This is the view from the top deck of the Brittany Ferry which safely


This is the view from the top deck of the Brittany Ferry which safely
This is the view from the top deck of the Brittany Ferry which safely carried 26 of
Hazelwood’s most adventurous linguists to and from Normandy over the Easter holidays.
Whilst the sun may be setting on their week on La Grande Ferme, immersing themselves in
the language and customs of France, I am sure the memories of the activities, team and
individual challenges and cultural visits will stay with them a lot longer. From all accounts it
was a fantastic few days with the children being encouraged to converse in French from the
moment they woke up to the time their weary heads hit their pillows. Their confidence grew
as the week progressed and their understanding of their native French speaking hosts and
‘animateurs’ became ever more acute. Whilst the sun did not shine all week, il a plu de
temps en temps, the occasional downpour and hailstorm did enable the children to learn the
French for cagoule, umbrella and storm cloud.
Meanwhile the sun did shine
down on the school ski trip to
Italy giving
near perfect
conditions in the Alps. Pristine
blue skies and uninterrupted
runs of crisp white snow
greeted the children who
donned boots, helmets and
blades to race Mr Lloyd, Mrs
Brighting, Miss Wilson and Mr
Fotheringham to the mugs of
hot chocolate waiting at the
bottom of the mountains.
Come and support Love Oxted Day on Saturday 16th April. Retilers, bars and restuarants
up and down the High Street will ber hosting special events and making you offers too good
to refuse. We have a fine town, please let’s show the world how much we appreciate it!
The Ski School sessions enabled everyone to improve their technique whilst the slalom
course gave everyone a Ski Sunday moment to enjoy. The pictures above and elsewhere in
The Nutshell are truly spectacular and reveal how stunning the setting was and how lucky
our children are, with your support, to enjoy such opportunities. Clearer slopes and bluer
skies I have not seen in a long while.
Thank you to all the staff who put a huge amount of effort and time into both organising such
trips and accompanying the children on them. It is a labour of love and means a week of
early mornings and late nights constantly counting heads, assessing risks and attending to
the sick (sometimes) as well as being a Hazelwood redcoat keeping the children entertained
and in good spirits. The time to relax only really comes when lights are out and a silence
finally falls over the dormitories. Your children are however always good company and more
than repay the investment and sleep deprivation in smiles, laughter and happy memories.
The same sun which shone over Val di Fassa has certainly risen and been very much in
evidence this week as we begin our summer term with focus and with gusto. Already I have
been blinded by the glare as the sunshine strikes the roof of the new build (I wonder how
many of you saw it from the windows of your airplanes as you returned home from your
Easter holidays) and have enjoyed watching the children outside at work and at play. There
is definitely a spring in everyone’s step and a renewed and recharged enthusiasm for
learning. The Easter break seems to have been the tonic that it was intended to be. I am
very much looking forward to everything the summer term brings and to filling the pages of
The Nutshell with news of the exceptional achievements of a group of most talented and
spirited children.
Welcome back!
Recruitment of New Head: Important announcement from the Governors
The process of finding a new Head of Hazelwood will begin in the summer term and not the
autumn term as previously notified. This is because the Governors have been advised that
the pool of talent is more extensive at this time of year as more and more schools are
requiring three terms’ notice from their Heads. The Governors are committed to finding the
right individual to take on the mantle of Head from Mrs Shaw and are confident that the
process, started a term earlier than originally planned, will deliver the right and best
candidate for this very important role. Any appointment will take the helm from September
2017 with Mrs Louw being confirmed in the role of Acting Head until this time.
Fun and face paints on the ferry
Kidding around at the chèvrerie
For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further
down the Nutshell.
News from The Nursery
Here comes the sun!
Well despite an early Easter and hence the
Summer term starting earlier than usual, it
truly does feel like summer. The weather has
been superb this week and afforded the
children plenty of time to be outdoors
exploring. It was lovely to see many of the
children and staff having picnic style snack
outside this week. Long may it continue.
The children all seem to have shot up since
the end of last term and all look ready for
new challenges. This term will be packed
with different learning opportunties for the
children so please do take the time to check
the calendar for the dates of the different
During our staff INSET we focused on
developing mathematical and language skills
with all the children and were fortunate
enough to have a speech therapist join us to
give the staff an added perspective on
speech and language development.
Hence, this term we will be providing a plethora of activities to help promote the children’s
language and mathematial development. Later in the term following on from the success of
our Science Week we will also have a Maths Week.
Please remember that the children will need a named sun hat and also a cagoule to
ensure they are prepared for all weathers!
Please note that there is a funeral in the church opposite HNEY on Monday 18th April
at 3pm. Afternoon pick up is likely to be disrupted, please allow extra time to park
and walk. Thank you for your understanding.
News from Hazelwood
Fond Farewells
Sadly we will be bidding farewell to the following teachers at the end of the summer term:
Mrs Addison, Mrs Scott, Mrs Barnett and Mrs Lowe will be taking their leave of Hazelwood in
pursuit of other challenges, some within teaching, others outside. The recruitment wheels
are already in motion to find individuals who bring equal amounts of creativity, commitment
and inspiration to the school. Watch this space. Further news to follow. In the meantime,
we wish them all the very best as they embark on their new adventures.
Very many congratulations to…
Beatrice de H who, in spite of feeling very much under the weather, bounced and
somersaulted her way to a fourth place in the British National Schools Trampolining
Competition just before the Easter break. This is a brilliant achievement especially when
you consider that Beatrice only started the sport six months before the competition. She is
destined to bounce a lot, lot higher!
Well done too to…
Luke D and Oscar P who just before the Easter holidays ran the races of their young lives to
excel in the Surrey Schools Cross Country Championships. The following report was sent in
to the Nutshell by an excited spectator:
“600 strong children met in Reigate Priory the hope to be selected for the Surrey County
team. As the mist lifted and the sun came out, the Year 5 group together with Luke D of Year
4 were preparing to race.
The tension mounted on the race line, as the first of two heats was set to go. As the gun
fired Luke quickly pushed himself to the front of the field. Luke pushed the pace early on
alongside a Year 5 boy from Oakhurst Grange, Caterham. At the top of the first long climb
the boys had managed to gain a lead of 50m from the rest of the field. Shoulder to shoulder
they battled at the front, each taking a turn to lead the race.
The ground was fast and the course was soon falling behind them. With a relaxed, outstretched stride, Luke held on to a lead around the lake section and onto the long gradual
climb to the finish. The Year 5 boy began to fight for his place on the hill soon taking Luke's
position just moments before the finish line.
The 2.2k race was over in 7 minutes, Luke's second place position and time of 7 minutes 3
seconds securing his place in the Surrey County Squad A Team, one year ahead of his age
group. Luke's overall position saw him as the county's 3rd best runner of Year 5 and his
performance was so outstanding the results showed that he could have won the Surrey
School Year 6 race.
Another notable performance of the day was from Oscar P, Year 6.
Oscar had a great start and held his own on a fast paced race. Performing well on the up-hill
sections and across the top of the park he gave the field of 70 plus a run for their money.
Moving himself swiftly up into the top 15 Oscar pulled it out of the bag, to overtake 4 boys on
the final stretch. Reaching an amazing position of 11th, only 6 seconds away from making
the county squad.
Congratulations to both boys, who did an outstanding job of representing Hazelwood School.
Emily Bo you too are a star…
Emily’s story has survived the first round of judging in the BBC’s 500 words Story Writing
Competition. The cull has been taken from 125,000 entries to the best 4,000. We are
delighted that Emily Bo’s is amongst the ‘shorter list’! Fingers crossed it will remain in the
amongst the potential prize winners. Her creation, entitled ‘What can a lily do for you?’
appears later on in the Nutshell.
The Trophies keep on coming…
For the Hazelwood U11 rugby stars. This time they were playing for Edenbridge U11’s at
the Tigers’ Rugby Festival in Bognor Regis. Returning to repeat their victory in last year’s
U10 competition, the boys did just that and in quite some style. The team played and won
five games only conceding three tries in total (all in one game where the late nights were
certainly starting to show!) Hazelwood were represented by Harry P, Samuel H, Ethan W,
Jonny N, Joseph McC and Felix C who all made major contributions to another triumph.
Congratulations and Well done!
Pat on the back for..
Liam Cobley for being awarded the U12 Magic Moments Award from the Tigers’ Rugby
Tournament in Bognor. Liam’s pace and seerting runs for the touchline were singled out by
the tournaments’ referees and applauded by the coach of the eventual winners of the U12
competition. Edenbridge’s U12 squad, including Liam C, Jack G, Morgan R, Tedd M and
Zac S finished a credible second in their group.
Best Ski Holiday Yet
This year the adventurous skiers took to the slopes of Val di Fassa in the Italian
Dolomites. It is a fantastic ski area and the group were lucky to have the run of the slopes
as it was particularly quiet thanks to the early finish for Easter. With this freedom the whole
group were making speedy progress; the beginners graduated from the magic carpet to the
chair lift after the first morning, the middle group were snaking down the red runs and the top
group exploring through the trees. The beginners and old hats were zipping down the
mountains and popping over the jumps like kangaroos all week and still, somehow, found
the energy for a visit to the local pool and supermarket to stock up on "essentials" for the
week. Miraculously down time was needed and what better way to put the weary ski legs up
and watch the timeless classic High School Musical (1 and 2)!
After another successful trip, "the best yet" to quote some experienced trip members, the
search for next year's resort is already on....beginner or backwards-skiing pro don't forget to
sign up and join another fantastic trip away.
It was a foggy, misty morning. You could barely see. The taste of dampness
spread through my mouth. I set off down the road on my brand new bicycle. ‘It’s
my birthday today!’ I shouted to the wind. Six years old. Wow!
Riding round the corner, I spotted a dark lonely funeral amongst the mossy
graveyard. Suddenly, a cold shiver ran down my spine. As I slowly rode on down
the lane, I spotted the most beautiful lily standing straight in the frozen mud.
Snatching it up and holding it to my nose a waft of scent drifted up to my mind. I
immediately felt happy. I rode home quickly.
With a jolt I suddenly woke up in bed. I decided to go on a bike ride. I was happy
and felt as light as the wind until I came across an identical bike, just the same
as mine, but crushed, battered and squashed. White lily petals lay scattered
everywhere. That was when I realised what had happened. I watched the coffin
lower down into the soft brown earth. I could hear the weeping of my mother as
Pa Pa tried to comfort her. But nothing would soothe my beloved mother’s heart.
My own funeral. As soon as it had ended I noticed a little girl - a pink fluffy teddy
peeking out of her basket. Something suddenly caught her eye. It was a white
lily. I wanted to shout out ‘Noooo!!!!’ but she didn’t hear. She had already picked
it from its living roots and placed it in her straw basket.
This lily isn’t just beautiful. It has a deeper and darker secret.
Emily Bo Cooper (Y6)
Vive la France…Vive la Grand’ Ferme!
We all went there almost fluent and we are all back massively enthused, super confident
and fluent (well, almost)!
Parents of Years 7 & 8 Please note that there is a restricted salad bar on offer now in
the Hazelwood Room which will hopefully offer your children an option for their lunchtime
side order. If they require access to the full salad bar, please encourage them to go to
the main Dining Hall. They are very welcome to do so.
What an amazing trip this was: wonderful site, sunshine almost every day, fantastic staff who
spoke no English and a wide variety of intellectual and sporty activities as well as cultural
visits, traditional food, excursions, games. The list is endless.
I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and would like to give a little “clin d’oeil” to my group that:
Oui, I did get to the top of the climbing wall and rang the bell.
Oui, I did shoot the balloon at the centre of the target.
Oui, I did score a few goals at the table football.
Oui, I did eat a snail.
But most importantly…
…Oui, it was wonderful seeing everyone try so hard to give their French skills a go, have
such a laugh and all get along so well.
I would like to give a very spécial GRAND merci to Madame Richards for her wonderful
support as always and to Mr Tappin who has revealed himself as a very skilled French
speaker! I could not have done it and would not have had such a lot of fun without you.
Madame Le Floch
“Thank you so much for organising such a fantastic trip to France - sounds like they all
had a great time and we certainly enjoyed listening to all the stories from our daughter
- please pass our thanks to the members of staff who were also on the trip”.
Please can everyone remember to return the library books borrowed over the Easter
holidays. They can taken back to the library or placed in the boxes for returned books
located around the school. Many thanks.
The children of Skylarks took advantage of the warmer weather to have their very own
Springwatch week. They visited the pond to check up on the developing tadpoles and
made their very own seed feeders for the birds. With Mr Sone’s help they hung them
from the trees in the garden and will now enjoy recording the visits of their feathered
friends to feed.
Hair raising science
This week in Science Club we have been learning about how static electricity is created. We
used balloons and rulers. We rubbed them on the carpet, our jumpers and our hair. We then
tried to pick up pieces of paper and tried to make our hair stand on end! We all left science
club with rather crazy hair!
Miss Wills is taking part in next Sunday’s London Marathon. It is her first race and will
no doubt be spurred on knowing that the school is behind her and giving her support.
She is raising money for two charities: Southgate Sports and Leisure Trust (providing
The children of Oak Reception had fun using
junk to create a model of their choice. Ollie
worked independently gathering the resources
he needed to make this amazing robot. His
name is Jack!
Oak have a croaking week
This week Oak have also been learning about life
cycles for their growth topic. They have been pond
dipping and collected some tadpoles so that they
can watch their transformation.
The children
discussed the life cycle of a frog and learned why
adult female frogs need to lay so many eggs. They
played a game where we pretended to be tadpoles
and Mrs Scott is sorry that some of us came to a
sorry end when Mr Heron visited the pond.
Much fun was had making split pin frogs and learning about some other animal life cycles.
They also played 5 Little Speckled Frogs and the children practised taking away as the frogs
jumped into the water.
Please note that the refreshed Terms & Conditions of the school’s Pupil Personal
Accident Scheme have been issued by the insurance company. They appear, for
your reference and interest, on the Parents’ sections of both websites.
Hazelwood Golf Day in
aid of ...
September and Danny
Willett's inspiring Masters
victory we are hosting
another golf day for the
governors of Hazelwood
School. It will be hosted
at Tandridge Golf Club on
Sunday 8th of May from
1pm. Please spread the
word amongst the would
be golfers out there in the
Hazelwood community so
that we can all enjoy
another fantastic day
out. Contact Mr Lloyd to
register your interest and
queries lloydt@hazelwoo
Book yourself on one of Mrs Bean’s holiday DT
Workshops and you never know what the result
might be. These children entered the DT Workshop
as normal pupils, spending their holidays with
friends and eating too much chocolate. They
emerged days later as Superheroes with special
powers and a beautifully crafted textile cape and
mask. Elsewhere Mrs Bean made magicians out of
the children, giving them the power to transform old
palettes into wonderful planters for the garden.
Cut & Paste
Wagtails this week
were challenged to
make order out of
chaos by cutting and
sticking a series of
images in order. Once
complete, they had to
write their name as
neatly as they could.
Elsewhere the children
opened their very own
support their project on
Blooming Marvelous
The nursery site is
bursting into life with
the leaves on the trees
and flowers opening to
weather and sunshine.
If you are thinning
perennials at home,
please do not throw
unwanted plants away.
Mr Sone can always
make good use of
them and bring an
extra splash of colour
to the site to brighten
everyone’s day.
The children in Robins enjoyed their week exploring the story of the Gingerbread Man.
As well as putting the pictures into sequence to retell the story, they made their very own
gingerbread men giving them character and personality. Catch them if you can!
Treble digit learning is fun in the sun
Year 1 took their learning outside during Maths this week. They were looking at making 2
and 3 digit numbers and identifying the Hundreds, Tens and Units. They used different items
to represent the value of the number. They then recorded their number using chalk.
The countdown to the
London Marathon is on!
With 9 days to go, the legs are being
rested but the fundraising is in full
swing. Huge thanks to the kind
donations and well wishes in Oxted last
weekend, it was much appreciated in the
I will be running, walking and dragging myself across London in support of The British Heart
Foundation and would be hugely grateful for any support that you can give.
Please follow the link to donate at
Thank you
Mr Lloyd
Notre voyage à La Grand’ Ferme!
Nous sommes allés à La Grande Ferme pendant les vacances de Pâques. C'était
incroyable, il y avait des années sept et des années huit. Nous avons fait beaucoup
d'activités comprenant le tir à l'arc, la fabrication du pain et l'escalade. C'était très amusant!
Mais bien sûr, nous avons dû faire quelques leçons. Mais cela a beaucoup aidé notre
français. Un jour, nous avons eu des escargots! Mais je n’ai certainement pas aimé ceci!
Tout à fait à mon avis, les vacances c'était extra!
Lottie S.
French Exchange Opportunity
An excellent opportunity to improve your French and to make new friends in another country.
Two charming French children are looking for separate exchange placements for this
summer or autumn. The families are known personally to Madame Richards who
recommends them both as ideal host families. Both are delightful, very warm and
welcoming, and keen to share language and cultural experiences. If you are interested in
this reciprocal opportunity to immerse yourself in French life please contact Madame
Richards by email:
Lisa is 13 years old. She lives in a
village just outside Rouen. She
speaks a fair level of English but
would like to come to Hazelwood for
a couple of weeks at the end of the
summer term or the beginning of the
autumn term for an immersion
One of her main
hobbies is riding but she also enjoys
shopping and listening to music.
Robin is 12 years old and lives in
the countryside in south Brittany,
near to Carnac. Robin has an older
brother who will be staying with
Madame Richards this summer.
He is a little hesitant with his
English but he is keen to try! He
has been to England before with
his school. Robin enjoys playing
Miss Lloyd is the proudest swimming coach in Oxted!
I am thrilled to share with you some excellent swimming news that I have just received this
week! Firstly, we have 9 qualifiers who have made it into the IAPS National Swimming
Finals in May as follows:
Callum M – U10 25m Breaststroke (8th out of 107)
Thomas H – 2nd Reserve swimmer U10 25m Freestyle (18th out of 126)
Hannah R – U10 25m Butterfly (12th out of 116)
Jasmine F – U10 25m Freestyle (14th out of 153)
Luke W – U13 50m Freestyle (10th out of 72)
Bethan S – U13 50m Breaststroke (10th out of 51) and U13 4x25m Medley Relay
(11th out of 40)
7. Annabel T - U13 4x25m Medley Relay (11th out of 40)
8. Emily L - U13 4x25m Medley Relay (11th out of 40)
9. Maud L - U13 4x25m Medley Relay ( 11th out of 40)
In addition to this, following our entry into the ESSA Primary Team Championships back in
January the following girls have been selected to represent Surrey (and Hazelwood) in the
next regional competition on Saturday 23rd April for their Medley Relay: Hannah R, Anne
Lisa R, Freya D and Jasmine F.
Some impressive results by both IAPS swimmers and the ESSA relay team - I am a super
proud coach!
We too are equally proud. Well done to all the school’s amazing swimmers and good
luck at the IAPS finals.
Congratulations to the following Year 8 pupils who have been offered places at their
chosen senior schools. We look forward to publishing further congratulations to the
remainder of Year 8 following the results of their forthcoming Common Entrance
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lingfield Notre Dame
Lingfield Notre Dame
Dear Parents,
I am very pleased to inform you that Hazelwood has been
nominated for the Diabetes UK Good Diabetes Care in
School Award, a brand new school award scheme which
celebrates and showcases schools that deliver good care
and support to children and young people with Type 1
As part of the nomination, Diabetes UK is inviting parents
and carers to complete a brief online parent survey at
Please follow the link to the survey if you would like to show your support or to oppose this
nomination. The survey should take no more than 2 mins to complete. You can select to
answer this survey anonymously.
Responses to this parent survey will be used by Diabetes UK to assess our school’s
nomination for the award. To find out more about the Good Diabetes Care in School Award
go to Responses need to be made this weekend for
them to register in the competition review.
Thank you for your help in winning this award.
Talent Show 2016
Auditions are taking place over the next three
weeks. I am looking forward to watching them
all! The standard is high so to get into the
show pupils need to perform well! Therefore
rehearsals at home are vital and parents can
help their children practise and perfect their
act. If your child gets into the show they
MUST attend the following rehearsals and if
you cannot attend, then the act will not be
allowed into the show.
1. Each act gets a 25 min time slot in the
theatre for us to work on lighting sound
and set – between 10 – 6pm on Sunday
22nd May
2. Run through of show – in order of acts
4.45 – 6.15pm Monday 23rd May (once
they have performed they can go home
but they never want to, they love to stay)
3. Run through of show Tuesday 24th May
4. Performance to the school Thursday 25th
5. Talent show Evening Friday 26th 7-9pm
Good luck!
Mrs Housego
News from the Kitchen
Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School
and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites
under The Parents’ Sections.
I am delighted to welcome Helene Wood to Hazelwood as our new
Catering Manager. Helen is currently at King Edward’s School in
Witley having come through the Holroyd Howe training programme
following a degree in Hospitality and Catering management. She and
Super Dave have worked together before so make a great
team. Helene is full of great ideas and is excited by the opportunity at
Hazelwood. Helene will be on site two days each week whilst we
manage the handover.
Details will appear next week for our special St George’s Day lunchtime menu; fiery
dragon steaks served with curly scale!
Music Department
Music Timetable
The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining
room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the
notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings
their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these
books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.
Sports Department
Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is
nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly.
The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.
Notice Board
The following letters or emails have been sent out. If you have not received one, and you
think you should, please contact the school office. They will be only too pleased to share a
duplicate copy with you.
Year 1
Chessington Zoo
Year 2
Year 4
Year 6
Year 8
Forest Schools
Science Observatory
Hampton Court
Europa Trip
Nursery-Year 8
Chapel Choir
Year 6 Various
Dick Moore Presentation
London Sangerstevne Information/Reply slip
Final Assembly March – Cups to be returned for engraving
Year 7 Scholarship Assessment Schedule
Key Events for Next Week
Monday 18 April
Hazelwood Scholarship Week
Tuesday 19 April
0830- Year 8 to Europa Centre
2000 HPA Meeting
Wednesday 20 April
0915 Early Years and Nursery Form Reps’ Meeting
Year 4 to Science Observatory Museum
1430 Cricket: 1st XI and Colts B v Copthorne (A)
1430 Cricket: 2nd XI and Colts A v Copthorne (H)
Thursday 21 April
1430 Cricket: U9A, B and C v Yardley Court (H)
1900 Dick Moore: Visiting Speaker - mental health (all parents welcome)
Friday 22 April
0845 Form Reps’ Meeting
Amidst all the fun and activities
of the most engaging week in
France, the itinerary for the
pupils included a visit to the
Bayeux Commonwealth War
Graves Commission Cemetery.
It was a wonderful opportunity
for the children to reflect and to
acknowledge the contribution
made by the many soldiers,
most from the United Kingdom
who are buried in Normandy.
Many pupils were clearly moved
by the whole occasion which
was reassuring to witness.
ISI Inspection
Please note that we are unable to bring you news of the school’s recent ISI Inspection. We
are waiting for the report to be issued by the ISI. This has been delayed on account of the
Easter holidays with Inspectors too enjoying a break to recharge and refocus.
As soon as we have word, we will share it with you. Thank you for your patience.