fabric grades
fabric grades
TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE APPE N D IX - FAB R IC G RAD E S FABRIC GRADES Camira Hourglass Fabric Textile Grades and Partners We have partnered with an excellent group of fabric vendors to ease the selection process and to give our customers the best experience. However, not every fabric “Graded-in” within this list is approved for use on every chair we manufacture. A fabric may be approved for use on specific chairs, yet may not perform well on others. For example, a dense vinyl with little flexibility or stretch, will not upholster well on tight corners, yet can be excellent for flat surfaces. Textiles offered in our Graded-In Textile program are covered only by the warranty offered by the specific fabric vendor, not by Boss Design. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of a fabric for its end use. Certain fabrics may stretch over time and use and may not contract. Boss Design cannot be held responsible for these fabrics specified by the customer. Please contact your Sales Representative or our Customer Service Department for confirmation that your selected fabric is approved for use on the intended product. In the absence of specific application instructions, Boss Design will apply the fabric as it is displayed on the website and sampled by the source. All fabric grades are subject to change and patterns may be discontinued by the fabric vendor without notice. Boss Design will keep this list up to date as needed, but please check the fabric vendor or our Customer Service department for verification. Boss Design, 2014 Chestnut Street Ext, High Point. N.C. 27262 Memo samples must be ordered directly from the fabric vendor. Fabrics priced above our grade levels and those with exceptionally large repeats are indicated with “CALL”. Please contact Customer Service for pricing. E: Sales@bossdesign.com T: 844-353-7834 61 Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Allegra 5 Eclipse 5 Marathon 4 Royal Garden Alpha 4 Etc 6 Masquerade 7 Sagrada Analog 8 Etch 4 Meadow 7 Sahara 5 Antigua 4 Facet CALL Meridian 2 Samba 6 Apex 7 Fiore 7 Mesa 4 Santa Fe 5 Arashi 7 Fireflies 5 Metro 8 Savannah 6 Astral 6 Forsythia 7 Mirror Mirror 6 Sequoia 6 Axis 6 Francesca Wool 7 Monte Carlo 6 Shibori 7 Bauble 7 Francesca Wool II 7 Moon Beam 5 Shimmer 4 Beat Box 6 Frontier 3 Moon Beam II 5 Shimmer 2 4 Block Party 8 Galaxy 7 Moroco 7 Silverado 4 Bloom 7 Gardenia 6 Murano 6 Spectrum 3 Blossom 7 Gatsby 4 Mystique 4 Spin 4 Boardwalk 4 Gem 4 Navigator 5 Spirit 3 Bounce 7 Glimmer 5 Network 8 Spotlight 7 Bourbon Street 6 Grand Central 5 Niagra 6 Spot-On 6 Bronco 5 Grid 6 Nova 7 Spring 7 Bubbly 7 Harlequin 7 Oasis 6 Spyro 6 Campus Stripe 6 Hopscotch CALL Odyssey 4 Stonehenge 7 Candy Land 7 Iguana 4 Omega 4 Strand-It 7 Carnival 5 Illusion 2 Pala 7 Strata 4 Casablanca 7 Intaglio 5 Palatine 4 Suede Sensation 3 Cassio 4 Intaglio 2 5 Palatine II 4 Symphony 7 Channel 4 Intersect 5 Panache 5 Tally 5 Chit-Chat 5 Isabella 4 Parchment 7 Tango 7 Chroma 4 Itajime 7 Pebble Beach 4 Tatami 6 Circuit 8 Jardin 7 Pinball 5 Tectonic 5 Cirque 7 Jing 4 Pinpoint 5 Tempo 6 Clarion 6 Jive 6 Plateau 3 Terrain 4 Coastline 4 Juliet 9 Polished 5 The Plaid 9 Column 5 Katano 6 Polo 6 Theory 2 Key 6 Posh 6 Trio 5 2 Tuscany 7 CALL Uptown 8 Compass CALL Fabric Grade Fabric Grade 8 CALL Constantine 9 Kinetic 7 Prism Crossroads 4 Kirigami 6 Provence Dakota 3 Kumo 7 Quad 6 Urban 7 Dakota 2 3 Lancaster 3 Radiant 7 Vibrato 3 Dazzle 7 Laurel 7 Radius 7 Vineyard 6 Delphi 3 Leaflet 7 Ravenna 6 Vista 3 Delta 3 Legacy 5 Rhythm 5 Volley 6 Diamond Derby 7 Leonardo 6 Ringling 7 Volt Duchess 2 Lotus 5 Riviera 7 Wonderland 7 Durango 3 Luxe 5 Robotic 6 Yoyo 8 Dynasty 5 Lyre 5 Rodeo 3 Zip Line 7 Echo 6 Lyric 7 Roundabout 5 CALL Fabric Grade Fabric Grade 57 Chevron CALL Bergerac 5 Columbus 3 Efroni 7 A Frame CALL Berkshire 4 Composed 8 Ellipse 5 Academia 3 Adare Manor 3 Big Bird 5 Contemplate 7 Elvis 4 Big Sur 9 Cool Comfort 4 Enamored 3 Adlon 9 Billow 8 Cooper 3 Endurance 8 After Party 3 Birch 8 Cordgrass 6 English Leather 4 Alcantara CALL Biscayne 9 Core 5 English Suede 4 Allendale 6 Bittersweet 8 Corinthian 3 Enhance 7 Allure 7 Bloom 9 Corrales 6 Entangle 7 Amagansett 7 Bluff 9 Court 5 Equestrian Andromeda 6 Bobbin 2 Cowboy 3 Equus CALL Anemone 8 Bonnie 8 Cowgirl 5 Essay 6 Born and Bred 3 Crazy Horse 3 Estoile 7 Angora Mohair CALL Grade Fabric ARC COM & ARCH ITEX FAB R ICS Grade TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE Fabric 5 Animal 5 Boucle 8 Crest 7 Etienne 4 Annapolis 4 Boudoir 3 Crew 4 Evolution 6 Anodized 5 Britches 3 Croc 6 Excursion 7 Aphrodisiac 5 Brook 8 Cutting Edge 7 Exotic 5 Architectonic 8 Brushed Metal 4 Dakar 3 Fashion Fable 3 Artesima 9 Bulletin 7 Dakota 5 Fashionista 4 Arundel 8 Burst 8 Damen 3 Fathom Astronomy 8 Cabriolet 4 Dance Line 7 Ferris Wheel Atelier 8 Cadillac 5 Daybreak 7 Fibonacci Athena 5 Calabasas 4 Daydream 4 Filigree 6 Atherton 7 Calf 8 Daytona 3 Filly 5 Aura 5 Cancan 5 Debonair 2 Fine Point Velvet 8 Authentec 5 Caracas 6 Delight 8 Fiorano 8 Autobahn 3 Carat 7 Diamond Jim 7 First Class 6 Aventador 8 Carnaby 7 Digital 8 Fischer 4 Avenue 5 Carnegie Hill 3 District 3 Fit 4 Avion 5 Carrel 8 Divine 3 Fitting 2 B and B 4 Casco 8 Donegal 3 Fixie 4 B Flirty 6 CatchMeIfYouCan 7 Doodle 4 Flatiron Baa Baa 9 Cetus 6 Dorian 4 Flights of Fancy Badlands 6 Chain Link 4 Doric 5 Florida 6 Balcony 7 Champagne 5 Dragon CALL Flourish CALL Balfour 8 Chatterbox 7 Draper 5 Flower Market 7 Bamboozled 4 Cheerio 8 Draw Straws 6 Foiled 4 Banda 6 Chelsea 3 Dressmaker 3 Folio 3 Bark 7 Chenille Waistcoat 3 Dublin 3 Follow Me 8 Basket 5 Cirrus 7 Dumbo 3 Follow The Leader 5 Beach Grass 8 Clam Digger 7 Duomo 7 Formaggio 4 Beachcomb 8 Classic 8 Duotone 7 Formula 7 Beanstalk 7 Clique 5 Dupioni 3 Free Hand Bedrock 4 Clothier 3 East Village 4 Fridays 4 Ben Day 4 Code 5 Eclectic 3 Friendship 7 CALL 5 CALL 3 CALL CALL 63 Fabric Grade Fabric Frock 3 Hyde Front Desk 4 Ikat Gaia 6 In Rio Gallon 5 Industry Gate House 3 Gecko Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade 5 Long Play 4 Moonglow 8 CALL Longhorn 5 Moors 5 3 Loom 2 Morin 8 7 Loose Ends 7 Mortaio 5 Infinity 8 Los Altos 7 Motive 4 8 Insalata 5 Lounge 2 Mount McKinley 5 Geddes Block 8 Insideout 8 Luce CALL Mountaineer 4 Gelato 6 Irving 3 Lulu 8 Mr Eddie 8 Glazed N Confused 3 Isle 8 Lusso 6 Muse 3 Glint 4 Ivaloo 8 Luster 3 Nebbia 5 Glitz 5 Jolie 3 Mademoiselle 7 New Buck 5 Globefish 8 Juke Box 6 Maison 3 Night Code 7 Good 2 Juliet 3 Mammoth 5 Nili 8 Grace 8 Jump For Joy CALL Manhattan 3 Nostalgia 4 Grafton 4 Just Dandy 3 Manzanita 9 Nostalgia UB 4 Grain 7 Kadden 9 Marli 8 Off The Grid 9 Gravity 5 Kashdan 8 Marqueyssac Olympus 5 Great Dane 7 Kenga 7 Marquisette 5 Oops a Daisy 5 Great Pretender 3 Kent 6 Matrix 5 Open Water 7 Gridlock 7 Kettering 6 McQueen 4 Orbison 7 Grosgrain 3 Kinship 5 Meadow 5 Orchestra 8 Ground Control 7 Kips Bay 4 Meander 5 Orion 7 Gunta 8 Klismos 8 Medley 7 Otti 8 Hashtag 8 Koi Lily 8 Melange 5 Otto 8 Hathaway 5 Krista 8 Membership 5 Oxide 7 Haven 4 Lake Como 4 Merchant 4 Pacific Grove 5 Heritage 5 Lakota 3 Merrill 7 Paddle Leaf 8 Hidden Hills 5 Lantern 5 Metal Flake 6 Pagoda 6 High Beam 3 Latte 5 Metaphor 3 Pane 5 High Line 3 Leatheretta 4 Method 8 Paramount 7 Highland Park 2 Legacy 3 Midday 7 Parker Paisley 8 Highway 4 Legend 5 Middleton 5 Pasta 5 Hint 5 Leisure 5 Midlands 4 Pastimes 3 Holstein 5 Leopard 5 Midtown 3 Patent 5 Homespun 5 Lex 3 Mineral 6 Pathway 8 Honeycomb 8 Leyland 3 Mini Skirt 7 Pelle 8 Hook 2 Liana 7 Minimal 8 Pickford Hookah 4 Liege 4 Missing Link 6 Piet 7 Hoop 5 Line Dance 4 Mocaskin 5 Pinkerton 4 Hootenanny 9 Line Drive 4 Modena 4 Pipeline 7 Hopsack 3 Linen 3 Monarchy 7 Pique 7 How Dashing 4 Liverpool 8 Monolith 4 Planar 7 Hudson Yard 3 Locker Room 5 Montauk 8 Plenty 2 Hush 2 Lodge 3 Montecito 5 Point Pelle 8 Hybernia 4 Long Necks 8 Monterey 8 Pollo 4 CALL CALL Pollux 7 Poof Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Ruth 7 Streak 3 Tycoon 3 5 Ryder 5 Stripe it Rich CALL Ultima 7 Positano 7 Sachet 3 Stuyvesant 3 Ultrachevron 6 Precise 9 Sag Harbor 9 Suite 3 Ultraflannel 6 Premiere 3 Salt Spring 7 Sundance 3 Ultraluscious 6 Prescription 4 Sandbox 4 Sunshine 7 Ultraposh 6 Pretty 4 Schinkel 8 Surface 6 Unite 3 Printemps 9 Scottie 7 Swayed 6 Vache 8 Privet 3 Scottsdale 5 Sylk 7 Valencia 8 Progress 9 Scusi 6 Syntax 8 Valloires CALL Prosciutto 5 Seabed CALL Tailor Made 3 Vanish 6 Pumhosl 9 Seaside 4 Talia 9 Vaulted 5 Pumice 4 Selznick 8 Tangent 7 Veloce 8 Puppytooth 3 Semi Precious 5 Tannery 5 Veranda Qbert 4 Sequence 5 Tapatio 4 Vino CALL Quadro 6 Serendipity 4 Tee Off 5 VIP 3 Quilt 4 Shabby and Chic 4 Tegan 6 Viper 5 Radius 5 Sharkskin 5 Templeton 3 Vitality 4 Random 7 Shilling 4 Tenacious 4 Vitello 5 Razzle Dazzle 3 Show Off 6 Tendril 7 Vogue 6 Reed 2 Shower 8 Terra 6 Voila 5 Reign 7 Shuttle 2 Terroir 7 Wade 6 Relative Whole 8 Siegel CALL Tetris 7 Waistcoat 3 Relic 4 Simplicity 5 Thalys 4 Waiuku Relic UB 4 Sinclair 5 The Find Rena 5 Sketch 5 Theatre District 3 Waves Reptile 5 Skyway 4 Theorem 4 Web 6 Reverie 3 Slick 5 Theory 8 Wellness 5 Rhythmic 8 Smoothie 5 Thrive 8 West Point 3 Ring Toss 6 So Square 4 Tickle 5 Wiggle 5 Ripples 8 Soho 5 Timberline 6 Wind Wave 8 Riva 7 Sole 7 Tonic 4 Wisdom Roadie 4 Somersault 5 Topsy Turvy 7 Wish Rocky Mountain 4 South Beach 5 Torte 6 Yavapai Rolling Hills 7 Spectacle 5 Toulouse 5 Yorkville Roman 4 Spoonful 4 Tour 7 You Are A Gem Room Service 2 Sport Jacket 3 Town n Country 7 Your Bird Can Sing Roscoe 4 Sprinkle CALL Trapunto 9 Zebra Rose Hill 3 St Barts 3 Tribeca 3 Rothschild 8 St Maarten 3 Tupelo 7 Round Up 5 Stampede 5 Turtle Bay 3 Rounders 6 State Fair 5 Tweed 3 Royale 5 Stimulate 7 Twentieth Century 7 Rug 7 Straight Up 7 Twinkle 4 Rush Grass 6 Strawberry Fields Twist Again 4 CALL CALL Waterford ARCH ITEX FAB R ICS Grade TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE Fabric 8 CALL 5 CALL 8 CALL 9 3 CALL 7 CALL 65 Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Faux Leather Grade Faux Leather Grade Al Fresco 7 McGuire 7 Almost 6 Almost Suede Caned 8 Angelica 6 Modify 5 Almost Academy 6 8 Angus 7 Molly 7 Almost Boulevard 7 Almost Suede Perferated Aruba 6 Monaco 6 Almost Buffed 6 Almost Suede Piqued 8 Avery 5 Moonstruck 7 Almost Calf HG 6 Almost Suede Safari 8 Backgammon 8 Neo Plaid 5 Almost Classic 6 Almost Suede Spectrum 8 Bedazzled 7 Newbury 4 Almost Glazed 6 Almost Suede Sport 8 Charisma 8 Nimbus 5 Almost Glove 6 Almost Suede Woven 8 Chelsea 5 Nuevo Block 8 Almost Luxe Icon 7 Almost Textura HG 6 Cirrus 6 Odyssey 7 Almost Luxe Legend 7 Almost Vogue 7 Coffee House 5 Orbit 6 Almost Luxe Madison 7 Beckett 4 Eclipse 7 Oxford 4 Almost Luxe Metro 7 Boho 2 Fame 7 Pizzelle 6 Almost Matte 6 Capote 4 Flannelsuede 3100 8 Prism 7 Almost Metal 3D 7 Salinger 4 Flannelsuede 3103 8 Promenade 6 Almost Nappa 6 Tolstoy 4 Florence 6 Proximity 7 Almost Natural 6 Viva 3 Frolic 5 Quest 7 Almost Oscar 7 Performance Suede 3 Fun 6 Rhapsody 6 Almost Ostrich 6 Salinger 4 Games 5 Sahara 6 Almost Pearl 6 Tolstoy 4 Hathaway 4 Savoy 6 Almost Perforated 7 Viva 3 Interlude 7 Soho 6 Almost Rhythm 7 Journey 7 Somerfield 7 Almost Sable 7 Kasbah 7 Stratus 6 Almost Suede 8 Majic Stripe 7 Tribeca 6 Almost Suede Blocked 8 Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Nettle/Traveler 7 24/7 3 Flow 3 Honeycomb CALL Aquarius 3 Fragment 4 Huckleberry 5 Oxygen 3 Blazer 3 Gravity 1 L2 2 Silk 4 Blazer Quilted Channel 6 Halcyon/Aspen 4 Landscape/Balance 4 Smarty 6 Blazer Quilted Hourglass Halcyon/Blossom 5 Landscape/Contact 5 Stripes/Aqua 5 6 Halcyon/Cedar 3 Landscape/Synergy 3 Stripes/Eaton 5 Century 5 Halcyon/Linden 3 Main Line Flax 3 Stripes/Frenzy 5 Chicago 1 Halcyon/Poplar 3 Manhattan 1 Stripes/Monochrome 5 Craggen 4 Haven 1 Monroe 4 Stripes/Nude 5 Ebb 3 Hebden 4 Nettle/Aztec 5 Stripes/Pinstripe 5 Hemp 3 Nettle/Nomad 5 Everglades CALL Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Acacia 7 Bunta 5 Epiphany 5 Adler 4 Caiman 4 Exmouth Aggregate 5 Cascadia 5 Ainsley 9 Cassava CALL CALL Catalyst Alcazar 4 Alchemy Fabric Grade Jaunt 8 CALL Journey 9 Faux Sure 6 Kabuki 6 Florin 5 Kalahari 5 5 Flux 7 Kanthus CALL Cestino 7 Fortuna 8 Klange 5 4 Chapiteau 4 Friendly Faux 6 Komposition 7 Alemany 7 Checker Stripe 9 Fuse 6 Lambert 7 Alistair 7 Chevron CALL Gale 4 Laque 4 Alpine 3 Chromatic 4 Gallone 5 Lattice 8 Amaranth 7 Circa 5 Gamut 2 Leaf Dot 6 Amuse 8 Circolo 6 Glaze 6 Leafette CALL Amwell CALL Circumference 8 Gleam 6 Leap 6 Annex 5 Claire 9 Gradate 7 Leaves 6 Appleseed 5 Clerkenwell CALL Gramercy 10 Leland 4 Argiano 3 Closed Loop 5 Grandeur 3 Linari 3 Array 9 Cobble Griglia 5 Lindos 5 Arthur 9 Colorblock 8 Hashtag 3 Lioret 4 Aster 9 Colorful Plaid 4 Heather 7 Little Dot 6 Astrid 4 Concept 7 Hem Stitch 4 Little Plaid 4 Banda 6 Converge 7 Henrietta 9 Lofty 4 Baratto 7 Cross Court 8 Henrik Large CALL Lolland 9 Barque 10 Crosshatch 6 Henrik Small 9 Loop To Loop 8 Basketry CALL Crossweave 3 Hexstripe 6 Lorien 7 Battista 9 Crosswind 5 Holmes 7 Ludington 2 Bee 3 Culebra 9 Honor Plus 8 Luster 5 Beetled Linen 8 Current 5 Horizon 8 Lydia 9 Beguiled by the Wild 7 Cusco 9 Houndstooth Plaid Maglia 8 Big Dot 5 Cut & Paste 8 Hyphen 5 Majolica CALL Billiard Cloth 5 Dahlia 7 Inertia 7 Mandala 6 Birch Bark Plaid 8 Dart 7 Inga Large CALL Margin 9 Bit 4 Dashing 3 Inga Small 9 Match Point 8 Block Print 8 Delaine 5 Inkling 7 Melange 4 Bolt 5 Dharma Stripe 4 Inlet 5 Melrose 9 Bordo 7 Dichotomy 8 Inside Edge 5 Metamorphosis 8 Botanique 4 Dot To Dot 7 Interlock 7 Metta 3 Boucle 6 Draft 7 Introvert 4 Microgrid 4 Boucle Two Tone 4 Eastside 8 Irregular Grid 6 Migration 8 Bounce 7 Ellipsis 2 Isometry 8 Mingle 6 Breena 4 Eon 6 Isotope 5 Mod 8 Aksel CALL CALL B RAYTON, CAM I RA & D E S IG NTEXT FAB R ICS Grade TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE Fabric 67 Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Modern Tweed 9 Rivergrass 4 Tarascon 3 Moderne 7 Rivet 4 Terrain 7 Mohair Plus 10 Rivet Pearl 4 Tessellate 8 Motif 7 Rocket 3 Tetris CALL Rosario 9 The Last Aphid 9 New Selkirk 8 Rotary 8 Tinos 7 Nexus 7 Rothesay 7 Tiny Herringbone 5 Noble 3 Rough & Ready II 5 Titanium 8 Nonchalant 3 Round Leaves 8 To The Point 4 Notion 7 Rove 7 Tombolo 4 Omar 4 Rumeli 4 Top Spin 8 Ophidian 5 Samba 7 Trace Opulent 3 Samba Otra Vez 7 Tramway 7 Oscillate 7 Saugatuck 5 Transport 8 Oxford Stripe 8 Savile Plaid 10 Travertine 4 Palomino 4 See Saw 8 Tumble Stones 8 Parga 3 Seed 6 Tumbleweed 6 Pennington 8 Sequence CALL Tweed Multi 3 Phase 5 Sett 9 Urban Grid 7 Pigment 7 Shibori Stripe Valanka 8 Piiki 8 Shimmering Tide 8 Valet 4 Pika 4 Signal 8 Variant 9 Pinball 8 Singing in the Rain 3 Versed 3 Pivot 4 Skye 8 Vivid 3 Pleat 6 Sorano 3 Volley 8 Pop Art 7 Spandau 3 Vox 6 Porte 5 Spiro 7 W 5 Posey 8 Splendor 3 Westside 8 Prairie 4 Stacks 7 Whim 5 Precision 5 Starburst 8 Windowpane 4 Prime 3 Steppe 4 Winsome 4 Quintessence 6 Striae 4 Wire 9 Radar 7 Sugar Shoots 7 Woodcut 5 Rail 7 Sunburst 10 Wren 3 Razor Stripe 8 Swayed 10 Yoruba 7 Refine 3 Swayed 10 Yucca 5 Restore 5 Swing CALL Zhuba 5 Reuse 7 Swing Set 7 Zocalo 7 Rice 5 Synthesis CALL Rio Grande 6 Tack Cloth 6 Myddleton CALL CALL CALL Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade A Band Apart CALL Bright Angle 9 Couple 8 Floret 7 Abacus CALL Bright Cube 9 Cover 6 Fluent Crypton 6 Abacus Standard CALL Bright Grid 9 Crew 8 Focus 4 Acre 5 Candid 4 Crosspatch 10 Fold CALL Across 8 Canvas by Kvadrat 6 Crush 6 Foliage CALL Cycle 6 Fraction 8 Aftermath CALL Carapace CALL Agency CALL Cartouche 7 Dapper 5 Fruit 10 Akimbo 7 Centric 9 Dart 7 Garden 10 Align 6 Certain 6 Dash 6 Geometri Alloy 5 Chalet 7 Decode 7 Grade Alpaca Epingle CALL Chance 7 Deconstructed Rose Alpaca Herringbone CALL Checker 10 Defer 4 Hallingdal by Kvadrat 8 Alpaca Velvet CALL Checker Split CALL Design 9297 10 Hedge 7 Alter 5 Chenille Cord 8 Dingbats Helix 8 Anagram 9 Chenille Stripe 10 Disc 5 Hero by Kvadrat 6 Arabesque 10 Chime 4 Disc Crypton 7 Herringbone Stripe CALL Aria 9 Chock 7 Disperse 7 Highfield by Kvadrat CALL Array 7 Chroma Ditto 8 Houndstooth/P Smith Article 3 Cinch 4 Divide 5 Hours, H.Jongerius CALL Balustrade 9 Cipher 9 Divide Crypton 6 Industry CALL Banister 8 Circles 10 Divina by Kvadrat 7 Insignia 8 Bar 5 Circuit 7 Divina MD by Kvadrat 7 Jacobs Coat Bar Crypton 6 Climb 10 Divina Melange by Kvadrat 7 Kindred Basel by Kvadrat 6 Coach Cloth 10 Division 5 Bavaria CALL Cobblestone 10 Bavaria Stripe CALL Coda by Kvadrat 9 Beam CALL Coin 5 Before 6 Coin Crypton 6 Beside 7 Coincide 5 Coincide HP 7 Colline by Kvadrat 7 Bespoke Sripe Bevel CALL 6 CALL Big Stripe CALL Colorfield Bitmap CALL Colorwheel 10 Column 8 Blip 8 CALL Blocks CALL Commentary 6 Blumen CALL Compartment CALL Bound 5 Compound 6 Boundary 6 Confetti 10 Bridge 5 Cotton Velvet 10 Dot Patttern Double Triangles CALL CALL CALL 10 Drape CALL Eden CALL Elipsis 6 Emblem 7 Emboss 7 Epingle Stripe CALL Exaggerated Plaid CALL Exchange 6 Facets 10 Fasten 8 Fathom 6 Feature 7 Fiddle 8 Grid CALL 8 CALL 10 CALL 7 Knob CALL Knot 9 Lariat 4 Latch CALL Layers Garden CALL Layers Garden Double CALL Layers Park CALL Layers Park Double CALL Layers Vineyard Large CALL Layers Vineyard Small CALL Ledger 5 Lens 7 Letters D E S IG NTEX & MAHARAM FAB R ICS Grade TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE Fabric CALL Lift 9 Lineage 6 Link 8 69 Fabric Grade Fabric Linomix CALL Manner 2 Marquee 5 Grade Fabric Grade Pavement 10 Seam 6 Tonica by Kvadrat 6 Paver 7 Sequence 6 Tonus by Kvadrat 7 Tonus Meadow by Kvadrat 7 Pebble Wool CALL Shadowbox 8 CALL Sheen 6 Shuttle 7 Shuttle Standard 6 Massive Paisley CALL Pebble Wool Multi Matrix by Kvadrat CALL Pennant 8 Meander 8 Periphery CALL Mechanism 8 Pick 4 Signal 6 Medium 2 Pick Crypton 6 Skein 5 Melange Tweed 10 Pitch 5 Small Dot Pattern Memory by Kvadrat 7 Plait 6 Snap 10 Meridian 6 Plait High Performance 7 Soft Tweed 10 Messenger 2 Metric 2 Micro 4 Mikado Milestone Millerstripe CALL 3 CALL Mimic 7 Mineral 5 Minicheck 10 Minimal 6 Mister 8 Mode 3 Mohair Extreme CALL Mohair Supreme CALL Monk's Wool CALL Mortise 7 Names CALL Oblique 4 Octave CALL Offset 9 Omen 7 Optik CALL Orakelblume Ottoman Stripe Outback by Kvadrat 10 CALL 8 Painted Stripe CALL Palio CALL Park 10 Plural Ply Mesh B/T Pocket Point Pressed Plaid Quatrefoil Quick CALL CALL 7 CALL CALL CALL 4 Sort CALL CALL Fabric TooStripe Grade CALL Trait 5 Transport 9 Tread 7 Treat 8 Trees CALL Trellis CALL Tremor 7 Trio 10 Turn 8 Twice 6 Twine 6 Unisol CALL Urban 8 Vary 5 10 Stack 5 Star by Kvadrat 8 Stature 6 Steady 5 Steady Crypton 6 Steelcut by Kvadrat 7 7 Vases Radiant 10 Steelcut Trio by Kvadrat Recollection 6 Strand 7 Velvet Stripe Reel 8 Stride 7 Venn 7 CALL Vestige 8 Regatta Remix by Kvadrat CALL Stripes Paul Smith CALL 6 Strum 6 Vineyard 10 Repeat Classic CALL Study CALL Voyage 9 Repeat Classic Stripe CALL Sudden 6 Waterborn by Kvadrat 10 Repeat Dot CALL Surge 7 Waxen 5 Repeat Dot Ring CALL Superweave Wedge CALL Weimar 8 Whirl 5 Wool Rib 9 CALL Ring 7 Tailor 6 Rise CALL Tally 8 Rove 5 Tangram CALL Rubric 6 Teatro 8 Rule 8 Technic 4 Runner 8 Telary Runner Standard 5 Terrace 6 Salon 9 The Firm CALL Schema 7 The Story of My Life CALL Scout 7 Ticker 7 Scribe 7 Tilt 8 Scuba 5 Tokyo by Kvadrat 8 CALL Wool Striae CALL Wool Velvet CALL Wrap CALL Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Fabric Grade Ace 1 Decode Aldo CALL Delve CALL 2 Ledge 4 Revolve 8 Lella 7 Riga 8 Allegory 8 Dive 6 Lina 8 Rivet 3 Amenity 7 Dividend 7 Lineup 2 Sail 8 Amenity II 7 Drawing Lines Amuse 3 April CALL Livia CALL Scan CALL Drift 7 Lloyd 9 Scape 7 6 Duo 6 Lore 8 Scrabble 2 Arrange 8 Edison 8 Lucio CALL Sector 2 Audio 7 Embark 5 Ludwig 9 Sense 4 Audubon 8 Epic 2 Malmo 8 Sidebar InCase 5 Avenue 4 Estrella 8 Mapping Ideas 9 Sketching Air Axis 2 Expo 1 Marathon 2 Skip 2 Bandwidth 6 Fleet 6 Marcel 8 Small Talk 7 Bandwidth II 6 Flow 7 Matter 6 Solace 2 Bangle 1 Flux 7 Medley 5 Solo 3 Banter 8 Focal 3 Melodeon 8 Solo 2 4 Basis 1 Free 3 Millennium 2 Sort 7 Beep 4 Fuse 1 Mix 8 Span InCase 4 Bento 7 Gauge 2 Moda 1 Stance 3 Bestow 8 Geo CALL Molto 8 Starboard 7 Bias 7 Gesture 5 Nagoya 8 Strut 4 Bloc 7 Habit 2 Neon 7 Symbol 8 Boom 3 Hearsay 8 Nimble 8 Syntax 2 Boom II 3 Helm 6 Odyssey 2 Tactic 8 Boxcar 7 Hue 2 Ohs 8 Tangent 2 Brisk 7 Idiom 7 Ohs II 8 Tate 1 Buoy 7 Impact 3 Origin 1 Tesla 7 Cairns 8 Index 8 Pace InCase 4 Tone 4 Camber 7 Infinity 2 Painting Strokes CALL Tradition 2 Carlo 8 Inner Circle 8 Panorama CALL Trove 8 Centric 6 Insight 1 Parable 5 Turin 7 Chipper 8 Interim 8 Parkside InCase 4 Twist 7 Cienga 8 Intermix II 4 Perk 1 Vario 3 Cinch 2 Intersect 3 Photon 7 Veer CALL Cite 7 Interval 2 Pierre 9 Venue 3 Clang 3 Jardin 7 Ping 4 Via 2 Context 2 Jargon 2 Pique 4 Vox 1 Core 1 Jitney 5 Propensity 2 Wander 7 Course 7 Juncture 8 Prospect 4 Weaving Palettes 6 Crossing Colors MAHARAM & MOM E NTU M TEXTI LE S FAB R ICS Fabric TYPE CHAIR TITLES HERE Patterns CALL CALL Kindle 6 Proximity 8 Whim 5 Current 3 Kinney 3 Quirk 4 X-Factor 6 Dash 7 Knack 2 Rally 8 Dayspell 8 Kudos 7 Ratio 1 71 Cryptons Fabric Vinyl’s Grade Fabric Grade Vinyl’s Grade Fabric Grade Align 8 Viva 5 Acoustic 6 Balance 8 Ardour 8 Viva II 5 Agora 3 Berkshire 3 Ardour II 8 Waver 5 Beeline 2 Box Study 9 Ascend 5 Zola CALL Bravo II 4 Brainstorm 9 Avanti 8 Canter 2 California 3 Catalogue 8 Carouse 7 Droplet 8 Central 5 Cashmere 2 Flora 9 Channel 5 Cashmere II 2 Garden Party 8 Cover Cloth 3 Crux Textus Fabric Grade Cycle 4 Holistic 8 5 Cairo II 7 Echo 5 Ink-Gard Plus 4 Domain 5 Chant 6 Eon 3 Ivy League 9 Effloresce 8 Classique CALL Foray 3 Liana 8 Crete 8 Fringe 5 Montana Elle 8 Delano 7 Hive 5 Petite Floret Emanate 8 Felt 7 Icon 4 Spright 8 Evolve 8 Felt Melange 7 Identity 7 Synergy 8 Feliz 7 Gentry 8 Kindred 6 Tranquil 8 Flection 8 Gradient 144 CALL Max 4 Hula 8 Gradient 18 8 Nifty 3 Idyll 7 Gradient 36 CALL Paragon 5 Infusion 6 Gradient Solid 6 Rein 3 Inhabit 8 H2o 10 Rein II 3 Intermezzo 8 Illumina 8 Row 3 Isla 5 Imperial Mohair CALL Silica 6 Jest 6 Lana Silica Breeze 10 Keynote 3 Latitude CALL Silica Etch 6 Mensa 8 Lineage 9 Silica Hiatus 10 Oath 4 Linq 9 Silica Leather 6 Pace Crypton 5 Loupe 9 Silica Reach Parkside Crypton 5 Method 7 Recollection 7 Nile Recollection II 7 Redux Elevate CALL 9 4 CALL Leathers Fabric Grade 9 DERBY L1 Silica Stride 10 ASPEN L2 9 Silica Tech 6 Ona 9 Sublime 3 4 Ozone 9 Sublime II 3 Scribe 4 Passages 10 Tact 5 Sidebar Crypton 6 Plus 6 Tetra 3 Soma 7 Proviso 7 Velocity 4 Span Crypton 5 Raffia 10 Spin 7 Rattan 9 Sway 7 Sartorial Sway II 7 Signet Synergy 3 Silk Struktur Telegram 7 Splendeur CALL Torque 8 Substance CALL Upside 7 System CALL 10 8 7 Faux Leathers Fabric Grade CLASSIC 2 VERVE 3
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