fit-barf flyer


fit-barf flyer
Natural supplement feed for
„Bones And Raw Foods“
What means BARF or barfing?
The acronym BARF was first used by the American Debbi Tripp to describe
the art of feeding, in which people feed their dogs with raw, fresh food and to
designate the food itself. In this case it mean Bones And Raw Foods or also
known as Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. In the last years more and more
dog- and cat owners see the advantages of a natural, healthy nutrition of
their animals with raw meat and bones. This brochure will serve as a small
guide. Because there are differences in the raw meat feeding of cats and dogs,
we have attended an additional chapter to the issue BARF of cats. To help
you keep track, we have the FAQ‘s in the back of the booklet provided with
Barfen for beginners
BARF Starterkit
p. 5
Fit-BARF MicroMineral 150g, 1x Fit-BARF GutFlora 100ml, 1x Fit-BARF Feeding Oil 100ml
BARF Starterkit
Fit-BARF MicroMineral 150g, 1x Fit-BARF Green
lipped mussel 35g, 1x Fit-BARF Codliver
general basic supply
p. 6
Fit-BARF Mineral
p. 8
Daily supply of minerals, trace elements and
vitamins, powder
MicroMineral and eggshells - For an optimal
daily supply of bone intolerance or growing,
Gut Flora
p. 10 To support the intestine condition, even with
diet-related disturbed gut flora and digestion
Vegetables / Fruit
p. 12 To complete the daily ration with raw diet (vegetables), intestinal-regulating, powder
Fit-BARF Sensitive
To complete the daily ration with raw diet (vegetables), powder
Fit-BARF Fruit
To complete the daily ration with raw diet
(fruits), powder
Fit-BARF Vital
To complete the daily ration with increased
demand of energy, powder
p. 18 Natural basic oil of linseed oil, evening primrose
oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil,
argan oil - optimal carrier of energy
Fit-BARF VeaVet
High-quality mixture of choice oils in best organic quality
good to know
BARF single
p. 20 For the individual compilation
measures of
the intestine
p. 24 3 Rehabilitation measures of the intestine
Fit-BARF calculator
High quality dry food without synthetic additives
- to partial BARF or for holidays
What you always wanted to know about Barfen
BARF for beginners
For those whose interest was aroused at Barfen, we have compiled small Starterkits
We have specially adapted to the needs of your velvet paw or your Furnose.
For an easy introduction into Barfen, so that you and your four-legged friend can enjoy
pleasures with BARF from the beginning!
Complementary feed
1 x Fit-BARF MicroMineral 150g
1 x Fit-BARF Green lipped mussel 35g
1 x Fit-BARF Cod liver 100ml
tem No. 5233
Complementary feed
1 x Fit-BARF MicroMineral 150 g
1 x Fit-BARF GutFlora 100ml
1 x Fit-BARF Feeding oils 100ml
Item No. 5232
Item Nr. 4311 / 150g  Item Nr. 4312 / 500g  Item Nr. 4313 / 1000g  Item Nr. 4314 / 3 kg  Item Nr. 4315 / 5 kg
For the appropriate feeding of dogs and cats.
Daily supply of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.
cdVet Fit-BARF MicroMineral contains 100% pure natural ingredients
such as algae, algal lime, grape seed extract and brewers yeast, which are
rich in natural, readily available micronutrients such as minerals, trace
elements, vitamins, etc., and because of their herbal origin, don´t burden
the detoxification organs further. An optimal natural supply of minerals
like calcium, magnesium and a complex of essential trace elements and
alginates is thus made possible.
A helpful tip for cat owners: cdVet Fit BARF green lipped mussel as a
natural taurine supplier! Indispensable for cats BARFEN.
Algal limestone, yeast, malt sprouts, seaweed, extracted grape seeds
Analytical constituents and levels:
Calcium 17%, Magnesium 1.16%, Potassium 0.65%, Phosphorus 0.25%, sodium 0.63%, Ash insoluble in HCl 6.0%
One needs to pay attention to an optimal supply of micronutrients:
• while in growth
• in stressful situations
• while shedding the coat
• for coat and skin problems
• while in training and
• in older animals for metabolic problems
and allergies
• while breeding
Possible consequences of trace-element and
micronutrient deficiency:
• problems while shedding the coat
• scabby skin
• mat coat
• developmental delays
• degeneration of bones and joints
• weak immune system
• early developing signs of ageing
• stress susceptibility
• birth difficulties
150 g, 500 g
1 measuring scoop corresponds to about 2 g
1 measuring scoop
1½ measuring scoop per 10kg
body weight daily into the meat
1 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg
1 measuring scoop corresponds to about 7g
/ measuring scoop daily
½ measuring scoop per 10kg
body weight daily into the meat
Item Nr. 4126 / 300g  Item Nr. 4127 / 600g  Item Nr. 4128 / 1 kg  Item Nr. 4129 / 5 kg  Item Nr. 4130 / 25 kg
For the appropriate supply with calcium of dogs and cats during
feeding with raw feed.
Minerals and trace elements are indispensable components of the body.
Especially the suplly of calcium is important during raw feeding. This only
can be achieved through a sufficient feeding with bones. Not every dog
can or want to eat bones. Also at cats the feeding of whole prey (mice or
chicks) is not always unproblematic. Through the high share of eggshell
powder cdVet Fit-Barf Mineral provide an easy digestable animalistic
calcium source for the daily feeding.
Eggshells powder, algael lime, algae, brewer´s yeast, malt germs, grape seed
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude ash 70,8%, crude fibre 3,1%, crude protein 8,3%, crude oils and fats
1,0%, calcium 24,4%, phosphorus < 0,25%, sodium 0,43%, ash insoluble in
hydrochloric acid 6,5%
300 g, 600 g, 1000g
1 measuring scoop
corresponse appr. 1,6g
5 kg, 25 kg
1 crossed out teaspoon
corresponse appr. 5g
mix ½ scoop daily into the
mix 1 scoop per 10kg body
weight daily into the meat
mix 1½ g per 10kg body weight
weight daily into the meat
Item Nr. 4122 / 100 ml  Item Nr. 4123 / 250 ml  Item Nr. 4124 / 500 ml  Item Nr. 4125 / 1000 ml
cdVet Fit-BARF GutFlora provides the intestinal condition especially at
diet-related disturbed intestinal micro flora and digestive problems.
Fermented plant extracts from wild herbs and spices after a special
cdVet recipe.
In the intestine are existing milliards of smallest micro organism. It will
be differed in pathogen bacteria and for the healthy gut flora beneficial
bactieria like lactobacilli. These “good” bacteria are hard working helper
of the immune system and have a positve influence on the digestive juice,
enzyms and intestinal mucosa.
If the natural gut flora is disturbed it is possilble
that an immoderate settlement throught
pathogenic germs develop and that the dog get
looseness. Also a treatment with antibiotics
can affect the protective function – often the
medicins doesn‘t differ between “good” and
“bad” bacteria.
If the gut flora is disturbed his defence
mechanism can only work restricted and the
intestinal wall will be battered.
Flavouring agents whose addition to feed improves smell or palatability:
20000 mg / kg; carrier: drinking water, humidity 95%
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude protein <0.3%, crude fiber 1.4%, crude oils and fats <0.2%, crude
ash 0.7%, humidity 94.9%
The forefathers of our dogs -the wolf- are fed thus also the digestive
organs of his prey animal. They contains all essential micro organism
for an efficient gut flora. There is not always the possibility to feed fresh
rumen or omasum. Also frozen rumen can not balance the shortage of
valuable bacteria and enzyme because they will be destroyed by freezing.
These shortage can be balanced by fermented herbs. Therefore it is
adviced to feed cdVet Fit-BARF GutFlora regularly also at diet-related
disturbed gut flora as well as digestive problems.
100 ml, 250 ml,
500 ml, 1000 ml
to 3 kg
3 - 15 kg
15 - 30 kg
over 30 kg
1 - 2 ml
2 - 5 ml
4 - 9 ml
8 – 20 ml
1-2 times a week give via the feed
vegetables (TCVM)
Item Nr. 4300 / 360 g  Item Nr. 4301 /700 g  Item Nr. 4302 / 2000 g
For complement of the daily ration which are fed with raw meat.
Dispensed by traditional Chinese medicine.
cdVet Fit-BARF Vegetable (TCM) is free of grain and a healthy alternative
for vegetables. It does not brings only variety, but also a balance in the
feeding plan for BARF.
Differently to the western way of thinking foodstuffs are not
only be rated to vital substances or their origin but to their
heat effect and the 5 elements: wood,fire, earth, metal,
Foodstuffs as well as herbs are attached after their
energetic affect, the temperatur characteristics, the
colour, the taste and odour to a special functional
Parsnip, broccoli, sunchoke, smallage, pumpkin, flax seed, beetroot, carrot,
elm bark.
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude protein 9,5%, crude oils and fats 4,4%, crude fibre 9,7%, crude ash
6,4%, phosphorus 0,32%, calcium: 0,54%, sodium 0,08%,
magnesium 0,18%
Chinese view
western view
element: earth, thermal: neutral, organ reference: melt, stomach,
liver, gall, gut
vit. A, B1, B6, C, H, manganese,
copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc
and ferrous makes sunchoke beside
to their high content of inulin to a
valuable ingredient not to stress the
sugar metabolism too much and
support the digestion in the same
element: earth, thermal: neutral, strengthen the melt-qi
carrots contain a high part of
carotine, biotine, ferrous, calium,
vitamin B1, B2, B6: E and C as well
as zinc, potassium, magnesium and
elements: fire, thermal
high part of vitamin B, potassium,
folic acid and ferrous
element: earth, thermal: neutral, taste:
sweet effect: tone the
defence energy (WeiQi) through building of
the gut flora
protecting of mucosa through mucilages, fiber, fatty oil and protein;
further ingredients are alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and lecithin
as well as different enzymes,
Replace the usual feeding amount of vegetables through:
360 g, 700 g, 2000 g
1 teaspoon corresponse to appr.
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoon
3 teaspoon
Item Nr. 4098 / 350g  Item Nr. 4081 / 700g  Item Nr. 4082 / 2 kg  Item Nr. 4083 / 5,5 kg  Item Nr. 4094 / 20 kg
cdVet Fit-BARF Sensitive is made of selected ingredients due to enable a
balanced nutrition with raw meat. In particular, it covers the requirement
of vitamins (A, E, B-group), essential fatty acids and fibre. Combined with
cdVet MicroMineral it forms the basis for healthy raw feeding diet. Of course,
it is still possible to feed a partially raw meat feeding with cdVet Fit-Crock
Classic and cdVet Fit-Crock Sensitive. This mixture is excellent suitable for the
composition of diet-plans (diets for pancreas, kidney, liver, reduction, etc).
Sunchoke, beetroot, carrots powdered, linseed, brewer´s yeast, black cumin
seed, malt sprouts, nettle herb, birch leaf, holy thistle, dandelion herb,
dandelion wort.
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude protein 8,0%, crude fibre 18,1%, calcium: 1,83%, crude oils and fats
5,4%, crude ash 12,4%, phosphorus 0,24%.
Replace the usual daily amount of vegetables through:
350 g, 700 g
1 measuring scoop correlate
approx. 4,5 g
1 measuring
2 measuring
3 measuring
2000 g, 5500 g, 2000 g
1 teaspoon orrelate approx. 4,5g
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoon
3 teaspoon
Item Nr. 4091 / 350 g  Item Nr. 4092 /700 g  Item Nr. 4093 / 2000 g
cdVet Fit-BARF fruit is produced of selcted ingredients to ensure a
balanced feeding raw feeding easier. It adds the requirement of vitamins
(Niacin, Riboflavine (B2), folic acids, E, A, K, C, flavonoids (polyphenols)
as well as fibre. In combination with cdVet MicroMineral for mineral
supply is thus the baisc for a healthy barf.
chokeberry pomac, apple pomac, strawberry pomac, black currant pomac,
hip roze paring, malt germ, brewer´s yeast.
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude ash 3,9%, crude protein 10,6%, crude oils and fats 4,4%, crude fibre
21,1% Calcium 0,46%, phosphorus 0,25%
Replace 1 - 2 times per week the usual feeding amount of vegetables through:
350 g, 700 g, 2000 g
1 measuring scoop correlate
approx. 4g.
1 measuring
2 measuring
3 measuring
2000 g
1 teaspoon correlate approx. 4 g
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoon
3 teaspoon
Item Nr. 4088 / 400 g  Item Nr. 4089 / 900 g  Item Nr. 4090 / 3 kg
Energy is not only performance in terms of fat and
carbohydrates but especially in terms of vitality.
So cdVet Fit-BARF Vital consists for a significant
part of seedlings of wheat, which are produced
by a specially gentle process under 40°C.
The seedlings of wheat are the germinating
vital force from the wheat and provide the
body with an enormous bio energetic force.
This is helpful for the whole immune
system, constitution and of course the
strengthening of the body. It strengthen,
moreover, the resources of the body
during higher load. Furthermore, cdVet
Fit BARF Vital contains a specially high
part of natural folic acid and thus it
is significant for young animals or
lactating female dogs .
Seedlings of wheat do not contain gluten and are therefore an
optimal complement for raw
meat and cdVet MicroMineral,
also at therapeutically diet
Wheat germ bud, flax seed, carrots powdered, beetroot, apple pomac, malt
germ, brewer´s yeast
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude ash 6,2%; crude protein 24,5%; crude oils and fats 9,0%; crude fibre
7,2%; Calcium 0,74%; Phosphor 0,82%
Substitute the usual amount of vegetables through:
400 g, 900 g, 3000 g
1 crossed out measuring scoop relate
to appr. 5,3 g
1 measuring
2 measuring
3 measuring
3000 g
1 teaspoon relate to appr. 5,3 g
1 teaspoon
2 teaspoon
3 teaspoon
Item Nr. 4084 / 250 ml  Item Nr. 4085 / 500 ml  Item Nr. 4086 / 1000 ml
Fit-Barf Feeding-Oil is a purely natural basic oil and is generally
intended as optimal energy carrier.
cdVet Fit-BARF Feeding-Oil is mixture of high-grated cold-pressed
vegetable oils. Cold-pressed, food-grade linseed oil forms the basis of this
purely natural feeding oil. This admixed functional oils (evening primrose
oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil and argan oil) ensures the optimal,
well-balanced maintenance with essential fatty acids. Through this
combination of pure naturally ingredients cdVet Fit-BARF Feeding-Oil is a
high-concentrated energy source and similarly an origin of significant vital
substances of selected oils in one product.
Linseed oil, evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude protein<0,3%, crude oils and fats 99,6%, crude fibre ><0,5%,
crude ash > 0,4
250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml
½ teaspoon daily
1 teaspoon daily
1½ teaspoon daily
tural products,
From cdVet nnaatu
mber of other
ch as Organic
e oil, organic
evening pri
rm oil, etcc..
argan oil, whea ge
Find it
Item Nr. 4100 / 50 ml  Item Nr. 4116 / 100 ml
High-graded mixture of selected oils in best organic-qualtity.
cdVet Fit-BARF VeaVet is a mixture of high-graded cold-pressed vegetable
oils in organic quality. The organic hempseed oil offers a harmonical
ratio of omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. The admixed functional oils secure
thus an optimal, well-balanced supply with essential fatty acids. Organic
evening primerose oil is a specially high-graded and valuably supplier
for linoleic- and gamma-linoleic acid. Organic arganoil have e high part
of natural toccopherols (vitamin E). Through this combination of pure
natural ingredients is cdVet Fit-BARF VeaVet a source of significant vital
substances out of selected oils in one product.
Organic hempseed, organic evening primerose oil, organic argan oil cold
pressed of certified organic eco-control station DE-ÖKO-001 and not EU
Analytical constituents and levels :
Crude protein < 0,3%, crude oils and fats 99,6%, crude fibre < 0,5%,
crude ash < 0,4%
Daily 4 - 12 drops depend on body weight
For owner who wants to decide which supplements belong in
the BARF-feed of their animal, cdVet has a number of individual
products on offer. Natural supplements in the usual quality
compose for an individual appropriate.
Detailed information on the individual supplements are available:
Fit-BARF Bio - hempnut oil
Supplier of essential fatty acids
Fit-BARF Algal limestone
Natural feedingstuffs with a high content of
trace elements and calcium
¼ measuring
½ measuring
1 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1,5 g
Irem Nr. / amount: 4134 / 250 g; 4135 / 850 g
Fit-BARF Bio-Chlorella
Natural binding of heavy metals, chlorophyll
supplier, neutralizes odors
½-1 measuring 1-1½ measuring 1½-2½ measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4325 / 36 g; 4326 / 250 g
Fit-BARF Bio-Rose hip paring
Individual food for dogs, rich in quality vitamin
C, fruit acid, pectins and carotenoids
½ teaspoon/day 1-3 teaspoon/day 1-3 teaspoon/day
1 teaspoon ≈ ca. 2 g
Item Nr. / amount: 169 / 500 g
½ Teaspoon/day 1 Teaspoon/day 1½ Teaspoon/day
1 teaspoon ≈ 5 ml
Item Nr. / amount: 4131 / 30 ml; 4132 / 100 ml;
4133 / 250 ml
Fit-BARF Bio-Spirulina
Supplier of essential amino acids and high
quality proteins
½-1 measuring 1-1½ measuring 1½-2½ measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4320 / 36 g; 4321 / 250 g
Fit-BARF BM-Hefe
Bierhefe gebunden an Malzkeime
1 measuring
2 Mmeasuring
3 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1,2 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4137 / 600 g;
Fit-BARF Cod Liver
Natural source of omega-3 fatty acids and
vitamin D
½ teaspoon/day 1 teaspoon/day 1½ teaspoon/day
1 teaspoon ≈ 5 ml
Item Nr. / amount: 4095 / 100 ml; 4096 / 250 ml;
4097 / 500 ml
Fit-BARF Eggshell powder
Natural source of calcium for appropriate care
in raw feeding
¼ measuring
½ measuring
1 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 2 g
Item Nr. / amount: 170 / 350 g; 228 / 1000 g;
229 / 10 kg
Fit-BARF Psyllium shell
Intestinal Nurturing, particularly suitable as a
saturation factor for very overweight dogs
Fit-BARF Rose hip paring
Individual food for dogs, rich in quality vitamin
C, fruit acid, pectins and carotenoids
1 measuring
2-3 measuring
4-6 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1g
Item Nr. / amount: 156 / 500 g; 168 / 800 g
Fit-BARF Pure Yeast
Pure Brewer‘s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
½ -1 measuring 1-2 measuring
2-5 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1 g
Mix the psyllium shells at least 1:10 with water;
15 - 20 Min. let it soak
Item Nr. / amount: 4330 / 170 g; 4331 / 600 g;
Fit-BARF Green-lipped mussel
Natural taurine encoder, nutrition optimizer for
healthy mucous membranes, joints
½ measuring
1 measuring
2 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4306 / 35 g; 4307 / 100 g;
4308 / 400 g
1 measuring
2 measuring
3 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1,4 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4138 / 200 g; 4139 / 680 g
Fit-BARF Seaweed meal
100% brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum)
½ measuring
1-2 measuring
3-5 measuring
1 measuring spoon ≈ 1 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4136 / 500 g
Fit-BARF cattle fat
(for BARF look at p. 23)
For additional short-term energy supply at particularly high performance requirements.
bis 10 g / day
10 - 40 g / day
40 - 80 g / day
1 table spoon ≈ 10-15 g
Item Nr. / amount: 4142 / 500 ml
complete feed
for dogs
ohydrate sour
corn as a carb ergy potential
low all
of lamb and
also for the
The conversion
of the dry matter
content of meat
+ fish on fresh
mass yields a
meat content of
about 50 - 65%
MINI = small
The moderate content of fat and protein in
cdVet Fit-Crock Classic / Mini provides an
optimal nutritional foundation, whereby it is
possible to add appropriate,
performancerelated amount of meat.
without cere
For special nutritional of
sensitive dogs especially in
cereal intolerance, as a reducing
nutrition and customized diet in
metabolic and digestive disorders.
MINI = small
In principle all young dogs should be fed
cdVet Fit-Crock puppies at least to the age of 4-5 months
th of
and at the most to 9-12 months.In this time is the
On the grow content
demand on crude protein and other nutrients,
adapted prot
due to the natural growth spurt
higher than usual and too low in protein and nutrient-poor feeding can
cause severe growth disturbances. The date of the change on cdVet Fit-Crock Classic
/ Sensitive depends on the individual development of every young dog. Especially
puppies / young dogs of large breed can be helped additionally with cdVet Jointfit
HD. It stabilizes naturally the tendons and ligaments in the growth. A feeding grom
the 8th week of life is recommended.
Fat in the canine and feline
In the diet of the dog the proportion of
animal fat should be 15-25% and for the
cat at about 10%. If your feline friend
or your fur-nose is fed to a lean meat,
they will grab to the energy to proteins
back. In the power generation from
proteins generate waste materials that
need to be degraded via the liver and
kidneys. The burden on the metabolism
increases, which may eventually lead to
an overload of the excretory.
In case of bad food recyclers or strongly
underweight cats or dogs should find
the fat content of the meat special
attention. Note that if the first time fat
is fed, that the addition must be slowly
increased until the desired amount. The
cat or dog should be getting enough
time for this conversion and particularly
observed at this time. Only then you
can decide if your favorite cope with the
amount of fed fat.
It is important to look at each animal as
an individual.
We have compiled a little help,
which you can calculate how much
fat, e.g. cdVet Fit-BARF cattle fat,
your four-legged companion can get fed
daily. Calculation is always dependent
on the fat content of meat-fed.
An example:
They feed 250 g of meat, which has a fat
content of 12%
250g x 12/100 (=12%) = 30g
But you want that your pet receives a fat
content of 21%:
250g x 21/100 (=21%) = 52,5g
Now you can find out how many grams of fat
should be added:
52,5g – 30 g = 22,5g
IMPORTANT! The amount of fat that you
supplemental feedings must be subtracted
from the total amount of meat:
250g – 22,5 g = 227,5 g
In this case, you would feed 227.5 g of the
meat and add 22.5 g cdVet Fit BARF beef
fat. In this feeding one would come to a fat
content of 19.9%.
(227,5g x12%) + 22,5g = 49,8g
49,8g/250g = 0,1992 (~ 19,9%)
+ MI
of the
Chinese eV
cdVet Fit-Crock TCVM is a new recipe and was
taking account of today‘s health problems of
many dogs. The ingredients in cdVet Fit-Crock
Classic are from warming nature and in cdVet
Fit-Crock TCVM now also allows the cooling
With duck
MINI = small
What is this at all and what
is it good for?
of the intestine
The gut is usually considered to be a mere
alimentary organ which is only responsible
for the ingestion and for the excretion of
the rest. But, on closer inspection, the gut
reveals itself as an organ that is important
and perfectly integrated in the organism
– as „centre of good health“. The whole,
physical health begins in the gut. And that‘s
not all: about 80% of the entire immune
system is located there.
Because of inappropriate food,
denatured protein, sugar, additives
and preservatives glue the villi and
measures of
the intestine:
cdVet GutClean
To avoid further strain on the intestal, cdVet Gut Clean
contains only pure natural ingredients. Selected substances
such as for example fruit vinegar, beetroot juice, liquid
fermented cereal, ginkgo, origanum and thyme gently activate
the digestion, thereby support the gut to flush out undesired
metabolic waste products and to set the sensitive acid-base
balance right again. The feed is carried out for 30 days like
indicated in the feed recommendation
on the bottle.
We recommend for the cat cdVet GutClean Powder
according to feeding recommendation over 14 days.
thus severely limit their function to the
metabolic and the vitaminresorption.
As a consequence cause residue build
and rotting. Through the gut wall
and the villi they can get into the
bloodstream and thus to the organs
such as, for example, the liver. The body
contaminates itself and, in addition to
this, is no longer able to resorb and
digest sufficient vitamins, nutrients
etc. The animal reacts with dermal
and metabolic dysfunctions, digestive
trouble, loss of energy and allergies.
A vicious circle of intolerance whose
controlled by the application of chemical
agents such as, for example, cortisone.
cdVet Toxisan
To keep the body get once completely
free of superfuous materials and waste
products, the organs for detoxification,
like for example the liver, should as well
be included. These are responsible for
the detoxification of the body and
perform an enormously high degree of
work. Especially when the heavily
strained gut feeds additional waste
products into them and everything is
out of balance. Natural components like
milk thistle, ginkgo, stinging nettle,
birch, goldenrod, calendula and wild
pansy support the detoxifying
organs in a purely natural way
and help them to enhance their
After the feeding of cdVet
GutClean, you start directly with
the eight-week feeding of cdVet
To counteract this vicious circle
in an sensible way, it is important
nt to
clean the gut in a natural way and to
support it in the rehabilitation of a
healthy intestine flora.
Additionally, you should have a
look at the current feed to avoid a
re-agglutination of the gut. A coldpressed feed free of artificial additives,
preservatives and vitamins is ideal,
for example our cdVet Fit-Crock. Or
you have a look at the feeding of raw
meat. Even in this area we offer special
supplements, so your favorite isn‘t
missing anything.
cdVet GutActive
During the purification a healthy and
active intestinal flora is going to be
build. A fermented plant extract of
edible wild herbs and spice-herbs
supplies the gut flora and supports
the ideal function and resorption of
vitamins and nutrients.
With the cdVet Toxisan
combined you
can start with the feeding
from cdVet GutActive.
Feed cdVet GutActive
over a period of
4-6 weeks and then as
needed 2 times a week.
Because Fit-BARF GutFlora and
cdVet GutActive are related
products, you should only use one
at a time.
What you always
wanted to know about
„Barfen“ .
Feeding with raw
meat - Why is it
Should cats be nourished with raw meat
as well?
The ancestor of today’s dog is undisputed – the wolf. Even if the
appearance of the many different dog breeds has changed a lot, the
physiological attributes – especially those of the digestive organs- stay
the same. So our dogs are, like the wolf, a representative of the species
carnivores. The wolf eats his prey with “skin and hair” thus also the
bones and the stomach contents of the prey. In this way it also gets
the additionally needed vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, the
basis for an appropriate, natural and thus healthy nutrition is of course
meat! To round it should be complemented by a vegetable share. It
should be noted that fresh vegetables must be pureed or cooked, so
that the dog can exploit plant food.
In comparison to the dog the cat is a true carnivore. It takes in very
little additional next to meat and bones of their prey, what is a little
different with the dog. The dog eats his prey even with the stomach
which is filled with large amounts of undigested food in case of herbivores. Thereby the dog, in contrast to the cat, takes in a larger amount
of carbohydrates that we replace especially with fruits and vegetables
in the dog feeding.
This pre-digested food pulp provides the dog also with
vitamins. Contrary to dogs the cat can not digest carbohydrates.
Fiber, which is also supplied by vegetables (or the undigested food
pulp of prey), the cat takes in with the skin of the mouse for example.
In the proper sense the cat doesn’t need carbohydrates but only fiber
in their nutrition which serve to stimulate the intestinal activity. Unlike
the dog, the cat as a former dryland inhabitant covers her fluid needs
from food and takes only a little water additionally. Therefore her
food has to be very “wet”. For this reason we advice to give a drink of
water over the meat. Indispensable for cats is the additional feeding
of taurine-, methionine, arachidonic acid, niacin and arginine sources.
These are essential for cats. Natural sources for these are for example
sea food like prawn, tuna, fleshes especially heart, liver, poultry, egg
and others.
For daily support with minerals, trace elements and selected vitamins
Fit-BARF MicroMineral is excellent suited.
A helpfully tip for cat owners: Fit-BARF Green lipped mussel is a natural
supplier for taurine! Indispensable for cat-barf.
How do I change my
dog/cat to BARF?
The dog or the cat can basically be changed without transition to
the raw feeding. A diet-related support with Fit-BARF GutFlora has
approved for optimising the gut milieu during changeover.
With cats the changeover can be experiential a bit more difficult.
Cats show a tendency to avoid things which they don’t know and
are generally more choosey at feeding-choice as for example dogs
are. However, there are a few tips how you can increase the feeding
acceptance of cats. The feed can be heated a bit (ca. 37-38°C) to adapt
it on the body temperature of the prey. Also the odour of peppermint
or catmint in small amount can increase feeding acceptance as well as
the addition of self-made and low-salt as possible broth.
What amount of
fresh meat/ vegetable diet my dog
should get daily?
It is said that the food of a dog in normal physical exercise daily should
be approximately 2-3% of its body weight. 60-80% of it should be
meat and meaty bones and the rest vegetables and fruits (with a
focus on vegetables). The meat amount should be persisting in a wellbalanced relation of flesh, marbled meat and rumen/innards.
Special attention should be found on the fat content of the meat
because out of it the dog gets the saturated fatty acids, this means
energy in pure form. The meat should be having a fat content of
15-25%. If the dog gets lean meat with a too low fat content the dog
has to take the energy out of the proteins. Proteins supply less energy.
However, more problematical are the refuse which are develop during
energy generation of proteins. These have to be break down through
the liver and kidney. The pressure on the metabolism increases which
can lead to a overload of the excretion organs in the long run.
Adjust the amount to your dog individually. Working dogs, such as sled
dogs or herding dogs should be fed differently than a domestic dog on
the sofa due to their increased energy needs. If you see that your dog
looses weight, feed more, if you see that he gains weight significantly,
feed less. But stay in the indicated proportions.
When changing to raw feeding, it is possible that your dog looses
weight during the first 2 to 3 weeks. He usually gains the same amount
of weight again without giving him more food. This has to do with the
elimination of the stored water in the body and the change of the intestinal flora. If this happens please control the fat content of the meat.
Here often sits the reason for the loose of weight of the dog. If the fat
content is to low please feed more fat bit by bit (for example Fit-BARF
Cattle fat) to adjust the dog slowly on the changeover.
What amount of
fresh meat does my
cat need?
When can I start to
feed my puppy with
raw meat?
Do I have to feed milk
or dairy products?
Adult cats get 3 to 4 meals daily, the feeding amount depends 29
strongly on age, activity and body type of the cat as well as on
the energy density of the food. As rule of thumb count here: the
cat gets ca. 40g/kg body weight appr. 3-5% of its body weight. The
ingredients should be designed preferably diversified. It begins with
the type of meat/animal species (chicken, turkey, rabbit, mice etc.) to
the age/sex (cockerel, laying chicken, day-old chicks etc.) and the body
parts (breast, leg, belly, heart, stomach, throat, etc.).
At cats which gets fat to fast or which are strong underweight the fat
content should gets special attention. Here the approximate value is
at ca. 10%. If the fat content of the offered meat is to low please feed
more fat bit by bit (for example Fit-BARF Cattle fat) to adjust the cat
slowly on the changeover.
After discontinuation of breast milk the puppy may already be fed
with meat (tribe, omasum, easily digestible meat). The meals can be
divided into three to four meals per day. During the first weeks you
should feed your puppy tender and easily digestible meat like for
example gullet meat or soft bones in the form of chicken neck of wings
of poultry without cartilage reps. bones.
No! Just like cereals dairy products isn’t a MUST, but a CAN! For cats
the feeding of milk and dairy products should generally be avoided
because they aren’t able to digest lactose. Whole milk has such a high
proportion of lactose (milk sugar) that bad fermentation may occur in
the large intestine and diarrhea may result. Yogurt, curd and cheese are
better tolerated because of the lower lactose content. These can be fed
but don’t have to.
Mammals suckle at the stage of their earliest youth development. No
mammal (exception: the human - and even for him the whole milk
nutrition is controversial.) takes in milk during adulthood.
Does every
meal have to be wellbalanced?
No, it doesn’t have to. But the meals should be varied. Here you can
feed of different meat sources (for example beef, poultry, game,
horse, sheep). Muscle meat and innards you alternate, as well as fruit
(cdvet Fit-BARF Fruit) and vegetables (cdvet Fit-BARF Sensitive, cdvet
Fit-BARF Vital). Additionally you feed a cold pressed oil (cdvet Fit-BARF
Feeding oil) for the supply with all essential fatty acids.
We recommend the additional feeding with Fit-BARF MicroMineral to
ensure an optimal supply with natural vitamins, minerals and trace
elements. If you abdicate feeding of bone during barf of your dog we
recommend for a sufficient supply of a natural calcium source the
Fit-BARF Mineral.
A well-balanced nutrition will be held over a period of several weeks,
as it also happens in nature and how we handle it with our own diet.
Furthermore, there are a number of manufacturers who are specialized
in the preparation of special meat for dogs or cats and who deliver
well-balanced combinations directly to your home.
C O N S U LT I N G :
Can you mix industrial feed with meat?
An additional feeding with dry feed is possible without any problems.
The feed, however, should be equated with the fresh meat in its
digestibility. The feeding of fresh meat alternation with cdvet Fit-Crock
is possible without any problems, because it is a cold pressed feed and
digestions time is close to that of fresh meat.
In a feeding with conventional extruded lining the intestinal transit is
much faster, because the food is already fully pre-digested. When you
mix this it may lead to flatulence or constipation and other digestive
disorders. If you want to feed both it is recommended to feed fresh
meat and dry feed at different times.
Generally, if you want to feed both we recommend to feed fresh meat
and extruded feed in different times. This means for example the dry
feed in the morning and the fresh meat in the evening.
What is
“Partial barf”?
Can I feed fish?
Are there any meats
that I am not allowed
to feed?
Do I have to feed
supplementary feed?
There is some situation in the life in which there is no time or
also not possible to barf exclusively. If it is in working time or
during residence at friends or in holidays partial barf can be a real
alternative. At partial barf the feeding of fresh meat will be added by
a cold pressed dry food which suits in digestibility. So it is possible to
benefit from advantages of both feeding manner ideally.
We recommend a product from the cdVet Fit-Crock-series in addition
with Fit-BARF MicroMineral and Fit-BARF GutFlora.
For a competent advice our advice-team is available to help you under
Fish is quite suitable for dogs and especially for cats
(considering in particular the taurine content).
Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
They are essential for life and can not be produced
by the body itself.
In generally you should avoid feeding pork,
because this can potentially contain
the Aujeszky-virus. Which is harmless for humans.
For dogs and cats an infection is always deadly.
However, it will be destroyed during preparation (cooking and frying).
A complete supply only on basis of meat and vegetables is difficult.
You may not forget, that with less exceptions the animals which are
disposed for the feed, not have the variety of important nutrients,
secondary plant compound etc. in the nutrition. And thus these are
missing in the higher food chain. Who has sheeps and cows which are
grazing on intact herb meadow and his dog is going to BARF with this
animals will not need any supplementary feed.
We recommend an additional feeding of Fit-BARF MicroMineral to
guarantee an optimal supply with natural vitamins, minerals and trace
For support a well-balanced gut flora we recommend furthermore the
feeding of Fit-BARF GutFlora 2x weekly.
Feed raw
meet on trips?
Are teats allowed?
Why Seaweed
is good?
As an alternative to raw meat feeding we recommend a good cold
pressed food without the addition of any synthetic vitamins or minerals such as cdvet Fit-Crock products, like for example cdVet Fit-Crock
Classic, the grain free alternative cdVet Fit-Crock sensitive or cdVet
Fir-Crock TCVM. Information about these you can find under point 10.
For sensitive dogs we recommend to start with the dry food a few
days before the trip so the dog can get used to it. Such a trip is finally
very exciting for your dog as well! The ride, the different environment,
strangers, etc – and then also different food.
You can safely feed dried natural products, such as bull pizzle, dried
fish or rumen. cdVet Fit-Crock is suitable as good alternative. You can
have it in two different sizes and due to its nature (dry and not greasy)
it is suitable as a treat in-between.
Seaweed contains an average of ten times more minerals than fresh
vegetables! Further they are rich in trace elements, vitamins, proteins,
iodine, copper and zinc. All this is very important for a healthy skin,
shiny coat and a balanced growth. They contain as well all important
amino acids and are also a good source of calcium. They contain a high
iodine content, whereby a deficiency can be compensated.
The in Fit-BARF containing brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum can
counteract diet-related the developing of toothing stone.
Which bones can I
feed to my dog?
My dog/cat doesn’t
tolerate bones - what
can I do?
My dog doesn’t like
raw meat – what
can I do?
All, but no cooked bones! Please only feed meaty bones. The
meat on the bones eases digestion. Best are chicken- or turkey
necks, veal bones or veal tails. From poultry the best is necks, backs
or wings.
The need of calcium you can cover with Fit-BARF Mineral
(approved Fit-BARF MircoMineral with Fit-BARF Egg shell
powder). Bones are indeed a very natural source of calcium, but there
are dogs and cats that do not tolerate a feeding of bones in general.
This is especially true for gastrointestinal sensitive dogs, but also
many cats can’t handle the feeding of whole bones (they often do not
correspond to the size of the bones in their natural prey animals).
Because your dog/cat doesn’t know it you slowly have to get him/
her used to it. Start trying with cooked meat first and then reduce the
cooking time step by step. From cooked over half raw to raw. You can as
well mix cooked meat with raw meat.
How to increase the acceptance at cats you can find under point 3.
“Death sits in the bowels and bad
digestion is the root of all evil.”
Does raw meat make
No…on the contrary! – The change to appropriate nutrition may even
help to calm down very nervous and aggressive dogs. Often especially
in industrial feed added phosphates (E338) are contained. In large
quantities they can prevent the absorption of calcium, magnesium and
iron. They are also suspected of being the cause of hyperactivity.
Green tripe
has different colours
– why?
Great, my dog doesn’t
have diarrhea any
more- why?
Is there any
difference in Barf
for dogs and cats?
Have we piqued your
Green tribe is untreated rumen. The name is derived from the still in
the folds hanging grasses. The colour is not an indication if the tribe is
fresh or not!
It is rather about how the cattle were fed. Depending if they get grass
from the pastures or prepared feed the colour of the tribe
can vary from green over light grey to black.
Due to the feeding of green tribe and omasum
the dog takes in lots of significant amounts of bacteria that lead to an
improvement of the intestinal flora. Particularly noteworthy are the
lactic acid bacteria, the so called probiotics. These probiotics prevent
diarrhea and ensure a healthy intestinal flora, thereby strengthening
the immune system. Green tripe and omasum content lots of probiotics. As an alternative Fit-BARF GutFlora is offered. Due to its special
composition the intestinal flora is supported.
A very important difference between dogs and cats is the one that for
the organism of the cat some amino acids like taurine, methionine and
arginine are essential. They can’t synthesize for example taurine in a
sufficient amount and have been given through diet. For the feeding,
taurine is particularly important, which cats normally take in with
mice. Mice are the creatures with the highest taurine content because
in 100g mouse appr. 240mg taurine is containing. With the feeding
of muscle meat, stomach, heart and liver your cat receives taurine. To
guarantee an optimal supply with taurine we recommend to feed additionally cdVet Green lipped mussel. Seafood also delivers additionally
the essential taurine and is eaten just as happily as salt water fish that
provides the essential fatty acids. Variety is important here too. Apart
from herring you can feed mackerel or salmon as well as prawn. If your
cat doesn’t like to eat fish, you should feed her the essential fatty acids
by high-quality cold pressed oils like for example Fit-BARF cod liver
oil over the feed.
Then take a look in more detail by: .
We also have natural products for defense against parasites:
For expert advice you our cdVe consulting team is here -please contact:
The advantages of BARF are:
✔ can reduce the formation of tartar
✔ a better mouth hygiene
✔ parasite hostile intestinal environment
✔ strong immune system
✔ much smaller amounts of droppings
✔ strong ligaments and tendons
✔ better musculature
✔ less growth problems
✔ less kidney - and urinary tract problems
✔ beautiful, healthy, shiny coat
Inspiration Nature
For more than a decade, our company has been producing
natural products coming up to the highest demands of health
management, both with state-of-the-art keeping and feeding methods of farm animals or pets alike.
For this purpose, we offer for sale natural products that, based on an optimal
supply of nutrients, particularly with micronutrients, assist physiological organic
functions and metabolic processes and, therefore, maintain health.
Based on high-grade ingredients and gentle processing steps of our products, we effectively combine health and natural forces without unnecessarily stressing the organism.
We use high-quality, natural, genetically unmodified natural ressources such as
cold-pressed oils, herbs, essential oils and micronutrients from natural sources. Here, we
consciously avoid synthetic additives and preservatives.
cdVet Naturprodukte GmbH · Industriestraße 11 - 13 · 49584 Fürstenau · Tel.: + 49 (0)
5901 / 9796-0 ·
cdVet (Schweiz) GmbH · Hauptstrasse 29 · 9555 Tobel · Telefon +41 71 917 13 89 ·
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