My SchoolNet.


My SchoolNet.
MySchoolNet Quick Start Guide
Editing and Removing Web Parts
Accessing My SchoolNet
My SchoolNet is the home page and portal for logged-in users. It
provides easy one-click access to SchoolNet features via
customizable “Web Parts” --- miniaturized, easy-to-read windows
that derive data directly from any SchoolNet modules that you
subscribe to.
Log in to SchoolNet as you normally would. The My SchoolNet
tab is selected by default.
Note: Web Parts shown on your My SchoolNet portal depend on who
you are and the roles and permissions assigned to you.
View, Add, and Edit Modes
Keep in mind that your My SchoolNet portal has three modes: View,
Add, and Edit modes—the latter two are used less frequently. You
will only need to use Add mode to add Web Parts to your portal. And
you will only use Edit Mode when you want to edit a Web Part or
alter its appearance. To toggle from one view to another:
To enter Add mode, from the bottom of the My SchoolNet
page, click the Add Content link.
Alternatively, to enter Edit mode, click the Edit Layout link.
To return to View mode at any time, from the bottom
of the My SchoolNet page, click the View Page link.
Hiding and Showing Web Parts
To hide Web Parts on your My SchoolNet page: To show Web Parts
on your My SchoolNet page:
•Click the down arrow (on the top right of each Web Part).
•Click the up arrow (on the top right of each Web Part).
Adding Web Parts
To edit and remove Web Part Content:
Click the Edit Layout link shown at the bottom. In Edit mode
each Web Part displays a set of tools in the upper right-hand
To use the Edit mode tools:
Click the Delete icon to delete a Web Part and its
Click the Edit icon to change a Web Part’s appearance,
layout, behavior, or property grid.
Note: After you’ve made any edits to the Web Part, be sure to click
OK or Apply at the bottom of the window to ensure changes are
saved to your My SchoolNet page.
Changing a Web Part’s Appearance
In Edit Mode, the Appearance area
allows you to add or edit the Web
Part Title, select a Chrome Type (top
of the Web Part that can include a
title, and/or border), the Direction
(left to right or right to left), as well as
the Height and Width.
The bottom check box allows you
to make the Web Part Hidden, if
1. From your My SchoolNet page,
click the Add Content link at the
bottom. You’ll enter Add mode, with
an Add Content column shown on
the left.
2. From the Add Content column,
put a checkmark next to a Web Part
to add it.
3. At the bottom of the Add Content
window select Left or Right to
position the Web Part on your
4. Click the Add button at the
bottom of the window.
5. Click Close to save your changes
and return to View mode.
Changing Web Part Layout
The Layout area allows you to
manipulate the Web Part’s
Chrome State (normal or
minimized), Zone (left or right),
and Zone Index (the order in
which the Web part appears on
the page). “0” is top most, “1” is
second to the top, and so forth.
Copyright © 2007 SchoolNet, Inc.
Confidential Material. Unauthorized Use is Strictly Prohibited. Send comments to:
MySchoolNet Quick Start Guide
Add Content column.
Add Content and
Edit Layout links.
Add Content column.
View Page link.
View Page link.
Section Chooser
Select the Section you want to view and related classroom performance data
Align Navigator
View your classroom roster, student data, Section Reports, and create or access
instructional materials
View and drill down on Key Performance Indicators for the selected institution
or “Profile”
My Profiles
Get easy access to the profiles that are most relevant to you
Report Bank
Access public reports (e.g., as saved by the district)
My Saved Reports
Get easy access to reports that you have created and saved to your personal bank
Unified Calendar
Account, Align, Assess
View all items from calendars across all SchoolNet products in one
comprehensive calendar
My Classroom Pages
Manage content of the classroom pages on your district or school home.
My Forums
Display the Forums page on your district or school home page and see when a
new message has been added to a forum to which you subscribe
My Bookmarks
Account, Align, Assess
View bookmarked pages and control how frequently (if at all) you receive email
notification when bookmarked pages are updated
Approval Alerts
Account, Align, Assess
Specify whether you want to receive an alert when your approval is required for:
Web pages, Classroom pages, Align materials, and New users
Assess Report Finder
View Aggregate and Classroom assessment reports filtered by test subjects
and levels
PD Planner
PD Planner
Use easy record-keeping, tracking, and reporting of the many components of
schools’ and districts’ professional development programs
Copyright © 2007 SchoolNet, Inc.
Confidential Material. Unauthorized Use is Strictly Prohibited. Send comments to: