Ad-Aware Total Security


Ad-Aware Total Security
Ad-Aware Total Security
Table of Contents
Ad-Aware Total Security
Lavasoft Support
Installing the software
After the installation
On the first run
update wizard
check wizard
Ad-Aware Total Security
do I improve the security status?
is the Total Security Interface organised?
CPU load
......................................................................................................................................................... 8
......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Virus check
(Virus check)
Last virus check
Virus monitor
Schedule ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
.................................................................................................................................................. 14
Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................. 15
Virus check
.................................................................................................................................................. 16
User account
.................................................................................................................................................. 17
Quarantine......................................................................................................................................................... 17
......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Create boot
(Internet update)
Logon to update
Last virus update
Automatic updates
Program version
More functions
(E-mail check)
Incom ing m
Outgoing m
Scan options
......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Advanced......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Web protection
Phishing protection
................................................................................................................................... 27
......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Netw orks ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Edit netw..................................................................................................................................................
Rule sets ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Create rule
Using the Rule
w izard
Using the advanced
...................................................................................................................................... 31
Firew all alarm
.................................................................................................................................................. 32
......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Options (Firew
Autom atic
.................................................................................................................................................. 33
Inquiry .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Attacks .................................................................................................................................................. 34
.................................................................................................................................................. 35
E-mail protection
Spam protection
................................................................................................................................... 38
......................................................................................................................................................... 38
More filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Add new ..................................................................................................................................................
Statistics ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
No spam ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Options (Anti-Spam
Spam filter
.................................................................................................................................................. 41
Spam OutbreakShield
........................................................................................................................................... 41
Use w hitelist
........................................................................................................................................... 42
Use blacklist
........................................................................................................................................... 42
Use real-time
Use keyw ords
(email text)
Use keyw ords
Use content
Reaction ........................................................................................................................................... 43
Advanced ...........................................................................................................................................
Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 44
More filters
.................................................................................................................................................. 44
Parental controls
................................................................................................................................... 45
......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Create new
Perm itted
Ad-Aware Total Security
Monitor Internet
usage period
Block periods
........................................................................................................................................... 47
Monitor com
puter usage period
Block periods
........................................................................................................................................... 48
Personal filters
......................................................................................................................................................... 48
......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Options (Parental
.................................................................................................................................................. 49
................................................................................................................................... 50
......................................................................................................................................................... 50
......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Define profile
.................................................................................................................................................. 51
Security .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Perform ance
.................................................................................................................................................. 51
Data Protection
.................................................................................................................................................. 51
......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Schedule ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Nam e
.................................................................................................................................................. 52
.................................................................................................................................................. 52
.................................................................................................................................................. 52
......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Options (Tuner)
......................................................................................................................................................... 53
General .................................................................................................................................................. 53
Folder protection
.................................................................................................................................................. 54
File protection
.................................................................................................................................................. 54
................................................................................................................................... 55
......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Backup ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Source files........................................................................................................................................... 56
........................................................................................................................................... 57
Schedule ........................................................................................................................................... 57
Partial backups
...................................................................................................................................... 58
File selection
........................................................................................................................................... 58
Select target
........................................................................................................................................... 59
Schedule ........................................................................................................................................... 59
Partial backups
...................................................................................................................................... 60
Options ........................................................................................................................................... 60
General archive
User details
...................................................................................................................................... 61
...................................................................................................................................... 61
Exclude files
...................................................................................................................................... 61
Reset to current
default options
Reset to Ad-Aw
are default options
Restore ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Restore job
.................................................................................................................................................. 62
Select target
.................................................................................................................................................. 62
Actions ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Adm inister
online archives
FTP brow ser
........................................................................................................................................... 63
Burn archive
to CD/DVD retrospectively
Im port archive
.................................................................................................................................................. 64
......................................................................................................................................................... 64
......................................................................................................................................................... 64
What happens when my license
Tips for installation
scan prior to installation
setup or full installation?
registration number?
data invalid or missing?
I use my old access data to obtain updates on a new computer?
on uninstalling
Ad-Aware Total Security
Ad-Aware Total Security
This fast start guide will help you install your new Ad-Aware Total Security and gives you a few
practical, easy tips on how to use it to protect your computer optimally. The following sections will
give you additional help on installing, getting started with and general questions about the program:
Installing the software: This will show you how to install the Ad-Aware Total Security on your
After the installation: What's changed on your system since installing the software? What
options does the software offer? Find out here.
On the first run: Wizards will help you create the necessary settings to ensure that your system
is protected effectively as soon as the software has been installed. If you are an experienced user
of Ad-Aware Total Security you won't need these wizards anymore.
Total Security Interface: The actual Ad-Aware Total Security program interface. You can create
settings and find information here. Normally you only need to open the Ad-Aware Total Security
interface if you are advised to.
Tips for Installation Please consult this section for any questions about installing and registering
Ad-Aware Total Security
Do you have further questions? You can consult the online help in the software at any
Just press the F1 key while using the program or click on the Help button. The answers to many
queries can also be found in the Online database for frequently asked questions (FAQ),
which can be accessed in the Support section on the Lavasoft website.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Lavasoft Support
Installation and use of Ad-Aware Total Security is generally easy and self-explanatory. However,
should you encounter a problem, just contact Lavasoft Support.
Support: Lavasoft Support Center
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Installing the software
Installing the software
Important note:
Ad-Aware Total Security includes full Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware and Anti-Malware real-time
If you use more than one real-time Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware program at the same time, your
computer may experience decreased performance, become unstable, or restart unexpectedly.
Before you install Ad-Aware, we recommend that you disable or uninstall other security-related
To ensure that Ad-Aware Total Security functions smoothly, your computer should meet the
following minimum requirements:
PC with one of the following operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or
At least 512 MB RAM memory, Internet access, Internet Explorer 6 or higher
Please install Ad-Aware Total Security as follows:
Start Installation
If you downloaded your copy of Ad-Aware Total Security, locate and double-click on the
downloaded file to start the installation.
If you received a Boot CD, insert the CD and the installation should start. If installation doesn't
start by itself, open the CD and double-click Autostart
Welcome Screen
Please read the welcome screen and click "Next" to continue.
Please read the End User License Agreement before you proceed. When you have
completed reviewing the agreement and if you agree to the terms, check the box next to "I
accept the terms of license agreement", and click “Next” to continue with the standard
installation of the software.
Choose to do a Complete install or to customize the installation, click "Custom." Click
"Next" to continue with the installation.
Additional Modules
Select whether to install Parental Controls and the Ad-Aware Shredder.
Select whether to use automatic updates.
Click Next and then Install to continue with the installation.
After the files finish copying, you will receive a confirmation message that the installation
was successful.
Installation Complete
Your computer must be restarted to complete the installation. Choose to Restart Now or
Restart Later.
Click "Finish" to complete the installation process. Your computer will restart and AdAware Total Security will be completely installed.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
After the installation
To open your Ad-Aware Total Security program interface, just click on
the icon on your desktop pictured here. To read about how you use the
Total Security Interface, read the section: Ad-Aware Total Security
Please be aware of the following after you have installed Ad-Aware Total Security:
Security icon: Ad-Aware Total Security will protect your computer from viruses and malware. An
icon appears in the taskbar at the bottom next to the clock, so you can see that the protection is
Fast check: Is there a suspicious file on your computer? Do you want to scan a download for
viruses? Fast check enables you to check a file or folder with great ease, and without having to
run Ad-Aware Total Security. Just use your mouse to select the file or folder in e.g. Windows
Explorer. Right-click and select Check for viruses (Ad-Aware Total Security). The affected files
will now be automatically scanned for viruses.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
On the first run
On the first run
When you run Ad-Aware Total Security, two wizards automatically open one after the other. They will
help you create important settings for the software. As soon as this is done and you are familiar with
how the software works, you can disable these wizards and create settings in the software yourself.
To disable an assistant, simply check the box next to Do not show
this message again.
Internet update wizard
If you are running the software for the first time after installing it, a wizard opens which you can use
to update Ad-Aware Total Security directly over the Internet. As new viruses are constantly being
developed, it is crucial that Ad-Aware Total Security is up to date! Therefore you should run the
Internet update as quickly as possible.
To do so, click on the Perform updates button. A window will now
appear requesting the access data for Internet updates.
To get this access data, just click on the Register with server button.
Then you will see a new window where you can enter your registration
number and customer data.
Unable to log onto the server?
If you cannot log onto the server, please first make sure that you have
an Internet connection (that is, whether you can access a website via
your browser). If you can and Ad-Aware Total Security still cannot
register with the server, please click on the Internet settings button.
Here you can then check the settings for your Internet connections.
You can find the registration number on the back of the printed
manual. If you bought Ad-Aware Total Security online, you will receive
your registration number in a separate e-mail.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
If you click the Login button, your access data is generated on the
Lavasoft UpdateServer. If the registration was successful, an
information screen appears in which you can click on the OK button.
The actual updating of the data will now follow. An information screen
will tell you about the progress of the update and about which data is
being transferred to your computer. You can then exit the update
window by clicking on the Close button. You have now updated your
Ad-Aware Total Security.
Virus check wizard
As soon as you have installed Ad-Aware Total Security on your computer, it is protected from
malware. However, you should verify whether a virus could have nested itself on your computer
BEFORE the installation. You can use the virus check wizard, which appears when you start the
software for the first time, to directly carry out this scan.
You can choose between the Quick virus check (recommended) and Intensive virus check
options. An intensive virus check is generally preferred, but depending on your hardware
configuration it can take more than an hour. If you are pressed for time, at least run the quick virus
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Ad-Aware Total Security
After installing Ad-Aware Total Security your virus protection should run automatically. You only
actually need to consult Ad-Aware Total Security if you want to access the virus check or one of the
software's many additional features.
In rare circumstances, it may also be necessary to access Ad-Aware
Total Security if the security icon in the task bar displays a warning
sign indicating that you need to intervene.
In the Total Security Interface you can see all key information at a glance and can intervene
directly if a protection function needs updating or checking.
How do I improve the security status?
Security does not have to be complicated. You can get possible threats to your computer out of the
way with just one click. You can use the Security status icon and the Correct button for this.
If there is a green cross next to the Security status entry, your system
is secure.
A red light indicates that your system is in immediate danger. You
should then undertake immediate measures so that the protection of
your data remains ensured.
If you click on the Correct button, Ad-Aware Total Security will suggest to you what actions you
should take in order to optimally protect your system again. Simply select the actions displayed one
after the other until the security status displays a green light again. The Correct button then
automatically changes to inactive and can only be used again if the security status should get
Your Ad-Aware Total Security is then up to date and you can close the interface again. All functions
and settings you can see under the Security Status icon (such as Virus check or Updates) can be
used if you want to actively configure the security of your system. You decide to what degree you
would like to be involved with the virus protection. Ad-Aware Total Security gives you that choice!
How is the Total Security Interface organised?
In the relevant subsections (such as Virus check or Updates) you can see precisely which areas
of Ad-Aware Total Security are optimally set up and which could be improved. The following icons
indicate the security status of the respective area.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Green checkmark = everything is ok
Yellow exclamation mark = intervention needed soon
Red exclamation mark = immediate intervention required
Wildcard = This security function was not enabled by you.
If an area should be marked yellow or red, simply click on it with the mouse. This will take you
directly to the program area where you can carry out the required settings. Additional functions can
be invoked via the blue entries. Do you want to make an unscheduled check of the computer for
viruses? Do you want to reset the schedule? Is a check of the settings needed? Simply click on the
blue actions.
If you click the info icon in the top right, you will receive information
regarding the program version. This information may be useful when
talking to Lavasoft Support .
Under the License entry on the left-hand side of the program interface you can see how long your
virus update license is valid for. Constant updates are more important for anti-virus software than for
any other type of software.
CPU load
This small chart shows you how much speed Ad-Aware Total Security costs you when in use on
your computer. If heavy CPU load occurs regularly in relation to a specific application (e.g. when
using video processing programs), it may help to define the relevant application as an exception.
You can find additional information on this in the online help for the Virus monitor.
Under the Ad-Aware Total Security header, you can view the current
load Ad-Aware Total Security is placing on your computer. The total
current load on your computer is displayed under the System header.
During virus checks the system load caused by Ad-Aware Total
Security can be very high; however, under normal use Ad-Aware Total
Security should only use up very little processing power. So if your
computer is responding more slowly than usual, you can see at a
glance here if Ad-Aware Total Security is carrying out a detailed scan
or if your computer is being slowed down by something other than a
virus check.
You can also configure Ad-Aware Total Security so the virus check can
be automatically interrupted if your computer is under a heavy load from
other applications. For more information please read the section
Options (Virus check).
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Virus check
Virus check
In this area, you can undertake all settings involved with the protection of your computer against
virus infection. Use the Options button to obtain access to the program parameters affecting this
Options (Virus check)
Here you can create basic program settings for Virus check. However, in normal operation this is
not required.
Use engines: Ad-Aware Total Security works with multiple engines, in other words, two virus
check modules in addition to the other Lavasoft technologies that work essentially independent of
each other. Each engine by itself would provide you with a high degree of protection against
viruses, but it is precisely the combination of all engines that gives the very best results. You can
accelerate the virus check in older and slower computers by using an individual engine, but
normally you should keep the setting Both engines.
In the case of an infection: Ad-Aware Total Security detected a virus? In the standard setting,
the software now asks you what you would like to do with the infected file. If you would always like
to perform the same action, you can set this here. The highest protection for your data is offered
here by the setting Disinfect (if not possible: place in quarantine).
Infected archive: Here you determine whether archive files (e.g. files with the extension RAR,
ZIP, or PST) should be handled differently from normal files. As viruses stored in an archive can
only cause damage when they are unzipped, you may choose to completely deactivate the
archive scan under certain circumstances. If your virus monitor is permanently enabled, this will
prevent an infection as soon as an infected archive is unzipped.
Pause the virus check at times of high system load: A virus check should normally be carried
out when the computer is not being used. If you then need to use the computer, the virus check is
paused so that your computer can run at normal speed for you. This virus check will then carry on
when you stop working.
You can create more settings for virus checks by clicking on the Advanced button. In most cases,
however, it is completely adequate to use the specified default settings.
File types: You can specify here which file types should be inspected by the software for viruses.
Selecting the option Program files and documents only entails certain speed benefits.
Priority scanner: Via this setting you can specify the degree to which a virus check influences
the processing power of your computer. If you want to run a virus check when you are not using
the computer, the setting High (short run time) is recommended.
Heuristics: In the heuristic analysis, viruses are not only detected by the virus database, which
you receive with every update of Ad-Aware Total Security, but are also identified on the basis of
particular characteristics typical of viruses. This method increases the level of security, but in rare
cases may also generate a false alarm.
Check archive: Checking compressed data in archives (these can be recognized by their file
extensions such as ZIP, RAR or PST) is very time-consuming and can normally be omitted if the
virus monitor is generally active on the system. The monitor can detect a previously hidden virus
while the archive is being unzipped and can automatically prevent it from spreading.
Check e-mail archive: Because Ad-Aware Total Security already checks incoming and outgoing
e-mail for virus infections, it is usually a good idea to omit regular checks for e-mail archives since
this process may take several minutes, depending on the size of the e-mail archive.
Check system areas: In general, system areas (for example boot sectors) in your computer
should not be excluded from virus checks.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Check for dialers / spyware / adware / riskware: You can also use this function to check your
system for dialers and other malware (spyware, adware and riskware). These are e.g. programs
that establish expensive, unwanted Internet connections, of which the potential for financial
damage is no less significant than that of the virus. They may for example secretly record your
surfing habits or even all the keyboard entries you make (including your passwords) and forward
these to third parties via the Internet at the earliest opportunity.
Check for rootkits: Rootkits attempt to evade conventional virus detection methods. Additional
monitoring for this malware is always advisable.
Only check new and updated files: If you enable this function, the virus check will run
significantly faster, but will restrict itself to just files that have changed or been newly created
since the last virus check. You should therefore only use this option if your computer is routinely
protected using the Virus monitor , so regular virus checks are still additionally carried out.
Generate log: By checking the Generate log box, you can specify that the software creates a
log of the virus check process. This log can be viewed in the Logs area.
Options (Monitor)
In the Options dialogue for the Virus monitor you have the following setting options. Changes only
need to be made here in the event of exceptions occurring:
Use engines: Ad-Aware Total Security works with multiple engines, in other words, in other
words, two virus check modules in addition to the other Lavasoft technologies. Each engine by
itself would already provide you with a high degree of protection against viruses, but it is precisely
the combination of all engines that gives the very best results. You can accelerate the virus check
in older and slower computers by using an individual engine, but normally you should keep the
setting Both engines - performance optimised.
In the case of an infection: Ad-Aware Total Security detected a virus? In the standard setting,
the software now asks you what you would like to do with the infected file. If you would always like
to perform the same action, you can set this here. The highest protection for your data is offered
here by the setting Disinfect (if not possible: place in quarantine).
Infected archive: Here you determine whether archive files (e.g. files with the extension RAR,
ZIP, or PST) should be handled differently from normal files. As viruses stored in an archive can
only cause damage when they are unzipped, you may choose to completely deactivate the
archive scan under certain circumstances. If your virus monitor is permanently enabled, this will
prevent an infection as soon as an infected archive is unzipped.
System protection and autostart monitoring: When system protection is on, the Windows
registry and the system folders are checked each time the system is started. This way, the
HOSTS file is protected against manipulation.
The HOSTS file is a text file on your computer which compares host
names with IP addresses. If this file is modified by malware, users can
unwittingly be diverted to phishing websites, for example.
By clicking the exceptions button, you can exclude certain drives, directories, and files from the
virus monitor check and in this manner sometimes significantly accelerate virus detection. To do
this, proceed as follows:
Click the Exceptions button.
Click New... in the Monitor exceptions window.
Now select whether you want to exclude a drive, a directory, or a file
and/or a file type.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Virus check
Underneath this, select the directory or the drive you would like to
protect. In order to protect files, enter the complete file name in the
entry field under file mask. You can also work with wildcards here.
Wildcards work as follows:
The question mark symbol (?) represents individual characters.
The asterisk symbol (*) represents entire character strings.
For example, in order to protect all files with the file extension ".sav,
enter *.sav. In order to protect a special selection of files with
sequential file names (e.g., text1.doc, text2.doc, text3.doc), enter
Now, click OK. The exception will be displayed in the Monitor
exceptions window.
Also click OK in the Monitor exceptions window.
You can repeat this procedure as often as desired and also delete or modify the existing exceptions.
Furthermore, you can click the button Advanced to specify which additional tests should be
performed by the virus monitor. Normally you do not have to enter any more settings here.
File types: Here you can specify which file types are to be inspected by the Ad-Aware Total
Security for viruses. With Program files and documents only, only the files that can generally
contain executable malware are checked. This gives a speed advantage during monitoring.
Check during writing: Directly after a file has been created, the virus monitor will check whether
a virus has latched on to the process.
Check network access: If your computer has a network connection to unprotected computers (for
example, other laptops), it is a good idea to check the network accesses to see if any malicious
programs are being transferred. If you use your computer as a stand-alone computer without
network access, you don't need to enable this option. If you have installed virus protection on each
computer in the network, it is recommended that you turn off this option. Otherwise, some files will
be checked twice, which negatively affects speed.
Heuristics: In the heuristical analysis, viruses are not only detected by means of virus updates
that you regularly receive from us online, but are also identified on the basis of certain
characteristics typical of viruses. This method increases the level of security, but in rare cases
may also generate a false alarm.
Check archive: Checking compressed data in archives is a very time-consuming process and
can generally be omitted if the virus monitor in your system is always active. The monitor can
detect a previously hidden virus while the archive is being unzipped and can automatically prevent
it from spreading. To avoid decreasing performance with unnecessary checks of large archive files
that are rarely used, you can set a size limit (number of kilobytes) for archives to be checked.
Check e-mail archives: Because the software already checks incoming and outgoing e-mail for
virus infections, it is usually a good idea to omit regular checks for e-mail archives since this
process may take several minutes, depending the size of the e-mail archive.
Check system areas during system start: In general, system areas (for example boot sectors)
in your computer should not be excluded from virus checks. You can specify here whether you
want to run a check on system start-up or during a media exchange (e.g., new CD-ROM).
Generally you should have at least one of these two functions activated.
Check system areas during change of medium: In general, system areas (for example boot
sectors) in your computer should not be excluded from virus checks. You can specify here
whether whether you want to run a check on system start-up or during a media exchange(e.g.,
new CD-ROM or similar). Generally you should have at least one of these two functions activated.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Check for dialers / spyware / adware / riskware: You can use Ad-Aware Total Security to
check your system for dialers and other malware programs (spyware, adware, riskware). These
are e.g. programs that establish expensive, unwanted Internet connections, of which the potential
for financial damage is no less significant than that of the virus. They may for example secretly
record your surfing habits or even all the keyboard entries you make (including your passwords)
and forward these to third parties via the Internet at the earliest opportunity.
Only check new or modified files: When you activate this function, a virus check executes
significantly faster; however, it only extends to files that were modified or newly created. You
should use this option if your computer is generally always protected by the virus monitor and
does not come into contact with networks, questionable websites (unknown shops, lottery sites,
etc.), or data carriers (CDs, USB sticks, removable disks) that can often come from infected
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Last virus check
Last virus check
This is where you can see when your computer was last fully checked for viruses. If this entry is
highlighted in red, you should run a virus check as soon as possible. To do so, just click on the
entry and start the checking process by pressing the Check computer now button. After the scan,
the entry is highlighted in green, meaning that the virus check was run sufficiently recently.
Virus scan
If you have a specific concern and only want to check certain areas of your computer for malware,
please select which areas you want to check here.
Check computer: If you want to check your computer independently of the automatic scan (e.g.
because you currently have a suspected virus), just click on the Check computer entry. Your
computer will now be checked for viruses.
Check memory and Startup: All running processes the program files and DLLs (program
libraries) will then be checked. In this way malware can be directly removed from the memory
and Autostart area. Active viruses can be directly removed without searching through the entire
hard drive. Since this check can be done relatively quickly, it is recommended that it is performed
regularly (e.g. as part of an automatic virus check). This function, however, is not a replacement
for regular virus control of saved data, but rather an extension to it.
Check directories/files: This enables you to scan selected drives, directories or files for
viruses. If you double-click on this action, a directory and file selection dialogue will open. You can
scan specific individual files or entire directories for viruses here.
Select directories/files
In the directory tree, you can open and select directories by clicking on
the plus symbols. Their contents will then be shown in the file view.
Each directory or file that you mark with a check will be scanned by
Ad-Aware Total Security. If not all files in a directory are checked, this
directory is marked with a gray checkmark.
Check removable media: Use this function to check CD-ROMs or DVD-ROMs, diskettes,
memory cards or USB sticks for viruses. If you click on this option, all removable media
connected to your computer will be checked (including CDs in the tray, inserted memory cards,
hard drives connected via USB or USB sticks). Please note that Ad-Aware Total Security cannot
of course remove viruses from media that do not have write access (e.g. burned CD-ROMs). In this
case, virus discoveries are logged.
Check for rootkits: Rootkits attempt to evade conventional virus detection methods. You can use
this function to specifically search for rootkits, without checking all the hard drives and saved
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Virus monitor
The virus monitor should always be active. If you would like to switch off the monitor or would like to
change something in the settings, click the entry Disable virus monitor. In addition, by clicking
the Advanced button, you can customise the settings of your virus monitor.
More functions
Here you will find details relating to program areas of Ad-Aware Total Security which you might not
use so regularly.
You can choose to have the most important functions of Ad-Aware Total Security run automatically
at regular intervals. This is highly recommended. The procedures for customizing automatic updates
and automatic virus checks are very similar.
Automatic updates: Virus definition updates occur hourly in the default setting. If your computer
is not connected to the Internet with a data flat-rate, it would be advisable to perform the automatic
update either less frequently or always set it so that it occurs as soon as you access the Internet.
Automatic virus checks: Your computer should be completely checked for virus infection
regularly. Depending on how you use your computer and depending on whether the virus monitor
is used, you can change the interval between these automatic virus checks.
Various virus checks
In many cases it suffices if the computer is completely checked at
regular intervals. Via the New virus check button you can issue
various automatic virus checks that are independent of one another. It
is thus possible that you check the folder Downloads daily while you
check your MP3 collection only once a week, for example.
To edit an automatic update or a virus check, select it and click on the entry Edit. A window with
tabs then opens in which you can undertake the corresponding changes:
Enter the name you want to give the newly created job here. It is a good idea to use meaningful
names to differentiate between the various jobs, for instance, Local hard disks (weekly scan) or
Archive (monthly scan). If you check Switch off the computer after completion of the task, the
computer will automatically shut down once the automatic virus check has been completed. This is
useful if for example you want to run a virus check when your day at work has finished. If the
computer can switch itself off automatically after the scan, this avoids wasting energy unnecessarily.
What is a "job"?
Each individually executed, automatic task for updating the virus data
or scanning the computer is called a "job".
Automatic update
By checking Generate log you can make sure that the software
creates a log whenever it updates. This log can be viewed in the Logs
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Virus monitor
Analysis scope
Here you can define whether the virus check should be run on the local hard drives, whether
memory and autostart areas should be tested, or whether you only want to test certain directories
and files. If this is the case, use the Select button to specify the directories you want.
Select directories/files
In the directory tree, you can open and select directories by clicking on
the plus symbols. Their contents will then be shown in the file view.
Each directory or file that you mark with a check will be scanned by
Ad-Aware Total Security. If not all files in a directory are checked, this
directory is marked with a gray checkmark.
Automatic update
This tab is not required for automatic updates.
This tab allows you to specify when the automatic update should run and how often. You set up the
default schedule under Run and then specify it in more detail under Time. Of course, if you select
On system start-up, the scheduling defaults no longer apply and the software will run the scan each
time your computer starts up.
If you select the option Idle mode, the job will only be run if the
computer that is turned on at this time is not being used. If this is the
case, the job will first start when the computer is no longer being used.
Automatic update
If you select the Internet connection setup option under Time, the
scheduling defaults no longer apply and the software will run the update
each time your computer connects to the Internet.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Virus check
This area allows you to define which settings should be used for the automatic virus check.
Use engines: Ad-Aware Total Security works with multiple engines, in other words, two virus
check modules in addition to the other Lavasoft technologies that work essentially independent of
each other. Each engine by itself would already provide you with a high degree of protection
against viruses, but it is precisely the combination of all engines that gives the very best results.
You can accelerate the virus check in older and slower computers by using an individual engine,
but normally you should keep the setting Both engines.
In the case of an infection: Ad-Aware Total Security has detected a virus? In the standard
setting, the software now asks you what you would like to do with the infected file. If you would
always like to perform the same action, you can set this here. The highest protection for your data
is offered here by the setting Disinfect (if not possible: quarantine).
Infected archive: Here you determine whether archive files (e.g. files with the extension RAR,
ZIP, or PST) should be handled differently from normal files. As viruses stored in an archive can
only cause damage when they are unzipped, you may choose to completely deactivate the
archive scan under certain circumstances. If your virus monitor is permanently enabled, this will
prevent an infection as soon as an infected archive is unzipped.
Automatic update
This tab is not required for automatic updates.
Furthermore, you can click the button Advanced to specify which additional virus checks should be
performed or omitted.
In most cases, however, it is completely sufficient to use the specified default settings.
File types: You can specify here which file types should be inspected by the software for viruses.
Selecting the option Program files and documents only entails certain speed benefits.
Priority scanner: Via this setting you can specify the degree to which a virus check influences
the processing power of your computer. If you want to run a virus check when you are not using
the computer, the setting High (short run time) is recommended.
Heuristics: In the heuristic analysis, viruses are not only detected by the virus database, which
you receive with every update of the Ad-Aware Total Security, but are also identified on the basis
of particular characteristics typical of viruses. This method increases the level of security, but in
rare cases may also generate a false alarm.
Check archive: Checking compressed data in archives (these can be recognized by their file
extensions such as ZIP, RAR or PST) is very time-consuming and can normally be omitted if the
virus monitor is generally active on the system. The monitor can detect a previously hidden virus
while the archive is being unzipped and can automatically prevent it from spreading.
Check e-mail archive: Because Ad-Aware Total Security already checks incoming and outgoing
e-mail for virus infections, it is usually a good idea to omit regular checks for e-mail archives since
this process may take several minutes, depending on the size of the e-mail archive.
Check system areas: In general, system areas (for example boot sectors) in your computer
should not be excluded from virus checks.
Check for dialers / spyware / adware / riskware: You can also use this function to check your
system for dialers and other malware (spyware, adware and riskware). These are e.g. programs
that establish expensive, unwanted Internet connections, of which the potential for financial
damage is no less significant than that of the virus. They may for example secretly record your
surfing habits or even all the keyboard entries you make (including your passwords) and forward
these to third parties via the Internet at the earliest opportunity.
Check for rootkits: Rootkits attempt to evade conventional virus detection methods. Additional
monitoring for this malware is always advisable.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Virus monitor
Generate log: By checking the Generate log box, you can specify that the software creates a
log of the virus check process. This log can be viewed in the Logs area.
User account
Here you can specify the user account on the computer on which the virus check should take place.
This account is required for access to network drives.
Automatic update
Here you can specify a user account on the computer for which the
Internet access has been configured.
During the virus check, you have different options for dealing with any viruses found. One option is
to move the infected file to quarantine. Quarantine is a secure area in the software where infected
files are encrypted and stored so they cannot transfer the virus to any other files.
The log area lists the logs made by the software. Click the Start time, Type, Header, or Status
column headers to sort the available logs accordingly. The Save as and Print buttons can be used
to save log data as text files or print them out directly. To delete a log, highlight the entry in the table
using the mouse and either press the Del key or click on the Delete button.
Create boot CD
The Ad-Aware Total Security boot CD is a useful tool for rendering computers that have already
been compromised virus-free. Use of a boot CD is particularly recommended for computers that had
no virus protection prior to installing Ad-Aware Total Security. Read how to create and use a boot
CD in the section: Boot scan prior to installation
Are described functions such as creating a boot CD not available
to you?
It may be possible that the Create boot CD option was not installed
during the installation of Ad-Aware Total Security. This can easily be
installed retrospectively by reinserting the Ad-Aware Total Security
CD and running the installation with the boot CD option or by running
the installation file you downloaded.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
In this area, you can undertake all settings involved with the updating of your virus protection. Use
the Options button to obtain access to the program parameters affecting this area.
Options (Internet update)
If updating the software via the Internet does not work, you can perform all the operations necessary
to enable updates to take place automatically in this area. In the options, enter the access data (
user name and password) that you received when you registered your Ad-Aware Total Security
online. The Lavasoft update server will use this data to recognize you so updates can now run
completely automatically.
You should only disable the version check in the event of problems
with the virus signatures (e.g. if you have accidentally deleted files
Logon to update server
If you have not registered with the server yet, you can do this now by clicking the Register with
server button. A new window appears in which you can enter your registration number and
customer data.
You can find the registration number on the back of the printed
manual. If you have purchased the software online, you will receive the
registration number in a separate e-mail.
Click the Log in button and your access data is generated on the Lavasoft UpdateServer. If the
login is successful, an info screen appears with the message Logged in successfully, which you
can exit using the Close button.
Warning: you will also receive access data for your documentation and
for any software reinstallations by e-mail. Therefore please make sure
that the e-mail address indicated in your online registration is correct;
otherwise you will not receive the access data.
Your access data will then be automatically transferred into the original input screen, and you can
start the actual process of updating by clicking on the OK button.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Unable to log onto the server?
If you cannot log onto the server, please click on the Internet Settings
button. Here you can then check the settings for your Internet
Last virus update
Last virus update
This is where you can see when your computer last received updated anti-virus information from the
Internet. If this entry is highlighted in red, you should run a virus update as soon as possible. To start
the update, just click on the Update entry next to it.
Are you having problems with the Internet update? Detailed information
can be found in the section: Options (Internet update)
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Automatic updates
You can update Ad-Aware Total Security regularly via the Internet. This is highly recommended. If
you have set up an automatic update you will never have to worry about updating again. If you don't
want to use automatic updates, click on the entry and select the Disable automatic updates
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Read how to set up or, if necessary, change an automatic check or
update, in the section entitled Schedule.
Program version
Program version
When new program versions of Ad-Aware Total Security are available, you can easily update these
with a click, as with the virus information. If you receive anotification here that an update is available,
simply click on the entry Update.
Are you having problems with the Internet update? Detailed information
can be found in the section: Internet update
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
More functions
In this area you can create settings for safe surfing on the Internet.
Web protection
Phishing protection
This is where you can manage protection for your mailbox.
E-mail protection
Spam protection
Here, the program functions that go beyond pure virus protection are available to you.
Parental controls
Use the Options button to obtain access to the program parameters affecting this area.
Options (Web/IM)
You can create the following settings here.
Internet content (HTTP): In the web options, you can determine that all HTTP web content is
checked for viruses while browsing. Infected web content is not run at all and the corresponding
pages are not displayed. To set this option, please check Process Internet content (HTTP).
Avoid browser timeout: Since Ad-Aware Total Security processes web content before it is
displayed in the Internet browser, it requires a certain amount of time to do so depending on the
data traffic. Therefore it is possible for an error message to appear in the Internet browser because
the browser does not receive data immediately, due to the anti-virus software checking it for
malicious routines. By activating the checkbox Avoid browser timeout, you can disable this
error message and as soon as all browser data has been checked for viruses, the data will appear
as normal in the Internet browser.
Send addresses of infected websites Through this function you can automatically anonymously of course - report Internet sites that were deemed unsafe by Ad-Aware Total
Security. With that, you optimize security for all users.
Download size limit: With this function you can interrupt the HTTP check for web content that is
too large. The contents are then monitored by the virus monitor as soon as suspected malicious
routines become active. The advantage of the size limit is that there are no delays caused by virus
checks when surfing the web.
Instant Messaging: Since viruses and other malware can also be spread via Instant Messaging,
Ad-Aware Total Security can also prevent infected data from being displayed and downloaded in
advance. If your Instant Messaging applications do not run using standard port numbers, please
enter the corresponding port addresses under Server port number(s).
Instant Messaging (integration into IM application): If you use Microsoft Messenger (version
4.7 and later) or Trillian (version 3.0 and later), you can set the checkmark for the respective
program to define a context menu in which you can directly check suspicious files for viruses.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
More functions
If you do not want to check the Internet content, the Virus monitor
naturally takes action if infected files are started. That means your
system is also protected without checking Internet content as long as
the virus monitor is active. However, if you want to use parental
controls (e.g. as part of Ad-Aware Total Security), the checkmark for
Process Internet content (HTTP) must be set because the parental
controls will not work correctly otherwise.
Options (E-mail check)
The e-mail check enables you to scan incoming and outgoing e-mails and file attachments for
viruses and eliminate possible infections at the source. Ad-Aware Total Security can directly delete
file attachments or repair the infected files if viruses are found.
In Microsoft Outlook e-mail checks are carried out by using a plug-in
. This offers the same protection as the POP3/IMAP-orientated
protection function in the Anti-Virus options. After installing this plugin, you will find the function Scan folder for viruses in the Outlook
menu Tools, with which you can check your e-mail folders individually
for virus contamination.
Incoming mail
In the case of an infection: Here you can specify what is supposed to happen if an infected e-mail
is discovered. Depending on the purposes for which you are using your computer, different settings
apply here. Generally we recommend using the Disinfect (if not possible: delete attachment/
text) setting.
Check received e-mail: By activating this option, all the e-mail you receive while you are
working on your computer are checked for viruses.
Check unread e-mail on program start-up (Microsoft Outlook only): Only for Microsoft
Outlook: This option is used to scan for viruses in e-mail you receive while you are offline. All
unread e-mail in your Inbox folder and subfolders will be checked as soon as you open Outlook.
Append report to received, infected e-mail: When you enable the report option and a virus is
found, the virus will be removed and the e-mail will be replaced by text.
Outgoing mail
Check e-mail before sending: Ad-Aware Total Security also allows you to scan your e-mail for
virus infection before you send them, to ensure you do not inadvertently send viruses yourself. If you
try to actually send a virus (unintentionally), the message The e-mail [subject header] contains the
following virus: [virus name] appears. The e-mail cannot be sent, and the corresponding e-mail
will not be sent.
Append report to received, infected mails: a scan report is displayed underneath the actual
text of every outgoing e-mail. Here you can also specify whether this report contains information
about the version used (Version information).
Scan options
Use engines: Ad-Aware Total Security uses multiple anti-virus engines, two generally independently
operating analysis units in addition to the other Lavasoft technologies. In principle, use of all engines
should guarantee optimum virus protection results.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
OutbreakShield: This option lets you activate the OutbreakShield. With the activated
OutbreakShield, Ad-Aware Total Security creates checksums of e-mail, compares these with
current anti-spam blacklists and, as a result, it is able to react to a mass-mailing before the
relevant virus definitions become available. OutbreakShield uses the Internet to monitor increased
volumes of suspicious e-mail, enabling it to close the window between the mass mail outbreak
and its containment with specially adapted virus definitions, practically in real time. The
OutbreakShield is an integral part of the e-mail virus blocker.
If you use a proxy server, click on the Internet settings button and
carry out the settings. You should change these settings only if your
OutbreakShield doesn't function. If necessary, consult your system
administrator or Internet service provider about the proxy address.
Ad-Aware Total Security also automatically protects your e-mail once installed. To do so, it uses a
special plug-in for Microsoft Outlook and a special client for POP3/IMAP-based e-mail programs (e.
g. Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Pegasus, Opera etc.) that scans e-mail before they are sent or
received by your e-mail program. By checking the relevant checkbox, you can also disable
protection for incoming e-mail (POP3/IMAP) and outgoing e-mail (SMTP).
Since Ad-Aware Total Security processes incoming e-mail before the e-mail program itself, you may
get an error message if there is a large quantity of e-mail or if the connection is slow. This is
because it is not receiving the e-mail data immediately, as it is being scanned for viruses by AdAware Total Security. If you check the Avoid timeout in mail client box, this type of error
message is suppressed and Ad-Aware Total Security will forward the messages to the e-mail
program as usual as soon as all the e-mail data has been checked for viruses.
If you do not use the default ports for your e-mail programs, you can
enter the port you use for incoming or outgoing e-mail under Server
port number. Click on the Default button to automatically restore the
default port numbers.
You can also enter multiple ports. Separate each of these with a
Microsoft Outlook is protected by a special plug-in that allows you to
scan folders and e-mail directly from Outlook. To scan an e-mail or
folder for viruses in Outlook, simply select the Tools > Scan folder for
viruses command from the Outlook menu bar and the current e-mail
folder will be checked.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Web protection
Web protection
In this area, you can enable or disable web protection. By means of the Advanced button, you can
set basic settings for handling web content and messaging services.
Define exceptions
Web protection ensures that you do not fall victim to infected or fraudulent websites on the Internet.
However, in rare cases it may occur that a website is not displayed properly, even though it is
supplied by a safe provider. In such a case, you can add this web address to the Whitelist, i.e. you
can define it as an exception and Web protection will no longer block this site. To add a website to
the exceptions in the Whitelist, please proceed as follows:
Click on the Define exceptions button. The Whitelist window will
appear. This will display the websites that have been categorized as
safe and entered here.
To add another website, please click on the New button. An input
screen will appear. Enter the name of the website (e.g. www.lavasoft.
com) under URL and, if necessary, enter a comment under Note about
why you have included this website. If you click on OK now , the
website will be transferred to the whitelist and will no longer be checked
by Web protection.
An information window will confirm that the website has been added to
the Whitelist. You can then exit the Whitelist window by clicking on
the Close button at the upper right corner.
To remove a website from the Whitelist, highlight it in the list using your
mouse and then click on the Delete button.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Phishing protection
With so-called phishing, scammers on the Internet attempt to redirect customers of a particular
bank or shop to fake websites in order to steal their data there. The Webfilter is constantly updated
online with the latest information about new phishing websites and blocks these automatically.
Activating the phishing protection is highly recommended.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
A firewall protects your computer from being spied on. It checks which data and programs from the
Internet or network reach your computer and which data is sent from your computer. As soon as
there is an indication that data is to be installed or downloaded on your computer without
authorization, the firewall alarm sounds and blocks the unauthorized data exchange. It is generally
advisable to use the firewall in Autopilot mode. It then virtually runs in the background and protects
you without you having to undertake major settings.
If you are using the firewall in Autopilot mode, this will remain
completely in the background and operate independently. If you are
using the firewall with user-defined settings, a dialogue window will
appear in the event of doubt in which you can gradually optimize the
firewall for your system environment. Autopilot mode is included as
standard when installing the firewall.
The firewall starts tracking your computer's network activities from the
moment it is installed. When you are working locally with your
computer, you will only be aware of the firewall from the Security icon
on the Windows taskbar.
You can use the Configure buttons to set the firewall individually if you do not want to use Autopilot
The firewall usually operates in Autopilot mode. It is only advisable to change the firewall settings if
you have sufficient knowledge of processes involving networks, Internet access and data transfer. If
you want to customise the firewall settings, you can use the firewall program interface to do so.
Click on the icons on the left of the firewall screen to select various tabs that will take you to the
relevant program area where you can carry out different actions, select default settings and check
connection data.
In the status area of the firewall, you will find basic information about the current status of your
system and the firewall. You will find this to the right of the relevant entry as either text or numerical
data. In addition, the status of components is also displayed graphically. By double-clicking the
relevant entry (or selecting the entry and clicking the Edit button), you can directly select actions or
switch to the relevant program area. As soon as you have optimized the settings for a component
with a warning icon, the icon in the Status area will revert to the green check icon.
Security: As you use the computer for your daily tasks, the firewall gradually learns which
programs you do or do not use for Internet access and which programs represent a security risk.
Depending on how familiar you are with firewall technology, you can configure the firewall to
provide either highly effective basic protection without an excessive number of inquiries or
professional protection customised to your own computing habits, but which also requires
knowledge of firewalls. Double-click on Security to call up a range of security versions:
Autopilot mode (recommended): Here the firewall works fully
autonomously and automatically keeps threats from the local PC. This
setting offers practical all-around protection and is recommended in
most cases.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Manual rule creation: If you would like to individually configure your
firewall or do not want particular applications to work together with
autopilot mode, you can adjust your firewall protection entirely to your
requirements via the manual rule creation.
Mode: Here you are informed of which basic setting your firewall is currently operating in. Either
the manual rule creation or automatic (autopilot) are possible here.
Networks: Naturally, the firewall monitors all network activities such as a DTN (data transmission
network) and a LAN connection. If one or more networks are not protected, for example,
because they were manually excluded from firewall monitoring, a warning icon will alert you of this.
Double-clicking the respective entry opens a dialogue box via which you can individually configure
the rules and settings for the selected network. Here, under Rule set simply select whether the
respective network is supposed to belong to the Trustworthy networks, the Untrustworthy
networks, or the Networks to be blocked.
The Direct Internet connection setting is, for the most part, based on
the settings that also apply to Trustworthy networks.
Each network can be assigned a special rule set. While the
Networks area tells you which networks are available on your
computer, the Rule sets area tells you which automatically created or
user-defined rule sets are available in the firewall.
Registered attacks: As soon as the firewall registers an attack on your computer, it is logged
here and you can obtain further information by clicking the menu item.
Application radar: The application radar shows you which programs are currently being blocked
by the firewall. If you still want to allow one of the blocked applications to use the network, simply
select it and then click the Allow button.
The Networks area lists the networks (e.g. LAN, data transmission network etc.) to which your
computer is connected. Also shown here is which rule sets (see section Rule sets) are protecting
the respective network. If you uncheck the relevant network it will no longer be protected by the
firewall. However, you should only disable this protection in specially justified circumstances. If you
use the mouse to highlight a network and click on the Edit button, you can view and/or change the
firewall settings for this network.
Edit network
When editing network settings, you have a choice of using the rule wizard or the advanced
dialogue. We generally recommend using the rule wizard since it helps the user create rules and
About network: This is where you can find information about the network - where this is available
- concerning the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS, and WINS server.
Firewall enabled on this network: You can use this option to disable the firewall's network
protection, but you should only do this in specially justified circumstances.
Internet connection sharing: If your system connects directly to the Internet you can determine
whether all computers connected via a TCP/IP network should have access to the Internet or not.
This Internet connection sharing (ICS) can generally be activated for home networks.
Enable automatic configuration (DHCP): When you connect your computer to the network, a
dynamic IP address (via DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is assigned. You
should leave this option checked if you are connected to the network using this default
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Rule set: You can very quickly choose from predefined rule sets and determine whether, in terms
of firewall monitoring, you are dealing with a network which can be e.g. trusted, not trusted, or
should be blocked. Clicking the Edit rule set button gives you the option of configuring rule sets
individually. Please also refer to the section Rule sets.
Rule sets
In this area you can create special rules for different networks. These rules can then be grouped
together to form a rule set. There are default rule sets for a direct connection to the Internet,
untrustworthy networks, trustworthy networks, and networks to block. The relevant rule set is
listed with names and stealth mode status in the overview. You can change existing rule sets or add
new ones using the New, Delete, and Edit buttons.
Stealth mode (hidden, secret) is used for not answering requests to
the computer that verify the relevant port's accessibility. This makes it
difficult for hackers to obtain system information in this manner.
The default rule sets for Direct Internet connection, Trustworthy
networks, Untrustworthy networks, and Networks to be blocked
cannot be deleted. You may, of course, delete additional rule sets that
you yourself have created at any time.
Create rule sets
You can allocate every network its own rule set (i.e. a collection of rules specially matched to it). In
this manner you can protect networks with different levels of danger in different ways using the
firewall. For example, a home network surely requires considerably less protection (and
consequently less administrative effort) than a data transmission network directly connected to the
Internet. The firewall contains three default rule sets for the following network types:
Rule set for an untrustworthy network: This generally covers open networks (e.g. data
transmission networks) with Internet access.
Rule set for a trustworthy network: Home and company networks are generally trustworthy.
Rule set for a network to be blocked: This setting can be used if the computer's access to a
network is to be blocked on a temporary or permanent basis. This is advisable, for instance, when
you are connected to external networks with an indeterminate level of security (e.g. at LAN
parties, external corporate networks, public workspaces for notebooks, etc.)
Newly established networks on your computer can be assigned an appropriate rule set. Furthermore,
you can also create individual rule sets for networks by clicking the New button. To do this, click
the New button in the Rule sets area and enter the following details in the dialogue window:
Rule set name: Enter a meaningful name for the rule set here.
Generate an empty rule set: This allows you to generate an empty rule set and enter customdefined rules.
Generate a rule set which contains a number of meaningful rules: This option allows you to
specify if you want the new rule set to include a few basic default rules for untrustworthy,
trustworthy networks or for networks to be blocked. You can then make individual adjustments
based on these defaults.
The new rule set now appears in the list in the rule sets area under the relevant rule set name (e.g.
new rule set). If you then click on Edit - depending on the setting you made under Miscellaneous
(see the section with the same name) - the Rule wizard or the Advanced dialogue for editing the
individual rules of this rules set will open. You can learn how to assign new rules in the rule sets in
the sections entitled Using the Rule wizard and Using the advanced dialogue.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
In addition to directly entering rules yourself, you can also create rules
via the firewall alarm info box. This learning process of the firewall is
explained in the section entitled Firewall alarm .
Using the Rule w izard
The Rule wizard allows you to define specific additional rules to the relevant rule set or modify
existing rules. We recommend that users unfamiliar with firewall technology use the Rule wizard
rather than the advanced dialogue.
Using the Rule wizard you can change one or more rules in the
selected rule set. Thus you always create a rule within a rule set that
contains various rules.
Depending on which rule set you have specified for the relevant
network, one rule set (e.g. for untrustworthy networks) may block an
application while another (e.g. for trustworthy networks) could grant it
full network access. This means you can use a strategic combination
of rules to restrict a browser in such a way that, for example, it can
access websites available within your home network but cannot access
content from the data transmission network.
The following basic rules are available in the Rule wizard:
Allow or deny access to a specific application: This allows you to select a specific application
(program) on your hard disk and explicitly permit or deny it access to the network governed by the
rule set. Simply use the wizard to select the required program (program path) then indicate
under Connection direction whether the program is to be blocked for incoming connections,
outgoing connections or both incoming and outgoing connections. This enables you, for example,
to prevent your MP3 player software from forwarding data about your listening habits (outbound
connections) or to ensure that program updates are not downloaded automatically (inbound
Open or disable a specific Internet service (port): A Port is a specific address area that
automatically forwards data transferred over a network to a specified protocol and then on to
specified software. For example, standard websites are transferred via port 80, while email is sent
via port 25 and received via port 110, etc. Without a firewall, all ports on your computer normally
remain open, although the majority of users do not need most of these. Blocking one or more of
these ports is a quick way of eliminating vulnerabilities that could be used for attacks by hackers.
The wizard provides the option of blocking ports completely or for a particular application only (e.g.
your MP3 player software).
Allow or deny file and printer sharing (NetBIOS): NetBIOS is a special interface in networks
that can be used for e.g. sharing files or printers directly between one computer and another
without using the TCP/IP protocol. It is often advisable to deny sharing for untrustworthy networks,
as this is generally not necessary for home networks and the NetBIOS can also be used by
hackers to compromise a computer.
Allow or deny domain services: A domain is a type of classification directory for computers on
a network which allows the computers linked to the network to be managed centrally. Enabling for
domain services in untrustworthy networks should generally be denied.
Enable Internet connection sharing: If your system connects directly to the Internet you can
determine whether all computers connected via a TCP/IP network should have access to the
Internet or not. This Internet connection sharing (ICS) can generally be activated for home
Switch to the extended edit mode (advanced dialogue): This allows you to move from the
Rule wizard to the advanced dialogue. For further information on the advanced dialogue, see the
section Using the advanced dialogue.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
If you remove the checkmark next to Always launch the Rule wizard
in the future checkbox, the firewall will automatically open the
advanced dialogue to define new rules.
Using the advanced dialogue
The advanced dialogue allows you to set highly specific rules for the relevant network, although you
will need a basic knowledge of network security for this. You can, of course, create all the rules here
that could be created using the rule wizard, but in addition advanced settings can also be made. The
following configuration options are available:
Name: This allows you to change the name of the current rule set if required. The rule set will then
be displayed under this name in the list within the Rule sets area and can be combined with
networks identified by the firewall there.
Stealth mode: Stealth mode (meaning: hidden, secret) is used for not answering requests to the
computer that verify the relevant port's accessibility. This makes it difficult for hackers to obtain
system information in this manner.
Action if no rule applies: Here, you can specify if access to the network should generally be
permitted, denied, or subject to an inquiry. Should any special rules for individual programs be
defined by the firewall's learning function, these will naturally be applied.
Adaptive mode: Adaptive mode supports applications that use feedback channel technology
(e.g. FTP and numerous online games). These applications connect to a remote computer and
negotiate a feedback channel with it, which the remote computer then uses to "reverse connect"
to your application. If the Adaptive mode is enabled, the firewall detects this feedback channel and
permits it without querying it separately.
The list of rules contains all the rules specified as existing exceptions for this rule set. This means,
for example, that selected programs can be authorised for numerous network accesses even if the
network is classified as untrustworthy. The rules applicable here may have been created in various
Via the Rule wizard
Directly via the Advanced dialogue using the New button
Via the dialogue in the info box displayed when the firewall alert is triggered.
Of course, each rule set has its own list of rules.
Since the firewall rules are partly nested hierarchically, it is sometimes
important to note the ranking of each rule. For example, a port that
you have granted access to may be blocked again because a certain
protocol is denied access. To modify the rank of a rule in the
sequence, highlight it with the mouse and use the arrow buttons under
Rank to move it up or down the list.
If you create a new rule using the Advanced dialogue or modify an existing rule using the Edit
dialogue, the Edit rule dialogue appears with the following setting options:
Name: For default and automatically generated rules, this displays the program name to which
the relevant rule applies. You can also use the Edit button at any time to change the name or add
further information.
Rule enabled: You can disable a rule without actually deleting it by deactivating the checkbox.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Comment: This indicates how the rule was created. Default rule is listed next to rules preset for
the rule set; generated in response to alert is listed next to rules that arise from the dialogue
from the Firewall alarm; and for rules that you generate yourself via the advanced dialogue you
can insert your own comment.
Direction of connection: With Direction, you specify if the selected rule applies to incoming or
outgoing connections, or to both incoming and outgoing connections.
Access: This specifies if access is to be permitted or denied for the relevant program within this
rule set.
Protocol: This allows you to select the connection protocols you want to permit or deny
access. You can generally block or enable protocols or link usage of a protocol to the use of one
or more specific applications (Match to applications). Similarly, you can use the Match to
Internet service button to specify the ports that you do or do not wish to use.
Time window: You can also set up time-related access to network resources to ensure, for
example, that the network can only be accessed during your normal working day and is blocked
at all other times.
IP address space: It is advisable to regulate network use by restricting the IP address range,
especially for networks with fixed IP addresses. A clearly defined IP address range significantly
reduces the risk of attack from a hacker.
Firewall alarm
When in manual rule creation mode, the firewall will generally check unknown programs and
processes that try to connect to the network, to see if they should be allowed or blocked. An
information box will open to show you details about the relevant application. You can also allow oneoff or permanent access to the network, or deny any access. As soon as you have allowed or denied
permanent access for a program, a rule will be created in that network's rule set for this and you will
not be asked about this again.
The following buttons are available:
Always permit: This button lets you create a rule for the application mentioned above (e.g.
Opera.exe or Explorer.exe or iTunes.exe) allowing permanent access to the network and/or
Internet. You will also find this rule as Rule created by enquiry in the area called Rule sets.
Allow this time: You can use this button to permit the relevant application to access the network
only once. The firewall will issue another alert the next time this program attempts to access the
Always block: This button lets you create a rule for the application mentioned above (e.g. dialer.
exe or spam.exe or trojan.exe) permanently denying it access to the network or Internet on the
network specified for the application. You will also find this rule as Rule created by enquiry in the
area called Rule sets.
Block this time: This button lets you deny the relevant application access to the network once
only. The firewall will issue another alert the next time this program attempts to access the
© 2010 - Lavasoft
There is further information available on the protocol, port and IP address with which the relevant
application is trying to interact.
The log area logs all the connections to the network and Internet permitted or blocked by the firewall.
You can sort this list as desired using different criteria by clicking on the relevant column header.
Click the Details button for further information on the individual connections.
Options (Firewall)
In the upper menu bar of the program interface, you will find comprehensive functions and settings
options by clicking the Options button.
The advantage of using the default security levels is that you can adapt the firewall to your individual
requirements without too much administrative input or specialist knowledge of network security. You
can set the security level by simply adjusting the slide control. The following security levels are
Maximum security: The firewall rules are generated using very strict guidelines. So you should
be familiar with specialised network concepts (TCP, UDP, ports etc.). The firewall detects the
slightest inconsistencies and will issue frequent queries during the learning phase.
High security: The firewall rules are generated using very strict guidelines. So you should be
familiar with specialised network concepts (TCP, UDP, ports, etc.). The firewall may issue
frequent queries during the learning phase.
Normal security: The firewall rules are generated at the application level only. Wizards keep
network-specific details away from you. You will be queried as little as possible during the learning
Low security: The firewall rules are generated at the application level only. Wizards keep
network-specific details away from you. You will only be rarely queried during the learning phase.
This level of security still offers highly effective protection against any connection requests that
may occur.
Firewall disabled: You can disable the firewall completely if required. This means that your
computer is still connected to the Internet and any other networks, but the firewall is no longer
protecting it against attacks or electronic espionage.
If you wish to make specific settings for your firewall, check Custom
security (for professionals). Please note: for these settings you will
need at least a basic understanding of network security.
Here you can specify if, when and how the firewall should query users when programs request a
connection to the Internet or network.
Define rule: If the firewall detects a connection being made to the network, an information box
appears in which you specify how to proceed for this particular application. Specify here precisely
how to proceed in terms of allowing or forbidding network access:
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Per protocol/port/application. Per application, if a minimum of
__ inquiries are pending: There are applications (e.g. Microsoft
Outlook) that send requests to multiple ports when requesting network
access or that use different protocols simultaneously. This might for
example cause several queries to occur via dialogue boxes in the
setting per protocol/port/application. Therefore you can specify here
that applications should receive global permission for or denial of
network use as soon as you have allowed or blocked the user's
Per application: This enables you to specify general authorization or
denial of network access by the currently selected application on any
port and using any transfer protocol (e.g. TCP or UDP).
Per protocol/port/application: The application requesting network
access is only permitted to go online with the requested transfer
protocol and on the specified port. If the same application requests an
additional network connection on another port or using a different
protocol, the information box will appear again, allowing you to create
another rule for it.
Cache: You can bundle recurring requests for connection of an application. This way, information
boxes do not keep appearing during connection attempts for which you have not yet specified a
rule, but rather only in e.g. 20-second intervals or another period of you define.
Unknown server applications: Applications that are not yet managed using a rule in the firewall
may be handled in a different manner. The time of the inquiry lies within a certain latitude. If the
server application goes to "on receipt", this means that it is waiting for a connection request as if
on standby. This connection request is made under the Connection request setting.
In general, the checkmark next to Scan for unknown server
applications on program start should be set. Otherwise Trojans, for
example, that were present on the computer before the firewall was
started, could continue to remain active without being discovered.
Unprotected networks: A firewall can only function properly if all the networks accessed by the
computer it is protecting can also be detected and monitored by it. You should therefore leave the
checkmarks next to Immediately report new networks if unprotected and Scan for
unprotected networks at program start set.
You should generally leave these boxes checked to ensure that the widest range of hacker attacks
is detected. The potential damage a successful attack could inflict considerably outweighs the slight
improvement in system performance achieved if the firewall is not scanning for threats. The firewall
will detect the following types of attacks:
Port scans: Here, the open TCP and UDP ports on an attacked computer are identified. Such an
attack is used to search for weaknesses in the computer system and usually precedes more
dangerous attacks.
Ping of Death: In this attack, an ICMP packet is sent with a size exceeding the allowable value
of 64 KB. The attack can cause certain operating systems to crash.
Land: in this attack, a request is sent to an open port on the attacked computer to establish a
connection to itself. This causes an infinite loop on the affected computer, resulting in a greatly
increased processor load and possibly causing the operating system to crash.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
SYN Flood: With this attack, large quantities of false connection requests are sent to the
attacked computer. The system reserves certain resources for each of these connections, causing
all of its resources to be consumed and preventing it from responding to connection requests from
other sources.
UDP flood: With this attack, a UDP packet is sent, which, due to its structure, is endlessly sent
back and forth between the computer under attack and an address that the computer can access
freely. This causes a loss of resources on both computers and increases the load on the
connection channel.
ICMP Flood: With this attack, large quantities of ICMP packets are sent to the computer under
attack. This causes a greatly increased load on the processor since the computer reacts to each
Helkern: With this attack, special UDP packets with executable malware are sent to the attacked
computer. The attack leads to a slowing down of Internet functions.
SMB Die: This attack involves an attempt to establish a connection according to SMB protocol; if
the connection is successful, a special packet is sent to the computer which tries to overflow the
buffer. Consequently, the computer restarts.
Lovesan: With a Lovesan attack, the program tries to detect security holes in the DCOM RPC of
Windows NT 4.0/NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition/2000/XP/Server (tm) 2003 operating systems. If
such vulnerabilities exist on the computer, a program with malicious functions is sent to perform
arbitrary changes on your computer.
If you click on the entries in the Mode column, you can specify
whether you want to be immediately alerted to hacker attacks via a
dialogue box or if these attacks should only be recorded in the log.
Further setting alternatives are available here.
Reference testing for applications: During reference testing the firewall calculates a checksum
based on the file size and other criteria for applications for which it has already enabled network
access. If the checksum for this program suddenly changes, it may be because the program has
been modified by a malware program. In such cases, the firewall generates an alarm. Generally,
reference testing for applications should remain switched on. In the same way, Reference
testing for loaded modules monitors modules that the applications use (e.g. DLLs). Since
these frequently change or new modules are downloaded, consistent checking for modified and
unknown references for modules may result in a considerable administration effort for the firewall.
Every modified module would cause a security request to be sent in its trail to the firewall.
Therefore module checking should only be used in this way for very high security requirements.
Modified references: Modified references can be automated as much as possible in the
reference testing (e.g. during a Windows update) if the modules are checked using Ad-Aware
Total Security and found to be harmless. If the Anti-Virus module is not installed, confirmation of
modified references can also be carried out manually by the user.
Rule sets: Specify here whether, in general, you wish to create new rules using the Rule wizard
or using the Advanced dialogue. For users who are not familiar with the subject of network
security, we recommend using the Rule wizard.
You can, of course, switch from the Rule wizard directly to the
Advanced dialogue and vice versa at any time. To do this, in the Rule
wizard under What do you want to do? simply select the entry
Switch to the extended edit mode or in the Advanced dialogue
click the Wizard button.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Connection protocol: Here you can specify for how long the firewall connection data should be
saved. You can retain the data for anywhere between an hour and 56 hours and view it in the
Protocol program area.
Autopilot: During computer games (and other full screen applications), it can be disruptive if
the firewall interrupts the flow of the game with lots of inquiry windows or simply interferes with the
picture. To ensure that you can enjoy uninterrupted gaming without security compromises, the
autopilot is a useful setting because it suppresses the inquiries of the firewall. If you are not using
autopilot as a default setting, you can use the Offer autopilot automatically function to ensure
that it is activated automatically if you are using a program running in full screen mode.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
E-mail protection
E-mail protection
E-mail protection is used to protect you from infected e-mail, but also to ensure that you do not
accidentally send messages that contain malware. You can use the Advanced option to create
custom settings for checking incoming and outgoing e-mail. Please also refer to the section Options
(E-mail check).
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Spam protection
Here you can switch the protection against unwanted advertising and spam e-mail on or off. You can
use the Configure buttons to define in detail what you would like to define as spam.
The flood of unwanted e-mail increases every day. Is your inbox overflowing with vast amounts of
unwanted e-mail? Ad-Aware Total Security will use a combination of the most up-to-date spam
checking criteria to securely protect you from spam/junk mail, block spam senders effectively and
prevent false detections. The software is designed to be self-explanatory and clearly laid out. Using
tabs selected via the icons displayed on the left in the Ad-Aware Total Security interface, you can
switch to the appropriate program area where you can carry out different actions, select default
settings or review processes. Additionally, you can find overlapping functions and settings in the
menu bar at the top of the program interface (see section Spam protection).
In the e-mail status area of the spam filter, you will find basic information about the current status of
your system and Ad-Aware Total Security. This is indicated by the text to the right of the relevant
item. By double-clicking the relevant entry (or selecting the entry and clicking the Edit button), you
can directly select actions or switch to the relevant program area. As soon as you have optimised
the settings for a component with a warning icon, the icon in the Status area will revert to the green
check icon.
Spam filter: Double-clicking on this entry enables you to access its settings window where you
can create a wide range of settings to protect your system from receiving spam e-mail.
Disable HTML scripts: You can disable HTML scripts by double-clicking on this entry. Unlike
regular file attachments, scripts in HTML formatted e-mail can start to deploy their damaging
functionality when the user views the message in the preview pane in his or her e-mail program.
Caution is especially applicable here.
To switch off protection against HTML scripts, uncheck the box next to
the Scripts entry in More filters.
Filter harmful attachments: Extensive functions are available for removing or deactivating
dangerous file attachments or for warning users of the danger. Double-clicking the entry enables
you to access the settings area where you can define appropriate filter rules for attachments).
More filters
In this area you can conveniently apply filters that block incoming e-mail or automatically remove
potentially malicious content from e-mail. You can use the New button to set up new filter rules or
edit existing filters with the Edit button. The filters created are shown in the list and can be enabled
or disabled as required by checking the checkbox to the left. If you see a check in the checkbox, it
means that that filter is active. If there is no checkmark in the box, the filter is inactive. To
permanently delete a filter, click the relevant filter once to highlight it and then click the Delete
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Spam protection
The filter options available here are additional filters which support the
actual Ad-Aware Total Security spam filter and which allow you to
configure your own personal settings. The original spam filter
(described in the section Spam filter) gives you extensive setting
options which effectively block e-mail with unwanted content or block email from unwanted senders (for example, mass-mail senders). The
program checks for numerous e-mail characteristics that are typical of
spam. These characteristics are used to calculate a value reflecting the
likelihood of it being spam. To this end multiple tabs are available
providing you with all the relevant settings options sorted by subject.
Add new filter
When you create a new filter, a selection window appears in which you can specify the basic filter
type. All of the other details about the filter can be created using a wizard, which will guide you
through that filter type. This is a convenient way to create filters for every imaginable type of threat.
Disable HTML scripts: This filter disables scripts in the HTML part of an e-mail. Scripts that
might look OK on a web page tend to be rather irritating when they are integrated into an HTML email. In some cases, HTML scripts are also used to actively infect computers, whereby scripts
have the option of running not only when the infected attachment is opened but even when an email is previewed.
Filter attachments: A large number of filter options for filtering e-mail attachments are provided.
Most e-mail viruses are spread through attachments, which usually have more or less well-hidden
executable files. This can be in the form of a standard EXE file that contains malware, but can
also be VB scripts, which could be hidden behind an apparently safe graphic, film or music file. In
general, users should exercise extreme caution when opening e-mail attachments. If in doubt, the
sender of the e-mail should be asked before opening files that have not been expressly requested.
Under File extensions you can list the file extensions to which you would like to apply the
respective filter. This lets you put all executable files (e.g. EXE and COM files) into one filter, and
have another filter for other files (e.g. MPEG, AVI, MP3, JPEG, JPG, GIF etc.) if their file size
would overload the mail server. You can also filter archive files (e.g. ZIP, RAR or CAB) . Please
use a semicolon to separate all file extensions in a filter group. The Also filter attachments in
embedded e-mail function ensures that the filtering performed under File extensions for the
selected attachment types also applies to e-mail messages that are themselves being forwarded
as e-mail attachments. This option should generally be enabled. Choosing Only rename
attachments has the effect of renaming attachments that are to be filtered rather than deleting
them automatically. This is not only recommended for executable files (such as EXE and COM)
but also for Microsoft Office files that may contain executable scripts and macros. Renaming an
attachment makes it impossible to open it simply by clicking it. Instead, the user must first save
(and possibly rename) the attachment before it can be used. If the checkmark for the Only
rename attachments function has not been set, the respective attachments are deleted directly.
Under Suffix you can enter a character string that should be appended to the file extension (*.
exe.danger, for instance), which prevents the execution of this type of file by just clicking on it.
Under Insert message in e-mail text you can inform the recipient of the filtered e-mail that an
attachment was deleted or renamed based on a filter rule.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Content filter: You can use the content filter to easily block e-mail messages which contain
certain subjects or text. Simply enter the keywords and expressions to which Ad-Aware Total
Security should react under Search criteria. It is possible to use the AND and OR logical
operators to link text components with one another. Under Search area you can now enter those
elements of an e-mail message where the defined terms should be looked for. The header is the
part of an e-mail message that, among other things, contains the e-mail address of the sender and
the recipient, the subject line, and information on the programs and protocols used, and the date
sent. If you have, for instance, activated Subject as the search area, only the content of the
subject line will be checked, and no other information contained in the header. If you select E-mail
text as the search area, you have the additional option of limiting the search area to pure text email, or extending the search to text in HTML e-mail (HTML text). By checking Embedded emails you can define whether the content filter search should also cover e-mail messages
included as attachments in received messages. Under Reaction you can determine what is to be
done with e-mail recognised as spam by Ad-Aware Total Security. Using Reject e-mail means
the e-mail in question will not even be accepted by your e-mail program. If you check the box for
Insert warning in e-mail subject and text you can prefix the actual text in the subject line with
a warning (prefix in subject line), e.g. Spam or Warning. You can also enter text to be placed
above the actual e-mail text in the event of suspected spam (Message in text). If you use
Microsoft Outlook (caution: not to be confused with Outlook Express or Outlook Mail), you
also have the option of moving e-mail containing suspected spam to a fully customizable folder in
your mailbox (Move e-mail to folder). You can create this folder directly via Ad-Aware Total
Security by defining the corresponding folder under Folder name.
The AND logical operator assumes that all components that have been
linked with AND must be present, while the OR operator assumes that
at least one of the elements needs to be present.
Sender filter: You can use the sender filter to easily block e-mail coming from certain senders.
To do this, simply enter the e-mail addresses or domain names to which Ad-Aware Total
Security should react under Senders/domains. Use a semicolon to separate multiple entries.
Under Reaction you can determine what is to be done with e-mail recognized as spam by AdAware Total Security. Using Reject e-mail means the e-mail in question will not even be
accepted by your e-mail program. If you check the box for Insert warning in e-mail subject and
text you can prefix the actual text in the subject line with a warning (prefix in subject line), e.g.
Spam or Warning. You can also enter text to be placed above the actual e-mail text in the event
of suspected spam (Message in text). If you use Microsoft Outlook (caution: not to be confused
with Outlook Express or Windows Mail), you also have the option of moving e-mail containing
suspected spam to a fully customizable folder in your mailbox (Move e-mail to folder). You can
create this folder directly via Ad-Aware Total Security by defining the corresponding folder under
Folder name.
Language filter: The language filter lets you automatically define e-mail in specific languages as
spam. For example, if you do not generally have e-mail contact with a German-speaking person,
then you can set German as a spam language which should be filtered out. Simply select the
languages in which you do not receive regular e-mail contact and Ad-Aware Total Security will
raise the spam probability for such e-mails. In the Reaction area you can determine what should
be done with e-mail filtered in this way. Under Reaction you can determine what is to be done
with e-mail recognized as spam by Ad-Aware Total Security. Using Reject e-mail means the email in question will not even be accepted by your e-mail program. If you check the box for Insert
warning in e-mail subject and text you can prefix the actual text in the subject line with a
warning (prefix in subject line), e.g. Spam or Warning. You can also enter text to be placed
above the actual e-mail text in the event of suspected spam (Message in text). If you use
Microsoft Outlook (caution: not to be confused with Outlook Express or Windows Mail), you
also have the option of moving e-mail containing suspected spam to a fully customizable folder in
your mailbox (Move e-mail to folder). You can create this folder directly in Ad-Aware Total
Security by defining the corresponding folder under Folder name.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Spam protection
In this area, you receive a statistical analysis of all spam-relevant operations of your e-mail traffic.
No spam
Here you can view all e-mail not recognized as spam by Ad-Aware Total Security. You can use the
Update button to retrieve the most up-to-date data status of the software and the Delete button to
delete previously marked entries. The e-mail messages themselves, which are held in your e-mail
program, are not deleted.
You can use the Add to whitelist button to add a highlighted e-mail to
the whitelist, thus generally excluding the relevant e-mail address from
further spam checks. Please also read the section Whitelist in the
Spam filter chapter. You can use the Add to blacklist button to add a
highlighted e-mail to the blacklist, thus generally subjecting the
relevant e-mail address to extensive checks for spam elements. Please
also read the section Blacklist in the Spam filter chapter.
Here you are provided with an overview of all e-mails defined as spam by Ad-Aware Total Security.
You can use the Update button to retrieve the most up-to-date data status of the software and the
Delete button to delete previously marked entries. The e-mail messages themselves, which are held
in your e-mail program, are not deleted.
You can use the Add to whitelist button to add a highlighted e-mail to
the whitelist, thus generally excluding the relevant e-mail address from
further spam checks. Please also read the section Whitelist in the
Spam filter chapter. You can use the Add to blacklist button to add a
highlighted e-mail to the blacklist, thus generally subjecting the
relevant e-mail address to extensive checks for spam elements. Please
also read the section Blacklist in the Spam filter chapter.
Options (Anti-Spam)
Here you can define basic settings for handling spam e-mail.
Spam filter
The spam filter provides you with an extensive range of settings options for effectively blocking e-mail
with undesirable content or from undesirable senders (e.g. mass e-mail senders). The program
checks for numerous e-mail characteristics that are typical of spam. These characteristics are used
to calculate a value reflecting the likelihood of it being spam. You can use the Use spam filter
button to enable or disable the spam filter. In order to switch the different filter types of the spam
filter on or off, simply set or remove the checkmark in front of the respective entry. To make changes
to the various filters, simply click on the respective entry. A dialogue window then opens in which
you can vary corresponding settings. The following settings options are available:
Spam OutbreakShield
The OutbreakShield detects and neutralizes threats from malware in mass mailings before the
most up-to-date relevant virus signatures become available. OutbreakShield uses the Internet to
monitor increased volumes of suspicious e-mails, enabling it to close the window between the mass
mail outbreak and its containment with specially adapted virus definitions, practically in real time.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
If you use a computer behind a firewall, or if you have other special
settings for your Internet access, please use a proxy server. To do
this, click the Internet Settings button and make the appropriate
changes. You should change these settings only if your
OutbreakShield doesn't function. If necessary, consult your system
administrator or Internet service provider about the proxy address.
Use w hitelist
Certain sender addresses or domains can be explicitly excluded from spam testing via the Whitelist
. Simply enter the e-mail address (e.g. or domain (e.g. www.lavasoft.
com) that you want to exclude from suspected spam in the Addresses/domains field, and Ad-Aware
Total Security will not process messages from that sender or sender domain as spam. You can use
the Import button to insert predefined lists of e-mail addresses or domains into the whitelist. Each
address or domain must be listed on a separate line. A plain txt file format is used for storing this
list; you can create this list using Windows Notepad, for example. You can also use the Export
button to export whitelists as text files.
Use blacklist
Certain sender addresses or domains can be explicitly flagged as suspected spam via the blacklist.
Simply enter the e-mail address (e.g. or domain (e.g.www. that you want to check for spam in the Addresses/Domains field, and Ad-Aware
Total Security will generally process e-mail from that sender or sender domain as e-mail with a very
high spam probability. You can use the Import button to insert predefined lists of e-mail addresses
or domains into the blacklist. Each address or domain must be listed on a separate line. A plain txt
file format is used for storing this list; you can create this list using Windows Notepad, for example.
With the Export button, you can export blacklists as text files.
Use real-time blacklists
You can find blacklists on the Internet that contain the IP addresses of servers known to send
spam. Ad-Aware Total Security uses DNS queries to the RBLs (real-time blacklists) to determine
whether the sending server is listed. If it is, this increases the probability that it is spam. In general
we recommend that you use the default setting here, although you can add your own Internet
addresses to blacklists 1, 2, and 3.
Use keyw ords (email text)
You can also identify suspected spam messages through the words in the mail text by defining a
list of keywords. If at least one of these terms is included in the e-mail text, the spam probability
increases. You can change this list as you like by using the Add, Change, and Delete buttons.
You can add predefined lists of keywords to your list using the Import button. Entries in such a list
must be listed one below the other on separate lines. A plain txt file format is used for storing this
list; you can create this list using Windows Notepad, for example. You can also use the Export
button to export such a list of keywords as a text file. By checking Find whole words only, you
can specify that Ad-Aware Total Security will only search for complete words in the subject line of an
e-mail. Thus, for example, a term such as cash would fall under suspicion as spam whereas the
general cashew nuts would be allowed to pass.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Spam protection
Use keyw ords (subject)
You can also identify suspected spam messages through the words in the subject line by defining a
list of keywords. An occurrence of at least one of the listed terms in the subject line increases the
probability of spam. You can change this list as you like by using the Add, Change, and Delete
buttons. You can add predefined lists of keywords to your list using the Import button. Entries in
such a list must be listed one below the other in separate lines. A plain txt file format is used for
storing this list; you can create this list using Windows Notepad, for example. You can also use the
Export button to export such a list of keywords as a text file. By checking Find whole words only,
you can specify that Ad-Aware Total Security will only search for complete words in the subject line
of an e-mail. Thus, for example, a term such as cash would fall under suspicion as spam whereas
the general cashew nuts would be allowed to pass.
Use content filter
The content filter has been designed as a self-learning filter based on the Bayes method,
calculating spam probability on the basis of the words that are used in the e-mail text. This filter not
only works on the basis of predefined word lists but also learns from each new e-mail received. You
can view the word lists that are used by the content filter for identifying e-mail as spam via the
Query table contents button. You can delete all words in this table by using the Reset tables
button, after which the content filter will restart its learning process again from the beginning.
Here you can define how the spam filter should process e-mail messages that may contain spam.
You can use the spam probability value calculated for the affected e-mail by Ad-Aware Total Security
to define three different levels of filtering.
How those e-mail messages in which Ad-Aware Total Security finds individual spam elements are
handled is defined under Suspected spam. Such messages may not generally be spam, but can
also be newsletters or part of a mass mailing that is of interest to the recipient. In such cases, it
is recommended that you inform the recipient that the e-mail is suspected spam.
High spam probability covers e-mail that contains many spam characteristics and is rarely of
real interest to the recipient.
Very high spam probability covers e-mail that meets all the spam criteria. Such e-mails are
rarely wanted, and rejecting e-mail with these characteristics is recommended in most cases.
Each of these three graduated reactions can be customized. Simply click on the Change button
and define the reaction which Ad-Aware Total Security should use. The Reject e-mail option allows
you to specify that the corresponding e-mail messages do not reach your mailbox. With Insert
spam warning in mail subject and mail text you can identify and highlight e-mail messages that
have been identified as spam to enable these to be filtered more easily. If you use Microsoft
Outlook (caution: not to be confused with Outlook Express or Windows Mail), you also have the
option of moving e-mail containing suspected spam to a fully customizable folder in your mailbox (
Move e-mail to folder). You can create this folder directly via Ad-Aware Total Security by defining
the corresponding folder under Folder name.
Even if you do not use Outlook, e-mail messages that have been
identified as spam can be moved to a different folder. Just add an alert
in the subject line of the message (for instance "[Spam]") and define a
rule in your e-mail program to move e-mail with this text in the subject
line to a different folder.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Advanced settings
This window enables you to make detailed changes to the spam detection of Ad-Aware Total
Security , adapting the system to suit your e-mail traffic. However, it is generally recommended that
default settings are used here. Making changes in the advanced settings should only be done if you
have the corresponding expertise and know exactly what you are doing.
You can create more settings in this area.
Scan unread mails in the inbox at program start: Only for Microsoft Outlook: The Scan
unread mails in the inbox at program start option is used to check for suspected spam in email received while you are offline. Ad-Aware Total Security will check all unread e-mail in your
Inbox folder and subfolders as soon as you open Outlook.
Other mail programs (using POP3): For technical reasons, e-mail received via POP3 cannot be
deleted directly. If a filter is supposed to reject e-mail, this e-mail is then assigned a replacement
text. The replacement text for rejected e-mail is: The message has been rejected. However, you
can also customize the text for these notification functions. In the text you define for the subject
line and e-mail text, the following wildcards (defined using a percentage symbol followed by a
lower case letter) are available:
In your e-mail program, you can define a rule that automatically deletes
e-mails with the replacement text defined here.
More filters
The following filters are created by default; however, if necessary you can also switch them off by
unchecking the box. Please also refer to the section Add new filter.
Disable HTML scripts: This filter disables scripts in the HTML part of an e-mail. Scripts that
might look OK on a web page tend to be rather irritating when they are integrated into an HTML email. In some cases, HTML scripts are also used to actively infect computers, whereby scripts
have the option of running not only when the infected attachment is opened but even when an email is previewed.
Filter harmful attachments: A large number of filter options are provided for filtering dangerous email attachments. Most e-mail viruses are spread through attachments, which usually have more
or less well-hidden executable files. This can be in the form of a standard EXE file that contains
malware, but can also be VB scripts, which could be hidden behind an apparently safe graphic,
film or music file. In general, users should exercise extreme caution when opening e-mail
attachments. If in doubt, the sender of the e-mail should be asked before opening files that have
not been expressly requested.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Parental controls
Parental controls
You can use parental controls to regulate surfing behavior and computer use for your children.
The parental controls are designed to be self-explanatory and clear. Using various tabs that you can
select by clicking the icons displayed on the left, you can switch to the relevant part of the program,
where you can perform actions, set defaults or review processes.
The parental controls are not included in a standard installation of AdAware Total Security. However you can install this retrospectively by
running a customized setup (see section Installation).
The following program areas are available
Status: Here you can review the current settings and can administer user accounts, so, for
example, allocate various Internet security levels for your children.
Personal filters: This is where you can individually configure the permitted content and prohibited
content settings for different users.
Logs: The log provides information on each user's surfing behavior, so, for example, you can see
when parental controls have intervened and based on which filter rules.
Additionally, you can find overlapping functions and settings in the menu bar at the top of the
program interface.
Test: As an administrator, this is where you can check whether the
restrictions you have defined for particular users are having the desired
effect. The Test mode lets you check that websites that are to be
blocked cannot be seen via your Internet browser, and thus making
sure that the settings are correct.
Options: This is where you can adjust the basic operational settings
for parental controls and adapt them to your individual requirements.
As administrator you can select the user for whom you wish to make modifications or create
settings under User in the Status area; you can also create new users here.
Users with existing Windows user profiles set up on your computer
can be selected directly under Users. To modify settings here, just
select the relevant user and click the Edit button.
Create new user
Click the New user button. Enter the user name and password for the relevant user in the dialogue
To make a password as secure as possible, it should be at least 8
characters long, include upper and lower case letters, and numbers.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
You will now see the new user name under Users; a Windows user account is created for this user
at the same time. This means that parental controls are automatically activated for the person
whose user name was used to log on when Windows was started, and that this person's settings
will apply. By double-clicking the Settings area, you can select the settings for a particular user, for
example: to block Prohibited content or to allow only Permitted content or to specify whether the I
nternet usage period or Computer usage period should be monitored for this user.
Prohibited content
Opens a dialogue window in this area where you can block specific web content for the user
currently displayed. Check the categories you wish to be blocked. Click on OK and the websites
that fit the blocking criteria will be blocked.
If you click on the New button, a dialogue window opens where you
can define your own blocking criteria (also called blacklists). To do
this, first give the name and, if you want, any additional information
about the filter you are creating.
Then click on OK to open a new window which lets you list the content you'd like blocked by this
filter. Add a term under Filter that is to be blocked, and under Search location indicate the parts of
a website that should be searched for the term. Here, you have the following options:
URL: If you set the checkmark here, it will search for the text that should be blocked in the web
address. For example, if you want to block websites like,
etc., you can simply set chat as a filter, and check the URL option and then click on the Add
button. This way, you can block all websites in which the word chat appears in the domain name
, i.e., the Internet address.
Title: If you check "Title" it will search for the term that should be blocked in the website's title.
This is the short website description you see, for example, when you add a website to your
Favorites list as a bookmark. For example, if you want to block websites like Chat City Detroit,
Teenage Chat 2005 etc., you can simply set chat as a filter, and check the Title option, then
click on the Add button. This way, you can block all websites in which the letter combination chat
appears in the title.
Meta: So-called meta tags are text entries that are hidden in websites. They are there to help
search engines find relevant content or just to boost a website's visibility. Search terms like sex
or chat are often used here to increase the number of hits a website receives. If you want to block
websites in which chat appears among the meta tags, it will suffice to enter the filter chat, check
the Meta option and then click on the Add button. This way, you can block all websites in which
the letter combination chat appears in the meta tags.
In entire text: If you want to check all readable content of a website, just add a term that should
be blocked - for example, chat - then check the In the entire text option and click on the Add
button. This way, you can block all websites in which the word chat appears anywhere in the
website text.
Of course, using filter terms that are too general may also block websites that are perfectly
harmless. Thus a blocked term such as cash can also cause entries for cashew nuts to be blocked.
Websites that accidentally get filtered can be removed from the list
using the Exceptions function. To do so, just click on the Exception
button and add the term (e.g. cashew) to the filter as an exception.
You can create and delete your own filters as required in the Personal
filters area. For more information, see the section Personal filters.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Parental controls
Permitted content
Opens a dialogue window where you can permit specific Internet content for the user currently
displayed. Select the categories you want to permit by checking the relevant boxes. Now click OK
to permit access to the websites relating to the criteria you want.
If you click on the New button, you will open a window where you can
define your own permitted content (also called whitelists). There you
can give a name (and a short description if you want) to your personally
created filter.
Now, click OK. A dialogue window will open in which, for example, you can create a whitelist of
websites suitable for children. Under Filter, enter the domain name components you want to
permit. If, for example, you want to permit access to a website with child-friendly content, you can
enter e.g. and thus permit access to this website. Now indicate in the Description
field what is contained on this website (e.g. Elefanti - child-friendly website) and enter the site's
exact web address under Link to website. The description and the link to the website are important
if, for example, your child tries to access a website that you have not permitted. Instead of an error
message, an HTML website will appear in the browser listing all the websites on the whitelist and a
description. This allows your child to directly access the websites he or she is permitted to visit.
Once you have added all the entries, click Add and the whitelist will be updated to include these
The filter also searches for parts of domain names. The results can
vary depending on what you enter in the filter. Broader or stricter criteria
can be useful here, depending on the website.
Monitor Internet usage period
This allows you to define for how long and at what times the selected user can access the Internet.
To do this, check the box next to Monitor Internet usage period. You can now specify how long
the user can access the Internet in total per month, how long per week and how many hours on
particular days of the week. This means that e.g. weekends for school children can be handled
differently from weekdays. You can simply set the relevant periods under Days/hh:mm, where for
example the entry 04/20:05 would mean permission to use the Internet for 4 days, 20 hours and 5
When there are conflicting details about Internet use, the smallest
value is always used. So, if you set a time limit of four days per month,
but a weekly limit of five days, then the software will automatically limit
Internet usage to four days.
If users try to access the Internet beyond their permitted amount of time, an information screen
appears telling them that they have exceeded their allotted time.
Block periods
With the Block periods button, you can open a dialogue box where you can completely block
certain time periods during the week - in addition to limiting the computer usage. The blocked time
periods are shown in red; the allowed time periods are shown in green. In order to allow or block a
time period, simply highlight it using the mouse. A context menu then appears next to the cursor in
which you have two options: Approve period and Block period. If users try to access the Internet
during the blocked periods, an information screen will appear in the browser informing them that they
do not have Internet access during that period.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Monitor computer usage period
This allows you to define for how long and at what times the selected user can access the Internet.
To do this, set the checkmark for Monitor computer usage period. You can now specify how long
the user may use the computer for in total per month, how long per week and how many hours on
certain weekdays. This means that e.g. weekends for school children can be handled differently from
weekdays. You can simply set the relevant periods under Days/hh:mm, where for example the
entry 04/20:05 would mean permission to use the computer for 4 days, 20 hours and 5 minutes. You
can use the Display warning before time expires button to automatically inform the user shortly
before the computer is shut down so that he/she can save his/her data beforehand. Otherwise data
losses may occur if the computer is shut down without warning.
With regard to computer usage entries, it is always the smallest value
that is used. That means, if you specify a restriction of four days for the
month but allow e.g. five days during the week, the software
automatically caps the user's computer usage at four days.
Block periods
With the Block periods button, you can open a dialogue box, where you can, in addition to limiting
the computer usage, completely block certain time periods during the week. The blocked time
periods are shown in red; the allowed time periods are shown in green. In order to allow or block a
time period, simply highlight it using the mouse. A context menu then appears next to the cursor in
which you have two options: Approve period and Block period. If a user attempts to use the
computer during the blocked time periods or after his time limit has been reached, he will not be
allowed to log on.
Personal filters
In this area you can modify the whitelists (permitted content) and blacklists (prohibited content) you
have compiled and create entirely new lists manually. List types differ fundamentally from one
another, as described below:
Whitelist: If you set up a whitelist for one of the users selected above, the relevant user can only
view websites specified in this whitelist. The Master data area allows the administrator to set up
the whitelist according to his/her wishes or to select an appropriate list for a user from a number of
predefined whitelists. A whitelist is particularly suitable for allowing younger children restricted
Internet access, enabling them to use websites with beneficial educational content only.
Blacklist: A blacklist allows you to block access to selected websites for a specific user.
Otherwise, the user has free access to the Internet. Please note that this function allows you to
block specific pages but that identical content may still be accessible on other websites. In this
regard, a blacklist of Internet addresses can never provide complete protection against unwanted
You cannot run a whitelist simultaneously with a blacklist since, by
definition, a whitelist already imposes the strictest possible access
The following buttons can be used to edit the exclusion lists:
Delete: The Delete function enables you to delete the selected lists quickly and easily with your
New: Use this to set up a completely new blacklist or whitelist. The procedure for using this
function is the same as that described in the sections entitled Prohibited content and
Permitted content .
Edit: This allows you to modify the contents of an existing list.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Parental controls
In the log area, you as the administrator have an overview of all attempts made by other users to call
up blocked content. For that purpose you have to select a user from the list at the top of the screen
to display his/her specific log.
You can also delete these logs using the Delete log button.
Options (Parental controls)
You can change basic software settings under Options. Simply click the tab with the setting options
you wish to change.
Here you can change the basic settings for information shown in the Log area (see section Logs). In
this manner, you can specify whether violations of allowed and/or forbidden content should be logged
or not. If contents are logged, you can view the logs of different users in the log area.
Since log files grow considerably during regular use, you can have the
Parental Controls setting Alert when file reaches ___ KB remind you
that the log file has exceeded a certain size, and then delete it
manually in the Log area, under Delete logs.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Using the tuner makes optimization of your operating system effortless and uncomplicated. From
automatically memorizing Windows updates, through regular time-controlled defragmentation, to
regular removal of unnecessary registry entries and temporary files, the tuner is your handy tool for
making your Windows system much faster and more manageable. You will be shown when the last
tuning operation occurred. The Configure entry can be used for creating settings for tuning and
starting the tuning process.
On the left side of the program interface, you'll see a number of options to launch the different
program areas of the software. These different areas will be explained in detail in the following
sections. Furthermore, in the upper menu bar of the program interface under Options you will find
comprehensive functional and settings options.
In the Status area, you can get an overview of all the key information for running the tuner software.
The following information is available in the Status area. Active elements are displayed in green while
inactive elements are displayed in gray:
Active profile: This option allows you to define various tuning profiles (such as security,
performance, or data protection tuning) so that they can be implemented independently of one
another. If you do not define different profiles, the standard profile is displayed. You can create
individual profiles in the Configuration program area.
Last run: This shows when the tuner software was last run. Both automatic and manual runs are
shown here. To directly start a tuning process, simply click the entry Last run or the Run button.
The software then immediately checks your system and optimises it according to the
configurations which you set in the Configuration program area. During the tuning process, an
information window appears which shows the tuning functions currently being run. As soon as
tuning has ended, this message will disappear. When the tuning process is being performed, a
status bar indicates the progress of the activity. This status bar can be seen in the status area
and the configuration area.
Changes made: The number of system changes made to date during tuning is listed here.
Double-click on this entry to reset the changes counter.
Scheduled tuning runs: If you define an automated scheduled system check in the Schedule
area, your computer will be regularly optimised at intervals you specify. If you don't want the tuning
process to run automatically, you can either click on Schedule and delete or disable the relevant
tuning job or temporarily disable all planned tuning tasks by clicking on the Run scheduled
tuning processes entry. The entry will then be shown as disabled. To restart the automatic run,
simply click on this entry again.
Active tuning function: The Active tuning function field indicates which components are
currently being optimised and/or checked during the tuning process. This window disappears
automatically once the tuning process is complete.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
In the Configuration area you can select all the modules that the tuner should use for a tuning
process. Selected modules are then either started automatically as a scheduled event (see
Schedule) or manually, by going to the Status area and clicking the Run button. To activate a
module simply double-click it. Using the All button you can activate every module in a specific
category (e.g. security, performance or data protection). You can use the None button to
deactivate all the modules, and with the Toggle button you can deactivate all active modules and
activate all inactive modules. The Test run button allows you to determine which changes the tuner
would make during a tuning process, without the changes actually being performed. Following a test
run, a screen appears in which the upcoming changes are documented. If you click OK, these
changes will actually be made. If you click Close however, none of the system changes suggested
by the test run are implemented. You can use the Details button to view a detailed log of the
suggested changes selected using the mouse. Furthermore, you can export this as a TXT file using
the Save button.
Define profile
This option allows you to define various tuning profiles (such as
security, performance, or data protection tuning) so that they can be
implemented independently of one another. If you do not define different
profiles, the standard profile is displayed. To configure a new profile,
simply click the Add profile button. A window then opens in which you
can enter a name (e.g. Security tuning or the like) for the new profile.
All the changes that you make when selecting the modules are saved
so that you can perform very specific tuning runs.
To delete a profile, select the profile and then click the Delete button.
The standard profile cannot be deleted.
Various functions that download data automatically from the Internet are only of use to the provider
and have no benefit for you. These functions may often leave you vulnerable to malware. With these
modules you can protect your system and keep it up-to-date.
Once installation is complete, temporary files (such as backup copies, log files or installation data
that are no longer required) occupy hard disk space, only slow down your hard disk and use up
valuable memory capacity. Moreover processes and file links that are no longer required can
significantly slow down your system. You can use the modules listed here to remove this
superfluous load from your computer and speed the computer up.
Data Protection
This provides a summary of the modules that ensure your data is protected. Traces that are created
unintentionally while surfing or using the computer in general and that contain a lot of information
about your user behavior, or even important data and passwords, are deleted here.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
The software creates a Restore point each time a change is made. If one of the executed tuning
actions leads to unwanted results, you can undo this action and restore your system to the status
before the respective change. To do this, simply use your mouse to select the area up to the point
where you wish to perform the Restore operation and then click the Restore button.
Here you may deliberately select only those areas from the most
recent change, up to the last specified restore point as the maximum.
Since system optimization and system cleaning operations are
cumulative, you cannot, for example, select an intermediate restore
point from the sequence on its own. Performing a restore without
taking account of subsequent changes would lead to system-related
By using the Delete all button you can delete all Ad-Aware Total
Security restore points. Automatic system recovery is subsequently no
longer possible. Since only a small amount of memory is required for
restore data and you are provided with the opportunity in the Options
area to have restore points deleted automatically after a certain period,
you should avoid manual deletion of restore points as a rule.
In this area, you can define automatic scheduled system checks. Use the Edit button to change an
existing scheduled system check. Use the Start now button to perform a tuning job immediately,
irrespective of time specifications. Simply click the New system check button and enter all
necessary details in the wizard that appears.
If you want to delete a scheduled automatic system check instruction,
right-click the entry and select Delete from the context menu which
Enter a meaningful name for the new system check in the Name area (e.g. daily system check).
In this area you can select one of the profiles you have created in the Configuration area for the
respective tuning job.
The Scheduling tab allows you to specify when the automatic tuning job should run and how often.
You set up the default schedule under Run and then specify in more detail by entering the Time.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Under Daily, you can use the Weekdays settings, for example, to
specify that the computer should only carry out the tuning on workdays
or just every other day, or on weekends only, when it is not being used
for work. To change the time and date under Time, simply highlight the
item you wish to change (e.g. day, hour, month, year) with the mouse
and use the arrow keys or the small arrow symbols to the right of the
input box to chronologically scroll within the relevant item.
In the Logs area, you can find log files relating to all tuning processes. Here you can see in detail
which files have been deleted or modified, which user accounts and system areas have been
checked, and which entries in the registry have been changed. To view details relating to a specific
log, simply double-click the desired log, or highlight it and click the Open button. To manually delete
log files that are no longer required, use the Delete button.
In the Configuration area, you can also delete the log files
Options (Tuner)
You can change basic software settings under Options. Simply click the tab with the setting options
you wish to change.
Here you can determine when obsolete data (e.g. old TEMP folders), restoration data (which the
tuner software creates when changes are made) and desktop shortcuts (if they have not been used
for a corresponding number of days) are supposed to be deleted. Here you can also specify whether
or not the tuner is supposed to search the Internet automatically for current Windows updates and
Office updates.
Of course, the search for Office updates only works if Microsoft Office
is installed on the relevant computer.
The tuner is structured in such a way that it consistently logs information about any changes that
are made. If you think that a log file containing relevant information about what the tuner has deleted
is a security risk, you can suppress creation of such a deletion log by setting the checkmark for
Do not create log files with detailed information about the deleted items. In the Logs area,
this information is then displayed in non-detailed format.
You can use the Permanently delete temporary web browser files function to exclude web files
(such as cookies, temporary Internet files) from the restore option in the tuner i.e. you cannot
restore these files using the Undo program area.
By activating this function, you reduce the number of files that the tuner
has to manage in the Undo area considerably. This improves
Use the Automatic computer restart not permitted by the service option to prevent a possible
computer restart, which the tuner might otherwise need to perform for a scheduled tuning job. Since
the tuner would only perform a computer restart without asking when no user is logged on, it is
definitely recommended that this option is not activated in the majority of cases. If you are using a
Firefox browser, you can use the Restore standard rights for Firefox function to further improve
the security of the Firefox browser.
When you switch to standard rights, the Firefox browser always starts
with a security prompt from then on. Furthermore, the browser can only
save to folders with the same security level, i.e. you can only save data
from the Internet to a preconfigured download folder or the desktop.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Folder protection
This tab lets you select specific folders (including your Windows partition) to protect old files from
automatic deletion. Just click the Add icon and select the corresponding folder or the desired drive.
To clear all the items from an Exceptions directory, select it in the
Temporary files area and then click the Delete button.
The tuner software finds temporary files based on the file extensions.
The following file types are defined as temporary files: file*.chk, *.tmp,
*.temp, *.gid, *.bak, *.sik and *.old.
Here you can define specific directories as exceptions. So, for
example, if you define C: as an exception, then all files in the top
directory level of C:\ (the root directory) will be protected. Temporary
files in the subfolders of this directory (e.g., C: > Windows or C: >
Data > Storage) will be searched for temp files and, if necessary,
completely cleaned, as normal.
File protection
You can use file protection to protect certain files from being deleted by the tuner, for example,
game scores for computer games or similar files with unusual file extensions, which could also be
interpreted as backup or temp files.
To protect specific files, click the Add button and enter the
corresponding file name. You can also use wildcards here.
Wildcards work as follows:
The question mark symbol (?) represents individual characters.
The asterisk symbol (*) represents entire character strings.
For instance, in order to protect all files with the file extension .sav,
enter *.sav. Or to protect files of various types that have identical initial
file names, enter e.g. text*.*.
Now choose the folder in which the files are to be protected by clicking
the Advanced button. Here you can now select the storage location
where the files to be protected are located. The Tuner now protects the
files thus defined in this folder only (e.g. only game scores in the
relevant games folder).
© 2010 - Lavasoft
As everyday life becomes increasingly digitalized, including the use of online music services, digital
cameras and e-mail, backing up your personal data becomes ever more important. Whether in case
of a hardware error, an accident or damage from viruses or hacker attacks, you should take care to
regularly backup your personal documents. Backup takes care of this job for you and protects your
most important documents and files so that you don't have to worry about them.
The software is designed to be self-explanatory and clearly laid out. Using various tabs which you
can select by clicking the icons displayed on the left, you can switch to the relevant program area
where you can perform actions, set defaults or review processes.
The following program areas are available
Status: In the status area you can see the current status of your data security measures.
Backup: In this area you can launch backups directly or create schedules for automatic backups.
Restore: Here you can restore files that you have backed up.
Actions: In the actions area you can use additional FTP and burn functions.
Logs: All the backup, administration and restore processes are logged by Backup. You can
access the logs here.
Additionally, you can find overlapping functions and settings in the menu bar at the top of the
program interface.
Options: Here you can change the backup program's basic settings to
suit your requirements.
Including online storage (1 GB)
When you register this software, Lavasoft will give you 1 GB of online
storage on an FTP server for your backups, for free. The FTP details
will automatically be entered in Backup's FTP window and you will be
able to store your most important data safely online, with password
protection if required. You'll find the necessary information about FTP
access data on the back of the user guide. If you bought your software
online, you'll receive the access data in a separate e-mail.
If you have multiple licenses you get 1 GB of free online storage
space for every license; for example, a triple license means you have 3
GB of space.
As long as you are getting Lavasoft virus updates, this FTP storage
space will remain available to you. If you terminate the contract, you
still have 30 days to remove the files from the Lavasoft Backup server.
After that, the data will be deleted.
In the Status area you can see an overview of the current backup status. Here you can check when
the last backup was made and see when the next automatic backup is due to be run by the
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
In this program area, you can start a backup of your important data immediately or define an
automatic backup that makes backups of your data at regular intervals automatically. Simply
choose the files for backup, define a target (e.g. external hard disk or DVD-ROM drive) and click the
Start backup button.
You can choose between the options Standard backup and
Advanced backup, and you can toggle between them using the
respective icon at the top right.
Standard backup
In Standard backup you will find all the settings options in a single dialogue window. This is
recommended for making a quick backup of the most critical data.
Source files
Select the files here that should be included in the backup. Backup provides default parameters for
folders in which personal data in Windows is generally saved. In other words, you can perform a
backup of your images, your music, or even all of your most important files.
Images: If you set the checkmark here, Backup saves all types of files that contain images and
are found in certain folders.
Music: If you select this function, the software saves all types of files that contain music and are
located in certain folders.
Documents: You can also back up text documents having the most varied of formats.
Films: Film files of every format can also be backed up with Backup.
E-mail: The software also makes it possible to back up your e-mail. For this, the e-mail archives
of the e-mail programs that are found on your computer are saved.
Other file types: You can define other file types here if you use documents that you would like to
back up even though they do not have a standard file format.
Additional search folders: In general, Backup compiles a backup from the files and folders that
is generally intended for the storage of personal data by your operating system. If you still have
folders in another location that should be included in the backup, select them here. These folders
will then be automatically searched if you want to back up images, music, documents, etc.
Additional folders/files: If you would like to define entire folders or certain files for the backup
regardless of the selectable file types, you may do so here. Simply select the folders and files that
should be included by Backup.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
In the File selection area, you can click the plus (+) symbols to open
and select directories whose content is then displayed in the file view
(right). Each directory or each file which you check off is taken into
account during Backup. If not all files in a directory are checked, this
directory is marked with a gray checkmark.
In the Files types area you can also define individual file types in
addition to the specified file types. So, for example, if you also want to
back up other text documents in addition to Office documents, such as
documents in OpenOffice format, you can define individual file types on
the Files types tab using the Add button. So, for example, enter *.odt
here for OpenOffice documents. To exclude unnecessary document
formats from the backup, you can also select the desired file type
using the mouse and then click the Remove button.
Here you can define the target or location to which Backup should save the backup copy of the files
and folders. The currently selected target is displayed. If you double-click on this option, a dialog
window opens in which you can define a new target. This can be a CD- or DVD-ROM drive, another
hard disk, a USB stick, other removable media or a directory on the network.
To store backups on the Lavasoft FTP server, please check the box
next to Copy archive to FTP servers.
If you cannot establish a connection to the FTP server, please use the
extended dialog box to enter the connection details you received
during online registration of Ad-Aware Total Security.
If you would like to write the data to a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, Backup
will prompt you to insert a blank CD or DVD in the drive.
Please ensure that the backup is not made to the same disk that the
original data is located on. If this disk becomes defective, you will lose
both your original and your backup data. The best thing to do is to keep
the backup at a place that is spatially separate from the original files,
that is, on a USB hard disk or burnt to CD/DVD ROM in another room.
You can automate backups here. If you click on this option, a dialogue window will open in which
you can define under Schedule how often a backup of your data should be carried out.
Warning: To be able to carry out scheduled backups at all, you must
check the box next to the Run job as option under User details in the
Options area and enter the access data for your Windows user
account there. This input is required so the backup can be scheduled
to run even when you are not logged on as a user.
Under Run, just enter how often, on which days, and at what time the backup should take place. A
backup of all data that you selected under Source files will be now made automatically according to
the frequency you entered.
Warning: Automatic backups do not work with CD-ROMs or DVDROMs since user intervention may be required for changing a blank
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
In the Delete older archives section you can define how to use Backup with backups that already
exist. Backup archives your data to a separate individual file with the file extension ARC. Having
existing backups that have not been overwritten naturally increases the security of your data since,
in the event that the current archive should be corrupted, an older archive is available so you do not
lose all the data. In general, however, archives require a lot of space on data carriers, so you should
beware that you do not accumulate too many archive files. It is a good idea to set a maximum
number of backups to store on your backup medium under retain full backups. The oldest archive
will then be replaced by the current archive.
Partial backups
Partial backups serve to speed up data security. Instead of using all data for a backup, a partial
backup adds to an existing full backup and only backs up data that has changed since the last full
backup. This way you still get a complete backup of your data set, but the backup process itself is
significantly faster. If you want to use partial backups, check the box next to Create partial
backup(s) and enter the frequency with which the backup should be run.
A disadvantage of partial backups is the comparatively greater storage
space requirement, as data in the full backup that is no longer required
will not be directly deleted. However, after the next full backup, the full
and partial backup datasets will be synchronised and the data volume
will again be the same as for a full backup.
Advanced backup
An advanced backup is supported by a wizard and is more comprehensive. Here you can define
various independent backup jobs and so, for example, carry out a backup of your music collection
every month while backing up important text documents on a daily basis. To start the backup job
set-up wizard, please click on the New button.
File selection
A window now opens in which you can highlight the files and folders you want to save. Just put a
check mark in front of the relevant folder or file.
In the File selection area, you can click the plus (+) symbols to open
and select directories whose content is then displayed in the file view
(right). Each directory or each file which you check off is taken into
account during Backup. If not all files in a directory are checked, this
directory is marked with a gray checkmark.
Unlike the Standard backup, which automatically selects the most
important user data, with Advanced backup you have to know where
you have saved your data and files. You can usually find the My
Pictures folder under e.g. Local Disk (C:) > User > [user name] >
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Select target
Here you can define the target or location to which Backup should save the backup copy of the files
and folders. This can be a CD- or DVD-ROM drive, another hard disk, a USB stick, other removable
media or a directory on the network.
To store backups on the Lavasoft FTP server, please set the
checkmark for Copy archive to FTP server.
If you cannot establish a connection to the FTP server, please use the
extended dialogue box to enter the connection data you received
during the online registration of Ad-Aware Total Security.
If you would like to write the data to a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, Backup
will, of course, prompt you to insert a blank CD or DVD in the drive.
Please ensure that the backup is not made to the same disk that the
original data is located on. If this disk becomes defective, you will lose
both your original and your backup data. The best thing to do is to keep
the backup at a place that is spatially separate from the original files,
that is, on a USB hard disk or burnt to CD/DVD ROM in another room.
You can automate backups here.
Warning: To be able to carry out scheduled backups at all, you must
check the box next to the Run job as option under User details in the
Options area and enter the access data for your Windows user
account there. This input is required so the backup can be scheduled
to run even when you are not logged on as a user.
Under Run, just enter how often, on which days, and at what time the backup should take place. A
backup of all data that you selected under Source files will now be made automatically according to
the frequency you entered.
Warning: Automatic backups do not work with CD-ROMs or DVDROMs since user intervention may be required for changing a blank
In the Delete older archives section you can define how to use Backup with backups that already
exist. Backup archives your data to a separate individual file with the file extension ARC. Having
existing backups that have not been overwritten naturally increases the security of your data since,
in the event that the current archive should be corrupted, an older archive is available so you do not
lose all the data.
In general, however, archives require a lot of space on data carriers, so you should beware that you
do not accumulate too many archive files. It is a good idea to set a maximum number of backups to
store on your backup medium under retain full backups. The oldest archive will then be replaced
by the current archive.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Partial backups
Partial backups serve to speed up data security. Instead of using all data for a backup, a partial
backup adds to an existing full backup and only backs up data that has changed since the last full
backup. This way you still get a complete backup of your data set, but the backup process itself is
significantly faster. If you want to use partial backups, check the box next to Create partial
backup(s) and enter the frequency with which the backup should be run.
A disadvantage of partial backups is the comparatively greater storage
space requirement, as data in the full backup that is no longer required
will not be directly deleted. However, after the next full backup, the full
and partial backup datasets will be synchronised and the data volume
will again be the same as for a full backup.
You can change general archive options in the Options area. In general, you do not have to make
any changes here since the Ad-Aware Total Security default options cover most application
General archive options
In the General archive options, you have the following settings options:
Directory for temporary files: Temporary files are data that a backup only writes to your hard
disk temporarily. If there is insufficient space on your standard partition, this is where you can
change the partition and the temporary storage location for these files.
Limit file size of archive: If you store archives on CD, DVD ROM or other writeable media, it is
important that Backup limits the size of the archive files. Here, you can choose from default sizes
enabling you to retrospectively store the archive data on CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs. When the
archive reaches the maximum size specified here, it is split and the backup information is spread
across two or more archive files.
Delete temporary archives: This option should generally be enabled. After a certain number of
backup operations, temporary archives require a lot of space on your hard disk and are no longer
needed after their temporary use.
Copy restore program: If you activate this function, a program is also installed in the storage
area of your data backup that you can use to restore your data without using installed backup
software. To use this function, start the AVKBackup program or AVKBackup.exe from the CD/
Check files for viruses before archiving: If the Anti-Virus module is installed, you can check
your data for viruses before it is stored in the backup archive.
Check archive after creation: The purpose of this function is to check the archive for
completeness and correctness once it has been created.
Encrypt archive: If you want to protect archived files from external access, you can assign a
password to them. In this case, the data can only be restored with this password. You should
memorize this password or write it down and put it somewhere safe. Then your archive data
cannot be restored without the password.
Integrity test with differential backup: The purpose of this function is to check a partial
backup for completeness and correctness once it has been created.
Check source/destination drive on same hard disk: If you set this checkmark, Backup
checks whether you are accidentally trying to create a backup on the same data medium on
which the original data is located. Such a backup is possible in principle, but since both the
source and the backup data would be lost if this data medium was lost or destroyed, this would be
pointless and dangerous.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
The restore program is only copied with it onto CD/DVD ROM. This is
not the case for backup copies to removable media (USB stick,
external hard disk).
If you have installed the Backup software on the computer on which the
restore is supposed to take place, please do not execute the restore
by using the restore program on CD/DVD ROM but by using the
function Import archive.
User details
To run scheduled backups, set the checkmark in the Options area under User details for the Run
job as entry and enter the access data for your Windows user account there. This input is required
so the backup can be scheduled to run even when you are not logged on as a user.
In the Compression area, you can determine if your archives should be strongly or weakly
Good compression: The data is strongly compressed for the backup. This saves you backup
storage space, but the backup itself will take longer.
Balanced compression: The backup is not as strongly compressed, but it will be executed more
Fast execution: Data is not compressed, so the backup is executed quickly.
Exclude files
Backup usually saves files on the basis of their file format. On your computer system, however,
corresponding file formats also exist in areas that are managed automatically and are not relevant for
backup because the respective files are only stored temporarily (e.g. to speed up the display of
pages from the Internet). To ensure that Backup does not unnecessarily archive these files as well,
you can exclude them by setting the corresponding checkmark.
Temporary directory with files: If this option is selected, the temporary folders (... Documents
and Settings > "User" > Local Settings > temp) plus any subfolders and files they contain are
excluded from the backup.
Temporary Internet directories with files: If this option is selected, the folders for saving web
pages (... Documents and Settings > "User" > Temporary Internet Folders) and the subfolders
and files they contain are excluded from the backup.
Thumbs.db: If this option is selected, the Thumbs.db files created automatically by Windows
Explorer will be excluded from the backup. These files are used to manage thumbnails for
slideshows, for example, and are generated automatically from original images.
Temporary files (file attribute): If this option is selected, files with the system-assigned file
attribute temporary are not included in the backup.
System files (file attribute): If this option is selected, files with the system-assigned file
attribute system file are not included in the backup.
You can use the Exclude file types function to define file extensions that should be excluded from
your backup. To do so, proceed as follows: Under File type (e.g. *.txt), enter the file extension or
file name that you want to exclude. Now click OK. Repeat this process for all other file types and file
names that you want to exclude, e.g. picasa.ini, *.ini, *bak etc. The asterisk and the question
mark can be used as wildcards here.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Wildcards work as follows:
The question mark symbol (?) represents individual characters.
The asterisk symbol (*) represents entire character strings.
For instance, in order to check all files with the file extension .exe,
enter *.exe. To check e.g. files with different spreadsheet formats (e.g.
*.xlr, *.xls), simply enter *.xl?. To check e.g. files of various types that
have identical initial file names, enter text*.* for example.
Reset to current default options
By clicking the Reset to Current Default Options button, you accept the
options that you have defined as the standard options in the Options
item in Ad-Aware Total Security's menu bar. If you want special
options for a certain backup job, set these up accordingly. If so, you
should of course not press the Reset to current default options
This function is only available if you are setting up special options for
individual backup jobs in the wizard for an Advanced backup .
Reset to Ad-Aw are default options
By clicking the Reset to Ad-Aware Default Options button, you accept
the options that have been defined as the standard options for Backup.
That is, if you accidentally entered incorrect options for creating
backups and you do not know how to correct them, click the Reset to
Ad-Aware default options button.
This function is only available if you set the options globally, e.g. for a
Standard backup using the Options button in the menu bar.
In the Restore area you can restore original files from your backup data in the case of data loss. As
in the Backup area, there is also a Standard backup and Advanced backup area here.
Standard backup: If you used the Standard backup option when backing up your data, you will
find it very simple to restore your data from the Restore area under Standard backup.
Advanced backup: If you backed up your data using the Advanced backup function, you will
also have advanced options in the Restore area. Here you can go back to imported archives and
select which version of the backup you want to use when performing a backup.
Restore job
If you have selected a data backup and clicked the Restore button, you will be asked whether you
want to restore all files (Restore all files from the archive) or only selected files (Only restore
selected files from the archive). Make your selection here.
Select target
In the following dialogue box you can specify whether the data is to be restored to the exact same
point from which the backup was made or if you want to store the files in a special folder. We
usually recommend the Restore files to original directories setting. Under Password enter the
© 2010 - Lavasoft
access password, if you have compressed your data backups as password protected when you
saved. Under Overwrite existing files you can specify how Backup proceeds with files that still
exist at the original location when restoring a data backup. The following configuration options are
Always overwrite: In this setting, the files from the data backup are always seen as more
important than the data that is still in the original directory. If you set a checkmark here, any data
that may remain is completely overwritten by the data in the archive.
If the size has changed: With this setting, existing data in the original directory is only
overwritten if the original file has been changed. Files where the size remains unchanged are
skipped. This means the data might be restored more quickly.
If the 'modified on' time in the archive is more recent: Here, files in the original directory are
always replaced with copies from the archive if they are newer than the data in the archive. This
may also speed up the data restore because it is possible that only changed data, rather than all
files, have to be restored.
If the 'modified on' time has changed: Here, the data in the original directory is always
replaced if the modification date has changed compared to the archived files.
Then click Finish. Your data will now be restored to the specified location.
You can manage and maintain your data backups and more in this area. The following tools are
available for this purpose:
Administer online archives
If you backup your most important data online on the Lavasoft FTP server, Backup will of course
need the appropriate access data. Here, you can enter the server name, port, user name,
password and directory that you were given when you registered with the Lavasoft Update Server.
Registering your Lavasoft product is described in detail in the
Internet update section.
FTP brow ser
Simply enter your FTP access data to gain access to your Lavasoft FTP server. This data was sent
to you by e-mail, when you registered your product online. For more information, see the section
entitled Internet update. Using the FTP browser you can now perform the following actions:
Connect: If the connection to the FTP browser was lost, you can
reactivate it here.
Disconnect: You can use this function to terminate the connection to
the FTP browser.
New folder: If you want to store your backups in different folders (e.g.
only special folders just for music backups), you can use this function
to create folders in your FTP storage area.
Delete: This function enables you to delete folders or archives you no
longer need.
Update: If you have performed another update while using the FTP
browser, you can display the new data by pressing the Update button.
Download: You can use this function to copy archives selected using
your mouse from the FTP server to any location on your computer.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Upload: You can use this function to retrospectively save archives
generated using Backup on your FTP server.
Burn archive to CD/DVD retrospectively
You can burn backup files to CD or DVD at a later date. To do this, simply choose the project you
want to burn in the dialogue box displayed and then click the Continue button. Choose which drive
you want to burn the data backup on.
Check data after burning: If you set a checkmark here, the burned data is checked again after
the process of burning. This takes a bit longer than a burning process without a check but is
generally recommended.
Copy restore program files: If you activate this function, a program is also installed in the
storage area of your data backup that you can use to restore your data without using installed
backup software. To use this function, start the AVKBackup program or AVKBackup.exe from
Click the Burn button to start the burning process. Once the burning process is complete, the
backup CD/DVD is ejected automatically.
Of course, the backup data is not deleted from the original data
medium after the burning process. Retrospective burning to CD/DVD is
an additional backup.
You can use the Import archive function to integrate archives on
external data carriers such as CD or DVD back into the Backup file
management system.
Import archive
To restore archives and data backups located on a drive that is not managed by Backup, please use
the Import archive function. Here, a dialogue box opens in which you can search for the required
archive files with the extension ARC, e.g. on a CD, DVD or on the network. Once you have found the
archive you want, please set a checkmark and then click the OK button. A message window tells
you that the archive has been imported successfully. If you then want to use this archive to restore
data, simply go to the Restore area of Backup, select the backup you want and start the restore.
Archive files created by Backup have the file extension ARC.
The Logs area provides a comprehensive log file for every action and every backup job. Here you
can open individual actions by double-clicking on them and print them out as required or save them
as text files.
You can change basic software settings under Options. You may define these options either
individually for the respective backup job or globally as a default setting for all the backup jobs.
Options are explained in detail in the section Options .
© 2010 - Lavasoft
What happens when my license expires?
What happens when my license expires?
A few days before your license expires, an information window appears in the task bar. If you click
this, a dialogue window opens in which you can extend your license without a problem and in a few
steps. Simply click on the Buy now button to renew.
You can also renew your license by clicking the This Link.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
Tips for installation
Here you can find further information about the installation and registration of Ad-Aware Total
Boot scan prior to installation
The boot scan will help you fight viruses that have embedded themselves prior to installation of the
anti-virus software on your computer and that may prevent Ad-Aware Total Security from being
installed. If you bought Ad-Aware Total Security with a Boot CD, it can be run before the start of
What is meant by booting up?
When you switch on your computer, the Windows operating system
will normally start up automatically. This process is called booting.
However, it is also possible to run other programs automatically instead
of your Windows operating system. To scan your computer for viruses
before Windows starts up, a Boot CD is needed.
How do I cancel a boot scan?
If you restart your computer and a special Ad-Aware interface appears
instead of the usual Windows environment, there is no cause for alarm.
If you have not planned a boot scan, just use the arrows to select the
Microsoft Windows entry and click on return. Windows will now start
normally, without first carrying out a boot scan.
If you want to run a boot scan, proceed as follows:
Boot scan using the program CD: Use the Ad-Aware Total Security
CD to boot up your computer. - Insert the Ad-Aware Total Security
CD into the drive. In the start window that opens, click Cancel and turn
off the computer.
Boot scan with Ad-Aware Total Security that you have
downloaded from the Internet: You can burn a new boot CD via the
Create Ad-Aware Total Security boot CD entry in the Ad-Aware
Total Security program group. - Insert the boot CD you have burnt
into the drive. In the start window that opens, click Cancel and turn off
the computer.
After this first step the boot scan in all three scenarios will proceed identically:
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Restart the computer. The Ad-Aware Total Security boot scan start
menu will appear.
Tips for installation
Use the arrow keys to choose the Ad-Aware Total Security boot CD
option and confirm your choice with Enter. A Linux operating system is
now started from the CD and a Ad-Aware Total Security special
version for boot scans appears.
If you are having problems with the program interface display, restart
your computer and choose the Ad-Aware Total Security boot CD –
alternative option.
The program will now suggest updating the virus definitions (or virus
Click Yes and perform the update. As soon as the data has been
updated via the Internet, you see the message Update complete. Now
exit the update screen by clicking the Close button.
The automatic Internet update is available if you are using a router
that assigns IP addresses automatically (DHCP). If the Internet update
is not available, you can still perform the boot scan using old virus
signatures. However, in that case, you should perform a new boot scan
with updated data as soon after installing Ad-Aware Total Security as
You will now see the program interface. Click the Check computer
entry to check your computer for viruses and malware. Depending on
the type of computer and size of the hard drive, the boot scan can take
an hour or more.
If Ad-Aware Total Security finds any viruses, please use the option
provided in the program to remove them. Once the virus has been
removed successfully, the original file is available again.
Once the virus check is complete, leave the system by clicking the
Exit button and then choosing Restart.
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Total Security
The Exit button is located on the bottom right of the program interface.
Take the Ad-Aware Total Security CD out of the drive as soon as the
drive tray opens.
Switch off your computer again and restart it. Your computer will now
start with your standard Windows operating system again, and you can
be certain of being able to install the regular Ad-Aware Total Security
on a virus-free system.
What do I do if my computer will not boot from the CD-ROM?
If your computer will not boot from the CD/DVD-ROM, you may need to
set this option up first. This is done in the so-called BIOS, a system
that is automatically started before your Windows operating system. To
make changes in BIOS, proceed as follows:
1. Switch your computer off.
2. Restart your computer. Usually you reach the BIOS setup by
pressing the DEL button as the computer is booting up (and
sometimes the F2 or F10 button as well).
3. How to change individual settings in your BIOS setup varies from
computer to computer. Please consult your computer's
documentation. The result should be the boot sequence CD/DVDROM:, C: , meaning that the CD/DVD-ROM drive becomes the 1st
boot device and the hard disk partition with your Windows operating
system on it becomes the 2nd boot device.
4. Save the changes and restart your computer. Your computer is now
ready for a boot scan.
Customized setup or full installation?
A full setup applies the settings that make sense for the majority of users. Just click on the module
you want and select whether it should be installed or not.
A drive icon will show you that the module is being installed.
A delete icon will show you that the module cannot be installed.
You can also install or uninstall software components later. To do so,
simply run the installation again and activate or deactivate the modules
you want (or do not want) using the custom setup.
Invalid registration number?
If you have problems entering your registration number, please check for correct entry. Depending
on the font used, a capital "I" (for India) is often misread as the number "1" or the letter "l" (for Lima).
The same applies to: "B" and "8", "G" and "6", "Z" and "2".
© 2010 - Lavasoft
Tips for installation
Access data invalid or missing?
Please check that the access data has been entered correctly.
Please note the case-sensitivity; the access data does not contain
If you have lost or forgotten your access data, go to the login page and
click on the Access data misplaced? entry. A website opens where
you can enter your registration number again. When you have done so,
your access data will be re-sent to the e-mail address you entered
during registration.
If your e-mail address has changed in the meantime, please contact
Lavasoft Support.
Can I use my old access data to obtain updates on a new
Yes. In this event, the update server establishes its connection with the new computer - from then on
the old computer can no longer obtain updates.
Notes on uninstalling
If you intend to uninstall Ad-Aware Total Security sometime in the future, the easiest way to do
this is by clicking on the Uninstall button in the Ad-Aware Total Security program group. The
uninstall then takes place automatically. Alternatively, you can also uninstall the program using the
Windows Control Panel.
Windows XP: Click Start on the Windows taskbar and selectSettings > Control Panel >
Software. You can then use your mouse to highlight Ad-Aware Total Security on the Install/
Uninstall tab. Then, click the Add/Remove button to run the uninstall process.
Windows Vista, Windows 7: On the Windows taskbar click on the start icon (normally at the
bottom left of your screen) and select the Control Panel folder. Here you will find the option
Programs > Uninstall a program. Select Ad-Aware Total Security from the list and then click
Uninstall to initiate the uninstall process.
If you still have files in the Quarantine area of Ad-Aware Total Security during the uninstall, you
will be asked whether or not these files should be deleted. If you do not delete the files, they remain
encrypted on your computer in a special Ad-Aware Total Security folder and are therefore
incapable of causing any harm. You can only use these files again by reinstalling Ad-Aware Total
Security on your computer. During the uninstall process, you will be prompted whether you want to
delete settings and logs. If you do not delete these files, the logs and settings will be available on
reinstallation of the software. Complete the uninstall process by clicking on the Exit button. The
software is now completely uninstalled from your system.
© 2010 - Lavasoft