! Where Is 7 Clans Casino ! - St. Thomas Lutheran Church


! Where Is 7 Clans Casino ! - St. Thomas Lutheran Church
The Tie
Bringing together St. Thomas, Waldo and Trinity-Town Wilson
September 2015
Inside this issue:
Secretary - Cathy Timm
Office E-mail:
Voters’ Meeting
Issue 9-15
St. Thomas Lutheran
N4097 County Road M
P.O. Box 223
Waldo, WI 53093
Trinity Lutheran Church –
Town Wilson
6522 S. Business Drive
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Meeting Minutes
Like us on Facebook
Like us on Facebook
Worship Service
Sundays at 8:30 AM
Worship Service
Sundays at 10:15 AM
Sunday School/Bible Study
Sundays at 9:30 AM
(beginning September 13)
Call Committee Update
Page 2
On Monday evening, September 21, 2015, the Voters’ Assemblies of Trinity and St.
Thomas will gather for the purpose of calling a pastor. The meeting will be at TrinityTown Wilson, at 6:30 p.m.
The Call Screening Committee has been granted permission to use the same list as in
July with one replacement, so we have eleven pastors for our consideration. They include:
The Rev. Joel Baseley, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Dearborn, MI.;
The Rev. Shane Cota, Trinity Lutheran Church, Boulder Junction, WI.;
The Rev. John Frahm III, Concordia Lutheran Church, Williston, ND;
The Rev. Samuel Grayl, First Lutheran Church, Bozeman, MT.;
The Rev. Scott Hojnacki, St. Paul/St. Peter Lutheran Churches, Beach/Belfield, ND;
The Rev. Frank Kinast, Zion Lutheran Church, Stillwater, OK;
The Rev. Kurt Klingbeil, Reedsburg, WI, (candidate status);
The Rev. Jedidiah Maschke, First Lutheran Church, Concord, CA.;
The Rev. Douglas Reinders, Zion Lutheran Church, Fremont, WI;
The Rev. Jason Zirbel, Grace Lutheran Church, Greenwood, AR
The calling committee will be narrowing the list down to no less than three, as they
did for the July meeting. We will publish the call list with recommendations in the
church bulletin no later than September 13. The constitution of Trinity recommends
that they as the call committee may cut the list down to no less than three for consideration of the voters.
If you would like to learn more about any of these men before the Voters’ Assembly,
you may come to Cathy in the Trinity church office or you may speak with Elmer Hazen or Jerry Selk who will make the information available to you. All voters are welcome to read this information. Because of legal liability issues we are not able to publish the information any more broadly.
We hope that as many of you as possible would come to this very important meeting.
Pastor Gugel
In God’s
Tender Loving Christian Child Care & Preschool
6522 South Business Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081
Loving Hands
From the Director …
September 2015
Summer is dinosaur hunt.
almost over. I
Later, it was time to go
hope everyone camping. We had a camp
To the daycare parents and the
is enjoying
out in our room.
their summer.
During religion time we
church members from Trinity and St.
We learned
learned how
Thomas for all your donations that
about water &
God answers
you have given to our program.
fishing. We
prayers, God
painted fish.
calls His peoGOD has blessed us with very
Then we took
ple to serve,
special people.
a trip back into
God saves us
time to learn about Medie- from our enemies, and God’s
val times. We dressed up people help one another.
like kings, queens and
School Supplies
knights and fought dragIn Christ,
Markers, Glue Sticks,
Miss Wendy
Construction Paper, Glue
Next we
Refillable Hand soap
learned all
Paper Plates
about dinosaurs
Paper Bags, Cotton Balls
and went on a
Shaving Cream
Day Care Closed
Monday, September 7th
Toilet Paper
Laundry Detergent
V8, Pepperidge Farm,
Prego and Pace Products.
bell’s, Franco* Caps
American, Swanson,
* Bag Tops
Dog Food (dry)
Old Maps
3 Blue Jell-O (Lg Box Mix)
Cool Whip
Baby socks (old or new)
Bag of Hay or Straw needed
week of September 14th
1 Samuel 17
“Send someone out to fight me!” Goliath
shouted. Israel’s army sat fearful and still. No
one would dare face him. He was way too big!
But after 40 days of his dares, someone stepped
It was David, the shepherd boy. He chose
five smooth stones and walked up to the giant.
“You come against me with a sword,” David
said, “but I come against you in the name of the
Lord!” David hurled a stone with his sling. It
hit the mark. Down went Goliath!
100 Bible Heroes Stories by Stephen Elkins
Hello! My name is Annabel. I am 2 1/2
years old. I will be turning 3 this month.
My favorite person is my daddy. My favorite toys are Toy Story figures. My favorite
foods are pizza and strawberries. My favorite song is “Jesus Loves Me”. I can run,
name colors, count, and name shapes. I
learned to go down waterslides by myself.
When I’m with my family, I like to go
camping. When I’m at daycare, I like to
play with my friends and do crafts.
Dear God,
Let me tell you my side of this!
Sometimes, bad things can happen when you
never meant them to. Maybe you were just
trying to keep someone from falling, but you
bumped into someone else and knocked them
down by mistake. That’s ok, because God
knows what’s on your heart, even when you get
blamed for something you didn’t do. Don’t
get mad and point a finger. Turn to God and
let H im help.
The Lord will hear when I call unto H im.
Psalm 4:3
From Dear God Kids Books
Next Month’s Star is
Praise God, from whom all blessing
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above , ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
711 12 14 15 16 19 20 23 28 30 -
Trinity – Town Wilson
Helen Pfeifer
Jack Luedtke
Cody Erdmann
Viviana Peaslee-Helmer
Lloyd Gartman
Solomon Summers
Kevin Veldboom
Brianna Gartman
Dan Connors
Andy Kissel
Dan Kissel
Karl Rosso
Pauline Ostermann
Erica Darling
Kathy Docter
Cheryl Jens
Roger Ostermann
Brennen Hackbarth
Jim Matt
Page 5
St. Thomas
1818 20 -
Denise Schneider
Maggie Schneider
Ethan Rotolo
Becky Jentsch
Dave Schneider
Trinity – Town Wilson
13 16 19 22 -
Angela & Ryan Gohr (2014)
Corinne & Joe Raml (1978)
Pam & Joel Darling (1987)
Amy & Jonathan Baumann
St. Thomas
22 - Helen & Charlie Hayon (1973)
27 - Kellie & Tyrone Feldmann (2014)
29 - Barb & Paul Quade (1979)
Other News, cont.
Trinity’s Stitchers and
… will resume each Tuesday
beginning September 15th
from 9-11 AM.
All are welcome to join them as they create yarn-tied
quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
Lift up your voices to
sing God’s praises!
Choir members are
needed in each
Please consider joining!
Page 8
LWML Activities
Trinity’s Phoebe Society
6:30 p.m.
Second Monday of the month
No meetings June-August
Begins September 14th
St. Thomas’s Ladies Aid
7:00 p.m.
Second Tuesday of the month
No meeting in January
Begins September 15th
All female members are invited to attend.
Contact the church secretary for more
8/31-9/5 Dishes, glasses, and utensils 50% off
9/7-9/12 Jewelry 30% off
9/14-9/19 Books and magazines 50% off
9/21-9/24 Candle and candle holders 50% off
9/25-9/26 2 DAYS ONLY—BAG SALE for clothing. Get a
bag of clothes for only $5
9/28-10/3 Hats, scarves, belts and ties 50% off
10 a.m.—3 p.m.
Neat Repeats
Sales for
Time and Talents and Other News
Page 9
July Stewardship of Time and Talents
St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Waldo
Building Fund
The purpose our confirmation program is to provide
families with junior high youth the opportunity to grow together into maturing disciples of Jesus. The confirmation
program is a vital part of the entire catechesis (life-long
learning) of the Christian. It is a process and a journey
which involves specific and special one-time rites. But the
most important part is the process and journey which each
family and the church participated in together. Martin Luther intended that his Small Catechism be taught and used
in the homes of the congregational members. It is our goal
to actively involve parents, youth and the church in the entire Confirmation ministry.
Classes will be held on Wednesday afternoon, beginning September 2,
from 4-5:30 p.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Pastor Gugel will be instructing.
Volunteer Opportunities
Page 10
Here is a list of current groups, offices, positions, etc. that are in need of your time and talents. All
positions will begin January 1, 2016. Most of these positions require very little time on your part but
really go a long way to help the church run smoothly. Contact the church office with questions,
458-8881. New members will be voted on during the quarterly voters’ meetings, October 25 (TTW)
and October 26 (ST).
Altar Guild Members – 1 year position – New members (men AND women) are always welcome!
Maintain the altar area and prepare communion
Church Elder – 3 year position – 1 new elder will be needed at TTW and 3 at ST. Church elders
assist the pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the church
Church Trustee – 3 year position – 1 new trustee needed at TTW and 1 at ST. Trustees authorize
the maintenance and improvement of the church property
Church Council Chairman – 2 year position – a new council chairman will be needed at TTW
and at ST. The chairman heads up meetings and signs certain important documents.
Church Council Secretary—2 year position—a new council secretary will be needed at ST.
Council secretary records information at council and voters’ meetings.
LWML—Phoebe Society (TTW) and Ladies Aid (ST) – All female members of the church are
always welcome! LWML groups meet monthly to use their gifts to minister to the people
of the world.
Board of Finance Member – 3 year position – 1 new members will be needed at TTW and 2 at
ST. Members gather and count the offerings from the worship services.
Financial Secretary—2 year position—1 new member will be needed at TTW. Financial
Secretary maintains offering records.
Board of Education Chairperson – 3 year position – 1 new chairperson will be needed at ST.
The chairperson supervises the Sunday School, youth groups, Bible studies, and the
church library.
Board of Missions Evangelism and Stewardship Chairperson – 3 year position – 1 new chair
person will be needed at TTW and 1 at ST. Chairpersons evaluate and promote the local,
national, and international mission endeavors of the church.
Church Council Secretary – 2 year position – 1 new secretary will be needed 15 at TTW
and 1 at ST. The secretary keeps records of the voters’ meetings and church council
Also, there is always a strong need for members who would be willing
to teach a Sunday school group, play an instrument during a service,
and/or sing in the choir!
Prayerfully consider becoming a more active member of our church.
Joint Voters’ Meeting Minutes
Page 11
Joint Voters’ Meeting at TTW July 26, 2015
Meeting was called to order by Elmer Hazen and Gerry Selk at 9:45 a.m. Pastor Gugel started the meeting
with a devotion on calling a pastor.
This meeting was called to choose a pastor to call by the combined Voters of Trinity-Town Wilson & St.
There were 53 voting members present from Trinity and 16 voting members present from St. Thomas.
A motion was made to accept the call list provided by President Wille by Wayne Fromm, second by Bob
Mueller. MC
A motion was made to receive the recommendations from this list provided by the call committee by Susan
Fromm, second by Bob Mueller. MC
Pastor Gugel read through the 3 candidate profiles for Pastor Cota, Pastor Klingbeil and Pastor Walters. Voters were also given a hard copies of the profiles to look over which were returned at the end of the meeting.
Pastor Gugel read a list of questions that each candidate had answered to gain further knowledge about them.
Members then chose which questions they wanted to hear the answers to from each candidate.
After further discussion a vote was taken. There were 14 votes for Pastor Cota, 14 votes for Pastor Klingbeil
and 41 votes for Pastor Walters.
Pastor Gugel asked for and received a unanimous ballot to accept the votes, showing a more that 2/3 vote for
Pastor Walters.
The next discussion concerned what salary to offer the pastor we call. A motion to offer a salary of 56,516.25
and to pay 7.65% of social security along with use of the parsonage with paid utilities was made by Cheryl
Jens, second by Louette Ostermann. MC
After discussion, a motion was made to offer a Concordia retirement plan of 8.7% of salary plus 25%
($6,146.14) and disability of $1,589.52 by Robin Kempf, second by Jim Kruse. MC
After discussion, a motion was made to offer the Concordia Health Select 1000 plan for the pastor and his
family by Cheryl Jens, second by Bob Mueller. MC
We then separated so each church could have their individual voters meetings.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Rammer, Recording Secretary
Voters’ Meeting Minutes
Page 12
St. Thomas Voters’ Meeting Minutes for July 26, 2015
Called to Order by Gerry Selk with open devotion “The Lord’s Prayer”. Meeting was held at Trinity. A joint
church service was held at 8:30 a.m. Followed by a meeting to discuss and vote on a new pastor. Our meeting was
held at 12:00 p.m. at Trinity fellowship hall.
16 members present, The Minutes of previous meeting were read and reviewed. Members looked over printed
copies. Motion made, seconded and approved the minutes.
Membership Report - No activity— Motion was made, and seconded and carried to accept the Membership
Treasurer’s Report – Thank you given to Darrel Melis for his years of service. Drew is doing on-line banking.
Drew is working on improvements with the utilities. Motion was made, and seconded and carried to accept the
Treasurer’s Report.
Financial Secretary’s Report – Joan Hanson has paid off all bills for Lutheran High, from Kurt Stegemeyer’s
Memorial money. Joan Hanson has paid back all monies borrowed from different accounts, from Kurt Stegemeyer’s Memorial money. Motion was made, and seconded and carried to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report.
Elders Report: Looking for one more Elder.
Trustees Report: Need two new Trustees Charles Hayon will look into getting roof estimates. Charles says the
chimney needs to come down.
Board of Christian Education Report: No Report
Mission/Evangelism/Stewardship Report—Sue Kracht reported sending out 5 thank you cards
Lutheran High Report: Joan Hanson went to meeting, and reported a lot of updates to the school are being done.
Pastor’s Report: No Pastor attend
Unfinished Business: Motion was made and seconded to help pay half for the new well at the parsonage, motion
New Business: Judy Selk brought up how we need to look at the church Constitution to change articles if needed
and also, to look at the gay marriage rules or standards given by the District when they are released and add to the
Constitution. Need committee for Church Picnic on August 10 th at 10:30 Waldo Park Committee consists of John
& Karen Van Ess, Betty Machtig, Maggie Schneider and Joan Hanson. Church picnic will be at no cost.
Next Voters Meeting: Oct 26th 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment and the Lord’s Prayer 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Karen Van Ess