Ctrl+Alt+Del - Zygote Press
Ctrl+Alt+Del - Zygote Press
C tr l+Alt+ D e l Exhibition Includes: Angela Beallor / Kate Sopko Pita Brooks / Kristin Rogers Terry Durst Nathaniel Parsons Bill Radawec Corrie Slawson Opening R eception Fr i d ay | N ov 0 1 , 2 0 1 3 | 6 - 9 PM Ctr l+Alt+D el Curated by Indra Lacis Technology connects and disconnects us. It lends freedom and overcomes distance, but dilutes intimacy by invoking boundaries. Ctrl+Alt+Del features four individual artists and two collaborative pairs who engage the notion of logging out and living off the grid. Opening Reception | Friday November 1st 6-9PM Exhibition runs through Nov 30 th Angela Beallor / Kate Sopko Pita Brooks / Kristin Rogers Terry Durst Nathaniel Parsons Bill Radawec Corrie Slawson Gallery Hours: Wed + Sat Noon - 4PM [+ by appointment] Image Credits [L to R]: Bill Radawec, Bird, 1996. Courtesty Brett Shaheen Gallery. Terry Durst, LOST HWY, 2012. | Angela Beallor + Kate Sopko, Dragon Fort, 2012. Habitable Spaces, Kingsbury, Texas. Photo by Angela Beallor.
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