Rosh Hashana 2008 Magazine


Rosh Hashana 2008 Magazine
Hotline: (818) 762-3197 P.O. Box #56851, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 Fax: (818) 766-8537
A Service of the Kosher IInformation Bureau
September 2008
Serving the Jewish Community Worldwide Since 1976
By: Rabbi E. Eidlitz
Rosh Hashanah 5769
West Coast Travel Guide, Shopping, Dining, Beverages & Slurpees
We Wish Our V
alued Customers
A Hap
py you’ll
& Healthyfind
ew Year.
your favorite Kosher
Foods at Smith’s
Smith’s “Kosher Experience”...
It’s a kosher store within a store. You’ll find a
kosher deli, dairy and bakery, plus kosher frozen
food, even kosher wine.
We hope you find the quality and
convenience a welcome
addition to the
Strict Kosher
We created Smith’s
Kosher Experience under
the strict
supervision of Rabbi Shea
Harlig of Chabad of
Southern Nevada.
2211 North Rampart Blvd.,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
Page 2
Page 35
numbers that are set up with the
first digit as the year, i.e. ‘8’ is
produced in 2008, the next three
numbers is the Julian date. Hence
any product with a lot # of 8214 or
higher is not under supervision
and should not bear a KSA
Symbol. Some “low acid”
products have a 7 digit
alphanumeric lot number where
the last number is the year made
and the third number through fifth
number is the Julian date of
Rabbi Daniel, Judith
Alert from COR
& Yosef Yaakov Arnall Health
The Canadian Food Inspection
Agency (CFIA) and Ivanhoe
* Labels for Cedar Crest brand
Cheese Inc are warning the public
Fortified Flavor Ice were
not to consume various cheese
mistakenly printed without the
products described below
“DE” designation. The ingredients because these products may be
are pareve, but the products were contaminated with Listeria
produced on dairy equipment.
* Please be advised that
The following cheese products
Pomona’s Universal Pectin was
bearing Best Before dates from 09
mistakenly labeled with the O/K
FE 20 to 09 MR 01 (February 20 to
symbol. This product is NOT
March 1, 2009) inclusive are
certified by the O/K organization.
affected by this alert. These
Packaging is now being corrected. products were sold from August
* Be advised that Astrix Energy
20, 2008 up to and including
Drink (from Austria)
September 3, 2008.
is being sold with an unauthorized Brand Names: Ivanhoe and Great
O/K symbol. This product is NOT
Canadian — Cheddar, Marble,
certified by the O/K Kashrus
Asiago, Gouda, Swiss, Parmesan,
Mozzarella, Colby, Brick, Feta.
The CFIA will be updating a
* The following RCC supervised
comprehensive list of all affected
bakeries have been certified
products as it becomes available.
Yoshon for the current Chodosh
The manufacturer is voluntarily
recalling the affected products
Classic Le Palais, Renaissance, from the marketplace under the
Schwartz, Unique.
supervision of the CFIA.
For more information, consumers
The following products distributed and industry can call one of the
by The Sassafras Company of
following numbers:
Chicago Bears an unauthorized
Ivanhoe Consumer Hotline:
cRc and Kof K.
Chocolate Moose Mousse, Kid’s
CFIA: 1.800.442.23 42 / TTY
Milkshake Mix, Sundae Kit.
1.800.465.7735 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Corrective measures are being
EST Monday to Friday).
From the COR
No Longer Certified
The following products were
Please be advised that as of
labeled with an unauthorized
August 1, 2008 products
COR: Pasta Quistini Jumbo
produced at E. Waldo Ward &
Ravioli with Portobello
Sons Inc. are no longer under
Mushrooms & Ricotta, Pasta
KSA supervision.
Quistini Sundried Tomato &
The labels produced at this facility Cheese Tortolloni. These
include: Black Sheep, E. Waldo
products are not kosher. Action
Ward, KTW, La Vigne, Lee
has been taken to recall these
Dragon’s, Mistral, Olive Pit, R&M, products.
Randy Jones, Robbies, Sassy’s,
From the CRC
Smokin Jacks
Effective immediately, Ocean
Most products have 4 digit lot
Beauty, Los Angeles, California,
As we come upon the
sixth Yahrtzeit
of our dear nephew
Ari Noam Grashin, TZ”L
may his memory
continue to be a
source of blessing for
K’lal Yisroel.
Updates & Alerts
packers of Salmon roe, is no
longer certified by the cRc.
Effective immediately, Brans Nut
Co. & Wauconda Orchards,
Wauconda, Illinois, packers of
assorted nut products, is no
longer certified by the cRc.
Effective August 1, 2008, Supply
Systems, Dallas Texas, a
manufacturer of commercial and
industrial cleaning supplies, is no
longer under the certification of
the cRc.
Due to changes in manufacturing
caused by the recent flooding in
Iowa, only those Swiss Valley
Brand Yogurts bearing the cRc D
logo on the label are certified
kosher dairy (Cholov Stam) by the
Chicago Rabbinical Council.
Consumers are always
encouraged to check each label
when making food purchases.
Please note that Lightlife Foods
produces both kosher-certified
and non-kosher products. Only
products bearing the OK symbol
on the label are certified kosher
by OK Kosher Certification.
Please check labels carefully
before purchasing.
Please be advised that CHEESE
TORTELLINI produced by
4559 White Plains Road Bronx,
NY 10470 has been mislabeled
as OK Pareve. This product is
actually dairy and should be
labeled OK-D.
Labeling is being destroyed and
new labels are being printed.
Please be advised that as of today
has revoked certification of All
Natural Food Corporation 111
Ditmus Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Please be advised that as of today
longer certifies any products from
NYPASTA, Brooklyn, New York.
Please be advised that as of today
NECTAR distributed by HAIRBO
FOODS, Miami, FL is being sold
with an unauthorized symbol.
This product in NOT certified by
the OK Kosher Certification.
New products
Page 34
Table of
sure of its pareve nature, if that is
what the situation requires.
However, the real concern of such
a dish in a health - food
restaurant is not only the status of
the dressing but in the salad
itself. We must always take great
Restaurant Article............Page 3
care that a salad is checked
Coffee Shops...................Page 7
carefully for bugs since the
Restaurants In:
prohibition of eating insects is
Southern California.......Page 9
even more Halachically stringent
Northern California.......Page 13
than eating pork! Today, there are
Washington....................Page 15
many companies such as Dole,
Vancouver B.C................Page 15
Fresh Express, Ready Pac and
Alaska..............................Page 15
others that have many runs of
New Mexico, Arizona......Page 16
their products kosher certified
Colorado, Texas............Page 21
bug-free. Therefore, it is important
Nevada, Oregon, Utah..Page 23
when someone is dining in a nonAmusement & Sport Parks in
Kosher establishment (or a cruise
California.........................Page 23
ship etc.) that they are able to
Box Drinks.......................Page 24
clearly determine that a Kosher
Soft Drinks.......................Page 24
brand of bug free lettuce is being
Updates & Alerts............ Page 30
used and served on a cold clean
Restaurant Article
(or disposable) plate. As we have
“Eating out” is easy in a city
already stated, the dressing must
blessed with Kosher restaurants
also be carefully checked. In
under reliable supervision.
addition, one would also have to
However, a city that does not have check to be sure that no sharp
the availability of Kosher
food (such as an onion or radish
restaurants presents some
etc.) was added to the salad as
Kashrus challenges to its
this would constitute the Kashrus
inhabitants. Some people, who
problem of a “Davar Charif” (a
are otherwise very careful about
sharp food that is cut with even a
the Kashrus standards in their
clean, cold traif knife renders that
homes, might weaken at the
food traif). Yet another concern
temptations of eating in a nonwith a salad would be to ascertain
Kosher restaurant.They might rely as to whether any of the
on the common Kashrus myth that vegetables (or fruits) were
there are actually many foods that imported from Israel, as they
do not require Kosher
could pose such problems as
supervision, and therefore, they
Terumos and Maasros (Tithing).
may be eaten in any restaurant. In The above concerns would be
fact, many of these so-called
only a small indication of the
problem free foods are in fact
difficulty in eating in a “pure
quite problematic in the world of
vegetarian” or Vegan restaurant.
kashrus. There are many who feel Such establishments still permit
that if a restaurant has the label
insect contamination in their
“health foods” , “vegetarian”, or
foods, non - Kosher wine or grape
“natural foods” that it certainly
juice, other non-Kosher flavorings
must automatically fall under the
and oils etc. In addition, they
rules of Kashrus.
would not know or understand the
Nothing is further from the truth.
importance of the issues
These types of eating
connected to machinery
establishments could be full of
contamination, such as pure
food that pose grave problems to
vegetable oil being processed on
the Kosher consumer. For
machinery that has just
example, at such a restaurant one processed lard.
might feel quite safe (both
Coffee Shops often seem to be
nutrutionally and from a Kashrus
growing at a faster rate than the
perspective) ordering a plain
general population. When there is
salad with dressing.
Kosher certification on a whole
Careful attention must be paid to
coffee shop it is very easy for
the dressing to ascertain its
Kosher consumer to peruse their
Kashrus status and even to make menu and order whatever they
Restaurant Article
choose. However, many of the
popular coffee shops today (such
as Starbucks) sell some Kosher
coffee, but also carry many nonKosher items, flavorings and
drinks. As a general rule, plain
unflavored (regular or decaf)
coffee, in many types of roasts
(such as French Roast etc.) does
not present a Kashrus problem.
The main concern in such drinks
would be that they be served in a
disposable cup and stirred with a
disposable utensil.Patrons may
even add milk if they are not
particular about Cholov Yisroel.
The small cream containers often
display the Kosher certification
(such as O/U) and one has only to
check the container for the
reliable Hashgacha. As a pareve
alternative, many coffee shops
also carry pareve soy milk, which
too must be checked to ascertain
that it is, in fact, under proper
kosher supervision. Unless the
sugar used is flavored, that too
does not pose a Kashrus
challenge. However, a real
problem in non-certified coffee
shops is the flavored coffees.
Flavoring is often derived from
non-Kosher sources and
therefore, must bear a reliable
certification. Some of these noncertified coffee shops actually use
coffee flavorings bearing the O/K,
O/K d, or O/U, while others use
flavorings with no Kosher
certification at all. In order to
determine this, one must ask to
examine the bottle of flavoring
used in the flavored coffee
to check for the presence of the
Hashgacha. In an unsupervised
shop, this must be a ritual that is
repeated each time one orders a
cup of flavored coffee as the store
can change the source of their
flavoring at any given time.
Therefore, if a coffee shop is not
under reliable Kosher
supervision, Kosher consumers
may purchase any unflavored
plain coffee, or ask (each time) to
see the bottle(s) of flavoring or
topping used in a drink they want
to purchase to look for a reliable
Concession stands, such as hot
dog stands found in many sports
stadiums or shopping malls often
Page 3
advertise that they use
Page 4
Some boxes of Natures Source
Lite ‘n Crispy Baked Low Fat
Cereal have erroneously been
marked with a pareve logo. This
product is, in fact, dairy. Natures
Source has apologized for the
oversight and is recalling all stock.
* 365 Sorbets distributed by
Whole Food Markets are now
certified O/Kd (Kosher, dairy Cholov Stam). Any old packaging
still available in
Whole Foods stores, with a plain
O/K symbol, are Kosher, dairy.
Signs to that effect are up on the
in all Whole Foods stores.
* Heaven’s Best Butter is certified
by the cRc and all packaging has
been corrected and this product is
indeed Kosher and dairy when
bearing the cRc -d logo.
* Mimicreme is an alternative to
dairy cream. It can be used in
sauces, gravies, pastries,
puddings, confections & frozen
desserts. It is non-dairy,
non-soy, gluten-free and
100% vegan/Kosher.
* The following Dole products are
certified O/U Kosher:
5 Fruit Blend (Peach, S’berry,
Pineapple, Honeydew, Red
Seedless Grapes)
Mango Chunks
Sliced Strawberries
Whole Strawberries
* The following Icee Bits products
from J&J Snack Foods are
certified O/Ud Kosher
Blue Raspberry
Cherry Burst
Cherry Cola
Cotton Candy
* The following 7 Seas Fish Co.
products are certified O/U Kosher:
Cold Smoked Potlatch (Atlantic)
Salmon Fillets
Cold Smoked Salmon Sides (Lox)
Fresh/Frozen Graviax
Fresh/Frozen Wild/Farm
Salmon Fillets
Frozen Cold Smoked Black Cod
Sea Bass Fillets or Butterfly
Pasteurized Caviar (Salmon Roe)
Smoked BBQ Salmon Tips
Smoked Tuna Candy
Smoked Mackerel Whole
Smoked Tuna CandyJolly RA
* Whole Foods stores carry
Wholly Wholesome Organic Pie
Shells (whole wheat or regular),
O/U certified, Cheesecake (frozen)
O/U and COR and Frozen Pies
* The following Website provides
valuable information on Glatt
restaurants. One must check the
current Hashgacha for
each restaurant.
* Kof-K: Whole Foods has
MadHava Organic Raw Agave
Nectar certified VK Alef Alef and
Euinox Organic Maple Flakes
certified MK pareve and Teennino
Maya Chai Herbal Coffee.
* NEW PRODUC T - Kof K: Truffle
D’Allassandro White Oil is under
the Kof-K, Their website is
* Ralph’s supermarkets now have
Kroger brand breakfast liquid Egg
Whites, certified by the O/Up. Also
found at Ralphs is Mixed Frozen
Berries certified by the Heart K
(these berries have NOT been
checked for bugs).
* Schwartz Bakery in Los Angeles
is NOT certified by the cRc. The
bakery and cafe remain reliably
certified by the RCC. They do carry
a line of nuts certified by the cRc.
They now have a line of bakery
goods, a full cafe, pizza, sushi etc.
This is true for both locations:
8622 West Pico and 433 N.
.* O/U: The following are newly
certified products from the O/U:
Bay Valley Foods/Pickle
BVF Premium Kosher Dill Spears,
Mild Cherry Pepper, Sliced
Jalameno Pepper, Whole
Jalapeno Pepper, Degraffenred
Dill Fillets, Dill Hot & Spicy
Spears, Dill Relish, Fancy Sweet
Relish, Giardiniera, Kosher
Spears, Jack in the Box Ref Deli
Style Fillets
Cott Beverages Xingtea (Green
Tea w/ Lemon & Honey, MangoSugar Free, Pomegranate - Sugar
Free, Raspberry - Sugar Free,
Just Plain Tea, Sweet Tea Pure
Cane Sugar, Ginseng & Honey
Divine Foods Boomi Bars - all
dairy (Almond Protein Plus,
Cashew Protein Plus, Healthy
Hazel, Perfect Pumpkin,
Pistachio Pineapple)
Prana Bar - all dairy (Apricot Goji,
Cashew Almond, Cinnamon
Apple, Pear Ginseng)
Genisoy Protein Shakes
(Chocolate, Natural Unflavored,
Updates & Alerts
Strawberry Banana, Vanilla)
Mlo musl Blast (Chocolate,
Strawberry, Vanilla)
Multi-Vitamin Energy Corp
Enhanced Water (BuleberryPomegranate, Green Tea w/
Honey & Ginseng, MangoPassion, Tropical Punch)
Rex Wine Vinegar
Stirrings (Bitter Lemon Soda,
Ginger Ale, Tart Cranberry Soda,
Tonic Water)
Wise Acre Frostbites Frozen
Treats (Honey Love, Maine Maple
Lemon, Jasmine Green Tea)
* Although Kraft Foods certifies
their Oreo brand cookies under
the O/Ud, they are now introducing
a new Oreo cookie called Oreo
Fudge Rings. These new cookies
are NOT certified Kosher at this
* Gourmet Fresh Basil Pesto
from All Natural Food Corp. is
NOT certified and bears an
authorized O/K symbol.
* The following list of Potato Chip
brands no longer bear bear a
COR at this time. These products
will once again be certified under
the COR as of September:
Compliments Kettle Barbecue,
Compliments Kettle Garlic &
Herb, Compliments Kettle
Jalapeno, Compliments Kettle
Salt & Malt Vinegar (dairy),
Compliments Kettle Sour Cream
& Onion (dairy).
* Flora Foods bears an
unauthorized O/U and is being
withdrawn from markets.
Consumers spotting this product
are requested to contact the O/U
at (212) 613-8241.
* Chivas Brothers Lochan Ora
Liqueur, listed as approved and
Pareve (listed as pareve in the
Really Jewish Food Guide for
2008) has recently changed
formulation and is now NOT
* Harry and David Pepper and
Onion Relish with Zinfandel had
a limited amount of this product
produced while bearing an
unauthorized O/U and is now
being withdraen from markets.
Consumers spotting this product
are requested to contact the O/U
at (212) 613-8241.
Page 33
* COR: The following alert has
been sent by the COR of Toronto:
The following COR certified juice
products are now being sold in
Wedding & Party Planning. plastic bottles. The plastic bottles
Full support the day of
are not certified Kosher and do
event & before. Please call: not bear the COR symbol. The
glass bottles and plastic jugs that
bear the COR symbol are
Phone: (818) 989-1653 acceptable. The following are the
brand names: Everfresh, Fairlee,
Cell: (818) 262-7259
Sunlike, Tropical Grove, Tropical
Fax: (818) 902-0584
Delight, Tropical Rhythms.
Chocolate Moose Mousse, Kid’s
* O/U: Asaro brand Pesto Sauce
Milkshake Mix, Sundae Kit.
bears an unauthorized O/U
* Due to changes in
symbol and is being withdrawn
manufacturing caused by the
from the marketplace.
recent flooding in Iowa, only those Consumers spotting this product
Swiss Valley brand Yogurts
are requested to contace the O/U
bearing the cRc D logo on the
at @212) 613-8241 or via email at
label are certified Kosher dairy
(Cholov Stam) by the Chicago
* O/U: While most Turkey Hill
Rabbinical Council. Consumers
brand products are Kosher
are always encouraged to check
supervised under the O/U, Junior
each label when making food
Mints Premium Ice Cream is NOT
certified as Kosher.
* The following Slurpees flavors
* O/U: Prince Macaroni and
(either already in the stores, or
Cheese bears an unauthorized O/
due to be released soon) are NOT U symbol and is being withdrawn
certified Kosher: Strawberry
from the marketplace.
Twizzler, Monster Black Ice,
Consumers spotting this product
Gatorade Grid Iron Ice, Pina
are requested to contact the
Orthodox Union at (212) 613* BCK: Please be advised that
8241 or via email at
Trader Joe’s brand cashews
marked product of Thailand bear
* O/U: Flora Italian Breadcrumbs
an unauthorized BCK symbol of
bears an unauthorized O/U
Kashrus. Consumers finding this symbol and is being withdrawn
product are asked to contact BC
from the marketplace.
Kosher at (604) 731-1803 or by
Consumers spotting this product
are requested to conact the
* Slurpee Updates: The following Orthodox Union (see above
Slurpee flavors are certified
* O/K: Please be advised that the
Kosher and dairy: Jolly Rancher
following product produced by
Yo Cream (Watermelon Bubble
Yum and Green Apple). These are Kellogg’s Snacks has been
mislabeled and is NOT Kosher:
not to be confused with the Fanta
Sunshine Cheez-It, Double
flavors, Sour Watermelon and
Cheese Baked Snack Mix. The
Sour Apple, which are both
labels were erroneously printed
certified Kosher pareve.
with the O/Kd symbol. The
Twizzler Strawberry Slurpee is
product is being recalled and
NOT the same Twizzler that was
labels are being corrected. If you
sold a few years ago. The new
purchased this product, please
flavor is still being reviewed and
has NOT been certified Kosher at contact Kellogg’s Consumer
Service at (877) 453-5837 for a
the time of this alert. In addition,
Gatorade Grid Iron Ice as well as refund or a free product coupon
Pina Colada and Tropicana Grape that you can use on one of their
many Kosher certified Kellogg or
Wild Strawberry flavors of
Keebler products.
Slurpees are Not Kosher.
* Please be advised that Wink
Another new Slurpee flavor,
Monster Black, will be introduced (Chocolate covered wafers with
caramel) producyued by Simsek
in July. This flavor is NOT
Sweet Events
By Candie
Candie Schwartz
Updates & Alerts
Biscuit and Food Co. (Turkey) has
been distributed in Israel by Alpha
Intoit Food Products. As being
certified OK Kosher. We request
that any consumer who finds a
package of the Wink wafers to
please contact the O/K Kosher
certification immediately.
* KSA: Please be advised that as
of August 1, 2008 products
produced at E. Waldo Ward &
Sons are no longer under KSA
supervision. The labels produced
at this facility include: Black
Sheep, E. Waldo Ward, KTW, La
Vigne, Lee Dragon’s, Mistral,
Olive Pit, R&M, Randy Jones,
Robbies, Sassy’s, Smokin Jacks.
Most products have 4 digit lot
numbers that are set up with the
first digit as the year, i.e. “8” is
produced in 2008, the next three
numbers is the Julian date.
Hence any product with a lot # of
8214 or higher is not under
supervision and should not bear a
KSA symbol. Some “low acid”
products have a 7 digit
alphanumeric lot number where
the last number is the year made
and the third number through fifth
number is the Julian date of
* Publix Super Markets Animal
Crackers is certified and contains
dairy ingredients as listed on the
ingredient panel. However, the
dairy designation has been
inadvertently omitted. Future
packaging will be revised.
* Trader Joe’s 50% Less Salt
than Roasted and Salted Fancy
Mixed Nuts used to have a
hashgacha but now no longer has
a hashgacha (a product of
Thailand). This product is not
* O/K: Please be advised the Oz
Proformance Hydration,
distributed by Nutronix
International bears an
unauthorized O/K symbol. This
product is NOT certified by the O/K.
* Beth Din of Johannesburg:
Beacon Rose and Lemon Turkish
Delight has been reformulated
and is no longer Kosher, even
when bearing the Beth Din logo.
Beacon have removed the Beth
Din logo from future reprints, and
have apologized for the confusion.
* Union of Orthodox Synagogues
Page 32
of South Africa:
supervised by a Shomer
Shabbos Jew in order to be
considered truly fit for a Kashrus
observant Jew to consume.
Therefore, any concession stand
that serves any form of meat,
must have constant supervision
• Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cohen
by a Shomer Shabbos Jew
• Dr. & Mrs. Steve Suffin
(which is almost never the case!).
• Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin
This Halacha is often of great
• Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Ives
importance and relevance in
• Mr. & Mrs. Steve Darrison
one’s home as well. A non• Mr. & Mrs. Jay Green
Jewish housekeeper or worker
• Mr. & Mrs. Alan Teichman
cannot be left alone in a Jew’s
• Mr. Dubby Teichman
home all day without some form
• Mr. & Mrs. Zev Stoll
of Hashgacha in the course of the
day. This can even be arranged
• Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fallas
as a “Yotze Venichnas” (a
• Mr. & Mrs. Zev Wolmark
Shomer Shabbos Jew coming in
• Mr. Lyle Weissman
and out of the home at any given,
• In memory of Elaine
unspecified time of the day)
Bienenbeld Silver from Morris,
situation in the course of the day.
Sharon, Evan and Alison Silver A non-Jewish worker in the
• Rebbetzin Penina Schochet Jewish home must constantly be
aware of the possibility of a
for all her help
Jewish neighbor, friend or relative
• Anonymous
entering the home to “supervise”
donation in honor of (even for a short time) so that
the Kosher Informa- they will have that level of “awe” to
adhere to the strict Halachic rules
tion Bureau and
and regulations given them. In
cases where this was not the
Rabbi Eidlitz’s
practice, they should consult their
service to the
Rav todetermine if they need to
re-kasher their kitchen, as is
world-wide Jewish
often the case. Traveling and
vacations may often present
difficulties which may often be
“Kosher all beef” in their hot dogs. resolved with advance planning. If
This can be very misleading to the one travels by air, simply ordering
a kosher in-flight meal in advance
Kosher consumer as this meat is
will usually suffice to guarantee a
not regarded as Kosher for many
Kosher meal en route.
reasons. To begin with, the bun
Cruise Ships and Hotels
and condiments used with your hot
Resorts on occasion advertise
dog may, most likely pose a
Kosher meals with full
Kashrus problem. Next, the meat
supervision. In cases where the
used is often not of a
facility does not include a Kosher
recommended quality in Kosher
kitchen, the hotel is usually happy
supervision. Also, there is no
to provide ample airline-style
guarantee that the brand of
meals for its guests. These can
“Kosher” hot dog that is being
be heated in the non-Kosher
advertised is the one that you are
actually purchasing. However, even ovens as they are double
wrapped for this purpose. In
if one can assume beyond a
reasonable doubt that the hot dog addition, one can order gourmet
that is being served is actually the meals from caterers who
specialize in mail order Glatt
brand of Kosher hot dog that the
Kosher meals. These too are
concession stand claims it to be,
there is still another grave problem double wrapped and sealed to
allow heating in a non-Kosher
to be considered. This concern is
oven. Most of these
connected to the Halacha of
establishments are most
“Bosor Shenisalem Min Ha’ayin” agreeable to provide cup of fruits
unsupervised meat. All Kosher
upon request as well.
meat must be constantly
This magazine was
made possible by
the generous
donations of:
Cruise Ships and Hotels
Kosher Restaurant or Caterer
One of the difficult decisions that
one must make when choosing a
Kosher Restaurant or Caterer is
how to determine the Kosher
standard and what separates one
from the next in quality. It is of
primary importantance to
determine the level of
commitment of the owners of the
restaurant (often non-Jews or
non-Shomer Shabbos Jews) to
the Kashrus quality of their
establishment. Are they respectful
of the Halachos of Kashrus and
willing to adhere to these
Halachos? Are they willing to work
honestly and openly with the
supervising agency responsible
for their establishment in order to
ensure the finest quality Kashrus
levels and standards to their
patrons? Next, of course, it is of
great importance for the potential
customer to evaluate the level and
standards of the Kashrus
organization itself that has the
authority of the Hashgacha in the
restaurant. Do they operate on the
level of Kashrus that we demand
for ourselves or are they perhaps
lax in certain areas? Is the
Mashgiach careful to assure that
the produce served in the
restaurant is truly bug-free? Do
they check every leaf of leafy
vegetables (such as iceberg
lettuce)? Do they use pre-checked
produce? Is the Mashgiach aware
he must look for bugs in
strawberries and other such fruit?
In addition, if the owner of the
restaurant is a non-Shomer
Shabbos Jew or a non-Jew, then
the Halacho of “Bosor Shenisalem
Min Ha’ayin” (meat in an
establishment of a non-Jew or
non-Shomer Shabbos Jew
needing constant Kashrus
supervision) is of great
importance. Is there a Mashgiach
Temidi (a Mashgiach who is
constantly present at all times in a
meat restaurant) present? This is
true even if the restaurant
professes to be Glatt Kosher.
Therefore, deciding on a place to
dine out is something that needs
a degree of serious investigation.
Fish Restaurants can be
confusing to the Kosher
consumer as well, as some feel
Page 5
that, after all, it is
The Shatnez Newsletter
Brands of men’s suits that frequently
contain Shatnez [Partial Listing]
The information contained in this listing is current at the
time of publication. Changes are constantly occurring and it
is important to keep up to date. Updates via email will
inform you of all the latest changes and new alerts.
Alfred Dunhill-Italy
Redwood &
Ross –U.S.A.
Banana Republic
Barneys New
Brioni- Italy
Ted Baker
Brothers- U.S.A.
Ted Baker-Morocco
Burberry -U.S.A.
Calvin Klien
Cerruli 1881-Italy
Claiborne – India
Z Zegna-Mexico
Di Pal Zileri-Italy
Zara -Turkey
Dolce &
Please Note:
Within the same
Donna Karan
brand not all the
suits were found
Ermenegildo Zegna
to contain shatnez.
Express Design
However, all these
brands absolutely
require inspection
Gian Luca-Italy
before wearing!
Page 6
for all your
Amway needs
Call - Ruby Weissman
(310) 690-0095
(free delivery to your home or office
anywhere in the Los Angeles area)
Compliments Kettle Barbecue,
Compliments Kettle Garlic &
Herb, Compliments Kettle
Jalapeno, Compliments Kettle
Salt & Malt Vinegar (dairy),
Compliments Kettle Sour Cream
& Onion (dairy).
* O/U: Effective April 30, 2008, the
Homowack Lodge (a/k/a Spring
Mountian Resort) will be
discontinuing O/U Kosher
Supervision and will
be under the Vaad Beis Din of
New Square.
* O/U: Regarding Libby’s Fruit
Cocktail: This product was
packaged in cases whose exterior
markings represent the product
as being O/U certified. Libby’s
Fruit Cocktail is NOT O/U certified.
* O/U: Nabisco is introducing a
new variety of Oreo brand
Cookies, Oreo Fudge Rings,
which are currently NOT certified
Kosher. Please note that the Oreo
Fudge Rings label does NOT bear
the O/U symbol.
* Shatnez Alert: Regarding the
Eco Step Women’s Sneaker
(Vibram), made in China. Its
content label lists Genuine
Leather, upper: man-made
materials, insole: smart wool. A
fabric test revealed that the actual
content of the upper is a linen/
cotton blend in one direction and
rayon in the other direction. The
removable insole is a white and
gray knit fabric, and the same
fabric is sewn onto the back
against the heel. The white
threads are wool. For more
information or to have questions
answered, please contact
Lakewood Shatnez Labs at 661
7th St. at (732) 364-7056
* O/K: Please be advised that the
O/K Kosher certification no longer
certifies Tortillas produced by
Near East Bakery Saco.
* O/K: Gourmet Fresh Basil Pesto
from All Natural Food Corp. is
NOT certified and bears an
unauthorized O/K symbol.
* Please be advised that Cheese
Tortellini, produced by Fiorella
Pasta Co. in White Plains, N.Y.
has been mislabeled as O/K
pareve. This product is actually
* Please be advised that Mr.
Softee Vanilla Ice Cream Mix
produced by Hortsmann Mix and
Cream in Long Island, N.Y., has
been mislabeled as O/K pareve.
This product is actually diary.
* The O/K Kosher certification
has revoked its certification from
All Natural Food Corp. (Brooklyn,
* Please note that Lightlife Foods
produces both Kosher certified
and non-Kosher products. Only
products bearing the O/K symbol
on the label are certified Kosher
by O/K
* Pomona’s Universal Pectin
was mistakenly labeled with the
O/K Kosher symbol. This product
is, in fact NOT certified by O/K
Kosher Certification.
* The Arizona Only Coffee Bean
and Tea Leaf stores have
mistakenly received non-Kosher
certified individual yogurts and
cottage cheeses containers.
Even though these items are sold
separately in their own individual
containers the Kosher consumer
needs to know that the yogurts
and cottage cheeses in Arizona
CBTL’s are not Kosher, until these
items are immediately replaced
with the regular Kosher certified
Knudsen cottage cheese and
Horizon yogurts.
* Arizona Fruit Smoothie Mix
Pineapple Coconut flavor
contains dairy ingredients as
listed on the ingredient panel but
the dairy designation has been
inadvertently omitted. Future
packaging will be revised.
* The following 6 “Earl of
Sandwich” bread varieties, under
Blue Ribbon Kosher supervision
and bearing the Blue Ribbon
Kosher symbol are mistakenly
labeled as “D Stam”. They are, in
fact “Pareve”. Future packaging
will be revised.
The breads, sold both
Updates & Alerts
commercially and retail, were
distributed nationally during April
and during the first week in May.
Since they are shipped frozen they
could turn up for several months,
yet. The following are the 6
varieties: White Sourdough,
Jewish Rye, Caraway Rye, Marble
Rye, Eight Grain and
Pumpernickel Rye. It is Blue
Ribbon Kosher’s policy not to
certify breads as dairy.
* Kof K: Coombs Family Farms
Organic Apple 7 Cinnamon
Pancake Mix was mislabeled Kof
K pareve. The product is Kof-K
dairy. Corrective measures are
being taken.
*cRc: Recoverite Glutamine
Fortified Recovery Drink,
distributed by Hammer Nutrition,
Whitefish, Montana, bears a plain
cRc logo, mistakenly omitting the
“D” dairy designation. The product
is indeed dairy, as indicated in the
ingredient panel. Corrective
measures are being taken.
* Effective immediately, Ocean
Beauty in Los Angeles, packers of
Salmon roe, is no longer Certified
by the cRc.
* Effective immediately, Brans Nut
Co. & Wauconda Orchards,
Wauconda, Illinois, packers of
assorted nut products, is no
longer certified by the cRc.
* cRc: Please be advised that
A&W Root Beer Float and
Sunkist Orange Float are NOT
certified Kosher. The non-float
varieties of both, including the diet
version, continue to be Kosher
*cRc: The “D” dairy designtion
was inadvertently omitted on
Streit’s brand “Lower East Side
Mix”, a candy and nut mix. The
product is certified cRc dairy
(Cholov Stam), as indicated on the
ingredient panel.
* cRc: Dill Pickle flavored
Sunflower Seeds under the
Dakota Valley brand, Willow Lake,
South Dakota, bears an
unauthorized cRc. Corrective
measures are being taken.
* cRc: The following products
distributed by the Sassafras Co.
of Chicage bears an unauthorized
cRc and Kof K. Corrective
measures are being taken.
Page 31
Strawberry Banana, Strawberry
Creme, Super Sour Apple, Super
Sour Cherry, Super Watermelon,
Certified Mohel
Vanilla, White Cherry, Wild Cherry,
(15 years experience)
Wild Cherry Reduced Calorie)
111 S. Detroit Street
Banana Split is Kosher and
L.A. Ca 90036
Dairy. Blue Vanilla, the Slurpee
is pareve, the soda is dairy)
Frawg Apple
Fruit Works (Blue Raspberry
Freeze, Red Cherry Freeze, White
Royal Crown (MK) (Cola & Diet
Full Throttle (Blue Demon, Frozen
Sensational (MK) (Champagne
Blast, Frozen Fury, Iron Man, RPM)
Cider, Cola, Diet Cola, Diet Lemon Hawaiian Punch - (Fruit Juicy
Lime, Ginger Ale, Grape, Green
Red, Green Berry Rush, Lemon
Cider, Lemon Lime, Lemonade,
Berry Squeeze, Mazin Melon)
Nectar, Orange, Root Beer,
IBC (Root Beer)
Strawberry, Spruce Beer)
Jolly Rancher ( The Following are
Smart Choice Drink -Crystals
all Dairy and non-Cholov Yisroel:
(COR) (Cherry, Fruit Punch, Grape, Bubble Yum, Green Apple,
Lemon Iced Tea, Lemonade
Flavoured, Orange Flavoured
Laffy Taffy (Mango Melon)
Drink, Peach Flavoured)
Mango Bango (Tea, Totally Wild
Super C (MK) (Club Soda, Cola,
Crea, Soda White,
Master Chill - (Bruisin Berry,
Diet Cola, Diet Lemon Lime,
Cherry Limeade, Purple Vanilla
Ginger Ale, Lemon Lime, Orange, S’Creme, Raspberry
Rootbeer, Spruce Beer Soda,
Acai, Red Licorice, Sour Blue
Raspberry, Sour Green, Sour
Sweet Valley (MK) (Blackcherry,
Strawberry, Strawberry Creme,
Cola, Cream, Diet Cola, Ginger
Vanilla Creme, White Plum Grape)
Ale, Grape, Lemon Lime, Orange, Mello Yellow - (Regular)
Root Beer)
Minute Maid - (Blue Cherry,
Tang Crystals (COR) (Citrus
Blueberry, Cherry, Grape,
Blend, Mixed Fruit, Orange,
Lemonade, Orange, Peach,
Pineapple Grapefruit, Raspberry)
Pineapple, Raspberry Lemonade,
Vitale (MK) (Aranciata, Chinotto,
Gasossa, Limonata, Pompelmo)
Mountain Dew (All Flavors)
Mystery Airheads
U.S. ONLY (Star K)
(Blue Raspberry, Yellow)
Barq’s - (Floatz, French Vanilla
Nestea (Raspberry)
Cream, Red Creme, Root Beer)
Pepsi - (Diet Pepsi which is Dairy
Coca Cola - (Black Cherry Vanilla, and Regular Pepsi which is
Cherry Coke, Coca Cola Classic)
Crystal Light - (Berry
Sierra Mist (Cranberry, Cranberry
Pomegranate, Cherry Limeade,
Splash, Lemon Squeeze,
Lemonade, Lemon Lime, Orange Regular)
Pineapple Ice, Passionfruit, Peach Slurpuccino
Mango, Raspberry Ice, Raspberry Snow Bawl Energy Slurpee
Lemonade, Strawberry Kiwi,
Sprite - (Remix Aruba Jam,
Strawberry Banana, Tangerine
Tropical Remix)
Sunkist (Orange)
Dr. Pepper
Tropicana Twister (Blue
(Dr. Pepper, Cherry Vanilla)
Raspberry Rush, Black Cherry
Fanta - (Banana, Birch Beer,
Blackberry, Blue Cherry, Blue
Raspberry, Cherry, Ginger Ale,
Strawberry, Monster Black, Pina
Grape, Green Lemon Lime, Green Colada and Tropicana Grape Wild
Melon, Kiwi Strawberry, Mandarin
Strawberry are NOT Kosher
Tangerine, Mango Melon, Orange, certified.
Orange Creme, Pineapple - only
the Slurpee is acceptable, the
* KOAOA (The Half-Moon K) is no
soda is not certified, Purple Berry
longer certifying any bagged, preCherry, Red Licorice, Sour Apple,
Rabbi Nisim Davidi
Or 323-965-9660
Updates & Alerts
washed romaine, spring mix, and
other leafy greens products made
by Taylor Farms, Salinas, CA and
Yuma, AZ. For a short time,
KOAOA was certifying some lots
of such lettuces under the daily
supervision of a mashgiach t’midi,
however that production has been
This notice only applies to leafy
greens. KOAOA continues to
certify other vegetables processed
by Taylor Farms as identified on
each location’s letter of
* Balglobe Fruit Jellies Gelees De
Fruit Jellies of Balglobe Fine
Issue: This product (sold primarily
in Canada) bears an unauthorized
O/U symbol. Consumers spotting
this product are requested to
contace the Orthodox Union at
(212) 613-8148 or via email at
* KOF-K: Funnel Cake Mix,
manufactured by Good Food Inc.,
Honey Brook, PA was mislabeled
“KOF-K Pareve”. The product is
KOf-K Dairy. Corrective measures
are being taken.
*COR: Several batches of Lea &
Perrins Worchestershire Sauce,
3.7 L, were inadvertently labeled
without the “COR Fish”
designation. This product does
contain fish ingredients and
should bear “COR 10 Fish” on the
label. Corrective measures have
been taken
* COR: The following Bake
Crafters Donuts, bearing the COR
517 were inadvertently labeled
without the “dairy” designation:
Glazed Devils Food Donut Holes,
Mini Cruller Donuts, Powdered
Mini Gem Sugar Donuts,
Chocolate Mini Gem Donuts,
Glazed Sour Kreme Donut Holes.
Corrective measures have been
* Please be advised that effective
immediately, Great Northern
Smokehouses and Fine Foods is
no longer under COR Kosher
* COR: Please note that the
following potato chips do not bear
a COR symbol at this time.
In September, the products will
again be manufactured at COR
supervised facilities:
Page 30
This issue is
dedicated in the
name of
HaRav Avraham
Daniel Mordechai
ben Miriam Sara.
May Hashem grant
him a refuah
shlemah in the zchus
of his being a
constant osek
b’tzorchai tzibur.
“only fish” and what could
possibly be wrong with that? In
reality, there can be many
problems in Kashrus in
connection to a fish eating
establishment. As with a health
food restaurant, one cannot
assume that a fish eatery is
inherently Kosher unless it is
properly supervised as such. One
cannot Halachically assume that
they are in fact being served the
trout that they ordered unless
there is proper supervision to
establish that as fact. In fact, once
the fish is fileted in a restaurant
(which renders it unrecognizable),
one can certainly not assume that
it is that exact fish that was
stipulated in the order. Only with
proper Kosher supervision can
that claim be verified. Another
important issue in a fish
restaurant would be the oil which
is used to prepare the fish. Even
if the oil container states “pure
vegetable oil”, we should be
concerned about the possibility
that it was produced on nonKosher equipment, which would
render it non-Kosher as well. In
addition, if the restaurant would
also serve crabs and other nonKosher seafood, this, of course,
would compound the problems
with the full contamination of the
utensils used in the kitchen to
prepare these dishes.
Clearly then, a fish restaurant
warrants the same level of
supervision as any other
restaurant would.
Maaras Ayin, the appearance of
eating non-Kosher in a public
situation is something that the
Kosher consumer must take into
serious account. For example, a
Kashrus observant Jew should
not take Kosher pizza into a nonKosher pizza parlor (as is
sometimes done so that the
children can utilize the play areas
of these non-Kosher
establishments while having their
“imported” Kosher pizza) and eat
it in public. Onlookers could
easily assume that the person is
eating the non-Kosher pizza
served in that facility. In that case,
in addition to Maaras Ayin
(jumping to inaccurate and
damaging opinions about the
person in question) it could also
lead others to sin, as they might
assume that if Mrs. ... is eating in
this establishment it must be all
right for me to eat there as well.
Similiarly, to take a glatt Kosher
burger into a McDonalds, for
instance, would clearly not be
permitted according to Halacha.
This is also true of an observant
Jew attending a non-Kosher
wedding in which the hosts have
provided a few Kosher meals for
their guests with those needs.
However, if the meals at such a
wedding are clearly marked in a
different way (i.e. on different
china, very differently prepared
food etc.) and those attending
such an event would clearly
recognize that these meals were
of a different nature, then one is
permitted to partake in those
Finally, Kosher Franchises can
often be confusing to the kosher
consumer. For instance, one can
find a Baskin Robbins store
kosher in one state and not in
another. Dunkin Doughnuts is not
kosher in most parts of the U.S.,
kosher certified in some other
cities (with regular dairy
ingredients) and Cholov Yisroel
in yet other locations. Therefore, it
is important when dealing with a
franchise store to check the
certification on that particular
store to ensure the Kashrus
status of that establishment.
Some non-franchise yogurt and
ice cream stores, for example,
have Kosher certificates
prominently displayed in their
windows, giving the impression
to the public that they are kosher
supervised, when in fact the
display of the certification is
L.A., CA Coffee Stores
misleading. Often such
certifications only certify that
certain products used in the store
are Kosher supervised, not the
store itself . This means that
there is no guarentee at all that
the store is consistantly using
this Kosher product. Therefore,
the store is legally free to change
the use of products and
ingredients at their will, without
alerting the public. This,
obviously, poses serious
problems to the Kosher
consumer and one should be
cautious of such establishments.
Amusement Parks, Movies,
Theaters, Sport Stadiums and
the like that sell dry roasted
peanuts in the shell do not pose
a problem for the Kosher
consumer. However, fresh
popcorn cannot be used in any of
the above locations. Even when
the vendor displays a kosher oil
being used at this time, we have
no way of acertaining that nonKosher oil was not used until
now. If butter is being used it too
may be of a non Kosher origin.
The beer and soda are often
Kosher and readily available.
Fortunately, we live in a time
where Kosher food of the highest
level is easy to obtain when one
prepares in advance. Many
restaurants are happy to deliver
as well.
Often this may resolve a situation
where one needs to eat in a
place that does not have Kosher
food on hand. Whether in Alaska
or Hawaii, cruise ship or plane,
non-Kosher home or hotel, one
can always have a gourmet meal
on hand with proper preparation.
The following is a complete list
of Coffee Bean stores, under the
supervision of KOLA (Rabbi
Alhambra, Anaheim, Arcadia,
Belmont Shore, Beverly Hills,
Brea, Burbank, Calabasas,
Camarillo, Canoga Park,
Carlsbad, Carpinteria, Century
City, Cerritos, Chino Hills, Chula
Vista, Claremont, Corona,
Corona Del Mar, Costa Mesa,
Cypress, Del Mar, Downey, El
Page 7
Cajon, Encino, Fontana,
House of
(818) 763-2070
Jewish Books, Gifts, Religious
12506 Magnolia Blvd.,
Valley Village, CA 91607
Moshe Gabay
Page 8
Crystal Light (COR) (Berry Blend,
Fruit Punch, Iced Tea, Lemon
Lime, Lemonade, Low Calorie
Cranberry Breeze Drink Mix, Low
Calorie Drink Mix Variety Pack
Ice, Strawberry/Orange/Banana,
Low Calorie Passion Fruit
Pineapple Drink Mix, Low Calorie
Peach Iced Tea, Low Calorie
Raspberry Iced Tea, Low Calorie
Strawberry Kiwi Drink Mix, Low
Calorie Strawberry Orange Banana
Drink Mix, Peach, Pink Lemonade,
Raspberry Ice, Tangerine
Grapefruit, Watermelon
English Bay (COR) (Non-dairy Dry
Mix Drink Crystals)
Equality Drink Crystals (COR)
(Cherry, Fruit Punch, Fruit Punch
Club Pack Contour Jars, Grape,
Iced Tea Club Pack Contour Jars,
Orange, Orange Club
Pack Contour Jars, Peach)
Great Value Drink Crystals (COR)
(Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Fruit
Punch, Grape, Orange)
Great Value Sugar Free
Crystals (COR) (Grape, Iced Tea,
Lemon Lime, Pink Lemon,
Great Value Soda (MK) (Cola, Diet
Cola, Ginger Ale, Lemon Lime,
Orange, Root Beer)
Kiri Soda (MK) (Club, Cola,
Cream, Diet Cola, Diet Lemon
Lime, Ginger Ale, Grape,
Lemonade, Lemon Lime, Nectar,
Orange, Root Beer, Spruce Beer
Soda, Strawberry, Summer Cola)
Kool Aid Add Sugar (COR)
(Blastin Berry Cherry, Blue Moon
Berry, Changin Cherry Regular
Drink Mix, Cherry, Orange Drink
Mix, Cherry, Eeri Orange Drink Mix,
Invisible Wacky Watermelon Kiwi
Drink Mix, Kiwi Lime Drink Mix,
Kool Tea Lemonade, Kool Tea
Wildberry, Lemon Lime,
Lemonade, Mango Berry, Orange,
Raspbery Reaction, Scary Black
Cherry Drink Mix, Soarin
Strawberry Lemonade, Solar
Strawberry Starfruit, Strawberry,
Strawberry Kiwi Drink mix,
Switchin Secret, Tropical Punch)
Kool Aid Sugar Free (COR)
(Blastin Berry Cherry, Blue Moon
Berry, Changin Cherry, Invisible
Wacky Watermelon Kiwi Drink Mix,
Kool Tea Lemonade, Kool Tea
Wildberry, Raspberry Reaction,
Solar Strawberry Starfuit,
Strawberry, Switchin Secret,
Tropical Punch)
Kool Aid Sugar Sweetened (COR)
(Blue Moon Berry, Changin Cherry,
Cherry, Ice Blue Raspberry
Leomnade Drink Mix, Invisible
Wacky Watermelon Kiwi Drink Mix,
Kool Tea Lemonade, Kool Tea
Wildberry, Lemon Lime,
Lemonade, Orange, Raspberry
Reaction, Solar Strawberry
Starfruit, Strawberry, Strawberry
Kiwi Drink Mix, Switchin Secret,
Tropical Punch)
Life Soda (MK) (Crystal Clear Diet
Mt. Berry, Crystal Clear Diet
Tangerine Lime, Crystal Clear Diet
Crystal Clear Diet Wildcherry,
Crystal Clear Peach, Crystal Clear
Mt. Berry, Crystal Clear Wildcherry)
Master Choice Soda (MK) (Club,
Cola, Cranberry Ginger Ale,
Cream, Diet Caffeine Free Cola,
Diet Cola, Diet Ginger Ale, Diet
Lemon Lime, Diet Tonic Water,
Fruit Fizz Blackcherry, Fruit Fizz
Diet Blackcherry, Fruit Fizz Diet
Kiwi Strawberry, Fruit Fizz Diet
Lemon Lime Grapefruit, Fruit Fizz
Diet Peach, Fruit Fizz Diet Tropical
Mango, Fruit Fizz Mixed Berry,
Ginger Ale, Ginger Beer, Grape,
Iced Tea, Kiwi Strawberry, Lemon
Seltzer, Still Lemonade, Lemon
Lime, Lemon Lime Grapefruit,
Lime Seltzer, Mixed Berry, Orange,
Peach, Raspberry Seltzer, Root
Beer, Sparkling Lemonade, Tonic
Water, Tropical Mango)
Maxi Soda (MK) (Champagne
Cider, Cola, Cream, Diet Cola,
Diet Lemon Lime, Ginger Ale,
Grape, Green Cider, Lemon Lime,
Lemonade, Nectar, Orange, Root
Beer, Strawberry, Spruce Beer)
Merit Selection Soda (MK) (Club,
Red & White Cream, Diet Cola,
Diet Lemon Lime, Ginger Ale,
Soft Drinks
Grape Soda, Lemon Lime, Nectar,
Orange, Pink Grapefruit, Rootbeer,
Sparkling Lemonade, Spruce
Beer, Strawberry)
Multichoice Soda (MK) (Cola,
Cream Soda White, Diet Cola,
Ginger Ale, Grape Soda, Lemon
Lime, Orange, Rootbeer, Spruice
Beer Soda, Strawberry)
Merit Selection Drink -Crystals
(COR) (Cherry, Fruit Punch,
Grape, Orange, Peach, Pink
Lemon, Raspberry, Strawberry/
No Name Drink Crystals (COR)
(Blue Punch, Cherry, Cherry
Concentrate, Fruit Punch, Fruit
Punch Concentrate, Grape, Grape
Concentrate, Key Lime
Concentrate, Lemon, Lemonade
Crystals, Orange, Orange
Concentrate, Orange, Pineapple &
Banana, Peach, Strawberry
Concentrate, Strawberry/Kiwi)
Our Compliments (MK)
(Blackcherry, Club, CMK (Cola,
Cream, Diet Blackcherry, Diet
Caffeine Free Cola, Diet
Peach,Diet Raspberry, Diet
Tangerine Lime, Diet Tropical
Mango, Diet Cola, Diet Ginger Ale,
Diet Lemon Lime, Ginger Ale,
Grape, Lemon Iced Tea, Lemon
Lime, Orange, Peach, Pink
Grapefruit, Raspberry, Rootbeer,
Sparkling Lemonade, Spruce Beer
Soda, Strawberry, Tangerine Lime,
Tonic Water, Tropical Mango)
Our Very Own (MK) (Club, Cola,
Cream, Diet Cola, Diet ginger Ale,
Grape, Lemon Lime, Orange,
Root Beer)
President’s Choice (MK) (Black
Cherry, Club, Cola, Cream, Diet
Cola, Diet Cola Caffeine Free,
Diet Ginger Ale, Diet Lemon Iced
Tea, Diet Lemon Lime, Diet
Orange, Diet Pink Grapefruit, Diet
Tonic Water, Free & Clear Diet
Cranberry, Free ;& Clear Diet Key
Lime, Free & Clear Mixed Berry,
Free & Clear Peach, Free & Diet
Raspberry, Free & Clear Diet
Strawberry, Free & Clear Diet
Tropical Mango, Free & Clear Diet
White Grape, Free & Clear Mixed
Berry, Ginger Ale, Grape, Key Lime
Cola, Lemon Iced Tea, Lemon
Lime, Lime, Nectar, Orange, Pink
Grapefruit, Root Beer, Sodium
Free Club Soda, Sparkling
Lemonade, Sparkling Cranberry,
Strawberry, Tonic Water) Page 29
Hershey Milk Shake (O/Kd)
Hershey’s Box Milk Drink (when
bearing O/Ud)
J&J Iced Cappuccino
(Badatz - Cholov Yisroel)
Jeff’s Egg Cream (only when
12516 Burbank Blvd.,
bearing O/Ud)
North Hollywood, CA
Kefir Flavored Milk (CRCd))
Glatt Kosher
Knudsen Chocolate Milk
Rubashkin &
(Half Moon K)
Lactaid (lactose-free milk)
Crown Heights
Lanika Brand (Banana, Blue
Meats & Poultry
Hawaii, Ice Cream Additive, Key
Supervision of
Lime, Mango, Neutral Cocktail,
Rabbi Furst
Pina Colada Car, Peach, Orange
Groceries, Delicatessen,
Cream, Strawberry, Strawberry
Cream, Orange Cream)
Fresh & Frozen Meats,
Lifeway Soy Drink (CRCd)
Poultry & Fish,
Nesquik Drinks & Shakes (O/Ud)
Frozen Foods, Wine,
Nestea Iced Tea (O/Ud) (Cool
Cholov Yisroel,
Regular, Lemon, Peach, Premium
Dairy Products
Raspberry, Southern Style,
Sweetened, Unsweeetened)
365 Whole Foods Vegetable
Pacific Bay (dairy) (Orange
Medley Juice (O/U only)
Cream, Peach, Peaches & Cream,
365 Whole Foods Organic
Pina Colada, Strawberryada, Red
Vital Veggie Juice (O/U)
Raspberry Cream, Tropical Blue)
White Rock (when bearing O/U)
Princess Bay Iced Cappuccino
Wildwood (CRC only)
Wink (Grapefruit)
Rockview Farms Chocolate
Wissotzky Iced Tea (O/U)
Milk (Half Moon K)
Zeigler’s Lemonade (Regular &
Shamrock Farms Snapple
Pink - O/U)
Water (with O/Ud)
ZenSoy (O/U pareve)
Stonyfield Farm Organic Milk
Alta Dena Chocolate Milk (O/Kd)
Refershers Rockview Farms
American Dairy Queen (O/Ud)
Chocolate Milk (Half Moon K)
(Orange Julius Coconut Almond
Silk Soy Milk (O/Ud)
Cream Powder, Orange Julius
Smoothie Brand (Key Lime, Pina
Colada, Raspberry)
Ben & Jerry’s Milkshakes
Soy Dream Soymilk (O/Us)
(CRC - dairy)
Starbucks Coffees (Starbucks Bravo (with O/U only) (flavored
only in bottles with a Kd) (Coffee,
Mint Mocha, Mocha, Mocha Light,
Caffe D’ Vita (Powder - O/Ud)
Decaf Mocha, Vanilla, Caramel,
Deerfield Mocha Cappuccino
Doubleshot, Hazelnut, So Be Love
Bus Brew)
Dove Chocolate (O/Ud)
Trader Joe’s Organic Milk
Dunkin Donuts (O/Ud)
(Half Moon K)
(Dunkaccino & Hot Cocoa Mixes)
Whitney Yo On The Go (O/Ud)
Fanta (when bearing O/Ud)
(Banana Split, Blue Vanilla)
All Sport (O/U)
Fruit Fraize (O/Ud) (Chocolate,
Arizona Rx Energy Elixir & Diet Vanilla, Lime, Raspberry,
Defense Vitamin Soda (O/U)
Tropical Remix)
Attain - Sustain - Profex (Scroll K)
Fuelosophy (CRCd) (Pineapple/
Bolthouse Farms (O/U)
Mango, Pomegranate Berry, Vanilla Cobra Energy Drink (O/U only)
Caramel, Citrus Blend)
Coolah Energy Drink (Lemon, Diet
General Foods Int’l Flavored
Coffees (powder - O/Kd)
Evolution (KSA)
Ghirardelli Powdered Cocoas (Kof Full Throttle Guayaki Energy
K - many are dairy)
Drink (KSA)
Godiva Belgium Blends (CRC)
Infuse Thirst Quencher Sport
(Dark Chocolate Mocha, Milk
Drink (O/U) (Lemon Lime, Orange
Chocolate Mocha & French Latte)
Le Market
(818) 763-5223
Soft Drinks
& Polar Rush)
Melaleuca (Scroll K)
New Freedom (Scroll K)
Odwalla Juices (O/U)
Pom (Pomegranate Juice - O/U)
Pour De-Lite Shakes (Scroll K)
Powerade (only with O/U)
Red Bull KF (England)
Synergy Energy Drink
(California K)
Tab Energy Drink
Tatra Energy Drink (with O/U only)
Trader Joe’s G’reen Protein
Drink (O/U pareve)
Trader Joe’s Mango
Anti-Oxidant (O/U pareve)
XS Energy (O/U)
7 Up (COR) (Regular, Diet, Citrus
(Lemon, Lemonade)
DUH COR (Cola, Ginger Ale,
Lemon Cola, Lemon Lime,
Orange, Orange Cream,
Root Beer)
Mountain Dew (COR) (Blue
Shock, Code Red, Live Wire
Freeze, Mt. Dew &
Diet Mt. Dew)
Mug (COR) (Root Beer & Diet
Root Beer)
Pepsi-Cola (COR) (Pepsi Blue,
Caffeine Free, Diet, Twist, Diet
Twist, Vanilla, Wild Cherry, Pepsi
Cola & Diet)
Premium Island (COR) (Cola,
Diet Cola, Lemon Up)
Big Dawg Crystals (COR)
(Cosmic Cherry, Fruit Punch,
Grape, Hokey Pokey Strawberry,
Orange, Peachy Peach, Pink
Lemon Aid, Super Lemon Aid)
Bulk Barn Crystals (COR)
Compliments Value Drink Crystals (COR) (Cherry,
Fruit Punch, Grape, Lemon,
Orange, Peach)
Cott Soda (MK) (Black Cherry,
Club Soda, Red & White Cream
Soda, Diet Ginger Ale, Diet Lemon
Lime, Fruit Mist Black Cherry, Fruit
Mist Diet Blackcherry, Fruit Mist
Diet Mixedberry, Fruit Mist Diet
Peach, Fruit Mist Diet Tangerine
Lime, Ginger Ale, Ginger Beer,
Grape, Lemon Iced Tea, Lemon
Lime, Mixed Berry, Orange, Peach,
Rootbeer, Sparkling Lemonade,
Strawberry, Tangerine Lime)
Page 28
Disincitive Cuisine for Special
Occasions Weddings, Bar
Mitzvahs, Simchas, Special
Please Call: Brenda Walt
1467 South Derango Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90035
Foothill Ranch, Fountain Valley,
Fullerton, Glendale, Goleta,
Hermosa Beach, Hollywood,
Huntington Beach, Irvine, La
Quinta, Laguna Hills, Lake
Elsinore, Lake Forest, Las Vegs
(Planet Hollywood Hotel, Palms
Hotel, The Venetian Hotel), Long
Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu,
Manhattan Beach, Marina Del
Rey, Mira Loma, Monrovia,
Montrose, Newport Beach, North
Hollywood, Northridge, Orange,
Oxnard, Pacific Palisades, Palm
Desert, Palm Springs, Palmdale,
Pasadema, Pismo Beach, Playa
Vista, Rancho Cucamonga,
Redlands, Redondo Beach,
Riverside, San Clemente, San
Diego, San Francisco, Santa
Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa
Monica, Santa Monice Pier, Seal
Beach, Sherman Oaks, Simi
Valley, Torrance, UCLA Hillel,
Universal City Walk, Upland,
Valencia, Venice, Ventura, West
Covina, West Hills, West
Hollywood, Westlake Village,
Westwood, Whittier, Woodland
Hills, Yorba Linda
Baskin Robbins (310) 559-3131
(RCC) (non-Cholov Yisroel)
1800 S. Robertson Blvd. #8
Berri Good (310) 270-4663
1128 S. Robertson
Berri Good
(310) 444-0011
7619 1/2 Melrose Ave.
(RCC) (non Cholov Yisroel)
11037 Santa Monica Blvd.
(310) 278-5411
(RCC) (non Cholov Yisroel)
9618 W. Pico Blvd. #508
(310) 777-0221
8859 W. Pico
A La Carte (310)553-8804 (RCC)
At the Carwash @ Pico & Beverly
A Cow Jumped Over the Moon
(310) 274-4269
421 N. Rodeo Dr.
Afshan Restaurant
(213) 622-1010
106 W. 9th St.
Cafe at Museum of Tolerance
(310) 772-2518
9786 W. Pico Blvd., 4th Floor
Cafe Elite
(323) 936-2861
(RCC dairy)
7115 Beverly Blvd
Chick ‘N Chow Restaurant
(310) 274-5595
(Kehilla )
9301 W. Pico Blvd.
Circa (310) 854-0592
8620 W. Pico Blvd.
Circa (323) 653-1683
433 Fairfax Ave.
Cohen Restaurant
(213) 742-8888
316 E. Pico Blvd.
Delice Bistro
(310) 289-1702
8581 W. Pico Blvd.
Elite Cuisine Restaurant
(323) 930-1303
7119 Beverly Blvd.
Fish Grill
(323) 937-7162
7226 Beverly Blvd.
Fish Grill
(310) 860-1182
9618 W. Pico Blvd.
Fish Grill
(310) 479-1800
12013 Wilshire Blvd.
Fish Place
(310) 858-8737
9340 W. Pico Blvd.
Glatt Hut
(310) 246-1900
9303 W. Pico Blvd.
Gordon’s Fish (310) 276-6603
9116 West Pico Blvd.
Hill Street Pizza (213) 627-9990
448 S. Hill St. #406
Jeff’s Gourmet Sausage Factory
(310) 858-8590
8930 W. Pico Blvd.
Josh’s Top Dog (323) 939-6244
307 N. La Brea Ave.
Restaurant Los Angeles Area
Kabob & Chinese Food
(310) 274-4007
9180 W. Pico Blvd.
Kosher Pizza Station
(310) 276-8708
8965 W. Pico Blvd. (Kehilla-dairy)
Kosher Subway (310) 274-1222
8948 W. Pico Blvd.
La Gandola Ristorante Italiano
(310) 247-1239
9025 Wilshire Blvd.
La Glatt (323) 658-7730 (RCC)
446 N. Fairfax Ave.
Metro Glatt
(310) 275-4420
8975 W. Pico Blvd.
Milk N’ Honey
(310) 858-8850
8837 Pico Blvd.
(RCC dairy)
Milky Way Restaurant
(310) 859-0004
9108 W. Pico Blvd. (Kehilla-dairy)
Nagila Meating Place
(310) 788-0119
9407 W. Pico Blvd.
Nagilla Pizza
(310) 788-0111
9411 Pico Blvd. (Kehilla - dairy)
Nathan’s Kosherland
(310) 441-0394
1636 Westwood Blvd.
Nathans Famous (310) 273-0303
9216 W. Pico Blvd.
On Fire Restaurant
(323) 655-7777
707 N. Stanley
P.S. Cafe
(310) 772-2518
9786 W. Pico
Pat’s Restaurant (310) 205-8705
9233 W. Pico Blvd.
Pico Cafe
(310) 385-9592
8944 W. Pico Blvd.
Pico Kosher Deli (310) 273-9381
8826 W. Pico Blvd.
Pizza Mayven
(323) 857-0353
140 N. La Brea Ave. (Kehilla, dairy)
Pizza World Restaurant
365 S. Fairfax Ave.
(323) 653-2896
(Kehilla, dairy)
Shalom Pizza
(310) 271-2255
8715 W. Pico Blvd.
(RCC dairy)
(310) 553-0998
9401 W. Pico Blvd.
Shilos Restaurant
(310) 858-1652
8939 W. Pico Blvd.
Bibi’s Warmstone Bakery
(310) 246-1788
8928 W. Pico Blvd.
Classic Pastry (310) 659-4966
8670 W. Pico Blvd.
Delice Bakery
(310) 289-6556
8583 W. Pico Blvd.
Page 9
Schweppes Ginger Ale (Regular,
Raspberry, Dry Grape)
5th Street Kosher Deli Schweppes Seltzer
(Black Cherry, Lemon, Lime,
5071 East 5th Street Lemon-Lime, Orange, Peach,
Tucson, Arizona 85711
Pink Grapefruit, Raspberry, Tonic,
Wild Raspberry)
Owner: Asher Amar
Schweppes Soda
Mon. - Thur. 8am-7pm
(Lemon-Lime, Lime, Grapefruit)
Fri. & Sun. 8am-3pm
Schweppes Iced Tea
520-325-DELI (3354)
Seagrams (when bearing O/U)
Under Orthodox Supervision of Select Clear - Seltzer
Rabbi Israel Becker
(any unfavored)
& Rabbi Yossi Shem Tov
Shur Fine Iced Tea (O/U)
Butcher Shop, Kosher and
Slush Puppies (CRC only)
Snapple (O/K)
Israeli Market, Restaurant
Spring Fruit Drinks (Badatz)
Deli, Israeli Menu,
Sugar-Free Soda (CRC)
Sephardic Menu Items,
7 Up (Regular, Cherry)
Shabbat Dinners “to go”
7 Up Plus
Catering for special events
Shasta (when bearing O/U)
Peach, Pink Lemonade, Wild Red) Sierra Mist (all)
Nesher Malt (Badatz)
Slice (Berry, Cherry, Cherry Lime,
Nestea Iced Tea (Lemon Sweet,
Cola, Dr. Slice, Fruit Punch,
Peach, Premium, Raspberry,
Grape, Orange, Peach, Pineapple,
Southern Style, Sweetened,
Pink Lemonade, Slice Red,
Strawberry Slice Cola)
Nestea Pure Life Water (O/U)
Snapple (when bearing O/U)
(Plain, Lemon, Orange,
Sprite (Regular, Berry Clear
Raspberry, Strawberry)
Remix, Tropical Remix)
Nestle Pure Life Splash (when
Sprite Remix Flavor Hits
bearing O/U)
Packets (when bearing O/U)
New Square Fruit Drinks
(Cherry, Grape, Vanilla)
O Water Replenish & Vitalize
Squirt (Regular, Ruby Red)
Infused Flavored Water (O/U)
Stamford Hill Teas (KAJ/CRC)
O2GO (Star K)
Stewart Soda (O/U)
Odwalla Juices (O/U)
Suburban (when bearing K)
Organics Black Tea (KSA)
Pacific Almond Drink (Kof K)
(Cherry Lemon, Sundrop)
Patio (Orange, Root Beer,
Sunkist Soda (Orange,
Strawberry Cream, Strawberry,
Lemonade, Limeade, Fruit Punch,
Red Cherry, Ginger Ale)
Grape, Peach, Cherry, Pineapple,
Penta Water (O/U)
Pepsi Cola (Regular, Caffeine
Sun Orchard
Free, Holiday Spice, Lime, Pepsi
(Kehilla) (Strawberry Lemonade)
One, Pepsi Summer Mix Mango
Tangerine, Pepsi Twist, Wild
Talking Rain Ice Fruit
Pepsi Jazz (see Dole Sparklers)
Flavored Drinks (O/U)
Perrier (O/K)
Tang Powder
Pibb Xtra
(when bearing O/K)
Prigate Juice (O/U & Chasam
Tapuzina Fruit Drink (Badatz)
Tazo Flavored Iced Tea (KSA)
Ralphs Vegatable Juice
Teem Windchill Lemonade
(O/U only)
The Republic of Tea (O/U only)
Ralphs Fruit Juice (O/U only)
Tivi Valley Juices (O/U)
RC Cola (Cola, Cherry Cola)
Trader Darwin Juice (O/U)
Royal Crown Soda (O/U)
Trader Joe’s Organic
Safeway Select
Lemonade (Gnger, Raspberry
(when bearing CRC)
& Strawberry - KSA)
Safeway Fruit Juices
Trader Joe’s Juices
(O/U only)
(Fruit & Vegetable) (KSA only)
Sam’s Choice Soda (O/U)
Trader Joe’s Rice Drink
Saranac (all products)
(O/U pareve)
Tucson, Arizona
304 N La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036
323-936-4760 Fax 323-936-4763
“Esrog Specialist” will be on hand.
Taking Orders Now!
School & Shul Specials Available.
Eilat Bakery
(323) 933-5000
350 N. Fairfax Ave.
Eilat Bakery
(310) 205-8700
9223 W. Pico Blvd.
Eilat Bakery
(310) 826-9900
12109 Santa Monica Blvd.
Elat Pastry
(310) 385-5993
8721 W. Pico Blvd.
Just Desserts and Fancy Cakes
(310) 666-3929
1110 S. Robertson #6
La Brea Bagel Co.
(323) 965-1287
7308 Beverly Blvd.
Schwartz’s Bakery
(323) 931-3563
(RCC -Yoshon)
7113 Beverly Blvd.
Schwartz’s Bakery
(310) 854-0592
8618 W. Pico
(RCC - Yoshon)
Schwartz’s Bakery
(323) 653-1683
441 N. Fairfax
(RCC - Yoshon)
The Sensitive Bakery
(310) 815-1800
10836 1/2 Washington Blvd.
Elat Market
(RCC - Fish Only)
8730 W. Pico Blvd.
(310) 659-7070
Fairfax Meat & Fish
(323) 651-5878
511 N. Fairfax Ave
Glatt Mart
(310) 289-6888
8708 W. Pico
Kosher Club
(310) 933-8283
4817 W. Pico Blvd.
La Brea Kosher Market
(323) 931-1221
410 N. La Brea
Little Jerusalem (310) 858-8361
8963 W. Pico Blvd.
Livonia Glatt Market
(310) 271-4343
8922 W. Pico. Blvd.
(310) 777-0221
8859 W. Pico
Nut House
(310) 652-3491
8664 W. Pico Blvd.
Pico Glatt Kosher Mart
(310) 785-0904
9427 W. Pico Blvd.
Ralphs #198
(310) 271-2672
Pico & Beverwill
Santa Monica Glatt Market
(310) 447-4435
1540 Santa Monica Blvd.
(RCC) (All items not RCC
Star Meats
(310) 447-1612
12146 Santa Monica Blvd. (RCC)
Western Kosher Market
(323) 655-8870
444 N. Farifax Ave.
A.D. Catering and Events
(310) 559-7979
2686 S. La Cienega Blvd. (RCC)
Catering by Brenda
(310) 203-8365
1467 S. Durango Ave.
Chana’s Cuisine (310) 945-7002
1439 1/2 S. Robertson
Restaurant Los Angeles Area
Elegant Caterers
(310) 274-8856
9030 W. Olympic Blvd.
Embassy Caterers
(323) 937-1374
360 N. La Brea Ave.
(323) 934-7667
129 N. La Brea Ave.
La Glatt Kosher Catering
(323) 658-7730
446 N. Fairfax
Let’s Have A Cart Party
(310) 246-1230
426 S. Wetherly Dr.
Mischel’s Gourmet Kosher
310) 666-3929
1110 S. Robertson
Pat’s Catering Office
(310) 205-8707
Prestige Catering
(310) 453-3700
1021 S. Sherbourne Dr. #3.
Simon’s Catering (310) 474-4011
1827 Manning Ave. #5
Sinai Catering (310) 820-0048
12233 Santa Monica Blvd. (RCC)
Zone Diet (Kosher)
(800) 598-1931 ex #1
(310) 659-7070
8730 W. Pico Blvd.
(RCC - Fish Only)
Farifax Fishery (323) 653-6333
345 N. Fairfax
Farifax Meat and Fish
(323) 651-5878
511 N. Fairfax
Page 10
Soft Drinks
Trader Joe’s Soymilk (Original &
Chocolate Kof K de and pareve)
Tree Top Apple Juice & Cider
Tropicana 2 liter bottles, 20 oz.
bottles & 12 oz. cans only. (Fruit
Punch - regular & sugar free, Light
Lemonade Orangeade - regular &
sugar free, Pink Lemonade,
Yellow Lemonade, Peach,
Papaya, Strawberry Melon)
Tropicana Twister Soda (Grape,
Orange, Strawberry, Zero Fruit
Fusion, Zero Lemonade)
Unger’s Tomato Juice (Star K)
Vault (from Coke)
(Regular & Vault Zero)
Vernors Ginger Ale
Very Fine Juices (O/U)
Vess (Black Cherry, Blue
Raspberry, Cherry Cola, Club
Soda, Cola, Diet Caffeine Free
Cola, Diet Cream Soda, Ginger
Ale, Mt. Vess, No Salt Seltzer,
Peach, Pina Colada, Pineapple,
Red Cream, Root Beer,
Strawberry, Tonic, Whistle Orange)
Vintage Seltzer (Lemon Lime,
Mandarin Orange, Raspberry, Wild
Virgil’s Root Beer (O/U)
Vitarroz Soda (O/U)
Vitasoy Soy Drink (O/U)
Vons Fruit Juices (O/U only)
Voss Water (O/U)
Waist Watchers (only with O/U)
Walgreens Flavored H2O
(O/U only)
Walmart Fruit Punch & Cherry
Drink Mix (O/U)
Welch’s Soda (Juice is NOT
Kosher) (Lemonade, Orange,
Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry)
(Grape in N.Y. and N.J.
with a Kof K - Grape)
Westoy Soymilk
(Kof K pareve)
365 Whole Foods Soda
(when bearing O/U)
365 Whole Foods Organic
Blueberry Juice (O/U)
365 Whole Foods Lemonade
365 Whole Foods Organic
Orange Juice (O/U)
365 Whole Foods Organic
Pear Juice (O/U)
365 Whole Foods Pomegranate
Juice (O/U)
365 Whole Foods Organic
Tart Cherry Juice (O/U)
365 Whole Foods Tomato
Page 27
Juice (O/U)
Soft Drinks
Bodacious Berry, Fruit Juicy Red,
Grape, Green Berry Rush, Lemon
Berry Squeeze, Lemonade,
Lemonade Punchy, Lemonade
Punchy Pink, Mazin Melon, Orange,
Strawberry, Tropical Vibe, Wild
Purple Smash)
Hebrew Black Beer (KSA)
Heirloom Farms Pomegranate
Blueberry Juice (O/K)
Hero Nectars (O/U)
Hi-C (Fountain only) (Flashin’ Fruit
Punch, Light Fruit Punch,. Orange,
Orange Lavaburst, Pink
Hire’s (Cream, Root Beer)
Honest Tea (O/U)
IBC (Root Beer, Black Cherry,
Cherry Limeade, Cream Soda,
Tangerine Creme)
Ice Age Water (MK)
Icy Splash
(when bearing Star K)
Jewel Soda
(when bearing CRC)
Jones Soda (when bearing
Star K) (Berry Lemonade, Billy Pop,
Blue Bubblegum, Blueberry,
Cherry, Chocolate Fudge, Club,
Cream, Crushed Melon, Fruit
Punch, Fufu Berry, Fun, Ginger Ale,
Grape, Green Apple, Happy,
Lemon Drop, Lemon-Lime,
Orange, Orange & Cream, Peachy
Keen, Pink, Root Beer, Strawberry
& Cream, Strawberry-Lime,
Tangerine, Twisted Lime, Upside
Down Pineapple, Vanilla Cola,
Jones Natural Soda
(when bearing Star K)
(Lemon Ginger, Passion,
Peach Ginseng)
Jones Sugar-Free Soda (when
bearing Star K) (Black Cherry,
Broccoli Casserole, Brussel
Sprouts, Corn on the Cob,
Cranberry, Cream, Fufu Berry,
Ginger Ale, Green Bean
Casserole, Herb Stuffing, Lime
Cola, Mashed Potatoes, Orange,
Pecan Pie, Pink Grapefruit,
Pumpkin Pie, Root Beer, Smoked
Salmon, Chocolate Fudge, Turkey
& Gravy)
Jones Organic Tea
(95% Organic) (when bearing
Star K) (Berry Green, Cherry White,
Mandarin Green, Peach Rooibos,
Strawberry White, Tropical
Just Pik’t Lemonade (O/U)
Kagone Fruit Drinks (CRC)
King’s Drinks (Badatz)
Kombucha Drinks (California K)
Kool Aid (Liquids and Powders
are certified when bearing O/K)
Kool Aid Liquid Bursts (O/U)
Kroger Big K Sodas (Scroll K)
Langers Juices (O/U)
Langer’s Vitamin Enhanced
Water (O/U)
Langer Sparkling Juices
(O/U) (Pomegranate & Cider)
Le Nature’s Sweet Tea (Kof K)
Le Village (when bearing
Star K) (French Limonade,
Lemonade, Orangeade, Pink
Lieber’s Fruit Drinks
(Rabbi Weissdmandl)
Liebers Soy Milk
(Rabbi Weissmandl)
Lipton Brisk Tea (Fruit Teazer,
Green Tea, Green Tea with
Orange Passion Fruit, Peach,
Lemon, White Tea with Tangerine,
Raspberry, Sweet)
Lipton Iced Tea
(when bearing K) (Green Tea
with Citrus, Diet Green Tea with
Citrus, Iced Tea with Lemon, Diet
White Tea wth Raspberry)
Lipton Original Iced Tea (when
bearing K) (Lemon, Sweetened
Extra Sweet, Unsweetened,
Peach, Raspberry, Green Tea with
Lipton Fountain Tea (when
bearing K) (Plain, Sweet, Lemon
Sweet, Peach Sweet, Raspberry
Sweet, Super Sweet Southern
Style, Tangerine, Yellow & Pink
Lipton Southern Style (Lemon,
Sweet No Lemon, Extra Sweet No
Malt Star (Badatz)
Malty (O/K)
Martinelli’s (KSA)
Master Chill (Bruisin Berry, Cherry
Limeade, Red Licorice, Sour Blue
Raspberry, Sour Green, Sour
Strawberry, Strawberry Creme)
Master Pour (Collins Mix, Ginger
Ale, Sour, Tonic Water)
Mayim Chaim
Mayim Tovim (O/U)
Mellow Yellow
Minute Maid Soda (Not Juices)
(when bearing O/U)
Mirinda (Grape, Grapefruit, Green
Cream, Fruit Punch, Orange,
Mistic (when bearing O/U)
Mitts Fruit Smoothies (O/U)
Mitzli (when bearing B’datz)
Mitzuyan Nectar (Badatz)
Mondo Fruit Squeezers (O/U)
Morning Select Apple Juice
(Star K)
Mountain Sun
Blueberry Juice (O/U)
Mt. Dew (Regular, AMP, Blue
Shock, Caffeine Free, Code Red,
Frountain, Freeze, Live Wire, MDX,
Pitch Black, Arctic Burst)
Mug (Cream Soda, Root Beer)
Multi Vitamin Water (O/U)
Naked Fruit Juice (O/U)
Nana Mae’s Organic Juices
(Apple & Pear - KSA)
Nantucket Nectars (O/U)
Naturale 90 (O/U)
Nature’s Own Juices (O/U)
Nehi (Blue Cream, Ginger Ale,
Grape, Lemon-Lime, Fruit Punch,
Orange, Strawberry, Lemonade,
Page 26
Kosher Food
Internet Sites
(hotels, cruise lines delivery)
(732) 370-0035
Kosher on Wheels
(323) 933-0089 RCC / Kehilla
Cho-Sen Island
(516) 374-1199
Vaad of Five Towns
Chap a Nosh
(516) 374-5100
Vaad of Five Towns
The Jewish Diabetes Assn.
Tel: (718) 578-4180
Israel: 054-732-867
Gordon’s Fish
(310) 276-6603
9116 W. Pico Blvd.
Hiro’s Kosher Sushi
Available at select Gelsons and
other locations
Tiera Del Sol (in the Herzog
Winery) (a meat restaurant)
(805) 983-1560
3201 Camino Del Sol
Coffee Bean
Baskin Robbins (818) 701-9061
9514 Reseda Blvd., Northridge
Cold Stone Creamery
(818) 907-2702
14622 Ventura Blvd.
Bocca Steakhouse
(818) 905-5855
16610 Ventura Blvd.
Brami’s Pizza
(818) 342-0611
17736 1/2 Sherman Way
(RCC dairy)
Cafe Bonjour
(818) 783-2727
16550 Ventura Blvd.
Cafe Del Mar
(818) 487-8172
12526 Burbank Blvd.
(Kehilla meat)
Cafe Del Mar
(818) 487-8171
12526 Burbank Blvd.
(Kehilla dairy)
Cafe Eilat
(818) 762-1900
12519 Burbank Blvd.
Classique Raphy’s
(818) 487-9531
12454 Magolia, Valley Village
Fish In The Village
(818) 769-0085
12450 Burbank Blvd.
(818) 763-5375
13075 Victory Blvd.
House of Bonjour (818) 506-7145
12453 Oxnard
Jerusalem Pizza (818) 758-9595
17942 Ventura Blvd.
Kiki’s Grill
(818) 508-5557
12422 Burbank Blvd.
Valley Village
Kosher Chicks (818) 343-8800
18608 Ventura Blvd.
La Pizza
(818) 760-8198
12515 Burbank Blvd.
(Rabbi Shelaim Furst)
(Cholov Yisroel)
Le Sushi
(818) 763-6600
12524 Burbank Blvd.
Orange Delight & Grill
(818) 986-6388
13628 Ventura Blvd.
Pacific Kosher Pizza
(818) 760-0087
12460 Oxnard
Pizza Nosh
(818) 991-3000
30313 Canwood St. (Ami Markel)
Ravak Restaurant
(818) 995-4700
17547 Ventura Blvd.
(818) 986-5345
15622 Ventura Blvd.
Smokin’! - Texas BBQ
(818) 752-6866
12514 Burbank Blvd.
Valley Village
(Rabbi Shelaim Furst)
Temptation Prime Bar & Grill
(818) 995-4700
17547 Ventura Blvd. #108 (RCC)
Unique Cafe
(818) 757-3100
18385 Ventura Blvd.
(RCC) (Dairy - Cholov Yisroel)
Continental Bakery
12419 Burbank Blvd.
(O/U and Rabbi Shelaim Furst)
Eilat Bakery
(818) 766-2726
12522 Burbank Blvd.
Love Bakery
(818) 881-1100
17928 Ventura Blvd.
Renaissance Bakery
(818) 778-6230
14540 Friar St.
Restaurant Los Angeles Area
Sam’s Kosher Bakery
(818) 769-8352
12450 Burbank Blvd.
Unique Pastry (818) 757-3100
18385 Ventura Blvd.
Cambridge Farms
(818) 506-6661
12341 Burbank Blvd.
Encino Glatt Market
(818) 343-7900
17977 Ventura Blvd.
Fish In the Village
(818) 769-0085
12450 Burbank
Glatt Mart - Valley
(818) 782-8626
13321 Burbank
Le Market
(818) 763-5223
12516 Burbank
(Rabbi Shelaim Furst)
Ralphs #721 (RCC Meat Dept.)
22333 Sherman Way
Canoga Park
Ralphs #63
(RCC Meat Dept.)
12921 Magnolia Blvd.
Sherman Oaks
Super Sal Market
(818) 906-2815 (RCC - all meat
and fish are under RCC and all
meat is glatt) 17630 Ventura Blvd.
Super Sal
(818) 706-1320
Agoura (RCC)
5877 Kanan Rd. #20
Valley Glatt
(818) 766-4530
12450 Burbank Blvd.
Ventura Kosher Market
(818) 881-3777
18357 Ventura Blvd.
Classique Raphy’s
(818) 487-9531
12454 Magnolia Blvd.
Creations by Chumie
(818) 300-5687 (RCC) (Mrs. Vann)
(818) 763-5375
13075 Victory Blvd.
Judah Catering (818) 609-0404
17547 Ventura Blvd. #108 (RCC)
Kosher on Location
(818) 522-2502 (Mobile Kitchen)
11852 Vose Street
Makabi Glatt Kosher Catering
(818) 345-8612
18000 Ventura Blvd., Encino
N.Y. Kosher Catering
(818) 788-0007
16733 Ventura Blvd.
Sharon’s Caterers
(818) 344-7472
7248 Reseda Blvd.
Page 11
Kosher Newsletters & Kashrus Information Hotlines
Kosher Information Bureau Rabbi E. Eidlitz, Rabbinic Administrator.
P.O. Box #56851, Sherman Oaks, California 91413
Phone: (818) 762-3197 Fax: (818) 766-8537
Publications - Kashrus Conscience Magazine
E-mail updates and alerts
Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf
Phone: (781)784-6890
Fax: (781)784-6890
URL: “”
Food Scientist - Kosher Food
Specialist Scharf Associates
P.O. Box 50
Sharon, MA 02067
Va’ad HaRabanim of Greater
5100 South Dawson St., #102,
Seattle, Washingtion 98118.
Phone: (206) 760-0805 Fax:
725-0347 E-mail: e-mail:
Publications: Quarterly Product
Guide & Annual Pesach Guide
Vaad HaKashrus of Baltimore
(Star K) - Rabbi Moshe
Heinemann, Rabbinic Advisor.
11 Warren Road, Pikesville,
Maryland 21208
(410) 484-4110 Publication Kashrus Kurrents, Pesach
Kashrus Magazine -Rabbi
Yosef Wikler, Rabbinic
P.0. Box #204
Brooklyn, New York 11204
(718) 336-8544
Rabbinical Council of California
3780 Wilshire Blvd. # 420
Los Angeles, CA 90010
213-389-3382 562-286-5235
The O/K Lab
391 Troy Avenue, Brooklyn, New
York 11213
(718) 756-7500 Rabbi Don Yoel
The Jewish Diabetes
New York Office:
959 East 26th St.
Brooklyn, N.. 11210
Tel: (718) 578-4180
Israel: 054-732-867
London Beis Din
Hotline: 020 8343 6333
General Enquiries
020 8343 6255
The Kosher Gram - Vaad
Harabonim of Greater Detroit
and Merkaz
17071 West Ten Mile Road,
Southfield, Michigan 48075
(313) 559-5005
Orthodox Union - O/U Kosher
Hotline & Passover Directory
333 7th Avenue, New York, New
York 10001
(212) 613-8241 Rabbi Menachem
J.S.O.R. (Sephardic List)
Jersey Shore Orthodox
PO Box Elberon NJ 07740
(732) 531-0535
Rabbi Isaac Dwek - Deal Rabbi
Isaac Farhi - Deal
Medicines & Cosmetics of
Pesach by Rabbi Gershon Bess,
Kollel Los Angeles
223 South Formosa Blvd.,
Los Angeles, California 90036
(323) 933-7193
(leave name and address on
Restaurant Orange County
Soft Drinks
Gelson’s Market (in the mall at
Alton & Jeffrey) (Irvine Vaad of
Kashrut) Now offering a wide
variety of fresh Kosher prepared
fish. Only the following fish are
Kosher: Ahi Tuna, Albacore, Black
Cod Chilean Sea Bass, Halibut.,
Mahi Mahi, Salmon, Trout,
Whitefish, Wild King Salmon
You must also explicitly request
the “Kosher prepared” fish.
Los Alamitos Kosher Market
(562) 594-4609
1196 Los Alamitos Blvd.
Mediterranean Farm and Market
(714) 596-2023
Orange County Kosher Market
and Deli
(714) 838-3108
688 El Camino Rd., Tustin
(760) 324-4626
(many Kosher items in store)
34175 Monterey Ave.
Rancho Mirage
(760) 325-8282
(many Kosher items in store)
102 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs
(760) 325-5664
(many Kosher items in store)
1733 E. Palm Canyon Dr.
Palm Springs
Trader Joe’s
(760) 340-2291
(many Kosher items in store)
44-250 Town Center Way
Palm Desert
Trader Joe’s
(760) 202-0090
(many Kosher items in store)
67720 East Palm Canyon Dr.
Palm Springs
Aarons Eatszz (858) 636-7979
(Vaad of San Diego)
4488 Convoy St., Kearny Mesa
Catering by Charles Rubin
(619) 583-1636
(Vaad of San Diego)
Debbie Ilson
(858) 592-9295
(Vaad Of San Diego)
Gold Spoon (Max Slomianski)
(Vaad of San Diego)
(858) 535-0313
Kosher Gourmet Caterers
(858) 547-5920
7163 Construction Court
(Vaad of San Diego)
Lang’s Premium Kosher Bakery
5490 Complex St. #601
Page 12
(Vaad of San Diego)
Grapefruit, Red Raspberry,
Tangerine, White Grape)
Dole Sparklers & Juices
(O/K only) (Cranberry Raspberry,
Orange, Tangerine, Pink
Grapefruit, Pomegranate
Dr. Browns Soda
(when bearing K) (Black Cherry,
Cel-Ray, Cream, Ginger Ale,
Orange, Root Beer)
Dr. Pepper (Regular, Cherry,
Cherry Vanilla, Red Fusion)
Dreeam Beverage (O/U)
Drink Aid Powder (O/K)
Edensoy (pareve Soy Milk O/K)
Element H2O (Star K)
Enviga (Nestle)
Sparkling Green Tea (O/U)
Fanta (Banana, Birch Beer, Blue
Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Blueberry,
Ginger Ale, Grape, Green Lemon
Lime, Green Melon, Kiwi
Strawberry, Orange, Orange
Creme, Peach, Red Licorice,
Strawberry, Super Sour Apple,
Super Sour Cherry, Super Sour
Watermelon, Vanilla, Watermelon,
White Cherry, Wild Cherry, Yellow
Faygo (when bearing O/U)
Fine Foods Juice (Kof K)
First Choice Fruit Punch (O/U)
Flavor Rage Packets (when
bearing O/U) (Chocolate Diet
Vanilla, Lime, Raspberry, Tropical
Fresca (Regular, Black Cherry,
Peach, Sparkling Citrus)
Fresh Samantha
(when bearing O/U)
Fruitopia (when bearing O/U)
Strawberry Passion Awareness)
Fruit Works (Blue Raspberry
Freeze Passion Orange, Red
Cherry Freeze, White Cherry
Full Throttle (all)
Fuze (O/U)
Galil Nectar (O/K)
Galuania Sparkling Water (O/K)
Gefen Fruit Juices (O/U)
Giant (when bearing O/U)
Golden Fluff (O/U)
Guayaki Yerba Mate (KSA)
Gus Fruit Soda (O/U)
H2Oh! (Berry, Lemon-Lime,
Orange, Plain)
Hansen’s (when bearing O/U)
Hawaiian Punch (Sizes: 12 oz.
cans, 20 oz. plastic bottles, 2 liter
bottles) (Berry Blue Typhoon, Blue
Page 25
Flavor Splash - Grape, Berry Burst,
Citrus Twist)
Aquafina Sparkling (Citrus Twist,
Berry, Lemon Lime, Original)
Aquafina Splash (Citrus, Citrus
Fountain, Grape, Raspberry,
Arizona Iced Tea
(when bearing O/U)
Arrowhead Sparkling
Flavored Water (O/U)
Artic Mist (when bearing O/U)
Barq’s (Creme, French Vanilla
Creme, Red Creme, Root Beer)
Bawls (when bearing Star K)
(Guarana, Guaranexx)
Be’er Mayim (Rabbi Teitelbaum)
Best Health Gourmet Soda
Blue Diamond Blue Sky Red
Tea Soda (O/U)
Briar’s (when bearing O/U)
C&C Soda (with O/U only)
Cafreezo Coffee Drink (non-dairy)
(French Vanilla, Mocha)
Canada Dry Ginger Ale (Regular,
Canada Dry Seltzer Unflavored,
Cherry, Cranberry-Lime, LemonLime, Mandarin Orange,
Grapefruit, Raspberry, Strawberry
Canada Dry Soda (Birch Beer,
Black Cherry, Black Cherry
Wishniak, Island Lime, Peach,
Pineapple, Root Beer, Tropical,
Vanilla Cream, Wild Cherry)
Canada Pure
(when bearing O/U)
Canfield (when bearing CRC)
Central Grocers
(when bearing CRC)
Ceres Fruit Juices (Star K)
Chef’s Review Fruit Juice
& Punch (Half Moon K & O/U
Citrus Hill (Apple, Cranberry, Fruit
Punch, Grapefruit, Orange, Pink
Lemonade, Lemonade, Sour
Club Soda
Any Unflavored Brand
Coca Cola (Coke, Caffeine Free,
Classic, C2, Cherry Coke, Coke
with Lime, Vanilla, Coke)
Columbine Beverages
(Scroll K)
8th Continental Soymilk
(O/U pareve)
Cool Breeze (Laish) (Badatz)
Cornell (when bearing O/U)
Cott Soda (when bearing O/U)
Cotton Club (O/U)
Country Delight
(when bearing CRC)
Country Time (Lemonade, Pink
Lemonade) (Powders are
certified when bearing O/K)
Crush (certified for U.S.) (Berry
Blast, Birch Beer, Cream, Fruity
Red, Grape, Lime, Orange,
Peach, Peach Sour, Pineapple,
Pink Grapefruit, Red Cream, Red
Licorice, Strawberry)
Crush (certified for Canada)
(Cream Soda Red, Lime,
Orange, Pineapple)
Crystal Light (Liquids and
Powders are certified when
bearing O/K)
dnL (fruit flavor blast)
Dasani (Unflavored, Lemon,
Raspberry, Strawberry)
Deerfield Juices (O/U)
Diet Rite (Black Cherry, Cola,
Draft Cola, Golden Peach, Key
Lime, Kiwi Strawberry, Mango
Melon, Passion Plum, Pink
Parks In CA & Box Drinks
ice cream are also available
certified O/Ud. Pepsi is available
throughout the park as well as
bottled water, coffee, beer and
apple juice (in the Coconut Bay
Cafe). Fresh fruit can be
purchased in the Deli and
throughout various locations in
Sea World. In the Plaza Espresso,
coffee may be purchased with
flavorings from Torani syrups
(O/K). Check for Hashgacha on the
Monterey Bay Aquarium: The
following is a list of Kosher food
products that may be found in
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Pete’s
Coffee, Stacy’s Soy Crisps
(O/U), GenSoy Soy Crisps
(O/U), Haagen Dazs Ice Cream
(O/U), Clover Chocolate Milk (Half
Moon Kd), Silk Soy Milk (Scroll K),
Nestle Ice Cream (O/Ud),
Starbuck’s Ice Cream (O/Ud),
Odwalla Bar (O/Ud), Odwalla Juice
(O/U), Kettle Chips (Kof K),
Starbuck’s Frappuccino Bottles
(K - Rabbi Charlop), Minute Maid
Apple Juice, Fresh Fruit, Cocoa
Pete’s Chocolate Bar (O/Ud)
Apple & Eve Box Drinks (O/U)
Arizona Box Ice Tea Drinks
Co. (look for the O/K at end of
(with O/U only)
Universal Studios: Universal has Ceres Fruit Drinks (Star K)
ingredients). Some of the candy
locations around the park include: a number of Kosher items
Hansen’s Jr. Juice Box - Drink
available. Haagen Dazs Ice
Candy Palace, Market House,
Westward Ho, Trading Co. and the Cream, M&M candies, Lays Potato Hershey Box Milk Drink
Chips and Cracker Jacks are
Castle Candy Store.In addition to
(O/Ud only)
some examples in addition to
the candy, ice cream, yogurt
J&J Iced Cappuccino
soda throughout the park.
(Grand Gibson) and cappuccino
Box Drink (O/Ud)
Universal City Walk: This
can be found. These include
Lieber’s Box Drinks
shopping area has a Haagen
Nestle Ice Cream Bars (check for
(Rabbi Weissmandl)
the O/Ud) and Nestle Itzakadoozle Dazs store and a Starbucks and
Lil Milk Box (Kof Kd)
Ice Bar (O/U pareve). At the end of Coffee Bean (see article in this
New Square Box
magazine on coffee shops)
Main St. there is a cappuccino
Chocolate Milk
Dodger Stadium: This sports
stand which ues Le Sirop de
Tealicious Box Drinks (O/U)
stadium provides the Kosher
Monin (KSA).
Trader Joe’s Box Drinks
Fresh Fruit and drinks can also be consumer with assorted candies (Lemonade & Apple Juice) (O/U)
from Hershey Co., peanuts in the White Rock Box Drinks (O/U only)
found throughout Disneyland.
shell, beer, soda, frozen Minute
Wissotsky Tea (O/U)
Fresh pineapple spears and
pineapple juice is available at the Maid Yellow Ices and Lays Potato
entrance to the Tiki room. Mickey’s Chips.
Shortbread cookies are under the Sea World (San Diego): Abba
A&W (Root Beer, Cream & Vanilla
Zabba candy and Reese’s candy
O/Ud and available on Main St.
can be found in a candy store in
Finally, full airline Kosher meals
Adirondack (when bearing O/U)
Sea World. Also their ice cream
can be obtained by calling
Albertson’s (O/U)
bars (manufactured by Weils
Disneyland ahead. Be sure that
Almond Breeze (O/U)
dairy) sold in stands and shows
the wrapper stays on when they
Amazake Rice Shake (KSA)
(Shamu Whale shaped) are under Apple & Eve Juice (O/U)
heat it in the microwave. These
the O/U. Bomb Pop popsicles can Aquafina (Alive - Orange Lime,
meals are served in the Blue
be found in the park and are
Bayou and Plaza Inn restaurants
Peach Mango & Berry
Page 24
certifiedO/Ud. Cookies n Cream
in Disneyland (Anaheim,
La Brea
Kosher Market
(323) 931-1221
410 North La Brea Blvd.,
L.A., CA 90036
Glatt Kosher Meats & Poultry.
We are under the Supervision of
Rabbi Tiechman
Groceries, Delicatessen, Fresh &
Frozen Kosher Meats, Poultry &
Fish, Frozen Foods, Wine, Cholov
Yisroel, Dairy Products & Much More
(Dairy - Cholov Yisroel)
(858) 496-5264
Orly’s Cafe & Bakery
(858) 622-9607
6104 Regents Rd.
(Pas Yisroel & Cholov Yisroel)
Simcha Kosher Catering
(858) 547-3793
9558 Camino Ruiz
The Place
(619) 286-6499
6499 El Cajon Blvd.
(Vaad of San Diego) (Full Market,
Deli, Shwarma & Sushi)
The Dairy Place (619) 286-6450
6450 El Cajon Blvd.
(Vaad of San Diego)
(858) 385-9223
12475 Rancho Bernardo Rd., R.B.
Rancho Bernardo (large variety of
fresh meat, frozen foods & Cholav
Yisroel products)
Ralphs Supermarkets
(many Kosher items including fish
and meat) La Jolla (Nobel Dr.)
Del Mar (Del Mar Heights Rd.)
College Areas (Montezuma Rd.)
Carmel Mountain Rd.
Tante Chana(619) 726-4645
(011) 52664-686-2692
Av. 16 de Septiembre #18, Colonia
Gavilondo, Tijuana B.C. 22410
(Rabbi Polichenco Glatt
Restaurant and small grocery)
Chabad of Fresno is the closest
Chabad Center and source for
Kosher food while on the way to
Yosemite. For more information
on availability of Kosher food
call (559) 432-2770.
Izzy’s Brooklyn Bagels
(650) 329-0700 (Vaad of N. CA)
477 California Ave., Palo Alto
Izzy’s Brooklyn Deli
(408) 523-1333 (Vaad of N. CA)
783 El Camino Real, Sunnyvale
Oakland Kosher Foods
(510) 839-0177 (Vaad of N. CA)
3419 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland
(510) 644-9500
2132 Center St., Berkeley
Sabra Grill
(415) 982-3656
419 Grant St., San Francisco
(near Bush in Chinatown)
(Vaad of N. CA)
San Francisco New York Deli
(415) 788-0422
#5 Embarcadero Ctr.
(Vaad of N. CA)
Galaxy Desserts
(415) 465-1110
Restaurant Mexico & No. CA
40 Golden Gate Dr., San Rafael
Grand Bakery
(510) 465-1110
3264 Grand Ave., Oakland
(Vaad of N. CA)
Irving’s Premium Challah
(415) 753-5474
(Vaad of N.CA)
Izzy’s Brooklyn Bagels
(650) 329-0700
477 California Ave., Palo Alto
Izzy’s Brooklyn Bagels
(415) 543-0200
151 Townsend St., San Francisco
Mama’s Bakery (408) 395-5254
473 N. Santa Cruz Ave.
Los Gatos
(Vaad of N. CA)
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(925) 246-8171
1991 Diamond Blvd., Concord
(Vaad of N. CA)
(Dairy, non-Cholov Yisroel)
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(510) 262-6590
1441 Fitzgerald Dr., Pinole
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(510) 471-7924
32450 Dyer, Union City
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(916) 721-3739
7901 Greenback Lane
Citrus Heights
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(559) 449-2780
8040 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(650) 985-5612
1575 Sullivan, Daly City
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(650) 254-1231
2146 Leghorn Street
Mountain View
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
(209) 954-7688
2809 March Lane, Stockton
New Worlds Bakery
(562) 699-6624 (Vaad of N. CA)
10050 Mission Mill Rd., Whittier
Wedemeyer’s Bakery
(650) 873-1000 (Vaad of N. CA.)
314 Harbor Way
(408) 364-8800
200 El Paseo De Shopping
Center, Saratoga
(650) 969-1326
2175 Grant Rd., Los Altos
Mollie Stone’s (650) 323-8361
164 California Ave., Palo Alto
(Vaad of N. CA - selected kosher
items, fresh meat, and fish)
Oakland Kosher Foods
(510) 839-0177 (Vaad of N. CA)
Page 13
A Glatt
13075 Victory
North Hollywood,
CA. 91606
(818) 763-5344
(818) 763-5380 (Fax)
Under the Strict
Supervision of the
R.C.C. - Shomer
Come visit our state of the art educational center
located on our 5½ acre campus.
Nursery through eighth grade.
For more information & registration please call:
(818) 783-3663 (Phone) (818) 783-3739 (Fax)
15365 Magnolia Boulvard, Sherman Oaks, California 91403
3419 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland
Tel Aviv Kosher Market
(415) 661-7588 (Vaad of N. CA)
2495 Irving St.
Grass Roots Market
Lake Tahoe (many Kosher items)
2040 Dunlap Dr., So. Lake Tahoe
Attias Glatt Kosher
Meat & Catering
(Vaad of N. CA by special
3419 Lakeshore, Oakland
California Kosher Catering
(408) 739-5949
1030 Astoria Dr., Sunnyvale
Crown Plaza Hotel
(415) 398-8900 (Vaad of N. CA)
Union Square 480 Sutter St.
San Francisco
Fairmont Hote
(408) 998-1900 (Vaad of N. CA)
170 South Market St., San Jose
Fairmont Hotel
(415) 772-5000 (Vaad of N. CA)
950 Mason St., San Francisco
Grand Bakery
(510) 465-1110
(Vaad of N. CA)
3264 Grand Ave., Oakland
Hilton Hotel
(415) 771-1400 (Vaad of N. CA)
333 O’Farrell St., San Francisco
Izzy’s Brooklyn Bagels
(650) 329-0700 (Vaad of N. CA )
477 California Ave., Palo Alto
Kavod Caterers
(650) 968-9308
(Vaad of N. CA)
2580C Wyandotte, Mountain View
Center Marriott Kosher Kitchen
(510) 451-4000 (Vaad of N. CA)
1001 Broadway, Oakland
Sabra Grill
(415) 982-3656 (Vaad of N. CA)
419 Grant St., San Francisco
Elaine Bell Catering
(707) 996-9335 (Vaad of N. CA)
682 West Napa St., Sonoma
Moscone Center
(415) 974-4000 (Vaad of N. CA)
747 Howard St.
Park Avenue Catering
(707) 793-9645 (Vaad of N. CA)
Restaurant No. CA
591 Mercantile Dr., Cotati
Santa Clara Convention Center
(408) 748-7000 (Vaad of N. CA)
5001 Great American Parkway
S. Ramon Marriott
(510) 867-9200 (Vaad of N.
2600 Bishop Dr., S. Ramon
Scott’s Seafood
Banquets & Catering
(510) 444-5969 (Vaad of N.
2 Broadway, Oakland
Vital Vittles Premium
Organic Bakery
(510) 644-2022 (Vaad of N.
2810 S. Pablo Ave., Berkeley
Yes Catering
(650) 630-5486 (Vaad Of N. CA)
3900 Fabian Way, Palo Alto
For Kosher food and meals call:
(831) 643-2770
Page 14
We wish all Am
Yisrael a Shana
Tova, Ktiva Tova,
and Chatima Tova.
Grade A & one of the
top Twenty
Restaurants in Los
Our Hours Are:
Sunday - Thursday
9am -10pm
Friday 9am - two hours
before Shabbos
Saturday Night - two hours
after Shabbos
We feature some of the
finest Mediterranean,
Chinese & American
Catering available on our
premises or yours. Mr. &
Mrs. Felix & Zaquline Wizgan
Sur Ote #3000 Col. Gabilondo
Tijuana, B.C.
Phone: 011(52664) 686-6234
Rafi’s Catering (Hashgacha:
Chabad of Las Vegas) Meat
deliveries to hotels for Shabbos
and weekdays LasVegas Call
Shoshana: (702) 286-8063 or
(702) 259-0770 ext. 219
Adar Pizza
(702) 385-0006
18 W. Sahara (Chabad of S.
Nevada Cholov Yisroel & Fish)
Cleopatra’s Mediterranean
Cuisine (702) 876-9933 (Chabad)
4145 South Grand Canyon Dr.
Haifa Restaurant (702) 940-8000
855 East Twain
(Chabad of Las Vegas)
Jerusalem Bistro (702) 877-2965
101 S. Rainbow Blvd.
(Hashgacha: Chabad of Southern
Kosher Experience Deli
(at Smith’s Market)(702) 256-5200
2211 N. Rampart Blvd.
Kosher On The Go
(702) 309-5971
3250 West Ali Baba Lane
Las Vegas Kosher Deli (mostly
limited to take-out - Chabad of
Las Vegas)
(702) 892-9080
3317 Las Vegas Blvd. (across
from Treasure Island)
Panini Cafe
(702) 558-6555
2521 S. Fort Apache Rd. (Chabad
)Rafi’s Place
(702) 348-8778
(Hashgacha: Chabad of Las
Vegas) (meal deliveries to hotels
for Shabbos & weekday)
Sababa Grille Restaurant
(702) 547-5556 3220 S. Durango
(Hashgacha: Chabad of Southern
Shalom Hunan (Chinese)
4850 West Flamingo Rd. #34
(702) 871-3262
Albertsons’ Market
(702) 242-1138
2550 S. Fort Apache (at Sahara)
(check labels on various shelf
products, fresh & frozen meat,
fish, baked goods & dairy
products for reliable Hashgachas)
Arizona Charlie’s (800) 342-2695
740 South Decatur, Las Vegas
(702) 256-5200
2211 N. Rampart Blvd. ,Las Vegas
(check labels on shelf products for
reliable Hashgachas)
Aviva Glatt Kosher Grocery
(702) 891-0671
Park 2000, 2520 E. Sunset Rd.
#16, Las Vegas (Hashgacha
Rabbi Avrohom Teichman)
Galia’s Gourmet (702) 242-0015
The Village Steakhouse (Meat)
(702) 838-8006 9440 W. Sahara
Kosher 2U (they shop and
deliver to you) (702) 804-5845
Raley’s Market (702) 363-2660
8570 W. Lake Mead Blvd.
Restaurant NV & OR & UT
(Lake Mead and Rampart)
Las Vegas (check labels on fresh
& frozen meat, fish, baked goods
& dairy products for reliable
Albertson’s Supermarket (check
bakery and deli for Kosher items)
5415 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale
Highway corner Shattuck Rd.
(503) 246-1713
Bayla’s Patisiree (503) 246-0107
(Challah and cake by special
order - Hashgacha of Rabbi
Moshe Wilhelm)
Cafe At the J (503) 535-3630
Mittleman Jewish Community
Century Catering (503) 849-2605
Krispy Kreme
(503) 645-2228
(Vaad of Seattle and Oregon K)
16415 NW Cornell Rd., Beaverton
Krispy Kreme
(503) 774-3300
(Vaad of Seattle and Oregon K)
9950 Se 82nd Ave. (just north of
(801) 484-8741
(many Kosher items in store)
1638 south 900 East
Emigration Market
(801) 581-0138
1706 East 1300 South
Kosher on the Go (801) 463-1786
1575 S. 1100 East, Salt Lake City
(Chabad of Salt Lake City)
(meat sandwiches, matzo ball
soup, complete Shabbos meals
Paris Market
(801) 272-2822
(Chabad of Salt Lake City)
3939 South Highland Dr. #B
Salt Lake City
Peppermint Place
(801) 756-4000 155 East 200
North Alpine location about 45
minutes south of Salt Lake City
andies under the Scroll K of
Smith’s Market
(many kosher food items)
3171 East 3300 South
Salt Lake City
Disneyland: Many types of candy
can be found in Disneyland in
various locations. Some
examples of these candies are:
M&M’s (O/Ud), Lion King
Chocolate (O/Ud), Lollipops and
hard candies by American Candy
Page 23
Cold Stone Creamery
(972) 380-2653 (Dallas Kosher)
18101 Preston Rd.
Gooey’s Treats Yogurt Shop
(214) 691-9319 (Dallas Kosher)
11700 Preston Rd.
Gooey’s Treats Yogurt Shop
(469) 737-8989 (Dallas Kosher)
19177 Preston Rd.
Cafe Carmel
(972) 726-9800
13410 Preston Rd.
(Dallas Kosher)
Cafe Fino
(972) 931-9500
7522 Campbell (Dallas Kosher)
Esther’s Steakhouse
(972) 479-9838 (Dallas Kosher)
580 West Arapaho
Madras Pavilion Restaurant
(972) 671-3672 (Dallas Kosher)
101 South Coit Rd.
Milk & Honey Jerusalem Market
& Grill
(972) 404-0704
420 Coit
(Dallas Kosher)
Natalie’s Kitchen & Market
(972) 380-1010 (Dallas Kosher)
7114 Campbell
A Fare Extraordinaire
(713) 527-8288
(HKA - must be requested)
Benny Katz
(281) 827-5756
(HKA must be requested)
Cafe at the J
(713) 729-3200
Jewish Community Center (HKA)
5601 S. Braeswood
Carvel Ice Cream
(281) 589-9955
1560 Eldridge Parkway
Chef Smirnov
(281) 794-1681
(HKA - must be requested)
Fresh Foods
(713) 409-4236
(HKA - must be requested)
Jackson & Co. (713) 523-5780
(HKA - must be requested)
Jenny Travor Catering
(713) 669-8350
(HKA - must be requested)
Kosher Catering Cuisine
(832) 633-5920
(HKA - must be requested)
Noshers (713) 729-3200 #3286
(HKA must be requested)
Omni Palace Banquet Facility
(281) 921-6664
12121 Westheimer
(HKA - must be requested)
Premier Catering (713) 202-4910
(HKA - must be requested)
Ruth Cuisine
(713) 557-8030
(HKA must be requested)
Saba’s Kosher Kitchen
(713) 270-7222
Restaurant Texas
Restaurant WA & B.C.
9704 Fondren Rd.
San Antonio Street Cafe
(512) 476-0125
2105 San Antonio St., Austin
Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care
6200 N. Braeswood
(713) 664-3100
4530 Beechnut St.
Sub on the Way (713) 478-9639
Beechnut and Newcastle (HKA)
Super-Pita Deli (713) 723-6400
9806 Hillcroft, Houston
Suzie’s Grill
(713) 974-1584
5925 S. Braeswood
Texas Hillel Dining Hall
(512) 476-0125
2105 San Antonio St., Austin
Tony’s (713) 622-6779 (HKA)
(713) 723-5670
(HKA - fresh Kosher meat)
99 Braeswood
Cake Creations (713) 263-1952
947 Pinemont
Carvel Ice Cream
(281) 589-9955
1560 Eldridge Parkway
H-E-B Pantry Foods
(HKA - check for individual
supervision) 5417 S. Braeswood
Kroeger’s (Meyer Park Store)
(713) 721-7691
10306 Post Oak
Madras Pavillion (713) 521-2617
3910 Kirby Dr.
New York Bagel
(713) 723-5879
9724 Hillcroft, Houston
Randall’s Meyer Park Store
(713) 721-0011
4800 W. Belfort
Randall’s Memorial Store
(281) 497-0630
14610 Memorial at Dairy Ashford
Shefa Bakery
(713) 664-3100
4530 Beechnut St.
Super Pita Bakery
9806 Fondren Rd.
(713) 723-6400
Three Brothers Bakery
(713) 666-2551
4036 S. Braeswood
Wish Bakery
(713) 667-2300
5724 Green Ash Dr.
Chabad House of Baja, CA
(Hashgacha: Rabbi Mendel J.
Polichenco) Mexico (located in
Tijuana) Cuahtemoc
#106 358 East Kent St.
Elisheva’s Challah
(250) 385-6275
Falafel Plus & Catering
(604) 677-3985
(Vaad of B.C.)
446-W 8th Ave.
Four Seasons Hotel
791 West Georgia St.
(Vaad of B.C.)
Garden City Bakery
9100 Blundell Rd., Richmond
(604) 244-7888
(pareve) BCK
Mount Royal Bagel Factory
(604) 904-1116
701 Queensbury Ave. N..
(dairy & pareve) BCK
Nava Dairy Restaurant
(604) 257-5111
(Vaad of B.C.)
950 West 41st Ae.
Nava Creative Kosher Cuisine
(604) 676-7579
(Vaad of B.C.)
950 W. 41st Ave.
Omnitsky Kosher Deli
(604) 321-1818
(Vaad of B.C.)
5866 Cambie St.
Pepper’s Grocery
3829 Cadboro Bay Road
(Chabad of Vancouver)
Pini’s Dairy Cafe
(604) 879-7100
(Vaad of B.C.)
729 W. 16th Ave.
Sabra Bakery
(604) 733-4912
(meat & pareve)
3844 Oak St.
Kosher Food Warehouse
(604) 709-9889
612 Kingsway
Kosher Cuisine (604) 257-5119
950West 41st Ave.
(dairy) BCK
The Market on Yeats
903 Yates St.
Carr’s Market & Fred Meyer
Seward Hwy. Anchorage, Alaska
Various Hashgachas, ( These
markets carry some Kosher
breads - but no Challahs)
Kosher wine can be purchased at
Carr’s Oaken Keg Liquor Store.
There are no Kosher delis,
restaurants or other
establishments in Alaska. There
is also no Cholov Yisroel
Lubavitch Jewish Center of
Alaska 1210 E. 26th Ave.
Anchorage, Ak. (907) 79-1200
Natural Pantry at the University
Center 3801 Old Seward Hwy
(intersection of Old Seward & 36th
Ave.) (907) 770-1444
Page 22
Rocky Mountain Chocolate
Factory (many products
under O/Ud) Cannery Row
Ghirardelli Chocolate & Ice
Cream (many products certified
Kof Kd) Cannery Row
Bamboo Garden (206) 282-6616
(Vaad of Seattle - Pareve)
364 Roy (Seattle Center north of
The Fairmont Olympic Hotel
(206) 287-4046
441 University St., Seattle
Leah’s Catering (206) 985-2647
2205 NE 65th (North End)
(Vaad of Seattle - Dairy)
Magee Moo’s Ice Cream
Mercer Island, WA
(Vaad of Seattle)
Mutual Fish
(206) 322-4368 (Vaad of Seattle)
2335 Rainier Ave.
Noah’s Bagels (206) 522-1998
(Vaad of Seattle - Dairy) at
University Village
2746 NE 45th, Seattle
Nosh Away
(206) 772-5757 (Vaad of Seattle)
419 Rainier Ave. N., Renton
Nosh Away Caterers
(206) 772-5757
419 Rainier Ave. N., Renton
Pabla Indian Cuisine
(425) 228-4625
(Vaad of Seattle, Dairy Cholov
Stam) 364 Renton Center Way,
SW Seattle
Pabla Veggie Cuisine
(425) 392-4725 (Vaad of Seattle)
1420 NW Gilman Blvd.
QFC University Village
(206) 523-5160 (Vaad of Seattle)
2746 NE 45th St., Seattle
Seattle Sheraton Hotel
(206) 447-5534 (Vaad of Seattle)
Teapot Vegetarian House
(425) 373-1888
(Vaad of Seattle Vegan)
15230 NE 24th St., Redmond
University of Washington Hillel
Cafe LeVine
(206) 527-1997 (Vaad of Seattle)
4745 17th Ave. NE
Uwajimaya - Seattle
(206) 624-6248 600 5th Ave. S.
Bagel Deli
(206) 322-2471 (Vaad of Seattle)
340 15th Ave. E.
Vaad certifies only whole items
purchased from the store.
The resturant is NOT Kosher.
Bagel Oasis
(206) 526-0525
2112 NE 65th, North Seattle
(Vaad of Seattle) (Only Whole,
uncut Bagels & Bialys are Kosher
NOT Pas Yisroel)
Krispy Kreme Donuts
(206) 625-1554
(Chalav Stam)
1900 First Ave. S., Seattle
Noah’s Bagels
(206) 772-5757 (Vaad of Seattle)
2746 NE 45th, Seattle
Albertson’s Mercer Island
(206) 232-0244
2755 77th SE, Mercer Island
(Vaad of Seattle, Meats, Deli)
Kafe Kinneret
(206) 275-2777 (Vaad of
3801 E. Mercer Way, Mercer
(250) 592-1115
2579 Cadboro Bay Rd., Victoria
Chagall’s Creative Cuisine
(604) 263-7507
(Vaad of B.C.)
950 W. 41st St.
(Dairy, non-Cholov Yisroel)
located at the Jewish Community
Cosmo Bakery
(604) 324-2833
(Vaad of B.C.)
Page 15
Restaurant AZ & CO & TX
9025 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, California 90211
(310) 247-1239 (PHONE)
(310) 247-9253 (FAX)
La Gondola
is Southern California’s premier restaurant & caterer
providing everything for an intimate wedding party at home,
to an elegant dinner experience for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah,
Wedding, Sheva Brachot, Meetings, Birthdays,
Anniversaries, & Showers.
Call today to speak to our staff.
*Exclusive Kosher caterers for Loews Beverly Hills Hotel*
Safeway 3033 Vintage Blvd.
(907) 523-2000 This Safeway
supermarket contains an
extensive natural foods section
with a number of products with
reliable Hechsherim. A number of
vegetarian Kosher products can
also be found in the freezer
Rainbow Foods 224 4th St.
(907) 458-6476Rainbow Foods is
a natural foods health food store
with many recommended Kosher
food products. In addition, Kosher
organic breads in both fresh and
frozen forms are available.
Chabad Bed & Breakfast Chabad of Alaska offers lodging
with breakfast each morning (and
an in-room refrigerator). Location:
Midtown Anchorage, Alaska The
Chabad Center offers full
Shabbos meals (including Fri.
night and Shabbos lunch)
Hashgacha: Chabad of
Anchorage. (907) 279-1200
Malka’s Kosher Deli
(505) 880-1181
4000 San Pedro NE
(480) 857-7277
918 N. Alma School Rd. Chandler
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
14 Valley-wide locations under the
OF SEPT. 1 2008
Jerusalem Pita
(480) 315-3778
(Vaad of Az.)
10211 N. Scottsdale Rd.
King Solomon’s Pizza
(602) 870-8655 (Chalav Yisroel)
4810 N. 7th St.
Levi @ the J
12701 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ.
Segal’s New Place
(602) 285-1515 (Chabad- Glatt)
4818 N. 7th St.
(602) 604-0646
1625 E. Camelback Rd.
(this store has fresh meat &
cheese - check for Hashgacha)
Albertsons Market
10665 N. Tatum
Imperial Kosher Market
(602) 285-6999
1145 E. Glendale Ave
Kosher Corner (602) 266-0555
6107 N. 7th St.
Scottsdale Kosher Market
(480) 315-8333
10211 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Segal’s New Place
(602) 285-1515
Restaurant AK & New MX & AZ
4818 N. 7th St.
Chompie’s Bakery Products
(certified by the Vaad & Half Moon
K)In supermarkets & Coffee Bean
Karsh’s Bakery
(602) 264-4874 (Vaad of Phoenix)
5539 N. Seventh St.
Simply Bread
(602) 244-1778
2117 N. 24th St.
5th Street Kosher Deli
(520) 325-3354
(Vaad - meat)
5071 E. 5th St.
Sabra Restaurant
(520) 795-6060
(Vaad - dairy)
4210 E. Speedway
Imperial Kosher Market
(602) 285-6999
1145 E. Glendale Ave.
(Shomer Shabbos - extensive
Kosher products)
Nadine’s Pastry Shoppe/Bakery
(520) 326-0735 (Rabbi Becker)
4553 Broadway Blvd.
Rincon Market (520) 327-6653
2513 East 6th St., Tucson
(Many Kosher products under
varied reliable Hashgachos)
Page 16
Trader Joe’s
(520) 733-1313
1101 N. Wilmot Rd.
(Variety of Kosher products including meats- under varied
Trader Joe’s
(520) 323-4500
4766 E. Grant Rd.
(Variety of Kosher products including meats - under varied
Trader Joe’s
(520) 797-4207
7936 N. Oracle Rd.
(Variety of Kosher products including meats - under varied
Bagel Store Breads & Pastries
(303) 388-2648
942 South Monaco
(Scroll K - Pas Yisroel)
King Scooper Stores (Bakery
items with the Scroll K symbol
only. Breads are pareve, pastries
are dairy- Cholov Stam - or made
on dairy equipment).
East Side Kosher Deli (Scroll K)
(303) 322-9862
499 South Elm St.
King Sooper Stores
(303) 237-4988
1725 Sheridan Blvd.
(Bakery items with Scroll K only)
Leetsdale & Monaco
(303) 333-1535
Zalers Kosher Meats
(303) 306-6328 (Scroll K - glatt)
3333 A. S Tamarac Dr.
Bonnie Brae Ice Creams
799 S. University Blvd. (Scroll K)
Cohen Catering (303) 509-6908
(Scroll K)
Dining with Finess
(303) 522-0826
(Scroll K)
East Side Kosher Deli
(393) 322-9862
(Scroll K)
499 South Elm St., Denver
Gourmet Fine Catering
(303) 825-4545
(Scroll K)
Kei Feng Asian Cafe
(303) 306-6328
(Scroll K)
3333 A. S Tamarac Dr.
Mark Millenson Catering
(720) 839-7383
(Scroll K)
Mediterranean Health Cafe
2817 East 3rd Ave.
(303) 399-2940
(Scroll K) (Most products are
Cholov Yisroel & all are Pas
Occasion By Sandy
(303) 789-1867
(Scroll K)
Pete’s Kosher Pizza
(303) 355-5777
(Scroll K)
5606 E. Cedar
Frosted Art
(214) 760-8707
1546 Edison St. (Dallas Kosher)
Highland Park Bakery
(213) 330-7097 (Dallas Kosher)
3125 Ross Ave.
Mrs. C’s Bakery Products
(Dallas Kosher) Order by calling
Sandra Cohen at (972) 344-7777
Sunflower Bakery
(972) 612-7823
1820 Coit Rd.
(Dallas Kosher)
Tom Thumb Bakery
(972) 392-2501 (Dallas Kosher)
11920 Preston Rd.
Tom Thumb Bakery
(972) 680-6010 (Dallas Kosher)
1380 W. Campbell
Albertsons Market
(972) 387-8996
7007 Arapaho Rd.
Albertsons Bakery and Fresh
Pre-Packed Meat Market
4650 S.W. Loop, Fort Worth
(817) 738-5293
Brookhaven Country Club
(972) 243-6151
3333 Golfing Green Dr.
(catering facility that contracts with
Dallas Kosher)
Cooper Guest Lodge
(800) 444-5187
12230 Preston Rd.
(Hotel, Spa & Conference Center
that contracts with Dallas Kosher)
Fairmont Hotel of Dallas
(214) 720-2020
1717 N. Akard
(contracts with Dallas Kosher)
Jewish Community Center
(214) 739-2737 7900 Northaven
This JCC has a meat kitchen for
Senior Citizens (Dallas Kosher)
Milk & Honey Market
(972) 404-0704 (Dallas Kosher)
420 North Coit
Mrs. C’s Foods & Kosher Bakery
To Order call Sandra Cohen at
(972) 233-7777
Natalie’s Market (972) 380-1010
7114 Campbell (Dallas Kosher)
Radisson Hotel (972) 808-5386
(contracts with Dallas Kosher)
1981 North Central Expressway
Simcha Kosher Catering
(972) 620-7293 (Dallas Kosher)
3230 Towerwood Dr.
Sunflower Kosher Food Store
(972) 612-7823 (Dallas Kosher)
1820 Coit Rd.
Walmart All pre-packaged meats
& poultry are kosher for year round
use. Montfort Superstore
425 Coit (Plano) and
1700 Dallas Parkway (Plano)
Westin Park Central Hotel
(972) 385-3000 (offers Kosher
banquet services) Merit Dr. on the
635 Highway
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