ISIT brochure


ISIT brochure
National Industrial Integrative Research, Development and Educational Centre
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
IN[TITUT za sonaravne inovativne tehnologije (Ljubljana)
Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies - iSIT :
national industrial integrative research, development and
educational centre / [text Igor Emri, Ur{ka Florjan~i~ and
Alen Oseli; translation Mojca Japelj Muži~]. - Ljubljana:
iSIT, 2011
ISBN 978-961-92228-0-5
1. Emri, Igor 2. Florjan~i~, Ur{ka
National Industrial Integrative Research, Development and Educational Centre
A product can only be competitive on the global market
if all the elements of the value chain (R&D-production-marketing)
have been designed at the PhD or MSc level.
2 Address by the President of the General Assembly
and the Chairman of the Executive Board
3 Introduction
4 Mission
6 Activities
8 Organization
Education Process
Business Operations
12 Slovenian Technology Networks
14 The Building
16 Site Location and Contacts
Stanko Polaniè
Igor Emri
Address by the President of the General Assembly
and the Chairman of the Executive Board
With iSIT, we are introducing into the Slovenian and European space an
innovative industrial R&D environment (platform) providing conditions for
integrative interdisciplinary cooperation between the leading experts and
authors of ideas which are necessary for commercial success of the product or
technology on the global market.
In addition to knowledge and experience, the implementation of such
objectives requires the enthusiasm and energy possessed only by the young.
This is why we are including in this process an interdisciplinary goal-oriented
postgraduate education in which we exploit the synergy of superior knowledge
in various fields required to achieve the desired economic success.
iSIT is open on an international scale to all leading experts and the authors of
ideas who wish to realize their visions and dreams of economic success.
You are invited to join us. United we will fulfil our dreams and reach our goals!
Stanko Polaniè
Igor Emri
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
of the association and Board member
Chairman of the Board
The Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies – iSiT is a national industrial integrative research, development
and educational center, whose basic purpose is to promote and manage the transfer of superior technologies into the
industrial environment aiming at enhancing competitive capacities and strategic opportunities for enterprises in all
economic sectors, and consequently contribute to the progress and prosperity of the society.
iSIT started to operate at the end of 2008 as a non-profit organization as a legal form of an European Economic
Interest Grouping – EEIG . This is a new form of enterprise grouping aiming at integrating knowledge and skills,
equipment and human potential from the economic and research spheres and oriented towards the creation of new
'spin-off' companies whose technologies are based on newest superior basic knowledge.
iSIT emerged as one of the goals of the Slovenian Technology Networks and institutionalizes the coordination of the
activities required to establish an overall innovation infrastructure environment in which the TN academic and
industrial members interlink and cooperate. In this role, iSIT is a:
a) Gateway to business opportunities, providing the following functions:
- A contact centre for activities and operations;
- Support to project management of joint projects (Project Office);
- Implementation activities for TN IPMT operationalization (corporate image, internet presentation, ICT
infrastructure, market research, marketing and promotional activities);
- Coordination of activities aimed at participation in international projects, particularly within the European
Union, and cooperation with new partners in other regions, European Union, etc.;
b) Technology Demo Centre, promoting the activities, i.e., products and services of the integrated high-tech
demo centre;
c) Convergence Laboratory, conducting activities aimed at developing an innovative environment and the entire
TN IPMT, and creating opportunities for joint testing and development of equipment, services and contents, as
well as for the transfer of knowledge and experience from the framework of R&D cores to other areas where the
formation of R&D cores is still under way;
d) Centre of Knowledge, enabling efficient flow and transfer of knowledge among the participating partners, and
organizing joint long-life educational and training activities for all Consortium members in the form of courses,
seminars, workshops, and other forms of educational activities. These activities are conducted within the
existing universities and higher lever educational institutions ;
e) Incubation Environment, creating conditions for the foundation of new dynamic and flexible innovative
enterprises, collaborating with the University of Ljubljana incubator and other incubators, technology parks and
R&D centres in EU and elsewhere.
LIBERTAS – European Institute GmbH, European EEIG Information Centre, Hans-Jürgen Zahorka, Vaihinger Str. 24, D-71063
Sindelfingen (Stuttgart); Tel. +49/(0)70 31/61 86 80, Fax +49/(0)70 31/61 86 86, E-mail:,
The establishment of iSiT, the national industrial integrative research, development and educational center, creates
the necessary conditions and environment for the development of high-tech (HT) products and technologies required
for penetrating markets with the highest added value and forming new 'high-tech' companies. These activities are an
integral part of the goal-oriented post-graduate (PhD and MSc) studies.
iSIT fills the gap between basic research activities and industrial environment, as shown schematically in Figure 1,
and thus facilitates a fast transfer of cutting-edge basic knowledge to the market. A similar approach has been
applied successfully at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology – AIST in Japan and
within the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training Program – IGERT , financed by the National Science
Foundation – NSF in the USA.
Leading Innovations Through "Full Research"
Strengthen practices of "Full Research" and contribute to create new industry.
Share and idea of "Full Research"
with universities for Type-1 Basic Research
with industries for industrial realization
Basic Research
Basic Research
Research Institutes (AIST)
Full Research
Figure 1. iSIT's Mission5
A prerequisite for the penetration of markets with the highest added value is to run all the elements of the added value
chain (R&D-production-marketing) at the highest possible level, typically PhD or MSc level. Therefore, iSIT creates
conditions for the integrative goal-oriented education of young, highly educated entrepreneurial teams capable of
organizing R&D-production-marketing chains for high-tech products with the highest added value. The acquisition of
knowledge and skills required for the formation of high-tech companies is therefore an integral component of the
interdisciplinary postgraduate education for the new millennium.
For this purpose, iSIT is establishing a system of integrative interdisciplinary postgraduate education which will
formally take place within the University of Ljubljana, and elsewhere in Europe and USA. Special attention is made to
collaboration with leading scientists, talented mentors and young researchers from the Central and South-Eastern
5 The diagram taken from the lecture by Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa: An Introduction to AIST, Jožef Stefan Institute, November 2005.
The role of iSIT in the TN is to:
Monitor the knowledge market in the field of innovative materials and technologies;
Provide the environment for the exchange of knowledge and experience among the TN members;
Seek synergetic effects of integration within TN; for individual members, these effects will be reflected in higher
added value, increased exports, reduced costs, new knowledge and technologies, expert staff, etc.;
Develop training programmes and raise the level of R&D knowledge within TN.
The role of iSIT in the society is to:
Create relations and links between enterprises, people and organizations, knowledge and solutions, contents and
services, as well as providers and consumers;
Analyse and study the actual situation as regards the production, distribution and sale of high-tech products;
Promote and monitor the needs of the Slovenian and foreign markets for knowledge and services in the field of
innovative polymer and other technologies;
Create the conditions for the development of innovative technologies, a prerequisite for the transition of
enterprises into higher price brackets;
Position Slovenia as an equal partner in the selected technological areas and as a leading partner in the
corresponding market niches, compared to the most advanced economies;
Take part in establishing development, production, and marketing related links with foreign enterprises and
Represent progressive views in matters such as employment, taxation related and legal issues;
Establish the status of the "primary interlocutor" for innovative polymer and other technologies when the relevant
needs of state administration and domestic companies are expressed;
Cooperate with public authorities in the field of education and educational establishments;
Cooperate with local and foreign universities and other educational institutions and provide life-long education;
Promote and create the environment for diverse forms of cooperation on international scale, particularly within the
European Union;
Organize seminars and the exchange of opinions in the field of scientific and professional activity;
Support the issuing of publications related to its activities.
iSIT is an integrative incubator for new technologies and products under the QRI© (Quality through Research and
Innovation) trademark. The integrative interdisciplinary post-graduate programmes, implemented within the University
of Ljubljana and coordinated by iSIT, are related to concrete projects, which are based on superior basic knowledge and
assessed by independent experts as projects that can lead to technological, and subsequently economic,
The master's and doctoral theses and dissertations are hence a side-product of development work and not the goal, as
has been commonly a practice in post-graduate education so far.
iSIT does not confer academic degrees. Graduate students receive their master's or doctoral degrees from University of
Ljubljana and/or partner organizations of higher education.
Integrative Goal Oriented Graduate Education and Research Traineeship
iSiT is a converging and integrative institution providing and building the environment for integrative cross-disciplinary
graduate education on international level. The key partners in this endeavour are Bauman Moscow State Technical
University – Bauman MSTU , Moscow, Russia; California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, Califirnia, USA; and leading
European universities participating in the European postgraduate programme EURHEO – »European Masters in
Engineering Rheology«, and EURHEO PLUS – »European Doctorate in Engineering Rheology«, aiming at creating the
synergy of techno-socio-economic knowledge required to found high-tech spin-off companies.
EURHEO - European Masters in Engineering Rheology:
On the initiative of the European Society of Rhology – ESR the needs of Joint post-Graduate syllabi on Engineering
Rheology were discussed between 2003 and 2007 within the framework of a Socrates/Erasmus Programme project
(29238-IC-1-2002-1-PT-ERASMUS-PROGUC-1 "EURHEO - European Postgraduate Programme in Rheology"). In this
project participated fourteen universities from eleven EU countries, which recognized the benefit of implementing
programs that could bridge the gaps in knowledge and practice existing in the different areas of Rheology, train a new
generation of researchers capable of interacting across the different areas, and promote the crossbreeding between
existing areas and new ones. Six of the original partners pursued an application to an Erasmus Mundus Master Course,
which was later approved and launched as EURHEO – European Masters in Engineering Rheology (Framework
Partnership Agreement 2008-0099/001), currently in its third edition.
The objective of EURHEO – European Masters in Engineering Rheology is to offer an advanced education programme on
Rheology and its applications to different Engineering areas. EURHEO combines the expertise of six leading European
Universities in the field of Rheology and the syllabus is designed to provide its graduates with the necessary
competences to understand the relevance of Rheology in Materials Science and Engineering and apply the knowledge
gained in solving real-world Engineering problems both autonomously and included in multidisciplinary research teams.
The following universities currently participate in the EURHEO programme implementation: University of Minho
(Portugal), University of Huelva (Spain), University of Calabria (Italy), Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Catholic
University of Louvain (Belgium), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Erasmus Mundus Action1.B – Joint Doctorate Programmes: 520056-1-2011-1-PT-ERA MUNDUS-EMJD
EURHEO PLUS - European Doctorate in Engineering Rheology:
European Doctorate in Engineering Rheology (EURHEO PLUS) emerged from the growing awareness of the utility of
Rheology by both academia and industry via structured collaboration and excellence in education. The
implementation of an European Doctorate in Engineering Rheology (EURHEO PLUS EMJD) with an homogeneous,
coherent and multi-disciplinary syllabus, is offered jointly by leading Universities and with the intense partnership of
reputed associated Universities, Companies and Research Institutions.
The aim is to train researchers with the scientific, intercultural and complementary skills required to cross-breed,
promote synergies, apply and generate knowledge to efficiently solve complex engineering problems in a wide variety
of industries.
The EURHEO PLUS Consortium comprises the following full academic partners: Universidade do Minho, PT
coordinating institution (UM), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE (KUL), Université Catholique de Louvain, BE (UCL),
Università degli Studi della Calabria, IT (UCAL), Univerza v Ljubljani, SI (ULJ), Case Western Reserve University, US
(CWRU) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), NL.
Due to the wide variety of Scientific fields and application Sectors where Engineering Rheology is relevant, the pool of
Associated Partners involves 18 organizations from 10 Countries:
Companies: BASF, DE; Fresenius Kabi, DE; Lubrizol, US; Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, BE; LyondellBasell, DE; Pavan,
IT; Thermo Electron GmbH, DE.
Universities: Bauman University, RU; Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Chemistry and Changchun Institute
of Applied Chemistry) CN; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, CH; Lehigh University, US; Mahatma Gandhi
University, IN; Stanford University, US; Universidade Federal S. Carlos (UFCAR), BR.
Research organizations: CERTECH, BE; Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, DE; Innovation Pole in
Polymer Engineering, PT.
The legal form of iSIT is the European Economic Interest Grouping – EEIG, which is a new form of enterprise grouping
aiming at integrating knowledge and skills, equipment and human potential from the economic and research spheres
and oriented towards the creation of new 'spin-off' companies whose technologies are based on superior basic
The Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies – iSiT is a non-profit national industrial integrative research,
development and educational center, whose basic purpose is to promote and manage the transfer of superior
technologies into the industrial environment aiming at enhancing competitive capacities and strategic opportunities for
enterprises in all economic sectors, and consequently contribute to the progress and prosperity of the society.
The overall organization chart of the iSiT activities is shown schematically in Figure 2.
Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies - iSIT
Internal collaboration
Internal activities of iSIT
PhD and MSc Studies
Integrative TechnoEconomic Research and
Research Department
Postgraduate goal-oriented
education (MSc and PhD):
•Team work
•“Goal-oriented” selection of
•Interdisciplinary subjects
Integrative graduate goaloriented techno-socioeconomic education and
research training:
•Product oriented activities
•International collaboration
Universities, Institutes,
Figure 2. Organization chart of the iSIT activities
Establishment of High-Tech
Spin-Off Companies
Organization of spin-off companies
based on network structure of
manufacturing systems:
•Virtual coordination systems
EU and other international
and national projects and
Organization of the Education Process
The organization chart of the educational process within the framework of iSiT is shown schematically in Figure 3. The
group of researchers – mentors coming from various local and foreign higher education organizations, institutes and
industry, defines the topic of a project aimed at producing a superior product (or technology), which should lead to
commercial success. The group of experts defines the fields of knowledge sets which are crucial for the development,
production, and successful placement of the product on the market. On the basis of this analysis, an interdisciplinary
research group of graduate students and mentors is then formed.
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven /
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Lingby, Danmark
Universidad de Huelva, Spain
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
University of Wales Aberystwyth, UK
University of Wales Swansea, UK
Idryma Technologias Kai Ereunas, Greece
University of Leeds, UK
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Slovenia
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Slovenia
University of Maribor, Slovenia
Bauman Moscaw State Technical University, Moscow
Partner Universities from the USA
Partner Universities from Japan
Sustainable Innovative Technologies
Product and/or
Graduate Students
Mentors &
Msc /PhD
Bestowed by
the participating
and/or EURHEO
Project Leader
Figure 3. Organization chart of the educational process within the framework of iSIT
Candidates immediately start with teamwork on concrete issues, bearing in mind that the final objective is
commercial success. Together with their mentors they first define the knowledge they need to solve the project
issues. The selection of the course contents is prepared for each candidate separately, depending on the candidate's
current level of education and the contents of his/her project. The subjects to be studied in the course of his/her
studies are therefore coherent with the topic of the problem – i.e. the industrial task that the candidate deals with.
In a way, master's or doctoral degrees are a secondary outcome of the candidates' research and development work,
the objective of which is to create a concrete product and/or technology.
Organization of the Business Operations
iSIT is a non-profit privately owned enterprise, organized according to the model of American private universities such
as the California Institute
of Technology – Caltech , Pasadena, California, USA, and the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology – MIT , Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The organization chart of iSIT business operations is shown in
Figure 4.
iSIT Members
Sustainable Innovative Technologies
Product and/or
Graduate Students
Mentors &
MSc /PhD
Bestowed by
the participating
and/or EuRheo
Project Leader
of the idea
Signing a contract
to share the research
results with iSIT 30% : 70%
Evaluation of the
business case of the
new product / technology
30% Proposer of the idea,
Project Leader and Students
20% iSIT
50% Investors
Figure 4. Organization chart of iSIT business operations
iSiT is open on international scale to any ad-hoc idea based on a superior basic achievement and having the
potential for commercial success in the market niches with the highest added value.
Each proposal is studied by an international board of experts who assess its scientific, technological and market
If the idea is favourably assessed, its author signs a contract with iSiT, surrendering to the Institute 70 per cent of
his/hers substantive rights resulting directly or indirectly from the R&D activities within this particular project. The
authors of ideas will receive, as a rule, a 30 per cent share of all substantive rights .
An interdisciplinary working group of graduate students and mentors is formed and they develop the idea to a
market prototype or technology. The “side products” of these activities are master's and doctoral theses of the
participating graduate students (students taking part in the EURHEO program will be awarded three degrees).
The developed product or technology prototype is again subjected to market potential assessment.
iSIT keeps a 20 per cent share, the authors of ideas and knowledge (researchers) keep typically 30 per cent, and
the remaining 50 per cent belong to the investors, in proportion with their respective shares of invested capital or in
accordance with the rules laid down in iSIT's Articles of Association.
The details concerning the key for substantive rights sharing are defined in the iSiT Articles of Association and in separate documents.
The iSIT members can be companies, establishments or individuals:
who are actively engaged in innovation activity or apply the innovation activity results,
who respect the intellectual property rights,
who complete the declaration of accession whereby they confirm their interest in joining iSIT and acknowledge
that they are acquainted with this contract.
Present iSIT collaborators:
Academic collaborators:
Eurheo consortium members
WAK members
Case Western Reserve University
California Institute of Technology
Lehigh University
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Aoyama Gakuin University
Industry collaborators:
Fresenius Kabi AG
Gorenje d.d.
Innovation activity comprises searching for, designing and presenting new technologies, products and services as well as an
active introduction and final useful application of the changed and new organizational, managerial and other process and
operating procedures.
Slovenian Technology Networks
The mission of technology networks is to strengthen the national capacity for creating knowledge and using the latest
technologies in key technological areas. Technology networks (TN) integrate enterprises and institutions in order to
achieve in this way the critical mass of knowledge and capacities to implement basic and applied research,
participate in the international research sphere, and contribute to the competitive advantage of the Slovenian
TN development strategy, which has been harmonized with “Slovenia's Development Strategy“ and the “EC Strategy
for the Field of Materials and Technologies” (as expressed in the Charter of the European Materials Forum ), focuses
(i) To raise the technological level of Slovenian industry to the level required for the penetration of the most
demanding markets for products with the highest added value. This process will contribute to prosperity of
Slovenia strengthen its international scientific and economic reputation;
(ii) To integrate cutting edge research achievements in the field of dissipative systems and time-dependent
materials into the existing production programmes in which the behaviour of material significantly influences
the functionality and technological level of the product;
(iii) To develop and commercialize new 'high-tech' products based on ideas resulting from the basic and applied
THE MISSION OF TN is to set up an integrative platform enabling the generation and dissemination of technical,
technological, organizational knowledge in the field of intelligent polymer materials and technologies required to
attain the network's strategic objectives. Applying integrated approach to research and educational work, based on
the synergy between research institutions and high-tech companies.
The Development Strategy is implemented through the following ACTIVITIES:
I. The dissemination of knowledge within the framework of existing formal education.
II. The performance of supplementary (informal) education in the form of Life Long Learning (LLL) in the field of
innovative polymer materials and technologies is intended to disseminate those specific sets of knowledge and
skills which are not covered by formal education and which are associated with specific contents.
III. Through the synergy of academic and industrial-development knowledge within the technology network we
create “new knowledge” required to achieve techno-economic breakthroughs and enhance the economic
growth of Slovenia. The knowledge is pooled in the Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies – iSIT. The
technology network also pools equipment required for establishing the development infrastructure in the form
of a virtual organization, i.e., Virtual Laboratory, which is also an integral part of the iSIT.
IV. Research & Development projects, implemented in cooperation among various companies and research
groups with regard to the issues addressed, are executed at the level of doctoral degrees. In this way we use the
framework of research & development projects aimed at improving the existing products and/or technologies to
develop, at the same time, new targeted basic knowledge and consequently expand the treasury of superior
knowledge pooled by iSIT.
V. Forming links with foreign technology networks such as i) WAK , the European technology network in the field of
polymer technologies covering the German-speaking areas; ii) PIEP , a Portuguese network in the field of
polymer technologies; iii) EURHEO , the European network of excellence pooling the research and educational
institutions in the field of rheology. TN also actively participates in the European technology platform EuMaT .
Our diversified international activities create the conditions for the transfer and exchange of superior
knowledge not only on the national but also on the worldwide scale
European Materials Forum: Materials Science in Europe (
WAK – Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreis Kunststofftechnik (
PIEP – Innovation in Polymer Engineering, technology centre of the University of Minho (
EURHEO – European Postgraduate Programme in Rheology »European Masters in Engineering Rheology«
EuMaT – European Technology Platform on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies
The necessary condition for the development of high-tech products and technologies required for penetrating
markets with the highest added value and forming new 'high-tech' companies is met only if all the elements of the
R&D-production-marketing (DPS) chain are accomplished at the PhD level. In order to educate young highly qualified
entrepreneurial teams capable of organizing DPS chains of high-tech products with the highest added value, we need
a system of interdisciplinary postgraduate education which constitutes one of the basic tasks of TN.
While undergraduate students need a university centre providing them with the necessary environment for their
personal and academic development, postgraduate studies and the accompanying research related to concrete
industrial projects need to be 'brought' to the vicinity of the users of knowledge, i.e., companies. Concretely, this
means that postgraduate studies and research require regionalization.
For this reason the basic concept of TN operations is designed on a regional basis, by implementing concrete
activities of the network through regional centres. In this way we create the environment necessary for technological
breakthroughs – since there is a lack of such environment in Slovenia.
1. Alpina Žiri, d.d.
2. Elan, d.d.
3. Veyance Technologies Europe, d.o.o
4. Gorenje, d.d.
5. Hella Lux Slovenija (HXS), d.o.o.
6. Iskra – OTC Kranj, d.o.o.
7. Kopur, d.o.o.
8. Pomurski tehnološki park
9. Plama-pur, d.d.
10. ROTO, d.o.o.
11. Savatech, d.o.o.
1. Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS)
2. Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS)
3. National Institute of Chemistry (KI) – Laboratory for Polymer Chemistry and Technology
4. PTICA – Zavod za izobraževanje, raziskovanje in svetovanje / Institute for Education, Research and
5. Scientific research commettee (ZRS)
6. Research & Education Centre, Raki~an
7. SEM Center for Time-Dependent Materials (SEM-TDM) z.o.o.
8. Slovenian Society for Experimental Mechanics (SSEM)
9. Slovenian Society of Rheology (SSR)
10. University Medical Centre – Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
11. University of Ljubljana: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Faculty of Civil and Geodesic Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Faculty
of Sport, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Faculty of Computer and Information Science
12. University of Maribor: Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research and Studies (CIMRS),
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Textile and Garment Manufacture Processes Institute
Regional Centers:
1. Institute for Sustainable Innovative Technologies – iSIT, EEIG (Central region – the Center of Excellence)
2. Sloveneta, d.o.o. (the Coastal - Karst region)
3. Regional Development Agency Mura Ltd. (the Pomurje region)
List of the TN IPMT Founding Members, October 2007
37 members are included in TN IPMT through the Regional Centre of the Obalno-kraška (Coastal-Karst) region
The Building
The new iSIT building, located in the area of newly built Technology Park Ljubljana Brdo , has over 4000 m2 of usable
area of which laboratories and offices cover 2000 m2 on four floors. The remaining 2000 m2 of underground area
consists of laboratories, storage, and parking area.
iSIT building
Helicopter view of iSIT, located in the area of
newly built Technology Park Ljubljana Brdo
iSIT building
Building section
business offices, a conference
room, a library, and a lecture room
laboratories and rest areas
3rd Floor
2nd Floor
1st Floor
production office (with a view of
the production laboratory below)
Ground floor
production laboratory (380 m2)
1st Basement
laboratories and parking area
storage and parking area
2 Basement
Other (storage and parking areas)
iSIT walkthrough:
3 floor:
lecture room
seminar room
2 floor:
(microscopy, thermal
analysis lab. , bulk
charactarization lab.,
rheology charactarization
lab., creep lab., fiber
shrinkage lab, numerical
lab., sample preparation
1 floor:
production laboratory
(high rate impact
characterization lab.,
free fall impact
characterization lab.,
static characterization
iSIT group:
iSIT research group,
status: March, 2012
Site Location and Contacts
Contact address:
Pot za Brdom 104
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 1 6207 100
Fax: +386 1 6207 110
iSIT presentation brochure
Published by: iSIT
For iSIT: Igor Emri, Chairman of the Executive Board
Text and concept: Igor Emri, Ur{ka Florjan~i~ and Alen Oseli
Design: Studio Kalamar d.o.o.
Translation: Mojca Japelj Muži~
Printing: MatFormat, d.o.o.
Edition: 500 copies, 2 edition
Ljubljana, November 2011