USA DANCE DANCESPORT RULEBOOK DRESS CODE RULES USA DANCE: DANCESPORT RULEBOOK 2009 - 20101 DRESS REGULATIONS ONLY Governing USA Dance® Competitions and Athletes in the United States of America USA Dance DanceSport® 2009-2010 Rulebook © Copyright 1993-2008, USA Dance All Rights Reserved Edition 1 Edition 2 Edition 3 Edition 4 Edition 5 November 1993 March 1996 December 1997 August 2000 January 2002 Edition 6 Edition 7 Edition 8 Edition 9 Edition 10 Edition 11 January 2005 December 2005 December 2006 December 2007 June 2008 November 2009 "USA DanceSport" and "United States DanceSport Council" are registered Trade Marks of USA Dance. Correspondence: USA Dance P.O. Box 152988 Cape Coral, FL 33915-2988 (800) 447-9047 (239) 573-0946 (Fax) TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10. DRESS REGULATIONS 3.10.1. GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Apparel must create the Characteristic shape for each discipline; International Standard, American Smooth, International Latin and American Rhythm (shape area). Apparel must cover the intimate parts of the dancer’s bodies (intimacy area); this includes the breast area, buttocks, hip area etc. Apparel and make-up must respect age and level of dancers. The use of religious symbols as decoration or decoration jewelry is not allowed (this does not apply to personal jewelry). The Chair of Adjudicators has the authority to require any athlete to remove items of decoration jewelry, personal jewellery or decoration applied to a piece of apparel, if such items are deemed dangerous. While athletes are not required to wear costumes in any style or proficiency level, they must minimally comply with the syllabus dress code for the style in which they are competing. All couples must accept the competitor’s number (Number Card) as issued by the organizer and are not allowed to modify the card in any way. *NOTE: With respect to international dress regulations, please be advised that these rules follow the IDSF rules. However, there are slight differences between the two codes. Specifically, allowing Pre-Teen I & II girls to wear a non-reflective flower or bow in her hair and allowing Pre-Teen I & II boys to wear black or midnight blue shirts in Smooth, Latin, and Rhythm. Neither is allowed under the IDSF Dress Code Regulations. Prior to attending any IDSF sanctioned event, please read the IDSF Dress Code Regulations available at the IDSF website: Failure to follow the IDSF Dress Code Regulations may result in disqualification at that event. 3.10.2. GOOD TASTE RULE Any use of material or colour or construction or other contrivance that gives the appearance of non-compliance with these dress rules, even though there is no breach of the literal wording of these rules, will be considered a breach of these rules if so determined by the Chair of Adjudicators. Approval of any deviation from the dress regulations should be obtained in advance from the Chair of Adjudicators. 3.10.3. SANCTIONS 1. 2. If an athlete is not dressed in accordance with these Dress Regulations and receives a warning from the Chair of Adjudicators, the athlete must correct the dress code violation or be subject to disqualification by the Chair of Adjudicators. Repeated offenses against the dress code and/or repeated offenses against the spirit of the dress code at any USA Dance or IDSF competition may be interpreted as unsportsmanlike conduct and may result in further disciplinary action by the USA Dance DanceSport Council. 3.10.4. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS/RESTRICTIONS: a) Shape area (SA) – minimum area that must be covered. • Transparent materials are allowed in the following areas: o the waist o shoulders o back between the waist and sleeves. • Transparent materials are not allowed: o in the panty area, o the area between the HL (Hip Line) and PL (Panty Line), o the breast areas. b) Intimate Area • Female intimate areas include breast area and the panty area; male intimate areas includes the chest and panty area USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 3 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION Intimate areas must be covered by opaque materials, or transparent materials lined with opaque material – if the material is transparent then they must be heavily stoned, if allowed by proficiency level and age. • Transparent materials are allowed in other parts of the dance apparel outside of intimate areas Panty Area • Hip Line (HL) – top of panty area May be below the waist, but must be above the buttocks in the back and continue around the body in a horizontal line Buttocks muscles and the separation between the buttocks must not be visible • Panty Line (PL) – bottom of panty area Skin colored dance pants are not allowed Must fully cover the buttocks (tangas/thongs are not allowed) The complete area between the HL and PL must be covered The covering between the top and bottom edges of the dance pants on the side of the hips/buttocks must be greater than 2 inches (5 cm) Breast Area • If skin color material is used to cover the breast area, it must be decorated so that it is clearly covered • The distance between bra cups must be less than 2 inches (5 cm) Basic Material – material which comprises the dance apparel Decoration – anything fixed on or glued to, the basic material of the apparel, hair or skin • With light effects (rhinestones, sequins, beads, pearls, etc.) • Without light effects (feathers, flowers, bows, fringe, lace applications, ribbons, etc.) • Tie clips, studs, cufflinks, and buckles without light effects are not considered decorations Two-piece Dress – any blouse/top and skirt/trousers/short/bottom combination which gaps between the upper garment and the lower garment allowing skin to show when athlete is either still or in motion. Float – any non-structural material that flows behind the athlete while in the athlete is in motion (i.e., a long scarf, cords hanging from sleeves, sashes etc.) Make-up -- includes facial make-up, artificial tan, artificial nails, and artificial eyelashes Decoration Jewelry – jewelry and/or accessories designed to be a part of specific dance apparel, whether or not attached to said apparel, including chokers, arm/wrist bands and/or earrings that are made of or covered with the same or similar material as the basic apparel material. Personal Jewelry – jewelry that is unattached to the dance apparel and would be worn in the course of everyday life or at a party, such as necklaces or earrings, wedding rings, etc. Plain material – means no stripes, ribs, no material where there is a change between sheer and not sheer, etc NR – there are no restrictions in this area. NA – not allowed OA – only allowed • c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Colors: • • • • • • • • Black (B) – means black or midnight blue Black Only (Bo) White (W) Skin color (S) – equal to the color of the dancer’s skin during the competition (with tan) Skin color with decoration (SwD) Any color (C) – any color inc. mixed colors Any color except skin color (CnS) One color except skin color (C1nS) Materials Required for Syllabus Apparel for Pre-Teen through Adult age categories: If the dress/costume material is matte or low-sheen, it is allowed. USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 4 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION Materials Not Allowed for Syllabus Apparel for Pre-Teen through Adult age categories: High sheen and/or reflective fabrics, including fabrics with metallic flecks or threads, are not allowed. Foil, beads, sequins, rhinestones, glitter, metallic thread or anything that may give the appearance of glitter or sheen, or anything that may give the appearance of the above but is not mentioned is not allowed on any syllabus apparel for Pre-Teen through Adult age categories. Any questionable fabrics/designs must be cleared with the Chair of the Rules Committee or the DanceSport Official for the event, prior to the actual start of the competition. Pants – Are allowed for female athletes in the Adult – Senior III age groups, at all proficiency levels, but must follow all the rules of coverage as stated for skirts and dresses for all proficiency and age levels. Restrictions for All Female Athletes regardless of level: • Tangas/Thongs are NA. • Skin colors panties are NA. • Breasts must be covered. • The distance between bra cups must be less than 5 cm (less than 2”). Restrictions for All Male Athletes regardless of level: • Man’s Top Opening Point (TOP) – The point to which a man’s shirt can be opened in front. • Long Sleeves/ed (LS) – Where sleeve length is indicated, the sleeves must be to the wrist. • Rolled up sleeves are NA. USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 5 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10.5 PRE-TEEN I & II International Standard /American Smooth – All Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A plain white long-sleeved shirt with white buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers. (A plain black or midnight blue long-sleeved shirt with the same colored buttons is allowed in Smooth only.) Black or midnight blue tie (bow or long) *Must be a black tie in IDSF competitions. Black or midnight blue trousers (without side stripes of any kind) Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes (1” maximum heel height) Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. Personal or decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. Vests 3. Shiny or patterned materials 4. 5. Pants with any strips, including a side stripe Tail shirts, tux shirts, shirts with wing collars and/or French cuffs 6. Un-tucked shirts 7. 8. Rolled up sleeves Cosmetics or make-up of any kind 9. Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. A one-color one-piece dress OR a white blouse tucked into a black or midnight blue skirt a. Skirt may be plain or pleated, with a minimum of 1 half circle to a maximum of 1½ circles of the same length b. One plain underskirt of the same length as the overskirt is allowed c. Skirt hem must not be shorter than 4” above the knee, nor longer than just under the knee cap i. Acceptable necklines (Appendix: Figure A) are jewel, scoop, boat, gathered, square, v-neck, sweetheart, peter pan, or turtleneck ii. Acceptable sleeves (Appendix: Figure B) are sleeveless, short sleeves, ¾ length sleeves, long sleeves, puffed sleeves (short or long) iii. Acceptable skirts (Appendix: Figure C) are gored, gathered, waist height v-bodice, pleated, dropped waist, dropped-waist with v-bodice A shoe with a block heel (1½” maximum heel height) without any embellishments or glitter Short socks or flesh-colored tights may be worn (optional) A hair bow or ribbon is allowed (optional) *Not allowed at IDSF competitions USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 6 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Underskirts which are larger (in any dimension) than the overskirt More than 2 layers of skirt as described above Skirts or underskirts with ruffles or frills Skirts or underskirts hemmed with boning, soft boning or fishline Skirts with slits Personal or decorative jewelry of any kind, including earrings (except a single gold or silver ¼” post earring), necklaces, bracelets, etc. 7. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind 8. Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities, including shoe buckles 9. Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations 10. Gloves or floats 11. Mesh tights International Latin/American Rhythm (all proficiency levels) MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. A plain black or midnight blue or white long-sleeved shirt with same colored buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers. *A black or midnight blue shirt is not allowed in IDSF Competitions. Black or midnight blue or white tie (bow or long) (optional) *A black/midnight or white tie/bow tie is not allowed in IDSF Competitions. 5. TOP - Top shirt button may be unbuttoned. Black or midnight blue trousers (without side stripes of any kind) *Midnight blue trousers are not allowed in IDSF Competitions. Black or midnight blue socks 6. 7. Black shoes (1” maximum heel height) Long hair must be worn in a ponytail 3. 4. Not Allowed: 1. Personal or decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. 2. Vests 3. 4. 5. Shiny or patterned materials Tail shirts, tux shirts, shirts with wing collars and/or French cuffs Pants with any strips, including a side stripe 6. 7. 8. 9. Un-tucked shirts Rolled up sleeves Cosmetics or make-up of any kind Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 7 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. A plain one-color one-piece dress OR a white blouse tucked into a black or midnight blue skirt a. Skirt may be plain or pleated, with a minimum of 1 half circle to a maximum of 1½ half circles of the same length b. One plain underskirt of the same length as the overskirt is allowed c. Skirt hem must not be shorter than 4” above the knee, nor longer than just under the knee cap i. Acceptable necklines (Appendix: Appendix: Figure A) are jewel, scoop, boat, gathered, square, v-neck, sweetheart, peter pan, or turtleneck ii. Acceptable sleeves (Appendix: Figure B) are sleeveless, short sleeves, ¾ length sleeves, long sleeves, puffed sleeves (short or long) iii. Acceptable skirts (Appendix: Figure C) are gored, gathered, waist height v-bodice, pleated, dropped waist, dropped-waist with v-bodice A shoe with a block heel (1½” maximum heel height) without any embellishments or glitter Short socks or flesh-colored tights may be worn (optional) A hair bow or ribbon is allowed (optional) *Not allowed in IDSF competitions Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Underskirts which are larger (in any dimension) than the overskirt More than 2 layers of skirt as described above Skirts or underskirts with ruffles or frills Skirts or underskirts hemmed with boning, soft boning or fishline Skirts with slits Personal or decorative jewelry of any kind, including earrings (except a single gold or silver ¼” post earring), necklaces, bracelets, etc. 7. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind 8. Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities, including shoe buckles 9. Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations 10. Gloves or floats 11. Mesh tights USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 8 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION Appendix I Acceptable Necklines/Tops/Skirts/Combinations for Pre-Teen I & II A. Necklines – Required cuts, others – NA: B. Sleeves – Required cuts, others – NA; Gloves – NA C. Skirts – Required cuts, others – NA; Examples of top and bottom combined: USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 9 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION PRE-TEEN I & II DRESS SPECIFICATION 1. DANCE DRESS Gender Style Pre-Teen I & II All Proficiency Levels Male Standard & Smooth Latin & Rhythm W/B LS shirt B trousers W/B tie/bow tie required for all styles Female Standard & Smooth Latin & Rhythm W blouse leotard or T shirt with C1NS (IDSF states white T-Shirt only) B skirt or simple C1nS dress & panties or C1nS leotard with same color skirt attached Gloves - NA 2. DECORATIONS, LIGHT EFFECTS Any decorations – NA Any decorations – NA Basic materials with light effects – NA Basic materials with light effects – NA 3. SHOES, SOCKS, TIGHTS Heel: with a max 2.5 cm (1”) heel Heel: block, with a max 3.5cm (1.5”) heel B socks must be worn Shoes with light effects - NA C short socks are allowed Tights: skin color – OA, mesh – NA 4. HAIRSTYLE If the hair is long it must be worn in a ponytail Decoration, (except for a hair bow or ribbon,) and colored hairspray – NA 5. MAKE-UP NA 6. DECORATION & PERSONAL JEWELRY: Decoration Jewelry = anything fixed on the basic dress material, hair, & skin: with light effects (rhinestones, sequins, beads, pearls, etc.) and that looks like it is part of the dress (made from the same or similar material.) Personal Jewelry = any jewelry worn on the body - jewelry that is unattached to the dance apparel and would be worn in the course of everyday life or at a party, such as necklaces or earrings, wedding rings, etc. Decoration and Personal jewelry – NA (Except for one plain gold or silver ¼ inch post per ear) USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 10 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10.6 JUNIOR I & II International Standard – Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A plain white long-sleeved shirt with white buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers. Black tie (bow or long) Black vest (optional) Black or midnight blue trousers *Must be black only trousers at IDSF competitions. Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. Shiny or patterned materials Tail shirts, tux shirts, shirts with wing collars and/or French cuffs Un-tucked shirts Rolled up sleeves Colored tie/bow tie is not allowed Cosmetics or make-up of any kind Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into a skirt (decorations without light reflective qualities are allowed on dress) Athlete’s skirt must cover the buttocks completely when athlete is still A shoe with a heel height of 2” maximum without any embellishments or glitter Short socks may be worn (optional) Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) Personal jewelry of any kind may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two piece dresses Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations Gloves or floats Mesh tights USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 11 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION American Smooth – Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. A plain black or midnight blue or white long-sleeved shirt with same colored buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers 2. Black or midnight blue or white tie (bow or long) 3. Black or midnight blue vest/cardigan/pullover (optional) 4. Black or midnight blue trousers 5. Black or midnight blue socks 6. Black or midnight blue shoes 7. Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. Decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. 2. Shiny or patterned materials 3. Tail shirts, tux shirts, shirts with wing collars and/or French cuffs, 4. Rolled up sleeves 5. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind 6. Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into a skirt (decorations without light reflective qualities are allowed on dress) 2. Athlete’s skirt must cover the buttocks completely when athlete is still 3. A shoe with or without a block heel (2” maximum heel height) without any embellishments or glitter 4. Short socks may be worn (optional) 5. Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) 6. Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) 7. Personal jewelry of any kind may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. Two piece dresses 2. Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc. 3. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind 4. Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities 5. Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations 6. Gloves or floats 7. Mesh tights USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 12 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION International Latin/American Rhythm – Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A plain black or midnight blue or white long-sleeved shirt or top, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers Black or midnight blue or white tie (bow or long) (optional) TOP - Top shirt button may be unbuttoned Black or midnight blue trousers Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. Shiny or patterned materials Tail shirts, tux shirts, shirts with wing collars and/or French cuffs Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves Cosmetics or make-up of any kind Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into a skirt (decorations without light reflective qualities are allowed on dress) Athlete’s skirt must cover the buttocks completely when athlete is still A shoe with a heel height of 2” maximum without any embellishments or glitter Short socks may be worn (optional) Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) Personal jewelry of any kind may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two piece dresses Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc. Cosmetics or make-up of any kind Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations Gloves or floats Mesh tights USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 13 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION JUNIOR I & II SYLLABUS DRESS SPECIFICATION 1. DANCE DRESS Gender Style Junior I & II Syllabus Proficiency Levels Male Standard & Smooth W/B LS shirt B vest/cardigan/ pullover (optional) B trousers W/B tie/bow tie required Female Latin & Rhythm W/B LS shirt B vest (optional) B trousers W/B tie/bow tie (optional) Standard & Smooth CnS Competition dress Two piece dresses NA Latin & Rhythm CnS Competition dress Two piece dresses NA 2. DECORATIONS, LIGHT EFFECTS Decoration with light effects – NA Decoration with light effects – NA (Decoration without light effects are allowed) (Decoration without light effects are allowed) Basic materials with light effects – NA Floats – NA Basic materials with light effects – NA 3. SHOES, SOCKS, TIGHTS Junior I Shoes: NR Heel: with a max 5 cm (2”) heel B socks must be worn Shoes with light effects - NA C short socks are allowed Tights: mesh tights – NA Junior II NR NR 4. HAIRSTYLE If the hair is long it must be worn in a ponytail Decoration with light effects and colored hairspray – NA (Decoration without light effects are allowed) 5. MAKE-UP Junior I NA Junior II NR 6. DECORATION & PERSONAL JEWELRY: Decoration Jewelry = anything fixed on the basic dress material, hair, & skin: with light effects (rhinestones, sequins, beads, pearls, etc.) and that looks like it is part of the dress (made from the same or similar material.) Personal Jewelry = any jewelry worn on the body - jewelry that is unattached to the dance apparel and would be worn in the course of everyday life or at a party, such as necklaces or earrings, wedding rings, etc. Decoration jewelry with light effects – NA (Decoration jewelry without light effects are allowed) Personal jewelry – Allowed USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 14 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10.7 YOUTH/ADULT International Standard – Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A plain white long-sleeved shirt with white buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers OR A tail shirt or tux shirt with wing collar (optional) Studs and/or cufflinks (optional) Black or midnight blue or white tie (bow or long) Black or midnight blue vest/cardigan/pullover (optional) Black or midnight blue trousers Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Decoration jewelry is not allowed Shiny or patterned materials are not allowed Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves are not allowed Colored tie/bow tie is not allowed Decoration or materials with any light reflective qualities are not allowed FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into skirt OR a blouse/trouser combination Athlete’s skirt must cover the buttocks completely when athlete is still Non-reflective decoration is allowed on the dance apparel Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) Personal jewelry of any kind (including rhinestones) may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Two piece dresses are not allowed Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc., are not allowed Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities are not allowed Colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective hair decorations are not allowed Gloves or floats are not allowed USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 15 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION American Smooth - Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A plain black or midnight blue or white long-sleeved shirt with same colored buttons, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers A solid colored tie (bow or long) Black or midnight blue vest/cardigan/pullover (optional) Tail shirts, tux shirts, wing collars, French cuffs are allowed (optional) Studs and/or cufflinks (optional) Black or midnight blue trousers Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Decorative jewelry of any kind, including studs, cufflinks, necklaces, etc. Shiny or patterned materials Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into a skirt OR a blouse/trouser combination Athlete’s skirt must cover dance pants and buttocks completely when athlete is standing still Non-reflective decoration on the dance apparel is allowed Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) Personal jewelry of any kind may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two piece dresses are not allowed Skin colored dance pants are not allowed Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc. is not allowed Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations Gloves or floats are not allowed USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 16 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION International Latin/American Rhythm – Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A plain black or midnight blue or white sleeved shirt or top, cotton or cotton/polyester blend preferred, tucked into trousers Tail shirts, tux shirts, wing collars, French cuffs are allowed (optional) Studs and/or cufflinks (optional) Black or midnight blue or white tie (bow or long) (optional) TOP – Shirt may be opened to mid-chest. Black or midnight blue trousers Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Decorative jewelry of any kind is not allowed Shiny or patterned materials are not allowed Sleeveless shirt Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves are not allowed Decoration or material with any light reflective qualities is not allowed FEMALE ATHLETE: Required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A one-piece single or multicolored dress OR a blouse tucked into a skirt OR a blouse/trouser combination Athlete’s skirt must cover dance pants and buttocks completely when athlete is standing still Non-reflective decoration on the dance apparel is allowed Any non-reflective hair accessory may be worn (optional) Decoration jewelry without light reflective qualities may be worn (optional) Personal jewelry of any kind may be worn (optional) Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Apparel consisting of a bra/bikini top with a bottom are not allowed Decoration jewelry with light reflective qualities, including earrings necklaces, bracelets, etc. is not allowed Decoration, material or shoes with any light reflective qualities Hair decoration not specified above, including colored or glittered hairspray and any other light reflective decorations is not allowed Gloves or floats are not allowed USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 17 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION YOUTH & ADULT SYLLABUS DRESS SPECIFICATION 1. DANCE DRESS Gender Style Youth & Adult Syllabus Proficiency Levels Male Standard & Smooth Standard B trousers W LS shirt W/B tie/bow tie required B vest/cardigan/ pullover /(opt) Suspenders (opt) Smooth W/B shirt B trousers Tie/bow tie required B vest/cardigan/ pullover /(opt) Suspenders (opt) Latin & Rhythm W/B LS shirt B vest (optional) B trousers W/B tie/bow tie (optional) Female Standard & Smooth Latin & Rhythm CnS dress CnS dress two piece dresses – NA Top and trunk must not no cuts below the be only bikini waistline 2. DECORATIONS, LIGHT EFFECTS Decoration with light effects – NA Decoration with light effects – NA (Decoration without light effects are allowed) (Decoration without light effects are allowed) Basic materials with light effects – NA Floats – NA Basic materials with light effects – NA 3. SHOES, SOCKS, TIGHTS NR NR – on height of heel (light reflective embellishments or material is – NA) 4. HAIRSTYLE If the hair is long it must be worn in a ponytail Decoration with light effects and colored hairspray – NA (Decoration without light effects are allowed) 5. MAKE-UP NR 6. DECORATION & PERSONAL JEWELRY: Decoration Jewelry = anything fixed on the basic dress material, hair, & skin: with light effects (rhinestones, sequins, beads, pearls, etc.) and that looks like it is part of the dress (made from the same or similar material.) Personal Jewelry = any jewelry worn on the body - jewelry that is unattached to the dance apparel and would be worn in the course of everyday life or at a party, such as necklaces or earrings, wedding rings, etc. Decoration jewelry with light effects – NA (Decoration jewelry without light effects are allowed) Personal jewelry – Allowed USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 18 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10.8 JUNIOR I & II/YOUTH/ADULT/SENIOR I, II & III International Standard – Open Proficiency Levels & Senior Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Standard syllabus dress code OR Black or midnight blue tailsuit with all standard accessories allowed OR Black or midnight blue vest or black or midnight blue suit jacket with white shirt and either white bow tie or black or midnight blue long tie Black or midnight blue trousers Black or midnight blue socks Black or midnight blue shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. No skin colored or flesh-toned suits, jackets, vests or shirts Colored ties/bow ties Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves FEMALE ATHLETE: Allowed: 1. 2. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Standard syllabus dress code OR Competition dress for Open Standard Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No skin colored or flesh-toned dresses No two-piece dresses Athlete’s skirt must cover dance pants and buttocks completely when athlete is standing still Dance pants must cover the buttocks completely; tangas/thongs are not allowed Dance pants may not be skin colored or flesh-toned Dance pants must be at least 2” from top to bottom at narrowest point in the hip area Breast area must be covered with opaque fabric; if such fabric is flesh-toned, it must be decorated heavily Opening between bra cups may be no more than 2” wide American Smooth – Open Proficiency Levels & Senior Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Smooth syllabus dress code OR Competition apparel for Open Smooth A vest, jacket or bolero jacket in same color as trousers (optional) Any color trousers USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 19 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 5. 6. 7. Socks Shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. No skin colored or flesh-toned suits, jackets, vests or shirts Rolled up sleeves FEMALE ATHLETE: Allowed: 1. 2. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Smooth syllabus dress code OR Competition dress for Open Smooth Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No skin colored or flesh-toned dresses Athlete’s skirt must cover dance pants and buttocks completely when athlete is standing still Dance pants must cover the buttocks completely; tangas/thongs are not allowed Dance pants may not be skin colored or flesh-toned Dance pants must be at least 2” from top to bottom at narrowest point in the hip area Breast area must be covered with opaque fabric; if such fabric is flesh-toned, it must be decorated heavily Opening between bra cups may be no more than 2” wide Two-piece dresses may not consist of a bra top and skirt. International Latin/American Rhythm – Open Proficiency Levels &Senior Syllabus Proficiency Levels MALE ATHLETE: Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Latin/Rhythm syllabus dress code OR Any color shirt/top, worn tucked into trousers Shirt may be open to midpoint of trouser waistband and must reconnect at the waistband Any color trousers A vest, jacket or bolero jacket in same color as trousers (optional) A tie (optional) Socks Shoes Long hair must be worn in a ponytail Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. Skin color or flesh-toned shirt, top, trousers, vest, jacket or bolero jacket Un-tucked shirt Rolled up sleeves FEMALE ATHLETE: Allowed: USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 20 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 1. 2. Minimum standard of the age appropriate Latin/Rhythm syllabus dress code OR Competition dress for Open Latin/Rhythm Not Allowed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two piece dresses may not consist of a bra/bikini top and a bottom Athlete’s skirt must cover dance pants and buttocks completely when athlete is standing still Dance pants may not be skin colored or flesh-toned Dance pants must cover buttocks; tangas/thongs are not allowed Dance pants must be at least 2” from top to bottom at narrowest point in the hip area Breast area must be covered with opaque fabric; if such fabric is flesh-toned, it must be decorated heavily Opening between bra cups may be no more than 2” wide USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 21 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION OPEN PROFICIENCY LEVEL CODES & SENIOR I, II & III SYLLABUS LEVELS 1. DANCE DRESS Gender Style Junior I thru Senior III Novice thru Champ. & All Senior I, II & III Proficiency Levels Male Standard & Smooth Standard W only shirt W bow tie B trousers B Tails w/all accessories Smooth CnS trousers CnS LS shirt CnS tie CnS Tails or short jacket or vest Female Standard & Smooth Latin & Rhythm Competition dress CnS Competition dress CnS two piece dresses NA Top and trunk must not be only bikini/bra Latin & Rhythm CnS Shirt/Top CnS trousers vest, jacket, or bolero jacket the same color as the trousers are optional 2. DECORATIONS, LIGHT EFFECTS NR 3. SHOES, SOCKS, TIGHTS NR 4. HAIRSTYLE If the hair is long it must be worn in a ponytail 5. MAKE-UP NR NR 6. DECORATION & PERSONAL JEWELRY: Decoration Jewelry = anything fixed on the basic dress material, hair, & skin: with light effects (rhinestones, sequins, beads, pearls, etc.) and that looks like it is part of the dress (made from the same or similar material.) Personal Jewelry = any jewelry worn on the body - jewelry that is unattached to the dance apparel and would be worn in the course of everyday life or at a party, such as necklaces or earrings, wedding rings, etc.= any jewelry worn on the body (earring, necklace, bracelet, rings etc.) NR USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 22 TECHNICAL RULES OF COMPETITION 3.10.9 MIXED PROFICIENCY The DanceSport Athlete who is being judged must follow dress code requirements for the age category and dance style in which he/she is competing. The unjudged partner must follow the dress code requirements for his/her own age group at the appropriate proficiency level. USA Dance DanceSport Rulebook 2009-2010 Page 23