Manual de Procedimentos – Layout of Bradesco`s Accounted
Manual de Procedimentos – Layout of Bradesco`s Accounted
Nº 4008.524.0311 Manual de Procedimentos Versão 04 Manual de Procedimentos – Layout of Bradesco’s Accounted Collection 4008/Comercialização de Produtos e Serviços Elaborado em: 06/11/2013 Nº 4008.524.0311 Manual de Procedimentos Versão 04 INDEX DEAR BUSINESSMAN ................................................................................................................... 3 OPERATIONAL WORK ................................................................................................................... 4 COMMUNICATION MEANS............................................................................................................ 5 OPERATIONAL APPROACHES ....................................................................................................... 5 COMPANY’S PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................... 5 REMITTANCE/ RETURN FILES NAMES ............................................................................................................. 6 BANK’S PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 6 AVAILABILITY OF RETURN FILE ..................................................................................................................... 6 FILE REJECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 7 SYSTEM’S APPROACHES............................................................................................................... 7 CNAB FORMAT ........................................................................................................................................ 7 DESCRIPTION OF FILE WITH CNAB FORMAT .................................................................................................... 7 LAYOUT OF THE REMITTANCE FILE - HEADER LABEL REGISTRATION ........................................ 8 LAYOUT OF THE REMITTANCE FILE – TRANSACTION REGISTRATION – TYPE 1 ......................... 8 LAYOUT OF THE REMITTANCE FILE – TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 2........................ 11 LAYOUT OF THE REMITTANCE FILE – TRANSACTION REGISTRATION – TYPE 3 ....................... 12 LAYOUT OF THE REMITTANCE FILE – TRAILER REGISTRATION ............................................... 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 16 REMITTANCE FILE – TYPE 1 ...................................................................................................................... 16 HEADER LABEL REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................... 16 TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 1 ........................................................................................................ 16 002 TO 020 – IDENTIFICATION OF AUTOMATIC DEBT IN THE CHECKING ACCOUNT ................................................. 16 021 TO 037 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE ASSIGNOR COMPANY IN THE BANK ........................................................... 17 038 TO 062 – NUMBER OF CONTROL OF THE PARTICIPANT ............................................................................... 17 063 TO 065 – BANK CODE FOR DEBT - “237” ............................................................................................... 17 071 TO 082 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE BOND IN THE BANK (OUR NUMBER) ......................................................... 17 ISSUANCE OF BANK SLIPS BY THE BANK.............................................................................................. 17 ISSUANCE OF THE BANK SLIPS BY THE CLIENT .................................................................................... 17 CANCELLATION OF THE AUTOMATIC INSTRUCTION OF PROTEST .......................................................................... 21 COSIGNER DRAWEE ................................................................................................................................. 22 TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 2 / MESSAGE (OPTIONAL)......................................................................... 23 REGISTRATION - TYPE 3/ PRO-RATA CREDIT – REMITTANCE FILE ...................................................................... 23 02 TO 17 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE COMPANY IN THE BANK ............................................................................. 23 18 TO 29 – IDENTIFICATION OF THE BANK SLIP IN THE BANK (OUR NUMBER) ....................................................... 23 30 TO 30 – CODE OF PRO-RATA FIGURES .................................................................................................... 23 Elaborado em: 06/11/2013 31 TO 31 – TYPE OF INFORMED AMOUNT .................................................................................................... 23 66 TO 80 – AMOUNT OR PERCENTAGE FOR PRO-RATA CREDIT .......................................................................... 23 81 TO 120 – BENEFICIARY NAME............................................................................................................... 24 152 TO 157 – SHARE .............................................................................................................................. 24 158 TO 160 – BENEFICIARY’S FLOATING ..................................................................................................... 24 PRO-RATA CREDIT NOTES ........................................................................................................................ 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 24 BAR CODE FOR BRADESCO’S COLLECTION ........................................................................................... 25 SETTING UP OF THE DATA OF THE BAR CODE ..................................................................................... 29 SETTING UP AND PRINTING OF THE BAR CODE ................................................................................... 30 SETTING UP OF THE DATA FOR COMPOSITION OF THE TYPEABLE LINE................................................ 30 MODEL OF OFFSET FORM – INFORMATION: BRADESCO’S STANDARDS.................................... 33 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING IN THE COLLECTION FORM FIELDS ......................................................... 35 RULES FOR INSERTING THE MATURITY FACTOR IN THE BAR CODE ....................................................................... 36 BANK SLIPS WITH MATURITY - "IN SIGHT" OR "UPON PRESENTMENT" ................... ERRO! INDICADOR NÃO DEFINIDO. BANK SLIPS WITH ESCALATED DATES ............................................................. ERRO! INDICADOR NÃO DEFINIDO. DOCUMENT OF INTERNAL COLLECTION ............................................................................................... 38 ISSUANCE OF DOCUMENTS OF INTERNAL COLLECTION......................................................................... 38 LAYOUT OF THE RETURN FILE - HEADER LABEL REGISTRATION .............................................. 41 LAYOUT OF RETURN FILE – TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 1 ....................................... 42 LAYOUT OF RETURN FILE – TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 3 – PRO-RATA CREDIT ..... 43 LAYOUT OF RETURN FILE - REGISTRATION TRAILER ............................................................... 45 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION – RETURN FILE ..................................................................... 46 TRANSACTION REGISTRATION - TYPE 1 ........................................................................................................ 46 REGISTRATION - TYPE 3 – PRO-RATA CREDIT – RETURN FILE ................................................ 56 2 TO 17 = IDENTIFICATION OF THE COMPANY IN THE BANK - INFORM AS FOLLOWS: ................................................ 56 18 TO 29 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE BOND IN THE BANK (OUR NUMBER).............................................................. 56 66 TO 80 – EFFECTIVE PRO-RATA VALUE – AT THE PAYMENT ............................................................................ 56 151 TO 158 – CREDIT PRO-RATA DATA FOR THE BENEFICIARY.......................................................................... 56 159 TO 160 - STATUS/REASONS OF EVENT OF PRO-RATA CREDIT ...................................................................... 56 2/60 Dear Businessman With Layout of Bradesco’s Accounted Collection, through data transmission, your Company starts to benefit from a technically advanced system that is totally computerized, completely eliminating the handling of papers, the issuance of invoice copies, the need of filling in of bordereaux and remittances to the Bank, signatures, the use of endorsement stamps, the sum of values of Bonds, etc., significantly reducing the operational costs, among many other advantages within the commercial and financial scope, as well as expediting the updating of your “Outstanding Accounts”. This type of service, firstly released by Bradesco in the market, enables the Company to directly communicate with our computers to send the files of Bonds’ collection and confirm the protests’ instructions, extend maturity dates, writing-offs, etc.. Banco Bradesco S.A. 4008/Department of Commercialization of Products and Services 3/60 Operational Work Through Data Transmission. Through the Internet, via Bradesco NetEmpresa/Webta. Host to Host, through vendor solutions or VAN’s. Issuance of Collection Forms and Maturity Date Notice are delivered to the Drawee in his own payment location and nearby, where the Bank has Data Processing Centers. The deliveries are by mail or by hired Companies, with no delivery slip. Issuance of Bank Slips in the product that can be turned into envelopes, whose delivery is made by mail, with no receipt slip by the Drawee. Issuance of Bank Slips by the client and it is enough to send the record to the Bank. Upon authorization by the Drawee (who has an Account in Bradesco), the debts may be automatically made in his/her Checking Account, eliminating, this way, the issuance of Bank Slips. Bank Slips with Automatic Debit: - Once authorized by the drawee (must be a Bradesco account holder) all debits can be made automatically, avoiding the issuance of bank slips. Note:The process of automatic debt depends on previous approval by the Bank, upon signed agreement. Pro-rata credit between the Assignor client and his/her beneficiary, facilitating the transfer of funds with his/her business partners. 4/60 Communication Means The collection system through Data Transmission is the best means for transferring information within the services that Cobrança Bradesco [Bradesco’s Collection] can provide, since it can establish a new channel for the information flow, providing speed, security and efficiency in the services, as well as urging on the secrecy and reliability of the data sent for collection, whose types we present below:: 1. Bradesco Net Empresa/WEBTA: Web File Transmission -is the online transfer of files between the Bank and its corporate customers with security, efficiency and economy, using cryptography and data compaction. The confirmation of bank slips registration and transcation errors are processed daily from 7:00am to 9:00pm (Brasilia time). It enables clients to fix eventual errors in the collection files as well as to make discount operations at the same date of file transmission. 2. Host Transmission: System developed aiming at enabling the transfer of files among the several types of software via Host, that is: - RVS (Rechner-Verbund System); - Inter. Pel (Pelican); - Conect Direct (NDM); - STM400; - GXF – IBM Global Services; OPERATIONAL APPROACHES Company’s Procedures In order to perform the test, it is possible to transfer as many Remittance Files as appropriate; however, they must be recorded with all fictitious data required in the Layout, and they must contain at most 10 expiring registrations. After they become official, the Remittance Files may contain as many registrations as appropriate. The files cannot be compacted under any circumstances. They must be zoned. In addition to that, the registrations must be in accordance with the Layout's specifications. 5/60 Remittance/ Return Files Names Micro to format: Micro System: The Remittance File must present the following CBDDMM??.REM CB – Bradesco’s Collection DD – The Day of generation of the file MM – The Month of generation of the file ?? – Alphanumeric/ numeric variables Ex.: 01, AB, A1 etc. .Rem – File Extension Example: CB010501.REM or CB0105AB.REM or CB0105A1.REM Note: When dealing with remittance file for tests, the extension shall be TST. Example: CB010501.TST, CB010501.RST. and the return will be made available as Note: On the same day, it is not possible to transfer different Remittance Files with the same names. The variable in the file’s name must differentiate one file from another. Host System The DSNAME, both for Remittance Files and for Return Files, will be defined between the Company and the Bank when the routine is deployed. Bank’s Procedures Regardless of the amount of transmitted Remittance Files related to a single Company’s code (Pos. 27 to 46 Reg. Header Label) only one return file will be generated. Even if no Remittance File was sent in the previous day, one Return File containing the events related to the Bank slips previously registered will be generated. Ex.: Paid bank slips, settled due to its maturity date, with protest instruction, sent to the notary, etc. Availability of Return File Micro to Micro System The Return Files are made available at 6 a.m. approximately. Bradesco NetEmpresa/Webta The Return Files are made available at 6 a.m. (Brasilia time) or at every full hour in accordance with the client registry set-up. Host to Host System 6/60 The Return File will be released by the Bank from approximately 5:30 a.m. Brasilia time) or at every full hour in accordance with the client registry set-up. File Rejection Bradesco Net Empresa/Webta The Bank will present daily the list of the rejected files with their respective events. SYSTEM’S APPROACHES CNAB Format File REM/RET Logic Reg. 400 Bytes Block Factor 1 Block 400 Bytes Description of File with CNAB Format Remittance: Record Record Record Record Record Return: Record Record Record Record 0 1 2 3 9 – - Header Label Collection - Transaction Message (optional) Pro-rata Credit (optional) Trailer 0 - Header Label 1 - Collection - Transaction 3 - Pro-rata Credit (optional) 9 - Trailer File Formatting Text file – CNAB standard Registration Means Data Transmission Organization Sequential Codifying System – Micro to Micro ASC II – the file also must contain delimiters of record at the end of each record, (ODOA), as well as file finalizers, at the end of the trailer,(1A). Codifying System – Host System EBCDIC Modem/Speed - Micro to Micro Asynchronous - Speed 1200 to 19200 BPS 7/60 Layout of the Remittance File - Header Label Registration Layout for Collection with Registration and without Registration with Issuance of Collection Forms by the Bank and by the Company Description of Registration – Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N - Numeric Position Name of the Field From to 001 to 001 Identification of the Registration Size of the Field 001 Content A 0 X X 002 to 002 Identification of the Remittance File 001 1 003 to 009 Literal Remittance 007 REMESSA 010 to 011 Service Code 002 01 012 to 026 Literal Service 015 COBRANCA 027 to 046 Company Code 020 Will be supplied by Bradesco at the Registration moment 047 to 076 Company Name 030 Corporate Name Number of Bradesco in the 077 to 079 Clearance House 003 237 080 to 094 Bank’s Name in Full 015 X 095 to 100 Date of the File Recording 101 to 108 Blank 006 Bradesco DDMMYY X 109 to 110 System Identification 002 Blank MX 111 to 117 File Sequential Number 118 to 394 Blank 007 277 395 to 400 Record Registration Number, one by one 006 008 N X X X X X X X X Sequential Blank X X 000001 X Layout of the Remittance File – Transaction Registration – Type 1 Layout for Collection with Registration and without Registration with Issuance of Bank Slips by the Bank and by the Company 8/60 Description of the Record – Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N – Numeric Position From to Name of the Field 001 to 001 Identification of the Registration Size of Content the Field 001 002 to 006 Debt Branch 005 007 to 007 Digit of the Debt Branch 001 008 to 012 Checking Account Ledger 005 013 to 019 Checking Account 020 to 020 Checking Account Digit 007 001 021 to 037 Identification of the Assignor Company in the Bank 017 038 to 062 Number of Control of the Participant Code of the Bank to be 063 to 065 debited in the Clearance House 066 to 070 Zeros 025 071 to 081 Identification of the Bank slip in the Bank 11 082 to 082 Digit of Self-Collation of Our Number 001 083 to 092 Bonus Discount per day 010 093 to 093 Condition for Issuance Bank Slips 001 094 to 094 Identification Form is used for Automatic Debt 001 095 to 104 Identification of the 010 003 005 A 1 X Code of the Drawee’s Branch Exclusive for Debt in Account Digit of the Drawee’s X Branch Drawee’s Account Ledger Zero Portfolio Branch Checking Account Use by the Company X X Drawee’s Account Number Digit of Drawee’s Account Number N X X X X Bank Number “237” X Zeros Our Number for Collection with and Without Registration Digit N/N X X Value of the bonus discount/ day 1 = Bank issues and Processes the 2 = Client issues and the Bank only processes the registration N= Does not register in the collection and Different from N registers and issues Forms Blanks X X X X X 9/60 Bank’s Operation 105 to 105 Pro-Rata Credit Indicator 106 to 106 Address for Notice of Automatic Debt in Checking Account 001 “R” 001 1, 2 or different from 1 and 2 107 to 108 Blank 002 109 to 110 Event identification 111 to 120 Document number 002 010 121 to 126 Maturity Date of the Bond 006 X X Blank Event codes X Document X X DDMMYY X Amount of the Bank slip (fill in without dots or commas) Bank Number in the Clearance House 127 to 139 Bank slip Amount 013 140 to 142 Bank in Charge of Collection 003 143 to 147 Depositary Branch 005 148 to 149 Type of Bank slip 002 150 to 150 Identification 001 151 to 156 Date of Bank slip Issuance 006 Code of Depositary Branch 01-Invoice copy 02-Promissory note 03-Insurance note 04-Seried Collection 05-Invoice 10-Bills of Exchange 11-Debt Note 12-Service Invoice copy 99-Others A – accepted N – not accepted DDMMYY 157 to 158 1st instruction 002 Check Note Page 22 X 159 to 160 2nd 002 X X instruction X X X X X X 161 to 173 Amount to be collected per Day of Delay 013 Check Note Page 22 Amount to be collected per Day of Delay 174 to 179 Limit Date for Discount Grant 006 DDMMYY 180 to 192 Discount Amount 013 Discount Amount X 193 to 205 IOF [Tax on Financial Transactions] Amount Exemption Amount to be 206 to 218 granted or cancelled 013 IOF Amount X 013 Exemption Amount X 002 01-CPF [Individual Taxpayer Registration] 02-CNPJ [National Registry of Legal X 219 to 220 Identification of the Type of Drawee’s X 10/60 Registration Entities] 03-PIS [Social Integration Program]/PASEP [Program of Formation of Civil Servant’s Assets] 98-Not informed 99-Others CNPJ [National Registry of Legal Entities]/ CPF [Individual Taxpayer Registration] 221 to 234 Registration Number of the Drawee 014 235 to 274 Drawee’s name 040 Drawee’s Name X 275 to 314 Complete Address 040 Drawee’s Address X 012 Check Note Page 327 to 331 CEP [Zip Code] 005 Drawee’s CEP [Zip Code] X 332 to 334 Zip Code Suffix Drawee /Cosigner or 2nd 335 to 394 Message 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 003 Suffix Decomposition X st 315 to 326 1 Message 060 006 X X 23 X Registration Sequential Number X Layout of the Remittance File – Transaction Registration - Type 2 Optional Registration Layout for Collection with Registration and without Registration with Issuance of Collection forms by the Bank Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N – Numeric Position From to 001 002 082 162 242 to to to to to 001 081 161 241 321 Name of the Field Registration Type Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Size of Content the Field 001 2 080 Message 080 Message 080 Message 080 Message A N X X X X X 11/60 322 to 366 367 to 369 370 to 374 Reservation Portfolio Branch 045 003 005 375 to 381 Checking Account 007 382 to 382 Checking Account Digit 001 383 to 393 Our Number 011 394 to 394 395 to 400 DAC Our Number Registration Sequential Number 001 006 Filler Portfolio number Code of Assignor Branch Checking Account number Checking Account DAC Our Number Digit N/N X X X X X X X Registration Sequential Number X Note 1: To consider one line for each message a minimum of 41 characters must be filled for each 80 positions. E.g.: position 002 to 81 must be filled up to position 041. Note 2: The layout Registry type 2 was implemented to allow drawer clients to concede two (2) types of discounts. These two types of discounts can be populated on fields 322 to 359. The discount option available on the Registry Layout Type 1 keeps unchangeable. Layout of the Remittance File – Transaction Registration – Type 3 Pro-Rata Credit Layout for Collection with Register with Issuance of Collection forms by the Bank or by the Company Remittance File – Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N – Numeric Position From to Name of the Field Size Content of the Field 001 Permanent “3” 001 to 001 Identification of the Registration 002 to 017 Identification of the Company in the Bank 016 018 to 029 Identification of the Bond in the Bank 012 030 to 030 Code of Pro-Rata Figures 001 Portfolio, Branch, Checking Account Our number “1”=Collected value “2”=Registration Value “3”=Pro-rata by the A N X X X X 12/60 031 to 031 032 to 043 044 to 046 047 to 051 052 to 052 053 to 064 065 to 065 Type of Informed Value Filler Code of the Bank for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Code of the Branch for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Digit of the Branch for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Number of the Checking Account for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Digit of the Checking Account for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary 001 012 X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Checking Account number 001 Checking Account Digit 015 081 to 120 040 121 to 151 Name of the 1st Beneficiary Filler 152 to 157 Share 006 161 to 163 164 to 168 169 to 169 170 to 181 182 to 182 183 to 197 Value, or % for Pro-rata X Permanent “237” Value, or % for Pro-Rata Floating for the 1st Beneficiary Bank Code for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Branch Code for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Branch Digit for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Number of the Checking Account for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Digit of the Checking Account for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary X 003 066 to 080 158 to 160 “1”= % “2”= Value Blanks 031 % = Informed value in percentages with representation of the mask of 000000000999999, in which 3 decimals will be for figures. Value = Value informed in value Name of the 1st Beneficiary Blanks Share Identification X X X X X X X 003 Quantity of days of credit for the beneficiary X 003 Permanent “237” X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Number of the Checking Account 001 Digit of the Checking Account 015 %= Informed value in percentages with representation of the mask of 000000000999999, X X X X 13/60 in which 3 decimals will be for figures. Value = Value informed in Value Name of the Beneficiary 198 to 237 Name of the 2nd Beneficiary 040 238 to 268 Filler 031 Blanks X 269 to 274 Share 006 X 003 Share Identification Quantity of days for Credit of the Beneficiary 003 Permanent “237” X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Number of the Checking Account 001 Digit of the Checking Account 275 to 277 Floating for Beneficiary 278 to 280 281 to 285 286 to 286 287 to 298 299 to 299 the 2nd Code of the Bank for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Code of the Branch for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Digit of the Branch for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Number of the Checking Account for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Digit of the Checking Account for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary %= Informed value in percentages with representation of the mask of 000000000999999, in which 3 decimals will be for figures. Value = Value informed in Value Name of the 3rd Beneficiary X X X X X 300 to 314 Value, or % for Pro-rata 015 X 315 to 354 Name of the 3rd Beneficiary 040 355 to 385 Filler 031 Blanks X 386 to 391 Share 006 X 392 to 394 Floating for the 3rd Beneficiary 003 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 006 Share Identification Quantity of days for Credit of the Beneficiary. Registration Sequential Number X X X Layout of the Remittance File – Transaction Registration Type 7 Cosigner Drawee Data (optional) 14/60 Description of Registration -Size 400 Bytes A -Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N – Numeric Position Field Description Length Content A N 001 to 001 Registry Type 001 002 to 046 Cosigner Drawee Address 045 047 to 051 Zip Code 005 7 Cosigner Drawee Address Zip Code X 052 to 054 Zip Code Suffix 003 Zip Code Suffix 055 to 074 020 City X 075 to 076 City UF 002 UF X 077 to 366 Filer 290 Filer X 367 to 369 Portfolio 003 Portfolio X 370 to 374 Branch Code 005 Branch Code X 375 to 381 Account Number 007 Account Number X 382 to 382 Account Digit 001 Account Digit 383 to 393 Our Number 011 Our Number 394 to 394 Our Number Digit 001 Our Number Digit 395 to 400 Registry Sequential Number 006 Registry Sequential Number X X X X X X X Layout of the Remittance File – Trailer Registration Layout for Collection with Registration and without Registration with Issuance of Collection forms by the Bank and by the Company Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N – Numeric Position From to Name of the Field Size of the Field 001 001 to 001 Registration Identification 002 to 394 Blank 393 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 006 Content A 9 Blank Last Registration Sequential Number N X X X 15/60 Additional Information Remittance File – Type 1 Note 1: The numeric fields must be aligned to the right and filled with “Zeros” on the left, when the case may be. Note 2: The fields corresponding to amounts (real currency) must be filled with two decimal positions. When dealing with indexed currency (dollar, TR, etc.), they must be filled with five decimal positions. Header Label Registration About the Positions 027 to 046 – Remittance Code It will be informed by Bradesco at the moment of registration of the Account in your Branch. This code must be aligned to the right with Zeros on the left. 095 to 100 – Date of File Recording In order to retransmit a rejected Remittance File, it is necessary to change the date that is informed in this field, as well as to update the remittance number in the positions 111 to 117 (remittance sequential number). 111 to 117 – Remittance Sequential Number The remittance number shall begin from 0000001 and added + 1 at each new Remittance File, aiming at avoiding duplication of files, which cannot be repeated or turned into zero under any circumstances. Transaction Registration - Type 1 About the Positions 002 to 020 – Identification of Automatic Debt in the Checking Account Must be filled only in the case the Assignor client has already registered for operating with the method of automatic debt in the Checking Account of the paying client (Drawee). The fields that correspond to these positions are the following: - position 002 to 006 = Number of the branch in which the debt will be performed, that is, the Drawee’s - position 007 to 007 = Digit of the branch in which the debt will be performed - position 008 to 012 = Account’s Ledger -Ex. 07050 - position 013 to 019 = Drawee’s Checking Account number - position 020 to 020 = Drawee’s Checking Account digit 16/60 021 to 037 – Identification of the Assignor Company in the Bank Must be filled (from the left to the right) as follows: 21 to 21 - Zero 22 to 24 – portfolio code 25 to 29 – Assignor’s Branch code, with no the digit 30 to 36 – Checking Account 37 to 37 - Checking Account digit 038 to 062 – Number of Control of the Participant Field to be used by the Company. The information that must be in the Remittance File will be confirmed in the Return File. It will not be printed in the collection form. 063 to 065 – Bank Code for Debt - “237” The Bank’s number in which the paying client (Drawee) has his/ her Checking Account must be informed, in case the Assignor client chose the automatic debt in the Drawee’s Account. For Bank slips for which the automatic debt shall not be applied, this field must be filled with Zeros, in order not to generate in the Return File the reason “68” – non-scheduled debt – error in the remittance data in the positions 319 to 324 of the transaction registration. 066 to 066 – Fine Indications If = 0 (without fine) If = 2 (with fine) 067 to 070 – Fine Percentage for delay If field 66 to 66 = 0, fill with zeros If field 66 to 66 = 2, fill fine percentage with 2 decimals. 071 to 082 – Identification of the Bond in the Bank (Our Number) Field that shall be used for Our Bond Number (Bank Number). The procedure to be followed must comply with the following items: ISSUANCE OF BANK SLIPS BY THE BANK Collection with Registration: In this case, this field must be filled with “Zeros”, since the system will inform Our Number in the Return File when the entry is confirmed. ISSUANCE OF THE BANK SLIPS BY THE CLIENT Collection with Registration: The offset form must present the required specifications in relation to the bar code, as described on pages 24 and 25, and, in this case, the positions 71 to 82 of the transaction registration must be filled with Our Number and its respective self-collating digit, which will be confirmed in the Return File. We also present below the criteria to be followed for the figures of the self-collating digit: 17/60 The numbering line must be made up of 11 numbers plus the self-collating digit, which shall present the following format: Position 71 to 81: Our Number – can be generated from 00000000001, 00000000002 etc - 11 positions and a differentiated number must be ascribed for the identification of each document in Bradesco’s Collection. Position 82 to 82: Self-collating digit of Our Number – 1 position Note: For estimating the digit, it will be necessary to add the portfolio number to the left before Our Number and apply the module 11, with base 7. Exampl0065 a) do the multiplication: Portfolio Our Number 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 = 02 7 = 63 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 00 7 = 00 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 04 X + + + + + + + + + + + + = 69 b) do the sum, whose result is = 69 c) do the division: 69 11 -66 6 3 Note: The difference between the dividends less the remainder will be the self-collating digit. 11 - 03 = 8 (self-collating digit) Our Number Digit 00000000002 Therefore, Our Number will be: 8 Note: If the remainder of the division is “1”, ignore the difference between the dividends less the remainder, which will be “10”, and consider the digit as being “P”. Example Portfolio Our Number 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 = 02 7 = 63 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 00 7 = 00 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 02 X + do the division: + + + + + + + + + + + = 67 67 11 -66 6 1 18/60 Result: 11 - 1 = 10 – In this case, the digit will be “P” Our Number Digit 00000000001 Therefore, Our Number will be: P Note: If the remainder of the division is “0”, ignore the figures of subtraction between the dividends and the remainder, and consider “0” as digit. Example Portfolio Our Number 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 = 02 7 = 63 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 00 7 = 00 6 = 00 5 = 00 4 = 00 3 = 00 2 = 12 X + do the division: + 77 -7 0 + + + + + + + + + + = 77 11 7 Our Number Digit Therefore, Our Number will be: 00000000006 0 093 to 093 – Condition for Issuance of Bank Slips if it is equal to 1 = the Bank issues the Bank Slips and processes registration if Our Number is informed in the position 71 to 82 of transaction registration, the Bank assumes it. if Our Number is not informed, the Bank will create automatically. if it is equal to 2 = the client issues and the Bank only processes registration. in this case, it is obligatory to inform Our Number formatted in positions 71 to 82 of the transaction registration type 1. the the it the the 094 to 094 – Condition of Registration for Automatic Debt when it is equal to “N” and the debt data are incorrect, the collection is rejected and the Bank Slips are not issued; when it is different from “N” and the debt data are incorrect, the collection is registered and the collecting Bank Slips are issued. 19/60 105 to 105 - Indicator of Pro-Rata Credit It shall only be filled with the letter "R" in case the Company participates of the routine of pro-rata credit. In case it does not participate of this routine, the Bank must be informed. 106 to 106 – Addressing of the Automatic Debt in Checking Account Notice 1 = issues notice and takes on the Drawee’s address that is informed in the Remittance File; 2 = does not issue notice; different from 1 or 2 = issues and assumes the deducted client’s address, informed in our records. 109 to 110 – Identification of Event 01..Remittance 02..Writing-off Request 04..Exemption Granting 05..Cancellation of granted exemption 06..Change in the Maturity date 07..Change in the participant’s control 08..Change of his number 09..Protest request 18..Stop protest and write-off Bond 19..Stop protest and keep in portfolio 31..Change of other data 35..Change the schedule of the automatic debt 68..Adjust the data of pro-rata credit 69..Cancellation of the pro-rata credit. 121 to 126 – Bank slip's Maturity Date For in sight maturity, fill the field with (000000) For maturity upon presentment, fill the field with (999999) For maturity “refer to instructions” – Collection Without Registration, fill the field with (777777). Note 1: To change a registered Bank slip, whose maturity date is (DDMMYY) to "in sight", fill this field with (888888). 157 to 160 – 1st / 2nd Instruction Field aimed at pre-determining the protest of the bank slip at the registration or bank slip written-off by lapse of time. If there is no interest, fill with Zeros. However, in the case the Company wishes to use the automatic protest instruction or lapse of time written-off, we list the necessary procedures below: Protest - position 157 to 158 = Indicate the code “06” - position 159 to 160 = Indicate the number of days to be protested (minimum of 5 days) 20/60 Lapse of time: - position 157 to 158 = Indicate the code “18” – (Lapse of time). - position 159 to 160 = Indicate the number of days for lapse of time written-off. Note: The position 157 to 158 can also be used to define the following messages to be printed in the Bank Slips issued by the Bank: 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Not to collect default interests Not to receive after the maturity date 10% fine after the 4th day following the Maturity Date. Not to receive after the 8th day following the maturity date. Collect financial charges after the 5th day following the maturity date. Collect financial charges after the 10th day following the maturity date. Collect financial charges after the 15th day following the maturity date. Grant discount even if paid after the maturity date. Attention: These instructions shall be sent in the Remittance File at the entry, since the code of event in the position 109 to 110 of the transaction registration is “01”; for the protest instructions, the Drawee’s CNPJ [National Register of Legal Entities]/ CPF [Individual Taxpayer Registration] and address must be correctly informed. Cancellation of the Automatic Instruction of Protest In order to cancel the automatic instruction of protest, it is necessary to send a Remittance File with the following characteristics: position 109 to 110 of the transaction registration = 31 – Change of Other Data position 157 to 160 of the transaction registration = 9999 161 to 173 – Amount to be collected per day of delay Field used by the Assignor to inform the amount of the daily default interests to be paid by the Drawee in the case of delayed payment (amount only). However, in the case the Assignor does not wish to inform the amount of the daily default interests in the Remittance File, we are able to calculate this amount and print it. But it is necessary to inform the amount of its monthly interest rate by letter, which shall be forwarded to our Branch so that it can be effectively registered. Obs.: Issuance of Bank Slips by the Client himself/ herself. When there is Permanence Commission to be collected by day of delay, information of this amount in the remittance file is a must. the 193 to 205 – IOF [Tax on Financial Transactions] Amount This field should be filled in only by the Assignor Companies, whose line of business is Insurance Administration. 221 to 234 – Drawee’s Registration Number 21/60 When dealing with CNPJ [National Register of Legal Entities], the criterion of filling from the right to the left should be followed, using: 2 positions for the control 4 positions for the branch 8 positions for the CNPJ When dealing with CPF [Individual Taxpayer Registration], the same criterion from the right to the left should be followed, using: 2 positions for the control 9 positions for the CPF 3 positions to the left zeroed 315 to 326 – 1st Message Field to be used by the Company. The message sent in this field will only be printed in the collection form and will not be confirmed in the Return File. Cosigner Drawee 335 to 394 – 2nd Message/ Cosigner Drawee – Field Decomposition This field can be used to inform: Cosigner/Drawee Only or Message Only Do not use the expressions “bank tax” or “bank fee” in the bank slips as this refers to fee negotiated by the bank with the drawer client. FEBRABAN communication (Comunicado FB-170/2005) Note: The Assignor Company, when registered in the Formal Collection, will be automatically authorized to send messages. However, in order to inform Drawee/Cosigner, the following items must be previously registered: Drawee / Cosigner CNPJ [National Register of Legal Entities]/CPF[Individual Taxpayer Registration]of the Drawee Cosigner - the criterion for fulfilling shall be the same for both CNPJ and CPF, that is, from the right to the left: 2 positions for the control 4 positions for the branch 9 positions for the CNPJ/CPF Note: When dealing with CPF, the branch field shall be filled in with Zeros. Blanks 15 Numeric 02 Blanks 43 Alphanumeric Drawee / Cosigner 22/60 Message to be Automatic Condition printed in the Registration collection form, or Free Message in the Statement of Notice of Automatic Debt to the Drawee of the 60 Alphanumeric Transaction Registration - Type 2 / Message (Optional) About the Positions 383 to 394 – Our Number + Digit These fields must be filled in accordance with the positions 71 to 82 of the transaction registration – type 1. Registration - Type 3/ Pro-Rata Credit – Remittance File About the Positions 02 to 17 – Identification of the Company in the Bank Must be filled in (from the left to the right), as showed below: 02 to 04 – Portfolio code. 05 to 09 – Assignor Branch Code, without the digit. 10 to 16 – Checking Account. 17 to 17 - Checking Account’s Digit. 18 to 29 – Identification of the Bank slip in the Bank (Our Number) This field must be informed with Zeros when the Bank Slips are issued by the Bank. This field must be filled in accordance with the criteria presented on pages 20 to 23. 30 to 30 – Code of Pro-rata Figures 1-Collected amount 2-Registration amount 3-Pro-rata for the lower amount The pro-rata for the lower amount will be made by the registration amount if this amount is lower than the collected amount, and the other way around. 31 to 31 – Type of Informed Amount 1- Percentage 2- Amount For the same Bank slip, the Assignor must choose between the amount and the percentage, and can never choose both types. Important Note - The Company that decides for the pro-rata of the collected amount must inform the pro-rata in percentage 66 to 80 – Amount or Percentage for Pro-Rata Credit Currency -Must be informed with 2 (two) decimals. Indexed Currency – Must be informed with 5 (five) decimals. 23/60 Percentage – Must be informed with 3 (three) decimals. 81 to 120 – Beneficiary Name For each Bank slip, at most 90 beneficiaries will be allowed, that is, at most 30 registrations type 3 for each Bank slip. 152 to 157 – Share To differentiate pro-rata credits of the same Bank slip for the same beneficiary many times. 158 to 160 – Beneficiary’s floating To inform the amount of days for pro-rata credit, after the date of the credit of the collection in the Checking Account. This amount of day is limited to 30 (thirty) days. Pro-Rata Credit Notes Event 68 - Adjustment of Pro-Rata Data In order to adjust the pro-rata data that have already been entered in our system, it is necessary to inform all data of the beneficiaries that have been previously sent. Ex.: Bank slip registered in the Bank with 10 beneficiaries, but 1 (one)of them must be changed. The Company must generate again the registration type 1 with the code of event 68 in the positions 109 to 110 , plus our number in the positions 71 to 82 informed in the return file with the 10 (ten) beneficiaries, since our system will replace all registration data by the new informed data. Event 69 – Pro-rata Cancellation Inform event 69 in the position 109 to 110 of the transaction registration type 1, followed by our number in the position 71 to 82. It is not necessary to inform the registration type 3 with the prorata information. Note: When the Bank slip is written-off of the collection, all prorata credits for that bank slip will be automatically eliminated/ cancelled. Additional Information Remittance File – Type 7 Transmission of the additional information of the Consignor/Drawee after bank slips registration. Fill the transaction file TYPE 1 with the same information sent in the bank slip registration. Indicate Event Code 31 – Other data alteration in the position 109 to 110. 24/60 Indicate in the transaction additional information. file TYPE 7 the Consignor/Drawee Note: The collection system will consider the Consignor/Drawee information sent on transaction registration TYPE 1 and 7 only with the drawer client must be set-up with the acceptance conditions for Consignor/Drawee data addition (S = Consignor/Drawee or A = both message and Consignor/Drawee). Before formatting/sending the registrations contact the Customer Support (11) 3003-1000. BAR CODE FOR BRADESCO’S COLLECTION Code I25 (2 from 5 Interleaved) allows numeric representation uses identification characters of beginning and end the narrow bars (E) are represented by the number(0) the large bars (L) are represented by the number 1 (one) codifying method of I25: in accordance with the combination with two narrow bars (E) and/ or large (L). Configuration in ASCII and EBCDIC: EBCDIC < > N W n w Bars Beginning End EL LL EE LE ASCII 3C 3E 4E 57 6E 77 in order to obtain one of the pairs of bars showed above, it is first necessary to replace the numbers from 0 to 9 in accordance with the model below: Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Representation 00110 10001 01001 11000 00101 10100 01100 00011 10010 01010 Example In order to represent 123, we have to add number 0 (Zero) on the left, in such a way that it is possible to obtain an even number of digits. By observing the model above, it is necessary to join the first BIT of the number to the first BIT of number 1, making the pair 01, which means an E bar (narrow) and an L bar (large), whose configuration in ASCII is equal to 4E. Therefore, the codifying of the number 0123 will be the following: 25/60 Beginn ing 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 End EEEE E L E E L E L E E L E L L L E E E E L E LEEE 3C 4 E 6 E 7 7 7 7 4 E 4 E 5 7 6 E 6 E 7 7 3E < N n w w N N W n n w > 26/60 Below there is table showing all the Pairs of Bars: Numbers 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 EBCDIC Configuration nnWWn NnwwN nNwwN NNwwn nnWwN NnWwn nNWwn nnwWN NnwWn nNwWn wnNNw WnnnW wNnnW WNnnw wnNnW WnNnw wNNnw wnnNW WnnNw wNnNw nwNNw NwnnW nWnnW NWnnw nwNnW NwNnw nWNnw nwnNW NwnNw nWnNw wwNNn WwnnN wWnnN WWnnn wwNnN WwNnn wWNnn wwnNN WwnNn wWnNn nnWNw NnwnW nNwnW NNwnw nnWnW NnWnw nNWnw nnwNW NnwNw nNwNw wnWNn WnwnN wNwnN WNwnn wnWnN WnWnn wNWnn wnwNN Hexa Configuration 95 95 E6 E6 95 D5 95 A6 A6 D5 95 D5 A6 A6 D5 D5 D5 A6 A6 95 95 95 E6 A6 D5 D5 95 E6 A6 95 95 D5 E6 A6 95 95 95 A6 E6 D5 D5 95 A6 E6 95 95 D5 A6 E6 95 A6 95 D5 D5 A6 E6 95 95 95 E6 A6 D5 95 95 E6 E6 D5 95 95 A6 A6 95 D5 95 E6 E6 95 D5 95 A6 A6 D5 D5 95 A6 A6 95 95 D5 E6 E6 95 95 D5 A6 A6 D5 95 D5 A6 95 A6 D5 D5 A6 D5 A6 95 95 E6 95 E6 95 95 E6 D5 E6 95 95 A6 95 A6 D5 95 E6 D5 A6 D5 95 A6 95 E6 D5 95 A6 95 A6 95 D5 E6 D5 A6 95 D5 A6 95 E6 95 D5 A6 A6 A6 D5 D5 95 E6 A6 95 95 D5 A6 E6 95 95 D5 E6 E6 95 95 95 A6 A6 D5 95 D5 E6 A6 D5 95 95 A6 E6 D5 95 95 A6 A6 95 D5 D5 E6 A6 95 D5 95 A6 E6 95 D5 95 95 95 E6 D5 A6 D5 95 A6 95 E6 95 D5 A6 95 E6 D5 D5 A6 95 A6 95 95 E6 95 E6 D5 95 E6 95 A6 95 D5 E6 95 A6 95 95 A6 D5 E6 D5 95 A6 D5 A6 95 D5 A6 D5 A6 A6 95 E6 D5 95 E6 95 A6 95 D5 A6 D5 A6 95 D5 E6 D5 A6 95 95 A6 95 E6 95 D5 E6 95 E6 95 95 A6 D5 E6 95 95 A6 95 A6 D5 D5 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 WnwNn wNwNn nwWNn NwwnN nWwnN NWwnn nwWnN NwWnn nWWnn nwwNN NwwNn nWwNn nnNWw NnnwW nNnwW NNnww nnNwW NnNww nNNww nnnWW NnnWw nNnWw wnNWn WnnwN wNnwN WNnwn wnNwN WnNwn wNNwn wnnWN WnnWn wNnWn nwNWn NwnwN nWnwN NWnwn nwNwN NwNwn nWNwn nwnWN NwnWn nWnWn E6 A6 95 D5 95 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 A6 E6 A6 E6 A6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 95 D5 95 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 D5 A6 A6 E6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 A6 E6 95 95 D5 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 D5 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 D5 A6 A6 E6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 A6 A6 E6 E6 E6 A6 A6 A6 D5 95 95 95 D5 D5 D5 95 95 95 D5 95 95 95 D5 D5 D5 95 95 95 D5 95 95 95 D5 D5 D5 95 95 95 D5 D5 D5 95 95 95 95 95 95 D5 D5 D5 E6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 E6 E6 E6 E6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 E6 E6 E6 E6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 E6 E6 E6 95 95 95 D5 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 A6 E6 E6 A6 E6 A6 A6 E6 A6 A6 95 D5 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 95 D5 D5 95 D5 95 95 D5 95 95 Elaborado em: 06/11/2013 Numbers Pairs of Bars Beginning EEEE END LEEE 00 EEEELLLLEE 01 ELEELELEEL 02 EEELLELEEL 03 ELELLELEEE 04 EEEELLLEEL 05 ELEELLLEEE 06 EEELLLLEEE 07 EEEELELLEL 08 ELEELELLEE 09 EEELLELLEE 10 LEEEELELLE 11 LLEEEEEELL 12 LEELEEEELL 13 LLELEEEELE 14 LEEEELEELL 15 LLEEELEELE 16 LEELELEELE 17 LEEEEEELLL 18 LLEEEEELLE 19 LEELEEELLE 20 EELEELELLE 21 ELLEEEEELL 22 EELLEEEELL 23 ELLLEEEELE 24 EELEELEELL 25 ELLEELEELE 26 EELLELEELE 27 EELEEEELLL 28 ELLEEEELLE 29 EELLEEELLE 30 LELEELELEE 31 LLLEEEEEEL 32 LELLEEEEEL 33 LLLLEEEEEE 34 LELEELEEEL 35 LLLEELEEEE 36 LELLELEEEE 37 LELEEEELEL 38 LLLEEEELEE 39 LELLEEELEE 40 EEEELLELLE 41 ELEELEEELL 42 EEELLEEELL 43 ELELLEEELE 44 EEEELLEELL 45 ELEELLEELE 46 EEELLLEELE 47 EEEELEELLL 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 ELEELEELLE EEELLEELLE LEEELLELEE LLEELEEEEL LEELLEEEEL LLELLEEEEE LEEELLEEEL LLEELLEEEE LEELLLEEEE LEEELEELEL LLEELEELEE LEELLEELEE EELELLELEE ELLELEEEEL EELLLEEEEL ELLLLEEEEE EELELLEEEL ELLELLEEEE EELLLLEEEE EELELEELEL ELLELEELEE EELLLEELEE EEEEELLLLE ELEEEELELL EEELEELELL ELELEELELE EEEEELLELL ELEEELLELE EEELELLELE EEEEEELLLL ELEEEELLLE EEELEELLLE LEEEELLLEE LLEEEELEEL LEELEELEEL LLELEELEEE LEEEELLEEL LLEEELLEEE LEELELLEEE LEEEEELLEL LLEEEELLEE LEELEELLEE EELEELLLEE ELLEEELEEL EELLEELEEL ELLLEELEEE EELEELLEEL ELLEELLEEE EELLELLEEE EELEEELLEL ELLEEELLEE EELLEELLEE Elaborado em: 06/11/2013 SETTING UP OF THE DATA OF THE BAR CODE The bar code for collection has 44 positions organized as follows: Position 01 to 03 04 to 04 05 to 05 06 to 09 10 to 19 20 to 44 Size 3 1 1 4 10 25 Content Bank Identification Currency Code (Real = 9, Others =0) Verifying Digit of the Bar Code Maturity Factor(Check Note) Amount Free Field The positions of the free field are at discretion of each collecting Bank. Bradesco’s pattern is the following: Position 20 to 23 Size 4 24 to 25 26 to 36 37 to 43 2 11 7 44 to 44 1 Content Assignor Branch (With no verifying digit; complete with zeros to the left whenever necessary) Portfolio Number of Our Number (With no verifying digit) Assignor Checking Account (With no verifying digit; complete with zeros to the left whenever necessary) Zero For estimating the Verifying Digit of the Bar Codes, the following procedures shall be followed: - estimative through module 11, with estimative base equal to 9. Example: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN { 43 Positions with all data: To calculate the digit, consider 43 Positions, in that: from Position 1 to 4 and from Position 6 to 44. 4329876543298765432987654329876543298765432 - - - - < - - - - < - - - - < - - - < - - - { Multiplication Index { Calculation Direction The first digit from the right to the left will be multiplied by 2, the second by 3, and so on. The multiplication results should be amassed. At the end, the amassed value shall be divided by 11. The remainder of the division should be subtracted of 11. - if the subtraction result is equal to 0 (Zero), 1 (one) or higher than 9 (nine), they shall assume the digit equal to 1 (one). - if not, the subtraction result will be the digit itself. This result is the verifying digit of the bar code, and shall be in the fifth position. The digit 0 (Zero) in the fifth position will indicate that the bar code does not have a verifying digit. 29/60 SETTING UP AND PRINTING OF THE BAR CODE Note: 2 to 5 interleaved means that 5 bars define a character, and two of them are large bars; ‘interleaved’ means that the spaces between the bars have a meaning that is analogous to the bars. For Laser Printing After the setting up described above, create the graphic representation for the line that contains the data of the bar code or use the appropriate source. Position of the bar code in the Bank Slips (as exemplified below): The beginning of the bar must be 0,5 cm far from the left margin of the paper; The middle of the bar must be 12 mm far from the end of the sheet Total length equal to 103mm and total height equal to 13mm. Note: These positions must be strictly followed, since they are of paramount importance for the reading of the bar code. SETTING UP OF THE DATA FOR COMPOSITION OF THE TYPEABLE LINE The typeable line will be made up of five fields: 1st field Made up by the Bank’s code, the currency code, the five first positions of the free field and the verifying digit of this field; 2nd field Made up by the positions 6th to 15th of the free field and its verifying digit; 3rd field Made up by the positions 16th to 25th of the free field and its verifying digit; 4th field Made up by the verifying digit of the bar code, that is, the 5th position of the bar code; 5th field Made up by the factor of maturity date with 4 (four) characters and the amount of the document with 10 (ten) characters, with no separation or editing. There must be, between each field, a space equal to 2 (two) positions, being the 1st one interpreted by a dot(.) and the 2nd one by a blank space. Example Verifying Digit of the Bar Code 1st Dac 2nd Dac st 1 Field 23790.0310D Dot 2 nd 3rd Dac Field 3 Field 40031.77200D 28009.52790D Space Dot Factor of Maturity Date Document Value rd Space Dot D 10010000000000 Space Space Estimative of the Digits of Self-Collation (DAC) of the fields of the Typeable Line 30/60 Use module 10: Example (1st digit): X 2 3 7 9 0 0 3 1 0 2 = 4 1 = 3 2 = 1+4 1 = 9 2 = 0 1 = 0 2 = 6 1 = 1 2 = 0 = 28 Note: Multiplication total = 28, therefore, in order to obtain the digit, it is necessary to consider a number that is multiple of 10, higher or equal to the result of the multiplication, which, in this case, will be “30”. Therefore, the following subtraction is done: 30 - 28 = 2 (digit), therefore, the composition of the first field will be the following: 23790.03102 Note: Every multiplication result, whose total is higher or equal to 10 (ten), must have the sum of both numbers, as showed in the examples below: 5 x 2 = 10, therefore, 1 + 0 = 1 8 x 2 = 16, therefore, 1 + 6 = 7 Example (2nd digit): 4 0 0 3 1 7 7 2 0 0 X 1 = 4 2 = 0 1 = 0 2 = 6 1 = 1 2 = 1+4 1 = 7 2 = 4 1 = 0 2 = 0 = 27 Multiplication total = 27 multiple of 10 (ten) = 30, therefore 30 - 27 = 3 (digit), this way, the composition of the 2nd field will be the following: 40031.772003 Example (3º digit): 2 8 0 0 9 5 2 7 9 0 X 1 = 2 2 = 1+6 1 = 0 2 = 0 1 = 9 2 = 1+0 1 = 2 2 = 1+4 1 = 9 2 = 0 = 35 Multiplication total = 35 multiple of 10 (ten) = 40, therefore 40 - 35 = 5 (digit), this way, the composition of the 3rd field will be the following: 28009.527905 This way, the typeable line will present the following configuration: 23790 . 03102 40031 . 772003 28009 . 527905 7 10010000000000 31/60 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COLLECTION FORM The Bank Slips must obey the following specifications defined by Bacen [Brazilian Central Bank]: number of copies or parts – 2 (two): Drawee’s Receipt b) Offset Form. Note: The drawee’s receipt must contain the Value of the Document, Our Number, Portfolio, Assignor’s Branch/ Code and Maturity Date. basic weight of the collection form – minimum of 50g/m2 dimensions a) Offset Form : 95 to 104 mm X 170 to 216 mm b) Drawee’s Receipt: at Bank’s discretion color of the copy/print a) white back / blue print b) white back / black print Entering of data of the Bank/ Typeable Line in the superior edge of the Offset Form. - Left side – shall contain the name of the Bank, the number of the Bank plus the verifying digit; (The Bank’s code shall be made up with 5mm character and lines or traces of 1,2 mm) - Right side - shall contain the Typeable Line - The dimensions will be 3,5 to 4 mm and traces or lines of 0,3mm 32/60 MODEL OF OFFSET FORM – INFORMATION: BRADESCO’S STANDARDS BRADESCO LOGO Factor Due Date Amount Bradesco | 237-2 | 99999.9999D 99999.99999D 99999.99999D D FFFF9999999999 Payment Place Better if Paid at Bradesco Network or at Bradesco Expresso Beneficiary name /CPF/CNPJ/Address Document Date Bank Use Document Number CIP Portfolio Document Type Currency Quantity Due Date Branch/Beneficiary Code Acceptance Processing Date Our Number Value Amount Beneficiary’s own responsibility information (-)Discount/Reduction (+)Interest/Penalty (+)Other Charges (=)Amount Charged Payer Name/CPF/CNPJ/Address Drawer /Guarantor/CPF/CNPJ/Address Mechanical Authentication – Clearance Receipt 5mm 13mm 12mm 103mm 33/60 PROPOSAL BOLETO MODEL BRADESCO LOGO Factor Due Date Amount Bradesco | 237-2 | 99999.9999D 99999.99999D 99999.99999D D Payment Place Better if Paid at Bradesco Network or at Bradesco Expresso Beneficiary name /CPF/CNPJ/Address Document Date Bank Use Document Number CIP Portfolio Currency FFFF9999999999 Due Date Branch/Beneficiary Code Acceptance Processing Date Type BDP Value Quantity Beneficiary’s own responsibility information Our Number Amount (-)Discount/Reduction Note: The beneficiary declares to hold payer previous authorization to issue this boleto. The payment of this boleto IS NOT OBLIGATORY. Non payment will not cause protests, name listed on credit reporting agencies or judicial or extrajudicial collections. Due date payment means previous knwoledge of the conditions and offer acceptance. Should you have any doubt please contact the beneficiary through the customer service channels (=)Amount Charged Payer Name/CPF/CNPJ/Address Drawer /Guarantor/CPF/CNPJ/Address Mechanical Authentication – Clearance Receipt 5mm 13mm 12mm 103mm 34/60 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING IN THE COLLECTION FORM FIELDS 1. PAYMENT LOCATION: Field used for entering the message to inform the drawee where the paymentcan be made. Ex.: “Preferentially Payable in any Bradesco’s Branch” 2. FIELD MATURITY DATE The maturity date that is informed in this field must be the same informed in the Maturity Factor of the Typeable Line and of the Bar Code. In the case there are differences among these information, the date informed in the Maturity Factor in the Bar Code/ Typeable Line will prevail. 3. ASSIGNOR: Corporate Name or Fantasy Name of Company that issues the bank collection form. The name must be the same informed in the Bank’s records. 4. BRANCH / CODE OF THE ASSIGNOR: Must be filled with the branch with 4 (four) characters – digit of the branch/ Collection Checking Account with 7 (seven) characters – Digit of the Checking Account. Ex. 9999-D/9999999-D Note: Fill in with zeros on the right whenever necessary. 5. ISSUANCE DATE: Fill in with the date of the Document Issuance or the billing date. 6. DOCUMENT NUMBER: The identification of the bill number, copy, etc. can be informed. 7. DOCUMENT TYPE: In accordance with the line of business, one of the following abbreviations may be used: DM – Commercial Copy, NP – Promissory Note, NS – Insurance Note, CS – Collection in Series, REC – Receipt, LC – Bill of Exchange, ND – Debt Note, DS - Services Copy, Others. 8. ACCEPTANCE: N – Non-acceptance 9. PROCESSING DATE: Can be the same date of the issuance 10. PORTFOLIO / OUR NUMBER: Portfolio with 2(two) characters / Our Number with 11(eleven) characters + digit Ex.: 99 / 99999999999-D Note: Our Number is a collection form identifier; Our differentiated Number must be assigned for each collection form. 11. USE BY THE BANK: The code that identifies if the print is made by the Bank or by the Company can be informed in this field. In the case the printing is made by the company, the code to be used is "8650". 35/60 12. CIP: It is a code used to identify specific messages to the assignor, and it is in the Bank’s records. Whenever there is no registered code, fill in with zeros "000". 13. PORTFOLIO: Number of the Collection Portfolio which the company operates in the Bank. 14. CURRENCY: Field to be used to inform the type of currency in which the document has been issued (R$, US$, IGMP, Etc.) 15. AMOUNT: When the document is issued in other currencies(R$, US$, IGPM, etc..), this field should be filled in with the amount of the corresponding currency. 16. AMOUNT OF THE DOCUMENT: Field used to inform the amount of the document. It must be filled in with the same amount informed in the bar code and in the Typeable line. In casethe document amount is zeroed in the bar code and in the line, this fieldshould be left in blank. 17. INSTRUCTIONS: Field reserved for messages of responsibility of the Assignor, in which messages about the procedures to be followed by the cashier at the moment of receiving can be printed, as long as they are in compliance with Bacen’s standards. MATURITY DATE FACTOR Rules for Inserting the Maturity Factor in the Bar Code The Maturity Factor, expressed by 4 digits, will be used to identify the Bond’s Maturity Date, and must be obtained by subtracting the maturity date from the base date 10/07/1997. MATURITY DATE: BASE DATE: MATURITY FACTOR 07-03-2000 10-07-1997 = 1000 AMOUNT OF DAYS: In order to determine the figures of the Maturity Factor, we suggest that some tests are developed, using the dates below, in order to ensure that the Maturity Factor is correct. CORRELATION TABLE MATURITY DATE MATURITY FACTOR 07/03/2000 1000 07/05/2000 1002 05/01/2002 1667 11/17/2010 4789 12/21/2025 9999 36/60 New base date: from 02/22/2025, due date fator will return to “1000” adding “1” to each following day to this factor, according to the example below: 22/02/2025 23/02/2025 24/02/2025 1000 1001 1002 RULES FOR ENTERING THE MATURITY FACTOR With Maturity Factor and with Amount 1 7 5 8 0 0 1442443 4 Factor 7 5 8 0 0 1442443 0 2 5 3 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 7 0 0 0 1444444424444443 10 Amount 4 Factor With no Maturity Factor and with Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 1442443 0 0 0 2 5 1444444424444443 10 Amount 4 Factor 0 With Maturity Factor and with no Value 1 0 1444444424444443 10 Amount With no Maturity Factor and With no Value 0 0 0 4 Factor 0 0 1442443 0 0 0 0 0 0 1444444424444443 10 Amount 37/60 DOCUMENT OF INTERNAL COLLECTION The “Internal Collection” is made up by the product 21 – with registration and 22 – with no registration; The documents of this new method of collection are different from the others because the Bank Slips that are issued can only be paid in Bradesco’s internal network in the branches’ cashiers and in the ATMs. The main characteristic that makes it different from other Bank Slips is the identification of the sentence “Document Cannot be Offset”. The Bank Slips will have Bar Codes, and can be issued by the clients or by the Bank. The receipt of documents will be by means of electronic capture of data from the Bar Code or by entering the Typeable Line. All information of registration, maintenance, payment and writing-off can be seen in all means currently available at Bradesco’s Collection On-line. The product “21” – Internal Collection with Registration shall be formatted in the remittance file (layout of 400 positions) for sending the registration to the Bank. The product “22”- Internal Collection with no Registration – the client will only receive the return file (Cnab 400 positions), with the bank slips settlements. ISSUANCE OF DOCUMENTS OF INTERNAL COLLECTION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The documents of Internal Collection shall have 2 copies, in that: Bank’s Copy; Proof of Payment (At the company’s discretion) The main characteristic that makes it different from other Bank Slips is the identification of the sentence “Document Cannot be Offset -–Payable Only at Bradesco”, both in the Bank’s copy as in the “Proof of Payment.”.” Insertion of Bank's data in the superior edge of the Bank’s Copy. . must present the Bank’s name (Bank’s logo: optional). . must contain the message: “Document Cannot be Offset -–Payable Only at Bradesco”. . must contain the copy’s identification. Insertion of data of Bar Code and Typeable Line in the inferior part of the Bank's Copy. . The Bar Code must be printed; . Above the Bar Code, the numeric representation of the Typeable Line must be present, and each field must be in the box individually, aiming at highlighting the Typeable Line. . On the right of the Bar Code, a field must be reserved for the mechanic authentication. 38/60 FILLING IN THE FIELDS OF DOCUMENTS OF INTERNAL COLLECTION 18. FIELD MATURITY The maturity that is informed in this field must be the same informed in the Maturity Factor of the typeable line and the Bar Code. In the case there are differences among these information, the date informed in the Maturity Factor in the Bar Code/ Typeable Line will prevail. 19. BENEFICIARY /ADDRESS: Corporate Name of Company that issues the bank collection form. The name must be the same informed in the Bank’s records. 20. BRANCH / CODE OF THE BENEFICIARY: Must be filled with the branch with 4 (four) characters – digit of the branch/ Collection Checking Account of the Beneficiary with 7 (seven) characters – Digit of the Checking Account. Ex. 9999-D/9999999-D Note: Fill in with zeros on the right whenever necessary 21. ISSUANCE DATE: Fill in with the date of the Document Issuance or the billing date. 22. DOCUMENT NUMBER: The identification of the number of the debtor client, carnet number, etc. 23. DOCUMENT TYPE: In accordance with the line of business, one of the following abbreviations may be used: DM – Commercial Copy, NP – Promissory Note, NS – Insurance Note, CS – Collection in Series, REC – Receipt, ND – Debt Note, DS - Services Copy, Others. 24. ACCEPTANCE: N – Non-acceptance 25. PROCESSING DATE: Can be the same date of the issuance 26. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION: Must contain the Product Code (Portfolio) with 2(two) characters / identification of the document (Our Number) with 11(eleven) characters - digit of our number. Ex.: 99 / 99999999999-D Note: The Document Identification is an identifier; that must be differentiated for each issued document. Note.: Our Number and its respective digit of self-collation, => numbering line must me made up of 11 numbers plus the self-collation digit. For estimating the digit, it is necessary to add the portfolio number to the left before Our Number and apply the module 11, with base 7. 27. USE BY THE BANK: The code that identifies if the print is made by the Bank or by the Company can be informed in this field. In the case the printing is made by the company, the code to be used is "9004". 39/60 28. CIP: It is a code used to identify specific messages to the assignor, and it is in the Bank’s records. Whenever there is no registered code, fill in with zeros "000". 29. PORTFOLIO: Number of the Collection Portfolio which the company operates in the Bank. In the case of the Internal Collection, the numbers will be as follows: 21 – Internal Collection With Registration 22 – Internal Collection With No Registration 30. CURRENCY: Field to be used to inform the type of currency in which the document has been issued (R$, US$, IGMP, Etc..) 31. AMOUNT OF THE DOCUMENT: Field used to inform the amount of the document. It must be filled in with the same amount informed in the bar code and in the Typeable line. In case the document amount is zeroed in the bar code and in the line, this field should be left in blank. 32. DEBTOR / ADDRESS: Must contain the Corporate Name of the Debtor/ complete Address. BAR CODE FOR BRADESCO’S INTERNAL COLLECTION SETTING UP OF THE BAR CODE DATA The bar code for collection has 44 positions organized as follows: Position 01 to 03 04 to 04 05 to 05 06 to 09 10 to 19 20 to 44 Size 3 1 1 4 10 25 Content Bank Identification (Check Note Below) Currency Code (Real = 9, Others=0) Verifying digit of the Bar Code Maturity Factor (check Note) Value Free Field Note.: The Internal Collection ( Portfolios 21 and 22), because it is a product that can only be paid at Bradesco’s network, must, (position – 1 to 3 Bank Code), be filled in with “000”. in the bar code The positions in the free field are at discretion of each collecting Bank. Bradesco’s standards are the following: Position Size Content 20 to 23 4 24 to 25 26 to 36 2 11 37 to 43 7 44 to 44 1 Assignor Branch (With no verifying digit; complete with zeros on the left whenever necessary) Portfolio ( 21 or 22) Document Identification – Number of Our Number (With no verifying digit) Beneficiary’s Account (With no verifying digit; complete with zeros on the left whenever necessary) Zero 40/60 SETTING UP OF DATA FOR MAKING UP THE TYPEABLE LINE Example Verifying Digit of Bar Code 1st Dac st 1 Field 2 00090.0310D Dot 2nd Dac nd Field 3 40031.77200D Space Dot rd 3rd Dac Field 28009.52790D Space Dot Maturity Factor Document Value D Space 10010000000000 Space Layout of the Return File - Header Label Registration Layout for Collection with Registration and With no Registration with Issuance of Bank Slips by the Bank and by the Company. Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N - Numeric Position From to Size of the Field Name of the Field Content A N 001 to 001 Identification of Registration 001 0 X 002 to 002 Identification of Return File 001 2 X 003 to 009 Literal Return 007 Return 010 to 011 Service Code 002 01 012 to 026 Literal Service 015 Collection 027 to 046 Company Code 020 Company’s number 047 to 076 Name of the Company in full 030 Corporate Name 077 to 079 Bradesco’s number in the Clearance House 003 237 080 to 094 Name of the Bank in full 015 Bradesco 095 to 100 Date of File Recording 006 DDMMYY X 101 to 108 Zeros 008 Zeros X 109 to 113 Bank Notice Number 005 Notice Number X 114 to 379 Blank 266 Blank 380 to 385 Credit Date 006 DDMMYY X X X X X X X X 41/60 386 to 394 Blank 009 Blank 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 006 000001 X Layout of Return File – Transaction Registration - Type 1 Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N - Numeric Position From to 001 to 001 (*) 002 to 003 Size of the Field Name of the Field Identification of Registration 001 Content A 1 N X 01-CPF 02-CNPJ 03-PIS [Social Integration Program]/PASEP [Program of Formation of Civil Servant’s Assets] 98-Not informed 99-Others CNPJ/CPF Number Branch Control Type of Company Registration 002 004 to 017 (*) Company Registration Nº 014 018 to 020 Zeros 003 Zeros X Identification of the Assignor Company in the Bank 017 Zero Portfolio Branch X 038 to 062 Number of Participant Control 025 Use by the Company X 063 to 070 Zeros 008 Zeros 071 to 082 (*) Identification of Bond in the Bank 012 083 to 092 Use by the Bank 010 Blanks X 093 to 104 Use by the Bank 012 Zero X 105 to 105 Indicator of Pro-Rata Credit 001 “R” Check Note Page 47 106 to 107 Zeros 002 Zeros X 108 to 108 Portfolio 001 Portfolio X Identification of Event 002 Check Note Page 47 X Date of Event in the Bank 006 DDMMYY X Document number 010 Document number (*) 021 to 037 (*) 109 to 110 (*) 111 to 116 (*) 117 to 126 Bank Nº X X X X X 42/60 127 to 146 (*) Identification of Bond in the Bank 020 147 to 152 Bond’s Maturity Date 006 DDMMYY X 153 to 165 Value of Bond 013 Value of Bond X 166 to 168 (*) 169 to 173 (*) Collector Bank 003 X Collector Branch 005 Code of Bank in the Clearance House Code of the Branch of the Collector Bank Type of Bond 002 174 to 175 176 to 188 189 to 201 Expenses of collection for the Codes of Event 02 – Confirmed Entry 28 – Fares Debt Other Expenses Protest Expenses 013 013 202 to 214 Interest Rates of Delayed Operations 013 215 to 227 Due IOF 013 228 to 240 Exemption granted over the Bond 013 Blank X X X Expense Value X Value of other expenses X Will not be informed (zeroed) Value of IOF X X Value of granted exemption X Value of granted discount 241 to 253 254 to 266 (*) Granted Discount Paid Value 013 267 to 279 Default Interests 013 Default Interests X 280 to 292 Other Credits 013 Will not be informed (zeroed) X 293 to 294 Blanks 002 Blanks 295 to 295 Reason of Event Code 19 (Confirmation of Protest Instruction) 001 296 to 301 (*) Credit Date 006 DDMMYY 302 to 318 Blanks 017 Blanks 319 to 328 Reasons for Rejections of Event Codes Position 109 to 110 010 Reason 329 to 368 Blanks 066 Blanks 369 to 370 number of the notary's office 002 number of the notary's office 371 to 380 381 to 394 395 to 400 number of the protocol Blanks 010 014 006 number of the protocol Blanks Registration Sequential number 013 Bank Nº X Paid Value A – Accepted D – Denied X X X Registration Sequential number X X X X X X X Note: When dealing with collection with no registration, only the fields checked with (*) asterisk will be confirmed in the Return File. Layout of Return File – Transaction Registration - Type 3 – Pro-Rata Credit Layout for Collection with Registration with Issuance of Bank Slips by the Bank or by the Company Return File - Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes 43/60 A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N - Numeric Position From to Size of the Field Name of the Field Content A 001 to 001 Identification of Registration 001 Permanent “3” 002 to 017 Identification of the Company in the Bank 016 018 to 029 Identification of the Bond in the Bank 012 Portfolio, Branch, Checking Account Our Number N X X X “1”= Collected Value “2”= Value of Registration “3”= Pro-Rata for the Lower Value “1”= % “2”= Value 030 to 030 Code of Pro-Rata Figures 001 031 to 031 Type of Value Informed 001 Filler 012 Blanks 003 Permanent “237” X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Checking Account Number 001 Checking Account Digit 032 to 043 044 to 046 047 to 051 052 to 052 053 to 064 065 to 065 066 to 080 Code of the Bank for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Code of the Branch for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Digit of the Branch for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Number of Checking Account for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Digit of Checking Account for Credit of the 1st Beneficiary Effective Value of Pro-Rata at the payment 015 X X X X X X Value in Reais X 081 to 120 Name of the 1st Beneficiary 040 Name of the 1st Beneficiary X 121 to 141 Filler 021 Blanks X 142 to 147 Share 006 Identification of Share X 148 to 150 Floating for the 1st Beneficiary 003 151 to 158 Credit Date for the 1st Beneficiary 008 Amount of Days for Credit of the Beneficiary Credit Date DDMMYYYY 159 to 160 Status / Reason of Event of Pro-Rata 002 Check Note Page 56 X 003 Permanent “237” X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Checking Account Number 001 Checking Account Digit 161 to 163 164 to 168 169 to 169 170 to 181 182 to 182 183 to 197 198 to 237 238 to 258 2nd Code of Bank for Credit of the Beneficiary at the payment Code of Branch for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary at the payment Digit of Branch for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary at the payment Number of Checking Account for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Number of Checking Account for Credit of the 2nd Beneficiary Effective Value of Pro-Rata at the payment Name of the 2nd Beneficiary Filler 015 X X X X X Value in Reais X 040 Name of the 2nd Beneficiary X 021 Blanks X 44/60 259 to 264 Share 006 Identification of the Share X 265 to 267 Floating for the 2nd Beneficiary 003 268 to 275 Date of Credit for the 2nd Beneficiary at the payment 008 Amount of Days for Credit of the Beneficiary Credit Date DDMMYYYY 276 to 277 Status / Reason of Event of Pro-Rata 002 Page 56 X 003 Permanent “237” X 005 Branch Code X 001 Branch Digit 012 Checking Account Number 001 Checking Account Digit 278 to 280 281 to 285 286 to 286 287 to 298 299 to 299 300 to 314 315 to 354 Code of Bank for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Code of Branch for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary at the payment Digit of Branch for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Number of Checking Account for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Digit of Checking Account for Credit of the 3rd Beneficiary Effective Value of Pro-Rata at the payment Name of the 3rd Beneficiary X X X X X Value in Reais 015 X 040 Name of the 3rd Beneficiary X 355 to 375 Filler 021 Blanks X 376 to 381 Share 006 Identification of Share X 382 to 384 Floating for the 3rd Beneficiary 003 385 to 392 Credit Date for the 3rd Beneficiary at payment 008 Amount of Days for credit of the Beneficiary Credit Date DDMMYYYY 393 to 394 Status / Reason of Event of Pro-Rata 002 Check Note Page 56 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 006 X X X Registration Sequential Number X Layout of Return File - Registration Trailer Layout for Collection with Registration and with no Registration with Issuance of Bank Slips by the Bank and by the Company Description of Registration - Size 400 Bytes A - Alphanumeric – Content in Capital Letters N - Numeric Position From to Size of the Field Name of the Field Content A N 001 to 001 Identification of Registration 001 9 X 002 to 002 Identification of Return 001 2 X 003 to 004 Identification of Type of Registration 002 01 X 005 to 007 Bank Code 003 237 X 008 to 017 Blanks 010 Blanks X 45/60 Amount of Bonds in Collection 018 to 025 Amount of Bonds in Collection 008 026 to 039 Total Value in Collection 014 Total Value in Collection X 040 to 047 Bank Notice Number 008 Bank Notice Number X 048 to 057 Blanks 010 Blanks 005 Amount of registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 005 Amount of Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations Amount of written-off Registrations X 012 Value of written-off Registrations X 005 Amount of Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 005 Amount of Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 005 Amount of Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 005 Amount de Registrations X 012 Value of Registrations X 058 to 062 063 to 074 075 to 086 087 to 091 092 to 103 104 to 108 109 to 120 121 to 125 Amount of Registrations- Event 02 – Confirmation of Entries Value of Registrations- Event 02 – Confirmation of Entries Value of Registrations– Event 06 – Settlement Amount of Registrations - Event 06 – Settlement Value of Registrations - Event 06 Amount of Registrations - Event 09 and 10written-off Bonds Value of Registrations – Event 09 and 10 written-off Bonds Amount of registrations - event 13 – 005 X X X 177 to 188 Value of Registrations – Event 13 - Canceled exemption Amount dos Registrations - Event 14 – Changed Maturity Value of Registrations – Event 14 – Changed Maturity Amount dos Registrations- Event 12 – Exemption granted Value of Registrations – Event 12 – Exemption granted Amount of Registrations- Event 19 -Confirmation of Protest Instruction Value of Registrations – Event 19 - Confirmation of Protest Instruction 189 to 362 Blanks 174 Blanks 363 to 377 Total Value of Pro-Rata Made 015 Total Value of Pro-Rata X 378 to 385 Total Value of Pro-Rata Made 08 Amount of Pro-Rata Made X 386 to 394 Blanks 09 Blanks 395 to 400 Registration Sequential Number 006 Registration Sequential Number 126 to 137 138 to 142 143 to 154 155 to 159 160 to 171 172 to 176 X X X Supplementary Information – Return File Note 1: The numeric fields will be aligned to the right and filled with “zeros” to the left. Transaction Registration - Type 1 About Positions 021 to 037 - Identification of the Assignor Company in the Bank 46/60 Confirmation identical to that of the Return File (Zero, portfolio, Branch and Checking Account) 071 to 082 - Identification of the Bank slip in the Bank (Our Number) In case the Remittance File is sent with “Zeros”, in this field Our Number generated for the Bank slip will be confirmed. In case the confirmed. Remittance File is sent with Our Number formatted, it will be 105 to 105 - Identification of the Pro-Rata - It will only be informed “R” for the Company participating of the routine of pro-rata credit. In case it is not informed, must be left in blank. 109 to 110 - Identification of Event For Collection with no Registration with Issuance of Bank Slips by the Bank 02..Confirmed Entry – When the registration is correct and the collection form is printed 06..Normal Settlement - Payment made For Collection With Registration 02..Confirmed entry (check reason in the position 319 to 328 ) 03..Rejected entry ( check reason in the position 319 to 328) 06..Normal settlement (no reason) 09..Automatically written-off through File(check reason in the position 319 to 328) 10..Written-off as per Branch’s instructions(check reason in the position 319 to 328) 11.. To Be – Outstanding File of Bank slips(no reason) 12..Granted exemption (no reason) 13..Canceled exemption (no reason) 14..Changed maturity (no reason) 15..Settlement in notary (no reason) 16.. Bank slip Paid in Check – Linked 17.. Settlement after writing-off or non-registered Bank slip (no reason) 18..Depositary’s settlement (no reason) 19..Confirmation of receipt of Protest Instruction (check reason in the position to 295) 20..Confirmation of receipt of Protest Instruction Stopped (no reason) 22.. Bank slip with canceled Payment 21..Settlement of Participant's Control(no reason) 23.. Bank slip filed in notary (no reason) 24..Entry rejected due to irregular CEP [Zip Code](check reason in the position 319 to 328) 27..Rejected Writing-off (check reason in the position 319 to 328) 47/60 28..Debt of fees/ expenses(check reason in the position 319 to 328) 30..Change of Other Rejected Data(check reason in the position 319 to 328) 32..Rejected Instruction (check reason in the position 319 to 328) 33..Confirmation of Request for Change Other Data(no reason) 34..Withdrawal in Notary and Portfolio Maintenance(no reason) 35..Cancellation of the scheduling of automatic debt(check reason in the position 319 to 328) 40.. Reverse Payment (New) 55.. Legal write-off (New) 68..Data corrected in the pro-rata credit(check reason in the position of registration status type 3) 69..Cancellation of data of pro-rata (check reason in the position of registration status type 3) Note: For the events with no reason, the positions will be informed with Zeros. 127 to 146 - Identification of the Bank slip in the Bank (Our Number) Our Number informed in the positions 71 to 82 of transaction registration. 176 to 188 – Collection Expenses In this field, the amount of the registration fee will be informed, corresponding to the code of event 02 – confirmed entry (position 109 to 110 of transaction registration) and code of event 28 – debt of fee/ expenses (position 109 to 110 of transaction registration), with reason 03 – fee of halting and reason 04 – protest fee (position 319 to 328 of transaction registration). 189 to 201 – Other In this field, the (position 109 to expenses (position Expenses amount related to the code of event 28 – debt of fees/expenses 110 of transaction registration) with reason 08 – protest 319 to 328 of transaction registration) will be informed. 215 to 227 – Owed IOF Upon confirmation of the entries, code of event 02 (position 109 to 110), the IOF amount will not be confirmed. However, upon settlement, whose event code is 06, the amount of the IOF collected will be informed. 228 to 240 – Exemption granted over the Bank slip Upon confirmation of the entries, code of event 02 (position 109 to 110), the amount of the exemption to be granted will not be confirmed. However, upon settlement, the amount of the exemption granted will be informed in position 241 to 253 (discount granted). 241 to 253 – Discount granted Upon confirmation of the entries, code of event 02 (position 109 to 110), the amount of the discount to be granted will not be confirmed. However, upon settlement, the amount of the discount granted will be normally informed in this field. 254 to 266 – Paid amount In this field the total received amount will be informed, in that in the position 267 to 279 the amount of default interests will be described and in the position 241 to 253, the amount of the granted exemption/ discount will be described, as the case may be. Note: For bank slips with discount and paid after the due date: 48/60 - if the discount amount is higher than the interest amount (difference of the discount minus the interest), the information will be sent in the fields 241 to 253. - if the discount amount is lower than the interest amount (difference of the interest minus the discount), the information will be sent in the fields 267 to 279. 295 to 295 – Reason for Protest Instruction Upon sending the Remittance File containing the code of event 09 – Protest Request (position 109 to 110 of Transaction Registration), in the Return File the code of event 19 – Confirmation of Receipt of Protest will be informed, with the respective reasons in this position, that is: A = accepted, or D = denied. 302 to 304 - Payment Origin Inform the code related to the payment channel for the event codes (06 Settlement, 15 – Settlement in Notary 17 -Settlement after writing-off or unregistered Bank slip). Note: This information will be available in the return file only for the companies previously registered in this condition. Branch cashier: 01 – SYSTEM CICS (AT00) 07 – SYSTEM CBCA PF8 10 – SYSTEM CBCA SENHAS 74 – BRANCH CASHIER 75 – BACK-OFFICE 76 – PROCESSING CENTER ATM: 02 – ATM MULTI WITHDRAWAL 24 – ATM MULTI FUNCTION 27 – BILL PAYMENT (PAG CONTAS) Internet: 14 – INTERNET 35 – ELECTRONIC BANKING (NETEMPRESA) 52 – SHOP CREDIT 73 – PAYMENT TO SUPPLIERS SYSTEM (PAG FOR) Call Center: 13 – EASY PHONE 67 – AUTOMATIC DEBIT 77 – CREDIT CARD 78 – ELECTRONIC CLEARING 82 -BRADESCO EXPRESSO 319 to 328 -Reasons for the Codes of Event For each code of event (position 109 to 110), up to 5 (five) reasons can be informed in this field, as the case may be. Event = 02 – Confirmed entry 49/60 Reasons 00..Event accepted 01..Invalid Bank code 17..Maturity Date before issuance date 21.. Invalid type of Bank slip 24..Invalid date of issuance 27.. Invalid amout/tax of default interest (New) 38..Invalid term for protest 39.. Protest request not allowed for the bank slip 43..Invalid term for writing-off and returning 45..Invalid name of Drawee 46..Invalid type/ number of Drawee’s registration 47..Drawee’s address not informed 48..Irregular CEP[Zip Code] 50..CEP [Zip code] related to corresponding Bank 53..Invalid Drawee’s/ Cosigner’s registration number(CPF/CNPJ) 54..Drawee/ Cosigner not informed 67..Scheduled automatic debt 68..Debt not scheduled – error in the remittance data 69..Debt not scheduled – Drawee is not in the authorizers’ list 70..Debt not scheduled - Assignor not authorized by the Drawee 71..Debt not scheduled - Assignor does not participate in the automatic debt method 72..Debt not scheduled – Currency code different from R$ 73..Debt not scheduled – Invalid maturity date 75..Debt not scheduled – Invalid type of registration number debtor drawee 76..Electronic drawee DDA – This reason will only be available in the return file for clients set-up with this condition (New) 86..Invalid document number 89..Email not sent to drawee – bank slip with automatic debit (New) 90..Email not sent to drawee – bank slip with no registration (New) Observation The reasons 17, 21, 24, 38, 39, 43,45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53 and 54 of this event will only be informed in the Return File for the Bank slips with instruction of protest in the remittance(position 157 to 160 of transaction registration). We will not deny the Bank slip; we will simply inform the lack of data that will cause the rejection of the protest instruction, in case it is not normalized in time. The reason 48 of this event will only be informed in the return file for the Bank slips whose Bank Slips are issued by the Assignor. We will not deny the Bank slip; we will simply inform the lack of data that will cause the rejection of the protest instruction, in case it is not normalized in time. The reasons 53 and 54 of this event will only be informed in the return file for the Bank slips with protest instruction in the remittance (position 157 to 160 of the transaction registration). We will not deny the Bank slip; we will simply inform the lack of data that will cause the rejection of the protest instruction, in case it is not normalized in time. Event = 03 – Rejected Entry Reasons 02..Invalid code of registration detail 03..Invalid code of event 04..Code of event not allowed for the portfolio 05..Code of event not numeric 07..Invalid Branch/Account/Digit 08..Our number invalid 09..Our number duplicated 10..Invalid Portfolio 13..Invalid Bank Slips Issuance (New) 50/60 16..Invalid maturity date 18..Maturity beyond the operation term 20.. Invalid bank slip amount 21.. Invalid bank slip type 22..Type not allowed for the portfolio 24..Invalid issuance date 28..Invalid Discount Code (New) 38..Invalid term for protest 44..Branch Assignor not expected 45..Drawee’s name not informed (New) 47..Drawee’s address not informed (New) 48..Invalid Zip Code (New) 50..Irregular CEP [Zip Code] – Corresponding Bank 63..Entry for Bond already registered 65..Account limit exceeded (New) 66..Authorization number does not exist (New) 68..Debt not scheduled - error in the remittance data 69..Debt not scheduled - Drawee is not in the authorizers’ list 70..Debt not scheduled - Assignor not authorized by the Drawee 71..Debt not scheduled - Assignor does not participate in the Automatic Debt 72..Debt not scheduled – Code of currency different from R$ 73..Debt not scheduled – Invalid maturity date 74..Debt not scheduled – As per request, unregistered Bank slip 75..Debt not scheduled – Invalid type of registration number of the debtor Event = 06 – Settlement Reason 00..Bank slip paid with cash 15..Bank slip paid with check 42..Pro-rata not made, figures 2 (Registration Amount) and lower paid amount(New) Note.: Credit situation in D+0. 1) Available When events 06, 15 and 17 are associated to reason “00” and the collector Bank is equal to “237”; 2) Linked without reservation When events 06 and 17 are associated to reason “00” and the collector Bank is equal to “237”. When events 06 e 17 are associated to the code of reason 15. Event = 09 – Automatically writing-off through File Reason 10.Writing-off commanded by the client Event = 10 – Writing-off by the Bank Reason 00..Written-off as per Branch’s instructions 14..Bank slip protested 15..Bank slip excluded 16..Bank slip written-off by the Bank due to the Term 20..Bank slip written-off and transferred for discount Event = 15 – Settlement in notary Reason 00..Bank slip paid with cash 15..Bank slip paid with check 51/60 Event = 17 – Settlement after writing-off or unregistered Bond Reason 00..Bank slip paid with cash 15..Bank slip paid with check Event = 24 – Entry rejected due to irregular CEP [Zip Code] Reason 48..Invalid CEP [Zip code] Event = 27 – Rejected Writing-off Reasons 04..Code of event not allowed for the portfolio 07..Invalid Branch/Checking Account /digit 08..Our number invalid 10..Invalid Portfolio 15..Invalid Portfolio/Branch/Checking Account /our number 40..Bank slip with issued protest request 42..Invalid code for writing-off/ return through Telebradesco 60..Unregistered movement for Bank slip 77..Transfer for discount not allowed for the portfolio 85..Bank slip with linked payment Event = Reasons 28 – Fares/ Expenses Debt Note: The reasons listed below as (New) will be available in the return file only for the companies registered in this condition. 02..Mantainance of registered bank slip (New) 03..Halting fee 04..Protest fee 05..Other instructions fee (New) 06..Other events fee (New) 08..Expenses of protest fee 12..Registration fee (New) 13..Bank slip paid at Bradesco (New) 14..Bank slip paid at Clearing House (New) 15..Bank Slip not paid written-off (New) 16..Due date alteration (New) 17..Exemption granted over bank slip (New) 18..Exemption cancellation (New) 19..Granted discount (New) 20..Discount cancellation (New) 21..Bank slip paid through CICS (New) 22..Bank slip paid through the Internet (New) 23..Bank slip paid through “Terminal Gerencial Serviços” (New) 24..Bank slip paid through “Pag-Contas” (New) 25..Bank slip paid through “Fone Fácil” (New) 26..Bank slip Post Debit (New) 27..Printing of outstanding bank slips (New) 28..Bank slip paid through ATM (New) 29..Bank slip paid through “Term. Multi Função” (New) 30..Printing of written-off bank slips (New) 31..Printing of bank slips paid (New) 32..Bank slip paid through “PagFor” (New) 33..Registration/Payment – branch cashier (New) 52/60 34..Bank slip paid through back-office (New) 35..Bank slip paid through “Subcentro” (New) 36..Bank slip paid by credit card (New) 37..Bank slip paid through Electronic Clearing House (New) 38..Bank slip paid/written-off in Notary (New) 39..Bank slip written-off through BCO (New) 40..Duplicated registration written-off (New) 41..Bank slip written-off due to lapse of time (New) 42..Bank slip legal write-off (New) 43..Bank slip written-off through remittance (New) 44..Bank slip written-off through tracking (New) 45..Bank slip written-off by request (New) 46..Bank slip written-off and protested (New) 47..Bank slip written-off by returning (New) 48..Bank slip written-off by payment fee (New) 49..Bank slip write-off STOP/WITHDRAWAL/NOTARY (New) 50..Bank slip write-off STOP/NOT ISSUED/NOTARY (New) 51..Bank slip transferred to discount (New) 52..Manual write-off (New) 53..Written-off by client negotiation (New) 54..Bank slip accounting write-off (New) 55..“BIFAX” (New) 56..Check information through the Internet(New) 57..Return file through the Internet (New) 58..Bank slip issuance fee (New) 59..Supply of semi-filled bank slip (New) 60..Bank slip modeling (RPB)S (New) 61..Bank slip modeling (RPB)s personal (New) 62..Bank slip blank form (New) 63..A4 Form (New) 64..Supply of file transmission software (New) 65..Supply of checking software (New) 66..Supply of computer (New) 67..MODEM supply(New) 68..Fax machine supply(New) 69..Supply of optical machine (New) 70..Supply of printers (New) 71..Bank slip reactivation (New) 72..Alteration of negotiated product (New) 73..Issuance of against receipt (New) 74..Issuance of bank slip second copy (New) 75..Return file resend (New) 76..Monthly file with expiring bank slips (New) 77..Credit support list (New) 78..Registration of permanent instruction (New) 79..Credit pooling (New) 80..Registration of fixing message (New) 81..Bank slip automatic reissue (New) 82..Bank slip registration through automatic debit (New) 83..Pro-rata credit (New) 84..Issuance of bank slip without amount (New) 85..No use (New) 86..Registry of amount difference reimbursement (New) 87..Payment flow report (New) 53/60 88..Issuance of portfolio activity statement (New) 89..Payment site message (New) 90..Registration of public service dealer (New) 91..Checking account statement (New) 92..Special accounting (New) 93..Payment feedback (New) 94..Credit transfer (New) 96..Payment registration through other channels (New) 97..Registration/Payment through Net Empresa (New) 98..Bank slip paid after due date (New) 99..Bank slip written-off by lapse of time (New) 100..Return file in advance (New) 101..Hourly return file (New) 102..Automatic debit scheduling (New) 103..Automatic Debit checking (New) 104..Online credit (New) 105..Schedulling of pro-rata credit (New) 106..Issuance of pro-rata credit advice (New) 107..Protest statement (New) 110..Registration/Payment through Bradesco Expresso (New) Note: The event described below as (New) will be available in the return file only fir the companies registered with this condition. Event = 29 – Drawee’s event (New) 78.. Drawee does not recognize the billing. 116.. Drawee accepts/recognizes the billing. Event = 30 – Change of Other Rejected Data - Reasons 01..Invalid Bank code 04..Code of event not allowed for the portfolio 05..Code of event not numeric 08..Invalid our number 15..Characteristic of the collection does not match 16..Invalid maturity date 17..Maturity date prior to the issuance date 18..Maturity date beyond the operation term 24..Invalid issuance date 26..Invalid code of default interests (New) 27..Invalid amount/tax of default interests (New) 28 Invalid code of discount (New) 29..Amount of discount higher than/ equal to the amount of the Bank slip 30..Discount to be granted does not match 31..Granting of discount already exists (previous discount) 33..Invalid amount of exemption 34..Amount of exemption higher than/ equal to the amount of the Bank slip 38..Invalid protest term 39..Protest request not allowed for the Bank slip 40..Bank slip with issued protest request 42..Invalid code for writing-off/ returning 46..Invalid type/number of drawee registration (New) 48..Invalid Zip code (New) 53..Invalid type/number of drawee/consigner registration (New) 54..Drawee/consigner not filled in (New) 57..Invalid code for fine charging (New) 54/60 58..Invalid book date for fine charging (New) 60..Unregistered movement for Bank slip 79..Invalid default interest book date (New) 80..Invalid book date for discount (New) 85..Bank slip with linked payment. 91..Drawee’s e-mail not received (New) Event = 32 – Rejected Instruction Reasons 01..Invalid Bank code 02..Invalid code of registration detail 04..Code of event not allowed for the portfolio 05..Code of event not numeric 07..Invalid Branch/Checking Account /digit 08..Invalid our number 10..Invalid Portfolio 15..Characteristic of the collection does not match 16..Invalid maturity date 17..Maturity date prior to the issuance date 18..Maturity date beyond the operation term 20..Invalid bank slip amount 21..Invalid type of Bank slip 22..Type not allowed for the portfolio 24..Invalid issuance date 28..Invalid code of discount through Telebradesco 29..Amount of discount higher than/ equal to the amount of the Bank slip 30..Discount to be granted does not match 31..Granting of discount already exists (previous discount) 33..Invalid amount of exemption 34..Amount of exemption higher than/ equal to the amount of the Bank slip 36..Exemption granting – there is previous exemption 38..Invalid protest term 39..Protest request not allowed for the Bank slip 40..Bank slip with issued protest request 41..Request for canceling/ halting of Bank slip without protest instruction 42..Invalid code for writing-off/ returning 45..Name of Drawee not filled in 46..Invalid type/ number of Drawee’s registration number 47..Drawee’s address not informed 48..Invalid CEP [Zip Code] 50..Irregular CEP [Zip Code] – Corresponding Bank 53..Invalid type of registration of drawee cosigner 60..Unregistered movement for Bank slip 85..Bank slip with linked payment 86..Invalid number 94..Bank slip pledged – Instruction not authorized by the bank branch (New) Event = 35 – Cancellation of the scheduling of Automatic Debt Reasons 81..Depleted attempts, written-off 82..Depleted attempts, outstanding 83..Cancelled by the Drawee and remained outstanding as per negotiation (New) 84..Cancelled by the Drawee and written-off as per negotiation (New) 55/60 Registration - Type 3 – Pro-Rata Credit – Return File 2 to 17 = Identification of the Company in the Bank - inform as follows: 02 05 10 17 to to to to 04 09 16 17 – – – - Code of portfolio Code of Assignor BRANCH, with no digit Checking Account Checking Account digit 18 to 29 - Identification of the Bond in the Bank (Our Number) In the case the Remittance File was sent with “Zeros”, Our Number generated by the Bank will be informed in this field. In the case the Remittance File was sent with Our Number previously formatted, it will be confirmed. 66 to 80 – Effective Pro-Rata Value – at the Payment The effective pro-rata value will be informed in currency when dealing with payment. When the event is different from 06 – Normal settlement in registration type 1, this field will be zeroed. 151 to 158 – Credit Pro-Rata Data for the Beneficiary The date will only return in this field when the event in the registration type 1 is equal to 06 – Normal Settlement. 159 to 160 - Status/Reasons of Event of Pro-Rata Credit Reasons for the codes of event of registration type 1, position 109 to 110. Event 02 – Confirmed Entry Reasons 00..Remittance for pro-rata accepted, Bank slip awaiting pro-rata 01..Invalid Beneficiary Checking Account for Bank 237 02..Remittance of pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from “R” and following type 3 03..Remittance of pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from “R” and not following type 3 04..Remittance of pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from “R” or blank 05..Non-functional company for pro-rata 06..Non-functional assignor for pro-rata 08..Code of pro-rata figures different from 1, 2 or 3 09..Beneficiary’s Bank/ Branch/ Checking Account not numeric 11..Informed amount of pro-rata not numeric 12..Informed percentage of pro-rata not numeric 13..Informed type of amount different from 1 or 2 14..Bank not participating from pro-rata, Bank different from 237 16..Digit Branch Beneficiary does not match for Bank 237 17..Digit Checking Account beneficiary does not match for Bank 237 18..Bank/Branch/Checking account beneficiary equal to Zeros 20..Beneficiary’s name exceeded 90 23..Floating beneficiary superior to 30 days 24..Estimative Code 1 (collected amount) and beneficiary not informed in percentages 26..Beneficiaries informed in percentage and others in amount 27..Sum of the amounts of beneficiaries exceeded the Bank slip’s amount 28..Sum of the percentages of beneficiaries exceeded 100% 32..Company jammed for pro-rata 33..Assignor jammed for pro-rata 56/60 44..Bank slip already registered for pro-rata 45..Invalid Bank slip number 46..Invalid Assignor checking account Events 03 and 24 – Rejected entry and rejected entry due to irregular CEP [Zip Code] Reason 07.. Bank slip rejected in the collection Events 06 and 15 – Normal Settlement and Settlement in Notary Reasons 38..Pro-rata made, beneficiary awaiting credit 39..Pro-rata made, beneficiary already credited 40..Pro-rata not made, jammed Assignor debt account 41..Pro-rata not made, Beneficiary’s checking account closed for Bank 237 42..Pro-rata not made, figures code 2 (Registration Value) and lower paid value 43..Event does not have pro-rata. Event 09 and 10 – Writing-off at Client’s request or by the Branch Reasons 37..Cancellation of Pro-rata due to commanded reason of writing-off 43..Event does not have pro-rata Events 68 – Adjustment of data of Pro-Rata Credit Reasons 00..Remittance for pro-rata accepted, Bank slip awaiting pro-rata 01..Invalid beneficiary’s checking account for Bank 237 02..Pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from R” and follows type 3 03..Pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from R” and does not follow type 3 04..Pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from R” or blank 05..Non-functional company for pro-rata 06..Non-functional assignor for pro-rata 08..Code of pro-rata figures different from 1, 2 or 3 09..Beneficiary’s Bank/ Branch/ Checking Account not numeric 11..Informed amount of pro-rata not numeric 12..Informed percentage of pro-rata not numeric 13..Informed type of amount different from 1 or 2 14..Bank not participating from pro-rata, Bank different from 237 16..Digit Branch Beneficiary does not match for Bank 237 17..Digit Checking Account beneficiary does not match for Bank 237 18..Bank/Branch/Checking account beneficiary equal to Zeros 20..Beneficiaries’ name not informed 21..Beneficiary’s name exceeded 90 23..Floating beneficiary superior to 30 days 24..Estimative Code 1 (collected amount) and beneficiary not informed in percentages 25..Beneficiary with different figures codes of pro-rata 26..Beneficiaries informed in percentage and others amount 27..Sum of the amounts of beneficiaries exceeded the Bank slip’s amount 28..Sum of the percentages of beneficiaries exceeded 100% 29..Adjustment made in the pro-rata 30..Adjustment in the rejected pro-rata, non-participating Company 31..Adjustment in the rejected pro-rata, non-participating Assignor 57/60 32..Company jammed for pro-rata 33..Assignor jammed for pro-rata 34..Adjustment of rejected pro-rata, Bank slip not registered in the collection 35..Bank slip not registered for pro-rata, inclusion made 43..Event does not have pro-rata 45..Invalid Bank slip number 46..Invalid Assignor’s checking account 48..Adjustment rejected, Bank slip has already been paid pro-rata or written-off Event 69 – Pro-Rata Cancellation Reasons 04..Remittance of pro-rata rejected, position 105 different from R” or blank 05..Non-functional company for pro-rata 06..Non-functional assignor for pro-rata 32..Company jammed for pro-rata 33..Assignor jammed for pro-rata 36..Cancellation of pro-rata made 43..Event does not have pro-rata 45..Invalid Bank slip number 46..Invalid Assignor’s checking account 47..Cancellation of rejected pro-rata, Bank slip not registered in the collection 49..Rejected cancellation, Bank slip not registered in the pro-rata 50..Rejected cancellation, Bank slip has already been paid pro-rata 58/60 Useful information: a) Bank slip: Layout of Collection Bradesco b) Expiration Term: Undetermined c) Department: 4008/Dep. of Marketing of Products and Services d) Responsible for the Area – 4-8100 e-mail: f) Reproduction in paper or logic file: Allowed g) Target Audience: All users h) Information Classification: Public Use i) Size in bytes: 665KB j) Software’s name and version: MS Word 97 59/60