2015 Area Assembly Sunday, May 3
2015 Area Assembly Sunday, May 3
WindWaves & NEWSLETTER OF THE COASTAL PLAINS AREA APRIL 2015 – VOLUME 13, ISSUE 4 2015 Area Assembly Sunday, May 3 Coming together with Christ in Common Acts 2:44 2:30pm Coming Together for Governance (annual meeting) meeting)— —Sanctuary 4:00pm Coming Together for Worship Worship— —Sanctuary) Followed by Fellowship in the Tent To Register (Choose One) : Mail in names of participants with a check to Coastal Plains Area, 11750 Memorial Dr, Houston, 77024 Call or email your names then pay upon arrival: cpa@cpadisciples.org or 713.789.8822 Register online with a credit card: http://mkt.com/coastal-plainsarea-ccsw/area-assembly Registration Fees: Adult: $10 ea Youth or Child: $5 ea Family with children - Max: $25 University Christian Church 3610 Southmore Blvd—Houston Guest Speaker: Dr. Newell Williams Upcoming Events Apr 18—Stalcup Lecture Apr 20—Regional COM Apr 20—Early Bird, All Camps Apr 28 & 29 Clergy Circles May 2—CYF & Chi Rho Service May 3—Area Assembly May 8—Family Camp Deadline May 10—Mother’s Day May 13—Wind&Waves Deadline May 16—DCCI Board May 16—YLT Planning May 22-24—Family Camp May 25—Memorial Day Views from the Edge by Rev. Peggy Edge, Coastal Plains Area Minister What an eventful Spring we are having! Church Administration Workshop, Healthy Boundaries Seminar, and now Dr. Warren Carter coming to teach us about Revelation! And soon, very soon, we will gather at University Christian Church for our annual Area Assembly which promises to be a great day for the CPA! Congregations are getting their children and youth registered for Summer Camp! Thanks be to God that we have so many ways to share in programs and enrichment for Disciples! Thanks to the efforts of Marilyn Duncan, Margaret Maat, and Heather Tolleson, we are making some changes on our webpage. Check it out at cpa@cpadisciples.org. You’ll find calendars for the youth and Area events. There are pictures, too! We plan to share financial reports for the Area as well. We want you to have information at your fingertips! Do you know about the four new congregations in formation in the CPA? If not, read on with interest! The Regional Council voted to recognize them. Zeteo began four years ago as a special ministry of First Christian Church, Houston, with Jenni Fairbanks as pastor. Disciples in the Wilderness in Conroe has Bible study, bi-weekly worship led by Darnell Fennell in a recently rented home, and does outreach ministries with the homeless, hungry, and poor. Just Love is an inclusive, black church in Houston, founded by Darnell Fennell. Centro Cristiano Discipulos de Criste, nested at Kirkwood South Christian Church, is a Spanish-speaking congregation being started by Julio and Lucy Barquero. We pray God’s blessings on these new Disciple communities of faith. As many of you know, the CPA is blessed with some endowed income that is used for programming and new church ministries. During the four years prior to my arrival as Area Minister, the Area built up a reserve of about $100,000, knowing those funds would be needed to fund the Area Minister’s work. We expected those monies, along with the giving from congregations and from Disciples Mission Fund, to carry us for two years. As we approach mid-year of the second year, we see those reserves being depleted as expected. The Executive Committee recommended to the Ministry Planning Team that we engage the services of a business consultant to discern how to plan for 2017 and beyond. Roy Johnston, an elder of First Christian Church, submitted a proposal that was approved at the MPT meeting in April. A special team will be formed to explore ways that we can adjust our business plan so that we can continue sharing ministries in the CPA. Michael Dunn has agreed to chair that team to do this important work. Know that we covet the prayerful and financial support from all of our congregations. As I see it, our mission is to support shared ministries that strengthen local congregations, assist congregations in times of transition and special needs, encourage and empower new church ministries, promote reconciliation in ways that honor and respect all of our differences and provide retreat and camp experiences for all ages. We know that mission teams and church boards prayerfully discern how to share in ministry beyond the local church. Thank you for being faithful stewards of the resources you have. The CPA leaders hope that you believe strongly in our shared ministries and will give as you are able. Grace and peace, Peggy See page 3 for info on all our camps! Announcing DiscipleOaksWorkDay May9 Please help spread the word! (And the work!) We have lots of work to do to get ready for summer camp! Although we have completed many new projects around the camp there is still lots of work to do to get ready for summer camp. We welcome groups and individuals. Lunch will be provided on Saturday afternoon. Enjoy one night stay free! Please RSVP with date of stay, contact name and # of guests. Here are just some of the projects we have available. Let us know if your group would like to tackle one of these so that we will have materials and supplies available. Or, if you have ideas for other projects, please let me know. Complete purple trail around lake install chalkboard/whiteboard outside each lodge room paint house exterior paint activity center down stairs bathrooms Complete disc golf course metal recycling install flower beds at y's clean up around lake remove dead trees install signs (Eagle Scout project) build boating dock stain/repair docks Trim hedges in front of activity center landscape hill/amphitheater plant flowerbeds behind lodge Thanks for your support of Disciple Oaks Camp & Retreat! replace rubber tips on chairs in lodge install towel rods/hooks in lodge rooms Carol Cabbiness (830) 437-2900 Summer Camp 2015 DATES CAMP GRADE EARLY-BIRD FEES Deadline May 8 May 22—24 FAMILY CAMP families with children Call CPA for info 713.789.8822 REGULAR FEES 12 & up—$145 ea 4-12—$110 ea 3 & under—FREE Max per family $399 June 7—13 CYF by CPA completed 9-12 $339 to CPA by 4/20 $375 to CPA by 5/24 June 14—20 CYF by BBA completed 9-12 $339 to BBA by 4/20 $375 to BBA by 5/31 June 21—27 Eighter's Camp completed 8 $400 to CPA by 4/20 $440 to CPA by 6/7 July 7—11 Junior Camp * completed 4 or 5 $275 to CPA by 4/20 $315 to CPA by 6/23 July 7—11 Beginners Camp * completed 2 or 3 $275 to CPA by 4/20 $315 to CPA by 6/23 Jul 26—Aug 1 Chi Rho Camp completed 6 or 7 $339 to CPA by 4/20 $375 to CPA by 7/12 see the website for forms and information: http://www.cpadisciples.org/groups/youth/summer-camp-2015/ On the Move: Ministry Coordinator Report by Rev. Margaret Morgan Maat Avoiding the Slippery Slope On March 28th, representatives from seven Coastal Plains Area churches gathered at Memorial Drive Christian Church for a workshop on Church Governance. Led by Micah James of AdminIsMinistry, the Avoiding the Slippery Slope workshop covered the top 5 reasons why churches end up in court – and how to keep that from happening. Topics included: Child abuse awareness ● Safety and liability on church grounds Job descriptions and employment law ● Financial Accountability Social Media and Technology ● Stewardship One of the issues covered was how to create a safe environment for children at church. This includes: Creating space that is open and accessible so that children can be monitored Creating space that is closed and unavailable to potential sexual predators Making sure every classroom has two adults – a teacher and an aide (but not a husband and wife team) Designating someone to review background checks and appropriately respond to the information it contains Responding appropriately when informed of inappropriate conduct, either between children or between adults and children The legal obligations when an adult suspects or a child reports sexual or physical abuse Creating safe space for children is a priority for all of our congregations. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Micah at micah@adminisministry.com. Those who attended the workshop were very appreciative of all that was shared and felt it very much worth their time. We plan to have Micah back to conduct the workshop for those who were not able to attend. We are making a concerted effort to keep you informed! Have you checked out our website lately? It’s chock-full of info! Go to http://www.cpadisciples.org/ Also, look for our facebook pages: CPA Youth www.facebook.com/pages/CPAYouth/213261012022342 Women of the Coastal Plains Area www.facebook.com/WomenOfTheCoastalPlainsArea Coastal Plains Area of the Christian Church www.facebook.com/pages/Coastal-Plains-Area-ofthe-Christian-Church/281484032008943 If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, give us a call and let us know! 713.789.8822 The following new congregations YOUTH—it’s time to register for have been approved for Service Rally! Congregation in Formation status! Centro Cristiano Discipulos de Cristo Disciples in the Wilderness Just Love Zeteo EVERYONE—Check out the front page of this newsletter and/or our website to learn how to register for the 2015 Coastal Plains Area Assembly! http://www.cpadisciples.org/
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