Clicking Here - Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Clicking Here - Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
SPRING CREEK Assessment and Restoration Prepared by The study area begins Milesburg Military Museum, Spr in g and ends at Cre ek at Boalsburg Milesburg. Study area = approx. 20 linear miles. Total Watershed drainage area = 140 sq. miles. Boalsburg Military Museum NORTH GOAL 1: WATERSHED ASSESSMENT Task 1. Geomorphic Characterization Task 2. Bankfull Discharge Calibration (3 gauged, 4 non-gauged) Task 3. Reference Reach Data GOAL 2: RESTORATION PLANNING Task 1. Prioritization of Sites Task 2. Demonstration Site GOAL 3: PERMIT PREPARATION / AGENCY COORDINATION Goal Goal 11 Watershed Assessment Task 1. Geomorphic Characterization Task 2. Bankfull Discharge Calibration (3 gauged, 4 non-gauged) Task 3. Reference Reach Data Watershed Assessment Task 1 Geomorphic Characterization Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Sinuosity Analysis Confluence with Bald Eagle Creek Milesburg Middle Watershed Length= 8.15 Miles Sinuosity= 2.1 continued McCoy’s dam site 18’ height Upper Watershed Length= 7.29 Miles Sinuosity= 1.7 North From AutoCAD drawings Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Confluence with Bald Eagle Creek Sinuosity Analysis Milesburg Lower Watershed Length= 4.62 Miles Sinuosity= 1.4 Middle Watershed Length= 8.15 Miles Sinuosity= 2.1 North From AutoCAD drawings continued continued Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Slope Analysis . 2% Middle Watershed . 4% . 3% . 2% . 3% Rockview . 4% Benner springs . 2% . 3% . 4% . 1% . 2% PAU sheep farm PSU sheep farm site . 4% . 3% Spring creek park Bellefonte reach Gauge station . 4% Slab Cabin Run . 5% Upper Watershed UAJA facility . 2% Ref. Reach Gauge station Trout Rd. bridge site Houserville Rd. Bridge site . 4% 1. 2% Route 28 . 7% Lemont site . 3% . 9% Quarry . 5% . 4% . 5% Cedar run . 7% . 322 bypass . 5% 9% . 4% . 6% Military Museum Reference Reach Confluence with Bald Eagle Creek Milesburg Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Slope Analysis . 5% Lower Watershed . 2% McCoy’s dam site 18’ height Gauge station . 1% National slalom . 4% training course . 6% Bellefonte site . 7% . 4% Spring creek Logan branch . 3%Falls @ Tallyrand nature park . 3% . 4% park 7’ height Benzie site . 5% residence site . 4%. 3% Benner pike Rt. 550 Seibert Rd.. 5% . 4% Paradise rd. . 3% roadbed site . 4% . 5% Gauge station Fisherman’s . 6% . 4% paradise entry. 6% . 4% Ref. reach . 6% site . . 4% 4% MIddle Watershed . 2% . 2% . 3% . 3% Rockview . 4% . 4% . 3% . 2% Benner springs continued Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts 25 120 20 100 80 15 60 10 40 5 20 0 0 1024 - 4096 512 - 1024 362 - 512 256 - 362 180 - 256 128 - 180 90 - 128 64 - 90 45 - 64 32 - 45 22.6 - 32 16 - 22.6 11.3 - 16 8 - 11.3 5.7 - 8 4 - 5.7 2-4 .025 - 2 Particle Ranges (mm) Cumulative Percent Finer % Number of Particles Sampled Pebble Count Chart for Houserville D50 = 82 mm Series2 Series1 Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Spring Creek Riffle Pebble Count @ Milesburg Riffle 3/30/200 Particle Silt and Sand Very Fine Gravel Fine Gravel Fine Gravel MEdium Gravel Medium Gravel Coarse Gravel Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Small Cobble Small Cobble Large Cobble Large Cobble Small Boulder Small Boulder Medium Boulder Large/Very Large Boulder Bedrock TOTAL Millimeters Total Cumulative .025 - 2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 4096 4 4 2 2 6 11 9 4 1 8 18 12 12 6 1 0 0 0 0 100 4 8 10 12 18 29 38 42 43 51 69 81 93 99 100 Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1024 - 4096 512 - 1024 362 - 512 256 - 362 180 - 256 128 - 180 90 - 128 64 - 90 45 - 64 32 - 45 22.6 - 32 16 - 22.6 11.3 - 16 8 - 11.3 5.7 - 8 4 - 5.7 2-4 .025 - 2 Size Classes (mm) Cumulative Percent Finer % Number of Particles Sampled Pebble Count Chart for Milesburg D50 = 62 mm Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Spring Creek Riffle Pebble Count @ Axeman Riffle 3/30/200 Particle Silt and Sand Very Fine Gravel Fine Gravel Fine Gravel MEdium Gravel Medium Gravel Coarse Gravel Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Small Cobble Small Cobble Large Cobble Large Cobble Small Boulder Small Boulder Medium Boulder Large/Very Large Boulder Bedrock TOTAL Millimeters Total Cumulative .025 - 2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 4096 8 3 4 7 9 6 1 2 8 4 14 16 15 1 2 0 0 0 0 100 8 11 15 22 31 37 38 40 48 52 66 82 97 98 100 Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Pebble Count Chart for Axeman D50 = 52mm 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 16 14 Cumulative Percent Finer % Number of Particles Sampled 18 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1024 - 4096 512 - 1024 362 - 512 256 - 362 180 - 256 128 - 180 90 - 128 64 - 90 45 - 64 32 - 45 22.6 - 32 16 - 22.6 11.3 - 16 8 - 11.3 5.7 - 8 4 - 5.7 2-4 .025 - 2 Size Classes (mm) Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Spring Creek Riffle Pebble Count @Oak Hall Riffle 4/6/00 Particle Millimeters Total Cumulative Silt and Sand Very Fine Gravel Fine Gravel .025 - 2 2-4 4 - 5.7 6 2 1 6 8 9 Fine Gravel MEdium Gravel Medium Gravel Coarse Gravel Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Small Cobble Small Cobble Large Cobble Large Cobble Small Boulder Small Boulder Medium Boulder Large/Very Large Boulder Bedrock TOTAL 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 4096 5 6 3 6 6 4 10 23 14 7 3 1 3 0 0 0 100 14 20 23 29 35 39 49 72 86 93 96 97 100 Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Number of Particles Sampled 25 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 15 10 5 0 1024 - 4096 512 - 1024 362 - 512 256 - 362 180 - 256 128 - 180 90 - 128 64 - 90 45 - 64 32 - 45 22.6 - 32 16 - 22.6 11.3 - 16 8 - 11.3 5.7 - 8 4 - 5.7 2-4 .025 - 2 Size Classes (mm) Cumulative Percent Finer % Pebble Count Chart for Oak Hall D50 = 65 mm Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts Spring Creek Riffle Pebble Count @ Houserville Riffle 3/30/200 Particle Silt and Sand Very Fine Gravel Fine Gravel Fine Gravel MEdium Gravel Medium Gravel Coarse Gravel Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Very Coarse Gravel Small Cobble Small Cobble Large Cobble Large Cobble Small Boulder Small Boulder Medium Boulder Large/Very Large Boulder Bedrock TOTAL Millimeters Total Cumulative .025 - 2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 4096 11 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 11 16 16 22 0 7 0 0 0 0 100 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 39 55 71 93 93 100 Watershed Assessment - Geomorphic Characterization Pebble Counts 25 120 20 100 80 15 60 10 40 5 20 0 0 1024 - 4096 512 - 1024 362 - 512 256 - 362 180 - 256 128 - 180 90 - 128 64 - 90 45 - 64 32 - 45 22.6 - 32 16 - 22.6 11.3 - 16 8 - 11.3 5.7 - 8 4 - 5.7 2-4 .025 - 2 Particle Ranges (mm) Cumulative Percent Finer % Number of Particles Sampled Pebble Count Chart for Houserville D50 = 82 mm Series2 Series1 Watershed Assessment Task 2 Bankfull Discharge Calibration Location Map of bankfull discharge survey areas Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Cedar Run Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Boalsburg War Memorial Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Quarry Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Houserville Gauge Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Houserville Road Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Axemann Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment - Bankfull Discharge Calibration Milesburg Refer to location map(s). Watershed Assessment Task 3 Reference Reach Data Watershed Assessment - Reference Reach Data FISHERMAN’S PARADISE Watershed Assessment - Reference Reach Data FISHERMAN’S PARADISE Watershed Assessment - Reference Reach Data AXEMANN Watershed Assessment - Reference Reach Data Reference Reach photo looking downstream. Reference Reach photo looking upstream. (Axemann site) (Axemann site) Watershed Assessment - Reference Reach Data HOUSERVILLE ROAD Goal 2 Restoration Planning Task 1. Prioritization of Sites Task 2. Demonstration Site Restoration Planning Task 1 Prioritization of Sites Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Potential Restoration Sites R-13 CLEARWATER RESTORATION SITE (HARRIS) R-12 LEMONT RESIDENTIAL RESTORATION (COLLEGE) R-11 SPRING CREEK PARK (COLLEGE) R-10 PENN STATE SHEEP PASTURE (COLLEGE) R-9 HOUSERVILLE ROAD RESTORATION (COLLEGE) R-8 TROUT ROAD STREAM RESTORATION (COLLEGE) R-7 ROCK ROAD STREAMBANK EROSION (BENNER) R-6 FISHERMAN’S PARADISE FLATWATER (BENNER) R-5 FISHERMAN’S PARADISE ENTRY (BENNER) R-4 PARADISE ROAD STABILIZATION (BENNER) R-3 RESIDENTIAL STREAM RESTORATION (SPRING) R SPRING CREEK NATURE PARK (SPRING) R-2 NATIONAL KAYAK SLALOM COURSE (BELLEFONTE) R-1 MCCOY’S DAM SITE (BOGGS) Gauge station Reference reach Gauge station Cross section Gauge station Cross section Cross section Not to scale Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-13 CLEARWATER RESTORATION SITE (HARRIS TWSP) R-12 LEMONT RESIDENTIAL RESTORATION (COLLEGE TWSP) R-11 SPRING CREEK PARK (COLLEGE TWSP) R-10 PENN STATE SHEEP PASTURE (COLLEGE TWSP) Not to scale Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-12 LEMONT RESIDENTIAL RESTORATION (COLLEGE TWSP) Residential bank condition Residential upstream Residential downstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Spring Creek bank condition R-11 SPRING CREEK PARK (COLLEGE TWSP) Spring Creek bank condition Spring Creek bank condition R-11 SPRING CREEK PARK (COLLEGE TWSP) Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Spring Creek downstream Spring Creek downstream Spring Creek upstream Spring Creek downstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-10 PENN STATE SHEEP PASTURE (COLLEGE TWSP) Downstream Downstream Upstream Upstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-9 HOUSERVILLE ROAD RESTORATION (COLLEGE TWSP) R-8 TROUT ROAD STREAM RESTORATION (COLLEGE TWSP) R-7 ROCK ROAD STREAMBANK EROSION (BENNER TWSP) Not to scale Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-9 HOUSERVILLE ROAD RESTORATION Bank condition Downstream at structure Downstream at structure Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-9 HOUSERVILLE ROAD RESTORATION Upstream from bridge Upstream Upstream at structure Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Bank condition upstream Upstream R-8 TROUT ROAD STREAM RESTORATION (COLLEGE TWSP) Downstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Bank condition Upstream R-7 ROCK ROAD STREAMBANK EROSION Downstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-6 FISHERMAN’S PARADISE FLATWATER (BENNER TWSP) R-5 FISHERMAN’S PARADISE ENTRY (BENNER TWSP) R-4 PARADISE ROAD STABILIZATION (BENNER TWSP) Not to scale Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-6 FISHERMAN’S PARADIS (BENNER TWSP) Downstream Upstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites Downstream R-5 FISHERMAN’S PARADISE ENTRY (BENNER TWSP) Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-4 PARADISE ROAD STABILIZATION (BENNER TWSP) Downstream Upstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-3 RESIDENTIAL STREAM RESTORATION (SPRING TWSP) R-2 NATIONAL KAYAK SLALOM COURSE (BELLEFONTE) R-1 MCCOY’S DAM SITE (BOGGS TWSP) Bellefonte PA – 7.5 minute USGS Quadrangle Sheet 1962, Photo-revised 1971 Not to scale Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-3 RESIDENTIAL STREAM RESTORATION (SPRING TWSP) Upstream Downstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-2 NATIONAL KAYAK SLALOM COURSE (BELLEFONTE) Downstream Upstream Restoration Planning - Prioritization of Sites R-1 MCCOY’S DAM SITE (BOGGS TWSP) Upstream McCoy’s dam structure Restoration Planning Task 2 Demonstration Site Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site R SPRING CREEK NATURE PARK (SPRING TWSP) Restoration Planning Demonstration Site Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Bio-Assessment Prepared by Penn State University (Dr. Robert Carline and students) Electro-Fish-Trout Inventory Fish-Trout Inventory An Assessment of the Fish Community in Spring Creek, Bellefonte submitted to Landstudies, Inc. 141 West High Street Bellefonte, PA 16823 prepared by Carline and John Ryder Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Merkle Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 August 2000 (see continuation) (continuation) Personnel from the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit completed a mark-recapture estimate of wild trout on June 19 and 21, 2000 in a 427-m reach of Spring Creek along property owned by Sutton Industries and Spring Township. On June 29, 2000 a 160-m portion of this reach was sampled to provide an overview of fish species composition. Methods On June 19, a marking run was completed using a T&J electrofisher with an output of 250V Direct Current. All trout collected were placed in cages and then processed. Fish were measured to the nearest millimeter, marked with caudal fin clips and a sub-sample was weighed to the nearest gram. Fish were immediately returned to the stream. Two days later the stream reach was electrofished again to determine the ratio of unmarked fish to fin-clipped fish. To ascertain species composition, a 160- m portion of the reach was electrofished on June 29 using a Coffelt Mark-10 Backpack electrofisher. Shallow water habitat and near shore areas were sampled for 80 m along the left stream bank (looking upstream). Sampling continued across the stream channel at a riffle and proceeded upstream 80 m along the right hand stream bank. (see continuation) (continuation) Results A mark-recapture population estimate revealed the presence of a dense population of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). A surface area of 0.73 ha resulted in a biomass estimate of 257 kg/ha. Trout smaller than 149 mm were not included in the population estimate. These fish were hatched this year. A subsample was measured to determine their length distribution. Sampling for species composition yielded 25 white sucker (Catostomus commersoni), four cutlips minnow (Exoglossum maxillingua), three longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), four tesselated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), two fantail darter (Etheostoma flabellare), and one slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) were not sampled during this particular effort but were observed during the population estimate. Discussion This section of Spring Creek supports an exceptionally dense population of wild brown trout, 257 kg/ha. In 1988, Unit personnel estimated trout densities in 12 reaches of Spring Creek between Milesburg and Boalsburg. Trout biomass ranged from 42 to 245 kg/ha and averaged 145 kg/ha. Hence, this section supported a trout population substantially larger than that found in 1988. (see continuation) (continuation) In July 2000, personnel from our Unit and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission estimated trout densities in 11 sections of Spring Creek. Results from these surveys are not yet available, though it is likely that they will be available in late fall 2000. At that time, we will be able to compare the trout density in this section of the stream with the rest of Spring Creek. The high density of trout in this section is probably due to the quality of the habitat and the amount of spawning gravels from which juvenile trout are produced. The habitat consisted of long pools with depths up to 1.5 m, generally stable banks, ample bank cover, and large riffles. This quality and diversity of habitat is typical of excellent trout streams. Unit personnel conducted a redd (trout spawning site) survey of Spring Creek from Milesburg to Boalsburg in November 1999. For survey purposes, the stream was divided into 16 segments. This section lies within the segment bounded by the lamb Street Bridge and the Highway 550 bridge. A total of 134 redds were counted in 1999 for a density of 57 redds/km, the second highest density among the 16 stream segments. Previous studies in Spring Creek have shown that densities of age-1 and older trout are well correlated with redd densities. Segments that support few adult trout typically have few redds because the availability of good spawning substrate is limited. Thus, low redd numbers results in low adult numbers, rather than vice versa. Restoration Planning Demonstration Site Concrete dam slab Pebble counts in the field. Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Downstream view Upstream view Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Restoration Planning - Demonstration Site Existing – plan view, longitudinal profile, cross sections Goal Goal 33 Permit Preparation / Agency Coordination Date: April 10, 2000 TO: Tim Ziegler, Trout Unlimited Darlene Weener, Clearwater Conservancy Tom Pluto, US Army Corps of Engineers Al Sever, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Gary Byron , PADEP Fran Koch, PADEP Bonnie Crosby, United States Fish and Wildlife Service Ron Tibbot, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PAFBC) Dave Keller, PAFBC FROM: Mark Gutshall, LandStudies RE: Request for Pre-Application Meeting Spring Creek Watershed - Stream Restoration Permit A pre-application meeting is being requested for stream restoration activities on Spring Creek, Centre County. The purpose of the meeting is to present several stream restoration projects within the Spring Creek Watershed. The stream restoration permit and one of the stream restoration projects is being funded through a grant administered by PADEP. The objectives of the meeting are: (see continuation) (continuation) 1.Identify proposed restoration project sites. 2.Establish an understanding between the review agency and the applicant of permit documentation requirements. 3.Present background fluvial geomorphic watershed data including: •Reference reach data (2 sites) •USGS gauge datum (3 sites) •Non-USGS gauge datum (4 sites) •Regional Curve for bankfull discharge 1.Present conceptual restoration plans for Slaughterhouse Road project 2.Present Watershed Assessment data 3.Tour restoration sites A tentative date between May 8-11 is being requested. I will follow up to confirm scheduling. I can be reached at or 717-627-4440. E:\PROJECTS\W-SHED\W-011-99 - Spring Creek\Pre-app coordination.doc Stream Restoration Permit: Spring Creek Watershed Pre-application Meeting Thursday, May 11,2000 9:00 AM-Noon Clearwater Conservancy 2555 N. Atherton St., State College 1. Introduction (office) •Objectives of meeting 1.Watershed Assessment Results (office and field) •Overview of data collection (bankfull calibration at gauges, reference reaches) •Purpose of data collection •Interim results of data collection (see continuation) (continuation) 3.Restoration Sites (field) •Identified and prioritized •Samples of previous stream restoration permit submission and Erosion and Sedimentation Plans 4. Discussions – open throughout meeting To: Tim Ziegler, Trout Unlimited Darlene Weener, Clearwater Conservancy Tom Pluto, US Army Corps of Engineers Al Sever, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Gary Bryon, PADEP Fran Koch, PADEP Bonnie Crosby, United States Fish & Wildlife Service Ron Tibbott, Pa Fish & Boat Commission (PAFBC) Dave Keller, PAFBC Jeffrey Hartranft, PADEP Brian Auman, LandStudies, Bellefonte Office From: Mark Gutshall, Project Manager Date: May 31, 2000 To: Craig Russell PADEP 309 North Fifth Street, Suite D Sunbury, PA 17801-2003 From: Mark Gutshall, LandStudies RE: Spring Creek Pre-application meeting Thank you for participating at the May 11 pre-application meeting regarding stream restoration projects on Spring Creek, Centre County. The following is a summary of comments/concerns that were discussed, addressed, or voiced at this meeting. (see continuation) (continuation) •Minimization of sediment involved in the construction of the project. •Being sure that Spring Township provides written authorization for the stream restoration as it relates to flood flows. •Sediment concerns associated with removal of the “dam” at the SMS property. •Staging and access of equipment, machinery, and materials. •Permit format to include one specific restoration site and 12 future stream restoration sites. Initial submission to handle public notice requirements and required data addendums to accompany subsequent restoration approvals. Documentation format to be similar to Lititz Run Watershed permit approved by agencies. •Use of sod matting for bank stabilization from adjacent wetland and non-wetland areas. 7. Biological (fish and macroinvertebrates) indicators to be monitored pre- and post construction. If there are any additional comments please forward them to my attention prior to June 15. Thank you. E:\PROJECTS\W-SHED\W-011-99 - Spring Creek\Pre-app comments.doc Mr. Tim Ziegler Spring Creek Trout Unlimited 133 W. Blade Drive Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 814-861-3494 Darlene Weener Clearwater Conservancy PO Box 163 State College, PA 16804 814-237-0400 Tom Pluto US ACOE 3947 South Atherton Suite A State College, PA 16801 814-466-7756 Gary Byron PA DEP 208 W. Third Street, Suite 101 Williamsport, PA 17001-6448 570-321-6532 Fran Koch Bureau of Watershed Conservation PO Box 8555 Harrisburg, PA 17105 717-783-2289 Bonnie Crosby Kevin Abbey Paul Dembowski US Fish & Wildlife Service Abbey Associates PADEP Dept of Interior 2310 West Gatesburg Road 208 West Third Street, Suite 101 315 W. Allen Street Suite 322 Warriors Mark, PA 16877 Williamsport, PA 17701-6448 State College, PA 16801 814-234-4090 Andy Otten Mike Welch Ron Tibbott PA Fish & Boat Commission 450 Robinson Lane Bellefonte, PA 16823-9616 814-359-5145 Francis Al Sever PADEP 208 West Third Street, Suite 101 Williamsport, PA 17701-6448 570-327-3700 Dave Keller PA Fish & Boat Commission 450 Robinson Lane Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-359-5158 Jeffrey L. Hartranft PA DEP Southcentral Region 909 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17110-8200 717-705-4807 Andropogan Associates, LTD PADEP 374 Shurs Lane 208 West Third Street, Suite 101 Philadelphia, PA 19128 Williamsport, PA 17001-6448 Jim Coslo Centre County Conservation District 414 Holmes Avenue, Suite 4 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Craig Russell PADEP 309 North Fifth Street, Suite D Sunbury, PA 17801-2003 Steve Webster PADEP 208 West Third Street, Suite 101 Williamsport, PA 17701-6448 CD’s and Video Additional Deliverables Prepared by