event sponsored by - Integrative Enneagram Solutions


event sponsored by - Integrative Enneagram Solutions
Event sponsored by
schedule at a glance
Fri 31 Oct
Sat 1 Nov
Sun 2 Nov
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Session 4 Tracks
Letter from Integrative 4
A Big Thank You 5
Presenters & Their Topics 6
Presenter Schedule 24
Venue Site Plan TEA BREAK
Conference Closed
Inside back cover
Bringing the community together
a big thank you …
letter from integrative
This conference was seeded by a wonderful experience
Lucille and I had at the Canadian Enneagram
Conference in Victoria, BC during February 2013. We were
so inspired by the generous sharing of knowledge and
practices as well as the warmth and deep bonds of the
Canadian Enneagram community that it sparked the
desire in us to host our own conference. This was such a
big undertaking that it took us a year longer to realise
than we imagined.
We are so proud and happy that it finally came together
in this momentous event that marks a milestone in the
history of the Enneagram in South Africa and Africa.
Why is an event like this important for us in South Africa?
In today’s world it is very easy to instantly access cutting
edge ideas and knowledge online. We can watch videos
of talks, listen to podcasts and read articles on practical
Enneagram application at the click of a button. We can
easily be inspired by our gurus and mentors from the
other side of the world, without even having to climb out
of bed. I personally love this as an Ennea type 5.
But with this increase in access of content there is a
remarkable decrease in human connection. What I love
about a conference in the “real” world is the deeper
sharing of our experiences. The friendship bonds and
business connections we form in person are still more
substantial and honest than those we form through social
media. When we can look each other in the eye there is
a different connection that forms.
Allow me to invite you to be fully present as you
participate in this conference. Reflect on your own
questions and learning, and be open to learning from
those who offer a different set of experiences and a
different tradition of Enneagram learning than you may
be familiar with. Be open to answering questions from
each other. Have respect for each other and value each
other’s contribution.
To Ginger Lapid-Bogda for coming from the other side of the world to be our Keynote speaker. You have played a big
part in supporting the South African practitioners, the community and this conference.
Feel free and courageous to volunteer for panels and
discussion groups. I am amazed by myself and what I
observe in others when we communally step through the
boundaries that separate us from each other.
A special thank you to our International Presenters for coming so far to make South Africa part of the global
community, and sharing your experience and knowledge of the Enneagram in practice: Annakarin Cecillia Mikkelsen,
Beatrice Chestnut , Diane Ring, Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Mary Amohanga, Sandra de Clercq, Uranio Paes, Wendy Palmer
(and thanks to Karen White).
Be emotionally open and receptive. Voice what you
are feeling in a healthy and mature way. We can’t
always control our emotions but with support from our
community members we can feel held. Sometimes we
might not know what it all means, but that is also ok. Not
knowing or understanding invites us to be in a healthy
relationship with uncertainty and ambiguity.
There is an unimaginable big job of administrating and orchestrating that happened smoothly because of
Cherise Nortje and Charlene Pereira – thank you for all your hard work.
What is your body telling you that you may not be aware
of while immersed in the busyness of life? How easy or
difficult is it for you to tune into the wisdom of your body?
Are there activities at the conference which fall outside
of your comfort zone? Definitely choose those sessions
to attend! My own experience has shown me that there
is often a great serendipity in participating in a session
that is out of my comfort zone or experience. In the past
these sessions have brought me many unexpected gifts,
including the gift of knowing myself and my community
To South African Enneagram Interest Group Hosts for your continual support and being the glue that binds together
Enneagram practitioners and enthusiasts on a regular basis: Dr Lee Kingma (Cape Town), Marie Kruger (Johannesburg),
Rina Vogler (Pretoria), Anne Heslop and Liz Witherspoon (Durban).
To the Local Presenters who have stepped up to this huge milestone for the South African Enneagram Community:
Bridget Woods, Casper Oelofsen, Dirk Cloete, Dr Dorrain Aiken, Elmarie Venter, Guy Thomson, Joni Peddie, Julia Kerr,
Julia Kukard, Karolyne Williams, Kristen Carter, Dr Lee Kingma, Linda Hennings, Lucille Greeff, Marlene de Lange, Megan
Galloway, Michelle Bennetts, Monika Adelfang, Nene Molefi, Dr Nicole Graham, Nolitha Tsengiwe, Nompi Vilakazi, Sharon
Jansen, Simon Kettleborough and Tanya Stevens.
To the Vineyard Hotel staff, in particular Catherine Gordon, Vuyani Sitshaluza and Chantal Bizaaré – for assistance and
fantastic service in supporting us to put together this conference.
To Lauren Rycroft of Through the Looking Glass for designing clever, eye catching and beautiful graphics throughout.
To Congress Rental for Sound and Technical Services.
To Eric Pannaye our photographer.
To our Volunteers for your generous help.
To all our Delegates, especially those that have travelled from far.
I want to thank you for your support in making this
conference a REAL event. I am blown away by the
enthusiasm, generosity and willingness to participate from
each and every one of you. Ultimately this conference is
about the role you play in this living organism we call our
Enneagram community. I celebrate our community and
the diversity it represents.
Enjoy your conference.
Dirk Cloete
October 2014
How can all of us build a healthy, thriving community of
Enneagram practitioners and enthusiasts?
Presenters & their topics
Session categories
and duration
Annakarin Cecillia
Independent Psychotherapist,
Coach and Business Consultant
Copenhagen, Denmark
How to reconnect to your
true nature? – An object
relations approach
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Our minds are split into many
fragments that are constantly
fighting with reality and with each
other. Because our minds are so
complicated and disharmonious, it
can take a lot of work to penetrate
the thick complexity and darkness,
to discover what the actual truth
of reality is. If you observe yourself,
you will see an almost continuous
commentary going on inside.
In this experiential workshop we will
be exploring the psychic structure
through a model, which extend
Freud’s model of the psychic struc­
ture. Besides the well-known inner
critic, this model includes the object
relations, which is earlier than the inner
critic and has a major influence on
the development of our personality
and functioning as a whole.
All our connections are strongly
coloured by various forms of object
relations, which is why we can’t
truly experience ourselves nor have
Presenters & their topics
Session category
1:30 hours
2 hours
2 hours
1:30 hours
meaningful connections until we can
see through the personality structure.
Understanding the design of that
which keeps us locked up, can
help us move beyond this structure.
Observation and acceptance are
two main ingredients to make these
inner parts start working for you
instead of against you.
This workshop will give you a deeper
understanding of how the personality
was constructed and how these
early constructs affects the quality
of our relationship to our real self
and to others in our daily life. If you
really want to be free you need to
approach the very core of your
personality structure to be able to
see through it.
Topics include:
• Why do we turn away from our
true nature?
• What happens on the inside when
we turn away?
• Understanding early development.
• How do we achieve full
• Overview of different methods
relevant to different stages of
This workshop will look at the
Enneagram as a whole, combined
with elements from Gestalt therapy,
object relations, cognitive theories,
the latest neuroscience and
transpersonal psychology.
The deeper function of the
Enneagram is to point the way to
who we are beyond the level of
Annakarin Cecillia Mikkelsen:
Independent, Certified Individual and
Group Therapist, Coach, NLP Master,
Enneagram Trainer and MSC in Business.
Teaching groups and individuals since
2003 with a focus on stress management.
Combining the Enneagram with elements
from Gestalt, object relations, cognitive
theories, neuroscience and transpersonal
lecture, discussion, and testimonials
from panelists, we will explore this
important feature of the 27 instinctual
profile offer a view into the
organisation’s way of being?
A comparative study of two
operations in a large South
African corporate
For each of the nine types, I will briefly
describe all three subtypes and then
spend more time highlighting the
ways the counter-type “goes against”
the usual or dominant expression of
the type. In describing each subtype
counter-type, I will review the passion
of the type and explore the ways the
counter-type represents an “upside
down” or reversal of the typical way
the passion manifests. For each type,
after I define the three subtypes
and underscore the different ways
the counter-type gets expressed,
I will interview an individual with
that counter-type (as part of a
9-person panel) to further clarify the
characteristics of the counter-type.
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Beatrice Chestnut, PhD MA is a licensed
Psychotherapist, Coach and Business
Consultant based in San Francisco. She
Beatrice Chestnut
has a PhD in communication studies
Psychotherapist, Coach and
Business Consultant
San Francisco, USA
and an MA in clinical psychology.
A student of the Enneagram system
since 1990, she is author of the book,
The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to
Encountering the Enneagram’s
“Counter-type” Subtypes
Greater Self-Knowledge. She has taught
1 November 2014
interpersonal learning groups at Stanford
at Northwestern University and facilitated
University’s Graduate School of Business
and the University of San Francisco’s
According to pioneering Enneagram
author Claudio Naranjo, for each
of the nine Enneagram types, there
are three instinctual subtypes, and
for each of nine groups of three
subtypes, there is one that is the
“counter-type.” Each of these nine
“counter-types,” appears to be
“upside-down” and goes against the
predominant energetic flow of the
(passion-fueled) expression of the
type. The “counter-phobic Six” is the
most famous of these nine countertypes—but all nine types have one.
Knowledge of the counter-types can
help with identifying type correctly,
clarifying differences among people
of the same type, and deepening
the self-awareness of individuals with
a counter-type subtype. Through
A case study of organisational
development at multiple levels
of scale over two years in two
operations in the same organisation.
The operations are explored
as complex adaptive systems,
influenced by and in turn influencing,
the larger system. Engagement
with each of the operations in
visioning, strategy development,
team engagement, leadership skills
development, coaching, leadership
councils, and conversations across
the value chain have brought rich
opportunities for insight into each
operation’s ‘way of being’. Rich,
unique and significantly different
relational patterns and culture in
each of the operations is revealed.
Even more interesting is the possibility
that the predominant enneagram
profile (or type) of the leadership
band (senior and middle managers)
taken as a whole, is reflected in
the behavioural and relational
patterning across the operation as
a whole.
School of Law. She served as President of
the International Enneagram Association
(IEA) from 2006-2007, and in 2008 and 2009
she was founding co-editor of the IEA’s
Enneagram Journal.
Bridget Woods
Organisational and Development
Consultant, Cape Town, South Africa
Does the predominant
leadership enneagram
then look at this in relation to a
• predominant ‘leadership profile’
that has been established from
an analysis of individual and team
enneagram profiles (main types,
tri-types and instincts) across the
leadership band.
Insights and questions that will be
explored include:
• Are patterns emerging out of
enneagram types and tri-types
at leadership levels, incisive
indicators of behavioural and
relational patterning throughout
the operation?
• How much do we dare to assume
about the organisation from the
General Manager’s type, or the
Leadership Team’s type?
• What might the predominant
instinct across the leadership
band suggest we’ll find in the
• Do our observations of the key
leaders tell us enough to make
assumptions about their level of
integration (on their Enneagram
development path) or level of
maturity/consciousness (as per the
Leadership Maturity Framework)
and therefore their capacity to
effect change?
Bridget Woods has an Arts degree
(University of Natal), a Post Graduate
For each operation, we take a look at:
• ‘complexity maps’ that track
interdependencies between
multiple dimensions as identified in
leadership dialogues,
• an ontological observation of the
general manager,
• leaders’ coaching development
objectives and evaluations
• attendance, cancellations,
postponements of workshops or
coaching sessions,
• leadership language and
behaviour to indicate a level of
integration and/or leadership
• initial and interim general
observations documented by the
consulting and coaching team
• performance against key KPIs, and
annual culture survey results and
Diploma in Adult Learning (UCT), and is
currently completing an MSc in Leading
and Facilitating Transformative Change
through Middlesex University. She has over
twenty years’ experience in the field of
change management and facilitation,
helping to build aware, appreciative and
engaging work communities and leaders.
She designs and manages integrated
whole system interventions that include
workshops, summits, coaching and
supporting management systems. She has
partnered SAB/ABI in their development
efforts for the past 13 years, as well as
schools, non-profits and other corporates.
Bridget has a growing interest in ecology
and environmental sustainability and
partners an international operational
consultancy, CCI, on their environmental
Presenters & their topics
acting out our auto-pilot Enneagram
type behaviours. Only after we have
caught ourselves do we have the
ability to have the choice to access
other Enneagram lenses and respond
The relationship between
Enneagram Types and
Mindfulness based practices
In our programmes of Mindful
Leader­ship we have used a
combination of The Enneagram
and Mindfulness based applications
with great success and we have
witnessed (and measured) significant
positive changes in the EQ levels of
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
Casper Oelofsen holds a Bachelor’s
Casper Oelofsen
Director of Mindful Leadership
Cape Town, South Africa
degree in Economic Science (University
The presenter will share his
experience with the teaching of
Mindfulness based interventions
to different Enneagram Types.
The presentation contains a short
summary on what Mindfulness
is, however the focus of the
presentation is to share information
that can assist individuals who want
to practice mindfulness and teachers
of mindfulness based interventions.
of Stellenbosch). He is currently enrolled
in a post graduate course in Mindfulness
based applications (Faculty of Medicine
at the University of Stellenbosch).
He completed the Coaching to
Excellence course at UCT Graduate
School of Business, a course in Process Work
facilitation for Transformational Leaders
(University of Portland in association
Mindfulness cultivates the ability to
respond to external stimuli instead
of reacting to it. We are able to
mindfully respond when we can
increase the moment of choice
between stimulus and response/
reaction. It enables us to catch
ourselves in the moment.
When an individual has an increased
ability to respond (rather than
react) it becomes much easier to
apply the Enneagram wisdom, for
example, the lines of integration
are easier to access. The wisdom of
the Enneagram only gets unlocked
when we can “catch” ourselves (re)
Presenters & their topics
This session will share proven
practices used with business leaders
fusing some basic neuroscience and
Ennea­gram coaching practices to
help them achieve better results.
with USB). Casper is one of the founding
members of Mindful Leadership. Casper
is a registered member of COMENSA
The session will include knowledge
and experience of the
1. Specific hurdles of each type.
2.Remedies / Tips to address these
3.Reminders of the characteristics
(allies) each type has to embrace
the challenge of learning
mindfulness practice.
balance between work-focused
goals and the needs of other people
is critical to being a successful
leader…and is extremely challenging
given the demands of complex
business climates and our complex
personalities. In this interactive session
we will explore new brain science
about social motivations combined
with the Enneagram. Linking findings
from both frameworks can help
clients make sense of their natural
responses and find more leadership
balance. Through case studies and
round table discussions, you will
explore how merging these diverse
frameworks into a unified coaching
model can contribute keen insight,
credibility, and strategies to help
leaders be balanced, excel and
create better workplaces.
(Coaches and Mentors of South Africa), a
member of the Neuroleadership Institute
based in Sydney Australia, a member of
the Institute for Mindfulness in South Africa
(IMISA) and a member of The International
Regulator of Coaching (ICRM).
Diane Ring
President and Executive Coach
Austin, USA
Participants will experience:
• New frameworks for helping
leaders to understand the
impact their social drivers and
nonconscious emotions have on
how they activate threat or reward
responses in themselves and others
• A coaching model fusing neuro­
science models and the Enneagram
• Case studies that offer practical
ideas for how to coach leaders
to manage their sub-conscious
social drivers with Enneagram and
neuroscience tools.
Join us if you are ready to spark
your curiosity to learn more about
neuroscience to support your work
with the Enneagram and enhance
your coaching acumen.
Fusing the Enneagram
with Neuroscience in
Executive Coaching
Diane Ring is an IEA accredited Ennea­
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
practice for 12 years. She holds a certifi­
gram teacher and has been integrating
the Enneagram in her executive coaching
cate in the foundations of Neuroleader­
ship from the Neuroleadership Institute.
Recent neuroscience and leadership
research show us that striking a
Her focus is to bring practical, real-world
leadership development resources to
help leaders be successful and navigate
the balance between the business and
apply in our organisational and
personal development work.
people aspects.
Diane has 18 years of coaching
experience and owns an Austin, TX based
leadership development and executive
coaching firm serving top executives,
managers, technical professionals and
high potential talent from small, private
businesses to publically traded, global
Fortune 1000 companies.
Dirk Cloete & Lucille Greeff
Co-owners of Integrative
Enneagram Solutions
Cape Town, South Africa
Making Sense of COMPLEXITY
with the Enneagram
Concurrent session
2 November 2014
It is a VUCA world! This acronym refers
to the volatile, uncertain, complex
and ambiguous nature of the world
From a theoretical perspective,
the shift from systems thinking to
complexity theory represents a
paradigm shift of great significance
to the fields of organisational and
personal development.
From a practice perspective,
individuals today are faced with
more complexity and ambiguity in
their environment than ever before in
human history.
The world is becoming increasingly
complex to navigate and the
Enneagram provides a compass to
individuals on the journey through
this complexity. At the same time
complexity theory challenges our
approach to life and our professional
practices, as well as the coherence
of the models and frameworks we
This session will:
• Introduce complexity theories in
brief with specific reference to the
Cynefin framework (Snowden &
Boone, 2007)
• Explore the ways in which the
Enneagram offers individuals the
opportunity for coherence in the
face of ambiguity and uncertainty
• Relate the application of the
Ennea­gram to the ordered,
complex and chaotic nature of
• Present video-based interviews
with individuals that links Ennea­
gram type to strategies and
responses to ambiguity, complexity
and uncertainty
• Open the conversation on the
implications of this paradigm
shift for my personal life and my
application of the Enneagram in
my professional area of practice
• Introduce methods and concepts
that enhance personal and
organisational development work
in a way that is consistent with the
implications of complexity theory.
different levels of development?
• What is the ambiguous and
paradoxical micro-fractal within
each Enneagram type that is
also reflected in the macro-level
paradoxes of belonging, learning,
performance and organising
(Smith & Lewis, 2011)
• How do I grow my capacity to
be present and grounded in a
VUCA world, for myself and for the
people and systems I work with
• What frames of mind and
conscious­ness support coherence
in the face of the implications of
complexity theory?
Praxis refers to the relationship
between theory and practice,
where the one shapes the other in a
repeating pattern. This session aims
to develop praxis in the broader
Enneagram community.
• Smith, W. K., & Lewis, M. W. (2011).
Toward a theory of paradox: A
dynamic equilibrium model of
organizing. Academy of Management
Review, 36(2), 381-403.
• Snowden, D. J., & Boone, M. E. (2007). A
leader’s framework for decision mak­
The principle of a VUCA world relates
to how people view the conditions
under which they make decisions,
plan forward, manage risks, foster
change and solve problems. In
gen­eral, the premises of VUCA tend
to shape individual, collective and
organisational capacity to antici­pate
and respond to conditions, make
sense of patterns and interdepen­
dencies, build and maintain relation­
ships, recognise and respond to
op­por­tunity and maintain presence
and coherence. Complexity theory
holds great insight into the evolution,
integration and exaptation possibilities
of social systems; of the individual and
the collective. This brings it into direct
dialogue with the Enneagram and
the evolution of consciousness in the
world today.
ing. Harvard business review, 85(11), 68.
Dirk Cloete is co-founder of Integrative
Enneagram Solutions. He specializes in
web development, assessments, research
and training. He brings a synthesis of
Enneagram schools with the mystical
philosophy of Astrology, Advaita, Hermetics,
Kabbalah and powerful technology
into Professional business coaching
tools to encourage individual and team
development and universal awakening.
Lucille Greeff is an Organizational
Deve­lopment (OD) practitioner with a
specific interest in assessment, change
management, organisational complexity
and issue-centric OD. She is the codeveloper of the Integrative Enneagram
Questionnaire and co-founder of
Integrative Enneagram Solutions. She lives
in Noordhoek, South Africa.
Questions worth exploring:
• How does each Enneagram type
respond to a VUCA world at the
Presenters & their topics
and leader in the field of coaching,
organisational transformation and leader­
ship development. Her company has
particular expertise in the complex areas
of diversity, organisational culture transfor­
mation and change management.
Dorrian lectures on the M.Phil.
programme in Business Coaching at
Dr Dorrian Aiken
the University of Stellenbosch’s Business
Organisational Transformation
and Leadership Development
Consultant and Lecturer
Cape Town, South Africa
School. She also teaches on the Neuro­
leadership Certificate Programme at USB.
Dorrian holds a PhD in Cultural Studies
and a Doctorate in Professional Studies
(Executive Coaching). She is a Profession-
The Enneagram and Integral
Vision: “Ladders, Climbers &
al Integral Coach™, and a certified Think-
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
to Think™ Collegiate in South Africa. ‘Ladders, climbers, and views’ is Ken
Wilber’s way of referring to the notion
of multiple worldviews that jostle
shoulder-to-shoulder in any given social
space, be it work or community. Wilber
is well-known for his development of
Integral theory, and in particular for
his development of the model, the
Integral Operating System, one of its
five elements being stages or levels
of development in consciousness.
Included in integral theory is the
work of Clare Graves, more popularly
known through the application of his
students, Don Beck and Christopher
Cowan, as Spiral Dynamics.
It is well-known in the enneagram
world that the late Don Riso and
Russ Hudson have developed levels
of consciousness integration from
pathologically low to exquisitely high
for each of the nine types. What is
less clear is how to integrate other
theorists’ conceptions of stages in
adult development (such as Spiral
Dynamics, as well as theories of
Robert Keagan, Susann Cook-Greuter,
Lawrence Kolhberg) with the ennea­
gram types – or even if it is possible.
The intention in this presentation is to
share information with the purpose
of engaging participants in their
reflections on the topic.
Dr Dorrian Aiken is a widely-experienced
and highly-regarded consultant, lecturer
Presenters & their topics
ing Environment™ Coach and Consultant
and was a founding member of the Time
Elmarie Venter
Johannesburg, South Africa
model in the development and
growth of humanity with the ultimate
goal of raising the consciousnessintelligence of humankind.
Spiritual intelligence combined
with the spiritual and archetypal
aspects of the Enneagram serve
as an integrative meta-theory of
growth and development in the
field of transpersonal psychology.
This developmental model aims
to accomplish raising spiritual
intelligence in every individual
to the benefit of most diverse
aspects of their lives, as well
as the benefit of humanity, The
aspects of spiritual intelligence
are: Critical Existential Thinking,
Personal Meaning Production,
Transcendental Awareness and
Conscious State Expansion. The
presentation will include experiential
exercises including yoga, breathing,
visualizations, Enneagram concepts,
amongst others, of the soul child,
triadic structure archetype, inner
critic, inner observer and lower and
higher integrative aspects of the
Enneagram type.
Elmarie Venter is a transpersonal and
Coaching for Spiritual
Intelligence with incorporation
of the Enneagram
consulting psychologist and coach with
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Coaching for Spiritual intelligence is
an integrative model incorporating
Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple
intelligences, the universal archetypal
growth experiences of humankind
through transpersonal aspects, the
theory and practice underlying yoga
and the psycho-spiritual develop­
mental energy of the Enneagram.
Spiritual intelligence (SQ) is an aspect
of human consciousness that can
be developed and its importance
is due to its application to Intrapersonal knowledge, interpersonal
intelligence and personal mastery as
well as the development of human
potential in the personal arena
and the work environment. In the
development of SQ, the Enneagram
serves as an important integrative
Ginger Lapid-Bogda. Ph.D.
Guy Thomson
Internationally recognized
Enneagram Author, Consultant,
Trainer and Coach
Los Angeles, USA
Leadership Consultant
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Unity through Diversity: Who Am
I?; Who Are You?; Who Are We?
31 October 2014
In this provocative, inspiring and
interactive keynote, we’ll examine
who we are in terms of diversity
dimensions and the Enneagram,
as well as where we are as an
Enneagram community in terms of
fostering growth in the field. Diversity
and the Enneagram address the
questions Who Am I? and Who Are
You? Developing both diversity and
discernment address the question
Who Are We?
Understanding our Vulnerability
through the Lens of the
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Using Brené Brown’s seminal work on
Vulnerability and Shame Resilience
as reference we will explore how
the Enneagram system gives us an
orientation point for exploring our
own vulnerabilities.
Then using Riso & Hudson‘s work on
the Enneagram we will look at how
Vulnerability shows up in each of
the types i.e. Type 1 – being bad,
imbalanced, defective, corrupt,
Type 2 – being unloved, Type 3 –
being worthless, Type 4 – having
no identity or significance, Type 5 –
being helpless, incompetent,
and incapable, Type 6 – being
without support and guidance,
Type 7 – being trapped in pain and
deprivation, Type 8 – being harmed,
controlled, and violated, Type 9 – loss,
separation, and fragmentation.
Participants will split up into groups
and discuss the questions and share
what comes up for them around
vulnerability and perhaps their own
Guy Thomson runs an Integral Coaching® and Organisational Development
practice called Integral Leadership where
“Vulnerability is kind of the core of
shame and fear and our struggle
for worthiness, but it appears that
it’s also the birthplace of joy, and
creativity, of belonging and love.”
– Brené Brown
he strives to facilitate the development
of excellence in his clients. He works with
his clients to “open up” possibilities so that
they are able to discover their “full potential” at work and in life. He is a motivational
speaker and facilitates personal effectiveness and team development programmes
24 years of experience. It is her deepest
Ginger Lapid-Bogda. Ph.D.: An
hope and wish for all people to live a life
internationally recognized Enneagram
of freedom, happiness and abundance
author, trainer, OD consultant and coach
through the integration of body, mind,
and past-president of the International
and spirit through the vibration of love. Her
Enneagram Association, Ginger is
work is about human beings connecting
considered a world leader in bringing the
to their spirituality and their divinity to
insights of the Enneagram to organizations
realize their greatness and vulnerability in
across the globe. With over 35 years of
truly being spiritual and human in perfect
professional experience, Ginger works with
balance. Elmarie holds a Masters degree
organizations, leaders and teams as they
in counselling psychology, Master’s and
use the Enneagram – fully integrated with
Doctorate degrees in Transpersonal
the theory and practice of organization
Psychology and is currently finishing her
development – to create vibrant,
thesis for a PhD in Consulting Psychology.
innovative and sustainable organizations.
She is registered as a psychologist with the
The author of 4 best-selling Enneagram-
Health Professions Council of South Africa.
business books that have been translated
into multiple languages, she provides
Train-the-Trainer programs and ICF ACSTH
certified coaching programs, and also
consults to organizations around the
world. In addition, Ginger offers easy-touse, engaging Enneagram training tools
and created the Enneagram app “Know
Your Type.”
Vulnerability is a source of strength
not weakness and though the lens of
the enneagram we are able to begin
to understand our defensive patterns
and armoring. When we are able
to drop the armoring we are able
to become more present to others
and ourselves so that we may show
up in the world in a more authentic
way. We will use six questions around
Vulnerability from Brené Brown’s book
Daring Greatly.
1.How would you define
vulnerability? 2. What are the beliefs you hold
around vulnerability? 3.How was vulnerability viewed in
your family?
4. What were the lessons (spoken
or unspoken) about being
5. Did you grow up seeing
vulnerability modelled? 6. What’s your current comfort level
with vulnerability?
to help build personal resilience to cope
with change. He has a love affair with the
Enneagram and can’t get enough of it.
Joni Peddie
Partner: Enneagram Institute of SA
Johannesburg, South Africa
Enneagram essentials for
facilitators working with Teams
Concurrent session
2 November 2014
We will share insights using a
number of Enneagram and aligned
concepts. These concepts are:
Presenters & their topics
1. Presencing – Coming to the
work from a point of presence.
Our physical bodies are a great
barometer and one of our personal
indicators of being in a state of
presence. We will share the impor­
tance of centring and applying
techniques for the facilitator and
the team.
“meeting mania,” and, on the positive
side, teams working “in flow” and at peak
performance. Seventeen years ago, Joni
started The BizComm® Group—a Skills
Development Company. She now fulfils
her life purpose as a human behaviourist
working with individuals and corporate
teams as a Coach and a straight-talking
Joni has facilitated The Integrated
2. The Nine Domains Approach® –
providing a way to measure the
completeness or comprehensive
nature and functioning of a team at
any given time. A Domains analysis
provides the Facilitator with a ‘snap
shot’ view of the Team as a system,
giving substantial and specific
guidance to help bring about positive
change in a reasonable amount of
time. This is a useful tool for facilitating
team performance Improvement.
3. Levels of Functioning within
the Nine Domains Approach®
indicates that teams, like individuals,
can be more or less healthy and
functional. Teams, can be supportive,
encouraging, and growthful places
in which to work. On the other
hand, teams can also show varying
degrees of negativity, ego-driven
behaviours, and serious but hidden
pathologies that make working in
such an atmosphere difficult and
counter-productive. At their worst,
teams can be so destructive that
they threaten the health and wellbeing of everyone in them. Having a
way of objectively measuring these
different states is extraordinarily useful
and incalculably beneficial.
This 2 hour workshop led by Joni
Peddie of the Enneagram Institute
SA will entertain and enlighten
participants in a pragmatic and
experiential way incorporating these
concepts and taking into account
EQ for Teams which need to perform
with vitality as opposed to the
volatile “rollercoaster” performance.
Joni Peddie’s background is Corporate
Leader Programme™ with corporate
teams for the last 12 years. The Ennea­
gram is the core of this 11-module
programme. In 2008, Joni co-founded
The Nine Domains Group, with the late
Don Riso, Joyce Stenstrom, Barry Coltham
and Monika Adelfang. In addition, Joni
now uses the Nine Domains Approachism.
Julia Kerr
Executive Coach and
Corporate Activist
Johannesburg, South Africa
The Soul of Corporate South
Africa is Dead: Bringing
humanity back into the
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
Join Julia on an exploration of this
pro­vo­cative topic based on conver­
sations and observations of a growing
sense of dis-ease and disconnect in
corporate organisations and business.
Through her anecdotal feedback,
interactive and humorous style, she’ll
pose questions and possible answers
which draw atten­tion to and raise
the volume on whispers echoing in
the hearts of many, through office
corridors and boardrooms, the
dining room tables of families, the
rooms of many coaches, OD and
HR practitioners.
full spectrum of “boardroom battles,”
Presenters & their topics
leadership facilitation engagements.
To navigate these complexities, Julia
turns to principles and practices of
Authentic Leadership, moral ethics
and in particular, the Enneagram as
so much more than a personality
typing tool but as a map to chart the
way through modes of awareness,
changes and transition in oneself,
in one’s teams, the messy web of
relationships and geographies.
Karolyne Williams
Julia concludes, ““My intention is to
provoke, invite and challenge you to
embrace all aspects of yourself with
more skill as you face the realities of
your professional and personal contexts. By offering you a roadmap I also
intend to inspire courage, hope and a
call to skilful, mindful action which goes
way further than “What’s your Type?”
Julia Kerr: A knowledgeable and
dynamic coach and change
management consultant specialising
in people change management and
Marketing: while working for 3 different
Multinationals, she experienced the
speak to me about two distant lands:
“Work” and “Personal” life, apparently
the twain don’t meet. They speak to
me about checking their humanity at
the office door and the struggles of
re-entering their home life after a day
at work. In organisations, talk to me
in a fast forwarding language of their
frustrations balancing the tensions
of revenue, hyper-competitivity and
relentless change initiatives which
appear to change little and the
struggle to find, retain and develop
their human capital.” Many symptoms
persist and are most evident in the
poor quality of conversations and
meaning-making corporate leaders
and their often reluctant followers,
are having, or rather, not having. And,
corporates fulfil a vital component
of modern society. Julia says, “Those
operating in commerce, leadership
and coaching are not in the business
of making businesses “nicer”, we’re in
the business of being more successful
and skilful. There is hard research
which proves that organisations which
prioritise people and profits strive
together and thrive together.”
Julia says, “70% of my client base
wants out of corporate. Individuals
cultural transitions, Julia brings a depth
and humour to her coaching and
She chooses to work with organisations
and individuals who are courageous
enough to show up - to get naked, to be
vulnerable and to challenge the status
quo to activate dialogue for positive
business results and transformational
change, at a human and organisational
level. The wisdom of the Enneagram
sense of self therefore does not exist
in a vacuum, but in relationship,
particularly in relation to our primary
caregiver as Object Relations Theory
tells us and eventually a variety of
internalized relationships within our
psyche. How do we hold up a mirror
to see a true reflection of ourselves
as adults?
Karolyne Williams is the Head of
and authentic leadership lies as the
cornerstone of her work.
Julia used to work at Goldman
Sachs London and was a Director at
communications agencies College
Hill and TBWA\Magna Carta. Now an
ICF PCC accredited coach, Julia’s
consultancy, Lumminos, partners with
clients such as Barclays Africa (née Absa),
South African Breweries, Spar, University of
Johannesburg and Standard Bank. She is
based in Johannesburg.
and increased range of helpful
responses to events in our lives. The
more we embrace our diversity
within, the more we feel connected
to others around us. Increased selfawareness and self-compassion
leads to better engagement with
and compassion for those around us.
A mechanism we use in our develop­
ment to begin to define/reinforce
who we are for ourselves, is that of
creating distinctions of who we aren’t
(I-Other). As Sandra Maitri describes
“Our sense of self is inseparable from
our sense of what is not ourselves”.
How often do we project these
disowned characteristics on others,
being unwilling to see these qualities
within ourselves? Such projections
of course, can lead to a self-fulfilling
Coaching at The South African College
of Applied Psychology. As a coach,
trainer and researcher, her passion is
leadership development - helping others
enhance personal mastery, interpersonal
effectiveness and leadership impact.
Her own journey has evoked a desire to
empower others to become grounded
in their being – wholehearted, mindful
and resilient. Her master’s thesis was
an evaluation of a coach training
programme. Her interests in coaching
and training come together in equipping
managers and psychology students
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Authors such as Beatrice Chestnut
and Sandra Maitri discuss how we
can develop partly as a reaction
formation against the heart point of
our Enneatype, which encapsulates
qualities that were for some reason
or another not supported in our early
environment and so we suppressed
them, our conscious sense of self
developing in reaction to and yet
without these qualities. What parts
of ourselves have we abandoned
in childhood? How would our lives
be different if we reconnected with
these qualities afresh? How does
this impact our compassion for and
engagement with others?
In the early months of life, apparently
everything we experience, we
experience as part of a whole,
because we are completely merged
with the world and are as yet unable
to discriminate. Psychology of self
describes how our identity begins to
form, partly through identifying with
our physical body, partly through
repeated experiences of pleasure
and pain and partly through the
mirroring we experience from others.
In African philosophy, we say “umntu
ngumtu ngabantu” - a person is a
person through other people. Our
Integrative Enneagram Solutions
proposes that working with the
Enneagram involves exploring our
splitting, our internal lists defining “Me”
and “Not Me” and the paradoxes
that lie therein, integrating the parts
of ourselves we have for whatever
reason left unrecognized. It is possible
that these lost qualities might at a
superficial level appear “bad” or
“shameful”, but in reengaging with
them, we might discover that they
can also come with a richness, a
wholeness that leads to a more
diverse and balanced perspective
Head of Coaching at The
South African College of
Applied Psychology
Cape Town, South Africa
Creating Unity with Others
through Embracing Diversity
within Self
with coaching skills. Karolyne enjoys oil
painting, photography and writing. She is
fascinated with the Enneagram and has
found it to be a powerful sense-making
framework in her own life, as well as
transformational for clients.
Kristen Carter
Certified Positive Psychology and
Enneagram Coach, Trainer and
Organisational Consultant
Johannesburg, South Africa
Up, Up and Away!: Use The
Enneagram to Turn Your People
Into a Team of Superheroes
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Imagine being a senior manager
at the height of your career and
surviving two rounds of corporate
restructuring, regional consolidation
and significant personnel layoffs,
fearing you might be the next one to
Presenters & their topics
go. Ugh. But you made it through –
you are part of the new top team.
positive psychology coach specialising in
individual and team strengths, I pull these
two philosophies together with clients as
You might feel awesome and
powerful! You might be feeling
bad about the people you used to
admire and work with who lost their
jobs. You might be totally exhausted!
And yet the real work lies in front of
you: bring this new team and this
new division together as quickly as
possible and meet some virtually
impossible corporate targets.
diverse as high school girls and C-level
What do you do first? You join your
new executive colleagues in the
quiet of the Magaliesburg for two
days of offsite teambuilding.
DR Lee Kingma
I thought this story sounded pretty
heroic, so I used the theme of the
Justice League, a team of comic
superheroes who, while individually
strong and sometimes even
adversarial, came together to defeat
an alien force that threatened to
destroy them all.
I tried to make it fun and gave each
participant a superhero persona to
‘hide behind’ for the first segment,
so they could explore the concept
of being powerful in some ways (e.g.
you’re super-fast) while vulnerable
in others (you begin to disintegrate
at a certain speed) to convey
the messages that 1) you have
something amazing to bring to the
team and 2) you can rely on your
teammates to cover your back.
I used both the Enneagram and the
character strengths construct from
positive psychology to help each
participant understand themselves
better, understand each other and
begin to see how they could use
these frameworks to build their own
teams back at the office.
execs. It works every time.
Too much emphasis on profit and
results and the forcing of misaligned
strategy will also shut Type Fours
down or result in them leaving the
organisation to find an idealised
employer or vocation.
be to wield your abilities like a suit of
armour while secretly fearing someone
will find your weak spots – especially
during times of stress and change. As
a certified enneagram coach and
Presenters & their topics
and Enneagram related topics. She has
also published academic articles in both
Enneagram and HR publications.
Although her day job is as HR
generalist practitioner for Juta, a legal
and academic publisher, she also lectures
HR Executive
Cape Town, South Africa
The Paradox of Innovation
and Structure – Harnessing
Type 4 energy to create a
sustainable organisation
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
The hypothesis for this presentation is
that Type Fours find it challenging to
thrive in the corporate world.
Corporate personality assessments
such as Insights, Lumina and SDI do
not capture the profile for Type Four
as commonly understood in the
Type Fours are not inclined to be
conformists and their colleagues
and bosses may find their intensity
and strong emotions difficult to
tolerate. Type Fours’ ideas may be
misunderstood as being too ‘out
there’ and controversial and the
opportunity for innovation is lost
because of the tendency for teams
to adopt ‘group thinking’ rather than
entertaining novel contributions. Only
leaders who are highly self-aware
and open to creative thinking will
engage the Type Fours in allowing for
divergent thinking.
Most people have a Type Four
quality to their thinking and this
may be likened to the ability to
conceptualise original thought, see
novel solutions or be in ‘the flow’
when employees creating new
products or services in the work
place. When this natural ability
to create is stifled, people feel
demotivated, lose confidence and
often resort to U-stress. This relates
to just arriving at work every day
to clock in and out and do the
minimum of what is required.
Participants will be invited in groups
to explore how the workplace could
respond to harness the innovation
and creativity which Type Fours
inherently offer if allowed and
encouraged. This dialogue will be
juxtaposed with the high and low
qualities of the Type Four.
A short You Tube clip will be shown
of a young Type Four expressing the
challenges of functioning at the
healthiest level.
The presenter will then offer key
differentiators which are required in a
sustainable organisation and explore
the key drivers which erode talent.
The possibilities of adopting positive
Type One structure to the Type Four
quest for freedom will be discussed.
The proposed solution for creating a
culture of inclusivity for a sustainable
organisation will emerge from the
contributions of the group dialogue
and pragmatic HR strategies
developed by the presenter.
Kristen Carter: A former senior manager
myself, I know how tempting it can
and in South Africa on strategic HRM
Type Fours also enjoy the freedom
of self-expression in their choice of
dress, grooming and behaviour. A
strong culture of dress regulations,
fixed work hours and tight deadlines
will deaden their natural enthusiasm.
Dr Lee Kingma has been an HR executive
for most of her working career. She
holds a doctoral degree in HRM, an
executive coaching qualification and
an MBA degree. She has presented at
international Enneagram conferences
in the Netherlands twice a year for the
Business School of the Netherlands. She
The case study comprises groups
where the Enneagram has been
used as a tool for sustainability
and further growth, of both
individuals and teams, by linking
each framework to corresponding
Enneagram theory, practical
exercises, and one on one coaching
and feedback sessions.
supervises Masters students for CPUT,
presents guest lectures at UCT and
mentors young graduates.
Lee has published What’s your Tribe? –
A guide to Enneagram Types at work
The iceberg model is used as a point
of departure, and Depth Facilitation
brings in layers of richness as we un­
pack elements of Enneagram Theory.
and play.
She lives in Hout Bay with her husband
Ronald, has three wonderful children and
enjoys beach walks, travel and a glass of
Merlot with friends.
Linda Hennings &
Nolitha Tsengiwe
Both are a Facilitator and Coach
Cape Town & Johannesburg,
South Africa
The Enneagram as a tool for
sustainability within an existing
Leadership Development
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Linda Hennings: I have begun
my case study from the place that
groups have already completed a
3 day program designed for leaders
in their own natural teams. The
frameworks that we have worked
with include:
• Defences
• Edge
• Rank and Power
• “CD stacker” - (core and original
• Inner Critic
• Courageous conversations
• Team dynamics and Role Theory
We will look at individual team
members, their typing and responses
to the Enneagram, as well as the
response to the Team Style and
how team members have learnt to
integrate the theory with practical
application in their team and when
dealing with Stakeholders.
Ideas for ongoing workshops
integrating Enneagram material
to deal with various leadership
challenges will be discussed and
those that have landed well will be
put forward as “best practice”.
Nolitha Tsengiwe: As an executive
coach and facilitator in leadership
development Nolitha’s thinking is
largely influenced by leadership
that understands that sustainability
of business in a transforming
society is about consistently giving
direction and enrolling others for
high performance. To do this well
critical competencies include selfawareness, interpersonal aware­
ness, and awareness of context
both internal and external that
the business operates in. In every
coaching conversation my role as
a coach is to listen for a topic, an
issue, a theme that relates to the
leaders functioning in the above
mentioned areas.
decides and acts in the world? It is
about challenging and supporting
the leader to continuously take
responsibility for ones’ thinking and
actions, knowing that the quality of
action will be as great as the quality
of thinking. The coaching process
becomes an exercise in exploring
different perspectives to broaden
awareness for well-informed action.
Nolitha works with senior and midlevel executives with high potential,
who take on courageous challenges,
who are willing to declare their
area of learning within the domain
of leadership and performance
and who are prepared to invest
time and energy in challenging
their way of seeing themselves and
their areas of responsibility to build
leadership competencies. Clients
who are in transition between roles,
want to expand their scope of
possibilities, see opportunities that
they want to live into, who can own
their uncertainty about aspects of
themselves or how they interact
with others, will experience me as
both challenging and supportive in
seeking opportunities for growth and
profound transformation.
Linda Hennings studied with the South
African College of Applied Psychology
and also works with Process Oriented
Psychology methods and Depth
Psychology. She is a certified Corporate
Coach, as well as an accredited
Enneagram Practitioner. Focussing on
the individual, while acknowledging
their importance and impact within
various groups, Linda combines skills and
facilitation techniques to allow for original
and expressive methods of experiential
and framework based learning.
Linda has created, designed, imple­
mented and delivered a variety of
courses for rural and disadvantaged
As a member of the Nedbank team
A successful coaching conversation
is the one that expands learning
for purposeful action in relation
to the topic of concern. A key
question in this conversation relates
to how a leader observes, assesses,
of specialist facilitators for the Leading for
Deep Green project, Linda facilitates a
large scale culture change program to
senior and middle management levels
within the bank. The project addresses the
leadership journey, focusing on change
Presenters & their topics
and transformation within the corporate
environment; conflict and courageous
conversations as well as the impact of
rank and privilege.
Nolitha Tsengiwe studied at Rhodes
University and obtained a 100%
scholarship by UN to study a masters
degree in Counselling Psychology at
the Toledo University, USA. Nolitha’s
coaching training includes Co-Active
Coach Training, CTI (Full coursework for
ICF accreditation); Organisational and
Relationship Systems Coaching, CRR
Global (ICF accredited); Ontological
in that it is a psychology of positive
human functioning focused on
understanding and developing
insights and interventions to build
thriving individuals, families and
communities. While it may lack
the richness and coherence of
the Enneagram, it brings insights
and models supported by science
and research. Combining both
approaches offers the opportunity
to facilitate growth by tapping into
the insights of the Enneagram and
the tested tools and techniques of
positive psychology.
Mary Amohanga
Leadership Coach, Albury, Australia
We are more alike than we
are different
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
Coaching Newfields (ICF accredited)
She is a certified Corporate Coach
and Certified Psychologist (Practice No
864465) running a Psychotherapy Practice
for over ten years. She has contributed
in managing CCL leadership consulting
company, as partner and director for 5
years, and Leadership Pathways for two
years. She founded Courage to Lead (Pty)
Ltd in 2013.
Nolitha’s expertise lie in Leadership
and executive coaching; Team facilitation
and coaching; Leadership through
diversity and transformation.
In this presentation I will share some
of the key models and frameworks of
positive psychology and show how
it supports and integrates into the
Enneagram. Specific focus will be
placed on:
• Integration of Enneagram types
with character strengths
• Flourishing as per Positive
Psychology and living in essence
• Using positive psychology tools
and techniques to help people
move from average to healthy
Marlene De Lange has been a Director
of Grow Consulting for the past 15 years.
Grow Consulting is a consulting company
specialising in facilitating individual, team
and organisational growth.
Before joining Grow, she was a
The session will commence with a
brief story of Mary’s introduction to
the Enneagram over twenty years
ago and her gradual development
of Enneagram knowledge through
reading and discussion to the point
where she started sharing her
understanding of the Enneagram
in weekend seminars and monthly
workshops twelve years ago. The
emphasis throughout these voluntary
gatherings was always on personal
development and spiritual growth
through Enneagram understanding.
A shift occurred in her approach to
the Enneagram a year ago after
she attended Ginger Lapid-Bogda’s
5-day workshop on “Bringing out the
best in the people you coach”, as she
understood how she could utilise the
Enneagram in the workplace.
To experience a sense of this dis­
covery in a simulated team setting,
participants in the session will be
invited to move into groups of four
where they will each work with the
typing cards. Then they will discuss in
the group what their choices reveal
about their type, possible wings and
arrows. They will be asked to observe
what Enneagram connections they
share with each other.
Throughout the session participants
will be invited to ask questions or
add their own insights into how the
Enneagram contributes to team
Mary Amohanga has managed to
combine her professional passions of education, coaching and the Enneagram in
her business, “Leadership Essentials” for the
past ten years. Her main work is with school
principals and leadership teams in schools,
coaching both individuals and whole
teams to work together for the optimum
outcomes for students in schools. Mary has
a Masters in Education and worked as a
school principal and regional supervisor
of schools before becoming a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the
International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Although Mary has been working with
the Enneagram for over twenty years as a
pathway of growth for herself and others
it is only recently that she has engaged in
Enneagram accreditation.
manager in the Change Leadership
Marlene de Lange
Group in the Johannesburg office of
Director of Grow Consulting
Johannesburg, South Africa
Deloitte Consulting for 4 years and
HR development manager at the
Development of Southern Africa.
Enneagram and Positive
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
Marlene has extensive experience
in helping individuals, teams and
organisations to grow and develop.
Her specific areas of expertise include
leadership development, assessment,
The Enneagram is a map of the
human psyche that aims to guide
us towards true fulfilment at a
psychological and spiritual level.
While the Enneagram has proven
to be very powerful in reality, it has
not, for a variety of reasons, been
subject to a great deal of academic
research. Positive Psychology has a
similar purpose as the Enneagram
Presenters & their topics
facilitation, personal and interpersonal
capacity building, and coaching.
Qualifications: BA degree (Cum
Laude), BA Honors (Psychology) (Cum
Laude), Masters degree in Counselling
Psychology (Cum Laude), MPhil Personal
and Professional Leadership (Cum Laude).
As a case study, Mary will utilise a
Leadership Team Enneagram profile,
showing six team members of varying type on the Enneagram. She will
outline the process followed in working with the members of this school
leadership team, namely, Individual
Professional online assessments from
Integrative Enneagram Solutions,
follow-up one-on-one debriefing and
coaching sessions, then a full team
coaching session for a deeper under­
standing of the three Centres and
the wings and arrows of each type.
Mary will refer to a whole staff day at
that school around Enneagram type
where staff members used Ginger
Lapid-Bogda’s typing cards as a
means of discovering their type.
Michelle Bennetts
ILS Master Coach
Johannesburg, South Africa
Enneagram Empowered Youth –
using the Enneagram and
coaching techniques to ignite
our youth
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
When Inspiration gets lost in
If there is one thing every parent,
youth leader or teacher wants to
know, it’s how to connect with the
youth in their care to inspire them to
realise their full potential.
Almost every parent and teacher
has grappled with the frustration
of not knowing how to ‘reach’ their
kids, and that frustration can quickly
translate into tremendous anxiety
when we start worrying about how
much potential may go unrealised.
motivation and language of
each type can impact and even
unconsciously disempower their
• Teaching with the Enneagram –
Light the Spark! Insight into how
speaking to the Enneagram
style of your student can provide
creative solutions to teaching and
learning strategies.
• How to include the 9 styles into
teaching to create a learning
environment that is fresh, fully
inclusive, fun and comprehensive.
Michelle Bennetts is an award winning
coach, motivational speaker and author,
A powerful and positive approach
to bridging this gap is through the
Ennea­gram and coaching. In work­ing
extensively with families and schools,
the enneagram and coaching has
proven to empower parents and
teachers which insight into:
• How their own enneagram type
contributes to or hinders the level
of connectivity they experience
and how to use this level of self
awareness to develop empowering
communication strategies.
• How to expand their approach
to ‘speak’ the 9 languages of the
enneagram and thereby improve
rapport and understanding.
• Identify the natural obstacles of
each type and offer valid and
compassionate support.
• How to nurture talent and identify
challenges that naturally arise in
each Type.
• How to accept and honour the
natural nature of each type
without judgement or prejudice.
The presentation will reflect on:
• The debate of what age the
enneagram can be realistically
applied as well as the risks
prevalent in mistyping youth.
• How to adapt and speak the
language of the enneagram to
maximise connection and rapport
with youth.
• Parenting with the Enneagram –
Connect with your kids! Presenting
examples and insight into the
9 styles of parents and how the
and is well known for the coaching
and enneagram work she offers to
parents, teachers and youth. A dynamic
international speaker, Michelle’s expertise
lies in changing the way people think
about how to empower youth and
offering easy to use enneagram and
coaching strategies to help them connect
with and inspire children, teenagers and
young adults.
As a mother of two and a passion for
empowering youth, Michelle brings a
highly interactive, engaging and thought
provoking approach that captivates
audiences and as such is a sought after
trainer, speaker and TV guest.
Monika Adelfang
Enneagram OD Methodology
Developer and Facilitator –
“The Story Whisperer”
Johannesburg, South Africa
The Enneagram’s Invitation:
Opening up a universe of
possibility through individual
and group stories
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
The Enneagram is a dynamic model
of transition, change and possibility.
Presenters & their topics
It can remain relevant not only
when we have our first Enneagram
epiphany, “Aha! I relate dominantly to
Type …!” For many people, decades
later its richness and meaning
continues to expand and remain
timeless. The breadth and depth
of inquiry and practice which the
Enneagram can open up is immense.
Again and again, whether you are
a newbie or a stalwart in journeying
with this universal mandala – the
Enneagram’s Invitation remains
open ended in:
• Illuminating the different ways we
do and can really ‘show up’
• Cultivating a deeper quality of
relatedness with ourselves and
• Practicing showing up no matter
the situation or role you are
identified with; at home, at work,
and in the world
• Developing the ‘place’ in ourselves
we respond from, as we navigate
the transitions between endings
and new beginnings
The lived experience, the here and
now, is the juice we have to work
with. The emerging story which is top
of mind for an individual or group
is ripe with possibility in making the
Enneagram invitation come to life in
a real way for ourselves and others.
During this session we’ll explore
applying the Enneagram to support
individuals and groups in describing
their unique story. We look at
practices to support shifting into the
possible as their individual leadership
and team journey unfolds.
We ‘ll play with a few Enneagram
applications that support being
present to what story is relevant for
an individual or group, observing
how they respond to their stories
and how you are affected by
them. Participants will be exposed
to applying the Enneagram as a
language of personal contribution,
a process for observing the nature
of the story being told and practices
that keep opening up the door,
in response to the Enneagram’s
Presenters & their topics
Monika Adelfang is a cross pollinator, and
organisation development practitioner.
In the early 90’s her Enneagram intrigue
was sparked. As a principal and faculty
member of the Nine Domains Groups, she
prototypes, conducts field research, and
collaboratively explores the development
similarity that exist in a community
or organisation, such as gender,
race/ethnicity, age, culture, religion,
economic status/class, language,
disability, sexual orientation,
nationality, job role/position, and
education, among many others.
of Enneagram based applications. She is
an associate of the Riso Hudson Training
and Workshop provider network. She
gained business experience as senior
consultant and strategic change lead at
PwC, IBM and Absa Group. As a partner
of the Enneagram Institute in South
Africa, she conducts workshops and
retreats. Mons is associated with EgoWise
Leadership Academy in the Netherlands
growth in organisations.
Nene Molefi
Owner and Managing Director of
Mandate Molefi HR Consultants
Johannesburg, South Africa
Diversity and Inclusion –
The Enneagram as a tool for
inclusion and transformation
of organisations
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
At first glance, the word inclusion
seems quite simple to define.
Dictionaries will tell you that inclusion
is the “the action or state of including
or of being included within a group
or structure.” In contrast, to exclude
is “to prevent someone from doing
something or being part of a group;
to leave out; or to think something is
not worth attention”.
These definitions highlight the
important difference between
“diversity” and “inclusion.” Diversity
is a description or recognition of
the dimensions of difference and
Some of the large projects she has
led include cultural diversity in the SA
Sometimes ‘diversity’ and
‘diversity management’ are used
interchangeably, but diversity by
itself does not necessarily require
management. It is simply a noun,
a description of differences and
similarities that people use to identify
themselves (individually or within a
group) or others.
Multinational and local companies. She
is part of an 80 member global panel
of experts which developed the Global
& is also a member of the Diversity
Collegium, a think tank of diversity experts
and practitioners worldwide.
Nene is a trained Coach, an
international speaker who has extensively
presented papers in the USA, Italy,
and her home country.
Nene is also a guest speaker and
In working with a range of different
companies, Mandate Molefi has
observed that the shift to inclusivity
requires a big change in mindsets, attitudes and behaviours,
which can be greatly enhanced
through the use of a powerful tool
like the Enneagram. By focusing
on “inclusion” and deeper inner
work, one is shifting the focus from
viewing diversity as a problem that
needs to be solved, to focusing
on concrete empowerment and
actions that can result in a more
creative, empowering and dynamic
workplace for the individuals within it
(managers, employees, unions etc.)
as well as for the stakeholders outside
it (shareholders, customers/clients,
suppliers, etc.).
Nene Molefi is the Owner of Mandate
Molefi HR Consultants, a company based
in Johannesburg with a track record that
spans over 17 years in the field of Change,
leadership institutions: Gordon Institute for
Business Science & Thabo Mbeki African
Leadership Institute & Stellenbosch
Business School.
Dr Nicola Graham &
Megan Galloway
Nicola: Medical Doctor
Megan: Growth Coach
Cape Town, South Africa
Mindfulness for Enneagram
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
We propose that the use of the
Enneagram with Mindfulness
practice is a potent combination
for building integration, or unity, at
a biological (intrapersonal) and at
a community (interpersonal) level.
According to Dr Daniel Siegel
(1) integration both respects
differences and creates linkages
between differentiated elements
of a system. By this definition then,
integration creates unity through
diversity. Integration and unity
leads to the flexible, adaptive,
and how we can use them better to
be more effective, experience more
meaning and connection, and live more
happily. Mindfulness and the Enneagram
At a brain level, integration occurs
through building connections
between discrete areas of the
brain to increase connectivity. At a
community level, integration occurs
through understanding interpersonal
differences with compassion, and
building connections between
people that honour and respect
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malaysia, Bangladesh
associate lecturer for two South African
In contrast, inclusion is an action or
a practice aimed at intentionally
creating an environment that
leverages diversity without reducing
individuals to categories that need to
be managed. The focus on inclusion
re-orientates diversity management.
Inclusion encourages managers and
leaders to see themselves as active
participants in the process of building
a more equitable workplace, rather
than as the ones tasked to manage
other people.
and coherent flow of energy and
information in the brain, the mind,
and between people.
Judiciary; transformation strategies with
Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks (GDIB)
writing about the Enneagram as a Living
Systems Methodology for wellbeing and
Transformation and Diversity and Inclusion.
fall centrally into understanding the
hardwiring that drives our automatic
perceptions of the world, and waking up
to these patterns, until we realise that we
have choice. She writes, teaches and
coaches within the framework of applied
Megan Galloway is a corporate and
personal growth RESULTS coach. She is
also an accredited Enneagram Practi­
The Enneagram provides a
powerful framework for describing
differences. It elegantly describes
differences between the 3 centres
of intelligence, the 9 Enneagram
styles, the influences of midbrain
survival subtypes, and areas of
conscious awareness compared with
unconscious behaviour patterns. For
the Enneagram to be used wisely
and not destructively, honouring
these differences, and learning to
create linkages between them is key.
The evidence base that supports
the use of Mindfulness to build both
intra- and interpersonal integration
is growing. Mindfulness practice
develops the insular cortex, which is
the seat of compassion, self-insight
and a sense of union. Regular
Mindfulness practitioners have
greater levels of integration across
brain regions, and report better
compassion and empathy for people
in their communities.
By developing a Mindfulness
practice, Enneagram practitioners
can support themselves and their
clients to explore ‘Unity through
Diversity’ in real and meaningful
ways. We aim to give practitioners
practical tools that they can use in
their lives and their work through
an experiential workshop that
explores the interconnectedness
between the Enneagram and
Mindfulness practice.
Dr Nicola Graham is a medical doctor
who is fascinated by healthy brains,
tioner and student of mindfulness. Megan
originally trained and worked as a
diamond exploration geologist for over
10 years. This solid scientific foundation,
informs the way that she works, and the
tools and models that she chooses to use
in her coaching practice. Megan has a
passion for seeing people live up to their
potential. The possibility of discovering
precious gems (both in the ground
and in the human mind) excites her
Nompi Vilakazi
Finance Manager and Executive
Coach, Durban, South Africa
Painting Team Portraits – Seeing
who we are, what we have and
what we can do differently to
Shape the Power of the Team
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
An exploration of the gift of the
Enneagram as a tool for team
learning and growth. This is a
presentation of work done with
various teams using the Enneagram
as a departure point for impacting
their health through improved selfawareness, deeper understanding
of others, and joint commitments.
By observing individual profiles
Presenters & their topics
and that of the team as a whole,
the highlighted strengths, areas for
growth as well as gaps in the team
performance and competencies, the
tools of the Enneagram can shift how
people see themselves, each other
and their potential contributions.
From this picture, a new language
also emerges and future possibilities
open up that can be sustained
through continued PDPs and ongoing team learning.
Areas of exploration and
conversation may include:
1. How, in a low turnover
environment with low
opportunities for change, the
Enneagram may be a tool
to create a space for shift in
perspective, and therefore
change where nothing else has
changed structurally.
2. How the introduction of the
language of the Enneagram can
re-shape the relationships etc.
within a team.
3. How injecting more selfawareness can raise the social
and or mental health of a team.
4. Insights that can be used from
team enneagram profiles, in
guiding teams through a change
management process.
Nompi Vilakazi is an Accountant and
Professional Coach with training in
Organizational Development & Change.
She has over 15 years’ experience in
kind of exercises don’t work, in my
Sandra De Clercq
I will give an overview of all these
topics and will show clips of the
client talking about the effects of the
Enneagram program in the daily life
of the company. I will also share some
exercises and best practices.
Coach and Trainer
Antwerp, Belgium
Sandra De Clercq is a Master in
Organizational Psychology and started
An extraordinary case
study: how to implement the
Enneagram in a company of
30 000 employees
her career in the business world as
Concurrent session
2 November 2014
Voice Dialogue, Somatic Focusing, etc.)
With this rare combination of roles,
she is passionately and actively involved
in evoking personal mastery and
organizational excellence through people
development, with particular interest in
systems change, strategy integration,
leadership and transformation.
Nompi is married and dotes over her
4 year old wonder boy who teaches her
to play and explore life. A closet artist, she
runs for meditation and reads for survival.
She contributes to University education
through tutoring and exam marking. She
currently coaches SAICA bursary students
aspiring to qualifying as CA’s, and mentors
pupils at a semi-rural KZN primary school.
Presenters & their topics
obtained her certification as an Integral
coach through Centre for Coaching
at GSB in Cape Town. Sharon became
an accredited coach supervisor at Wits
The presenter – both an accredited
supervisor and an Enneagram
practitioner – will share their personal
experience of arriving at the door of
supervision and how the experience
in itself proved to be the catalyst
for the passion and commitment to
supervision as integral to professional
coaching trainings (NLP, System Theory,
and came across the Enneagram. Since
coach/trainer working full-time with the
Enneagram: in individual coaching,
teambuilding, train-the-trainer programs
and teaching extensively in business. She
We will be exploring the theory
and background to professional
supervision and the audience will
be invited to participate in group
supervision that will be provided by
some of our experienced coach
supervisors from both Cape Town
and Johannesburg.
has taught more than 2 500 people in
several companies.
Her main teachers are Tom Condon,
Katherine Fauvre, David Fauvre, Russ
Hudson, Andrea Isaacs, Don Riso, Ginger
Lapid-Bogda and above all, the many
students and coaching clients.
Participants will leave this session
with a deeper understanding of this
essential professional practice and
in what ways it is or is not different to
coaching, and will also be informed
as to what to look for when seeking
a supervisor. The various functions of
• Formative
• Normative
• Supportive
Will be better understood and in
addition participants will be invited
to experience group supervision.
Sharon Jansen
What worked? What did we change
for the better? What are the pitfalls
of introducing the Enneagram?
How did we adjust the program
over time? How did we change our
style of teaching or even choice of
words to make the trainings better?
What did we notice in the kind of
people singing up and how did this
change? What are the benefits for
the customer? Why does the client
invest this much in the Enneagram
without facts and figures to prove
their potential ROI? What is the
effect of having so many employees
knowing the Enneagram? What kind
of exercises work in business? Which
26 years in financial services, Sharon
Business school in 2011. Sharon has been
apprenticed to the Enneagram for over
15 years and has integrated this into her
Leadership Coach and
Coach Supervisor
Johannesburg, South Africa
Super-Vision: Integral to
Professional Practice
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
Supervision is one of the main
integrating processes for ongoing
personal and professional
development of coaches, mentors
and organisational consultants.
Supervision is widely advocated and
yet poorly practiced.
There will be an opportunity for
discussion of the various ways in
which Supervision can be applied in
support of professional practice.
The presenter will demonstrate how
the Enneagram can be incorporated
into the supervision process when
appropriate and applicable.
Sharon Jansen is a practicing Leadership
Coach based in Johannesburg and
works at both local and international
levels. Coaching for 14 years, Sharon had
an extensive corporate background
before entering coaching as a second
career. After retiring from Corporate after
and include individual and team
work, the enneagram and strategy,
enneagram and diversity and many
other applications. We have recently
mapped the enneagram with CookGreuter’s LMF to provide a specific
and rich developmental pathway for
ourselves and our partners.
life and professional practice.
As an HR consultant, she took several
2006, she has been an independent
In 2008, I started teaching the
Enneagram at Colruyt group, a multisubsidiary company that is mainly
active in retail. Nowadays, every
employee can sign up for five 2-day
Enneagram workshops (Nine types,
instincts, relationships, integration
of the nine types and a couples
training). Almost 2000 employees
know about the nine types at this
point. All sessions this year are fully
booked and we even have a waiting
list. People hear their colleagues
talking about the ‘numbers’ and
become curious. It is now a shared
language company-wide. A lot was
learned from the constant feedback
of workshop attendees. These are
some of the practices I would like to
share with you.
Corporate Finance and is an accredited
Enneagram practitioner.
Human Resources Manager for 8 years.
This experiential session will provide
the audience with both the theory
and the practical application of
Simon Kettleborough &
Julia Kukard
Founders of Aephoria Partners
Cape Town, South Africa
Using the Enneagram to
grow and shape leaders in
Emerging Markets
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
We are obsessed by what it means
to be human in today’s organisations
operating in a volatile world. We
specialise in the emerging market
context; we tend to work either
with organisations from emerging
economies, or with businesses trying
to access developing markets.
Emerging markets require new
ways of thinking, being, and feeling.
Our interventions therefore aim to
go beyond ‘traditional’ cognitive
approaches to people development
by facilitating behavioural, emotional,
somatic and psychological shifts in
people, primarily through the use of
the Enneagram and the Leadership
Maturity Framework (Cook-Greuter
and Torbert’s work).
Our session at the conference will
begin by establishing whether an
emerging market leadership style
is possible or necessary, drawing on
research and experience in Africa,
Asia, South America and China. We
will also introduce the Leadership
Maturity Framework (Cook-Greuter,
Torbert) and show the relevance
of this model to understanding,
managing and measuring the
leadership development process.
The rest of the presentation will
explore how the enneagram could
be useful to support leadership
maturity in emerging markets,
drawing on practical examples of
programmes the presenters have
run. We will explore programme
structures, intervention processes and
the intersection of methodologies,
as well as approaches to
measurement of outcomes. We will
wrap up the session with lessons and
recommendations for integrating
the enneagram within emerging
market leadership development
Julia Kukard (BA Hons, MA, MBA):
I have been working with the enneagram
for over ten years, largely in corporate
settings but also within NGOs and
Government. My experience in facilitation,
training and development goes back 24
years, starting as a Museum Education
Officer, moving on to small business
training in rural areas in Africa and latterly
working within corporates with groups and
During the last five years, Aephoria
(the company we started) has
designed and run intensive
enneagram courses for companies
within the petrochemical, FMCG,
mining and banking sectors in
emerging markets. These courses
range from 2 to 16 days in duration
individuals. I have worked in many sectors,
many cultures and in many countries but
remain fascinated by emerging markets
and their requirements for leaders. My
deep passion is how to support people
to grow and mature. I run an elective on
the UCT MBA and have co-written a book
on Steward Leadership with Professor
Presenters & their topics
Kurt April (GSB) and Dean Kai Peters
(Ashridge). I relate to Enneagram 8 (SX).
his/her skills, creativity and commit­
ment and makes one better equip­
ped to deal with life’s curve-balls.
Simon Kettleborough (BA Hons,
DipMan, MBA, MSc.): I’ve been deeply
fascinated with human behaviour ever
since I can remember, quietly absorbing
the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the British
as I grew up in a 1970s UK. My working
life started in the corporate arena,
working in commercial roles for Tata Steel
and Diageo (Guinness) and in strategy
consulting for Arthur D. Little and as a
result, I guess I realised that it’s tough to
change the system when you’re in the
system. So the last thirteen years have
been spent consulting to private, public
development, diversity, strategy and
I first encountered the Enneagram
when I moved from Brazil to South Africa
in 2009 and I’ve been mesmerised by it
ever since. It forms the backbone of every
Now more than ever, leaders and
managers have to juggle the tricky
tasks of navigating “seas of change”
and “doing more with less” – a
difficult balancing act. Adding to
the challenge, organisations place
increasing demands on leaders,
requiring them to impart vision, initiate
change and make difficult decisions
over and above their operational
duties. To conquer these demands,
leaders have to be self-aware,
flexible, adaptable and resilient.
In a corporate world, resilience
training gives employees the tools
they need to sustain focus, energy
and productivity. It empowers them
to succeed under pressure and
enhances their capacity for flexibility,
creativity and innovation.
programme I work on. I resonate with
Enneagram 3 (SX).
Tanya Stevens
Owner of BeClear,
Business and Executive Coach
Cape Town, South Africa
The overall purpose of the session is
to offer delegates the opportunity to
(i) explore their own way of reacting
to change and increase the level of
change responsiveness and (ii) gain
insight into the use of the Enneagram
as a tool to develop resilience,
and (iii) get exposed to a learning
context that demonstrates the ways
in which the enneagram can assist
in increasing personal resilience, (iv)
gain a deeper understanding of
how to coach for resilience using the
Bouncing Forward: Using the
Enneagram to support and
develop resilience
Tanya Stevens is an Integral coach and
Concurrent session
31 October 2014
Leadership Development, Coaching and
development services that focuses on
implementation of bespoke people
development programs for individuals,
groups and corporate organisations
through coaching, facilitation and training
processes. She is also a public speaker
and is often invited to address academic
and corporate audiences on resilience
and leadership.
Building personal resilience allows a
person to engage the full range of
Presenters & their topics
team and executive resilience. Tanya
Business and Executive coaching. She
She has a specific interest and passion
for Integral Theory and Integrated
Furthermore, this will be an
introduction to a three-day workshop
on the same theme Uranio will
facilitate in South Africa right after
the Conference.
menagerie of animals.
whole, and speaking up clearly without
aggression or collapsing.
In addition to her organization, she is the
author of two books, The Intuitive Body and
The Practice of Freedom, a DVD and a CD.
Her newest book, Leadership Embodiment,
lives in Cape Town with her family and a
Uranio Paes is the President of up9
is co-authored with Janet Crawford.
Desenvolvimento Humano, a Brazilian
executive coaching, and consulting and
training organization that has worked
for over 40 leading organizations in Latin
America. Together with a team of nine
organizational consultants and coaches,
Uranio has trained or coached over
10,000 people.
As a worldwide known Enneagram
Uranio Paes
teacher and practitioner, Uranio Paes has
Owner of up9 Desenvolvinento
Sao Paulo, Brazil
been presenting in numerous Enneagram
conferences in the USA, Europe, Australia
and all over Latin America. Uranio was
the Global President of the International
Energy Work and the Enneagram
Enneagram Association in 2008 and
Concurrent session
1 November 2014
2009. Uranio is also an affiliate teacher
or Helen Palmer and David Daniels and
he teaches the Enneagram Professional
Uranio Paes will run this experiential
workshop in which he will facilitate
deep transformation for volunteers,
using a carpet with the Enneagram
symbol drawn on it. This work involves
managing the energy that the Ennea­
gram symbol and the growth work
provides and requires. Uranio’s work
usually brings in experiential learning
about important points in theory,
such as arrows, wings and Gurdjieff’s
Laws. Uranio will lead an optional
exercise with the whole group of
participants and will work individually
with a few participants that volunteer
to do so. The overall experience is
transformational for all attendees.
Training Program (EPTP) in Brazil and Spain.
Wendy Palmer
Founder of Leadership Embodiment
San Francisco, USA
2 November 2014
Wendy Palmer holds a sixth degree
founder of BECLEAR, a provider of people
Tanya specialises in the design and
Resilience is generally thought of
as a “positive adaptation” after a
stressful or adverse situation. More
than that, true resilience is about
the ability of individuals, teams and
organisations to survive and thrive in
an increasingly turbulent world.
research on the subject of individual,
holds a Master Degree in Management:
and non-profit sector organisations on
leadership development, economic
Resilience and has done extensive
This work covers concepts from
Gurdjieff’s Enneagram, including Law
of One, Law of Three and Law of
Seven; several different psycho and
spiritual practices and techniques,
from different sources; the
strengthening and the awareness of
an individual and a collective energy
field that goes beyond our bodies
and that has multiple attributes;
techniques for self-rememberance;
etc. This technique can be applied
for groups, couples and individuals in
different ways.
black belt in Aikido and has practiced
mindfulness for over 35 years.
She is the founder of Leadership
Embodiment a coaching program that
uses principles from the non-violent
Japanese martial art of Aikido and
mindfulness to offer simple tools and
practices to increase leadership presence
and respond to stress and pressure with
greater confidence and integrity.
The three competencies of Leadership
Embodiment focus on developing greater
capacity to work with intensity. They are:
being inclusive, being able to listen for the
Presenters & their topics
Presenter schedule
Day 2: Sat 1 nov
room A:
Track 1
Day 1: Fri 31 Oct
room A:
Track 1
Room B:
Track 2
Room C:
Track 3
Room D:
Track 4
Opening: Lucille
Greeff & Dirk Cloete
Nompi Vilakazi
Painting Team Portraits –
Seeing who we are,
what we have and what
we can do differently
to Shape the Power of
the Team
Marlene de Lange
Enneagram and Positive
dr Lee Kingma
The Paradox of
Innovation and
Structure – Harnessing
Type 4 energy to
create a sustainable
Casper Oelofsen
The relationship between
Enneagram Types and
Mindfulness based
Julia Kerr
The Soul of Corporate
South Africa is Dead:
Bringing humanity back
into the workplace
Michelle Bennetts
Enneagram Empowered
Youth – using the
Enneagram and
coaching techniques to
ignite our youth
Nene Molefi
Diversity and Inclusion –
The Enneagram as
a tool for inclusion
and transformation of
Mary Amohanga
We are more alike than
we are different
Guy Thomson
Understanding our
Vulnerability through the
Lens of the Enneagram
Annakarin Cecillia
How to reconnect to your
true nature – An object
relations approach
dr Nicola Graham &
Megan Galloway
Mindfulness for
Enneagram Practitioners
Diane Ring
Fusing the Enneagram
with Neuroscience in
Executive Coaching
Karolyne Williams
Creating Unity with Others
through Embracing
Diversity within Self
Kristen Carter
Up, Up and Away!: Use The
Enneagram to Turn Your
People Into a Team of
Bridget Woods
Does the predominant
leadership enneagram
profile offer a view into
the organisation’s way of
being? A comparative
study of two operations
in a large South African
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Monika Adelfang
The Enneagram’s
Invitation: Opening up
a universe of possibility
through individual and
group stories
Linda Hennings &
Nolitha Tsengiwe
The Enneagram as a tool
for sustainability within
an existing Leadership
Development Program
Tanya Stevens
Bouncing Forward:
Using the Enneagram
to support and develop
Elmarie Venter
Coaching for Spiritual
Intelligence with
incorporation of the
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Sharon Jansen
Super-Vision: Integral to
Professional Practice
Uranio Paes
Energy Work and the
Dr Dorrian Aiken
The Enneagram and
Integral Vision: “Ladders,
Climbers & Views”
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Beatrice Chestnut
Encountering the
Enneagram’s “Countertype” Subtypes
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Julia Kukard &
Simon Kettleborough
Using the Enneagram to
grow and shape leaders
in Emerging Markets
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Room D:
Track 4
Ginger Lapid-Bogda.
Unity through Diversity:
Who Am I?; Who Are
You?; Who Are We?
Room C:
Track 3
Plenary – 2 hours
Keynote - 1:30 hours
Room B:
Track 2
Presenter schedule
Presenter schedule
venue site plan
Day 3: sun 2 nov
room A:
Track 1
Room B:
Track 2
Room C:
Track 3
Room D:
Track 4
Ground Floor, Level 1
Session 4 Tracks – 2 hours
Lucille Greeff &
Dirk Cloete
Making Sense of
Sandra De Clercq
An extraordinary case
study: how to implement
the Enneagram in a
company of 30 000
Joni Peddie
Enneagram essentials for
facilitators working with
endnote - 1:30 hours
Wendy Palmer
Conference Closed
First Floor, Level 2
Vineyard Hotel
021 657 4500
Presenter schedule
Conference Centre
021 657 4590/1
Colinton Road (off Protea Road),
Newlands, Cape Town
Event sponsored by