DECA Ontario Media Kit


DECA Ontario Media Kit
DECA Ontario Media Kit
DECA Ontario
100 Richmond Street West, Suite 341
Toronto, ON M5H 3K6
P: 416-363-3322
M: 647-991-7845
Introducing DECA Ontario
More and more high schools are recognizing
DECA as a great way for students to get
prepared for “the real world”. Our
organization prepares emerging leaders in
the fields of marketing, finance, hospitality,
management and entrepreneurship, by
holding conferences and competitions
throughout the year. DECA Ontario is
Canada’s largest secondary school business
organization and is based around annual case
study and business role play competitions,
where students gain real knowledge and hands-on experience with business concepts. In
addition, students have a chance to network with like-minded individuals all across North
America, with a travel-filled year that culminates in late April with the International Career
Development Conference in Anaheim, California.
DECA Ontario as a News Story
As half the world climbs out of the Great
Recession and half the world continues to
sink deeper in, it is safe to say that a great
majority of news coverage is on the
economy. In addition, a great majority of
news on the economy is comprised of
reports on miserable economic measures,
miserable analyst readings, and politicians
debating just how miserable the economy
really is.
DECA Ontario is one of those feel-good stories that create rays of optimism, within the
current turmoil. This is an organization run entirely by volunteer high school students and
teachers; DECA is the definition of “for youth, by youth”. Basically, 8,500 students across
Ontario have made a commitment to their future and have decided that they want to be
successful and are willing to work hard for it. DECA gives students opportunities to
network, find postsecondary options, compete in International business competitions,
learn and apply business concepts, and develop leadership like no other organization.
One of the oft-forgotten measures of economic productivity is entrepreneurial potential
and spirit. DECA Ontario cultivates the next generation of leaders in every sector; the
members constitute the brightest young minds of today and future of the Canadian
Who Would this Story Appeal to?
Parents are proud to see that kids, whether theirs or not, are doing something
Young people are delighted that an organization exists to cultivate their leadership
Business leaders and managers believe in the potential of the Canadian economy, as
youth are cultivated into leaders at such a young age
Key Statistics
Over 8,000 members across 200
high schools in Ontario
350 teacher advisors
60,000 students have been in the
International alumni include Jay
Leno and Katie Couric
Has raised over $100,000 in
corporate sponsorship, from the
likes of KPMG, BMO, Magna
International, the Institute of
Chartered of Accountants of Ontario, and the Richard Ivey School of Business
Almost 5,000 students, teachers, corporate partners, and volunteer judges attend
the Provincial Competition on February 11-12 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto
Over 200,000 members worldwide in 5,000 high schools, all 50 states, and nine
different countries in DECA International
Key Dates
February 11-12, 2013: DECA Ontario
Provincial Competition at Sheraton
Centre Toronto, 123 Queen Street West,
Toronto, ON
 Largest
conference in Canada, where student
compete to qualify for the International
Career Development Conference
 Many corporate partners and
university recruiters attend
 Attended by entire Provincial
Student Executive Team and around 6,000 students, teachers, corporate partners,
and judges
April 7, 2013: Meeting and Banquet for
All Competitors Who Have Qualified for
International Competition at Capitol
Banquet Hall, 6435 Dixie Road,
Mississauga, ON
Meeting and training session for
all International competitors, who
comprise the top 5% of DECA
Ontario members and the top 1%
of members across the world
Past International competitors include several Top 20 Under 20 recipients, TD
Scholars, LORAN Scholars, and Ivy League acceptances
Attended by entire Provincial Student Executive Team and around 1,000 students,
teachers, trainers, and corporate partners
April 22-29, 2013: 67th International DECA Career Development Conference (ICDC) in
Anaheim, California
International Competition for DECA
role play competition
Attended by entire Provincial
Student Executive Team, around 600
students, teachers, and advisors from
DECA Ontario, and around 20,000
students, teachers, and judges from
around the world
May 25, 2013: Year-End Social for All
International Competition Attendees at TBA
Final social event for all ICDC
Attended by entire Provincial Student Executive Team and around 200 students,
teachers, and advisors
Key Contacts
Jerry Zhang
Public Relations/Communications Officer
DECA Ontario Provincial Student Executive
Mobile: 647-991-7845
Olga Plagianakos
Provincial Advisor
DECA Ontario Provincial Board of Directors
Mobile: 647-225-8009
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