY JR. - L Bayless & D Bayless, B. Leonard, D. Bauer & M. Bauer Best Phalene: LA REN CAUGHT YOU LOOKING - Janis L. McLaren BJr.Hndler: ALICIA RACHEL ADAMS GCH DEANNA’S SEE SPOT WIN - Alicia R. Adams, Alicia M. Adams BISS: GCH INVOLO THE KING OF POP - Michael S. & Donna G. Garofalo & Gia G. Garofalo, Sally Hill & Rebecca McCarty. Page 6 BOW/WD: GOLDENBAY STAN THE MAN AT KIRIN - D. Porreca WBBBBE INVOLO ROCK WITH YOU - Michael S. & Donna G. Garofalo & Gia G. Garofalo Select Bitch: GCH BREVETTE NO MORE SECRETS - Jo Anne Ybaben BISweeps: STARSIGN’S TANGLED UP IN GOLD - Linda Neff & Regina Ryan BOSweeps: TOON TOWNPERFECT ASSETS - Christa Steel & Michael Philip & BPISS: ALFA’S SUPERSTAR - Salwa Alfadl BJr.Handler: ALICIA RACHEL ADAMS GCH DEANNA’S SEE SPOT WIN - Alicia R. Adams, Alicia M. Adams Page 7 A s of the beginning of August, 2012, the Judges Selection Committee has not received one single nomination for judges to officiate at the 2015 and 2016 National Specialty and Sweepstakes. Listed below are the full guidelines for this selection process. An email address has been set up to receive nominations. In order for a person’s name to appear on the ballot he/she must have received a minimum of five nominations. The deadline for receiving these nominations by the committee is October 1, 2012. Email address to receive nominations is: Cheslie Pickett - Chair Neil Rounds Jane Sirkoch Judges Criteria, Selection and Voting Process T he National Specialty is the largest and most prestigious event that the Club sponsors on a yearly basis and therefore should be well attended and supported regardless of the location within the country. The judges selected to officiate on our breed should be those who have gained the respect and admiration of a great many of our members. They should clearly enjoy judging our breed. Among other things, this process is geared to give the membership a chance to see names that they may not have thought of and to discuss the judges before the ballot is received. 1. Criteria for the selection of judges a. No judge that has judged a National in the last 10 years will be eligible to appear on the ballot. b. Only judges that have been approved to judge Papillons for a period of 2 years prior to the ballot year, or longer, will be eligible. c. Any person who has been approved to judge and award points, CC;s. etc. within their own country would be eligible to be placed on the ballot. Should this person receive the required number of votes then the final approval for the assignment would be the responsibility of the AKC. These proposed judges can be American, Canadian or Foreign. Page 8 d. For a person to be placed on the ballot he/she must have received no less than five nominations from individual members. 2. Selection Process: Sometime during the first quarter of the election year the Board will select and approve a committee of a minimum of two members but not more than four to handle the Judge’s Ballot and Voting process. At least one of these committee members must be someone who is actively exhibiting in the conformation ring. The Duties of the Committee shall be as follows: 1. Place an announcement in the May issue of Pap Talk and request that members submit no more than four names of those persons they wish to see officiate at our National Specialty. They will also be asked to list no more than three names of persons to judge our National Sweepstakes. 2. Receive the member’s list of proposed judge’s and establish that they meet the above criteria in order to be placed on the ballot. They can be submitted to the Committee either by hard copy (as found in Pap Talk) or via e-mail. 3. List the qualified judges’ names in the August issue of Pap Talk with a notice that the membership may continue to submit their choices until October 1st. 4. Contact nominated Sweepstakes judges to ascertain if they desire to judge prior to preparing the ballot. 5. Assure that no names will appear on the ballot if the participant has declined the invitation to judge. If they have declined the invitation, their name will be removed and noted in the October issue of Pap Talk along with any judges that have been nominated and are ineligible to officiate. The reason for their ineligibility will also be listed. Eligibility for Voting You must be a current voting member of PCA in good standing at the time the ballot is mailed (postmarked) in order for your vote to be counted. Each voting member will be allowed to submit four names for the regular class judge and three names for a Sweepstakes judge. It is preferred that the names all be submitted at the same time. Ballot 1. There will be a National Specialty Conformation and Sweepstakes Judges’ ballot included with the ballot for the election of Club Officers and Board of Directors positions. 2. The list of qualified regular judges and sweepstakes judges’ will appear on the ballot in alphabetical order. This ballot will contain ONLY those names that have been received from the membership and published in Pap Talk, and have been received between the time the list is published in the August issue of Pap Talk and the October 1st deadline. 3. Any unsigned ballots or any ballot received after the closing date will be declared invalid and will not be counted. If a member chooses to vote for only one judge rather than two, three or four, that will be allowed. The points will be counted the same as if all four nominations were submitted. a. The member will vote in order of preference numbering their choices one, two, three and four, example: 1 Ms. Butterfly Ears (will receive four points) 2 Mr. Personality (will receive three points) 3 Mr. Phalene (will receive two points) 4 Ms. Social Butterfly (will receive one point) 4. Each PCA member will vote for no more than four judges in their order of preference. Only one judges’ ballot will be accepted and must be returned in the same envelope as the election ballot. Duplicate names on the same ballot will only be counted once. Revisions to be incorporated into the National Show Manual 1. No one who is currently campaigning or associated with the campaign of a Champion Papillon will be eligible to appear on the current ballot to judge Regular Classes at the National Specialty. “Campaigning” means association through ownership, co-ownership, breeding or co-breeding of or to any dog which consistently appears in the Top Ten rankings of our breed as published monthly by the AKC and the Canine Chronicle.” 2. No judge may judge/or accept any assignment to judge Papillons within six months of the PCA National at any show within the fifty United States. Conclusion In the event of a tie, the National Specialty Judges’ counting firm will take a straw vote to break the tie. The results will be published in Pap Talk. The voted list of judges will be used until the next election of club Officers and Board of Directors. The judge with the most votes will be contacted first. If he or she declines the invitation for that year’s national, he/she will have first refusal for the following year providing it is within the two years that the membership has voted for. The remaining judges will be contacted in the order in which they received the most votes. Page 9 DELEGATE MEETING This meeting began on Sept. 10 with the Various Committee meetings. I attended the Rules Committee first where much discussion was held concerning Judges Conflict of Interest. Chapter 7, Section 1 defines this adequately. A question about handlers judging specialties also was discussed. This is permissible. Next, who is responsible for cancelling a show. It is the Show Chairman who should do it with consultation with the AKC Rep and Show Superintendent. The disclaimer should be moved to the front page of the Premium List. Then I moved to the Parent Club Committee where exceptions to jump heights for some breeds were accepted. At Judges Seminars at the National the prospective attendees must take the new Breed Test for credit. Th e presenter can allow them to Take it home and mail it back to the presenter. Tests have been reduced from 25 to 15 questions. That afternoon I attended the All Breed Committee. Some ideas for a cancelled show were to give exhibitors vouchers for a 2nd entry for the same dog next year. Then Grooming space must have a required designated area. May offer other spaces. If electricity is not offered it is free. If electricity is offered then charge a fee. BIS and ResBIS procedures are BIS first. I saw a judge pull out 2 dogs from the seven and then pointed to BIS followed by RBIS. No one left the ring until both were awarded. Next was an announcement that the AKC with give a new title to CGC RECIPIENTS. There is an $8 fee for the certificate only, And if a TITLE is desired the cost is $20. Tuesday was 9/11 again and there were 137 delePage 10 September 2012 gates there today who had been there 11 years ago. I was one who was and did not get home until late Saturday. There was a moment of silence to memorialize the date. Afterwards we started the Forum that discussed Social Media like Facebook. It was suggested to go to the AKC face book page and Join with your club. Club use consists of meeting information, events, show results and classes. The Chairman Alan Kalter announced the 9/11 Search & Rescue dogs have evolved a new title. Urban Search & Rescue. Becky Stanevich, delegate, received the First with her dog . President Dennis Sprung discussed the rescue actions during 9/11. An Xray for the dogs was flown from WV and driven from the airport to the site. Then the German Shepherd statues to be decorated and purchased by many started the DOGNY series. Many are still standing. Carl Ashby reiterated the Presidents Challenge. To donate to PAC to help with fighting our legislative problems. Meeting then went to business. Amendment to Chapter 2, Section 3 is sent to the rules committee, while Amendments Chapter 5, Sections 5,6,7,8 AND Chapter 16, Section 1 Passed. All 3 of these can be located on the internet. The Family Dog Program ha to do with training basic skills for pets. Therefore giving a title for finishing the CGC. Will I see you at AKC Eukanuba? Come on down and have fun! Arlene Czech AKC Delegate By: Eileen Hyde New Obedience Optional Titling Classes T here is some interesting and I think exciting news in the Obedience world. Effective July 1, 2012 there will be new Optional Titling Classes in Obedience. Why is this so exciting? No group stays! This is a welcome addition for those that don’t want to worry about their papillons during the group stays (especially those out of sight), as well as for the handlers that would participate in Obedience if it weren’t for those group stays. In addition to no group stays, all the jump heights will be half of the height required for the Regular Titling Obedience Classes. Because of no group sits and downs the highest score for Optional Titling Classes is 140 points and a qualifying score is at least 120 points. be used for all dogs entered in Pre-Novice that day. After qualifying 3 times in Pre-Novice the dog will have earned their title and will have the initials PCD after their name. I he new Optional Titling Classes are Pre-Novice, Pre-Open, and Pre-Utility. The Non-Regular Pre-Novice Class was renamed as Sub-Novice to not confuse the name with the new Optional Titling Classes. n Pre-Open all exercises are the same as the Open Class except no group sit or down and the jump height is to be set at ½ the height of the dog at the withers rounded to the nearest multiple of 2 inches. This means for most of our papillons the jump height will be: 10” or less will jump 4” and greater than 10” up to 14” will jump 8”. This is the same jump heights used for Pre-Utility. Otherwise Pre-Utility is exactly the same as the Regular Utility class, except the scoring points for each exercise has changed to equal the 140 point maximum score, instead of the 200 in Regular Utility Class. The title for Pre-Open is PCDX and for Pre-Utility is PUTD. Greater detail for the Optional Titling Classes can be found on the AKC website. I T T n Pre-Novice all exercises are the same as the Novice Class except no group sit and down exercises. Instead of the group sit and down, there will be a Stay – Sit or Down, where the handler upon judge’s instructions will leave their dog in the center of ring and walk the perimeter of the ring. Upon completing the walk the handler will approach the dog from the front, walk around the dog and return to heel position. The judge will decide whether it will be a sit or a down and the same exercise will hese Optional Titling Classes will be a great addition to Obedience, hopefully having those dog and handler teams that will not participate because of the group sit and down exercises to now enter these new classes. The Optional Titling Classes will also be a fantastic way to get your dog ready for the Regular Titling Classes. I look forward to seeing next year a lot of papillons with PCD, PCDX, and PUTD. I know I will be trying with my papillons. See you in the ring! Page 11 2013 PCA "Triple Crown" National Specialty (“The Racing Form” Event Schedule) Saturday - May 18, 2013 Morning – Papillon Agility Sunday - May 19, 2013 Morning - Papillon Agility Flying Feet Agility Center Monday - May 20, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ “The Feedbag” Morning - Papillon Agility Afternoon - Seminar Afternoon - PCA "Call to the Post" Regional Specialty Flying Feet Agility Center Ballroom Ballroom - Judge; James Hupp Tuesday - May 21, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - Papillon Obedience Afternoon - PCA "Win, Place, Show" Regional Specialty Evening - Welcome Party (During Best of Breed) Hospitality Suite Ballroom Ballroom - Judge; Fabian Arienti Ballroom Wednesday - May 22, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - Papillon Obedience & Rally Morning - Open Board Meeting Afternoon - Seminar Afternoon - "The Starting Gate" Sweepstakes Hospitality Suite Ballroom Meeting Room Meeting Room Ballroom - Judge; Tracy Burdick Thursday - May 23, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - Dog Judging Afternoon - Seminar (Genetics) Evening - “The Post Parade” Phalene Match & Dinner Evening—”The Juvenile Stakes” B Match Evening— CGC Test Hospitality Suite Ballroom - Judge; Michele Billings Meeting Room Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Friday - May 24, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - Bitch Judging Afternoon - Judges Education Evening - "The Owner's Box" Annual General Meeting Hospitality Suite Ballroom Meeting Room Meeting Room Saturday - May 25, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - Rescue Parade Morning - Parade of Champions Morning - Juniors Judging Morning - Best of Breed Judging Evening - ”The Breeders Cup” Top 25 Competition Evening - “The Winners Circle” - Awards Party Hospitality Suite Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom Ballroom TBA Sunday - May 26, 2013 Morning - Hospitality @ "The Feedbag" Morning - PCA "The Stretch Run" Regional Specialty Hospitality Suite Ballroom - Judge; Charles Scott Monday - May 27, 2013 Page 12 Flying Feet Agility Center, Floyds Knob, IN <> (About 21 miles) (Memorial Day - Travel home) The 2013 PCA National Specialty will be held in the “Heart of the Bluegrass” in Louisville, Kentucky during the week of May 18th through May 26th at the Crowne Plaza—Louisville Airport Hotel. Louisville is centrally located in the Midwest and is served by several major interstate highways making it an easy drive from all of the major population centers of the eastern U.S. The Crowne Plaza Hotel is located two minutes from the Louisville International Airport by the hotel courtesy shuttle. Motorhome parking with full hookups and bath facilities are available across the street from the hotel at the Kentucky Exposition Center. Golf cart rental will also be available for easy access to the hotel. Be prepared for an entire week of Papillon fun! 3 Papillon only agility trials, 2 Obedience trials, 1 Rally trial, 3 Regional Specialties and The National Specialty Committee Members National Specialty Chair — Jack Sirkoch Regional Specialty Chairs — Kevin Ray & Zach Newton Agility Trial Chairs — Zach & Stacy Newton Obedience Trial Chair — Debbie Lowe Specialty Week Treasurer — Jane Sirkoch Specialty Week Coordinators — Kevin & Paula Ray Vendor Chair — John Gooldy — (417) 887-6293, <> Page 13 PRA1 TEST RESULTS Quarterly Report - September 2012 Submitted by Stephanie Koeniger Member, PCA Genetics Research Committee Reg # Registry PRA1 Test Result AM CH Joco’s Moonlight Cruise TN89207401 AKC Unaffected 06/01/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Revved Up N’ Roarin’ TR64655401 Unaffected 06/01/2012 Leona Domino Akai’s Diamond Girl TR96631402 Unaffected 06/01/2012 Marion Ford Vega Akai Midnight Party Girl TS08395402 Unaffected 06/01/2012 Marion Ford AM CH Graycaz Due South TN38027801 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Kvar Make A Wish Josandre’ TN54938002 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Copper Mist Ice Dancer TN82057601 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Amica John Smith TP12747501 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Hot Wheels TP30144901 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH MGL Icewine Of VW TR01420002 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Der Bingle TR24453101 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Ferris Wheel TR30184001 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Devil in Disquise TR31276201 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Clearlake Count Me In TR31693301 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM GCH CH Domino’s Once In A Blue Moon TR37285201 AKC Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM GCH CH Clearlake Dancing In The Street TR46911801 AKC Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Roulette Wheel TR56297802 AKC Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM GCH CH Clearlake Hot Rod TR58736502 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Flower Power II TR66154701 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Clearlake Hot Tamale TR86913301 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Clearlake Cadence TR94531401 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Northlyte Firefly TS00358301 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM GCH CH Lafford Fly Me Too Farleysbane TS01297501 AKC Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Clearlake Camille TS01991701 AKC Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen AM CH Parides Razzamazz In A Whirlwind Pc TS03682205 Unaffected 06/07/2012 Elyse Vandermolen Registered Name Page 14 AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC Certificate Date Submitted By Reg # Registry PRA1 Test Result AM CH Zelicaon Morning Star TR56040401 AKC Unaffected 06/15/2012 Forrest G. Johnson AM CH Zelicaon Princess Elena TR56834601 Unaffected 06/15/2012 Forrest G. Johnson AM CH Zelicaon’s Ordinary Miracle TR89169902 Unaffected 06/15/2012 Forrest G. Johnson AM CH Zelicaon Brigadoon TR93949903 Unaffected 06/15/2012 Forrest G. Johnson Domino’s Lasso the Moon TP08770001 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Zeus RE TP09339102 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Toast of the Town TR05313601 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Dressed to the Nines OA OAJ TR23840401 AKC Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Luck of the Draw CD RE NAJ TR28209303 AKC Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Ginger Cookie TR43610605 AKC Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM GCH CH Domino’s On the Money TR67461201 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM GCH CH Domino’s Pandemonium TR77438803 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino AM CH Domino’s Remarkable Sampson TR88659201 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino Domino’s In Vogue TR96227901 Unaffected 07/15/2012 Leona Domino CAN/AM CH Steneko’s Butterfly Kisses TR39655601 Unaffected 07/19/2012 Stephanie Koeniger CAN CH/AM GCH CH Steneko’s Dolce Antonia TR44977801 AKC Unaffected 07/19/2012 Stephanie Koeniger CAN/AM CH Steneko Arctic Nike TR60492301 AKC Unaffected 07/19/2012 Stephanie Koeniger AM CH La Ren Rainy Morn at Aurora TR99016301 Unaffected 07/19/2012 Stephanie Koeniger La Ren Aurora Mission Statement TS04714102 Unaffected 07/19/2012 Stephanie Koeniger Rocking N’s Sweet Promise Me The Moon TR85791801 AKC Unaffected 09/07/2012 Nancy Radich AM CH Rocking N’s Sweet-N-Ezee Mr. Z TR89196001 AKC Unaffected 09/07/2012 Nancy Radich CAN/BR CH/AM GCH CH Salatino Entre L’Amour Et Le Devoir TR87430002 AKC Unaffected 09/13/2012 Patricia A. Anders Salatino Mon Avenir Sera Pour Les Bis TS10424601 AKC Unaffected 09/13/2012 Patricia A. Anders Rocking N’s Sweet Intentions TR95010303 Unaffected 09/16/2012 Nancy Radich Registered Name AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC AKC Certificate Date Submitted By Page 15 The new PCA website is arriving soon You can participate in the launch of our new site by contributing to the Members Galleria. This feature will showcase our dogs and their accomplishments in comformation and all of the companion events. The Galleria will consist of template ads for: AKC Champions AKC Companion Events Titles Dog Ads (Camera-ready only) Sample AKC champion template ad Member’s ads placed in the Galleria will be 6” x 8” and will run on the PCA website in the section accessible to the general public. The cost of these ads will be $20.00 and will run for an entire quarter. Submit an ad during October for free During the initial construction of the Galleria each member will be eligible to place one ad in any of the site categories free of charge. Simply send in the following information along with a photo. Kennel Name Full name of the dog + Call name Owner’s name and contact info (If desired) Breeder’s name Information about the dog and accomplishments Email the information for your ad along with a photo (jpeg 200 dpi) to: Jane Sirkoch - Ads for the Dog Ads section must be submitted camera-ready. For additional information about the Members Galleria, Contact Jane Sirkoch @ 724-586-7652 or Kevin Ray @ 937-836-6333 Page 16 MINUTES Papillon Club of America, Inc. Teleconference Board Meeting – September 11, 2012 Board members present: Kevin Ray, AngelAa Pickett, Barbara Ankersmit, Nikki Berthold-Illias, Jane Sirkoch, Mary Jo Loye, Linda Moret, Zachary Newton, Jerrilin Naylor The meeting was called to order at 9:14 PM EDT. August 24, 2012 PCA Board minutes were accepted by general consent. Barbara Ankersmit, Recording Secretary, submitted the following report: A mailing with the list of names and addresses of nominated PCA Board Members for 2013 to 2015 (as called for in the PCA Constitution & By-Laws) is being prepared to reach all members before October 1, 2012. Jane Sirkoch, Treasurer, submitted the following report: Treasurer’s Report Bank Accounts: Checking National Specialty Checking Savings Total $ 6,029.14 $ 102,666.60 110,895.74 $ 58,957.87 110,895.74 Fund Balances: Genetics (Restricted) Benevolent (Restricted) Special Projects (Restricted) General Total Operating Account Expenses: Roster printing Postage for rosters to RS $ Page 17 Genetics Tax return and review Total 160.00 $ 5,912.59 $ 4,328.33 National Specialty Expenses: PAPS for 1/2 profit from National Total NOTE: From the proceeds of their independent specialty, Three Rivers Papillon Club donated $500 for genetics research. New Business A motion was adopted by general consent that we ask Dog World to refund the remainder of PCA’s subscription amount due to the termination of publication of the magazine. The next meeting of the PCA board will be held on September 25, 2012 at 9:00 PM EDT via teleconference. A meeting of the PCA board was also scheduled for October 2, 2012 at 9:00 PM EDT via teleconference. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by general consent at 9:38 PM EDT. Page 18 MINUTES Papillon Club of America, Inc. Teleconference Board Meeting – September 25, 2012 Board members present: Kevin Ray, Angela Pickett, Barbara Ankersmit, Nikki Berthold-Illias, Jane Sirkoch, Mary Jo Loye, Linda Moret, Jerrilin Naylor Board members absent: Zachary Newton The meeting was called to order at 9:13 PM EDT. September 11, 2012 PCA Board minutes were accepted by general consent. Barbara Ankersmit, Recording Secretary, submitted the following report: A mailing with the list of names and addresses of nominated PCA Board Members for 2013 to 2015 (as called for in the PCA Constitution & By-Laws) has been mailed to each member. Jane Sirkoch, Treasurer, submitted the following report: Treasurer’s Report Bank Accounts: Total Checking National Specialty Checking Savings Total $ 5,279.14 $ 102,666.60 110,145.74 Committee Reports Genetics (Restricted) Benevolent (Restricted) Special Projects (Restricted) General Total $ Operating Account Expenses: AKC Delegate $ 750.00 58,207.87 110,145.74 750.00 $ - National Specialty Expenses: Total Fund Balances: $ 2013 PCA National Specialty National Specialty 2013 Information can now be found on the PCA website. The link to the information is on the home page under “2012 National Specialty”. The title will be changed to 2013 in the next day or so. PCA will offer a three point major award to the reserve winners at the 2013 National Specialty pursuant to the new AKC rule which takes effect on January 1, 2013. The AKC guidelines provide for the award of this three point major if there is twice the number required for a five-point major in the winner’s sex. A motion was adopted by general consent to move into Executive Session at 9:41 PM EDT. A motion was adopted by general consent to move out of Executive Session at 9:52 PM EDT. The next meeting of the PCA board will be held on October 9, 2012 at 9:00 PM EDT via teleconference. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by general consent at 9:53 PM EDT. Page 19 PRA1 DNA TESTING PROCESS A MESSAGE FROM YOUR GENETICS RESEARCH COMMITTEE submitted by Stephanie Keoniger M any of you have already heard the exciting good news - announced at this year’s PCA National Specialty in Seattle. Our PRA research program at Michigan State University has finally paid off! Dr. Simon Petersen-Jones announced that his research team has identified the DNA marker for *one* type of PRA in papillons (hence, the name “PRA1”). You can now have your breeding stock tested (simple cheek swab) to determine if they are affected, carrier, or unaffected (i.e., clear) for PRA1! Here is a link to the PCA Genetics site that tells you more about it & has links to MSU’s site for PRA1:http://www.papillonclub. org/PapillonHealth/enter.html T he test is $90/dog or $80/dog for 2 or more dogs’ samples submitted together. Since the submittal form doesn’t mention the “group rate”, here is a link to that info as well (scroll towards the bottom of the page for the discount and other submittal info): services/ophthalmology/papillonpra-research Page 20 F urthermore, you can pay online using your credit card if you’d rather do that instead of sending a check. Just click on the “Purchase PRA1 Test” link on the right side of the above MSU page. Dr. Simon Petersen-Jones has assured us that MSU is using income from this DNA test to fund their studies to find the *next* PRA gene in papillons. A double bonus for us! I just submitted samples for 5 of my dogs and found the process quite straightforward. You do have to buy 6” sterile swabs (cotton, polyester, or brush types are all OK). You can order them from MSU ($10/kit of 4 brush swabs) or buy them from various online sources. The brush swabs are considerably more expensive than either cotton or polyester swabs. I ordered a box of 200 sterile cotton swabs thru my local pharmacy for less than $10. That’s enough for you and several of your breeder friends to share! You’ll need 4 swabs for each dog you want to test. For more information, click on the “Where to Get Cheek Swabs” link on the right side of the above MSU page. M SU is cooperating with PCA to make the results available to all papillon breeders. To that end, when you get your results back from MSU, you will find a message/release form included with the certificate(s) that encourages you to send your results to PCA. You can also find that message/release form in this issue of PapTalk. As a member of the PCA Genetics Research Committee, I have been designated to compile those results for PCA. We (PCA) will publish the submitted results on our Genetics website (similar to the CHIC listing that has been on our site for years). We will also publish them (probably quarterly) in PapTalk. With PRA1 results being publicly available, breeders can make better informed decisions for their breeding programs - definitely a “good thing” for the papillon breed! I hope you are as excited about this new development as I am! And that you will join with many others who are submitting DNA samples for their breeding stock. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information. Email: Papillon PRA Test Submission Form PAPILLON PROGRESSIVE RETINAL ATROPHY TYPE 1 (PRA1) TEST This form is for submission of cheek swab samples from Papillons for DNA test for progressive retinal atrophy type 1 only. COMPLETE IN BLOCK LETTERS _____________________________________ CALL NAME OF DOG: ____________________________________________ AKC REGISTERED NAME: AKC NUMBER: DATE OF BIRTH: mo SEX: - da - yr (check box) FEMALE MALE CHECK LIST: Top sections of this form fully completed 4 cheek swab samples, labeled clearly with dog’s AKC name and your name. Return address label I enclose a $90.00 check made payable to Michigan State University (Papillon Test) I have paid already on-line Send all the above to: Dr Petersen-Jones, Papillon PRA Test. Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, D-208 Veterinary Medical Center, East Lansing, MI 48824-1314 Your Details and Signed Declaration: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP PHONE: ___________________________________________________________________ Email : _____________________________________________________________________________ Declaration: I, ______________________________________________________________ certify that the cheek swab sample enclosed with this form is from the dog described above Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RESULT: This is to certify that the sample enclosed with this form and certified by the owner as being from the dog described on the form has undergone a DNA test for the gene mutation for progressive retinal atrophy type 1 in Papillons. The cheek swab sample tested was found to be: RESULT: Papillon PRA type 1 Signed: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ SM PETERSEN-JONES DVetMed PhD DVOphthal DipECVO MRCVS PRA AFFECTED = affected for the form of PRA under test. PRA CARRIER = carrier for the form of PRA under test (will not develop PRA but may pass on the defective gene to any offspring). PRA UNAFFECTED = genetically clear of this form of PRA Code: Lab Ref: , Page 21 The Release Form below authorizes MSU to release the results of its DNA testing to Papillon Club of America in order to maintain an accurate and valuable database. PRA1 TEST RESULTS A Message from the Papillon Club of America Thank you for health testing your dog(s). To support the health of our breed and responsible breeding, please share your results by sending them to the Papillon Club of America's Genetics Research Committee. Instructions: Please send a copy of the PRA1 results certiÞcate(s) that you received from Michigan State University along with this signed release form to: Stephanie Koeniger, Member PCA Genetics Research Committee PO Box 100327 Anchorage AK USA 99510-0327 Email: You are welcome to send your results via scan/email or USPS mail, whichever is more convenient for you. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Stephanie Koeniger via email: or phone: 907-345-1685. Release: I certify that I am the actual owner of the Papillon(s)/Phalene(s): Name(s):_____________________________________________________________ AKC#(s): ____________________________________________________________ * and I authorize the Papillon Club of America, Inc. (PCA) to release the enclosed results of the PRA1 test(s). PCA Genetics will maintain a database of tested Papillons/ Phalenes which will become public information. Results will be published in Pap Talk and will be cumulative on the PCA Genetics web pages contained on the Papillon Club of America website. Owner's Signature:___________________________________Date: _______________ * If the Papillon/Phalene is not registered within the AKC (American Kennel Club) please list the registration number and kennel club where the dog's ownership is recorded. Page 22 a Fundraiser ... for a good cause G enetics has received a gracious donation of an incredible 14k. gold bracelet to be offered as a fundraiser. As has been done in the past, chances on this gorgeous bracelet will be offered for sale, either online or in person, with the final drawing to be made at the National in Kentucky in 2013. A ll funds received from this fundraiser will go into the Genetics fund to further research into genetic disorders affecting our beloved little dogs. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to our donor for this very generous donation. Members can purchase tickets for $10 each by sending a check with the form below as indicated Tickets for May 24, 2013 Drawing for 14 K. Gold Bracelet or via PayPal at name & address phone return this form andcheck payable to PCA Genetics to number of tickets @ $10 each Laura Temperato 1816 Boston Road Hinckley OH 44233 Attention: Tickets You do not need to be present to win; no face value The drawing will be held at the PCA National on May 24, 2013. You do not need to be present to win. Watch this space for more items for the 2013 fundraiser Update on PCA Grant to the AKC Canine Health Foundation If scientific publications are listed, you may access these articles online by searching for the articles through PubMed ( or through Google Scholar ( Depending on the journal, the publication may be open access or it may be purchased for a fee. Because of copyright laws, CHF cannot widely distribute electronic copies that we receive. If you have any questions regarding the progress of these research projects please feel free to contact me by phoning toll free at 888-682-9696 or emailing On behalf of the all of us here at CHF, thank you and your club members for your support of canine health. Warm regards, Samantha Samantha Wright Program Manager AKC Canine Health Foundation Page 23 Congratulations on New AKC Titles August 2012 CHAMPION CH Absolute N Caprice Littlest Angel (B) By Absolute Caprice Tt's Great Spirit x GCH CH Caprice's XTra Special Design Breeder: Phyllis J Fleming Owner: Patricia Ann Rust CH Belcanto Chantilly Lace At Klondike (B) By CH Canisphere's Bentley x CH Salatino Une Gamine En Soie Breeder: Patricia Anders Owner: Mrs. Mimi Silveira & Pat Anders CH Blazen You Light Up My Life (B) By CH Riley's Oscar De La Hoya x CH Blazen Reign Over Me Breeder/Owner: Sally Hill CH Brookfield's Touch Of Flame (B) By CH Inkies Hope To Be A Flaming Star x Lavandaire's Cassandra 'N Brookfield Breeder/Owner: Sherry L Duhigg CH Carousel Tiger Lily (B) By CH Domino's Take A Chance On Me x CH Java's Sinful Ifthey Dewdrop Breeder: Dorothy E Teeple & V Chris Jackson Owner: Dorothy E Teeple CH Diamondsun's Eve Of Jason (D) By Diamondsun's Vegas Night Life x Glamour Maria Sirrah Breeder: Karen J MacPhee Owner: Christine Hutchinson CH Disyre Step It Up (B) By CH Toon Town Perfect Cadence x CH Deanna's Meadow Fairy Princess Breeder/Owner: Diana Sayre CH Goldenbay Stan The Man At Kirin (D) By GCH CH Brevette Boy On The Town x CH Wildways Wine And Roses Breeder: Dorothy Hageman & Barbara Gossett Owner: Pat Porreca Page 24 CH Hallmark's Victoria Secret (B) By CH Zkarabi's Taste Of Em x CH Hallmark's Mary Poppins Breeder/Owner: Jerrilin L Naylor & Jane Snider CH Joyvnture Bats In The Belfry (D) By CH La Ren Perfect Cameo x Joyvnture Belle Breeder: Kathy Fish & Ms. Emily K Fish Owner: Kathy Duff & Kathy Fish & Ms. Emily K Fish CH Krystal Scarlet Feather (B) By Ringlands Golden Image x CH Krystal Sonrisa Breeder: Karen A Murad Owner: Stephen Chappelear Pope & Karen A Murad CH Liberty's Walk This Way (D) By CH Liberty's Just Between Us Duex x CH Java's Bold And Beautiful Breeder/Owner: V Chris Jackson CH Loteki Touch A Rose (B) By CH Mon Cher T.D. Touchdown x CH Loteki Rose From The Ashes Breeder/Owner: Lou Ann King CH Loteki Una Piccola Brezza (B) By CH Chanceux Capo Di Tutti Capi x CH Loteki The Wind In My Hair Breeder/Owner: Lou Ann King CH Monarch's Delyteful Prince Christo (D) By CH Sandel's Monarch's Benjamin x Monarch's Jaded Lady II Breeder: Margie Riccomini Owner: Debbie L Tedrow CH Nanrich's Peter O'Doul (D) By CH Nanrich N Arkeno's L'Only Joey x GCH CH Nanrich's Count On Celine Breeder/Owner: Richard Lopaschuk & Nancy Lopaschuk CH Parides Razzamazz In A Whirlwind Pc (D) By D'Vine Whirlwind Ryder Parides x D'Vine Raye Of Sunshine At Parides Breeder: Debbie Patterson Owner: Elyse Claire Vandermolen & Sharon Newcomb & Debbie Patterson & Richard Beauchamp CH Primavera's Vinyalonde (B) GCH CH Lorac's Alfa Charmer Adfam (B) CH Rock Den Duke's Heir Apparent (D) GCH CH On-Aire Hot Off The Press (D) CH Sierra The Mighty Quinn (D) GCH CH MACH15 Pinpaps Little Bit Of Bling By CH Brightwood's The Boy From Oz x CH Primavera's Oromea Breeder: Maxine J Gurin Owner: Michele Chenevert By CH Rock Den's Duke Of Spencer x Kenrics Dark As Night Breeder/Owner: Jo Buntrock & Linda A Riley By CH Steneko Arctic Nike x GCH CH Foxfire'S-Sierra Good Kharma Breeder/Owner: Sarah Armstrong CH Starsign's Glorious Fairytail At Chinak (B) By CH Canisphere's Bentley x Volant's Dancing Queen Breeder: Patty Gemmill Owner: Lucretia Hedberg & Mimi Silveria CH Toon Town Little Miss Perfect (B) By GCH CH Brevette Kid Incredible x Toontown Aim For Perfection Ph Breeder/Owner: Susi Gleffe CH Topflite Lyndor Fast Money (D) By CH Freespirits I Kid U Not Arkeno x CH Topflite Arkeno High End Breeder: Jackie Sampson & Sandra L Schumacher & Steve Sampson Owner: Sandra L Schumacher & Jackie Sampson By GCH CH Alfa's Forevr Rebel Spirit x CH Adfam Wise Love Is In The Wind Breeder: Carol Livingston & Salwa Alfadl Owner: Carol Livingston & Renea M Adams By CH Cadaga Good Press x CH Foxfire's Dance Onaire Breeder/Owner: Carol Stackhouse & Linda Giorgi MXG4 MJB5 FTC1 MFB2 TQX T2B (D) By CH Tonnerre's Butterfly Fantasy x CH Pinpap's Pride N Joy Of Titian Breeder: Claudia Clark & Larry Clark Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke GCH CH Windlake Got Me On My Knees (B) By CH Namaste Another Roadside Attraction x CH Starsign Lily Of Windlake Breeder: Dr. Vernon W Cantwell M.D. & Mrs. Jacquelyn C Cantwell Owner: Mrs. Jacquelyn C Cantwell & Dr. Vernon W Cantwell M.D. & Salwa Alfadl GCH CH Zelicaon Royal Crown Wedding (B) By GCH CH Copella's Rising Attraction x CH Zelicaon Morning Star Breeder/Owner: Forrest G Johnson COMPANION DOG CH Wildfire Uncensored (D) CH Denzel Leader Of The Pack CD BN RN (D) GRAND CHAMPION Rhoto's Sophie In The Sky CD BN RN (B) By CH Krystal Machiavelli x CH L'Ete Cadaga When Yon Believe Breeder/Owner: Angela S Pickett & Cheslie Pickett GCH CH Amoure Beau's Life Of The Party MX MXJ (D) By CH Amoure Beau's Singular Sensation x CH MACH2 Amoure Beau's Clever Endeavor RN MXS MJG OF Breeder: Derrick J L Nettles & Anne C Nettles Owner: Alice Howe GCH CH Blazen Im The Purist Of All (D) By Frasermar Cool As Ice With Rozamie x CH Blazen Ur The Beginning Of An Era Breeder/Owner: Sally Hill GCH CH Clearlake Spinner Wheel NA OAJ NF (B) By CH Clearlake Amica John Smith x CH Flivver Aloha Wishes NAJ Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen Owner: Cathy L Gott GCH CH Denzel Scalawag (D) By CH Denzel Tomfoolery x CH Denzel Aim High Breeder/Owner: Tracy Burdick By CH Denzel Hail To The Chief x CH Denzel Handle With Care Breeder/Owner: Tracy Burdick By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Shelten Brown & Rhonda Maas Brown Wild Thing U Make My HRT Sing CD BN RN (B) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Jean Beeler COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT Little Rocket II CDX GN RE (D) By Deanna's Rocket Man x Lamar's Running Down A Dream Breeder: Paige Wilson Owner: Florene Phipps UTILITY DOG EXCELLENT Illias' Topflite Zany Snoman UDX OM2 RN (D) By CH Arkeno Bring Out The Elvis Nme x CH MACH3 Topflite Kick It Up A Notch MXC MJC Breeder: Nikki Berthold-Illias & Sandra L Schumacher Owner: Linda M Ruedy Page 25 MACH4 Topflite Gameboy Power Surge UDX OM1 MXC MJC MXF (D) Chateau Toujours Charmante BN (B) UTILITY DOG EXCELLENT 2 GCH CH Coquina's Just Desserts BN RE (B) By CH Arkeno's Three Ring Circus x Topflite Winter Games Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher Owner: Marliene Froke & Sandra L Schumacher CH The Pines Gabriella Of Coquina UDX2 OM2 GO RN (B) By CH Coquina's Somethin In The Air CD RN x CH The Pines Cameo Rose Breeder: Lois L Horan-Albritton Owner: Hillary Hunter UTILITY DOG EXCELLENT 5 By CH Shep's Dandy Randy x S R Chateau Regarde Moi RN NAJ Breeder: Ms. D. Suzanne Smith Owner: JoAnn Tolson By CH Queen Bless Jp Principal Kid x CH Coquina Emerald Lady Heavensent RA Breeder: Miss Arlene A Czech & Mary Jo Korpi Owner: Judy Thompson & Miss Arlene A Czech & Mary Jo Korpi Kasey Barington BN RA (D) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Kevin Decker & Jean Decker Wildfire On A Mission UDX5 OM7 VER RA OA OAJ (D) Loteki Erediti Ilvento BN (D) By CH L'Ete Cadaga The Matrix x Wildfire Double Trouble Breeder: Angela S Pickett & Cheslie Pickett Owner: Karen Blinn By CH Chanceux Capo Di Tutti Capi x CH Loteki The Wind In My Hair Breeder: Lou Ann King Owner: Judith L Klotz OBEDIENCE MASTER 1 Miss Athena With Pizaz'S BN (B) Titian's Deja Vu UDX OM1 VER (D) By GCH CH Micdic's Olympic Gold CD RN x CH Del Amo Cleopatra Of Titian Breeder: Phyllis Riley & Carol Fredrick & Terry A Mcintyre Owner: Judith A Williams MACH4 Topflite Gameboy Power Surge UD OM1 MXC MJC MXF (D) By CH Arkeno's Three Ring Circus x Topflite Winter Games Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher Owner: Marliene Froke & Sandra L Schumacher OBEDIENCE MASTER 3 CH The Pines Gabriella Of Coquina UDX2 OM3 GO RN (B) By CH Coquina's Somethin In The Air CD RN x CH The Pines Cameo Rose Breeder: Lois L Horan-Albritton Owner: Hillary Hunter OBEDIENCE MASTER 5 Marks Winters Tophat N Tails UDX4 OM5 (D) By CH Wholat's Hearts Desire x Mark's Mayday Miracle Breeder: Mr. Mark Edward Lepinski Owner: Helene B Winters BEGINNER NOVICE Absolute N Caprice Angel Michael BN (D) By Absolute Caprice Tt's Great Spirit x GCH CH Caprice's XTra Special Design Breeder: Phyllis J Fleming Owner: Francis Lewandowski & Betty-Ann Lewandowski Page 26 By CH Bloom An's Maximum Attitude RN x CH Pizaz's Wild Jasmine Breeder: Carol Rosecrans Owner: Lesa Rose Smith RALLY ADVANCED Cadgets All A-Buzz At Evergem RA TD NA NAJ MXP MJP (D) By CH Cadgets Legend Of The Fall NA NAJ x Cadgets Nine Row Rainier Breeder: Gayle Key Owner: Eileen Pearl Duette's Clip's Right Along CD RA MX MXJ (D) By CH Wunsum's Ben There Done That CD AX OAJ x La Ren Sweet Musette OA OAJ OAP AJP Breeder: Janis L McLaren & Molly S Petram Owner: Lisa M Klein Loteki The Wind At My Back BN RA (D) By CH Loteki Courage Under Fire x Loteki Totally Windswept Breeder: Lou Ann King Owner: Linda Miles RALLY EXCELLENT CH Elizares' Kelii Ilio RE (D) By Elizares' Hey YNot Tri Me x Elizares'Oe Sassy Ilio Breeder: Donna Elizares Owner: Donna Elizares & Elaine S Zech Forevr Digital Image RE NA NAJ (D) By Sabamores Xmas Memories x CH Forevr Image Of A Star MX MXJ Breeder: Vesa Toivanen Owner: Betty Pranskat Prince's Hurricane Alexandra RE NA OAJ (B) By Rocko x Missy Girl Breeder: Armando Braico & Barbara Braico Owner: Cindy Prince Rainbowland's Superior Altivo CD RE (D) By Rainbowland's Party Time x Rainbowland's Tropical Kokomo Breeder: Jennifer Yates & Jason Yates Owner: Sharon Rittenour NOVICE AGILITY Cha-Ching Buster Brown RN NA NF (D) By CH MACH Cha-Ching Pappys Silver Dollar CD MXB MJS x Cha-Ching Wings Of Flight CD RN MX MXJ OF Breeder: Lois Schweitzer & Lynne M Godshall Owner: Lynne M Godshall & Betty Lou Marter CH Domino's Dressed To The Nines NA NAJ (B) By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x Domino's Midnight Sanity Breeder: Leona G Domino Owner: Leslie Myers D.V.M. & Leona G Domino Domino's Nod And A Wink CD BN RE NA NAJ (B) By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x Domino's Midnight Sanity Breeder: Leona G Domino Owner: Carol Madson Magic's Kga Simply Spoiled NA NAJ (D) By Magic's Ewa Mr. Dugan x Magic's Hanna Of Gateway Breeder: Debie Mortenson Owner: Anna K Gates & Kurt Gates Sonata's It's A Kind Of Magic NA NAJ (B) By Diamondsun's Beyond Reality OA OAJ NAP NJP x Hundebuden's Quna My Obsession Breeder: Mary Scesny Owner: Carolyn D'Angelo Sulean's Mr. Simple Simon NA NAJ NF (D) By CH Tracelyn Special Edition x Sulean's Last Chance Breeder: NANCY LUCAS FERVERDA Owner: Gale Cielinski Treasured Wallace Of Dudley's Day NA NAJ (D) By Elliot De Pompadour x Family Treasured Candy Cane Breeder: Rebecca Kiesel Owner: Rebecca Misencik NOVICE AGILITY PREFERRED Diamondsun's Beyond Reality OA OAJ NAP NJP (D) By CH Blicci's Upside Down U Turn Me x Newtopaz Chaos At Diamondsun Breeder: Karen J Macphee Owner: Mary Scesny & Karen MacPhee MACH2 Springhill Dream Weaver MXG MJG NAP NJP NF (D) By CH Queen Bless JP Imperial Ruler x Springhill Keeper O' The Dream Breeder: Shareen Boyers & Dealton D Boyers Owner: Judy C Rockey OPEN AGILITY Clearlake Daredevil OA NAJ (D) By CH Clearlake Devil In Disguise x CH Clearlake Blue Ice Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen Owner: Chelsea Davang Gabrielle Of Orleans OA OAJ (B) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Diane Ziegler Little Miss C OA NAJ (B) By Jack Jack Attack x Classical Jazz Breeder: Jeanne McMichael Owner: Liz Bingham Reese Lightning OA NAJ NF (D) By Sugarmacks Marcell x Two By Two's Celine Breeder: Charity Johnson Owner: Toni Lynn Moody & Steffan G Moody Starstruck Everybody Knows My Name OA OAJ (B) By CH Ringlands Legacy's Story x NAC CH MACH5 StarStruck Sparkle Plenty MXS2 MJG2 XF Breeder/Owner: Andrea Samuels Starstruck Moonshadow Chinak OA OAJ (D) By CH MACH10 StarStruck Chase The Moon RN MXG3 MJG3 MXF TQX x La Ren Chinak Night Winds Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg & Andrea Samuels Owner: Andrea Samuels OPEN AGILITY PREFERRED Ezee's Portrait By Picasso AX AXJ OAP NJP OF (D) By CH Bloom An's Maximum Attitude RN x CH Ezee's Party Girl Breeder: Elalne Zech Owner: Ms. Kathy Fueston Page 27 AGILITY EXCELLENT MASTER BRONZE AGILITY Cummings Sadie Girl CDX RAE AX MXJ OF (B) By Casey McGraw x Cummings Lucky Zoe Breeder: Michael Cummings & Marcy Cummings Owner: Susan Cummings & Patrick Cummings Maximilian Winsum Sandoff MX MXB MXJ MJB XF (D) Ken Mar's August Rush AX AXJ (D) New Horizon King Of Cool MX MXB MXJ MJB NF (D) By CH Chalkhill Wild Down Under x Ken Marall I Hear Is Jazz Breeder: Carolyn J Mills Owner: Tom Jones & Pat Jones Nobles Dylan Del Caribe AX OAJ (D) By Medlee Game Play'n In Sedona x Medlee's To The MoonAllice Breeder: Susan C Austin & Marcia Noble Owner: Colette Pollack Redearth's Cincere Lil Miss Zoe AX OAJ (B) By CH Cincere's Radar Detector x Cincere's April Fools Heidi Breeder: Cindy A Anglemyer Owner: Mrs. Deborah Axce Medick Sharar's Fire On Ice AX OAJ (B) By Tck's Zachery x Pam's Dolly Breeder: Pamela Kramer Owner: Sharon A Rooks Spice's Zoom Around Thyme AX AXJ (D) By Glenmary-Ste-Lin's Wm Leo x Kendra's Hot Tamale CD BN RE AX MXJ NAP NJP NF Breeder: Linda Mills Owner: Mrs. Debbie Revell AGILITY EXCELLENT PREFERRED Coastwind's Moonstruck AX AXJ AXP AJP (B) By CH Angella Del Jasper x Coastwind's Morning Mist Breeder: Nancy R Grant & Patricia A Sherman Owner: Dianna Hillyer MASTER AGILITY EXCELLENT Meikas Dapper Dill RN MX MXJ OF (D) By CH Springhill Red Eagle NA NAJ x Meika Stellaluna Sweet Candy Breeder: Jeanne M Stewart Owner: Louanne Horsman Stunz The Competition UD MX MXJ (D) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Bradley Detampel & Kay Detampel By Clearbrook Jazzer x Clearbrook Juliette Breeder: Georgia Debruin Owner: Karen Aronoff & George Sanders By Candella Hotlanta Harry x CH New Horizon Dance Crazy Breeder: Robert Pili & Renee Pili Owner: Arlene Collins & Renee Pili MASTER SILVER AGILITY MACH Eureka's Here We Go Steeler RE MXS MJS XF (D) By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x CH Nanken Sugar N Spice Breeder: Patricia Matevich Owner: Sally Murray MACH Ezri Dax Stardancer MXS MJG NF (B) By Mr Peanut Brittle Of Alligood x Alligood's Debbi's Patricia Breeder: Jackie Alligood Owner: Robin Stewart MACH2 Linjo Mariposita Isabel MXS MJG OF (B) By CH MACH Anamar Lasting Impact CDX RAE MXG MJB MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX x Anamar Kiss Me Kate RA MX MXJ MJB Breeder: Linda Repphun & Anna Kodet & Colleen J Kodet Owner: Linda Repphun MACH Paragon's Lone Star Runner MXS MJS MXF MFB T2B2 (D) By Livewire Espiritu Primo MX MXJ MXF x Paragon's Naughty Dream NA NAJ NF Breeder: Erich J Simon & Wanda Simon Owner: Carole Cribbs MASTER GOLD AGILITY CT MACH Denzel Winning Streak VCD4 OM2 RE MXG MJG NAP NJP MXF (D) By MACH Denzel Winning Strategy MXB MJB x Denzel Victory Lap Breeder: Tracy Burdick & Terry Besler Owner: Sandra Hill MACH2 Forevr Ears Your Chance CD GN RAE MXG MJC NAP NJP MXF T2B (D) By CH Forevr Ears Your Sign x Forevr Celestial Dragon Breeder: Danny R Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford Owner: Nancy Atkins MACH2 Forevr Young & Frisky Pete MXG MJC OF (D) By Toymaker's Razz x CH Cadaga Starshine Breeder: Danny R Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford Owner: Jodi Smith & Robert Michna Page 28 MACH2 Kendra's Stille Fly'N High CDX MXG MJG XF (D) By Kendra's Star Maker AX AXJ MXP2 MJP x Kendra's Blue Sky CD Breeder: Susan Kendra Owner: Rita Stille & Rick Contoni NAC CH MACH2 Starstruck Anticipation MXG MJG OF (B) By CH MACH10 StarStruck Chase The Moon RN MXG3 MJG3 MXF TQX x NAC CH MACH5 StarStruck Sparkle Plenty MXS2 MJG2 XF Breeder/Owner: Andrea Samuels MASTER CENTURY AGILITY MACH3 Chinak La Ren On A Whim MXC MJC MXF MFB TQX T2B2 (B) By CH La Ren Chase The Moon x La Ren Chinak Night Winds Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke MACH3 L'Ete Cadaga Little Miss Fabulous MXC MJC MXF TQX T2B (B) By CH L'Ete Cadaga The Sorcerer x CH L'Ete Cadaga Neither One Of Us Breeder: Dr. Stanley Sohn & Linda C Sohn Owner: Darlene Hunt & Edward Hunt MASTER BRONZE AGILITY 2 MACH3 Let's Go Valentino MXB2 MJC2 OF (D) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Carole Cribbs MASTER AGILITY EXCELLENT PREFERRED 2 MACH4 Marlon's Zma Spring Breeze VCD3 UDX3 OM1 VER RE MXS2 MJS2 MXP2 MJP2 MXF (D) By CH Marlon's Bsa Star Gazer x Marlon's Owa Miss Adventure Breeder: Londa Downing Owner: Sandra Hill & Londa Downing Roseman's Beauregard NA NAJ MXP2 MJP3 MJPB (D) By CH Arbeitsheim Talent F'Marsan CDX RE x CH Arbeitsheim Leevum Laughing Breeder: Bonnie Primus Owner: Kenny Rose & Dana Dwinell MASTER AGILITY EXCELLENT PREFERRED 3 Kendra's Picasso AX AXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP NF NFP (D) By Kendra's Star Maker AX AXJ MXP2 MJP x Petite Paw's Tres' Chic Chanel Breeder: Janet Kuzma & Christie Kuzma Owner: Susan Kendra MASTER AGILITY EXCELLENT PREFERRED 7 PACH2 La Ren Jazzy Crisanda MX MXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 (B) By CH Ken Mar Steal The Thunder x La Ren Absolutely Speechless Breeder: Vickie Ehrlekrona & Janis L McLaren Owner: John H Gooldy NOVICE AGILITY JUMPER Clearlake Daredevil NA NAJ (D) By CH Clearlake Devil In Disguise x CH Clearlake Blue Ice Breeder: Elyse Claire Vandermolen Owner: Chelsea Davang CH Domino's Dressed To The Nines NA NAJ (B) By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x Domino's Midnight Sanity Breeder: Leona G Domino Owner: Leslie Myers D.V.M. & Leona G Domino CH Domino's Luck Of The Draw CD RE NAJ (D) By CH Domino's Silent Rebel x CH Domino's First Lady Breeder: Leona G Domino & Susan Pollard Owner: Sandra Ann Vaillancourt Edenrock Norwood Ruby NA NAJ NAP NJP (B) By Kvar Josandre' Royal Hunter x Grejo's Mia Of Norway Breeder: Delores Swan Owner: Julieann Thomas Magic's Kga Simply Spoiled NA NAJ (D) By Magic's Ewa Mr. Dugan x Magic's Hanna Of Gateway Breeder: Debie Mortenson Owner: Anna K Gates & Kurt Gates Sonata's It's A Kind Of Magic NA NAJ (B) By Diamondsun's Beyond Reality OA OAJ NAP NJP x Hundebuden's Quna My Obsession Breeder: Mary Scesny Owner: Carolyn D'Angelo Treasured Wallace Of Dudley's Day NAJ (D) By Elliot De Pompadour x Family Treasured Candy Cane Breeder: Rebecca Kiesel Owner: Rebecca Misencik Page 29 NOVICE AGILITY JUMPER PREFERRED OPEN AGILITY JUMPER PREFERRED Diamondsun's Beyond Reality OA OAJ NAP NJP (D) Ezee's Portrait By Picasso AX AXJ OAP OJP OF (D) By CH Blicci's Upside Down U Turn Me x Newtopaz Chaos At Diamondsun Breeder: Karen J Macphee Owner: Mary Scesny & Karen MacPhee MACH2 Springhill Dream Weaver MXG MJG NAP NJP NF (D) By CH Queen Bless JP Imperial Ruler x Springhill Keeper O' The Dream Breeder: Shareen Boyers & Dealton D Boyers Owner: Judy C Rockey OPEN AGILITY JUMPER Gabrielle Of Orleans NA OAJ (B) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Diane Ziegler Jessarae's Celebrity Cruise OA OAJ NF (D) By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x Haremet's Imperial Blue MX MXJ OAP AJP Breeder/Owner: Jessica Isenbarger Little Miss C OA OAJ (B) By Jack Jack Attack x Classical Jazz Breeder: Jeanne McMichael Owner: Liz Bingham By CH Bloom An's Maximum Attitude RN x CH Ezee's Party Girl Breeder: Elalne Zech Owner: Ms. Kathy Fueston EXCELLENT AGILITY JUMPER CH Aerilee's Sparkling Jem OA AXJ (B) By CH Blairwynn Tuinluv Sky's The Limit x MACH Clair De Lune Of Yeir MXB MJB Breeder/Owner: Julie Rodriguez CH Denzel No Foolin' OA AXJ (D) By CH Denzel Can'T Fool Me x CH Denzel Treat Me Right Breeder: Tracy Burdick Owner: Deborah Tarrant Hope Seamster OA AXJ (B) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Jill Seamster Micdic's Singular Sensation OA AXJ NF (B) By CH Okekai Rocket In My Pocket x CH Tambora's Nick Of Time Breeder: Karen Primrose & Michelle Navarre & Karen Baird Owner: Bobbie Morgan & Michelle Navarre Starstruck Moonshadow Chinak OA AXJ (D) By CH Forevr Alfa Magic At Marric x CH Marrics Auntie Em Breeder: Marcy Wyrens Owner: Carol Rowe By CH MACH10 StarStruck Chase The Moon RN MXG3 MJG3 MXF TQX x La Ren Chinak Night Winds Breeder: Lucretia Hedberg & Andrea Samuels Owner: Andrea Samuels Sonata's Don'T Stop Me Now, Freddy NA OAJ (D) Starstruck Remember My Name OA AXJ (B) Starstruck Everybody Knows My Name NA OAJ (B) EXCELLENT AGILITY JUMPER PREFERRED Marrics Luck Of The Draw NA OAJ (B) By Diamondsun's Beyond Reality OA OAJ NAP NJP x Hundebuden's Quna My Obsession Breeder: Mary Scesny Owner: Christine Cecilia Scesny By CH Ringlands Legacy's Story x NAC CH MACH5 StarStruck Sparkle Plenty MXS2 MJG2 XF Breeder/Owner: Andrea Samuels By CH Ringlands Legacy's Story x NAC CH MACH5 StarStruck Sparkle Plenty MXS2 MJG2 XF Breeder/Owner: Andrea Samuels Avers Frequent Flyer AX AXJ OAP AJP NF NFP (B) By Arc's Litty Mikey x Arc's Pixie Dust Breeder: Anna R Creviston Owner: Sue Avers & Wayne Avers Braylor's Big Bang RN AX AXJ AXP AJP (D) By Braylor's Reign Of Terror x Braylor's Cast An Illusion Breeder: Brandi Renee Bray Owner: Ms. Laura Simonelli Page 30 Springhill Delight On His Feet MX MXB MXJ AXP AJP (D) By CH Springhill Red Eagle NA NAJ x Springhill Keeper O' The Dream Breeder: Shareen Boyers & Dealton D Boyers Owner: Judy C Rockey MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER MASTER BRONZE JUMPER MACH Aerilee's Run To Me Ripley MXB MJB (B) By CH Blairwynn Tuinluv Sky's The Limit x MACH Clair De Lune Of Yeir MXB MJB Breeder: Julie Rodriguez Owner: White Bourland & Linda Bourland Cummings Sadie Girl CDX RAE AX MXJ OF (B) Marimars By Leaps And Bounds MX MXJ MJB OF (D) Forevr Really The One AX MXJ (D) Misty Morn Jazz It Up MX MXJ MJB (B) Little Bunny Foo Foo AX MXJ NF (B) New Horizon King Of Cool MX MXB MXJ MJB NF (D) By Casey McGraw x Cummings Lucky Zoe Breeder: Michael Cummings & Marcy Cummings Owner: Susan Cummings & Patrick Cummings By CH Forevr The Real Macoy x Forevr Celestial Serinade Breeder: Danny R Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford Owner: Linda Bolotin By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Christie Latour Little Miss Tootikus AX MXJ NF (B) By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Lori Ashe By CH Annacott Maestro x CH Marimars Desert Fox Breeder: Mary Maher Owner: Christy Chilcott By Unknown x Unknown Breeder: Unknown Owner: Sharon Peterson By Candella Hotlanta Harry x CH New Horizon Dance Crazy Breeder: Robert Pili & Renee Pili Owner: Arlene Collins & Renee Pili Nixons Hill Sundancer MX MXJ MJB XF (D) By Newtopaz Nixons Hill Pierre x Lisette Port Breeder: Valerie Baynham Owner: Maxine Holmes CH Majestic Joy The Bee's Knees CDX RA MX MXJ (D) By CH Majestic Joy Toy Soldier x Majestic Joy Truly An Angel Pinpaps Mister Lincoln MX MXJ MJB (D) CH Nightfire's Just Dance AX MXJ NF (B) Topflite Leaps And Bounds MX MXJ MJB (B) Breeder: Rita L Koy Owner: Stacy Newton & Katie Falls By CH Monarch's Come Dance With Me x Carover's Juliet Breeder: Yvonee Weber Owner: Letty McNulty Primavera Brightwood Bunny UD VER RN MX MXJ (B) By CH Primavera Marelen Mad Hatter x CH Primavera's Birthday Barbie Breeder: Barbara R Irwin & Maxine J Gurin Owner: Judith Streisand Spice's Dash In Thyme CD BN RE AX MXJ (D) By Glenmary-Ste-Lin's Wm Leo x Kendra's Hot Tamale CD BN RE AX MXJ NAP NJP NF Breeder: Linda Mills Owner: Rosemarie Le Roy Tollegend Winning Streak CD RA AX MXJ (D) By Tollegend Right On Target x Newtopaz Stitches At Tollegend Breeder: Shannen Jorgensen Owner: Kathy Hightshoe By MACH2 Pinpap's Giovanni MXS MJC x Pinpaps Stormin Ellie Mae Breeder: Claudia Clark & Larry Clark Owner: Steve E McCully & Claudia Clark By Hodges Clearlake Out Of Bounds x CH Topflite Right Kind Of Wrong CD Breeder: Lex Van Tighem & Sandra L Schumacher Owner: Kathy Houston & Lex Van Tighem & Sandra L Schumacher Windlake Olympic Cowboy MX MXJ MJB MXF (D) By CH Fairytale Gold Dust MX MXB MXJ MJS XF T2B x Starsign's Windlake Christmas Delight Breeder: Ms. Jacquelyn C Cantwell & Dr. Vernon W Cantwell M.D. Owner: Patricia Horton MASTER SILVER JUMPER MACH Alchemy's Good As Gold MXS MJS (D) By Reach For The Sky Von Der Schmetterlingswiese x CH Skorr's Independence Clarista Breeder: Robin Kost & Pat Treadway Owner: Margarette Mikkola & Robin Kost Page 31 MACH Eureka's Here We Go Steeler RE MXS MJS XF (D) MACH2 Wildfire Heavens To Betsy MXG MJC OF T2B (B) MACH Geocyn's Learning To Fly MXB MJS XF T2B (B) MASTER SILVER JUMPER 2 By CH Joco's Moonlight Cruise x CH Nanken Sugar N Spice Breeder: Patricia Matevich Owner: Sally Murray By Dundee's I Walk The Line x MACH5 Elmac Sheena Blew By U Adfam MXS2 MJC2 XF T2B Breeder/Owner: Geoffrey Teare MACH Paragon's Lone Star Runner MXB MJS MXF MFB T2B2 (D) By Livewire Espiritu Primo MX MXJ MXF x Paragon's Naughty Dream NA NAJ NF Breeder: Erich J Simon & Wanda Simon Owner: Carole Cribbs MACH Starsign's Beau Jingle MXB MJS XF (D) By Showtime's Phoenix At Sherjak x Puppy Loves Tarzan's Jane Breeder: Patty Gemmill Owner: Mrs. Angela Dominguez MASTER GOLD JUMPER CH MACH2 Marrics Northland Superfly MXS MJG NF (D) By CH L'Ete Cadaga Makin' Me Crazy x CH L'Ete Cadaga Miss Independant Breeder: Angela S Pickett Owner: Lisa Evans & Robert Evans MACH3 Nanken Beckin' To Be A Diamond MXG MJS2 MXF (B) By CH Nanken Diamond Jim CD x Nanken Your Beck-N-Call Breeder: Nana Ridgeway Owner: Deborah Scheel MASTER BRONZE JUMPER 5 CH MACH15 Pinpaps Little Bit Of Bling MXG4 MJB5 FTC1 MFB2 TQX T2B (D) By CH Tonnerre's Butterfly Fantasy x CH Pinpap's Pride N Joy Of Titian Breeder: Claudia Clark & Larry Clark Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke MASTER BRONZE JUMPER 6 MACH19 Candella Cloudberry MXB5 MJB6 XF (B) By GCH CH Siljans Secret Connection x Lone Tree's French Twist Breeder: Marcy Wyrens & Karen Mountain Owner: Kevin Phillippi & Eva Phillippi By CH Candella Jabot Jabot NA x CH Candella Castle On A Cloud Breeder: Dr. Neil Gladstone & Carol Ochs & Mrs. Sandra Gladstone Owner: Karen Wlodarski & Carol Ochs MACH2 Naughty Nellie Nippin' Nectar CDX RAE MXS MJG MXF THD (B) MASTER BRONZE JUMPER 9 By Kenmar Ii U.S. Special Forces x Troupe De La Rose'ivy'rbn'bows Breeder: Chris Roering & Rodger Roering Owner: Gail Gardner & Jane Schrier MASTER CENTURY JUMPER MACH2 Cilloette Jumpin' Zak Flash MXS MJC NF T2B (D) By CH Cilloette Tell Me A Secret x Cilloette Hpnotiq Breeder: Roseann Fucillo Owner: Kathleen Kreider & Larry Kreider MACH2 Forevr Ears Your Chance CD GN RAE MXS MJC NAP NJP MXF T2B (D) By CH Forevr Ears Your Sign x Forevr Celestial Dragon Breeder: Danny R Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford Owner: Nancy Atkins MACH2 Forevr Young & Frisky Pete MXS MJC OF (D) By Toymaker's Razz x CH Cadaga Starshine Breeder: Danny R Ford II & Ruth Ann Ford Owner: Jodi Smith & Robert Michna Page 32 NAC MACH35 Pinpaps Jonquil Of Skipnlena MXC8 MJB9 FTC1 MFC TQX T2B (D) By CH Tonnerre's Man About Town x CH La Ren Angelena's Flyte Breeder: Claudia Clark & Larry Clark Owner: Robin Cohen & Robin Kletke MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER PREFERRED MACH Wingssong Travelin' Man MXB MJS AXP MJP (D) By CH Wingssong And The Crowd Roared x CH Wingssong Dancing Queen Breeder: Pat Jones & Chris Jones Owner: Beth Rogers & Mort Cohen MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER PREFERRED 2 MACH4 Marlon's Zma Spring Breeze VCD3 UDX3 OM1 VER RE MXS2 MJS2 MXP MJP2 MXF (D) By CH Marlon's Bsa Star Gazer x Marlon's Owa Miss Adventure Breeder: Londa Downing Owner: Sandra Hill & Londa Downing MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER PREFERRED 3 PNAC Kaylin Special Edition AX AXJ MXP2 MJP3 MJPB (D) By CH Lalynns Ringland Solo x Wedgwood Aphrodite Breeder: Linda Kay Rogers Owner: Dennis Mccoy MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER PREFERRED 6 PACH Little Whisper Wings RA AX AXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP6 MJPS PAX OFP (B) By Steve's Petite Chauncey x Lilypond Pegasis Of Toybox Breeder: Martina Metzger Owner: Cheryl Immel PACH Tulah Tutu Ze Torpedo MXP4 MXPB MJP6 MJPS PAX XFP (B) By Am's Rufuss x Am's Jasmin Breeder: Alison Henry Owner: Annmarie Roche MASTER EXCELLENT JUMPER PREFERRED 7 PACH2 La Ren Jazzy Crisanda MX MXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 (B) By CH Ken Mar Steal The Thunder x La Ren Absolutely Speechless Breeder: Vickie Ehrlekrona & Janis L McLaren Owner: John H Gooldy AGILITY FAST NOVICE Amoure Beau's Squeeze Play OA AXJ NF (D) By Caspian's Licens To Kill x CH MACH2 Amoure Beau's Clever Endeavor RN MXS MJG OF Breeder: Derrick J L Nettles & Anne C Nettles Owner: Carolan Yarczower Sash's Little Prince Bosley NAJ NF (D) By Belladonna's Knight Rider Of Monarch x Sash Gordon Breeder: Kerri Pettey Owner: Edith Mahoney Sunburst Under The Radar BN RN NA NAJ NF (D) By CH Kinduhaven's Cover Story CD RAE x Sandridge's Bonnie Blue Bell Breeder: Jill K Clark Owner: Paula Austin AGILITY FAST NOVICE PREFERRED CH Starfire Intrepid Hero CDX BN RAE MX MXB MXJ MJS AXP MJP NFP (D) By CH Starfire It's A Miracle x Starfire Cameo Jubilee Breeder: Pat Sparks Owner: Virginia Dinan & Regina Dinan AGILITY FAST OPEN MACH2 Linjo Mariposita Isabel MXS MJG OF (B) By CH MACH Anamar Lasting Impact CDX RAE MXG MJB MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX x Anamar Kiss Me Kate RA MX MXJ MJB Breeder: Linda Repphun & Anna Kodet & Colleen J Kodet Owner: Linda Repphun Lucky Oliver Twist AX AXJ OF (D) By Sunburst Tuck's Everlasting x Kokopelli Summer's Rain Breeder: Torri Kollar Owner: Lovanne Horsman MASTER AGILITY CHAMPION MACH Aerilee's Run To Me Ripley MXB MJB (B) By CH Blairwynn Tuinluv Sky's The Limit x MACH Clair De Lune Of Yeir MXB MJB Breeder: Julie Rodriguez Owner: White Bourland & Linda Bourland MACH Alasera's Grand Slam MXB MJS OF (D) By CH Skymningen's Nicodemus x CH MACH5 Caratoots Creamy Caramelle MXC MJB2 XF Breeder: Lisa Pertile Owner: Lisa Pertile & Terry Pertile MACH Long Island Chopper RE MXB MJB OF (D) By Bijou Chardonnay x Princess Bella Breeder: Lisa Cohen Owner: Grace Rowehl & Timothy Rowehl Cha-Ching Buster Brown RN NF (D) By CH MACH Cha-Ching Pappys Silver Dollar CD MXB MJS x Cha-Ching Wings Of Flight CD RN MX MXJ OF Breeder: Lois Schweitzer & Lynne M Godshall Owner: Lynne M Godshall & Betty Lou Marter Page 33 MASTER AGILITY CHAMPION 2 TIME 2 BEAT MACH2 Josandre' Butterfly Kiss CD RA MXG MJS (B) MACH2 Adfam's Mini Cooper CD RA MXS MJC NF T2B THD (D) MACH2 Topflite Just Do It CDX RE MXS MJS XF (D) GCH CH Amoure Beau's Along The Riverbank AX MXJ OF T2B (B) MASTER AGILITY CHAMPION 3 MACH3 Foxfire's Contessa Ear Amor MXG MJB2 OF T2B (B) By CH Kvar Matanzas Hunter's Quest x CH Kvar Josandre' Ladylove Breeder: Mary Jo Loye & Pearl A George Owner: Denise Simmon By MACH Savoy Design By Inka MXB MJB OAP OJP x CH Arkeno's Rave On Breeder: Sandra L Schumacher Owner: James Primmer & Chris Primmer & Sandra L Schumacher MACH3 Nanken Beckin' To Be A Diamond MXG MJB2 MXF (B) By CH Nanken Diamond Jim CD x Nanken Your Beck-N-Call Breeder: Nana Ridgeway Owner: Deborah Scheel MASTER AGILITY CHAMPION 5 CH MACH5 StarStruck Moonstruck RA MXB2 MJC2 (B) By CH En-La's Bravissimo x CH MACH5 Blicci's Sandra Dee MXC MJB2 OF Breeder: Andrea Samuels Owner: Nancy Andrysiak CH MACH5 Steneko's Sugar Talker RN MXB2 MJS2 MXF (D) By CH Del Amo's Live'n Itupat Sho-Tym NA x CH Ezee's Sweet Elegance Breeder: Neil Koeniger & Stephanie Koeniger Owner: Krystin M Chester & Michael L Chester MASTER AGILITY CHAMPION 19 MACH19 Candella Cloudberry MXB5 MJB6 XF (B) By CH Candella Jabot Jabot NA x CH Candella Castle On A Cloud Breeder: Dr. Neil Gladstone & Carol Ochs & Mrs. Sandra Gladstone Owner: Karen Wlodarski & Carol Ochs PREFERRED AGILITY CHAMPION 2 PACH2 La Ren Jazzy Crisanda MX MXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 (B) By CH Ken Mar Steal The Thunder x La Ren Absolutely Speechless Breeder: Vickie Ehrlekrona & Janis L McLaren Owner: John H Gooldy Page 34 By CH Adfam's Romeo Of Elmac x Charmar Amber St BlaiseAdfam Breeder: Renea M Adams & Steven L Adams Owner: Christine Burton By Draco's High Velocity AX AXJ OF x CH MACH2 Amoure Beau's Clever Endeavor RN MXS MJG OF Breeder: Derrick J L Nettles & Anne C Nettles Owner: Julie Degen By CH Landmark's Starfire Sonic Boom x Foxfire's Twilight Rose Breeder: Cindy A Harken Owner: Susan Harris & Ronald E Prior TIME 2 BEAT 2 MACH2 Miss Tilly Found My Heart MXG MJG2 MXF MFS T2B2 (B) By Beautiful Boy Bandit x Lisa's Little Daisy Breeder: Lisa Frost Owner: Leslye Kosmowski COURSING ABILITY Casanova's Midnight Spirt CDX BN GN RAE CA THD (D) By Tuffy's Black Spirit x Trinket's Midnight Dawn Breeder: Gloria Bonte & Dale Bonte Owner: Carol R Lauren-Schmidt