TWIRP January 29, 2016 - Broad Street United Methodist Church


TWIRP January 29, 2016 - Broad Street United Methodist Church
T.W.I.R.P. (The Week In Review / Preview)
January 29, 2016
Dear BSUMC Family and Friends,
As everyone is no doubt aware, last Sunday we
experienced a Snow Sabbath. Soooo much snow fell
that we judged it wiser to cancel worship and take
the day to stay indoors, spent time with family, and
relax. We enjoyed a meal with neighbors and watched
the football games. Now and then such a break is nice.
Does the Bible speak of snow? In several places in the scripture we
find mention of snow. I am struck by Psalm 147: 15-17
God issues his command to the earth—
God’s word speeds off fast!
God spreads snow like it was wool;
God scatters frost like it was ashes;
God throws his hail down like crumbs—
who can endure God’s freezing cold?
In this Psalm the writer praises the Lord who rules over heaven and
earth, who commands wind and rain, hail and the waters. God scatters
the stars in space. God makes the grass to grow and gives food to all
living creatures. God is in control and God is mighty. But the Psalmist
is not satisfied to merely gaze in wonder at the mighty power of
nature that bends to God’s commands. The Psalmist also points out
God’s special purposes and care for God’s people in that God has
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especially revealed God’s truth, plan and purposes to a select few in
order to be a blessing to everyone on earth. The Psalmist concludes
the Psalm this way:
God proclaims his word to Jacob;
his statutes and rules to Israel.
God hasn’t done that with any other nation;
those nations have no knowledge of God’s rules.
Praise the LORD! Psalm 147:19-20
This may sound exclusionary. We
often recoil at the “unfairness”
that is implied in the notion that
God selects (or elects) a people
to enter into a special
relationship with them. And yet,
when we trace that idea through
scriptures, we find that God’s
Saturday view from my front door.
purpose is not to choose a people
for special privilege in exclusion from all others. Rather, God works in
the rough and tumble of human history by selecting a people for
special responsibility. God enters into covenant with these people.
God reveals truth, corrects error, disciplines and chastises them to
shape them to serve as a beacon of light to the world. God’s people
serve as “a Light to the Gentiles”. God chose Abram and Sarai and
promised them offspring in order to “bless all nations” through them.
God indeed sends snow and covers the earth. Snow looks pure and
clean and it covers the trash and garbage heaps, turning them into
lovely monuments of grace! Praise be to the Lord,
Pastor Kim
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Hey Guys,
Come bring a friend and
enjoy The Men's
Breakfast this Saturday
(January 30) at 8:00 am
Meet at the Edgewater
Queen Diner. We'll enjoy
faith, food, and
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A HUGE THANKS to all who helped
un-decorate a few weeks ago.
Whether the advent decorations are
going UP or coming DOWN......your
help is much appreciated.
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Dear Pastors,
Please share the information about the 2016 Basic Lay
Servant Class with your congregation. Your members
may sign up by completing the attached registration
There is no online registration.
The Capital District class will be held on Sundays: Feb.
28, March 6 & 13
1 pm–5:45 pm at:
First UMC
Delran, 32 Conrow Rd, Delran, NJ 08075.
Interested persons are welcome to attend class in any
district that suits their schedule. The registration fee
is $50.
Thank you,
Terri Pagani
Capital District Director
for Lay Servant Ministries
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6:30-8:30 pm
Free Admission
Skate Rental is
$4.00 per person
3/17 4/21 5/19
1775 Creek Road, Delanco, NJ
For more information to host a month or for skating:
Rev. Heidi Bak, or 609/220-8529
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This Sunday we will resume our study of the little book by the late Methodist
Bishop, Reuben P.Job, "Three Simple Rules".
Methodism began almost three centuries ago as a movement, mostly of lay
persons, who formed into small groups (classes and societies) bound together
to "flee God's wrath" and to "spread scriptural holiness over the land".
Methodists were practically minded people. They chose a "Method" and this
movement spread like wildfire. They ascribed to a simple set of rules. The
rules were practical, clear, easily committed to memory, and practicable. The
early Methodist sought to put them into practice for the glory of God. Here
are the three simple rules of the early Methodist Societies:
STAY IN LOVE WITH GOD (though in their original wording they listed it
as "attending upon all the ordinances of God").
This Sunday we will discuss chapter DO NO HARM.
What does this rule mean for us today?
How do we harm one another?
How can we refrain from doing harm and do good instead?
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 How does this pastoral urging of the Apostle
Paul embody these three rules?
Blessings, Pastor Kim
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Central Region Leadership
Back To Basics
The Greater New Jersey Central Region is holding leadership training
for both new and returning leaders serving in the following areas:
Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee
Board of Trustees
Finance Committee/Treasurers
Administrative Board/Church Council
Lay Leader/Lay Member to Annual Conference
Four opportunities for training throughout the region:
Sunday, January 31
From 3pm to 4:30pm at St Paul UMC, Willingboro
Sunday, February 21
From 4pm to 5:30pm at Monmouth Grace UMC, Eatontown
Tuesday, February 23
From 7:30pm to 9pm at Aldersgate UMC, East Brunswick
Thursday, February 25
From 7:30pm to 9pm at Whitehouse UMC, Whitehouse Station
To register, go on line to this address:
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Sunday, January 24, 2016
We had a Snow Sabbath last Sunday
Although we took the opportunity of snow and ice
to relax and stay at home, the bills still must be
payed! Please remember your Christian Stewardship
and give generously and add a bit extra this
upcoming Sunday.
*A note from our finance chairperson
If 25 people gave $150 extra per
month or $37.50 per week we would
have no shortfall
Keith Sheppard
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Various and Sundry Announcements
We have begun a clothing drive which will run through February 21
- 6 weeks. This drive benefits the Rescue Mission of Trenton. Please
put your donations in the large box to be found in the room at the
end of the hallway in the library (past the men’s room and stairs).
New and gently used clothes and shoes are acceptable. To learn
more about the Rescue Mission of Trenton, visit
The next Men’s breakfast will be at the Edgewater Diner on Route
130 at 8:00 am on January 30, 2017.
Tuesday, February 9, 5 pm - 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall (Junior
Room). Ash Wednesday and Lent will be here before you know it!
Join us for a delicious pancake and sausage meal as well as
fellowship with other Broad Street folks.
Tithes and offering envelops are still available now and you can pick
them up in the foyer of the church.
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Jan. 28 Choir practice 7:30
Jan. 30 BSUMC Walking Club 8:00
Men’s Breakfast 8:00
Jan. 31 Sunday School 9:30 Adult
Christian Education Worship
10:30 am Baptism of
Colton Ryan Lovejoy
Preacher: Pastor Kim
Back to Basic Training Event
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God Did Laugh Department