February 7, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
February 7, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME February 7, 2016 Year OUR STAR OF FAITH GIVING LIGHT TO ALL Volume 2 Number 11 C The SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community The Readings Today: God calls us in many ordinary and sometimes extraordinary ways. Today we hear of three people who were called: Isaiah, Simon Peter and Paul. Each situation was different, but what they had in common was feeling inadequate to the call: Isaiah feels unworthy of his calling (first reading Isa. 6:1-2a, 3-8), Paul calls himself “the least of the apostles” (second reading 1 Cor. 15:1-11) and Peter feels unworthy to follow Jesus (Luke 5:1-11). In this year focusing on mercy, we realize that we, too, are recipients of God’s mercy. We may feel inadequate, but we are all worthy in God’s merciful eyes. If You’re Not Humble, You Won’t Be Holy, says Pope in his homily VATICAN – During Mass at Casa in God. Santa Marta, Pope Francis said that “Humility,” the Pope stressed, “can sometimes we need to be humiliated in only get into the heart via humiliation. order to entrust ourselves truly to God There is no humility without humiliation, According to Vatican Radio, Pope and if you are not able to put up with some Francis stressed this during his daily humiliations in your life, you are not morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta last humble.” February 1st, as he recalled the story of Francis suggested this is simply King David who, aware of his own sin, “mathematical.” accepted being humiliated out of his trust The holiness that God gives His Children and the Church, the Holy Father reminded those gathered, came through the ‘humiliation’ of his Son, who allows himself to be insulted, who allows himself to, ‘unjustly,’ be placed on the Cross. “And this Son of God who humbles himself, this is the way of holiness. And David, through his behaviour, ASH WEDNESDAY February 10 Mass with Distribu on of Ashes 9am and 8pm Service of the Word with Distribu on of Ashes 12noon, 5pm, 6pm and 7pm (Continued on page 2) 2 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 CHURCH Report Mercy, not magic – Holy Doors and the Jubilee participate in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist with a reflection on mercy, make a profession of faith, and pray for the Holy Father and for his intentions for the good of the Church and of the entire world.” BOMBAY – The Archdiocese of Bombay issued a clarification last week after WhatsApp users in Maharashtra were circulating a 'misleading' message which promoted a superstitious understanding of the Year of Mercy. The archdiocese's note added, “It must be understood that walking through the Door of Mercy indicates the desire for the forgiveness of sins, and walking through it symbolises a leaving behind of the past and entering into a new life through Christ, who is the door.” The archdiocese's Jan. 19 “Please note that walking statement noted that the text “gives the through the Holy Doors is not a impression that merely walking substitute for the Sacrament of through the Doors of Mercy will result Reconciliation.” in the forgiveness of sins.” A source in the Bombay “These doors are not magical doors and we need to understand that archdiocese recounted to EWTN News to experience and obtain the that the misleading WhatsApp message indulgence, the faithful are called, as was based on an article about the pilgrims, to avail themselves of the opening of the local Holy Doors which (Continued on page 9) Sacrament of Reconciliation, to Administration Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S., Pastor Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Jorge Gomez del Valle, M.Sp.S., Vicar Santos Mendoza, M.Sp.S., Brother Craig Lundberg, Deacon Shannon Everist, Pastoral Asst. for Administration Lori Lowery, Secretary Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm) Mass Times: Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.org Facebook web link: http://www.facebook.com/eas.bothell Email: bulletin@easbothell.org myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton From Cover If you’re not humble ... prophesizes this humiliation of Jesus.” Because King David entrusted himself to God, Pope Francis stressed he was able to pass from sin to holiness. With his head covered and crying, knowing the gravity of his having arranged the death of the husband of Bathsheba to cover up his adultery, David leaves the city as others mock and curse him. At this point, Francis underscored, David puts himself in the hands of the Lord. “This is the path of David, from the moment of corruption to this entrusting of himself into the hands of the Lord. And this is holiness. This is humility.” Pope Francis invited those gathered to pray to the Lord for the grace of humility, “but also for the grace to understand that humility cannot be achieved without humiliation.” Our Mission and Vision Statements Mission: We are St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, a diverse Roman Catholic community guided by the Holy Spirit. We are transformed by grace through sacraments, prayer, compassion, and evangelization. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Vision: We will be a parish unified by our baptismal call, appreciative of our diversity and enriched by our ethnicities and cultures. We will be renewed by sacred liturgy, enlightened by faith formation, and compelled to serve with the compassion of Jesus. We will be the body of Christ. Officers and Councils The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Jenifer Arulnathan, Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino, Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy, Alice Paine The Leadership Team Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez, Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg, Steve Robinson The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist The Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358 Monday & Friday: 10am - 5pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10am – 6pm Wednesday: 11:30am-8:30pm TEAM Stephanie Matheny, Administrative Assistant Rosamaría García, Bilingual Assistant Stephanie Moran, Early Childhood/ Elementary Stephen Kramp, Life Teen Susie King, The Edge Index Calendar of Events Church Report Directory Faith Formation From Fr. Mario Happening… Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Pastor’s Corner Spanish / Sección en Español St Elizabeth Ann Seton Vocational Awareness Year of Mercy Youth, Typology SCAN ME FOR MORE INFORMATION 5 2 11 4 4 10 6 3 8 6 5 7 7 P A S T O R ’ S Corner “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” Last Sunday at the 5 p.m. Mass I asked if there was any youth interested in becoming a priest. As it is common nowadays… no hands were raised, I asked a second and a third time and still no hands. Earlier that morning I invited a couple to consecrate one of their children to God to be a priest… to that the father said, “maybe” and I said, “why not YES.” I even offered to do a private baptism if they consecrated him to be a priest… they just smiled. In my short time being a priest I have learned that if we don’t put obstacles in the way of God’s inspirations he will definitely do wondrous things in us. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3 directly in the eyes during Mass and afterwards he began a process of conversion. How often I’ve been moved to say a word to someone only to learn that they’ve been waiting to hear those words. “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” The problem today is that we are too concerned for our own wellbeing; in every realm, whether it be our homes, our workplaces, our church communities, etc... we want things to revolve around our wants. We need to not be afraid to go out into deep waters and there to lower our nets. Why are young people so afraid to plunge into these waters? In all my years of priesthood I have never felt Sacramentally it is very obvious… my hands forgiving sins and my words transforming bread into the body of Christ. It is Jesus in me making these miracles happen. And then other miracles happen… like the day I prayed over a couple that wanted to conceive a child and months later they came to me to share the good news that they have conceived. Or the time I looked someone LIFE AT... Last weekend many of our parishioners were happily surprised to see the image of our Risen Lord (which was inside the sanctuary up to now) moved to the entrance of the church. I was pleased to hear many positive comments and how much this change excited them and how the image with the colorful mural invited them to reflection. It is also important to acknowledge that some parishioners (three) approached me feeling upset because of the change. Perhaps there are more, but I would like to thank them for being open about their feelings and for sharing with me their viewpoints. Nonetheless this is a great opportunity to deepen in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s spirituality regarding the importance of being Children of the Church. So many of you have contributed to the renovation and changes that have been occurring in the church. Since my arrival here, our parish has received close to $84,000.00 in restricted donations by parishioners towards the changes you’ve seen (marble altar tops, tabernacle, St. Joseph’s statute, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton statue, crucifix etc...). Thank you. depressed, the excitement of listening to Jesus taking me to new places and inviting me to make the gospel new is always an adventure unparalleled by any other vocation. People often say: priests should be allowed to get married and then we would have more vocations. No, thanks! I am happy listening to one voice, God’s. I could just imagine having my wife telling me what to do or what not to do. I feel comfort sharing my joys and disappointments with Him who called me. “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” So many Catholics are ignoring this invitation. “We need to stop and let God work himself into us to fulfill his purpose through us.” Try putting aside the multitude of tasks that currently worry you. Seek an opportunity to get informed about what this calling entails. You will soon learn that all who responded with: “Here I am, send me!” are those that have made this world a more fraternal one because they have brought faith, hope and love to those most in need. That is one of the greatest feelings and incomparable to any other. have received $3,894.00 that will go towards my tuition. Thank you. Lent starts this week… we are having several celebrations during the Year of Mercy. Take time to reconcile with the Lord during this special time. Confessions are every Saturday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. During this Lenten Season I have also set aside Thursdays to hear your confessions… please drop by the office and reconcile with the Lord. More information is in the trifold that will be distributed. Please continue to keep the outcome of the General Chapter of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in your prayers (Prayer on page 6). Now that I mention donations, two weeks ago I commented in the bulletin about the “Good Leader, Good Shepherds” formation program that I am currently taking in the Archdiocese of Your Brother In Christ, Seattle, and invited you to help support me with the tuition . Once again I feel Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S. blessed for your generosity, up to today I 4 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 “IAMANOTHERJESUS”,aBEAUTIFULCALL The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit must be formed in such a way that each one of them, at a later time, in their holy ministry, be ANOTHER ME. This is the necessary condition for the salvation of souls, uniting themselves to me, transforming themselves into the ONLY SAVIOR, me. I see a multitude of holy priests approaching. They will be a powerful arm in the Church. I will bless all the places where they establish themselves. Priestly works are their works; not as a secondary purpose, but the main one. It is a special characteristic of this Congregation. I want them to be pure, simple, obedient, very much like me. They are mine in a special way…I love them very much! The wonderful mission we share as Missionaries of the Holy Spirit is to be a Priestly People. We want to help others realize the priestly vocation we all have by virtue of being Christians. We are priests due to our Baptism. We are called to be and build the people of God, a priestly people. We want to I invite you to take this text as your own in your live united to Christ Priest and Victim, who invites us to make of personal prayer. We are called to be another Jesus, we are called our life a never ending offering. to take part in the salvific mission of the Church and reach every In the following text Fr. Felix invites all the corner of the world with Jesus’ message of love. What a Missionaries of the Holy Spirit to be another Jesus, in the words beautiful thing to have a merciful heart like that of Jesus! of the Lord Himself. I am convinced this invitation is for every Fr. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS Christian faithful. F A I T H Formation February 8th Join other middle school youth for our session Desert Wanderer as we look at Lent. Open youth room begins at 6:45pm Sessions at 7pm Parents: On Monday’s Edge your youth learned about the liturgical season of Lent. We learned that the 40 days of Lent is a time of penance and conversion in our Church. Through acts of penance, we unite ourselves in small ways to the mystery of Christ’s fasting and prayer in the desert. We learned that we can perform acts of penance through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Through these acts of penance, we grow in love for the Lord. Penance helps us to properly align our passions for the things of this world so that they do not rule us but rather that we have control over them. Here are some questions for your son or daughter: Why did Jesus decide to go into the desert for 40 days? ▪ No LifeTeen mee ng this Sunday night (2/7). We’ll all be sleeping a er spending our weekend at Camp Brotherhood with the #lighto heworld. We’ll be back in ac on on 2/14—that’s right, on Valen ne’s Day night! See you then! ▪ Keep our retreat and post-retreat teens in your prayers this week. Ask our Lord to give them the grace and support they need so the seeds he plants this weekend can grow, and so this short-butamazing weekend can propel them into a long-and-amazing life of holiness and love. Adult Faith Formation ▪ How can we as a family pray more? Bible Study— Acts of the Apostles – In the day of St. Paul, being a Roman citizen carried a lot of clout. Paul used his citizenship to save him from a beating and get a free ride to Rome. Read Acts 22:1-25:12 (Session 18), discuss, and view a DVD lecture on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. All Adults are invited. ▪ Are there things as a family we should fast from For more information call 425-481-9358. ▪ What can we do as a family to give alms? (e.g. put Women’s Fellowship: On Tuesday Feb. 9th we will be studying during Lent? (e.g. TV, eating out, time on the internet) aside money for a charity, volunteer at a soup kitchen/charity) It’s coming! The Junior High Rally!! "Have Saturday March 12th. This is open to Mercy" all Middle school Youth. Permission slips available and due by February 25th. the “Catechism Paragraphs 2196-2557 Commandments 4-10!” All women welcome. At noon, all parishioners are invited to pray the “Rosary for Life” with us. Contact Mary Christie: 425-776-3967 Or Rachel Castro: 425-486-9232 if you have questions. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5 A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness To have a “priest’s heart” A priest’s heart is modeled after the Sacred Heart of Jesus, full of kindness and compassion for others, like the Good Shepherd. When I say “heart” in this context, I am describing what is also called the soul. I can remember when I was a vocations director giving a talk on vocations, often some young man would come up to me afterwards and say something like “Father, that was a great talk! When you were talking, my heart was really burning.” I would always reply, “If your heart was burning, it was not because of my talk. The Holy Spirit is the only one who makes a man’s heart burn, and he does it especially when he is calling that man to something great. You could be called to be a priest.” You can tell a lot about a person’s heart by simply watching him, listening to him and observing what he says and does. I believe that a “priest’s heart” is one of the best indications for a vocatiosn director that a man is pursuing priesthood for the right reasons.” Do you know someone who has a priest’s heart? How can you help him hear and respond to this call? From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett Brannen A Prayer for every VOCATION Whatever trade, profession or other endeavor you follow, remember the words of the psalmist, who prays to God to lead him on his search for his vocation. Lord God, you know me. You know when I sit And when I stand. You have me always in your heart. I thank you for this, Lord. You know the path for my life And what will make me happy. Show it to me, Lord. Bless me, guide and be my Lord, So whatever road I choose, I may choose it for your glory. Amen. For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp Priests: Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S. Fr. Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S. FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME AND BEGINNING OF LENT Monday February 8 Pastoral Council 6:45pm CR Edge 7pm Hall Curso Biblia Español 7pm St. 4 Tuesday February 9 Women’s Fellowship 10am Hall Rosary for Life 12noon Church Faith Formation Elementary 4:30pm All Rooms Adult Faith Formation 7pm Hall Praise and Bible Study 7pm Chapel/St. 3 Wednesday February 10 Ash Wednesday (cover for schedule) Passion Play Rehearsal 7pm Seton House Thursday February 11 Faith Formation Elementary 4:30pm All Rooms AA 6:30pm St. 1 St. Vincent de Paul 6:30pm St. 7 Catholic Daughters 7pm Hall SacraMentors 7pm St. 2 Vine Moms’ Group 7pm St. 3 Passion Play Rehearsal 7pm Church “Luz y Vida” Gpo. Oración 7pm Seton House Friday February 12 Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper 6:15pm Comité Guadalupano 7pm St. 4 Grupo de Jóvenes 7pm Youth Room Healing Mass 7pm Church Saturday February 13 Ambiente Seguro Training 10am St. 4 Passion Play Rehearsal 1pm Church Kerygma Youth Group 4pm Seton House Daily Spiritual Nourishment Mon., Feb. 8: 1 Kings 8:1-7, 19-13; Mark 6:53-56 They began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard Jesus was. Have we been living out our primary mission to become the body of Christ to a wider world? Tues., Feb. 9: 1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30; Mark 7:1-13 “This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” How are you preparing for lent? Season of Lent Wed., Feb. 10: Joel 2:12-18; Psalm 51; 2 Cor. 5:20–6:2; Matt. 6:1-6, 6-18 Ash Wednesday Give me back the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit. In this Year of Mercy, how are you to bring the Gospel message of joy and mercy to others? Thurs., Feb. 11: Deut. 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25 Whoever wishes to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake will save it. Do you choose life by choosing forgiveness over revenge, affirmation over criticism, dignity over gossip, holiness over busyness? Fri., Feb. 12: Isa. 58:1-9a; Matt 9:14-15 This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly. How do you fast? Sat., Feb. 13: Isa. 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32 The Lord will renew your strength and you shall be like a watered garden. The routines and busy schedules can make life strained. Do you take time for God to renew you? 6 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 E L I Z A B E T H Ann Seton From her own writings… Discerning your Vocation Elizabeth’s correspondences and writings reveal her function as a codiscerner for one's vocation in life. To Elizabeth, the fundamental vocation of life was the glorification of God and the salvation of the soul in the hope of union with God. Elizabeth guided her directees to discern their thoughts, words and actions in their everyday life in the light of this ultimate goal. In her spiritual direction, she continually urged her directees to discern this absolute vocation of human life in the hope of eternal union with God. Elizabeth also assisted individuals to discern their life decisions in the light of their vocation as a Christian lay person, religious, or priest. For instance, when she noticed one seminarian left the blessed that can adorn a Human Being.” seminary in doubt of his priestly Elizabeth directed individuals to vocation, she sent her advice to him in discern everything in the light of the Holy the following letter: Spirit who would lead them to eternal “After all, the choice of a clergyman’s union with God. life is but placing yourself in a situation Elizabeth presented the will of God as to fulfill the solemn duties you engaged the norm of discernment in their journey in at your Baptism, have since renewed to God. To herself the will of God was the in confirmation, and must at all times be roadmap in her journey toward eternal convinced are the only pledges of eternal union with God and the first standard of Peace to your Soul and which you are discernment for her life's decision in not the less strictly bound to fulfill grace. She often shared her life because you see the greater number of experiences of following the will of God your fellow creatures live in neglect and with individuals, especially with someone disregard to them -A man may be a very who needed spiritual guidance. good man in the pursuit of any other Profession—but certainly that of a From the book “Spiritual Direction in the Writings of Clergyman is the easiest, surest road to Elizabeth Ann Seton”, Lee God, and the first, the highest, and most M I S S I O N A R I E S of The Holy Spirit St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is staffed by the Religious Congregation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit In this Section you will find interesting articles about the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, the Spirituality of the Cross and the life of their founding parents: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita) and Fr. Felix de Jesus Rougier. Listening to God’s Voice What we must always do is not the highest act, or the most humble act, we must simply do what God’s will is for us. His will is one, unchangeable, most holy, at each stage of our life it asks of us something particular, and it varies according to the times and circumstancs in our life. But this particular something is just a link in a mysterious chain, this chain is the design of God’s will on our souls. It will bring amazing union, because God’s ideal for us is Union, for each one of us: union with Him. The night before His passion, Jesus in his amazing High Priestly prayer says “Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.” Your word is truth. Lord, consecrate us in the Truth. Daily bread… from the writings of Concepcion Cabrera de Armida GENERAL CHAPTER 2016 MIssionaries of the Holy Spirit Triune God, community of life and love, bless the General Chapter of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit so that it may be an experience of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, fraternal communion and missionary outreach. Father, may this Chapter enkindle in them the desire to extend the reign of the Holy Spirit, building the Priestly People, creating opportunities for growing in holiness and boosting a commitment to solidarity. Jesus, give them your ears and your heart, so that they may be able to discern your will by listening to the needs of the world and the wishes of the Father. Holy Spirit, fill them with wisdom, fortitude and love. Amen. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7 JUBILEE OF MERCY MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER With my eyes on the Lord Everything, O my Lord, shall be dull and dim to me, after looking at you. There is nothing on earth, not even what is most naturally dear to me, that I can love in comparison of you. And I would lose everything whatever rather than lose you. For you, O my Lord, are my supreme and only Lord and love. My God, you know infinitely better that I how little I love you. I should not love you at all, except for your grace. It is your grace which has opened the eyes of my mind, and enabled them to see your glory. It is your grace which has touched my heart, and brought upon it the influence of what is so wonderfully beautiful and fair. How can I help loving you, O my Lord, except by some dreadful perversion which hinders me from looking at you? O my God, whatever is nearer to me than you, things of this earth, and things more naturally pleasing to me, will be sure to interrupt the sight of you, unless your grace interfere. Keep you my eyes, my ears, my heart, from any such miserable tyranny. Break my bonds—raise my heart. Keep my whole being fixed on you. Let me never lose sight of you; and, while I gaze on you, let my love of you grow more and more every day. Blessed John Henry Newman Y o u t h Section Typology “Typology might throw a lot of type at you, but we’re no dummies. We know images are incredibly powerful. So this week we’re sending some inspiring images and video clips your way just in case you’ve been studying a ton for finals recently and you feel like your brain is about to melt and leak out your left ear canal. Or something like that. So in no particular order: Typology always respects teens who sing their hearts out for Jesus. When their bus was stranded in the blizzard on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, a group of teens from St. John Cantius High School in Chicago escaped into a nearby motel for a #MotelBarMass. Check out these clips of the teens singing some beautiful Mass parts, and get inspired to join our LifeTeen choir! https://goo.gl/ysLXdq Check out some great scenes from the #turnpikemass of 2016, where teens who were stuck in the Washington, D.C. blizzard after the #MarchForLife built an altar out of snow. “Why we march—to tell the truth about what it means to be human.” Love it! https://goo.gl/WYqjFz Finally, in case you’re a numbers-counter and you’re not impressed by the March For Life this year, which was indeed down from its usual hundreds and hundreds of thousands because of, you know, the MASSIVE BLIZZARD that smashed the East Coast—we thought we’d throw some serious numbers at you. As in, 2,000,000 participating in a candlelit Eucharistic procession in Cebu in the Philippines. https://goo.gl/ QUyV5y (And yes, there are some other amazing images from this event on that website—check them out Congrats!! Brett Bean has been awarded Mill Creek Rotary Student of the Month. Brett is very involved in the Archbishop Murphy Community. He is on the school’s executive council, has major roles in fall plays, spring musicals and the DECA program. He is a National Honor Society member, participates in football, track, tennis, as well as Canoe and Kayac Club, and the French Club. Brett hopes to attend Santa Clara University or Pepperdine majoring in business or marketing. He is also an active participant in our LifeTeen program at SEAS. Congrats! 8 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 Sección en Español Mensaje del Párroco ¿Por qué tienen miedo los jóvenes proceso de conversión. Muchas veces siento la inspiración de decirle a alguien de adentrarse en estas aguas? En todos una palabra y luego me entero que mis años de sacerdocio nunca me he El domingo pasado en Misa de 5 esperaban oír aquello. sentido deprimido; el entusiasmo de oír a pregunté si había algún joven interesado Jesús que me lleva a nuevos lugares y me “A quién enviaré? en ser sacerdote. Como ya es común en invita a compartir el evangelio de manera ¿Quién irá de parte mía? estos días… no vi ninguna mano alzarse. novedosa es siempre una aventura Volví a preguntar dos veces, y todavía incomparable con ninguna otra vocación. El problema de hoy es que estamos nadie levantó la mano. Esa misma mañana La gente suele decir: deberían permitir que demasiado preocupados por nuestro invité a una pareja a consagrar a uno de se casen los sacerdotes, entonces habría propio bienestar; en todas las áreas, sea sus hijos a Dios para ser sacerdote… el más vocaciones. ¡No, gracias! Yo soy feliz en el hogar, en el trabajo, en nuestra papá dijo “quizás” y yo le contesté “¿por oyendo una sola voz, la de Dios. Ya me comunidad parroquial, etc… queremos que qué no contestar SÍ! ? Incluso ofrecí imagino a mi esposa diciendo qué hacer y todo gire alrededor de nuestras celebrar un Bautismo privado si lo qué no. Siento consuelo de compartir mis necesidades. Debemos deshacernos del consagraban para ser sacerdote… sólo alegrías y desencantos con Aquel que me temor de hacernos mar adentro y echar sonrieron. llamó. nuestras redes allí. En el corto tiempo que llevo de ser “A quién enviaré? sacerdote he aprendido que si ¿Quién irá de parte mía? no ponemos obstáculos a las Demasiados católicos ignoran inspiraciones de Dios, esta invitación. “Debemos definitivamente hará cosas detenernos y dejar que Dios maravillosas en nosotros. actúe en nosotros para cumplir Hablando Su propósito a través de sacramentalmente, resulta nosotros”. Intenta dejar de lado la obvio… mis manos que multitud de tareas que te perdonan pecados y mis preocupan en este momento. palabras que transforman el pan Busca la oportunidad de y el vino en el cuerpo de Cristo. averiguar qué implica este Es Jesús quien realiza esos llamado. Pronto te darás cuenta milagros a través mío. Y luego que quienes respondieron “¡Aquí ocurren otros milagros… como estoy, envíame!” son las la vez que oré sobre una pareja personas que han hecho de este que quería tener un hijo y luego mundo un lugar más fraterno me llaman para compartirme la porque han llevado la fe, la buena noticia de que esperanza y la caridad a los más Debemos detenernos y dejar que Dios actúe en nosotros ¡finalmente estaban esperando un necesitados. Es éste uno de los para cumplir Su propósito a través de nosotros bebé! O la vez que miré a alguien sentimientos más maravillosos, y directamente a los ojos durante la no se puede comparar con nada. Misa y luego comenzó para él un “A quién enviaré? ¿Quién irá de parte mía? LO QUE OCURRE EN... El fin de semana pasado muchos feligreses recibieron la agradable sorpresa de ver la imagen del Cristo Resucitado (que antes estaba en el Santuario) reubicado a la entrada de la iglesia. Me dio gusto oír muchos comentarios positivos y emocionados con el cambio, y algunos me dijeron que la imagen en el mural tan colorido los invitaba a la meditación. También es importante reconocer que algunos feligreses (tres) se me acercaron a decirme que no estaban contentos con el cambio. Quizás haya más, pero quiero agradecerles a quienes me expresaron sus sentimientos abiertamente y compartieron conmigo sus puntos de vista. De todas maneras es una perfecta oportunidad para adentrarnos en la espiritualidad de Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton en lo que concierne a ser Hijos de la Iglesia. Muchos de ustedes han contribuido para los cambios y renovaciones que han ocurrido en la iglesia. Desde que llegué, la parroquia ha recibido cerca de $84,000 en donaciones restringidas de nuestros feligreses para los cambios que se han efectuado (mármol de los altares, el sagrario, la estatua de San José, la estatua de Sta Elizabeth, el Crucifijo, etc). Gracias. Hablando de donaciones, hace dos semanas usé el boletín para comentarles del programa de formación al que estoy asistiendo “Buenos líderes, buenos pastores”, y les pedí su colaboración para pagar mi colegiatura. Una vez más me siento bendecido por su generosidad, hasta hoy he recibido $3,894 para ayudarme a pagar la colegiatura. Gracias. Cuaresma… tendremos varias celebraciones durante este Año de la Misericordia. Date tiempo de reconciliarte con el Señor durante este tiempo tan especial. Las confesiones son todos los sábados de 3:30 a 5pm y por cita. Durante este tiempo de Cuaresma voy a apartar los días jueves para escuchar confesiones… ven a la oficina y reconcíliate con el Señor. Más información en el tríptico que será distribuido. Por favor continúa orando por el resultado del Capítulo General de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo (oración: pg. 9). Tu hermano en Cristo, Esta semana comienza la P. Roberto Saldívar, M.Sp.S. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9 “YOSOYOTROJESUS”,HERMOSOLLAMADO Ser Pueblo Sacerdotal es la gran misión que tenemos como Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Queremos ayudar a tomar conciencia de la vocación sacerdotal que como cristiano cada uno tenemos. Somos sacerdotes por nuestro bautismo. Estamos llamados a formar y construir el pueblo de Dios, pueblo sacerdotal. Queremos vivir unidos en Cristo Sacerdote y Víctima que nos invita a hacer de nuestra vida una ofrenda constante. En este texto el P. Félix invita a todos los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo a ser otros Jesús, con palabras del Señor, yo creo que esta invitación es para todo fiel cristiano. Los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo deben ser formados dinámicas matrimoniales LO QUE DIOS HA UNIDO de tal manera que cada uno, más tarde, en el santo ministerio, sea OTRO YO. Esa es la condición indispensable para que salven a las almas, uniéndose, transformándose en el UNICO SALVADOR que soy Yo. Veo venir una legión de sacerdotes santos. Serán un brazo poderoso en la Iglesia. Yo bendeciré todos los lugares donde hagan fundaciones. Las obras sacerdotales son sus obras; no de una manera secundaria, sino principal. Es carácter especial de esta Congregación. Los quiero puros, sencillos, obedientes, muy parecidos a Mí. Son míos de una manera especial… ¡Cuánto los amo! Te invito a hacer tuyo este texto en tu oración personal. Estamos llamados a ser otro Jesús, estamos llamados a participar en la misión salvadora de la Iglesia y a llegar a todos los rincones con el mensaje de amor de Jesús. Que hermoso tener el corazón misericordioso como Jesús. P. Mario Rodríguez, MSpS 27 y 28 de Febrero St. Bernardette, Burien CAPITULO GENERAL 2016 Cuota por pareja $120 Interesados, comunicarse con Laura Esparza: 425-350-0853 Polo Esparza: 425-268-1954 Ambiente Seguro en Español Entrenamiento de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle Si tu trabajo o voluntariado te pone en contacto con niños o adultos vulnerables, debes tomar esta clase “Protegiendo a los niños de Dios”. Ofreceremos una clase en Español, aquí en Sta. Elizabeth, el próximo sábado 13 de Febrero a las 10am en el Salón 4. No habrá cuidado de niños. El cupo es limitado. Regístrate en línea, Virtusonline.org o comunícate con la Oficina de Formación Religiosa para hacerlo: 425-481-9358, Stepahanie Matheny y Rosamaria Garcia From page 2 Mercy, not magic... appeared in a local daily newspaper. The source added that the article had not entered deeply into the theological, sacramental, or liturgical significance of the Year of Mercy. Misioneros del Espíritu Santo Dios -Trinidad, comunidad de vida y amor, bendice el Capítulo General de los M.Sp.S., para que sea una experiencia de efusión del Espíritu Santo, de comunión fraterna y envío misionero. Padre, que este Capítulo reavive en ellos el anhelo de extender el reinado del Espíritu Santo, construyendo el Pueblo Sacerdotal, generando procesos de santidad e impulsando el compromiso de solidaridad. Jesús, dales tus oídos y tu corazón, para que, atentos a las necesidades del mundo y a los sueños de tu Padre, puedan discernir tu voluntad. Espíritu Santo, Llénalos de sabiduría, fortaleza y amor. Amén. Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay opened the Doors of Mercy at Mumbai's Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount on Dec. 20, 2015. He reminded the faithful: “This is the Lord's Gate: let us enter through it and obtain mercy and forgiveness.” The doors were then opened, using the Bible as the key, with the following invocation, "Open the Gates of Justice; we shall enter and give thanks.” Mumbai-area parishes are hosting catechetical seminars to help explain to the The cardinal in his homily at the faithful the importance and meaning of the Mass explained the characteristics and Year of Mercy. significance of the Holy Year and urged the The jubilee year includes Holy Doors faithful to “fix your eyes on Jesus” and to in every diocese. When they pass through the be “agents of God’s mercy.” doors pilgrims can receive a plenary “No one should say that it is difficult indulgence – under the usual conditions. to reach God and difficult to obtain mercy, for the Church is indeed the vehicle of mercy,” Cardinal Gracias said. “We are the Church and it becomes our Christian duty to spread the message of God’s mercy and reconciliation.” “With the corporal and spiritual acts of mercy, we have direction; with the example of our religious leaders, we have motivation; and with God’s mercy through Jesus himself, we have a straight path.” In the Archdiocese of Seattle the following have designated Holy Doors: St James Cathedral, Seattle, And the Protocathedral of St. James the Greater in Vancouver. 10 | The SETON Sunday News | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 HAPPENING Here and elsewhere SEAS Pro-Life Ministry Spiritual Adoption Program Everyone loves the beauty and innocence of a baby. As an expression of that love, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Pro-Life Ministry announces an adoption program for young and old alike. You will have the opportunity on February 13-14 to “spiritually” adopt a child who is newly conceived this month. Not all newly conceived babies are allowed to be born. In fact, more than 4,000 babies lose their lives to abortion each day. It is these babies you are being asked to “adopt”. There are millions of unborn babies desperately in need of your prayers. Won’t you please “spiritually adopt” one and share the love for life that God has given you? Any questions, contact Karen Salvati at (425) 327-8700. The Catholic Daughters will be selling raffle ckets for their annual Valen nes Day baskets this weekend. Drawing will be held a er Sunday 2/7 5pm Mass. Winners will be able to pick up their basket during the week, just in me for Valen ne’s Day. Support their chari es and win a great gi basket for someone special. “The Passion of the Christ”, after a very successful performance last year, this play will be back for 2 showings at our EAS Parish! Join us, as our talented parishioners reenact the last days of Jesus! This will be more than a performance, but also a reverent way to participate in the Paschal Mystery and the Stations of the Cross. An event of a Lifetime! FREE ADMISSION – Donations accepted Friday March 18, and Saturday 19, 8pm, in the sanctuary For information emmalafonnt@gmail.com or Roxanne 206.354.2383 Concert with Donna Cori Gibson on the Stations of the Cross Second Friday of Lent February 19th 7pm Home Visitation / Peer Counseling Ministry A reminder that we have a Home Visitation/Peer Counseling Ministry available to you and your family. The goal of this ministry is to bring God's mercy and hope to those going through difficult transitions and losses. We strive to bring joy and support to those who may be alone a lot or grieving some loss. It is important that they know Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish cares about them and prays for them. Please help us reach those who might benefit from this ministry by calling me. There are cards in the vestibule with my phone number and e-mail. It is important, too, that we all pray for each other and especially for those who are ill and house bound. Joan M. Kluck (Coordinator) Finding support after the Death of a Loved One Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? St. Brendan Parish is offering a bereavement support group, which will provide you with an opportunity to share with other grieving people who can understand and support you. The program consists of seven weekly sessions that help people to know what to expect and not to expect during the grieving process. It will begin Wednesday, February 10th at 10:30 am in the Church Library. The group wil be facilitated by Arlene Sullivan, Chris Gaines and Margie Inghram. For more information, contact Margie Inghram at 425-486-8953 or mwinghram@frontier.com. Registration will take place at the beginning of the first sesión. There is no charge for this class. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion “The Church has a duty to be close to these [postabortive] people with love and delicacy. Catholics have an obligation to reach out to women hurting after an abortion. The Gospel of Love and Life is also always the Gospel of Mercy .” Pope Benedict XVI, April 2008 Catholic Conference We can help you on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ retreat March 4-6, 2016 Seabeck and April 15-17, 2016 Stanwood Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 02/07/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Elisabeth Kramp Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver Environment Team, Claudia Galindo Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Linda Brownfield Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Pat Sweeney Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504 Connect to St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church through myParish App (for I-Phone and Android) A Call to Share… (Vigil) 5 pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5 pm $2,591.00 $3,416.00 $2,905.00 $2,338.00 $4,508.50 Children’s Envelopes $113.00 EFT Contributions $6,904.75 Mid Week $861.25 Total Offering $23,637.00 Thank you... Delgado Towing También hablamos español Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Everist, Shannon Garcia, Rosamaria Gomez, Fr. Jorge King, Susie Kramp, Stephen Lowery, Lori Lundberg, Dn. Craig Matheny, Stephanie Mendoza, Br. Santos Moran, Stephanie Rodriguez, Fr. Mario Saldivar, Fr. Roberto shannon@easbothell.org rosamaria@easbothell.org fr.jorge@easbothell.org susiek@easbothell.org stephen@easbothell.org lori@easbothell.org deaconcraig@easbothell.org stephaniem@easbothell.org br.santos@easbothell.org stephaniehm@easbothell.org fr.mario@easbothell.org fr.saldivar@easbothell.org 425-481-0303 ext.24 425-481-9358 ext.29 425-481-0303 ext.22 425-481-9358 ext.34 425-481-9358 ext.26 425-481-0303 ext.21 425-481-9358 ext.25 425-481-9358 ext.31 425-481-0303 ext.36 425-481-9358 ext.28 425-481-0303 ext.23 425-481-0303 ext.39 Adams, Arthur Apin, Ana May Apin, Gerry Arulnathan, Jenifer Auroux, Jacqueline Baer, Jane Brownfield, Linda Cardona, Eduardo Cardona, Veronica Carver, Amelia Chagoya, Graciela Christie, Mary Cooley, Kelly Dellino, Jean Egashira, Kathy Galindo, Claudia Gagner, Nicolette Gallagher, Paul Gimenez, Marcia Harvill, Chris Hernandez, Elvira Iwamoto, Marianne Kennedy, Robert Kramp, Elisabeth Kluck, Joan Leone, Vicki Martinez, Roberto Maurer, Pat Occhiuto, Scott Paine, Alice Portello, Doug Robinson, Erin Salvati, Karen Sweeney, Pat Taylor, Kathy jailers@excustomsnet.com anamay91@yahoo.com gbapin@yahoo.com renitajose@hotmail.com gempapa@aol.com jdcbaer@yahoo.com sewslow48@hotmail.com eduardo.cardona@live.com veritos72@hotmail.com a.carver@frontier.com carlahernandez32.ch@gmail.com kchristie4@comcast.net coolkis4@hmsn.com sjdellino@msn.com songbird636@gmail.com cgalindo357@gmail.com 4gees625@comcast.net paulg1406@yahoo.com marciagim@hotmail.com csnharvill@hotmail.com elvi45@yahoo.com yukima@frontier.com rken22579@aol.com ebkramp@gmail.com kluck_e@comcast.net vleone02@gmail.com rbdmartin@hotmail.com Italianmaid.pm@gmail.com calabria1922@yahoo.com ar.paine@frontier.com daportello@hotmail.com erin.m.robinson33@gmail.com karensalvati@yahoo.com pmj.sweeney@frontier.com mitka@comcast.net Ministries and groups 425-948-7635 425-741-2007 425-741-2007 425-488-3264 425-585-0303 425-357-1037 360-863-3750 425-212-8053 425-212-7864 425-745-1436 425-770-0680 425-776-3967 425-239-5665 425-337-3182 206-214-5884 425-315-5151 425-481-7022 425-338-1268 206-819-6952 360-348-0793 425-876-9986 425-385-8694 425-418-1636 425-482-5993 425-337-9928 425-870-0940 425-971-3104 425-931-9330 425-308-0888 425-418-4925 425-530-1846 425-422-9881 425-327-8700 425-485-8317 425-485-8056 Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Mina Amlag Roberta Autron Jane Bentley Tom Bender Shawna Boger Eulalia Castillo Ruth Carpizo Billie Dougherty Anna Epps Marjorie Frye Vanessa Griffith Fred Hundertmark Helen Johnston Karen Jolokai Patricia Kramer Doris Lundgren Patti Means Shirley Muntz Yolanda Noblezada Teresa Paris Ritzy Rafer Floyd Roderick Lily Ann Roderick Joyce Rosas Florentine Ruhland Benita Schumacher Jim Schumacher Leticia Solorzano Fran Sphung Francis Sullivan Remy Tolentino Richard Totorica Barb West Tami Wyatt May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and God the Holy Spirit enlighten you. Amen.