eBay Store eBook - Additional Information


eBay Store eBook - Additional Information
eBay Store
- Additional Information
Lynn Dralle
The Queen of Auctions
This eBook is in no way affiliated with, authorized by or sponsored by eBay®, Inc.
The publisher of this eBook (not the author) assumes full legal responsibility for its
This eBook is presented without warranty and solely for the educational benefit of its
readers. None of the information in this book is guaranteed in any way. eBay’s fees are
subject to change. Please check http://www.ebay.com for current rates and fees.
Copyright 2013 by L.A. Dralle
For more information write:
all aboard, Inc.
PO Box 14103
Palm Desert, CA 92255
Or visit:
Produced in the United States of America
eBay Store
- Additional Information
Lynn Dralle
The Queen of Auctions
Also by Lynn A. Dralle:
Flatware Success eBook in Five Volumes
Dinnerware Success eBook in Three Volumes
The 4th 100 Best Things I’ve Sold on eBay...
The 3rd 100 Best Things I’ve Sold on eBay...Ka-Ching!
The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006
More 100 Best Things I’ve Sold on eBay
Money Making Madness
June 2006
How to Sell Antiques and Collectibles on eBay…
and Make a Fortune!
with Dennis Prince; McGraw Hill, 2005
The 100 Best Things I’ve Sold on eBay
I Sell on eBay Tracking Binder
I Buy on eBay Tracking Binder
The Unauthorized Beanie Baby Guide
with Lee Dralle; Scholastic, 1998
The Book of Beanie Babies
with Lee Dralle; AKA, 1998
Visit TheQueenofAuctions.com to order
Getting the most out of this eBook
This PDF format eBook will allow you to zoom in to see greater
detail on many of the images. You can zoom in by clicking the plus
sign in the circle at the top of the window if you are using the latest
version of Adobe Reader. (Available here.)
Also, click on the links by the eBay listings in this eBook to visit
the page on eBay. Some of these listings will be expired, but a lot
of listings are in my store and will still be valid. Try it out!
eBay Store eBook ©2013
Wouldn’t you know it...the day my new eBook on stores was
released, eBay announced some exciting new changes to a NEW
store page. Of course they did! The changes have not rolled out to
everyone, but for those of us who were lucky enough to be included in the first wave, I want to share with you what I have learned so
far and how you can use it to your advantage.
If you are part of the first wave of test changes and are able to
change part of your eBay profile now, you will be able to access it
by clicking on the blue hyperlink for your user ID. On my eBay Summary page the hyperlink with my user ID “thequeenofauctions”
which is circled, looks like this.
Once you click on the hyperlink, here is what the page will look
like. I am showing mine, even though I have already updated it.
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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❀ Hot Tip ❀
But don’t despair, because even though mine is already updated, I will be showing you how to update
your “profile” after this brief introduction section by
using my mom as the guinea pig once again. And
she is thrilled to be the eBay store we have selected
to “operate on” as she gets all the work done for free!
This is a NEW page IN ADDITION to our regular store page that
remains the same (the regular store page can still be accessed by
clicking on any red or blue store door by a seller’s user ID). I believe
that this is a trial run for eBay and they are going to test it out to
see how it works.
eBay Store eBook ©2013
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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Please notice the new options:
My Profile:
You can edit yours by clicking on the “edit profile” box on your
own page. What is recommended is a photo of yourself, a new
banner that needs to be 1200 by 270 with most of the photos and
text along the top and the sides, a chance to tell more about yourself in only 250 characters (including spaces) and your feedback
ratings for the past 12 months.
My items for sale:
Currently eBay shows only five items with large photos and a
link to see all items. At this point we are not able to edit any of
these settings.
My Collections:
These collections are very similar to a Pinterest grouping but
something that is eBay centered. I believe this is eBay’s attempt to
jump on the Pinterest social media bandwagon. It is a lot of fun:)
but can be a HUGE time waster.
At this point in time, I have been told that adding Collections
may help our business. I have also been advised, that if you decide
NOT to do it, it shouldn’t hurt your business.
eBay Store eBook ©2013
☆ ☆ ☆ My Opinion ☆ ☆ ☆
I feel that until there is more data to support Collections, our time would be better spent listing new
items. However, if you enjoy Pinterest and like to use
your down time on the computer, go for it! If you
have any great examples to share, please email me
at Lynn@TheQueenofAuctions.com.
Apparently, these are sellers or Collections that we have signed
up to follow. I have NEVER signed up to follow anyone or any Collection, so am not quite sure where eBay got this information. I
did edit this portion of mine to make it private and am thrilled to
find that when my mother logs in and I check my page, these are
❀ Hot Tip ❀
Yay, you can make this section private J.
Your Followers:
Much like Following, these are sellers or buyers that have opted-in to following a particular seller.
This part of the new page really reminds me of Amazon Reviews. One thing I love about buying on Amazon is all of the reviews for each product. What is hard with eBay is that most of the
items that we buy and sell are OOAK and unique, so how could
anyone write a review about one of our products? I guess the re-
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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views are instead written about specific sellers within their buyer’s
posted feedback. Or if it is a commodity item, like a new tire or
book, the review will be written about that specific item.
However, as you can see in the above screen shots, I did write
one review.
Actually, I didn’t write it, but Houston wrote it when he was ten
years old and had to do a book report and he chose my “Money
Making Madness” book for his school project. For some reason, he
and I stumbled upon some of the reviews on eBay for the book
and Houston wanted to add his personal review.
Here is that review which is posted on eBay.
My favorite part is “This is one of the best books ever made by
man or woman. P.S. This book rules!!!!!” OK, back to reality. I am
sure Houston doesn’t believe that any more...especially since he
is now 17, in 11th grade and just finished My Antonia last week—
which he really enjoyed J.
Here is a link from eBay to help you learn more about writing
and publishing reviews.
eBay Store eBook ©2013
This is your chance to help other eBayers with your knowledge
and also add credibility to yourself as a seller, especially if you have
a specific area of expertise. Guides have been a part of eBay for a
long time (and you may have already written one--or more and
eBay will pull them and publish them here). Personally, I find certain guides to be extremely helpful. Here is a link from eBay with
more information for any of you who would like to write one.
OK, before we move on to editing my mom’s page, I want to
reiterate that all the work we have already done to our eBay store
page from the store eBook (story book) including, but not limited
to, the banner that shows up in all listings, all of the store settings,
the internal categories, markdown manager etc. REMAINS THE
This new “bell and whistle” is IN ADDITION to all of those features. A buyer can still access your store page by clicking on the red
or blue store door from any page, including this new one.
Here is what my store home page still looks on after I click on
the blue store door from the page shown above.
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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Now, I will show you a screen shot of my mom’s page, before
we redo it so I can show you how to set yours up.
❀ Hot Tip ❀
Please notice that eBay offers a free tour to show
you more of the features. I suggest that you take this
short tour.
Don’t you agree this definitely needs some fixing? Some bling?
Photos? etc.
1. OK, first we are going to add the new logo Banner that Indy
just modified from the one she recently did for the eBay Store
Here is the one that Indy originally did.
eBay Store eBook ©2013
Here is the new one that Indiana just made to match the eBay
specs for the extra store page. It must be 1200 by 270 pixels. She
moved the beach up to the top and the text to the top middle.
(This has been scaled down to fit the page. Remember, you can
zoom in to this eBook to see additional detail.)
2. Next we click on the edit profile button and here is what the
screen that returns looks like.
3. Next we click on “Add cover.” This is where we will insert
the new header that Indy made to fit into 1200 by 270 pixels. Once
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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we click on “Add cover,” this is what the screen looks like that returns.
On this page you choose your saved graphic image. I have
saved my mom’s new header as “momsheader” and that is the
photo I choose.
You press enter and voila! Here is the new header in place.
Please notice that you can use the eBay tools to reposition it. However, Indiana did such a great job, and I think it looks fantastique!
eBay Store eBook ©2013
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4. Next, to add a photo of yourself (if you haven’t already
done so), you will click on the blue pencil next to the box where
there is no current photo. BTW, you can also choose to change this
photo at any time by also clicking on that edit pencil.
A dialog box will open that allows you to choose a photo from
your computer. I choose “momsphoto”. Here is what that screen
looks like.
5. Finally, we edit the text profile. By clicking on the blue pencil we are shown a screen that looks like this.
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013
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Unfortunately, the characters including spaces that are allowed
(250) are 50 less than the profile we had already written for our
eBay store page (300 allowed) so we have to cut my mom’s down
by 50 characters including spaces.
Here is her original profile text that still shows up on the main
store page:
This view is enjoyed from our beach house and eBay store location as we watch the 4 seasons change in the Pacific Northwest.
Specialties: Mid-century modern, vintage, antiques, high-end fashion, Hawaiian shirts, everything Scandinavian, dinnerware, flatware & Starbucks collectibles. Please enjoy!
Here is how it reads now:
The view from our beach house as we watch the 4 seasons
change in the Pacific Northwest. Specialties: Mid-century modern,
vintage, antiques, high-end fashion, Hawaiian shirts, Scandinavian,
dinnerware, flatware & Starbucks collectibles. Please enjoy!
Now let’s log in as TheQueenofAuctions and see what her new
profile looks like without all of the edit buttons!
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Yay! Looks great and remember my mom can edit it at anytime.
These are the only changes I recommend making at this time!
If you want to mess around with some of the other new features, I
encourage you to do it, if it is just for fun or a test. Until the data is
in, I don’t think any of this is going to help or hurt our sales.
Happy eBaying!
P.S. Thanks for reading this update J.
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions http://TheQueenofAuctions.com ©2013