Registration 2015 Hotel - National Tattoo Association
Registration 2015 Hotel - National Tattoo Association
National Tattoo Association Inc. ® Double Tree by Hilton at Sea World 10100 International Drive - Orlando, FL 32821 April 22 - 27, 2015 • Use a Separate Form for Each Person. (Make Copies as Necessary) Registrations received by December 31, 2014 will earn a souvenir mug. Your registration fee entitles you to attend meetings consistent with your membership category as well as the Welcome Party, Awards Ceremony, and Tattoo Room throughout the convention. You must pre-register by April 8, 2015 to be eligible for the $45.00 pre-registration rate. After April 8, 2015, you must register at the door and On-site registration is $55.00. The Banquet is optional, and only holders of Banquet tickets will be allowed in during the banquet. Banquet dinner and Roast reservations must be ordered by April 8, 2015. Dinner and Roast fees cannot be refunded after April 8, 2015. You must be registered for the convention to attend the banquet or roast. • Make money orders or checks payable in US Funds, drawn on a US Bank to the National Tattoo Association Convention and mail to 485 Business Park Lane - Allentown, PA 18109. Personal Checks must be received no later than April 8, 2015. If you cannot attend, your registration fee is refundable in full after the convention. • For Hotel reservations we suggest the Double Tree, the site of the convention. Special rates are available through April 8, 2015. Call 1-407352-1100 Use our code NTA and be sure you say that you are with the “National Tattoo Association” and attending the convention or go on our website at and click on convention. • If you have any questions or need additional information, call (610) 433-7261. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the convention. Check us out on the web at . (Name (Please Print Legibly - Only one name per form)) . (Street Address) . (City, State, Zip, Country) (Badge Name) (Email) (Telephone) ( ) . _________________________________________________________________ If you are bringing a child under the age of 18 (Child’s Name) Membership Category (Check Member Guest One) (Child’s Age) box to the right. . Artist or Enthusiast (Check One) Artist (Tattooist) Enthusiast (Fan) Your name will be listed in the 2015 Convention issue unless you check the . Country for Listing: Do Not List _________________________ Check here if you are tattooing in a booth. Booth holders name_______________________________________ Check here if you are working in booth but not tattooing. Booth holders name__________________________ Please tell us the number of nights you will be staying at the Double Tree________________________________ Please list occupants of room._______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Call Bill Hannong 1-239-540-0159 if you want to play in the Golf Tournament for charity Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 8am Call Tom Meyer 1-772-486-0021if you want to play in the Bowling Tournament for charity Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 2pm Call Rob Massimiano 1-410-398-1202 if you want to be part of the entertainment at the Welcome Party Thurs. April 23, 2015 Check here if you will be attending the Hog Roast at Captain Armadillo Red and Vicki’s Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 7pm Check here if you will be going on the Gambling Cruise on Monday April 27, 2015 bus ride 8am set sail 11am $60 person. OVER VOLUNTEER JOBS Many of you have said you’d love to help us, so here’s your golden opportunity to do so. As always we need volunteers to help run the convention. If you can give us a hand, please tell us below which duties and time's) you’d prefer. If you have no particular preference but would like to help, tell us that also. The list of volunteer jobs are on a separate page. Thanks in advance for volunteering. That spirit of cooperation and sharing helps make the NTA the exciting close knit family it is. (Day/Time) _______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ (Day/Time)_______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ (Day/Time)_______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ Elizabeth Weinzirl Award The Elizabeth Weinzirl Award for Enthusiast of the Year is open to any enthusiast (Non-Tattooist) who is NOT a past winner. We tally the nominations from these registration forms and list the three to five most often named on the ballots. (Please Print Your Nomination Here) ________________________________________________________________ Banquet and awards Ceremony, Friday 7:00pm – 2:00AM All entrees come with Mixed Green Salad, Rolls and Butter, Water, Coffee, or Iced Tea and Orange Cake for dessert Quantity Menu Choice Price _______ New York Strip Steak, Garlic Roasted Red Potatoes, and Green Beans _______ Chicken Florentine/Roasted Pepper Sauce, Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Broccolini _______ Vegetable Lasagna Roll up with Marinara Sauce Item total $45.00 __________ $39.00 __________ . $38.00 __________ *************************************************************************** Roast, Sunday 7:30 PM - ???? _____ BILL HANNONG ROAST $50.00 _____ Macaroni Salad, Cole Slaw, Mixed Green Salad, Au Gratin Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Sautéed Red Peppers, Onions, Zucchini and Squash, Marinated Roasted Turkey with Stuffing, Sliced Roast Beef in au jus, Teriyaki Salmon, Rolls & Butter, Water, Coffee, and Iced Tea; Assorted Desserts to include Key Lime Pie and Red Velvet, Carrot and Chocolate Cakes **************************************************************************** ________ Convention Pre-Registration Fee (Until April 8, 2015) $45.00 __________ ________ Sailing Cruise/Gambling (Mon. April 27, 2015 - 8am - return to hotel (included: bus to and from with $20 casino credit, etc.) per person $60.00 __________ Total Enclosed $ ________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Payment method:___________ Amount Paid: $_________._____ Date Received: _______/_______/_______ Paid By No: 2015 National Tattoo Association, Inc. ® ______________ National Tattoo Association Inc. ® Double Tree by Hilton at Sea World 10100 International Drive - Orlando, FL 32821 April 22 - 27, 2015 • Use a Separate Form for Each Person. (Make Copies as Necessary) Registrations received by December 31, 2014 will earn a souvenir mug. Your registration fee entitles you to attend meetings consistent with your membership category as well as the Welcome Party, Awards Ceremony, and Tattoo Room throughout the convention. You must pre-register by April 8, 2015 to be eligible for the $45.00 pre-registration rate. After April 8, 2015, you must register at the door and On-site registration is $55.00. The Banquet is optional, and only holders of Banquet tickets will be allowed in during the banquet. Banquet dinner and Roast reservations must be ordered by April 8, 2015. Dinner and Roast fees cannot be refunded after April 8, 2015. You must be registered for the convention to attend the banquet or roast. • Make money orders or checks payable in US Funds, drawn on a US Bank to the National Tattoo Association Convention and mail to 485 Business Park Lane - Allentown, PA 18109. Personal Checks must be received no later than April 8, 2015. If you cannot attend, your registration fee is refundable in full after the convention. • For Hotel reservations we suggest the Double Tree, the site of the convention. Special rates are available through April 8, 2015. Call 1-407352-1100 Use our code NTA and be sure you say that you are with the “National Tattoo Association” and attending the convention or go on our website at and click on convention. • If you have any questions or need additional information, call (610) 433-7261. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the convention. Check us out on the web at . (Name (Please Print Legibly - Only one name per form)) . (Street Address) . (City, State, Zip, Country) (Badge Name) (Email) (Telephone) ( ) . _________________________________________________________________ If you are bringing a child under the age of 18 (Child’s Name) Membership Category (Check Member Guest One) (Child’s Age) box to the right. . Artist or Enthusiast (Check One) Artist (Tattooist) Enthusiast (Fan) Your name will be listed in the 2015 Convention issue unless you check the . Country for Listing: Do Not List _________________________ Check here if you are tattooing in a booth. Booth holders name_______________________________________ Check here if you are working in booth but not tattooing. Booth holders name__________________________ Please tell us the number of nights you will be staying at the Double Tree________________________________ Please list occupants of room._______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Call Bill Hannong 1-239-540-0159 if you want to play in the Golf Tournament for charity Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 8am Call Tom Meyer 1-772-486-0021if you want to play in the Bowling Tournament for charity Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 2pm Call Rob Massimiano 1-410-398-1202 if you want to be part of the entertainment at the Welcome Party Thurs. April 23, 2015 Check here if you will be attending the Hog Roast at Captain Armadillo Red and Vicki’s Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 7pm Check here if you will be going on the Gambling Cruise on Monday April 27, 2015 bus ride 8am set sail 11am $60 person. OVER VOLUNTEER JOBS Many of you have said you’d love to help us, so here’s your golden opportunity to do so. As always we need volunteers to help run the convention. If you can give us a hand, please tell us below which duties and time's) you’d prefer. If you have no particular preference but would like to help, tell us that also. The list of volunteer jobs are on a separate page. Thanks in advance for volunteering. That spirit of cooperation and sharing helps make the NTA the exciting close knit family it is. (Day/Time) _______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ (Day/Time)_______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ (Day/Time)_______________________(Function)__________________________________(Job)__________________________________________ Elizabeth Weinzirl Award The Elizabeth Weinzirl Award for Enthusiast of the Year is open to any enthusiast (Non-Tattooist) who is NOT a past winner. We tally the nominations from these registration forms and list the three to five most often named on the ballots. (Please Print Your Nomination Here) ________________________________________________________________ Banquet and awards Ceremony, Friday 7:00pm – 2:00AM All entrees come with Mixed Green Salad, Rolls and Butter, Water, Coffee, or Iced Tea and Orange Cake for dessert Quantity Menu Choice Price _______ New York Strip Steak, Garlic Roasted Red Potatoes, and Green Beans _______ Chicken Florentine/Roasted Pepper Sauce, Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Broccolini _______ Vegetable Lasagna Roll up with Marinara Sauce Item total $45.00 __________ $39.00 __________ . $38.00 __________ *************************************************************************** Roast, Sunday 7:30 PM - ???? _____ BILL HANNONG ROAST $50.00 _____ Macaroni Salad, Cole Slaw, Mixed Green Salad, Au Gratin Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Sautéed Red Peppers, Onions, Zucchini and Squash, Marinated Roasted Turkey with Stuffing, Sliced Roast Beef in au jus, Teriyaki Salmon, Rolls & Butter, Water, Coffee, and Iced Tea; Assorted Desserts to include Key Lime Pie and Red Velvet, Carrot and Chocolate Cakes **************************************************************************** ________ Convention Pre-Registration Fee (Until April 8, 2015) $45.00 __________ ________ Sailing Cruise/Gambling (Mon. April 27, 2015 - 8am - return to hotel (included: bus to and from with $20 casino credit, etc.) per person $60.00 __________ Total Enclosed $ ________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Payment method:___________ Amount Paid: $_________._____ Date Received: _______/_______/_______ Paid By No: 2015 National Tattoo Association, Inc. ® ______________ What’s missing from this VOL_ NTEE_ JOB List? U R Please choose the time and job you wish to fill and write it down at the bottom of this job list and mail back to us. Day & Time Function Job Wednesday April 22, 2015 REGISTRATION AREA 10:30AM-1PM PRE-Registration Desk 3:00-5:00PM PRE-Registration Desk Distribute registration packets to those already registered Distribute registration packets to those already registered Thursday-April 23, 2015 DOOR SECURITY BOOTH INSPECTIONS 10:00AM-12:30PM Booth Inspector REGISTRATION AREA 10:00AM-12:30PM 10:00AM-12:30PM 10:00AM-12:30PM 10:00AM-12:30PM 10:00AM-12:30PM MEETINGS 1:00-2:00PM 2:00-3:00PM LECTURE ROOM 5:30-7:00PM 7:30-9:30 PM 9:30-11:30 PM 9:00-9:30 PM Registration Desk Registration Desk Information Desk Raffle/Auction Desk Contest Desk Distribute registration packets Gofer Let people know what lines to get on, etc. Take in Raffle & Auction items and get names of donators Checking to see qualification for contests & entry sign up Members Only Meeting Volunteers Meeting DOOR SECURITY Hepatitis ABC’s Must have Member Badges & Wrist Band On Entry with wrist band THEY MUST HAVE WRIST BAND ON TO ENTER Peggy Sucher WELCOME PARTY Limit entry to those with Wrist Band Same Second shift Sell 50/50 Raffle Tickets for Uncle Bud Scholarship Fund Friday-April 24, 2015 BOOTH INSPECTIONS 10:00-11:30AM Be a Booth Inspector - Check to make sure all working tattooists have all the things on the list of items they need. DOOR SECURITY Booth Inspectors Be a Booth Inspector - Check to make sure all working tattooists have all the things on the list of items they need. REGISTRATION AREA 10:00AM-12Noon Registration Desk 10:00AM-12Noon Registration Desk 10:00AM-12Noon Information Desk 10:00AM-12Noon Raffle/Auction Desk 10:00AM-12Noon Contest Desk GENERAL MEETING & CONTESTS 12:30-5:00 PM Contests 1:00-3:00 PM General Meeting & Contests 3:00-5:00 PM Same After Contests Ballot counters Ballot Sorters Distribute registration packets Gofer Let people know what lines to get on, etc. Take in raffle & Auction items & get names of donators Checking to see if Qualifies for contests & entry sign up Escorts Checking for wrist bands Second Shift Can’t be in or have anyone in contest you count Give ballots to the correct ballot counters. BANQUET & AWARDS CEREMONY 7:00-8:00PM Be a Hostess and help people who do not have reserved tables find seats 7:00-9:00 PM Banquet/Awards Ceremony Must have Banquet ticket & wrist band 9:00-11:00PM Same Checking for wrist band 11PM-1:00 AM Same Last Shift 9:00-9:30PM Sell 50/50 Raffle Tickets for Col. Todd Hardship Fund Auction We need 4 spotters & 4 runners to point out who is doing the bidding & get the money & names for Flo 1 VOLUNTEER JOBS CONTINUED Day & Time Function Job Saturday-April 25, 2015 8:00-10:00 AM Tattoo Room 10:00AM-12Noon 12Noon-2:00 PM 2:00-4:00 PM 4:00-6:00 PM 6:00-8:00 PM 8:00-10:00 PM Same Same Same Same Same Same Lecture Room 10:00-11:30AM 11:30AM-1:00PM 1:00-2:30PM 2:30-4:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM 5:00-6:30 PM 6:30-8:30PM 8:30-10:30PM Cover-Up Magic Legislation in Tattoo Industry Managing Difficult Clients Needle Making Tattoo Archives Oh My Aching ______?? Machine Maintenance Pigment Playtime Only Booth Workers permitted. Check for Booth Pass & or OK’d Inspection certificate from Booth Inspection Meeting Check for wristbands. Send those without to the registration desk to pay. Fourth Shift Fifth Shift Sixth Shift Last Shift Checking for wristbands Heide Unger Bill Hannong Miss Bethra Dick Goldman C.W. Eldridge Peggy Sucher Shahn Anderson Tim Corley & Pat Sinatra Sunday-April 26, 2015 9:00-10:00 AM 10:00AM-12Noon 12Noon-2:00 PM 2:00-4:00 PM 4:00-6:00 PM 6:00-8:00 PM 8:00-10:00 PM Tattoo Room Limit entry to Booth holders Check for wristbands. Send those without to the registration desk to pay. Fourth Shift Fifth Shift Sixth Shift Last Shift Checking for wristbands Trevor Marshall Carol Parks Mike Martin Jack Rudy & Brian Everett Richard Todd Rich Ives Same Same Same Same Same Same Lecture Room 10-11:30AM 11:30AM-1:00PM 1:00-2:30 PM 2:30-4:00PM 4:00-5:00PM 5:00-6:30 PM Tribal Use in Tattooing Cosmetic Tattooing Tattooing & Medical Concerns Time To Get Your Answers Photography & Portfolio’s Adapting & Thriving TV Tattoo Shows Roast Room 7:30-8:00PM Be a Hostess and help people who do not have reserved tables find seats 7:30-10:00 PM Must have Roast Ticket & wrist bands 10:00PM-12:00 AM Same Second Shift Name ______________________________________________________________I’d like to do the following job/s: Day and Time _______________________ Job ___________________________________________________________ Day and Time _______________________ Job ___________________________________________________________ Or if you are available for any time and any job please indicate that on your registration form somewhat like this: I am available on (Day) ___________________________ from (Time) _______________________________________ And/or on (Day) _________________________________ from (Time) _______________________________________ In other words if you are available on any day at any time let me know and I will put your name down where you’ll be needed most and let you know prior to your time to do that job. We always need people at the doors throughout the convention but mainly on Saturday and Sunday so if you can help here it would be much appreciated. 2 Rules & Regulations for Contests TATTOO OF THE DAY SATURDAY This contest is open to anyone who received a brand new tattoo from beginning to end on Saturday by a Tattooist in his/her booth at this convention. Get your entry form at the Registration Desk, fill it out and then bring it back to the registration desk to get your contestant number. Your tattoo must be kept bandaged for at least 2 hours (or until you show it to our judges) with the proper bandages allowed by the NTA. Judging will be at 8pm on Saturday evening. There is only one Award given for this contest no matter how many entries there are. Both, the winner and the tattooist will receive a plaque. TATTOO OF THE DAY SUNDAY This contest is open to anyone who received a brand new tattoo from beginning to end on Sunday by a Tattooist in his/her booth at this convention. Get your entry form at the Registration Desk, fill it out and then bring it back to the registration desk to get your contestant number. Your tattoo must be kept bandaged for at least 2 hours (or until you show it to our judges) with the proper bandages allowed by the NTA. Judging will be at 6pm on Sunday evening. There is only one Award given for this contest no matter how many entries there are. Both, the winner and the tattooist will receive a plaque. ********************************************** ELIZABETH WEINZIRL AWARD (ENTHUSIAST OF THE YEAR) This contest is open to any Enthusiast (male or female). Nominations will be counted from the registration forms and the top 3-5 nominees names will be placed on the ballot for voting on at the convention. Past winners are not eligible. There is only one Award given for this contest. BEST TATTOOIST (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Previous winners may enter again but, not with the same photo(s) they won this honor with before. Size limits: No Larger than 18” x 22” (OD) Outside Dimension including frame. You can either use one photo of your work or several to make a collage. NAME ON BACK ONLY. Any reference to Artist or Studio on front is an automatic disqualification. There is only one Award given for this contest. YOU MUST BE PRESENT AND REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CATEGORY. 1 ************************************************** Size Limits for Black and Grey Design Sheet & The Colored Design Sheet are: The actual Design Sheet cannot be larger than 11” x 17”. However, the (OD) Outside Dimension, including your frame CANNOT be larger than 18” x 22”. If your sheet is larger than 11” x 17” it will be masked off to fit this format and if your OD is larger than the 18” x 22” it will be masked off to fit the OD dimensions. Otherwise your entry will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS! BEST BLACK AND GREY DESIGN SHEET (ONLY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON) This entry must be done on paper and be in universal “Street Shop Style Flash” no larger than 11” x 17”. But, the OD size including your frame can be 18” x 22”.Put your NAME ON THE BACK ONLY. Any reference to Studio or Artist on front of sheet will be an automatic disqualification. (Previous winners may enter again but not with a sheet that already won.) YOU MUST BE PRESENT AND REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CATEGORY. BEST COLORED DESIGN SHEET (ONLY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON) Same rules and regulations as Black & Grey except that this sheet has to be done in color. YOU MUST BE PRESENT AND REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CATEGORY. FINE ART AWARD (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) This category is for FINE ART Drawings or Paintings (Non Street Shop Style Flash), sculpture, any element. Can be on paper, canvas, object, etc. Can be done in black/white or color. Can be on any subject. No size limitation NAME ON BACK ONLY. Previous winners may enter again but not with an entry that won this category before or a winning design sheet from either the Best Black & Grey Design Sheet or the Best Colored Design Sheet contests. YOU MUST BE PRESENT AND REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CONTEST. BEST COVER-UP (ONLY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON) Limited to OD 18” x 22”. Bring at least 3 photos (before, during and finished new tattoo) for display. NAME ON BACK ONLY. Any reference to Artist or Studio on front is an automatic disqualification. Attach your photos in sequence, as that is the only way they will be accepted for this contest. (Past winners may enter again but not with the same cover-up that won previously.) YOU MUST BE PRESENT & REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CATEGORY. NICEST TATTOO STUDIO (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Bring in photos of your studio. Limited to OD 18” x 22”. Since this is of a STUDIO your name can appear on the front for this category only. YOU MUST BE PRESENT AND REGISTERED TO ENTER THIS CATEGORY. 2 Live Contest Rules & Regulations You may enter any THREE (3) live contests, as long as your work fits into those three (3) categories and conforms to all convention and or contest rules and regulations. However, you can only enter a specific category once, and you cannot enter a specific tattoo in more than one category. (Example: If you enter a tattoo of a Tiger in the Realistic contest you cannot enter that Tiger in the Unique contest.) All Tattoos entered must be completely healed – No fresh Tattoos permitted…… If you come with an unhealed tattoo it will not be accepted into any category. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! Each of the following contests will have both the People’s Choice & Artist’s Choice Awards. BEST SLEEVE (ONLY ONE ARM ENTRY PER PERSON) Past WINNERS are not eligible for 3 years unless you are entering the other arm. Open only to REGISTERED males or females with 75% or greater sleeve coverage. Arm coverage may also extend over shoulder. Can be Colored &/or Black & Grey work. Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. BACK PIECE GREY (Must be a 90% Black & Grey Full Back Piece – can extend to butt & thighs). Past WINNERS of Best Back Piece are not eligible for this contest for 3 years. Open to any REGISTERED male or female whose work fits this category. Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. BEST COLORED BACK PIECE (Must have more than 10% color - can extend to butt & thighs). Past WINNERS of Best Back Piece are not eligible for this contest for 3 years, unless it was a winner in Best Black & Grey Back Piece and now has more than 10% Color. Open to any REGISTERED male or female whose work fits this category. Screeners to determine what constitutes color. Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. BEST LARGE PIECE (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Past WINNERS may enter again, but not with piece that won this category previously. Open only to those REGISTERED whose work fits this category. No Back Pieces. This category is for Chest, Ribs, Torso, Legs or any Tattoo too big for the other contest categories NO SIZE LIMIT. Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. BEST TRIBAL TATTOO (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Past Winners may enter again but not with the Tattoo that won this category previously. Can include Celtic, Color or Black and Grey work. Open only to those REGISTERED with a Tribal tattoo. Size: NO Size limit. This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. 3 BEST BLACK & GREY TATTOO (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Past WINNERS may enter again, but not with the Tattoo that won this category previously. Open only to those REGISTERED with a Black & Grey Tattoo. Size: NO LARGER than 12” x 18” or 216 total square inches. If your tattoo is larger than this size you must either wear something to hide the rest of it or tape off the area that’s outside the 216 square inch dimensions for this contest or enter it in the Large Tattoo Contest. No Exceptions! This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. MOST REALISTIC TATTOO (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) Can be Flowers, Animals, Buildings, Cars, etc. etc. But, CANNOT BE A PORTRAIT OF A PERSON. Past WINNERS may enter again, but not with the Tattoo that won previously. Open to any REGISTERED male or female whose Tattoo fits this category. Size NO LARGER than 12” x 18” or 216 total square inches. If your tattoo is larger than this size you must either wear something to hide the rest of it or tape off the area that’s outside the 216 square inch dimensions for this contest or enter it in the Large Tattoo Contest . No Exceptions! This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners BEST PORTRAIT TATTOO (ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PERSON) (Tattoo Must be of a PERSON or PEOPLE, NO ANIMALS, etc.) Past WINNERS of this Contest or Most Realistic and or Black & Grey Contests of the past may enter again, but not with Tattoo that won in any of those contests. Open only to those REGISTERED with a portrait tattoo. We recommend bringing in photo for comparison, as this is what the judges will be looking for (the best duplication). Size NO LARGER than 12” x 18” or 216 total square inches. If your tattoo is larger than this size you must either wear something to hide the rest of it or tape off the area that’s outside the 216 square inch dimensions for this contest. No Exceptions! This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. BEST TRADITIONAL STYLE TATTOO - (ONLY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON) Past WINNERS may enter again, but not with the Tattoo that won in this category previously. This contest is for Tattoos done in the Old Style Traditional Tattoos of 1960’s or earlier. Doesn’t have to be old, just a tattoo done in the Old Traditional Style. Open only to those REGISTERED with a Traditional Style Tattoo. Size NO LARGER than 12” x 18” or 216 total square inches. If your tattoo is larger than this size you must either wear something to hide the rest of it or tape off the area that’s outside the 216 square inch dimensions for this contest. No Exceptions! This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. 4 BEST UNIQUE TATTOO This contest is for all other Tattoos that do not fit into Most Realistic, Best Portrait, Best Black & Grey Tattoo, or Best Traditional Tattoo. Past WINNERS may enter again, but not with the Tattoo that won previously. Open to any REGISTERED male or female whose Tattoo fits this category. Size NO LARGER than 12” x 18” or 216 total square inches. If your tattoo is larger than this size you must either wear something to hide the rest of it or tape off the area that’s outside the 216 square inch dimensions for this contest or enter it in the Large Tattoo Contest. No Exceptions! This tattoo can only be entered in ONE category, you CANNOT ENTER THIS TATTOO IN ANY OTHER CONTEST other than Best Tattooed Female or Male. No Exceptions! Final decision for entry in this category is up to the discretion of the screeners. ************************************************************* You may enter either the Best Tattooed Female or Best Tattooed Male (according to your gender) as your third contest as long as you meet the point systems requirements. BEST TATTOOED FEMALE Past WINNERS within the last 3 years are not eligible 2012, 2013 or 2014 Open only to REGISTERED females whose total work coverage is 2 points or higher (See enclosed point system charts). BEST TATTOOED MALE Past WINNERS within the last 3 years are not eligible 2012, 2013 or 2014 Open only to REGISTERED males whose total work coverage is 4 points or higher (See enclosed point system charts). Point System will be adjusted according to amount of coverage. Screening Committee’s decisions are final See other side for point system charts 5 6 WEDNESDAY Schedule - APRIL 22, 2015 Event Time Function 8am Golf Tournament for Charity Call Bill Hannong at 239 540 0159 0r email: 1:30-5pm Bowling tournament for Charity Call Tom Meyer at 772 486 0021 10:30am-1pm Those who have already pre-registered Pick up their & 3-5pm Packets so they can attend Red’s party tonight 5-6pm 12 Step Friends of Bill Meeting 7-11pm Pirate BBQ Hog Roast at Vicki and Red’s place Room Name HOTEL LOBBY HOTEL LOBBY INDIAN HALLWAY BISCAYNE BAY VICKI & RED’S THURSDAY Schedule APRIL 23, 2015 Event time 8-10am 10am-12:30pm 10am-12:30pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-5 5-7pm 7:30pm-2am Function NTA Staff & Hotel Staff Meeting PRE and NEW REGISTRATIONS Pick Up packets Register for contests drop off raffle and auction items Tattooing Booth Inspections Members Only Meeting Volunteers Meeting DUNK TANK Lecture Hepatitis ABC’s by Peggy Sucher WELCOME PARTY Painting Demonstrations Art Fusion demonstrations Entertainment Room Name BISCAYNE BAY OCEANS BALLROOM HALLWAY CORAL A-B CORAL A-B CORAL A-B IRIE POOL AREA CORAL A-B GREAT LAKES ROOM FRIDAY Schedule April 24, 2015 Event time Function 10am-12pm Booth Inspections 10am-12pm PRE and NEW REGISTRATIONS Pick Up packets Register for contests drop off raffle and auction items 1-6pm GENERAL MEETING/CONTESTS 7:30pm-2am AWARDS BANQUET Auction of all art work from Welcome Party and more this evening 1 Room Name CORAL A-B OCEANS BALLROOM HALLWAY OCEANS BALLROOM GREAT LAKES ROOM SATURDAY Schedule April 25, 2015 Event time 8-10am Function TATTOO ROOM Booth workers only allowed to set up booth Room OCEANS BALLROOM 9am-6pm?? NTA & ONEBLOOD RED BUS BLOOD DRIVE Front of Hotel 10am-11pm TATTOO ROOM OPEN $10 fee to public – children under the age of 18 free with paying adult OCEANS BALLROOM LECTURES/SEMINARS all in Room Magickal Marks Legislation in the Tattoo Industry Managing Difficult Clients Tattoo Needle Making Tattoo Archives Oh My Aching ___________? Machine Maintenance & Repairs Pigment Playtime with Pat & Tim CORAL A-B Pat Sinatra Bill Hannong Miss Bethra Dick Goldman C.W. Eldridge Peggy Sucher Shahn Anderson Pat Sinatra & Tim Corley Noon-6pm NTA Classic CAR Show- Hotrods, Customs, & Bikes NTA Tattooed Classic/Hot Rods/Antique Motorcycle Show For info on this event call: Red 407 319 0018 for details Parking Lot 8-9pm TATTOO of the DAY CONTEST OCEANS You must have a brand new completed tattoo done by one of the artists working in a booth today to enter this contest. 10-11:30am 11:30am-1pm 1-2:30pm 2:30-4pm 4-5pm 5-6:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 8:30-10:30pm PHOTOGRAPHERS Event Time 8am Friday 4/24/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 8am Friday 4/24/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 2 Photographer Richard Todd Billy Tinney Jan Seeger TBA TBA Room Caribbean A Caribbean B Mediterranean A Mediterranean B Mediterranean C SUNDAY Schedule April 26, 2015 Event time 9-10am Function TATTOO ROOM Booth workers only allowed to set up booth 9am-6pm?? NTA & ONEBLOOD RED BUS BLOOD DRIVE Front of Hotel 10am-10pm TATTOO ROOM OPEN $10 fee to public – children under the age of 18 free with paying adult OCEANS BALLROOM 10-11:30am 11:30am-1pm 1-2:30pm 2:30-4pm 4-5pm 5-6:30pm 6-7pm LECTURES/SEMINARS are all in Room The Use of Tribal in Tattooing Got Brows? – Cosmetic Tattooing Tattooing and Medical Concerns Time To Get your Answers Photography & Portfolio’s Adapting/Thriving the New TV Driven Tattoo World TATTOO of the DAY CONTEST Room OCEANS BALLROOM CORAL A-B Trevor Marshall Carol Parks Mike Martin Jack Rudy & Brian Everett Richard Todd Rich Ives OCEANS You must have a brand new completed tattoo done by one of the artists working in a booth today to enter this contest. 7:30pm - ??? ROASTING OF BILL HANNONG Only Roast Ticket holders allowed in this event Great Lakes Roasters: Shahn Anderson, Paul Jeffries, Rob Massimiano, Just Plain Bud Pierson, Armadillo Red, & Peggy Sucher Roast Master: Snake Yates ROASTEE: BILL HANNONG PHOTOGRAPHERS Event Time Photographer 8am Friday 4/24/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 Richard Todd 8am Friday 4/24/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 Billy Tinney 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 Jan Seeger 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 TBA 8am Saturday 4/25/15 - 10pm Sunday 4/26/15 TBA Room Caribbean A Caribbean B Mediterranean A Mediterranean B Mediterranean C MONDAY Schedule April 27, 2015 8am Bus leaves at 8:30am sharp – they do not wait for stragglers as the ship sets sail at 11am so be on time or you will miss the boat. This is a 5 hour fun trip & gambling cruise – after which the bus will take you back to the hotel cost is $60 including bus fare, a buffet lunch and a $20 credit for gambling. 3 HOTEL LOBBY