upcoming events - Westvue Church of Christ
upcoming events - Westvue Church of Christ
If you are unable to serve, contact Danny Morgan or the elder on call immediately. The week of March 6, 2016 Song Leader 03/06 (Sun a.m.) 03/06 (Sun p.m.) 03/09 (Wed) Tony Cross Tony Cross Lane Courtemanche Opening Prayer Roy Huey David Cook Frank Cook Reading Jim Cross (James 4:3-5) J.W. Beasley (John 3:1-3) Samuel Childress (Matthew 28:18-20) Lesson Rick Rolin "Is God Against - Physical Pleasure?" Closing Prayer Mark Blalock Rick Rolin “The Gospel of John (#6)” Trent Alexander Forrest Barrom For the Month of March Serve Table Trent Alexander, Frank Cook Serve Congregation Ray Barnett, Peyton Brown, Cory Duvall, Ethan Courtemanche, Josh Harmon, John Paul Wilkerson Alternate Marion Owen, Trent Cash Serve Table - Evening service Trent Alexander, Frank Cook Ushers Brian Cook, John Paul Wilkerson, Samuel Childress Prepare Communion(3/6, 3/13) Barry & Monty Thompson Nursery (3/6, 3/13) Gloria Grogan Baptismal Assistants Brian Cook, Jeannette Matthews Sound Control Race Wilson (Sunday am), Josh Harmon (Sunday pm), Peyton Brown (Wed pm) Library Volunteer week of 3/6 Linda Riley (am), Denise Brown (pm), Conita Potts (Wed.) Elder on Call Van Driver UPCOMING EVENTS Visitation Team 2 (Tres Beasley) will meet Sunday evening after ser vices. They will meet at the home of Tres & Kristin Beasley, please bring finger foods. Team members are: Tres & Kristin Beasley, Brian & Julie Cook, Joe & Jane George, Marion & Elwanda Owen, Dwayne & Brenda Heart, Jerry Averill, Danny & Jaime Morgan. Secret Pals Will meet Monday, March 14 at 6:00 p.m. for their bi-monthly meeting. Please bring your favorite spring time salad and spring time dessert. Please keep these dates in mind as you plan for your family events: March 25 - April 1 Marshall Co. Schools Spring Break April 17 - Friends & Family Day April 8-10 - Spring Retreat May 1 - Senior Night June 12-17 - Illinois Day Camp June 26-29 - Family Bible School Westvue Nues and Vues Rick Rolin, editor A weekly publication of the church of Christ at Westvue 1710 Mooresville Hwy Lewisburg, TN 37091 Nues & Vues @Westvue Church of Christ Elders Thomas Blalock David Cook Joe George Tony Matthews Deacons Ed Anderson Tres Beasley Mark Blalock Brian Cook Tony Cross Danny Morgan Ministers Rick Rolin 359-2571 (office) Youth Minister Mike Whitehead Joe George Randell Dodson Schedule of Services Sunday AM Worship - 9:00 Sunday Bible Classes - 10:15 Sunday PM Worship - 5:00 Wednesday Bible Classes - 6:30 pm Radio Program (WJJM) - 6:20 am daily Westvue Church of Christ 1710 Mooresville Hwy. Lewisburg, TN 37091 (931) 359-2571 www.westvue.org Office e-mail: Westvue@tnweb.com What is Proper Behavior at Worship Service? Over the last fifty years, we have experienced a great deal of societal changes. I remember having a conversation a few years ago with the owner of Luff Bowen Funeral Home in Waverly, Tennessee. This funeral home has been in business for many years, and as the owner and I were talking, we discussed the many changes that he has seen in the funeral home business. The most obvious change, he said, is in how people behave for visitation and funeral services. People were on their best behavior and would have their Sunday best on. Nowadays, it is much different. I think in some ways the same can be said about church services and how people behave while at church services. For instance, when I was a boy attending the Minor Hill church of Christ, my mother, grandmother, brother, sister, and I would all sit on the same pew. We were warned ahead of time that if we misbehaved, we would be taken out and given a good thrashing. We understood that was not an idle threat, and we sat quietly and patiently until the final Amen. Is the change in behavior a good thing or a bad thing? I say that concerning the church, in one way at least, the change has been helpful in breaking down some barriers. For instance, whether it was true or not, people can no longer use the excuse that they do not have appropriate church clothes. On the other hand, we must be cautious lest we forget that it is a worship service to God. The Lord is not to be treated with disrespect by those who come into His presence. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron offered “strange fire” and were consumed because of it. The Scripture teaches us, “Then Moses said to Aaron, “It is what the Lord spoke, saying, ‘by those who come near Me I will be treated as holy, and before all the people I will be honored’” (Leviticus 10:3). The writer of Hebrews wrote to Jewish converts, who were familiar with the Old Testament and what it means to show God proper respect, said, “Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29). I admit sitting quietly for an hour or more, especially when tending to small children is a challenge. Years ago, while working with a great congregation of the Continued inside . . . Volume 48 March 6, 2016 No. 10 YOUTH NEWS Happy Birthday to… 3/10 Ben Beasley (5) Illinois Day Camp is June 13-16. Sign up on the Youth Board. Meeting for adults is Sun. 3/6, 11 a.m. Lomax Youth Rally for Grades 7- 12 is Mar. 18-19 in Hohenwald. The cost is $10 and provides 3 meals and housing at NACO campground (cabins). Shirts are $12 extra. SIGN UP at the Youth Board by Sunday, March 6. Our annual Spring Retreat for Grades 4-12 is Apr. 8-10. The cost is $35 per person and provides all meals and a tshirt. Reg. forms are available at the Youth Board and Facebook page. The deadline to return forms is Sun., Mar. 20. Tea Time with God! Girls from birth to 6th grade are invited Sat., 3/12 at 10:00 a.m. We will have a devo and light brunch in the Service Complex. Rsvp with Carrie Matthews or Ashely Wilson. Food, monetary donations, and volunteers are welcome! Sign up at the Youth Board. Upcoming Events 3/20 Egg Hunt REMEMBER ME IN PRAYER (CARE Line - 359-9589 after 3:00 p.m.) □Kenneth & Patricia Hillard Continue to keep Kenneth & Patricia in your prayers as Kenneth battles liver disease. □Doug & Karen Martin. Doug is in UTSW Hospital in Dallas. The doctors have determined that Doug has vasculitis (an inflammation in the veins) and he also has a-fib. His doctors will consult with a rheumatologist for the treatment of the vasculitis. Doug is in good spirits. Cards may be sent to #6 Michael Drive, Rockwall, TX 75032. □Sarah Kate Blackburn underwent an MRI yesterday and will see an orthopedic specialist Tuesday. □Samuel Childress is experiencing health problems and he will undergo tests Friday at Maury Regional. □Pat Roney will undergo eye surgery to remove a tumor from her eye Thursday, (March 3). □Don Cash (father of Trent Cash) is home after a stay in Centennial Medical Center. He has had a stroke and is improving. □Edith Childress (grandmother of Samuel Childress) has been moved to NHC-Oakwood for therapy and rehab. She is recovering from pneumonia. □Doris Collins (friend of many in the congregation) underwent knee replacement surgery Tuesday. □Eisley Edgell (21 month old daughter of Shawn & Leslie Edgell, friends of Alison Cook) remains in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in critical condition. Eisley is undergoing tests on her gallbladder to see if she needs to have surgery to remove her gallbladder. Cards may be sent to the Edgell’s %Alison Cook, 1128 Webb Rd. Lewisburg, TN. Alison will get your cards to the Edgells. □Lillian Hollandsworth (9 year old cousin of Leanne Hammons) is staying in the Ronald McDonald House in Atlanta. She is doing well and is continuing her rehab as an outpatient. □Maggie Hollandsworth (4 year old cousin of Leanne Hammons) remains in ICU in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Maggie is recovering from surgery to repair her spinal cord. Maggie is doing well and improving every day. She has regained use of her arms and hands. Cards may be sent to Lillian and Maggie % Nelson & Janet Hollandsworth, 203 Lexington Dr., Smyrna, TN 37167. □Tyler Moorehead (a junior at MCHS, son of Hugh and Salina Moorehead, friend of many in the congregation) is in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. He has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and started chemo treatments last Saturday. □Raylin Ward (2 years of age, cousin of Teresa Howse) and her family are staying in the Ronald McDonald house in Atlanta. She continues to take chemo treatments for liver cancer. Cards may be sent to Raylin Ward 202-26th Street; West Tifton, GA 31794. Additional Prayer List NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil): Evelyn Clift, Nancy Derryberry, Sue Dockery, Delia Osborne, Clarice Wales, Barbara Elise Murphy NHC-Oakwood: Virginia Holbert, Faye Tucker, Claudie Smith Members and Family & Friends: Ed & Donna Campbell, James Carpenter, Richard Cashion, Billy & Barbara Chunn, Virginia Corbin, Dan Courtemanche, Carolyn Curtis, Penny Gipson, April Haislip, Kenneth & Patricia Hillard, Virginia Holbert, Sue James, Doug Martin, Valton Martin, Dot Parsons, Dorlene Sargent, Don Smith, Doris Webb, Pam Williams, Bobby Winsett, Brandon Bradley, Don Cash, Adelaide Davenport, John Francis, Ruth Hargrove, Jane Keith, Phillip & Michelle King, Polly Middleton, Eugene Parsons, Willard Pyles, Bill Simons, Harvey Victory, Lela Victory, Service Personnel: John Chunn, Chris Haley, Robert King, Grant Pinkston, Josh Reese, Juan Ramirez, Travis Shaddy, Andrew Smith, Chris Tarte Continued from inside . . . church in Muncie, Indiana, when I stood up to deliver the message, I felt it was too noisy and some in the audience were not showing proper respect for the service. So for a few weeks I made mental notes of what I saw taking place in the services. What I concluded was that some were engaged in inappropriate behavior. I saw people playing with children who were not their own, people carrying on a conversation, and I saw one fellow sitting in the audience listening to a transistor radio with headphones. At least he did use the headphones. After thinking about it for a while, I shared with the congregation what I saw taking place while presenting the message from God’s Word. I remember a good sister who had four small children, and thinking that I was directing my comments at her, she threatened to leave the church. The sister who was offended at my comments was a wonderful and faithful Christian. The last thing I intended to do was to offend her. I told her this: First of all, I love people with small children: the more the better. Churches without children are dying churches. The point I was making was not directed at anyone in particular, but at all Christians. The congregation pays me a nice salary to prepare and preach sermon material. I have about thirty minutes, more or less, on Sunday morning and evening to present the Word to those in the audience, a message from God’s Holy Word that people need to hear and will hopefully be helpful to them. We all must do the best we can in order to give people the best possibility to hear and be helped by the message. After thinking about what I said, she demonstrated a Christlike spirit and agreed that we should do what we can to enhance the worship service by behaving properly during the service. I figured out that in order to present ourselves approved to God, we must focus our attention on the Lord. Although we cannot see the Lord with human eyes, we must remind ourselves we are in His presence. Thus, when we come before Him, let us do our best to focus our attention on Him. We will bless ourselves, and we will bless others by doing so. P.S. Remember, I am counting on you to submit a question or two you would like to ask the Lord. I think by now it goes without saying that I am not the Lord. I will, however, attempt to answer your question from God’s Word, the Bible. I need your question if possible by March 27, 2016. I am working on a new four-part sermon series to share with you beginning this Sunday, March 6, titled “Is God against,” and the series will feature the following themes: Is God against Physical Pleasure? Is God against Changing the Church? Is God against Weird People? Is God against your Political Party? I will be looking forward to seeing all of you this Sunday morning prepared to preach the plain truth of the simple gospel. Rick New Address - Mrs. Edna Cheek has moved to Village Manor, 101 Tiger Blvd. Lewisburg. If you have a moment, go and see Mrs. Edna in her new home. Record February 28, 16 AM - 283, SS - 178, PM - 135, Wed. - 167 Contribution - $4,776 Budget- $6,500 BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARIES 3-08 3-09 3-10 3-11 3-13 3-14 Jimmy & Mary Jane Spivey (59) John & Revenus Barnes, Pat Stewmon Ben Beasley, Pat Medley Bobby Brown Terry Howse Pam Ingram, Clay & Carter Stokes AREA & FAMILY EVENTS 3/6 3/6 3/8 3/13 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/20 3/20 3/20 Illinois Day Camp Meeting #2 11 a.m. Visitation Team #2 Tres Beasley Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00 am Daylight Saving Time Begins NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil) Service 10:30 am Secret Pals 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:30 am Haiti School Funds Due Elders/Deacons Meeting Visitation Team 3 (Rick Rolin) Baptism—We rejoice that Samuel Childress was baptized Sunday morning. As fellow Christians, let us do what we can to encourage Samuel in his Christian life. Samuel’s address is 1432 Spring Place Rd., Lewisburg. Thank You - A BIG THANK YOU to ever yone who helped in anyway with our Young at Heart Dinner. Thank you to all the adults who provided a dessert or salad or helped to prepare the meal. Westvue Youth Group you have r eceived thank you cards from Agnes Pendergrass, Rick & Sue Rolin and Margaret Chapman, for your har d work to make the Young at Heart dinner a success. These cards are posted on the Youth Board. Sympathy- We extend our sympathy to the following families: - The family of Mattie Martin Breece (aunt of Randell Dodson). Her funer al ser vice was conducted Sunday at Oakes & Nichols Funeral Home. - The family of Kelly Corbin (brother-in-law of Virginia Corbin and uncle of Steve Corbin, Velvet Simmons, and Belinda Whitfield.) His ser vice was conducted Monday at London Funeral Home.
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upcoming events - Westvue Church of Christ
□Raylin Ward (2 years of age, cousin of Teresa Howse) is continuing to
take chemo treatments for liver cancer. Cards may be sent to Raylin
Ward 202-26th Street; West Tifton, GA 31794.
Volume 48 May 8, 2016 No. 19
□Continue to remember Doug & Karen Martin. Doug is in UTSW Hospital in Dallas. He is having complications from fungal pneumonia and a