Update - Clarington Board of Trade
Update - Clarington Board of Trade
Economic Development www.cbot.ca Update Summer 2015 To view the on-line version of the Update visit www.cbot.ca/EcDevUpdate HOT SPOTS! 325 Lake Rd, Bowmanville 1,500 sq ft for lease on second floor $10 /sq ft Contact Gerr Construction 905-697-2290 MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summer is here and what a great time to take a moment and reflect on the bustle of activity in Clarington since our winter issue of your Economic Development Update. I want you all to know how grateful we are in the CBOT office to have such great support and connection to you, our local businesses. As always we strive to provide you with meaningful opportunities to grow, build partnerships, give back to the community and share your story. Through our corporate calls, hosting summits and events, attending trade shows and networking we continue to work to strengthen the Clarington community through business development initiatives and education. In addition, there are many projects that we keep our eyes on to bring a business Sheila Hall, Executive Director perspective to the conversation. This year, we are very grateful to have been included in discussion on the Clarington Development Charge Review and the Clarington Official Plan Review. In addition, we are participating in conversations on the extension of the GO Train Service to Courtice and Bowmanville and the extension of Hwy 407. This newsletter serves as a great tool for us to share good news with you. So, grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy! Remember, our greatest interest is you and your business. We want to hear from you whether to chat about your business or the many projects in the community and how the two may connect. Reach out and together we will build a vibrant business environment. 180 Lake Rd., Bowmanville 8,400 sq ft for lease Warehouse and office Built in 2011 24 foot ceilings 2021 Baseline Rd. W. Bowmanville 23,000 sq ft on 7.5 acres Outdoor Storage Industrial Building with Offices Minutes from Hwy 401 Owner willing to split space $1,975,000 for sale or $6 per sq ft lease Why Clarington?... visit www.cbot.ca/WhyClarington to find out News WHAT DEVELOPERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE NEW CLARINGTON DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAW On May 11, Clarington Council passed a new Development Charge By-law. The main focus: decreased rates for new residential and non-residential development. Under the new by-law, Clarington’s residential charges represent just over half a percent reduction from the rate currently charged tes for a new home. The new by-law also includes incentives to ed Ra educ R help encourage growth and development within Clarington. New Exemptions It will allow for an existing smaller to mid-size industrial company to double its footprint without paying any extra municipal development charge fees. Brand new industrial companies will only have to pay half the fee levied. There are also incentives for development within identified “revitalization areas”. Click here to view Municipality of Clarington’s Press Release. “As a Builder and Developer, one of the biggest deterrents facing our clients today are that of Development Charges. To grow and attract new business, DC incentives are essential for competing Municipalities. I commend the Municipality of Clarington and the Board of Trade & Office of Economic Development on bringing this issue to the forefront. The new by-law incentives are sure to put Clarington in a position of positive growth.” Proud - Lorne Johnson, President, Johnson Building Construction. CBOT Member “We have spent many years calling Clarington both our personal and professional home. These years have seen great expansion in the area. Development charges have become a much bigger issue regarding development and business start-ups/expansion in the area. As a result it is great to see the Clarington Board of Trade and the Municipality of Clarington working together to come up with these initiatives. They will certainly be an advantage in helping Clarington continue to grow into the world class municipality we know it is. Proud - Lawson Gay, President, Gay Company Limited CBOT Member 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 2 Opportunity in Clarington... 5221 Main St., Orono 2,500 sq ft Professional Office Space 2 levels Minutes to Hwy 115 & 401 $339,000 for sale CLARINGTON BUSINESS RESPONDS TO DIESEL SPILL At 2AM on December 16, 2014, Detox Environmental Ltd. located on 1100 Bennett Rd. in Bowmanville, received a call that a truck had spilled a substantial amount of diesel fuel as a result of an accident at the Cobbledick Road Bridge on Highway 401 eastbound, in Newcastle. Proud CBOT Member 175 Lake Rd., Bowmanville Detox arrived on site at 2:45 AM. A tractor trailer hauling two tankers hit a bridge and over turned into a ditch. One tanker was torn open “like a sardine can” spilling approximately 17,000 litres of diesel fuel. Detox crews immediately deployed river booms and constructed a series of dams and trenches to ensure that the fuel oil would not find its way into Wilmot Creek. They vacuumed the standing diesel fuel and put measures in place to prevent any fuel oil from entering Lake Ontario and removed soil containing fuel oil. Approximately 830 metric tonnes of contaminated soil was removed and 270,000 litres of fuel oil and water. The project was completed by December 24, 2014. Due to the immediate response of the Detox crew and support of their subcontractors, the potential for a high profile environmental disaster was avoided. 30 foot ceilings Seconds from Hwy 401 $3,750,000 for sale Detox Environmental Ltd. has operated in Bowmanville for the past 25 years and currently has over 60 full time employees. They are expanding their soil management service capacity at their new additional site in Bowmanville, located on 40 Britton Court. 27,600 sq ft Industrial BUSINESSES PRAISING EXTENSION OF LAKE ROAD Hw 68 King St. E., Downtown Bowmanville Various Office/ Commercial space From 100 - 3,000 sq ft Lease rates negotiable y 40 1 La ke R d. Ex te n sio n( 40 0m ) d. Visit www.cbot.ca/property-search for more listings! We Can Help If you would like us to help you with relocating your business, or to find out more about benefits to investing in Clarington, please contact us at (905) 623-3106, or info@cbot.ca So ice erv S uth sR mb R a d/L It has been just over six months since the extension of Lake Road in the South Bowmanville Industrial Park was opened. A project executed by the Municipality of Clarington, the road extension increases accessibility to over 100 acres of serviced industrial land. It also provides a second exit/ entrance to the Industrial Park and surrounding area - increasing safety and balances flow of traffic. We have received positive feedback from many businesses in the Industrial Park, as this is an effiective project that has increased the functionality of the business area. “It is very nice for us when we are travelling to the east....I definitely think it will encourage other businesses to look at this area with it being such a good access to the 401.” - Dallas Contracting “All of our east bound trucks use it on a regular basis.” - Cargowall Ltd. “We have increased visibility from passers-by and potential new customers.” - Safe & Sound Manufacturing Proud CBOT Member “...the access route has allowed a less congested exit, especially during rush hour avoiding the Liberty congestion. Our internal delivery use this access daily for faster servivce to our customers, plus accessing Hwy 35/115 and 401 . It is by far an excellent venture that the Municipality has done.” - Kenworth Truck Centres 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca Building Relationships STRENGTHENING CLARINGTON MAKES A 3 www.cbot.ca PARTNERSHIPS IN DURHAM MARK IN TORONTO On May 6 & 7, CBOT attended the Toronto Real Estate Board’s REALTOR QUEST trade show. There was over 246 exhibitors and 6,000 Greater Toronto REALTORS® who attended. We were the only exhibitor representing a Municipality at the show - it was a perfect chance to educate Toronto real estate offices and businesses about the Clarington community and highlight Clarington as a viable place for their clients to invest. On June 4th, CBOT was the guest speaker a the Durham Region Association of REALTORS® Commercial Breakfast. We discussed the function of the Clarington Board of Trade & Office of Economic Development and how we can work together with the Durham Commercial Realtors to attract investment to Clarington and how CBOT can be a resource for them and their clients. We also highlighted development projects, expansions and infrastructure improvements in Clarington. Working Together 2ND ANNUAL CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT Over 75 guests from all aspects of the Agriculture community joined us March 17 for the 2nd Annual Clarington Agricultural Summit at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Event Centre. Engaging speakers and effective networking! Thank you to our sponsors Foodland Ontario, Durham Workforce Authority, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Durham Region & Laura Sciore’s Cooperators Insurance Agency! Alan Rickard, Rothsay DOING BUSINESS WITH THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Jason Murray, Buyer, Purchasing Manager David Ferguson and Sandra McKee, Senior Buyer, for the Municipality of Clarington. From painting to construction, to consulting services and printing - and everything in between. These are the types of purchases the Municipality of Clarington makes! On May 14 our Boardroom was at capacity with CBOT Members wanting to learn about the process of doing business with Clarington. Businesses had the chance to meet Purchasing Manager David Ferguson and his team Sandra McKee, Senior Buyer, and Jason Murray, Buyer. They discussed the process of doing business with the Municipality and reviewed tips on what bidders should know that will facilitate their experience. CBOT is grateful to have a relationship with the Municipality’s Purchasing Department! Check out their presentation! www.cbot.ca/DoingBusinessWithClarington 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 4 Education STUDENTS LEARN ABOUT CLARINGTON BUSINESS COMMUNITY This Spring, CBOT visited Bowmanville High School and Clarington Central Secondary School and spoke to students about the talents and genuine opportunity within the Clarington business community. It was a great opportunity to show students the ‘Clarington Shaping Your Every Day’ video and educate them about the diverse business sectors ranging from energy, manufacturing, agriculture, service, retail and professional – sectors that employ a range of skills and foster those skills in a growing, dynamic business community. INVESTMENT AND REAL ESTATE TOUR It was a perfect day to take our friends from the Municipality of Clarington, Members of Council, our CBOT Directors, and real estate/investor community for a bus trip to visit business! We drove all over Clarington, showing them a variety of opportunities that encourage investment - numerous buildings for lease, and land for sale. So many options! We highlighted many investments that have been and are currently being made. Some examples are the businesses we visited, Salit Steel with 60 employees, and CCT Auto Trans with 55 employees and counting (43 are drivers). Both are expanding their operations within Clarington. Thank you to those Proud who joined us and to our kind hosts at Salit Steel and CCT Auto-Trans Inc. CBOT Members BEHIND THE SCENES AT CANADA RUBBER GROUP INC.! On July 8, Canada Rubber Group Inc. generously took the time to educate and share the company’s experiences and consistent evolution in challenging the status quo as it pertains to their operations, people and processes. The plant tour was equally educational! Local manufacturers who attended had lots of questions and left reflecting on the performance of their manufacturing strategy. Kathleen Niles, President of Nessis in Clarington, also addressed the group about the importance of incorporating technology and work instruction software - greatly simplifying the ‘how to’ in the manufacturing world. Thank you Canada Rubber Group Inc., and Nessis. Proud CBOT Members Click here to access their presentations. 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 5 www.cbot.ca Mega Projects Update DARLINGTON NUCLEAR REFURBISHMENT PREPARATION At the Darlington site, construction continues on 18 new or upgraded facilities and infrastructure projects that need to be in place to support Darlington’s refurbishment. Some of these projects include a heavy water storage facility, second Used Fuel Dry Storage Building and Refurbishment Project Office has begun. This facility will contain contractor facilities such as, change rooms, lunchrooms and improved security access to the station. Ontario Power Generation’s Refurbishment Project Office As of December 2014, Ontario Power Generation’s investments and actual costs for Darlington’s refurbishment was $1.6 Billion and included the new Darlington Energy Complex, the Mock-up and Training Facility and progression of other work and projects (like the ones listed above). Currently, there are approximately 1,000 people working on the Refurbishment project at the site between OPG and contract staff. OPG expects to have 3,000 contractors through its doors in 2015. Click here to access latest Darlington Refurbishment Newsletter. PORT GRANBY PROJECT CONTRACT AWARDED SOON! This summer, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (formerly Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) expects to award the Port Granby Project major contract for the construction of the long-term waste management facility and remediation of the existing Port Granby waste management facility in southeast Clarington. The Port Granby Project is part of the Port Hope Area Initiative, a $1.28 Billion federally funded project for the cleanup and long-term safe management of historic low-level radioactive waste in Port Hope and Southeast Clarington. Following the award, initial activities will include construction of an internal roadway and a temporary underpass at Lakeshore Road. The local economy will realize significant economic opportunities with the creation of hundreds of jobs over the project’s five to six-year duration. HIGHWAY 407 EAST EXTENSION PHASE 2 In January 2015, Blackbird Infrastructure Group was chosen by Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Transportation as the preferred proponent to design, build, finance and maintain the Highway 407 East Phase 2 project. The project will include extending Highway 407 approximately 22 kilometres from Harmony Road in Oshawa to Highway 35/115 in Clarington. It will also connect Highways 401 and 407 with a 10-kilometre East Durham Link that will serve as a north-south freeway. Blackbird expects to break ground this fall to begin the prep work on the first phase of the extending Hwy. 407 east from Harmony Road in Oshawa into Clarington. This is a $1.2 Billion contract, and the extension will be open to traffic by late 2019. Blackbird Infrastructure Group held their first Public Information Centres (PICs) on July 6 and July 8 in Clarington. PICs provided an opportunity to review and comment on plans for the project at various stages. Visit www.407eastphase2.ca for more information. 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 6 Development WE’RE EXPANDING! NEW ADDITION WILL ACCOMMODATE 20 DOCTORS The Site Plan is approaching approval for the expansion of the Bowmanville Medical Professional Building located at 222 King St. E. There will be a three-storey, 26,295 square foot addition located to the north of the existing west wing of the facility and extend along the east side of St. George St. N. A new parking lot will also be constructed on the west side of St. George St. N. This new addition will accommodate up to 20 doctors. Construction is expected to begin this summer and proceed through various stages of completion before work concludes in the summer of 2017. Designed by: J.R. Freethy Architect, CBOT Member To be constructed by: Gay Company Ltd., CBOT Member ALGOMA ORCHARD’S EXPANSION WELL UNDERWAY! Construction of a 48,000 square foot addition to Algoma Orchards is well under way! This expansion consists of a warehouse addition for fruit storage, loading dock and equipment storage expansion, all to the north side of the existing building. Total size of the facility after construction will be 152,700 square feet. “The addition will allow the continued expansion of overall operation. Counting farm and plant over next few years, we could grow by about 25 more people”, says Proud Kirk Kemp, President of Algoma Orchards. CBOT Member Image from Algoma Orchards Aerial Video Addition constructed by: Johnson Building Construction, CBOT Member EXPANDING INTO NEW SPACE EXPANDS EFFECTIVE CLIENT SERVICE CIMA+ has recently expanded their space in Downtown Bowmanville, leasing 65 King St. E., just two buildings away from their current location at 55 King St. By adding six more work stations at this new location, they can accommodate the needs of their clients more effectively! In the last two months, they have hired five new staff including a summer student and look forward to hiring more people in the near future. Proud CBOT Member The Mortgage Centre in Courtice - Kurt and Randy Henry Mortgage Agents recently expanded their current office by 40% and also hired a new agent in the Spring. They had their grand re-opening celebration on June 25! Proud CBOT Member 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 7 Here we grow! WELCOME TO CLARINGTON! Since the beginning of 2015 many businesses have made their home in Clarington! Existing businesses have also hired new employees. New and existing business have created over 150 jobs since January! We were happy to share in the celebration of many openings and welcome all to Clarington! There are over 20 new business who have opened their doors, a few are as follows: Thank you for choosing Clarington to grow your business: Proud CBOT Member • Manantler Craft Brewing Co., Bowmnville • ReMax Rouge Realty LTD. Brokerage, Hampton • Roughley Insurance, Bowmanville • Flight Centre, Bowmanville • Kalsamrit Studios, Bowmanville (relocation) • Three Six Kitchen and Lounge, Bowmanville • Kate’s Happy Daze Cafe, Newcastle • Orono General Store, Orono • LCBO, Courtice • Asplundh Canada ULC, Bowmanville • The Cooperators Sandra Deering Agency Inc. (relocation within Courtice) Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Welcome New Employees! Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member Proud CBOT Member • CCT Auto Trans: 10 new drivers • CIMA: 5 new employees • Canada Rubber Group: 6 new employees • WorleyParsons: 15 new employees • Sunlife Bowmanville: 1 new employee • The Mortgage Centre Courtice: 1 new employee New to the Canada Rubber Group Inc. team, Guillermo Cardoso, Global Supply Chain Manager EMERGING LIFE SCIENCE IN CLARINGTON As business continues to thrive in Clarington, we are seeing growth in the Life Science and Medical Diagnostic Sector. These highly skilled companies have been drawn to our business community and include Mettrum, Impact Genetics, Holburn Biomedical and Dynacare. This seemingly small cluster is doing big work in the Province of Ontario, and throughout the country. Dynacare’s Bowmanville facility, which employs 20, performs highly specialized tests on biopsies from patients with cancer and other diseases. Within the same laboratory, Holburn Biomedical is expanding their current research in prostate cancer diagnostics and IBS. At this time, Holburn handles 1/5 of prostate biopsies in Ontario. Employing over 10, Impact Genetics focuses on clinical genetic testing, and is a leader in retinoblastoma detection and diagnosis and with Dynacare will soon be performing Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for the province. New to the cluster, Mettrum has decades of combined experience in the agri-pharma, distribution and technology industries. They recently completed their research and production facility, and have received approval from Health Canada to be a Licensed Producer under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations. The Life Science sector employs over 100 people in Clarington, and is continuing to grow and innovate their research and laboratories. 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca www.cbot.ca 8 News & Resources Click on headings below for more details Need a Boardroom for a meeting? We have one for you! FREE ! S T E L PAL Contact Ed at Greeley Containment, 200 Baseline Rd. E. in Bowmanville to arrange pick up. 905-623-5678 Does your business have products/services that can assist in case of an Emergency in the Community? Be on the Emergency Suppliers List Algoma Orchards aerial drone video tells an amazing story Clarington Current Tenders/RFPs and Quotations Clarington Industrial Business Directory The Truth About CBOT Want the Truth about CBOT? Check out our new brochure. Explore who we are. Find out how we can help business! From Membership services and helping a business find a location to marketing plan support and facilitating the development and permitting process CBOT can help business reach your goals! CBOT is your true resource! www.cbot.ca/CBOTisYOURresource Upcoming Events July 21 Clarington’s Barn Door Directory Young Professionals Networking on the Patio details Clarington Planning eUpdate Annual Mayor’s Address & Dinner details Got one minute? Check out our Member Minute Business Broadcasts an learn about local Clarington businesses! Steps closer to future development! September 22 October 7 ‘Let’s Mingle’ - Business Networking details November 19 Men’s Night at Manantler Craft Brewing Co. details November 26 7th Annual Clarington Energy Summit Notice of Study Completion for the Clarington Technology Business Park 54 King St. E., Unit 102, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N3 (905) 623-3106 info@cbot.ca www.cbot.ca
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