Winter 2014 - MSU Varsity S Club
Winter 2014 - MSU Varsity S Club
partan entinel Michigan State University Varsity ‘S’ Club N E W S L E T T E R VOL. 57 ISSUE 1 A Spartan Moment for the Ages The top center Spartan in this photo is Kyler Ellsworth, who along with Taiwan Jones, Corry Brown and Micajah Reynolds, smothered Stanford fullback Ryan Hewitt and ended the Cardinal’s chances on New Years Day. Ellsworth, who replaced starter Max Bullough, was named Defensive Most Valuable Player of the game. (More pictures on page 3) W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Michigan State University Varsity ‘S’ Club 535 Chestnut Rd. - Rm 276 East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: (517) 355-8523 Fax: (517) 355-7708 Email: Website: 2013-2014 Varsity ‘S’ Club Executive Committee President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Cheryl Gilliam ’81 Wally Dobler ’58 R. Paul Vance ’01 Mike Vorkapich ’94 David Brogan ’56 Colin Cronin ’94 Board of Directors Don Behm ’67 Ian Clutten ’07 Dave Thomas ’01!! Don Weatherspoon ’67! Tim Bograkos ’04 Sue Selke ’76 David W. Thomas ’75 Young Alumni Lauren Aitch ’09! ! Erica Mann ’11 Office Staff: Marilyn Bria (Office Hours: M-Th, 12-4; F, 12-3) Newsletter Editor: Ron Berby We value your opinion and want to know what you think about the Varsity ‘S’ Club Newsletter. Send us an e-mail, call or fax with items or topics you would like to see included in future newsletters. If you have suggestions on how to improve the publication, let us know. Elections for the Board of Directors of the Varsity ‘S’ Club are held each spring. If you would like to serve on the Board, simply visit our website, click on the application tab, print the form, complete, and mail to the the club office. President’s Message Dear Fellow Spartans and Friends, Congratulations to our Winter Sports Teams on an outstanding job. They performed well in the classroom as Champions, and gave it their all in Sport. Thanks to our coaching staffs for focusing on keeping STUDENT first in Student-Athlete. They are creating future leaders who we can be proud of for decades to come. Also, congratulations to our 2014 Major Award Winners, and welcome to the Club to our Class of 2014 Honorary Members. You will learn more about them at our Golf Outing and during the summer. Folks, 2015 is right around the corner and we will celebrate 100 years. Take time to honor your teammates and nominate those who are qualified for our 2015 Major Awards. And submit support letters to the Athletic office to nominate them for consideration for the Class of 2014 or 2015 MSU Athletics Hall of Fame. Thanks again for this remarkable experience as serving as your President, my term ends June 30th and Paul Vance will start his term as your President on July 1, 2014. We look forward to hearing from you often. Your comments are encouraged and much appreciated. Tell us how we can serve you better, especially those members not in the Michigan area. Go Green and Remember: we are SPARTANS FOR LIFE! W I N T E R 2 2 0 1 4 Pictures from the 2014 Rose Bowl Top two photos by Eric Zemper Bottom three by Erica Mann A Gathering of Champions They travelled to Madison to watch the Big Ten Wrestling meet, and few in the crowd knew of their greatness. Grady Peninger, MSU wrestling coach from the ‘60s to the ‘80s, was joined by Dale Anderson, Don Behm, Mike Bradley, Dale Carr and Jack Zindel. In 1967 all had been Big Ten Individual Champions on a Spartan Big Ten Championship team. All had been NCAA Individual Champions on an NCAA Championship team. And all had been named All-American. Behm admitted to being the weak link. “I was the only one who was All-American only twice. The rest had been AllAmerican in all three of their varsity eligible years!” Front row: friend of MSU wrestling Bob Lebrant, Peninger, Behm and Carr -Back row: Bradley, Zindel and Anderson W I N T E R 3 2 0 1 4 Fall 2013 Letterwinner Graduates Baseball - Andrew Waszak Field Hockey - Molly Cassidy & Adelle Lever Football - Maxwell Bullough, Denzel Drone, Fouimalo Fonoti, Daniel France, Derek Hoebing, Jairus Jones, Nathaniel Klatt, Andrew Maxwell, Kevin Muma & Blake Treadwell Golf - William Morris Ice Hockey - Zachary Golembiewski & Trevor Nill Rowing - Alicia Dimauro & Heather Holliday Men’s Soccer - Kevin Cope, Wesley Curtis, Bryce Dobbins & Ryan Thelen Softball - Raime Cronkhite Swimming & Diving - Mark Gammell & Jacob Jarzen Men’s Tennis - Christian Roehmer Women’s Tennis - Nicole Herzog Men’s Track & Field - Christopher Hessell Women’s Track & Field - Melanie Brender, Meggan Freeland, Amanda Impellizerri & Megan Rodgers Volleyball - Amy Dentlinger MSU Represented on Sochi Olympic Ice Goalie Ryan Miller (Hockey 1999-02) played for the 4th place American team in this winter’s Olympics. Canadian Duncan Keith (Hockey 2001-02) played for the Gold Medal Canadian Squad. Slight Mistake gets Parke a Spartan Career On seeing his picture on the cover of our Spring 2013 issue (front row far left in mid-1950s ‘S’ Club group picture) Winnipeg’s Ross Parke sent a note telling of his hockey career at State as its top scorer from 1955 to 1958. In 1954 he had to make a decision: to sign with the Red Wings organization and lose his amateur status, or to go back to school. He decided “school” and headed down to Michigan to join a hockey acquaintance at the University of Michigan. He arrived at the wrong university, one called Michigan State! But he reports, “Good old Amo Bessoni (State’s hockey coach) talked me into staying at State.” Later he played on an Allan Cup winning senior team and on the Canadian National Team, competing with teams from Czechoslovakia, USA, Finland, Sweden, Russia and Germany. He’s retired and lives in Winnipeg. - seen here in a ‘58 State Journal article calling him MSU’s “Mr. Hockey.” Achievements Mount up for Spartan Teams Women’s Cross Country-team wins third Big Ten Title in four years, Michigan second each time Field Hockey-Spartans down 2-0 at halftime, explode to 3-2 win over Iowa and take 4th Big Ten Tourney title Men’s Soccer-team reaches NCAA final 8 for first time since ’68, Coach Rensing Regional Coach of the Year Football-offense struggles early, team gels to solid wins in Big Ten Championship and Rose Bowl Women’s Basketball-Injuries plague team in preseason, but Spartans toughen, tie for Big Ten Championship Men’s Basketball-injuries haunt team for months, but Spartans come through big in dominating wins for the Big Ten Tourney title, then advance to the NCAA Elite Eight before losing to Connecticut Learfield Sports-rate teams based on conference and NCAA competitions, name Michigan State as second in nation (Stanford first) for fall semester sports W I N T E R 4 2 0 1 4 MSU VARSITY ‘S’ CLUB GOLF OUTING REGISTRATION FORM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 FOREST AKERS EAST & WEST NAME:_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL:________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #__________________________________________________________ $95.00/PERSON $380/FOURSOME----- REGISTERING FOR FOURSOME? LIST ADDITIONAL GOLFERS: NAME:___________________________________________ NAME:___________________________________________ NAME:___________________________________________ ONLY WISH TO ATTEND SOCIAL HOUR? $25.00/PERSON NAME:___________________________________________ NAME:___________________________________________ Method of Payment: Check Enclosed Credit card: Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card CC #_________________________________________________________, Expiration date ______________ cvv#________________________ 9:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM Shotgun Start 11:00 AM Lunch 4:00 pm Social Hour—includes cocktails (cash bar), dinner and a short program with special guest speakers Mail to: MSU Varsity ‘S’ Club, 535 Chestnut Rd., Rm 276; East Lansing, MI 48824 QUESTIONS? CALL MARILYN BRIA, OFFICE MANAGER, AT 517-355-8523. W I N T E R 5 2 0 1 4 6 2014 ‘S’ Club Award Winners Jack Breslin Award Dean Look Henry Bullough Award Mike Vorkapich Vanspybrook Coaches Award Jennifer Parks Nell Jackson Award Alexandra Wiesner Gilliam Young Alumni Award Travis Key 2014 Honorary Members Robert Cantrell Jimmy Constandt W I N T E R 7 2 0 1 4 Walt Drenth 2014 Honorary Members - continued Elizabeth Marinez Jeff Kovan Harriet Dean-Kennedy Varsity ‘S’ Club President Honored for Service At left is the ‘S’ Club’s Cheryl Gilliam, who has served our club as President for the last three years, a time marked by greatly increased activity, a merge with MSU’s athletic department, and preparation for our 2015 100th-Year Anniversary. On March 4th she was presented with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Service Award in recognition for her “exceptional achievements and success.” Young Alumna Recognized in Home Town At right are pictures of the ‘S’ Club’s Young Alumna Erica Mann. She’s seen in the left photo in the lobby of her high school, Battle Creek Lakeview. As part of the Black History Honors program, she was recognized in the right picture for her accomplishments as a Lakeview athlete, a sprinter in high school and at Michigan State. ‘WHERE ARE THEY NOW?’ We regret that we’re not publishing this section, the most read part of our newsletter for many of the last 57 years, because of a lack of submissions (we’ve received only one since our last issue came out). Part of it is our fault, as the membership renewal forms we sent out last year contained no spaces for such info. But part of it is with you readers, as despite our often asking you to let us know how you’re doing, where you live, etc., you have not responded. We’re going to start sending out emails to some of you periodically, asking you to bring us up to date, and we’ll have spaces in the next set of renewal forms so you can tell us how you’re doing. But it’s up to you. Please also let us know of events and milestones in the club’s history, as some of you have done. Believe us, your Spartan teammates REALLY like to hear how you’re doing these days. - Editor W I N T E R 8 2 0 1 4 Michigan State University Varsity ‘S’ Club Merchant Discount Program The Varsity ‘S’ Club coordinates a program with several campus-area merchants to give club members a discount on purchases when you present your membership card. So if you live in the East Lansing area, or when you visit campus, please patronize these fine merchants who support MSU athletics. Listed below are merchants participating in the program. Discount amounts vary by merchant, so please check with your cashier or waitperson prior to ordering. Albert’s Furniture - 32344 Michigan Ave. - Wayne Applebee’s - 2284 Woodlake Drive - Okemos Arby’s - 2220 Jolly Rd. - Okemos Bell’s Greek Pizza - 1135 E. Grand River Ave. - East Lansing Bravo! Cuchina Italiana - Eastwood Town Center - Lansing Cosi - 301 E. Grand River Ave. - East Lansing Dusty’s Cellar - 1839 W Grand River Ave. - Okemos Emil’s Italian Restaurant - 2012 E Michigan Ave. - Lansing Forest Akers West Pro Shop - MSU Golf Courses Grand Traverse Pie Co. - 1401 E Grand River Ave. - East Lansing Grand Traverse Pie Co - 3536 Meridian Crossing - Okemos Gilbert & Blake Steak & Seafood - 3554 Okemos Rd. - Okemos Harper’s - 131 Albert Avenue - East Lansing Holden & Reid Clothiers - Frandor Shopping Center - Lansing Twp. Kellogg Hotel - State Room Restaurant - MSU Campus Kellogg Hotel - Gift Shop - MSU Campus Leo’s Lodge - 2525 E. Jolly Rd. - Lansing Leo’s Outpost - 600 S. Pennsylvania Ave. - Lansing Leo’s Spirits and Grub - 2085 W Grand River Ave. - Okemos Michael’s (Framing Dept. only) - Frandor Shopping Center - Lansing Twp. Panera Bread - Frandor Shopping Center - Lansing Twp. Panera Bread - 4738 Central Park Dr. - Okemos Reno’s East Sportsbar & Grill - 1310 Abbot Rd. - East Lansing Reno’s West Sportsbar & Grill - 5001 W. Saginaw Hwy. - Lansing Spartan Book Store - International Center - Campus Spartan Hall of Fame Cafe - 1601 Lake Lansing Rd. - East Lansing Student Book Store - 421 E. Grand River Ave - East Lansing Trippers - Frandor Shopping Center - Lansing Twp. Velocipede Peddler - 2758 Grand River Ave. - East Lansing Woody’s Oasis - 1050 Trowbridge Rd. - East Lansing Additional merchants will be added as the program develops. For more information about the program, contact the Varsity ‘S’ Club office at 517-355-8523 or the committee members listed below: Ron Berby - 517-290-8043, Wally Dobler - 517-372-8096, Eldon VanSpybrook - 248-895-0015 W I N T E R 9 2 0 1 4 3 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Forwarding Service Requested East Lansing, MI Permit No. 21 Michigan State University Varsity ‘S’ Club 535 Chestnut Rd., Rm. 276 East Lansing, MI 48824 Notices Passings Robert “Bud” McCullough, Jr., 80, Basketball 1952-55 - Died December 31st, 2013. Played basketball for famed coach Pete Newell and was a successful and respected salesman, devoted husband, father and MSU fan. Bruce Fossum, right: 86 - Died March 14, 2014 - legendary men’s tennis coach for 25 years from the mid-1960s to the late 1980s. He led his Spartan teams to 16 top- five Big Ten finishes, 8 in the conference’s top 3 teams. He was admired by many, and was known most of all as a great teacher. Does your Varsity Jacket, which fit when you were twenty, seem tiny these days? Or, do the moths like it even more than you do? Take heart. A Varsity ‘S’ Club Replacement Jacket may be just what you need! Interested? Contact the Club office at: 517/355-8523 SAVE THE DATES June 4, 2014 - Annual ‘S’ Club Golf Outing Sept. 18-20 (Thur.-Sat.), 2014 - Reunion Weekend - MSU vs. Eastern Michigan Sept 26, 2014 - Homecoming Parade (‘S’ Club members, alumni letterwinners and families invited to march) Oct. 4, 2014 - ‘S’ Club Young Alumni Tailgate Party before Nebraska football game Dec. 31, 2014 - Last day to submit candidates for 2015 Varsity ‘S’ Club Awards W I N T E R 10 2 0 1 4
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