iSower - Office of Catechesis
iSower - Office of Catechesis
Office of Catechesis iSower The Art of Handing on the Faith Catechetical Leadership Core Series Upcoming Events The Year of Mercy and the Sacrament of Penance February 5 Catechetical Leadership Core Series June 13-17 Summer Institute 2016 Friday, February 5, 2016 9:30-2:30pm Saint Thomas University About the Presentation We will examine the historical development of the Sacrament of Penance; the church’s understanding of Reconciliation as spirituality; and the Eucharistic table of the Lord as a sacred moment for reconciliation. Our dialogue will be based on Prof. Robert J Schreiter’s book The Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality and Strategies. October 22 Catechetical Conference Transcripts Are On Their Way The Office of Catechesis will be issuing an e-copy of Catechists and Catholic School transcripts on the week of January 25. Please, contact your Catechetical Leader or School Principal to receive a copy of your most updated transcript. Gathering Best Practices: Baptismal Preparation Ministry The Office of Catechesis is gathering best practice information on effective Baptism Sacramental Preparation from parishes across the Archdiocese. Book is available for purchase at or at the Office of Catechesis for $15.00 (includes shipping). Please, books must be ordered by January 15 to guaranty time of arrival. RSVP REQUESTED Please contact Mrs. Teresita Prieto If you believe your parish or one in your deanery has a strong ministry relating to baptism, please send us the following: - Baptismal Ministry Coordinator’s contact information, and parish name. - Give a brief description of the ministry. - What steps do you offer in Formation for Parents and Godparents? What forms does your program use? Follow-up after reception of sacrament? About the Leadership Core Series The Catechetical Leadership Core Series are advanced level workshops developed for Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education as ongoing professional formation as stated by the National Certification Standards for Catechetical Leaders. Archdiocese of Miami Please send this information as soon as you possibly can directly to page "1 Office of Catechesis iSower The Art of Handing on the Faith The Office of Youth and Young Adult GEN Z READY: Engaging a New Generation Saturday, January 16, 2016 I 9:00-12:00pm @ Pastoral Center Frank Mercadante Renowned Author in Youth Ministry Register To register Click here: Exclusive VIP Screening The Young Messiah January 25, 2016 7:00pm Cinepolis Theater in Coconut Grove We encourage that you invite your Catechists to participate! RSVP id=485&par=959 Live Webinar Grand Concert of Evangelization 50th Anniversary of Gravissimum Educationis Join USCCB's executive director of evangelization and catechesis, and executive director of Catholic education, as they discuss the document including the twelve guiding statements within the document. Saint Brendan Catholic Church invites us to their 60th Anniversary’s concert Friday, February 19th I 7:30pm $25.00 Martin Valverde One of the most known catholic singers among the hispanic youth. His powerful presentations and motivational message has inspired the conversion of a lot of brothers and sisters around the world. For more information contact 305.221.0881 Tuesday January 19, 2016 3:00pm - 3:45pm Register Here or copy the following: https:// id=a111A00000EpBsoQAF 2016 Yves Congar Award IX Congreso Internacional The Gospel in an Economy of Extraction Barry University Department of Theology invites to the 2016 Yves Congar Award for Theological Excellence Amigos de Jesus y Maria invita a lideres de grupo de oración de niños y catequistas a el congreso internacional Walter Brueggemann Renowned Scripture Scholar February 18-21, 2016 Casa Manresa $295 para internos I $40 para externos Wednesday January 20, 2016 7:00pm I Andreas 112 RSVP Requested Archdiocese of Miami para mayor información contactar ó 305.412.1700 page "2