Alstonville High School Newsletter
Alstonville High School Newsletter
Alstonville High School Newsletter Developing future citizens and leaders of the community – life long learning! Cawley Close Alstonville Phone: (02) 6628 5222 Fax: (02) 6628 1223 Web: 19 February 2014 Issue 2 Alstonville High School Our community values integrity in all aspects of life Values Learning We value and support: A positive, healthy and safe learning environment Respectful attitudes and actions Diversity Pursuit of personal excellence Service to community Team work Quality learning and teaching Initiative, leadership and selfdiscipline We aspire to be: Life-long learners Creative and critical thinkers Effective communicators Skilled in literacy and numeracy Independent and organised Competent and innovative with technology Environmentally, socially and culturally informed Caring and compassionate CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014 th Wed Mon Tues Fri Tues th Sat th Mon Wed Fri Wed Fri Tues 26 Feb rd 3 March th 4 March th 7 March th 11 March 15 March 17 March th st 19 – 21 th 26 March th 28 March th 8 April P&C Meeting – 7pm Vaccinations – Year 7 Vaccinations – Year 9 Boys School Photos Yr 7 Welcome BBQ / Yr 6 Information BBQ – 5:30pm Alstonville & Wollongbar P&C Fun Run Photo Catch Up Day Year 7 Peer Support Camp P&C Meeting – 7pm AHS – Cross Country Parent / Teacher Night A renewed focus on encouraging student meritorious behaviour As part of our focus on nurturing a love of learning we undertook a review of our student merit award scheme in 2013. Whilst the previous scheme has been operating successfully for a number of years we were aware that improvements could be made. During 2014 we will be progressively implementing some modifications to the scheme which we hope will result in helping to improve students’ engagement and independent learning. The review was informed by discussions with students, P&C and staff, as well as the initial results from the Tell Them What You Think survey that was conducted in 2013. This term we have already introduced one change and that is the introduction of merit cards that students can use in an auction of prizes and incentives at the end of term. Staff have been provided with small cards to distribute to any students that they see acting in a meritorious manner at school. Students keep these cards and at an auction at the end of term use them as ‘currency’ to collect prizes or incentives. As well as these new cards students can still earn merit awards for more sustained effort in class and around the school which will accrue towards more substantial recognition. Year 6 and 7 Welcome BBQ – 11th March – 5:30pm Families of students currently in year 7 at Alstonville and families of students who are currently in year 6 and are considering enrolment at Alstonville High School in 2015 are Page 1 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 invited to a Open Night and Welcome BBQ starting from th 5:30pm on Tuesday 11 March. The night will include a combined welcome and demonstration of student work in the school hall followed by tours of the school and demonstrations in classrooms. Families of students in year 7 will have a chance to meet teachers as you help your child(ren) complete a teacher ‘dance’ card on the night. There will be information sessions for year 6 parents repeated throughout the night by members of the school executive team ensuring that interested families can find out about what we can offer, as well as having a chance to ask questions in smaller group settings. A BBQ will run during the evening and there will be tea, coffee and other drinks available. If any parents would like to volunteer to help on the evening this would be greatly appreciated. Integrating technology in classrooms to enhance learning A little over 4 years ago the Federal government started a scheme called the Digital Education Revolution (DER). The aim of this scheme was to provide support to improve student access to technology to support learning, both in classrooms but also in other environments such as the home. This resulted in students in year 9 being issued with a laptop computer at the beginning of each year for three years, and in its final year Alstonville High School took delivery of laptop computers that we grouped together in class sets in mobile trolleys that were also charging stations. These have been distributed around the school and can be used in classes and other places around our school. We also have a bank of laptops which can be loaned to students for specific purposes. The DER scheme finished in 2013 and the challenge has moved to school communities to look to what best suits the needs of students and teachers in ensuring that ICT is used to enhance learning. One of the things that has changed since commencement of the DER scheme is the introduction and proliferation of a range of increasingly sophisticated mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers which can be used to enhance learning. It is obvious that technology will continue to change rapidly and school communities will be faced with the challenge of determining appropriate responses to these changes. As part of this process we have looked at some of our existing policy frameworks. We currently have policies to outline our expectations in relation to mobile phones and MP3 players. These guidelines were developed before the proliferation of smart phones, ready access to wireless and phone company data plans (which provide access to the internet via a range of mobile devices). Whilst it is obvious that any of these devices when used inappropriately can prove to be a distraction to quality learning or harmful if used maliciously (making a focus on responsible Digital Citizenry vital) it is also obvious that when used properly they can enhance learning for our students. Accompanying this newsletter is a mobile devices policy which we would like to introduce to replace our existing mobile phones and MP3 policy. A key expectation of this policy is that the classroom teacher will determine what technology is appropriate to be used for any learning activity and that this judgement will be respected by students. The new policy will allow teachers and students to use devices for a broader range of learning activities, such as photographing practical works as they are developed for the purpose of producing more detailed and accurate portfolios. Senior students currently can copy electronic versions of books to tablets and smart phones and the change would mean they could use these devices to read these texts in class. We will engage in further discussions about how we can increase students’ access to a range of devices as the next step beyond DER over the next term, but this policy allows us increased flexibility as we undertake these discussions. We will ensure that equity remains a prime consideration as we move forward with initiatives in this important educational domain. The policy that is attached has not been introduced yet and our current policy around the use of mobile phones and MP3 players remains in place as we gauge feedback to this policy and further discussions about mobile electronic devices. We welcome your feedback. Upgrade to hall change rooms th On the 24 of February work will commence on Stage 1 of our upgrade to the student change rooms in the hall. Stage 1 of this work will involve the installation of a new solar hot water system for the showers, and the upgrading of plumbing fittings and fixtures along with replacement of some tiles where necessary. Stage 2 of the upgrade will hopefully occur in 2015 and will involve the refurbishment of the cubicles including the fitting of individual doors (to replace the current curtains). Primary Industry Trade Skills Centre th On Wednesday 19 of February Kevin Hogan, representatives of Public Works, DEC and our school planning team will be meeting at Alstonville High School as part of the process of refining our planning for our new Primary Industries Centre, commencing a process that will hopefully see the new building ready to take enrolments in 2015. Page 2 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 Alstonville and Wollongbar P&C Fun Run The Alstonville High School and Wollongbar Primary School P&Cs will be holding their annual fun run on Saturday March th 15 2014. Information about this event will soon be posted on the Fun Run Website: In the meantime we would appreciate hearing from anyone associated with Alstonville High School who can help out with the event. In particular we would appreciate volunteers who can help with the BBQ, act as a marshal for one or more event, or help with the set up and pack away. If you are interested in helping with this terrific community event please contact Alstonville High School and leave your details with the front office or via email. Mobile Dental Van Update Just a reminder that the mobile dental van looks on track to commence visits to Alstonville High School from about th February 26 . If you want your child to use this facility then the necessary paperwork will need to be completed prior to the van visiting Alstonville High School. Students whose parents have completed the necessary paperwork will then just need to inform the school of the time of their appointment and they will be provided with a pass out so they can go to their appointment and when they are finished they simply need to come back to the front office and they will be signed back in and sent straight back to class, minimising time lost during the school day. Of course, any parent or carer who wishes to accompany a child for their appointment can arrange to meet them in the front office in the same way that you do if you are taking your child offsite for an appointment. Further information and forms can be found on our school website at: New Lockers As was mentioned in our last newsletter we are looking to place further orders for new lockers to replace the old metal lockers that have been in the school for many years. Interest from families has been strong. The sooner we have enough expressions of interest the sooner we can place an order. We would like to place an order for a minimum of 40 to 50 new lockers to reduce the cost of delivery. If you are interested in taking a new locker if we order more please let us know by sending an email to our school email account using the subject “locker” and including your child’s name and roll group in the email or simply send a note into the front office with the same information. If there is sufficient demand for more of the new lockers we will place an order. The new lockers cost $20 per year. Footwear reminder It is disappointing that we still have students wearing the incorrect footwear to school. We remind students and parents that canvas shoes are not suitable shoes to wear to school and are not part of our school uniform. Students should be wearing shoes that are predominantly white or black and which have leather or a leather-like vinyl upper. Students who do not wear the correct footwear can find themselves on detention or restricted in activities at school until we can ensure they are wearing the right shoes. We would like to avoid this situation occurring and ask for your support. David Silcock Principal Alstonville High School Annual Swimming Carnival 2014 Alstonville High Schools Annual Swimming Carnival was held th on Wednesday 5 February. The weather throughout the day was appalling with continuous rain, making conditions miserable. However the competitors on the day managed to withstand the weather and make the best of it. The standard of competition between our competitive swimmers was excellent with many students swimming outstanding times. Congratulations to all the House Captains who organised the March Past, Laps for Points and other Novelty Activities, the spirit and participation shown throughout the day is a credit to the whole school community. Age Swimming Champions 2014 Age Champion Age Girl 12yrs Brooke 12yrs Hofmeyer (Year 7) 13yrs Alyssa Iles 13yrs (Year 8) 14yrs Sarah 14yrs Bransgrove (Year 8) 15yrs Jade Cusack 15yrs (Year 10) 16yrs Leah McDuff 16yrs (Year 10) 17+yrs Alyce Tozer 17+yrs (Year 12) House Pointscore 2014 1st Marshall (Blue) 2nd Maguire (Yellow) 3rd Crawford (Red) 4th Lumley (Green) Champion Boy James Fleming (Year 7) Thomas Rawson (Year 7) James Leslie (Year 8) Daniel Sawyer (Year 9) Felix Margraf (Year 11) Julian Aenishaenslin (Year 11) 681pts 671pts 655pts 553pts Page 3 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 Volleyball th On Tuesday 11 February Allison Larrescy and our Open Girls and Boys Volleyball teams travelled to Evans Head K-12 School for the Northern Rivers Volleyball Gala Day and Zone Trials. Both our teams won all their games to progress to the 2014 State Knockout. As an added bonus six of our students were selected into the Northern Rivers Zone Volleyball teams. Congratulations to Rachel Yager yr11, Antonella Maccianti yr12 and Athena Wilson yr10 for their selection into the girls team and Mitchell Pearce yr11, Michael Blackler yr11 and Isaac Hay yr11 for their selection into the boys team. Students selected into the Northern Rivers team will now travel to Coffs th Harbour on Monday 24 February to compete at the North Coast Region Volleyball Trials. Thanks to Allison Larrescy for coaching both of these teams and driving the mini bus to both Evans Head and Coffs Harbour. Basketball th On Monday 17 February Alstonville High School had four students contest the Northern Rivers Zone Basketball Trials at Lismore. the presentation. Please return the permission note which was handed out last Friday to allow for enough seating. TAFE/TVET Update 2014 th This Wednesday 19 February is the last time students in Years 11 and 12 can start a TAFE / TVET Course for 2014. Students have been told this information at year meetings on th Tuesday 18 February. It is also the last time students can change to a different course. This is a reminder that travel costs are paid for by students. Students must also go to TAFE during half and yearly exams as TAFE cannot change their operation weeks. We will not timetable exams on Wednesdays for TAFE students. If parents or students need to contact me please phone the school on 6628 5222 or email me on for any careers matters. Congratulations to Charlotte Yager yr8 and Zoe Hurley yr9 for selection into the Open Girls team and Austin Moore yr10 and Sam Stanek yr11 for being selected in the Open Boys team. These students will now compete at the North Coast Basketball th Championships to be held at Lismore on Friday 28 February. K Horne / Careers Waterpolo These will need to be returned to the photographer on Friday th th the 7 of March (or the backup day Monday the 17 March, th if your student is absent on the 7 March) when your child’s photo is taken. Alstonville High School has two students selected into NSWCHS State Waterpolo teams that will compete at the NSW All-Schools th Waterpolo Trials in Sydney on Monday 10 March. If Felix Margraf yr11 or Liam Hair yr11 are selected into the team they will compete at the School Sports Australia National Waterpolo Championships. Good luck! Billets The Northern Rivers Zone will host the North Coast Basketball th Championships at Lismore on Friday 28 February. We require host families to billet six students from the most southern schools in our region. Host families will be required to provide a bed and dinner on th th Thursday 27 February and breakfast on Friday 28 February. Families interested in providing a billet should give their names and contact details to Mr Francis. The Northern Rivers Zone will host the North Coast Swimming th Championships at Lismore on Tuesday 11 March. To enable students from the most southern schools of our region the chance to compete we require host families to billet these swimmers. Host th families will be required to provide a bed and dinner on Monday 10 th March and breakfast on Tuesday 11 March. Families interested in providing a billet should give their names and contact details to Mr Francis. Paul Francis / PD/H/PE Careers Messages Message to Year 12 All Year 12 will be attending an awareness presentation by th local and interstate universities on Thursday 27 February in the Alstonville High School hall. To minimise disruptions, no normal classes will run Periods 7 and 8, as all students will be supervised in the hall. Parents are very welcome to come to School Photos Envelopes individually marked with student name and bar code will be sent home in roll call on Monday 24th February. All students are included in the composite year photo so it is important for all students to return the envelope even if your child/ren are not purchasing a photo. To enable families to budget for this cost, the packs available are: Pack A at a cost of $35 includes 1 composite year photo and 10 individual photos of various sizes. (This has been the most popular pack over the last few years) Pack B at a cost of $40 includes 1 composite year photo and 15 individual photos of various sizes. Pack C at a cost of $45 includes 1 composite year photo and 16 individual photos of various sizes Pack D at a cost of $20 has 10 individual photos of various sizes BUT no year photo. Pack E at a cost of$22 has only the composite year photo with NO individual photos. There are also a variety of gift packs at an additional $15 per pack Note: The school/canteen has no ability to provide change on the day, so payment options include: Credit card slip completed and placed in envelope (this is the preferred method), payment online, or cheques to Academy Photography (not the school) or correct cash in envelope. Page 4 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 Family photos of siblings at Alstonville High School can be ordered by collecting and returning a separate envelope from Mr Hill in the Mathematics staff room. Mr Hill / Maths department Year 9 2013 Design and Technology Class Spaghetti Bridges To finish of the year with a fun design project, students were challenged to build a model bridge structure using various forms of pasta. This proved more challenging than they first thought with their structures morphing from their original design ideas, to a final product sometimes with more glue than pasta. The winning structure belonged to Ben Whitehead and Mia Riordan with the best weight to load ratio. Congratulations to all! Winning Structure Director will be Mr Scott Thomas (English Staff), Musical Director will be Mrs Colleen Bowles (Music Staff), Choreographer will be Mrs Karen Stanton (English Head Teacher) and Production Manager will be Mr Mike Sheehan (Mathematics Staff). Many other staff will be co-ordinating various departments (programs, costumes, props etc.). The exact dates are: 4 th th th shows over the period 9 , 10 & 11 October. Principals, other roles and chorus will be cast by audition and will be open to Years 7-11 only (Year 12 students will be too busy with the HSC). Rehearsals will be on Wednesday afternoons instead of Sport during Terms 2 and 3, with some rehearsals to be held in the Term 3 holidays as we get closer to opening night. NO STUDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE OUT OF CLASS THROUGH THE WHOLE PERIOD OF THE SHOW th Auditions will be in Week 8 (Monday 17 March and Tuesday th th th 18 March) AND Week 9 (Monday 24 March, Tuesday 25 th March and possibly Thursday 27 March) of Term 1, after school, from 3.45pm until 6.00pm. Successful auditionees will choose Musical as their sport for Terms 2 and 3. Bugsy Malone is a musical spoof very loosely based on events in Chicago during the Prohibition era. The show specifically follows the rivalry between two street gangs and a washed up but well-meaning boxer, Bugsy Malone. Bugsy ends up taking control of Fat Sam’s gang and helps defeat Dandy Dan and his gang. is a good starting site for the list of characters. Students auditioning will be required to sing a song from the show (available on YouTube), but will audition with a live pianist. Students wishing to audition should collect a form from Mr Sheehan at the Maths staffroom. We hope to see your child at auditions! Any parents or community members who would like to volunteer to help with the musical are welcome. If you can help out please contact our producer Mike Sheehan. Mr Groves / D & T Teacher High School Musical No…it’s not THE “High School Musical”, but OUR High School Musical. Alstonville High School will present the Musical “BUGSY MALONE” at the end of Week 1 in Term 4, 2014. Mr Sheehan / Maths Year 11 Peer Support Leaders - Woolworths and Bunnings fundraiser BBQ. An in store fundraising BBQ was hosted in the Ballina Woolworths in December 2013 with success in both financial gain and program development. It was a source of pride to witness our school leaders selling both sausages and the merits of the Peer Support Program to members of the local community in uniform and on behalf of our school. A total of $414 was raised at this event. Page 5 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 th A follow up fundraiser was held on the 9 February 2014 at Bunnings in Ballina with members of the same group. Again the students demonstrated school pride, leadership and commitment to raise a total of $850. Funds raised will be distributed to reduce the cost to volunteer Peer Group Leaders to attend the camp. A very special thank you to George Parson, Stephanie O’Brien, Bruce Fleming and Chris Hill who helped out on the day. The leadership group who saw this project to completion were: Aliah Harrop, Emily Griffin, Chris Laing, Olivia Rigney, Bree and Sharna Kelly, James O’Connor, Kaitlyn Pearce, Caylene Withers, Amanda White, Richelle Gibson, Hayley Wallace and Sophie Blaich. Special thanks to Mr Groves and his able team of students for assisting in its hanging. Ian Roberts / Head Teacher Visual Arts Junior State Cup Touch Football Tournament Port Macquarie Nine Alstonville High School students proudly represented the region at the NSW Junior State Cup Touch Football tournament at Port Macquarie last weekend. Ballina Touch Club sent seven teams to the event, which is contested in age divisions from Under 10s to Under 18s. The representative players were: Austin and Tarni Fay, Lucy Turner, Maya Layton, Charlotte Yager, Taylah Wilding, Brooke and Mikayla Hofmeyer, and Shana Povey-Hyatt. The Under 14s Ballina Bullsharks girls’ team, which included Tarni, Lucy, Charlotte and Mikayla, made it through to the quarter finals. Congratulations Bullsharks! Year 7 Peer Support The Year 7 students have started their Peer Support activities which will culminate in the Camp (Camp Koinonia) at Evans th th st Head on the 19 , 20 and 21 of March. Notes have been handed out and are due back on the 3rd of March with payment for planning purposes. All students are encouraged to attend one of the best events on the school calendar. Ben Holmes / Peer Support Co-ordinator Congratulations to the ‘Mr Roberts Mural Group’! On Tuesday the Respect, Responsibility and Participation Mural finally found its place in the school quadrangle. The mural has taken a very dedicated group of thirty gifted and talented art students almost two terms to complete. The mural was an extension activity on sport afternoons and is the first of several other projects for this group. Absent: Sharna Povey-Hyatt Contribution from parent – Mandy Burdon Page 6 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 Highlights from Annual Swimming Carnival 2014 Page 7 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 P&C, Canteen & UniformNews Our next P&C meeting is Wednesday 26th February at 7 pm in the Staff Common Room. Please come along and have your say about what the P&C will be doing this year. Canteen News. Check the menu board for our weekly menu. Something new every week! Orders taken daily. Don’t miss out on some of our limited specials. See Robynne Surtees, Business Manager for any special dietary needs. Iced fruit cups not available after 2pm IMPORTANT! PLEASE notify Robynne if unable to attend rostered canteen day. Volunteers needed daily. Flexible times available. Volunteer needed 12.30-1.30pm on Fridays. Please notify Robynne if you can help. Uniform Shop Hours open 8am -10am Monday and Friday for general uniform and stationery needs with emergency sport uniform sales Wednesday 8am-10am. Limited stationery needs available. White Aprons now available at $15 Page 8 th Alstonville High School Newsletter: Issue 2, 19 February, 2014 Looking for an alternative and cheaper Winter sport for you or your child? WHY NOT GIVE HOCKEY A TRY? ALSTONVILLE HOCKEY CLUB th Junior SIGN-ON – Wednesdays 19 and 26th February 4-5.m. Gap Rd Grounds rd nd Senior SIGN_ON – Sundays 23 February & 2 March 4-5p.m. Gap Rd VISIT: or PHONE: Glen Hunter 0402674525 Brian Mooney 0428281067 Australian Air Force Cadets The Australian Air Force Cadets in East Lismore is holding an information night for interested teenagers and their parents at 6pm on Friday, 28 February, 2014. The venue is Airforce Road, East Lismore, on the Army Reserve base. For further information, phone Roy on 0405 166 060 or Steve on 0427 635 331. Page 9
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