Digital File Specifications for Santa Barbara
Digital File Specifications for Santa Barbara
MAGAZINE VOTED BEST CITY & METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE M A G G I E AWA R D S , W E S T E R N P U B L I C AT I O N S A S S O C I AT I O N SantaBarbara MAGAZINE P U B L I C AT I O N & C L O S I N G DAT E S A P R I L / M AY 2 0 1 0 Space closing and ad materials deadline: January 8 On-sale date: April 6 J U N E /J U LY 2 0 1 0 Space closing and ad materials deadline: March 12 On-sale date: June 1 A U G U S T/ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0 Space closing and ad materials deadline: May 14 On-sale date: August 3 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010 Space closing and ad materials deadline: July 9 On-sale date: September 28 D E C E M B E R /J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 Space closing and ad materials deadline: September 10 On-sale date: November 30 F E B R U A R Y/ M A R C H 2 0 1 1 Space closing and ad materials deadline: November 17 On-sale date: February 1 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SantaBarbara MAGAZINE C I R C U L AT I O N & D E M O G R A P H I C S 208,000 potential customers Readers per copy: 5.2 READER DEMOGRAPHICS Average household income $223,000 Between 20 and 40 years old Male Female Education 74% 21% 79% 82% college graduate 46% post graduate 74% 30% 51% 1-3 times per week 74% 58% 71% Own their own home Own more than one home Homes valued at over $1 million Dine out Travel three times or more per year Made purchases from our pages Keep the magazine more than 3 months C I R C U L AT I O N Total average readership Total circulation Paid subscribers Newsstand distribution In-room hotel copies Waiting room copies Events/Marketing Copies purchased by realtors 208,000 40,000 12,000 12,000 9,500 3,000 2,000 1,500 SOURCE: Santa Barbara Magazine’s Readers Survey 2007 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SantaBarbara MAGAZINE PA I D C I R C U L AT I O N I N S A N TA B A R B A R A C O U N T Y 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 PAID Subscribers SOURCE: Stark Services and Time Warner Retail, ABC 2007 Magazine Market Coverage Report MSA By Market, and magazine’s media kits. Sunset Santa Barbara Magazine PAID Hotels/Bulk Sales PAID Newsstand Sales Better Homes & Gardens Time People Martha Stewart Living Vanity Fair Oprah, The Magazine Architectural Digest InStyle Vogue Cosmopolitan Harper’s Bazaar Town & Country W Elle Decor Seasons 0 The only publication in Santa Barbara that delivers 70% paid circulation, ensuring that your message reaches a loyal and qualified audience. 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 BARNES & NOBLE RANKS SANTA BARBARA MAGAZINE HIGHER IN NEWSSTAND SALES THAN ANY OTHER CITY MAGAZINE IN CALIFORNIA. SantaBarbara MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION One thousand newsstands and growing... A L L U P S C A L E C A L I F O R N I A N E W S S TA N D S , P L U S . . . N AT I O N A L B O O K S T O R E S Barnes & Noble, Borders, B. Dalton, Bookstar M A J O R R E TA I L E R S Gelson’s, Whole Foods, Bristol Farms, Lazy Acres Market, Longs Drugs, Ralphs, Albertsons, Rite Aid, Vons, Walgreens, Westward Ho AIRPORTS Los Angeles International Airport, Santa Barbara Airport more than 2,400 guest rooms D I S P L AY E D I N G U E S T R O O M S I N T H E F I N E S T H OT E L S E XC L U S I V E Four Seasons Biltmore, San Ysidro Ranch, Bacara Resort & Spa, Canary Hotel, Hotel Santa Barbara, Cabrillo Inn at the Beach, Inn of the Spanish Garden, Inn on Summer Hill & Spa, Simpson House Inn, Hotel Oceana, Hotel Virginia, UCSB Faculty Club P R O M I N E N T D I S P L AY Ala Mar Motel, Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort, Ballard Inn, Casa del Mar, Casa del Sol, Chantico Inn & Suites, Chumash Casino & Resort, Coast Village Inn, Country Inn by the Sea, Eagle Inn, El Capitan Canyon, Fess Parker’s DoubleTree Resort, Fess Parker’s Wine Country Inn, Fiesta Inn, Franciscan Inn, Glenborough Inn, Harbor View Inn, Hotel Mar Monte, Montecito Inn, Ojai Valley Inn, Old Yacht Club Inn, Prufrock’s Bed & Breakfast, Santa Barbara Inn, Santa Ynez Inn, Tiffany Inn, Upham Hotel, Westlake Village Inn, White Jasmine Inn 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SantaBarbara MAGAZINE 2 0 1 0 N E T A DV E R T I S I N G R AT E S Display (4-color) 1x 6x contract Full page $4,800 $4,050 2/3 vertical $4,450 $3,450 1/2 horizontal $4,300 $3,300 1/4 page $2,000 $1,600 Back cover: $8,750 Inside front cover: $7,300 Facing inside front cover (page 1): $6,700 Inside back cover: $5,900 Black-and-white: Deduct 15% Bleed: Add 15% All rates are net, per insertion. Receive a 15% discount on Santa Barbara Design + Style when advertising in six issues of Santa Barbara Magazine ALL RATES ARE NET A 3% prepublication cash discount is earned Publisher shall not be liable for any cost of damages if, for any if publisher is paid by the date specified on the requested prepay reason, an advertisement fails to be published. Advertiser will form. First-time advertisers must remit a 50% deposit. be billed for advertising when cancellation occurs after reservation closing date. Positioning of advertisement is at the discre- Two-color rates are the same as four- tion of the publisher except when advertiser pays for preferred color rates. Color matching is neither implied nor guaranteed. position and/or publisher promises a specific position in writ- RATE SPECIFICATIONS GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS Advertisers receive special discounts when purchasing Santa Barbara Magazine for clients. ing. Publisher may reject or cancel any advertisement for any reason at any time. The word “advertisement” shall be printed on advertisements that, in the opinion of the publisher, might CONTRACT INFORMATION Cancellations must be received in be confused with editorial matter. Publisher reserves the right writing prior to space reservation deadline. If fewer insertions to publish materials from a previous advertisement if new are run than contracted for, advertiser agrees to pay the dif- materials are not received by materials deadline. If no materials ference between rates paid and rates earned (short rate) are received, advertiser is liable for the space rate. Advertising within 10 days of billing. All advertisements are accepted upon materials are returned to client on request after ad has been the representation that agency and advertiser are authorized published and paid for. Publisher retains copyright on ads pro- to publish the entire contents thereof. Agency (if any) accepts duced by the magazine, and electronic files and film produced responsibility for payment as advertiser’s representative. remain the property of the magazine. 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SANTA BARBARA MAGAZINE DELIVERS THE ULTIMATE INSIDER EXPERIENCE—AN INCLUSIVE APPROACH TO LOCAL CULTURE, FASHION, AND GRACIOUS LIVING. SantaBarbara MAGAZINE TESTIMONIALS “Santa Barbara Magazine is far and away the best-selling magazine we carry...every customer asks for it.” MICHAEL WARNER, MANAGER, BORDERS “We have advertised in Santa Barbara Magazine for more than 20 years—a testiment of our commitment to a publication that delivers results. Each year, our ads have generated sales and provided us with customer leads. The magazine’s distribution has allowed us to access clients across the country in a cost-effective manner. Silverhorn does not spare expense in producing advertisements that reflect our original designs. Santa Barbara Magazine mirrors our image and consistently provides readers with a high-quality publication. We are proud to be showcased in Santa Barbara Magazine.” CA RO L R I D D I N G, C E O & P R E S I D E N T, SILVERHORN JEWELERS 1 1 5 5 C O A S T V I L L A G E R O A D I 8 0 5 . 9 6 9 . 0 4 4 2 I F O U R S E A S O N S B I LT M O R E H OT E L I 8 0 5 . 9 6 9 . 3 1 6 7 I M O N T E C I TO , C A 9 3 1 0 8 “Santa Barbara Magazine is a success story in the publishing of a community-oriented periodical that continues to evolve in quality, stature, and relevance. My continuous marketing presence of more than 12 years attests to my unwavering confidence in the publication.” R A N DY S O L A K I A N, REALTOR ® Lingerie & Bikinis Offers a wide variety of intimate apparel, international bikinis, fluffy shoes, hats and gifts. LI N G ERI E s s s Cosabella s Dolce & Gabbana s s Huit s s La Perla s s Mimi Holliday s Princesse Tam Tam s s Wendy Glez s SWIMWEAR s s s Kushcush s Melissa Odabash s s Milly s So De Mel Swim s s Trina Turk s s Vitamin A s s Vix s Located between the Blue Agave and the Palace Grill in old town Santa Barbara. “We have had individuals from across the country call on items they saw in Santa Barbara Magazine. It’s just advertising that works.” HEAT H ER TAYL O R, A TROPICAL AFFAIR 12 EAST COTA STREET s SANTA BARBARA CA WWW. ATROPICALAFFAIR. COM s PHONE 805.730.1625 F O R A DV E R T I S I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S , P L E A S E C A L L 8 0 5 - 9 6 5 - 5 9 9 9 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SantaBarbara MAGAZINE TESTIMONIALS “People are in love with my ad! I have received calls—the majority of which come from my ad in Santa Barbara Magazine—from clients and designers in Los Angeles and locally. I wish I had started advertising earlier!” BERN ARD S T. C ROI X , ST. CROIX COLLECTION “In almost every ad, we have had people call within one week or less and inquire about an item in the ad—it’s been great exposure! We’ve even sold items based on only the photo people have seen in our advertisements. I can’t imagine life without Santa Barbara Magazine.” WILLIAM LAMA N, OWN ER , WILLIAM LAMAN 1496 EAST VALLEY ROAD MONTECITO CA 93108 TEL 805.969.2840 FAX 805.969.2839 “I advertise in Santa Barbara Magazine because it performs so well for me. Clients come in with my ad torn out each issue, requesting the featured piece. I end up selling the jewelry pictured, generally within the first two weeks a new issue becomes available. A woman visiting from London saw my ad in the magazine that was in her room at the Biltmore, and stopped by my store on her way to the airport because she said she couldn't leave the country without having the piece of jewelry that she saw in my ad! Every ad I have placed with Santa Barbara Magazine has paid for itself.” MERRIEN KOCH, OWNER, ATELIER moonstone fringe necklace handcrafted in 18k gold FAY E K I M D E S I G N S F J C V R S B, CA .. F K D M S W, CT .. As the magazine with the highest paid circulation throughout the Central Coast, Santa Barbara Magazine currently sells more than 40,000 copies each issue through subscriptions and local newsstands. F O R A DV E R T I S I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S , P L E A S E C A L L 8 0 5 - 9 6 5 - 5 9 9 9 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SANTA BARBARA MAGAZINE’S ANNUAL HOMES & GARDENS ISSUE GIVES YOU A RARE PEEK INSIDE ONE OF THE COUNTRY’S MOST EXCLUSIVE ENCLAVES. SantaBarbara MAGAZINE A D P R O D U C T I O N I N F O R M AT I O N Ad Sizes Width x Height With bleed Full page 2/3 vertical 1/2 page 1/4 page Spread 8" x 9.75" 5.125" x 9.75" 8" x 4.75" 3.75" x 4.75" 16.75" x 10 " 9.25" x 11.125" 5.625" x 11.125" 9.25" x 5.5" no bleed option 18.25" x 11.125" Magazine trim size is 9" x 10.875" MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Santa Barbara Magazine is produced computer to plate (CTP) Printing Process: Heat-set web offset Stock: Santa Barbara Magazine is printed on gloss text stock Live matter not intended to bleed must be 3/8" from trim and binding edges. Binding Method: Perfect bound Gutter Safety for Spreads: Critical type and image should not fall within 3/8" of gutter. DIGITAL MATERIALS A color proof is required for any high- work closely with us. Color proofs ($75) are available if resolution image supplied as a finished ad or part of a requested by the ad materials deadline. Alterations after color- production ad. If a color proof is not supplied, the magazine proofing stage, including type changes, may result in cannot guarantee color and the client or agency assumes all additional charges. responsibility for the image. Proofs should be direct digital contact proofs produced in accordance with SWOP (Standard DISCLAIMER Exact color reproduction is our goal, but is Web Offset Printing) standards. If, and only if, the materials not guaranteed. For best results, please keep your ad simple have been received prior to the materials deadline, a digital and supply original image in transparency form (chromes or proof may be ordered from the magazine for $75. Ad materi- slides). Color variances on press and from issue to issue stay als may be re-submitted if there are sizing problems, change in within established SWOP ranges. We make every effort to design, color or information. Please note there is a $70 charge alter colors on request, but cannot guarantee a perfect for the first re-submission and $150 for every file thereafter. match. Supplied ad materials are handled with care, but publisher is not responsible for damages, or for errors PRODUCTION In-house production is not available. We can provide recommendations for designers and agencies that advertiser fails to correct on proofs. All ad materials remain property of the publisher until charges are paid in full. F O R CO M P L E T E M E D I A I N F O R M AT I O N , C A L L U S AT 8 0 5 - 9 6 5 - 5 9 9 9 O R 8 8 8 - 5 9 2 - 0 1 7 1 . 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 SantaBarbara MAGAZINE S U P P LY I N G D I G I TA L A D F I L E S FULL PAGE AND SPREAD ADS should ideally be submitted as TIFF/IT-P1, CT/LW, or raster-based DCS2 with a contract color proof. We also accept formats listed below under technical requirements. Please send full-page and spread ad materials to: Quad Imaging Michael Leos 1174 North Grove Street Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 632-2306 If your existing prepress vendor cannot supply a TIFF/IT file, please contact the Quad Imaging at 1-714-632-2306 or to have your ad processed. Or locally, contact E-Prep Services at 1-805-692-5207. • We require digital ad submissions in PDF/X-1a 4/C T E C H N I C A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R PA R T I A L A N D F U L L PAG E A D S • Ad should be built for Mac compatibility. composite at 300 DPI to size. • TIFF/EPS formats must be 300 DPI, CMYK format • No RGB, spot, or Pantone colors can be accepted • Do not nest EPS files in other EPS files IMAGES • When providing fonts, use Macintosh (not PC) FONTS stylized fonts and do not apply style attributes to basic fonts. • • Digital ad on CD or DVD, including: layout, images, PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING • Quark “Collect for Output” or similar report • Direct digital contact proof fonts, logos • You may e-mail digital files less than 2 MB to Otherwise, you may upload to our FTP site with the following information: user: sbmag password: sbmag2007 • Without a color proof, we cannot guarantee layout PLEASE NOTE GRAPHICS/LOGOS • Bitmap files must be at 1,000 DPI or higher. Four- Continuous tone rastered images should be at 300 line screen or greater color solids should not exceed SWOP density of 300% or color. No changes to the ad may be made after the magazine has been shipped to the printer without substantial alteration charges from the printer. An estimate will be provided upon request. 25 EAST DE LA GUERRA STREET, SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 TEL 805-965-5999 FAX 805-965-7627 ELEGANT AND PROVOCATIVE, SANTA BARBARA MAGAZINE IS THE LIFESTYLE RESOURCE FOR ONE OF CALIFORNIA’S MOST CELEBRATED COMMUNITIES.