My Two Cents


My Two Cents
St. Philip’s Church
Parish Staff
Fr. Chuck Huck
ext. 102
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Don Braukmann
ext. 108
Deacon Kermit Erickson
ext. 103
Parish Administrator:
Terry Jones
ext. 106
Director of Music & Liturgy:
Lee Richards
ext. 104
(Mon. thru Thurs. 11:00 AM –8:00 PM)
Director of Preschool & Elementary Faith
Formation/Safe Environment Coordinator:
Kris Jensen
Director of RCIA, Liturgical Ministries &
Special Projects:
Robb Naylor
ext. 118
Director of Youth Ministry/Middle &
High School Faith Formation:
Paula DeClusin
ext. 107
Events Coordinator:
Susan Lucas
Tammy Johnson
ext. 105
ext. 100
Facility Maintenance Supervisor:
Larry Mack
Maintenance Support Staff:
Greg Allen
Jim Shaw
Retired Priest in Residence:
Msgr. Bill Mehrkens
St. Philip’s School Staff
Carol Rettinger
School Secretaries:
Maggie McCalip
Heidi Fladeboe
Denise Kern
Sister Parishes
St. Charles Pennington
Saturday at 4:00 PM
(Fishing Opener to Labor Day)
Holy Spirit Newman Center
Sunday at 7:00 PM, Tuesday at 5:30 PM
(School year only)
1701 Birch Lane NE 218-444-4762
Diocese of Crookston
Victim Assistance Coordinator:
Louann McGlynn
St. Philip’s Clothing Depot
Tuesday through Saturday
9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Norma Himmelright
My Two Cents - Fr. Don
I think we need to check all the security cameras in the city to see who stole summer! Yet, it
is great to have the halls of the parish buildings buzzing with the noise and energy of our kids.
This coming week, the halls of all the schools in the community will be bustling. A great time
of year but also a time of transition from the “slightly” slower pace of summer.
Fellowship (coffee and rolls) returns Sunday, September 7th. Thanks to all who provide this
ministry after the Sunday Masses. If you are able and willing to help out please contact the
parish office.
Along with the generous service of the fellowship folks, there are over 400 people on ministry
lists dealing with our weekend worship…from altar servers to the fellowship crew. So much
goes on behind the scenes at St. Philip’s; it really is amazing to watch and be part of!
The “Farmer’s Market” returns this weekend and will run the next few weekends. Bring
garden produce to give away if you have it and, if you need it, plan to pick some up. A free
will offering is taken up and goes to the local Food Shelf.
It is important to be educated for the upcoming election and as we all know, LIFE issues are a
central concern for us as Catholics. We have been asked and agreed to host an informational
meeting with the executive director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) here at
St. Philip’s on Monday, October 6th at 7pm. The gathering is not about endorsing candidates,
it is about understanding the issues pending in our legislature and congress…and knowing
what we can do about it. In this way we will know what to look for in the positions of the
various candidates seeking our vote in November.
The Newman Center has its first full week behind it as the students from BSU and the Tech
are back in town. Mass is celebrated each Sunday night at 7pm at the Center ,and on
Tuesday’s at 5:30pm. We are hoping to provide a meal for the students after the 5:30 Tuesday
Mass. If you are interested in serving a meal or helping out, give me a call or email. Check
out the Facebook page, which is a work in progress: Newman@BSU
Give your marriage a pre-Christmas gift by attending the “Marriage Congress” in Crookston
held the weekend of October 3-5 at the Crookston Inn and Convention Center. The Congress
is part of the Year of Marriage celebration proclaimed by Bishop Hoeppner starting last
Advent. The Congress is a time for prayer, education and celebration of God’s plan for
marriage. For more information, check the latest OND or and scroll down
the calendar to Oct. 3-5 and get all the info you need. Registration ends September 15th.
What a great opportunity to enrich your marriage!
Official Minnesota Vikings Prediction by Fr. Don Braukmann for the 2014/2015
The Vikings will go 12-4 and defeat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Super Bowl
Your Parish Representatives:
Parish Council Members: Wanda Baumgartner, Clark Chambers, Kevin Erpelding, Anita Froelich, Gary Gregg, Mike
Headlee, Scott Herr, Brent Rud, Theresa Wilander
Finance Council Members: Nick Berg, Eileen Bretschneider, Jeff Cwikla, Claude Sand, Shannon Schmitt
School Council Members: Bill Maki, Jaclyn Bergerson, Roben Beyer, Debra Carlson-Doom, Tiffany Fankhanel, Laura
Trustees: Joann Gardner, Hank Krigbaum
For September 1 to September 7
Monday, September 1:
8:30 AM Mass: +Lenore Aschauer
Tuesday, September 2:
12:10 PM Mass: +Ellouise Dahlgren
5:30 PM Mass (Newman): +Jean Little
Wednesday, September 3:
8:40 AM Mass: Special Intentions for the Darrell Little Family
Thursday, September 4:
7:00 AM Mass: +Erick Bohlman
10:30 AM Mass (Havenwood): +Evelyn Schuiling
10:15 AM Communion Service (Baker Park)
Friday, September 5:
8:30 AM Mass: +Helene Ovsak
Saturday, September 6:
8:30 AM Mass: +George & Lenore Aschauer
5:30 PM Mass: Special Intentions for EE
Sunday, September 7:
7:30 AM Mass: For the People
9:00 AM Mass: +Chris Rutledge
11:00 AM Mass: +Lenore Aschauer
7:00 PM Mass (Newman): +Jean Little
Monday, September 1—Labor Day
Parish Offices Closed
No Adoration Today
8:05 AM Morning Prayer (Chapel)
Tuesday, September 2
6:00 AM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel)
6:30 PM Pastoral Council Mtg (Kateri)
7:30 PM Marian Devotions (Chapel)
Wednesday, September 3
8:05 AM Morning Prayer (Chapel)
6:00 PM High School Bible Study (Kateri)
Thursday, September 4
12:00 PM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel)
6:00 PM KC Board Mtg (Kateri)
7:00 PM Prayer & Praise (Chapel)
Friday, September 5
8:05 AM Morning Prayer (Chapel)
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Adoration (Chapel)
Saturday, September 6
4:30 PM Reconciliation (Chapel)
Sunday, September 7
8:35 AM Rosary for Peace (Chapel)
10:15 AM Rosary for Peace (Chapel)
10:15 AM Baptism Class (Kateri)
FYI ...
Monday, September 1 is Labor Day. For this
reason there will be no Mass or Adoration on
Monday, and the Parish Offices will be closed.
Bible Readings for the Week of September 1 ~ September 7
Monday, Sept.1:
1 Cor 2:1-5
● Ps 119:97-102
● Lk 4:16-30
Wednesday, Sept. 3:
1 Cor 3:1-9
● Ps 33:12-15, 20-21
● Lk 22:24-30
Friday, Sept. 5:
1 Cor 4:1-5
● Ps 37:3-6,27-28,39-40
● Lk 5:33-39
Tuesday, Sept. 2:
1 Cor 2:10b-16
● Ps 145:8-14
● Lk 4:31-37
Thursday, Sept. 4:
1 Cor 3:18-23
● Ps 24:1bc-2,3-4ab,5-6
● Lk 5:1-11
Saturday, Sept. 6:
1 Cor 4:6b-15
● Ps 145:17-21
● Lk 6:1-5
Sunday, Sept. 7:
Ez 33:7-9
● Ps 95:1-2,6-9
● Rom 13:8-10
● Mt 18:15-20
Parents or prospective parents who wish to
present a child for Baptism are asked to
attend a baptism preparation class.
The next session will be on September 7.
Please call the parish office at 444-4262 to
register, or for more information.
St. Philip’s extends condolences to the families of
Steve Johnson, Thelma McNelly, Paul Skittone
(father of Dawn Baumgartner), &
John Mackin (father of Maryhelen
Chadwick). May they find rest and
peace, & may their families find
comfort in God’s love.
September 19-21, 2014: “Healing of Families: A
Seminar with Fr. Joseph Ssemakula ~ Holy Rosary
Catholic Church, Detroit Lakes, MN
September 26-28, 2014: “Til Death Do Us Part”
Women’s (Widows) Retreat, Diego House,
Crookston, MN
October 4, 2014: Danielle Rose In Concert 7:00 PM
~ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 702
Summit Ave, Crookston, MN
October 3-5, 2014: 2014 Year of Marriage Congress
~ Crookston Inn & Convention Center and the
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Crookston,
MN. Pre-registration is required.
St. Philip’s extends best wishes to Laura
Thompson and Joe Gish who celebrated
the Sacrament of Marriage on August 23rd
at St. Philip’s.
October 24-26, 2014: “Til Death Do Us Part” Men’s
(Widowers) Retreat, Diego House, Crookston, MN
Watch for details on each event as the event date approaches.
Sponsored by the Diocese of Crookston
Office of the New Evangelization.
Our next gathering at the local Planned
Parenthood office will be this next Saturday,
September 6th from 1-2pm. Take an hour for
silent prayer and witness in defense of life at a
place which refers for abortion. Help give voice to
the voiceless.
Starting in September, Morning Prayer will take place
every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning at 8:05
AM. All are welcome to join in the praying of “Morning
Prayer.” The prayer is part of the “Liturgy of the Hours”
prayed by priests, deacons, monks, sisters and many
of the laity. Even if you have no experience with this
prayer, check it out. It lasts 15 minutes and is followed
by Mass at 8:30 for those who can stay. If Mass is
cancelled, there will be no Morning Prayer that day.
We have low-gluten hosts, as authorized by the US
Bishops Conference, available for those persons
who suffer from celiac disease or wheat allergies.
Please inform the priest of your special need well
before Mass begins.
of Financial
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 ~
June 30, 2015
August through September
Wednesday’s at 6:00 PM
Kateri Room ~ St. Philip’s Church
All Are Welcome!
Week #8 Contributions
(received the weekend of 8/10/2014)
Loose Plate
Fiscal Year to Date (Week #8):
Amount Contributed
$ 120,931.96
Loose Plate
$ 133,022.90
(100.84% of budget)
Stewardship: A Habit of the Heart.
Love & Life
Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world,
ending more lives than cardiovascular disease,
cancer, AIDS, war, hunger...or any other cause.
You can change that.
Sept 24 – Nov 2, 2014
“The historical situation in which the family lives
therefore appears as an interplay of light and
darkness. This shows that history is not simply a
fixed progression towards what is better, but rather
an event of freedom, and even a struggle between
freedoms that are in mutual conflict, that is,
according to the well-known expression of St.
Augustine, a conflict between two loves: the love of
God to the point of disregarding self, and the love of
self to the point of disregarding God.”
~ St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio #6
Look for local information in next weekend’s bulletin.
*Based on data from the World Health Organization
and the Guttmacher Institute
Life Facts:
During weeks 28-32 of pregnancy the baby’s vision
and hearing are well developed. The baby can hear
the sound of the mother’s heartbeat, blood flow, and
food moving through her body. The baby recognizes
the mother’s voice and enjoys listening to soft music.
Ladies, have you thought about attending a
Cursillo weekend, but found the spring dates
didn't work with your schedule? Now you have a
chance to go in the fall. A Women’s Cursillo weekend
will be held September 25–28, 2014 at Sand Hill
Lake Bible Camp south of Fosston. For more
information please contact Carol Olsonawski at 218689-9081 or Mary Derosier at 218-253-4623.
Applications are also available at your parish office
or on-line at
A Seminar with Fr. Joseph Ssemakula
September 19-21, 2014
Starts Friday evening at 6:15pm; runs all day Saturday;
and from 11 am to 7pm Sunday
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Detroit Lakes, MN
Why attend the “Healing of Families” Seminar?
· Have you prayed for years for some sort of
healing for your family?
· Do you want to learn a form of prayer that is
effective for those stubborn, personal and
family problems?
· Do you yearn to experience family-wide relief
and healing for spiritual, physical and emotional
· Do You wish to ‘redeem’ your relationships and
by God’s grace change the course of your
family’s history?
If so, then you need to come.
Pre-registration is required. Register with Anna
Kliner at 218-281-4533 ext 432 or Deadline for registration is
September 5, 2014.
For more information about this event, go to
For Sign-up sheets for the Fall Festival!
We will have sign-up sheets available in the
narthex soon! There are MANY opportunities to
help, something of interest for everyone, and
time slots to fit everyone’s schedules.
Check out the Bulletin Board in the
Narthex — It’s time to be thinking about baskets
for the silent auction. There are many items needed
to assemble the baskets, as well as for Bingo and
Kid’s Carnival prizes. Take a leaf or apple off the
board if you see something you would be willing to
donate. Items should be returned to the parish office
by September 12. If you choose a bake sale item,
they are to be delivered to St. Philip’s on Saturday,
September 27. Thanks for your generosity!
Look at the insert in this bulletin with a list of silent
auction basket suggestions!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Adorers Needed!
Northern Minnesota Ministry
“Do not conform yourselves to this age
but be transformed by the renewal of
your mind, that you may discern what
is the will of God.” Don’t let the world’s
way tear your marriage apart. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekends are September 12-14, Irene, SD; October
10-12, Buffalo & Jamestown, ND; October 24-26
Rapid City; November 21-23 Prior Lake & Stewartville
& December 5-7 Duluth. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information visit our website
at: or contact Alan & Missy Block
at or 888-455-3496.
Thursdays from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM and
Fridays from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
If you feel the desire to spend an hour with our Lord
during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,
please contact Monica at 243-3880.
Effective immediately, please send all mail for
St. Philip’s School to: 702 Beltrami Ave NE.
Thanks for your cooperation!
August 30/31
† We’ve begun! New faces….new places….new challenges…It’s All good. How many of our new students,
families, and staff have you met already? May our year be blessed with excitement for learning, friendships
with others, and a deepening of faith. Amen.
† Our first vacation of the school year is Labor Day, Monday, September 1st. No school. We resume bright
and early on Tuesday morning, September 2nd.
† For the first semester, eighth graders will end their day at Bemidji Middle School beginning on Tuesday.
Students have the option of staying at BMS for sports practice, taking the bus to Central School to return to
St. Philip’s, taking their normal bus home, or waiting at BMS to be picked up by parents. Make a plan.
† This week’s school Mass will be at 8:40 A.M. on Wednesday, September 3rd. Mrs. Williams’ 8th graders will
be our Mass ministers.
† Fr. Don will be teaching religion to the 8th graders this year. To kick off their study, the class will have a retreat on Thursday, September 4th, at the Newman Center.
† What a tremendous turn out for our Open House last week. The place was alive. Thanks to all who attended
and all who worked.
† We are looking for individuals who are interested in being substitutes for our early morning coverage (7:00
to 8:30 A.M.), for office and kitchen help, for Noah’s Ark, for janitorial help, and for substitute teachers. If
you are interested, please contact the school office for more details. Thanks.
† Keep an eye out for students in the parking lot. It is our outside gym and playground space.
† Get Safe Environment Certified now. Go to and follow the Safe Environment prompts.
Anyone who volunteers or works in the school needs to attain certification annually. (July 1 starts the new
year of certification.)Thanks.
Ideas for Donation Items &
Silent Auction Baskets:
Below are two lists of suggestions for Fall Festival donations. Many items are
needed for the creation of auction baskets and BINGO prizes. Or, if you are the
crafty type, create your own basket to donate! We would like all items and baskets
delivered to the Parish Office by September 12. Thanks for your generosity!
Electronics: I-pods, CDs, DVDs, T.V.s, DVD players, modems, gift cards, ear-buds, cameras, cases, batteries, portable speakers…
Household: wash cloths, towels, oven mitts, trivets, can openers, measuring cups and spoons, rolling
pins, sifters, cheese graters, potato masher, wire whisks, decorating tools, paring knives, cutting boards,
pizza cutters, toasters, blenders, electric frying pans, Crock Pots, juicers, aprons…
Auto: seat covers, floor mats, air fresheners, Windex wipes, hand sanitizer, ice scrapers, windshield fluid,
trash receptacles …
Garage: Shop Vacs, tarps, whisk brooms, dust pans, rakes, shovels, sidewalk salt, welcome mats, GooGone, extension cords, power tools, safety glasses, face masks, storage containers, zip ties…
Home Office: printers, wireless accessories, screen wipes, stapler and staples, scissors, desk calendars,
surge protectors, binders, clips, desk organizers, paper, highlighters…
Monetary/ Gift Cards
Basket Suggestions:
Techie-geek: canned air, screen wipes, portable recharger, ear buds, gift cards, cord organizers or zip
ties, hard drive, CDs…
Winterizing Kit: emergency supplies, window scraper, rock salt, flares, insulated blanket, low temp wiper
fluid, water fillable weight bags, mittens, cap, scarf…
Pizza Making Kit: dry crust mix, canned pizza sauce, rolling pin, pizza cutter, oven mitt, pizza pan, pizza
themed plates and napkins.
New Home Owner: mop, brooms, window cleaner, key identification tabs, extension cords, paper towels,
candles, dish rack, drain board, light bulbs, Welcome sign…
Christmas: ornaments, tree skirt, linens, wrapping paper and ribbons, scissors and tape, music, dog
treats, recipes, dry cookie mixes, hot cocoa and mugs…
Thanksgiving: thankfulness cards or décor, cornucopia, dinnerware, serving platters, napkin rings,
canned cranberries…
Halloween: decorations, pumpkin carving kits, sounds, candy, wigs, invitations, face paint, flameless candles…
Baking: rolling pin, pastry sheet, cookie cutters, parchment paper, measuring cups and spoons, decorating candies, cookie sheet, apron, chef hats…
New Baby: thank you cards, well-baby kit with thermometer, medicine dropper, nail clipper, infant ibuprofen, burp cloths, baby wash cloths, hooded towel, baby wipes, What to Expect books, bottle warmer, parents’ survival guide…
Just Married: thank you cards, ‘we’ve moved’ notices, gift certificates, humorous newlywed books, His
and Hers towels, etc.
The Office of the New Evangelization has opened
registration for adult faith formation opportunities in
the School of the New Evangelization. Fr. Vincent
Miller, STL will be offering an 8 session course on
Friday evenings on “The Art of Discernment in the
Spiritual Life.” On Saturday afternoons Fr. Bob
Schreiner will continue last year’s course taking
students through the Wednesday Audiences of
St. John Paul known as “Theology of the Body.” For
more information on these offerings and/or to register
go to: and click on the School of
the New Evanglization tab on the left side; or call
Anna Kliner at 218 281 4533 ext. 432.
The Beltrami Area Suicide Prevention Program, a
program of Evergreen Youth & Family Services is
hosting suicide prevention trainings in September in
recognition of Suicide Prevention Month. Donna Fox,
Director with the National Alliance for Mental IllnessMinnesota will be presenting the training, Question,
Persuade and Refer. (QPR) is a one hour
presentation that covers the three steps that anyone
can learn to help prevent suicide. Just like CPR, QPR
is an emergency response to someone in crisis and
can help save lives. Two QPR sessions will be
offered FREE at St. Philips on Monday, September
15th, 1:30pm and 6:30 pm. There are also two other
suicide prevention trainings being offered in the
community, safeTALK and Means Restriction
Education. For more information and to rsvp, please
contact Stephanie Downey at 218-308-8002 or
Preschool Sunday School Registration 2014 - 2015
Registration for Preschool Sunday School will take place now through next two weeks and on
the weekend of September 6 & 7.weekend! Register your preschooler at the Faith Formation
Office or Parish Office – Tuesday – Friday 8:30 – 4:00 – sorry we will not be able to do
registrations over the phone or mail them. Preschool Sunday School is for children three by
September 1, 2014; four year olds; and children in Kindergarten 2014 - 2015 school year.
Preschool Sunday School will be held October – April during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Contact Kris Jensen 444-5849
for additional information.
Faith Formation Registration for 2014 - 2015– grades 1 - 11
Parents please register your child(ren) for Faith (Religious) Formation by September 7. Register
your child at the Faith Formation Office or Parish Office during the next two weeks (Tuesday –
Friday 8:30 – 4:00) or before and after Mass September 6 & 7 – sorry we will not be able to take
registrations over the phone or mail them. We would like to have all children/youth who will
be attending Faith Formation this coming year registered by September 7th! Contact Kris
Jensen (444-5849) for additional information!
Two First Reconciliation Parent Sessions will be held: Thursday, October 2 at 6:30 p.m. or Tuesday, October 7
at 5:30 p.m. at the Social Hall. These sessions are for parents who will be preparing their
child (2nd grade or older) for First Reconciliation this year. It is recommended that the child
receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving First Eucharist. Child must be
registered in Religious Formation or St. Philip’s School. A parent must attend one of the
sessions in order for the child to receive the sacrament, regardless if you have attended a
session in the past. This is a parent only session. The session includes an overview of the
sacrament and the preparation program and will last approximately an hour and a half.
These sessions will be the only parent session offered for First Reconciliation this year.
Next weekend September 6th and 7th we will
have a special collection for humanitarian needs and
pastoral support for Christians and other victims of
violence in the Middle East. Here is a statement from
the Bishops:
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The president of the
U.S. bishops' conference asked Catholic bishops to
take up a special collection for humanitarian needs and
pastoral support for Christians and other victims of
violence in the Middle East.
Amid the ongoing crisis in what is "the cradle of
Christianity," the Catholic Church "mourns the terrible
suffering of Christians and other innocent victims of
violence in Iraq, Syria and Gaza who are struggling to
survive, protect their children and live with dignity in
dire conditions," said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of
Louisville, Kentucky.
Emphasizing "the extraordinary nature of this
crisis," he urged the bishops to have parishes in their
dioceses hold the collection the weekend of Sept. 6-7.
Funds from the collection will be used by
Catholic Relief Services, and other Catholic agencies
"working in partnership with the local church" to meet
the most urgent humanitarian needs of people in the
three countries, he said in a letter to his fellow bishops.
The agencies also will use the money to help
refugees who have fled Iraq, Syria and Gaza to
neighboring countries. "Our Christian brothers and
sisters and other innocent victims of the violence in the
Middle East urgently need the assistance of the
Catholic community of the United States," Archbishop
Kurtz said.
CRS and other agencies "have well-established
partnerships with the Catholic Church in the region
which allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to
victims in some of the hardest to reach areas," he
explained. The collection money also will be used to
support church programs, to aid persecuted Christians
and "to respond to rebuilding needs of Catholic
dioceses in the impacted areas," he said and asked for
continued prayers "for the victims of this crisis."
A new slate of retreats has been scheduled for the 2014
-2015 year at the Diego House in Crookston. Check out
the dates and themes for both men’s and women’s
retreats in the coming year at: and
click on “Diego House” on the tabs at the left. There are
Retreats for widows and widowers this fall; and men’s
and women’s retreats next March – June featuring
meditations on the spirituality of work (men’s retreats)
and the “Little Mandate” of Catherine Doherty for
women. Registration fliers can be found in the narthex
by the parish bulletin board.
His Excellency Bishop Michael J. Hoeppner
requests the presence of all the faithful to gather
together to honor all marriages and families within this
2014 “Year of Marriage” at the 19th Annual Marriage
Celebration Day. Please join us on Sunday, October
5th at 2:00 PM for Holy Mass with a Reception to
follow. Location: The Cathedral of the Immaculate
Conception; 702 Summit Avenue; Crookston,
Minnesota. No RSVP is required for this year’s
celebration! This Mass will also serve as the Closing
Mass for the Year of Marriage Congress which is
being held October 3-5 in Crookston, Minnesota. To
learn more and register for this Congress, please call
(218) 281-4533, ext. 432 or visit
St. Philip’s Catholic Church
702 Beltrami Avenue NW - Bemidji, MN 56601
(218) 444-4262
Dear St. Philip’s Catholic Community,
The St. Philips RCIA Program will begin annual fall classes on September 25th, 2014, at 6:00 PM in the
Kateri Room. As you may know, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is not only the process by
which non-Catholic adults join the Church, but also is suited for those currently Catholic who haven’t yet
received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes and the formation process bring the candidates and
catechumens through significant parts of our liturgical year, such as Advent, Lent and Easter, concluding with
the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist during the Easter Vigil, April 4th,
2015. The formation process finishes a few weeks later.
Not only for the participants, but also our entire St. Philips Catholic Community, this is a journey in faith where
we all share in the richness of the Catholic Church and our Parish family. Those interested are invited to learn
what the Church teaches, and become acquainted with our Parish and its members. These sessions are also
opportunities for participants to ask questions they may have about our faith and to discover the countless
blessings God provides to us through His Church.
The RCIA classes are open to baptized or unbaptized non-Catholics, as well as those who were baptized
Catholic, but have not yet received the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
Formation consists of several areas including: Scripture = the Stories of God’s People; Teaching = What
Catholics Believe; Prayer = How we Communicate with God; Liturgy = How the Community Worships;
and Mission = How we Live out What we Believe.
Classes begin with an “Inquiry Night” at 6:00PM, Thursday, September 25th in the Kateri Room. All
materials are provided and there is no cost to participants.
For those who are already confirmed Catholics and part of our St. Philips community, we ask you to please
recommend this process to those you believe (family members, friends and acquaintances) would be interested in coming into full communion with the Catholic Church. We also ask you to please include our St. Philips
RCIA program, participants and Team in your prayers.
Those interested are asked to contact RCIA Program Co-Directors Robb Naylor (
(218)444-4262), Deacon Kermit Erickson (, or leave a message at the Parish
Office and you will be contacted directly.
St. Philip’s Church - RCIA Program Team
Inquiry Night, Thurs, Sep. 25th, 6 - 8 PM, St. Philips Kateri Room
week of September 6-7
5:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Janet Weaver
Al & Jane Foley
Jim Gorham
Mary Lou Peters
Glen Laginess
Chris Hanevold
Richard Marsolek
Mary Dufault
Jennifer Hoefer
Wes Seitz
Matt Murray
Bob Murray
Mark Froelich
Zachary Froelich
Phil Hodapp
Del Hager
Bob McCalip
Garret Schwindt
Will Schwindt
Andrew Dondelinger
Genevieve Richards
Alexander Froelich
Daniel Froelich
Toby Glen
Nick Snell
Robb Naylor
Trish Jones
Pam Murray
Rose Fagerstrom
Mary Walter
Dotty Forrest
Mary Lou Peters
Bill Maki
Jerry Richards
Marilynne Hodapp
Ernie Rall
Charity Hanevold
Lisa Freise
Marian Qvern
Mary Richards
Missy Fagerstrom
Jo Ann Lewis
Jean Louvar
Rosemary Pulczinski
Flavia Sagedahl
Walter Schuiling
Stephen Steele
Karen Williams
Lauren Weaver
Robb Naylor
Laura Schwindt
Kell Lovell
Janet Weaver
Jodi Maki
Barry Karpinski
Megan Luke
Al Foley
Jane Foley
Susan Dondelinger
David Hoefer
John Ovsak
Marge Seitz
Jim Gorham
Dan Walter
Clark Chambers
Sue Lucas
Tim Lucas
Pat Welch
Mary Bjerke
Ron Arel
Rose Fagerstrom
Pat Kelly
Jane Baukol
Courtney Haskins
Judy Tobin
Shannon Schmitt
Dotty Forrest
Maggie McCalip
John Bloberger
Marjorie Bloberger
Dianne Dockendorf
Matt Dockendorf
Sue Bruns
Mary Bjerke
Cathy Lalli
Susan Burlingame
Maureen Holmstrom
Neal Holmstrom
David Hengel
Kelley Hengel
Beth Hendricks
Deb Bauer
Margaret DeMers
Lee Richards
Janet Weaver
Lee Richards
Karenlee Alexander
Thanks to all of you who have turned in your completed liturgical ministry information sheets!
If you have not turned yours in yet, please do so to Robb Naylor. ALL MINISTERS are asked to
please call the parish office at 444-4262 or email to by September 15 to let
us know dates when you are not available to do your ministry for the month of October. Thank you!