- Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
- Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
ANNUAL REPORT 2006 INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY EDITORS Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Wiktor Smułek, Ph.D. Ewa Godlewska-Para, M.Sc. PRINTING Sylwester Wojtas © Copyright by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007 All rights reserved CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 9 11 MANAGING STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE 11 HEADS OF THE INCT DEPARTMENTS 11 SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2003-2007) 11 SCIENTIFIC STAFF 14 PROFESSORS 14 ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS 14 SENIOR SCIENTISTS (Ph.D.) 14 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 17 REACTIONS OF SUPEROXIDE RADICAL ANION WITH METHIONINE-ENKEPHALIN AND ITS TERT-BUTOXYCARBONYL DERIVATIVE. PULSE AND GAMMA RADIOLYSIS STUDIES O. Mozziconacci, J. Mirkowski, K. Bobrowski, Ch. Houée-Levin 19 REACTIONS OF HYDROGEN ATOM WITH METHIONINE-ENKEPHALIN AND RELATED PEPTIDES. PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDY O. Mozziconacci, K. Bobrowski, C. Ferreri, Ch. Chatgilialoglu 21 PULSE RADIOLYSIS GENERATION OF THE RADICAL ANION DERIVED FROM 2,3-DIHYDRO-OXOISOAPORPHINE IN ORGANIC SOLVENTS K. Bobrowski, G. Kciuk, E. Sobarzo-Sanchez, J.R. De la Fuente 22 PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDY OF THE INTERMEDIATES FORMED IN IONIC LIQUIDS. NATURE OF INTERMEDIATES IN PULSE IRRADIATED p-TERPHENYL SOLUTION IN THE IONIC LIQUID METHYLTRIBUTYLAMMONIUM BIS[(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)SULFONYL]IMIDE J. Grodkowski, R. Kocia, J. Mirkowski 23 STEREOELECTRONIC CONTROL OVER THE MECHANISM OF SINGLET OXYGEN-INDUCED DECARBOXYLATION IN ALKYLTHIOCARBOXYLIC ACIDS M. Celuch, M. Enache, D. Pogocki 25 OXIDATION OF THIOETHERS BY ORGANIC COMPLEXES OF COPPER M. Celuch, K. Serdiuk, J. Sadło, M. Enache, D. Pogocki 27 ORGANOSILVER RADICALS IN ZEOLITES J. Turek, J. Sadło, J. Michalik 28 EPR STUDY ON RADIATION-INDUCED RADICAL DISTRIBUTION IN MASSIVE BONE GRAFTS J. Sadło, J. Michalik, G. Strzelczak, A. Dziedzic-Gocławska , A. Kamiński 30 RADIATION CHEMISTS VIEW ON PANSPERMIA HYPOTHESIS Z.P. Zagórski 31 MODIFIED BENTONITE FILLERS IN POLYMER COMPOSITES Z. Zimek, G. Przybytniak, A. Nowicki, K. Mirkowski 33 POLY(SILOXANEURETHANE) UREAS BASED ON ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC DIISOCYANATES MODIFIED BY IONIZING RADIATION E.M. Kornacka, G. Przybytniak, J. Kozakiewicz, J. Przybylski 36 RADIATION EFFECTS IN POLYPROPYLENE/POLYSTYRENE BLENDS W. Głuszewski, Z.P. Zagórski 39 APPLICATION OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TO STUDY POSTIRRADIATION PROCESSES OF POLYMER OXIDATION W. Głuszewski, Z.P. Zagórski 41 CHEMICAL-RADIATION DEGRADATION OF NATURAL POLYSACCHARIDES (CHITOSAN) A.G. Chmielewski, W. Migdał, U. Gryczka, W. Starosta 42 DSC STUDIES OF GAMMA IRRADIATION EFFECT ON INTERACTION OF POTATO STARCH WITH THE SELECTED FATTY ACIDS AND THEIR SODIUM SALTS K. Cieśla, H. Rahier 44 SURFACE TENSION STUDIES OF BINDING CETYLTRIMETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDE TO GAMMA IRRADIATED AND NON-IRRADIATED POTATO AMYLOPECTIN K. Cieśla, H. Lundqvist, A.-C. Eliasson 47 GAMMA IRRADIATION INFLUENCE ON STRUCTURE OF POTATO STARCH GELS STUDIED BY SEM K. Cieśla, B. Sartowska, E. Królak, W. Głuszewski 49 RADIOLYTIC DEGRADATION OF FUNGICIDE CARBENDAZIM BY GAMMA RADIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A. Bojanowska-Czajka, P. Drzewicz, Z. Zimek, B. Szostek, H. Nichipor, M. Trojanowicz 52 COMPARISON OF PPSL AND TL METHODS FOR THE DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD AND FOOD COMPONENTS G.P. Guzik, W. Stachowicz 56 DEVELOPMENT AND ACCREDITATION OF EPR METHOD FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD CONTAINING SUGAR K. Lehner, W. Stachowicz 58 DETECTION OF IRRADIATION IN HERBAL PHARMACEUTICALS WITH THE USE OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE AND ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROMETRY M. Laubsztejn, K. Malec-Czechowska, G. Strzelczak, W. Stachowicz 60 ACTIVITY OF THE LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD IN 2006 W. Stachowicz, K. Malec-Czechowska, K. Lehner, G.P. Guzik, M. Laubsztejn 63 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 65 103 Ru/103mRh GENERATOR B. Bartoś, E. Kowalska, A. Bilewicz, G. Skarnemark ZOLEDRONIC ACID LABELED WITH 47Sc AND M. Neves, I. Antunes, A. Majkowska, A. Bilewicz 211 67 177 Lu FOR BONE PAIN THERAPY 67 211 Rh[16aneS4] At AND Ir[16aneS4] At COMPLEXES AS PRECURSORS FOR ASTATINE RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS M. Pruszyński, A. Bilewicz, M.R. Zalutsky 69 FORMATION KINETICS AND STABILITY OF SOME TRI- AND TETRAAZA DERIVATIVE COMPLEXES OF SCANDIUM A. Majkowska, A. Bilewicz 70 IN VITRO STABILITY OF TRICARBONYLTECHNETIUM(I) COMPLEXES WITH N-METHYL-2-PYRIDINECARBOAMIDE AND N-METHYL-2-PYRIDINECARBOTHIOAMIDE – HISTIDINE CHALLENGE M. Łyczko, J. Narbutt 99m ION EXCHANGE STUDIES ON THE ORGANOMETALLIC AQUA-ION fac-[ IN ACIDIC AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS Z. Samczyński, M. Łyczko, R. Dybczyński, J. Narbutt Tc(CO)3(H2O3] 71 + 73 SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF NEUTRAL BIDENTATE N-HETEROCYCLIC LIGANDS ON THE SEPARATION OF Am(III) FROM Eu(III) BY SOLVENT EXTRACTION WITH TETRADENTATE 6,6’-BIS-(DIETHYL-1,2,4-TRIAZIN-3-YL)-2,2’-BIPYRIDINE J. Narbutt, J. Krejzler 75 ESTIMATION OF CYTOSTATIC AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PLATINUM(II) COMPLEXES WITH THIOUREA DERIVATIVES E. Anuszewska, B. Gruber, H. Kruszewska, L. Fuks, N. Sadlej-Sosnowska 77 TRANSITION METAL SORPTION BY ALGINATE BIOSORBENT D. Filipiuk, L. Fuks, M. Majdan 79 GALLIUM AND INDIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS IN THE DOWEX 1-X8/HCl SYSTEM I. Herdzik, W. Dembiński , W. Skwara, E. Bulska, A. Wysocka 81 PROFICIENCY TESTING SCHEME PLANTS 6 – DETERMINATION OF As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn IN DRY MUSHROOM POWDER (Suillus bovinus) H. Polkowska-Motrenko, E. Chajduk, J. Dudek, M. Sadowska-Bratek, M. Sypuła 82 NEW POLISH CERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR INORGANIC TRACER ANALYSIS: CORN FLOUR (INCT-CF-3) AND SOYA BEAN FLOUR (INCT-SBF-4) H. Polkowska-Motrenko, R. Dybczyński, E. Chajduk, B. Danko, K. Kulisa, Z. Samczyński, M. Sypuła, Z. Szopa 85 DETERMINATION OF CADMIUM, LEAD AND COPPER IN FOOD PRODUCTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY AFTER SEPARATION BY SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION J. Chwastowska, W. Skwara, E. Sterlińska, J. Dudek, L. Pszonicki 89 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LIX. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRIDAZINE-3,6-DICARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS M. Gryz, W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 91 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LX. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF MAGNESIUM(II) AND ZINC(II) COMPLEXES WITH IMIDAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS M. Gryz, W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 92 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXI. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A MANGANESE(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZOLE-3,5-DICARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS T. Premkumar, S. Govindarajan, W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 93 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXII. THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF 2-AMINOPYRIDINE-3-CARBOXYLIC ACID A. Pawlukojć, W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz, I. Natkaniec, D. Nowak 94 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXIII. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A CALCIUM(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZINE-2,3,5,6-TETRACARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 94 CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXIV. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS M. Gryz, W. Starosta, J. Leciejewicz 96 RADIOBIOLOGY IRON CHELATORS INHIBIT DNIC FORMATION TO THE SAME EXTENT, INDEPENDENTLY OF PERMEABILITY K. Brzóska, H. Lewandowska, S. Męczyńska, B. Sochanowicz, J. Sadło, M. Kruszewski 97 99 GHRELIN, A LIGAND FOR THE GROWTH HORMONE SECRETAGOGUE RECEPTOR, INCREASES DNA BREAKAGE IN X-IRRADIATED PIGLET BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS M. Kruszewski, T. Iwaneńko, J. Woliński, M. Wojewódzka 100 GHRELIN INCREASES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-INDUCED DNA BREAKAGE IN PIGLET BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS T. Bartłomiejczyk, T. Iwaneńko, M. Wojewódzka, J. Woliński, R. Zabielski, M. Kruszewski 101 THE EFFECT OF LEPTIN ON DNA BREAKAGE INDUCED BY GENOTOXIC AGENTS IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS M. Kruszewski, T. Iwaneńko, M. Wojewódzka, J. Woliński, R. Zabielski 102 CABAS – A FREELY AVAILABLE PC PROGRAM FOR FITTING CALIBRATION CURVES IN CHROMOSOME ABERRATION DOSIMETRY J. Deperas, M. Szłuińska, M. Deperas-Kaminska, A. Edwards, D. Lloyd, C. Lindholm, H. Romm, L. Roy, R. Moss, J. Morand, A. Wójcik 103 THE TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE FREQUENCY OF RADIATION-INDUCED MICRONUCLEI IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES IS ABOLISHED BY DMSO K. Brzozowska, A. Wójcik 104 VARIABLE RADIOSENSITIVITY OF CHROMOSOMES 2, 8 AND 14 IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES EXPOSED TO 480 MeV/n 12C-IONS M. Deperas-Kaminska, G.N. Timoshenko, E.A. Krasavin, A. Wójcik 105 EFFICIENT DOUBLE STRAND BREAK REJONING AND SURVIVAL IN X-IRRADIATED HUMAN GLIOMA M059 CELLS ARE DEPENDENT ON EGF RECEPTOR KINASE ACTIVITY I. Grądzka, B. Sochanowicz, I. Szumiel 106 DECREASED PERSISTANCE OF γH2AX FOCI IN X-IRRADIATED xrs6 CELLS TREATED WITH SIRTUIN INHIBITOR M. Wojewódzka, M. Kruszewski, I. Szumiel 107 TWO p53 BINDING PROTEINS ARE PRESENT IN LY-R (REPAIR COMPETENT) AND LY-S (REPAIR DEFICIENT) CELLS IN DIFFERENT PROPORTIONS B. Sochanowicz, I. Szumiel 108 PREMATURE CHROMOSOME CONDENSATION IN BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY AFTER HIGH DOSE GAMMA IRRADIATION S. Sommer, I. Buraczewska, A. Wójcik 109 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 111 PROCESS ENGINEERING 113 METHOD FOR COLLECTION OF NITRATE FROM WATER SAMPLES AND DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN AND OXYGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION M. Derda, S.M. Cuna, R. Wierzchnicki 113 THE KINETICS OF TRANS-DICHLOROETHYLENE DECOMPOSITION IN AIR UNDER ELECTRON-BEAM IRRADIATION Y. Sun, A.G. Chmielewski, S. Bułka, Z. Zimek, H. Nichipor 114 ELECTRON BEAM OF VOCs TREATMENT EMITTED FROM OIL COMBUSTION PROCESS A. Ostapczuk, J. Licki, A.G. Chmielewski 115 ELECTRON BEAM TREATMENT OF FLUE GAS FROM FUEL OIL COMBUSTION A.G. Chmielewski, A. Pawelec, B. Tymiński, Z. Zimek, J. Licki, A.A. Basfar 117 DOSIMETRY FOR COMBUSTION FLUE GAS TREATMENT WITH ELECTRON BEAM K. Mehta, S. Bułka 118 CATALYTIC CRACKING OF POLYOLEFINE WASTES IN A LARGE LABORATORY INSTALLATION B. Tymiński, K. Zwoliński, R. Jurczyk 119 ECONOMICAL COMPARISON OF ABSORPTION AND MEMBRANE METHODS APPLIED FOR THE ENRICHMENT OF METHANE IN BIOGAS M. Harasimowicz, G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, W. Ziółkowska, A.G. Chmielewski 120 STUDY OF BOUNDARY-LAYER PHENOMENA IN MEMBRANE PROCESSES G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel, A. Miśkiewicz, M. Harasimowicz, E. Dłuska, S. Wroński, A. Jaworska, C. Cojocaru 121 A STUDY OF STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION IN MILK R. Wierzchnicki, M. Derda 123 3 INTERLABORATORY TESTS OF H MEASUREMENTS IN WATER SAMPLES W. Sołtyk, J. Walendziak, J. Palige 124 MODELLING FOR GROUNDWATER FLOW IN THE OPENCAST BEŁCHATÓW AREA R. Zimnicki 124 TRACER AND CFD INVESTIGATIONS OF SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES IN RECTANGULAR SETTLER J. Palige, A. Dobrowolski, S. Ptaszek, A.G. Chmielewski 125 NATIVE AND TRANSPLANTED Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. AS BIOINDICATOR OF NITROGEN DEPOSITION IN A HEAVY INDUSTRY AREA OF UPPER SILESIA G. Kosior, A. Samecka-Cymerman, A.G. Chmielewski, R. Wierzchnicki, M. Derda, A.J. Kempers 126 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS 128 IDENTIFICATION OF LEAD WHITE OF THE 15th CENTURY GDAŃSK PANEL PAINTINGS BY MEANS OF INSTRUMENTAL NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS E. Pańczyk, J. Olszewska-Świetlik, L. Waliś 128 ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION AND PARTICLES MORPHOLOGY OF LEAD WHITE PIGMENTS B. Sartowska, E. Pańczyk, L. Waliś 130 ULTRAVIOLET BLUE FLUORESCENCE OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN BAROQUE GLASS (FURTHER RESULTS) J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, J. Kierzek, P. Dzierżanowski 134 LATE 17th CENTURY GLASS VESSELS FROM EILAND – TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, M. Mádl, P. Dzierżanowski 136 WATER SOLUBLE SILICA BIOCIDES CONTAINING QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS A. Łukasiewicz, D.K. Chmielewska, L. Waliś 141 THE ROLE OF CARBON, CHROMIUM AND NITROGEN IN AUSTENITIZATION OF UNALLOYED AND ALLOYED STEELS BY INTENSE PLASMA PULSES J. Piekoszewski, L. Dąbrowski, B. Sartowska, L. Waliś, M. Kopcewicz, J. Kalinowska, M. Barlak, J. Stanisławski, Z. Werner, A. Barcz 141 THERMAL STABILITY OF THE PHASES FORMED IN THE NEAR SURFACE LAYERS OF CARBON STEEL BY NITROGEN PULSED PLASMA TREATMENT B. Sartowska, J. Piekoszewski, L. Waliś, J. Stanisławski, L. Nowicki, R. Ratajczak, M. Kopcewicz 142 ELECTRON-BEAM IRRADIATION OF PVDF MEMBRANES AS A METHOD FOR OBTAINING BRITTLE FRACTURES FOR SEM OBSERVATIONS B. Sartowska, O. Orelovitch, A. Nowicki 144 SELECTED PROPERTIES OF POLYPYRROLE NANOSTRUCTURES DEPOSITED IN TRACK-ETCHED MEMBRANE TEMPLATES M. Buczkowski, W. Starosta, B. Sartowska, D. Wawszczak 145 SOL-GEL-DERIVED HYDROXYAPATITE AND ITS APPLICATION TO SORPTION OF HEAVY METALS A. Deptuła, J. Chwastowska, W. Łada, T. Olczak, D. Wawszczak, E. Sterlińska, B. Sartowska, M. Brykała, K.C. Goretta 147 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF YTTERBIUM DOPED KY(WO4)2 NANOCRYSTALS A. Deptuła, M.T. Borowiec, V.P. Dyakonov, W. Łada, T. Olczak, D. Wawszczak, P. Aleshkevych, W. Domuchowski, T. Zayarnyuk, M. Barański, H. Szymczak, M. Brykała 151 SAXS STUDY OF XERO- AND AERO-GELS FORMED FROM MONOSACCHARIDE GELATORS H. Grigoriew, D.K. Chmielewska 153 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS 222 MEASUREMENT OF Rn AND B. Machaj, P. Urbański, J. Bartak 220 156 Rn WITH SINGLE SCINTILLATION CELL 156 DOSIMETRIC GATE DSP-15 E. Świstowski, J. Mirowicz, P. Urbański, J. Pieńkos 158 GAMMA THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY ANALYZER SC-05 E. Świstowski, B. Machaj, E. Kowalska, J. Pieńkos, E. Gniazdowska 159 INVESTIGATION OF DUST POLLUTION IN ASSEMBLING HALL OF TV SETS J. Pieńkos, P. Urbański 160 COMMERCIAL APPLICATION OF ELECTRON BEAM ACCELERATORS AT R&D AND SERVICE CENTER A.G. Chmielewski, W. Migdał, Z. Zimek, I. Kałuska, S. Bułka 161 ELECTRON GUN FOR 10 MeV, 10 kW ELECTRON ACCELERATOR Z. Dźwigalski, Z. Zimek 163 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 165 ARTICLES 165 BOOKS 173 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 173 THE INCT REPORTS 174 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 175 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 176 SUPPLEMENT LIST OF THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2005 185 NUKLEONIKA 186 INTERVIEWS IN 2006 191 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2006 192 PATENTS 192 PATENT APPLICATIONS 192 CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 193 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2006 198 Ph.D. THESES 198 D.Sc. THESES 198 EDUCATION 199 Ph.D. PROGRAMME IN CHEMISTRY 199 TRAINING OF STUDENTS 199 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 201 RESEARCH PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2006 AND IN CONTINUATION 201 RESEARCH PROJECTS ORDERED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2006 202 IAEA RESEARCH CONTRACTS IN 2006 202 IAEA TECHNICAL CONTRACTS IN 2006 202 EUROPEAN COMMISSION RESEARCH PROJECTS IN 2006 202 OTHER FOREIGN CONTRACTS IN 2006 203 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2006 204 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2006 206 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 207 LECTURES 207 SEMINARS 209 AWARDS IN 2006 211 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 212 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS 224 GENERAL INFORMATION 9 GENERAL INFORMATION The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) is one of the successors of the Institute of Nuclear Research (INR) which was established in 1955. The latter Institute, once the biggest Institute in Poland, has exerted a great influence on the scientific and intelectual life in this country. The INCT came into being as one of the independent units established after the dissolution of the INR in 1983. At present, the Institute research activity is focused on: • radiation chemistry and technology, • radiochemistry and coordination chemistry, • radiobiology, • application of nuclear methods in material and process engineering, • design of instruments based on nuclear techniques, • trace analysis and radioanalytical techniques, • environmental research. In the above fields we offer research programmes for Ph.D. students. At this moment, with its nine electron accelerators in operation and with the staff experienced in the field of electron beam (EB) applications, the Institute is one of the most advanced centres of radiation research and EB processing. The accelerators are installed in the following Institute units: • pilot plant for radiation sterilization of medical devices and transplants, • pilot plant for radiation modification of polymers, • experimental pilot plant for food irradiation, • pilot plant for removal of SO2 and NOx from flue gases, • pulse radiolysis laboratory, in which the nanosecond set-up was put into operation in 2001. A new 10 MeV accelerator was constructed in the INCT for this purpose. Based on the technology elaborated in our Institute, an industrial installation for electron beam flue gas treatment has been implemented at the EPS “Pomorzany” (Dolna Odra PS Group). This is the second full scale industrial EB installation for SO2 and NOx removal all over the world. *** In 2006, the INCT scientists published 81 papers in scientific journals registered in the Philadelphia list, among them 49 papers in journals with an impact factor (IF) higher than 1.0. The INCT research workers are also the authors of one book and 7 chapters in scientific books published in 2006. In 2006, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) granted 5 research projects. Altogether the INCT is carrying out 23 MSHE research projects including 3 ordered projects and 1 implementation project, and 6 research projects supported financially by the European Commission. Annual rewards of the INCT Director-General for the best publications in 2006 were granted to the following research teams: • First degree group award to Leon Pszonicki, Jadwiga Chwastowska, Witold Skwara and Elżbieta Sterlińska for two publications in “Talanta” presenting methods for the determination of platinum, palladium and chromium in trace quantities in environmental samples and speciation analysis of Cr(VI) in the presence of Cr(III). 10 GENERAL INFORMATION • Second degree group award to Marcin Kruszewski, Hanna Lewandowska, Teresa Bartłomiejczyk, Teresa Iwaneńko and Barbara Sochanowicz for publications in the journals “Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications”, “Journal of Biological Chemistry” and “Acta Biochimica Polonica” devoted to studies of relations between the metabolism of iron on a cell level and DNA oxidative damage. • Third degree group award to Sławomir Siekierski and Kinga Frąckiewicz for the essential contribution to the work on basic studies of secondary periodicity of elements of the block p (group 13) published in “European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry”. In 2006, the INCT scientific community was especially active in organizing scientific conferences. In total, in 2006, five international meetings have been organized: • Regional Training Course “Application of Monte Carlo modeling methods for dosimetry calculation in radiation processing” in the frame of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Project RER/8/010 “Quality control methods and procedures for radiation technology” (3-7 April 2006, Warszawa); • The Workshop “Dosimetry for radiation application in technologies for environmental pollution control” in the frame of the Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the EU Transfer of Knowledge “Advanced methods for environment research and control (AMERAC)” (5 April 2006, Warszawa); • The Workshop “Methods of enviromental research” in the frame of the Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the EU Transfer of Knowledge “Advanced methods for environment research and control (AMERAC)” (10 August 2006, Warszawa); • Symposium on Chemistry and Radiation Techniques: Challenge and Possibilities – Jubilee of the 80th Anniversary of Prof. Zbigniew P. Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (17 October 2006, Warszawa); • IV Conference on Problems of Waste Disposal (27 November 2006, Warszawa). The international journal for nuclear research – NUKLEONIKA, published by the INCT, was mentioned in the SCI Journal Citation List. MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 11 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE MANAGING STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE Director Assoc. Prof. Lech Waliś, Ph.D. Deputy Director for Research and Development Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Deputy Director for Maintenance and Marketing Roman Janusz, M.Sc. Accountant General Małgorzata Otmianowska-Filus, M.Sc. HEADS OF THE INCT DEPARTMENTS • • • • • Department of Nuclear Methods of Materials Engineering Wojciech Starosta, Ph.D. Department of Radioisotope Instruments and Methods Prof. Piotr Urbański, Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Radiochemistry Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Nuclear Methods of Process Engineering Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Radiation Chemistry and Technology Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. • • • • • Department of Analytical Chemistry Prof. Rajmund Dybczyński, Ph.D., D.Sc. Department of Radiobiology and Health Protection Prof. Irena Szumiel, Ph.D., D.Sc. Experimental Plant for Food Irradiation Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Migdał, Ph.D., D.Sc. Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food Wacław Stachowicz, Ph.D. Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses Zofia Stuglik, Ph.D. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2003-2007) 1. Prof. Grzegorz Bartosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. University of Łódź • biochemistry 2. Assoc. Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiochemistry, inorganic chemistry 3. Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiation chemistry, photochemistry, biophysics 4. Sylwester Bułka, M.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • electronics 5. Prof. Witold Charewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Wrocław University of Technology • inorganic chemistry, hydrometallurgy 12 MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE 6. Prof. Stanisław Chibowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University • radiochemistry, physical chemistry 21. Prof. Józef Mayer, Ph.D., D.Sc. Technical University of Łódź • physical and radiation chemistry 7. Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • chemical and process engineering, nuclear chemical engineering, isotope chemistry 22. Prof. Jacek Michalik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiation chemistry, surface chemistry, radical chemistry 8. Prof. Jadwiga Chwastowska, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • analytical chemistry 23. Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiochemistry, coordination chemistry 9. Prof. Rajmund Dybczyński, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • analytical chemistry 24. Jan Paweł Pieńkos, Eng. 10. Prof. Zbigniew Florjańczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Warsaw University of Technology • chemical technology 11. Prof. Leon Gradoń, Ph.D., D.Sc. Warsaw University of Technology chemical and process engineering • 12. Assoc. Prof. Edward Iller, Ph.D., D.Sc. Radioisotope Centre POLATOM • chemical and process engineering, physical chemistry 13. Assoc. Prof. Marek Janiak, Ph.D., D.Sc. Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology • radiobiology 14. Iwona Kałuska, M.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiation chemistry 15. Assoc. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiobiology 16. Prof. Marek Lankosz, Ph.D., D.Sc. AGH University of Science and Technology physics, radioanalytical methods • Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • electronics 25. Prof. Leon Pszonicki, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • analytical chemistry 26. Prof. Sławomir Siekierski, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry 27. Prof. Sławomir Sterliński, Ph.D., D.Sc. Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection • physics, nuclear technical physics 28. Prof. Irena Szumiel, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • cellular radiobiology 29. Prof. Jerzy Szydłowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Warsaw University • physical chemistry, radiochemistry 30. Prof. Jan Tacikowski, Ph.D. Institute of Precision Mechanics • physical metallurgy and heat treatment of metals 31. Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • analytical chemistry 17. Prof. Janusz Lipkowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences • physicochemical methods of analysis 32. Prof. Piotr Urbański, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • radiometric methods, industrial measurement equipment, metrology 18. Zygmunt Łuczyński, Ph.D. Institute of Electronic Materials Technology • chemistry 33. Assoc. Prof. Lech Waliś, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • material science, material engineering 19. Prof. Andrzej Łukasiewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • material science 34. Prof. Andrzej Wójcik, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Vice-chairman) Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • cytogentics 20. Prof. Bronisław Marciniak, Ph.D., D.Sc. Adam Mickiewicz University • physical chemistry 35. Prof. Zbigniew Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE • physical chemistry, radiation chemistry, electrochemistry 13 • electronics, accelerator techniques, radiation processing 36. Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology HONORARY MEMBERS OF THE INCT SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL (2003-2007) 1. Prof. Antoni Dancewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. • biochemistry, radiobiology 14 SCIENTIFIC STAFF SCIENTIFIC STAFF PROFESSORS 1. Bobrowski Krzysztof 9. Piekoszewski Jerzy radiation chemistry, photochemistry, biophysics 2. Chmielewski Andrzej G. solid state physics 10. Pszonicki Leon chemical and process engineering, nuclear chemical engineering, isotope chemistry 3. Chwastowska Jadwiga analytical chemistry 11. Siekierski Sławomir physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry analytical chemistry 12. Szumiel Irena 4. Dybczyński Rajmund cellular radiobiology analytical chemistry 13. Trojanowicz Marek 5. Leciejewicz Janusz analytical chemistry crystallography, solid state physics, material science 6. Łukasiewicz Andrzej 14. Urbański Piotr radiometric methods, industrial measurement equipment, metrology material science 7. Michalik Jacek 15. Wójcik Andrzej radiation chemistry, surface chemistry, radical chemistry 8. Ostyk-Narbutt Jerzy radiochemistry, coordination chemistry cytogenetics 16. Zagórski Zbigniew physical chemistry, radiation chemistry, electrochemistry ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS 1. Bilewicz Aleksander 6. Pogocki Dariusz radiochemistry, inorganic chemistry 2. Grigoriew Helena radiation chemistry, pulse radiolysis 7. Przybytniak Grażyna solid state physics, diffraction research of non-crystalline matter radiation chemistry 8. Waliś Lech 3. Grodkowski Jan material science, material engineering radiation chemistry 9. Zakrzewska-Trznadel Grażyna 4. Kruszewski Marcin process and chemical engineering radiobiology 10. Żółtowski Tadeusz 5. Migdał Wojciech chemistry, science of commodies nuclear physics SENIOR SCIENTISTS (Ph.D.) 1. Bartłomiejczyk Teresa biology 2. Borkowski Marian chemistry 3. Buczkowski Marek physics 4. Cieśla Krystyna physical chemistry SCIENTIFIC STAFF 5. Danilczuk Marek chemistry 6. Danko Bożena analytical chemistry 7. Dembiński Wojciech chemistry 8. Deptuła Andrzej chemistry 9. Derda Małgorzata chemistry 10. Dobrowolski Andrzej chemistry 11. Dudek Jakub chemistry 12. Dźwigalski Zygmunt high voltage electronics, electron injectors, gas lasers 13. Frąckiewicz Kinga chemistry 14. Fuks Leon chemistry 15. Gniazdowska Ewa chemistry 16. Grądzka Iwona biology 17. Harasimowicz Marian technical nuclear physics, theory of elementary particles 18. Kierzek Joachim physics 19. Kornacka Ewa 15 27. Owczarczyk Andrzej chemistry 28. Palige Jacek metallurgy 29. Panta Przemysław nuclear chemistry 30. Pawelec Andrzej chemical engineering 31. Pawlukojć Andrzej physics 32. Polkowska-Motrenko Halina analytical chemistry 33. Rafalski Andrzej radiation chemistry 34. Sadło Jarosław chemistry 35. Samczyński Zbigniew analytical chemistry 36. Skwara Witold analytical chemistry 37. Sochanowicz Barbara biology 38. Sommer Sylwester radiobiology, cytogenetics 39. Stachowicz Wacław radiation chemistry, EPR spectroscopy 40. Starosta Wojciech chemistry 41. Strzelczak Grażyna radiation chemistry chemistry 20. Krejzler Jadwiga chemistry 21. Kunicki-Goldfinger Jerzy conservator/restorer of art 22. Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz Hanna chemistry 23. Machaj Bronisław radiometry 24. Mikołajczuk Agnieszka chemistry 25. Mirkowski Jacek nuclear and medical electronics 26. Nowicki Andrzej organic chemistry and technology, high-temperature technology 42. Stuglik Zofia radiation chemistry 43. Sun Yongxia chemistry 44. Szpilowski Stanisław chemistry 45. Szreder Tomasz chemistry 46. Tymiński Bogdan chemistry 47. Warchoł Stanisław solid state physics 48. Wąsowicz Tomasz radiation chemistry, surface chemistry, radical chemistry 16 SCIENTIFIC STAFF 49. Wierzchnicki Ryszard chemical engineering 50. Wiśniowski Paweł radiation chemistry, photochemistry, biophysics 51. Wojewódzka Maria radiobiology 52. Zielińska Barbara chemistry 53. Zimek Zbigniew electronics, accelerator techniques, radiation processing RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 19 REACTIONS OF SUPEROXIDE RADICAL ANION WITH METHIONINE-ENKEPHALIN AND ITS TERT-BUTOXYCARBONYL DERIVATIVE. PULSE AND GAMMA RADIOLYSIS STUDIES Olivier Mozziconacci, Jacek Mirkowski, Krzysztof Bobrowski, Chantal Houée-Levin1/ 1/ Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France The pentapeptide methionine-enkephalin (Met-enk) (Chart 1) is a natural opiate that inhibits signals of pain. Many studies have demonstrated the connection between the interactions of the opiate and reactive oxygen species (ROS) with cell injuries [1]. The aromatic amino acid residues are especially good targets for oxidation by ROS during oxidative stress. In particular tyrosine can be converted into a dimer or into dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in enkephalins [2,3]. This interesting free-radical chemistry occurs widely in biological systems but it is still a largely unexplored area of research. The addition of superoxide radical anion (O2 –) to a tyrosyl radical (TyrO ) leads to a hydroperoxide, which gets cyclized by the Michael addition of the amine onto the ring [4]. The stability of the hydroperoxide depends on the neighboring function [5]. However, the occurrence of this mechanism on peptides or proteins has never been directly demonstrated. In this report we report evidence for this mechanism on a natural peptide, Met-enk. Moreover, we show that, when the amine function is blocked by the tert-butoxycarbonyl group – t-Boc-Met-enk (Chart 1), tyrosine is restored by O2 –. The transient absorption spectrum of Met-enk recorded 55 μs after the pulse in N2O-saturated solution containing azide ions, revealed two absorption bands with maxima in the visible region at 390 and 405 nm (Fig.1, curve a). This absorption is assigned to TyrO radicals which were formed upon oxidation of the tyrosine residue (TyrOH) in Met-enk by N3 radicals: · · · · · Fig.1. Absorption spectra obtained after oxidation of Met-enk (c) and t-Boc-Met-enk (z) by N3 radicals in N2O-saturated aqueous solutions containing 0.1 mM of peptides and 50 mM of N3– taken 55 μs after the pulse. · · · TyrOH + N3 → TyrO + H+ + N3– Similar transient absorption spectrum with the two absorption bands at 390 and 405 nm and again assigned to TyrO radicals was observed in the same conditions in solution containing t-Boc-Met-enk (Fig.1, curve b). Like in N2O-saturated solutions, the transient absorption spectra recorded 55 μs after the pulse observed in O2-saturated solutions containing Met-enk and t-Boc-Met-enk were assigned to TyrO radicals. However, in O2-saturated solutions containing Met-enk and t-Boc-Met-enk a new absorption band at 360-380 nm appeared at the millisecond time scale (Fig.2). This band was attributed to the product of the reaction of O2 – with TyrO . However, the kinetic traces leading to this spectrum were different (Fig.2, insets). In solution containing t-Boc-Met-enk, the decay at 405 nm reached a pseudo-plateau around 1 ms after the pulse. Two peaks were observed in HPLC chromatograms after gamma-irradiation in N2O-saturated solutions containing Met-enk. The first peak corresponds to the native Met-enk. The second peak increased with the dose (Fig.3A). It was the most intense peak when fluorescence detection (exc. 284 nm, em. 425 nm) was applied. Additionally, a third peak appeared which also increased with the dose and was fluorescent with the same characteristics (Fig.3B). Both peaks were attributed to dimers of Met-enk linked by bityrosine, the most intense as the 3,3’-bityrosine. UV-VIS spectrum of the irradiated Met-enk solution was characteristic of bityrosine. · · · Chart 1. · 20 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES On the other hand, HPLC chromatograms after irradiation of O2-saturated solution containing t-Boc-Met-enk showed only one peak (Fig.4B) which had the same retention time as the native peptide (Fig.4A) and its density remained very close to that in non-irradiated solution. This indicates that irradiation of Boc-Met-enk in aerobic conditions does not lead to oxidation products since the amount of non-modified peptide was unchanged. All observations described above showed that blocking the amine function by the tert-butoxycarbonyl group does not affect the reaction pathway of TyrO radicals in anaerobic conditions. · Fig.2. Absorption spectrum obtained after oxidation of t-Boc-Met-enk (z) by N3 radicals in O2-saturated aqueous solutions containing 0.1 mM of the peptide and 5 mM of N3– taken 1 ms after the pulse. Insets: The time profiles recorded at λ=405 nm in O2-saturated aqueous solutions containing 5 mM of N3– and 0.1 mM of Met-enk (left) or t-Boc-Met-enk (right). · In O2-saturated solution containing Met-enk, the peak that corresponds to 3,3’-bityrosine was visible only by its very weak fluorescence. This indicates a small yield of 3,3’-bityrosine formation in Met-enk dimer. On the other hand, another new peak with elution time shorter than the native Met-enk was observed. Compared to N2O-saturated solution, the shape of the UV-VIS spectrum was different. The bands at 290 and 315 nm were much weaker, with two intense absorption bands located at 275 and 285 nm. This indicates a lower amount of Met-enk dimers with bityrosine and formation of a new stable product. In N2O-saturated solution containing t-Boc-Met-enk, the stable product pattern was similar to that observed in N2O-saturated solution containing Met-enk (vide supra). Fig.4. HPLC chromatograms recorded in (A) non-irradiated, (B) irradiated with 84 Gy O2-saturated aqueous solutions containing 0.25 mM of t-Boc-Met-enk and 50 mM of N3–. Detection by UV-Vis absorption at 274 nm. In spite of the fact that the first step of oxidation of Met-enk and t-Boc-Met-enk by N3 in aerobic conditions is the same, there are different mechanisms for the secondary reactions occurring in Met-enk and t-Boc-Met-enk in the presence of oxygen compared to its absence. These differences can be rationalized in the following way. In both peptides the addition of O2 – to the aromatic ring of TyrO occurs resulting in their respective peroxide anion enones which further protonate forming the hydroperoxide enones. In Met-enk the hydroperoxide enone undergoes the Michael-addition-type reaction leading to the cyclized compound which further hydrolyses forming stable compound. Its formation might be indicated by a new peak observed in the HPLC chromatogram of irradiated O2-saturated solutions of Met-enk, but not in t-Boc-Met-enk ones. Since the amine functionality is not available in t-Boc-Met-enk, the respective hydroperoxide enone cannot undergo Michael-addition-type reaction. Moreover, it was observed [5] that efficient conversion to the respective hydroperoxides occurs only in peptides contain- · · Fig.3. HPLC chromatograms recorded in irradiated with 84 Gy N2O-saturated aqueous solution containing 0.25 mM of Met-enk and 50 mM of N3–. Detection by: (A) UV-VIS absorption at 274 nm and (B) fluorescence (exc. 284 nm, em. 425 nm). · RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES ing a free amino group in tyrosine itself. Therefore, in t-Boc-Met-enk one has to consider reaction pathway involving hydroperoxide anion, which might undergo oxygen elimination with simultaneous formation of phenoxide-type anions followed by their instantaneous protonation (regeneration of t-Boc-Met-enk). Blocking the terminal amine had thus a key role in the protection of tyrosine. This finding might be exploited in the search for new pain inhibitors. Work was supported by the EC Marie Curie Research Training Network SULFRAD under contract No. HPRN-CT-2002-000184. 21 References [1]. Fontana M., Mosca L., Rosei M.A.: Biochem. Pharmacol., 61, 1253-1257 (2001). [2]. Rosei M.A., Mosca L., De Marco C.: Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1243, 71-77 (1995). [3]. Rosei M., Blarzino C., Coccia R., Foppoli C., Mosca L., Cini C.: Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 30, 457-463 (1998). [4]. Jin F., Leitich J., Sonntag von C.: J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans., 1583-1588 (1993). [5]. Winterbourn C.C., Parsons-Mair H.N., Gebicki S., Gebicki J.M., Davies M.J.: Biochem. J., 381, 241-248 (2004). REACTIONS OF HYDROGEN ATOM WITH METHIONINE-ENKEPHALIN AND RELATED PEPTIDES. PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDY Olivier Mozziconacci, Krzysztof Bobrowski, Carla Ferreri1/, Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu1/ 1/ Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF), National Research Council (CNR), Bologna, Italy · The role of hydrogen atoms (H ) in biology has not yet been completely assessed. It has been suggested that their involvement is not only based on the effect of ionizing radiation in water systems since H can be generated efficiently by the reaction of electrons with dihydrogen phosphate anion (H2PO4–) present in the biological environment [1]. Therefore, a peptide and/or protein damage due to the H attack has to be considered in great detail in order to establish its contribution to the context of radical stress to biomolecules [2]. The selectivity shown by the involvement of methionine (Met) residues could be conveniently evaluated in short amino acid sequences, which also allow gathering further data on the H reactivity. As a model peptide, we considered Met-enkephalin, a neuropeptide composed by five amino acid residues (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met; Tyr – tyrosine, Gly – glycine, Phe – phenylalanine), its leucine analogue (Leu instead of Met), and few selected peptides containing Met. The presence of aromatic residues (Tyr and Phe) and a sulfur-containing amino acid (Met), together with the possibility of comparing analogous sequences without Met, represents an ideal case to study any selectivity of reducing species towards the sulfur-containing amino acid and/or the participation of other reactive sites in the ovearll molecular reactivity. Here, we report pulse radiolysis study of Met- and Leu-enkephalins applying reaction conditions where the H are the relevant reactive species, which affect the Met residues. The optical absorption spectra obtained from the pulse irradiation of argon-purged aqueous solutions of Met- or Leu-enkphalin (0.1 mM) and tert-butanol – t-BuOH (0.5 M) at pH 1.5 are shown in Figs.1 and 2, respectively. Under these conditions, the hydroxyl radicals ( OH) are scavenged – by t-BuOH and eaq are efficiently converted to H . In order to evaluate the relative reactivity of the two enkephalins towards H and the site of the attack, pulse radiolysis experiments were performed · · · · · · · Fig.1. Resolution of the spectral components in the transient absorption spectrum following the H atom reaction with Met-enkephalin (0.1 mM) in argon-saturated aqueous solutions containing t-BuOH (0.5 M) at pH 1.5 taken 10 μs after the pulse. · in order to obtain spectra of isolated radicals derived from Tyr, Phe, and Met. Experiments were performed with a tripeptide Tyr-Gly-Gly, and two dipeptides, Phe-Leu and Gly-Met under identical conditions as for enkephalins. These peptides were selected in order to mimic an appropriate fragment of either Leu-enkephalin or Met-enkephalin and also the position with respect to the N- and/or C-terminal functions of the most vulnerable amino acids (Tyr, Phe and Met) towards the H attack. The transient spectra obtained from these peptides were then used as possible components in the resolution of the transient spectra following reaction of H with Leu- and Met-enkephalins. After resolution of the spectrum for Met-enkephalin (Fig.1), the G×ε values for Tyr-Gly-Gly and Phe-Leu are 1.8×10 –4 and 1.5×10 –4 dm3 J–1cm–1, respectively. Analogously, after resolution of the Leu-enkepha- · · 22 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES · reduced the amount of H by 55% from further reaction with the Tyr and Phe residues. Moreover, the pulse radiolysis experiments indicated that about 50% of H attack the thioether moiety of Met moiety presumably via a sulfuranyl radical (>S -OH) [3,4] with formation of CH3SH and/or CH3S radicals. By using a peptide-liposome model, the cis-trans isomerization of phospholipids has been detected highlighting the role of trans lipid as marker of this radical damage [5]. Work was supported by the EC Marie Curie Research Training Network SULFRAD under contract No. HPRN-CT-2002-000184. · · · References Fig.2. Resolution of the spectral components in the transient absorption spectrum following the H atom reaction with Leu-enkephalin (0.1 mM) in argon-saturated aqueous solutions containing t-BuOH (0.5 M) at pH 1.5 taken 10 μs after the pulse. · lin spectrum (Fig.2), the G×ε values for Tyr-Gly-Gly and Phe-Leu are 4.0×10–4 and 2.5×10–4 dm3J–1cm–1, respectively. Therefore, substitution of Leu by Met [1]. Ferreri C., Manco I., Faraone-Minella M.R., Torregiani A., Tamba M., Manara S., Chatgilialoglu C.: ChemBioChem., 7, 1738-1744 (2006). [2]. Lipinski B.: Br. J. Nutr., 87, 93-94 (2002). [3]. Ferreri C., Manco I., Faraone-Minella M.R., Torregiani A., Tamba M., Manara S., Chatgilialoglu C.: ChemBioChem., 5, 1710-1712 (2004). [4]. Wiśniowski P., Bobrowski K., Carmichael I., Hug G.L.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 14468-14474 (2004). [5]. Mozziconacci O., Bobrowski K., Ferreri C., Chatgilialoglu C.: Chem. Eur. J., (2007), in press (available on the website). PULSE RADIOLYSIS GENERATION OF THE RADICAL ANION DERIVED FROM 2,3-DIHYDRO-OXOISOAPORPHINE IN ORGANIC SOLVENTS Krzysztof Bobrowski, Gabriel Kciuk, Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez1/, Julio R. De la Fuente2/ 1/ University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain 2/ Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile Oxoisoaporphines are a family of oxoisoquinoline-derived alkaloids that have been isolated from Menispermaceae as the sole known natural source [1]. Formation of radical anions (A –) and neutral hydrogenated radicals (A-NH ) from the triplet manifold (3A) was postulated during photoreduction of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine dye (A) by amines [2]. Quantum mechanical semi-empirical PM3 and ZINDO/S calculations reproduce adequately experimentally observed absorption spectra of the excited triplet (3A) and of neutral hydrogenated radicals (A-NH ) with maxima located at 450 and 390 nm, respectively [2]. However, the calculated absorption maximum (λmax~600 nm) of the isolated 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine radical anion (A –) did not match the experimentally observed transient absorption spectrum with maximum located at λmax~490 nm. Therefore, the latter spectrum was assigned to the radical ion-pair between the radical anion of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine and the radical cation of the respective amine. This assignment was further confirmed by Molecular Mechanics and ZINDO/S calculations [2]. Many previous studies have revealed that radical ions can be easily generated by pulse radiolysis in a number of non-polar, polar-nonprotic, and polar-polar protic solvents. Therefore, one may, by choice of solvent and saturating gas, excercise some · · · · control over the nature of the radical ionic species formed in secondary reactions in irradiated solutions, and thus generate both radical anions and cations or preferentially one of them. We have initiated this study in order to obtain a knowledge about the spectral properties of radical ions derived from oxoisoaporphines. The present work is of interest in shedding some light on spectral properties of the radical anion derived from 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine. Both acetonitrile and acetone are known for pulse radiolytic generation of cation as well anion radicals precursors. In these two solvents, both radical ions and only the radical cation are formed under N2 and O2 saturation, respectively [3,4]. The optical absorption spectra obtained from the pulse irradiation of argon-purged acetonitrile solutions of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) are shown in Fig.1. The transient spectrum recorded 0.2 μs after electron pulse show two maxima at 450 and 605 nm, respectively (Fig.1, curve a). They become suppressed upon O2 saturation (Fig.1, curve c), suggesting that they might be associated with the 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine radical anion (A –). The location of the maximum at longer wavelength is in excellent agreement with that calculated for isolated 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine radical anion · RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES · (A –). Therefore, the 605-nm band was unequivocally assigned to the radical anion (A –). While, the radical anion (A –) decays over a microsecond time scale (t1/2~5 μs) (Fig.1, right inset), a new transient spectrum appears which is characterized by two absorption maxima located at 420 and 500 nm, respectively (Fig.1, curve b). Since these two absorption bands are also suppressed in oxygenated solutions they might be assigned to the secondary product(s) derived from the radical anion (A –). This new absorption could be attributed to the neutral N-hydrogen radical of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (A-NH ) formed through protonation of the radical anion (A –). The decay of neutral N-hydrogen radical (A-NH ) occurs on the hundred of microseconds time range (Fig.1, left inset). 23 · · · · · · Fig.2. Transient absorption spectra recorded (a) 1 μs and (b) 40 μs in argon-saturated and (c) 0.2 μs in O2-saturated acetone solutions containing 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) after electron pulse. Inset: Absorption changes at λ=610 nm vs. time following pulse irradiation of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) in argon-saturated acetone solutions. tion bands become suppressed upon O2 saturation (Fig.2, curve c). Again, they can be assigned to the radical anion (A –). However, at shorter wavelength we cannot rule out the contribution of the excited triplet state of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (3A) [2]. The decay of radical anion (A –) in acetone is slightly slower (τ1/2~10 μs) in comparison to acetonitrile (Fig.2, inset). It is evident that the spectral changes observed on a longer time scale (Fig.2, curve b) after decay of the radical anion (A –) are similar to those observed in acetonitrile. Therefore, the absorption could be attributed again to the neutral N-hydrogen radical of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (A-NH ). · · Fig.1. Transient absorption spectra recorded (a) 0.2 μs and (b) 50 μs in argon-saturated and (c) 0.2 μs in O2-saturated acetonitrile solutions containing 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) after electron pulse. Insets: Absorption changes at λ=420 nm (left) and λ=605 nm (right) vs. time following pulse irradiation of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) in argon-saturated acetonitrile solutions. Acetone is known to give both solute cations and anions, as well excited states. The optical absorption spectra obtained from the pulse irradiation of argon-purged acetone solutions of 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphine (0.1 mM) are shown in Fig.2. The transient spectrum recorded 1 μs after electron pulse show two maxima at 430 and 610 nm, respectively (Fig.2, curve a). As in acetonitrile, both absorp- · · References [1]. Sugimoto Y., Babiker H.A.A., Inanaga S., Kato M., Isogay A.: Phytochemistry, 52, 1431-1435 (1999). [2]. De la Fuente J.R., Neira V., Saitz C., Jullian C., Sobarzo-Sanchez E.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 5897-5904 (2005). [3]. Bobrowski K., Das P.K.: J. Phys. Chem., 90, 927-931 (1986). [4]. Bobrowski K., Das P.K.: J. Phys. Chem., 89, 5733-5738 (1985). PULSE RADIOLYSIS STUDY OF THE INTERMEDIATES FORMED IN IONIC LIQUIDS. NATURE OF INTERMEDIATES IN PULSE IRRADIATED p-TERPHENYL SOLUTION IN THE IONIC LIQUID METHYLTRIBUTYLAMMONIUM BIS[(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)SULFONYL]IMIDE Jan Grodkowski, Rafał Kocia, Jacek Mirkowski Room temperature ionic liquids (IL) [1-5] are considered non-volatile and non-flammable and serve as good solvents for various reactions and have been proposed as solvents for green processing and very effective media for numerous reactions [3-5]. Promising experiments concerning application of IL in the nuclear industry brought the question of radiation chemistry in these media. Up to now, only a limited number of experiments were directly focused on radiation stability of IL, the rate constants of several elementary reactions in IL have been studied by the pulse radiolysis technique instead [6-12]. 24 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES In this study, the formation of intermediates derived from p-terphenyl (TP) in the ionic liquid methyltributylammonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide (R4NNTf2) solutions has been studied by pulse radiolysis. TP was chosen because resulting anionic, cationic and excited intermediates have absorption spectra in UV/VIS range (Table) [13]. The pulse radiolysis of TP solution in R4NNTf2 gives subsequently some insight into the nature of primary products of R4NNTf2 radiolysis. The relations between TP* (excited singlet and triplet states) and TP – have been already described. TP photocatalytic activity was the other reason to chose this compound for experiments in IL and select the best conditions for TP – formation. In photochemical process TP – (often used in CO2 reduction [14,15 and references therein]) is formed mainly from singlet excited states 1TP* by reaction with electron donor triethylamine (TEA) and in radiolysis directly in reaction with solvated electrons [14,15]. TP* in IL solution can also be formed by energy transfer from excited radiolysis products of IL and in direct TP excitation by Èerenkov light. · · · Table. Position of λmax of absorption spectra of intermediates derived from TP [13]. Fig. Spectrum at 400 ns after subtraction of the initial spectrum (corrected for spectrum of solvated electron), Ar-saturated 14 mM TP solutions in R4NNTf2 with 3% TEA added, dose – 15 Gy. · even under the best conditions for radiolytic TP – formation (Ar and TEA presence) TP – is always accompanied by other intermediates, mostly 3TP*. TEA enhances the yield of TP – due to scavenging of cation radicals and 1TP*, however it reacts more slowly with 3TP* [15]. The presence of solvated electron scavengers cuts the initial spectrum in the region 400-500 nm to about half value. This indicates that under Ar most of the TP – is formed in the reaction of TP with solvated electrons and their precursors, dry electrons. Some of TP – (less than 50%) are produced in the presence of TEA from 1 TP*. Kinetics of the total absorption decay (in the range 400-500 nm) is quite complicated and the best fitting to the experimental results can be achieved using exponential decay equation with at least three different constants. Addition of O2 to the TP solution, besides elimination of solvated electrons and consequently decreasing the intensity of the spectra, drastically increases the rate of absorption decay. The reduction potentials of TP – and CO2 – in IL are close to each other and the reactions between TP and CO2 and their radical anions in any directions cannot be seen in pulse radiolysis experiments. Concluding, the primary radiolysis products of R4NNTf2 solvent constitute of dry and solvated electrons, cation radicals and excited species. Reduction potential of cationic species it is not high enough to oxidize Br– or SCN– but allows formation of cation radicals of TP. TP – is produced mainly in the reaction with dry and solvated electrons and its lifetime is in order of tens of microseconds in the pulse radiolysis experiments. · · · · The pulse radiolysis of TP solution in R4NNTf2 has been carried out under Ar, CO2, O2 and N2O in the presence or absence of TEA. Fast kinetic measurements have been carried out using 10 ns, 10 MeV electron pulses from a LAE 10 linear electron accelerator [16] delivering a dose up to 20 Gy per pulse. The details of the computer controlled measuring system were described before [11,17]. Resulted under Ar intermediate spectra are formed in two steps, one very fast already completed during the pulse, and the second lasting hundreds of nanoseconds depending on TP concentrations. The second step is eliminated in the presence of electron acceptors. The initial spectra are related to the species listed above and also to solvated electrons, except 1TP* which is too short lived to be observed in nanosecond time scale. In Figure, there is presented an absorption spectrum corresponding to the second step only. It is set up from the difference between the spectrum at 400 ns after the electron pulse (end of the second step) and the initial spectrum (corrected for spectrum of solvated electron) obtained in pulse radiolysis of Ar-saturated 14 mM TP solutions in R4NNTf2 with 3% TEA added. Very similar spectrum is calculated from the results without added TEA. The spectra can be ascribed to the TP – because of the similarity to the reported before results in frozen systems [13]. Comparison of the calculated TP – spectrum with the shape of direct experimental spectra leads to the conclusion that · · · · · References [1]. [2]. Welton T.: Chem. Rev., 99, 8, 2071-2083 (1999). Wasserscheid P., Keim W.: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 39, 21, 3772-3789 (2000). [3]. Ionic liquids: Industrial application to green chemistry. Eds. R.D. Rogers, K.R. Seddon. ACS Symp. Ser., 818 (2002). [4]. Chiappe C., Pierracini D.: J. Phys. Org. Chem. 18, 275-297 (2005). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. Jain N., Kumar A., Chauchan S., Chauhan S.M.S.: Tetrahedron, 61, 1015-1060 (2005). Grodkowski J., Neta P.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 22, 5468-5473 (2002). Grodkowski J., Neta P.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 39, 9030-9035 (2002). Grodkowski J., Neta P.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 46, 11130-11134 (2002). Wishart J.F., Neta P.: J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 30, 7261-7267 (2003). Grodkowski J., Neta P., Wishart J.F.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 46, 9794-9799 (2003). Grodkowski J., Płusa M., Mirkowski J.: Nukleonika, 50, Suppl.2, s35-s38 (2005). Wishart J.F., Funston A.M., Szreder T.: Radiation chemistry of ionic liquids. In: Molten saltz. The Electrochemical Society, Pennigton, NJ, USA, 2006. 25 [13]. Shida T.: Electronic absorption spectra of radical ions. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1988, p. 446. [14]. Grodkowski J.: Radiacyjna i fotochemiczna redukcja dwutlenku węgla w roztworach katalizowana przez kompleksy metali przejściowych z wybranymi układami makrocyklicznymi. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2004, 56 p. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 1/2004 (in Polish). [15]. Fujiwara H., Kitamura T., Wada Y., Yanagida S., Kamat P.V.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 103, 4874-4878 (1999). [16]. Zimek Z., Dźwigalski Z.: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 42, 9-17 (1999), in Polish. [17]. Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J., Płusa M., Getoff N., Popov P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 69, 379-386 (2004). STEREOELECTRONIC CONTROL OVER THE MECHANISM OF SINGLET OXYGEN-INDUCED DECARBOXYLATION IN ALKYLTHIOCARBOXYLIC ACIDS Monika Celuch, Mirela Enache1/, Dariusz Pogocki 1/ Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G. Murgulescu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania Our recent investigations have been devoted to understanding the irreversible pathways of singlet oxygen-induced (1O2-induced) oxidation of carboxyl-substituted thioethers. The reaction of 1O2 with thioether sulphur initially leads to the formation of peroxysulphoxide [1,2]: 1 O2 + >S → >S(+)O-O(–) (1) being in the equilibrium with superoxide radical anion (O2 –) and respective sulphur-centered radical cation: >S(+)O-O(–) = >S + + O2 – (2) The major, enzymatically reversible [3], pathway of persulphoxide decay is the bimolecular reaction with the second molecule of thioether that leads to the formation of respective sulphoxide [1,2]: >S(+)O-O(–) + >S → 2 >S=O (3) Our previous experimental observation [4,5] for the following model thioethers: 2,2’-thiodiethanoic acid (TDEA), 3,3’-thiodipropionic acid (TDPA), 2-(methylthio)ethanoic acid (MTEA), 3-(carboxymethylthio)propionic acid (CMTPA), 2-(carboxymethylthio)succinic acid (CMTSA), have shown the presence of the competitive, irreversible process of decarboxylation that can be schematically represented by below reaction: R- S +-CH2-CO2– → R-S-CH2 + CO2 (4) That process could be quite effective for the sulphur-centered radical cations of α-carboxyl-substituted thioethers. Moreover, the nucleophilic catalysis of reaction (2) seems to be crucial for the competitiveness of the irreversible reaction pathway. In such catalytic process, the weak nucleophile O2 – (pKA(HO2 /O2 –)≈4.8 [6]) is replaced by a stronger nucleophile like OH– or Cl– anions. The DFT calculations have predicted the formation of tetravalent transient – product of OH– (or halogenic anions) addition to persulphoxide, pointing at the occurrence of two-step (AN+DN)-type mechanism of subsequent nucleophilic addition and nucleo- · · · · (5) · · · · philic dissociation [4,5,7]. The observed influence of β-carboxylic groups on the efficiency of decarboxylation suggest that β-carboxylate may catalyze decarboxylation of α-carboxylate in the intramolecular process: The differences in the decarboxylation yield between the acids (Table) can be rationalized in terms of the stereoelectronically controlled Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement [8,9] previously observed for carbocations: (6) The upper branch of this mechanism shows the fragmentation pathway that could be easily adopted for decarboxylation of sulphur-centered radical cations in alkylthiocarboxylic acids. (7) In this mechanism, the electron from the σ bond (between Cα and carboxylate) is donated to the radical-cation center. The weakening of the bond results in a subsequent release of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the quite objective measure of the radical-cation propensity to undergo such fragmentation could be distortion of the donor σ bond toward the electron acceptor site at oxidized thioether sulphur. 26 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Table. Alkylthiocarboxylic acids, structures and relative yields of 1O2-induced decarboxylation. Fig.2. Relative yield of 1O2-induced decarboxylation in alkylthiocarboxylic acids vs. the ξ angle. In the DFT quantum chemical calculations [10] we obtained geometries and electronic structures of sulphur-centered radical cations derived from each of the investigated transient species. (The representative example for CMTSA is presented in Fig.1.) For CMTPA and CMTSA, the sulphur-centered leaning of σ bond towards the radical-cation centre that seems to confirm the assumed mechanism. This work described herein was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (grant No. 3 T09A 066 26). The computations were performed employing the computer resources of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Warsaw University (ICM G24-13). References Fig.1. The DFT (B3LYP/6-31G(d)) calculated structure of sulfur-centered radical cation in CMTSA. The angle ξ has been chosen as a measure of distortion of the donor σ bond (Cα-CO2) toward the electron acceptor radical cation. radical cations being precursor of α-carboxylate decarboxylation could be stabilized by the formation of three-electron-bonded species with the oxygen atom of adjacent β-carboxylate group. (The geometries and electronic structures of such species we have extensively investigated previously [11,12].) In order to analyze the structures of sulfur-centered radical cations in terms of the Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement mechanism we chose the angle ξ (Fig.1) as a measure of distortion of the σ bond toward the radical-cation centre. Indeed, the computational results show a quasi-linear dependence of relative yield of decarboxylation on ξ (Fig.2). The decarboxylation yield increases with growing [1]. Clennan E.L.: Acc. Chem. Res., 34, 875-884 (2001). [2]. Jensen F., Greer A., Clennan E.L.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120, 4439-4449 (1998). [3]. Sharov V.S., Ferrington D.A., Squier T.C., Schöneich C.: FEBS Lett., 455, 247-250 (1999). [4]. Celuch M., Enache M., Pogocki D.: Singlet oxygen-induced oxidation of alkylthiocarboxylic acids. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 26-28. [5]. Celuch M., Pogocki D.: Singlet oxygen-induced decarboxylation of carboxyl substituted thioethers. In: INCT Annual Report 2004. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2005, pp. 27-29. [6]. Bartosz,G.: Druga twarz tlenu. Wolne rodniki w przyrodzie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2003, pp. 1-447 (in Polish). [7]. Williams A.: Concerted organic and bio-organic mechanisms. CRC Press, Boca Raton 2000, pp. 1-286. [8]. Rauk A.: Orbital interaction theory of organic chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 2001, pp. 1-343. [9]. Chanon M., Rajzman M., Chanon F.: Tetrahedron, 46, 6193-6299 (1990). [10]. Frisch M.J. et al.: Gaussian 03. (Rev. B.03). Gaussian Inc., Pittsburgh PA 2003. [11]. Pogocki D., Schöneich C.: J. Org. Chem., 67, 1526-1535 (2002). [12]. Pogocki D., Serdiuk K., Schöneich C.: J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 7032-7042 (2003). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 27 OXIDATION OF THIOETERS BY ORGANIC COMPLEXES OF COPPER Monika Celuch, Katarzyna Serdiuk1/, Jarosław Sadło, Mirela Enache2/, Dariusz Pogocki 1/ 2/ Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa, Poland Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G. Murgulescu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania The presence of cupric ions is essential for proper metabolism of many organisms. The best recognized and appreciated function of cupric ions is their participation in the active centers of numerous enzymes [1]. On the other hand, the faults in copper homeostasis in humans are frequently related to disorders with neurological symptoms [2,3]. For example, copper is bind by β-amyloid peptide (βA), the most abundant constituent of senile plaques observed in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains [2,3]. The βA-bound copper can be involved in the cycle of Fenton like reactions, in which free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) presented in pathology of AD may be formed [4]. In this work, we continue investigation of the mechanisms that may explain the ability of βA to reduce copper in reaction: MetS + βA(CuII) ↔ βA(CuI) + MetS + (1) Such process seems thermodynamically unfavorable [5], since in normal conditions the difference between the reduction potentials of βA(CuI/CuII) (0.5-0.55 V vs. Ag/AgCl) [6] and MetS +/Met (1.26-1.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl) [7-10], is about ca. 0.7-1.0 V, thus equilibrium (1) should be shifted to the far left-hand side [5]. However, reaction (1) may occur if coupled with the other exergonic reaction. One of possible scenario is the removing of MetS + from the equilibrium by the formation of α-(alkylthio)alkyl radicals (αS ) in exergonic, general base catalyzed reaction: MetS + + B → Met(αS) + BH+ (2) Therefore, in this work we studied, on the model systems, reactions that may spontaneously lead to the formation α-(alkylthio)alkyl radicals, potentially influencing equilibrium (1) and accelerating oxidation of the methionine (Met) residue in peptides. We examined a molecular system, in which the complex of CuII with imidazole mimics cupric site of βA. The fifth fold excess of imidazole (Im) over Cu2+ guarantee that at least 95% of copper is in the form of Cu(Im)42+-type complex of known properties: λmax≈590 nm (ε=53 ±2 M–1cm–1) [11] and E0(CuII/CuI)≤0.2 V and E0(CuI/Cu0)≤0.6 V vs. SCE [12]. The methionine residue was mimicked by organic α-substituted thioethers: 2,2’-thiodiacetic acid (TDEA, HO2C-CH2-S-CH2-CO2H), and 2-(methylthio)acetic acid amide (MTAA, CH3-S-CH2-CO2-NH2). In both cases the reduction of Cu(Im)42+-complexes should be accompanied by a simultaneous formation of the resonance stabilized α-(alkylthio)alkyl radicals. For TDEA, entropy driven decarboxylation is the main source of α-(alkylthio)alkyl radicals, whereas for MTAA the facilitated deprotonation, due to the captodative effect stabilizing α-(alkylthio)alkyl radicals, will dominate [13]. Contrary to fast decarboxylation of TDEA, deprotonation in MTAA should be susceptible to the presence of proton acceptors [14]. · · · · · · Fig.1. The ESR signal changes vs. incubation time in argon-saturated (solid symbols) and oxygen-saturated (open symbols) solutions containing: 1.5×10–3 M CuCl2, 7.5×10–3 M Im and 0.75×10–3 M (square) or 3.0×10–3 M (triangle) of MTAA. The reduction of Cu(Im)42+ by thioethers was investigated in oxygen- or argon-saturated aqueous solution containing 1.5×10–3 M CuCl2, 7.5×10–3 M Im, and (0.75; 1.5 or 3.0)×10–3 M of thioethers at neutral pH, incubated at 50oC. The progress of reaction was monitored using three independent methods: high performance ion chromatography exclusion (HPICE) [15] was applied for quantitative determination of products and substrates. Decay of CuII was monitored by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy (in the redox pair CuII/CuI only CuII cations are paramagnetic). The formation of CuI was followed using UV-VIS absorption spec- Fig.2. The concentration of Cu(BCA)23– complexes vs. incubation time for argon-saturated solutions containing: 3.0×10–3 M of thioether (MTAA – squares, TDEA – triangles), 1.5×10–3 M CuCl2 and 7.5×10–3 M Im. troscopy of 2,2’-bicinchoninic acid (BCA) complex with Cu+ cations (Cu(BCA)23–: λmax≈562 nm, ε≈7700 M–1cm–1) [16]. 28 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES show faster changes for TDEA, which reduces CuII with more than two times higher efficiency than MTAA. On the other hand, we obtained the evidence that the process of CuII-complexes reduction, induced by deprotonating thioether such as MTAA, could be accelerated in general acid-base catalysis by phosphate ions (Fig.3). The mechanism shown in Scheme is a preliminarily attempt to rationalize current observation for MTAA. It requires, however, additional consideration especially on the mechanistic details of the conversion of peroxyl radicals regenerating the mother compounds. This work described herein was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (grant No. 3 T09A 066 26). Fig.3. The influence of phosphate ions (H2PO4–/HPO42–) on the kinetics of CuII reduction by MTAA in argon-saturated solutions containing: 0.75×10–3 M thioether, 1.5×10–3 M CuCl2, 7.5×10–3 M Im and (solid symbols) 0.15×10–3 M phosphate buffer, (open symbols) phosphate free solution. References [1]. [2]. [3]. For the all samples containing TDEA, and for argon-saturated samples containing MTAA we observed the decay of ESR signal. Whereas for oxygen-saturated samples of MTAA the intensity of ESR signal remained on the same level for more than 300 h of incubation (see example in Fig.1). Also, the HPICE measured changes of MTAA concentration during incubation in oxygen-saturated solutions were insignificant. Similarly, the formation of Cu(BCA)23– complexes was observed in the presence of both thioethers in argon-saturated samples (Fig.2). Generally, the significant differences in kinetics between thioethers were observed. For the same concentrations of TDEA and MTAA, both the ESR and the UV-VIS experiments [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. [14]. [15]. [16]. Scheme. Holm R.H., Kennepohl P., Solomon E.I.: Chem. Rev., 96, 2239-2314 (1996). Strausak D., Mercer J.F., Dieter H.H., Stremmel W., Multhaup G.: Brain Res. Bull., 55, 175-185 (2001). Gaggelli E., Kozłowski H., Valensin D., Valensin G.: Chem. Rev., 106, 1995-2044 (2006). Halliwell B., Gutteridge J.M.: Free radicals in biology and medicine. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999, pp. 1-936. Schöneich C.: Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 397, 370-376 (2002). Huang X. et al.: J. Biol. Chem., 274, 37111-37116 (1999). Merényi G., Lind J., Engman L.: J. Phys. Chem., 100, 8875-8881 (1996). Engman L., Lind J., Merényi G.: J. Phys. Chem., 98, 3174-3182 (1994). Huie R.E., Clifton C.L., Neta P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 92, 477 (1991). Sanaullah, Wilson S., Glass R.S.: J. Inorg. Biochem., 55, 87-99 (1994). Edsall J.T., Falsenfeld G., Goodman D.S., Guard F.R.N.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 3054-3061 (1954). Li N.C., White J.M., Dood E.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 6219-6223 (1954). Wiśniowski P.: Wpływ grup funkcyjnych na inicjowane radiacyjnie procesy rodnikowe w tioeterach (The influence of functional groups on the radiation initiated radical processes in thioethers). Ph.D. thesis. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jadrowej, Warszawa 2001 (in Polish). Mönig J., Goslich R., Asmus K.-D.: Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 90, 115-121 (1986). Weiss J.: Ion chromatography. VCH, Weinheim 1995, pp. 1-465. Boyd-Kimball D., Mohmmad A.H., Reed T., Sultana R., Butterfield D.A.: Chem. Res. Toxicol., 17, 1743-1749 (2004). ORGANOSILVER RADICALS IN ZEOLITES Jerzy Turek, Jarosław Sadło, Jacek Michalik During radiolysis of solutions containing silver salts, Ag+ cations are reduced to Ag0 atoms which initiate silver agglomeration process. The solvent radicals formed radiolytically compete with Ag0 to react with Ag+ cations. Just after irradiation at 77 K in frozen solution of methanol containing silver perchlorate the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements reveal a doublet with silver hyperfine splitting in the range 60-70 mT representing Ag0 atoms [1]. During thermal annealing, a doublet with much smaller splitting Aiso(Ag)=13.6 mT appears together with a less intense triplet with A(Ag)=30.0 mT. Based on the electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) result, the doublet RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES was assigned to an adduct of Ag+ cation and hydroxymethyl radical ( CH2OH) with a one-electron bond between silver and carbon. In gamma-irradiated silver zeolites exposed to methanol vapour the doublet of silver hydroxymethyl radical is also observed, but hyperfine splitting values vary very much for different zeolite structures [2]. The goal of our studies was to define the nature of bonding between Ag+ cation and small carbon radicals and to determine the factors that affect the value of A(Ag) hyperfine splitting for organosilver radicals. After dehydration at 200oC, the zeolite samples have been oxidized with O2 under pressure of 300 Torr for one hour. Next, oxygen was pumped out and the methanol was adsorbed at room temperature. The samples were gamma-irradiated at 77 K in a 60Co source. The EPR spectra were measured using a Bruker ESP-300 spectrometer equipped with a cryostat operating in the temperature range 100-350 K. · Fig. The EPR spectra at 160 K of (a) Ag-ferrierite and (b) Ag-NaA zeolites exposed to methanol vapour and gamma-irradiated at 77 K. Ag·C dublets represent silver hydroxymethyl radicals. Typical EPR doublets of [Ag·CH2OH]+ adduct labelled as Ag·C are shown in Fig. for Ag-NaA and Ag-ferrierite zeolites exposed to methanol. The hyperfine splitting values for various zeolite structures are presented in Table 1. They differ from 12.0 mT for 4A zeolite to 19.5 mT for ferrierite. The dependence of Aiso(Ag) constant on the Si/Al ratio is strong in big cation capacity zeolites and probably is linear. However, the cation capacity affects A(Ag) value of [Ag·CH2OH]+ only to a minor degree as was proved by the experiments with Ag-ZSM-5 zeolites with Si/Al ratio in the range 30 to 200 and MCM-41 zeolites with Si/Al ratio from 10 to 30. To verify our experimental conclusions concerning the zeolite lattice influence on the 29 Ag·C radical structure, we performed density functional theory (DFT) calculations for a system of Ag+ cation interacting with hydroxymethyl radical. Those calculations confirmed that the one-electron bond between silver and carbon is able to stabilize the [Ag·CH2OH]+ adduct. The formation of the adduct causes a substantial shift of spin density from carbon to silver. An EPR doublet cannot originate from the Ag·O one-electron bond because such configuration gives a very low spin density on silver. The results of DFT calculations show that the A(Ag) of [Ag·CH2OH]+ radical depends strongly on the interaction of Ag+ with the surroundings especially with electronegative atoms. Theoretical value of hyperfine splitting of the free silver hydroxymethyl radical is equal to 16.4 mT. If one takes into consideration the interaction of one methanol molecule with the metallic centre of [Ag·CH2OH]+ radical, the A(Ag) value calculated by the DFT method decreases to 14.2 mT which is very close to the experimental value observed in gamma-irradiated frozen solutions of silver perchloride in methanol. But when the radical forms a hydrogen bond A(Ag) this value increases to 216 G. Comparing DFT results with the data of EPR experiments, it was proved that in zeolites with big cation capacity the silver hydroxymethyl radical interacts with a silicaallumina network by the metallic centre of the radical. The decrease of cation capacity modifies the radical surroundings changing electronic density distribution. In zeolites with small cation capacity, the formation of hydrogen bonds with zeolite network is postulated as a dominating interaction of silver hydroxymethyl radical. The theoretical calculations showed also a substantial influence of the functional group on the Ag hyperfine splitting for different adducts with the Ag·C one-electron bond (Table 2). It depends on the ability of the functional group to attract or repulse electrons. Electron donor functional groups Table 2. Theoretical values of A(Ag) for different organosilver radicals. Table 1. Experimental values of A(Ag) hyperfine splitting for [Ag·CH2OH]+ in different zeolites. increase spin density on the Ag nucleus which results with large values of hyperfine splitting ranging from 13 to 20 mT. In contrast, A(Ag) for Ag·C organosilver radicals with electron acceptor groups are in the range 5-8.5 mT because they decrease the spin density on silver. 30 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES It is worthy of stressing that the functional groups which decrease or increase A(Ag) splitting are similar to those which, in a similar way, affect electron density on π orbitals of benzene ring. Thus, we can speculate that resonance structures similar to the structures in the chemistry of aromatic hydrocarbons are responsible for the observed effect. References [1]. Symons M.C.R., Janes R., Stevens A.D.: Chem. Phys. Lett., 160, 386 (1989). [2]. Michalik J., Sadlo J., van der Pol A., Reijerse E.: Acta Chem. Scand., 51, 330 (1997). EPR STUDY ON RADIATION-INDUCED RADICAL DISTRIBUTION IN MASSIVE BONE GRAFTS Jarosław Sadło, Jacek Michalik, Grażyna Strzelczak, Anna Dziedzic-Gocławska1/ , Artur Kamiński1/ 1/ Central Tissue Bank, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland The bone transplantation method, a useful tool of orthopedic surgery, requires advanced and fully controlled methods of sterilization, mainly using ionizing radiation sources. Radiation can fast provide sufficient energy to sterilize a whole volume of bone pieces. Small volume grafts – like bone powder fillers or pieces of compact bone like plates or poles, have been sterilized in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) by accelerators for many years. Recently, tissue banks offer also massive grafts – the whole fragments of bone. In that case, because of complicated shape and composition of compact and spongy bone types, it is necessary to control the dose distribution as well as the distribution of radiation-induced radicals. It should be stressed that dose distribution must not be identical with radical distribution because of inhomogeneity of bone structure. For experiments, the human tibia bones were used. A massive fragment was cut into thin slices assembled back into the anatomical shape. Next, it was one-sided irradiated by a 10 MeV electron beam (Elektronika, INCT) with a dose of 30 kGy. A similar fragment was two-sided irradiated with a dose of 2x20 kGy. The fragment of the same configuration was irradiated by 60Co gamma rays (Issledovatel, INCT, 30 kGy). Next, all the slices were cut into about 100 small pieces and then crushed into powder to avoid anisotropic effects. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements were carried out using an X-band Bruker ESP 300 spectrometer. The measured EPR signal, an anisotropic singlet with g⊥=2.003 and gll=1.997 (Fig.1), origins from mineral part of the bone was assigned earlier to CO2– radical. The signal is stable and its intensity increases linearly with absorbed dose. The highest difference in the concentration of CO2– radicals in small pieces of the bone irradiated in a 60Co source does not exceed 18%. That type of radiation can easily penetrate the bone fragments in the whole volume because of high penetrability of gamma rays. Thus, the radicals concentration should be similar in the whole cross-section of the bone. However, the experimental results are different because of inhomogeneity of bone structure and, in practice, the radical concentration in gamma-ir- radiated massive bones renders the percentage of hydroxyapatite through bone cross-section. The radical concentration is higher in bone pieces containing more hydroxyapatite. Fig.1. EPR spectrum of CO2– radical induced in irradiated bone. For one-sided irradiation, the distribution of radicals is similar to dose depth dependence: maximum concentration is at the depth of one centimeter. Concentration difference between the upper and lower part is about 60% indicating that the applied dose does not guarantee sterility of the bone (Fig.2A). In case of two-sided irradiation, the distribution of radical concentration is much more flat and the difference between the highest and lowest values is about 30% (Fig.2B). The dose distribution during electron beam irradiation was estimated using a PVC foil dosimeter (spectrophotometric method) as well as a powder alanine dosimeter (EPR dosimetry). In both cases the dosimeters were placed between two bigger bone parts and then one-sided irradiated. The alanine powder was placed in small flat bags. The alanine from each bag was measured separately. The results confirmed that the profile of distribution is rather complex because of the complicated shape RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 31 Fig.2. Dose distribution in one-sided (A) and two-sided (B) massive bone grafts. of irradiated object and the presence of bone channels. For both dosimeters, the maximum dose was equal to about 120% of the initial value, and the dose distribution was very similar to radical concentration distribution. It is concluded that for massive bone fragments one-sided irradiation does not guarantee sterilization of the whole fragments, therefore two-sided irradiation should be applied as a routine in that case. RADIATION CHEMISTS VIEW ON PANSPERMIA HYPOTHESIS Zbigniew P. Zagórski The year 2006 was the last full year of my participation as the member of Managing Committee in the European action in chemistry COST D27 (Prebiotic chemistry and early evolution), as the only radiation and radiochemist in the Committee. The field is closely connected to the so-called astrobiology, which deals with life and prebiotic chemical compounds present anywhere in the universe. Problems involve transportation of that material in any directions, what can be involved in the origin of life on earth. The very old [1] concept of panspermia hypothesis may be traced to Greek philosophers. Even now, the idea that the transportation of spores from the universe is responsible for the origin of life on earth, is always widely accepted as long as it is not confronted with conditions in the universe. These are characterized mainly by the existence of invisible, but chemically and biologically active ionizing radiations. Their intensity is sufficient to kill highly organized life and also primitive life, if the time of interaction is long enough. We have presented the quantitative relationships on practically all workshops organized during COST D27 meetings and other conferences, e.g. on ISSOL 05 [2], stressing the chemical mechanism of the irreversible radiation damage to dry spores. The best description of possibilities of spores to survive the transportation in the universe is the table published by Benton Clark [3], then slightly modified [4]. Clarks paper is seldom quoted; it is simply non-existent among enthusiasts of panspermia. The doses which decide about very low probability of panspermia are similar to doses applied in technology of radiation sterilization, widely used for killing all microorganisms in medical devices and medicaments [5]. The radiation should not damage the sterilized material, which survives the irradiation with a minimal loss of active compound or remains with negligible degradation of material, usually a polymer. The same applies to celestial bodies: if the sojourn in space is comparatively short, the only change, however important, is the killing of life, e.g. of spores which otherwise would be the seeds of life transported to earth. As one can see from the Clark table, the time of travelling in space with resulting sterilization only, is astronomically speaking short. However, the real sojourn in radiation fields lasts very much longer and the absorbed, additive doses grow [6]. Clark’s table (in modified version see [4]) shows more than when and in what object the spores will be inactivated. What happens during longer stays, especially to objects of small size like cosmic dust, easily penetrated not only by electromagnetic ionizing radiations like gammas, but also by particles like protons and by heavier ions, present in galactic cosmic rays? These objects are absorbing mammoth doses of radiation energy, which causes many chemical reactions. The next to sterilization dose is the dose not very much higher, causing abstraction of parts of biopolymers or parts of organic compounds. There are many examples of such reactions, the most general is the fact common in 32 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES radiation chemistry, i.e. the abstraction of a group which leaves in the molecule a site with unpaired electron. Another example is the destruction of chirality. Abstraction of a group, e.g. of ammonia from the α-carbon in an amino acid, turns off the asymmetry of the remaining radical. The free radical can attach a group, and the new compound will be chiral, if the group is different from the remaining three. Therefore, if the original amino acid was a pure enantiomer, any products of the subsequent reaction will keep chirality, but will be racemic, 1:1 D to L. Hypothetical homochirality of a compound achieved (perhaps) far from the Earth will be lost during the travel. Moving to higher doses resulting from even longer stays in the universe, we are turning into the zone of complete degradation, and sometimes even to disappearance of an organic compound. The Scheme shows possible degradation reactions. Scheme. The final result can depend on the surrounding, whether oxidative presence of oxygen, or reducing, or vacuum. In both two last named cases, the final product can be nano-sized carbon dust, and such reaction is called radiation-induced carbonization. Large objects staying for a long time in space obtain highest doses of ionizing radiation at the surface, gradually diminishing towards the inside. The depth dose can be estimated from the Clark table. The surface of the object is the most irradiated part and the best known object is the planet of Mars [7]. Its regolith is not only completely sterilized but also relieved from organics. Perhaps part of organics has been degraded to elementary carbon, present, if so, as black dust moved with the Martian thin CO2-wind. Anyway, chances for detection of organics on the surface of Mars are poor. Similar conclusions have been drawn by photochemists, assuming devastating chemical influence of deep UV reaching the surface of Mars. Their argument is poor, because supposed the Martian organics show usually no absorption in UV, but even in the presence of chromophoric groups the effect is of low importance, because the depth of penetration is shallow. Therefore, the deciding influence of ionizing radiation is more important. The low temperature of space on the route of moving objects is not a protecting factor, because radiation-induced reactions proceed with low activation energy and presented chemical effects observed at liquid nitrogen temperatures are not dramatically lower in comparison to those at ambient temperatures. The common reaction of abstraction of hydrogen, not limited to spores but of general occurrence [8], corroborates well with characteristic feature of organic compounds, identified spectroscopically in interstellar spaces of the universe. They are as poor in hydrogen as possible, e.g. methyltriacetylene (C7H4), methylcyanodiacetylene (C6NH3), cyanoallene (C4NH4), ketenimine (C2NH3), cyclopropenone (C6OH2) and many polyaromatics. The remaining hydrogen atoms are difficult to detach during absorption of ionizing radiation, because they usually belong to structures, mainly polyunsaturated and aromatic which possess the ability to dissipate the absorbed ionization energy without ionization. The question remains why the life on earth is not destroyed after sufficiently long action of ionizing radiation. The ionizing radiation which impregnates the universe is reaching the surface of earth in much reduced intensity, due to the shield of the atmosphere, equivalent to 3 meters of concrete. Even the most penetrating galactic cosmic rays, which reach the earth in cascades of secondary ionizing radiations are responsible for only small contributions to mutations forming in living organisms. Other ionizing radiations coming from outer space, like gamma bursts, proton beams from events in the Sun and other stars, are almost fully absorbed. Therefore, the contribution of space radiation to the radiation background on earth is only similar to the present level supplied by radioactive material on earth. The deciding fact causing not the inactivation of life on earth but, vice versa, even some positive effects, is the interaction of radiation with living matter. Whereas the DNA in the living species, i.e. in aqueous suspensions, when damaged slightly by ionizing radiation can be repaired, the DNA in dry spores is effectively, irreversibly damaged by the very first doses of radiation. The effect is additive, and even low doses are damaging, after accumulation of elementary acts, mainly of hydrogen abstraction, over ages. Repaired damages to living populations do not accumulate. The by-product of low level radiation damage are possible mutations, like many other factors in the environment. They occur only due to the action on living organisms, they do not occur when spores are irradiated, when irreversible changes take place. The soon coming fifth anniversary of the COST action D27 asks for formulation of conclusions. Intensive, also experimental investigation of the fragment of the action connected with panspermia and more, i.e. the action of ionizing radiation in the universe on objects travelling in space, demands revision of some well established opinions. Theoretical considerations as well as experimental simulations show that these objects are not only sterilized, what demands comparatively low doses, but also deprived of its homochirality, if any, and eventually even freed from organic compounds. Therefore, here are examples of defined conclusions: The very thoroughly investigated Murchison meteorite, supposed to originate ca. 4 Giga years RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES ago and bringing to the earth samples of organic compounds, including amino acids from the beginning of the solar system, could not be so old as claimed. Such a long sojourn in space is connected with the deamination of amino acids and related loss of homochirality. The ancient origin of presence of any organic compounds is highly doubtful. The lifetime of Murchinson meteorite should be estimated in millions and not milliards (US – billions) of years. The identity of organic matter found in hundreds of published papers indicates that this object has been ejected from earth later than 200 million years ago, that means not earlier than deposites of coal have been formed on earth. Especially polyaromatics and lignine related compounds indicate the origin in large coal deposits, covering a lot of earth surface. Specialists in considerations of ejection of meteorites from Mars, which have reached Earth agree that ejections from Earth to Earth are a little bit less probable, but not impossible [9]. The matching of location and time of oblique strike of an asteroid on Earth demands more analysis and studies. The second, but not last conclusion refers to Mars, an object lasting under the ionizing radiation for Giga years. Assuming that 4 Giga years or so ago, Mars had oceans of water, the organic soup was formed, not concluding into creation of life. If water has evaporated and disappeared, the organic matter should remain, but in the next millions of 33 years it was radiolysed down to inorganic remains. Therefore, there should be no hope to find organic matter whatsoever on Mars. And really, no traces of organics have been found yet. Actual efforts to refine methods of investigation for organic matter look like waste of money. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology and by the European Project COST D27 (Prebiotic chemistry and early evolution). References [1]. Luisi P.L.: The emergence of life, from chemical origins to synthetic biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006. [2]. Zagórski Z.P.: Origins Life Evol. Biosphere, 36, 244-246 (2006). [3]. Clark B.C.: Origins Life Evol. Biosphere, 31, 185-197 (2001). [4]. Zagórski Z.P.: Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 46, 42-52 (2003), in Polish. [5]. Zagórski Z.P.: Sterylizacja radiacyjna (Radiation sterilization). 2nd ed. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2007 (in Polish). [6]. Zagórski Z.P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 66, 329-334 (2003). [7]. Zagórski Z.P.: Nukleonika, 50, Suppl.2, S59-S63 (2005). [8]. Zagórski Z.P.: Indian J. Rad. Res., 3, 89-93 (2006). [9]. Artemieva N. (Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres, RAS, Moscow, Russia): private communication (21.11.2006). MODIFIED BENTONITE FILLERS IN POLYMER COMPOSITES Zbigniew Zimek, Grażyna Przybytniak, Andrzej Nowicki, Krzysztof Mirkowski In our previous work, maleic anhydride (MA) was grafted on the inorganic surface of bentonites containing montmorillonite (MMT) [1]. The main conclusion driven from the studies was that maleic anhydride reacts via the anhydride group with active ionic sites of bentonite forming a salt-like compound. Irradiation with electron beam leads to the breakage of double bond in maleic anhydride and to the production of new organic phases. The range of ionizing radiation doses was found to optimize filler production [2,3]. In the recent work, we have used the obtained fillers to prepare composites with polypropylene (PP) and compare properties of the pure polymer and polypropylene composites with bentonite modified ammonium salts. Isotactic polypropylene (iPP) Malen P J601 was purchased from Basell Orlen Polyolefines. Unmodified bentonite Tixogel VP (TVP) containing >90% montmorillonite in the form of sodium salt was obtained from Riedel-deHaen. Two kinds of unmodified Polish bentonites were received from Mine “Zebiec”, Starachowice: “Special”, containing more than 70% of pure montmorillonite and type “SW”, containing ca. 50% of pure montmorillonite. Samples of Polish bentonites “Special” modified with ammonium salts (benzyldodecyldimethyl and didecyldimethyl bromides) were obtained from Rzeszów University of Technology and extra pure samples of montmorillonite were obtained from Wrocław University of Technology. Maleic anhydride was absorbed on bentonites from 10% w/w solution in acetone for half an hour. The solids were washed with acetone (to remove excess of anhydride) and dried for 6 h under low pressure at 30oC. The samples of MMT/MA were irradiated with 10 MeV electron beam. The overall doses were 26, 52, 78 or 104 kGy. All the samples, before testing and mixing with a polymer, were ground and sieved in order to select fraction of particles below 70 μm, used for further processing. The composites of polypropylene and modified bentonites were prepared in a Brabender mixer in the temperature range of 185-210oC. After mixing, the samples were pressed in the form of foils of a thickness of about 0.35 mm. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the foils were frozen in liquid N2 and broken. SEM photos at different magnifications were obtained using a Zeiss SEM microscope after gold deposition. Structure of modified montmorillonite was studied by the WAXD (wide-angle X-ray diffraction) method using a URD-6 X-ray diffractometer with graphite monochromatized Cu-Kα radiation. SEM photos were obtained with a Jena DSM 942 (Germany) scanning electron microscope with different magnification. 34 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES The mechanical properties: tensile strength, yield stress and elongation at break were tested using a universal testing machine Instron 5565. All the measurements were performed at ambient temperature according to PN/ISO-527 standard. Infrared (IR) measurements were conducted on a Bruker FTIR spectrometer in single reflection mode (ATR), using a Si prism. WAXD diffractograms of pristine and modified with maleic anhydride bentonite “Special” are shown in Fig.1. The results clearly confirm the presence of montmorillonite in bentonites which is characterized by specific reflection to the planes (001) and a periodic distance. Diffractogram (b) of modified montmorillonite reveals a new peak at the position 2θ=21o what has to be assigned to the changes in the structure in (002) plane and might suggest that maleic anhydride is attached to the surface of montmorillonite layers. IR spectra recorded for montmorillonite, maleic andydride modified montmorillonite before and after irradiation with a dose of 75 kGy, do not show details of bond type between montmorillonite and maleic anhydride forming before and after irradiation with electron beam (Fig.2). This is probably due to low concentration of organic compounds in the modified montmorillonite. Only the presence of maleic anhydride is visible in the spectra of modi- Fig.1. WAXD diffractograms of: (a) bentonite “Special”, as purchased, (b) bentonite “Special” after absorption of maleic anhydride and irradiation with a dose of 26 kGy. (002). The basal spacing of the montmorillonite is 1.55 nm calculated from the peak on diffractogram a (position 2θ=5.7o). Upon modification with maleic anhydride, a diffraction peak of bentonite is almost at the same place (2θ=5.6o, d=1.58 nm) (Fig.1, diffractogram b) proving that the spacing between layers is not changed significantly and that the anhydride is not intercalated between intergallery layers of montmorillonite. However, intensity of the lines becomes lower what must result from greater disorder of the layered silicates, while maintaining Fig.2. FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectra of: (a) unmodified bentonite “Special”, (b) bentonite “Special” modified with maleic anhydride, (c) bentonite “Special” modified with maleic anhydride and irradiated with a dose of 78 kGy. fied montmorillonite as a band in 1600 cm–1 region (C=O band of carbonyl compound). SEM photos at different scale levels of polypropylene foils containing 2.9 wt% of “Special” montmorillonite modified with maleic anhydride and Fig.3. SEM images of polypropylene filled with bentonite “Special” modified by didecyldimethylammonium bromide (cross-section of thin foil) at different magnifications. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 35 Fig.4. SEM images of polypropylene filled with bentonite “Special” modified by maleic anhydride and irradiated with a dose of 26 kGy (cross-section of thin foil) at different magnifications. irradiated with a dose of 50 kGy (Fig.3) were compared with similar photos of foil obtained from polypropylene containing 2.9 wt% of “Special” montmorillonite modified with didecyldimethylammonium bromide (Fig.4). Photos of the selected composite confirm homogeneity of material obtained from polypropylene and montmorillonite modified by maleic anhydride, and subsequently irradiated. At the micrometer level, images indicate that aggregates of a few micrometers are statistically dispersed in the matrix. On the basis of the consistuents corresponding to 5 μm one can conclude that there are particles strongly interacting with the matrix. Their structure is indistinct, borders between components are blur, it seems that fragments of fillers are separated by a polymer. Such a picture indicates on apparent compatibility between fillers and the matrix. Some tactoids that contain montmorillonite layers are not parallel thus, disorder of clay significantly increases during mixing of the polymer with fillers. SEM photos of polypropylene mixed with ammonium salt modified montmorillonite show excellent homogeneity of the obtained samples. No mineral parts of dimensions above 500 nm are visible. Magnification is too low to confirm exfoliation of montmorillonite, but on the basis of visible structure of the polymeric mixture it is very probable. Presented photos confirm that the laboratory method used by us for the preparation of composite samples was correct. Mechanical properties of the original polypropylene and composites of montmorillonite based on polypropylene are collected in Table. Presented data are the average values calculated from three independent measurements. Since the addition to polymeric matrix more than 5% w/w of the filler causes a significant growth of viscosity in melted state, the experiments were performed at a concentration of ca. 2.9% w/w of dispersed phase. Samples of polypropylene mixed with unmodified bentonite, except for one composite from a very fine, laboratory purified sample of montmorillonite, showed insufficient mechanical properties: they were very fragile and cracked at low elongation. One of the Table. Mechanical properties of polypropylenes filled with modified bentonites. 36 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES representative examples of these results is shown in Table. In all the composites the yield stress is unaffected or slightly increased in comparison with the pristine polymer, while the tensile strength decreases for all the studied components. The elongation at break drops for Tixogel VP and “SW” composites from 790 to 686% and 549%, respectively, and increases to 808% when clay loading is bentonite “Special”. Generally speaking, the presence of the montmorillonite, even upon modification, does not have a large effect on the mechanical properties of the composites, but the role of purity of montmorillonite is visible. Unexpectedly, poor results are obtained for composites of polypropylene and montmorillonite “Special” modified with two types of ammonium salt, although the samples observed in SEM have shown excellent dispersion of the fillers in the polymer matrix. The best mechanical properties exhibit polypropylene filled with extra fine, laboratory prepared montmorillonite modified with maleic anhydride and irradiated; quality of composites containing (in order) “Special”, Tixogel VP, and “SW” bentonites are lower. The melt transition of polypropylene is 162oC and increases upon dispersion of montmorillonite in the matrix. Modification of the different types of bentonite by absorption of maleic anhydride, followed by irradiation with electron beam shows that particles obtained in this process are good fillers for the production of composites on the basis of polypropylene. Some properties of final materials are better than those of initial polypropylene, especially for composites obtained from modified and irradiated montmorillonite with low impurity level. Ionizing radiation facilitates compatibilization of MMT/MA fillers with the matrix due to introduction of organophilic bridges between dispersed minerals and polypropylene. However, anhydrides are not able to intercalate significantly into interlayer galleries increasing d-spacing. The proposed processing might reduce the contribution of maleic anhydride and inhibit the degradation associated with the presence of larger amount of anhydride. This work was supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) – grant PBZ-KBN-095/T08/2003. References [1]. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Mirkowski K.: Modification of montmorillonite fillers by ionizing radiation. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 34-35. [2]. Polish Patent Application P. 379779 (2006). [3]. Filho F.G.R., Jeferson T., Melo A., Rabello M.S., Silva M.L.: Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 89, 383-392 (2005). POLY(SILOXANEURETHANE) UREAS BASED ON ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC DIISOCYANATES MODIFIED BY IONIZING RADIATION Ewa M. Kornacka, Grażyna Przybytniak, Janusz Kozakiewicz1/, Jarosław Przybylski1/ 1/ Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland Ionizing radiation is often used to sterilize medical devices made from polymeric materials. However, except lowering the level of bioburden, irradiation affects physicochemical and mechanical properties of polymers leading usually to degradation or/and crosslinking. A proportion between both processes determines final effect. Among products that are supposed to be sterilized are polyurethanes used as scaffolds for culturing of biological (e.g. human) cells for tissue engineering purposes. Recently, segmented polyurethanes have been studied extensively due to their biocompatibility and excellent mechanical properties [1]. One of the interesting examples of such a material is polyurethane containing siloxane soft segments that provide hydrolytic stability, elasticity and chemical inertness. It Scheme. seems that during irradiation urethane-based products can undergo chain scission at urethane hard regions as well as at siloxane segments. The character of isocyanates used for polymerization, proportions between NCO and OH groups and the length of siloxane chains determine resistance of materials towards ionizing radiation. Data obtained from the recent investigations show that radical processes in aliphatic poly(siloxaneurethane) ureas (PSURURs) proceed predominantly in siloxane segments [2]. Nevertheless participation of urethane domains also must have an influence on direction and yield of radiation-induced reactions. Their contribution is determined by NCO/OH ratio as the excess of NCO groups is converted to urea bonds in a moisture-curing processes. The length of isocyanate sequences RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES in hard segments increases with concentration of free isocyanate units in a prepolymer [3]. Hard and soft segments create two distinct microphases (or in some cases even macrophases). On the other hand, it is generally accepted that urethane or urea groups form extensive hydrogen bonding systems. Yilgör et al. found that the strength of hydrogen bonds between urethanes is much weaker than between urea links due to highly polar character of the later group [4]. Thus NCO/OH ratio changes properties of urethane based polymers and is supposed to modify their radiation resistance. On the other hand, quantum mechanical calculations indicated the absence of interaction between silicones and urea groups [5]. The polyurethane based materials were prepared from methylene di(p-phenyl isocyanate) or isophorone diisocyanate, oligosiloxanediol and water used as a chain-extending agent (Scheme). The synthesis was performed with the prepolymer method [1]. Samples of structures shown in Table were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) after exposure to a dose of 6 kGy in a 60Co gamma source (Issledovatel) under cryogenic conditions, i.e. at 77 K, since free radicals appeared to be unstable at ambient temperature. EPR measurements were performed on an X-band Bruker ESP 300 spectrometer. Spectra were recorded directly upon irradiation of the samples and after their annealing to indicated temperatures. Samples of PSURURs investigated by gas chromatography were irradiated with a 10 MeV electron beam generated in a linear electron accelerator Elektronika 10/10 to indicated doses. The total doses were obtained by multipass exposure (30 kGy per one pass). The yield of hydrogen in the gas phase volatilize from irradiated at room temperature polymers was determined with a gas chromatograph Shimadzu-14B. The thermoconductivity method was used for detection. Table. Composition of PSURUR. Fig.1. EPR spectra of listed in Table PSURURs irradiated to a dose of 6 kGy at 77 K. associated with the occurrence of methylene radical, ≡SiCH2 that was identified also in oligosiloxanediols applied as substrates in PSURUR synthesis [2]. One representative EPR spectrum recorded for oligosiloxanediol of n=10 is shown in Fig.2(a). The proportion 1:2:1 among lines characteristic of interaction of two equivalent protons is perturbed due to sharp singlet situated in the middle of the spectrum that has been attributed to the silicon radical ≡Si . Thus, the methylene radical is produced by hydrogen abstraction whereas the silicone one by losing the methyl group. An evidence for Si-C bond scission might be also found in some spectra detected upon irradiation. Enlargement of the scale leads to the disclosure of quartet characteristic of the methyl radical, A(3H)=2.3 mT. The gaseous product decays just at 77 K, therefore only traces of CH3 were detected in some samples (Fig.2(c)). The efficiency of methylene radical production in siloxane segments was determined on the basis of analysis high field peak indicated in Fig.1 with an arrow in all experimental spectra. This external line does not represent superposition of signals but exclusively a side peak of the triplet. Depending on the structure of PSURURs, either spectrum shown in Fig.2(a) or a signal of its analogue for n=30 were used for quantitative analysis. Relative concentration of methylene radicals depends on –[Si(CH3)2O]n– size; for n=30 the contribution is significantly higher than for n=10, both in aromatic and aliphatic urethanes (Fig.3). Introduction of aromatic rings determines also relative concentration of siloxane radicals. Aliphatic PSURURs show a smaller relative contribution of paramagnetic · · · The EPR spectra recorded under cryogenic conditions for PSURURs of structures presented in Table are shown in Fig.1. A triplet of hyperfine splitting near 2.2 mT is the dominant component of all experimental signals. A centerfield absorption varies and depends predominantly on the proportions between NCO and OH groups and a length of –[Si(CH3)2O]n– units. Previous studies revealed that the triplet is 37 38 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES · Fig.3. Relative concentrations of methylene radical ≡SiCH2 determined on the basis of analysis of EPR signals (see text). Fig.2. EPR spectrum of (a) oligosiloxanediol, n=10, irradiated at 77 K; (b) signal obtained by subtraction of spectrum (5) from (3) presented in Fig.1 assigned to radicals that unpaired spins are localized at heteroatoms; (c) experimental evidence for production of CH3 . · species in siloxane units than aromatic ones since energy deposited in soft domains and aliphatic regions of hard segments rather induces radicals than is transformed into heat, as it takes place in aromatic hard segments. Thus, comparison of the results obtained for samples 1-2 and 5-6 (Fig.3) leads to the conclusion that the ability to dissipation of ionizing radiation energy by phenyl groups diminishes the population of radicals. Distribution of radical centers varies depending on NCO/OH proportions; the amount of methylene radicals for n=10 decreases in the following se- quence 1>3>4, for NCO/OH=2, 2.5, 3, respectively. When the ratio NCO/OH increases, unpaired spins more frequently are localized at urethane and urea bonds. Character of the intermediates is unknown as the EPR spectra that could be assigned to such radicals take the shape of unresolved singlet (Fig.2(b)). The signal represents radicals of unpaired spin localized at heteroatoms. Lost of hydrogen atoms is expected in both segments, hard and soft. Yields of the product measured by the gas chromatography method are shown in Fig.4. Emission of H2 in aliphatic PSURURs, 2 and 6, significantly prevails over that found for aromatic polyurethanes. The results directly indicate that deposited radiation energy initiates radical processes more effectively if polymeric chains comprise isophorone ring instead of phenyl groups. The yield of hydrogen abstraction for aromatic PSURURs is above three times smaller than for their aliphatic analogues as can be concluded from the comparison of G(1) and G(2), as well as G(5) and G(6) values. Dissipation of radiation energy by aromatic rings involves protection against radical processes not only in urethane segments but also in siloxane domains. The G values of aromatic PSURUR are comprised in the narrow range from 0.20 to 0.36/100 eV. It seems that the influence of NCO/OH ratio plays an insignificant role in hydrogen release. Fig.4. Radiation yield of hydrogen determined by gas chromatography (A) and consumption of oxygen resulting from radical processes (B). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Simultaneously, with radiation yield of H2, the consumption of oxygen from the space above the sample inserted in the vial was estimated (Fig.4(b)). Considerable scattering of results makes detailed analysis impossible. However, all G(O2) values for aliphatic PSURURs are in a similar range as G(H2) data found for aromatic analogues. Thus, unexpectedly, O2 consumption in aliphatic PSURURs is much lower than the hydrogen yield. Such a disproportion between results might be tentatively interpreted as a result of very efficient recombination between carbon centered radicals leading to crosslinking. It seems that in aliphatic PSURURs the yield of oxidation processes is very limited, however this suggestion needs further investigations. In aromatic PSURURs, the concentration of radicals situated at hard segments is lower than in aliphatic ones due to efficient dissipation of ionizing radiation energy. Therefore, the relative concentration of methylene radicals is higher and the yield of dehydrogenation is much smaller than in 39 polyurethanes prepared from isophorene cyanate. To some extent the protection effect spreads over the whole polymeric material. Proportion between urethane and urea groups do not influence hydrogen abstraction processes that proceed only in hydrocarbon regions or in methyl groups of siloxane units. It seems that aliphatic PSURURs have a tendency to efficient crosslinking. References [1]. Kozakiewicz J.: Advances in moisture-curable siloxane-urethane polymers. In: Advances in urethane science and technology. Eds. K.C. Frisch, D. Klempner. Lancaster-Basel: Technomic Publ. Co. Inc., 2000, vol. 14, pp. 97-149. [2]. Kornacka E.M., Kozakiewicz J., Legocka I., Przybylski J., Przybytniak G., Sadło J.: Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 91, 82 (2006). [3]. Kwiatkowski R., Włochowicz A., Kozakiewicz J., Przybylski J.: Fibres Text. East. Eur., 11, 5, 107 (2003). [4]. Yilgör E., Yilgör I.: Polymer, 42, 7953 (2001). [5]. Yilgör E., Burgaz E., Yurtsever E., Yilgör I.: Polymer, 41, 849 (2000). RADIATION EFFECTS IN POLYPROPYLENE/POLYSTYRENE BLENDS Wojciech Głuszewski, Zbigniew P. Zagórski Several applications of polymers demand resistance towards ionizing radiation, e.g. for disposable medical devices sterilized by radiation, for applications in nuclear industry and in nuclear reactors, also for outer space localizations etc. Depending on the nature and extent of radiation damage, solution of the problem consists in application of additives, produced for general application of polymers. They work often very well also as a protection from radiation damage, especially when they contain aromatic groups which act as energy sink via energy transfer mechanism. Some additives are not acceptable, especially in medical applications and one of the aims of this investigation was to answer a question if an aromatic polymer as an additive can limit the extent of radiation damage. However, the main topic of the project is basic research on classic aliphatic/aromatic energy transfer, this time extended from small molecules to polymers. Freeman [1] first has found that in irradiated simple system of cyclohexane/benzene, radiolytic hydrogen was not formed in proportion to the composition, i.e. benzene was reducing the hydrogen yield to a higher degree than was expected. The effect was investigated later in several laboratories and was called “deviation from the mixture law”. It was investigated also in frozen systems, gaining interesting facts connected with the solid crystalline state. Deviation from the mixture law was never investigated systematically in the field of radiation chemistry of polymers. Albano et al. investigated the polypropylene/polystyrene (PP/PS) 20/80% blends, at low doses [2] and high doses [3] (70-400 kGy) with resulting full protection of polypropylene, to be expected. As in the case of cyclohexane/benzene system, the hydrogen production was used as a basic indi- cation of radiolysis extent, but in the chosen system of polypropylene/polystyrene, also formations of methane and carbon monoxide (after oxidative experiments) in the function of dose and composition were studied, as well as kinetics of oxygen consumption in the presence of air. Further stages of oxidative degradation of polypropylene were studied by diffuse reflection spectrophotometry (DRS) [4,5]. Introduction of small molecule additives into polymer composition is simple, but preparation of aliphatic/aromatic polymer blends is more complicated and demanded new procedures. The case of polypropylene/polystyrene, i.e. of a semicrystalline, nonpolar thermoplastic polymer with a polar, amorphous polymer is known to be immiscible. Mechanical mixing proved formation of unsatisfactory blend from the point of view of energy transfer, but other approaches resulted in a proper mixture. Sample “A” was prepared by mixing commercial polymers: polypropylene Malen P J-400Z*1632/01 from Basell-Orlen and polystyrene from Owispol-Dwory. The proportions were: 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100% of polystyrene. In spite of the most thorough blending injection and pressing in a mechanical way, the surface area of contact between both polymers was assumed not to be as most favourable for energy transfer and, therefore, two other procedures of sample preparation have been developed. Sample “B” was prepared from virgin polypropylene (F 401) in the shape of powder, collected from the Orlen-Olefins production line, without additives, next impregnated with polystyrene dissolved in a styrene monomer (fresh distilled, free from stabilizers) in proportion of polypropylene/polystyrene as above. Afterward, the styrene was removed 40 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES by evaporation during gentle heating. Sample “C” was prepared by soaking polypropylene powder with stabilizer – free styrene and polymerization/grafting in the gamma field from cobalt-60 at a dose rate of 1.5 kGy/h. All added styrene has polymerized totally, but the adjusted percentage was checked gravimetrically as in sample ”B”. Polymerization grafting of styrene proceeds in a chain mechanism in the presence of polypropylene, with high radiation yield (12 000 effects/100 eV), due to the generous supply of free radicals by irradiated polypropylene. Styrene alone (the same batch), gamma- or electron beam irradiated, polymerizes very slowly and the progress of reaction can be followed by the increase of viscosity only. All proportions of both polymers were checked by weighing the final preparations. All irradiations, except gamma exposure mentioned above, were done with electron linacs, “Elektronika” 10/10 (10 MeV, 9 kW) or “LAE 13/9” (up to 13 MeV, 9 kW straight beam, or 6 kW bent beam of improved monoenergetic spectrum) [6]. Determination of hydrogen, methane, and secondary product carbon monoxide as well as of oxygen consumption were done by gas chromatography using a Shimadzu GC 2040 and GC 2010, molecular sieves 5A, in carrier gas argon. The applied methods of analysis and investigation, i.e. gas chromatography together with diffuse reflection spectrophotometry have shown to be effective in recognition of protection effects in aliphatic/aromatic blends of polymers. Key intermediates and final products of radiolysis have been determined, i.e. hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. Fig.1. Radiation yield of hydrogen in the function of polypropylene/polystyrene composition. A curve does not start at the same point as curves B and C, because a commercial polypropylene containing already additives was in this case used. Curves B and C start from virgin polypropylene. Dose – 25-100 kGy. For the preparation of blends and mixtures of aliphatic/aromatic polymers three methods have been proposed. Conventional blending of polypropylene and polystyrene in Brabender and/or by injection does not give desired results of protec- Fig.2. Radiation yield of methane in the function of polypropylene/polystyrene composition. A curve does not start at the same point as curves B and C, because a commercial polypropylene containing already additives was in this case used. Curves B and C start from virgin polypropylene. Dose – 25-100 kGy. tion against radiolysis of polypropylene by polystyrene (Figs.1 and 2). Mechanical methods cannot secure sufficiently large interphase for energy transfer. Classical case of previously investigated, protection phenomena, i.e. benzene/cyclohexane was effective only in liquid state or frozen from the gas phase. Application of grafting of styrene on polypropylene, by two slightly different procedures resulted in a proper response to expected protection effect. It extended, according to a vague estimate to be a distance of 9-12 mers of polypropylene. Thus, the classical case of radiation protection effect in the benzene/cyclohexane system has been extended into the field of polymers. The solid state system benzene/cyclohexane shows energy transfer only if it is crystallized from the gas phase to secure close contact of constituents. In the case of polymeric system of polypropylene/polystyrene, the mechanical mixing is not sufficient and the effect of energy transfer occurs only in the case of impregnated and grafted samples. Chains of both polymers, aliphatic and aromatic must have sufficient area of contacting, or exhibit low distance sites for energy transfer to the aromatic structure, which is the sink of energy. This investigation was supported by a grant No. 0989/T08/2005/28 from the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. References [1]. Freeman G.R.: J. Chem. Phys., 33, 71 (1960). [2]. Albano C., Reyes J., Ichazo M., Gonzáles J., Hernández M., Rodrígues M.: Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 80, 251 (2003). [3]. Albano C., Reyes J., Ichazo M.N., González J., Rodríguez M.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 208, 485 (2003). [4]. Zagórski Z.P.: Int. J. Polimer. Mater., 52, 323 (2003). [5]. Zagórski Z.P.: Rafalski A.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 48, 595 (1996). [6]. Zagórski Z.P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 22, 409 (1983). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 41 APPLICATION OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TO STUDY POSTIRRADIATION PROCESSES OF POLYMER OXIDATION Wojciech Głuszewski, Zbigniew P. Zagórski Oxidation of polymers in the atmospheric environment is responsible for the degradation of properties. These processes are initiated by increased temperature and/or by UV light. Conventional prevention of these undesired phenomena in application of commercial polymers is the addition of photostabilizers and antioxidants. Radiation processing, e.g. radiation sterilization by electron beam or gamma radiation causes additional oxidation of polymers already during irradiation (polyethylene – PE, polypropylene – PP and many others), as well as oxidation by oxygen after irradiation, by a chain mechanism, in particular in the case of polypropylene. The last mentioned reaction prevents the application of common polypropylene for production of medical objects to be sterilized by ionizing radiation. Conventional additives mentioned above do not help in full extent, therefore additional components are looked for, in particular among specific aromatic compounds. Observation of dynamics of oxidation processes in polymers is comfortable by the gas chromatographic method [1]. One record secures determination of abstracted hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane (Fig.1). The present report shows also the advantages of oxygen determination, in particular the loss of oxygen, consumed in oxidation of a inhomogeneity (in comparison to scanned beam) of the radiation field is neutralized by a special alanine – powder dosimetry, with the diffuse reflection spectrophotometry (DRS) measuring method [3]. The method is using the fact that the free radical derived from alanine shows an optical absorption spectrum. The use of straight electron beam is similar to its use in the first versions of our pulse radiolysis system. Application of higher, kilogray doses proved to be more convenient by conventional, technological irradiation on a conveyor, by Fig.2. Radiation yields of H2, O2 and CO in the function of postirradiation time (polypropylene). Fig.1. Chromatographic retention (column packed with molecular sieves 5A): H2, O2, N2, CO and CH4. polymer. Therefore, the determination of oxidation rate is easily measured, as well as the formation of one of the oxidation products (Fig.2). The integration of irradiation and gas chromatography determination, for the case of solids involved a special approach to the specific technique of electron beam irradiation of cells closed with septa, and consideration of different solubility of hydrogen in a variety of polymers, resulted in new procedures. Three milliliter glass vials, closed by septa, are filled only in one third with a sample and only this part is irradiated with a straight beam of electrons from the linear electron accelerator LAE 13/9, leaving the rubber septa intact. This technique allows the application of small doses of radiation energy, by triggering single pulses [2]. The use of straight beam of electrons has created some problems with dosimetry. The increased the bent beam of electrons. The septa are covered with a thick hood made of lead in this case. Experiment with an empty vial did not show the presence of hydrogen, what has demonstrated no significant irradiation of septa made from rubber. This technique was applied for high doses only; application of this mode for low doses of radiation yields erratic doses, because of the structure of the beam. That limitation has been recognized already before the construction of the machine and cannot be avoided due to the pulsing regime of the accelerator action and scanning frequency of 5 Hz. Lower doses were applied in a 60Co gamma source, with due analysis of differences of radiation quality in comparison to the electron beam, if any. A gas chromatograph Shimadzu GC 2014 has been installed in an air conditioned and thermostatted (23.5oC) room. The column was 1 m long packed with molecular sieves 5A, the detector was thermo-conductivity (TCD-2014) element by Shimadzu. The carrier gas was argon (99.99%). Operations were done with syringes (volume – 10, 25 and 500 μL). The system was working at 220oC, on the column kept at 40oC and the detector at 120oC. The rate of flow of carrier gas was 10 mL/min. Parameters of separations are as follows: - H2: retention time – tR(H2)=1.48 min, coefficient of oxygen – R(H2-O2)=2.7, coefficient of peak symmetry – As(H2)=1.1, number of theoretical shelves – N(H2)≈86; 42 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES - O2: retention time – tR(O2)=2.77 min, coefficient of hydrogen – R(O2-H2)=2.5, coefficient of nitrogen – R(O2-N2)=3.7, coefficient of peak symmetry – As(O2)=1.2, number of theoretical shelves – N(O2)≈488. Fig.5. Relation between polystyrene concentration in polypropylene/polystyrene blends and radiation yield of postirradiation oxidation processes (postirradiation time: 24-108 h). Fig.3. Relation between naphtalene concentration in polypropylene and radiation yield of oxygen. The described method has proved its efficiency in the description of protective action of naphthalene towards degradation of polypropylene [4] (Fig.3). That method helped also to show that the rate of radiation-induced oxidation of polypropylene at low temperature (under liquid nitrogen) is higher than at ambient temperature (Fig.4). That is the first exception of the rule of rather lowered radiation yields of radiation-induced reactions at cryogenic temperatures. Further investigations in The gas chromatographic method has been applied also in the study of postirradiation oxidation processes of ageing polymers (Fig.5). The loss of oxygen helped to trace the oxidation process, and the parallel production of hydrogen has helped to estimate the participation of aromatic compounds in the process of blocking peroxide groups and crosslinking with the polypropylene chain. These processes interrupt the cycle of polymer degradation and can help in branching of chains, thus improving properties of the material. Analysis of the influence of polystyrene (PS) content on the oxidation process shows that the protection effect is higher in the case of samples undergoing a longer ageing process. One can explain that by the improved contact of aromatics with the polypropylene matrix. These few examples have shown that a simple and sensitive at the same time analytical method helps to investigate not only radiation oxidation phenomena but also photo- and thermooxidation. The investigation was supported by a grant No. 0989/T08/2005/28 from the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. References Fig.4. Relation between polystyrene concentration in polypropylene/polystyrene blends and radiation yield of oxygen in temperature: -196oC, z +22oC. this fragment of radiation chemistry will show to what extent physical conditions in the system are responsible for that exceptional behaviour. [1]. Zagórski Z.P., Głuszewski W.: Application of gas chromatography to the investigations on polypropylene radiolysis. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, p. 42 [2]. Głuszewski W, Zagórski Z.P.: Tworzywa Sztuczne i Chemia, 3 (Suppl.), 28 (2006), in Polish. [3]. Zagórski, Z.P.: Int. J. Polym. Mater., 52, 323 (2003). [4]. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P.: Radiation effects on PP/PS blends as model of aromatic protection effects. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, submitted. CHEMICAL-RADIATION DEGRADATION OF NATURAL POLYSACCHARIDES (CHITOSAN) Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Wojciech Migdał, Urszula Gryczka, Wojciech Starosta Naturally occurring polysaccharides have a wide range of applications in agriculture, medicine and cosmetics, food industry and water waste treatment. Chitin is second, next to cellulose, most abundant polysaccharide on the earth. It is present in crustacean shells, insect exoskeletons and fungal cell walls. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Chitosan, (1-4)-2-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-glucan, is deacetylated derivative of chitin. Commercially available chitosan possesses high molecular weight and low solubility in most solvents what limits its applications. The solubility of chitosan can be improved by decreasing its molecular weight [1]. Water soluble chitosan can be prepared through oxidative degradation with hydrogen peroxide in concentration higher than 1 M [2]. Low molecular weight chitosan can be prepared by chemical, radiation or enzymatic degradation of a high molecular weight polymer. Radiation is one of the most popular tools for modification of polysaccharides. For decreasing of the polymerization degree, combined chemical-radiation methods can also be used. Chitosan oligomers were obtained through irradiation of chitosan dissolved in acetic acid [3]. Another popular method is also chemical degradation with hydrogen peroxide which even in small quantity reduces gradually molecular weight of chitosan [2]. Treating plants with oligochitosan increase their disease resistance and also plant growth is stimulated. Degraded polysaccharides such as alginate, chitosan or carrageenan can increase tea, carrot or cabbage productivity by 15 to 40% [4]. Chitosan irradiated with 70-150 kGy strongly affect the growth of wheat and rice plant and reduces damages caused by vanadium. [5]. Alginate degraded with radiation at concentration 20-50 ppm promotes the growth of rice seedlings, at a concentration of 100 ppm it causes an increase of peanut shoots by about 60% compared to control [6]. Foliar application of chitosan on pepper plants reduces their transpiration and water use and the biomass-to-water ratio is significantly better in the treated plants compared to the control plants [7]. Chitosan can also be used in plant protection from diseases because it is a strong antimicrobial agent [8]. The goal of this work was to use radiation for polysaccharide structure modification. Depolymerization of chitosan can be carried out by radiation or oxidative degradation with hydrogen peroxide 43 Fig.2. Radiation and chemical-radiation degradation of chitosan. [η] = K·Mwa where: [η] – intrinsic viscosity; M w – average molecular weight; K and a – constants for chitosan independent of molecular weights, K=1,81·10–3 cm3/g and a=0.93 determined in 0.1 M acetic acid and 0.2 M sodium chloride solution at a temperature of 25oC [9]. Results of vicometric measurement of chitosan modified with ionizing radiation are shown in Fig.1. Results shown in Fig.2 indicate that irradiation of a dry powder of chitosan lead to the reduction of molecular weight. The Mw decreased remarkably with increasing dose up to 200 kGy. For higher doses, there was no significant change in molecular weight. Hydrogen peroxide caused breaking of 1,4-β-D-glucoside bonds, used at small concentration caused a rapid decrease of molecular weight. Increasing concentration or reaction time did not affect the further decrease of polymerization degree. Chitosan degraded with the chemical-radiation method attained 95% mass reduction. Using hydrogen peroxide at the first stage of degradation the required doses of radiation can be decreased what is much more appropriate from the economical point of view. Figure 3 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns of initial chitosan and modified chitosan. Initial chitosan and after radiation exhibited two characteristic peaks at 2θ=8.9o and 2θ=20.2o. There is no change in intensity of the peaks. Radiation degradation did not destroy crystal structure of chitosan. Fig.1. Results of vicometric measurement of chitosan modified with ionizing radiation. combined with irradiation with electron beam. Efficiency of degradation methods was verified by viscometric measurements using an Ubbelohde capillary viscometer k=0.01073. Average molecular weights were calculated from the equation: Fig.3. X-ray diffraction patterns of (a) initial chitosan, (b) chitosan after radiation degradation with a dose of 250 kGy and (c) chitosan after chemical-radiation degradation. 44 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES For chitosan after chemical-radiation degradation, the first peak is not observed and the peak at 2θ=20.2o is much less intensive. The results show that chemical-radiation degradation of chitosan caused destruction of the crystal structure. References [1]. Mao S., Shuai X., Unger F., Simon M., Bi D., Kissel T.: Int. J. Pharm., 281, 45-54 (2004). [2]. Tian F., Liu Y., Hu K., Zaho B.: Carbohydr. Polym., 57, 31-37 (2004). [3]. Choi W.S., Ahn K.J., Lee D.W., Byun M.W., Park H.J.: Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 78, 533-538 (2002). [4]. Kume T., Nagasawa N., Yoshii F.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 63, 625-627 (2002). [5]. Tham L.X., Nagasawa N., Matsuhashi S., Ishioka N.S., Ito T., Kume T.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 61, 171-175 (2001). [6]. Hien Q.N., Nagasawa N., Tham L.X., Yoshii F., Dang V.H., Mitomo H., Makuuchi K., Kume T.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 59, 97-101 (2000). [7]. Bittelli M., Flury M., Cambell G.S., Nichols E.J.: Agric. For. Meteorol., 107, 167-175 (2001). [8]. Zheng L.Y., Zhu J.F.: Carbohydr. Polym., 54, 527-530 (2003). [9]. Roberts G.A.F., Domszy J.G.: Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 4, 374-377 (1982). DSC STUDIES OF GAMMA IRRADIATION EFFECT ON INTERACTION OF POTATO STARCH WITH THE SELECTED FATTY ACIDS AND THEIR SODIUM SALTS Krystyna Cieśla, Hubert Rahier1/ 1/ Department of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) appeared to be the appropriate method for detection of gamma irradiation influence on starch interaction with lipids [1-3]. Structural modification of macromolecules and possible changes in the lipid surrounding induced by gamma irradiation, as well as possible modification of the lipid molecules, were found to affect the properties of the inclusion amylose-lipid complexes formed with naturally occurring lipids on heating wheat starch and flour (A-type) [1,2]. Our preliminary DSC studies have also shown differences between the complexes formed by irradiated and the non-irradiated potato starch (B-type) and admixed 1-mono-lauroyl glycerol [3]. Currently, the effect of potato starch irradiation with 60Co gamma rays using a 30 kGy dose was studied on its interactions with two fatty acids (lauric and palmitic) and their sodium salts. Irradiations with 60Co gamma radiation were carried out in a gamma cell “Issledovatel” in the Department of Radiation Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. DSC studies were carried out using a DSC calorimeter of TA Instruments instaled in Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). DSC studies were carried out during several heating-cooling-heating cycles with a heating and cooling rate of 10oCmin–1. The Universal Thermal Analysis Package was applied for data analysis. The suspensions placed in hermetically closed pans were characterized by the surfactant : polysaccharide : water ratio of 1:10:10. This corresponds to 0.498 mmol of lauric acid, 0.390 mmol of palmitic acid, 0.458 mmol of sodium laurate and 0.359 mmol of sodium palmitate per 1 g of starch. DSC studies were carried out during several heating-cooling-heating cycles with a heating and cooling rate of 10oCmin–1. Additionally, some complementary studies were continued with a heating and cooling rate of 5oCmin–1 applying the smaller lipid to starch ratios. These values correspond to 0.274 and 0.137 mmol of sodium laurate or sodium palmitate per 1 g of starch and 0.274 and 0.68 mmol of palmitic acid per 1 g of starch. Melting of dry solid lauric and palmitic acids are accompanied by endothermal effects with peaks at 45.2 and 65.5oC. Melting of both sodium salts occurs at a considerably higher temperature and is accompanied by double thermal effects with peaks at ca. 122 and 135oC. No influence of water presence was noticed on the temperature range of melting of both fatty acids, while melting of both sodium salts occur under such conditions at a considerably lower temperature. During the first heating, melting of lauric acid and sodium laurate in water takes place in a temperature range lower Fig.1. Thermal effects attributted to the melting of amylose-lipid complexes recorded during the first and third heating of the system containing lauric acid admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES than gelatinization (the example in Fig.1; thermal effect recorded at a temperature below 60oC). Melting of sodium palmitate starts also at a lower temperature but continues during gelatinization while sodium palmitate melts in the same tempera- Fig.2. Thermal effects attributted to the crystallization amylose-lipid complex recorded during the first and third cooling of the system containing lauric acid admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). 45 separate enthalpies of both processes was, however, less evident. During the subsequent cooling and heating cycles, the processes of crystallization and melting of the amylose-lipid complexes and of free lipid, present in excess in the system, took place. The differences were noticed between thermal effects recorded for the non-irradiated and irradiated starch during the first cooling and during the subsequent heating and cooling routes. However, only on addition of lauric acid the results correspond well to those obtained previously for the complexes formed in wheat starch with naturally occurred lipids, or in the complexes formed by potato starch with mono-lauroyl-glycerol [1-3]. Transformations of starch lipid complexes occur then at lower temperature in the irradiated than in non-irradiated samples containing lauric acid as well on heating and on cooling (Figs.1 and 2) and are accompanied by a smaller enthalpy. Melting and crystallization processes taking place during the course of thermal analysis induces in both cases ordering in the complex structure (proved by an increase in the enthalpy and temperature of the complex transitions). However, that effect is considerably larger in the case of non-irradiated starch than in the case of irradiated starch. ture range as starch gelatinizes. Formation of the inclusion complex (exothermal) occcurs during gelatinization of starch (endothermal). Accordingly, the lower total enthalpy was determined on the basis of the second thermal effect than that expected for gelatinization of pure starch present in the system containing simultaneously lauric acid, sodium laurate or sodium palmitate. Transition of the resulting amylose-lipid complex occurs in the range of higher temperatures. In the case of palmitic acid addition, decrease of joint enthalpy of gelatinization and melting of lipid, in relation to the Fig.3, Thermal effects recorded during the third heating and the third cooling of the system containing sodium palmitate admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). Fig.4. Thermal effects recorded during the first, second and third cooling of the system containing sodium palmitate admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). The enthalpies determined for the first, second and third crystallization of the free-lipid phase in the non-irradiated system are equal to -6.0, -4, 8, -3,7 and the irradiated system -3.8, -7.0, -8.6. The enthalpy determined for melting of this phase during heating was equal to 9.4 and 9.2 both on the third and second heating of these systems. 46 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Fig.5. Thermal effects attributed to the melting of amylose-lipid inclusion complexes recorded during the second and third heating of the system containing sodium laurate admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). uted to the differences in the structure of the intermediate phase containing lipid and the non-irradiated and those containing lipid and the irradiated starch. Furthermore, after thermal treatment an increase in the enthalpy of crystallization is observed in the system containing the irradiated starch, while a decrease in enthalpy of crystallization occurs in that containing the non-irradiated starch (Fig.4). This points out the weaker interaction between free lipids and non-irradiated starch as compared to the irradiated starch with additional weakening caused by thermal treatment of the irradiated system, in contrary to the strengthening induced in the non-irradiated starch. Simultaneously, no differences were noticed between enthalpies determined for the second and the third melting of this phase in both systems (Fig.4, the caption). Similar results as in the system containing sodium palmitate were obtained in heating the system containing sodium laurate with that difference that exothermal process accompanies melting of the complex formed in the mixtures containing the irradiated starch (Fig.5). This process probably con- In contrary to the previously examined systems, thermal effect that can be attributed to melting of the amylose-lipid complex occurs at higher temperature during heating of the system containing sodium palmitate and the irradiated starch as compared to that containing the non-irradiated one (Fig.3). However, similarly as in the previous cases, crystallization of the complex was observed at considerably lower temperature in the case of irradiated starch as compared to the non-irradiated one and was accompanied additionally by the endothermal process occurring in a low temperature range (Fig.3). Moreover, the differences were noticed between the route of melting and crystallization of free lipid phase (examples in Fig.4). Therefore, melting occurs at lower temperature in the case of non-irradiated than irradiated starch. This can be attrib- Fig.6. Thermal effects attributed to the melting of amylose-lipid inclusion complexes recorded during the second and third heating of the system containing palmitic acid admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). Fig.7. Thermal effects recorded during the first, second and third cooling of the system containing palmitic acid admixed to the non-irradiated and irradiated starch (at weight ratio equal to 1:10). The enthalpies determined for the first, second and third crystallization of the free-lipid phase in the non-irradiated system are equal to -6.0, -4, 8, -3,7 and in the irradiated system -3.8, -7.0, -8.6. The enthalpy determined for melting of this phase during heating was equal to 9.4 and 9.2 both on the third and second heating of these systems. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES sist in crystallization of the complex phase during melting (resulting probably in the increased peak temperature) and was not detected in non-irradiated starch. The other difference is that crystallization taking place at the first, second and third cooling of the complexes formed in both irradiated and non-irradiated starch was always accompanied by single exothermal effects with a peak at 89-90oC. A similar conclusion concerning the irradiation effect on weakening the starch interaction with the free lipid phase can be, however, derived as in the system containing sodium palmitate. Formation of the inclusion complex occurs with low efficiency in palmitic acid addition and during the third heating small effects of the complex melting were detected only in the non-irradiated starch (Fig.6). However, a strong interaction were noticed between the starch and free-lipid phase (Fig.7). This concerns probably formation of the so-called surface complex. In fact, the homogeneous residues were obtained after thermal analyses performed with a small palmitic acid content. These interac- 47 tions were considerably smaller in the irradiated starch as compared to the non-irradiated starch. Although the differences were noticed between structural properties of the connections formed between the irradiated and non-irradiated starch with all the examined ligands, the effect of irradiation differs depending on the ligand. Moreover, the differences were detected between the influence of thermal treatment on these properties. The work was sponsored in the frame of Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology research grant No. 2P06T 026 27. References [1]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 68, 933-940 (2003). [2]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 79, 19-27 (2005). [3]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: DSC studies of gamma radiation effect on the amylose-lipid complex formed in wheat and potato starches. Acta Aliment., in press. SURFACE TENSION STUDIES OF BINDING CETYLTRIMETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDE TO GAMMA IRRADIATED AND NON-IRRADIATED POTATO AMYLOPECTIN Krystyna Cieśla, Henrik Lundqvist1/, Ann-Charlotte Eliasson1/ 1/ Department of Food Technology Engineering and Nutrition, University of Lund, Sweden Decrease in molecular weight and the order in starch granules affects gelatinization processes in both A and B types of starch [1-4]. Accordingly, the influence of gamma irradiation was discovered on the interaction of A-type starches with naturally occurring lipids [2,3]. In regard to the structural modification of macromolecules and the formation of short molecular products, differences were also found between the possibilities for binding at ambient temperature of iodine by the irradiated and non-irradiated starch and the structure of the resulting products [4]. Accordingly, gamma radiation is also expected to modify interaction of B-type starches with admixed surfactants: binding of the ligands and the product properties. Surface tension measurements have appeared useful in studying the interaction of iodine and surfactants with starch polysaccharides [5,6]. This is because that surface tension can be considered as a measure of the monomer surfactant in solution. Therefore, the more the monomer of surfactant in solution, the more the surface tension will decrease before micelles of surfactant start to form. At present, our preliminary results are shown dealing with the effect of irradiation on binding of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) on starch polysaccharides. The method was applied for examination of the process taking place at only slightly elevated temperature enabling to obtain homogeneous CTAB solution. Waxy potato starch (a pure potato amylopectin) was obtained due to genetic engineering methods and was kindly supplied by Lyckeby Stärkelsen (Sweden). The native dry amylopectin was irradiated with 60Co gamma rays with a 30 kGy dose in a gamma cell “Issledovatel” installed in the Department of Radiation Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Moreover, commercial potato starch was used for the complementary experiments using a Brookfield voscometer. Native dry potato starch or 1% starch gels were irradiated with doses of 10, 20 and 30 kGy. Axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) with a Tracker instrument (IT Concept, Longessan, France) installed at the University of Lund (Sweden) was applied for surface tension studies. A syringe with a u-shaped needle was lowered into the sample cell and an air bubble was produced from the syringe. The dynamic surface tension was measured by filming the rinsing buble and analysing the contour of the bubble. The experiments were performed at 27oC (above the Kraft temperature of CTAB). CTAB was gradually introduced to 0.25% polysaccharide gel solutions and the effect of addition each portion of surfactant was studied on their surface tension. The dynamic surface tension was monitored for one hour in each measurement and the equilibrium surface tension was determined as the value when a stable level was reached. The curves representing dependence of equilibrium surface tension on CTAB concentration were then constructed accordingly to the method described by Lundquist et al. [6]. Appearance of the free CTAB induces a decrease in surface tension, while stabi- 48 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES lization of surface tension indicates the formation of micelles. The amount of CTAB bound to the solution is thus shown by the difference between the total amount of CTAB added and the amount of free CTAB. Micelles start to form at such CTAB concentration when the free energy of the surfactant in the micelles is less than in the surfactant – polysaccharide aggregates or as free monomer in solution. The critical association concentration of CTAB is very low and in the present experiment binding of CTAB to polysaccharides starts at the moment when the first portion of CTAB is added [6]. It was also discovered [6] that the same amount of CTAB can be bound to starch polysaccharides, independently on its structure (34 mmol CTAB per mol glucose units). Four sets of experiments were performed for each irradiated and non-irradiated starch. Differences were observed between the route of surface tension changes taking place due to CTAB addition to the non-irradiated and irradiated amylopectin solutions (Fig.). Binding of CTAB to the irradiated starch appeared more “co-operative” than binding of CTAB to the reference non-irradiated starch. The “more co-operative type of binding is shown by the more sigmoidal shape of the curve Fig. Equilibrium surface tension of CTAB – 0.25% potato amylopectin solution non-irradiated and irradiated using a 30 kGy dose. representing the dependence of surface tension on CTAB concentration (Fig.). This occurs despite the fact that binding of CTAB to potato amylopectin was proved to be, in general, of Langmuir type (apart from the first stage of process when electrostatic interaction of CTAB with starch phosphate groups takes place) [6]. This means that binding occurs to a number of the equivalent sites on polysaccharides and the process is not influenced by the fraction of bound ligands. In opposite, binding of CTAB to amylose was found to be a cooperative process. This means that the formation of the individual complexes is coupled to each other. The increase in co-operative type of binding after irradiation might be thus explained in terms of appearance of the polysaccharide fraction con- taining less branched molecules or even straight amylose chains as a result of radiation-induced scission of the strongly branched polysaccharide chains. Complementary studies were conducted using a Brookfield viscometer for the gels prepared on the way of prolonged heating at 90oC of commercial potato starch (non-irradiated and irradiated using various doses) with CTAB (at starch : CTAB mass ratio equal to 1:0.08). Irradiation with a dose of 30 kGy of dry native starch induces ca. a 45-fold decrease in viscosity of its gel formed with CTAB addition (from 47.5 to 1.1 cP determined in the case of 1.2% solutions) and ca. an 11-fold decrease after irradiation with a dose of 10 kGy (to 4.27 cP). This correspond to 12-fold decrease discovered after irradiation with the same dose of 10 kGy in gels formed using starch alone (from 105 to 8.8 cP determined for 2% solutions). The differences between viscosities of both types of gels prepared using the irradiated and control starch result due to decrease in swelling power (by 2.5 times) and the essential increase in the amount of the soluble polysaccharide (at least 4 times) induced by irradiation [4]. Therefore, no particular conclusion concerning the irradiation effect on capability of starch for CTAB binding can be drawn on the basis of the experiment performed for potato starch at high temperature, similarly as on the basis of the surface tension studies carried out at low temperature for potato amylopectin. However, the capability for further binding of CTAB was significantly reduced when gel solution was submitted to irradiation before addition of CTAB. This was shown by the presence of the crystallites of CTAB in the products obtained after addition of CTAB to the irradiated gels, while no free CTAB can be detected in the case of those obtained under the same conditions but using the non-irradiated gels. Irradiation of the gels result in the more evident decrease in the viscosity of the starch-CTAB system. A 50-fold decrease in the viscosity was found already after irradiation with a 10 kGy dose (to 1.1 cP), with no particular influence on further dose increase to 20 and 30 kGy. The work was done in the frame of the Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology research grant No. 2P06T 026 27. References [1]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 64, 137-148 (2002). [2]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 68, 933-940 (2003). [3]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 79, 19-27 (2005). [4]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: DSC studies of gamma radiation effect on the amylose-lipid complex formed in wheat and potato starches. Acta Aliment., in press. [5]. Svensson E., Gudmundson M., Eliasson A.-C.: Colloid. Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 6, 227-233 (1996). [6]. Lundqvist H., Eliasson A.-C., Olofsson G.: Carbohydr. Polym., 49, 43-55 (2002). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 49 GAMMA IRRADIATION INFLUENCE ON STRUCTURE OF POTATO STARCH GELS STUDIED BY SEM Krystyna Cieśla, Bożena Sartowska, Edward Królak1/, Wojciech Głuszewski 1/ Analytical Centre, Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland Decrease in molecular weight and ordering in starch granules induced by gamma irradiation influences its gelling properties. An essential decrease in swelling power occurs after irradiation of starch and flour [1,2] and the resulting gels reveal significantly decreased viscosities as compared to those of the reference non-irradiated gels. This suggests that irradiation modifies structural properties of the gels. Accordingly, at present the studies dealing with the influence of gamma irradiation on the structure of starch gels were initiated applying scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Several procedures of gels preparation were tested in purpose to select proper conditions that could enable to observe differences between the SEM images obtained for the non-irradiated gels and those irradiated applying various doses. The influence of each procedure on the resulting images was analysed. The differences between the photos taken for the particular gels were related to the differences between their physical properties. Solid potato starch (laboratory extracted) was irradiated with 60Co gamma rays in a gamma cell “Issledovatel” installed in the Department of Ra- diation Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT). The doses of 5, 10, 20 and 30 kGy were used. Swelling power of these samples were examined using the modified procedure of Eliasson et al. described in details in [3]. Moreover, viscosity of the gels (2 wt%) were determined using a Brookfield viscometer. Gels containing 10 wt% dry matter were prepared on the way of heating starch suspensions for 45 min in glass tubes placed in a heating chamber stabilized at 100oC. These gels were submitted to four experimental procedures. The first series of gels was rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and examined directly at depressed temperature. The second series was also rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen but afterwards lyophilized. The third series was obtained on the way of rapid freezing, further storage at -18oC for two weeks followed by chemical staining and critical point drying. The fourth series was prepared on the way of chemical staining and critical point drying of the gels obtained after slow cooling and storage at 4oC for 2 days. Chemical staining was performed accordingly to the modified procedure of Kaczyńska et al. [4]. 0 kGy 20 kGy 0 kGy 30 kGy Fig.1. Images recorded (at magnification x600) at depressed temperature for the gels frozen in liquid nitrogen: upper row – fractures, non-irradiated and irradiated; lower row – surfaces, non-irradiated and irradiated. 50 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 0 kGy 0 kGy 5 kGy 5 kGy 10 kGy 10 kGy 20 kGy 20 kGy 30 kGy 30 kGy Fig.2. Typical areas of the gels recorded after rapid cooling at liquid nitrogen and further lyophilization: upper row – fractures, lower row – surfaces. Magnification of all images is x1000. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 51 0 kGy 0 kGy 5 kGy 5 kGy 10 kGy 10 kGy 20 kGy 20 kGy 30 kGy 30 kGy Fig.3. Typical images obtained for the gels recorded after chemical staining followed by the critical point drying: upper row – fractures of the gels obtained on the way of rapid freezing (all at magnification x1000), lower row – gels slowly cooled and stored at 4oC (at magnification x500). 52 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES SEM studies were conducted using a DSM 942 Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss-Leo production) for measurements carried out at ambient temperature of dried samples covered with a thin gold layer. The instrument is installed in the INCT. The rapidly frozen gels were examined at depressed temperature (-15oC) at low vacuum using a Quanta 200 Microscope (FEI) installed at the Analytical Centre, Warsaw Agricultural University. The fractures and surfaces of gels were examined. Images of all the non-irradiated gels indicate a honey-comb structure, independently of the way of further treatment, with that difference that lyophilization induces thinning of the comb walls, as compared to the samples examined directly after freezing or those submitted to the chemical staining. Smooth areas, but with oriented fractures, have appeared after irradiation of the rapidly frozen gels examined at depressed temperature both at the fractures and at the surfaces (Fig.1). Smoothing shows a higher homogeneity of the irradiated gels. Orientation results probably due to the preparation procedure and is caused by the weak internal forces of the soft irradiated gels as compared to the gravitation force or to the applied mechanical stress. Both homogeneity of the gels and the weakening of their internal forces was proved by a decrease in viscosity. Therefore, a 12-fold decrease in viscosity was found already after irradiation with a dose of 10 kGy (from 105 cP determined for the non-irradiated 2% gel to 8.8 cP). Swelling power decreases linearly with irradiation dose applied. The amount of gel formed after irradiation with a 30 kGy dose is equal to ca. 0.35% of that formed before irradiation [1]. Similarly, irradiation induces the appearance of flat and smooth structural elements in the case of rapidly frozen but lyophilized gels (Fig.2). This was observed already after irradiation performed using a dose of 5 kGy. Moreover, further cracking of these smooth surfaces led to the appearance of lamellar structure. Further increase in the size of lamellas, and, consequently, the formation of large blocks (observed in the gels fractures) as well as the secondary porosity detected on their surfaces result with increasing irradiation dose. Similar observation concerning orientation and the lamellar structure formation can be done for the fractures of the rapidly frozen and chemically stained gels (with orientation starting from a 10 kGy dose radiation) (Fig.3) as in the case of these lyophilized after freezing. Smoothness of the surfaces and a lamella size increased with irradiation dose alike in the case of lyophilized gels, while surface porosity of secondary type was avoided in contrary to these gels owing to the chemical staining. Fragile, brittle gels were obtained after storage at 4 o C followed by chemical staining (Fig.2). Smoothing of the gels can be stated after irradiation with 5 kGy, while the lamellar structure results at higher doses (10 kGy) with further rupture of the lamellas (20 and 30 kGy). The radiation effect was, however, less evident than in the other cases. This occurs probably because of the influence of staining procedure on the final structure of these soft gels. Our results show that SEM enable to observe the differences between the structure of the non-irradiated potato starch gels and those irradiated applying various doses. The appropriate preparation procedures were selected enabling to detect structural modification of gels. Moreover, the relationship was found between modification of gel structure and the applied dose. Similar irradiation influence on gel surfaces and fractures can be stated on the basis of SEM images obtained after rapid freezing of gels independently of their further treatment. The radiation effect on the images of the gels slowly cooled and stored at 4oC was, however, less evident. The differences in structural properties of gels shown by SEM result due to the radiation-induced weakening of the internal forces in gels and increase in their homogeneity. The work was sponsored in the frame of the Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology research grant No. 2P06T 026 27. References [1]. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C.: DSC studies of gamma radiation effect on the amylose-lipid complex formed in wheat and potato starches. Acta Aliment., in press. [2]. Cieśla K.: J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 74, 1271-1286 (2003). [3]. Eliasson A.-C.: Starch/Stärke, 37, 411-415 (1985). [4]. Kaczyńska B., Autio K., Fornal J.: Food Struct., 12, 217-224 (1993). RADIOLYTIC DEGRADATION OF FUNGICIDE CARBENDAZIM BY GAMMA RADIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Anna Bojanowska-Czajka, Przemysław Drzewicz, Zbigniew Zimek, Bogdan Szostek1/, Henrietta Nichipor2/, Marek Trojanowicz 1/ 2/ DuPont Haskell Laboratory for Health and Environmental Sciences, Newark, USA Institute of Radiation Physical-Chemical Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus Intensive growth of various industrial branches and the use of chemicals in agriculture results in increasing flux of anthropogenic toxic pollutants to natural environment. A significant group of these pollutants are pesticides, because of the wide use in contemporary agriculture, their toxicity and in many cases slow degradation in natural environment. Pesticide residues are detected both in the environment (waters, soil), and also in vegetables and fruits, as well as in processed food. Hence, constant need RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Fig.1. Structure of carbendazim. for improvement and simplification of analytical methods for the determination of pesticides in various samples is obvious, as well as development of technologies for their effective removal from industrial wastes and environmental media. 53 The aim of this study was to develop a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for simultaneous determination of carbendazim and its decomposition products, identification of products of gamma radiolysis of carbendazim and examination of different factors affecting the efficiency of radiolytic degradation of carbendazim, including dose rate, initial concentration and pH of irradiated solutions. For monitoring the effectiveness of radiolytic decomposition of carbendazim and studies of mechanism of this process, investigation on the development of HPLC method enabling simultaneous determination of carbendazim and products of its Fig.2. The effect of initial concentration of carbendazim in gamma-irradiated aqueous solutions on (A) yield of decomposition at different irradiation doses and (B) the magnitude of the dose required for 90% decomposition of pesticide. Fungicides and chemicals used for the destruction of unwanted fungi in various applications, are employed on a large scale since the 1960s, and since then their use constantly increases. Species of most common use for this purpose are thiabendazole, fuberidazole, benomyl, methyl thiophanate and carbendazim (MBC – methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate) [1]. Carbendazim is also a product of hydrolysis of benomyl and methyl thiophanate. The structure of carbendazim is shown in Fig.1. It is used for protection of crops, fruits and vegetables against fungal diseases, and also for protection of harvested products during their storage and transportation. Its toxicity is well documented [2], hence its residues are considered as environmental pollutants. Methods of decomposition of carbendazim, described so far in the literature are based on photolysis by UV irradiation in various chemical conditions [3-7]. The main subject of those works was the determination of yield of carbendazim photolysis at different pH of irradiated solutions and various concentrations of dissolved oxygen. The efficiency of carbendazim decomposition is facilitated by alkaline pH, where the non-dissociated form of the substrate is present (protonation constant for carbendazim pKa=4.2), and in the presence of oxygen in irradiated solution [6]. degradation observed in similar processes has been carried out. These products include benzimidazole, 2-aminobenzimidazole, aniline, o-phenylenediamine and 2-hydroksybenzimidazole. It was found that pH of the eluent affects significantly retention time of the determined compounds and shape of chromatograms. The pH 8.0 and wavelength 277 nm were selected as optimum for separation in further measurements. Effect of the initial concentration and pH It was found that the radiation dose needed for 90% degradation of carbendazim increases almost linearly with the value of initial concentration of fungicide in the examined concentration range 20-100 μmol L–1 (Fig.2). The reported measurements have been carried out in aqueous solution at pH 7. In preliminary experiments with carbendazim the effect of pH on the yield of decomposition of carbendazim was examined in solutions non-irradiated and gamma-irradiated. It is reported in the literature and confirmed experimentally in this work that aqueous solutions of carbendazim in acidic and neutral media are stable for at least 3-4 months, while slow hydrolytic decomposition occurs at highly alkaline solutions (Fig.3), where 2-aminobenzimidazole has been detected by HPLC. 54 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Fig.3. Protonation equlibrium and hydrolysis of carbendazim [6]. In gamma-irradiated aerated solutions of carbendazim 100 μmol L–1 in the pH range from 3 to 10 practically complete decomposition has been observed at small doses up to 0.6 kGy (Fig.4). In alka- Radiolytic decomposition in oxidating and reducing conditions Irradiation of aqueous solutions of carbendazim has been carried out in different conditions, where solutions were saturated with air, argon or nitrogen monoxide, and without or with added tert-butanol, hence the different products of water radiolysis predominate in further reactions with the target compound (see Table in Fig.5). In solutions saturated with nitrogen monoxide, efficient scavenging of solvated electrons and hydrogen radicals takes place [8]: H + N2O → N2 + OH k = 2.1 x 106 mol–1 L s–1 eaq + N2O → N2 +OH – k = 9.1 x 109 mol–1L s–1 and as result of that, the largest yield of hydroxyl radicals is obtained. The addition of tert-butanol to irradiated solutions is used to scavenge hydroxyl radicals according to the reaction [9]: OH + (CH3)3COH → H2O + CH2C(CH3)2OH k = 6 x 108 mol–1L s–1 So, in such case reducing conditions exist and radical reactions with solvated electron or hydrogen radicals predominate. In solution containing tert-butanol in acidic media additionally solvated electron is scavenged, hence the reaction with hydrogen radicals predominates. In solutions saturated with argon in neutral media all three main oxygen containing radicals can react with the target pesticide. In experiments carried out at different irradiation doses it was found that in conditions where hydroxyl radical predominates the yield of carbendazim decomposition is the largest, that means the irradiation does need for more complete decom- · · · Fig.4. The effect of pH of irradiated solutions of carbendazim on yield of decomposition at initial concentration 100 μM. line solutions it occurs slightly faster and this can be attributed to simultaneous hydrolysis. It is opposite to observations reported for photochemical decomposition, which was strongly affected by pH of the initial solution of carbendazim [6]. · · Fig.5. Radiolytic decomposition of aqueous 100 μM solutions of carbendazim in different conditions: N2O-saturated solution at pH 7.0 (z), saturated solution at pH 7 (), argon-saturated solution at pH 1.5 with added 106 μM tert-butanol (c) and argon-saturated solution at pH 7.0 with added 106 μM tert-butanol (T). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 55 Fig.6. Chromatograms obtained for 100 μM aqueous solutions of carbendazim at pH 7.0 gamma-irradiated with 0.2 kGy dose: (A) before irradiation, (B) irradiated in the presence of 106 μM tert-butanol saturated with argon, and (C) saturated with nitrogen monoxide. Eluent – 10 mM amonium acetate pH 8.0 with acetonitrile-gradient program. Column – Phenomenex C18(2) Luna 5 μM (250×4.6 mm). Flow rate – 1 mL/min. Detection at 277 nm. Peak assignment: (1) benzimidazole, (2) product of reaction with tert-butanol, (3) carbendazim, (4) product of reaction with tert-butanol, (5) 5-hydroxycarbendazim, (6) hydroxybenzimidazole, (7) 6-hydroxycarbendazim. position of fungicide is the smallest (Fig.5). Much less efficient is the decomposition in reducing conditions, where both reactions with solvated electron or hydrogen radical predominate. At a 0.6 kGy dose, only 50% yield of carbendazim decomposition is observed, while in oxidizing conditions decomposition occurs with 100% yield. In aerated solutions at a dose of 0.6 kGy also satisfactory 90% yield of decomposition is observed, which is important from eventual practical applications, where saturation with nitrogen monoxide would be too difficult and expensive. The identification of products formed in radiolytic decomposition of carbendazim, in various conditions is important for the determination of mech- anism of occurring processes. In photochemical processes as the main product of decomposition of carbendazim, 2-aminobenzimidazol has been identified [7], while when the process was carried out in the presence of hydrogen peroxide hydroxy derivatives of carbendazim were postulated [3]. In our experiments carried out in different conditions, with HPLC measurements using mass spectrometry detection different products of decomposition were found in different conditions (Fig.6). When oxidation with hydroxyl radicals predominate as the products of radiolysis hydroxybenzimidazol and two isomers of hydroxycarbendazim were identified, while in reducing conditions the main product in the applied conditions benzimidazole was found. Fig.7. Comparison of experimental results with kinetic modelling for radiolytic decomposition in different conditions: (A) effect of initial concentration, (B) irradiation of aqueous 100 μM solutions of carbendazim: N2O-saturated solution at pH 7.0 (z), saturated solution at pH 7 (), argon-saturated solution at pH 1.5 with added 106 μM tert-butanol (c) and argon-saturated solution at pH 7.0 with added 106 μM tert-butanol (T). Full points – experimental results, open points – calculated data. 56 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Further research will be focused on comparison of experimental data for irradiation in different conditions with modelling based on available reaction rate constants for radical reactions, and also a study of similar processes in natural matrices of industrial wastes. Some preliminary results on comparison of kinetic modelling with experimental data for the effect of initial concentration and irradiation of carbendazim solutions in different conditions are shown in Fig.7. The observed correlation is especially satisfactory for irradiation in different conditions with different doses. References [1]. Modern selective fungicides. Ed. C.J. Delp. Wiley, London 1987, pp. 233-244. [2]. Tomlin C.: The pesticide manual. 10th ed. British Crop Protection Council, Bracknell, London 1994. [3]. Mazellier P., Leroy E., De Laat J., Legube B.: Environ. Chem. Lett., 1, 68-72 (2003). [4]. Mazellier P., Leroy E., De Laat J., Legube B.: New J. Chem., 26, 1784-1790 (2002). [5]. Fleeker J.R., Lacy H.M.: J. Agric. Food Chem., 25, 51-55 (1977). [6]. Pandés R., Ibarz A., Esplugas S.: Water Res., 34, 2951-2954 (2000). [7]. Boudina A. Emonelin C., Baaliouamer A., Grenier-Loustalat M.F., Chovelon J.M.: Chemosphere, 50, 649-655 (2003). [8]. Buxton G.V., Greenstock C.L., Helman W.P., Ross A.B.: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 17, 513-531 (1988). [9]. Wojnárovits L., Takács E., Dajka K., Emmi S.S., Russo M., D’Angelantoniano M.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 69, 217-219 (2004). COMPARISON OF PPSL AND TL METHODS FOR THE DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD AND FOOD COMPONENTS Grzegorz P. Guzik, Wacław Stachowicz At present, the main food products being suspected as treated with the use of ionizing radiation are spices. Thermoluminescence (TL) examination of minerals isolated from spices is the best, most sensitive method for the detection of irradiation in these substances. However, mineral separation is time-consuming and needs special care. Therefore, the accomplishment of one TL analysis lasts usually a few days. The second analytical method adapted for the detection of radiation treatment in spices is pulsed photostimulated luminescence (PPSL). In contrast to the latter, the method is simple and fast but has some limitations. In general, it is less sensitive than the TL method and is not capable of measuring the luminescence in all kinds of spices. Having both methods in the Laboratory of Detection of Irradiated Food, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT), we performed a series of parallel experiments to prove the applicability of the PPSL method to detect irradiation in the variety of spices, herbs, composites with spices and herbs admixed, and some other food products. Current research programme covers the PPSL analysis of archival samples examined earlier by the TL method followed by the evaluation and comparison of the results obtained with both methods. Mineral debris of silicates and bioinorganic composites (calcite and hydroxyapatite) are the natural contaminants of spices, herbs and seasonings. Mineral in food is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar, as proved earlier [1]. These debris are capable of storing steadily the energy of ionizing radiation in charge carriers trapped at structural, interstitial or impurity sites. Charge carriers stable at ambient temperatures, are freed from mineral debris by increasing the temperature (TL method) and/or under IR (infrared) illumination (PPSL method) [2]. Both methods enable to record the released energy, but methodological difference between them lies in the state of samples examined: TL measures isolated mineral fraction, i.e. silicate minerals only, while PPSL IR stimulated luminescence the light released from all mineral and/or crystalline components of the sample [3]. The detailed analytical procedure of sample preparation for TL measurements are based on PN-EN 1788:2001 [4]; the sample treatment to proceed PPSL measurements, in turn, are described in PN-EN 13751:2003 (U) [5]. TL examination is achieved with the use of PC operated TL reader, type TL/OSL, model TL-DA-15 (Risø National Laboratory, Denmark) under the following measuring conditions: initial temperature – 50oC, final temperature – 500oC, heating rate – 6oC/s. Routinely, the normalizing irradiation with 1 kGy of gamma rays from a 60Co gamma source is described in [4]. The routine preparation of samples [6] compiles grinding, washing, density separation of a debris of minerals contained in investigated products. This procedures is time-consuming and takes normally a full workday. In TL, two criteria for the confirmation of radiation treatment are in force: glow ratio (glow 1/glow 2) and the shape and maximum of radiation inducing TL within the temperature range 150-250oC. The details can been found elsewhere [4,5]. In contrast to TL, the preparation method of samples for PPSL examination is simple: the product is dispersed in Petri dishes used for the PPSL measurement. Some samples require earlier treatments like cutting or grating. PPSL measurement for customers is being done by the calibrated measurement, equivalent to the TL normalizing procedure (re-irradiation with gamma rays). Such treatment delivers more adequate results, while luminescence measurements are accomplished before and after exposing the sample to a defined dose of ionizing radiation. The recommended calibrating dose as adapted in the Laboratory is from 1 to 4 kGy [5,7]. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Fig. Comparison of the results obtained by means of the PPSL and TL methods. Typically, irradiated samples indicate only a small increase of the PPSL signal, whereas in the non-irradiated ones the increase is markedly higher. A lower threshold (T1=700 counts/60 s) and an upper threshold (T2=5000 counts/60 s) are used to classify the sample as non-irradiated (below 700 counts/60 s) or irradiated (above 5000 counts/60 s) [7-9]. 57 There are three types of divergences of the PPSL method with TL results (Table 1). Nineteen samples (52.7% of the total number, i.e. above 1/2) could not be classified by means of PPSL. Three samples (8.3% of 36 samples in question) were qualified as non-irradiated (resultant screening measurement is intermediate, while calibration measurement is positive) or should not be investigated by means of the PPSL method. For 14 samples (38.8% of 36 samples in question i.e. above 1/3), the divergences were caused by too low sensitivity of the PPSL method. However, for a vast majority of the samples (almost 2/3), the results obtained by both PPSL and TL methods were found consistent. Each type of the three divergences discussed above compiles the variety of products that are classified in Table 2. For example, the type “samples nonmeasurable by means of PPSL; TL only” is represented by several products classified as: seasonings and spices, plant extracts, pharmaceuticals, processed food products and food colouring dyes, respectively. Table 1. Qualification of samples as measured by the PPSL method. Signal levels between the two thresholds are classified as intermediate, and, if appear, the sample needs further investigations by means of the TL method [5,10]. The total number of samples examined was 100. Consistent results were obtained with 64 samples (about 2/3), while non-consistent with 36 samples (about 1/3) of the total number of samples (Fig.). Table 2. The products investigated in the Laboratory. The type ”samples non-irradiated and/or needing to be approved by TL” gathers the products classified as pharmaceuticals and processed food products only. And finally, the type ”too low sensitivity of PPSL method; TL approval recommended” is represented by the products classified as: seasonings and spices, row seasoning herbs, plant extracts, pharmaceuti- 58 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES cals, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried vegetables and mushrooms, respectively. As seen, despite the fact that some differences between the types do appear, it is not possible to say in advances that a given product will delivered a given response in PPSL. In other words, each products needs individual treatment. In conclusion it can be said that PPSL is a very useful method for the qualification of food samples suspected to be irradiated, but from the practical point of view it seems reasonable to construct the list of food products which can be easily examined by PPSL and those which should be rather subjected in advance to TL examination. The results of TL examination of investigated samples, as used for present comparison, were delivered by M. Laubsztejn, M.Sc. and Mrs G. Liśkiewicz. References [1]. Sanderson D.C.W., Slater C., Cairns K.J.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 34, 915-924 (1989). [2]. The SURRC Pulsed Photostimulated Luminescence (PPSL) Irradiated Food Screening System. Users manual. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 2004, 17 p. [3]. Soika Ch., Delincée H.: Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol., 33, 440-443 (2000), in German. [4]. PN-EN 1788:2001: Foodstuffs – Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated. [5]. PN-EN 13751:2003 (U): Artykuły żywnościowe – Wykrywanie napromieniowania żywności za pomocą fotoluminescencji. [6]. Research procedures PB-SLINŻ 03: Research procedures and analysis of the results of the examination of irradiated food by TL method (Wykonanie badań i analiza wyników badania napromieniowania żywności metodą termoluminescencji). No. 3/2006 (in Polish). [7]. Research procedures PB-SLINŻ 04: Research procedures and analysis of the results of the examination of irradiated food by PPSL method (Wykonanie badań i analiza wyników badania napromieniowania żywności metodą luminescencji stymulowanej światłem). No. 2/2006 (in Polish). [8]. Guzik G.P., Stachowicz W.: Pomiar luminescencji stymulowanej światłem, szybka metoda identyfikacji napromieniowania żywności. Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2005. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 3/2005 (in Polish). [9]. Sanderson D.C.W, Carmichael L., Fisk S.: Food Sci. Technol. Today, 12(2), 97-102 (1998). [10]. Sanderson D.C.W., Carmichael L.A., Naylor J.D.: Food Sci. Technol. Today, 9(3), 150-154 (1995). DEVELOPMENT AND ACCREDITATION OF EPR METHOD FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD CONTAINING SUGAR Katarzyna Lehner, Wacław Stachowicz The method for the detection of irradiated foodstuffs containing crystalline sugar by the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry (EPR) is based on the detection in the investigated product of stable free radicals evoked by radiation treatment. The majority of radicals produced by radiation in food is short lining and decays within a few seconds or minutes. However, if irradiated product contains crystalline sugar as one of the composites, the presence of relatively stable radicals in the product is quite probable. The same concerns other food products containing cellulose or bone, both characterized by the presence of micro-crystalline structure. The crystalline domains in food, as proved in numerous experiments, are very effective in stabilization of radiation induced radicals that can survive for months or years. Due to the fact that in sugar-containing foods, the variety of mono- and disaccharides appear and that in various products different proportion between them occur, the EPR spectra recorded may differ, too. On the other hand, they differ from the EPR signals of single mono- and/or disaccharides. The intensity of signals, in turn, depends on the content of crystalline sugar in the product. So, the EPR detection of irradiation in sweet foods depends on the sufficient content of sugar crystals in the food [1-4]. The method of the detection of irradiation in food containing crystalline sugar has been validated and subsequently normalized having actually the status of European standard PN-EN 13708 [5]. In the validation procedure the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT), participated, too [6]. The aim of the present study was to prove the effectiveness of the detection of irradiation in the variety of sugar-containing food by the procedure given in PN-EN 13708 with the use of an EPR spectrometer – EPR-10 MINI installed in the Laboratory. This is the only acceptable way to adapt the method for routine control of food in the INCT. The investigated products were dried pineapple, banana, date, fig, papaya, and raisin. Each product was divided into four samples irradiated with 0.5, 1 and 3 kGy with 60Co gamma rays from an “Issledovatel” irradiator. The fourth sample was a control. The EPR measurements have been done in X-band with the use of the EPR-10 MINI mentioned above and were conducted during 12 months. The measuring conditions were as recommended in PN-EN 13708. Both the irradiated and non-irradiated samples were measured together with Mn2+ and DPPH standards to evaluated the g factor in the centre of spectra and spectral width. The selection of the resultant spectra recorded through the study is given in enclosed Figs.1-3. Figure 1 presents the spectra of dehydrated pine- RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 59 Fig.2. EPR spectra non-irradiated fruits: a) pineapple, b) fig, c) banana. change, while its intensity decreased by about 35% (different attenuation of both spectra). Nevertheless, the identification of irradiation is still simple after 1 year of storage, too. The detection level of irradiation in dehydrated foodstuffs was as follows: after exposure of samples to 0.5 kGy of gamma rays, the radiation treatment was reliably detected with pineapple, fig, papaya and raisin. In banana and date the dose of 0.5 kGy is not detectable within experimental error. The exposure to 1 kGy is detectable satisfactory. The stability of the EPR signals after 12 months of storage was, in general, satisfactory, too. In addition to banana and date (see above), the dose of 0.5 kGy could be detected at the lowest level of detection with raisin only. A reasonable reproducibility of the spectra was achieved with the incidentally selected samples of fig, papaya and raisin. No influence of the orientation of samples inside the resonant cavity was observed. Fig.1. EPR spectra irradiated 3 kGy of dehydrated fruits: a) pineapple, b) banana, c) date, d) fig, e) papaya, f) raisin. apple, banana, date, papaya and raisin. The difference in the shape of the spectra reflects the various proportion and composition of sugars in the products. However, gc factor is in all spectra similar, about 2.0035, while the spectral width varied from 7.4 to 9.2 mT. Figure 2 shows the EPR spectra of non-irradiated pineapple, fig and banana. The spectra are recorded at a high gain (see high noise level) and differ entirely from those of irradiated stuffs. The signal, if present, is a narrow singlet with g about 2.0040. Distinction between irradiated and non-irradiated samples is very simple. Figure 3 shows the EPR spectra of the same sample of papaya recorded 1 month and 1 year after radiation treatment. The shape of the signal did not Fig.3. EPR spectra of papaya 1 month (a) and 1 year (b) after radiation treatment. Dose – 0.5 kGy. 60 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES The study was a basis for further validation of the method followed by its accreditation by the Polish Centre of Accreditation. References [1]. Raffi J., Angel J.-P.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 34, 6, 891-894 (1989). [2]. Raffi J., Angel J.-P., Ahmend S.H.: Food Technol., 3/4, 26-30 (1991). [3]. Stachowicz W., Burlińska G., Michalik J., Dziedzic-Gocławska A., Ostrowski K.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 46, 4-6, 771-777 (1995). [4]. Stachowicz W., Burlińska G., Michalik J., Dziedzic-Gocławska A., Ostrowski K.: EPR spectroscopy for the de- tection of foods treated with ionising radiation. In: Detection methods for irradiated foods, current status. Eds. C.H. McMurray et al. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Information Service, 1996. Special Publication No. 171, pp. 23-32. [5]. PN-EN 13708: Artykuły żywnościowe – Wykrywanie napromieniowania żywności zawierającej cukry krystaliczne metodą spektroskopii ESR. Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny, Warszawa 2003 (in Polish). [6]. Raffi J., Stachowicz W., Migdał W., Barabassy S., Kalman B., Yordanov N., Andrade E., Prost M., Callens F.: Establishment of an eastern network of laboratories for identification of irradiated foodstuffs. Final report of Copernicus Concerted Action CIPA-CT94-0134. CCE, 1998. DETECTION OF IRRADIATION IN HERBAL PHARMACEUTICALS WITH THE USE OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE AND ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROMETRY Magdalena Laubsztejn, Kazimiera Malec-Czechowska, Grażyna Strzelczak, Wacław Stachowicz In view of the two European Union (EU) directives on food irradiation (1999/2/EC [1] and 1999/3/EC [2]) the labelling of radiation treated food is obligatory. This regulation concerns food ingredients too, independently of their content in the product. For that reason, more and more frequently such products as dried vegetal extracts and pharmaceuticals containing vegetal ingredients are delivered to the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT), for examination. The standardized methods for the detection of irradiation of foods were typically validated with the use of selected products or groups of products as spices, herbs, crystalline cellulose and sugars contained in food, etc. So, the reliability of these methods is related to these selected products only. The aim of research activity of the Laboratory during the year 2006 was to prove the ability of the use of both thermoluminescence – TL (PN-EN 1788:2002) [3] and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy – EPR (PN-EN 13708:2003) [4] methods for the detection of irradiation in pharmaceuticals which contain vegetal components and typically monoand polysaccharides as cohering agent. The experiments have been done with the samples of 5 pharmaceuticals containing all these ingredients. They are available in drugstores and resemble the samples delivered for examination to the Laboratory. The product appears in the form of coated pills (4 samples) and capsules (one sample). A part of the samples was irradiated with a dose of 5 kGy of gamma rays in November 2003, while the other remained non-irradiated. It is supposed that the investigated samples contained garlic powder and vegetal dry extracts, talc, magnesium stearate, monoand polysaccharides, colloidal silica and dyes like titanium dioxide. Irradiated and non-irradiated samples were registered as model samples and labelled in a way adapted in the Laboratory (Table 1). Samples for thermoluminescence (TL) examination were subjected to analytical procedure according to PN-EN 1788:2002 in order to attain effective isolation of mineral fraction from the remaining vegetal slurry. Subsequently, the mineral fraction was submitted to TL measurements with the use of a computer operated TL reader under the following conditions: initial temperature – 50oC, final temperature – 500oC, heating rate – 6oC/s. Temperature dependent glow curves were doubly measured: once at the beginning and the second time after normalized irradiation with a dose of 1 kGy with gamma rays. The intensity of TL integrated over the temperature range 150-250oC and the TL glow ratio for irradiated and non-irradiated samples are shown in Table 2. The criterion of the classification of irradiated foodstuff is based, according to PN-EN 1788:2002, on the evaluation of the TL glow ratio (glow 1/glow Table 1. Composition of investigated samples – main constituents. * Sample irradiated with a dose of 5 kGy of gamma rays. RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 61 Table 2. Thermoluminescence intensity of mineral fraction isolated from irradiated and non-irradiated pharmaceuticals integrated over the temperature range 150-250oC with the corresponding TL glow ratios. 2) and on the analysis of the shape of the glow curve recorded within the temperature range 150-250oC from the mineral fraction isolated from food. TL glow ratio of irradiated food sample are typically greater than 0.1. However, in addition to the determination of glow ratio it is advised – in the Laboratory obligatory – to analyse the shape of the glow curves (TL vs. temperature relationship) recorded for both preliminarily isolated mineral fractions, and the same mineral fraction exposed to normal- Fig.1. Comparison of glow 1 thermoluminescence curves of mineral fraction isolated from irradiated (SL/T3/A/06) and non-irradiated (SL/T4/A/06) pharmaceutical. ized irradiation. Generally, the glow 1 curve for irradiated foodstuff has its maximum near to 200oC (±50oC). The mineral fraction isolated from foods shows quite often a relatively strong TL at higher temperature with a maximum or maxima above 300oC. This luminescence is presumably released from deep structural traps in a mineral and originates from natural radionuclides (i.e. potassium, thorium, actinium) which appear in rocks and soil. For example, the glow 1 curves recorded for samples: SL/T3/A/06 (irradiated) and SL/T4/A/06 (non-irradiated) are shown in Fig.1. The shape and the temperature of the maxima (about 240oC), as presented for selected sample, is typical of irradiated products. In comparison, the presented curve with a low intensity and maximum defined near to 350oC is typical of non-irradiated samples [3,5]. The glow ratios calculated for all, irradiated and non-irradiated samples are compared in the graph (Fig.2). The TL glow ratios for irradiated samples are higher than 0.1, whereas the ratios for non-irradiated samples are in all cases lower than 0.1. The results obtained in the above described test examination of pharmaceuticals with TL method indicate conclusively that it is possible to proceed the classification of this products whether irradiated or non-irradiated with the use of the criteria applicable to other food products, i.e. consistent with PN-EN 1788:2002. Samples for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) examination were prepared as follows: pills and a capsule were mechanically crushed and then the samples weighing about 200 mg each were poured into thin wall sample tubes for EPR measurement, 4 mm in diameter. For each sample three parallel aliquots were prepared. 62 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES Fig.2. Thermoluminescence glow ratios of investigated pharmaceuticals calculated within the temperature range 150-250oC. The samples were measured in the EPR spectrometer Bruker ESP 300 under measuring conditions recommended in PN-EN 13708:2003 for examination of foodstuffs containing crystalline sugar. The EPR spectra of the investigated samples are shown in Fig.3. The recorded spectra of irradiated pharmaceuticals superpose on several complex spectra that, ago and then every month during half a year. No evident decrease of intensity and/or change of shape of the signals were observed. The EPR examination of non-irradiated pharmaceuticals results in the recording of a weak single, symmetric line with g=2.0035 ±0.0035. Similar single lines are observed in non-irradiated foodstuffs containing crystalline sugars. The results of the presented experiments are a goal recommendation for the application of the relatively simple and fast EPR method for preliminary examination of pharmaceuticals to prove their irradiation prior to the obligatory TL examination. Thermoluminescence examination of mineral fraction isolated from various pills and capsules of herbal pharmaceuticals can be useful for the evaluation whether these products were irradiated or not. The essential condition to proceed correctly the TL examination of herbal pharmaceuticals in the form of pills and capsules is a very careful analysis of results and looking deeper in the shape of the resultant glow curves than in the case of typical foodstuffs. The EPR examination, in turn, enables the detection of radiation treatment of pharmaceuticals in pills, if they contain as a binding-flavouring agent crystalline mono- and/or poly-sugars. The experiments show conclusively that the next to TL method used for the evaluation of radiation treatment of this product, if contains sugars, is the EPR method. Present results prove the reliability of both methods for the detection of irradiation in herbal pharmaceuticals and are an important step of their validation, opening perspective of their future application in practice. The examination of other products of this type, containing vegetal components and sugars, is worthwhile of future including this combined detection method as one of those accredited in the Laboratory today. References Fig.3. EPR spectra (first derivative) of non-irradiated and irradiated pharmaceuticals. in the majority, can be assigned to sugar born radicals. The width of the spectra was 7.2-7.6 ±0.2 mT, while the g factor in the centre of the spectra was 2.0028 ±0.0002. The shape of the spectra is similar, although a slight difference appears in the resolution and intensities of some spectra components. The signals resemble that of pure crystalline sugar. The observed EPR signals are stable. This was proved by the examination of all five samples two years [1]. Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 on the approximation of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation. Off. J. European Communities L 66/16-23 (1999). [2]. Directive 1999/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 on the establishment of a Community list of food and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation. Off. J. European Communities L 66/24-25 (1999). [3]. Standard PN-EN 1788:2002: Foodstuffs – Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated. [4]. Standard PN-EN 13708:2003: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing crystalline sugar by ESR spectroscopy. [5]. Malec-Czechowska K., Stachowicz W.: Nukleonika, 48, 3, 127-132 (2003). RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES 63 ACTIVITY OF THE LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD IN 2006 Wacław Stachowicz, Kazimiera Malec-Czechowska, Katarzyna Lehner, Grzegorz P. Guzik, Magdalena Laubsztejn In 2006, the activity of the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) was focused on the following topics: - development of the methods for detection of irradiated food implemented and accredited earlier in the Laboratory; - implementation and accreditation of two standardized detection methods to be included to the group of methods adapted for routine analytical service for customers; - analytical service to fulfil the growing requirements of the customers representing firms and organizations in the country and from abroad. The task is to classify the variety of more or less complex food products delivered for examination whether treated with ionizing radiation or not. The development of detection methods accredited in the Laboratory considers, generally speaking, the enlargement of the ability of the methods to identify radiation treatment in food products of a more and more complex composition as delivered very often by the customers for examination. The of Accreditation Nr AB 262 and concerns the detection of radiation treatment in: - food containing bone, e.g. meat, poultry, fish and egg shell (PN-EN 1786:2000) [5]; - food containing crystalline cellulose, e.g. shelled nuts, selected spices and some fresh fruits, as strawberries (PN-EN 1787:2001) [6]; - food from which silicate minerals can be isolated, i.e. in the variety of spices, herbs, heir blends, dried and fresh vegetables, fresh shrimps (PN-EN 1788:2002) [7]; - food containing crystalline sugar, e.g. dried fruits like dates, figs, raisins etc. (PN-EN 13708:2003) [8]; - food giving rise to photostimulated luminescence (PPSL), e.g. herbs, spices and their composities (PN-EN 13751:2003) [9]. Article 7 (3) of the Directive 1999/2/EC says: “the EU Member States shell forward to the Commission every year the results of checks carried out at the product marketing stage and the methods used to detect irradiated foods”. Poland, the EU Member State, is obliged to follow the above regulation since 2004. Thus, the Table. The total number of samples in the Laboratory for Detection of Irradiated Food from 2004 to 2006 under Chief Sanitary Inspector of Poland programme. reason of the growing interest of food trade in the examination of complex products containing typically only a small admixture of irradiated ingredient (e.g. spices) has its source in the regulation that are in force in all EU Member Countries now. These are stated in the Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council [1]. The document says that if a foodstuff contains irradiated ingredient constituting even less than 2.5% of the product, it is treated in the same way as a foodstuff that was irradiated in whole, in 100%. Taking into consideration the requirements of the Laboratory customers, we proceed research works leading to the extension of the applicability of our detection methods to more complex foodstuffs, too. The survey of this works can be found in [2-4]. Now-a-day five detection methods implanted earlier in the Laboratory received PCA (Polish Centre for Accreditation) Accreditation Certificate of Testing Laboratory Nr AB 262 issued on 25.10.2006 and valid until 24.10.2010. The list of detection methods, all addressed to specific groups of foodstuffs is included in the Scope country wide control and monitoring system of food to prevent illegal trade of irradiated products has been established by the Chief Sanitary Inspector of Poland. The samples of food products available in the market are delivered to the Laboratory from the 16 provincial (voivodeship) sanitary-epidemiological inspections every year. In Table, the number of both thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) examinations accomplished in the Laboratory within this programme from 2004 to 2006 including foodstuff examined and classification of samples whether irradiated or not are compiled. The results of 2004 monitoring is included in the Report from the Commission on food irradiation for the year 2004 (3.20. Poland) [10]. In 2006, except for the above 39 samples, 339 examinations of foodstuffs delivered by the Laboratory customers from abroad (Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Thailand – 315 samples) and from domestic firms (24 samples) have been done. The total number of samples examined for the customers in 2006 was 64 RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES - shrimps (18.6%); herbal pharmaceuticals, herbal extracts (21.7%); poultry and fish (3.6%); nuts in shell (7.3%); fresh fruits – strawberries (1.5%); others, i.e. instant soups, red fermented rice, all purpose savoury seasoning (1.7%). References [1]. Fig.1. Classification of food samples taken for examination in 2006. 478. 87.9% of the total number of samples were examined by the TL method (PN-EN 1788:2002) while 12.1% by the EPR methods (PN-EN 1786:2000 and PN-EN 1787:2001). Among all food samples examined in 2006, 93.7% were found not to be irradiated, while 6.3% samples were irradiated (Fig.1). [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. Fig.2. Assortment of foodstuffs examined in 2006. The assortment of foodstuffs that were examined in 2006 (Fig.2) compiles: - spices, herbs and their blends that may contain small admixture of irradiated spices as a flavour ingredient (40.2%); - seasonings, fresh and dried vegetables (5.4%); [8]. [9]. [10]. Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 on the approximation of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation. Off. J. European Communities L 66/16-23 (13.3.1999). Guzik G.P., Stachowicz W.: Comparison of PPSL and TL methods for the detection of irradiated food and food components. In: INCT Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 56-58. Laubsztejn M., Malec-Czechowska K., Strzelczak G., Stachowicz W.: Detection of irradiation in herbal pharmaceuticals with the use of thermoluminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. In: INCT Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 60-62. Lehner K., Stachowicz W.: Development and accreditation of EPR method for detection of irradiated food containing sugar. In: INCT Annual Report 2006. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2007, pp. 58-60. PN-EN 1786:2000: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing bone. Method by ESR spectroscopy. PN-EN 1787:2001: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated foods containing cellulose Method by ESR spectroscopy PN-EN 1788:2002: Foodstuffs – Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated. PN-EN 13708:2003: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food containing crystalline sugar by ESR spectroscopy. PN-EN 13751:2003: Foodstuffs – Detection of irradiated food using photostimulated luminescence. Report from the Commission on food irradiation for the year 2004. Off. J. European Communities EN C 230/28 (23.09.2006), 3.20. Poland. RADIOCHEMISTRY STABLE ISOTOPES NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS GENERAL CHEMISTRY RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 67 103 Ru/103mRh GENERATOR Barbara Bartoś, Ewa Kowalska, Aleksander Bilewicz, Gunnar Skarnemark1/ 1/ Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden The possibility of using electron emitters to cure cancer metastasis depends on the energy of the emitted electrons. Electrons with high energy give a high absorbed dose to large tumors, but the dose absorbed by small tumors or single tumor cells is low, because the range of the electrons is too long. The fraction of energy absorbed within the tumor decreases with increasing electron energy and decreasing tumor size. For tumors smaller than 1 g, the tumor-to-normal-tissue mean absorbed dose-rate ratio (TND) will be low, e.g. for 131I and 90Y, because of the high energy of the emitted electrons. For radiotherapy of small tumors, radionuclides emitting charged particles with short ranges (a few micrometers) are required. The short path length of particles also may limit toxicity to neighboring normal tissue. Using various selection criteria like electron energy, suitable half-life, low photon/electron ratio and availability, Bernhardt and co-workers found that the Auger emitter 103mRh meets these criteria [1]. 103mRh has a short half-life (56 min) and is produced via β– decay of 103Ru or EC decay of 103Pd. These mother nuclides have half-lives of 39 and 17 days, respectively, and can be used as generators for 103m Rh. So far, however, only 103Ru has been tested as the generator, mainly because it is easy to produce in large amounts, either by fission of uranium or by neutron activation of ruthenium. For therapeutic applications, the 103mRh would be attached to, e.g. a peptides or monoclonal antibodies to find the cancer cells. The goal of the present work is the elaboration of a 103Ru/103mRh generator for milking therapeutic quantities of 103mRh. 103Ru. The mother nuclide of 103m Rh, was obtained by neutron irradiation of a natural ruthenium target at a neutron of flux 3x1014 n cm–2 s–1 in the nuclear reactor MARIA at Świerk. After 36 h irradiation of a 9.6 mg target, 130 MBq of 103Ru was obtained. The target was then dissolved in a mixture of NaOH and KIO4. After complete dissolution of the target, the solution was acidified, and RuO4 formed was extracted to an organic (CCl4) phase. To avoid reduction of RuO4 to RuO2, the organic phase was contacted with a solution generating Cl2 molecules: 1 M HCl+KIO4. The Cl2 molecules, formed in this solution are distributed among the two liquid phases keeping RuO4 in the organic phase. Milking of 103Rh was performed by shaking the organic phase with 0.01 M solution of H2SO4 containing 0.2 mg ml–1 of KIO4. In this process 103mRh is totally transferred to the aqueous phase together with small amounts of 103Ru. The Table. Distribution coefficient for extractions of 103Ru and 103m Rh. aqueous phase was purified from tracers of 103Ru by three times extraction with CCl4, and finally by passing through an anion exchange resin. The results of stepwise extractions are presented in Table. If the ruthenium remained as RuO4 there would be no problem; it would be easy to wash the rhodium fraction a few times with a pure organic solvent to remove the contamination. Unfortunately, a small fraction of the ruthenium in the aqueous phase is reduced to RuO4– or RuO2, which are difficult to remove. The RuO4 was removed by few washings with CCl4. The residue of 103Ru in the aqueous phase was absorbed as RuO4– on the anion exchange resin. The separation process involving three solvent extractions with CCl4 and adsorption on an anion exchange resin gave separation factors between 103m Rh and 103Ru of more than 5x103. The work was carried out in the frame of Marie Curie Action for the Transfer of Knowledge – contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 with the European Commission. References [1]. Bernhardt P., Forssell-Aronsson E., Jacobson L., Skarnemark G.: Acta Oncol., 40, 602-608 (2001). ZOLEDRONIC ACID LABELED WITH 47Sc AND 177Lu FOR BONE PAIN THERAPY Maria Neves1/, Ines Antunes1/, Agnieszka Majkowska, Aleksander Bilewicz 1/ Nuclear and Technological Institute, Sacavém, Portugal Bisphosphonates (BPs) have a strong affinity for calcium phosphates and for hydroxyapatite. Because of their chemical structure and the characteristic P-C-P- bond, which is non-biodegradable and non-hydrolysed in vivo, bisphosphonates have been the chosen molecules for bone scanning imaging. Some bisphosphonate compounds exhibit short side chains, such as clodronate andetidronate; others have aliphatic chains of different lengths bearing terminal amino groups (pamidronate, alendro- 68 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY nate, and neridronate) or substituted amino groups (olpadronate and ibandronate). Among the last generation of bisphosphonates with cyclic side chains, zoledronate with a nitrogen atom in the imidazole ring, is the most potent bisphosphonate described so far to inhibit bone resorption. Bisphosphonates labeled with technetium-99mTc are main radiopharmaceuticals used for bone scanning imaging. Bisphosphonates are also able to coordinate β-emitter as 153Sm and 186Re, and found application in clinical nuclear medicine for bone metastasis therapy (Re-186-HEDP-Metastron and Sm-153-EDTMP-Quadramet). Until now, bisphosphonates were labeled with β-emitters of relatively high energy like 153Sm, 188Re and 166Ho. Due to a long distance interaction of hard β-particles, the degradation of bone marrow is observed. To avoid this harmful effect we plan to apply bisphosphonates labeled with soft β-emitters, e.g. 47Sc and 177 Lu instead of hard β-emitters. The distance of particles emitted by soft β-emitters in bone is much shorter, less than 1 mm, therefore bone marrow would not be affected. The sample of sodium salt of zoledronic acid (1-hydroxy-2-imidazol-1-yl-phosphonoethyl) was a gift from Novartis Pharma AG. Due to the short half-life of 47Sc, the labeling of bisphosphonates was studied using the γ-emitting 46Sc (t1/2=83.8 d) radiotracer. 46 Sc and 177Lu radiotracers were obtained by neutron irradiation of Sc2O3 and Lu2O3 targets at a neutron flux of 3x1014 n cm–2s–1 for 6 h. The specific activities of the radionuclides obtained were 100 MBq/mg for 46Sc and 700 MBq/mg for 177Lu. The targets were dissolved in 0.1 M HCl solution. The radiolabeling efficiency and stability evaluation of the radiocomplexes were accomplished by ascending instant thin layer chromatography (ITLC) using ITLC-SG (Polygram, Macherey-Nagel) strips developed with the mobile phase: H2O/NH3 (25:1). The hydroxyapatite-binding assay was performed according to the procedure described previously after a slight modification [1]. In brief, to vials containing 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg of hydroxyapatite, were added 2 ml of saline solution at pH 7.4 and the mixtures were shaken for 1 h. Then, 50 μl of each radioactive preparation was added and the mixtures was shaken for 24 h at room temperature. All suspensions were centrifuged and the radioactivity of the supernatant was measured with well γ-scintillation counter. Control experiments were performed using a similar procedure in the absence of hydroxyapatite beads. The percentage binding of 46Sc and 177Lu to hydroxyapatite (HAP) was calculated according to HA=(1 – A/B)*100, where A is the final and B – the initial activity of solution. In ITLC studies, 46Sc and 177Lu zoledronate complexes migrate (Rf 0.8-1.0), while the ionic and colloidal radioactive forms of 46Sc and 177Lu remain at the origin. The labeling efficiency of zoledronate with 177 Lu and 46Sc, obtained from the ITLC studies, is presented in Fig.1. As shown in Fig.1, 46Sc forms Fig.1. Dependence of labeling efficiency of zoledronate on the ligand-to-metal mole ratio. stronger complexes with zoledronate than 177Lu does. This results from much smaller ionic radius of Sc3+ than Lu3+. The zoleodronates labeled with 46Sc and 177Lu in molar ratio 100:1 was used for studies of adsorption of labeled bisphosphonates on hydroxyapatite. Adsorption of bisphosphonates on hydroxyapatite is commonly used as model for adsorption of bisphosphonate radiopharmaceuticals on mineral components of the bones. The dependence of adsorption percent on the mass of hydroxyapatite samples are shown in Fig.2. Fig.2. Percent of 46Sc and 177Lu adsorption on hydroxyapatite as a function of hydroxyapatite mass sample. The maximum adsorption, higher than 98%, was achieved by 177Lu-zoledronate using more than 5 mg of hydroxyapatite, and by 46Sc-zoledronate for more than 20 mg of hydroxyapatite. The obtained results showed that 46Sc forms more stable complexes than 177Lu zoledronate complexes, while the adsorption of 177Lu complexes on hydroxyapatite is higher than that of 46Sc-zoleodronate. The work was carried out in the frame of Marie Curie Action for the Transfer of Knowledge – contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 with the European Commission. References [1]. Neves M., Gano L., Pereira N., Costa M.C., Costa M.R., Chandia M., Rosado M., Fausto R.: Nucl. Med. Biol., 29, 329 (2002). RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 69 Rh[16aneS4]211At AND Ir[16aneS4]211At COMPLEXES AS PRECURSORS FOR ASTATINE RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS Marek Pruszyński, Aleksander Bilewicz, Michael R. Zalutsky1/ 1/ Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA Alpha-targeted therapy is a significant method for treatment of small solid tumors and hematologic malignancies (e.g. leukemias and lymphomas). Recently, these diseases are treated with conventionally 131I or 90Y radiolabelled immunoconjugates, but without great success. These radionuclides emit beta-particles with ranges much larger than the diameter of a cancer cell. The maximum beta-energies vary from 0.5 to 2 MeV and the corresponding ranges are from 1-10 mm. This results in undesirable irradiation of normal cells such as stem cells in the marrow, even if the cancer cell is successfully targeted. The alpha-particles are more suited for tiny clusters of cancer cells and micrometastases, because of their high energy (enable to make double strand breaks in DNA) and short range, contributing to their high linear energy transfer (LET) and radiobiologic effectiveness (RBE). 211 At is one of the most promising alpha-emitters that has, so far, been studied for cancer therapy. This isotope is artificially produced in a cyclotron via the 209Bi(α,2n)211At reaction and has a 7.2 h half-life that allows sufficient time for its production, synthetic chemistry, quality control, transportation and medical application. It decays by double branch pathway with a mean alpha-energy of 6.7 MeV. As a consequence of its electron capture branching to its daughter 211Po, X-rays of 71 to 92 keV are emitted, enabling external imaging (including SPECT) and gamma counting of blood samples as an additional advantage. The current study was focused on finding a stable labelled prosthetic group for the use in labelling of biomolecules with 211At. Our idea was to attach the astatide anion using its halogen properties to soft metal cations, which are complexed by a bifunctional ligand. We decided to use rhodium and iridium, because they are moderately soft metal cations, which should form very strong bond with the soft astatide. The high kinetic inertness of the low-spin d6 Rh(III) and Ir(III) complexes is also a very important advantage for the formation of stable conjugate. Macrocyclic sulphur ligand 1,5,9,13-tetrathiacyclohexadecane-3,11-diol (16aneS4) was chosen for model studies because it forms stable complex with Rh(III) and can be modified to a bifunctional chelate ligand [1]. Complexes between 211At, Rh(III) or Ir(III) and thioether ligand were synthesized in an aqueous ethanolic solution. The formation of complexes was studied by heating the solution at different time periods (15-120 min) and over a wide range of temperature (30-90oC). The pH was varied from 2 to 7.5 by addition of HNO3 or NaOH. The quantity of Rh(III)/Ir(III) and 16aneS4 was changed in the range of 0.125-125 nmol and 2.5-250 nmol, respectively. All control experiments were carried out under identical conditions with the exception that thioether ligand was absent. First optimization of reaction conditions was performed with 125 131 I/ I isotopes and later repeated for 211At. Formation and the radiochemical yield of the complexes were estimated by paper electrophoresis, ion exchange and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. Electrophoresis was performed using Whatman #1 paper strips. Reversed phase HPLC was carried out using a Beckman Fig.1. HPLC chromatogram of Rh[16aneS4]211At complex recorded directly after formation: 1 – free unbounded astatide, 2 – peak of Rh[16aneS4]211At complex. Coulter device and a Waters Xterra RP18 column coupled to a beta-detector for radiometric analysis. The gradient elution system utilized mobile phase A (deionized H2O) and mobile phase B (100% acetonitrile) and flow rate of 1 ml/min, started with 95%A/5%B for 5 min at which time the linear gradient was initiated over 30 min interval to 100%B. Both mobile phases contained 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). An example of HPLC radiochromatogram is shown in Fig.1. RP HPLC and the Waters Sep-Pak (C18) columns were also used to isolate the complexes from synthesis solution for further stability studies. The in vitro stability of complexes was determined in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at 37oC with the 131I isotope as an analogue of astatine. Fig.2. Dependence of the complex formation on the Rh(III) and Ir(III) concentration. 70 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Dependence of the Rh3+ and Ir3+ mixed ligand complex formation on the metal cations and sulphur ligand concentration are shown in Figs.2 and 3. In Fig.4. Yield of the complexes vs. pH of reaction. Fig.3. Dependence of the complex formation on the 16aneS4 concentration. Figure 4, the influence of pH of the solution on the reaction yield is presented. Maximum complex formation yields 75 and 80% for Rh[16aneS4]211At and Ir[16aneS4]211At, respectively, were obtained at pH 3-5 after heating for 1-1.5 h at 75-80oC. The optimal concentration of Rh(III)/Ir(III) was 62.5 and 250 nmol for sulphur ligand. The yield of the reaction with 211At was high, but less than with its analogue 131I. Paper electrophoresis analysis indi- cated the expected cationic character of the complexes. Both Rh(III) and Ir(III) complexes with 131I showed a good stability at pH 7.4 PBS after 51 h of incubation. The stability studies in human serum and biodistribution of complexes in normal mice are in progress. Part of the work was carried out in the frame of Marie Curie Action for the Transfer of Knowledge – contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 with the European Commission. References [1]. Venkatesh M. et al.: Nucl. Med. Biol., 23, 33 (1996). FORMATION KINETICS AND STABILITY OF SOME TRI- AND TETRAAZA DERIVATIVE COMPLEXES OF SCANDIUM Agnieszka Majkowska, Aleksander Bilewicz Radionuclides with medium energy beta-emission and a several day half-life are attractive candidates for radioimmunotherapy. Among the most promising in this category is 47Sc [1]. It has desirable nuclear properties since it is a beta-emitter (Eβ1=600 keV, Eβ2(max)=439 keV) with a 3.35 d half-life. In addition, 47Sc has a primary gamma ray at 159 keV that is suitable for imaging. The methods for production high activities of 47Sc was described by Kolsky et al. [2]. Enriched 47TiO2 target was irradiated with high energy neutrons (En>1 MeV) to produce 47Sc via the 47Ti(n,p)47Sc reaction. These authors also developed a new separation scheme based on cation exchange on a Dowex AG 50W resin with elution of 47Sc using HCl/HF solution. Sc3+ of ionic radius 74.5 pm (CN=6) is chemically similar to Ga3+, In3+, Y3+ and to the heaviest Fig.1. Ligands selected for complexation of Sc3+ cations. lanthanides, therefore ligands developed for these cations should be suitable for chelating 47Sc. In order to find the best chelators for attaching 47Sc to biomolecules the formation of Sc3+ complexes with 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,7-bis acetic acid (DO2A), 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7 triaacetic acid (NOTA), were studied by capillary and paper electrophoresis and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The formulae of the ligands are presented in Fig.1. The DOTA and DO2A ligands were purchased from Macrocyclics. The NOTA ligand was synthesized by reaction of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane with bromoacetic acid. Chemical purity of the product was checked by mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. Stabil- RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY ity constants of scandium macrocyclic complexes were determined using capillary electrophoresis. The Sc3+ complexes were synthesized by mixing of 1.5 mM aqueous solution of a given ligand with 1.5 mM aqueous solution of Sc3+, at pH=3 for DOTA and NOTA, and at pH=5 for DO2A. When the complexation process reached equilibrium (8 days), small aliquots of the solution were injected into the capillary to determine the concentrations of the complex, free Sc3+ and ligand, respectively. A typical electrophorogram is presented in Fig.2. Fig.2. Electrophorogram of ScCl2 and DOTA mixture at buffer pH 3, applied voltage – 10 kV, capillary – 50 μm, length – 25 cm, detection wave length – 222 nm. Initial concentration ScCl2 and DOTA – 1.5 mM. The conditional stability constants were calculated based on the determined equilibrium concentration of the free ligand using the procedure described by Zhu and Lever [3]. Taking into account the stepwise k1, k2, k3 and k4 protonation constants of DOTA, the stability constants were calculated. The results are presented in Table. As shown in Table, Sc3+ forms most stable complexes with the DOTA ligand similarly to the lanthanides and Y3+. 71 Table. Stability constansts of Sc3+ and Lu3+ complexes with DOTA, DO2A and NOTA ligands. The electrophoresis and ion exchange studies indicate that Sc3+ forms complexes with different charge: anionic with DOTA, neutral with NOTA and cationic with DO2A. Therefore, we can conclude that in DOTA complexes, Sc3+ has a coordination number of 8, while in NOTA and DO2A exhibit a coordination number of 6. The kinetics of Sc3+ DOTA complex formation was measured at pH=2, 3 and 4. The formation of the complex under this condition is quite rapid. The half-time of the equilibrium was reached in 300 s at pH=2.04, in 236 s at pH=3 and in 106 s at pH=4. The high thermodynamic stability and inertness of the studied scandium chelates indicate that 47Sc labeled biomolecules could be an alternative to 90Y and 177Lu radiopharmaceuticals. Part of the work was carried out in the frame of Marie Curie Action for the Transfer of Knowledge – contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 with the European Commission. References [1]. Mausner L.F., Kolsky K.L., Joshi V., Srivastava S.C.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49, 285-294 (1998). [2]. Kolsky K.L., Joshi V, Mausner L.F., Srivastava S.C.: Appl. Radiat. Isot., 49, 1541-1549 (1998). [3]. Zhu X, Lever S.Z.: Electrophoresis, 23, 1348-1356 (2002). IN VITRO STABILITY OF TRICARBONYLTECHNETIUM(I) COMPLEXES WITH N-METHYL-2-PYRIDINECARBOAMIDE AND N-METHYL-2-PYRIDINECARBOTHIOAMIDE – HISTIDINE CHALLENGE Monika Łyczko, Jerzy Narbutt The strategy to design new 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals involves incorporation of the radionuclide into biologically active molecules, which requires chelating 99mTc at an appropriate oxidation state and linking the obtained chelate to the biomolecule. The chelates should be stable, kinetically inert, small in size and moderately lipophilic. As a part of our systematic studies [1-3] on tricarbonyltechnetium(I) chelates with the derivatives of picolinic and thiopicolinic acids: N-methyl-2-pyridinecarboamide (LNO) and N-methyl-2-pyridinecarbothioamide (LNS); we studied the stability of these complexes using histidine challenge method. Histidine and cysteine challenge tests are often used to determine in vitro stability of technetium complexes [4,5]. The 99mTc-LNO and 99mTc-LNS complexes were obtained from their tricarbonyl precursor, fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+, as described elsewhere [1]. Under conditions of the challenge experiments (0.07 M Cl–), two forms of the complexes were distinguished, [ 99m Tc(CO) 3 L NX (H 2 O)] + and/or [99mTc(CO)3LNXCl] (X=O or S), the equilibrium between these two forms being dependent on the ligand, LNX. The formation of each complex was confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Molecular structure of the complexes was confirmed by infrared (IR) studies on the analogous 99Tc and rhenium complexes followed by X-ray diffraction studies on the latter [1,6,7], and also by advanced quantum chemistry calculations [2]. Histidine challenge experiments were performed by adding 0.5 mL of aqueous phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4) containing 2·10–3 M histidine, to 0.5 mL of the 99mTc complex solution containing excess (2·10–3 M) of LNO or LNS. The samples were 72 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Fig.1. HPLC chromatogram of the [99mTc(CO)3LNO] complex after incubating (0.5 h, 37oC) with histidine solution (the concentrations of histidine and LNO are equal to 1·10–3 M). Peaks: 1 – [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ (at 4.5 min) practically absent, 2 – TcO 4– , 3a – [99mTc(CO)3LNO(H2O)]+, 3b – [99mTc(CO)3LNOCl], 4 – [99mTc(CO)3histidine]. incubated at 37oC and analyzed by means of HPLC after 0.5, 2 and 24 h. After incubating the 99mTc-LNO complex for 0.5 h, a new peak of a moderate height appeared in the chromatogram at 12.4 min (Fig.1), which corresponds well to the position of the [99mTc(CO)3histidine] complex. This means that histidine partly replaces the LNO ligand in the complex. The relative magnitude of this 12.4 min peak after incubating the 99mTc-LNO complex for 2 h is only slightly greater than that after 0.5 h. On the other hand, in the chromatogram of the 99mTc-LNS complex practically no peak of the histidine complex was observed even after incubation as long as 24 h (Fig.2). Generally, tricarbonyltechnetium(I) Fig.2. HPLC chromatogram of the [99mTc(CO)3LNS] complex after incubating (24 h, 37oC) with histidine solution (the concentrations of histidine and LNO are equal to 1·10–3 M). Peaks: 3a – [99mTc(CO)3L NS(H2O)]+ practically absent, 3b – [99mTc(CO)3LNSCl]. complexes with bidentate ligands undergo significant substitution by tridentate histidine [8,9]. In view of the above information, the 99mTc-LNO complex studied may be considered fairly stable, while the 99mTc-LNS complex is extremely stable. This difference in the stability of both tricarbonyltechnetium(I) complexes well corresponds to that in their yields [1]. On the other hand, the more negative formation energy of the 99mTc-LNO complex calculated for the gas state [2] can result from the different configurations of the substrates and products in the gas state and the aqueous solution, as well as from different hydration energies of the LNO and LNS ligands in the solution [2]. Part of the work was carried out in frame of Marie Curie Action for the Transfer of Knowledge – contract No. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 with the European Commission. References [1]. Łyczko M., Narbutt J.: Tricarbonyltechnetium(I) complexes with neutral bidentate ligands: N-methyl-2-pyridinecarboamide and N-methyl-2-pyridinecarbothioamide. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 71-74. [2]. Narbutt J., Czerwiński M., Zasępa M.: Tricarbonyltechnetium(I) complexes with N,O- and N,S-donating ligands – theoretical and radiochemical studies. In: Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry NUCAR 2005, Amritsar, India, 15-18.03.2005. Eds. K. Chander, R. Acharya, B.S. Tomar and V. Venugopal. BARC, Trombay, Mumbai 2005, pp. 64-67. [3]. Narbutt J., Zasępa-Łyczko M., Czerwiński M., Schibli R.: Tricarbonyltechnetium(I) complexes with neutral bidentate ligands: N-methyl-2-pyridinecarboamide and N-methyl-2-pyridinecarbothio-amide. Experimental and theoretical studies. In: International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2005), Vienna, Austria, 14-18.11.2005. Book of extended synopses. IAEA, Vienna 2005, pp. 61-62. [4]. La Bella R., Garcia-Garayoa E., Bahler M., Blauenstein P., Schibli R., Conrath P., Tourwe D., Schubiger P.A.: Bioconjugate Chem., 13, 599-604 (2002). [5]. Alves S., Paulo A., Correia J.D.G., Gano L., Smith C.J., Hoffman T.J., Santos I.: Bioconjugate Chem., 16, 438-449 (2005). [6]. Fuks L., Gniazdowska E., Mieczkowski J., Narbutt J., Starosta W., Zasępa M.: J. Organomet. Chem., 89, 4751-4756 (2004). [7]. Gniazdowska E., Fuks L., Mieczkowski J., Narbutt J.: Tricarbonylrhenium(I) complex with a neutral bidentate N-methyl-2-pyridinecarboamide ligand, as a precursor of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. In: International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2005), Vienna, Austria, 14-18.11.2005. Book of extended synopses. IAEA, Vienna 2005, pp. 190-191. [8]. Schibli R., La Bella R., Alberto R., Garcia-Garayoa E., Ortner K., Abram U., Schubiger P.A.: Bioconjugate Chem., 11, 345-351 (2000). [9]. Bayly S.R., Fisher C.L., Storr T., Adam M.J., Orvig C.: Bioconjugate Chem., 15, 923-926 (2004). RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 73 ION EXCHANGE STUDIES ON THE ORGANOMETALLIC AQUA-ION fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ IN ACIDIC AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS Zbigniew Samczyński, Monika Łyczko, Rajmund Dybczyński, Jerzy Narbutt The “semi aqua-ion” fac-triaquatricarbonyltechnetium(I) (fac-[99mTc(CO3)(H2O)3]+), 1, is a well known precursor of potential diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals labelled with 99mTc [1,2]. The carbonyl ligands are very strongly attached to the central metal ion due to dπ→pπ back-bonding. Substitution of bi- or tridentate chelating ligands for the labile water molecules leads to the formation of numerous complexes, both thermodynamically stable and moderately kinetically inert. This inertness can be explained by the d6 electron configuration of the central metal ion in the octahedral environment [1]. Both 1 and its Re(I) analog (1a) are much more acidic than the aqua-ions of other monovalent metals. Titration experiments with macroamounts (10–3 M solutions of Re or 99Tc) resulted in: for 1a pKa≈7.5 [3], and for 1 pKa>8 [1] or pKa≈8.7 [4]. Oligomerization of the hydrolyzed species in macroamounts was also observed [1-4]. In aqueous halide solutions the water molecules in 1 are partly substituted by halide ions with the formation of rather weak neutral and anionic halide complexes [4,5]. The aim of the present work was to study speciation of 1 at n.c.a. level in acidic aqueous solutions, and in particular the ion exchange behaviour of the various Tc(I) species. The complex 1 was obtained following Alberto’s method [1]. The yield exceeded 95%, the main impurity being the non-reacted 99mTcO4– anion (2) as detected by high performance liquid chromato- Fig.1. Electrophorograms of slightly alkaline aqueous solutions of 1: (A) pH 8.65 – the peak moved to the cathode – [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ (1); (B) pH 9.20 – the peak remained at the origin (75 mm from the cathode) – the neutral [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)2OH] complex (4). graphy (HPLC). Another impurity, 99mTcO2 (3) removed on a guard C-18 HPLC column, could not be detected this way. To study the hydrolysis of 1 in water at higher pH and to confirm the sign of the electric charge on 1 we used paper electrophoresis with radiometric detection of 99mTc. The pH of the initial alkaline solution of 1 (soon after synthesis) was adjusted to a required value in the range of 1.0÷10.7, by adding some HClO4 or NaOH, and then 10 μL of the solution was brought on the centre of a paper stripe (1×15 cm) soaked with an electrolyte of the same pH. The electrophoresis was carried out at 100 V out for 20 min. A large broad peak was observed on the electrophorograms, either migrating to the cathode in the pH range of 1.0÷8.65, or remaining in the origin at pH≥9.2 (Fig.1). The positively charged species was undoubtedly 1, while that remaining in the origin would be the neutral [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)2OH] complex (4) – the product of deprotonation of 1 at higher pH. Basing on this, we estimate the pKa of 1 to be in the range of 8.8÷9.0, which is consistent with the data for the macroamounts [1,4]. In the acidic and neutral solutions small amounts of impurities, probably 2 and 3, were also detected, either remaining in the origin or slowly migrating to the anode. At pH>9 these small peaks were overlapped by the large, broad peak of 4. The ion exchange studies were carried out with acidic (HNO3 and HCl) solutions, pH<2, at room temperature. Two different ion exchange resins were used: - an amphoteric resin with aminophosphonic groups, Purolite S-950, 35-65 μm; - a strongly basic anion exchanger, Dowex 1X4, 200-400 mesh. Strongly acidic cation exchanger of the gel type, Dowex 50WX4, appeared inconvenient for this study because of rather low affinity for 1 and significant peak tailing. In order to separate 99mTc(I) species from the impurities 2 and 3, the amount of which increased with ageing the solution, the dynamic (chromatographic) method of study was applied. Glass columns (0.071 cm2 × 8 cm) were filled with the given resin, and then washed with either 0.05÷2 M HNO3 (Purolite S-950), or 0.1÷12 M HCl (Dowex 1X4). 99m Tc samples (50 μL each) in HNO3 or HCl solutions of the same concentration were introduced on the top of the resin bed, and then the 99mTc species were eluted from the column at the average flow rate of 0.64 mL/min. Three 99mTc species were found in the HNO3 effluent from the column filled with the amphoteric resin: a small peak of 3 in the free volume, the main peak of 1, and a peak of 2 of varying magnitude (Fig.2). The distribution ratio, Di, of the given species i was determined from the position of its peak on the chromatogram: RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 74 Fig.2. 99m Tc species eluted with 0.3 M HNO3 from amphoteric ion exchange resin, Purolite S-950, loaded with aged solution of [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+. The numbers denote the Tc(I) species defined in the text. (1) Di = (Vmax,i – V0)·m–1 r where Vmax,i – effluent volume at the peak maximum of the species i [mL]; V0 – sum of the dead volume of the column and the free volume of the resin bed [mL]; mr – mass of the dry resin [g]. The use of the dynamic method at the slow kinetics of redox reactions of 99mTc (see above) allowed us to determine the distribution ratios, Dm, of the 99m Tc compounds at each valence state of technetium, Tc(m). In the experiments with the HNO3 solutions we dealt with only one chemical form of 99mTc(I), 1. The slope of linear function logDI vs. log[HNO3], equal to -0.96 ±0.04 (Fig.3), combined with the results of the electrophoretic studies, confirms the +1 charge of 1. The cation 1 is not very hydrophilic: in 1 M HNO3 we have DI=12 mL g–1. The slope of linear function logDVII vs. log[HNO3], whole range of HNO3 concentrations studied, so DIV=0. On the contrary to the HNO3 systems, only one large peak was observed in the HCl effluents from the anion exchanger columns. In this peak various chemical forms of Tc(I) were eluted altogether: the precursor 1 and three chloride complexes – [Tc(CO)3(H2O)2Cl] (5), [Tc(CO)3(H2O)Cl2]– (6) and [Tc(CO)3Cl3]2– (7), in dynamic equilibrium [4,5]. Although the equilibrium between 1, 5, 6 and 7 establishes slowly in the NMR time-scale [5], it is very fast in the time-scale of the ion exchange experiment (minutes). The latter results in the elution of all these Tc(I) species in the common single broad peak. In some experiments at DI>10, a small peak of 3 could be distinguished in the HCl effluent, at the free volume (DIV=0). On the contrary to the Purolite S-950/HNO3 system, the peak of 2 was never observed in the HCl effluent. That was due to a very high affinity of the pertechnetate ion, 2, to the Dowex 1X4 resin in the chloride form. The expected DVII values for the Dowex 1X4/HCl systems were too large to be experimentally determined. Fig.4. Distribution ratio of the [99mTc(CO)3]+ species, DI, in the system anion exchange resin Dowex 1X4/HCl, as a function of HCl concentration. Figure 4 shows the dependence of DI (determined from equation 1) on the molar concentration of HCl in the Dowex 1X4/HCl system. Let us denote the [Tc(CO)3(H2O)3–iCli]1–i formula as MCl1–i and assume that the two anionic species i formed, 6 and 7 adsorb on the Dowex 1X4 resin (R-Cl) according to the anion exchange equation: i ⎯⎯ → Ri–1MCli + (i – 1)Cl– (2) (i – 1)RCl + MCl1–i i ←⎯ ⎯ K Fig.3. The dependence of the distributions ratios, DI and DVII, of two ionic 99mTc species on the HNO3 concentration in the system Purolite S-950/HNO3 solutions. equal to -1.00 ±0.05 (Fig.3), corresponds to the –1 charge of 2. The anion 2 is rather strongly adsorbed on the amphoteric resin studied. On the other hand, 99m TcO2 is not adsorbed on the resin within the where Ki denotes the equilibrium constant of the anion exchange reactions. Ki may be expressed by the mass action law using thermodynamic activities of the participating species, provided the activity of water (solvant) does not change within the whole range of concentrations studied (constant ionic strength). This asumption, however, can hardly be RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY satisfied in ion exchange experiments at a broad range of the electrolyte (HCl) concentrations. Assuming that also the neutral form, 5, is adsorbed on the Dowex-1 resin according to (2), we may express the distribution ratio of Tc(I) as follows: ⎧ 3 ⎫ ⎧ 3 ⎫ D I = ⎨∑ [R i −1MCli ]⎬ × ⎨∑ [MCl1i −i ]aq ⎬ ⎩ i =1 ⎭ ⎩ i =0 ⎭ −1 (3) where square brackets denote the molar concentrations of the given species in the aqueous phase (index aq) and those in the resin phase (no index). Assuming Ki to be constant values, and including the constant value [RCl]i-1 into the Ki, we arrive at: DI = A[Cl− ]aq 2 + β3 [Cl− ]3aq 1 + β1[Cl− ]aq + β2 [Cl− ]aq (4) where β1, β2 and β3 are the concentrational stability constants of the chloride complexes 5, 6 and 7 in aqueous solution: −1 −i βi = [MCl1i −i ]aq × [M + ]aq × [Cl − ]aq (5) and A=K1β1+K2β2+K3β3. Considering A to be a constant (which is a very rough assumption), and basing on the experimental dependence of logDI (determined from equation 1) on log[HCl] in the Dowex 1x4/HCl system (Fig.4; the solid line is the 75 best-fit polynomial (4)) we evaluated for the three chloride complexes fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3–nCln]1–n the values: β1=0.45, β2=0.085, β3=0.0046 (dm3 mol–1 units). The values obtained are less (by the factor of 2.4÷3) than the literature values of the respective concentrational stability constants, determined by 99Tc-NMR for the macroamounts of Tc at a constant ionic strength (I=4) at 22oC [5]. Taking into account that the ion exchange experiments were carried out at varying ionic strength of the HCl solutions (I=0.1÷12) we consider our values for n.c.a. amounts of Tc at 25oC to be unexpectedly good approximations for the literature stability constants. References [1]. Alberto R., Schibli R. , Waibel R., Abram U., Schubiger A.P.: Coord. Chem. Rev., 190-192, 901-919 (1999). [2]. Alberto R.: Top. Curr. Chem., 252, 1-44 (2005). [3]. Egli A. et al.: Organometallics, 16, 1833-1840 (1997). [4]. Suglobov D.N. et al.: In: Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. 6. Eds. M. Nicolini, U. Mazzi. SGEditoriali, Padova 2002, pp. 123-126. [5]. Gorshkov N.I., Lumpov A.A., Miroslavov A.E., Mikhalev V.A., Suglobov D.N.: Czech. J. Phys., 53, A745-A749 (2003). SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OF NEUTRAL BIDENTATE N-HETEROCYCLIC LIGANDS ON THE SEPARATION OF Am(III) FROM Eu(III) BY SOLVENT EXTRACTION WITH TETRADENTATE 6,6’-BIS-(DIETHYL-1,2,4-TRIAZIN-3-YL)-2,2’-BIPYRIDINE Jerzy Narbutt, Jadwiga Krejzler The research in the partitioning of long-lived radionuclides of minor actinides (An) from nuclear wastes, directed on their further transmutation, is an important programme in Europe and in several nuclear countries in the world. In particular, it is the subject of an integrated project EUROPART realized in the 6th Framework Programme of EU within EURATOM [1]. One of the numerous extraction systems proposed for the selective separation of minor actinides from lanthanide (Ln) fission products (the SANEX process) was the subject of our recent studies [2,3]. N-tetradentate heterocyclic ligands, the derivatives of 6,6’-bis-(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2’-bipyridine (BTBP), have been selected as most promising ex- tractants for the SANEX process, very selectively extracting actinides(III) over lanthanides from HNO3 solutions [4,5]. Solvent extraction of Am(III) and Eu from 1 M HNO3 by 6,6’-bis-(diethyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2’-bipyridine (C2-BTBP, scheme 1), with high SFAm/Eu, has been reported [5].Very slow kinetics of extraction with these lipophilic N-tetradentate ligands, not acceptable in technology, can be improved by the use of “phase transfer reagents”, but at the cost of somewhat lowered the An/Ln separation factor, SFAn/Ln [4]. Scheme 2. 5,6-dimethyl-3-pyridin-2-yl-1,2,4-triazine (PT). Scheme 1. 6,6’-bis-(5,6-diethyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2’-bipyridine (C2-BTBP). In the present work, we investigated the effect of bidentate N-heterocyclic ligands, 5,6-dimethyl-3-pyridin-2-yl-1,2,4-triazine (PT, scheme 2) [6], and 5,5',6,6'-tetraethyl-3,3'-bi-1,2,4-triazine (TT, scheme 3) [6], on the efficiency of the Am(III)/Eu(III) separation by solvent extraction with C2-BTBP. Preliminary liquid-liquid distribution studies have shown that both C2-BTBP and TT are very lipophilic and exhibit very low basicity (pKa<<1), while PT is 76 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY moderately lipophilic and moderate weakly basic (pKa≈2.7). Dilute 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane solutions of C2-BTBP (and its mixtures with PT or TT) were used to extract carrier-free 152Eu and 241Am from 1 M HNO3. The test tubes with the two liquid phases were mildly (60 times per min) mechanically Scheme 3. 5,5',6,6'-tetraethyl-3,3'-bi-1,2,4-triazine (TT). shaken at a temperature of 25oC for various time intervals (from 10 to 180 min). Other experimental details are described elsewhere [3]. Figure 1 presents the dependence of the distribution ratios of the metal ions, DAm and DEu, on the extraction time in all the systems studied. In no system studied the extraction equilibrium was attained even after 180 min of the slow shaking. In the system with 0.05 M C2-BTBP alone all the extraction parameters: DAm, DEu and SFAm/Eu are much Fig.1. Kinetics of solvent extraction of Am(III) (full symbols) and Eu(III) (open symbols) in the systems: 0.05 M C2-BTBP (squares), 0.05 M C2-BTBP+0.5 M PT (circles) and 0.05 M C2-BTBP+0.5 M TT (triangles) in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane/1 M HNO3 at 25oC. lower than the respective values reported for the same system, but under vigorous 60 min shaking, e.g. SFAm/Eu=160 [5]. Moreover, the rate of Am extraction appears somewhat less than that of Eu. Therefore, the SFAm/Eu value also increases with the time of extraction (Fig.2). The 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane solutions of PT and TT alone, 0.2÷1.5 M, do not noticeably extract Am(III) ions from 1 M HNO3 (DAm<10–4), which is consistent with the data by Hudson et al. [6]. Figure 1 shows that the bidentate ligands, PT and TT, either improve the kinetics of solvent extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) ions with C2-BTBP or cause a thermodynamic synergistic effect in extraction of both metal ions, much stronger for Am than for Eu. A great increase in the DAm values is observed when comparing to the system with C2-BTBP alone, while the respective increase in the DEu values is relatively less. This difference leads to a sygnificant increase also in the SFAm/Eu values which grow with the time of extraction more and faster than that in the system with C2-BTBP alone (Fig.2). Fig.2. The increase in the Am(III)/Eu(III) separation factor with the time of solvent extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) in the systems: 0.05 M C2-BTBP (squares), 0.05 M C2-BTBP+0.5 M PT (circles) and 0.05 M C2-BTBP+0.5 M TT (triangles) in 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane/1 M HNO3 at 25oC. The enhancement of the extraction exerted by the TT ligand is somewhat greater than that from PT. All the experimental quantities, DAm, DEu and SFAm/Eu, observed after 180 min mild shaking in the mixed-ligand systems seem to approach the equilibrium values. The fact that the DAm and DEu values are by 2÷4 times lower than the respective equilibrium values reported for the system with C2-BTBP alone [5] may be interpreted as due to the higher C2-BTBP concentration in that reference system (0.068 M). Surprisingly, however, the highest separation factors, SFAm/Eu, in the C2-BTBP+PT and C2-BTBP+TT systems, 230 and 340, respectively, are significantly greater than the reported reference value, 160 ±16 [5]. On the other hand, all the DAm, DEu and SFAm/Eu values observed in our system with C2-BTBP alone are clearly non-equilibrium quantities, even after 180 min mild shaking. If further studies confirm this preliminary observation that 180 min mild shaking makes it possible to reach equilibrium in the mixed-ligand extraction systems studied, while not in the system with C2-BTBP alone, we will be able to conclude that the synergism observed is of kinetic origin. In that case the bidentate ligands studied will be considered the phase transfer regents which do not decrease the SFAm/Eu value observed in the system with C2-BTBP alone, surely because of the selectivity of the ligands for Am(III) over Eu(III) ions. The other option, i.e. the thermodynamic synergism due to preferential formation of mixed-ligand Am(III) complexes, is less probable because both tetradentate and bidentate ligands studied are neutral molecules of the same chemical character, which can hardly exert synergistic effects in solvent extraction of metal ions. The work was carried out within the European Commission project EUROPART (contract No. FI6W-CT-2003-508854) and was co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (decision No. 619/E-76/SPB/6). We thank our EUROPART partner, Dr. M.R.St.J. Foreman, for supplying us with the extractants studied. We also thank Prof. S. Siekierski for discussion and Mrs. W. Dalecka for technical assistance. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY References [1]. Madic C., Lecomte M., Dozol J.-F., Boussier H.: Advanced chemical separation of minor actinides from high level nuclear wastes. In: Proceedings of the Conference EURADWASTE’04, Luxembourg, 29.03.-01.04.2004. EUR 21027. [2]. Narbutt J., Krejzler J.: Separation of Am(III) from Eu(III) by mixtures of triazynylbipyridine and bis(dicarbollide) extractants. The composition of the metal complexes extracted. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 74-76. 77 [3]. Krejzler J., Narbutt J., Foreman M.R.St.J., Hudson M.J., Casensky B., Madic C.: Czech. J. Phys., 56, D459-D467 (2006). [4]. Geist A., Hill C., Modolo G., Foreman M.R.St.J., Weigl M., Gompper K., Hudson M.J.: Solvent Extr. Ion Exch., 24, 463-483 (2006). [5]. Drew M.G.B., Foreman M.R.St.J., Hill C., Hudson M.J., Madic C.: Inorg. Chem. Commun., 8, 239-241 (2005). [6]. Hudson M.J., Foreman M.R.St.J., Hill C., Huet N., Madic C.: Solvent Extr. Ion Exch., 21, 637-652 (2003). ESTIMATION OF CYTOSTATIC AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PLATINUM(II) COMPLEXES WITH THIOUREA DERIVATIVES Elżbieta Anuszewska1/, Bożena Gruber1/, Hanna Kruszewska1/, Leon Fuks, Nina Sadlej-Sosnowska1/ 1/ National Medicines Institute, Warszawa, Poland cis-Platin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), CDDP) is used in clinical practice as one of the most effective anticancer drugs. Unfortunately, its usefulness is limited due to the growing resistance of tumor cells, and significant side effects of the drug. It has been found that direct structural analogues of cis-platin, e.g. diaminocyclohexane (DACH) platinum(II) complexes, do not show the expected improvement of the clinical efficacy in comparison with the parent drug. Thus, since a few years after the discovery of CDDP a continuing effort is being made to develop other platinum complexes in order to overcome the above shortcomings [1,2]. In the last two decades, the interest in platinum(II) complexes with chelating ligands containing both nitrogen and sulfur donor atoms has increased, because these complexes seem to exhibit either higher anticancer activity or reduced toxicity in relation to known metal containing drugs [3]. As a result of these studies, a number of novel platinum(II) complexes sufficiently interesting for clinical trials have been synthesized. However, only a few of them have overcome the parent drug in their efficacy [4]. On the other hand, several combined chemotherapeutic procedures consisting in the application of various platinum(II) complexes together with compounds containing S-donor groups (in this case called chemoprotectants) have been tested with the aim of reducing the platinum-based side effects. As a result of our previous studies [5,6], a question arises whether complexes containing the PtII(R1R2tu) fragment, where (R1R2tu) denotes a differently substituted thiourea (tu) molecule, might exhibit the desired biological activity. Literature data suggest, that platinum(II) complexes with certain thiourea derivatives (in particular containing the acridine fragment, called ACRAMTUs [7,8]) can really be potential pharmaceuticals. The mode of their therapeutic action differs, however, from that established for the cis-platin. Our searching for the platinum(II) complexes with ligands containing the thiourea derivatives focused on the Scheme. N-tetrahydrofurfurylthiourea (1) and N-2-methyltetrahydrothiophenethiourea (2). synthesis as well as the physicochemical and cytotoxic characterization of the compounds with the non-acridine thiourea derivatives. The main objective of the presented study was to determine biological, i.e. cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity of platinum(II) complexes with N-2-tetrahydrofurfurylthiourea (1) and N-2-methyltetrahydrothiophenethiourea (2), see Scheme. MTT assay (test for measuring cell growth with colorimetric assay using yellow colorimetric indicator: MTT – 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) was performed as described by Gruber and Anuszewska [9]. In addition to the cytotoxic properties, biological activity of the platinum complexes against different microorganisms was tested. The antimicrobial activity was expressed by minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Results of the MIC measurements are presented in Table 1. The results are displayed on the bar char, where L(O) and L(S) stand for the platinum(II) complex with 1 and 2, respectively (Fig.1). It can be seen that both complexes are especially efficient against Staphylococcus epiderminis: platinum(II)-1 complex inhibited growth of the strain at a concentration of 5 mM, whereas platinum(II)-2 was active against Staphylococcs epidermidis at 2.5 mM. The latter was also active against Bacillus pumilus at a concentration of 5 mM. All other bacterial strains were inhibited by platinum(II)-1 complex at a concentration of 10 mM, and by platinum(II)-2 at a concentration of 20 mM. On the other hand, the fungal strains were resistant to both compounds even at the highest concentration, i.e. of 20 mM. 78 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Table 1. MIC values of the investigated platinum(II) complexes. Table 2. The IC50 values of the investigated platinum(II) complexes. Cytotoxic activity of the complexes was determined with the use of MTT test. As shown in Table 2 and Fig.2, all kinds of cells examined exhibit comparable sensitivity to both platinum(II)-1 and platinum(II)-2 complexes. The less sensitive to the platinum(II) complexes appeared HeLa cells (an The obtained data indicate that mammalian cells are about 10 times more sensitive than bacterial cells with reference to the platinum complexes studied. Stability of both complexes, with 1 and 2, in the standard aqueous physiological solution was checked by recording their UV-Vis spectra (200-800 nm, nmax=235 nm) vs. time. No changes in the spectra have been detected within one week. The HPLC chromatograms of samples withdrawn occasionally from the saline solutions of the complexes during one week (isocratic elution using a CH3CN-H2O mixture, vol:vol=20:80; 230 nm) did not exhibit noticeable changes either. As a result of the presented work, we can conclude that the biological activity of both platinum(II)-1 and platinum(II)-2 complexes, determined as their cytostatic IC50 and antimicrobial MIC values, is not very high. The same concerns the results obtained already for the standard L1210 murine leukemia cell line [10]. However, the found cytotoxicity is significantly improved as compared to that of platinum(II) complexes with the unsubstituted thiourea molecules [5]. These results moti- Fig.1. Activity of the investigated platinum(II) complexes against the bacterial strains. immortal cell line derived from cervical cancer cells taken from Henrietta Lacks, who died from her cancer in 1951), while the most sensitive were WS1 cells – normal human fibroblasts. Fig.2. Activity of the investigated platinum(II) complexes against the tumor cells. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY vate us to continue the investigations, in particular on platinum(II) complexes with other thiourea derivatives, possibly useful in the chemotherapy. References [1]. Cvitkovic E., Spaulding J., Bethune V., Martin J., Whitmore W.F.: Cancer, 39, 1357 (1977). [2]. Burchenal J.H., Kalaher K., Dew K., Lokys L.: Cancer Treat. Rep., 63, 1493 (1979). [3]. Faraglia G., Fregona D., Sitran S., Giovagnini L., Marzano C., Baccichetti F., Cesellato U., Graziani R.: J. Inorg. Biochem., 83, 31 (2001). [4]. Canetta R., Rozencweig M., Wittes R.E., Shacter L.P.: In: Proceedings of the Fifth Nagaya International Symposium on Cancer Treatment. Excerpta Medica, Tokyo 1990, pp. 318-323. [5]. Fuks L., Sadlej-Sosnowska N., Samochocka K., Starosta W.: J. Mol. Struct., 740, 229 (2005). 79 [6]. Fuks L.: Pt(II) chloride complexed by tetrahydrofurfuryl- or tetrahydrotiophenylthiourea: structural and biological features. 3rd Cental European Conference Chemistry towards Biology, Kraków-Przegorzały, Poland, 08-12.09.2006. [7]. Hess S.M., Anderson J.G., Bierbach U.: Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 15, 443 (2005). [8]. Choudhury J.R., Bierbach U.: Nucleic Acids Res., 33, 5626 (2005). [9]. Gruber B.M., Anuszewska E.L.: Toxicol. In Vitro, 16, 663 (2002). [10]. Fuks L., Kruszewski M., Sadlej-Sosnowska N.: Structural studies and cytotoxicity assays of platinum(II) chloride complexed by (tetrahydrothiophene)thiourea. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 68-70. TRANSITION METAL SORPTION BY ALGINATE BIOSORBENT Dorota Filipiuk1/, Leon Fuks, Marek Majdan2/ 1/ 2/ Białystok Technical University, Poland Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland Contamination of aquatic environment by various pollutants (synthetics, organic, heavy metals, etc.) causes imbalance in natural functioning of the ecosystem. Heavy metals cause particularly severe damage to the living systems at various levels. Main sources of heavy metal contamination are: (i) urban industrial aerosols created by combustion of fuels, metal ore refining and other industrial process; (ii) liquid and solid wastes generated from animals and humans; (iii) mining activities; and (iv) industrial and agricultural chemicals. The most important feature that distinguishes heavy metal ions from other toxic pollutants is their non-biodegradability. The toxicity due to metal ion is owing to their ability to bind with protein molecules and prevent replication of DNA and subsequent cell division [1]. To avoid health hazard, it is essential to remove these toxic heavy metals from water before their intake by living organisms. Search for new technologies involving the removal of toxic metals from wastewaters has directed attention towards biosorption, i.e. metal binding by various biological materials. Biosorption can be defined as the ability of biological materials to accumulate heavy metals from aqueous solutions through metabolically mediated or physicochemical pathways of uptake [2]. Algae, bacteria and fungi and yeasts have proved to be potential biosorbents of metal ions [3]. The major advantages of biosorption over conventional treatment methods include: (i) low cost, (ii) high efficiency, (iii) minimization of chemical and/or biological sludge, (iv) no additional nutrient requirement; (v) easy regeneration of biosorbent, and (vi) possibility of metal recovery [4]. Biosorption process involves a solid phase (sorbent or biosorbent; biological material) and a liquid phase (solvent, normally water) containing a dissolved species to be sorbed (sorbate, metal ions). Due to higher affinity of the sorbent for the sorbate species, the latter is bound by different mechanisms. The biosorption equilibrium of heavy metals was modelled using adsorption-type isotherms. The Langmuir [5] and Freundlich [6] models are used as the most popular ones. The form of the Langmuir model is qe = (b)(q m )(Ce ) 1 + (b)(Ce ) (1) where: qe – the sorption capacity at equilibrium [mol g–1], qm – maximum sorption capacity [mol g–1], Ce – equilibrium concentration of metal ion [mol L–1], b – the Langmuir model constant [L/mol]. The form of the Freundlich model is qe = K(Ce)1/n (2) where K and n – the Freundlich model constants (dimensionless). Seaweeds are accounted among the most popular biosorbents because their macroscopic structures offer a convenient basis for production of sorbent particles suitable for sorption process. Brown marine algae tend particularly to sequester heavy metals [7,8], in particular cell wall material obtained from Sargassum biomass [9]. As a result, ion exchange properties of certain natural polysaccharides have been studied in detail, and it was found that bivalent metal cations exchange with counter ions coming from the polysaccharides, e.g. alginic acid (Scheme) according to the following reaction [3]: Scheme. Alginic acid carbohydrate chain. 80 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Table. Isotherm model constants and correlation coefficients for biosorption of the selected divalent transition metal cations (concentrations expressed in mol L–1). *) Co=0.0005 mol/L. 2NaAlg + Me2+ ↔ Me(Alg)2 + 2Na+ (3) In the presented paper, sorption data for the selected divalent transition metal cations are reported, obtained from a batch equilibrium sorption procedure using calcium alginate pellets. The sor- thetic aqueous solutions containing a given metal ion of known concentration. Then, the equilibrium metal content was determined spectrophotometrically using 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR) as an indicator. The amounts of metal sorbed by the algi- Fig.1. Langmuir adsorption isotherms for Mn(II) and Ni(II) ions. bent studied is comparable at low price to the original alginic acid, however its mechanical, chemical and thermal resistance significantly exceeds those of the acid. Experiments were performed by shaking (6 h) the weighed amount of calcium alginate with syn- nate were calculated as the difference between the initial and equilibrium concentrations in the aqueous phase. The best fit parameters of equations (1) and (2) were obtained by regression analysis using the software package Microcal Origin for Windows (release 6.0). Table shows the model constants and Fig.2. Freundlich adsorption isotherms for Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY correlation coefficients for the isotherms, determined for the divalent transition metal cations studied. Figures 1 and 2 present the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms determined for some of the metal ions studied. The essential characteristics of the Langmuir isotherms can be expressed in terms of a dimensionless constant, called the separation factor or equilibrium parameter (RL) defined as: RL = 1/(1+bCo) (4) where: b – the Langmuir constant mentioned above, Co – initial concentration of the metal cation. According to McKay [10] the RL value indicates the type of isotherm as follows: RL>1 – unfavourable, RL=1 – linear, 0<RL<1 – favourable and RL=0 – irreversible. The RL values found for the initial metal concentration of 0.5 mmol L–1 are slightly smaller than unity. The K and n parameters calculated from the slopes of the Freundlich plots vary within the ranges 0.0279÷1.6943 and 0.7107÷1.0266, respectively. The obtained RL values, being between 0 and 1, indicate for the favourable description of the process by the Langmuir model. The experimental values of n close to unity for all the investigated cations indicate for poor fitting of the process by the Freundlich theory, as discussed elsewhere [11]. The R2 values for the Langmuir isotherm higher than respective values for Freundlich equation ob- 81 served for the majority of the metal ions, indicate that a monolayer coverage on the surface of the calcium alginate is formed in the process. This means that the sorption proceeds on the functional groups/binding sites of the sorbent. The process should be regarded as monolayer adsorption. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. Kar R.N., Sahoo B.N., Sukla L.B.: Pollut. Res., 11, 1-13 (1992). Fourest E., Roux J.-C.: Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 37, 399-403 (1992). Volesky B.: Biosorption of heavy metals. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida 1990, 396 p. Kratochvil D., Volesky B.: Water Res., 32, 2760-2768 (1998). Langmuir I.: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 40, 1361-1403 (1918). Freundlich H.: Z. Phys. Chem., 57 A, 385-470 (1907), in German. Volesky B., Holan Z.R.: Biotechnol. Progr., 11, 235-250 (1995). Volesky B.: Hydromeallurgy, 71, 179-90 (2003). Fourest E., Volesky B.: Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 67, 33-44 (1997). Mckay G., Blair H.S., Gardener J.R.: J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 27, 3043-3057 (1982). Kadirvelu K., Namasivayam C.: Environ. Technol., 21, 1091-1097 (2000). GALLIUM AND INDIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS IN THE DOWEX 1-X8/HCl SYSTEM Irena Herdzik, Wojciech Dembiński , Witold Skwara, Ewa Bulska1/, Agnieszka Wysocka1/ 1/ Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Poland In recent studies on the fractionation of gallium and indium by chemical methods we have discovered the gallium and indium isotope effects in the system: strongly acidic cation exchanger (Dowex 50W-X8)/HCl [1,2]. The aim of the present work was to seek similar chemical isotope effects of the same elements in the analogous system: strongly basic anion exchanger Dowex 1-X8/HCl solution. The experimental method was the same as that used in the earlier studies. A long glass chromatographic column, 0.5 cm in inner diameter, was filled with the Dowex 1-X8 resin, 200-400 mesh up to the bed height of 95 cm. The “merry-go-round” elution method was used with the flow rate of the effluent (HCl at a given concentration) of 0.11 ml/min. The concentrations of the HCl were selected in such a way as to obtain moderate values of the distribution coefficient of the metal ions, required for chromatographic experiment. At the HCl concentration equal to 2.5 M for Ga3+ and 1.0 M for In3+, the Kd values were close to 4 (Fig.1). Two cycles of the elution were done for gallium and 5 cycles for indium. During the last cycle the 1 ml fractions of the effluent were collected. The contents of indium and gallium in the consecutive fractions were evaluated by spot tests with alcoholic solution of alizarin and with aqueous Rhodamine B, respectively [3], and then quantitatively determined in selected samples by atomic absorption analysis with flame atomization. The ratio (R) of the isotope concentrations, [113In]/[ 115In] and [ 69Ga]/[ 71Ga], in the selected fractions of the effluent was determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) Perkin Elmer Elan 6100. The relative Fig.1. Kd of indium and gallium vs. HCl concentration in the Dowex 1-X8/HCl system. 82 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY standard deviation of these measurements was usually 0.05÷0.07%. Prior to the analysis, chlorides were removed from the samples by evaporating with 4 M HNO3 to dryness and dissolving the residue in 0.1 M HNO3. The local separation factors, defined as qi =Ri/Rfeed, or the local separation gains, defined as εi=ln(qi), were calculated from these data. Fig.3. Isotope separation gain of indium and gallium vs. eluted fraction. X-asis in Z units. Fig.2. Isotope separation gain of indium (in 1.0 M HCl) and gallium (in 2.5 M HCl) vs. eluted fraction of the metal. Figure 2 shows the results of the separation experiments, performed with 1.0 M HCl for indium, and in 2.5 M HCl for gallium. The opposite slopes of the S-shape curves demonstrate opposite sign of the indium and gallium isotope effects. The resin phase was enriched with the light isotope of gallium and the solution with the heavy isotope. The light isotope of indium was accumulated in the solution whereas the heavy isotope – in the resin phase. The value of the unit separation factor for gallium was found to be ε=+5.9x10–4, and for indium ε=-1.5x10–4. The opposite signs (using the same convention) of the isotope effects in the systems with the cation and anion exchanger reflect the difference in the stability constants of the chloride complexes of the metals, for Ga 3+ – log β1=0.01; while for In3+ – log β1=2.32, log β2=3.62 and log β3=4.0 [4]. The unit separation factor was calculated on the basis of the Glueckauf approxi- mation, under the assumption that the shape of the eluted band resembles the normal distribution [5,6]. According to this theory, ε is equal to S/N0.5, where S is the slope of linear function of εi vs. the eluted fraction (Δn/n) at the X-axis scaled in standardized differences (Z) of normal distribution (Fig.3), and N is the number of theoretical plates passed by the band. This work was supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), under grant No. 4 T09A 057 25. References [1]. Dembiński W., Herdzik I., Skwara W., Bulska E., Wysocka A.: Indium isotope effect in the Dowex 50-X8/HCl system – comparison with the isotope effect of gallium. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 77-78. [2]. Dembiński W., Herdzik I., Skwara W., Bulska E., Wysocka A.: Nukleonika, 51, 217-220 (2006). [3]. Feigl F., Anger V.: Spot tests in inorganic analysis. 6th ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam-London-New York 1972, pp. 233-247. [4]. Smith M.R., Martell A.E.: Critical stability constants. Vol. 4. Inorganic complexes. Plenum Press, New York and London 1976, pp. 109-110. [5]. Glueckauf E.: Trans. Faraday Soc., 51, 34-44 (1955). [6]. Glueckauf E.: Trans. Faraday Soc., 54, 1203-1208 (1958). PROFICIENCY TESTING SCHEME PLANTS 6 – DETERMINATION OF As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se AND Zn IN DRY MUSHROOM POWDER (Suillus bovinus) Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Ewelina Chajduk, Jakub Dudek, Monika Sadowska-Bratek, Michał Sypuła Proficiency testing (PT) schemes are one of the elements of quality assurance and quality control system in chemical measurements. PTs are one of the instruments of independent assessing the quality of routine measurements. Participation in PT enables laboratories to demonstrate the reliability of the data they are producing. It is also one of the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 [1] and can be used by accreditation bodies in accreditation decisions. The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) has been involved in providing PT since 2003. PT scheme PLANTS has been designed for the purposes of laboratories from Poland and Central and Eastern Europe determining trace elements in food of plant origin. PT PLANTS 6 – RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Determination of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn in dry mushroom powder (Suillus bovinus) has been conducted in 2006. The adopted strategy of the PT scheme complies with the ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997 [2], ISO 13528:2005 [3] and IUPAC harmonized protocol [4]. Test material Preparation of test material Wild mushrooms (ca. 60 kg) were collected in the forest in north-west Poland, cleaned from dust, soil and attached mosses. The end part of stalks were removed. Mushrooms (caps and stalks) were then cut into small pieces and air dried in a dryer accord- 83 ing to a procedure commonly used by food concentrate producers (mainly 25oC, from time to time 60oC). Dried mushrooms were milled in a centrifugal mill made of stainless steel and sieved by stainless steel sieves. The fraction of particles with diameter ≤1 mm was collected. This fraction (ca. 5 kg) was then homogenized by mixing and bottling of 20 g test samples. Care was taken to avoid contamination. In order to ensure the long-term stability of the test samples radiation sterilization was carried out. All bottles with the test material were irradiated with electron beam (energy 10 MeV, 9 kW) from a linear accelerator LAE-13/9 (Depart- Table 1. Results of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn determination provided by the reference laboratories. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 84 ment of Radiation Chemistry and Technology, INCT). The sterilization dose was 30 kGy. Moisture determination The procedure of moisture determination was established on the basis of water desorption curves determined at different temperatures. The reference point has been chosen on a plateau that ensures satisfactory reproducibility of the results. It has been recommended to dry subsamples of the material for 24 h at 50oC. In this case, the uncertainty associated with moisture content determination was evaluated to be ≤1%. Homogeneity testing Homogeneity testing was carried out according to the ISO 13528:2005 standard [3]. Contents of the elements in question in 10 randomly selected bottles were determined by the atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) method. Two samples of 250 mg were taken from each bottle and analyzed. Mean value (Xmean), standard deviation of mean value (Sx), repeatability standard deviation (Sr) and between samples standard deviation (Ss) were calculated using the following equations: Xmean = ΣXaverage/g Xaverage = (xt,1 + xt,2)/2 Sx = (Xmean − Xaverage )2 /(g −1) Sr = (x t ,1 − x t ,2 ) 2 /(2g) Ss = Sx 2 − (Sr 2 / 2) where: Xaverage – average result for t bottle, t – bottle number (t=1, 2, 3,…, g). The material is considered to be homogeneous if: ^ Ss < 0.3σ ^ where σ is standard deviation for proficiency assessment. On the basis of obtained results, it has been found that the material could be considered as homogenous for the sample masses ≥250 mg for all the determined elements. Assigning property values Some of the test samples were selected randomly and analyzed by a group of reference labo- ratories. The obtained results are summarized in Table 1. The assigned values and their uncertainties (Table 2) were calculated as the robust averTable 2. Assigned values and their uncertainties. * Expanded standard uncertainty (k=2). age of the results reported according to the procedure recommended by the ISO 13528:2005 standard [3]. Calculation of performance statistics For the purpose of performance evaluation, the z-score and En-test score have been employed. En-test was used only when a participating laboratory reported its own estimation of uncertainty. The value of the z-score was calculated using the equation: x –x z = lab ^ ref σ where: xlab – result reported by participating laboratory, xref – assigned value, ^ σ – standard deviation for proficiency assessment calculated from Horwitz’s formula [5]: ^ σ = 0.02 c0.8495 where c is concentration of the element in g g–1. The ^ σ values are equal to 0.065 mg kg–1 for As, 0.053 mg kg–1 for Cd, 1.05 mg kg–1 for Cu, 0.036 mg kg–1 for Hg, 0.085 mg kg–1 for Pb, 0.209 mg kg–1 for Se and 5.25 mg kg–1 for Zn. The value |z|<3 has been set as an acceptance level for this PT. Table 3. Number of PT participating laboratories determining individual elements, number of applied methods and number of accepted results. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 85 Fig.1. Results of laboratories participating in PT (z-score) for As determination. Fig.3. Results of laboratories participating in PT (z-score) for Hg determination. Fig.2. Results of laboratories participating in PT (z-score) for Cd determination. Fig.4. Results of laboratories participating in PT (z-score) for Zn determination. The value of the En-test score are calculated from the following equation [11]: cepted on the basis of z-score value. Some examples of summary results are shown in Figs.1-4. En = x lab − x ref 2 U 2ref + U lab where U is expanded standard uncertainty (k=2). The value |En|≤1 has been set as an acceptance level for this PT. Eighteen Polish laboratories participated in the PT. Seventeen laboratories provided the results. Number of PT participating laboratories determining individual elements, number of applied methods and number of accepted results are summarized in Table 3. As can be seen, the performance of the participating laboratories can be recognized as satisfactory. Only 5 from 89 provided results are not ac- References [1]. ISO/IEC 17025:2005 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. ISO, Geneva 2005. [2]. ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997 – Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons. Part 1: Development and operation of proficiency testing schemes. ISO, Geneva 1997. [3]. ISO 13528:2005 – Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons. ISO, Geneva 2005. [4]. Thompson M., Ellison S.L.R., Wood R.: Pure Appl. Chem., 78, 1, 145-196 (2006). [5]. Thompson M.: Analyst, 125, 385-386 (2000). NEW POLISH CERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR INORGANIC TRACE ANALYSIS: CORN FLOUR (INCT-CF-3) AND SOYA BEAN FLOUR (INCT-SBF-4) Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Rajmund Dybczyński, Ewelina Chajduk, Bożena Danko, Krzysztof Kulisa, Zbigniew Samczyński, Michał Sypuła, Zygmunt Szopa Certified reference materials (CRMs) are an important element of the metrological system. In chemical measurements, CRMs are used as an internal tool of quality assurance for checking accuracy of results and for validation of measurement methods [1-3]. As CRMs should be as similar to the analyzed material as possible, the potential de- mand for suitable CRMs in very big. The production and use of CRMs should meet requirements of international guidelines [4-8]. The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) has issued two new materials of biological origin lately, namely: Corn Flour (INCT-CF-3) and Soya Bean Flour (INCT-SBF-4). The general strategy of prepa- 86 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY ration and certification of CRMs developed in the INCT [3] has been employed. The concentration level of trace elements in these matrices are much lower than in the biological type CRMs issued previously by the INCT and differ strongly in fat content what is important for the way of decomposition of the sample. So, INCT-CF-3 and INCT-SBF-4 supplement the issued CRMs and should fulfill specific laboratory needs. Origin, preparation and testing of the materials Collection, grinding and sieving Both raw materials were chosen from among the materials present on the Polish market. Corn flour was prepared from corn grown in Poland and soya bean flour from soya grown in India. Corn flour was produced by ViVi-Tak s.c. (Poland) according to Polish standard PN-A-74205:1997, then sieved through the 250 μm nylon sieves and stored in a polyethylene (PE) bag. Soya bean was milled, sieved through the 150 μm nylon sieves and stored in a PE bag. Approximately 50 kg of sieved corn flour and soya bean flour were collected. Homogenization and preliminary homogeneity testing In order to homogenize, the whole lot of each of flours (ca. 50 kg) was transferred to a 110 dm3 PE drum, placed in a homogenizer and the material was mixed by the rotation for 20 hours. After this time, a preliminary homogeneity testing was performed determining selected elements in the samples randomly selected from the drum by the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method. It was found that the materials did not show any significant inhomogeneity. The materials were then distributed in 50 g portions (future CRM) into 150 cm3 polypropylene (PP) bottles with a screw-on cap and 10 g portions (intercomparison sample) into 60 cm3 poly(ethylene tetraphtalate) (PET) bottles, respectively. Determination of particle size Examination by optical microscopy revealed that Martin’s diameter (arithmetic mean of the maximum distance between opposite sides of a particle and a distance in perpendicular direction) of over 98% of particles of INCT-CF-3 was below 25 μm and over 90% of particles of INCT-SBF-4 was below 50 μm. Final homogeneity testing Homogeneity have been studied by the determination of selected element contents in 100 mg samples using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). For INCT-CF-3, these were Br, Co, Fe, K, Mn, Na, Rb and Sc and Co, Fe, K, Sc and Zn for INCT-SBF-4. The results (variances and means) for six samples randomly taken from different containers and for six samples from a single container (also randomly chosen) were compared by means of Fisher’s test (F-test) and t-Student’s test (t-test). No significant differences in variances and means were found. Hence, the materials can be considered as homogeneous for the sample masses ≥100 mg. Determination of total water content Total water content in the candidate reference materials was determined in the Institute for Ref- erence Materials and Measurements – IRMM (Gell, Belgium) laboratory using the Karl-Fischer titration method. It amounted to 11.09 g/100 g with relative expanded uncertainty of 11.3% in INCT-CF-3 and 7.33 g/100 g with relative expanded uncertainty of 10.9% in INCT-SBF-4. Radiation sterilization All containers with the candidate CRMs were sterilized by irradiation with electron beam (energy 10 MeV, 9 kW) from a linear accelerator LAE-13/9 (Department of Radiation Chemistry and Technology, INCT). The sterilization dose was 28 kGy. Stability testing Long-term stability was checked by comparing the results obtained for one bottle (randomly chosen) stored under controlled conditions: in an air-conditioned room at 20oC (normal storage). Samples of the CRM (ca. 100 mg) were taken from the bottle after 0, 20 and 32 months of storage and concentration of six selected elements (Co, Fe, K, Rb, Sc and Zn) was determined by the INAA method. Short-term stability was examined by the determination of concentrations of the above mentioned elements in the bottle stored in the CO2 incubator (ASAB) at 37oC, 100% humidity and 5% CO2. Statistical evaluation of the obtained results using t-Student’s test [9] indicates that there are no significant differences between the results obtained in both experimental conditions examined and that no significant trends can be observed. Consequently, it can be stated that the material is stable in time. The test is being continued and stability of INCT-CF-3 and INCT-SBF-4 will be monitored during all storage. Determination of dry mass In order to refer the results of analysis to the same dry state of the material, a methods of water determination on the basis of water desorption curves determined at few temperatures were established. The reference points have been chosen on a plateau that ensures satisfactory reproducibility of the results. It has been recommended to dry the subsample of the materials for 24 h at 80oC. The standard uncertainty due to moisture content determination was established on the basis of replicate measurement to be 0.51 and 0.45% for INCT-CF-3 and INCT-SBF-4, respectively. Characterization of the materials The assignment of the certified values for element concentrations has been based on the results of the interlaboratory comparison organized in the years 2004-2005. Ninety two laboratories from 19 countries participated in the intercomparison. The laboratories were asked to analyze two candidate CRMs and a CRM of their own choice for a quality assurance (QA) reason. Moreover, the participating laboratories were asked to analyze the CRM sent together with the intercomparison samples, the identity of which was known only to the organizer. The results of the analysis of that CRM were then applied in the process of the certification. Two data sets were created and evaluated: the first – “original” – consisted of all results reported by the laboratories and the second – “alternative” – con- RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Fig.1. Comparison of central values and their confidence limits for Co in INCT-SBF-4 obtained by various approaches to the background of original range of results submitted by participants. sisted of the results provided by the laboratories for elements certified in the CRMs when the confidence limits of the laboratory results overlapped with the confidence limits of the CRM, i.e. when there is fulfilled the condition: x CRM − x lab ≤ k CRM ⋅ u CRM + k lab ⋅ u lab (1) – where: xCRM – certified value, xlab – laboratory mean, u – combined standard uncertainties, k – coverage factors at a level of confidence of 95%. A method of data evaluation leading to assignment of certified values was the same as that used previously in our Laboratory [10]. This approach is being based on outlier’s rejection procedure which uses concurrently four statistical tests (Dixon, Grubbs, skewness and kurtosis) at the significance Table 1. Certified values for Corn Flour (INCT-CF-3). 87 Fig.2. Comparison of the certified values and their confidence limits and the result obtained by the definitive method for Mo in INCT-CF-3 on the background of original range of results submitted by the participants. level of 0.05, followed by calculation of the overall means of results remaining after outlier rejection, standard deviations, standard errors, confidence intervals. The results of the evaluation of both data sets, i.e. original and alternative one were very similar in the most cases. For some elements, the results obtained by the radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) definitive method [11-18] were also employed in the process of certification, as it is illustrated in Figs.1 and 2 and as it was done previously with the respect to the former CRMs issued by the INCT. The certified values for Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Cu, K, La, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Rb, S, Sr, Th and Zn were 88 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Table 2. Certified values for Soya Bean Flour (INCT-SBF-4). determined using the alternative database. In such a way, these data are traceable to the existing CRM. On the other hand, the use of the CRM confirms the validity of the applied method of data evaluation [17]. The values for other elements were derived from the original database. The combined standard uncertainty of certified values uc consists of four uncertainty contributions, which are associated with Fig.3. Frequency of the use of analytical technique in the certification campaign. the result of the interlaboratory comparison uinterlab, the long-time stability ulstab, the short-time stability usstab and the moisture determination usm (expressed as standard uncertainties): 2 2 2 2 u = u interlab + u lstab + u sstab + u sm (2) uinterlab is estimated as a relative standard deviation of the overall mean, ulstab – the standard uncertainty estimated from the long-term stability studies, usstab – the standard uncertainty estimated from the short-term stability studies, and usm – the standard uncertainty estimated from the moisture determination study. The expanded uncertainty (U) is obtained by multiplying uc by a coverage factor k=2 (corresponds to a level of confidence of approximately 95%). Certified values and their uncertainties (X ±U) established in the course of the present work for several elements in INCT-CF-3 and INCT-SBF-4 are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Information values are listed in Table 3. The relative frequency of using various analytical techniques in this intercomparison is illustrated RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY Table 3. Information values for Corn Flour (INCT-CF-3) and Soya Bean Flour (INCT-SBF-4). 89 good cooperation. This work was in part supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) grant No. 032290/C.PO6-6/2003. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. [11]. [12]. [13]. in Fig.3. As can be seen, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), neutron activation analysis (NAA), emission spectroscopy (OES) and mass spectrometry (MS) were the methods most frequently used. The very significant share of results by NAA, much greater than could have been expected on the basis of global contribution of this method to routine analyses worldwide, is worth emphasizing. The authors express their thanks to all laboratories participating in this intercomparison for [14]. [15]. [16]. [17]. [18]. Stoeppler M., Wolf W.R., Jenks P.J.: Reference materials for chemical analysis. Certification, availability and proper usage. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2001. Reference materials in analytical chemistry. A guide for selection and use. Ed. A. Zschunke. Springer, Berlin 2000. Dybczyński R.: Food Addit. Contam., 19, 928 (2002). ISO/IEC Guide 35: Certification of reference materials – general and statistical principles. ISO, Geneva 2006. ISO Guide 30: Terms and definitions used in connection with reference materials. ISO, Geneva 1992. ISO/IEC Guide 34: Quality system guidelines for the production of reference materials. ISO, Geneva 2000. ISO/IEC Guide 33: Uses of certified reference materials. ISO, Geneva 2000. ISO Guide 31: Contents of certificates of reference materials. ISO, Geneva 2000. Linsinger T.P.J., Pauwels J. Lamberty A., Schimmel H.G., van der Veen A.H.M., Siekmann L.: Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 370, 183 (2001). Dybczyński R., Danko B., Kulisa K., Chajduk-Maleszewska E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Samczyński Z., Szopa Z.: Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 49, 143 (2004). Dybczyński R., Danko B, Polkowska-Motrenko H.: Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 370, 130 (2001). Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R.: Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 41, 873 (1996). Polkowska-Motrenko H., Danko B., Dybczyński R., Becker D.A.: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 207, 401 (1996). Danko B., Dybczyński R.: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 216 (1), 51 (1997). Polkowska-Motrenko H., Danko B., Dybczyński R.: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 379, 221 (2004). Polkowska-Motrenko H., Danko B., Dybczyński R.: Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 50, 155 (2005). Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R.: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem, 269, 339 (2006). Dybczyński R., Danko B., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Samczyński Z.: Talanta, 71, 529 (2007). DETERMINATION OF CADMIUM, LEAD AND COPPER IN FOOD PRODUCTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES BY ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY AFTER SEPARATION BY SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION Jadwiga Chwastowska, Witold Skwara, Elżbieta Sterlińska, Jakub Dudek, Leon Pszonicki The growing contamination of environment causes that many toxic elements are able to form various organo-metallic compounds. In this form they can be solubilized and enter soils, sediments, waters and plants, and, in consequence, they can enter the food chain. This fact causes the necessity to check the contamination level of environment by heavy metals and what their physiological effect is. Therefore, the determination of these metals in soil, waters, plants and also in food products at very low concentration levels as μg g–1 and ng g–1 is required. However, the direct application of suitable analytical instrumental methods is often restricted owing to interferences caused by the matrices of such samples and by low concentration of the elements to be determined. The mentioned difficulties may be eliminated by the preliminary separation and preconcentration of the contaminating elements. From among the methods usually used for this purpose, the solid-phase extraction is applied more and more frequently because of its simplicity and many advantages in comparison with other methods [1-5]. Previously, we elaborated a dithizone sorbent and applied it for the determination of noble metals in environmental samples [5], speciation of selenium 90 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY [6] and the determination of some heavy metals in highly mineralized waters [7]. In the presented work, we demonstrate that this sorbent has a versatile ditions, on the other hand, the toxic elements can form easy volatile organo-metallic compounds that may be easy lost. In the proposed method the samples Table 1. Conditions for sample mineralization and dilution (sample – 0.2-0.5 g, maximum volume of solution – 8 mL). character and may be applied for the separation and determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry of most toxic elements in various environmental materials and food products. This were dried, ground and mineralized in a microwave mineralizer. The mineralization conditions are presented in Table 1. The obtained solutions were evaporated to wet residues, dissolved in 0.2 M Table 2. Results of analysis of certified materials. * a – certified values. ** b – determined values (mean values of 5 determinations). fact enables the unification of analytical methods and, thereby simplification of the work in the laboratories analyzing materials of various types. The preliminary preparation of samples, their mineralization and transformation into solution is a very important step of any analytical procedure. In the case of environmental and food samples containing mostly organic matter these operations hydrochloric acid, neutralized by sodium hydroxide to pH 4 and put into a column with the dithizon sorbent. The adsorbed elements were eluted by 2 M nitric acid and determined by graphite tube atomic absorption spectrometry. The accuracy of the method was checked by the determination of cadmium, lead and copper in three various certified reference materials. The obtained Table 3. Results of copper, cadmium and lead determination in selected food products and environmental materials (mean values for n=5). create often serious problems. On the one hand, some organic compounds are resistant to mineralization and require application of very strong con- results are established in Table 2. All of them are inside the confidence intervals what proves that the tested method is accurate. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY The presented method was applied for the analysis of some environmental materials (soil, street dust and grass) and various food products. The obtained results and their precision expressed as relative standard deviations (RSD) are demonstrated in Table 3. The relative standard deviations vary in the range from 0.5 to 3% due to the type of sample and the determined element and indicate that the precision of the applied methods is satisfactory. References [1]. Goswami A., Singh A.K.: Anal. Chim. Acta., 454, 229 (2002). [2]. Osman M.M., Kholeif S.A., Aboul Al.-Mauty N.A.: Microchim. Acta, 143, 25 (2003). 91 [3]. Pramanik S., Dhara S., Bhattacharyya S.S., Chattopadhyay P.: Anal. Chim. Acta, 556, 430 (2006). [4]. Burham N., Abel-Azeem S.M., El-Shahat M.F.: Anal. Chim. Acta, 579, 193 ( 2006). [5]. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Pszonicki L.: Talanta, 64, 224 (2004). [6]. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L.: Speciation analysis of selenium in mineral waters by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after separation on dithizone sorbent. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), in press. [7]. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L.: Determination of cadmium, lead, copper and bismuth in highly mineralized waters by solid phase extraction and atomic absorption spectrometry. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), in press. CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LIX. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRIDAZINE-3,6-DICARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS Michal Gryz1/, Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz 1/ Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocides, Warszawa, Poland The structure of bis(μ-pyridazine-3,6-dicarboxylato- κ 4 N,O:N’,O’)-bis[diaquazinc(II)], Zn2(C6H2N2O4)2(H2O)4, is composed of isolated centrosymmetric dinuclear units built up of two Zn(II) ions bridged by two fully deprotonated pyridazine-3,4-dicarboxylate ligand molecules. The Zn1 ion is cheleted by two N,O bonding groups each donated by a different ligand molecule: Zn1-O1 2.033(2) Å, Zn1-O3 2.045(2) Å, Zn1-N1 2.160(2) Å, Zn1-N2 2.172(2)Å and two water oxygen atoms in axial positions (Zn1-O5 2.145(2)Å, Zn1-O6 2.121(2) Å) forming an octahedral enviroment. Figure 1 shows the molecule of the dimer with atom labelling scheme, Fig.2 – the packing of dimers in the unit cell. The inversion centres of the complex molecules coicide with the the rms deviation of 0.0408(10) Å. Carboxylate groups deviate from the mean ring plane by 5.4(5)o (C7O1O2) and 5.0(5)o (C8O3O4). Hydrogen bonds Fig.1. The asymmetric unit of the title compound with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. inversion centres generated in the unit cell by the symmetry elements of the space group Pbca. Zn(II) ions and the pyridazine rings are coplanar with Fig.2. The alignment of dimeric molecules in the unit cell. For clarity, only a half of the dimers is shown. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 92 with lengths in the range from 2.743(3) to 2.816(3) Å operate between the coordinated water molecules, and carboxylate oxygen atoms belonging to adjacent dimers. They are responsible for the cohesion of the structure. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package. References [1]. Part LV. Premkumar T., Govindarajan S., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: Diaquatetrakis(pyrazine-2-carboxylato-κ2O,N)-thorium(IV) trihydrate. Acta Crystallogr., E62, m98-m100 (2006). [2]. Part LVI. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: trans-Diaquabis(pyridazine-3-carboxylato- κ2O,N)-magnesium(II) dihydrate. Acta Crystallogr., E62, m123-m124 (2006). [3]. Part LVII. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J., Premkumar T., Govindarajan S.: Crystal structures of two Ca(II) complexes with imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate and water ligands. J. Coord. Chem., 59, 557-564 (2006). [4]. Part LVIII. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: catena-Poly[[aquacalcium(II)]bis(μ-1H-imidazole-4-carboxylato)κ4N,O:O,O’; κ3O,O’:O’]. Acta Crystallogr., E62, m2648-m2650 (2006). [5]. Part LIX. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J.: Bis(μ-pyridazine-3,6-dicarboxylato-κ4N,O:N’,O’)-bis[diaquazinc(II)]. Acta Crystallogr., E62, m3470-m3472 (2006). CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LX. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF MAGNESIUM(II) AND ZINC(II) COMPLEXES WITH IMIDAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS Michal Gryz1/, Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz 1/ Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocides, Warszawa, Poland Magnesium imidazolate: trans-diaquabis(imidazole-4-carboxylato- κ 2 N,O)-magnesium(II), Mg(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)2, crystallizes in the monoclinic system (space group P21/c). The structure is composed of monomeric molecules, each containing a Mg(II) ion located at the inversion centre and chelated by two imidazole-4-carboxylate ligand molecules via their N,O bonding moieties (Mg-N 2.193(2) Å, Mg-O 2.070(2) Å) and two water oxygen atoms (Mg-O 2.063(2) Å). A fairly regular octahedron with water oxygen atoms at the apical Fig.2. Packing diagram of Mg(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)2. one, the Zn(II) ion is octahedrally coordinated by two, oriented in trans mode ligand molecules, each via its N,O bonding moiety and two water oxygen atoms. In the other, the Zn(II) ion is pentacoordinated by N,O bonding moieties of two ligand molecules and one water oxygen atom (Fig.3). Six Fig.1. Mg(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)2 molecule with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. positions is formed (Fig.1). The imidazole rings are coplanar. The monomers are kept together by hydrogen bonds in which the water molecules and protonated nitrogen atoms act as donors (Fig.2). Triclinic unit cell (space group P1) of zinc imidazolate: [trans-diaquabis(imidazole-4-carboxylato- κ 2 N,O)-zinc(II)][monoaquabis(imidazole-4-carboxylato-N,O)-zinc(II)] trihydrate, [Zn(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)2][Zn(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)]·3H2O, contains two monomeric complex molecules. In Fig.3. The molecules of [Zn(C 4 H 3 N 2 O 2 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ] [Zn(C4H3N 2O 2)2(H2O)]·3H2O with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 93 solvation water molecules in three symmetry independent sites complete the content of the unit cell. The octahedron around the Zn(II) ion is slightly distorted with Zn-O, Zn-N and Zn-OH2 bond distances of 2.152(2) Å, 2.041(3) Å and 2.179(3) Å, respectively. The mean bond distances in the pentacoordinated Zn(II) polyhedron are: 2.101(2) Å (Zn-O), 2.040(2) Å (Zn-N) and 2.002(3) Å (Zn-OH2). An extended network of hydrogen bonds in which solvation water molecules, coordinated water molecules and protonated ring-nitrogen atoms act as donors is responsible for the cohesion of the structure. Hydrogen bond lengths range from 2.705(2) to 2.950(2) Å (Fig.4). X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package. Fig.4. Packing diagram of [Zn(C 4 H 3 N 2 O 2 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ] [Zn(C4H3N2O2)2(H2O)]·3H2O. CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXI. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A MANGANESE(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZOLE-3,5-DICARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS Thatan Premkumar1/, Subbian Govindarajan1/, Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz 1/ Department of Chemistry, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India The structure of trans-diaquabis(1H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate-N,O)-manganese(II) dihydrate, Mn(C5H3N2O4)2·2H2O, is composed of monomeric molecules in which Mn(II) ions situated at the inversion centres are chelated, each by two singly deprotonated pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate ligand molecules and two water oxygen atoms in trans arrangement. The coordination around the Mn(II) ion is slightly distorted octahedral. The chelation of the pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate ligand proceeds via its N,O bonding moiety consisting of the hetero-ring nitrogen atom N2 and the oxygen atom O1 of the nearest carboxylate group: Mn1-O1 2.183(2) Å, Mn1-N2 2.215(1) Å, Mn1-O5 2.156(2) Å. The other carboxylate group remains protonated and participates only in a network of hydrogen bonds. The pyrazole ring is planar: rms 0.0005 Å. The protonated carboxylic group C7O3O4 deviates from it only by 1.9(1)o, the carboxylic group C6O1O2 – by 10.3(1)o. Figure 1 shows the molecule with atom labelling scheme, Fig.2 – the packing diagram of the structure. The protonated carboxylic oxygen atoms, the coordinated water molecules, the solvation water molecules and the protonated pyrazole ring nitrogen atoms participate in a network of hydro- Fig.2. The unit cell of Mn(C5H3N2O4)2·2H2O. Dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. Fig.1. The molecule of Mn(C5H3N2O4)2·2H2O with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. gen bonds responsible for the stability of the structure. Their lengths are in the range from 2.509(2) to 2.916(2) Å. RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 94 X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXII. THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR DYNAMICS OF 2-AMINOPYRIDINE-3-CARBOXYLIC ACID Andrzej Pawlukojć, Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz, Ireneusz Natkaniec1,2/, Dorota Nowak1,3/ 1/ 2/ Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland 3/ Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland An interesting feature of the 2-aminopyridine-3-carboxylic acid molecule is its zwitterionic structure in which the carboxylic proton is transferred not to the amino group but to the hetero-ring nitrogen atom. Figure 1 shows the molecule with atom labelling gen bonds are in the range from 2.6472(14) to 2.7951(14) Å. Figure 2 shows the alignment of hydrogen bridged almost flat molecular ribbons. The pyridine ring of the title molecule is almost planar (rms 0.0129(1) Å). The dihedral angles between Fig.2. The unit cell of 2-aminopyridine-3-carboxylic acid. Dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. Fig.1. The molecule of 2-aminopyridine-3-carboxylic acid with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. scheme. This configuration produces intermolecular hydrogen bonds in which the amino group and hetero-ring nitrogen atoms act as donors and the carboxylate oxygen atoms in adjacent acid molecules act as acceptors. The lengths of these hydro- the hetero-ring plane and the carboxylate and amino group planes are 5.6(1)o and 2.3(1)o, respectively. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer using an Oxford Cryogenic Cooler to maintain the temperature of the sample at 100 K. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package. An analysis of inelastic neutron scattering spectra recorded at the Pulsed Reactor IBR-2 at Dubna (Russia) using a NERA-PR spectrometer shows a good agreement with those calculated for a crystal. CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXIII. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A CALCIUM(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZINE-2,3,5,6-TETRACARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz Centrosymmetric, triclinic unit cell of Ca(II) contains four (in two symmetry independent sites) Ca(II) ions, two fully deprotonated pyrazine-2,3,5,6-tetra- carboxylate (2,3,5,6-PZTC) ligand molecules with their geometrical centres in the inversion centres at 0,1/2,1/2 (molecule 1) and 0,1/2,0 (molecule 2) RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY and two water molecules coordinated to the metal ions. All potential chelating sites of both ligand molecules are engagged in bridging the metal ions giving rise to a three-dimensional molecular network. 95 centre at 0,0,0. The N,O bonding moieties composed of N21, O21 and N21IX, O21IX atoms coordinate the Ca2 and Ca2IX ions, respectively, while the second carboxylate oxygen atoms O22 and O22IX acting as bidentate are linked to Ca2IV, Ca1IV and Ca2VI, Ca1VI ions, respectively. Oxygen atoms of the carboxylate groups which do not form the N,O bonding moieties act also as bidentate: O23 chelates Ca2IV and Ca2II ions, while the O23IX atom – the Ca2VI and Ca2XIV ions. The O24 and O24IX atoms are bonded to Ca1IV and Ca1XIV ions, respectively. In this way, the ligand molecule 2 bridges six Ca2 and four Ca1 ions. Fig.1. The bridging mode of ligand molecule 1. N,O and NXIII, OXIII bonding moieties of the ligand molecule 1 chelate the Ca1 and Ca1XIII ions, while the second oxygen atoms O12 and O12XIII are coordinated to Ca1VII and Ca1VI ions, respectively. Belonging to the remaining carboxylate groups oxygen atoms O13 and O13XIII are bonded to Ca2I and Ca2IX ions respectively and the O14 and O14XII oxygen atoms, each acting as bidentate are bonded to the Ca1VI and Ca1VIII ions (O14) and Ca1II and Ca1VII ions (O14XIII). Thus, the ligand molecule 1 bridges six Ca1 ions and two Ca2 ions. This bridging pathway with the atom labelling in respect to the inversion centre at 0,0,0 is shown in Fig.1. Fig.2. The bridging mode of ligand molecule 2. Having its geometrical centre at the inversion centre at 0,1/2,0, the ligand molecule 2 chelates ten Ca ions. Figure 2 illustrates the bridging pathway with atom labelling in respect to the inversion Fig.3. The packing of molecules in the unit cell of Ca2(2,3,5,6-PZTC)(H2O)2. The bridging pathways via ligand molecules 1 and 2 are interconnected by carboxylate oxygen atoms O13 and O13IX donated by the ligand molecule 1 to the coordination (Fig.3). In the third bridging pathway, the coordinated water oxygen atom O10 joins two adjacent Ca1 and Ca2 ions. Since the Ca1-O10-Ca2 angle is 94.81(8)o, a catenated zig-zag motif is observed. The water molecule O10 acting as a donor provides also an additional pathway via very weak hydrogen bonds to carboxylate O14VIII and O12VII atoms. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package. Symmetry code in respect to the inversion centre at 0,0,0: I x, y, z-1; II x, y-1, z; III -x+1, -y+2, -z+1; IV -x+1, -y+1, -z+2; V -x+1, -y+2, -z+2; VI x-1, y, z; VII -x+1, -y+1, -z+1; VIII -x, -y+2, -z+1; IX -x, -y+2, -z+1; X x+1, y, z; XI x, y, z+1; XII x, y+1, z; XIII -x, -y+1, -z+1; XIV -x, -y+2, -z+2. 96 RADIOCHEMISTRY, STABLE ISOTOPES, NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS, GENERAL CHEMISTRY CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROCYCLIC CARBOXYLATE LIGANDS. PART LXIV. THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC(II) COMPLEX WITH PYRAZOLE-4-CARBOXYLATE AND WATER LIGANDS Michal Gryz1/, Wojciech Starosta, Janusz Leciejewicz 1/ Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocides, Warszawa, Poland The monoclinic structure (space group C2/c) of trans-tetraquabis(pyrazole-4-carboxylato-N)-zinc(II) trihydrate, Zn(C4H3N2O2)2·3H2O, contains monomeric molecules in which the central metal ion located at the inversion centre is chelated by two pyrazole-4-carboxylate ligands via their hetero-ring nitrogen atoms and by four water oxygen atoms. The coordination around the Zn(II) ion is octahedral with Zn-N bond distance of 2.078(2) Å and mean Zn-O bond length of 2.125(3) Å (Fig.1). Deprotonated carboxylate groups of the ligand Fig.1. The molecule of Zn(C4H3N2O2)2·3H2O with atom labeling scheme. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level. molecules are not active in coordination but participate in a network of hydrogen bonds responsible for the cohesion of the crystal (Fig.2). Fig.2. The unit cell of Zn(C4H3N2O2)2·3H2O. Dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. X-ray diffraction data collection was carried out on a KUMA KM4 four circle diffractometer at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Structure solution and refinement was performed using SHELXL-97 program package. RADIOBIOLOGY RADIOBIOLOGY 99 IRON CHELATORS INHIBIT DNIC FORMATION TO THE SAME EXTENT, INDEPENDENTLY OF PERMEABILITY Kamil Brzóska, Hanna Lewandowska, Sylwia Męczyńska, Barbara Sochanowicz, Jarosław Sadło, Marcin Kruszewski Dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) are a group of physiologically important transducers of nitric oxide (NO) [1,2]. The low molecular-weight DNIC have been shown to modulate redox properties of the cellular interior through the inhibition of glutathione-dependent enzymes. Previously, we have shown [3] that depletion of lysosomal LIP (labile iron pool) by either chelation with deferoxamine (DFO) or lysis inhibition (by treatment with 10 mM NH4Cl) in K562, human myelogenous leukemia cells leads to a considerable decrease (down to 50%, depending on the incubation time) of DNIC forming in the cells treated with 70 μM nitric oxide donor (DEANO). We further investigated the nature of the cellular LIP involved in formation of DNIC in K562 cells. The cells were treated with a nitric oxide donor in the presence of a permeable (salicylaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone – SIH) or a nonpermeable (DFO) iron chelator. SIH is a highly lipophilic molecule that readily enters cells and firmly chelates the intracellular pool of redox active iron. Thus, it was plausible to suppose that it would chelate both cytosolic and compartmented LIP, including lysosomal LIP. The nonpermeable iron chelator, DFO, is a hydrophilic molecule that is taken up predomi- Fig.1. Dose dependent induction of DNIC specific EPR signal in K562 cells incubated for 6 h with different concentrations of SIH or DFO then treated with 100 μM NO for 15 min at 37oC. Solid bars – mean ±SD, n=3. Asterix denotes statistically significant difference vs. samples treated with 100 μM NO alone (a positive control), p<0.05. Open bars – per cent of initial value (cells treated with 100 μM NO alone). nantly via endocytosis and localizes almost exclusively within the lysosomal compartment, where it seems to remain. Hence, we expected that the effect exerted by DFO would depend on the control of reactivity of the intralysosomal iron pool. DNIC formation was recorded using EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance). The EPR spectra were recorded on Bruker ESP 300 at 77 K, microwave power – 1 mW, microwave frequency – 9.31 Fig.2. Inhibition of EPR signal induction in K562 cells incubated with 100 μM SIH for 0, 1, 3 and 6 h, and then treated with 100 μM NO for 15 min at 37oC. Solid bars – mean ±SD, n=3. Asterix denotes statistically significant difference vs. samples treated with 100 μM NO alone (a positive control), p<0.05. Open bars – per cent of initial value (cells treated with 100 μM NO alone). GHz, modulation amplitude – 3.027 G and time constant – 41 ms. In order to estimate the values of g coefficients computer simulation was performed on SimFonia 1.25 software (Bruker Analytische Messtechnik, DE). The results presented in Figs.1-3 show that DFO inhibits DNIC formation to the similar extent as Fig.3. Inhibition of EPR signal induction in K562 cells incubated with 1000 μM DFO for 1, 3 and 6 h, and then treated with 100 μM NO for 15 min at 37oC. Solid bars – mean ±SD, n=3. Asterix denotes statistically significant difference vs. samples treated with 100 μM NO alone (a positive control), p<0.05. Open bars – per cent of initial value (cells treated with 100 μM NO alone). SIH, indicating that both chelators affect similar pool of labile iron. Taken together, our present and previous results support the view that lysosomal iron considerably contributes to the total LIP in the cell. 100 RADIOBIOLOGY The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science statutory grant for the INCT. References J.L. Zweier. Kluwer Academic Publishing, Boston 1999, pp. 49-82. [2]. Ueno T., Yoshimura T.: Jpn. J. Pharmacol., 82, 95-101 (2000). [3]. Męczyńska S., Lewandowska H., Kruszewski M.: Acta Biochim. Polon., 55, Suppl. 1, 192 (2006). [1]. Vanin A., Kleschyov A.: In: Nitric oxide in transplant rejection and anti-tumor defence. Eds. S. Lukiewicz, GHRELIN, A LIGAND FOR THE GROWTH HORMONE SECRETAGOGUE RECEPTOR, INCREASES DNA BREAKAGE IN X-IRRADIATED PIGLET BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS Marcin Kruszewski, Teresa Iwaneńko, Jarosław Woliński1/, Maria Wojewódzka 1/ The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jabłonna, Poland Ghrelin, a recently described endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), is a 28 amino acid peptide encoded by GHRL gene and is derived from a 117 amino acid precursor peptide. It is produced by stomach cells and is a potent regulator of food intake, energy expenditure, adiposity, and growth hormone secretion (reviewed in [1]). Ghrelin reduces peripheral energy expenditure and enhances appetite by activating neurons that express Agouti-related peptide and neuropeptide Y. GHS-R and ghrelin are expressed in human T lymphocytes and monocytes, where ghrelin inhibits the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. Other functional roles of ghrelin at the cellular level remain poorly defined. We investigated the effect of ghrelin addition to food on the susceptibility of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BMNC) to DNA damage generated by X-irradiation. Ghrelin was applied intragastrically to newborn piglets for 7 days at a dose of 15 μg/kg body mass. After treatment, blood was collected by heart puncture and BMNC were isolated by density gradient centrifugation on Histopaque 1137, resuspended in RPMI1640 medium supplemented with 20% of foetal calf serum. Isolated cells were exposed to X-radiation (dose range – 0-3 Gy, 200 kV, 5 mA, dose rate – 1.2 Gy/min). The extent of DNA damage was evaluated by the alkaline comet assay [2]. To investigate the influence of ghrelin on cells’ ability to repair DNA damage, BMNC were irradiated with 2 Gy of X-radiation and disappearance of DNA breaks was monitored 0.5, 1 and 2 h after irradiation. We found that ghrelin had a marked effect on the level of X-ray induced DNA damage: there was a significant increase in the initial level of DNA strand breaks in cells from ghrelin treated animals as compared with untreated controls (Fig.1). However, no effect of ghrelin was observed on the cellular capacity to rejoin DNA strand breaks (Fig.2). Fig.2. Lack of effect of ghrelin treatment on the capacity of piglet BMNC to repair DNA damage induced by 2 Gy of X-radiation. This is the first observation of the participation of ghrelin in the cellular response to X-irradiation. It points to the role of ghrelin in enhancing the genotoxicity of oxidative stress-inducing factors generated during inflammation. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, project number PBZ-KBN-093/P06/2003. References Fig.1. The effect of ghrelin treatment on the initial X-ray-induced DNA breaks in piglet BMNC evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. [1]. Gil-Campos M., Aguilera C.M., Canete R., Gil A.: Br. J. Nutr., 96, 201-226 (2006). [2]. Wojewodzka M., Kruszewski M., Iwanenko T., Collins A.R., Szumiel I.: Mutat. Res., 416, 21-35 (1998). RADIOBIOLOGY 101 GHRELIN INCREASES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-INDUCED DNA BREAKAGE IN PIGLET BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS Teresa Bartłomiejczyk, Teresa Iwaneńko, Maria Wojewódzka, Jarosław Woliński1/, Roman Zabielski2/, Marcin Kruszewski 1/ The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jabłonna, Poland 2/ Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland The recently described endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, ghrelin, was found to inhibit hydrogen peroxide-induced cytokine release in human umbilical vein endothelial cells [1]. This suggested that the peptide blocks redox-mediated cellular signalling. Moreover, ghrelin inhibited basal and TNF-alpha-induced activation of nuclear factor-kappaB [1], a process initiated by DNA damage [2]. However, the effect of ghrelin on DNA damage induction has not been studied until now. We investigated the effect of ghrelin addition to food on the susceptibility of piglet peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BMNC) to DNA damage generated by hydrogen peroxide. Ghrelin was applied intragastrically to newborn piglets for 7 days at two doses (7.5 and 15 μg/kg body mass). After treatment, blood was collected by heart puncture and BMNC were isolated by density gradient centrifugation on Histopaque 1137, resuspended in RPMI1640 medium supplemented with 20% of foetal calf serum. Isolated cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide (0-250 μM) in phosphate buffered saline for 15 min at 4oC. The extent of DNA damage was evaluated by the alkaline comet assay [3]. Fig.1. The effect of ghrelin treatment on the initial hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breaks in piglet BMNC evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. We found that ghrelin had a marked effect on the level of hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage: there was a significant increase in the initial level of DNA strand breaks in cells from ghrelin treated animals as compared with untreated con- Fig.2. Lack of effect of ghrelin dose on the initial hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breaks in piglet BMNC evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. trols (Fig.1). This effect did not depend on ghrelin dose (Fig.2), supporting the relation of the observed enhancement of DNA damage to cellular signalling. Together with the preceding report on the effect of ghrelin on the initial DNA breaks in X-irradiated cells, this observation points to the role of ghrelin in enhancing the genotoxicity of oxidative stress-inducing factors generated during inflammation. Overproduction of ghrelin may lead to excessive DNA damage and consequent cytotoxicity, especially under inflammatory conditions, where DNA damaging agents, such as reactive oxygen or nitrogen species, are produced. Thus, the discovered effect of ghrelin may have some relevance to the pathophysiology of obesity-linked diseases. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, project number PBZ-KBN-093/P06/2003. References [1]. Li W.G., Gavrila D., Liu X., Wang L., Gunnlaugsson S., Stoll L.L., McCormick M.L., Sigmund C.D., Tang C., Weintraub N.L.: Circulation, 109, 2221-2226 (2004). [2]. Wu Z.H., Shi Y., Tibbetts R.S., Miyamoto S.: Science, 311, 1141-1146 (2006). [3]. Wojewódzka M., Kruszewski M., Iwaneńko T., Collins A.R., Szumiel I.: Mutat. Res., 416, 21-35 (1998). 102 RADIOBIOLOGY THE EFFECT OF LEPTIN ON DNA BREAKAGE INDUCED BY GENOTOXIC AGENTS IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS Marcin Kruszewski, Teresa Iwaneńko, Maria Wojewódzka, Jarosław Woliński1/, Roman Zabielski2/ 1/ The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jabłonna, Poland 2/ Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland Leptin, an adipose tissue cytokine is known to reduce food intake and to increase energy expenditure. Previous studies in rats indicated that gastric leptin is involved in cytoprotection in the rat pancreas and gastric mucosa. This protection depends upon vagal activity and sensory nerves and involves hyperemia probably mediated by nitric oxide and mimicking the gastroprotective effect of cholecystokinin (CCK) [1]. On the other hand, long form of leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) is expressed on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BMNC) and the existence of a reciprocal regulatory network is anticipated, by which leptin may control immune cell activation and inflammation (reviewed in [2,3]). Leptin up-regulates growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) expression on human T lymphocytes, modulates the activation of peripheral BMNC and it is known to have a proinflammatory action. We examined the influence of leptin on the susceptibility of human cells to ionizing radiation or hydrogen peroxide. Human peripheral BMNC were isolated from whole blood by density gradi- Fig.2. The effect of leptin treatment on the initial hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breaks in human BMNC evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. (20 μg/ml) for 20 h. After pretreatment, cells were X-irradiated (dose range – 0-8 Gy) in an ANDREX X-ray machine (Holger Andreasen, Denmark; 200 kV, 5 mA, dose rate – 1.2 Gy/min) or exposed to H2O2 (0-250 μM) in phosphate buffered saline for 15 min at 4oC. The extent of DNA damage was evaluated by the alkaline comet assay [3]. Leptin had no effect on BMNC proliferation after PHA stimulation. Pretreatment with leptin had no effect on the level of X-radiation- and H2O2-induced DNA breakage (Figs.1 and 2). The results described here and in the preceding two reports indicate that leptin has different effects on cellular susceptibility to DNA damaging agents in vivo and in vitro. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, project number PBZ-KBN-093/P06/2003. References Fig.1. Lack of effect of leptin treatment on the initial X-ray-induced DNA breaks in human BMNC evaluated by the alkaline comet assay. ent centrifugation on Histopaque 1137, resuspended in RPMI1640 medium supplemented with 20% of foetal calf serum, stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and pretreated with leptin [1]. Brzozowski T., Konturek P.C., Pajdo R., Kwiecien S., Ptak A., Sliwowski Z., Drozdowicz D., Pawlik M., Konturek S.J., Hahn E.G.: J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 52, 583-602 (2001). [2]. Popovic V., Duntas L.H.: Horm. Metab. Res., 37, 533-537 (2005). [3]. Broberger C.: J. Intern. Med., 258, 301-327 (2005). RADIOBIOLOGY 103 CABAS – A FREELY AVAILABLE PC PROGRAM FOR FITTING CALIBRATION CURVES IN CHROMOSOME ABERRATION DOSIMETRY Joanna Deperas1/, Marta Szłuińska2/, Marta Deperas-Kaminska3,4/, Alan Edwards2/, David Lloyd2/, Carita Lindholm5/, Horst Romm6/, Laurence Roy7/, Raymond Moss8/, Josselin Morand8/, Andrzej Wójcik1,4,8/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland Health Protection Agency, Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, Chilton, Didcot, United Kingdom 3/ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 4/ Świętokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland 5/ Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Helsinki, Finland 6/ Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Neuherberg, Germany 7/ Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex, France 8/ Institute for Energy – JRC European Commission, Petten, the Netherlands The aim of biological dosimetry is the calculation of the dose and the range of uncertainty to which an accident victim was exposed. This process requires the use of the maximum likelihood method for the proper fitting of an in vitro calibration curve, a procedure which is not implemented in popular, commercially available statistical computer programs. The most specific and sensitive technique of biological dosimetry relies on estimating the frequency of unstable chromosomal damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes of the exposed person [1,2]. The dicentric chromosome aberration assay is the most Fig. A screenshot of the main menu of the program. frequently used, sometimes combined with centric rings, and the cytokinesis blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay has also been developed. Numerous studies, performed both on animals and humans, have demonstrated a close correspondence between aberrations or micronuclei induced in peripheral blood lymphocytes under in vitro and in vivo conditions. This allows one to estimate a radiation dose absorbed during an accident by reference to an in vitro calibration curve. This curve is generated by irradiating blood samples, collected from control donors, with several doses of radiation. Following culturing of lymphocytes, microscopic slides are 104 RADIOBIOLOGY prepared and the frequencies of dicentrics and rings are estimated in first division metaphases or micronuclei in binucleate cells. The points of the dose-response relationship are fitted to an equation which is linear-quadratic for low LET (linear energy transfer) radiation and linear for high LET radiation. The correct fitting procedure is not trivial because it requires an appropriate weighting of data points. Several laboratories have produced their own curve fitting programs for internal use but these are frequently not user-friendly and not available to outside users. Therefore, a PC-based freely available program called CABAS, for fitting dose-response curves to chromosomal aberration or micronucleus data and for calculating the dose and confidence limit (CL) has been developed and tested. The program consists of (i) the main curve-fitting and dose estimating module, (ii) a module for calculating the dose in cases of partial body exposure, (iii) a module for estimating the minimum number of cells necessary to detect a given dose of radia- tion, and (iv) a module for calculating the dose in the case of a fractionated or protracted exposure (Fig.). The program can be downloaded as freeware from http://www.pu.kielce.pl/ibiol/cabas or obtained from any of the present authors. The use of the program is straightforward and it can be expected that its use will improve the precision of dose estimates by biological dosimetry in cases of radiation accidents. Furthermore, it should facilitate setting up inter-laboratory dose effect curves. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science statutory grant for the INCT. References [1]. Cytogenetic analysis for radiation dose assessment. A manual. IAEA, Vienna 2001. [2]. Voisin P., Barquinero J.F., Blakely B., Lindholm C., Lloyd D., Luccioni C., Miller S., Palitti F., Prasanna P.G., Stephan G., Thierens H., Turai I., Wilkinson D., Wojcik A.: Cell. Mol. Biol., 48, 501-504 (2002). THE TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE FREQUENCY OF RADIATION-INDUCED MICRONUCLEI IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES IS ABOLISHED BY DMSO Kinga Brzozowska, Andrzej Wójcik The impact of temperature on the frequency of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in the human lymphocytes was first described by Bajerska and Liniecki [1]. We have previously described [2] experiments carried out to analyze the impact of blood temperature at irradiation in vitro on the level of radiation-induced micronuclei. We found that temperature of pre-irradiation incubation as well as that during exposure exerted an effect on the frequency of radiation-induced micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The highest frequency of micronuclei was observed for blood samples incubated at 37oC before and during irradiation in vitro with doses of 2 and 2.7 Gy, intermediate – at 20oC and the lowest one – at 0oC. Blood samples were drawn from two healthy male donors aged 24 and 45 years and irradiated at 0, 20 and 37oC with X-rays 200 kVp, 5 mA, 3 mm Cu filter. The doses were: 0, 1 and 2 Gy for the first donor, and 0, 1.35 and 2.7 Gy for the second donor. For 20 min before irradiation as well as during irradiation, the blood samples were incubated at 0, 20 or 37oC. dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) was added 5 min before irradiation at the concentration of 0.5 mol/dm3. After irradiation, the samples were centrifuged in order to discard supernatants containing DMSO; cells were then transferred into 4.5 ml RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 25% calf serum, 2.5% phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), antibiotic solution and incubated for 72 h at 37oC and 5% CO2. Lymphocyte preparations for micronuclei analysis were prepared according to the standard method of Fenech [3]. Whereas temperature of pre-irradiation incubation as well as that during exposure exerted a distinct effect on the frequency of radiation-induced micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes, the presence of DMSO completely abolished this effect: the dose-effect curves for all three temperatures were identical. In the interaction of ionizing radiation with DNA one discerns direct and indirect effect, the latter produced in the water layer surrounding the DNA molecule. Since DMSO is a scavenger of the OH• radical which is produced in the process of water radiolysis, the presented results indicate that temperature conditions affect the indirectly induced damage. At this stage of our research, we cannot explain which mechanisms are responsible for the effect of temperature on the level of radiation-induced cytogenetic damage, although we presume that chromatin conformation may play a role. It is plausible to assume that accessibility of DNA to the radical attack depends on the steric relations of the chromatin components and specifically, on the extent of protection by proteins. Temperature dependent structural transitions in the protein-DNA complex (e.g. [4]), as well as temperature dependence of binding of specific nuclear proteins to DNA (e.g. [5,6]) have been described but not systematically explored from the point of view of chromatin radiosensitivity. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science statutory grant for the INCT. RADIOBIOLOGY 105 References [1]. Bajerska A., Liniecki J.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 16, 483-493 (1969). [2]. Brzozowska K., Wójcik A.: The effect of temperature on the frequency of radiation-induced micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp.102-103. [3]. Fenech M.: Mutat. Res., 285, 35-44 (1993). [4]. Peters W.B., Edmondson S.P., Shriver J.W.: J. Mol. Biol., 343, 339-360 (2004). [5]. Santilli G., Schwab R., Watson R., Ebert C., Aronow B.J., Sala A.: J. Biol. Chem., 280, 15628-15634 (2005). [6]. Ferreira M.E., Hermann S., Prochasson P., Workman J.L., Berndt K.D., Wright A.P.: J. Biol. Chem., 280, 21779-21784 (2005). VARIABLE RADIOSENSITIVITY OF CHROMOSOMES 2, 8 AND 14 IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES EXPOSED TO 480 MeV/n 12C-IONS Marta Deperas-Kaminska1,2/, Gennady N. Timoshenko1/, Eugene A. Krasavin1/, Andrzej Wójcik2,3/ 1/ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 2/ Świetokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland 3/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland For a wide variety of biological effects, radiations of high linear energy transfer (LET) have been known to have greater biological effectiveness per unit dose than those of low LET [1]. Little is known about the extent of individual variability in the radiosensitivity of human cells to high LET radiation. In all published studies dealing with individual radiosensitivity, the studied cells (lymphocytes or fibroblasts) were only exposed to low LET radiation. The purpose of this study was to investigate by FISH the distribution of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in chromosomes 2, 8 and 14 in lymphocytes of 3 donors. Irradiation of blood from 3 healthy donors was performed at the Nuclotron accelerator at the Joint tions including the complex ones were transformed into primary breaks. The break frequencies were scaled to the whole genomic frequencies. The results are presented in Fig.1. For all donors, the lowest frequency of breaks was observed in chromosome 2 and the highest in chromosome 14 in lymphocytes of donor 3, chromosome 8 of donor 2, and at the same level in chromosomes 8 and 14 of donor 1 (Fig.1A). The found break frequency is below the expected values for chromosome 2 and above the expected values for chromosomes 8 and 14. Only for chromosome 14 of donor 2 the ratio is close to unity (Fig.1B). The lowest frequencies of exchanges were scored in chromosome 2 and the inter-donor vari- Fig.1. Primary breaks observed in the painted chromosomes of 3 donors. Breaks calculated from aberrations observed after exposed to 3.5 Gy of 480 MeV/n 12C-ions were summed up and scaled to the whole genomic frequency. The absolute numbers are shown in Fig.1A and the ratios of found to expected are shown in Fig.1B. Error bars represent standard deviations from the mean; also, values are shown for the three painted chromosomes of all donors. Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Whole blood samples were irradiated with 1.1, 2.3 and 3.5 Gy of 12C-ions. At the position of the sample the beam energy was 480 MeV/n and LET=10.6 keV/μm. Chromosomes 2, 8 and 14 were painted in different colors and aberrations scored with the help of an image-analysis system, as described in [2]. In order to assess the overall radiosensitivity of the painted chromosomes, chromosomal aberra- ability was low. Chromosomes 8 and 14 were involved in exchanges more frequently than expected on the basis of DNA content. In contrast, the involvement of chromosome 2 was less frequent than expected. This is the first study investigating the individual radiosensitivity of chromosomes of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to heavy ions. Generally, the sensitivity of chromosome 2 was lower, and that 106 RADIOBIOLOGY of chromosomes 8 and 14 – higher than expected. These data suggest that the sensitivity of human chromosome to heavy ions is individually variable. The results are in line with those of a recent study on the sensitivity of chromosomes 2, 8 and 14 to gamma rays [2]. References [1]. Goodhead D.T.: J. Radiat. Res., 40 (Suppl.), 1-13 (1999). [2]. Sommer S., Buraczewska I., Wojewodzka M., Bouzyk E., Szumiel I., Wojcik A.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 81, 741-749 (2005). EFFICIENT DOUBLE STRAND BREAK REJOINING AND SURVIVAL IN X-IRRADIATED HUMAN GLIOMA M059 CELLS ARE DEPENDENT ON EGF RECEPTOR KINASE ACTIVITY Iwona Grądzka, Barbara Sochanowicz, Irena Szumiel The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) is a mediator of both proliferative and survival signals in mammalian cells (reviewed in [1]). Nuclear translocation of EGFR was observed after X-irradiation and was found to be important for regulation of DNA repair processes [2,3]. We investigated the effect of EGFR inhibition on various aspects of the cellular response to X-irradiation in two related human glioma cell lines M059 K and M059 J, the latter highly sensitive to X-radiation due to the lack of a catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) [4]. Tyrphostin AG 1478 was used as a specific inhibitor to block EGFR tyrosine kinase activity. We have previously found that double strand break (DSB) rejoining after X-irradiation is faster in M059 K than in M059 J cells [5] because of a defect in a nonhomologous DNA end-joining (NHEJ) in the latter cell line [4]. Tyrphostin AG 1478 slowed down the DSB rejoining in M059 K and has no effect in M059 J cells. This suggested a direct link between EGFR kinase activity and DNA-PK-dependent DSB rejoining and was consistent with observation of other authors [3]. Now, we have examined survival of both cell lines after X-irradiation combined with tyrphostin treatment. The dose range for each cell line was chosen so that the survival level was comparable (between 90 and 1%). The survival data were expressed as the ratio of survival after combined treatment to that after X-irradiation alone. Ratio equal to unity means a strictly additive effect, that is, independent effect of each of the agents tested. A less than additive effect (protection) or more than additive effect (sensitisation) indicate an interaction of both agents. As shown in Fig., in M059 K cells there is a more than additive effect of combined (X+T) treatment, i.e. radiosensitisation; this effect is absent in M059J cells (close to additive effect at doses up to 1 Gy and protective effect at higher doses). In conclusion, tyrphostin AG 1478 slowes down the DSB rejoining in M059 K and has no effect in M059 J cells. This effect corresponds with a decrease in survival in M059 K but not in M059 J cells subjected to combined (T+X) treatment and suggests a direct relation between EGFR kinase activity, DNA-PK-dependent DSB rejoining and survival. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science statutory grant for the INCT. References Fig. Survival ratio after combined (X+T) treatment to that after X-irradiation alone (see text for explanations). [1]. Amorino G.P., Hamilton V.M., Valerie K., Dent P., Lammering G., Schmidt-Ulrich R.K.: Mol. Biol. Cell, 13, 2233-2244 (2002). [2]. Harari P.M., Huang S.M.: Semin. Radiat. Oncol., 11, 281-289 (2001). [3]. Dittmann K., Mayer C., Fehrenbacher B., Schaller M., Raju U., Milas L., Chen D.J., Kehlbach R., Rodemann H.P.: J. Biol. Chem., 280, 31182-31189 (2005). [4]. Anderson C.W., Dunn J.J., Freimuth P.I., Galloway A.M., Allalunis-Turner M.J.: Radiat. Res., 156, 2-9 (2001). [5]. Grądzka I., Buraczewska I., Sochanowicz B., Szumiel I.: Eur. J. Biochem., 271 (Suppl. 1, Pt1), 1-12 (2004). RADIOBIOLOGY 107 DECREASED PERSISTENCE OF γH2AX FOCI IN X-IRRADIATED xrs6 CELLS TREATED WITH SIRTUIN INHIBITOR Maria Wojewódzka, Marcin Kruszewski, Irena Szumiel In the preceding reports, we described the effect of sirtuin inhibitor, GPI 19015 treatment on the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) and survival in CHO-K1 and xrs6 cells [1]. In CHO-K1 cells a relatively weak effect was noted (using the neutral comet assay) at the 15 min repair interval. In contrast, in the DSB repair (nonhomologous end-joining – NHEJ) defective mutant cell line, xrs6, the increase in the rate of DSB repair was more pronounced, especially in G1 phase of the cell cycle. The cells were treated with sirtuin inhibitor 200 μM GPI 19015 at 37oC for 1 h and X-irradiated with 10 Gy without medium change. Applying the same experimental schedule, we determined the number of γH2AX foci in both cell lines, using the foci method as described in [2]. Control With the use of an anti-γH2AX antibody with a fluorescent tag, a pattern of γH2AX foci can be revealed a few minutes after irradiation. The foci are markers of DSB and allow to directly count the DSB number per nucleus (review in [3]). As shown in Figs.1 and 2, in xsr6 cells GPI 19015 treatment causes a faster disappearance of foci than in the inhibitor-untreated cells. In CHO-K1 cells there is no effect of the inhibitor, in agreement with the weak effect on DSB rejoining estimated with the comet assay. As stated previously, the possible reason of this effect may lay in the impaired DNA-PK (DNA-dependent protein kinase) dependent nonhomologous end-joining (D-NHEJ) in xrs6 cells: DSB repair in these cells has to rely on the homologous recombination repair or DNA-PK in- Irradiation 1 Gy 0h Irradiation 1 Gy 4h CHO-K1 CHO-K1+GPI xrs6 xrs6+GPI Fig.1. Photographs of histone γH2AX foci in control cells and cells irradiated with 1 Gy X-irradiation. Time-dependent decrease of the histone γH2AX foci number in untreated and inhibitor-treated CHO-K1 and xrs6 cells also is presented in Fig.2. 108 RADIOBIOLOGY Fig.2. Time-dependent decrease of the histone γH2AX foci number in untreated and inhibitor-treated CHO-K1 cells (A) and xrs6 cells (B). The foci numbers are expressed as a percentage of mean initial foci number in irradiated cells. Number of foci in controls was subtracted. Foci in 100 cells were scored for each time interval. dependent (backup) nonhomologous end-joining (B-NHEJ) [4,5]. It can be expected that sirtuin inhibition increases histone acetylation and thus, facilitates the access of repair enzymes to the damaged DNA sites. Supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science statutory grant for the INCT. [2]. [3]. [4]. References [5]. [1]. Wojewódzka M., Kruszewski M., Szumiel I.: Backup nonhomologous end-joining is the target of sirtuin inhibitor. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 107-108. Cowell I.G., Durkacz B.W., Tilby M.J.: Biochem. Pharmacol., 71, 13-20 (2005). Pilch D.R., Sedelnikova O.A., Redon C., Celeste A., Nussenzweig A., Bonner W.M.: Biochem. Cell Biol., 81, 123-129 (2003). Wang H., Perrault A.R., Takeda Y., Qin W., Wang M., Iliakis G.: Nucleic Acids Res., 31, 5377-5388 (2003). Wang H., Rosidi B., Perrault R., Wang M., Zhang L., Windhofer F., Iliakis G.: Cancer Res., 65, 4020-4030 (2005). TWO p53 BINDING PROTEINS ARE PRESENT IN LY-R (REPAIR COMPETENT) AND LY-S (REPAIR DEFICIENT) CELLS IN DIFFERENT PROPORTIONS Barbara Sochanowicz, Irena Szumiel L5178Y-S (LY-S) subline is the longest known mammalian radiation sensitive cell line. Although it is clear that the reason for radiation sensitivity of LY-S cells is an impaired DNA DSB (double strand break) repair, the molecular defect is unknown. LY-S cells show both phenotypic features that are characteristic of cells with a defective NHEJ (nonhomologous end-joining): a pronounced G1 phase radiosensitivity and a slown down DSB repair. Nevertheless, the NHEJ defect in LY-S cells is not due to DNA-PK (DNA-dependent protein kinase), Xrcc4 or ligase IV mutation. Another possible defect concerning autophosphorylation in the so-called ABCDE cluster of serine and threonine residues in the central part of the catalytic subunit has also been eliminated as a reason for impaired repair of DSB (reviewed in [1]). A recent paper [2] pointed to a role of 53BP1 protein in the NHEJ system. 53BP1 (p53 binding protein) is a BRCT domain-containing protein that is rapidly recruited to DSB after X-irradiation. Its function probably consists in acting as a scaffold protein and contributing to ligase IV and Artemis functioning, as shown in Fig.1. Its absence in chicken DT40 cells was phenotypically manifested as a NHEJ defect [2] and exactly matched the phenotype of LY-S cells; hence, there was a possibility that LY-S cells are deprived of this protein. Therefore, we examined the total cell extracts from both closely related LY sublines, LY-R (repair competent) and Fig.1. Model of NHEJ pathways according to [2]: (A) the core NHEJ pathway, (B) ATM/Artemis – dependent pathway, (C) 53BP1 – dependent pathway. The 53BP1 protein contributes to both B and C pathway. Lig IV – ligase IV. RADIOBIOLOGY 109 LY-R LY-S LY-R LY-S 60 μg 30 μg K562 30 μg Fig.2. Western blot showing one band detected with the anti-53BP1 antibody in K562 cells and two bands in LY-R and LY-S cells. Note that in LY cells the two detected proteins seem to sum up to the same amount but the ratio of band 1 to 2 differs. LY-S (repair deficient), for 53BP1 protein, using a specific antibody (rabbit polyclonal to 53BP1, ab36823, Abcam) and Western blotting method. K562 cells served as a positive control. As shown in Fig.2, we detected one protein band with the anti-53BP1 antibody in K562 cells and two bands in LY-R and LY-S cells. In LY cells the two detected proteins seem to sum up to the same amount. Nevertheless, the band corresponding to 53BP1 of similar molecular weight as that in K562 cells is less abundant in LY-S cells than in LY-R cells. There are no data on 53BP1 isoforms in the literature. The antibody was obtained with the use of a peptide representing a portion of human 53BP1 encoded in part by exons 11 and 12 as immunogen. It reacts with both the human and murine protein. Notwithstanding the possible significance of the presence of two detected proteins expressed in various proportions in LY sublines, it can be stated that there is no analogy between this observation and that concerning DT40 cells with a DSB repair defect due to lack of 53BP1. Thus, absence of 53BP1 protein is not a reason of defective DSB repair in LY-S cells. References [1]. Szumiel I.: Int. Radiat. Biol., 81 (5), 353-365 (2005). [2]. Iwabuchi K., Hashimoto M., Matsui T., Kurihara T., Shimizu H., Adachi N., Ishiai M., Yamamoto K., Tauchi H., Takata M., Koyama H., Date T.: Genes Cells, 11(8), 935-948 (2006). PREMATURE CHROMOSOME CONDENSATION IN BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY AFTER HIGH DOSE GAMMA IRRADIATION Sylwester Sommer, Iwona Buraczewska, Andrzej Wójcik Biological dosimetry is necessary in the case of radiation accidents or accidental exposures to ionizing radiation, especially in the case of lack or failure of physical measurements of the dose [1]. Analysis of Giemsa-stained dicentrics in human peripheral blood lymphocytes is regarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency as the most accurate and reliable assay of biological dosimetry [1]. In the case of high radiation doses, problems can occur with obtaining a sufficient number of mitotic cells for analysis [1,2]. The use of drug-induced PCC (premature chromatin condensation) was proposed to overcome this problem [2,3]. Therefore, we decided to determine the frequency of aberrations induced by high doses of radiation in painted chromosomes 2, 8 and 14, both accumulated in mitotic cells and after PCC induction. Human lymphocytes of 6 healthy donors, irradiated with 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 Gy of γ 60Co were cultured in whole blood cultures for 48 h. Twenty four hours after set-up of cultures, colcemid was added to the final concentration of 1 μg/ml to arrest cells in the first mitosis after irradiation. Two hours before the end of cultivation, calyculin A (50 nM) was applied to induce PCC. Lymphocytes were fixed according to the standard procedure. FISH staining was performed on 3 pairs of chromosomes: 2, 8, 14, using directly labeled probes from Oncor, according to the manufacturer’s protocol. At least 150 cells for each dose were analyzed for every do- nor, to the total number of 10 020 cells. Excess fragments or entities with color junctions, involving 3 painted pairs of chromosomes, were regarded as aberrations. Figure presents the dose-effect curve for total aberrations in chromosomes 2, 8 and 14, scored in lymphocytes of 6 patients. There was a clear dose – dependence and no saturation of aberration yields Fig. Dose response curves for total aberration yields determined with the PCC method combined with FISH staining after in vitro irradiation of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 6 donors with 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 Gy of gamma rays. 110 up to the dose of 10 Gy. In spite of relatively low values of the mitotic index (except controls) – lower than 1% – it was possible – due to PCC – to analyze more than 150 spreads from each slide; this would not be possible if only cells arrested in metaphase by colcemid block were analyzed. Simultaneous usage of PCC and whole chromosome FISH allowed to score not only excess fragments but also the exchange type of aberrations, usually not recognizable in PCC-spreads, because of their poor quality. We could not see any differences between individual radiosensitivity of donors – there were only slight differences between curves. Such result confirms our previous report where we also found no difference between donors with respect to radiation sensitivity [4]. Our experimental scheme allows to analyze exclusively aberrations in cells in G2/M phase and mitosis of the first cycle after irradiation; this is important, since there is a loss of damaged (aberrant) cells during cell division. Also important is RADIOBIOLOGY the possibility of analyzing heavily damaged cells which would be arrested before entering mitosis e.g. in the G2 phase checkpoint. We conclude that after establishing suitable calibration curves, simultaneous use of PCC and chromosome painting could be a very useful tool for biological dosimetry in the case of high doses of radiation. The work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science – grant No. 6 P05A 11920 and statutory grant for the INCT. References [1]. Cytogenetic analysis for radiation dose assessment. A manual. IAEA, Vienna 2001. Technical Reports Series No. 405. [2]. Gotoh E., Durante M.: J. Cell. Physiol., 209, 297-304 (2006). [3]. Kanda R., Minamihisamatsu M., Hayata I.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 78, 857-862 (2002). [4]. Sommer S., Buraczewska I., Wojewódzka M., Boużyk E., Szumiel I., Wójcik A.: Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 81, 741-749 (2005). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 113 PROCESS ENGINEERING METHOD FOR COLLECTION OF NITRATE FROM WATER SAMPLES AND DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN AND OXYGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION Małgorzata Derda, Stela Maria Cuna1/, Ryszard Wierzchnicki 1/ National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Problem associated with anthropogenic nitrogen contributions to the biosphere and hydrosphere are increasingly being recognized. Nitrate contamination, often related to agricultural activities, is one of the major problems in surface and groundwater system. Nitrogen availability is one of the main controls on productivity and is an important factor regulating biodiversity. At present, nitrogen input from human sources, chiefly synthetic fertilizers and burning of fossil fuels, approximately equals the input from natural nitrogen fixation. The increased nitrogen input from anthropogenic sources causes eutrophication of lakes, streams, and coastal waterways, acidification of environments, and degradation of drinking water quality [1]. Nitrogen in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem cycles among oxidized, reduced, organic and inorganic species, of which the nitrate is relatively abundant and mobile. Nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrates provide a powerful tool to investigate nitrate sources and cycling mechanisms. The analysis of nitrates for both δ15N and δ18O allows improved discrimination among potential sources and reaction mechanisms [2,3]. Our objectives were to develop methods for concentrating dissolved nitrates and to prepare them for nitrogen and oxygen isotope analysis. We have developed ion exchange methods because these methods offer a number of important advantages over other methods: i) nitrates can be concentrated from dilute waters, ii) columns can be loaded in the field, iii) many samples may be processed at one time. The main disadvantage of this method is time required for collection and preparation of samples. The technical procedure of the method include: quantitative extraction of nitrates from water samples, preparation of other nitrogen and oxygen bearing species for 15N and 18O analysis, and conversion of the nitrate fraction to suitable gases for nitrogen and oxygen isotopic analysis. Samples were prepared by an anion exchange resin method as shown in Fig. [4]. The nitrate fraction was collected by passing the water sample through pre-filled, disposable, anion exchange resin columns. Nitrate fraction was then eluted from the column with 15 ml of 3 M HCl. The nitrate-bearing acid eluent was neutralized with Ag2O and filtered to remove the AgCl precipitate. The sample containing AgNO3 was split into aliquots in the ratio 1:2 for δ15N and δ18O analysis. Fig. Schematic representation of the procedure for collection, elution and processing of δ15N and δ18O analysis. One portion for δ15N analysis was drying at 55-65oC to evaporate water and to obtain AgNO3 as a solid phase [5]. After drying, the AgNO3 was redissolved by adding 2 ml of deionized water. The resulting precipitate was pipetted into 3 silver capsules such that each capsule contained 6-10 μmol of NO3. The capsules were drying and after adding sucrose, δ15N was measured using an EA-IRMS (elemental analyzer-isotope ratio mass spectometer) in continuous flow. Nitrogen isotope values (δ15N) are reported in per mill (‰), relative to the atmospheric air. The portion for δ18O determination was dried and then CO2 was produced by off-line pyrolysis with graphite in a vacuum line. The δ18O analysis was carried out using the dual inlet system Delta plus IRMS. The δ18O values were reported relative to the standard VSMOW. The anion exchange resin techniques offer an efficient and reliable means of collecting, transporting, and storing, water samples for nitrogen and oxygen isotope analysis for the nitrate. Multiple samples may be sorbed on columns in field conditions using a common and relatively inexpensive 114 PROCESS ENGINEERING equipment. The laboratory preparation of samples for δ15N analysis requires little technician time per sample (about 30 min) and most of the total time required for sample preparation is spent for drying and combustion steps. The preparation of a sample for δ18O analyses is more time-consuming (about 2 h) because of the necessity of eliminating non-nitrate, oxygen-bearing anions and finally extraction of CO2. The presented method will be used for monitoring water systems and investigation of anthropogenic impact on the condition of Polish rivers. References [1]. Vitousek P.M., Aber J.D., Howarth R.W., Likens G.E., Matson P.A., Schindler D.W., Schlesinger W.H., Tilman D.G.: Ecol. Appl., 7, 3, 737-750 (1997). [2]. Amberger A., Schmidt H.L.: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 2699-2705 (1987). [3]. Boettcher J., Strebel O., Voerkelius S., Schmidt H.L.: J. Hydrol., 114, 413-424 (1990). [4]. Silva S.R., Kendall C., Wilkison D.H., Ziegler A.C., Chang C.C.Y., Avanzino R.J.: J. Hydrol., 228, 22-36 (2000). [5]. Fukada T., Hiscock K.M., Dennis P.F., Grischek T.: Water Res., 37, 3070-3078 (2003). THE KINETICS OF TRANS-DICHLOROETHYLENE DECOMPOSITION IN AIR UNDER ELECTRON-BEAM IRRADIATION Yongxia Sun, Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Sylwester Bułka, Zbigniew Zimek, Henrietta Nichipor1/ 1/ Institute of Radiation Physical-Chemical Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus In our previous work [1,2], we have experimentally studied 1,1-dichloroethylene – 1,1-DCE (H2C=CCl2) and trans-dichloroethylene – trans-DCE (trans-HClC=CHCl) decomposition in an air mixture under electron-beam (EB) irradiation. It was found that the decomposition efficiency of 1,1-DCE in air under EB irradiation is higher than trans-DCE in the same range of initial concentration. The degradation organic by-product of 1,1-DCE was identified as chloroacetyl chloride (CH2ClCOCl) by means of gas chromatography with a flame ionizing detector (GC-FID) analysis, while no organic compounds were observed as by-products for trans-DCE degradation in air under EB irradiation using the same analytical method. 1,1-DCE and trans-DCE are geometric isomers. Whether their decomposition mechanism in the air mixture under EB irradiation is the same or not is not clear to us. In this work, we made a computer simulation of trans-DCE degradation in the air mixture under EB irradiation, the decomposition mechanism was proposed and compared with 1,1-DCE. The computer simulation of trans-DCE degradation in air under EB irradiation was carried out Fig.1. Scheme of reaction pathways of trans-DCE decomposition and by-products formation. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS by using the computer code “Kinetic” [3] and GEAR method, 320 reactions involving 78 species were considered, five main groups of reactions were included, the rate constants of reactions were mostly taken from the literatures [4,5]. The rate of Wj of j type species generated from matrix with k type molecules was calculated according to equation: Wj = Σ Gjk I ρk/ρ where: Gjk – value of j type species from k type matrix, I – dose rate, ρk – gas phase density of the matrix, ρ – overall density of the gas phase. When fast electrons from electron beams are absorbed in the carrier gas, they cause ionization and excitation process of the nitrogen, oxygen and H2O molecules in the carrier gas. Primary species and secondary electrons are formed. These primary species and thermalized secondary electrons cause trans-DCE degradation by complex chemical reactions, a scheme of reaction pathways of trans-DCE decomposition and organic products formation is presented in Fig.1. Based on our calculation results, similar to 1,1-DCE degradation in air under EB irradiation, Cl– dissociated thermalized secondary electron attachment, Cl addition reaction with trans-DCE followed by peroxyl radical reactions is a main reaction pathway for trans-DCE degradation. Calculated and experimental results of trans-DCE degradation in the air mixture vs. dose under EB irradiation are presented in Fig.2. The key reactions which cause trans-DCE or 1,1-DCE decomposition and products formation in air under EB irradiation can be generally written as follows: e + C2H2Cl2 = Cl– + C2H2Cl· k1=1.0×10–9 Cl– + A+ = Cl + A + (A is any positive ion in the gas phase) C2H2Cl2 + Cl = C2H2Cl3 (k3) O2 + C2H2Cl3· = C2H2Cl3(O2)· 2C2H2Cl3(O2)· = C2H2Cl3(O)· + O2 C2H2Cl3(O)· = CH2ClCOCl + Cl (for 1,1-DCE) or C2H2Cl3(O)· = HCOCl + CHCl2 (for trans-DCE) The rate constant of Cl addition reaction to 1,1-DCE (k 3a =1.4×10 –10 cm 3·molecule –1 ·s –1 ) is higher than to trans-DCE (k3b=9.58×10–11 cm3·molecule–1·s–1), this is the main reason why the decomposition efficiency of 1,1-DCE in air under EB irradiation is higher than that of trans-DCE. 115 Fig.2. Concentration of trans-DCE vs. dose under EB irradiation (solid lines – experimental results [2], dashed lines – calculation results). Mechanism of trans-DCE degradation in the air mixture under EB irradiation is similar to 1,1-DCE, Cl– dissociated thermalized secondary electron attachment, Cl addition reaction with trans-DCE followed by peroxyl radical reactions is the main reaction pathway for trans-DCE degradation. HCOCl which was not and cannot be detected by GC-FID analysis was predicted as a main product of trans-DCE degradation based on modelling simulation results. OH radical presence increases decomposition efficiency of trans-DCE less than 10%. References [1]. Sun Y. et al.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 61, 353-360 (2001). [2]. Sun Y. et al.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 68, 843-850 (2003). [3]. Bugaenko W.L. et al.: Program for modeling of chemical kinetics. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow 1980. Report ITEP No. 50. [4]. Albritton D.L.: At. Data Nucl. Data, 22, 1-101 (1978). [5]. http://kinetics.nist.gov/kinetics/index.jsp. ELECTRON BEAM OF VOCs TREATMENT EMMITTED FROM OIL COMBUSTION PROCESS Anna Ostapczuk, Janusz Licki1/, Andrzej G. Chmielewski 1/ Institute of Atomic Energy, Świerk, Poland Electron beam (EB) processing has been already applied on industrial scale for the treatment of flue gas from coal combustion: full-scale EB installations have been put into operation in Poland [1] and China [2] for the removal of acidic pollutants like SO2 and NOx. The technology has been investigated for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal from flue gases since the late ’80ies and recent research in a pilot plant scale has shown the possibility to decompose/detoxify of dioxins stream in waste-incineration [3] and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coal combustion flue gases [4]. It has been observed that the investigated groups of compound change their distribution profile to homologues, which are characterized by lower toxicity factor and, as the consequence, the overall toxicity of flue gas decreased [3-5]. The change of concentration and distribution profile observed in flue gas treated by EB irradiation can be caused by three processes: (i) destruction in the oxidation 116 processes [6,7], adsorption on the aerosol surface and (iii) new compound formation in radical process [8]. The experimental work done in the pilot plant on real flue gas has been concentrated on the EB influence on the homologues belonging to one group of compounds. VOCs have been investigated as a single model compound irradiated in a gaseous mixture and as a main decomposition pathway OH radicals – initiated oxidation is proposed [9-10]. The process is analogical to atmospheric chemistry, and VOCs are mineralized and transformed into other organic compounds. Laboratory scale experiments on EB treatment have been performed to investigate the change of the composition of organic fraction of flue gas emitted from oil combustion process. The flue gas (v=5 m3/h) passing the irradiation chamber has been irradiated by EB from an ILU-6 accelerator through a titanium window with a dose ranging from 3.5 to 8.8 kGy. The concentration of organic compounds in flue gas at the inlet and outlet of the irradiation chamber have been compared with the aim to find how EB irradiation influences the composition of organic fraction of flue gas. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the concentrated extracts was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) by a Shimadzu GC-17A gas chromatograph connected with a quadropole mass spectrometer Shimadzu QP5050. Analyzed mixtures were separated on a non-polar column HP5-MS (Hewlett Packard, 30 m×0.25 mm ID×0.25 mm film thickness). The composition of the organic fraction of oil combustion flue gas has been determined qualitatively and quantitavely in several experimental se- PROCESS ENGINEERING Fig. Distribution of PAH, BTX and OAH in the organic fraction of flue gas at the inlet and the outlet of irradiation chamber; dose D=5.3 kGy, initial VOC concentration ci=72.5 μg/m3. dividual compounds like PAHs has been lowered even by two orders of magnitude. Simultaneously, an increase of oxygen-containing aromatic compounds (OAH) like phenol, benzaldehydes, benzoid acids and others has been observed. OAH is a dominating group of VOCs present in flue gas, in contast to the composition of flue gas before EB treatment (Fig.). The higher concentration of oxidized compounds and increase Table. Organic compounds and their concentration level detected in oil combustion gas. ries with the purpose to establish the key groups of emitted compounds. The categories of the detected organic compounds and their concentration level are listed in Table. The composition of the organic fraction of flue gas has changed after irradiation: the concentration of PAHs and aromatic compounds (BTX) decreased after irradiation. The average removal efficiency for a dose of 5.3 kGy of these compounds was 60 and 84%, respectively. Decomposition ratio of the investigated compounds increased with dose absorbed. The initial concentration of the in- of CO content in irradiated flue gas is effected by oxidative decomposition of aromatic compounds. The work has been partially co-finansed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA research contract No. POL 13136) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (agreement No. 7/IAEA/2006/0). References [1]. Tymiński, B.; Pawelec, A.: Economic evaluation of electron beam flue gas treatment. In: Radiation treatment of gaseous and liquid effluents for contaminant NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS removal. Proceedings of a technical meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 07-10.09.2005. IAEA, Vienna 2005, pp. 25-34, IAEA-TECDOC-1473. [2]. Mao B.: Process of flue gas desulphuration with electron beam irradiation in China. In: Radiation treatment of gaseous and liquid effluents for contaminant removal. Proceedings of a technical meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 07-10.09.2005. IAEA, Vienna 2005, pp. 45-51, IAEA-TECDOC-1473. [3]. Hirota K., Hakoda T., Taguchi M., Takigami M., Kim H.-H., Kojima T.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 3164 (2003). [4]. Chmielewski A.G., Ostapczuk A., Zimek Z., Licki J., Kubica K.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 63, 653-655 (2002). [5]. Chmielewski A.G., Ostapczuk A., Licki J.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal from flue gas by electron beam treatment – pilot plant tests. In: Radiation 117 [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. treatment of gaseous and liquid effluents for contaminant removal. Proceedings of a technical meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 07-10.09.2005. IAEA, Vienna 2005, pp. 63-68, IAEA-TECDOC-1473. Biermann H.W., Mac Leod H., Atkinson R., Winer A.M., Pitts J.N.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 19, 1115 (1985). Atkinson R., Arey J., Zielinska B., Aschmann S.M.: Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 22, 1071 (1990). Gerasimov G.Ya.: High Energ. Chem., 39, 60 (2005). Prager L., Mark G., Mätzing H., Paur H.-R., Schubert J., Frimmel F.H., Hesse S., Schuchmann H.-P., Schuchmann M.N., Sonntag C.V.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 379-385 (2003). Hirota K., Mätzing H., Paur H.-R., Woletz K.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 45, 649-655 (1995). ELECTRON BEAM TREATMENT OF FLUE GAS FROM FUEL OIL COMBUSTION Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Andrzej Pawelec, Bogdan Tymiński, Zbigniew Zimek, Janusz Licki1/, Ahmed A. Basfar2/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Atomic Energy, Świerk, Poland King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia During operation of the plant installed at the Pomorzany Electric Power Station, the electron beam flue gas treatment technology has proved its usability for industrial applications. The technology allows for simultaneous removal of both sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) with high efficiency. Beside of this the process is wasteless and economically competitive to the conventional emission control methods. One of the important advantages is the possibility of application of this method for cleaning of flue gas from various, not only coal combustion based, technological processes. Research on the purification of flue gas from the fuels different than coal was undertaken in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. The process of treatment of flue gas from fuel oil combustion was studied. Three types of oil containing various amounts of sulphur (oil I – 2.81%, oil II – 2.9% and oil III – 3.1%) were taken for laboratory experiments. The composition of the flue gas depends on burning conditions and oil itself. Generally, the basic flue gas parameters were as follows: - volume flow rate – 5 Nm3/h, - SO2 concentration – 800-1850 ppmv, - NOx concentration – 80-190 ppmv, - gas temperature at process vessel – 60-120oC. The influence of such factors as irradiation dose, gas temperature at the inlet to process vessel, ammonia stoichiometry, gas humidity and oxygen concentration on the process efficiency was studied. High SO2 and NOx removal efficiency up to 99% for SO2 and 90% for NOx (respectively, 98% and 85% in optimal conditions) was achieved. Results of the parametric tests indicate that, with the exception of dose, SO2 and NOx removals depend on the different process conditions. By controlling these conditions it is possible to obtain maximum removal efficiencies. NOx removal is mostly energy-consuming, while SO2 removal is sensitive to temperature, humidity and ammonia stoichiometry. The proper selection of the process conditions (gas humidity – 10-15 vol.%, ammonia stoichiometry – 0.90-0.95 and gas temperature – 60-700C) guarantees high SO2 removal efficiency at low energy consumption. A dose of 6-9 kGy is sufficient to achieve over 90% SO2 and 70% NOx simultaneous removal from flue gas under optimum operating conditions. Higher NOx removal efficiencies require higher energy consumption. No impact of oxygen concentration, in the analyzed range, on the process efficiency was observed. The optimal parameters were very similar for all three grades of oil. This means that the electron beam flue gas treatment technology may be applied for any grade of oil. The by-product is almost a pure mixture of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate, that makes it a valuable fertilizer. The combination of these two compounds provides a suitable quality material for direct soil application or as a blending component in the standard manufacture of commercial fertilizer (NPK type). The obtained results correspond with those previously obtained for the experiments conducted with coal combustion flue gases. The above results prove the possibility of electron beam flue gas treatment technology to be applied for the purification of flue gases from different fuel combustion process. 118 PROCESS ENGINEERING DOSIMETRY FOR COMBUSTION FLUE GAS TREATMENT WITH ELECTRON BEAM Kishor Mehta1/, Sylwester Bułka 1/ Vienna, Austria The most widely applied systems for coal fired boilers are wet flue gas desulphurization (FGD) using lime or limestone as reagent and selective catalytic reduction for NOx reduction. Therefore, it is still important to develop new treatment methods that do not have these problems. The electron beam treatment of flue gas is one of the new technologies. Its success in significantly reducing SO2 and NOx has already been demonstrated in many pilot plants and a few full commercial plants. There are several advantages in employing ionizing radiation (electrons) for this purpose, including [1]: - several polluting gases are removed simultaneously with high efficiency; - dry system without any wastewater treatment; - simple system with easy operation; - compact plant, thus easy for retrofitting in an existing power station; - high energy efficiency, and by-product can be used as fertilizer. This process requires beam power of 300 kW or more, and electron energy in the range of 0.8 to 1 MeV. Accelerators suitable to fulfill such requirements are based on high-power, high-voltage transformers according to the present state-of-the-art accelerator technology. Industrial linac technology, which was developed for military applications, is being demonstrated now as an appropriate technical and cost-effective competitive alternative [2]. The electron beam technology is relatively flexible and adaptable to local conditions. The process can be easily adapted for different removal efficiency levels and adjusted for use with different fuels. Also, retrofitting of existing facilities to reduce NOx and SO2 concentrations to meet low-space requirements is an attractive option. Dose and dose distribution in the reaction vessel of a flue gas treatment facility very strongly influence the removal efficiency of NOx, and to a smaller degree of SO2. Thus, it is essential that these two parameters are measured and optimized for better economy of the process. The recent dosimetry related work carried out by the authors at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) lead to conclusion that the best method for measuring average dose to the gas is through a dosimetry system that relies on the reaction in the gas phase. Such measurements will truly represent the dose absorbed by the flue gas. Thus, it is a matter of selecting a most suitable system whose G value is known fairly accurately and the product(s) is easily measurable. The second best choice would be calorimetry of flue gas for the determination of average dose. However, there are uncertainties using this method; mainly how adiabatic is the system. The main source of uncertainty arises from the contribution of the walls of the reaction vessel to the temperature rise of the flue gas since it is unavoidable that radiation (electrons) will deposit part of its energy in the walls. However, by judiciously matching the size of the reaction vessel to the beam energy, this uncertainty can be minimized. The third method, measurement with solid dosimeters, is still less reliable. One can measure dose using several dosimeters and calculate some kind of average dose for the entire reaction vessel. There are two difficulties in this method. First, to be very accurate, dose should be measured at a very large number of locations. Second, this is the measurement of dose rate, and not dose to gas. One needs then to assume that the residence time of the gas is the same through each part of the vessel; that will be true if it were a plug (segregated) flow. On the other hand, it would be irrelevant if the gas flow were turbulent. But that is hardly the case. The only method to measure non-uniformity of dose absorbed in gas is to measure the dose rate at various locations in the vessel with fixed dosimeters, such as cellulose tri-acetate (CTA). This information then can be used to calculate dose absorbed by different portion of gas as it travels through the vessel. However, as mentioned above, one then assumes that there is a plug (segregated) flow. On the other hand, if the flow were completely turbulent, the dose would be uniform to all the gas. Yet another method is to carry out a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the system. The reliability of the results of such a calculation of course depends on the quality of the input data. Thus, we have to know the type of flow of the gas through the vessel: plug or turbulent and extent of each. And it is always prudent then to validate the results with measurements. References [1]. Chmielewski A.G., Zimek Z.: Nuclear technology for cleaning coal emissions. In: The environmental challenges of nuclear disarmament. Eds. T.E. Baca, T. Florkowski. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands 2000, pp. 139-148. [2]. Chmielewski A.G., Ostapczuk, Namba H., Tokunaga O., Hashimoto S., Tanaka T., Ogura Y., Doi Y., Aoki S., Izutsu M.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 46, 1103-1106 (1995). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 119 CATALYTIC CRACKING OF POLYOLEFINE WASTES IN A LARGE LABORATORY INSTALLATION Bogdan Tymiński, Krzysztof Zwoliński, Renata Jurczyk Recycling of polyolefine wastes by thermal degradation into liquid hydrocarbons is being intensivly studied. Several plants producing a wide hydrocarbon fraction, similar to heavy crude petrol oil from polyolefine wastes, exist in Poland. Previous investigations showed that it is possible, without additional energy consumption, to receive more valuable gasoline and light oil fractions from the same plastic wastes. Lately, we concentrated on checking of quality of wastes on final products. There were made five experiments with the use of different wastes. Experiments were made in a large laboratory installation shown in Fig. Products were withdrawn from five levels at the distillation column and were analyzed in the same way as reported in paper [1,2]. The main results are presented in Table. In the first three experiments the wastes were prepared in our laboratory from relatively clean materials. The next two experiments were made with wastes from a company selecting the wastes. The wastes were in the form of flakes of unknown composition. From Table, it follows that the distillates from these wastes (experiments Nos.4 and 5) contain more heavy fraction and its temperature of freezing point is higher. In one case, not shown in Table, the wastes contained a component with a high melting temperature which caused plugging the melter. To avoid this design of the melter was improved. After improvement, the temperature in Fig. Scheme of a large laboratory installation for catalytic cracking of polyolefine wastes. carbons, these temperatures were lower. In the batch distillation it was easy to separate fractions with a demanded range of boiling points. Both Table. Main results of decomposition of plastic wastes (PP – polypropylene, PE – polyethylene). the melter significantly increased and there was no more problems with plugging of the melter. The distillates from the distillation column contain some heavy oil which makes worse the properties of the gasoline and light oil fraction. For the separation of gasoline and light oil fractions with higher purity, the distillates were purified in a batch and continuous distillation process. In the continuous distillation process, the temperature in the boiler was 360oC and the gasoline fraction collected at temperatures 230 to 170oC and the light oil fraction – at temperatures 200 to 270oC. During distillation of the fractions containing more light hydro- methods of distillation give more pure and stable products [2]. References [1]. Tymiński B., Zwoliński K., Jurczyk R., Darkowski A.: Investigation of catalysts for cracking of polyethylene wastes into liquid hydrocarbons. In: INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, pp. 113-114. [2]. Tymiński B., Zwoliński K., Jurczyk R.: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 81, Seria konferencje 12, 263-268 (2006), in Polish. 120 PROCESS ENGINEERING ECONOMICAL COMPARISON OF ABSORPTION AND MEMBRANE METHODS APPLIED FOR THE ENRICHMENT OF METHANE IN BIOGAS Marian Harasimowicz1/, Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel1/, Weronika Ziółkowska2/, Andrzej G. Chmielewski1,2/ 1/ 2/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Raw biogas contains about 55-65% methane (CH4), 30-45% carbon dioxide (CO2), traces of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and fractions of water vapour. Enrichment of methane in biogas from anaerobic digestion in fermentation tanks or landfills to obtain fuel of higher calorific value can be achieved by removing carbon dioxide and other gaseous impurities like hydrogen sulphide. Elimination of carbon dioxide from the flue gas helps in increasing its calo- Laboratory experiments with the use of gas separation membranes from polyimide showed a great potential for membrane permeation as a separation method of gaseous components of biogas [2,3]. At common concentration of methane, a single stage unit seems sufficient to achieve 94% enrichment, and multistage systems are not required. For lower methane concentrations (<60%), the standard gas GZ-50 can be produced by a multistage Table 1. The comparison of the capabilities of absorption and membrane methods. rific value as well as in eliminating the greenhouse gas, CO2. Carbon dioxide thus generated can be utilized as an effective refrigerant. Current technologies to purify off-gas and increase its caloric value have been primarily limited to physicochemical methods such as chemical separation, membrane separation, cryogenic separation as well as adsorption. Chemical methods are based on absorption under elevated pressure (in water, 30% solution of potassium carbonate (K2CO3), solution of monoethyloamine, etc.). Other methods are based on adsorption in which a vital role plays a suitable adsorbent material [1]. separation. The high permeability of the polyimide membranes to water vapour and hydrogen sulphide, common impurities of gas produced in biomass fermentation process, makes them useful for biogas processing without special pretreatment. Preliminary economic evaluations proved that the application of membranes is reasonable. Table 1 performs the production abilities of the absorption method carried in a Benfield type apparatus. At the same flow rate of biogas, the absorption method produces 40% more of methane than membrane permeation. The productivity of the membrane system is reduced by methane losses Table 2. A comparison of energy and reagents consumption in two methods: absorption and membrane separation. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS that are equal ca. to 84 000 Nm3 per year. However, the expenses related to methane losses are compensated by the lower costs of materials consumption. The chemical method is more energy-consuming, uses more reagents like potassium carbonate, activator (DEA) and corrosion inhibitor (KVO3). In this method, in some parts of installation waste heat can be utilized, that reduces the total energy consumption. In Table 2, the consumption of energy and reagents is presented. The energy consumption for absorption is reduced by waste energy utilized in some parts of installation. The investment costs of both methods are listed in Table 3. The tentative cost evaluation showed Table 3. Economy of two processes: absorption and membrane separation for methane enrichment – a comparison. 121 the membrane installation is simple, compact and does not need complex control equipment like chemical methods. Despite of high costs of the membrane modules for gas separation, the total capital costs of the membrane installation are lower than for the Benfield installation. Comparison of the operational costs is also favourable for membrane permeation. Even though the membrane method consumes much energy for gas compression, it does not use the expensive reagents, which are necessary for chemical process. The work proved that the absorption method can be superseded by membrane separation. Thanks to the development of material science that produces modern high selective materials and new achievements in process engineering, separation of gaseous components of biogas are reliable. Both selectivity and efficiency of membranes are sufficient to produce gas of appropriate parameters of standard gas GZ-50. References that the membrane method is more economical than the absorption method. Both capital and operational costs are lower for the membrane process than for chemical absorption. Additionally, [1]. Sarkar S.C., Bose A.: Energ. Convers. Manage., 38, Suppl. 1, 105-110 (1997). [2]. Harasimowicz M., Orluk P., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Chmielewski A.G.: Application of polyimide membrane from biogas purification and enrichment. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, EMChIE 2006, Vienna, Austria, 03-05.05.2006, pp. 617-622. [3]. Harasimowicz M., Ziółkowska W., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Chmielewski A.G.: Economical comparison of absorption and membrane methods applied for enrichment of methane biogas. In: Proceedings of the XXI ARS SEPARATORIA, Toruń, Poland, 03-06.07.2006, pp. 52-54. STUDY OF BOUNDARY-LAYER PHENOMENA IN MEMBRANE PROCESSES Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Agnieszka Miśkiewicz, Marian Harasimowicz, Ewa Dłuska1/, Stanisław Wroński1/, Agnieszka Jaworska1/, Cornel Cojocaru2/ 1/ Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland 2/ ”Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iaºi, Romania Pressure-driven membrane filtration is an important process for separation of colloids and particulate matter from liquid suspensions in many fields of engineering and applied science. There are many examples of application of pressure-driven membrane processes in nuclear technology. Such processes like reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration or microfiltration can be used for liquid radioactive waste processing, cleaning reactor waters, boric acid recovery and separation of isotopes. The pressure-driven membrane filtration process can operate at either cross-flow or dead-end flow mode. In case of dead-end filtration the resistance increases with formation of the cake on the membrane surface, while in cross-flow process the deposition continues until the cake adhesion is balanced by shearing forces of the liquid passing over the membrane. It is important to keep appropriate hydrodynamic conditions in the apparatus that avoid continuous building-up of the cake layer which results in increase of the resistance and reduction of the permeate flux. The term of concentration polarization describes the tendency of the solute to accumulate in the membrane-liquid interface. It is important to suppress the concentration polarization by adjusting the flux on the level that avoid the boundary level development or by promoting the turbulence by all available means. For understanding of permeate flux decline mechanisms and predicting of the permeate flow rate, the development of mathematical models and tools for simulations and optimization are of great importance. The hybrid membrane process for removal of cobalt ions, the main components of the liquid 122 PROCESS ENGINEERING radioactive wastes produced in Poland, was run in the ultrafiltration unit equipped with a membrane contactor with a central rotor. Helical CouetteTaylor flow was expected to promote the turbulence and vortices in the apparatus that resulted in good transport parameters. Before filtration, Fig.1. Permeate flux vs. time. Cobalt removal in hybrid process: sorption on activated carbon (AC)-ultrafiltration. cobalt ions were complexed by soluble chelating polymers like polyacrylic acid derivatives or adsorbed on activated carbon seeds dispersed in the solution. In both cases the improvement of filtration conditions and increase of permeate flux through the membrane were observed when dynamic conditions were applied (Figs.1-2). There Jv = ΔP K μ δ (2) where: K – cake permeability, δ – thickness of the cake layer. From comparison of eqations (1) and (2), the thickness of the residual deposit layer can be estimated. The cake thickness determined for different process conditions, assuming K=10–17 m2, was in a 0.035-0.186 mm range for dynamic conditions. The thickness showed a marked influence of rotation: the δ values decreased with increasing rotation frequency in the helical-flow membrane apparatus. The influence of rotation on the separation efficiency was not observed. In experimental conditions at rotation frequency W=1000-1500 rpm and for ion to polymer concentration ratio CCo2+/Cpolymer=1/4, the retention factors higher than 90% were achieved. The models for simulation and optimization of cross-flow filtration developed from theory of concentration polarization and response surface methodology (RSM) were elaborated. The regression analysis in order to find empirical models for fitting the experimental data of flux decline was employed. The models were determined by minimization of the residual variance S2res: 2 Sres = 2 1 n J (t j ) − J exper → min ( ) ∑ j n − 2 j =1 (3) The experimental data of the kinetics of flux decline were fitted well by polynomial equation of type: J (t ) = a0 + a1 t + a2t + a3t −1 + a4t 2 + a5t 3 (4) Two responses derived from kinetic curves of flux decline were used: the average permeate flux calculated by integration of J(t) function from t1=1 min up to tn=180 min as follows: t Fig.2. Permeate flux vs. time. Cobalt removal in hybrid process: complexation by polyacrylic acid (PAA)-ultrafiltation. was evidence that by promoting the turbulence the resistance of boundary layer and the resistance of the deposit accumulated on the membrane surface were reduced. Permeate flux, Jv, can be expressed as a function of total membrane-cake resistance by the equation: Jv = ΔP μ ( Rm + Rδ ) 1 n < J >= ∫ J (t )dt tn t1 (5) n ⎛ J ( t1 ) − J ( ti ) ⎞ S FD = ∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ J ( t1 ) i =2 ⎝ ⎠ (6) where J(t) means the regression functions determined by regression analysis, and the cumulative flux decline defined as (1) where: ΔP – transmembrane pressure, μ – viscosity of the liquid. Membrane resistance, Rm, was estimated from water permeability and cake layer resistance Rδ – from the total resistance determined in experiments. On the other hand, permeate flux can be described by the relationship analogical to the equation of the filtration through the sediments: Fig.3. Permeate flux vs. time for optimal conditions: ΔP*=0.19 bar, QR*=54 L/m2h and W*=2480 rpm. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS The cumulative flux decline defined by equation (6) gives information about all experimental points in flux decline curve for the time interval studied, i.e. 1 min≤t≤180 min. By means of the multiple linear regression method, the empirical models of cross-flow filtration, which gave the information about the influence of hydrodynamic parameters upon J and SFD were developed. The cumulative flux decline and average permeate flux were used as the objective functions in optimization by the Lagrange multiplier method using MathCAD software. The calculated optimal values in terms of actual operating variables were ΔP*=0.19 bar, QR*=54 L/m2h and W*=2480 rpm. For these operation con- 123 ditions, the check out experiment was carried out to determine the permeate flux vs. time (Fig.3). The initial flux decline was observed in the time interval 1 min≤t≤60 min; after that a slight increase of flux was recognized for t>60 min. This means that in optimal operating conditions the vortices created by Taylor flow led to self-cleaning effect of the membrane surface for t>60 min. For all experiments concerning the polymer-assisted cross-flow ultrafiltration process carried out in the helical membrane module, the average value of the rejection coefficient was 91.54% with a standard deviation of 4.06%. A STUDY OF STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION IN MILK Ryszard Wierzchnicki, Małgorzata Derda Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) methods play a very important role in food authenticity and origin control. The measurements of bioelements (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and sulfur) composition provide a very sensitive tool to food control. The isotopic methods of origin and authenticity control were recently implemented in European Union for wine, juice, and honey. The aim of our study is to explore the relationship between isotopic composition of milk and its origin (regional, seasonal). The stable isotope composition of food is strictly connected with environmental conditions (climate, geographical position and included pollutants). The bases for this study are isotopic effects (biological, physical and chemical) which are responsible for different isotopic composition in nature: soil, air and water. The effect of differentiation of isotope composition is connected with different composition of cow diet (maize, grass etc.) and different composition of drinking water for cows [1-3]. Seasonal and regional variations of cow diet composition cause seasonal and regional variations of isotopic composition of milk and finally dairy products (Table). Correlation between the stable isotope composition 18O/16O, 13C/12C, 15N/14N and δD in milk components was analyzed. The variability of the parameters related to environmental factors like: geology, climate and anthropogenic factors was studied (Fig.). Fig. Factors determining the water isotopic composition of dairy products – a schematic way from the farm to the consumer. Finally, on the basis of the collected results a map of isotopic parameters distribution will be drawn. The information about the relation between the isotopic compositions and the regional and seasonal factors will be an important research Table. Chemical components of milk and their important isotopic composition. In the frame of the project, many samples of milk and dairy products from main regions of milk production were gained. The collected samples were measured by the use of IRMS DELTAplus (Finnigan, Germany), connected with peripheral units as: GasBench, H/Device and Elementar Analizer (ThermoFinnigan). result of this project. In the future, on the data base of authentic value of stable isotope composition, the method for origin control of milk and dairy products will be proposed. The study was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the frame of project No. 2P06T03928. 124 PROCESS ENGINEERING References [1]. Rossmann A., Haberhauer G., Hölzl S., Horn P., Pichlmayer F., Voerkelius S.: Eur. Food Res. Technol., 211, 32-40 (2000). [2]. Knobe N., Vogl J., Pritzkow W., Panne U., Fry H., Lochotzke H.M., Preiss-Weigert A.: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 386, 104-108 (2006). [3]. Renou J.P., Deponge Ch., Gachon P., Bonnefoy J.C., Coulon J.B., Garel J.P., Verite R., Ritz P.: Food Chem., 85, 63-66 (2004). INTERLABORATORY TESTS FOR 3H MEASUREMENTS IN WATER SAMPLES Wojciech Sołtyk, Jolanta Walendziak, Jacek Palige Successive observation and measurements of 3H contents in water samples has been realized in Poland in a few laboratories starting since 1967. The measurement of this kind is being performed in the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) since 1999 and is connected with the observations of 3H concentration changes in surface samples of water with 3H concentration in an interval of 0-20 TU. In test VI participated 86 laboratories and 6 samples of water with 3H concentration in an interval of 0-25 TU and with one unknown sample with a concentration of about 500 TU were measured. Table 1. Results of test V. and underground waters in the surrounding of the coal mine “Bełchatów”. About 240 3H measurements are realized each year. The results of these measurements are used for the diagnosis of environmental processes occurring in the open lignite mine area. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organizes from time to time (every 5 years) The results of tests are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The real concentration, Cr, is defined as the mean value – the result of averaging all data obtained by the test participants whose result Ci fulfilled the condition |Ci – Cr|<2δ. The measured concentration is the result obtained in the INCT laboratory with an error of ±0.5 TU. Table 2. Results of test VI. interlaboratory tests for checking the correctness of data obtained in the laboratories which are registered in the IAEA – laboratories net. The INCT laboratory participated in the tests organized in 1994 (test V), 2000 (test VI) and 2005. In test V participated 91 laboratories from numerous countries which measured the same 4 The results of the test realized by the IAEA in 2005, for the moment, were not published. The data obtained in the INCT laboratory indicate sufficient agreement with the interlaboratory results especially with those for higher 3H concentration. MODELLING FOR GROUNDWATER FLOW IN THE OPENCAST BEŁCHATÓW AREA Robert Zimnicki The groundwater flow modelling is one of the most important steps in characterizing transport and properties of contaminants in industrial area like coal-mine. The majority of processes based on natural raw material exploitation causes a significiant environment destruction. The majority of problems concerning water quality like salinity or organic pollutant contents, water interchange and their resi- dence time in ground could be forecasted by computer simulation of flow processes. Modelling for the Bełchatów opencast area started in 2006. Simulation was done using Modflow software based on the application of the finite element method for the solution of appropriate 3D flow equation system for porous media. The Darcy law was applied for filtration velocity description. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 125 Fig. Scheme of exploitation area. At the beginning, data concerning porosity of the materials, boundary conditions for a certain part of opencast, like salt dome, outer dump, first driving area, were collected. The applied model consist of six layer describing three principal geological plies (Mesozoic, Quaternary and Cenozoic). The scheme of exploitation area is presented in Fig., where the principal mine objects are indicated. The Bełchatów model consist of 680x360x6 cells, in reality, the dimensions are 34 000 m length and 18 000 m width. Step size between bend is 50 m. The porosity for sand is equal to 45%, granite – 0.7% and total as 10% were sets. The transmissi- vity for all area 5 m2/day were preset. Rain parameter is equal to 0.0016 m/day. Actually the model is being verified. The sensitivities of applied procedures on boundary conditions changing is tested [1]. References [1]. Zimnicki R., Owczarczyk A., Chmielewski A.G.: Obserwacja zmian hydrochemicznych wód podziemnych w rejonie powstającej odkrywki węgla brunatnego. In: Materiały z IV Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowo-Technicznej “Postęp w inżynierii środowiska”, Bystre near Baligród, Poland, 21-23.09.2006, pp. 521-529 (in Polish). TRACER AND CFD INVESTIGATIONS OF SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES IN RECTANGULAR SETTLER Jacek Palige, Andrzej Dobrowolski, Sylwia Ptaszek, Andrzej G. Chmielewski Wastewater treatment process is realized in different apparatus such as equalizers, aeration tanks, settlers and final sedimentation basins. The treatment efficiency strongly depends on the work of a secondary settler. Many researches concerning the sludge sedimentation process were carried out [1-3]. Actually, few methods are used for investigations of settlers. The tracer method is used for the determination of residence time distribution (RTD) function and Fig.1. Scheme of a secondary settler and experimental results of spatial sludge ceoncentration distribution: A – in profiles at 8, 24 and 37 m from the wastewater input as a function of depth; B – 1 and 2 m below the water table in the axis of the settler. 126 PROCESS ENGINEERING Fig.2. Distribution of axial velocity component in planes orthogonal to the settler axis at distances: 6, 15, 25, 30 and 38 m from the wastewater input. computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [4-6] for obtaining the water flow structure inside a settler tank. In this work, the results of tracer investigations and CFD simulations for an industrial rectangular settler with immersed input (width 10 cm in all settler width) are presented. Volume of unit under investigation was V=1050 m3 (length L=41.5 m, height H=3÷4 m), flow rate of wastewater q=160 m3/h, output of sewage in the settler was realized by overflow. For this inflow structure, the sediment concentrations have been measured 1 and 2 m below the water table in the axis of the settler and in profiles at 8, 24, 37 m from the wastewater input as a function of depth. The scheme of the settler and the distribution of sediment inside the settler are presented in Fig.1. The velocity of sludge sedimentation was determined in laboratory tests. The value of this vel- ocity was 3 cm/min. Using the CFD codes, the sedimentation process of monodisperse sludge with input concentration 2 kg/m3 and flow rate of fluid 0.041 m3/s was simulated. Numerical 3D simulations of the sedimentation process with numerical code of FLUENT software application were carried out using the Euler-granular scheme and standard k-ε model of flow turbulence for a mixture of water and sludge. The characteristic backflow, up to 30 m in settler (Fig.2) for this construction of inflow, was observed near the surface and bottom of the tank. Numerical sludge concentration distribution as a function of depth in the axis of the settler are presented in Fig.3. A satisfactory agreement of numerical and experimental curves of concentration sludge distribution was observed in profiles 1 and 2. In profile 3, a large decrease of sludge concentration obtained in numerical simulation is connected with the fact that, for example, the sludge drift in the bottom and scrapper movement in real settler tank is not taken into account. References Fig.3. Profiles of sludge concentration in the axis of the settler as a function of depth (8, 24, 37 m from the wastewater input). [1]. White D.A., Verdone N.: Chem. Eng. Sci., 55, 2213-2222 (2000). [2]. Berres S., Buger R., Tory E.M.: Chem. Eng. J., 111, 105-117 (2005). [3]. Burger R., Karlsen K.H., Towers J.D.: Chem. Eng. J., 111, 119-134 (2005). [4]. Krebs P., Armbruster M., Rodi W.: Gaz, Woda Tech. Sanit., 11 (2000), in Polish. [5]. Palige J., Dobrowolski A., Owczarczyk A., Chmielewski A.G., Ptaszek S.: Inż. Ap. Chem., 42, 72-75 (2003), in Polish. [6]. Palige J., Owczarczyk A., Ptaszek S.: Inż. Ap. Chem., 44, 24-26 (2005), in Polish. NATIVE AND TRANSPLANTED Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. AS BIOINDICATOR OF NITROGEN DEPOSITION IN A HEAVY INDUSTRY AREA OF UPPER SILESIA Grzegorz Kosior1/, Aleksandra Samecka-Cymerman1/, Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ryszard Wierzchnicki, Małgorzata Derda, Alexander J. Kempers2/ 1/ 2/ Department of Ecology and Nature Protection, Wrocław University, Poland Department of Environmental Sciences, Radboud University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands During the period of 90 days, an assay was carried out with the moss Pleurozium schreberi transplanted from an uncontaminated control site to the most polluted industrial region of Poland in the Upper Silesia (Poland). Within the same period also samples of native Pleurozium schreberi growing in NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS the industrial region were collected together with the same species from an unpolluted control site. Concentrations of total nitrogen in soil, nitrate and ammonia in rainfall, nitrogen in mosses as well as lead and zinc as pollution markers in mosses were measured. The natural abundance of 15N was determined in transplanted, native and control Pleurozium schreberi. The examined soils from the polluted sites were contaminated with high levels of nitrogen and also the concentrations of lead and zinc in mosses seriously exceeded the levels of these elements in plants from the control sites. The input of atmospheric ammonium nitrogen by deposition significantly exceeded that of the nitrate nitrogen at all sites. Established correlations confirmed a general suitability of the examined moss species for at least a rough estimation of the nitrogen input. The transplanted Pleurozium schreberi was a 127 better nitrogen accumulator in the less polluted parts of the area showing a relation between the δ15N signature and the tissue nitrogen concentration to the ratio NH4+N/NO3–N after 45 days of exposure. The same species transplanted into the more polluted sites of the industrial area did not reach the level of nitrogen of native species within 90 days of exposure and showed a relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition only after 90 days of exposure. Therefore, it may be concluded that the transplanted moss needs at least 90 days in its new environment to give indications for polluting nitrogen compared to the indications obtained from the native mosses. Therefore, the transplants were worse indicators of nitrogen deposition in heavy polluted areas compared to those in less polluted areas. 128 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS IDENTIFICATION OF LEAD WHITE OF THE 15th CENTURY GDAŃSK PANEL PAINTINGS BY MEANS OF INSTRUMENTAL NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS Ewa Pańczyk, Justyna Olszewska-Świetlik1/, Lech Waliś 1/ Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Connection between the content of trace elements in lead white and the place, time and technology of Table. Description of the analyzed samples. its production can be determined on the way of extensive studies carried out on sample paintings rep- NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS resenting different periods in history and various countries [1-5]. More sensitive detection methods currently applied in neutron activation analysis (NAA), and first of all, high-resolution gamma spectrometry allow to increase the number of detectable elements and to more accurately determine their concentrations in the lead white [2]. A more complete distribution pattern of trace elements permits also to take into account the elements that were not present in original paints in a given period of history. This is particularly important for elimination of the impurities accidentally introduced into paint during creation of a painting. The objective of the work are systematic studies on the lead white in Polish painting. The presented results of analyses constitute merely a part of broader studies on lead white produced in 15th and 16th centuries. The following work contains the results of researches of the chosen set of panel paintings of Gdańsk from the second half of the 15th century. A set of 16 pieces of panel painting, most of which were taken from the important shrine of Gdańsk – the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary – were the object of the research. Additionally, the study of the retable from the Parish Church at Wróblewo, an altar from the St. Peter and St. Paul church at Hel and Grudziądz Polyptych from the Castle of the Teutonic Knights at Grudziądz were taken. The workshop of these three panel paintings is closely connected to Gdańsk painting tradition. Only a part of works of art remained until our times [6]. Those that were preserved, in most cases constitute only a part of retables (panels of polyptychs, predellas). All the samples were taken from paintings subjected to a routine maintenance work after reveal- 129 ing their structure and state of preservation of the original layers, After removal of protective coating with a scalpel under a microscope, a sample of the white was taken directly to a quartz ampoule. The sampling spots were selected so that they had not shown admixtures of other pigments as indicated by UV luminescence tests. Detailed description of the paintings is presented in Table. 1-6 samples from each object, with a mass from 0.1 to 1 mg were collected. The analysis of lead white samples was carried out using the instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) method without chemical separation, using standards of analyzed elements. The samples were packed together with standards of such elements as Na, K, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga ,Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ru, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Te, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Ir, Au, Hg, Th and 238U. Also attached were the standards of gold and scandium evaporated onto a piece of aluminium foil. They played the role of the thermal neutron flux monitor. Irradiation of the samples was carried out in the MARIA reactor at Świerk, in a channel with 8*1013 n/cm2s thermal neutron flux. The irradiation time was 24 h with subsequent 8-hour cooling. Then, the irradiated samples were unpacked and washed in 1:1 hydrochloric acid solution and rinsed in alcohol to remove surface contaminations. Measurements of activity of samples and standards prepared in such a way were carried out using an HP germanium detector with an active volume of 80 cm3 and an energy resolving power of 1.95 keV for the 1333 keV peak from 60Co. The detector cooperates with a S100 Canberra analyzer, Fig. Dendrogram of 56 lead white samples taking from 19 panel paintings (number of features is 28) – standardized variables. 130 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS controlled by IBM/PS-2. The analysis of complex gamma radiation spectra was carried out using micro-SAMPO and Gene 2000 programs. The measurements were repeated six times within three months after irradiation. The measurement time varied between 300 and 10 000 s. Thirty two elements were identified and determined in the analyzed samples. Ultimately, 28 elements were selected for multiparameter statistical analysis aimed at identifying the degree of similarity of analyzed paintings. The clustering analysis using STATISTICA (StatSoft) program was carried out to identify the similarity degree of analyzed objects. The clustering analysis was carried out for standardized variables. The results of clustering analysis for all the tested 19 panel paintings (56 samples of lead white) are presented in Fig., which clearly shows division into four groups. Based on to date quantitative analysis of the trace elements in lead white collected from paintings from the 15th-19th century, it can be concluded that lead white from the studied panel paintings shows a lower content of cop- per and manganese and a higher content of sliver and antimony than lead white from regions south to Alps and is more similar to lead white applied in Northern Europe [4,5,7]. The results of the conducted analyses revealed features characteristic of painting technique of Gdańsk of the second half of 15th century. References [1]. Perlman I., Asaro F., Michel H.V.: Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 22 (1972). [2]. Sayre E.V.: Advan. Activ. Anal., 2 (1972). [3]. Fleming S.J.: Authenticity in art. London 1975. [4]. Houtman J.P., Turkstra J.: Neutron activation analysis and its possible application for age determination of paintings. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Radiochemical Methods of Analysis, Salzburg, Austria 1964. IAEA, Vienna 1965, vol.1. [5]. Lux F., Braunstein L.: Z. Anal. Chem., 221 (1966), in German. [6]. Olszewska-Świetlik J.: Technologia i technika gdańskiego malarstwa tablicowego drugiej połowy XV wieku. Toruń 2005, in Polish. [7]. Pańczyk E., Ligęza M., Waliś L.: Nukleonika, 37, 29 (1992). ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION AND PARTICLE MORPHOLOGY OF LEAD WHITE PIGMENTS Bożena Sartowska, Ewa Pańczyk, Lech Waliś The analysis of pigments on artworks is of major significance in art conservation as it leads to detailed characterization of materials and is thus important for dating and authentication, as well as for possible conservation or restoration of artwork. Pigment analysis can be a challenging problem due to the complexity of materials analyzed because one may have to identify several different pigments used in multicomponent mixtures and in different paint layers. The problem becomes even more demanding for artworks in which sampling is either extremely limited or even forbidden. Several analytical techniques for identification of pigments have been in use for many years such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV-visible absorption, particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), proton-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE), Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) [1-3]. Natural and synthetic pigments are subject to various geological, mining and manufacturing processes, which are unique to each manufacturer. Understanding of the manufacturing process of common pigments allows the forensic scientist to understand how trace elements may become incorporated into the final product, and validity of the concept of using their association pattern in the paint as a provenance establishment techniques. For the last twenty centuries, lead white has been one of the most frequently used pigment. Its purity is directly related with the development of methods of production and purification of lead. Owing to this fact, it is possible to distinguish the groups of the artists by whom the painting has been created by determining trace elements present in the lead white used. In addition, it is possible to identify repainted fragments and conservation steps made which is of great importance to art historians. The variation seen in trace element compositions according to region and time, proper authentication would require compiling a library of analyses of carefully documented paintings to compare statistically the painting in question. Such work can confidently contribute to the reassignment of dates and the placement of objects in their correct historical context [1-4]. The lead white of commerce that has been used in painting is the basic carbonate 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2. Lead carbonate hydroxide is chemically equivalent to the naturally occurring hydrocerrusite, however, the mineral equivalent is extremely rare and consequently rarely used as a pigment source. During the Roman period, lead white was well-known historically as a synthetic pigment that is made from metallic lead and vinegar. Lead white was commonly adulterated with other white pigments, particularly chalk, baryte and kaolinite to cut cost [4]. The goal of the described work is the comparison of trace element patterns and particle morphology of contemporary lead white pigments and Bologna chalk which was used very often as an NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS admixture to lead white specially in grounding of paints, with lead white pigment taken from the panel painting of Crucifixion Triptych (Gać Śląska, dating on 1440/1450) which belongs to the so-called Silesian Painting School. We used two methods: INAA for determination of trace elements and SEM for revealed morphology of investigated pigments. The activation analysis is one of the modern instrumental analytical methods. Since 1950 it has been an important technique used to analyze trace Table. Composition of lead white and chalk samples [ppm]. 131 elements at a level of ppb or even better in a wide range of materials. In the 1950’s there was no technique that could compete with this method. At present, though there are other methods with comparable sensitivity, neutron activation analysis (NAA) still offers new capabilities thanks to the development of electronics and availability of increasingly technologically advanced instruments. This results in enhanced precision, accuracy and repeatability [1,3]. 132 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS A B Fig.1. Pigments: A – calcite CaCO3, B – lead white 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2. The analysis of lead white samples was carried out using the INAA method without chemical separation, using standards of analyzed elements. The samples were packed together with standards [3]. Also attached were the standards of gold and scandium evaporated onto a piece of aluminium foil. They played the role of the thermal neutron flux monitor. Irradiation of the samples was carried out in the MARIA reactor at Świerk, in a channel with 8x1013 n/cm2s thermal neutron flux. The irradiation time was 24 h with subsequent 8-hour cooling. Measurements of radioactivity of samples and standards were carried out using an HP germanium detector with an active volume of 80 cm3 and an energy resolving power of 1.95 keV for the 1333 keV peak from 60Co. The detector cooperates with a S100 Canberra analyzer, controlled by IBM/PS-2. The analysis of complex gamma radiation spectra was carried out using micro-SAMPO and Gene 2000 programs. The measurements were repeated six times within three months after irradiation. The measurement time varied between 300 and 10 000 s. Thirty two elements were identified and determined in the analyzed samples. The results of this analysis are presented in Table. It follows from the comparison of the data sets obtained for the investigated samples that the oil colour from Grumbacher N.Y. firm characterized a very high concentration of zinc which is an ad- A mixture in this contemporary paint. In original, lead white taken from the Crucifixion Triptych contained a higher concentration of copper and lower of silver than in contemporary pigments. The same four different kinds of pigments were investigated by means of SEM: powder of CaCO3 – calcite, powder of 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2 – lead white pure pigment (Poland), oil colour form Grumbacher N.Y. and original lead white pigment taken from the panel painting of the Crucifixion Triptych with linseed oil binder. Powders of pigments and small pieces of paints were fixed at the microscopic tables using the conductive glue (Quick Drying Silver Paint, Agar Scientific Ltd.). The surfaces of the samples were coated with a thin layer of metal to reduce the charging which takes place during SEM observations [5]. They were covered with a thin layer (less than 10 nm) of gold using a vacuum evaporator JEE-4X (JEOL, Japan). Observations were carried out using scanning electron microscope DSM 942 (Zeiss, Germany). Powder of CaCO3 consists of agglomerates of needle-shape grains (Fig.1A). Needles-grains with different sizes are in the shape according to the theoretical calcite orthorhombic crystal system [6]. Powder of lead white consists of agglomerates of hexahedron plate-shape grains (Fig.1B). The sizes of these plates are: the diagonal – about 2.4 μm and the thickness – about 0.3 μm. The shape B Fig.2. Oil colour (Grumbacher N.Y.): A – surface, B – brittle fracture. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS A 133 B C Fig.3. Lead white from the panel painting Crucifixion Triptych with linseed oil binder: A – bulk sample, B – dispersed particles x20 000, C – dispersed particles x5000. of the observed plates are in good agreement with the theoretical hexagonal crystallographic lattice of 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2 [6]. The Grumbacher N.Y. oil colour was in the dried form as a bulk material. Pieces of this paint have the smooth surface without cracks and inclusions. Visible grains are fixed in the matrix. Diameter of the single grain is less than 1.1 mm (Fig.2A). Surface of brittle fracture shows a lot of cracks and voids, free pieces of material could be distinguished. Much smaller particles (about 0.3 μm) fixed in the matrix are visible at the fracture (Fig.2B). The sample of lead white from the Crucifixion Triptych was in the form of some small particles of dried paint. Their surfaces are rough with voids and inclusions (Fig.3A). The interesting objects – groups of the spherical particles are also observed. The spheres are in different sizes: from less than 0.3 μm in diameter (Fig.3B) to rather big – 17.6 μm in diameter (Fig.3C). This shape is the result of the pigment formation: the particles of solid phase of 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2 are dispersed in the liquid phase of used oil [7]. Scanning electron microscopy is a useful tool for investigations of the morphology of pigments and paints. The investigated pigments consist of small particles with the shape in accordance with the theoretical shape of crystallized CaCO3 and 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2. The investigated paints show the pigment particles fixed in the oil matrix. The oil paint from Gać Śląska shows a spherical shape of the pigment particles dispersed in used oil. In this work, it was demonstrated that a combined method approach, performed directly on the artwork and small samples, is able to identify the materials that were used to manufacture artefacts. The consequence of these findings, in relation to dating and authenticating the investigated artefact, are consistent with the art historical observations. According to our experience, the NAA and SEM methods are a powerful tool to identify and characterize the pigments. References [1]. Houtman J.P., Turkstra J.: Neutron activation analysis and its possible application for age determination of paintings. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Radiochemical Methods of Analysis, Salzburg 1964. IAEA, Vienna 1965, vol.1. [2]. Lux F., Braunstein L.: Z. Anal. Chem., 221 (1966), in German. [3]. Pańczyk E., Ligęza M., Waliś L.: Nukleonika, 37, 29 (1992). [4]. Eastugh N., Walsh E., Chaplin T., Siddall R.: Pigment compendium. Elsevier 2004. [5]. Goldstein I.J.: Electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. A text for biologist, material scientists and geologists. Plenum Press, New York 1992, 820 p. [6]. Poradnik fizykochemiczny. Praca zbiorowa. WNT, Warszawa 1974, 1985 p. (in Polish). [7]. Spychaj T., Spychaj S.: Farby i kleje wodorozcieńczalne. WNT, Warszawa 1996, 323 p. (in Polish). 134 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS ULTRAVIOLET BLUE FLUORESCENCE OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN BAROQUE GLASS (FURTHER RESULTS) Jerzy Kunicki-Goldfinger, Joachim Kierzek, Piotr Dzierżanowski1/ 1/ Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University, Poland About 1200 colourless glass vessels originated mainly from central European areas and dated to 17th and 18th centuries were analyzed by the use of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis and examined under UV-C radiation. These observations were carried out to distinguish the items that show blue fluorescence, which is associated with the presence of lead in glass. The colour of fluorescence was determined with the naked eye. Also, small samples were taken from the 88 examined objects. They were analyzed by the use of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). The project constitutes a continuation of our previous paper [1]. A band with the dominant line of 253.7 nm (usually denoted as UV-C) was applied. Commercially available sources of the UV-C radiation were used (two low pressure TUV 15 V mercury lamps, manufactured by Philips). They were installed in a special chamber for safe observation of the phenomenon. The total radiation intensity in the chamber amounted to 8.257x10–4 W/cm2 (for the wavelength range of 200-398 nm), with a single dominant peak of 2.503x10–4 W/cm2 for a wavelength of 254 nm. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used in a surface manner. The 109Cd and 241Am radioisotope annular sources were applied to excite the elements in the glass. X-ray spectra were measured using Si(Li) and a planar HPGe detectors. The live time of the measurements was 600 s. The analyzed Analyses by wavelength dispersive spectrometry in the EPMA system were carried out using Cameca SX-100 at the Electron Microprobe Laboratory, Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University. Standards were oxides and minerals. Corning B, C, D, and NIST 610, 612, among others, were used as secondary standards. The obtained results have confirmed that blue fluorescence of baroque central European vessel glass is connected to the presence of lead in glass. There is no border PbO concentration that cause the phenomenon. The PbO concentration even below 0.2% can cause the bright blue fluorescence. On the other hand, in this range slightly below 0.5% of PbO, a few examined glasses did not show the fluorescence at all. These vessels are attributed to unknown Polish and/or Russian factories run by the end of the 18th century. The presence or absence of blue fluorescence does not seem to depend on the concentration of Mn and Fe, thought the relative ratios of Pb, Mn and Fe influence the changes of glass fluorescence under UV-C in the case of such small lead concentrations. When the PbO content is higher (over 0.5%), glass shows this fluorescence independently of the kind of glass matrix composition. There is one exception found and it concerns a few vessels attributed to Zechlin (or Potsdam), Brandenburgia (Fig.1). It should be underlined that not all glasses from this glass centre behave in this way; other Fig.1. Triangular diagrams for the variables Pb, Mn, and Fe. The variables have been transformed in such a way that the sum of their values is constant for each case. area of glass amounted to approximately 2 cm2. No quantitative chemical analysis was carried out by the use of EDXRF. Only PbO contents were estimated. examples also containing lead show the blue fluorescence. We do not know the reason of it. Three groups of leaded central European glass, which show blue fluorescence under UV-C radia- < – below detection limit. For all samples: P2O5<0.4. Table. Chemical composition of 21 glasses analyzed by the use of EPMA [wt%]. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 135 136 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS tion, have been distinguished (tentatively marked A, B, and C) (Fig.2). “A” is white (chalk) glass with highest PbO concentration reaching c. 2%. “B” is crystal glass. The PbO content did not exceed 6%. “C” is also crystal glass, but with the PbO content over 6%. These groups differ from one another in the chemical composition as a consequence of the application of determined recipes and raw materials. Chemical composition of 21 glasses with the highest PbO concentration analyzed by the use of EPMA (in wt%) are presented in Table. The items have been sorted according to their lead content and the presence of blue colour of their fluorescence is indicated. The PbO level in the remaining 67 glasses, also examined by the use of EPMA, remains below 0.04% and they did not show blue fluorescence. It can be seen that the glasses with PbO content over about 0.2-0.3% show this distinct blue fluorescence. Though, there are two exceptions and both vessels were produced in Zechlin. According to our previously published results, we can now divide leaded crystal central European glass from the 18th century into two groups, B and C. The further conclusion is that all glasses that belong to group C showed blue fluorescence. Among the glasses from group B, we have found a few exceptions. We have also found a few examples with very low lead content (or with its concentration below the detection limit) that exhibit weak pale-blue fluorescence. This phenomenon is caused probably by the presence of other kind of fluorescent centre in glass than lead. Spectroscopy seems to be undoubtedly needed for further studies on this phenomenon. The project has been carried out at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw within the frameworks of a few separated projects since 1998. The following museums made the vessels available for examination: the National Museums (Gdańsk, Cracow, Poznań, Warsaw, Wrocław), the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Wawel State Art Collection, the Czartoryski Museum and the Jagiellonian University Museum (Cracow), the District Museums (Jelenia Góra, Rzeszów, Tarnów), the Łańcut Castle Museum, Museum in Nieborów and Arkadia, the Museum-Palace in Wilanów, the Historical Museum of Warsaw and private collectors. Fig.2. The scatter plots for PbO [wt%] and, respectively Rb, Y and Zr. Rb, Y and Zr contents are expressed in arbitrary units. Three groups of leaded glass have been distinguished. References [1]. Kunicki-Goldfinger J.J., Kierzek J.: Glass Technol., 43C, 111-113 (2002). LATE 17th CENTURY GLASS VESSELS FROM EILAND – TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH Jerzy Kunicki-Goldfinger, Martin Mádl1/, Piotr Dzierżanowski2/ 1/ National Museum & Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic 2/ Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University, Poland We know relatively little about glass production in the second half of the 17th century, when vari- ous technologies and manufacturing processes that would later become commonplace were still being NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS developed and tested. In the catalogs of European glass collections, we find only a few objects that can be reliably dated between the 1650s and the 1690s, with the exception of enameled glass that derives from the Renaissance tradition. This article draws attention to several luxury objects that are intriguing because of their crizzled glass and forming and finishing techniques. We have managed to date these objects with considerable precision. At the same time, we have attempted to situate them in the broader context of European glass production, and specifically to link them with the important Hessian glassmaker Georg Gundelach and his heretofore little-known work in Bohemia. Our primary method for the identification of objects has been art-historical analysis, augmented by chemical analysis of the selected samples. Three objects attracted our special attention. One of them is a goblet of Matthias Helfried von Plönstein decorated with a prelate’s coat of arms in the glass collection of the Prague City Museum (inv. no. 137 969). The next object that deserves our attention is a goblet of Christoph Lodron and Catharina von Spaur bearing the coat of arms of the Lodrons in the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague (inv. no. 4 462). Another vessel that can be linked with the Thun court and perhaps also with the glassworks in Eiland is a small jug of Marie Adelheid, Countess Thun with the motif of the Virgin and Child in the collection of the Department of Czech History of the National Museum in Prague (inv. no. H2 – 6 579). The main goal of this part of our study was to identify the technology used in the manufacture of the three glass vessels. We assumed that this would contribute important complementary information to the study of the provenance and dating of the objects. Two preliminary assumptions have been made in writing this section. First, we use the term “glass” to mean only the material, not the object, and we characterize this “glass” exclusively in terms of its chemical composition. Second, when interpreting the chemical composition, we consider only the likely intention of the glassmaker, assuming that this composition reflects, at least to some extent, the recipe used. This method of analysis differs from an assessment of the optical quality of the glass that is made with the naked eye, since the latter involves an examination of the final product, which does not always reflect the glassmaker’s intention. In some instances, glass that was intended to be of particularly fine quality emerged from the manufacturing process as an inferior material, and the reverse also happened. We use the terms “crystal glass”, “white glass” (also referred to as “chalk glass”), and “ordinary glass” in referring to the chemical composition of the glass. These terms correspond to the three types of glass compositions developed by the Venetians: cristallo, vitrum blanchum, and vetro commune [1]. These three basic formulas for colorless glass were used during the period under discussion, and they are known from documentary sources. Their char- 137 acteristics and distinct properties have been discussed elsewhere [2]. We took small samples of glass from the three vessels and analyzed them by wavelength-dispersive spectrometry with electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). The samples for analysis were collected with a diamond point. They came from the pontil mark of the goblet of Matthias Helfried von Plönstein; from the bowl of the jug of Marie Adelheid, Countess Thun; and from the stem of the goblet with the coat of arms of the Lodron family. The samples were mounted in blocks of epoxy resin, polished to 0.25 μm, and coated with a layer of carbon. The analyses were carried out using a Cameca SX-100 equipped with three simultaneously working spectrometers (PET, LIF, TAP crystals, and PC2 for boron) at the Electron Microprobe Laboratory (Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University). The measurement conditions were as follows: (i) for main constituents – 15 kV, 6 nA, 20 μm beam diameter, counting time 20 s for each element; (ii) for minor and trace constituents (with fixed concentration of main constituents) – 20 kV, 100 nA, 80 μm beam diameter, counting time 20-60 s; and (iii) for boron (with fixed concentration of main and minor constituents) – 5 kV, 100 nA, 20 μm beam diameter, counting time 20 s. The standards were oxides and minerals. Corning reference glass D, CRM-glasses 4001 and 4002 (Glass Institute, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic), and NIST CRM-glasses 610 and 612 were used as secondary standards. The results are presented in Table (Nos.1, 2, and 11). For comparison, we include the results of chemical analyses of luxury glasses manufactured in central Europe from the late 17th through the 18th centuries. Because there are almost no published chemical analyses of central European luxury baroque glasses from the late 17th century, we have relied mainly on examples from the first half of the 18th century and on two vessels from about 1700 that were specially examined for our study. They are shown in Table as Nos.3 and 4. Both glasses are crizzled. The analyses were also carried out using EPMA, under the same conditions. The presence of certain chemical components and their concentrations in all of the glasses in Table provide clues to their provenance and dating. The near absence of MgO and P2O5, as well as the presence of As2O3, suggests that the glass was melted from batches containing potash (and/or saltpeter) as a flux, arsenic, and other ingredients. Saltpeter and arsenic began to be used in the production of certain types of colorless vessel glass in central Europe probably not earlier than in the second half of the 17th century. The glasses in Table are grouped into three sets according to composition. The first set consists of six examples of central European crystal glass dating from the late 17th century and about 1700. It includes the goblet of Matthias Helfried von Plönstein and the goblet with the coat of arms of the Lodron family. These examples are distinguished by their uniquely low concentration of CaO, which is significantly below one weight percent (<1%), All results are for colorless glasses. Nos.1-4, 6, 8, and 10 are crizzled. + – found but not quantified; < – below detection limit. For all samples: P2O5<0.4, SO3<0.4, Rb2O<0.07, ZrO2<0.01, Y2O3<0.03, ZnO<0.03. Column 3: NM – National Museum, MAA – Museum of Applied Arts, MP – Museum Palace. Table. Chemical composition of luxury vessel glass from central Europe, late 17th and 18th centuries [wt%]. 138 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS and five of these vessels have relatively high levels of B2O3. The EPMA system used for the analyses allowed us to quantify boron oxide only when its concentration exceeded about 0.7-1%, depending on the glass matrix. Because of this, in certain cases, boron could be found but not quantified. The low CaO content suggests that calcium could have been introduced to the glass as contamination or as a minor constituent of certain raw materials (possibly potash or wine stone). If this type of crystal glass was made without adding calcium as a raw material, it may be considered a successor to Venetian cristallo. Another possible explanation is that chalk was added as an ingredient in very small quantities. Chalk appears in lists of raw materials used during this period, but we do not know if it was used in the production of this particular type of glass. The higher concentration of B2O3 seems to be a characteristic only of crystal glass, and documentary sources from the period confirm that borax was used in the production of crystal glass. Five of these six early examples of crys- 139 The second set contains four objects from the first half of the 18th century. They were made in Dresden, Zechlin, Naliboki, and an unidentified German glasshouse. The composition of this later crystal glass is distinguished by a higher CaO content (which does not go much above 5% in any of the discussed examples). The other characteristic features of the chemical composition of this glass are its significant PbO content and the lack of, or markedly lower concentration of, B2O3. The four examples of white glass in the third set, which date from the late 17th century to the end of the 18th century, originated in Bohemia, Germany, and Poland. Their composition is characterized by a lack of B2O3 and a significantly higher CaO concentration (ranging from 7.5 to 9.5%). White glass and crystal glass may generally be distinguished by calculating variables from the alkaline and alkaline earth oxide concentrations, as shown in Fig.1. This plot clearly shows that baroque crystal glass and white glass followed the Fig.1. Venetian soda-ash glass (vitrum blanchum and cristallo) and the late 17th and 18th century central European potassium glass (white glass and crystal) shown in a scatter plot for the variables calculated from the alkaline and alkaline earth oxide concentrations. The three vessels that are considered to be Eiland products are indicated by arrows [2,4]. tal glass are known to have been manufactured in Bohemian and German centers. The vessel from Altmünden is dated to about 1710, and it differs from the other glasses in this set in its possible lack of B2O3 and its high PbO content. It may thus be seen as a later variation of this early crystal glass formula. It appears that lead compounds were introduced as separate raw materials in central European colorless vessel glass formulas not earlier than about 1700 [3]. tradition of Venetian cristallo and vitrum blanchum, respectively. In Figure 1, we can also observe the division of baroque crystal glass into the earliest formulation, which is characterized by a virtual lack of CaO (a group of points in the lower right corner of the plot), and later formulations. The same division can be seen even more distinctly in Fig.2, which is a plot of As2O3 and CaO concentrations. Based on this plot, we can tentatively conclude that levels of these 140 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS Fig.2. Crystal and white glass from various central European glasshouses (late 17th and 18th centuries). The three vessels that are considered to be Eiland products are marked as black squares. Scatter plot for As2O3 and CaO concentrations. oxides gradually increased in crystal glass from the time its manufacture in this part of Europe began in the late 17th century. We conclude that the goblet of Matthias Helfried von Plönstein and that with the coat of arms of the Lodron family are made of crystal glass from the earliest known phase of its development in central Europe, while the jug of Marie Adelheid, Countess Thun is an example of white glass. Both of the goblets are crizzled, and it is well known that crystal glass is particularly susceptible to crizzling [5,6]. The glasses from which these two goblets were made have very similar chemical compositions, and they may therefore be considered as products of the same glasshouse and made during the same period. In this article, these glasses are tentatively attributed to the Eiland glassworks. However, we can neither exclude nor confirm the same attribution for the jug of Marie Adelheid, Countess Thun. Moreover, the chemical composition of this glass affords no clues to its dating. Because of the lack of published chemical analyses of Bohemian luxury vessel glasses from the late 17th century, as well as any known object that can be securely attributed to the Eiland glasshouse, all conclusions concerning the dating and attribution of the three vessels discussed in this article must remain a working hypothesis. It is very encouraging that the art-historical and technological studies we conducted produced such similar results. On some points, our findings were complementary, enabling us to offer bolder hypotheses. However, a consistently wide margin of uncertainty has to be taken into account, as is usual for this type of research. Two of the objects discussed in this article – the goblet of Matthias Helfried von Plönstein and the Lodron goblet – show many similarities in typol- ogy, stylistic features, iconography, and the technology used in their manufacture. Both vessels are exceptional in their decorative features and the quality of their glass. Their chemical composition represents an early phase in the development of crystal glass in central Europe. Based on historical research, we can date the goblets quite securely about 1675, while chemical analysis confirms that they were probably produced in the late 17th century. We can be fairly sure that the goblets were made with the same technology, in the same factory, and by the same glassmaker. The Eiland glassworks and Georg Gundelach are the strongest candidates, although the lack of comparative material makes this attribution uncertain. As for the jug of Marie Adelheid, Countess Thun, we can say only that it was made of white glass after 1688. This dating, unlike that of the goblets, is based solely on stylistic analysis and historical research. The jug differs from the two goblets both technologically and stylistically. We cannot rule out the same attribution for all three vessels. However, we did not find any clear evidence indicating that the jug was manufactured in the same glasshouse as the goblets. This remains an open question [7]. References [1]. Moretti C., Toninato T.: Rivista della Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, 1, 31-40 (1987), in Italian. [2]. Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Dzierżanowski P., Kasprzak A.J.: Central European crystal glass of the first half of the eighteenth century. In: Annales du 16e Congres de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (London 2003). AIHV, Nottingham 2005, pp. 258-262. [3]. Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Kasprzak A.J., Dzierżanowski P., Małożewska-Bućko B.: Lead in Central European 18th-century colorless vessel glass. In: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege – Kurzberichte NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 2003 (Berlin). Etnologischen Museum Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin 2003, pp. 56-58. [4]. Verità M.: Rivista della Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, 15, 1, 17-29 (1985), in Italian. [5]. Kunicki-Goldfinger J., Kierzek J., Małożewska-Bućko B., Kasprzak A.: Glass Technol., 43C, 364-368 (2002). [6]. Kunicki-Goldfinger J.: Preventive conservation strategy for glass collections: identification of glasses susceptible to crizzling. In: Proceedings of the 5th EC 141 Conference “Cultural Heritage Research: A Pan-European Challenge”, Cracow, Poland, 16-18.05.2002. Ed. R. Kozłowski. Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences and European Communities, Cracow 2003, pp. 301-304. [7]. Mádl M., Kunicki-Goldfinger J.: J. Glass Stud., 48, 255-277 (2006), (the full text of the article, which comprises both historical and technological approaches). WATER SOLUBLE SILICA BIOCIDES CONTAINING QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS Andrzej Łukasiewicz, Dagmara K. Chmielewska, Lech Waliś Silica biocides insoluble in water obtained by coating a carrier (TiO2, dolomite etc.) with an ammonium salt (QAC – quaternary N-alkylammonium compound) and water glass (WG) stabilized by sulphuric acid have been described previously [1-3]. Many scientific papers on the synthesis of silica materials with the application of acid or basic hydrolysis of alcoholic solution of tetraethoxysilan (Si(OEt)4) have been published [4,5]. Nanosol, which can be connected with other materials creating nanogel, can be obtained by this procedure. On the basis of the earlier developed technologies, we have elaborated a method for the synthesis of water soluble silica materials containing quaternary alkylammonium salts (s-SiO2-QAC). Example: 20 ml of 50% aqueous solution of benzalkonium chloride (Aldrich) was dissolved in 20 ml of Si(OEt)4 (Aldrich), then 100 ml of isopropanol was added and the mixture was stirred. Next, 10 ml of 0.04% HCl or 0.02% H2SO4 was added and the mixture stayed at room temperature until the next day. Properties of the hydrolyzate indicate complete hydrolysis of Si(OEt)4 and binding of silica with QAC. The hydrolyzate is bound quantitatively with carrier C (e.g. TiO2, dolomite) and the product indicates properties characteristic of insoluble in water materials C(SiO2-QAC): binds acid dyes effectively, binds Ag+ from water and zero-valent silver atoms obtained due to UV irradiation. s-SiO2-QAC can be also incorporated into fabrics and similar materials. Investigations of biocidal properties of soluble materials s-SiO2-QAC and their binding with different carriers as well as structural investigation are being continued. References [1]. Łukasiewicz A., Krajewski K.J., Gajewska J., Chmielewska D.: Właściwości biocydowe nowych materiałów dla budownictwa modyfikowanych IV-rzędową solą N-alkiloamoniową związaną z krzemionką. In: Czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe. Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technologii Drewna, Poznań 2005, pp. 432-437 (in Polish). [2]. Łukasiewicz A., Chmielewska D., Waliś L., Krajewski K.: Ekologia, 29, 3, 36-37 (2005), in Polish. [3]. Chmielewska D.K, Łukasiewicz A., Michalik J., Sartowska B.: Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, 69-72 (2006). [4]. Mahltig B., Haufe H., Bottcher H.: J. Mater. Chem., 41, 15, 4385-4398 (2005). [5]. Haufe H., Thron A., Fiedler D., Mahltig B., Bottcher H.: Surf. Coat. Int. B: Coat. Trans., 88, 1, 55-60 (2005). THE ROLE OF CARBON, CHROMIUM AND NITROGEN IN AUSTENITIZATION OF UNALLOYED AND ALLOYED STEELS BY INTENSE PLASMA PULSES Jerzy Piekoszewski1,2/, Ludwik Dąbrowski3/, Bożena Sartowska1/, Lech Waliś1/, Michał Kopcewicz4/, Justyna Kalinowska4/, Marek Barlak2/, Jacek Stanisławski2/, Zbigniew Werner2/, Adam Barcz5/ 1/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Świerk, Poland 3/ Institute of Atomic Energy, Świerk, Poland 4/ Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warszawa, Poland 5/ Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland 2/ In our previous works it was shown that normal and so-called expanded austenite phases (γN , γC) can be formed not only in the stainless steel but also in carbon steels and even in the pure α-iron if they are treated with high intensity nitrogen plasma pulses [1,2]. The purpose of the present work was to study how the alloying elements such as carbon, chromium and nitrogen influence the efficiency of austenitization of steels treated by argon and nitrogen plasma pulses [3]. The steel samples contained initially 2.5-4.2 at.% C, 0.12-14 at.% Cr and about 1 at.% N after the nitrogen plasma treatment 142 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS were used in the investigations. The pulses were generated by rod plasma injector type of generator described in detail in [4]. The energy density of plasma pulses was about 5 Jcm-2, pulse duration – about 1 μs and numer of pulses – 3. The energy was high enough to melt the near surface layer, so the used element was doped to the liquid metal. The samples were examined by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) techniques. The main results of the detailed analysis of the experimental data can be summarized as follows: - Both nitrogen and carbon alone are capable of forming normal and expanded austenite phases γN and γC. - Of all three alloying elements: carbon, chromium and nitrogen, nitrogen is most effective in austenitization of both carbon and alloyed steels. - Presence of nitrogen weakens the efficacy of carbon and chromium in austenite formation. - Presence of carbon strengthens the efficacy of chromium in austenite formation. This work was financed by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science for scientific projects under contract No. 1147/T08/2005/29. References [1]. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Szymczyk W., Stanisławski J., Nowicki L., Ratajczak R., Kopcewicz M., Kalinowska J., Barcz A., Prokert M.: Vacuum, 78, 181-186 (2005). [2]. Piekoszewski J., Sartowska B., Waliś L., Werner Z., Kopcewicz M., Prokert F., Stanisławski J., Kalinowska J., Szymczyk W.: Nukleonika 49, 2, 57-60 (2004). [3]. Gavriljuk V.G., Berns H.: High nitrogen steels. Structure, properties, manufacture, applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heilderberg 1999, 376 p. [4]. Werner Z., Piekoszewski J., Szymczyk W.: Vacuum, 63, 701-708 (2000). THERMAL STABILITY OF THE PHASES FORMED IN THE NEAR SURFACE LAYERS OF CARBON STEEL BY NITROGEN PULSED PLASMA TREATMENT Bożena Sartowska1/, Jerzy Piekoszewski1,2/, Lech Waliś1/, Jacek Stanisławski2/, Lech Nowicki2/, Renata Ratajczak2/, Michał Kopcewicz3/ 1/ Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Świerk, Poland 3/ Institute of Electronic Materials, Warszawa, Poland 2/ The intense pulsed plasma beams were used for carbon steel surface modification. The energy density of the pulse was high enough to melt the near surface region of the substrate and nitrogen was introduced into the liquid alloy. The nitrogen expanded austenite – γN (austenite in which iron atoms have one or more nitrogen atoms in the nearest neighbourhood) was found in the near-surface region of carbon steel and significant increase of hardness and tribological properties were observed [1]. The formation of nitrogen expanded austenite does not follow the equilibrium phase Fe-N diagram [2,3]. At elevated temperature, the interstitial atoms can be released from the lattice and diffuse. Therefore, the stability under maximum operating temperatures must be determined and it must be known how long a component can be used under specific thermal load before undesirable properties occur. Carbon steel 1C45 with 0.52 wt% C and heat treated with the standard procedures was used for investigations. The plasma pulses were generated in a rod plasma injector (RPI) [4]. The samples were irradiated with five nitrogen plasma pulses at an energy density of about 5 J cm–2. The samples were characterized by: nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) 14 N(d,α)12C for the determination of retained nitrogen dose and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) for quantitative analysis of the identified phases. The annealing processes were carried out using a tube furnace, with con- trolled temperature and flow of the ambient gas – argon. The heat treatment parameters were: temperature between 100 to 300oC with a step of 50oC for 1 h. In the investigating samples nitrogen retained a dose of 1.2x1017 cm–2. The standard deviation σ=2x1016 cm–2. Relative changes of the determined parameters characterizing properties of the material are defined as: [(AM – IM)/IM] x 100% where AM and IM are the values of the investigated parameter for annealed and initial material, respectively. After annealing, the relative surface nitrogen concentration changes depending on the annealing temperature (Fig.1). The surface nitrogen concentration increased up to temperature of about Fig.1. Changes of surface nitrogen concentration as a result of annealing the modified samples. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 150oC and decreased for annealing at higher temperatures. The main reason for this fact could be releasing of the interstitial nitrogen atoms from the nitrogen expanded austenite lattice at elevated temperature. It is likely that up to 150oC, nitrogen diffuses towards the surface. At a temperature higher than 150oC, the nitrogen atoms have higher energy and can diffuse to the bulk of the sample as well [5]. As a result of surface modification process, we obtained thin (about 1.5 μm) layers with the presence of the identified phases α-Fe (ferrite and/or martensite), γ0 (austenite in which iron atoms have no nitrogen or carbon atoms in the nearest neighbourhood), expanded austenities γC, γN (austenities in which iron atoms have one or more carbon or nitrogen atoms in the nearest neighbourhood) and nitrides. CEMS results obtained for the heat-treated samples are presented in Fig.2. The phases transformation process started at annealing at 150oC. The content of all austenities (γ0, γC and γN) decreases with temperature, while the contents of α-Fe phases and nitrides increase. Decrease of the austenitic phases content above 150oC has a rapid Fig.2. Changes of the identified phases contents as the result of annealing modified samples. character and these phases are no more present above 250oC. The content of α-Fe phases increases by a factor of 2 at 300oC annealing. It is obvious that this increase is of the expense of austenitic phases decomposition. For the same reason, we observed also an increase of nitrides content by a factor of about 2. Released interstitial nitrogen atoms become available for the nitrogen phases formation [5]. The presence and stability of nitrogen expanded austenite determined in our experiments in steel 1C45 are compared with the data reported in the literature describing the alloyed steels: austenitic X6 (0.08% C, 17-19% Cr, 9-12% Ni) and ferritic X10 (0.12% C, 17-19% Cr) [6] (Fig.3). As it is seen, the γN phase is the most stable in X6 steel containing both chromium and nickel alloying elements. It is less stable in chromium containing X10 steel with the onset temperature of 250oC. As it could have been expected, our sample which does not 143 contain any of austenite stabilizing element shows the lowest (150oC) onset temperature of nitrogen expanded austenite decomposition. Fig.3. Changes of the nitrogen expanded austenite presence in the modified surface layer of different kinds of steels as the result of annealing the samples. In conclusions: The surface nitrogen concentration in the top layer of modified carbon steel started its decreasing from 150oC due to releasing the interstitial nitrogen atoms from fcc (face centered cubic) nitrogen expanded austenite lattice and their diffusion into the surface and bulk of the samples. The significant changes of the content of identified phases started at 150oC. The austenities transformed to the α-Fe phases. The nitrides are formed at the expense of nitrogen released from the fcc expanded austenite lattice. The modification effects in unalloyed steel 1C45 induced by the intense nitrogen plasma pulses are stable to the temperature of about 150oC. This is the application limit, but below this temperature a material can be used without losing its required properties. This work was financed by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science for scientific projects under contract No. 1147/T08/2005/29. References [1]. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Szymczyk W., Stanisławski J., Nowicki L., Ratajczak R., Kopcewicz M., Kalinowska J., Barcz A., Prokert F.: Vacuum, 78, 181-186 (2005). [2]. Williamson D.L., Oztruk O., Glick S., Wei R., Wilbur P.J.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 59/60, 737-741 (1991). [3]. Gavriljuk V.G., Berns H.: High nitrogen steels. Structure, properties, manufacture, applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heilderberg 1999, 376 p. [4]. Werner Z., Piekoszewski J., Szymczyk W.: Vacuum, 63, 701-708 (2000). [5]. Briglia Th., Terwagne G., Bodart F., Quaeyhaegenes C., D’Haen J., Stals L.M.: Surf. Coat. Technol., 80, 105-108 (1999). [6]. Jirásková Y., Blawert C., Schneeweiss O.: Phys. Status Solidi A, 175, 537-548 (1999). 144 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS ELECTRON-BEAM IRRADIATION OF PVDF MEMBRANES AS A METHOD FOR OBTAINING BRITTLE FRACTURES FOR SEM OBSERVATIONS Bożena Sartowska, Oleg Orelovitch1/, Andrzej Nowicki 1/ Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Specific template – track membranes can be used to obtain the nano- and microstructures [1]. It is important for these applications to know geometry parameters of the pores like sizes, shape and their inner surface morphology [2]. A scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) was used for the investigations of surface and fracture of membrane. The proper preparation of samples for SEM observations is very important in order to prevent destruction the structure of the membrane during fracture preparation. The breaking membrane samples at the liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) did not A highest purity, strength, and resistance to solvents, acids, alkalies and heat. It is commonly used in the chemical, semiconductor, medical and defense industries. A fine powder grade is also used as the principal ingredient of high-end paints for metals. PVDF is exhibiting efficient piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. These characteristics make it useful in sensor and battery applications [6,7]. The samples of PVDF membranes were irradiated with electron beam at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) using different doses. The mechanical properties: tensile strength B Fig.1. The fractures of PVDF membrane: A – initial, fractured in liquid nitrogen; B – irradiated with electron beam up to a dose of 603 kGy. allow us to obtain undistorted cross-section. The use of other methods of sample preparation as electron beam, gamma rays or UV irradiation allows us to make them more brittle [3-5]. Preliminary results of investigations of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes after electron-beam irradiation are presented here. Polyvinylidene fluoride is a highly non-reactive and thermoplastic fluoropolymer. This is the reason to find new methods of destruction of this type of polymer foils or membranes for the cleavage production for SEM fracture investigations. Its use is generally reserved for applications requiring the and elongation at break of the initial and irradiated materials were tested using a universal testing machine Instron 5565 (Instron Co., England) in the INCT. Membranes surface and fracture observations were made using SEMs: JSM 840 (Jeol, Japan) and DSM 942 (Zeiss, Germany). The samples were fixed using a conductive glue and then coated with a thin layer of gold to reduce the charging which takes a place during SEM observation. Figure 1A presents the fractures of the investigated PVDF membrane produced using the method with liquid nitrogen. The deformation of polymeric material is clearly seen, so the observation of the Fig.2. Results of mechanical strength measurements of PVDF membrane: A – initial, B – after electron-beam irradiation up to a dose of 603 kGy. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS shape and inner geometry of the channels is difficult or even impossible. Figure 1B presents the fractures of a PVDF membrane subjected to the electron-beam irradiation up to a dose of 603 kGy. The plastically deformed parts of the material are not visible. The shape and sizes of channels are clearly seen, so the pores can be observed, measured and characterized. Figure 2 presents the results of mechanical strength measurements. According to these diagrams, we can determine the main parameters of material tensile properties: elongation at breake [%] and tensile stress [MPa]. The strength of the membrane decreases significantly after electron-beam irradiation. The elongation at breake (tensile strain) of irradiated membrane was only about 1% at the 13 MPa of tensile stress, while for the initial material these parameters were 25% at the 35 MPa, respectively. This means that the investigated material became more brittle and the membrane breaks without distortion of its channel structure and we obtain the cleavage without plastic deformations. 145 In conclusion: using the irradiation with electron beams, we can obtain a better SEM image of polymeric membrane fractures than obtained with liquid nitrogen. References [1]. Sartowska B., Wawszczak D., Buczkowski M., Starosta W.: Radiat. Meas., 40, 2-6, 790-793 (2005). [2]. Apel P.Yu.: Radiat. Meas., 34, 559-566 (2001). [3]. Orelovitch O.L., Apel P.Yu., Sartowska B.: Mater. Chem. Phys., 81, 349-351 (2003). [4]. Orelovitch O.L., Apel P.Yu.: Microsc. Anal., 82, 11-13 (2003). [5]. Orelovitch O.L., Apel P.Yu., Sartowska B.: J. Microsc., 224, 100-102 (2006). [6]. Zhang Q.M., Bharti V., Kavarnos G., Schwartz M.: Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and its copolymers. In: Encyclopedia of smart materials. John Wiley & Sons, 2002, pp. 807-825. [7]. Vinogradov A., Schwartz M.: Piezoelectricity in polymers. In: Encyclopedia of smart materials. John Wiley & Sons, 2002, pp. 780-792. SELECTED PROPERTIES OF POLYPYRROLE NANOSTRUCTURES DEPOSITED IN TRACK-ETCHED MEMBRANE TEMPLATES Marek Buczkowski, Wojciech Starosta, Bożena Sartowska, Danuta Wawszczak Polypyrrole (PPy) belongs to conducting polymers which are the most stable in typical environmental conditions and seems to be very interesting material for nanotechnology [1-4]. Presented results are a continuation of investigations carried out earlier. The first subject was connected with: deposition of PPy nanotubules on track-etched membranes (TMs) and determination of the kinetics of their wall thickness growth for time of deposition longer than 7 min [4]. The second subject was connected with measurements of electrical parameters of PPy nanotubules deposited into TMs [5]. In this work, the results are connected with: PPy nanotubules formed in TM templates for times of polymerization shorter than 5 min, determination of permeability of deposited nanotubules and covering of such structures with a thin copper layer. The template-based synthesis of PPy was carried out into pores of TMs made of 10 μm thick Fig.1. A scheme of the mould for PPy nanotubules deposition in TMs membranes. poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films [4]. In order to prepare samples for measurements, proper A B Fig.2. Nanotubules formed in pores of TM membrane (0.2 μm pore size) after 2 min (A) and 3 min (B) of polymerization process. 146 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS Table 1. Dependence of PPy layer thickness on TM vs. time of polymerization for both sides of a membrane sample (pore size – 1.3 μm). Fig.3. Kinetic curve of PPy nanotubules growth into pores of the TM (initial pore size – 1.3 μm). solutions were introduced to both sides of a membrane disc (for certain period of time) that had been mounted in a plexiglas mould (Fig.1). As a allowed to determine nanotubules wall thickness and thickness of the PPy layer on membrane surfaces. Selected SEM photographs (Fig.2) show fractures of the samples in liquid nitrogen in case of time of polymerization, respectively 2 and 3 min. Dependence of nanotubule wall thickness vs. time of polymerization is shown in Fig.3 (for times equal to or longer than 7 min; results are taken from previous work). It is seen that the first stage of the speed of nanotubules formation is higher than in the next stage. This speed is equal to 20.3 nm/min and is 1.7 times higher than in the next stage. Thickness of PPy layers on the template surfaces for different times of polymerization is given in Table 1. Table 2. Permeability of nanotubules deposited on pores of TMs 0.2 μm at an air pressure of 0.5 bar. result of such procedure, discs 20 mm in diameter covered with PPy have been obtained (outer diameter of samples was 30 mm). The value of permeability is an important parameter in some applications, for instance, in microfiltration devices. Permeability for samples with Table 3. Permeability of nanotubules deposited on pores of TMs 1.3 μm at an air pressure of 0.5 bar. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements by using a Zeiss-Leo DS942 microscope A different wall thickness of nanotubules in TMs with pore diameters 0.2 and 1.3 μm was determined at B Fig.4. The copper layer sputtered on the membrane surface by using a glow vacuum discharge: (A) membrane pore size – 0.2 μm, (B) membrane pore size – 1.3 μm. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS an air pressure of 0.5 bar. For TMs with a pore size of 0.2 μm, the initial permeability was equal to 0.70 l/(min·cm2). Values of the permeability for different wall thickness of PPy nanotubules deposited in such pores are given in Table 2. It was calculated that by decreasing the internal pore diameter 6.3 times (from 200 to 32 nm), the permeability decreased 2.9 times. For TMs with a pore size of 1.3 μm, the initial permeability was equal to 14.8 l/(min· cm2). For different wall thickness of PPy nanotubules deposited in pores, the permeability is given in Table 3. In this case, decreasing of the internal pore diameter 6.6 times (from 1300 to 198 nm) caused decreasing of the permeability 10.4 times. Attempts were taken up concerning the covering of samples with deposited PPy nanotubules by thin metallic layer. This is important matter because samples with deposited PPy can be applied as sensors and in such case it is necessary to introduce electrical connection with an outer circuit. Introductory experiments were carried out with glowing sputtering of copper (in the “Surftec” s.c., Warszawa). SEM photographs (Fig.4) show the sputtered copper layer in case of two types of samples 147 with PPy nanotubules: TM membrane with pores 0.2 μm (Fig.4A) and 1.3 μm (Fig.4B). The thickness of copper layers was similar in both cases: 0.7 and 1.2 μm, respectively, but the structure of these layers was different. In case of smaller size of the pores in template, the surface of the copper layer was smoother. The authors would like to thank Mr Adam Leciejewicz – head of the “Surftec” s.c. for the copper sputtering of membrane samples by using glow vacuum discharge. References [1]. Nakata M., Kise H.: Polym. J., 25, 91 (1993). [2]. Kohli P., Martin C.R.: Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol., 15, 441-450 (2004). [3]. Zhitariuk N.J. et al.: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 105, 204-7 (1995). [4]. Starosta W., Buczkowski M., Sartowska B., Wawszczak D.: Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, S35-S39 (2006). [5]. Buczkowski M., Wawszczak D., Starosta W.: Electrical parameters of polypyrrole nanotubules deposited inside track-etched membrane templates. In: INCT Annual Report 2004. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2005, pp. 93-94. SOL-GEL-DERIVED HYDROXYAPATITE AND ITS APPLICATION TO SORPTION OF HEAVY METALS Andrzej Deptuła, Jadwiga Chwastowska, Wiesława Łada, Tadeusz Olczak, Danuta Wawszczak, Elżbieta Sterlińska, Bożena Sartowska, Marcin Brykała, Kenneth C. Goretta1/ 1/ Argonne National Laboratory, USA Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) is the major inorganic constituent of biological hard tissues such as bones and teeth. Owing to its structure and chemical composition this material also shows a high capacity for ion exchange. The properties of synthetic hydroxyapatites depend greatly on the method of their preparation. In most published work, hydroxyapatites obtained by precipitation methods have been studied. These hydroxyapatites have been examined as new inorganic cation exchangers [1-6] and anion exchangers [7,8]. Teams from Argonne National Laboratory have studied engineering aspects of HA and use of various phosphates for containment of radioactive waste [9-11]. The principal goal of this work was a study of adsorption of heavy metal ions on HA microspheres and monolithic ceramics to address the possibility of application to separation of various metal ions from water and liquid wastes. Hydroxyapatite in the form of microspheres was prepared by a proprietary sol-gel method [12,13]. For fabrication of HA monoliths, we applied a second proprietary method. The synthesis processes consisted of preparation of sols with the use of a very strong complexing agent – ascorbic acid (ASC) [14,15]. Synthesis Starting sols were prepared by ultrasonic mixing of concentrated solutions of calcium acetate (1.7 M) with 85% H3PO4, followed by emulsification in dehydrated 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. Drops of emulsion were gelled by extraction of water with this solvent. Details of the laboratory equipment (50 g/h) and microspheres formation have been described [12,16,17]. For synthesis of the powder for the monoliths, we modified the sol-gel process described in [15], using inexpensive CaO and H3PO4 as starting ingredients. In brief, 28.054 g of CaO was dissolved in 150 mL of deionized water and 44 g of ASC was dissolved in 500 mL of deionized water. The solutions were blended with 20 mL of concentrated H3PO4 and 150 mL of deionized water. The pH was adjusted to 7 by addition of NH4OH. Evaporation was followed by drying at room temperature (RT) and final heating of monoliths in air for 2 h soak at 900oC. The sedimentation rate of the spherical powders of HA was approximately 20 times greater than for irregularly shaped powders of similar size distribution. The resulting spherical powders and monoliths are shown in Fig.1. On the basis of published information [16], we estimate the cost of producing HA microspheres by our method for a projected scale of 1 kg h–1 to be approximately 170 USD/kg. This price is comparable to those for irregularly shaped commercial HA powders (Sigma Chemical Company (art. C 4507) = 180 USD/kg; Merck (index 11.1701) = 148 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS A B ------3cm -----Fig.1. Sol-gel-derived HA produced in the forms of microspheres (A) and fired monolith (B). 150 USD/kg). Merck also offers microspheres (diameter 75-100 μm) at approximately 1700 USD/kg. For column-based sorption experiments, powder fractions of approximately 200 mesh were separated by sedimentation. The concentrations of stock solutions of metals were 1 mg cm–1. The solutions were prepared by dissolving metallic compounds in 1 M HCl. A test water solution of the following composition [mg dm–3] was used: Na+ – 15; K+ – 4; Mg2+ – 20; Ca2+ – 55; Cl– – 125; SO42– – 80; Zn2+ – 0.2; Cd2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Mn2+ – 0.1. Solubility of hydroxyapatite Solubility was estimated under conditions similar to those of metal sorption: 0.2 g of HA was shaken with 20 mL of solution of suitable pH for 30 min at 20oC. The solution was then filtered off. Ca was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and P by spectrophotometry, as phosphoromolybdate with reduction to blue. Measurements of the Ca and P eluted by solutions of pH within the range of 0-9 revealed that the solubility of HA increased with decreasing pH (Fig.2). The amount of Ca eluted by 1 M HCl from 1 g of HA was ca. 0.5 mg Ca, which corresponds to 12 mmole per one mole HA. The solubility decreased with increasing pH, e.g. from 2.7 to 0.8 mmole Ca per one mole HA for pH=5-9. The concentration of P in the solutions was much lower than that of Ca: the P eluted by 1 M HCl was equal to ca. 0.067 mg g–1 HA (2.2 mmole per mole). It may be concluded that a greater number of Ca cations than P anions release into solution when pH decreases, which results in a decrease in the Ca/P mole ratio in the solid phase. These results correspond with measurements of the solubility of HA reported elsewhere [5,18]. Batch sorption experiments The influence of pH on the sorption of the selected elements, and the sorption kinetics for Cu(II) and Ni(II), were studied by the batch method. A solution for each element, containing 100 μg of the element, was adjusted to a suitable pH by addition of HCl or NaOH and transferred into a 50 cm3 separatory funnel. The final volume of the solution was 20 cm3. Then 0.5 g of the HA was added and mechanically shaken for 30 min. The solution was filtered then and the sorbent was washed twice with 2 cm3 portions of a solution of the same pH. The washings were combined with the filtrate. The concentration of each element studied was determined by AAS with flame atomization or by spectrophotometry. The amount of the element retained on the sorbent was calculated from the difference between the amounts in the original solution and in the filtrate. For kinetic studies, similar experiments were performed for two elements – Cu(II) and Ni(II) – at a suitable pH and a shaking time within a 5-30 min interval. The retention capacities for Cu(II) and Pb(II) were also determined by the batch method. Detailed conditions of these experiments are shown in Table; amount of sorbent – 0.5 g, Table. Estimations of retention capacity of elements on HA. Fig.2. Solubility (as concentration, c) of HA at various pH levels. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS volume of liquid phase – 20 cm3, original concentration of metal – 0.5 mg cm–3. Column sorption experiments A glass column, 4 mm inner diameter, was filled with 0.5 or 1 g HA and conditioned with a solution of a suitable pH. A sample containing 100 μg of the element studied, adjusted to a suitable acidity, was passed through the column under pressure at a flow rate of 0.3-2.2 cm3 min–1. The column was 149 then washed with 10 cm3 of solution of the same pH. The washings were combined with the effluent. The element studied was determined in the combined solution. The test water samples, 100 or 200 cm3 each, were adjusted to pH=5. The solution was then passed at the flow rate of 0.5 cm3 min–1 through the column filled with 1.0 g of HA (previously washed with water, pH=5). The efficiency of sorp- Fig.3. Retention of elements in solutions of various pH (pH measured before sorption); monolithic HA was used in only three sets of experiments (top three plots). 150 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS tion was checked by determining the metal concentration in the elutant, with the use of the AAS method with flame atomization. The kinetic sorption was rapid: equilibrium was attained within a few minutes. The effect of shaking time was established for Cu(II) and Ni(II). Obtained data indicated that the equilibrium of sorption process is attained in 5 min. This rapid equilibration is in contrast to the previously reported work with HA, for which the times for attaining the equilibrium were much longer (1-48 h) [4,5] and even 20 days [3]. The main results of our experiments are shown in Fig.3, as the dependence of sorption upon the pH of the original solution. The pH of the solution after sorption increased, probably owing to a partial dissolution of HA. The retention of most elements studied was approximately 94-100%, in the most suitable acidity ranges. Only the MnO4– ions exhibited low retention; the maximum was 47% in a 1 M H2SO4 solution. The sorption of Cr(VI), which was present in solution as anions, and that of Sb(V), As(V), and Mo(VI), which have amphoteric character with a predominance of acidic properties, probably followed anion exchange between the hydroxyl ions of the lattice and the metal anions in the solution. The optimum conditions for the column process were established for Cu(II). The influences of flow rate and sample volume on the sorption efficiency were determined. The process of sorption was carried out under pressure in the glass column filled with 0.5-1 g of HA. It was found that flow rates to 2.5 mL min–1 and sample volumes to 200 mL did not deteriorate the efficiency of Cu sorption. The sorption responses of the group of divalent metal ions (Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co, and Mn) from the artificially prepared test water were also studied by a dynamic method. Under the conditions established (pH – 5, flow rate – 0.5 cm3 min–1, sample volume – 100 cm3, 1 g of HA), all of the metals studied were quantitatively adsorbed. Retention capacity of hydroxyapatite The conditions and the results of determination of the retention capacity for Cu(II), Pb(II), and U(VI) are show in Table. It can be concluded that the capacities of HA materials that were studied were rather low, equal to 3 mg of Cu2+, 10 mg of Pb2+, and 12 mg of U(VI) per 1 g of HA. The retention capacity of the monolithic HA was significantly higher: for U(VI) it was approximately three times higher than the values that were obtained for spherical HA. Discussion – mechanism of sorption The sorption of metal cations can be achieved mainly in two ways: ion exchange and ion adsorption. The ion exchange mechanism is generally believed to take place in the case of sorption of heavy metals on HAs [2,3,5]. Moreover, Xu et al. [19] proposed that the most important sorption mechanism may be surface complexation and coprecipitation, possibly accompanied by ion exchange and solid-state diffusion. Furthermore, in the work by Reichert and Binner [4], ion adsorption was pro- posed as a mechanism for ion removal; ion exchange was not observed, but it could not be completely ruled out. The amount of Ca2+ released during the sorption can be used as an indicator of either ion exchange or ion adsorption. If ion exchange takes place, the molar ratio between the divalent metal cation retained in the solid phase and Ca released into the solution must be close to one. If this ratio is less than one, then some adsorption must have taken place. In the present work, for both Ca/Cu and Ca/Ni, the molar ratio was equal to 0.3. These results suggest that for the HA materials studied the predominant process in the sorption of metal cations was surface adsorption, possibly accompanied by ion exchange. Synthetic HA synthesized by sol-gel methods and produced in the form of microspheres or irregularly shaped powders that were processed into monoliths offered the possibility for separation of various metal cations and anions. In contrast to HAs previously reported upon, the sorption kinetics was fast; equilibrium of sorption was attained within a few minutes. The cost to produce these materials in irregularly shaped powders (monoliths) was estimated to be more than 10 times lower than spherical powders and HA powders now offered commercially. The mechanism of cation sorption on the HA was determined to be primarily ion adsorption, possibly accompanied by ion exchange. The HA studied is a suitable material for the separation of the group of metals studied from natural waters. However, retention capacity was not high (3 mg of Cu and 10 mg of Pb per 1 g of HA), which would be a disadvantage for possible applications of the HA as, for example, a filter material to sewage treatment. The retention capacity for U(VI) of monolithic HA was much better for spherical HA, approximately 3 times higher. We recommend that the monolithic form HA should be examined for immobilization of U from nuclear wastes. References [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7]. [8]. [9]. [10]. Suzuki T., Hatsushika T., Hayakawa Y.: J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 77, 1059 (1981). Suzuki T., Hatsushika T., Miyake M.: J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 78, 3605 (1982). Suzuki T., Ishigaki K., Miyake M.: J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 80, 3157 (1984). Reichert J., Binner J.G.P.: J. Mater. Sci., 31, 1231 (1996). Jeanjean J., Fedoroff M., Faverjon F., Vincent U., Corset J.: J. Mater. Sci., 31, 6156 (1996). Jeanjean J., Vincent U., Fedoroff M.: J. Solid State Chem., 108, 68 (1994). Wright G.: Ann. Chim. 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Xu Y., Schwartz F., Traina S.J.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 28, 1472 (1994). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF YTTERBIUM DOPED KY(WO4)2 NANOCRYSTALS Andrzej Deptuła, Mieczysław T. Borowiec1/, Vladimir P. Dyakonov1/, Wiesława Łada, Tadeusz Olczak, Danuta Wawszczak, Pavlo Aleshkevych1/, Wiktor Domuchowski1/, Tetyana Zayarnyuk1/, Marek Barański1/, Henryk Szymczak1/, Marcin Brykała 1/ Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland Nanocrystalline materials can offer several alternatives to the classic bulk laser crystals. Sol-gel methods are used for producing homogeneous samples at low temperatures. The mechanism of selfignition Sol-gel methods are used for producing homogeneous samples at low temperatures. Novel synthesis of carbon-free nanocomposites of KYW and KYW:Yb (1 mol%) was elaborated by introducing a selfignition (SI) step. The SI mechanism is very complex and strongly related to the drying and heating conditions. Obviously the SI step can be easily obtained without a drying step. However, a controlled drying step is necessary in order to avoid the foaming effect which causes a 10-20 fold in- drying takes place under vacuum conditions. The drawback of the prolonged drying time is related to the risk that the SI process might disappear. As can be seen in the upper part of Fig.1, sample B6Pw-1 extracted from the running furnace at 230oC is black in colour. Further heating to 300oC produced a white powder with only small gray inclusions, indicating that SI has occurred. After a final treatment at 550oC, sample B6Pw-2 is snow-white. In contrast, sample B6Pw-4 heated slowly (lower part of Fig.1) does not exhibit SI and, under the same firing conditions, became deep gray indicating high carbon content. Final thermal treatment parameters have been selected on the basis of differential thermal analy- Fig.1. Samples of KY(WO4)2 gels is various stages of the thermal treatment. crease of the powder volume. This effect can be suppressed if the drying time is increased and the Fig.2. The representative TG (thermogravimetry) and DTA traces of the gel samples B27 (650oC, 5 h, 2oC/min, SI) and KY(WO4)2+Yb3+, 650oC, 5 h, 2oC/min, SI). 152 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS sis – DTA (Fig.2). As can be seen (line a) at 230oC, the samples extracted from the running furnace are black. But farther heating results in selfignition. The sample taken out immediately after SI is white, only with small gray inclusions. However, after final treatment the sample is snow-white. In contrast, a sample heated slowly (line b) does not exhibit SI and, after the same firing conditions is deeply gray, indicating a high carbon content. XRD and ESR investigations of nanocrystals The expected monoclinic phase C2/c of the KYW nanocomposites was confirmed using X-ray resonance lines, meaning the absence of paramagnetic centra in this sample (very high “spectral” purity). On the other hand, the spectrum of the B8Yb sample exposes wide resonance absorption. This absorption is a result of the superposition of the single resonance lines of the Yb ions averaging on angles (Fig.4). IR spectra of KY(WO4)2 nanocomposites The infrared (IR) spectra of the synthesized samples were obtained from a KBr pellet using a Fig.5. The IR spectra of B6Pw-2 sample (KY(WO4)2, SI – 550oC, 10 h). Fig.3. X-ray spectrum for samples B27. diffraction (XRD) technique (Fig.3). Unit cell parameters and size of grain L for various samples BRUKER-EQUINOX 55 spectrometer. For semi-quantitative evaluation of the carbonate content in the synthesized materials it was necessary to use admixtures of Na2CO3 powder. Table. Lattice parameters of decarbonized nanocomposites. are presented in Table. The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum of the B6Pw-2 sample shows no Fig.4. The EPR spectra for samples B6Pw-2 (KY(WO4)2, SI – 550oC, 10 h) and B8Yb (KY(WO4)2+1%mol Yb, SI – 550oC, 10 h). In the gels dried at 230oC (B6Pw-1 and B6Pw-3), only a very weak and broad -Me-(=)O band was observed in the range 600-1000 cm–1. A very strong band near 1400 cm–1 (assigned to σOH) indicates the presence of (Me)-OH groups. These, together with molecular H2O bonds (σ, 1600 cm–1; ν, 2900-3600 cm–1) form a gel network (hydrogen bonds and -Obridging bonds). Nitrate and carbonate bands were not observed. The absence of bands characteristic of organic substances (e.g. C-H bands at 2800-3000 cm–1 related to ascorbic acid, ASC, and products of its decomposition), indicated that the ASC decomposition at this temperature is complete. This is a very important result if compared to other systems (e.g. LiNixCo1-xO2), where carbonates remained after ASC decomposition and strongly hydrated the final compounds. The lack of organic compounds (no –C-H bands) in the KYW and KYW:Yb samples clearly indicates that the morphology of the dried gels is responsible for the occurrence of NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS the SI process. From the IR spectra (Fig.5), it seems that high-purity double tungstate structures can be easily obtained by introducing an SI step. The best example is sample B6Pw-2. The good quality nanocomposites of KY(WO4)2 and KY(WO4)2+1%mol Yb have been synthesized. Electron spin resonance studies in the X band have been performed on KYW and KYW:Yb nanocrys- 153 tals. The IR spectra of synthesized samples were obtained. This work was supported by the Eueopean Union (project DT-CRYS, NMP3-CT-2003-505580) and the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (KBN) (decision of project No. 72/E-67/SPB/6 PR/DIE 430/2004-2006). SAXS STUDY OF XERO- AND AERO-GELS FORMED FROM MONOSACCHARIDE GELATORS Helena Grigoriew, Dagmara K. Chmielewska The processes of gel drying produce xero- or aero-gels, depending on the method used. The method of xero-gel production is lyophilization or frozen-drying, i.e. evaporation of the solvent at low pressure, from the frozen gelator skeleton. If there is no collapse, the gelator structure, with an enormous surface area and a very small pore size, is maintained. But such drying process is accompanied with unhindered shrinkage that can lead to structural collapse of the gelator network structure, resulting in formation great, compact, surface-type clusters. The aero-gel is produced by careful drying a wet gel in various environments, often in super-critical conditions, and/or with solvent exchange. The gel does not shrink, so the fragile gelator net- work does not collapse and the aero-gel is highly porous. Both processes can be complex and many-staged [1]. The weak, physical gels, as it is known, can disintegrate upon touching. So, the process of drying can be expected as having a more essential influence on their structure. The main goal of this work was to check, using the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method, the influence of drying on monosaccharide gel structure and to consider the rightness of application of microscopic results to the description of wet monosaccharide gels structure. The gel, formed from a methyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-α-D-glucopyranoside gelator with diphenyl Fig.1. Fractal curves for weaker apolar gels: A – wet, B – xero, C – aero. The straight-line parts of the curves are marked by lines with their slopes. 154 MATERIAL ENGINEERING, STRUCTURAL STUDIES, DIAGNOSTICS ether as a solvent, was prepared [2]. The gelator is an example of one of the smallest monosaccharide molecule, which is apolar as well as the solvent is. So, very weak mutual interactions in the gel structure can be expected. The next gel was built of methyl-4,6-O-(p-nitrobenzelidene)-α-D-glucopyranoside gelator with water as a solvent. Both materials are polar and the gelator molecule size is not very small among monosaccharides. This gel structure is expected to be stronger than the first one. Both gelators were prepared by us according to [2,3]. The gels were prepared in the same way, as used in our earlier works [4,5]: a mixture composed of a gelator and a solvent was heated in a closed, capped tube until the gelator dissolved. The gelator concentration was in the range 1-1.5% [g/mL]. Aero-gels were produced by leaving the obtained gels in open vessels till they become dry. Xero-gels were produced by frozen-drying of the gels in a Labconco lyph.lock 1l apparatus at about -50oC and 10 mm Hg. The wet gel samples for SAXS measurements were prepared by putting them in thin-walled capillaries ( Hilgenberg, 2 mm diameter, 0.01 mm wall thickness), then sealed. The measurements were carried out at the ULTRA-SAXS BW-4 wiggler beamline, Hasylab-DESY synchrotron, BW4 beamline. The collected ultra small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) measurements were subjected to pie integration, and, after normalization, to subtraction of the background which was the USAXS signal due to the solvent in the capillary. To obtain a wide range of scattering angles (USAXS-SAXS), each sample was measured at two different sample-detector distances (4 and 12 m), and both measurements were joined, using OTOKO program, to get one curve over the whole range. For weak glucose gel, G, the first slope of log-log curve (Fig.1A), of dm=1.6 is generated by loose, mass fractal built according to DLCA (diffraction limited cluster aggregation) mechanism. The surface fractal slope of ds=2.9, (ds=6 – slope) means very uneven and developed surface. From the fractal curve, also two sizes, typical of fractal structure can be evaluated: at Guinier crossover – radius of gyration of fractal aggregate, Rg=109 nm and at Porod crossover – size of primary particle, a=10 nm. The essential change of fractal curve for xero-gel (Fig.1B) seems to be caused by drying-induced stress that results in collapse and formation of large-scale morphological features. Their size is too large to be visible by X-rays, and small-s scattering is related to surface fractal with dimension ds≈2, characteristic of smooth, sharp interface. After this surface fractal range, for bigger angles, the crossover is showed, at 17 nm, and then mass fractal range, of dm=2.45. The same run of aero-gel fractal curve (Fig.1C) is observed, also with crossover at Fig.2. Fractal curves for stronger polar gels: A – wet, B – xero, C – aero. The straight-line parts of the curves are marked by lines with their slopes. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 17 nm. Only the followed mass range slope is smaller and is equal to dm=1.8, i.e. there is more loose structure. So, in our case, the collapse takes place not only at the xero-gel formation, where it is due to a strong shrinkage during emptying fractal structure from maintaining it solvent molecules, but also at aero-gel formation, where the evaporated solvent molecules are replaced by their vapor and finally by air, so stresses should be much smaller. These observation confirmed a big weakness of monosaccharide gel structure. Whereas, for a stronger para-glucose gel with water, P, the fractal curve (Fig.2A) begins, the part generated by mass fractal of dm=2.9 is much denser than for G gel, built according to another, RLCA (reaction limited cluster aggregation) mechanism. The Porod bend at 160 nm and then surface fractal of ds=2.05 means that the primary particle is much greater, than for G gel, and of smooth surface. This can be expected, because the polarity of both gel constituents can activate enthalpic forces that favor a large scale phase separation [1]. The log-log curve of related P xero-gel (Fig.2B) is close to the curve, obtained for G xero-gel with long, straight-line segment of surface fractal with close interface. This run of the curve suggest a similar collapse as caused by G-xero-gel formation. But for the P aero-gel there is no similarity with the G aero-gel structure. No collapse is observed. 155 Visible three ranges of the fractal curve (Fig.2C) are related to a small primary particle, smaller than in the wet P gel (a=63 nm in comparison with a=160 nm), of very uneven surface (in comparison with very smooth one). The particles form loose fractal generated by DLCA mechanism, and not dense by RLCA mechanism. Such structure is not a modification of the previous wet gel structure and must be formed during drying from the beginning. This behavior could be explained by the Ostwald ripening [1] including dissolutions and precipitations, and the resulting structure is formed by these competing interactions. All dried gels, xero-gels and aero-gels, obtained by us from the monosaccharide gels, are of essentially changeable structures in comparison with the related wet gels. References [1]. Brinker C.J., Scherer G.W.: Sol-gel science: The physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing. Academic Press, Boston 1990. [2]. Sakurai K., Jeong Y., Koumoto K., Friggeri A., Okamoto S., Inoue K., Shinkai S.: Langmuir, 19, 8211 (2003). [3]. Gronwald O., Sakurai K., Luboradzki R., Kimura T., Shinkai S.: Carboch. Res., 331, 307 (2001). [4]. Grigoriew H., Luboradzki R., Cunis S.: Langmuir, 20, 7374 (2004). [5]. Grigoriew H., Luboradzki R., Gronkowski J.: J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 352, 3052 (2006). 156 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS MEASUREMENT OF 222Rn AND 220Rn WITH SINGLE SCINTILLATION CELL Bronisław Machaj, Piotr Urbański, Jakub Bartak Quite often there exists a need for measurement of radon 222Rn and thoron 220Rn concentration in air. Such continuous measurements can be done with two scintillation cells (Lucas cells) [1] connected in series and air flow forced through the cells. Between the first and the second cell a delay of air flow is so placed that thoron with its 55 s half-life disintegrates. The first cell detects radon and thoron, the second radon only. From these two readings, concentration of radon and thoron can be determined. Another method of measurement of radon and thoron is spectrometry of alpha radiation of decay products [2]. The alpha radiation of 218Po (6.0 MeV) is used for measurement of 222Rn, and 216 Po (6.78 MeV) alpha radiation for measurement of 220Rn. The aim of the presented investigations was the development of a gauge model for measurement of radon and thoron with a single Lucas cell. A gauge for measurement of radon concentration in air, MR-1, employing the Lucas cell as alpha radiation detector was developed earlier. Additional function for measuring thoron concentration in air should widen its applications. Thoron laden and radon laden air are forced to flow at a rate of 1 dm3/min through the Lucas cell for a period of 10 min, simultaneously count rate from the Lucas cell is measured. After 10 min, Fig.1. Simulated alpha activity deposited on the walls of Lucas cell when 1 dis/min of radon is flowing through the cell during 10 min. The curve in the period 1-10 min is disturbed due to air flow (lower deposition of 218 Po inside the cell). Decay series of 222Rn →218Po→ 214 Pb→214Bi (214Po) was simulated. Alpha activity of 222 Rn+218Po+214Po against time is shown in this Fig. Fig.2. Simulated alpha activity deposited on the walls of Lucas cell when 1 dis/min of 220Rn is flowing through the cell during 10 min. Decay series of 220Rn→ 216 Po→212Pb→212Bi was simulated. Alpha activity of 220 Rn+216Po+212Bi(212Po) against time is shown in this Fig. the air flow is switched off. Count rate is measured at two time intervals from 1 to 10 min and from 20 to 30 min. The time intervals are a compromise between the length of measuring cycle and the random errors that are made smaller with increasing counting time. The relation between the count Fig.3. Measured count rate against time (broken line) and simulated count rate corresponding to real (reference) radon concentration – 53.09 dis/min (continuous line). n1=sum(r(1:10))=683 counts, n 2 =sum(r(20:20))=1287 counts, from y=m\n: 222 Rn=56.0 dis/min, 220Rn=-1.85 dis/min. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS 157 y = m·ε\n = |A| [dis/min] (3) |B| where n = |n1| |n2| Employing Cramer rules, concentration of radon and thoron can be given in a more convenient form for microprocessor processing: A = (-0.000049·n1 + 0.0435·n2)/ε [dis/min] (4) B = (0.0548·n1 – 0.0305·n2)/e Fig.4. Measuring arrangement for thoron: AP – air pump 1 dm3/min, TS – thoron source, AF – air filter, LC – Lucas cell, MR-1 – radon radiometer, pgc – black rubber pipe. numbers n1 and n2 at the two time intervals and the alpha activity deposited inside on the walls of the cell are given by: n1=(m11·A+m12·B)·ε (1) n2=(m21·A+m22·B)·ε where: A – radon alpha activity, B – thoron alpha activity, ε – deposition and detection efficiency. The coefficients m11...m22 are determined from the simulated activity of alpha radiation [3-5] (Figs.1 and 2). The coefficients m11, m12 are equal to the total (sum) alpha activity at 1-10 min interval from radon and thoron, respectively, and m21, m22 to the total alpha activity at an interval of 20-30 min from radon and thoron. After computation of the coefficients, the m matrix of coefficients is equal to: m = |12.80 18.25| |22.98 0.0218| and equation (1) can be rewritten as: n1 = (12.80·A + 18.25·B)·ε (2) n2 = (22.98·A + 0.0218·B)·ε Concentration of radon A and thoron B computed from equations (2) is given by matlab function: Fig.5. Measured count rate against time (broken line) and simulated alpha count rate corresponding to reference thoron concentration – 1323 dis/min (continuous line). n1=25635 counts, n2=48.6 counts; from y=m\n: 222Rn=0.8 dis/min, 220Rn=1404 dis/min. Random error due to fluctuations of count number calculated from the relation for propagation of errors: s 2 (y) = ( ∂y 2 2 ∂y 2 2 ) s (n 1 ) + ( ) s (n 2 ) (5) ∂n 1 ∂n 2 Table. Results of radon and thoron measurement. The mean ratio of columns 4/6, for measurements mr62...mr65, is 1.003, which means that the computed concentration y=m\n of radon is correct. The ratio of columns 5/7, for measured mr53, mr147, mr150 is 1.04, which means that the computed concentration y=m\n of thoron is too high by 4%. This error can be corrected by dividing the thoron concentration from y=m\n by 1.04. Negative values of “cross talk” from radon concentration into thoron concentration for measurements of mr62...mr65 can be neglected (no negative concentration exists). “Cross talk” from the thoron concentration into radon concentration is <1.5% of the indicated radon concentration. 158 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS is equal to 0.209 dis/min for 222Rn and 0.234 dis/min for 220Rn at ε=1 and radon and thoron concentration equal to 1 dis/min. Radon laden air was forced to flow 1 dm3/min, within 10 min, across an air filter through the Lucas cell φ54x74 mm (0.17 dm3) that was installed in an MR-1 radon monitor and was placed inside a radon chamber with known radon concentration. Simultaneously, pulse count rate of the Lucas cell was measured in the time period up to 220 min. The measured count rate (broken curve) is shown in Fig.3. The simulated count rate (smooth curve) corresponds to the reference radon concentration which is equal to 53.09 dis/min at ε=1. Computed radon concentration from y=m\n is 56.0 dis/min. Similarly, thoron was forced to flow through the Lucas cell (Fig.4), and count rate was measured. Thoron source was ventilated until radiation equilibrium was reached and the outlet of thoron source was connected to an air filter at the moment of starting count rate measurement. The 232U source is an old source and is in radiation equilibrium with 228Th and 224Ra. The measured and simulated count of thoron is given in Fig.5. The reference concentration at ε=1 is equal to 1323 dis/min. Computed thoron concentration from y=m\n is equal to 1404 dis/min. Results of a series of measurements are given in Table. Measurements and computations carried out confirm that radon and thoron concentration in air can be measured with a single Lucas cell. Although the investigations were done on the assumption of detection efficiency ε=1, however, the method is valid also for ε different from 1. References [1]. Coleman R.L.: A method for concurrent and continuous measurement of Rn-222 and Rn-220 using scintillation cell. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report No. ORNL/TM-2002/37. [2]. Rad7. Electronic radon detector. Durridge Company. www.durridge.com. [3]. Machaj B., Bartak J.: Nukleonika, 43, 2, 175-184 (1996). [4]. Machaj B., Urbanski P.: Nukleonika, 47, 1, 39-42 (2002). [5]. Machaj B., Urbanski P.: Nukleonika, 49, 3, 123-129 (2004). DOSIMETRIC GATE DSP-15 Edward Świstowski, Jan Mirowicz, Piotr Urbański, Jan Pieńkos A common procedure of checking if personnel involved in handling open radioisotopes is not contaminated is installment of a dosimetric gate [1-3] and obligatory checkup of all the employees. A new dosimetric gate DSP-15 was developed in the Department of Radioisotope Instruments and Methods, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. The gate is designed for fast radioactive contamination measurement of the personnel leaving the area under dosimetric control where open radioisotope sources are handled. The contamination is measured by proportional counters for beta and gamma radiation located in the gate. Additionally, the gate is equipped with a local monitor displaying the state of the gate and measuring results of the last measurement. In case contamination of a person or a passage of an unauthorized person through the gate takes place, this incident is detected by an acoustic alarm. The gate is also equipped with relays (contacts closed or open) that can, e.g. block the exit of a contaminated person. Automatic registration of staff is accomplished by means of a proximity card presented against a card reader of the gate. The gate is prepared for operation in the monitoring system. Each measuring result is sent immediately to an external computer of the monitoring network, and is stored is the gate memory. Three modes of operation can be programmed: a) obligatory contamination measurements of persons entering and leaving the area under control, b) no obligatory contamination measurement of persons entering and leaving the area under control, c) obligatory contamination checkup of persons leaving the area under control. The soft- ware allows for programming parameters of the gate such as permissible contamination level, time of measurement, date and time setting etc. The gauge program allows also for quick checkup of proper operation of the gate. The principle of operation of the gate is illustrated in a block diagram in Fig.1. Fifteen propor- Fig.1. Block diagram of DSP-15: S1-S15 – proportional counter LND 49741, W1-W15 – charge preamplifier, E1-E15 – pulse discriminator, PLI1-PLI15 – programmable pulse counter, CZK – card reader, RS232 – serial port RS232, RS485 – serial port RS485, USB – universal series bus, GL – loudspeaker, M – gate monitor, uP – microprocessor system, IR bra – IR control of a person presence in the gate, IR in – IR control at the input to the gate, IR out – IR control at the exit from the gate, IR S1 – IR control of S1 (left hand), IR S4 – IR control of S4 (right leg). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS tional counters for measurement of beta and gamma radiation are used in the gate. Four counters S1...S4 serve for measurement of contamination of legs and hands. Five counters S6...S10 located at the front column are used for measurement of contamination of front clothes of a person, and another five counters S11...S15 placed at the rear column are used for measurement of back clothes of a person. Each measuring channel contains charge preamplifier, pulse discriminator and pulse counter under the control of microprocessor system. The gate card reader CZK serves for reading identification number of the person and for reading two special cards SETTINGS and DOSIMETRY. When SETTING card is read out a menu is displayed allowing for setting measuring parameters of the gate. Presenting DOSIMETRY card against card reader mode of operation of the gate is selected and the gate is made ready for contamination measurements. Measurement of contamination starts when identification card of a person is presented against the card reader. Measuring results are stored in the memory of the gate, are displayed on the screen of a local monitor M, and are sent to an external computer through a serial port RS485. A universal series bus USB connects a laptop to the gate that enables to read out measuring results stored in the gate memory. Number of registered pulses by the probes S1...S15, that are proportional to the contamination, are compared with the permissible (programmed) level of contamination. In case when excessive contamination is detected, the counter that detected the contamination is shown, alarm in sounded and the exit from the area under control is blocked. The gate is equipped with IR (infrared) controls to check if a person the contamination of whom is to be measured is present inside the gate, and if his legs and hands are in correct position. Additionally there are two other IR controls at the entrance and exit from the gate (entrance and exit from the area under control). The gate is also equipped with movement and dusk sensors for automatic switching on light. A general view of the gate is shown in Fig.2. 159 Fig.2. A general view of the gate. The main parameters of the gate are following: - contamination detected – beta and gamma radiation; - radiation detector – LND 49741, proportional counter, xenon filled, 3 mg/cm2 window, 115 cm2 area; - sensitivity for 60Co – 600 cps/mR/h; - background measuring time – 1 s; - contamination measuring time – 1...9 s programmable; - memory capacity – 500 measurements stored in memory. References [1]. Sirius-4 serries. Hand and foot surface contamination monitors. www.canberra.com/products/575.asp. [2]. Argos-2. Whole body beta or alpha + beta surface contamination moniotor. Hand and foot surface contamination monitors. www.canberra.com/products/566.asp. [3]. Dosimetric stand SD-50B. http://www.zami.com.pl. GAMMA THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY ANALYZER SC-05 Edward Świstowski, Bronisław Machaj, Ewa Kowalska, Jan Pieńkos, Ewa Gniazdowska Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a technique very often used in chemistry for identifying compounds, determining their purity, and following the progress of reactions. It is also a good method for optimization of the solvent system for a given separation problem [1]. TLC technique is faster and simpler than column chromatography and requires samples of much lower volume. Analysis of compounds that are labelled with isotopes emitting gamma or beta radiation can be measured with analyzers equipped with sensitive radiation detectors [2]. Such analyzers enables fast and accurate scanning of prepared strips with investigated com- pounds and the result of analysis can be shown in the form of diagrams. A gamma TLC analyzer, type SC-05, was developed and was constructed in the Department of Radioisotope Instruments and Methods, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT). A general view of the analyzer is shown in Fig.1. It is a laboratory instrument, with small dimensions whose parameters allow for its wide application in chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories, employing radioactive isotopes, and in nuclear medicine. The analyzer can analyze strips 20 cm long with an isotope labelled compound deposited on the strip. 160 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS Gamma isotopes: 125I, 131I, 111In, 188Re, 99mTc and others with radiation energy 15-510 keV can be analyzed. The radiation is collimated with a Pb slot collimator 2.5x25 mm, 20 mm thick. An NaI(Tl) φ25x25 mm scintillator is used as radiation detector. Linear stage with the strip analyzed is moved in relation to the detector in 1 mm steps by a step motor. Counting time of one step is programmed in the range: 0.5, 1, 3, 6 s. The measuring result of each step is displayed on the analyzer display, and is stored in the analyzer memory. The measuring Fig.1. A general view of gamma TLC analyzer SC-05. results stored in the memory are sent through a serial port to an external computer. Up to 50 diagrams can be stored in the memory. Three fixed windows for 125I, 131I, 99mTc and one programmable window in the range 15-510 keV are accessible for the user. The measuring results stored in the memory can be called from the memory and can be reviewed on analyzer display in the form of a diagram together with the date, time and parameters of the measurement. A fragment of the diagram (peak) can be selected and the number of counts in the selected fragment is automatically displayed. To ensure stable operation of measuring channel of the analyzer, automatic gain control circuit is used. Light emitting diode (LED) is used as reference signal. During gain control process, the amplitude of LED pulse is measured and the high voltage of photomultiplier tube is changed until a correct pulse amplitude is achieved. Automatic gain control is activated after mains voltage is switched on, and later before start of analysis of a new strip. Fig.2. TLC carried out to check the progress of a S3(99mTcO)SPh complex formation [S3=S(CH2CH2SH)2]: A – TLC of pertechnetate obtained from a 99Mo/99mTc generator-Amersham (heptavalent technetium), B – TLC of 99mTcO-ethylene glycol complex (pentavalent technetium), C – TLC of intermediate complex 99mTcO-thiophenol, D – TLC of mixed-ligand complex S3(99mTcO)SPh. One of the SC-05 analyzers was installed in the Department of Radiochemistry of the INCT where it is used for routine investigations. Example chromatograms achieved with the help of the analyzer are shown in Fig.2. References [1]. http://www.raytest.de/radiochromatography/products/ Rita-Star. [2]. http://www.chem.ucla.edu/~bacher/General/30BL/ tips/TLC1.html. INVESTIGATION OF DUST POLLUTION IN ASSEMBLING HALL OF TV SETS Jan Pieńkos, Piotr Urbański It is well known that airborne dust pollution has a harmful influence on human being health. Because of that, a maximum permissible level of dust pol- lution was set, and dust concentration in the air is measured. The smaller is the diameter of the dust particles, the more deeply the particles can pen- NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS etrate into the lung. Average daily permissible level of dust concentration in ambient air with particle diameter <10 μm is set to 50 μg/m3. Air dust pollution is important not only from the point of view of human being protection. It is also important from the point of view of clean air 161 of measuring results to an external PC computer. Operation of the dust monitor was controlled by the stuff of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) and the measuring results were also available by the INCT, although the distance of assembling hall from Warsaw was more than 200 km. Work in the assembling hall was carried out Fig.1. Localization of dust monitor in the assembling hall. that is required in some industries. On request of a producer of TV set, measurements of dust concentration were measured inside assembling hall to investigate what is the dust pollution and how it varies. The AMIZ-2004G monitor for automatic measurement of airborne dust pollution of ambient air was used to investigate the dust concentration in the air. The dust monitor was located in the middle of the assembling hall between the transporters moving the TV sets (Fig.1). The principle of operation of the monitor employs attenuation of beta radiation from 147Pm by the dust deposited on an air filter to determine the mass of dust. Volume of the air from which the dust is deposited on the filter is proportional to the time of deposition (the flow of air through the filter is kept constant). Dust concentration is the ratio of the dust mass to the volume of air. The measurements were carried out in the period of seven days. Total dust air inlet was installed in the dust monitor. Thus, all the dust particles without limitation of their diameter were deposited on the air filter. The monitor was set to continuous automatic mode of operation with 1 h dust deposition on the air filter. The measuring results were stored in the monitor memory. The dust monitor was equipped with wireless transmission Fig.2. Dust concentration inside assembling hall. in two shifts from 6 to 22 h. Measuring results for the first 4.5 days, illustrating how high was the dust concentration in μg/m3, and how the dust concentration varied within these days are shown in Fig.2. Similar dust concentration and similar variations of dust concentration were observed in the remaining days of investigations. On analyzing the diagram of dust concentration, the following observations can be made: - Dust concentration during work hours is high, single readings reaching up to 150 μg/m3, and the average 80-100 μg/m3. At night, when there was no work activity the dust concentration was much lower and fell to less than 50 μg/m3, and on Sunday even to 30 μg/m3. - It is up to the producer of TV sets to decide if the recorded levels of dust concentration can be accepted as sufficiently low, or appropriate steps should be undertaken to decrease the dust concentration. - The dust monitor AMIZ-2004G proved to be an appropriate instrument for checkup measurements of dust concentration inside of some industrial halls. COMMERCIAL APPLICATION OF ELECTRON BEAM ACCELERATORS AT R&D AND SERVICE CENTER Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Wojciech Migdał, Zbigniew Zimek, Iwona Kałuska, Sylwester Bułka Two pilot plant installations have been built at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) to carry out R&D studies, to evaluate technical and economical requirements for industrial facilities and to provide radiation processing service on a semi-industrial scale: - pilot plant installation for polymer modification, equipped with an electron accelerator ILU-6 type, 2 MeV and 20 kW beam power (supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, 1988); - demonstration facility for flue gas treatment with flow rate up to 20 000 Nm3/h, with two electron accelerators ELV 3A type 0.7 MeV and 50 kW beam power each (supported by the IAEA), located at the power station “Kawęczyn” (1991); 162 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS and two industrial plants: - radiation sterilization plant equipped with a microwave linac ELEKTRONIKA 10/10 with electron energy of 10 MeV and an average beam power of 15 kW (1993); - food irradiation plant with two 10 MeV electron accelerators: PILOT with 1 kW and ELEKTRONIKA 10/10 with 10 kW of beam power (1992) [1]. The commercial irradiation plant was built to satisfy growing demands for irradiation service. A facility equipped with the electron accelerator ELEKTRONIKA 10/10 was put into operation at the INCT in 1993. The accelerator was manufactured in NPO “Toriy” (Moscow, Russia). 10 MeV electron energy and up to 15 kW average beam power is applied for radiation processing This accelerator is based on the running wave accelerating section and is placed vertically to avoid bending magnet and beam power losses related to its application and a high average power magnetron was used as a source of microwave energy. The microprocessor controlled roller and belt conveyor system is used to carry boxes with typical size 580x460x200 mm. The speed of the conveyor section located at the irradiation chamber, where a stainless steel belt was applied, can be varied continuously within the range 0.3-7 m/min. Additional equipment for two-sided irradiation can be used when necessary. The rubber belts are used for transporting boxes between basement and ground levels. Continuous monitoring of electron beam parameters and speed of the conveyor were foreseen to fulfil routine monitoring requirements. Upgraded accelerator control system for delivering required dose and data acquisition for sterilization process have been implemented. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the accelerator installation with pointed out devices being under computer control. In Poland till the end of 50s of the XX century, the research activities in the field of food irradiation were rather of basic research type. Practical applications of food irradiation on a commercial scale started in plant in 1993. The plant was established in the scope of government programme and was equipped with two linear electron accelerators: PILOT (10 MeV, 1 kW) and ELEKTRONIKA (10 MeV, 10 kW) [2,3]. Electron Gun Actually, permission by the Ministry of Health in Poland was granted for irradiation of the following kind of products: potatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, spices and dried vegetables. The role of the plant is to promote food irradiation technology in Poland by: - development of new radiation technologies for the preservation and hygienization of food products; - development of radiation technologies for the hygienization of natural components utilized in the cosmetic industry; - development of radiation technologies for the hygienization of natural product utilized in the pharmaceutical industry; - development and standardization of control system for electron beam processing of food and other products; - organization of local (national) and/or international workshops and symposia devoted to technical, technological and economical aspects of food irradiation. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the accelerator installation at the plant for food irradiation. In both irradiation plants a computer system has been installed which assures delivery of the desired dose of electrons 9.0-9.5 MeV by controlling accelerator parameters with the use of an analog-digital steering system and collecting data under technological conditions. Basing on the dose measurements at the adjusted parameters and actual conveyor speed, the system calculates the dose on-line that is stored at computer hard disc. Fig.2. Block diagram of the accelerator installation at the plant for food irradiation. * Accelerating Section Magnetron HV Pulse Power Supply RF Power Generator Scanning Coils * * Control System Console Interfaces & Signal Processing Vacuum Pump Scanning Horn * EB Extraction Window Motor Steering Conveyor * Most important signal sources for irradiation process status evaluation Fig.1. Block diagram of the accelerator installation at the plant for radiation sterilization. The system enables simultaneous on-line control of irradiation parameters dedicated to food products in agreement with the EC Directives 1999/2/EC, 1999/3/EC and Decree of the Ministry of Health dated 15.01.2003 and to medical devices in agreement with ISO 13485 and ISO 11137. Dosimetric systems used in both plants are traceable by the accreditated Laboratory for Measurements of Technological Doses. In conclusion, two plants (one for sterilization and the second for food irradiation) equipped with linear accelerators 10 MeV, 10 kW have been operated for more than ten years. Technical and economical feasibility of the electron beam technology for these applications have been demonstrated. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS Quality assurance and quality control procedures following all ISO and EN standards are fully implemented. The accredited laboratory for technological dosimetry, beside routine laboratories led to the establishment of high level quality control system. Well prepared and implemented technical, economical and quality systems are inseparably conditions for the establishment of food irradiation and sterilization facilities. 163 References [1]. Zimek Z., Rzewuski H., Migdal W.: Nukleonika, 40, 3, 93-113 (1995). [2]. Migdal W., Walis L., Chmielewski A.G.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 42, 1-3, 567-570 (1993). [3]. Migdal W., Maciszewski W., Gryzlow A.: Radiat. Phys. Chem., 46, 4-6, 749-752 (1995). ELECTRON GUN FOR 10 MeV, 10 kW ELECTRON ACCELERATOR Zygmunt Dźwigalski, Zbigniew Zimek Main assembly of new electron accelerator which is under construction at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology is standing wave accelerating structure operated at a frequency of 2856 MHz. The accelerating structure was provided by “Lepton JSCo” company (St. Petersburg, Russia) used as a source of electrons in this particular structure. The triode electron gun was designed and made by the accelerator manufacturer “Toriy” company (Moscow, Russia). Electron gun construction modification is necessary to meet the requirements for standing wave struc- Table. Electron beam parameters. under the technical cooperation project supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Electron beam emitted from an electron gun is introduced to the first resonator area of the accelerating structure. The electron beam parameters should be compatible with electrical specification of the structure (Table). Table contains the data related to parameters of the electron beam which is introduced in the first resonator area of “Elektronika 10/10” accelerator. In that case the accelerating structure is designed for travelling wave operating mode at a frequency of 1863 MHz. The triode electron gun with a spherical impregnated cathode is ture applied in a new accelerator. The following modifications were introduced in vacuum area of the triode electron gun: - enlargement of the distance “L” between the cathode and the grid from 1 to 3.6 mm (Fig.1); - enlargement of the distance “A” between the grid and the anode from 20 to 35 mm (Fig.1); Fig.1. Electron gun – distances between electrodes. Fig.2. Electron gun – additional element. 164 NUCLEONIC CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ACCELERATORS - additional element whose shape beam dimensions was incorporated (Fig.2). The modification should allow to obtain desirable shape of the electron beam shown in Fig.3. Shapes of the equipotential lines are congenial to real shapes of the lines in the electron beam area, Fig.4. Electron gun – silicon rubber insulator and additional insulator. Fig.3. Electron gun – equipotential lines and electron trajectories. but the lines differ from the real ones and far from the beam area. It is due to the accepted mathematical model. The electron gun main insulator, made from silicon rubber, operating in air, could be not sufficient in the new working environment at the highest electrical strength. Electrical strength of the insulator is too low, especially in long-term exploitation. Due to that, additional insulating part, made from acrylic glass or epoxy glass will be incorporated (Fig.4). The glass ring will be connected constantly with the main insulator. Electrical strength of such a modified insulator will be much higher than 50 kV. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 165 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 ARTICLES 1. Apel P.Yu., Blonskaya I.V., Dmitriev S.N., Orelovitch O.L., Sartowska B. Structure of polycarbonate track-etch membranes: origin of the “paradoxical” pore shape. Journal of Membrane Science, 282, 393-400 (2006). 2. Asmus K.-D., Hug G.L., Bobrowski K., Mulazzani G., Marciniak B. Transients in the oxidative and H-atom-induced degradation of 1,3,5-trithiane. Time-resolved studies in aqueous solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110, 9292-9300 (2006). 3. Bartłomiejczyk T., Iwaneńko T., Wojewódzka M., Woliński J., Zabielski R., Kruszewski M. Differential action of ghrelin and leptin, a human metabolism and energy regulators, on the lymphocyte susceptibility to oxidative stress. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 57, Suppl. 2, 118 (2006). 4. Bartłomiejczyk T., Iwaneńko T., Wojewódzka M., Woliński J., Zabielski R., Kruszewski M. Ghrelin administration sensitizes blood mononuclear cells to oxidative stress. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 57, Suppl. 2, 119 (2006). 5. Bartoś B., Bilewicz A. Effect of crown ethers on Sr2+, Ba2+, and Ra2+ uptake by tunnel-structure ion exchangers. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 24, 261-269 (2006). 6. Barysz M., Kędziera D., Leszczyński J., Bilewicz A. Structure and hydrolysis of the heavy alkaline earth cations: relativistic studies. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 106, 2422-2427 (2006). 7. Bilewicz A., Bartoś B., Misiak R., Petelenz B. Separation of 82Sr from rubidium target for preparation of 82Sr/82Rb generator. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 268, 3, 485-487 (2006). 8. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Kozyra Cz., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Sawicki J., Szostek B., Trojanowicz M. Radiolytic degradation of herbicide 4-chloro-2-methyl phenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) by γ-radiation for environmental protection. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 65, 265-277 (2006). 9. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Sawicki J., Trojanowicz M. Zastosowanie promieniowania jonizującego do degradacji wybranych pestycydów w wodach i ściekach (Application of ionizing radiation to the decomposition of selected pesticides in waters and sewages). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 1, 26-31 (2006). 10. Bonilla F.A, Skeldon P., Thompson G.E., Piekoszewski J., Chmielewski A.G., Sartowska B., Stanisławski J. Corrosion resistant Ti-Pd surface alloys produced by high intensity pulsed plasma beams. Part 2. Deposition by pulsed implantation doping mode with palladium implantation using a MEVVA source. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 4684-4692 (2006). 11. Bonilla F.A, Skeldon P., Thompson G.E., Piekoszewski J., Chmielewski A.G., Sartowska B., Stanisławski J., Bailey P., Noakes T.C.Q. Corrosion resistant Ti-Pd surface alloys produced by high intensity pulsed plasma beams. Part 1. Deposition by pulsed erosion and vacuum evaporation/pulsed implantation doping modes. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 4674-4683 (2006). 166 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 12. Brzóska K., Iwaneńko T., Wojewódzka M., Woliński J., Kruszewski M. Differential action of human metabolism regulators on the lymphocyte susceptibility to oxidative stress. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, Suppl. 1, 172 (2006). 13. Brzóska K., Kruszewski M., Szumiel I. Nonhomologous end-joining deficiency of L5178Y-S cells is not associated with mutation in the ABCDE autophosphorylation cluster. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, 1, 233-236 (2006). 14. Brzóska K., Męczyńska S., Kruszewski M. Iron-sulfur clusters proteins: electron transfer and beyond. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, 4, 685-691 (2006). 15. Brzóska K., Męczyńska S., Kruszewski M. Non-haem iron proteins: new functions of old pals. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, Suppl. 1, 112 (2006). 16. Chmielewska D.K., Łukasiewicz A., Michalik J., Sartowska B. Silica materials with biocidal activity. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s69-s72 (2006). 17. Chmielewski A.G. Worldwide developments in the field of radiation processing of materials in the down of 21st century. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s3-s9 (2006). 18. Chmielewski A.G., Licki J., Pawelec A., Tymiński B., Zimek Z. Operational experience of the industrial plant for electron beam flue gas treatment. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, 13, 10, 1057-1063 (2006). 19. Chmielewski A.G., Palige J., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Izotopy widzą wszystko (Isotopes see everything). Almanach Ekologii, 122-124 (2006). 20. Chmielewski A.G., Tymiński B., Pawelec A., Palige J., Dobrowolski A. Modelowanie przepływu gazu w reaktorze do oczyszczania spalin metodą radiacyjną z użyciem metod CFD (Modelling of gas flow in a reactor for electron beam flue gas treatment using CFD methods). Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Chemicznej PAN, 7, 59-71 (2006). 21. Chwastowska J., Danko B. Analiza materiałów środowiskowych (Analysis of environmental materials). Ekologia, 4, 38-39 (2006). 22. Cieśla K., Salmieri S., Lacroix M. γ-Irradiation influence on the structure and properties of calcium caseinate-whey protein isolate based films. Part 1. Radiation effect on the structure of proteins gels and films. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 6374-6384 (2006). 23. Cieśla K., Salmieri S., Lacroix M. γ-Irradiation influence on the structure and properties of calcium caseinate-whey protein isolate based films. Part 2. Influence of polysaccharide addition and radiation treatment on the structure and functional properties of the films. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 8899-8908 (2006). 24. Cieśla K., Salmieri S., Lacroix M. Modification of the properties of milk protein films by gamma radiation and polysaccharide addition. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86, 908-914 (2006). 25. Dalivelya O., Savina N., Kuzhir T., Buraczewska I., Wojewódzka M., Szumiel I. Effects of an antimutagen of 1,4-dihydropyridine series on cell survival and DNA damage in L5178Y murine sublines. Nukleonika, 51, 3, 141-146 (2006). 26. Danilczuk M., Lund A., Sadło J., Yamada H., Michalik J. Conduction electron spin resonance of small silver particles. Spectrochimica Acta A, 63, 189-191 (2006). THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 167 27. Danilczuk M., Pogocki D., Lund A., Michalik J. EPR and DFT study on the stabilization of radiation-generated methyl radicals in dehydrated Na-A zeolite. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 24492-24497 (2006). 28. Danko B., Samczyński Z., Dybczyński R. Analytical scheme for group separation of the lanthanides from biological materials before their determination by neutron activation analysis. Chemia Analityczna, 51, 527-539 (2006). 29. Dembiński W., Herdzik I., Skwara W., Bulska E., Wysocka A.I. Isotope effects of gallium and indium in cation exchange chromatography. Nukleonika, 51, 4, 217-220 (2006). 30. Deperas-Kamińska M., Szumiel I., Wójcik A. Elementy radiologii dla pilota Pirxa (Elements of radiobiology for pilot Pirx). Kosmos, Problemy Nauk Biologicznych, 55, 4, 337-345 (2006). 31. Deptuła A., Chwastowska J., Łada W., Olczak T., Wawszczak D., Sterlińska E., Sartowska B., Goretta K.C. Sol-gel-derived hydroxyapatite and its application to sorption of heavy metals. Advances in Science and Technology, 45, 2198-2203 (2006). 32. Deptuła A., Dubarry M., Noret A., Gaubicher J., Olczak T., Łada W., Guyomard D. Atypical Li1.1V3O3 prepared by a novel synthesis route. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 9, 1, A16-A18 (2006). 33. Deptuła A., Łada W., Olczak T., Chmielewski A.G. Application of Pt/Al2O3 catalysts produced by sol-gel process to uranyl ion reduction. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s79-s82 (2006). 34. Filipczak K., Woźniak M., Ulański P., Olah L., Przybytniak G., Olkowski R.M., Lewandowska-Szumieł M., Rosiak J.M. Poly(ε-caprolactone) biomaterial sterilized by e-beam irradiation. Macromolecular Bioscience, 6, 261-273 (2006). 35. Filipiuk D., Fuks L., Majdan M. Biosorpcja jako metoda usuwania i odzysku metali ciężkich z wodnych ścieków przemysłowych (Biosorption as a new method for sequestering heavy metals in industrial aqueous effluents). Przemysł Chemiczny, 85, 6, 417-422 (2006). 36. Fuks L., Filipiuk D., Majdan M. Transition metal complexes with alginate biosorbent. Journal of Molecular Structure, 792-793, 104-109 (2006). 37. Fuks L., Polkowska-Motrenko H. Interlaboratory comparison of the determination of 137Cs and 90Sr in water, food and soil: preparation and characterization of test materials. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 2, s27-s31 (2006). 38. Głuszewski W. Nowe zakłady produkcji polietylenu PE i polipropylenu PP (New works for the production of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 2, 40-43 (2006). 39. Głuszewski W. Rak płuca. Wczesne wykrycie = dłuższe życie (Lung cancer. Early detection=longer life) Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 50, 4, 29-31 (2006). 40. Głuszewski W., Panta P.P., Kubera H. Wpływ promieniowania jonizującego na właściwości materiałów opakowaniowych (Effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of packaging materials). Opakowanie, 9, 24-26 (2006). 168 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 41. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P. Zastosowanie chromatografii gazowej (GC) w badaniach modyfikacji radiacyjnej polipropylenu (Application of gas chromatography to the investigation of radiation chemistry of polypropylene). Czasopismo Techniczne. Mechanika, 6, 190-192 (2006). 42. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P. Zdolności przerobowe akceleratorów IChTJ do obróbki radiacyjnej (Production capacity of the INCT accelerators for radiation processing). Kauczuki Naturalne i Syntetyczne, 3, 28-30 (2006). 43. Gniazdowska E., Kraus W., Emmerling F., Spies H., Stephan H. Tetrabutylammonium bis(2-amidobenzenethiolato-κ2S,N)oxorhenate(V). Acta Crystallographica E 62, m1197-m1199 (2006). 44. Grądzka I. Mechanizmy i regulacja programowanej śmierci komórek (Mechanisms and regulation of the programmed cell death). Postępy Biochemii, 52, 2, 157-165 (2006). 45. Grigoriew H., Luboradzki R., Gronkowski J. USAXS studies of monosaccharide gels. I. Dependence of the glucofuranose-based gel structure on the gelator concentration. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352, 3052-3057 (2006). 46. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Bis(μ-pyridazine-3,6-carboxylato-κ4N,O:N’,O’)-bis[diaquazinc(II)]. Acta Crystallographica E, 62, m3470-m3472 (2006). 47. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. trans-Diaquabis(pyridazine-3-carboxylato-κ2N,O)-magnesium(II) dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica E, 62, m123-m124 (2006). 48. Grzesiuk W., Nieminuszczy J., Kruszewski M., Iwaneńko T., Płazińska M., Bogdańska M., Bar-Andziak E., Królicki L., Grzesiuk E. DANN damage and its repair in lymphocytes and thyroid nodule cells during radioiodine therapy in patients with hyperthyroidism. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 37, 527-532 (2006). 49. Khayet M., Mengual J.I., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Direct contact membrane distillation for nuclear desalination. Part II: experiments with radioactive solutions. International Journal of Nuclear Desalination, 2, 1, 56-73 (2006). 50. Konarski P., Ćwil M., Piekoszewski J., Stanisławski J. SIMS characterisation of superconductive MgB2 layers prepared by ion implantation and pulsed plasma treatment. Applied Surface Science, 252, 7078-7081 (2006). 51. Kornacka E., Kozakiewicz J., Legocka I., Przybylski J., Przybytniak G., Sadło J. Radical processes induced in poly(siloxaneurethaneureas) by ionising radiation. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 91, 2182-2188 (2006). 52. Kornacka E., Kozakiewicz J., Przybytniak G. Odporność radiacyjna aromatycznych poliuretanów przeznaczonych do zastosowań medycznych (Radiation resistance of aromatic polyurethanes for medical applications). Inżynieria Biomateriałów, 58-60, 143-145 (2006). 53. Kornacka E.M., Przybytniak G., Święszkowski W. Wpływ stopnia krystaliczności na stabilność radiacyjną UHMWPE (The influence of crystallinity on radiation stability of UHMWPE). Inżynieria Biomateriałów, 58-60, 146-149 (2006). THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 169 54. Krejzler J., Narbutt J., Foreman M.R.St J., Hudson M.J., Casensky B., Madic C. Solvent extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) from nitrate solution using synergistic mixtures of n-tridentate heterocycles and chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 56, Suppl. D, D459-D467 (2006). 55. Lankoff A., Banasik A., Duma A., Ochniak E., Lisowska H., Kuszewski T., Góźdź S., Wójcik A. A comet assay study reveals that aluminium induces DNA damage and inhibits the repair of radiation-induced lesions in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Toxicology Letters, 161, 27-36 (2006). 56. Lankoff A., Bialczyk J., Dziga D., Carmichael W.W., Grądzka I., Lisowska H., Kuszewski T., Góźdź S., Piorun I., Wójcik A. The repair of gamma-radiation-induced DNA damage is inhibited by microcystin-LR, the PP1 and PP2A phosphate inhibitor. Mutagenesis, 21, 1, 83-90 (2006). 57. Lankoff A., Bialczyk J., Dziga D., Carmichael W.W., Lisowska H., Wójcik A. Inhibition of nucleotide excision repair (NER) by microcystin-LR in CHO-K1 cells. Toxicon, 48, 957-965 (2006). 58. Lankoff A., Wójcik A., Fessard V., Meriluoto J. Nodularin-induced genotoxicity following oxidative DANN damage and aneuploidy in HepG2 cells. Toxicology Letters, 164, 239-248 (2006). 59. Liniecki J., Wójcik A. 20 lat po awarii w Czarnobylu. Co dziś wiemy o następstwach zdrowotnych? (20 years after the Chernobyl accident. What we know today about the radiological consequences?) Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 1, 2-8 (2006). 60. Lisowska H., Lankoff A., Wieczorek A., Florek A., Kuszewski T., Góźdź S., Wójcik A. Enhanced chromosomal radiosensitivity in peripheral blood lymphocytes of larynx cancer patients. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 66, 4, 1245-1252 (2006). 61. Łyczko K., Narbutt J., Paluchowska B., Maurin J.K., Persson I. Crystal structure of lead(II) acetylacetonate and the structure of the acetylacetone solvated lead(II) ion in solution studies by large-angle X-ray scattering. Dalton Transactions, 3972-3976 (2006). 62. Mádl M., Kunicki-Goldfinger J.J. Eiland: Georg Gundelach and the glassworks on the Dìèin Estate of count Maximilian Thun-Hohenstein. Journal of Glass Studies, 48, 225-247 (2006). 63. Majkowska A., Bilewicz A. Formation kinetics and stability of some TRI and tetraaza derivative complexes of scandium. The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 50, Suppl. 1 to issue 1, 45 (2006). 64. Markowicz S., Niedzielska J., Kruszewski M., Ołdak T., Gajkowska A., Machaj E.K., Skurzak H., Pojda Z. Nonviral transfection of human umbilical cord dentritic cells is feasile, but the yield of dendritic cells with transgene expression limits the application of this method in cancer immunotherapy. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, 1, 203-211 (2006). 65. Męczyńska S., Lewandowska H., Kruszewski M. The role of lysosomal iron in dinitrosyl iron complexes formation. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 53, Suppl. 1, 192 (2006). 66. Orelovitch O.L., Apel P.Yu., Sartowska B. New methods of track membrane treatment in the preparation of samples for further observation with scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 224, 100-223 (2006). 67. Palige J., Dobrowolski A., Owczarczyk A., Chmielewski A.G., Ptaszek S. Badania znacznikowe i CFD procesu sedymentacji osadu w osadniku prostokątnym (Tracer and CFD investigations of sedimentation processes in a rectangular settler). Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 6a, 181-182 (2006). 170 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 68. Palige J., Dobrowolski A., Owczarczyk A., Chmielewski A.G., Ptaszek S. Badania znacznikowe i CFD struktury przepływu ścieków w osadnikach prostokątnych dla różnych geometrii napływu i wypływu ścieków (Tracer and CFD investigations of flow structure for two wastewater inputs and outputs configurations in rectangular settler). Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 5a, 104-107 (2006). 69. Pawlukojć A., Natkaniec I., Bator G., Sobczyk L., Grech E., Nowicka-Scheibe J. Low frequency internal modes of 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene, tetramethylpyrazine and tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone INS, Raman, infrared and theoretical DFT studies. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 63, 766-773 (2006). 70. Pawlukojć A., Sawka-Dobrowolska W., Bator G., Sobczyk L., Grech E., Nowicka-Scheibe J. X-ray diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and infrared (IR) studies on 2:1 hexamethylbenzene (HMB)-tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) complex. Chemical Physics, 327, 311-318 (2006). 71. Peimel-Stuglik Z., Fabisiak S. Solid state “self-calibrated” EPR-dosimeters – advantageous and shortcomings. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 63, 855-860 (2006). 72. Podrez-Radziszewska M., Bąkowski D., Lachowicz M., Głuszewski W., Dudziński W. Charakterystyka twardości i właściwości wytrzymałościowych UHMWPE po napromieniowaniu wiązką elektronów (Characterization of hardness and strength properties UHMWPE after irradiation with an electron beam). Inżynieria Materiałowa, 2, 75-78 (2006). 73. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Dybczyński R. Selective separation of trace amounts of selenium using extraction chromatography and its determination by neutron activation analysis in biological samples. Chemia Analityczna, 51, 581-591 (2006). 74. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Activities of the INCT, Warsaw, in the domain of quality assurance for inorganic analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 269, 2, 339-345 (2006). 75. Prager M., Pietraszko A., Sobczyk L., Pawlukojć A., Grech E., Seydel T., Wischnewski A., Zamponi M. X-ray diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering study of 1:1 tetramethylpyrazine chloranilic acid complex: temperature, isotope, and pressure effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 194525-1-11 (2006). 76. Premkumar T., Govindarajan S., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Diaquatetrakis(pyrazine-2-carboxylato-κ2O,N)-thorium(IV) trihydrate. Acta Crystallographica E, 62, m98-m100 (2006). 77. Pruszyński M., Bilewicz A. 211 At-Rh(16-S4-diol) complex as a precursor for astatine radiopharmaceuticals. The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 50, Suppl. 1 to issue 1, 44 (2006). 78. Pruszyński M., Bilewicz A., Wąs B., Petelenz B. Formation and stability of astatide-mercury complexes. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 268, 1, 91-94 (2006). 79. Przybytniak G., Kornacka E., Ryszkowska J., Bil M., Rafalski A., Woźniak P., Lewandowska-Szumieł M. Influence of radiation sterilization on poly(ester urethanes) designed for medical applications. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s121-s128 (2006). 80. Sadlej-Sosnowska N., Ocios A., Fuks L. Selectivity of similar compounds’ identification using IR spectrometry: β-Lactam antibiotics. Journal of Molecular Structure, 792-793, 110-114 (2006). 81. Sadło J., Michalik J., Kevan L. EPR and ESEEM study of silver clusters in ZK-4 molecular sieves. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s49-s54 (2006). THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 171 82. Sadło J., Michalik J., Stachowicz W., Strzelczak G., Dziedzic-Gocławska A., Ostrowski K. EPR study on biominerals as materials for retrospective dosimetry. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s95-s100 (2006). 83. Samczyński Z. Ion exchange behavior of selected elements on Chelex 100 resin. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 24, 781-794 (2006). 84. Sartowska B., Piekoszewski J., Waliś L., Stanisławski J., Nowicki L., Ratajczak R. Characterization of the near-surface layers of carbon steels modified by interaction with intense pulsed plasma beams: scanning electron microscopy investigations. Journal of Microscopy, 224, 114-116 (2006). 85. Sastry M.D., Gustafsson H., Danilczuk M., Lund A. Dynamical effects and ergodicity in the dipolar glass phase: evidence from time-domain EPR and phase memory time studies of AsO44– in Rb1-x(NH4)xH2PO4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1). Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 4265-4284 (2006). 86. Sawka-Dobrowolska W., Bator G., Czarnik-Matusewicz B., Sobczyk L., Pawlukojć A., Grech E., Nowicka-Scheibe J., Rundlöf H. X-ray and neutron diffraction, IR and INS spectroscopic and DFT theoretical studies on the tetramethylpyrazine-1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene complex. Chemical Physics, 327, 237-246 (2006). 87. Schlick S., Bosnjakovic A., Danilczuk M. Direct ESR and spin trapping methods for the study of radicals in PEMS and model compounds exposed to oxygen radicals. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 51, 2, 688-689 (2006). 88. Sommer S., Deperas-Kamińska M., Wójcik A., Szumiel I. Indywidualna promieniowrażliwość chromosomów i odcisk palca promieniowania. Otwarte pytania w dziedzinie dozymetrii biologicznej (Individual radiosensitiveness of chromosomes and fingerprint of radiation. Open questions in the field of biological dosimetry). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 1, 16-21 (2006). 89. Starosta W., Buczkowski M., Sartowska B., Wawszczak D. Studies on template-synthesized polypyrrole nanostructures. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s35-s39 (2006). 90. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. catena-Poly[[aquacalcium(II)]bis(μ-1H-imidazole-4-carboxylato)-κ4N,O:O,O’; κ3O,O’:O’]. Acta Crystallographica E, 62, m2648-m2650 (2006). 91. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J., Premkumar T., Govindarajan S. Crystal structures of two Ca(II) complexes with imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate and water ligands. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 59, 5, 557-564 (2006). 92. Stupińska H., Iller E., Zimek Z., Kopania E., Palenik J., Milczarek S. Otrzymywanie mikrokrystalicznej celulozy z zastosowaniem ekologicznych metod depolimeryzacji celulozy. Część I. Degradacja radiacyjna (Obtaining of microrystalline cellulose with the ecological method of cellulose depolymerization. Part I. The radiational degradation). Przegląd Papierniczy, 8, 475-481 (2006). 93. Sun Y., Chmielewski A.G., Bułka S., Zimek Z. Influence of base gas mixture on decomposition of 1,4-dichlorobenzene in an electron beam generated plasma reactor. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 26, 347-359 (2006). 94. Szumiel I. Epidermal growth factor receptor and DNA double strand break repair: the cell’s self-defence. Cellular Signalling, 18, 1537-1548 (2006). 95. Trojanowicz M. Analytical applications of carbon nanotubes: a review. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 25, 5, 480-489 (2006). 172 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 96. Trojanowicz M., Wójcik L., Szostek B., Korczak K., Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Masar M., Kaniansky D. Application of capillary electrophoresis in analysis of perfluorinated carboxylic acids. Organohalogen Compounds, 68, 2531-2534 (2006). 97. Trybuła Z., Kempiński W., Andrzejewski B., Piekara-Sady L., Kaszyński J., Trybuła M., Piekoszewski J., Stanisławski J., Barlak M., Richter E. Superconducting regions and Kondo effect of MgB2 formed by implantation of magnesium ions into boron substrate. Acta Physica Polonica A, 109, 4-5, 657-660 (2006). 98. Tymiński B., Zwoliński K., Jurczyk R. Badania w skali wielkolaboratoryjnej rozkładu odpadów poliolefin na produkty ciekłe (Research on waste polyolefine degradation into liquid products). Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inżynierii Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Wrocławskiej z. 81, Seria: Konferencje z. 12, 263-267 (2006). 99. Tymiński B., Zwoliński K., Jurczyk R. Degradation of polyolefine wastes into liquid fuels. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s95-s100 (2006). 100. Urbański P., Bartak J., Jakowiuk A., Świstowski E., Machaj B., Kowalska E., Pieńkos J. Nowe urządzenia do promieniowania jonizującego (New instruments for measurements of ionizing radiation). Ekopartner, 11, 24-25 (2006). 101. Urbański P., Bartak J., Jakowiuk A., Świstowski E., Machaj B., Kowalska E., Pieńkos J. Urządzenia promieniowania jonizującego (Instruments of ionizing radiation). Ekologia, 6, 42-43 (2006). 102. Wierzchnicki R. Izotopy stabilne w kontroli pochodzenia żywności (Stable isotopes in the control of food authencity). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 1, 22-25 (2006). 103. Wojewódzka M., Buraczewska I., Szumiel I., Grądzka I. DNA double-strand break rejoining in radioadapted human lymphocytes: evaluation by neutral comet assay and pulse-field gel electrophoresis. Nukleonika, 51, 4, 185-191 (2006). 104. Wojewódzka M., Kruszewski M., Ołdak T., Bartłomiejczyk T., Goździk A., Szumiel I. Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase does not affect the recombination events in CHO xrs6 and wild type cells. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 45, 277-287 (2006). 105. Wojewódzka M., Szumiel I. Ogniska histonu γ-H2AX. Marker pęknięć podwójnoniciowych DNA (γ-H2AX histone foci – marker of DNA double strand breaks). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 3, 15-18 (2006). 106. Wójcik A., Bochenek A., Lankoff A., Lisowska H., Padjas A., Szumiel I., von Sonntag C., Obe G. DNA interstrand crosslinks are induced in cells prelabelled with 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine and exposed to UVC radiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 84, 15-20 (2006). 107. Wójcik A., Szumiel I., Liniecki J. Hormeza czy to zjawisko powszechne i powszechnie nieznane? (Hormesis, a common phenomenon and commonly unknown?) Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 49, 2, 34-39 (2006). 108. Yordanov N.D., Fabisiak S., Lagunov O. Effect of the shape and size of dosimeters on the response of solid state/EPR dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 41, 257-263 (2006). 109. Zagórski Z.P. Radiation chemistry of radioactive waste to be stored in the salt mine repository. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 2, s87-s92 (2006). THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 173 110. Zagórski Z.P. Radiation induced dehydrogenation of organics: from amino acids, to synthetic polymers, to bacterial spores. Indian Journal of Radiation Research, 3, 2-3, 89-93 (2006). 111. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Membrane processes for environmental protection: application in nuclear technology. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s101-s111 (2006). 112. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Tritium removal from water solutions. Desalination, 200, 737-738 (2006). 113. Zhydachevskii Ya., Suchocki A., Sugak D., Luchechko A., Berkowski M., Warchoł S., Jakieła R. Optical observation of the recharging processes of manganese ions in YalO3:Mn crystals under radiation and thermal treatment. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 5389-5403 (2006). 114. Zimek Z. Chemia i technika radiacyjna (Radiation chemistry and technology). Postępy Techniki Jądrowej, 50, 4, 14-20 (2006). 115. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Kałuska I. Radiation processing of polymers and semiconductors at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Nukleonika, 51, Suppl. 1, s129-s132 (2006). 116. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Mirkowski K. Zastosowanie techniki radiacyjnej do otrzymywania napełniaczy bentonitowych i ich mieszanek z polipropylenem (Application of radiation technique to obtain bentonite fillers and their mixtures with polypropylene). Inżynieria Materiałowa, 6, 1333-1336 (2006). BOOKS 1. Chmielewski A.G., Kang C.M., Kang C.S., Vujic J.L. Radiation technology. Introduction to industrial and environmental applications. Seoul National University Press, Seoul 2006, 274 p. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. Chiarizia R., Jensen M.P., Borkowski M., Nash K.L. A new interpretation of third-phase formation in the solvent extraction of actinides by TBP. In: Separation for the nuclear fuel cycle in the 21st century. G.L. Lumetta, K.L. Nash, S.B. Clark, J.I. Friese (eds). ACS Symposium Series no. 933. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 2006, pp. 135-150. 2. Chmielewski A.G., Sun Y. Air emission and off-gas treatment technologies – overview. In: Ochrona powietrza w teorii i praktyce. Tom 1. Red. J. Konieczyński. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii PAN, Zabrze 2006, pp. 9-16. 3. Deptuła A., Goretta K.C., Olczak T., Łada W., Chmielewski A.G., Jakubaszek U., Sartowska B., Alvani C., Casadio S., Contini V. Preparation of titanium oxide and metal titanates as powders, thin films, and microspheres by novel inorganic sol-gel process. In: Nanoparticles and nanostructures in sensors and catalysis. Chuan-Jian Zhong, N.A. Kotov, W. Daniell, F.P. Zamborini (eds). Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 900E. MRS, Warrendale 2006, pp. 0900-O09-10.1-10.6. 4. Jakowiuk A., Świstowski E., Urbański P., Pieńkos J., Machaj B., Salwa J. System monitoringu zapylenia powietrza (Wireless system for air dust concentration monitoring). 174 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 In: Ochrona powietrza w teorii i praktyce. Tom 2. Red. J. Konieczyński. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii PAN, Zabrze 2006, pp. 119-127. 5. Pruszyński M., Bilewicz A. Binding of 131I to rhodium(III) complexes: model studies on attaching 211At to metal complexes. In: Application of radiotracers in chemical, environmental and biological sciences. S. Lahiri, D. Layak, A. Mukhopadhyay (eds). Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata 2006. Vol. 2, pp. 20-22. 6. Sun Y., Chmielewski A.G., Bułka S., Zimek Z. Organic pollutants treatment from air using electron beam technology. In: Ochrona powietrza w teorii i praktyce. Tom 1. Red. J. Konieczyński. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii PAN, Zabrze 2006, pp. 253-257. 7. Zimek Z. Economic benefits of radiation processing applied in Poland. In: A study on economical benefits of industrial applications of radiation and radioisotopes. Report of Consultants Meeting, Vienna 6-9 December 2004. IAEA, Vienna 2006, pp. 56-63. THE INCT REPORTS 1. INCT Annual Report 2005. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006, 235 p. 2. Zakrzewska Trznadel G. Procesy membranowe w technologiach jądrowych (Membrane processes in nuclear technologies). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 1/2006, 191 p. 3. Zakrzewska Trznadel G. Procesy membranowe w technologiach jądrowych – wybrane zagadnienia modelowania transportu masy oraz projektowania systemów rozdzielania (Membrane processes in nuclear technologies – selected issues of mass tansport modeling and separation systems design). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 2/2006, 80 p. 4. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R., Chajduk E., Danko B., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z., Sypuła M., Szopa Z. Polish reference material: Corn Flour (INCT-CF-3) for inorganic trace analysis – preparation and certification. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 3/2006, 47 p. 5. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R., Chajduk E., Danko B., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z., Sypuła M., Szopa Z. Polish reference material: Soya Bean Flour (INCT-CBF-4) for inorganic trace analysis – preparation and certification. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 4/2006, 51 p. 6. Herdzik I. ICP-MS jako metoda oznaczania stosunków izotopowych galu, indu i talu w badaniach efektów izotopowych w układach chromatograficznych (ICP-MS as the method of the determination of gallium, indium and tallium isotope ratios in the studies of isotope effects in the chromatography systems). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 5/2006, 19 p. 7. Pawlukojć A. Badania widm oscylacyjnych, w obszarze niskich częstości, wybranych kompleksów molekularnych z przeniesieniem ładunku oraz ich składników metodą nieelastycznego rozpraszania neutronów termicznych (The investigations of low frequency oscillation spectra of selected charge transfer molecular complexes and their compounds by inelastic thermal neutron spectroscopy). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria A nr 6/2006, 100 p. 8. Chmielewski A.G. Packaging for food irradiation. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 1/2006, 26 p. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 175 9. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dudek J., Chajduk E., Sypuła M., Sadowska-Bratek M. Badania biegłości ROŚLINY 6 – oznaczanie zawartości As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se i Zn w grzybach suszonych (maślak sitarz) (Proficiency test PLANT 6 – determination of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn in dry mushroom powder (Suillus bovinus)). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 2/2006, 22 p. 10. Zimek Z., Dźwigalski Z., Warchoł S., Roman K., Bułka S. Modernizacja Stacji Sterylizacji Radiacyjnej wyposażonej w akcelerator elektronów ELEKTRONIKA 10/10. Część I (Upgrading of Radiation Sterilization Facility equipped with electron accelerator ELEKTRONIKA 10/10. Part I). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 3/2006, 28 p. 11. Malec-Czechowska K., Laubsztejn M., Strzelczak G., Stachowicz W. Wykrywanie napromieniowania farmaceutyków zawierających składniki pochodzenia roślinnego metodą pomiaru termoluminescencji oraz metodą spektroskopii elektronowego rezonansu paramagnetycznego (Detection of irradiation in herbal pharmaceuticals with the use of thermoluminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 4/2006, 18 p. 12. Mehta K., Bułka S. Dosimetry for combustion flue gas treatment with electron beam. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 5/2006, 26 p. 13. Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz H., Kruszewski M. Dinitrozylowe kompleksy żelaza w układach biologicznych (Dinitrosyl iron complexes in biological systems). Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, Warszawa 2006. Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 6/2006, 36 p. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Trojanowicz M., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Sawicki J., Zimek Z., Nichipor H. Analityczne badania radiolitycznej degradacji wybranych pestycydów (Analytical control of radiolytical decomposition of selected pesticides). Dla miasta i środowiska – IV konferencja: Problemy unieszkodliwiania odpadów, Warszawa, Poland, 27.11.2006, pp. 23-26. 2. Chmielewski A.G. Practical applications of radiation chemistry. Physical chemistry. Proceedings of the 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 26-29.09.2006. Vol. 1, pp. 38-46. 3. Chmielewski A.G., Pawelec A., Tymiński B., Zimek Z. Parametric analysis of the electron beam process for SO2 and NOx removal. V European meeting on chemical industry and environment, 3-5.05.2006, Vienna, Austria. W. Höflinger (ed.). Vienna University of Technology, Vienna. Vol. I, pp. 598-606. 4. Chmielewski A.G., Sun Y., Bułka S., Zimek Z. Chlorinated organic compounds decomposition in air in an electron beam generated plasma reactor. The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Gdańsk, Poland, 28-31.05.2006. Proceedings, [3] p. 5. Dybczyński R. The position of NAA among the methods of inorganic trace analysis in the past and now. Proceedings of the enlargement workshop on neutron measurement, evaluations and applications NEMEA-2, Bucharest, Romania, 20-23.10.2004. A.J.M. Plompen (ed.). Report EUR 22136 EN. Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, Luxemburg [2006], pp. 85-88. 6. Harasimowicz M., Orluk P., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Chmielewski A.G. Application of polyimide membranes for biogas purification and enrichment. V European meeting on chemical industry and environment, 3-5.05.2006, Vienna, Austria. W. Höflinger (ed.). Vienna University of Technology, Vienna. Vol. I, pp. 617-625. 176 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 7. Harasimowicz M., Ziółkowska W., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Chmielewski A.G. Economical comparison of absorption and membrane methods applied for enrichment of methane in biogas. “Ars Separatoria 2006”: Proceedings of the XXI International Symposium on Physico-Chemical Methods of Separation, Toruń, Poland, 2-5.07.2006. J. Ceynowa, R. Wódzki (eds.). Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń 2006, pp. 52-54. 8. Łyczko M., Schibli R., Narbutt J. Substitution of imidazole and bombesin for water in aquatricarbonyl(n-methyl-2-piridenecarbothioamide) technetium(I) cation. [2+1] approach. Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. Proceedings of the 7th International symposium on technetium in chemistry and nuclear medicine, Italy, 6-9.09.2006. U. Mazzi (ed.) SGE Editoriali, Padova 2006, pp. 335-336. 9. Owczarczyk A., Palige J., Dobrowolski A., Chmielewski A.G., Ptaszek S. CFD and RTD methods for industrial wastewater treatment plants settler investigation. V European meeting on chemical industry and environment, 3-5.05.2006, Vienna, Austria. W. Höflinger (ed.). Vienna University of Technology, Vienna. Vol. I, pp. 96-103. 10. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dobkowski Z. Rola porównań międzylaboratoryjnych w procesie doskonalenia systemu zarządzania (Role of ILC in the advancement of management system). XII Sympozjum: Doskonalenie systemu zarządzania w laboratorium, Gdańsk-Sobieszowa, Poland, 21-23.05.2006. (I tura). Materiały sympozjum, pp. 73-78. 11. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dobkowski Z. Rola porównań międzylaboratoryjnych w procesie doskonalenia systemu zarządzania (Role of ILC in the advancement of management system). XII Sympozjum: Doskonalenie systemu zarządzania w laboratorium, Ustroń, Poland, 10-12.09.2006. (II tura), pp. 85-90. 12. Samczyński Z., Łyczko M., Dybczyński R., Narbutt J. Ion exchange studies on the organometallic aqua-ion fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ in acidic aqueous solutions. Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. Proceedings of the 7th International symposium on technetium in chemistry and nuclear medicine, Italy, 6-9.09.2006. U. Mazzi (ed.). SGE Editoriali, Padova 2006, pp. 125-126. 13. Zagórski Z.P. Radiation induced dehydrogenation of organics: from amino acids, to synthetic polymers, to bacterial spores. Proceedings of Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Mumbai, India, 5-9.01.2006. Vol. I: Invited talks, pp. 97-99. 14. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Harasimowicz M., Miśkiewicz A., Chmielewski A.G., Dłuska E., Wroński S., Jaworska A. Reducing the fouling and boundary layer phenomena in membrane processes for radioactive wastes treatment. “Ars Separatoria 2006”: Proceedings of the XXI International Symposium on Physico-Chemical Methods of Separation, Toruń, Poland, 2-5.07.2006. J. Ceynowa, R. Wódzki (eds.). Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń 2006, pp. 140-141. 15. Zimnicki R., Owczarczyk A., Chmielewski A.G. Obserwacja zmian parametrów hydrochemicznych wód podziemnych w rejonie powstającej kopalni odkrywkowej węgla brunatnego (Investigations of groundwater composition and hydrological condition changes in area of formation of an open-cast lignite mine). Postęp w inżynierii środowiska. IV Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowo-techniczna, Rzeszów-Bystre k. Baligrodu, Poland, 21-23.09.2006. Pod red. J.A. Tomaszka, pp. 521-529. CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS 1. Bobrowski K., Hug G.L., Hörner G., Marciniak B., Pogocki D., Schöneich C. Sulfide radical cation chemistry in cyclic dipeptides. 20th International Symposium on Radical Ion Reactivity: ISRIR 2006, Rome, Italy, 2-6.07.2006, IL14, [1] p. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 177 2. Bobrowski K., Hug G.L., Pogocki D., Hörner G., Marciniak B., Schöneich C. Stabilization of sulfide cations: mechanisms relevant to oxidation of peptides and proteins containing methionine. The 1st Asian-Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Shanghai, China, 17-21.09.2006. Conference abstract book, pp. 58-59. 3. Bobrowski K., Hug G.L., Pogocki D., Marciniak B., Schöneich C. Stabilization of sulfide radical cations through complexation with the peptide bond. RADAM’06: Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems, Groningen, The Netherlands, 6-9.06.2006, [1] p. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Trojanowicz M. Analityczne badania radiolitycznej degradacji karbendazymu (Analytical control of carbendazim decomposition by gamma irradiation). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 21. 4. 5. Brzóska K., Kruszewski M., Szumiel I. Defect in double-stranded DNA breaks repair in L5178Y-S cells is not associated with alterations in the autophosphorylation sites of DNA-dependent protein kinase. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 37. 6. Celuch M., Enache M., Pogocki D. Acid-base catalysis of singlet oxygen-induced oxidation of alkylthiocarboxylic acids. 12th International Conference on Physical Chemistry - Romphyschem-12, Bucharest, Romania, 6-8.09.2006. Abstract book, p. 60. 7. Celuch M., Enache M., Pogocki D. Reakcje jednoelektronowego utleniania kwasów alkilotiokarboksylowych (Reactions of one-electron oxidation of alkylthiocarboxylic acids). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 24. 8. Chajduk E., Dybczyński R. Nowa metoda oznaczania śladowych ilości As w materiałach biologicznych za pomocą radiochemicznej neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej (Determination of trace amounts of arsenic in biological samples by RNAA). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, S8-P20, p. 200. 9. Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Konstruowanie metod o najwyższej randze metrologicznej dla oznaczania Se w materiałach biologicznych za pomocą RNAA (A new, high accuracy RNAA method for selenium determination in biological materials). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 25. 10. Chajduk E., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Metoda definitywna oznaczania selenu w matrycach biologicznych (Definitive method for selenium determination in biological materials). VI Sesja przeglądowa analityki żywności, Warszawa, Poland, 17.11.2006. Materiały sesji, p. 17. 11. Chmielewski A.G. Industrial scale processing of flue gases from electric and heat power plants. Workshop on the Plasma-Assisted Combustion and Plasma-Aftertreatment of Combustion Flue Gases for Power Industry, Gdańsk, Poland, 28-31.05.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 13. 12. Chmielewski A.G. Industrial applications of electron beam flue gas treatment – from laboratory to the practice. 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 50. 13. Chmielewski A.G. Technologiczne aspekty chemii radiacyjnej (Technological aspects of radiation chemistry). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SIPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-21.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, S12, W-1, p. 283. 178 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 14. Chmielewski A.G. Water pollutants degradation by electron beam. The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Gdańsk, Poland, 28-31.05.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 17. 15. Chmielewski A.G., Chmielewska D.K., Sampa M.H. Prospects and challenges in application of gamma and electron beam processing of nanomaterials. IRaP 2006: 7th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey, 23-28.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 44. 16. Chmielewski A.G., Haji-Saeid M., Ramamoorthy N. Fostering new developments in radiation processing and IAEA’s role. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-3.03.2006. Conference abstracts book, [1] p. 17. Chmielewski A.G., Migdał W., Świętosławski J., Jakubaszek U., Tarnowski T. Chemical-radiation degradation of natural oligo-aminopolysaccharides and product agricultural applications. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-3.03.2006. Conference abstracts book, p. 198. 18. Chmielewski A.G., Sun Y., Bułka S., Zimek Z. Chlorinated organic compounds decomposition in air in an electron beam generated plasma reactor. The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Gdańsk, Poland, 28-31.05.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 55. 19. Chmielewski A.G., Sun Y., Bułka S., Zimek Z. Dosimetric methods for laboratory scale VOC treatment. The Workshop on dosimetry for radiation applications in technologies for environment pollution control, Warszawa, Poland, 5.04.2006, p. 4. 20. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L. Oznaczanie kadmu, ołowiu, miedzi i bizmutu w wodach mineralnych metodą GF-AAS po wydzieleniu za pomocą ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (Determination of cadmium, lead, copper and bismuth in mineral waters by GF-AAS after preconcentration on dithizone sorbent). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 115. 21. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L. Sorbent chelatujący z ditizonem, własności analityczne i możliwości zastosowania (Chelating sorbent with dithizon – analytical property and possibility of use). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 114. 22. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L. Własności analityczne i możliwości zastosowania sorbentu chelatującego z ditizonem (Analytical properties and applications of dithizone sorbent). XI Konferencja: Zastosowanie metod AAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS w analizie środowiskowej – Thermo Electron, Warszawa, Poland, 9-10.11.2006, PO-03, p. 22. 23. Chwastowska J., Skwara W., Sterlińska E., Dudek J., Pszonicki L. Zastosowanie ekstrakcji do fazy stałej przy oznaczaniu metali ciężkich metodą GF-AAS (Application of solid-phase extraction for determination of heavy metals by GF-AAS). XI Konferencja: Zastosowanie metod AAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS w analizie środowiskowej – Thermo Electron, Warszawa, Poland, 9-10.11.2006, PO-04, p. 23. 24. Cieśla K., Eliasson A.-C. DSC studies of retrogradation and amylose-lipid complex transition taking place in gamma irradiated wheat starch. IRaP 2006: 7th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey, 23-28.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 45. 25. Cieśla K., Lundqvist H., Eliasson A.-C. Surface tension and WAXS diffraction studies of binding cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide to gamma irradiated and nonirradiated potato starch. XIV International Starch Convention Cracow-Moscow, Cracow, Poland, 20-24.06.2006, pp. 66-67. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 179 26. Cieśla K., Rahier H. Gamma irradiation effect on interaction of potato starch with lipids and surfactants studied by DSC. ESTAC 9: 9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Kraków, Poland, 27-31.08.2006, p. 26. 27. Cieśla K., Sartowska B., Królak E. Gamma irradiation influence on structure of potato starch gels studied by SEM. XIV International Starch Convention Cracow-Moscow, Cracow, Poland, 20-24.06.2006, pp. 106-107. 28. Cieśla K., Vansant E.F. Physico-chemical changes taking place in gamma irradiated bovine globulins studied by thermal analysis. ESTAC 9: 9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Kraków, Poland, 27-31.08.2006, p. 37. 29. Danko B., Dybczyński R., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z. Oznaczanie lantanowców w próbkach biologicznych za pomocą neutronowej analizy aktywacyjne i chromatografii jonów (Determination of the lanthanides in biological samples by NAA and IC). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, S8-P23, p. 200. 30. Danko B., Dybczyński R., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z. Schemat wydzielania frakcji lantanowców z materiałów pochodzenia roślinnego oraz środowiskowego (A scheme for the separation of lanthanide fraction from materials of biological and environmental origin). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 136. 31. Dybczyński R. Contribution of NAA to the certification of reference materials for inorganic trace analysis. NEMEA-3: 3rd Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications, Borovets, Bulgaria, 25-28.10.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 19. 32. Dybczyński R. Neutronowa analiza aktywacyjna i jej znaczenie dla zapewnienia jakości wyników analitycznych w nieorganicznej analizie śladowej (Neutron activation and its significance for the assurance of the quality of analytical results in inorganic trace analysis). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, S12-W2, p. 283. 33. Dybczyński R. Zarys historii, zastosowania i znaczenie materiałów odniesienia w nieorganicznej analizie śladowej (Historical outline of the application and significance of reference materials in inorganic trace analysis). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 147. 34. Dybczyński R., Danko B., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Samczyński Z. Metody definitywne oparte na radiochemicznej neutronowej analizie aktywacyjnej i ich miejsce w metrologii chemicznej (Definitive methods based on radiochemical neutron activation and their position in chemical metrology). Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa: Jakość w chemii analitycznej, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.11.2006, [1] p. 35. Dybczyński R., Danko B., Polkowska-Motrenko H., Samczyński Z. The place of highly accurate methods by RNAA in metrology. 15th Radiochemical Conference, Mariánské Lázne, Czech Republic, 23-28.04.2006. Booklet of abstracts, p. 84. 36. Dybczyński R., Kulisa K. Wpływ temperatury na proces rozdzielania w chromatografii jonowymiennej i chromatografii pasma chromatograficznego (Influence of temperature on the separation process in ion exchange chromatography and ion chromatography and the mechanism of band spreading). VII Konferencja chromatograficzna: chromatografia i techniki pokrewne a zdrowie człowieka, Białystok, Poland, 10-13.10.2006, pp. 19-20. 37. Filipczak K., Ulanski P., Przybytniak G., Olah L., Rosiak J.M. Some observations on the effect of ionizing radiation on poly(ε-caprolactone). 180 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 91. 38. Filipczak K., Ulanski P., Przybytniak G., Rosiak J.M. Studies on the free radical chemistry of poly(ε-caprolactone). IRaP 2006: 7th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey, 23-28.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 125. 39. Fuente J. De la, Sobarzo-Sánchez E., Bobrowski K. Spectroscopic characterization of radicals species from 2,3-dihydro-oxoisoaporphines generated by flash photolysis and pulse radiolysis. XVIII International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland, 20-25.08.2006, p. 57. 40. Fuks L. Pt(II) chloride complexed by tetrahydrofurylthiourea or tetrahydrotiophenylthiourea: structural and biological features. 3rd Central European Conference: Chemistry towards biology – CHTB 2006, Kraków, Poland, 8-12.09.2006, P-8, [1] p. 41. Giglio J., León E., Rey A., Künstler J.-U., Gniazdowska E., Decristoforo C., Pietzsch H.-J. 99m Tc-labelled RGD-peptides using the „4+1” mixed-ligand approach. Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. 7th International Symposium, Italy, 6-9.09.2006. U. Mazzi, A. Nadali (eds). Abstracts, 3AP12, p. 46. 42. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P. Chemia radiacyjna mieszanin polimerowych PP/PS (Radiation chemistry of PP/PS polymer mixtures). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 34. 43. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P. Radiation effects on PP/PS blends as a model of protection effects by aromatics. IRaP 2006: 7th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey, 23-28.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 128. 44. Głuszewski W., Zagórski Z.P. Zjawiska ochronne w chemii radiacyjnej polimerów (Protective phenomena in the radiation chemistry of polymers). 9. Spotkanie Inspektorów Ochrony Radiologicznej, Dymaczewo Nowe, Poland, 20.05.-2.06.2006. Materiały konferencyjne, pp. 15-16. 45. Grądzka I., Sochanowicz B., Buraczewska I., Szumiel I. Participation of the EGF receptor in the response to X-irradiation in human glioma M059 K and J cells. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 42. 46. Grodkowski J., Kocia R., Mirkowski J. Radioliza impulsowa przejściowych widm absorpcyjnych p-terfenylu w cieczy jonowej bis[(trifluorometylo)sulfonylo] imidzie metylotributyloamoniowym (R4NNTF2) (Pulse radiolysis of intermediate absorption spectra of p-terphenyl in ionic liquid methyltributylammonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 56. 47. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Crystal structure of zinc(II) pyrazolate trihydrate. 48. Konwersatorium krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Poland, 29-30.06.2006. Streszczenia komunikatów, A-22, p. 71. 48. Gryz M., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Monomeric molecules in the crystal structures of magnesium(II) and zinc(II) structures with imidazole-4-carboxylate and water ligands. 48. Konwersatorium krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Poland, 29-30.06.2006. Streszczenia komunikatów, A-23, pp. 72-73. 49. Herdzik I. Separacja izotopów galu i indu z wykorzystaniem chromatografii jonowymiennej (Separation of gallium and indium isotopes using ion-exchange chromatography). THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 181 ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 40. 50. Kałuska I., Lazurnik V.T., Lazurnik V.M., Popov G.F., Rogov Y.V., Zimek Z. The features of electron dose distribution in circular objects: comparison of Monte Carlo simulation predictions with dosimetry. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-3.03.2006. Conference abstracts book, p. 206. 51. Kciuk G., Hug G., Mirkowski J., Bobrowski K. Intramolecular electron transfer in dipeptides containing tyrosine. 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 10. 52. Kciuk G., Hug G., Mirkowski J., Bobrowski K. Radiation-induced oxidation of dipeptides containing tyrosine and methionine: influence of amino acid sequence, pH and conformation. 12th International Conference on Physical Chemistry – Romphyschem-12, Bucharest, Romania, 6-8.09.2006. Abstract book, p. 61. 53. Kciuk G., Hug G., Mirkowski J., Bobrowski K. Utlenianie dipeptydów zawierających reszty tyrozyny i metioniny: badania metodą radiolizy impulsowej (Oxidation of dipeptides containing tyrosine and methionine; studies by pulse radiolysis). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 52. 54. Kocia R., Grodkowski J., Mirkowski J. Pulse radiolysis study of the formation the p-terphenyl radical anion in the ionic liquid methyltributylammonium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide (R4NNTf2). 12th International Conference on Physical Chemistry - Romphyschem-12, Bucharest, Romania, 6-8.09.2006. Abstract book, p. 116. 55. Kornacka E.M., Przybytniak G., Rafalski A., Kozakiewicz J. Radiation induced effects in segmented poly(siloxaneurethane) ureas based on aliphatic and aromatic diisocyanates. 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 77. 56. Kornacka E.M., Przybytniak G., Święszkowski W. Influence of crystallinity on radiation stability of PE. Workshop on Biotribology, COST 533, Warszawa, Poland, 6.10.2006, pp. 8-9. 57. Krejzler J., Narbutt J., Foreman M.R.St J., Hudson M.J., Casensky B., Madic C. Solvent extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) from nitrate solution using synergistic mixtures of n-tridentate heterocycles and chlorinated cobalt dicarbollide. 15th Radiochemical Conference, Mariánské Lázne, Czech Republic, 23-28.04.2006. Booklet of abstracts, p. 212. 58. Kruszewski M., Iwaneńko T., Woliński J., Wojewódzka M. Differential action of human metabolism and energy regulators on the lymphocyte susceptibility to ionizing radiation. III International and VI Cuban Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis and Carcinogenesis Workshop, Havana, Cuba, 25-27.09.2006, p. 8. 59. Kruszewski M., Iwaneńko T., Woliński J., Wojewódzka M. Ghrelin, a natural ligand for the GHS receptor, sensitizes blood mononuclear cells to oxidative stress. III International and VI Cuban Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis and Carcinogenesis Workshop, Havana, Cuba, 25-27.09.2006, p. 30. 60. Kruszewski M., Iwaneńko T., Woliński J., Zabielski R., Wojewódzka M. Ghrelin, a natural ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, sensitizes blood mononuclear cells to oxidative stress. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 45. 182 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 61. Kruszewski M., Lewandowska H., Męczyńska S., Sochanowicz B., Sadło J. Differential action of permeable and non-permeable iron chelators on formation on dinitrosyl iron complexes in vivo. 16th International Conference on Chelators (ICOC), Limassol, Cyprus, 25-31.10.2006, p. 32. 62. Kulisa K., Dybczyński R., Danko B., Samczyński Z. Wstępne wydzielanie grupy lantanowców z materiałów biologicznych i środowiskowych i ich oznaczanie za pomocą chromatografii jonów (Preliminary separation of the lanthanides as a group from biological and environmental materials and their determination by ion chromatography). VII Konferencja chromatograficzna: chromatografia i techniki pokrewne a zdrowie człowieka, Białystok, Poland, 10-13.10.2006, p. 97. 63. Łyczko K., Starosta W. The structures of lead(II) complexes with tropolone. ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 67. 64. Łyczko M. Trikarbonylkowe kompleksy technetu(I) z lipofilowymi ligandami bidentnymi (Tricarbonyl complexes of technetium(I) with bidentate lyophylic ligands). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 68. 65. Łyczko M., Schibli R., Narbutt J. Substitution of imidazole and bombesin for water in aquatricarbonyl(n-methyl-2-piridenecarbothioamide) technetium(I) cation. 2+1 approach. Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. 7th International Symposium, Italy, 6-9.09.2006. U. Mazzi, A. Nadali (eds). Abstracts, 3AP14, p. 47. 66. Maddukuri L., Christiansen M., Dudzińska D., Zaim J., Obutulowicz T., Komisarski M., Wójcik A., Kusmierek J., Stevnsner T., Bohr A., Tudek B. Cockayane syndrome group B protein in involved in repairing of DNA adducts induced by trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 47. 67. Majkowska A., Bilewicz A. Formation kinetics and stability of some TRI and tetraaza derivative complexes of scandium. ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 72. 68. Marciniak B., Hug G.L., Hörner G., Bobrowski K. Reactive intermediates in the photo-oxidation of sulfur-containing organic compounds. 20th International Symposium on Radical Ion Reactivity: ISRIR 2006, Rome, Italy, 2-6.07.2006, IL3, [1] p. 69. Męczyńska S., Lewandowska H., Kruszewski M. The role of lysosomal iron in NO signaling. ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 77. · 70. Męczyńska S., Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz H., Kruszewski M. Interaction of dinitrosyl iron complexes with DNA. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 49. 71. Narbutt J., Krejzler J. Heteroleptic complexes of Am(III) and Eu(III) with a triazinylbipyridine derivative. Multiple regression analysis of solvent extraction data. 37th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC), Cape Town, South Africa, 13-18.08.2006. D.J. Robinson, I.M. Robinson (eds.). Oral abstracts, p. 222. 72. Narbutt J., Krejzler J. Oddzielanie trójwartościowych aktynowców od lantanowców w odpadach promieniotwórczych z przerobu wypalonych paliw jądrowych (Separation of trivalent actinides from lanthanides in radioactive wastes from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, S12-W4, p. 284. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 183 73. Ostapczuk A. Electron beam application for volatile organic compounds removal. The Workshop on dosimetry for radiation applications in technologies for environment pollution control, Warszawa, Poland, 5.04.2006, p. 5. 74. Pawlukojć A., Starosta W., Leciejewicz J., Natkaniec I., Nowak D. The molecular structure and dynamics of 2-aminopyridine-3-carboxylic acid by X-ray diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, infrared, Raman spectroscopy and from first principles calculations. V Workshop on investigations at the IBR-2 pulsed reactor, Dubna, Russia, 14-17.06.2006. Programme and abstracts, p. 58. 75. Polkowska-Motrenko H. Badania biegłości laboratoriów oznaczających pierwiastki toksyczne w żywności (Proficiency testing of laboratories determining toxic elements in food). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, p. 221. 76. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Chajduk E., Dybczyński R. Oznaczanie selenu w materiałach biologicznych za pomocą metody definitywnej opartej na radiochemicznej neutronowej analizie aktywacyjnej (Determination of selenium in biological samples by definitive method based on RNAA). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 90. 77. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Działalność Instytutu Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej w dziedzinie zapewnienia jakości w nieorganicznej analizie śladowej (Activities of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in the domain of quality assurance for inorganic trace analysis). VI Sesja przeglądowa analityki żywności, Warszawa, Poland, 17.11.2006. Materiały sesji, p. 13. 78. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R. Program badań biegłości ROŚLINY – oznaczanie zawartości As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Se, Pb i Zn w żywności pochodzenia roślinnego (PT scheme: PLANTS – determination of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Se, Pb and Zn in food of plant origin). Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa: Jakość w chemii analitycznej, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.11.2006, [1] p. 79. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R., Chajduk E., Danko B., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z., Sypuła M., Szopa Z. Nowe polskie atestowane materiały odniesienia: Mąka Kukurydziana INCT-CF-3 i Mąka Sojowa INCT-SBF-4 dla potrzeb nieorganicznej analizy śladowej – przygotowanie i atestacja (New Polish CRMs: Corn Flour INCT-CF-3 and Soya Bean Flour INCT-SBF-4 for the purpose of inorganic trace analysis – preparation and certification). Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa: Jakość w chemii analitycznej, Warszawa, Poland, 23-24.11.2006, [1] p. 80. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Dybczyński R., Chajduk E., Danko B., Kulisa K., Samczyński Z., Sypuła M., Szopa Z. Nowe polskie certyfikowane materiały odniesienia dla potrzeb nieorganicznej analizy śladowej: Mąka Kukurydziana INCT-CF-3 i Mąka Sojowa INCT-SBF-4 (New Polish certified reference materials: Corn Flour INCT-CF-3 and Soya Beam Flour INCT-SBF-4 for inorganic trace analysis). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006, S8-K40, p. 194. 81. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Fuks L., Sypuła M. Badania biegłości laboratoriów monitorujących skażenia promieniotwórcze kraju (Proficiency testing of laboratories monitoring country radionuclide contamination). XLIX Zjazd PTChem i SITPChem, Gdańsk, Poland, 18-22.09.2006. Materiały zjazdowe, p. 289. 82. Polkowska-Motrenko H., Sadowska-Bratek M. Badanie trwałości materiałów odniesienia metodą NAA (Studies of the stability of reference materials by the NAA method). Nowoczesne metody przygotowania próbek i oznaczania śladowych ilości pierwiastków. Materiały XV Poznańskiego konwersatorium analitycznego, Poznań, Poland, 20-21.04.2006, p. 92. 83. Przybytniak G., Kornacka E.M., Kozakiewicz J. Radical processes in segmented poly(siloxaneurethaneureas) induced by ionizing radiation. 184 THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 IRaP 2006: 7th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers, Antalya, Turkey, 23-28.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 160. 84. Przybytniak G., Kornacka E., Mirkowski K., Nowicki A., Rafalski A. Radiation degradation of blends polypropylene/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate). 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 16. 85. Rafalski A., Przybytniak G., Kornacka E., Mirkowski K., Nowicki A. Influence of copolymers on radiation resistance of polypropylene blends. XVII International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland, 20-25.08.2006, p. 80. 86. Ramamoorthy N., Haji-Saeid M., Chmielewski A.G., Chupov A. IAEA’s support to radiation processing technology practices in developing countries. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-3.03.2006. Conference abstracts book, [1] p. 87. Sadło J., Michalik J., Danilczuk M., Turek J. Silver clusters in molecular sieves. E-MRS 2006 Fall Meeting, Warszawa, Poland, 4-8.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 71. 88. Samczyński Z., Łyczko M., Dybczyński R., Narbutt J. Badania trikarbonylkowych kompleksów technetu(I) metodą chromatografii jonowymiennej i elektroforezy bibułowej (Investigations of tricarbonyl complexes of technetium(I) by ion exchange chromatography and paper electrophoresis). VII Konferencja chromatograficzna: chromatografia i techniki pokrewne a zdrowie człowieka, Białystok, Poland, 10-13.10.2006, pp. 72-74. 89. Samczyński Z., Łyczko M., Dybczyński R., Narbutt J. Ion exchange studies on the organometallic aqua-ion fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ in acidic aqueous solutions. Technetium, rhenium and other metals in chemistry and nuclear medicine. 7th International Symposium, Italy, 6-9.09.2006. U. Mazzi, A. Nadali (eds). Abstracts, 3AP26, p. 18. 90. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. The crystal structure of a calcium(II) complex with pyridazine-3-carboxylate and water ligands. 48. Konwersatorium krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Poland, 29-30.06.2006. Streszczenia komunikatów, B-27, p. 161. 91. Starosta W., Leciejewicz J. Three-dimensional polymeric molecular pattern in the crystal structure of a Ca(II) complex with pyrazine-2,3,5,6-tetracarboxylate and water ligands. 48. Konwersatorium krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Poland, 29-30.06.2006. Streszczenia komunikatów, B-28, pp. 162-163. 92. Trojanowicz M., Drzewicz P., Bojanowska-Czajka A., Nałęcz-Jawecki G., Sawicki J. Radiolytic removal of selected pesticides from industrial wastes. SETAC Asia/Pacific 2006. Growth with a limit: the integration of ecosystem protection for human health benefits, Peking, China, 18-20.09.2006. Abstracts, [1] p. 93. Trojanowicz M., Szydłowska D., Campas M., Marty J.-L. Determination of microcystins in surface waters using amperometric screen-printed biosensor with immobilized protein phosphatase and high-performance liquid chromatography. SETAC Asia/Pacific 2006. Growth with a limit: the integration of ecosystem protection for human health benefits, Peking, China, 18-20.09.2006. Abstracts, [1] p. 94. Turek J., Michalik J. Rodniki srebroorganiczne (Organosilver radicals). ChemSession’06: III. Warszawskie seminarium doktorantów chemików, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. Streszczenia, p. 108. 95. Wierzchnicki R., Derda M. Stable isotopes composition in milk origin control. 3rd Central European Congress on Food, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-24.05.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 209. THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2006 185 96. Wojewódzka M., Kruszewski M., Buraczewska I., Xu W., Massuda E., Zhang J., Szumiel I. Sirtuin inhibition increases the rate of DNA-PK-independent double-strand break repair. III International and VI Cuban Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis and Carcinogenesis Workshop, Havana, Cuba, 25-27.09.2006, p. 31. 97. Wojewódzka M., Kruszewski M., Buraczewska I., Xu W., Massuda E., Zhang J., Szumiel I. Type III histone deacetylases inhibition increases the rate of DNA-PK-independent DSB repair. The 10th Anniversary of Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland, 17-18.11.2006, p. 61. 98. Zagórski Z.P. Prebiotic chemical raw material for life. 4th International School on Complexity: Basic questions about the origin of life, Cerice, Italy, 2-5.10.2006, p. 26. 99. Zagórski Z.P. Pulse radiolysis of solids. Pune University Workshop on Radiation and Photochemistry (PUWORP-2006), Pune, India, 10-11.01.2006, [1] p. 100. Zagórski Z.P. Role of ionizing in contribution to homochirality as the signature of life. 4th International School on Complexity: Basic questions about the origin of life, Cerice, Italy, 2-5.10.2006, p. 51. 101. Zimek Z. Characteristics and capabilities of X-ray converters applied in radiation processing. 11th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 26-31.08.2006. Program and abstracts, p. 35. 102. Zimek Z. Dosimetric method for industrial scale flue gas treatment. The Workshop on dosimetry for radiation applications in technologies for environment pollution control, Warszawa, Poland, 5.04.2006, p. 6. 103. Zimek Z., Chmielewski A.G. Implementation of high power electron accelerators for environmental protection. RuPAC 2006: XXth Russian Conference on Charged Particle Accelerators, Novosibirsk, Russia, 10-14.09.2006. Abstracts brochure, p. 109. 104. Zimek Z., Dźwigalski Z., Warchoł S., Bułka S., Roman K. Upgrading of accelerator facility for radiation sterilization. RuPAC 2006: XXth Russian Conference on Charged Particle Accelerators, Novosibirsk, Russia, 10-14.09.2006. Abstracts brochure, p. 108. 105. Zimek Z., Przybytniak G., Nowicki A., Mirkowski K. Modification of bentonite fillers using ionizing radiation. E-MRS 2006 Fall Meeting, Warszawa, Poland, 4-8.09.2006. Book of abstracts, p. 113. SUPPLEMENT LIST OF THE INCT PUBLICATIONS IN 2005 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. Dalivelya O., Savina N., Buraczewska I., Grądzka I., Szumiel I. Effects of an antimutagen of 1,4-dihydropyridine series on cell survival in X-irradiated murine L5178Y sublines. In: Molekularnaya i prikladnaya genetika. Institut Genetiki i Citologii Nacional’noj Akademii Nauk Belarusi, Minsk 2005. Naucnye trudy, Tom 1, p. 292. 186 NUKLEONIKA NUKLEONIKA THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH EDITORIAL BOARD Andrzej G. Chmielewski (Editor-in-Chief, Poland), Krzysztof Andrzejewski (Poland), Janusz Z. Beer (USA), Jacqueline Belloni (France), Grażyna Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska (Poland), Gregory R. Choppin (USA), Władysław Dąbrowski (Poland), Hilmar Förstel (Germany), Andrei Gagarinsky (Russia), Andrzej Gałkowski (Poland), Evgeni A. Krasavin (Russia), Stanisław Latek (Poland), Robert L. Long (USA), Sueo Machi (Japan), Dan Meisel (USA), Jacek Michalik (Poland), James D. Navratil (USA), Robert H. Schuler (USA), Christian Streffer (Germany), Irena Szumiel (Poland), Piotr Urbański (Poland), Alexander Van Hook (USA) CONTENTS OF No. 1/2006 Proceedings of the 2nd IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting of the Co-ordinated Research Project on Dense Magnetized Plasma, 1-3 June 2005, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland 1. Foreword A. Malaquias 2. Dense magnetized plasma and its applications: a view of the 3-year activity of the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme V.A. Gribkov, A. Malaquias 3. Development of diagnostic tools for Plasma Focus derived X-ray source E. Angeli, C. Bonifazzi, A. Da Re, M. Marziani, A. Tartari, M. Frignani, S. Mannucci, D. Mostacci, F. Rocchi, M. Sumini 4. Dense Plasma Focus as a powerful source of monochromatic X-ray radiation A.V. Dubrovsky, V.A. Gribkov, Yu.P. Ivanov, L. Karpiński, M.A. Orlova, V.M. Romanova, M. Scholz, I.V. Volobuev 5. Production of negative hydrogen ions using a low-pressure reflex discharge source E.I. Toader 6. Development of a large beam facility B.H. Oh, S.R. In, K.W. Lee, S.H. Jeong, C.S. Seo, D.H. Chang 7. Experimental study of a small gas-puff Z-pinch device C.M. Luo, X.X. Wang, X.B. Zou 8. D(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H fusion in a small plasma focus operated in a deuterium helium-3 gas mixture S.V. Springham, T.H. Sim, R.S. Rawat, P. Lee, A. Patran, P.M.E. Shutler, T.L. Tan, S. Lee 9. PF-6 – an effective plasma focus as a source of ionizng radiation and plasma streams for application in material technology, biology and medicine V.A. Gribkov, A.V. Dubrovsky, M. Scholz, S. Jednorog, L. Karpiński, K. Tomaszewski, M. Paduch, R. Miklaszewski, V.N. Pimenov, L.I. Ivanov, E.V. Dyomina, S.A. Maslyaev, M.A. Orlova 10. Colored-noise-induced anomalous transport in periodic structures T. Laas, A. Sauga, R. Mankin, A. Ainsaar, Ü. Ugaste, A. Rekker 11. Surface and bulk processes in materials induced by pulsed ion and plasma beams at Dense Plasma Focus devices V.N. Pimenov, S.A. Maslyaev, L.I. Ivanov, E.V. Dyomina, V.A. Gribkov, A.V. Dubrovsky, M. Scholz, R. Miklaszewski, Ü.E. Ugaste, B. Kolman 12. Status of a mega-joule scale Plasma-Focus experiments M. Scholz, B. Bieńkowska, M. Borowiecki, I. Ivanova-Stanik, L. Karpiński, W. Stępniewski, M. Paduch, K. Tomaszewski, M. Sadowski, A. Szydłowski, P. Kubeš, J. Kravárik 13. High kinetic energy dense plasma jet A.V. Voronin, V.K. Gusev, Yu.V. Petrov, N.V. Sakharov, K.B. Abramova, K.G. Hellblom NUKLEONIKA 187 CONTENTS OF No. 2/2006 1. The quantum diffusion of carbon in α-iron in low temperature L. Dąbrowski, A. Andreev, M. Georgiev 2. Investigation of low temperature diffusion of carbon in martensite by Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction A. Jabłońska, L. Dąbrowski, J. Suwalski, S. Neov 3. Surface structure changes of InP and GaAs single crystals irradiated with high energy electrons and swift heavy ions A.Yu. Didyk, F.F. Komarov, L.A. Vlasukova, V.N. Yuvchenko, A. Hofman 4. Preparation of [61Cu]DTPA complex as a possible PET tracer A.R. Jalilian, P. Rowshanfarzad, M. Sabet, M. Kamalidehghan 5. Production of [103Pd]Bleomycin complex for targeted therapy A.R. Jalilian, Y. Yari-Kamrani, M. Sadeghi 6. Gamma-ray beam attenuation to assess the influence of soil texture on structure deformation L.F. Pires, O.O.S. Bacchi, N.M.P. Dias 7. A radiographic facility at the Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS) at Świerk, Poland J. Bigolas, W. Drabik, E. Pławski, A. Wysocka-Rabin 8. Air aerosol sampling station AZA-1000 at Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, Spitsbergen B. Mysłek-Laurikainen, M. Matul, S. Mikołajewski, H. Trzaskowska, Z. Preibisz, I. Garanty, M. Kubicki, P. Rakowski, T. Krynicki, M. Stefański CONTENTS OF No. 3/2006 1. Effects of an antimutagen of 1,4-dihydropyridine series on cell survival and DNA damage in L5178Y murine sublines O. Dalivelya, N. Savina, T. Kuzhir, I. Buraczewska, M. Wojewódzka, I. Szumiel 2. Production and quality control of 66Ga radionuclide M. Sabet, P. Rowshanfarzad, A.R. Jalilian, M.R. Ensaf, A.A. Rajamand 3. Development of [66Ga]oxine complex; a possible PET tracer A.R. Jalilian, P. Rowshanfarzad, M. Sabet, A. Rahiminejad-Kisomi, A.A. Rajamand 4. Computation of concentration changes of heavy metals in the fuel assemblies with 1.6% enrichment by ORIGEN code for VVER-1000 M. Rahgoshay 5. Monte-Carlo simulation of a neutron source generated with electron linear accelerator A. Wasilewski, S. Wronka 6. Investigation of high-dose irradiation effects on polystyrene calorimeter response F. Ziaie, A. Noori 7. Influence of temperature on breakdown voltage of 10 MeV electron beam irradiated LDPE and HDPE M. Borhani, F. Ziaie, M.A. Bolorizadeh, G. Mirjalili CONTENTS OF No. 4/2006 1. Obituary Professor Barbara Hołyńska (1930-2006) 2. DNA double-strand break rejoining in radioadapted human lymphocytes: evaluation by neutral comet assay and pulse-field gel electrophoresis M. Wojewódzka, I. Buraczewska, I. Szumiel, I. Grądzka 3. Influence of 137Cs and 90Sr on vegetative and generative organs of Lepidium sativum L. and Tradescantia clone 02 D. Mar èiulionienë, B. Lukšienë, D. Kiponas, D. Montvydien ë, G. Maksimov, J. Darginavi èien ë, V. Gavelienë 4. Preparation and biodistribution of [201Tl](III)vancomycin complex in normal rats A.R. Jalilian, M.A. Hosseini, A. Karimian, F. Saddadi, M. Sadeghi 5. Production, quality control and initial imaging studies of [82mRb]RbCl for PET studies P. Rowshanfarzad, A.R. Jalilian, M. Kiyomarsi, M. Sabet, A.R. Karimian, S. Moradkhani, M. Mirzaii 6. Isotope effects of gallium and indium in cation exchange chromatography W. Dembiński, I. Herdzik, W. Skwara, E. Bulska, A.I. Wysocka 188 NUKLEONIKA 7. Production and separation of manganese-54 from alpha-irradiated V2O5 target M. Kłos, M. Bartyzel, B. Petelenz 8. Design, construction and performance of a pressure chamber for water retention curve determination through traditional and nuclear methods L.F. Pires, O.O.S. Bacchi SUPPLEMENT No. 1/2006 Proceedings of the 2nd Polish-Japanese Workshop on Materials Science “Materials for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century”, 12-15 October 2005, Warsaw, Poland 1. Foreword J. Michalik, K. Halada 2. Worldwide developments in the field of radiation processing of materials in the down of 21st century A.G. Chmielewski 3. Design of high quality doped CeO2 solid electrolytes with nanohetero structure T. Mori, J. Drennan, D.R. Ou, F. Ye 4. Structure and properties of nanomaterials produced by severe plastic deformation Z. Pakieła, H. Garbacz, M. Lewandowska, A. Drużycka-Wiencek, M. Suś-Ryszkowska, W. Zieliński, K.J. Kurzydłowski 5. Synthesis of nanostructured tetragonal ZrO2 of enhanced thermal stability A. Adamski, P. Jakubus, Z. Sojka 6. Studies on template-synthesized polypyrrole nanostructures W. Starosta, M. Buczkowski, B. Sartowska, D. Wawszczak 7. Structural characterization of room-temperature synthesized fullerene nanowhiskers K. Miyazawa, J. Minato, T. Mashino, S. Nakamura, M. Fujino, T. Suga 8. EPR and ESEEM study of silver clusters in ZK-4 molecular sieves J. Sadło, J. Michalik, L. Kevan 9. Properties of novel silicon nitride-based materials K. Itatani 10. Development of environmental purification materials with smart functions H. Yamada, Y. Watanabe, K. Tamura 11. Silica materials with biocidal activity D.K. Chmielewska, A. Łukasiewicz, J. Michalik, B. Sartowska 12. High pressures studies on hydrides of selected manganese alloys H. Sugiura, S.M. Filipek, V. Paul-Boncour, I. Marchuk, R.-S. Liu, S.I. Pyun 13. Application of Pt/Al2O3 catalysts produced by sol-gel process to uranyl ion reduction A. Deptuła, W. Łada, T. Olczak, A.G. Chmielewski 14. Hybrid atomization method suitable for production of fine spherical lead-free solder powder K. Minagawa, H. Kakisawa, S. Takamori, Y. Osawa, K. Halada 15. Degradation of polyolefine wastes into liquid fuels B. Tymiński, K. Zwoliński, R. Jurczyk 16. EPR study on biominerals as materials for retrospective dosimetry J. Sadło, J. Michalik, W. Stachowicz, G. Strzelczak, A. Dziedzic-Gocławska, K. Ostrowski 17. Membrane processes for environmental protection: applications in nuclear technology G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel 18. Advanced processing for recycling of iron scrap with impurities Y. Osawa, S. Takamori, K. Minagawa, H. Kakisawa, K. Halada 19. Influence of radiation sterilization on poly(ester urethanes) designed for medical applications G. Przybytniak, E. Kornacka, J. Ryszkowska, M. Bil, A. Rafalski, P. Woźniak, M. Lewandowska-Szumieł 20. Radiation processing of polymers and semiconductors at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Z. Zimek, G. Przybytniak, I. Kałuska SUPPLEMENT No. 2/2006 Proceedings of the IV All-Polish Conference on Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, 9-11 May 2005, Kraków-Przegorzały, Poland NUKLEONIKA 189 1. Preface L. Fuks 2. Thermochromatographic separation of 206,208Po from a bismuth target bombarded with protons B. Wąs, R. Misiak, M. Bartyzel, B. Petelenz 3. Carbon isotope effects in the studies of the mechanism of action of tyrosine phenol-lyase W. Augustyniak, R. Kański, M. Kańska 4. Synthesis of ring labeled [1’-14C]-L-tyrosine R. Kański, W. Augustyniak, M. Kańska 5. Tritium kinetic isotope effects on enzymatic decomposition of L-tryptophan E. Boroda, R. Kański, M. Kańska 6. Self-absorption correction in gamma-ray spectrometry of environmental samples – an overview of methods and correction values obtained for the selected geometries P. Jodłowski 7. Interlaboratory comparison of the determination of 137Cs and 90Sr in water, food and soil: preparation and characterization of test materials L. Fuks, H. Polkowska-Motrenko 8. Studies on concentration of some heavy metals and strontium 90Sr and cesium 137Cs isotopes in bottom sediments of selected lakes of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Pojezierze J. Solecki, M. Reszka, S. Chibowski 9. Determination of the sediment deposition rates in the Kuwait Bay using 137Cs and 210Pb A.Z. Al-Zamel, F. Bou-Rabee, M.A. Al-Sarawi, M. Olszewski, H. Bem 10. Radionuclides of iron (55Fe), nickel (63Ni), polonium (210Po), uranium (234U, (238Pu, 239-240Pu, 241Pu) in Poland and Baltic Sea environment B. Skwarzec, D.I. Strumińska, A. Boryło 235 U, 238 U) and plutonium 11. Investigation of the influence of high humidity and exposure duration on the measurement results of radon concentration by means of PicoRad system in the CLOR calibration chamber O. Stawarz, M. Karpińska, K. Mamont-Cieśla 12. Accumulation properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies) for different radionuclides E. Tomankiewicz, J.W. Mietelski, P. Gaca, S. Błażej 13. Spatial 137Cs distribution in forest soil A. Dołhańczuk-Śródka, T. Majcherczyk, M. Smuda, Z. Ziembik, M. Wacławek 14. Isotope effects on selected physicochemical properties of nitromethane and 1-pentanol A. Makowska, J. Szydłowski 15. Radiation chemistry of radioactive waste to be stored in the salt mine repository Z.P. Zagórski SUPPLEMENT No. 3/2006 Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, 4-9 August 2005, Budapest, Hungary 1. Preface J. Pluta 2. Freeze-out and anisotropic flow in microscopic models L.V. Bravina, K. Tywoniuk, E.E. Zabrodin, G. Burau, J. Bleibel, C. Fuchs, A. Faessler –– 3. Can thermal model explain Λ/p puzzle? L.V. Bravina, M.S. Nilsson, K. Tywoniuk, E.E. Zabrodin 4. Rapidity distributions of strange particles in Pb-Pb at 158 A GeV G.E. Bruno on behalf of the NA57 Collaboration 5. Elliptic flow at RHIC with NeXSPheRIO R.P.G. Andrade, F. Grassi, Y. Hama, T. Kodama, O. Socolowski Jr., B. Tavares 6. Effect of hadronic rescattering on the elliptic flow after the hydrodynamics model G.L. Ma, Y.G. Ma, B.H. Sa, X.Z. Cai, Z.J. He, H.Z. Huang, J.L. Long, W.Q. Shen, C. Zhong, J.H. Chen, J.X. Zuo, S. Zhang, X.H. Shi 7. Systematic study of directed flow at RHIC energies A.C. Mignerey for the PHOBOS Collaboration 190 NUKLEONIKA 8. The azimuthal anisotropy of electrons from heavy flavor decays in by PHENIX S. Sakai for the PHENIX Collaboration sNN = 200 GeV Au-Au collisions 9. Influence of the non-flow effects and fluctuations on the v2 measurements at RHIC X. Zhu, M. Bleicher 10. Freeze-out process with in-medium nucleon mass S. Zschocke, L.P. Csernai, E. Molnár, J. Manninen, A. Nyiri 11. Non-identical particle correlations in central Pb+Au collisions at 158 A GeV D. Antończyk for the CERES Collaboration 12. Charge balance functions and the transverse flow P. Bożek 13. Preliminary results on direct photon-photon HBT measurements in sNN = 62.4 GeV and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC D. Das, G. Lin, S. Chattopadhyay, A. Chikanian, E. Finch, T.K. Nayak, S.Y. Panitkin, J. Sandweiss, A.A. Suaide, H. Zhang for the STAR Collaboration 14. Baryon-baryon correlations in Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62 GeV and sNN = 200 GeV, measured in the STAR experiment at RHIC H.P. Gos for the STAR Collaboration 15. Charge transfer fluctuations as a QGP signal S. Jeon, L. Shi, M. Bleicher 16. Strangeness conservation and pair correlations of neutral kaons with close momenta in inclusive processes V.L. Lyuboshitz, V.V. Lyuboshitz 17. Obtaining the specific heat of hadronic matter from CERN/RHIC experiments A. Mekjian 18. The evolution of correlation functions from low to high pT in PHENIX: from HBT to jets J.T. Mitchell for the PHENIX Collaboration 19. Effect of hard processes on momentum correlations in pp and pp– collisions G. Paić, P.K. Skowroński 20. A survey of multiplicity fluctuations in PHENIX J.T. Mitchell for the PHENIX Collaboration 21. How to measure specific heat using event-by-event average pT fluctuations M.J. Tannenbaum for the PHEHIX Collaboration 22. A statistical model analysis of yields and fluctuations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions G. Torrieri, S. Jeon, J. Rafelski 23. Proposition of numerical modelling of BEC O.V. Utyuzh, G. Wilk, Z. Włodarczyk 24. Transverse momentum distributions and string percolation study in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV B.K. Srivastava, R.P. Scharenberg, T.J. Tarnowsky for the STAR Collaboration Information INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY NUKLEONIKA Dorodna 16, 03-195 Warszawa, Poland phone: (+4822) 504-11-32; fax: (+4822) 811-15-32; e-mail: nukleon@ichtj.waw.pl Abstracts and full texts are available on-line at http://www.ichtj.waw.pl/ichtj/general/nukleon.htm INTERVIEWS IN 2006 191 INTERVIEWS IN 2006 1. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Niedzicki W.: Sylwetki uczonych (Profiles of scientistis). TVP, Program 1, 20.09.2006. 2. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Truszczak D.: Osiągnięcia nauki (Achievements of science). Polskie Radio, Program 1, 20.09.2006. 3. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Giurla S.: A tecnologia avança e a humanidade agradece (High-tech serving the people). Brasil Nuclear, 11, 29, 20-22 (2006). 4. Chmielewski Andrzej G. Łoś P.: Akceleratory elektronów w ochronie środowiska (Application of electron accelerators in environmental protection). Radio dla Ciebie, 30.10.2006. 192 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2006 THE INCT PATENTS AND PATENT APPLICATIONS IN 2006 PATENTS 1. Sposób otrzymywania paliw ciekłych z odpadów tworzyw sztucznych, zwłaszcza odpadów poliolefinowych i urządzenie do realizacji tego sposobu (Method for obtaining liquid fuels from wastes of plastics, particularly of polyolefines, and a facility to realize the method) A.G. Chmielewski, J. Jerzy, T. Siekierski, B. Tymiński, K. Zwoliński Polish Patent No. 191891 2. Sposób usuwania lotnych zanieczyszczeń organicznych gazowych takich jak wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne z przemysłowych gazów odlotowych (Method for elimination of gaseous organic impurities such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial flue gases) A.G. Chmielewski, A. Ostapczuk, K. Kubica, J. Licki Polish Patent No. 192519 3. Sposób zwiększenia efektywności oczyszczania promieniotwórczych ścieków nisko i średnio aktywnych zatężanych metodą odwróconej osmozy (Method for enhancement of purification effectiveness of low and medium level radioactive wastes concentrated by reverse osmosis) A.G. Chmielewski, M. Harasimowicz, B. Tymiński, G. Zakrzewska-Trznadel Polish Patent No. 193649 PATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Detektor do pomiaru stężenia produktów rozpadu radonu w powietrzu (Detector for measuring the concentration of radon decay products in air) B. Machaj, J. Bartak P 378974 2. Sposób otrzymywania dwuwolframianu itrowo-potasowego oraz nanokompozytu tego dwuwolframianu dotowanego iterbem (Method for obtaining ittrium-potassium ditungstate and a nanocomposite of this compound doped with ytterbium) A. Deptuła, W. Łada, T. Olczak, D. Wawszczak, M. Borowiec, H. Szymczak, W. Diakonow, M. Barański P 379537 (with the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences) 3. Sposób otrzymywania napełniaczy o strukturze montmorylonitu (Method for obtaining fillers of montmorillonite structure) Z. Zimek, I. Legocka, K. Mirkowski, A. Nowicki, G. Przybytniak P 379779 4. Sposób otrzymywania terapeutycznych ilości radionuklidu 177Lu (Method for obtaining therapeutic quantities of the 177Lu radionuclide) A. Bilewicz, E. Iller P 379829 5. Sposób wytwarzania mikrokrystalicznej celulozy (Method for obtaining microcrystalline cellulose) H. Stupińska, J. Palenik, E. Kopania, D. Wawro, D . Ciechańska, G. Krzyżanowska, E. Iller, Z. Zimek P 380328 (with the Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres, and the Pulp and Paper Research Institute) CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 193 CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 1. REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE “APPLICATION OF MONTE CARLO MODELING METHODS FOR DOSIMETRY CALCULATION IN RADIATION PROCESSING” IN THE FRAME OF THE TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROJECT RER/8/010 “QUALITY CONTROL METHODS AND PROCEDURES FOR RADIATION TECHNOLOGY”, 3-7 APRIL 2006, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, International Atomic Energy Agency Organizing Committee: I. Kałuska, M.Sc., Z. Zimek, Ph.D., Prof. A.G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. OPENING J. Michalik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) A. Chupov (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) H. Sampa (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) LECTURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New development in constuction and operation of radiation processing plants A.G. Chmielewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) The use of dosimetry in process validation and facility qualification A. Kovacs (Institute of Isotopes and Surface Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary) The role of Monte Carlo methods in industrial radiation application J. Mittendorfer (MEDISCAN, Austria) Physical and mathematical methods for simulation of radiation processing V. Lazurik (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Models of an irradiation process for EB technologies (numerical code RT-Office) G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Software for EB processing: ModeRTL, ModeDF, ModeCEB G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Architecture of RT-Office software V. Lazurik (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) The use of dosimetry and interpretation of dosimetry data K. Mehta (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) Calorimeters and alanine, CTA, PVC foil dosimeters Z. Stuglik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Dosimetry system for EB irradiation A. Kovacs (Institute of Isotopes and Surface Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary) Introduction to intercomparison experiments Z. Stuglik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Uncertainty in dose measurements K. Mehta (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) Uncertainty evaluation of computer programs based on Monte Carlo method for dose calculations J. Mittendorfer (MEDISCAN, Austria) Validation of radiation sterilization process I. Kałuska (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) X-ray application for radiation processing Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Radiation processing of polymers A.G. Chmielewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) 194 • • • • • CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 Simulation of irradiation process on radiation-technological lines (RTL) with scanned beam; software ModeRTL V. Lazurik, G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Evaluation of intercomparison experiments K. Mehta (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria), A. Kovacs (Institute of Isotopes and Surface Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary) Comparison of the experimental results with simulation predictions V. Lazurik (Kharkov State University, Ukraine), G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine), Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), I. Kałuska (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Simulation of irradiation process of multi-layer circular objects such as wire, cables, tubing, pipes with scanned beam G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Examples of some actual problems solutions in radiation processing V. Lazurik (Kharkov State University, Ukraine), G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) SPECIAL LECTURES – technical visit to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • • • • Film Dose Reader CD-02 B. Machaj (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Radiation facilities at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology] Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), J. Sadło (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), I. Kałuska (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), S. Bułka (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) The experimental validation of simulation predictions for dose mapping in heterogeneous targets irradiation with scanned EB I. Kałuska (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), S. Bułka (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), Z. Stuglik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), G. Popov (Kharkov State University, Ukraine) Biological dosimetry in human biomonitoring M. Kruszewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), K. Brzozowska (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), T. Bartłomiejczyk (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), A. Wójcik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) 2. THE WORKSHOP “DOSIMETRY FOR RADIATION APPLICATION IN TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION CONTROL” IN THE FRAME OF THE MARIE CURIE HOST FELLOWSHIPS FOR THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE: ADVANCED METHODS FOR ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH AND CONTROL (AMERAC), 5 APRIL 2006, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology LECTURES • • • • • Overview of dosimetry methods for radiation technologies for environment preservation K. Mehta (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) Application of dosimetry for wastewater treatment – Brazilian experience M.H.O Sampa (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria), P.R. Rela (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil), C.L. Duarte (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil), C.S. Rela (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil), F.E. Costa (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil) Dosimetry for wastewater treatment tests – Italian experience M. Lavalle (Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF), National Research Council (CNR), Bologna, Italy) Dosimetric methods for industrial scale flue gas treatment Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Dosimetric methods for laboratory scale VOC treatment A.G. Chmielewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Y. Sun (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 • 195 Poland), S. Bułka (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Electron beam application for volatile organic compounds removal A. Ostapczuk (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) 3. THE WORKSHOP “METHODS OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH” IN THE FRAME OF THE MARIE CURIE HOST FELLOWSHIPS FOR THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE: ADVANCED METHODS FOR ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH AND CONTROL (AMERAC), 10 AUGUST 2006, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology LECTURES • • • The use of stable isotopes of carbon to study the sources and sinks of some greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) in air S.M. Cuna (National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Design of novel membranes and their application for desalination by membrane distillation M. Khayet Souhaimi (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain) Modelling and optimization of experimental processes in environmental engineering using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) C. Cojocaru (”Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iaºi, Romania) DISCUSSION: conclusions, recommendations Moderator: A.G. Chmielewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) 4. SYMPOZJUM „CHEMIA I TECHNIKA RADIACYJNA: WYZWANIA I MOŻLIWOŚCI – JUBILEUSZ 80-LECIA PROF. DR HAB. ZBIGNIEWA P. ZAGÓRSKIEGO” (SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION TECHNIQUES: CHALLENGE AND POSSIBILITIES – JUBILEE OF THE 80th ANNIVERSARY OF Prof. ZBIGNIEW P. ZAGÓRSKI, Ph.D., D.Sc. (17 OCTOBER 2006, WARSZAWA, POLAND) Organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology LECTURES • • • • • • • • Laudation L. Waliś (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), J. Mayer (Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Łódź, Poland), Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Przyszłość chemii radiacyjnej, jak ją widziano w roku 1946 (Future of radiation chemistry as was seen in 1946) Z.P. Zagórski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Znane i nieznane aspekty pierwszych etapów działania promieniowania jonizującego w biopolimerach i polimerach syntetycznych (Known and unknown aspects of primary stages of ionizing radiation treatment of biopolymers and synthetic polymers) G. Przybytniak (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Pomiary odległości metodą EPR (Distance measurements by the EPR method) J. Michalik (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Wolne rodniki w związkach o znaczeniu biologicznym (Free radicals in biological important compounds) K. Bobrowski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Ciecze jonowe – rozpuszczalniki przyszłości? (Ionic liquids – solvents of future?) J. Grodkowski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Relaksacja elektronów pułapkowanych w etanolu oraz mieszaninach etanol-woda i etanol-metanol w temperaturze 10-77 (100) K (Relaxation of trapped electrons in ethanol and ethanol-methanol mixtures at a temperature of 10-77 (100) K) J.P. Suwalski (Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Łódź, Poland) Obecne i przyszłe zastosowania technik radiacyjnych w przetwórstwie polimerów (Present and future applications of radiation processing in polymer modification) A. Rafalski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) 196 • • • CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 Antologia dozymetrii radiacyjnej dużych dawek (Antology of high dose radiation dosimetry) P. Panta (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Radiacyjna modyfikacja elastomerów (Radiation modification of elastomers) W. Głuszewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Chemia i technika radiacyjna - i co dalej? (Radiation chemistry and radiation processing – what the next thing?) Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) 5. IV KONFERENCJA „PROBLEMY UNIESZKODLIWIANIA ODPADÓW” (IV CONFERENCE ON PROBLEMS OF WASTE DISPOSAL), 27 NOVEMBER 2006, WARSZAWA, POLAND Organized by the Warsaw University of Technology, Plant for Utilization of Solid Municipal Wastes (Warszawa), Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology Organizing Committee: M. Obrębska, Ph.D., A. Polak, M.Sc. OPENING Jerzy Bałdyga (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Session IA. NAUKOWO-TECHNICZNA (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Chairman: A. Biń (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) • • • Przemysłowe testy współspalania komunalnych osadów ściekowych z węglem w kotle pyłowym (Combustion of municipal sludge with coal in a dust boiler – industrial tests) R. Wasilewski (Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze, Poland), S. Stelmach (Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze, Poland), J. Zuwała (Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze, Poland) Współspalanie odpadów, biomasy i paliw kopalnych w kotłach energetycznych (Combustion of wastes, biomass and fossil fuels in energetic boilers) H. Karcz (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland), M. Krzysztof (ZBUS Combustion, Głowno, Poland), K. Folga (ZBUS Combustion, Głowno, Poland) Wykorzystanie odpadowej biomasy do oczyszczania roztworów wodnych (Application of waste biomass for purification of water solutions) K. Bratek (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland), W. Bratek (Wrocław University of Technology, Poland) Session IB. SAMORZĄDOWO-EKONOMICZNO-PRAWNA (MUNICIPAL-ECONOMIC-LAWFUL) Chairman: P. Grzybowski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) • • EUROVIX – biotechnologie dla życia (EUROVIX – Biotechnologies for life) K. Łuczak (EUROVIX S.r.l., Italy) Dlaczego powinniśmy spalać odpady? (Why we should incinerate the wastes?) G. Wielgosiński (Technical University of Łódź, Poland) Session IIA. NAUKOWO-TECHNICZNA (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Chairman: R. Zarzycki (Technical University of Łódź, Poland) • • • Analityczne badania radiolitycznej degradacji wybranych pestycydów (Radiolytical degradation of selected pesticides – analytical investigations) A. Bojanowska-Czajka (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), P. Drzewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), M. Trojanowicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), G. Nałęcz-Jawecki (Medical University of Warsaw, Poland), J. Sawicki (Medical University of Warsaw, Poland), Z. Zimek (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), H. Nichipor (Institute of Radiation Physical-Chemical Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus) Unieszkodliwianie odpadów drobiarskich poprzez fermentacje metanową (Disposal of poultry wastes by methane fermentation) A. Zawadzka (Technical University of Łódź, Poland), K. Sikora-Łępicka (Technical University of Łódź, Poland) Opracowanie sposobu zmniejszenia zrzutu azotu amonowego w ścieku technologicznym (A method for the reduction of ammonia in technological wastewater) J. Zieliński (Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland), K. Zwierzyński (Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland), M. Lewandowska (Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland) CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND CO-ORGANIZED BY THE INCT IN 2006 197 Session IIB. SAMORZĄDOWO-EKONOMICZNO-PRAWNA (MUNICIPAL-ECONOMIC-LAWFUL) Chairman: G. Wielgosiński (Technical University of Łódź, Poland) • • Spalać czy składować? (To incinerate or to storage on landfill sites) J. Kaznowski (SPEC S.A., Warszawa, Poland) Eliminacja przykrych zapachów w oczyszczalniach ścieków (Elimination of stench in wastewater treatment) M. Szatkowski (Westrand Polska, Warszawa, Poland) Session IIIA. NAUKOWO-TECHNICZNA (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Chairman: M. Obrębska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) • • • Przetwarzanie poużytkowych opakowań z poli(tereftalanu etylenu) na węgiel aktywny (Processing of used PET packaging into active carbon) A. Świątkowski (WAT Military University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland), A. Padée (Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland) Analiza własności ciekłych produktów termicznej depolimeryzacji polipropylenu (Properties of liquid products of polypropylene degradation) P. Grzybowski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Problemy związane z upłynnianiem odpadów poliolefin (Problems of liquefaction of polyolefine wastes) B. Tymiński (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland), R. Jurczyk (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) 198 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2006 Ph.D./D.Sc. THESES IN 2006 Ph.D. THESES 1. Hanna Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz, M.Sc. Powstanie, struktura i przemiany dinitrozylowych kompleksów żelaza w modelowych układach biologicznych (Formation, structure and interactions of dinitrosyl iron complexes in model biological systems) supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 23.02.2006 D.Sc. THESES 1. Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D. Procesy membranowe w technologiach jądrowych (Membrane processes in nuclear technologies) Technical University of Łódź EDUCATION 199 EDUCATION Ph.D. PROGRAMME IN CHEMISTRY The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology holds a four-year Ph.D. degree programme for graduates of chemical, physical and biological departments of universities, for graduates of medical universities and to engineers in chemical technology and material science. The main areas of the programme are: • radiation chemistry and biochemistry, • chemistry of radioelements, • isotopic effects, • radiopharmaceutical chemistry, • analytical methods, • chemistry of radicals, • application of nuclear methods in chemical and environmental research, material science and protection of historical heritage. The candidates accepted for the mentioned programme can be employed in the Institute. The candidates can apply for a doctorial scholarship. The INCT offers accommodation in 10 rooms in the guesthouse for Ph.D. students not living in Warsaw. During the four-year Ph.D. programme the students participate in lectures given by senior staff from the INCT, Warsaw University and the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the second year, the Ph.D. students have teaching practice in the Chemistry Department of Warsaw University. Each year the Ph.D. students are obliged to deliver a lecture on topic of his/her dissertation at a seminar. The final requirements for the Ph.D. programme graduates, consistent with the regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science, are: • submission of a formal dissertation, summarizing original research contributions suitable for publication; • final examination and public defense of the dissertation thesis. In 2006, the following lecture series were organized: • “Fundalmentals of coordination chemistry” – Prof. Jerzy Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland); • “Spectrometry mass techniques (ICP MS, electrospray MS, MALDI MS) in analytical chemistry” – Prof. Ryszard Łobiński, Ph.D. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS, Pau, France); • “Radiation technologies and nuclear techniques in environmental protection” – Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland). The qualification interview for the Ph.D. programme takes place in the mid of October. Detailed information can be obtained from: • Head: Assoc. Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. (phone: (+4822) 504 13 57, e-mail: abilewic@ichtj.waw.pl); • Secretary: Dr. Ewa Gniazdowska (phone: (+4822) 504 10 74 or 504 11 78, e-mail: studium@ichtj.waw.pl). TRAINING OF STUDENTS Country N umber of participants Period A GH U niversity of Science and Technology Poland 3 2 weeks Chalmers U niversity of Technology Sweden 21 one-day practice European U nion France 1 2 months I nstitution 200 EDUCATION Country N umber of participants Period European U nion R omania 1 3 months Forschungszentrum D resden-R ossendorf I nstitute of R adiopharmacy Germany 3 2 weeks I nternational A tomic Energy A gency Egypt 1 3 months I nternational A tomic Energy A gency Jordan 1 1 month I nternational A tomic Energy A gency V ietnam 1 3 months Technical School of Chemistry Poland (W arszawa) 2 1 month U niversity of Z urich I nstitute of Chemistry Switzerland 1 1 week W arsaw U niversity Poland 1 2 months W arsaw U niversity of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Poland 6 one-day practice W arsaw U niversity of Technology Faculty of Chemistry Poland 2 1 month W arsaw U niversity of Technology Faculty of Electronics and I nformation Technology Poland 1 1 month W arsaw U niversity of Technology Faculty of M aterials Science and Engineering Poland 5 1 month W arsaw U niversity of Technology Faculty of Physics Poland 27 one-day practice I nstitution RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 201 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS RESEARCH PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2006 AND IN CONTINUATION 1. Neutron activation analysis and ion chromatography as a tool for reliable lanthanides determination in biological and environmental samples. supervisor: Bożena Danko, Ph.D. 2. The chemical isotope effects of gallium, indium and thallium in ligand exchange and red-ox reactions. supervisor: Wojciech Dembiński, Ph.D. 3. Comparative analysis of telomere length, chromosomal aberration frequency and DNA repair kinetics in peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy donors and cancer patients. supervisor: Prof. Andrzej Wójcik, Ph.D., D.Sc. 4. Oxidation of thioether by organic complexes of copper. Processes of potential importance for pathogenesis of some neurodegenerative diseases. supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dariusz Pogocki, Ph.D., D.Sc. 5. New methods of the study and reduction of fouling in processes of micro- and ultrafiltration of liquid radioactive waste. supervisor: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc. 6. Modelling of the dispersion of pollutants and studying their transport in natural water receivers using stable isotopes as tracers. supervisor: Andrzej Owczarczyk, Ph.D./Jacek Palige, Ph.D. 7. Influence of gamma irradiation on starch properties: starch interaction with water and lipids, starch-lipid films. supervisor: Krystyna Cieśla, Ph.D. 8. Changes of sulphur isotope ratio in the products of coal combustion and flue gas desulphurization processes. supervisor: Prof. Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 9. Process of nanostructure formation of small-molecule organic gels using synchrotron methods. supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Helena Grigoriew, Ph.D., D.Sc. 10. Analytical studies of products of degradation of selected chlorophenols and pesticides caused by ionizing radiation. supervisor: Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 11. Studies of coordination of magnesium and zinc ions in their complexes with the azine dicarboxylate ligands. supervisor: Prof. Janusz Leciejewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 12. Stable isotope applications to quality and origin control of milk and milk products. supervisor: Ryszard Wierzchnicki, Ph.D. 13. Protection phenomena in radiation chemistry of polypropylene. supervisor: Prof. Zbigniew P. Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 14. Modification of the near surface layer of carbon steels with intense argon and nitrogen plasma pulses. supervisor: Prof. Jerzy Piekoszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 15. Pilot plant for thermocatalytic degradation of polyolefine and polystyrene wastes into liquid fuels. supervisor: Bogdan Tymiński, Ph.D. 202 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 16. Cheap and non-toxic dosimeter for measurement of absorbed dose in radiation processing of fluidized beds and fluid streams. supervisor: Zofia Stuglik, Ph.D. 17. Analytical studies of decomposition of selected pesticides using ionizing radiation. supervisor: Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 18. Complexes of astatine-211 with metals as potential precursors of radiopharmaceuticals. supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. κB signalling in response to oxidative stress. 19. The role of pirin in regulation of NF-κ supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 20. Examination of the antimutagenic effects of 1,4-dihydropyridine on mammalian cells after exposure to X-rays. supervisor: Prof. Irena Szumiel, Ph.D., D.Sc. RESEARCH PROJECTS ORDERED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2006 1. Radiation processing application to form nanofillers with different structure including hybrid and functionalized. PBZ-KBN-095/T08/2003 supervisor: Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. 2. Mutual interactions between nutritional components in steering of development of the intestinal immunological system. PBZ-KBN-093/P06/2003 supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcin Kruszewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. IAEA RESEARCH CONTRACTS IN 2006 1. Application of ionizing radiation for removal of pesticides from ground waters and wastes. 12016/RO principal investigator: Prof. Marek Trojanowicz, Ph.D., D.Sc. 2. Radiation resistant polypropylene for medical applications and as a component of structural engineering materials. 12703/RO principal investigator: Zbigniew Zimek, Ph.D. 3. Electron beam for VOCs treatment emitted from oil combustion process. 13136/RO principal investigator: Anna Ostapczuk, M.Sc. IAEA TECHNICAL CONTRACTS IN 2006 1. Methyl bromide generator type ABC with accesories for transportation and labeling with radioactive gaseous methyl bromide. RAF4016-92242C EUROPEAN COMMISSION RESEARCH PROJECTS IN 2006 1. FP6 Integrated Project European research program for the partitioning of actinides from high active wastes issuing the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels (EUROPART). FP6-508854 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS 203 2. FP5 Research Training Network: Sulfur radical chemistry of biological significance: the protective and damaging roles of thiol and thioether radicals (SULFRAD). principal investigator: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. RTN-2001-00096 under FP5 3. FP6 Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge: Advanced methods for environment research and control (AMERAC). principal investigator: Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel, Ph.D., D.Sc. MTKD-CT-2004-509226 4. FP6 Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge: Chemical studies for design and production of new radiopharmaceuticals (POL-RAD-PHARM). principal investigator: Prof. Jerzy Ostyk-Narbutt, Ph.D., D.Sc. MTKD-CT-2004-509224 5. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST D27 – Prebiotic chemistry and early evolution. Role of radiation chemistry in the origin of life on Earth. supervisor: Prof. Zbigniew Zagórski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 6. European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. COST P9 – Radiation damage in biomolecular systems (RADAM). Mechanisms of radiation damage transfer in polypeptide molecules. supervisor: Prof. Krzysztof Bobrowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. OTHER FOREIGN CONTRACTS IN 2006 1. Laboratory scale experimental analysis of electron beam treatment of flue gases from combustion of liquid petroleum oils. Contract with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Saudi Arabia 2. Feasibility study for electron beam flue gas treatment at oil fired boiler. Contract with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Saudi Arabia 3. The realization and delivery of nickel electrodes coated with magnesium doped lithium cobaltite. Research contract with ENEA, the Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment 204 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2006 LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2006 1. Agorastos Nikos, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 21-26.05. 2. Ajji Zaki, Atomic Energy Commission of Syria, Damascus, Syria, 07-12.05. 3. Araya Ramiro, Universidad de Chile, Chile, 19-27.08. 4. Bekmuratov Timur, Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Nuclear Centre of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 05.04. 5. Belchior Ana, Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Technologia Industrial (INETI), Sacavém, Portugal, 05.04. 6. Belgaya Tamas, Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 16-20.10. 7. Botelho Maria Luisa, Nuclear and Technological Institute (ITN), Sacavém, Portugal, 05.04. 8. Bznuni Surik, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Yerevan, Armenia, 05.04. 9. Cabalka Martin, Nuclear Research Institute, Øež, Czech Republik, 05.04. 10. Chorniy Anton, Kharkov State University, Ukraine, 05.04. 11. Chukalov Sergey, Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 28-29.06. 12. Cojocaru Corneliu, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaºi, Romania, 04.07.-04.10. 13. Cuna Stela, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18.07.-18.09. 14. Dalivelya Olga, Institute of Genetics and Cytology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 03-21.07. 15. Demski Mikhail, The D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (NIIEFA), St. Petersburg, Russia, 01-06.10. 16. Drapkin Valery, St. Petersburg Instruments Ltd., Russia, 22-29.04. 17. Duc Ho Minh, Institute for Nuclear Science and Techniques, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC), Hanoi, Vietnam, 02-14.10. 18. Enache Mirela, Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G. Murgulescu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 01.01.-31.03. 19. Fuente Julio de la, Universidad de Chile, Chile, 08-27.08. 20. Fulop Marko, Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia, 05.04, 26-27.10. 21. Georgescu Rodica-Maria, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 05.04. 22. Gryzlov Anatolij, NPO “Toriy”, Moscow, Russia, 20.06.-05.07, 18-24.09. 23. Gürtler Sylvia, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 17-29.09. 24. Houeé-Levin Chantal, Université Paris-Sud, France, 17-18.02. 25. Hug Gordon L., University of Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory, USA, 03-06.01, 17-18.02, 28.09.-01.10. 26. Hustuc Aleksandru, National Scientific Center of Applied Preventive Medicine, Chisinau, Moldavia, 05.04. 27. Ivanov A., The D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (NIIEFA), St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-28.10. 28. Jafarov Yadigar, Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, 05.04. 29. Kasztovszky Zsolt, Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, 16-20.10. 30. Khalil Luai Ahmad, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, Amman, Jordan, 08.10.-09.11. 31. Khayet Souhaimi Mohamad, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain, 03.07.-29.08. 32. Kim Jinkyu, EB-Tech Co., Ltd., Daejeon, Korea, 19-24.08. 33. Kovacs Andras, Institute of Isotope Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 05.04. LIST OF VISITORS TO THE INCT IN 2006 205 34. Knyazev Mikhail, St. Petersburg Instruments Ltd., Russia, 22-29.04, 07-12.08, 07-12.11. 35. Krpan Katarina, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 05.04. 36. Kuenstler Jens-Uwe, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 26.06.-26.07. 37. Lazurik Valentina, Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, 02-07.04. 38. Lavalle Marco, Institute for the Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity, National Research Council of Italy (ISOF-CNR), Bologna, Italy, 02-09.04. 39. Le Minh Tuan, Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VINA GAMMA), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 07.05.-08.08. 40. Lebeda Ondrei, Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Øež, Czech Republic, 18.03-18.05. 41. Lebedev Vjacheslav, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, 13-20.08. 42. Letournel Eric, VIVIRAD SA, France, 12-13.12. 43. Lyssukin Sergey, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 28-29.06. 44. Łobiński Ryszard, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS, France, 05.04.-05.06. 45. März Peter, EPR Division, Bruker Biospin GmbH, Silberstreifen, Germany, 20-25.11. 46. Mehta Kishor, International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations, 28.02.-28.04. 47. Mozziconazzi Olivier, France, 01.01.-28.02. 48. Neves Maria, Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, Sacavém, Portugal, 04.09.-04.11. 49. Nichipor Henrietta, Institute of Radiation Physical-Chemical Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 17-28.07, 01-04.10. 50. Novikova Galina, National Research Restoration Centre of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, 01-07.08. 51. Pawlukojć Andrzej, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, 17-19.09. 52. Pietzsch Juergen Hans, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 05-10.04. 53. Politkovskij Fiodor, NPO “Toriy”, Moscow, Russia, 20.06-05.07. 54. Popov Genadiv, Kharkiv State University, Ukraine, 05.04, 06-08.11. 55. Ramirez Trajano, National Technological University, Quito, Ecuador, 11-12.09. 56. Romanova Irina, Institute of Genetics, Academy of Sciences of Moldavia, Chisinau, Moldavia, 05.04. 57. Redaelli Renato, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy, 31.10.-02.11. 58. Rieck Stefanie, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 17-29.09. 59. Ritter Alina, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 17-29.09. 60. Said Amr El-Hag Ali, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, 04.04.-29.06. 61. Saidi Mouldi, National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunis, Tunisia, 16.05.-16.07. 62. Sampa Maria Helena, International Atomic Energy Agency, United Nations, 05.04. 63. Savina Natalya, Institute of Genetics and Cytology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 03-21.07. 64. Sheyno Igor, Institute of Biophysics, State Scientific Center, Moscow, Russia, 05.04. 65. Skarnemark Gunnar, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 06.08.-05.09. 66. Smolko Edvardo, Irradiation Processing Laboratory, Centro Atomico Buenos Aires, Argentina, 07-11.09. 67. Spies Hartmut, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Forshungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 18.03.-18.04. 68. Svinin Mikhail, The D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (NIIEFA), St. Petersburg, Russia, 22-28.10. 69. Taroyan Sargis, Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan Armenia, 05.04. 70. Tereshatov Evgeny, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, 13-20.08. 71. Tsrunchev Tsvetelin, National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP), Sofia, Bulgaria, 05.04. 72. Weissabel Robert, Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, Bratislava, Slovakia, 26-27.10. 206 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2006 THE INCT SEMINARS IN 2006 1. Ewelina Chajduk, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Prace nad konstruowaniem metod o najwyższej randze metrologicznej do oznaczania Se i As w materiałach biologicznych za pomocą RNAA (High-accuracy RNAA methods for the determination of Se i As in biological samples) 2. Prof. Zbigniew Florjańczyk (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Polimery hybrydowe (Hybrid polymers) 3. Michał Gryz, M.Sc. (Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocides, Warszawa, Poland) Cynk i magnez w procesach biologicznych (Zinc and magnesium in biological processes) 4. Gabriel Kciuk, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Wpływ grup funkcyjnych aminokwasów na mechanizmy reakcji rodnikowych w peptydach zawierających tyrozynę (The influence of the amino acid functional groups on the mechanism of radical reactions in peptides containing tyrosine) 5. Monika Łyczko, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Trikarbonylkowe kompleksy technetu(I) z amidowymi pochodnymi kwasu pikolinowego i tiopikolinowego jako prekursory radiofarmaceutyków (Tricarbonyl technetium(I) complexes with amide derivatives of picolinic and thiopicolinic acid as potential radiopharmaceuticals) 6. Prof. Józef Mayer (Technical University of Łódź, Poland) Reakcje jonowe w poli(chlorku winylu) (Ionic reactions in polyvinyl chloride) 7. Sylwia Męczyńska, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Wpływ OH i ONOO– na konformację i aktywność białek zawierających żelazo (The influence of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite on conformation and activity of the iron proteins) · 8. Dr. Maria Neves (Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, Sacavém, Portugal) Radiation in medicine and biology 9. Sławomir Ostrowski, M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland) Mechanizm reakcji wydłużania łańcucha i właściwości fizykochemiczne związków alkiloaromatycznych. Badania metodami chemii obliczniowej (Mechanism of chain elongation reactions and physicochemical properties of alkylaromatic compounds. Studies using calculation chemistry methods) 10. Wojciech Ozimiński, M.Sc. (National Institute of Public Health, Warszawa, Poland) Tautometria pięcioczłonowych pierścieni heterocyklicznych zawierających trzy heteroatomy. Badania obliczeniowe (Tautomerism of five-membered heterocyclic rings containing three heteroatoms. Calculation studies) 11. Sylwia Ptaszek, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Zastosowanie znaczników i CFD do badania dynamiki przepływu w oczyszczalni ścieków (Application of tracers and CFD for the study of flow dynamics in wastewater treatment plant) 12. Dr. Tomasz Szreder (Institute of Dyes and Organic Products, Zgierz, Poland) Indywidua przejściowe generowane radiacyjnie w cieczach jonowych: badania wykorzystujące pikosekundowy akcelerator elektronów w Narodowym Laboratorium w Brookhaven (USA) (Radiationally generated transients in ionic liquids: investigations using picosecond electron accelerator in the Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA)) 13. Dr. Daniel Tedder (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Efficient strategies for partitioning actinides from alkaline wastes 14. Jerzy Turek, M.Sc. (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Budowa i oddziaływania rodników srebroorganicznych. Badania EPR i DFT (Structure and interaction of organosilver radicals. EPR and DFT study) 15. Dr. Grażyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warszawa, Poland) Procesy membranowe w technologiach jądrowych (Membrane processes in nuclear technologies) LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 207 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 LECTURES 1. Bilewicz A. Influence of relativistic effect on hydrolysis of heavy cations. First International Symposium on Hydration and Hydroxo Complexation of Cations, Minsk, Belarus, 05-06.10.2006. 2. Bobrowski K. Protection of tyrosine in Met-enkephalin against oxidation by blocking the amine function. CNR Conference “Free Radicals in Chemical Biology”, Bologna, Italy, 30.06.2006. 3. Bojanowska-Czajka A., Drzewicz P., Trojanowicz M. Analityczne badania radiolitycznej degradacji karbendazymu (Analytical control of carbendazim decomposition by gamma irradiation). III Warszawskie Seminarium Doktorantów Chemików ChemSession’06, Warszawa, Poland, 19.05.2006. 4. Brzozowska K. Wypadek radiacyjny w Białostockim Ośrodku Onkologicznym (The radiological accident in the Białystok Oncological Center). II Krakowsko-Poznańskie Studenckie Seminarium Fizyki Biomolekularnej i Medycznej, Poznań, Poland, 22-25.02.2006. 5. Brzozowska K., Wójcik A. Wpływ temperatury na poziom mikrojąder indukowanych promieniowaniem jonizującym w ludzkich limfocytach krwi obwodowej (Influence of temperature on radiation-induced micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes). II Krakowsko-Poznańskie Studenckie Seminarium Fizyki Biomolekularnej i Medycznej, Poznań, Poland, 22-25.02.2006. 6. Brzóska K. Piryna: nowy element regulacji sygnalizacji szlaku NFκB (Piryn: a new regulatory element of the NFκB signaling pathway). Sympozjum “Rola żelaza w organizmie”, Warszawa, Poland, 25.11.2006. 7. Chmielewski A.G. Techniki i technologie jądrowe w zastosowaniach przemysłowych (Application of radiation and nuclear technologies in industry). Seminarium Naukowe “Technika jądrowa w służbie społeczeństwa”, Warszawa, Poland, 30.11.2006. 8. Chmielewski A.G., Kałuska I., Zimek Z., Migdał W., Bułka S. Radiolytic decomposition of pesticide MCPA in various conditions – comparison of experimental data and calculated kinetic model. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-03.03.2006. 9. Chmielewski A.G., Migdał W., Zimek Z., Kałuska I., Bułka S. Commercial application of an electrom beam accelerator at the R&D and service center. 14th International Meeting on Radiation Processing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26.02.-03.03.2006. 10. Dembiński W. Chemia materiałów paliwowych dla reaktorów jądrowych w “Nukleonice” (Chemistry of fuel materials for nuclear reactors in “Nukleonika”). Seminarium z okazji 50-lecia “Nukleoniki”, Warszawa, Poland, 30.06.2006. 11. Kałuska I. Legislation and standardization concerning radiation sterilization process. 208 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 IAEA Course “Economical and Social Benefits of Radiation Processing; Standardization and Legislation Issues Regarding Radiation Processing Implementation in Europe”, Eger, Hungary, 26.08.-02.09.2006. 12. Kałuska I. Dose setting procedures for radiation deactivation and sterilization. IAEA Course “Radiation Deactivation and Sterilization of Biohazards”, Vadodara, India, 28.10.-04.11.2006. 13. Kałuska I. Physical, chemical and biological dose modifying factors. IAEA Course “Radiation Deactivation and Sterilization of Biohazards”, Vadodara, India, 28.10.-04.11.2006. 14. Kałuska I. Dosimetry systems for radiation processing. IAEA Course “Radiation Deactivation and Sterilization of Biohazards”, Vadodara, India, 28.10.-04.11.2006. 15. Kałuska I. Quality assurance in radiation processing. IAEA Course “Radiation Deactivation and Sterilization of Biohazards”, Vadodara, India, 28.10.-04.11.2006. 16. Kruszewski M. Białka żelazowo-siarkowe, nowe funkcje starych klastrów (Iron-sulphur cluster proteins, old pals with new functions). Sympozjum “Rola żelaza w organizmie”, Warszawa, Poland, 25.11.2006. 17. Męczyńska S. Dinitrozylowe kompleksy żelaza: powstawanie i rola w organizmie (Dinitrosyl iron complexes: formation and the role in organisms). Sympozjum “Rola żelaza w organizmie”, Warszawa, Poland, 25.11.2006. 18. Narbutt J. Thermodynamics of solvent extraction of metal ions: fundamentals. Fifth Half-yearly Meeting of EUROPART, Roma, Italy, 26-29.06.2006. 19. Narbutt J. 50 lat radiochemii w “Nukleonice” (50 years of radiochemistry in “Nukleonika”). Seminarium z okazji 50-lecia “Nukleoniki”, Warszawa, Poland, 30.06.2006. 20. Sauerwein W., Malago M., Moss R., Wójcik A., Altieri S., Hampel G., Wittig A., Nievaart V., Collette L., Mauri P., Huiskamp R., Michel J., Daquino G., Gerken G., Bornfeld N., Broelsch C.E. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for treating disseminated, non-resectable liver metastases. International Workshop on Fast Neutron Therapy, Essen, Germany, 14-16.09.2006. 21. Wójcik A. Aberacje chomosomowe i mikrojądra (Chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei). Kurs Radiobiologii, Kielce, Poland, 20-23.03.2006. 22. Wójcik A. Odczyny popromienne (Post-radiation early and late tissue injuries). Kurs Radiobiologii, Kielce, Poland, 20-23.03.2006. 23. Wójcik A. Hipoksja i jej rola w promieniowrażliwości guzów (Hypoxia and its role in tumor radiosensitivity). Kurs Radiobiologii, Kielce, Poland, 20-23.03.2006. 24. Wójcik A. Percepcja ryzyka dla zdrowia promieniowania jonizującego (Perception of ionizing radiation). Letnia Szkoła Energetyki Jądrowej „Dunaj’06”, Warszawa, Poland, 06.04.2006. 25. Wójcik A., Bochenek A., Lankoff A., Lisowska A., Padjas A., von Sonntag C., Szumiel I., Obe G. DNA interstrand crosslinks are induced in cells prelabelled with BrdU and exposed to UVC radiation. 35th Annual Meeting of European Radiation Research Society – European Radiation Research 2006, Kiev, Ukraine, 22-25.08.2006. 26. Wójcik A., Sommer S., Deperas-Kaminska M., Moss R., Sauerwein W. Effects of high LET (C-12) and low LET (Co-60) irradiation on chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. International Workshop on Fast Neutron Therapy, Essen, Germany, 14-16.09.2006. LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 209 27. Wójcik A., Wittig A., Sauerwein W. What is the tolerance dose of the liver? International Conference “Innovative Treatment Concepts for Liver Metastases”, Essen, Germany, 07-09.12.2006. 28. Zagórski Z.P. Panspermia revisited? Gordon Research Conference “Origin of Life”, Lewiston, Maine, USA, 23-28.07.2006. 29. Zakrzewska-Trznadel G. Conditioning of biogas from biomass fermentation by membrane method. 7th Framework Programme in Poland, Warszawa, Poland, 16-17.11.2006. 30. Zimnicki R. Sulphur isotopes ratio as a marker of pollutant migration in the ecosystem – opencast mine landfil. 2nd International Workshop “Pathways of pollutants from landfills to air and water-soil systems and mitigation strategies of their impact on the ecosystems”, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 17-20.09.2006. SEMINARS 1. Bilewicz A. Radiofarmaceutyki (Radiopharmaceuticals). Warsaw University, Poland, 16.05.2006. 2. Krzysztof Bobrowski Stabilization of sulfide radical cations in linear and cyclic peptides containing methionine. National Research Council (CNR), Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF), Bologna, Italy, 24.02.2006. 3. Krzysztof Bobrowski Stabilization of sulfide radical cations: mechanisms relevant to oxidation of peptides and proteins containing methionine. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 23.03.2006. 4. Krzysztof Bobrowski Stabilization of sulfide radical cations: mechanisms relevant to oxidation of peptides and proteins containing methionine. University Paris XI, Orsay, France, 12.05.2006. 5. Krzysztof Bobrowski Free radicals in chemistry, biology and medicine: contribution of radiation chemistry. Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 13.11.2006. 6. Krzysztof Bobrowski Oxidation of methionine containing peptides: mechanism relevant to biological conditions of oxidative stress. Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, 20.11.2006. 7. Krzysztof Bobrowski Oxidation of methionine containing peptides: mechanism relevant to biological conditions of oxidative stress. Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 22.11.2006. 8. Andrzej G. Chmielewski Electron beam flue gas treatment – the basics. University of Pavia, Italy, 08.05.2006. 9. Andrzej G. Chmielewski Electron beam flue gas treatment – VOC and industrial applications. University of Pavia, Italy, 08.05.2006. 10. Andrzej G. Chmielewski Environmental protection - worldwide developments. University of Pavia, Italy, 08.05.2006. 210 LECTURES AND SEMINARS DELIVERED OUT OF THE INCT IN 2006 11. Adrian Jakowiuk Bezprzewodowe sieci monitoringu z radioizotopowymi czujnikami zapylenia powietrza AMIZ-2004 (Wireless dust concentration monitoring network based on the radioisotope gauge AMIZ-2004). International Ecological Fair POLEKO, Poznań, Poland, 23.11.2006. 12. Iwona Kałuska Dozymetria procesów radiacyjnych (Dosimetry of radiation processes) Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland, 15.03.2006. 13. Andrzej Wójcik Popromienne aberracje chromosomowe: mechanizmy powstawania i biofizyczne modele, czyli badania na pograniczu biologii i fizyki (Radiation induced chromosomal aberrations, on studies on the border of biology and physics). Warsaw University, Poland, 24.02.2006. 14. Andrzej Wójcik Awaria reaktora w Czarnobylu: przyczyny i skutki (Accident of the Chernobyl reactor: causes and results). Polskie Sieci Energetyczne, Warszawa, Poland, 24.04.2006. 15. Andrzej Wójcik Czarnobyl 20 lat po: co wiemy o skutkach dla zdrowia? (Chernobyl 20 years after: what do we know about the health effects?) Świętokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland, 26.04.2006. 16. Andrzej Wójcik 20 lat po awarii w Czarnobylu: co dziś wiemy o skutkach zdrowotnych? (20 years after the Czernobyl accident: what do we know today on the health effects?) Świętokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland, 26.06.2006. 17. Andrzej Wójcik Cytogenetic markers of individual radiation sensitivity. Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany, 25.10.2006. 18. Zbigniew Zimek Electron beam flue gas treatment process. Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 19.02.2006. 19. Zbigniew Zimek High power electron accelerators for flue gas treatment. Institute of Atomic Energy Research, King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 20.02.2006. 20. Zbigniew Zimek Akceleratory dla techniki jądrowej (Accelerators for nuclear power generation). Polish Nuclear Society, Warszawa, Poland, 30.11.2006. 21. Zbigniew Zimek Electron accelerators for radiation processing. Office of Normalization and Metrology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 13.12.2006. AWARDS IN 2006 211 AWARDS IN 2006 1. Down-regulation of iron regulatory protein 1 activities and expression in superoxide dismutase 1 knock-out mice is not associated with alterations in iron metabolism Second degree group award of the Polish Genetic Society for the best work carried out in Polish laboratories and published in 2005 R.R. Starzyński, P. Lipiński, J.-C. Drapier, A. Diet, E. Smuda, T. Bartłomiejczyk, M.A. Gralak, M. Kruszewski 2. Method for obtaining the Ni/NiO cathodes Bronze medal at the 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products of Geneva, Switzerland, 05-09.04.2006 W. Łada, A. Deptuła, T. Olczak, A.G. Chmielewski, A. Moreno 3. Method for obtaining the Ni/NiO cathodes Gold medal at the 55th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology “Brussels Eureka 2006”, Belgium, 23-27.11.2006 W. Łada, A. Deptuła, T. Olczak, A.G. Chmielewski, A. Moreno 4. Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science for the project “Method for obtaining hollow spherical particles from ceramic and metallic materials reduced by hydrogen” A. Deptuła, A.G. Chmielewski, W. Łada, T. Olczak 5. Congratulatory letter of the Ministry of Education and Science for the project “Method for obtaining calcium phosphate layers, especially hydroxyapatite” A. Deptuła, W. Łada, T. Olczak, R.Z. LeGeros, J.P. LeGeros 6. Method for removal of nitrogen oxides from industrial gases. A facility for mixing gases reacting chemically. Method for removal volatile organic impurities such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial flue gases Gold medal at the 55th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology “Brussels Eureka 2006”, Belgium, 23-27.11.2006 A.G. Chmielewski 7. Method for removal of nitrogen oxides from industrial gases. A facility for mixing gases reacting chemically. Method for removal volatile organic impurities such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial flue gases Special award from the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Invention A.G. Chmielewski 8. First place for the meritorious poster “Application of extraction to the solid phase in the determination of heavy metals by GF-AAS” presented at the XI Conference “Application of AAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS methods in the environmental analysis”, Warszawa, Poland, 09-10.11.2006 J. Chwastowska, W. Skwara, E. Sterlińska, J. Dudek, L. Pszonicki 9. First degree group award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for two publications in “Talanta” presenting methods for the determination of platinum, palladium and chromium in trace quantities in environmental samples and speciation analysis of Cr(VI) in the presence of Cr(III) L. Pszonicki, J. Chwastowska, W. Skwara, E. Sterlińska 10. Second degree group award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for publications in the journals “Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications”, “Journal of Biological Chemistry” and “Acta Biochimica Polonica” devoted to studies of relations between the metabolism of iron on a cell level and DNA oxidative damage M. Kruszewski, H. Lewandowska, T. Bartłomiejczyk, T. Iwaneńko, B. Sochanowicz 11. Third degree group award of Director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology for the essential contribution to the work on basic studies of secondary periodicity of elements of the block p (group 13) published in “European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” S. Siekierski, K. Frąckiewicz 212 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS I. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR METHODS OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING 1. Laboratory of Materials Research Activity profile: Studies of the structure and properties of materials and historical art objects. Modification of surface properties of materials by means of intense plasma pulses and ions beams. Synthesis and studies of new type of materials with predetermined properties (biocidal, fungicidal, sorptional). Characterization of structural properties of materials using SEM (scanning electron microscopy), X-ray fiffraction (powder and single crystal). Determination of elemental content of environmental and geological samples, industrial waste materials, historic glass objects and other materials by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using a radioisotope excitation source as well as a low power X-ray tube and using a 2 kW X-ray tube in total reflection geometry. Determination of radioactive isotope content in environmental samples and historical glass objects by gamma spectrometry. • Scanning electron microscope DSM 942, LEO-Zeiss (Germany) Technical data: spatial resolution – 4 nm at 30 kV, and 25 nm at 1 kV; acceleration voltage – up to 30 kV; chamber capacity – 250x150 mm. Application: SEM observation of various materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics and glasses. Determination of characteristic parameters such as molecule and grain size. • Scanning electron microscope equipped with the attachment for fluorescent microanalysis BS-340 and NL-2001, TESLA (Czech Republic) Application: Observation of surface morphology and elemental analysis of various materials. • Vacuum evaporator JEE-4X, JEOL (Japan) Application: Preparation of thin film coatings of metals or carbon. • Gamma radiation spectrometer HP-Ge, model GS 6020; Canberra-Packard (USA) Technical data: detection efficiency for gamma radiation – 60.2%, polarization voltage – 4000 V, energy resolution (for Co-60) – 1.9 keV, analytical program “GENIE 2000”. Application: Neutron activation analysis, measurements of natural radiation of materials. • Gamma spectrometer in low-background laboratory EGG ORTEC Technical data: HPGe detector with passive shield; FWHM – 1.9 keV at 1333 keV, relative efficiency – 92%. • Total reflection X-ray spectrometer Pico TAX, Institute for Environmental Technologies (Berlin, Germany) Technical data: Mo X-ray tube, 2000 W; Si(Li) detector with FHWM 180 eV for 5.9 keV line; analysed elements – from sulphur to uranium; detection limits – 10 ppb for optimal range of analysed elements, 100 ppb for the others. Application: XRF analysis in total reflection geometry. Analysis of minor elements in water (tap, river, waste and rain water); analysis of soil, metals, raw materials, fly ash, pigments, biological samples. • X-ray spectrometer SLP-10180-S, ORTEC (USA) Technical data: FWHM – 175 eV for 5.9 keV line, diameter of active part – 10 mm, thickness of active part of detector – 5.67 mm. Application: X-ray fluorescence analysis. • Coulter Porometer II Coulter Electronics Ltd (Great Britain) Application: Pore size analysis in porous media. • Vacuum chamber for plasma research POLVAC Technika Próżniowa INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 213 Technical data: dimensions – 300x300 mm; high voltage and current connectors, diagnostic windows. Application: Studies on plasma discharge influence on physicochemical surface properties of polymer films, particularly TEM (track-etched membranes). 2. Laboratory of Diffractional Structural Research Activity profile: X-ray diffraction structural studies on metal-organic compounds originating as degradation products of substances naturally occurring in the environment. Röntgenostructural phase analysis of materials. Studies on interactions in a penetrant-polymer membrane system using small angle scattering of X-rays, synchrotron and neutron radiation. Studies of structural changes occurring in natural and synthetic polymers under influence of ionising radiation applying X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. • KM-4 X-ray diffractometer KUMA DIFFRACTION (Poland) Application: 4-cycle diffractometer for monocrystal studies. • CRYOJET - Liquid Nitrogen Cooling System Oxford Instruments Application: Liquid nitrogen cooling system for KM-4 single crystal diffractometer. • HZG4 X-ray diffractometer Freiberger Präzisionsmechanik (Germany) Application: Powder diffractometers for studies of polycrystalline, semicrystalline and amorphous materials. • URD 6 X-ray diffractometer Freiberger Präzisionsmechanik (Germany) Application: Powder diffractometers for studies of polycrystalline, semicrystalline and amorphous materials. 3. Sol-Gel Laboratory of Modern Materials Activity profile: The research and production of advanced ceramic materials in the shape of powders, monoliths, fibres and coatings by classic sol-gel methods with modifications – IChTJ Process or by CSGP (Complex Sol-Gel Method) are conducted. Materials obtained by this method are the following powders: alumina and its homogeneous mixtures with Cr2O3, TiO3, Fe2O3, MgO+Y2O3, MoO3, Fe, Mo, Ni and CaO, CeO2, Y2O3 stabilized zirconia, β and β’’ aluminas, ferrites, SrZrO3, ceramic superconductors, type YBCO (phases 123, 124), BSCCO (phases 2212, 2223), NdBa2Cu3Ox, their nanocomposites, Li-Ni-Co-O spinels as cathodic materials for Li rechargeable batteries and fuel cells MCFC, BaTiO3, LiPO4, Li titanates: spherical for fusion technology, irregularly shaped as superconductors and cathodic materials, Pt/WO3 catalyst. Many of the mentioned above systems, as well as sensors, type SnO2, were prepared as coatings on metallic substrates. Bioceramic materials based on calcium phosphates (e.g. hydroxyapatite) were synthesized in the form of powders, monoliths and fibres. • DTA and TGA thermal analyser OD-102 Paulik-Paulik-Erdey, MOM (Hungary) Technical data: balance fundamental sensitivity – 20-0.2 mg/100 scale divisions, weight range – 0-9.990 g, galvanometer sensitivity – 1x10–10 A/mm/m, maximum temperature – 1050oC. Application: Thermogravimetric studies of materials up to 1050oC. • DTA and TGA thermal analyser 1500 MOM (Hungary) Technical data: temperature range – 20-1500oC; power requirements – 220 V, 50 Hz. Application: Thermal analysis of solids in the temperature range 20-1500oC. • Research general-purpose microscope Carl Zeiss Jena (Germany) Technical data: General purpose microscope, magnification from 25 to 2500 times, illumination of sample from top or bottom side. • Metallographic microscope EPITYP-2, Carl-Zeiss Jena (Germany) Technical data: magnification from 40 to 1250 times. Application: Metallographic microscope for studies in polarized light illumination and hardness measurements. • Laboratory furnace CSF 12/13, CARBOLITE (Great Britain) Application: Temperature treatment of samples in controlled atmosphere up to 1500oC with automatic adjustment of final temperature, heating and cooling rate. 214 II. INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS DEPARTMENT OF RADIOISOTOPE INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS Laboratory of Industrial Radiometry Activity profile: Research and development of non-destructive methods and measuring instruments utilizing physical phenomena connected with the interaction of radiation with matter: development of new methods and industrial instruments for measurement of physical quantities and analysis of chemical composition; development of measuring instruments for environmental protection (dust monitors, radon meters); implementation of new methods of calibration and signal processing (multivariate models, artificial neural networks); designing, construction and manufacturing of measuring instruments and systems; testing of industrial and laboratory instruments. • Multichannel analyser board with software for X and γ-ray spectrometry Canberra • Function generator FG-513, American Reliace INC III. DEPARTMENT OF RADIOCHEMISTRY 1. Laboratory of Coordination and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Activity profile: Preparation of novel technetium(I, III, V) complexes with chelating ligands (monoand bifunctional), labelled with 99mTc, as potential diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals or their precursors. Studying of their hydrophilic-lipophilic properties, structure and their interactions with peptides. Also analogous rhenium(I) complexes are synthesised and studied. Novel platinum and palladium complexes with organic ligands, analogs of cisplatin, are synthesised and studied as potential antitumor agents. Solvent extraction separation of trivalent actinides from lanthanides is studied, directed towards nuclear waste treatment. Studies on chemical isotope effects of metal ions – search of correlations between isotope separation factor and structure of species exchanging the isotopes in two-phase chemical systems. (For the research equipment, common for both Laboratories, see below.) 2. Laboratory of Heavy Elements Activity profile: Synthesis of novel macrocyclic complexes of 47Sc, 103m,105Rh and 212Bi radionuclides – potential precursors for therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. Elaboration of new methods for astatination (211At) of biomolecules via metal complexes. Design of new medically important radionuclide generators, e.g. 82Sr/82Rb, 103Ru/103mRh, 44Ti/44Sc. Structural studies on the complexes and solvates of heavy p-block elements in the solid state and in solution. • Spectrometric set ORTEC Multichannel analyser, type 7150, semiconductor detector Application: Measurements and identification of γ- and α-radioactive nuclides. • Gas chromatograph 610, UNICAM (England) Application: Analysis of the composition of mixtures of organic substances in the gas and liquid state. • High Performance Liquid Chromatography system Gradient HPLC pump L-7100, Merck (Germany) with γ-radiation detector, INCT (Poland) Application: Analytical and preparative separations of radionuclides and/or various chemical forms of radionuclides. • High Performance Liquid Chromatography system Gradient HPLC pump LC-10ADvp, with a UV-VIS detector SPD-10Avp/10AVvp, Shimadzu (Japan) Application: Analytical and preparative separations of radionuclides and/or various chemical forms of radionuclides. • Capillary electrophoresis system PrinCE Technologies with a UV-VIS detector (Bischoff Lambda 1010) and a radiometric detector Activity Gauge type Tc-99m (INCT, Poland) Application: Analytical separation of various radiochemical and chemical species, in particular charged. • Gamma isotope TLC analyzer SC-05 (INCT, Poland) Application: Measurements of gamma radioactivity distribution along thin-layer-chromatography plates and electrophoretic strips. • UV-VIS spectrophotometer DU 68, Beckman (Austria), modernized and computerized Application: Recording of electronic spectra of metal complexes and organic compounds in solution. Analytical determination of the concentration of these compounds. INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 215 • FT-IR spectrophotometer EQUINOX 55, Bruker (Germany) Application: Measurements of IR spectra of metal complexes and other species in the solid state and in solution. IV. DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR METHODS OF PROCESS ENGINEERING 1. Laboratory for Flue Gases Analysis Activity profile: Experimental research connected with elaboration of removal technology for SO2 and NOx and other hazardous pollutants from flue gases. • Ultrasonic generator of aerosols TYTAN XLG • Gas chromatograph Perkin-Elmer (USA) • Gas analyser LAND Application: Determination of SO2, NOx, O2, hydrocarbons, and CO2 concentrations. • Impactor MARK III Andersen (USA) Application: Measurement of aerosol particle diameter and particle diameter distribution. 2. Laboratory of Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Activity profile: Study of isotope ratios of stable isotopes in hydrogeological, environmental, medical and food samples. • Mass spectrometer DELTAplus Finnigan MAT (Bremen, Germany) Technical data: DELTAplus can perform gas isotope ratio measurements of H/D, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18 O/16O, 34S/32S. Application: For measurements of hydrogen (H/D) and oxygen (18O/16O) in water samples with two automatic systems: H/Device and GasBench II. The system is fully computerized and controlled by the software ISODAT operating in multiscan mode (realtime). The H/Device is a preparation system for hydrogen from water and volatile organic compounds determination. Precision of hydrogen isotope ratio determination is about 0.5‰ for water. The GasBench II is a unit for on-line oxygen isotope ratio measurements in water samples by “continuous flow” techniques. With GasBench II, water samples (0.5 ml) can be routinely analyzed with a precision and accuracy of 0.05‰. The total volume of water sample for oxygen and hydrogen determination is about 2 ml. • Elemental Analyzer Flash 1112 NCS Thermo Finnigan (Italy) Application: For measurement of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur contents and their isotope composition in organic matter (foodstuff and environmental samples). • Gas chromatograph mass spectrometer GC MS-QP 5050A, GC-17A, Shimadzu (Japan) Technical data: capillary column – SPB 5, HP-5MS, SUPELCOWAX™-10. 3. Radiotracers Laboratory Activity profile: Radiotracer research in the field of: environmental protection, hydrology, underground water flow, sewage transport and dispersion in rivers and sea, dynamic characteristics of industrial installations and waste water treatment stations. • Heavy lead chamber (10 cm Pb wall thickness) for up to 3.7x1010 Bq (1 Ci) radiotracer activity preparations in liquid or solid forms • Field radiometers for radioactivity measurements • Apparatus for liquid sampling • Turner fluorimeters for dye tracer concentration measurements • Automatic devices for liquid tracers injection • Liquid-scintillation counter Model 1414-003 ”Guardian”, Wallac-Oy (Finland) Application: Extra low-level measurements of α and β radionuclide concentrations, especially for H-3, Ra-226, Rn-222 in environmental materials, e.g. underground waters, surface natural waters; in other liquid samples as waste waters, biological materials, mine waters, etc. 216 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 4. Membrane Laboratory Activity profile: Research in the field of application of membranes for radioactive waste processing, separation of isotopes and gas separation. • Membrane distillation plant for concentration of solutions Technical data: output ~0.05 m3/h, equipped with spiral-wound PTFE module G-4.0-6-7 (SEP GmbH) with heat recovery in two heat-exchangers. • • Ultrafiltration plant equipped with replaceable ceramic multichannel modules • • Laboratory stand with different ceramic replaceable tubular UF modules US 150 laboratory stand (Alamo Water) for reverse osmosis tests Technical data: working pressure – up to 15 bar, flow rate – 200 dm3/h, equipped with two RO modules. Laboratory set-up for small capillary and frame-and-plate microfiltration and membrane distillation module examination (capillary EuroSep, pore diameter 0.2 μm and frame-and-plate the INCT modules) • The system for industrial waste water pretreatment Technical data: pressure – up to 0.3 MPa; equipped with ceramic filters, bed Alamo Water filters with replaceable cartridge (ceramic carbon, polypropylene, porous or fibrous) and frame-and-plate microfiltration module. • Gas separation system equipped with UBE capillary module • Laboratory stand for pervaporation and vacuum membrane distillation tests • Automatic refractometer J357, Rudolph Technologies Inc. (USA) Technical data: nD=1.29-1.70 , 0-95 BRIX. • Spectrophotometer HACH 2000 (Germany) V. DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1. Laboratory of Radiation Modified Polymers Activity profile: Modification of polymers by ionising radiation. Radiation-induced radicals in polymers. Optimization of mechanical and chemical properties of biocompatible materials following electron beam and gamma irradiation, biological application of polymers. Nanocomposites and nanofillers modified by ionising radiation. • Extruder PLV-151, BRABENDER-DUISBURG (Germany) Technical data: Plasti-Corder consists of: driving motor, temperature adjustment panel, thermostat, crusher, mixer, extruder with set of extrusion heads (for foils, rods, sleevs, tubes), cooling tank, pelleting machine, collecting device. Application: Preparation of polymer samples. • Equipment for mechanical testing of polymer samples INSTRON 5565, Instron Co. (England) Technical data: high performance load frame with computer control device, equipped with Digital Signal Processing and MERLIN testing software; max. load of frame is 5000 N with accuracy below 0.4% in full range; max. speed of testing 1000 mm/min in full range of load; total crosshead travel – 1135 mm; space between column – 420 mm; the environmental chamber 319-409 (internal dimensions 660x230x240 mm; temperature range – from -70 to 250oC). Application: The unit is designed for testing of polymer materials (extension testing, tension, flexure, peel strength, cyclic test and other with capability to test samples at low and high temperatures). • Viscosimeter CAP 2000+H, Brookfield (USA) Technical data: range of measurements – 0.8-1500 Pa*s, temperature range – 50-235oC, cone rotation speed – 5-1000 rpm, sample volume – 30 μl. Computer controlled via Brookfield CALPCALC® software. Application: Viscosity measurements of liquids and polymer melts. • Differential scanning calorimeter MDSC 2920 CE, TA Instruments Technical data: equipped with liquid nitrogen cooling adapter (LNCA) for 60 l of liquid nitrogen and sample encapsulating press for open or hermetically sealed pans. Module for Modulated DSC™ is included. Working temperature – from -150oC with the LNCA to 725oC. INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 217 Application: Determines the temperature and heat flow associated with material phase transitions as a function of time and temperature. It also provides quantitative and qualitative data on endothermic (heat absorption) and exothermic (heat evolution) processes of materials during physical transitions that are caused by phase changes, melting, oxidation, and other heat-related changes. • Processor tensiometer K100C Technical data: supplied with the thermostatable sample vessel. Working temperature is from -10 to +100oC. The height of the sampler carrier is adjusted with the help of a high-precision motor. The balance system is automatically calibrated by a built-in reference weight with a high precision. Resolutions of measurement is 0.01 mN/m. Application: Surface and interfacial tension measurement of liquids – Du Noüy Ring method and Dynamic Wilhelmy method with range 1-1000 mN/m; dynamic contact angle measurements; surface energy calculations on solids, powders, pigments, fibers, etc.; sorption measurements with the Washburn method for determining the surface energy of a powder-form solid. Controlled by LabDesk™ software. • Spectrophotometer UV-VIS UNICAM SP 1800 with linear recorder UNICAM AR 25 Technical data: Wavelength – 190-850 nm. • Equipment for gel electrophoresis System consists of: horizontal electrophoresis apparatus SUBMINI Electrophoresis Mini-System, transilluminator UV STS-20M JENCONS (United Kingdom), centrifuge EBA 12 Hettich/Zentrifugen, microwave oven KOR 8167 Daewoo. • Melt flow tester ZWICK 4105, Zwick GmbH (Germany) Technical data: temperature of measurements – 150, 190 and 230oC; press load – 2.16 and 5.00 kg; manual operating. Application: Determination of standard values of melt-mass flow rate (MFR) of the thermoplastic materials (polymers) under specified conditions of temperature and load (according to standards: PN-EN ISO 1133:2005, ASTM 1328); comparison of rheological properties of polymers, including filled materials; comparison of degree of degradation; testing of catalogue data. 2. Radiation Sterilization Pilot Plant of Medical Devices and Tissue Grafts Activity profile: Research and development studies concerning new materials for manufacturing single use medical devices (resistant to radiation up to sterilization doses). Elaboration of monitoring systems and dosimetric systems concerning radiation sterilization processing. Introducing specific procedures based on international recommendations of ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 11137:2006 standards. Sterilization of medical utensils, approx. 70 million pieces per year. • Electron beam accelerator UELW-10-10, NPO TORIJ (Moscow, Russia) Technical data: beam energy – 10 MeV, beam power – 10 kW, supply power – 130 kVA. Application: Radiation sterilization of medical devices and tissue grafts. • Spectrophotometer UV-VIS Model U-1100, Hitachi Technical data: wavelength range – 200-1100 nm; radiation source – deuterium discharge (D2) lamp, and tungsten-iodine lamp. • Spectrophotometer UV-VIS Model SEMCO S/EC Technical data: wavelength range – 340-1000 nm, radiation source – halogen lamp. Application: Only for measurements of dosimetric foils. • Bacteriological and culture oven with temperature and time control and digital reading Incudigit 80L Technical data: maximum temperature – 80oC, homogeneity – ±2%, stability – ±0.25%, thermometer error – ±2%, resolution – 0.1oC. 3. Laboratory of Radiation Microwave Cryotechnique Activity profile: Radiation processes in solids of catalytic and biological importance: stabilization of cationic metal clusters in zeolites, radical reactions in polycrystalline polypeptides, magnetic properties of transition metals in unusual oxidation states; radical intermediates in heterogeneous catalysis. • Electron spin resonance (ESR) Q-band spectrometer Bruker E-500, equipped with continuous flow helium cryostat Oxford Instruments CF935 O and DICE cw ENDOR/TRIPLE unit Bruker E-560 with rf amplifier 10 kHz-220 MHz. 218 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS • Electron spin resonance (ESR) X-band spectrometer Bruker ESP-300, equipped with: frequency counter Hewlett-Packard 5342A, continuous flow helium cryostat Oxford Instruments ESR 900, continuous flow nitrogen cryostat Bruker ER 4111VT, ENDOR-TRIPLE unit Bruker ESP-351. Application: Studies of free radicals, paramagnetic cations, atoms and metal nanoclusters as well as stable paramagnetic centers. • Spectrophotometer UV-VIS LAMBDA-9, Perkin-Elmer Technical data: wavelength range – 185-3200 nm, equipped with 60 nm integrating sphere. 4. Pulse Radiolysis Laboratory Activity profile: Studies of charge and radical centres transfer processes in thioether model compounds of biological relevance in liquid phase by means of time-resolved techniques (pulse radiolysis and laser flash photolysis) and steady-state γ-radiolysis. • Accelerator LAE 10 (nanosecond electron linear accelerator) INCT (Warszawa, Poland) Technical data: beam power – 0.2 kW, electron energy – 10 MeV, pulse duration – 7-10 ns and about 100 ns, repetition rate – 1, 12.5, 25 Hz and single pulse, pulse current – 0.5-1 A, year of installation 1999. Application: Research in the field of pulse radiolysis. • Gas chromatograph GC-14B, Shimadzu (Japan) Specifications: two detectors: thermal conductivity detectors (TCD) and flame ionization detector (FID). Column oven enables installation of stainless steel columns, glass columns and capillary columns. Range of temperature settings for column oven: room temperature to 399oC (in 1oC steps), rate of temperature rise varies from 0 to 40oC/min (in 0.1oC steps). Dual injection port unit with two lines for simultaneous installation of two columns. Application: Multifunctional instrument for analysis of final products formed during radiolysis of sulphur and porphyrin compounds and for analysis of gaseous products of catalytic reactions in zeolites. • Dionex DX500 chromatograph system Dionex Corporation Specifications: The ED40 electrochemical detector provides three major forms of electrochemical detection: conductivity, DC amperometry and integrated and pulsed amperometry. The AD20 absorbance detector is a dual-beam, variable wavelength photometer, full spectral capability is provided by two light sources: a deuterium lamp for UV detection (from 190 nm) and a tungsten lamp for VIS wavelength operation (up to 800 nm). The GP40 gradient pump with a delivery system designed to blend and pump mixtures of up to four different mobile phases at precisely controlled flow rates. The system can be adapted to a wide range of analytical needs by choice of the chromatography columns: AS11 (anion exchange), CS14 (cation exchange) and AS1 (ion exclusion). Application: The state-of-the-art analytical system for ion chromatography (IC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) applications. Analysis of final ionic and light-absorbed products formed during radiolysis of sulphur compounds. The system and data acquisition are controlled by a Pentium 100 PC computer. • Digital storage oscilloscope 6051A Wave Runner, LeCroy Specifications: Bandwidth – 500 MHz; rise time – 750 ps; sample rate - up to 5 Gs/s (by combining 2 channels); acquisition memory – 16 Mpt with 8 Mpt per channel; sensitivity – 2 mV/div to 10 V/div; fully variable, fully programmable; standard ports – 10/100Base-T Ethernet, Parallel, GPiB –IEEE 488.2, USB 2.0 (5), RS-232, SVGA Video Out, Audio in/out; Windows XP Professional operating system. Application: Digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) with high speed and long memory controls pulse radiolysis system dedicated to the nanosecond electron linear accelerator (LAE 10). The multiple time scales can be generated by a computer from a single kinetic trace originating from DSO since the oscilloscope produces a sufficient number of time points (up to 16 M points record length). • Digital storage oscilloscope 9354AL, LeCroy Specifications: Bandwidth DC to 500 MHz; sample rate – 500 Ms/s up to 2 Gs/s (by combining 4 channels); acquisition memory – up to 8 Mpt with 2 Mpt per channel; time/div range – 1 ns/div to 1000 s/div; sensitivity – 2 mV/div to 5 V/div; fully variable, fully programmable via GPIB and RS-232C. Application: Digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) with high speed and long memory controls pulse radiolysis system dedicated to the nanosecond laser flash photolysis. The multiple time scales can INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 219 be generated by a computer from a single kinetic trace originating from DSO since the oscilloscope produces a sufficient number of time points (up to 8 M points record length). • Digital storage oscilloscope 9304C, LeCroy Specifications: Bandwidth DC to 200 MHz; sample rate – 100 Ms/s up to 2 Gs/s (by combining 4 channels); acquisition memory – up to 200 kpt per channel; time/div range – 1 ns/div to 1000 s/div; sensitivity – 2 mV/div to 5 V/div; fully variable. Application: Digital oscilloscope (DO) is used in pulse radiolysis system dedicated to the nanosecond electron linear accelerator (LAE 10). • Nd:YAG laser Surelite II-10, Continuum (USA) Specifications: energy (mJ) at 1064 nm (650), 532 nm (300), 355 nm (160) and 266 nm (80); pulse width – 5-7 ns (at 1064 nm) and 4-6 ns (at 532, 355 and 266 nm); energy stability – 2.5-7%; can be operated either locally or remotely through the RS-232 or TTL interface. Application: A source of excitation in the nanosecond laser flash photolysis system being currently under construction in the Department. • Potentiostat/Galvanostat VersaStat II Princeton Applied Research (USA) Specifications: Power amplifier compliance voltage single channel – ±20 V, maximum current – ±200 mA, rise time – 100 μs, slew rate – 1 V/μs; system performance: minimum timebase – 100 μs, minimum potential step – 250 μV, noise and ripple <50 μV rms typically, minimum current range – 1 μA (hardware), minimum current range – 100 nA (software), minimum current resolution – 200 pA, drift – vs. time <50 μV/°C vs. time: <200 μV/week. iR compensation: current interrupt 12-bit potential error correction total int. time <50-2000 μs. Accuracy: applied potential – 0.2% of reading ±2 mV, applied current – 0.2% of full-scale current. Computer interface: GPIB IEEE-488, RS-232. Differential electrometer: input bias current <50 pA at 25°C, typically <20 pA at 25°C. Max. voltage range – ±2 V, max. input voltage differential – ±10 V. Bandwidth – -3 dB at>4 MHz. Offset voltage <100 μV. Offset temperature stability <5 μV/°C. Common mode rejection >70 dB at 100 Hz and >60 dB at 100 kHz. Input impedance >1010 Ω, typically 1011 Ω in parallel with <50 pF. 5. Research Accelerator Laboratory Activity profile: Laboratory is equipped with accelerators providing electron beams which make capable to perform the irradiation of investigated objects within wide range of electron energy from 100 keV to 13 MeV and average beam power from 0.1 W do 20 kW, as well as with Co-60 gamma sources with activity 1.9x1010 to 1.3x1014 Bq and dose rate from 0.03 to 1.8 kGy/h. The described above irradiators are completed in a unique in world scale set of equipment which can be applied in a wide range of electron beam and gamma-ray research and radiation processing. • Accelerator ILU-6 INP (Novosibirsk, Russia) Technical data: beam power – 20 kW, electron energy – 0.7-2 MeV. Application: Radiation processing. • Linear electron accelerator LAE 13/9, Institute of Electro-Physical Equipment (Russia) Technical data: electron energy – 10-13 MeV; electron beam power – 9 kW. Application: Radiation processing. • Cobalt source I Issledovatel (Russia) Technical data: 32 sources with an actual activity of 9.2x1013 Bq. Application: Radiation research. • Cobalt source II Mineyola 1000, INR (Świerk, Poland) Technical data: 8 rods with an initial activity of 2.66x1013 Bq; the actual activity is 1.07x1013 Bq. Application: Radiation research. • Electron accelerator AS-2000 (the Netherlands) Technical data: energy – 0.1-2 MeV, max. beam current – 100 μA. Application: Irradiation of materials. • Spectrometer DLS-82E, SEMITRAP (Hungary) Application: Research in radiation physics of semiconductors. 220 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS • Argon laser ILA-120, Carl Zeiss (Jena, Germany) Application: Measurements of optical properties. • Spectrometer DLS-81 (Hungary) Application: Measurements of semiconductor properties. • Argon laser LGN-503 (Russia) Application: Measurements of optical properties. VI. DEPARTMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1. Laboratory of Spectral Atomic Analysis Activity profile: atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy, studies on interference mechanisms, interpretation of analytical signals, service analysis. • Atomic absorption spectrometer SH-4000, Thermo Jarrell Ash (USA); equipped with a 188 Controlled Furnace Atomizer (CTF 188), Smith-Heftie background correction system and atomic vapor (AVA-440) accessory. Application: For analyses of samples by flame and furnace AAS. • Atomic absorption spectrometer SP9-800, Pye Unicam (England); equipped with SP-9 Furnace Power Supply, PU-9095 data graphics system, PU-9095 video furnace programmer and SP-9 furnace autosampler. Application: For analyses of samples by flame and furnace AAS. • Atomic absorption spectrometer SOLAR M6 MK II (Thermo Electron Corporation), equipped with: graphite furnace GF 95 with D2 and Zeeman background correction system, autosampler FS 95 and hydride and cold vapour generator. Application: For analyses of samples by flame and furnace AAS. 2. Laboratory of Neutron Activation Analysis Activity profile: The sole laboratory in Poland engaged for 40 years in theory and practice of neutron activation analysis in which the following methods are being developed: reactor neutron activation analysis (the unique analytical method of special importance in inorganic trace analysis), radiochemical separation methods, ion chromatography. The laboratory is also the main Polish producer of CRMs and the provider for Proficiency Testing exercises. • Laminar box HV mini 3, Holten (Denmark) Technical data: air flow rate 300 m3/h. Application: Protection of analytical samples against contamination. • Ion chromatograph 2000i/SP, Dionex (USA) Technical data: data evaluating program AI-450, ion exchange columns of type Dionex Ion Pac, conductivity detector, UV/VIS detector. Application: Analyses of water solutions, determination of SO2, SO3 and NOx in flue gases and in air, determination of metals in biological and environmental samples. • HPGe detector, well-type CGW-3223, Canberra, coupled with analog line (ORTEC) and multichannel gamma-ray analyzer TUKAN Application: Instrumental and radiochemical activation analysis. • Coaxial HPGe detector POP-TOP, ORTEC (USA), coupled with analog line (ORTEC) and multichannel gamma-ray analyzer TUKAN • HPGe detector, well-type CGW-5524, Canberra, coupled with multichannel gamma-ray analyzer (hardware and software) Canberra Application: Instrumental and radiochemical activation analysis. • Analytical balance Sartorius BP2 215 Application: For weighing sample of mass >10 mg to 220 g. INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 221 • Analytical micro-balance Sartorius MC5 Application: Preparation of mono- and multi-elemental standards as well as for weighing small mass samples, less than 10 mg. • Balance WPX 650, RADWAG (Poland) Application: For weighing sample of mass >10 mg to 650 g. • Liquid Scintillation Analyzer TRI-CARB 2900TR, Packard BioScience Company Application: α- and β-ray measurements. • Planetary Ball Mill PM 100, Retsch Application: Grinding and mixing: soft, medium hard to extremly hard, brittle or fibrous materials. • Balance-drier ADS50, AXIS (Poland) Application: Determination of mass and humidity of samples. • Microwave digestion system UnicleverTMII, PLAZMATRONIKA (Poland) Application: Microwave digestion of samples. • Microwave digestion system BM-1S/II, PLAZMATRONIKA (Poland) Application: Microwave digestion of samples. • Homogenizer INCT (Poland) Application: Homogenization of the material used for preparation of CRMs. • Peristaltic pump REGLO ANALOG MS-4/6-100, ISMATEC (Switzerland) Application: Regulation of flow of eluents during elution process. 3. Laboratory of Chromatography Activity profile: Development of HPLC methods for determination of environmental pollutants, application of HPLC and ion-chromatography monitoring of degradation organic pollutants in waters and wastes using ionizing radiation, development of chromatographic methods, preconcentration of organic environmental pollutants, development of chromatographic methods of identification of natural dyes used for ancient textiles. • Apparatus for biological oxygen demand determination by respirometric method and dissolved oxygen measurement method WTW-Wissenschaftlich-Technische Wersttätten (Germany) Application: Analyses of water and waste water samples. • Apparatus for chemical oxygen demand determination by titrimetric method Behr Labor-Technik (Germany) Application: Analyses of water and waste water samples. • Set-up for solid phase-extraction (vacuum chamber for 12 columns and vacuum pump) Application: Analyses of water and waste water samples. • Shimadzu HPLC system consisting of: gradient pump LC-10AT, phase mixer FCV-10AL, diode-array detector SPD-M10A, column thermostat CTO-10AS Application: Analyses of natural dyes, radiopharmaceuticals, water and waste water samples. • Laboratory ozone generator 301.19, Erwin Sander Elektroapparatebau GmbH (Uetze-Eltze, Germany) Application: Ozone production for degradation of pollutants in waste water samples. 4. Laboratory of General Analysis Activity profile: Preparation and application of new chelating sorbents to the separation of metal traces from environmental materials for their determination by atomic absorption spectrometry, speciation analysis, service analysis. • Spectrophotometer PU8625 Series UV/Visible, Philips Technical data: wavelength range – 200-1100 nm. Application: Measurements of absorbance in spectrophotometric analysis. 222 INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS • Spectrophotometer UV-160, Shimadzu (Japan) Technical data: wavelength range – 200-1100 nm, with automatic baseline correction and graphic printer. Application: Routine spectrophotometric analysis and research works. VII. DEPARTMENT OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND HEALTH PROTECTION • Equipment for electrophoretic analysis of DNA CHEF III, BIO-RAD (Austria) Application: Analysis of DNA fragmentation as a result of damage by various physical and chemical agents. • Microplate reader ELISA, ORGANON TEKNICA (Belgium) Application: For measurement of optical density of solutions in microplates. • Hybridisation oven OS-91, BIOMETRA (Germany) Technical data: work temperatures from 0 to 80oC; exchangeable test tubes for hybridisation. Application: For polymerase chain reaction (PCR). • Spectrofluorimeter RF-5000, Shimadzu (Japan) Application: For fluorimetric determinations. • Transilluminator for electrophoretic gels Biodoc, BIOMETRA (Great Britain) Application: For analysis of electrophoretic gels. • Laminar flow cabinet NU-437-400E, Nu Aire (USA) Application: For work under sterile conditions. • Liquid scintillation counter LS 6000LL, BECKMAN (USA) Application: For determinations of radioactivity in solutions. • Research microscope universal NU, Carl Zeiss Jena (Germany) Application: For examination of cytological preparations. Comments: Universal microscope for transmission and reflected light/polarised light. Magnification from 25x to 2500x. Possibility to apply phase contrast. • Incubator T-303 GF, ASSAB (Sweden) Technical data: 220 V, temperature range – 25-75oC. Application: For cell cultures under 5% carbon dioxide. • Incubator NU 5500E/Nu Aire (USA) Technical data: 220 V, temperature range from 18 to 55oC. Application: For cell cultures under 0-20% carbon dioxide. • Laminar flow cabinet V-4, ASSAB (Sweden) Application: For work under sterile conditions. • Image analysis system Komet 3.1, Kinetic Imaging (Great Britain) Application: For comet (single cell gel electrophoresis) analysis. • ISIS 3 Metasystem (Germany) Application: Microscopic image analysis system for chromosomal aberrations (bright field and fluorescence microscopy). VIII. LABORATORY FOR DETECTION OF IRRADIATED FOOD Activity profile: Detection of irradiated foods. European standards (CEN) adapted as analytical methods to be routinely used in the Laboratory, are based on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR/ESR) spectroscopy, pulsed photostimulated luminescence (PPSL) and thermoluminescence measurements (TL). The research work is focused mainly on the development of the above three INSTRUMENTAL LABORATORIES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PILOT PLANTS 223 methods and the enlargement of their ability of the detection of irradiation in the variety of foodstuffs. Laboratory is capable to examine food samples by the DNA comet assay (decomposition of single cell) and statistical germination study. The quality assurance system was adapted in the Laboratory in 1999 and in 2006 was actualised and documented in agreement with the PN-EN 1SO/IEC 17025:2005 standard. Actually Laboratory possesses Accreditation Certificate of Testing Laboratory nr AB 262 issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation and valid until 24.10.2010. • Thermoluminescence reader TL-DA-15 Automated, Risoe National Laboratory (Denmark) Technical data: turntable for 24 samples, heating range – 50÷500oC, heating speed – 0.5÷10.0oC/s, optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) system. Application: Detection of irradiated foods containing silicate minerals, e.g. spices, vegetables shrimps tc, research work on irradiated foods. • Fluorescence microscope OPTIPHOT Model X-2, NIKON (Japan) Technical data: halogen lamp 12 V-100 W LL; mercury lamp 100 W/102 DH; lenses (objectives) CF E Plan Achromat 4x, CF E Plan Achromat 40x, CF FLUOR 20x. Application: Detection of irradiated foods by the DNA comet assay method, research work on apoptosis in mammalian cells, biological dosimetry, analysis of DNA damage in mammalian cells. • Compact EPR spectrometer EPR 10-MINI, St. Petersburg Instruments Ltd. (Russia) Technical data: sensitivity – 3x1010, operating frequency (X band) – 9.0-9.6 GHz, max. microwave power – 80 mW, magnetic field range – 30-500 mT, frequency modulation – 100 kHz. Application: Detection of irradiated foods, bone and alanine dosimetry, research work on irradiated foods and bone tissues. • Pulsed photostimulated luminescence system SURRC (United Kingdom) Technical data: pulsed light source – diodes IR LED; detector – photomultiplier ETL; pulse on and off periods – 15 μs; sample holder – 50 mm diameter disposable Petri dishes; set up – sample chamber and detector head assembly, contol unit, on line computer, optional. Application: Irradiated food screening system. IX. EXPERIMENTAL PLANT FOR FOOD IRRADIATION 1. Microbiological Laboratory Activity profile: optimization of food irradiation process by microbiological analysis. • Sterilizer ASUE, SMS (Warszawa, Poland) Application: Autoclaving of laboratory glass, equipment, and microbiological cultures. • Fluorescence microscope BX, Olimpus (Germany) Application: Quantitative and qualitative microbiological analysis. 2. Experimental Plant for Food Irradiation Activity profile: Development of new radiation technologies for the preservation and hygienization of food products. Development and standarization of the control system for electron beam processing of food. Development of analytical methods for the detection of irradiated food. Organization of consumer tests with radiation treated food products. • Accelerator ELEKTRONIKA (10 MeV, 10 kW) UELW-10-10, NPO TORIJ (Moscow, Russia) Application: Food irradiation. 224 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS INDEX OF THE AUTHORS A Aleshkevych Pavlo 151 Antunes Ines 67 Anuszewska Elżbieta 77 B Barański Marek 151 Barcz Adam 141 Barlak Marek 141 Bartak Jakub 156 Bartłomiejczyk Teresa 101 Bartoś Barbara 67 Basfar Ahmed A. 117 Bilewicz Aleksander 67, 69, 70 Bobrowski Krzysztof 19, 21, 22 Bojanowska-Czajka Anna 52 Borowiec Mieczysław T. 151 Brykała Marcin 147, 151 Brzozowska Kinga 104 Brzóska Kamil 99 Buczkowski Marek 145 Bulska Ewa 81 Bułka Sylwester 114, 118, 161 Buraczewska Iwona 109 C Celuch Monika 25, 27 Chajduk Ewelina 82, 85 Chatgilialoglu Chryssostomos 21 Chmielewska Dagmara K. 141, 153 Chmielewski Andrzej G. 42, 114, 115, 117, 120, 125, 126, 161 Chwastowska Jadwiga 89, 147 Cieśla Krystyna 44, 47, 49 Cojocaru Cornel 121 Cuna Stela Maria 113 D Danko Bożena 85 Dąbrowski Ludwik 141 Dembiński Wojciech 81 Deperas Joanna 103 Deperas-Kaminska Marta 103, 105 Deptuła Andrzej 147, 151 Derda Małgorzata 113, 123, 126 Dłuska Ewa 121 Dobrowolski Andrzej 125 Domuchowski Wiktor 151 Drzewicz Przemysław 52 Dudek Jakub 82, 89 Dyakonov Vladimir P. 151 Dybczyński Rajmund 73, 85 Dziedzic-Gocławska Anna 30 Dzierżanowski Piotr 134, 136 Dźwigalski Zygmunt 163 E Edwards Alan 103 Eliasson Ann-Charlotte 47 Enache Mirela 25, 27 F Ferreri Carla 21 Filipiuk Dorota 79 Fuente Julio R. De la 22 Fuks Leon 77, 79 G Głuszewski Wojciech 39, 41, 49 Gniazdowska Ewa 159 Goretta Kenneth C. 147 Govindarajan Subbian 93 Grądzka Iwona 106 Grigoriew Helena 153 Grodkowski Jan 23 Gruber Bożena 77 Gryczka Urszula 42 Gryz Michał 91, 92, 96 Guzik Grzegorz P. 56, 63 H Harasimowicz Marian 120, 121 Herdzik Irena 81 Houée-Levin Chantal 19 I Iwaneńko Teresa 100, 101, 102 J Jaworska Agnieszka 121 Jurczyk Renata 119 K Kalinowska Justyna 141 Kałuska Iwona 161 Kamiński Artur 30 Kciuk Gabriel 22 Kempers Alexander J. 126 Kierzek Joachim 134 Kocia Rafał 23 Kopcewicz Michał 141, 142 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS Kornacka Ewa M. 36 Kosior Grzegorz 126 Kowalska Ewa 67, 159 Kozakiewicz Janusz 36 Krasavin Eugene A. 105 Krejzler Jadwiga 75 Królak Edward 49 Kruszewska Hanna 77 Kruszewski Marcin 99, 100, 101, 102, 107 Kulisa Krzysztof 85 Kunicki-Goldfinger Jerzy 134, 136 L Laubsztejn Magdalena 60, 63 Leciejewicz Janusz 91, 92, 93, 94, 96 Lehner Katarzyna 58, 63 Lewandowska Hanna 99 Licki Janusz 115, 117 Lindholm Carita 103 Lloyd David 103 Lundqvist Henrik 47 225 P Palige Jacek 124, 125 Pańczyk Ewa 128, 130 Pawelec Andrzej 117 Pawlukojć Andrzej 94 Piekoszewski Jerzy 141, 142 Pieńkos Jan 158, 159, 160 Pogocki Dariusz 25, 27 Polkowska-Motrenko Halina 82, 85 Premkumar Thatan 93 Pruszyński Marek 69 Przybylski Jarosław 36 Przybytniak Grażyna 33, 36 Pszonicki Leon 89 Ptaszek Sylwia 125 R Rahier Hubert 44 Ratajczak Renata 142 Romm Horst 103 Roy Laurence 103 Ł S Łada Wiesława 147, 151 Łukasiewicz Andrzej 141 Łyczko Monika 71, 73 Sadlej-Sosnowska Nina 77 Sadło Jarosław 27, 28, 30, 99 Sadowska-Bratek Monika 82 Samczyński Zbigniew 73, 85 Samecka-Cymerman Aleksandra 126 Sartowska Bożena 49, 130, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147 Serdiuk Katarzyna 27 Skarnemark Gunnar 67 Skwara Witold 81, 89 Sobarzo-Sanchez Eduardo 22 Sochanowicz Barbara 99, 106, 108 Sołtyk Wojciech 124 Sommer Sylwester 109 Stachowicz Wacław 56, 58, 60, 63 Stanisławski Jacek 141, 142 Starosta Wojciech 42, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 145 Sterlińska Elżbieta 89, 147 Strzelczak Grażyna 30, 60 Sun Yongxia 114 Sypuła Michał 82, 85 Szłuińska Marta 103 Szopa Zygmunt 85 Szostek Bogdan 52 Szumiel Irena 106, 107, 108 Szymczak Henryk 151 M Machaj Bronisław 156, 159 Mádl Martin 136 Majdan Marek 79 Majkowska Agnieszka 67, 70 Malec-Czechowska Kazimiera 60, 63 Mehta Kishor 118 Męczyńska Sylwia 99 Michalik Jacek 28, 30 Migdał Wojciech 42, 161 Mirkowski Jacek 19, 23 Mirkowski Krzysztof 33 Mirowicz Jan 158 Miśkiewicz Agnieszka 121 Morand Josselin 103 Moss Raymond 103 Mozziconacci Olivier 19, 21 N Narbutt Jerzy 71, 73, 75 Natkaniec Ireneusz 94 Neves Maria 67 Nichipor Henrietta 52, 114 Nowak Dorota 94 Nowicki Andrzej 33, 144 Nowicki Lech 142 O Olczak Tadeusz 147, 151 Olszewska-Świetlik Justyna 128 Orelovitch Oleg 144 Ostapczuk Anna 115 Ś Świstowski Edward 158, 159 T Timoshenko Gennady N. 105 Trojanowicz Marek 52 Turek Janusz 28 Tymiński Bogdan 117, 119 U Urbański Piotr 156, 158, 160 226 INDEX OF THE AUTHORS W Z Walendziak Jolanta 124 Waliś Lech 128, 130, 141, 142 Wawszczak Danuta 145, 147, 151 Werner Zbigniew 141 Wierzchnicki Ryszard 113, 123, 126 Wojewódzka Maria 100, 101, 102, 107 Woliński Jarosław 100, 101, 102 Wójcik Andrzej 103, 104, 105, 109 Wroński Stanisław 121 Wysocka Agnieszka 81 Zabielski Roman 101, 102 Zagórski Zbigniew P. 31, 39, 41 Zakrzewska-Trznadel Grażyna 120, 121 Zalutsky Michael R. 69 Zayarnyuk Tetyana 151 Zimek Zbigniew 33, 52, 114, 117, 161, 163 Zimnicki Robert 124 Ziółkowska Weronika 120 Zwoliński Krzysztof 119