Rhythm of The Night Rhythm of The Night
Rhythm of The Night Rhythm of The Night
S un da y M ond ay Tu esda y Wed nesd ay Thu rsda y Beginner Students – Enjoy All Blue & Orange Classes! FADS Club – Enjoy All Blue Classes! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 B enefits of Fr ed Asta ire Gr oup Cla sses 7:00 In tern ationa l - (ALL Levels) Reinforces material in private lessons. Helps stay active with dance in between lessons. To introduce new styles & steps. Excellent way to try out new dances. Great way to meet others and practice social dancing. 5 6 (ALL Levels) 7:45 B ronze 8 (ALL Levels) Merengue Foxtrot – Swing Waltz – Rumba 6:00 Spotlight 9 6:15 B egin n er 7:45 B egin ner 7:45 F oun da tion Push-Pull Waltz – R umba Tango – Cha-Cha 7:00 In tern ationa l Waltz – Rumba 3 4 6:15 B egin n er Tango – Cha-Cha 7:00 B ron ze 7:00 Cou ntry S atu rd ay 2 7:45 F oun da tion 7 F rida y 7:45 B ronze Foxtrot – Swing Viennese – Swing 10 11 7:00 S a lsa Push-Pull Tango – Cha-Cha 7:45 F oun da tion (Le ss on s b y Appo in tme nt O nly) (AL L Levels) (Le ss on s b y Appo in tme nt O nly 7:45 Spanish Nights Party (S po ns ors O nl y) 12 13 14 7:00 B ron ze 7:00 Cou ntry 7:00 In tern ationa l Foxtrot – Bolero (ALL Levels) 7:45 F oun da tion Tango – Cha-Cha 19 3:00 Kemah Fun Cruise (Spon sors O nly) 7:45 B egin ner Merengue Waltz – R umba 20 (ALL Levels) 7:45 F oun da tion Foxtrot – Swing 7:45 F oun da tion 7:45 B ronze 22 (ALL Levels) Merengue Tango – Cha-Cha 17 Rhythm of The Night Waltz – Mambo 7:00 In tern ationa l 7:45 B egin ner 6:15 B egin n er Push-Pull Foxxtrot – Swing 21 Tango – Cha-Cha 16 (ALL Levels) Waltz – Rumba 7:00 B ron ze 7:00 Cou ntry 15 23 6:15 B egin n er 7:45 B ronze Tango – Cha-Cha Foxtrot – Rumba 24 27 7:00 Cou ntry (ALL Levels) 7:45 F oun da tion Waltz – Rumba 28 29 7:45 Festival Victory Party 7:00 B ron ze Viennese – Swing 7:45 B egin ner Merengue Foxtrot – Swing 30 6:15 B egin n er 7:00 In tern ationa l Push-Pull Tango – Cha-Cha (ALL Levels) 7:45 F oun da tion Foxtrot – Swing 7:45 B ronze Tango – Bolero 25 (AL L Levels) (S po ns ors O nl y) 26 Rhythm of The Night 7:00 S a lsa Push-Pull Waltz – R umba 7:45 F oun da tion 18 (Le ss on s b y Appo in tme nt O nly) Fred Astaire La ke Hous ton 18321 W Lake Houston Pkwy, Ste. 440 Atascocita, TX 77346 (281) 913-2623 FredAstaireLakeHouston.com LakeHouston@fredastaire.com