January 2015 NE Connection.indd - Northeast Oklahoma Electric
January 2015 NE Connection.indd - Northeast Oklahoma Electric
Connection V l Volume 69 N 69, No. 1 A publication of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative The Ɵme is now for youth programs January 2015 Your Touchstone Energy© Cooperative 3 4 - Youth Programs Now is a great time to start your application more inside 3 Based on principles 7 The evolution of meters 8 Returned capital credits 6 - Space heaters Supplement heat safely 11 - All puffed up Popcorn worth celebrating Miami Vinita (east) Monkey Island Are you signed up? Time is running out to take advantage of the $100 installation. LUCKY ACCOUNT NUMBER 958477 Compare this account number to the one that appears on your monthly electric bill. If they match, contact the co-op at 1-800-256-6405, extension 9332, to claim a $25 credit on your electric account. While I relish our warm months, winter forms our character and brings out our best. -- Tom Allen Cover photo by Clint Branham 2 - NE Connection All Around Green Country Call today! 800-256-6405 x 2 JANUARY 1 West Siloam Springs First Day Hike Natural Falls State Park 918-422-5802 JANUARY 25 Quapaw Bridal Expo Downstream Casino http://metbride.com JANUARY 1 Langley First Day Hike Grand Cherokee Golf Course 918-435-8727 JANUARY 30 Tulsa Rope the Ozarks Expo Center 417-547-3406 JANUARY 13-17 Tulsa Chili Bowl Nationals Expo Square 918-838-3777 JANUARY 31 Tulsa Dancing With the Stars Brady Theater 918-582-7239 JANUARY 23-25 Tulsa Green Country Home & Garden Show Expo Square 918-523-2067 FEBRUARY 2-8 Tulsa Tulsa Boat, Sport & Travel Show Expo Square 918-519-1210 JANUARY 24 Claremore Mad Dog Demolition Derby Claremore Expo Center 417-863-6353 Events are published as space allows and must be submi ed at least 60 days in advance. Send informa on, including phone number for publica on, to Northeast Connec on Events Calendar, PO Box 948, Vinita, OK 74301. Or, send informa on by email to kelly.rush@neelectric.com. Learning the Cooperative Principles There are Seven Coopera ve Principles that give all co-ops guidance By Adam Schwartz, founder of The Coopera ve Way O ne of my favorite bumper s ckers is, “If you can read this, thank a teacher.” The importance of educa on was drilled into me by my parents and grandmother from my earliest memories around the age of 4. It is no accident that we educate children from a very early age while our young minds are s ll dry sponges willing to absorb so much. taught by teachers, it is up to us at Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve through publica ons like this one to ensure that you know about the differences and benefits of being a co-op member. Consumer surveys by Touchstone Energy and others consistently affirm that people prefer to do business with a coopera ve if given a choice. The original seven co-op principles set forth in 1844 contained the simple phrase, “Promo on of Educa on.” Today Principle Five states that all co-ops should promote “Educa on, Training and Informa on.” This is intended for the employees, members and the community at large. So why don’t they teach about co-ops in school? There are several theories about this including that there is not enough academic research about co-ops, which is o en the source for curriculums. Another reason offered is that the co-op community is so diverse that teaching about it only creates more confusion. The first issue about research is being addressed by the Coopera ve Business Research Ins tute at Indiana University. The second can be addressed by answering the old ques on: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a me. Simply by taking an interest in learning about Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve through our website, annual mee ng, or talking to your fellow co-op members are all good ways to be er understand the coopera ve model you're a part of. It is based on the simple premise that if people know more about the coopera ve business model, they will be in a much be er posi on to understand the benefits and promote be er use of the co-op and its resources. While there are almost one million people in the U.S. that work for coopera ves of all types (agriculture, housing, credit unions and many others in addi on to electric coops) very few of us learn about coopera ves in school. That creates a real challenge when trying to explain the coopera ve difference. People understand an investorowned business is designed to make a profit or that a non-profit, like the Red Cross, is designed to serve the community. Co-ops have both an economic and social purpose. We operate on a not-for-profit basis so that we can pass along the best price for our good or service to you, the member–owner. Due to the fact that the co-op business model is normally not By knowing more about how coopera ves operate, you are in a be er posi on to par cipate as member-owners. Over the next several months, we will feature one of the seven principles and demonstrate how they apply to Northeast Oklahoma Electric and you as a member. We always welcome your ques ons and comments to help us promote the Coopera ve Way of doing business. Northeast Connection is published monthly to communicate with the members of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. Officers and Trustees PRESIDENT - Dandy A. Risman, District 5 VICE PRESIDENT - John L. Myers, District 4 SECRETARY-TREASURER - Benny L. Seabourn, District 2 ASST. SECRETARY-TREASURER - Everett L. Johnston, District 3 Harold W. Robertson, District 1 Sharron Gay, District 6 James A. Wade, District 7 Bill R. Kimbrell, District 8 Jimmy Caudill, District 9 Management Team Anthony Due, General Manager Larry Cisneros, P.E., Manager of Engineering Services Susanne Frost, Manager of Office Services Cindy Hefner, Manager of Public Relations Tim Mixson, Manager of Operations Connie Porter, Manager of Financial Services Vinita headquarters: Four and a half miles east of Vinita on Highway 60/69 at 27039 South 4440 Road. Grove office: 212 South Main. Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Offices are closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Available 24 hours at: 1-800-256-6405 If you experience an outage: 1. Check your switch or circuit breaker in the house and on the meter pole to be sure the trouble is not on your side of the service. 2. When contacting the cooperative to report an outage, use the name as it appears on your bill, and have both your pole number and account number ready. Please direct all editorial inquiries to Communications Specialist Clint Branham at 800-256-6405 ext. 9340 or email clint.branham@neelectric.com. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda. gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov. January 2015 - 3 4 - NE Connection Opportunities for area youth announced T oday’s youth are tomorrow’s coopera ve members and leaders. With this in mind, Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve is commi ed to suppor ng programs that encourage growth and leadership for area young people. In addi on to its involvement in ac vi es that promote youth interests throughout its service territory, the coopera ve is proud to sponsor a pair of essay contests— one for high school juniors and another for eighth-grade students— and a college scholarship for area high school seniors each year. Area youth are invited to par cipate in some exci ng opportuni es for fun and adventure in 2015—not to men on a li le extra cash for college. Coopera ve membership is not a requirement to take part in either Youth Tour or Energy Camp. Informa on packets are available to eighth grade and high school junior classroom instructors in Craig, Delaware, Mayes, O awa coun es, and Chelsea High School in Rogers County. Scholarship applica ons will also be made available upon request. Interested individuals can request informa on by contac ng NEOEC Youth Programs Coordinator Clint Branham by emailing clint. branham@neelectric.com or by calling 1-800-256-6405, ext. 9340. Informa on is also available online at www.neelectric.com under the Community Services tab. “The coopera ve’s youth programs provide an opportunity for youth in our service area to explore new horizons,” explained Branham. “Youth Tour and Energy Camp are once-in-a-life me chances to have fun, make new friends and par cipate in some truly unique opportuni es. And, of course, it is always nice to be able to lessen the financial impact of a college educa on.” Youth Tour Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve will be sending four high school juniors from its service area on a week-long, all-expensepaid tour of our na on’s capital in 2015 as part of its annual Youth Tour essay contest. If you are in the eleventh grade and a end school within the coopera ve service area of Mayes, Delaware, Craig and O awa Coun es (or Chelsea High School in Rogers County) you are eligible to enter and win this contest. Youth Tour winners will visit Washington, D.C., June 12-18, 2015. The deadline for the essay contest is March 13, 2015. Energy Camp Four eighth-graders from the coopera ve service area will enjoy a week-long adventure at Canyon Camp near beau ful Red Rock Canyon in Hinton, Oklahoma, during the 2015 Youth Power Energy Camp. A winning essay will earn these lucky eighth-graders a chance to take part in a fun and educa onal opportunity that comes around only once. Youth Power Energy Camp is scheduled May 26-29, 2015. The deadline for the essay contest is March 20, 2015. College Scholarship High school seniors whose parents or guardians are Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve members and who live in a household served by NEOEC electric are encouraged to apply for one of four available $1,000 college scholarships. Applica on deadline is March 20, 2015. 2014 Youth Tour par cipants (l-r) Olivia Opperman, Abigail Thibodeaux, Sarah Riley, and Mallory Gibson. Youth Tour a endees take a picture with Ka e Couric near the Capitol. Photos courtesy of OAEC January 2015 - 5 5 tips for space heater safety By April Lollar, APR, CCC A s temperatures drop this winter, many will look for supplemental hea ng sources for their homes. Space heaters can be a good alterna ve for those who want to warm one area of their home without turning up the thermostat on the central hea ng system. However, space heaters are also responsible for 32 percent of house fires, according to the Na onal Fire Protec on Associa on. If you are planning to use a space heater in your home this winter, review these ps from Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve to keep you, your family and your property safe. Materials What are the components of your space heater made of? Parts like metal gra ng can be hot to the touch and may burn anyone who gets too close. Make sure you purchase a heater that is cool to the touch and has guards over the coils just in case li le fingers get too close. Placement While it can be temp ng to place a small heater on a shelf so it is not in the way of pets and children, it is safest to leave the heater on a level floor on a nonflammable surface. Keeping the space heater 6 - NE Connection on the floor can keep it from falling over, preven ng fire hazards. Also, remember that space heaters and bathrooms are not a good combina on, unless the heater is designed for bathroom use. Moisture can damage the heater. The most important rule about space heater placement is the three-foot rule. Whether you are using the heater in the bedroom, living room or kitchen, space heaters should always be kept three feet away from flammable materials and out of the way of children and pets. Special Features Does your space heater have an auto shutoff func on if pped over? Auto shutoff can be a lifesaver. If you currently own a space heater without auto shutoff, consider purchasing a heater with this important safety feature. Cords You should never use an extension cord when plugging in a space heater as it can cause overhea ng. The space heater should be plugged directly into a wall outlet, and should be the only thing plugged in to the wall outlet. Also make sure cords aren’t in a high-traffic area so they are not a tripping hazard. Use Never leave a heater una ended while in use. If you are leaving your home or going to bed, make sure to unplug the heater. Following these ps and making sure to follow the manufacturer’s instruc ons can keep you safe this winter. The evolution of your electric meter By Tom Tate, NRECA A side from the poles and wires, the electric meter is probably the most recognized part of your coopera ve’s delivery system. This device is an integral part of the objec ve Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve has in providing the highest possible quality electric service at the lowest possible cost. Without the meter, we would be forced to rely on less reliable and less equitable methods of calcula ng the cost of each member’s electric service. Like all technology, the electric meter has evolved over the years. The original style of meter would make a watchmaker proud. It relies upon an intricate set of gears to accurately measure the amount of electricity used in the same way a mechanical watch relies on its gears to tell me. Many members will recognize the flat spinning dial, its black mark rota ng under the glass cover and the set of dial hands moving. So, how does this electro-mechanical type of meter func on? The rota ng disk is mounted to a geared ver cal sha set between a pair of electro-magnets. The flow of electricity through the meter causes the magnets to power up, and their interac on makes the disk rotate. The speed of rota on depends on the amount of electricity used at the me. The sha meshes with the gear train that turns the dial hands. The that data in memory. At regular intervals, this module reports consump on via the power lines or radio signals to the electric co-op’s offices where it is automa cally entered into the billing system. This advancement eliminates human error and greatly reduces costs for the coopera ve. The all-digital meter reflects the current stage of meter evolu on. As the name suggests, there are no longer any gears and rota ng disks. Using electronics, the meter measures the use of electricity, stores the data and reports that data in the same manner as the electronic module. In a li le homage to the original spinning disk, many digital meters replicate that feature with a series of horizontal bars that march across the face of the display. first dial registers in increments of single kilowa hours (kWh), the next dial registers 10 kWh, then 100 and so forth up to 10,000 kWh. Highly accurate and reliable, the drawback to the mechanical meter is that a human must read the consump on and input it into a billing system, a process both me intensive and suscep ble to human error. The next major evolu on of the meter came with the introduc on of an electronic module. This module is added to the mechanical meter just described. It reads the rota ons of the meter’s flat dial and captures So where will meters go from here? It seems that the next step in meter evolu on will depend largely upon how far the smart home develops. As ever more appliances, devices and even light bulbs become accessible via the Internet, members may drive the development of a new genera on of meters that can also communicate with their smart phone, tablet or PC. Seems like we’ll have to wait and see, but it should be interes ng. Rest assured, Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve will make the best use of available technology to control costs, render accurate bills and keep your service quality high. January 2015 - 7 Unclaimed Dollar$ Could Be Yours A s a member of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, you are entitled to a portion of any profit made by the company. Following approval by the cooperative’s board of trustees, patronage capital refund checks for a percentage of allocation accrued from 1984 were mailed in September 2013. Only checks in the amount of $10 or more were mailed to eligible members. Members with patronage capital accounts less than $10 were not mailed a check. Their accounts will continue to accumulate with each retirement. When a members’ account reaches $10 or greater, a check will be issued during the next retirement. it is very important for Northeast to have your current mailing address. Many patronage capital checks have been returned with the address marked as undeliverable. Many because they do not have the correct 911 address. To help you determine if you are entitled to one of these unclaimed checks, a partial listing is included. Future issues of the Northeast Connection may contain additional listings as space allows, but until then visit www.neelectric.com to view the full listing. If you see your name, please call Northeast at (800) 256-6405, extension 9313 to claim your check. Northeast makes every effort to ensure you receive the patronage capital this is rightfully yours. To accomplish this, O & W SERVICE CO - PRYOR OK OAK HILL WATER SYSTEM - JAY OK OAK HILLS RANCH - COLCORD OK OAKES, RONNIE E - AFTON OK O’BANION, GARY D - BROKEN ARROW OK O’BRIEN, ERMEL E - SILOAM SPRINGS AR O’BRIEN, TIMOTHY - SILOAM SPRINGS AR O’BRYNE, WAYNE W - WICHITA KS O’CARROLL, JAMES M - TULSA OK OCHSENBEIN, THOMAS - COLUMBUS KS O’DELL, EARL E - VINITA OK ODOM, ALLAN W - GROVE OK OFFENBURGER, ROSE M - CHOUTEAU OK O’FIELD, BOBBIE - JAY OK O’FIELDS, J W - KANSAS OK OGDEN, MARTHA - CHOUTEAU OK OGLESBY, - FRED M - LAKEWOOD CO OILER, DAVID A - TULSA OK OKLAHOMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS INC - MINNEAPOLIS MN OKLAHOMA OIL & GAS - MOORE OK OKLAHOMA SMOKE HOUSE - WELLING OK OLDS, JOE V - COMMERCE OK OLIVER, ED E - KETCHUM OK OLIVO, GOLDIE C - JENKS OK OLSON, L D - AFTON OK OLSON, OSCAR J - MIAMI OK OMNI ENERGY LTD - TULSA OK O’NEAL, DAN - GROVE OK O’NEAL, WILLIAM P - GROVE OK O’NEAL, WILLIAM P - AFTON OK OPAL, SPENCER B - AFTON OK ORBAN, PETE D - PRYOR OK ORBISON, SCOTT - TULSA OK ORR, HAROLD F - PRYOR OK OSAGE, KATHLEEN - ROSE OK OSBORN, CALVIN C - BLUEJACKET OK OSBORN, CLYDE - LOCUST GROVE OK OSBORN, EVA B - JOPLIN MO OSBORN, PHYLLIS J - HEMPHILL TX OSBORN, SAUNDRA - SILOAM SPRINGS AR OSBORN, WILLIAM D - MIAMI OK OSBURN, HELEN P - KANSAS OK OSBURN, LLOYD A - OAKS OK OSBURN, VERNON R - SILOAM SPRINGS AR OSENBAUGH, HOWARD - VINITA OK OSTROSKE, JOAN C - TULSA OK OURADA, DAN R - CATOOSA OK OVERALL, J A - AFTON OK OVERALL, NANCY E - OSWEGO KS OWEN, JAMES W - WICHITA KS OWENS, JOE N - OKC OK OWENS, SIDNEY J - OWASSO OK OWENS, SUDIE - FAIRLAND OK OWINGS, O S - PRYOR OK OXFORD, LEO R - SAINT JOSEPH MO OXFORD, TROY - STRANG OK OXFORD, WALTER - COLCORD OK PABALIS, GARY R - MIAMI OK PACER OIL CO - TULSA OK PACKARD, TOMMY G - PRYOR OK PACKARD, WILLIAM D - PRYOR OK PACKEL, EDWARD E - TULSA OK PADGETT, SAM T - CANYON TX PADGETT, SHARYLIN M - PRYOR OK PAGE, DEWEY W - RENO NV PAGE, HAROLD L - LANGLEY OK PAIR, ARTHUR J - ROSE OK 8 - NE Connection PAIR, JERALD L - KANSAS OK PALACIOS, NINO - AFTON OK PALM, DAVID E - EDMOND OK PALMER, GEORGE S - PRYOR OK PALMER, JIM L - AFTON OK PALMER, ORVILLE E - ADAIR OK PALMER, WAYNE - GROVE OK PALMERLEE, HERMAN R - COFFEYVILLE KS PANTHER, HOMER - SALINA OK PARENT, GROVER - SILOAM SPRINGS AR PARISH, BRIAN L - PRYOR OK PARKER, B R - ADAIR OK PARKER, GARY N - JOPLIN MO PARKER, GEORGE - EUCHA OK PARKER, GEORGE - GROVE OK PARKER, HELEN - VINITA OK PARKER, MARY E - VINITA OK PARKER, ROBERT L JR - TULSA OK PARKER, ROBERT N - MIAMI OK PARKHILL, JOE F - AFTON OK PARKS, HAROLD M - CHOUTEAU OK PARKS, REBA F - CHOUTEAU OK PARMAIN, RITA - DECATUR AR PARMLEY, NORA - COLCORD OK PARMLEY, T P - TULSA OK PARNOSKY, WILLIE - PRYOR OK PARRIS, SAMMY L - TULSA OK PARROTT, JEFF - NORTH MIAMI OK PARSONS, J W - GROVE OK PARSONS, JOHN R - NICHOLS HILLS OK PARSONS, ROBERT W - GROVE OK PARTAIN, JAMES J - KANSAS OK PASIMIO, ROGER S - AFTON OK PATE, GALE - AURORA MO PATHKILLER, JOYCE C - MIAMI OK PATHKILLER, WARREN - PICHER OK PATRICK, MIKE - BUFFALO OK PATRICK, MILDRED - FAIRLAND OK PATTERSON, ADA W - TULSA OK PATTERSON, BRENDA G - ANDERSON MO PATTERSON, CHARLES F - AFTON OK PATTERSON, D J - GROVE OK PATTERSON, FRAND H - WELCH OK PATTERSON, LYNN - AFTON OK PATTIESHAW, CLYDE - AFTON OK PATTISON, W D - CHELSEA OK PATTON, ELIZABETH - CHELSEA OK PATTON, ROBERT M - CHELSEA OK PAULDING A D - VINITA OK PAYNE, ROY V - SILOAM SPRINGS AR PAYNE, WILLIAM W - CLAREMORE OK PAYTON, JOSEPH D - GENTRY AR PAYTON, PRISCILLA I - VINITA OK PAYTON, SARAH - GALENA KS PEACHER, TROY - WYANDOTTE OK PEAKER, JERRY L - CHOUTEAU OK PEARCE, CHIP - AFTON OK PEARCE, EDITH - JAY OK PEARCE, R W - VINITA OK PEARSON, CHARLES H - GROVE OK PEASE, LILLIE F - WELCH OK PEDERSEN, K W - GROVE OK PEDERSEN, KEN W - TULSA OK PEDIGO, CECIL - GROVE OK PEEK, THOMAS L - OKC OK PEERY, MARGARET - GROVE OK PELICAN POINT DEVELOPMENT - LANGLEY OK PELLOW, RICHARD B - EDMOND OK PELLOW, VERNON E - OKC OK PENDERGRAFT, LARRY D - GROVE OK PENDERGRAFT, VIOLA - MIAMI OK PENDERGRASS, JAMES D - VINITA OK PENDERGRASS, W N - BIXBY OK PENDLEY, ARLENE - MIAMI OK PENNEY, CATHY L - MIAMI OK PENNINGTON, MURRELL - VINITA OK PENSACOLA DAM BUS ASSOC - LANGLEY OK PEPPER, REID E - BARTLESVILLE OK PEQUEEN, SCOTT - ADAIR OK PERDUE, SUSAN K - KANSAS OK PERIMAN, J G - VINITA OK PERKINS, CHARLES - WYANDOTTE, OK PERKINS, JIMMIE L - MUSTANG OK PERKINS, WILLIAM E - JAY OK PERRY, ORREL W - KETCHUM OK PERRY, PATRICK W - MIAMI OK PERRY, PAUL J - GROVE OK PERRY, TOM L - MUSKOGEE OK PERRYMAN, ALFRED E - EAGLE WI PERRYMAN, W A - GROVE OK PERSON, HARVEY L - LOCUST GROVE OK PERSSON, FRANK B - TULSA OK PESHEHONOFF, TED V - ROSE OK PETERS, J W - DISNEY OK PETERS, WALTER D - MIAMI OK PETERSON, GLEN J - VINITA OK PETERSON, JAMES W - SILOAM SPRINGS AR PETTIGROVE, ALLEN J - CLAREMORE OK PETTIT, JACK R - TULSA OK PETTIT, OPAL M - CHOUTEAU OK PETTY, JACK - WATTS OK PETTY, ROBERT J - TULSA OK PFISTER, JACK - COFFEYVILLE KS PHELAN, JEANEANE T - LOCUST GROVE OK PHELPS, DONALD D - JAY OK PHELPS, IVAN E - TULSA OK PHELPS, RONALD E - WYANDOTTE OK PHELPS, ROSALIE S - STRANG OK PHIFER, ALPHA - ROSE OK PHIFER, TROY J - KANSAS OK PHILLIPPI, ROGER A - BELEN NM PHILLIPS, ANGELINE - PRYOR OK PHILLIPS, BRIAN - CLAREMORE OK PHILLIPS, CARL O - CLAREMORE OK PHILLIPS, CHARLES K - CHELSEA OK PHILLIPS, DANNY L - DENVER NC PHILLIPS, HAROLD - WELCH OK PHILLIPS, HAROLD W - TULSA OK PHILLIPS, HENRY E - JAY OK PHILLIPS, JACK L - CHANUTE KS PHILLIPS, JAMES - FORT MYERS FL PHILLIPS, JAMES L - KETCHUM OK PHILLIPS, JOHN G - TULSA OK PHILLIPS, MELVIN D - ROSE OK PHIL’S BEAUTY SHOP - JAY OK PHIPPS, ELBA R - LOCUST GROVE OK PHIPPS, THOMAS - CHOUTEAU OK PICKARD, HELEN - TALOGA OK PICKENS, BILLY J - WICHITA KS PICKENS, JACK G - TULSA OK PICKENS, RICHARD L - OKC OK PICKERING, W B - VINITA OK PICKETT, CHARLES F - JAY OK PICKETT, JOHN R - SILOAM SPRINGS AR PIER III LTD - GROVE OK PIERCE, CECIL V - SALINA OK PIERCE, CHARLIE N - CHOUTEAU OK PIERCE, DAVID - LOCUST GROVE OK PIERCE, DEAN S - TULSA OK PIERCE, JAMES A - MIAMI OK PIERCE, JAMES W - SPRINGDALE AR PIERCE, WILLIAM L - COMMERCE OK PIGEON, WILLIE - SALINA OK PILKENTON, VERA - GROVE OK PILLSBURY, PHILLIP L - WELCH OK PINE TREE COVES - TULSA OK PINGREY, BOB R - TULSA OK PINION, BILLIE J - TULSA OK PINNEY, VIRGIL E - AIKEN SC PIONEER FINANCE - KANSAS CITY MO PIPPIN, BILL - COLLINSVILLE OK PITCHFORD, JESSE - ROSE OK PITTMAN, DONALD W - MOUNDS OK PITTS, BOB - MIAMI OK PITTS, BOBBY JR - ADAIR OK PITTS, ZELMA F - VINITA OK PLACE, VICTOR C - COLCORD OK PLAKE, JAMES E - BARTLESVILLE OK PLILER, CHARLES J - MIAMI OK PLOTT, ARTHUR - MIAMI OK PLUMMER, CECIL S - EUCHA OK POE, ROBERT C - TULSA OK POINDEXTER, CHAROLETTE - S SIOUX CITY NE POINTER, BILL M - DISNEY OK POLK, JAMES K - NEWTON KS POLLEY, FRANK B - GROVE OK POLLOCK, ALLEN J - AFTON OK POLLOCK, JAMES - INDEPENDENCE KS POLONE, J F - PRYOR OK POLSON, HENRY F - EUCHA OK POLSON, L L - JAY OK POND, PAUL R - NEODESHA KS POOL, J F - PRYOR OK POOLE, GEORGE - MIAMI OK POOLE, TOM B - PRYOR OK POOLE, VICTOR R - BROKEN ARROW OK POPE, THOMAS A - CHELSEA OK POPLIN, LARAMIE - PRYOR OK PORT CHEROKEE - AFTON OK PORT DUNCAN - AFTON OK PORTER LEVEL COMPANY - KANSAS OK PORTER, JACK B - SALINA OK PORTREY, ROBERT - WELCH OK PORTWOOD, D M - PRYOR OK POSTELWAIT, JACK I - TULSA OK POTTEET, JOYCE - COLCORD OK POTTER, CLARENCE N - AFTON OK POTTER, GORDON B - LOCUST GROVE OK POTTER, LUTHER - COLCORD OK POUND, FREDRICK E - TULSA OK POWELL, CLAYTON - PRYOR OK POWELL, JACK A - CHELSEA OK POWELL, RODNEY L - COLCORD OK POWELL, ROSE - GROVE OK POWELL, TOMMY - ENID OK POWERS, JOHNNY - WEBB CITY MO POWERS, WALTER S - TULSA OK PRATER, ALFRED - GROVE OK PRATER, LEWIS - GROVE OK PRATHER, GEORGE - CHOUTEAU OK PRATHER, JOHN L - GROVE OK PRATHER, R D - TULSA OK PRESCOTT, G E - JAY OK PRESLEY, JACK A - ADA OK PRICE, JOHN - AFTON OK PRICE, JUANITA - MIAMI OK PRICE, MYRTLE C - SILOAM SPRINGS AR PRICE, R C - TULSA OK PRICE, ROY L - WELCH OK PRICE, TOM R - DISNEY OK PRICE, TOMMY E - BAXTER SPRINGS KS PRICE, TROY M - HUBER HEIGHTS OH PRICHARD, THORA - AFTON OK PRICHETT, BETTY - ROSE OK PRICHETT, JAMES L - VINITA OK PRIDDY, ALAN S - MIAMI OK PRIDGEN, JESSE I - LOCUST GROVE OK PRIDGEON, DEANNA - DISNEY OK PRIDGEON, TOOTIE - AFTON OK PRINBANICH, JOHN L - VINITA OK PRINS, LARRY D - GROVE OK PRITCHARD, JOHN - GROVE OK PRITCHARD, MARVIN E - FAIRLAND OK PRITCHETT, GERALD R - SALINA OK PRITCHETT, JAMES A - GROVE OK PRITCHETT, W R - ULYSSES KS PROBST HARDWARE & SUPPLY - BLUEJACKET OK PROBST, OPAL L - BLUEJACKET OK PROCTOR, BYRD L - EUCHA OK PROCTOR, DAVID - SALINA OK PROCTOR, FRED - CHELSEA OK PROCTOR, JOHN - SALINA OK PROCTOR, ROY - SALINA OK PROCTOR, WILLIE - SALINA OK PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS INC - JAY OK PROFFITT, HARRY C - GROVE OK PROP SHOP - GROVE OK PROULX, MIKE - VINITA OK PROWANT, KENNETH D - TULSA OK PROWELL, NAOMA - KANSAS OK PRUITT, ALBERT - CHOUTEAU OK PUCKETT, JACK Q - PHARR TX PUCKETT, JAMES W - SPRINGDALE AR PUE, ELAINE - GROVE OK PULLIAM, WALTER C - STILLWATER OK PURCELL, BENNIE F - COALGATE OK PURNELL, CLETA C - GROVE OK PURSLEY, L R - WELCH OK PURYEAR, ELMON M - SALINA OK PUTMAN, EARL H - JAY OK PUTNAM, MAXINE B - KETCHUM OK PYE, JAMES E - CHELSEA OK QUALITY POINT - AFTON OK QUALLS, THOMAS J - CHELSEA OK QUAPAW INDIAN IND ORP - QUAPAW OK QUAPAW, BENJAMIN - QUAPAW OK QUARTER CIRCLE RANCH - PRYOR OK QUIGLEY, BILL - EDMOND OK QUIMBY, BERT E JR - GROVE OK QUINN, JOYCE L - SALINA OK QUISENBERRY, WILLIAM R - BLUEJACKET OK RACKLIFF, DELLA M - TWIN OAKS OK RALPH L JONES COMPANY - TULSA OK RALSTON, FLOYD E - JAY OK RALSTON, M W - CARTHAGE MO RAMIREZ, AUGUSTO - PITTSBURG KS RAMM, CLARENCE - PRYOR OK RAMSEY, JERRY - PRYOR OK RAMSEY, JOHNNY R - CHELSEA OK RANCHERS COAL - WELCH OK RANDOLPH, JAMES L - DISNEY OK RANDOLPH, JAMES L - ROFF OK RANDOLPH, MARK T - LANGLEY OK RANEY, WANDA J - JAY OK RANKIN, BOB G - VINITA OK RAPER, GEORGE JR - EUCHA OK RAPER, TOM - GROVE OK RAPIEN, JAMES J - PRYOR OK RATCHFORD, S R - ROSE OK RATLIFF, WALLACE J - LOCUST GROVE OK RAUS, WILLIAM D - BIG CABIN OK RAUSCHER, MELVIN G - COFFEYVILLE KS RAWDON, ALBERT L - SAPULPA OK RAY, ANDREW I JR - CHOUTEAU OK RAY, BOBBY M - CHOUTEAU OK RAY, CHARLES V - STILLWATER OK RAY, JAMES M - PRYOR OK RAY, LLOYD - VINITA OK RAY, PAMELA - SPAVINAW OK RAY, TED - COLCORD OK RAY, WILMA J - BLUEJACKET OK RAYBOURN, DAVID J - TULSA OK RAYNOLDS, ROBERT W - TULSA OK RAZEY, LOMAN L - CARMEN OK RAZOOK, CHRISTY - WICHITA KS READ, HAROLD G - TULSA OK REAGAN, S L - OMAHA NE REAMS, LEROY - GROVE OK REARDON, ROBERT J - LOS ANGELES CA REAVIS, SHIRLEY - CHELSEA OK REBMAN, WILLIAM D - PRYOR OK RECORD, TERRELL L - JOPLIN MO RECORDS, FRANK - WYANDOTTE OK RECREATION BLDG CORP - GROVE OK RECTOR, DORIS E - LOCKWOOD MO REDD, RAY W - WYANOTTE OK REDMOND, ROGER C - BROKEN ARROW OK REECE, TIM - JAY OK REED, ALBERT L - GROVE OK REED, CARL L - VINITA OK REED, DARREN L - STRANG OK REED, EDWARD D - GROVE OK REED, ERIC D - KANSAS OK REED, JESS T - EUCHA OK REED, LORENE - GENTRY AR REED, PATRICIA J - TULSA OK REED, ROBERT E - ADAIR OK REED, S M - GROVE OK REED, WALTER O - LOCUST GROVE OK REEDS, W S - TULSA OK REEDY, DOYLE L - CLAREMORE OK REEDY, TONY - CHELSEA OK REEDY, TONY - CLAREMORE OK REESE, C W - KETCHUM OK REESE, IVAN D SR - TULSA OK REEVES, RUSSELL B - GROVE OK REGAN, ROGER W - ST ALBANS VT REGER, MONTE - GROVE OK REID, EDDIE - WICHITA KS REID, KATHERINE M - WICHITA KS REINHART, THOMAS W - SHAWNEE MISSION KS REMINGTON, PRESS - CHELSEA OK RENFRO, PAUL J - HUACHUCA CITY AZ RENO, TIM - JAY OK RENTERIA, MARIO - ROGERS AR RENTFROW, JAMES E - MIAMI OK REYNARD, WAYNE L - SALINA OK REYNOLDS, CARL L - COLUMBUS KS REYNOLDS, D A - TULSA OK REYNOLDS, FRED J - MIAMI OK REYNOLDS, LAWRENCE M - AFTON OK RGDC - OKC OK RHINE, ARTHUR L - HUACHUCA CITY AZ RHINE, JIM C - MIAMI OK RHINEHART, LEWIS D - MIAMI OK RHODES, EVELYN A - FAIRLAND OK RIBA, C A - GROVE OK RICHARDS, WILLIAM H - TULSA OK RICHARDSON, BETTY - BLUEJACKET OK RICHARDSON, DARWIN D - MIAMI OK RICHARDSON, JAMES - TULSA OK RICHARDSON, KENNETH E - AFTON OK RICHARDSON, KENNETH T - LOCUST GROVE OK RICHARDSON, MARJORIE L - TULSA OK RICHARDSON, SHERMAN - GROVE OK RICKEY, HAROLD SR - GROVE OK RICKMAN, BLANCHE M - WELCH OK RICKMAN, STEVE J - QUAPAW OK RICKNER, DONALD R - TULSA OK RICKSTREW, ROBERT D - TOPEKA KS RIDLING, RAYMOND L - LITTLE ROCK AR RIGBY, E M - OWASSO OK RIGGINS, MARION - KANSAS OK RIGGS, GERALD L - TULSA OK RIGGS, JEFF - CHELSEA OK RIGGS, LEE A - CHELSEA OK RIKLI, BLAINE - ENID OK RILEY, AMIEL L - TULSA OK RILEY, BOBBY R - AVA MO RILEY, CLEO - MIAMI OK RILEY, JAMES S - JOPLIN MO RILEY, LAWRENCE - WYANDOTTE OK RILEY, LELAND - MIAMI OK RILEY, NORMA - LANGLEY OK RILEY, QUENTIN - COLCORD OK RINGLING, DEAN - PRYOR OK RINNER, ROBERT E JR - BROKEN ARROW OK RITCH, FLORENCE - CHOUTEAU OK RITCH, JIM M - WAGONER OK RITTER, DALE L - GROVE OK RITTERHOUSE, M K - SAPULPA OK RITZMAN, ALICE - MIAMI OK ROACH, VERN S - GROVE OK ROARK, BILL R - JOPLIN MO ROBBINS, DON K - AFTON OK ROBBINS, HAROLD - ADAIR OK ROBBINS, JAY L - PRYOR OK ROBBINS, NORMAN L - WYANDOTTE OK ROBERSON, BOYCE M - BARTLESVILLE OK ROBERTS OIL COMPANY - SILOAM SPRINGS AR ROBERTS, BEVERLY J - GROVE OK ROBERTS, BOBBY G - GROVE OK ROBERTS, DAVID H - MIAMI OK ROBERTS, DELBERT M - GRAVETTE AR ROBERTS, HELEN A - KNOXVILLE TN ROBERTS, JAMES - GROVE OK ROBERTS, JAMES R - FOND DU LAC WI ROBERTS, JOANNA - KANSAS OK ROBERTS, JOHN - EUCHA OK ROBERTS, JOHN - GROVE OK ROBERTS, JOHN - WATTS OK ROBERTS, JOHN P - DEXTER KS ROBERTS, LEE R - COLCORD OK ROBERTS, ORVILLE - GROVE OK ROBERTS, W E - CHOUTEAU OK ROBERTS, WAYNE E - MIAMI OK ROBERTS, WILLIAM S - CLAREMORE OK ROBINSON, BEVERLY - SALINA OK ROBINSON, CLAUDE - MIAMI OK ROBINSON, DWIGHT - JAY OK ROBINSON, FRED - GROVE OK ROBINSON, FRED E - GROVE OK ROBINSON, JAMES A - TULSA OK ROBINSON, JIM L - AFTON OK ROBINSON, JOHN R - COLCORD OK ROBINSON, MARK - MIAMI OK ROBISON, HERBERT - AFTON OK ROBISON, MASON W - VINITA OK ROBISON, STACY D - JOPLIN MO ROBLIN, NATHANI E - ASHLAND OH ROBLYER, SAM - MIAMI OK ROCHON, ARMOND - AFTON OK RODGERS, STANLEY H - JAY OK RODGERS, TED - NORMAN OK ROEHRICH, PAUL H - GROVE OK ROEPKE, VERLENE - WOFFORD HEIGHTS CA ROGERS, CHARLES A - MIAMI OK ROGERS, CLARENCE - MIAMI OK ROGERS, EULA E - WYANDOTTE OK ROGERS, GLENN - JOPLIN MO ROGERS, HELEN F - SPAVINAW OK ROGERS, HOWARD B - TWIN OAKS OK ROGERS, JACK - AFTON OK ROGERS, LEWIS T - SALINA OK ROGERS, SCOTT - ROSE OK ROGERS, STEPHEN D - SPRINGFIELD MO ROGERS, WARREN - PRYOR OK ROHER, GARY N - FAIRLAND OK ROLAND, ART - SOUTH WEST CITY MO ROLLEY, ARCHIE E - CHICKASHA OK ROLLINS, R L - AFTON OK ROMINE, J C - MIAMI OK RONISTAL, FRANCIS - NORWALK CA ROOKER, D B - OKC OK ROOT, GEORGE R - QUAPAW OK ROOT. GILBERT - AFTON OK ROPP, ROBERT - FAIRLAND OK RORIE, JAMES A - JAY OK ROSE, DONALD R - SILOAM SPRINGS AR ROSEBROUGH, DANNY L - CHELSEA OK ROSIERE, RONALD - SENECA MO ROSKOB, JOE B - AFTON OK ROSS, ADRAIN H - SILOAM SPRINGS AR ROSS, CRAIG A - LEXINGTON MO ROSS, DONALD E - MIAMI OK ROSS, HARMON J - SALINA OK ROSS, REX E - MANNFORD OK ROSSER, OLLIE R JR - PRYOR OK ROSS’S GULF STATION - COLCORD OK ROTRAMEL, ROY E - JAY OK ROUGHTON, HENRY - JAY OK ROUSE, MAE E - COLCORD OK ROWDEN, CHESTER M - JOPLIN MO ROWE, ALICE R - GROVE OK ROWE, M F - GROVE OK ROWLEY, DALLAS E - FAIRLAND OK RUCKER, A D - VINITA OK RUPE, DANNY J - SALINA OK RUPE, JOHN A - TULSA OK RUSH, W D - AFTON OK RUSSELL, D S - COLCORD OK RUSSELL, DUSTY - KETCHUM OK RUSSELL, GEORGE R - TAHLEQUAH OK RUSSELL, HOMER L - KANSAS OK RUSSELL, HOOVER A - WYANDOTTE OK RUSSELL, JACK - ROSE OK RUSSELL, JESS - KANSAS OK RUSSELL, JOE - LOCUST GROVE OK RUSSELL, LARRY R - CHELSEA OK RUSSELL, LEE S - WYANDOTTE OK RUSSELL, PAM J - TULSA OK RUSSELL, PAUL J SR - BENTONVILLE AR RUSSELL, RONALD - OAKS OK RUSSELL, SAMUEL R - OAKS OK RUSSELL, W C - AFTON OK RUSSELL, WILLIAM E - VINITA OK RUTHERFORD, BOB J - GROVE OK RYALS, CALVIN C - NEODESHA KS RYAN, JAMES L - TULSA OK RYAN, LAVINA F - JAY OK RYE, DONALD - COLCORD OK SCHMIDT, CARROL J - GROVE OK SCHMIDT, DON A - PRYOR OK SCHMIDT, MILTON W - TULSA OK SCHMIDT, WILLIAM C - TULSA OK SCHMOLL, J N - CHELSEA OK SCHOECH, NORBERT E - VINITA OK SCHOENECKER, E J - TOPEKA KS SCHOENHALS, JOHN L - WYANDOTTE OK SCHOONOVER, E L - AFTON OK SCHOONOVER, LELAND - ROSE OK SCHRADER, JAMES D - MIAMI OK SCHRADER, RICHARD - KANSAS OK SCHROEDER, TONY L - AFTON OK SCHUHKNECHT, DALE C - KIMBERLING CITY MO SCHULZ, LLOYD M - PRYOR OK SCHUMACHER, EARL - FAIRLAND OK SCHUPBACH, CHARLES E - LAKEVIEW AR SCHUTTER, VIRGIL - VINITA OK SCISM, DARLA R - SILOAM SPRINGS AR SCOBEE, JACK T - LAWSON MO SCOTT, DOROTHY C - CHELSEA OK SCOTT, DORSEY M - GROVE OK SCOTT, EVERETT - TALININA OK SCOTT, JACK - CHELSEA OK SCOTT, JAMES F - STOCKTON CA SCOTT, JOE - SALINA OK SCOTT, JOHN D - QUAPAW OK SCOTT, L R - VINITA OK SCRAPER, THOMAS W - COLCORD OK SCRIVNER, ALEX T - GROVE OK SCROGGINS, DORIS - KANSAS OK SCROGGINS, MALDON L - LOCUST GROVE OK SCRUGGS, ROBERT O - CHELSEA OK SCUGGINS, RENEE - MIAMI OK SEALS, BEN - COLCORD OK SEALS, CARL - INDEPENDENCE KS SEARL, HOWARD - WYANDOTTE KS SEARL, LOREN E - TULSA OK SEARS, CARLOS L - ENTERPRISE AL SEARS, KEITH E - ENTERPRISE AL SEARS, WILLIS - CHELSEA OK SEAT, SCOTTY E - MIAMI OK SECHLER, V C - STILWELL OK SECONDINE, E B - VINITA OK SECURITY STORE INC - LANGLEY OK SEGER, ROBERT W - ORANGE TX SEIFERT, CHARLES W - MARION KS SEIGEL, MARGARET J - WELCH, OK SEITZ, ARVEL J - SALINA OK SELBY, CLYDE JR - WELCH OK SELLERS, LESTER K - OAKS OK SELPH, QUINTON W - ROSE OK SENECA CAUYGA TRIBE - MIAMI OK SENECA GAS CO - SENECA MO SENTER, JOHN E - JAY OK SEPKOWITZ, JEROME S - OKC OK SETTLE, ELANOR M - VINITA OK SHACKELFORD, JOYCE E - GROVE OK SHAFER, R S - PRYOR OK SHAFFAR, AUGUST B - JOPLIN MO SHAFFER, CARL - WYANDOTTE OK SHAFFER, GEORGE - VINITA OK SHAFFER, LARRY L - CHELSEA OK SHAFFER, ONITA - KANSAS OK SHALOM MINISTRY - PRYOR OK SHAMBLES, DEXTER L - VINITA OK SHAMBLIN, GENE D - MIAMI OK SHAMBLIN, PHYLIS - KETCHUM OK SHAMBURG, VAUGHN L - GROVE OK SHAMROCK COAL CO INC - TULSA OK SHANAHAN SUNDAY SCHOOL - VINITA OK SHARP, LARRY E - PHOENIX AZ SHARP, RICHARD A - MIAMI OK SHAW, L E - COFFEYVILLE KS SHAY, JOHN - WILLIS TX SHEETS, IVOR C - GROVE OK SHELBY ENERGY INC - DALLAS TX SHELL PIPE LINE CORP - LOUISVILLE KY SHELLEY, A N - COLCORD OK SHELTON, BOB G - WEBB CITY MO SHELTON, CLARENCE R - VINITA OK SHELTON, LUKE T - MIAMI OK SHELTON, SHERRY - CLAREMORE OK SHEPHERD, JAMES D - CLAYPOOL AZ SHEPPARD, MARK - LOCUST GROVE OK SHEPPARD, TOMMY H - CHOUTEAU OK SHERARD, T H - MIAMI OK SHERIFF, TOM - SAPULPA OK SHERIN, LEE R - CLAREMORE OK SHERMAN, GERALD - LANGLEY OK SHERRER, ELVIN B - GROVE OK SHERRILL, BOB G - TULSA OK SHERWOOD, ELSIE P - JOPLIN MO >> January 2015 - 9 SHERWOOD, LEWIS L - VINITA OK SHEWMAKE, RAY - MIAMI OK SHIELDS, JAY L - TULSA OK SHIELDS, M D - TULSA OK SHINN, ROCKIE E - WELCH OK SHIPP, MILDRED M - MIAMI OK SHOBE, PRICE G - WYANDOTTE OK SHOCK, IRA S - LEWISVILLE TX SHOCKLEY, W D - SEMINOLE OK SHOESTRING RANCH - VINITA OK SHOFFNER, CLIFF D - GROVE OK SHORT, E L - GROVE OK SHORT, ELMER - ANCHORAGE AK SHORT, JOHN R - AFTON OK SHORT, VERNON R - JAY OK SHOTPOUCH, JACKSON - JAY OK SHOWALTER, SHEILA J - PRYOR OK SHURTLEFF-SCOTT REALTOR - VINITA OK SIEN, JERRY L SR - PRYOR OK SIGLE, HAROLD E - PICHER OK SIGOURNEY, GLENN J - SILOAM SPRINGS AR SILCOX, ROGER - COLCORD OK SILCOX, WAYNE - COLCORD OK SILER, FRANK - VINITA OK SILKEY, EDGAR R - PRYOR OK SILZER, KATHRYN - HOUSTON TX SIMMONS, ROY - COLCORD OK SIMMONS, ROY E - GROVE OK SIMMONS, T L - MIAMI OK SIMMONS, TERRY L - AFTON OK SIMMONS, WILLIAM E - AFTON OK SIMON, DANIEL E - COWETA OK SIMONDS, ALLEN - COLCORD OK SIMONDS, LOUIE - GROVE OK SIMONS, LUCILLE K - BRISTOL VT SIMONS, R O - PRYOR OK SIMONSON, FRED C - COLCORD OK SIMPSON, BILL J - CHELSEA OK SIMPSON, BILLY D - LOCUST GROVE OK SIMPSON, PERRY W - CHOUTEAU OK SIMPSON, VIVIA - VINITA OK SIMS, GEORGE F - COLCORD OK SINGER, BOB - KANSAS OK SINGER, KENNETH L - MIAMI OK SINGER, MARIE A - COFFEYVILLE KS SIPES, GLEN - AFTON OK SISEMORE, HOUSTON B - SALINA OK SISK, OLLIE - OAKS OK SISSON, JAMES F - IONIA MO SISSON, MARION - KANSAS OK SITSLER, DAVID O - SALINA OK SIX, STANLEY D - LOCUST GROVE OK SIXKILLER, LOUELLA - KANSAS OK SIXKILLER, MYRTLE S - KANSAS OK SKELTON, J L - EXCLSOR SPRINGS MO SKELTON, ROBERT A - CHILLICOTHE MO SKINNER, BILLIE E - PLEASANT GROVE AL SKINNER, CHARLES B - TULSA OK SKINNER, FREDRICK W - WAGONER OK SKINNER, JOHNNIE - CHOUTEAU OK SKOLE, JOHN H - LOCUST GROVE OK SLEEGER, CARL N - EUCHA OK SMITH, HOWARD W - TULSA OK SMITH, IVAN & BETTY - VINITA OK SMITH, JACKIE D - COLCORD OK SMITH, JOE W - TULSA OK SMITH, KENNETH - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, KENT H - AFTON OK SMITH, LARRY D - LOCUST GROVE OK SMITH, LARRY D - SALINA OK SMITH, LARRY E - PRYOR OK SMITH, LAWRENCE C - CHOUTEAU OK SMITH, LEE R - AFTON OK SMITH, LEO - NEWCASTLE OK SMITH, MABEL J - DISNEY OK SMITH, MARGIE - JAY OK SMITH, MICHAEL - CLEBURNE TX SMITH, NELSON A - COLCORD OK SMITH, NELSON L - SOUTH WEST CITY MO SMITH, PAUL F - PRYOR OK SMITH, PHIL W - ELIZABETH NJ SMITH, PHILLIP E - TWIN OAKS OK SMITH, RAY W - GROVE OK SMITH, RICHARD A - MIAMI OK SMITH, RICHARD D - RENO NV SMITH, RICHARD L - AFTON OK SMITH, RICHARD S - SOUTHAVEN MS SMITH, ROBERT C - COLCORD OK SMITH, ROBERT J - MIAMI OK SMITH, ROBERT W - LANGLEY OK SMITH, ROBERT W - MIAMI OK SMITH, SHARON - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, TERRY F - GROVE OK SMITH, THOMAS C - TULSA OK SMITH, TODD - KANSAS OK SMITH, VIRGIL D - BIG CABIN OK SMITH, WARREN - SALINA OK SMITHEY, JAMES E - MINNEAPOLIS MN SMITTLE, M W - BATON ROUGE LA SMOKE, CHARLES L - SALINA OK SMOKE, DEBORAH J - SPAVINAW OK SMOKE, WILLIS - SALINA OK SMOOT, O B - AFTON OK SNELL, CURLEY - KANSAS OK SNELL, ELLA M - COLCORD OK SNELL, JOHN L - COLCORD OK SNELL, THOMAS R - GROVE OK SNIDER, E J - CHELSEA OK SNODGRASS, BOB - CHOUTEAU OK SNYDER, ALBERT L - LOCUST GROVE OK SOARD, ERNEST E - GROVE OK SODERSTROM, CARL - GROVE OK SOHOSKY, LOUIS O - JOPLIN MO SOMA SYSTEMS INC - GROVE OK SOMMER, LEIGHTON - MIAMI OK SONNIER, RONALD J - VINITA OK SOONER STATE PETROLEUM - TULSA OK SOOTER, G J - CLAREMORE OK SOPER, ROBERT S III - TULSA OK SORENSON, GREG - EDMOND OK SORGE, WILLIAM A - TULSA OK SOUDERS CONSTRUCTION - BARTLESVILLE OK SOUTH COMMUNITY CENTER - CHELSEA OK SOUTHERN MILK SALES - SAN ANTONIO TX SLEEPY HOLLOW OF GRAND LAKE - OKC OK SOUTHLAND SHOPPING CENTER - TULSA OK SLOAN, ALPHEUS JR - GROVE OK SLOAN, GEORGE A - QUAPAW OK SLUDER, DON E - PRYOR OK SLUDER, J L - TULSA OK SMALLEY, TIM L - FAIRLAND OK SMALLWOOD, BRAD - MIAMI OK SMALLWOOD, HAL - CHOUTEAU OK SMIDDY, WILLIAM E - PRYOR OK SMILEY, JACK - TULSA OK SMITH, ADAIR A - GROVE OK SMITH, BARRETT - SLOCOMB AL SMITH, BARTON E - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, BILLIE J - CHOUTEAU OK SMITH, BOB L - OAKS OK SMITH, C L JR - TULSA OK SMITH, CARLA - MIAMI OK SMITH, CHARLES L - SAINT PAUL KS SMITH, CLYDE N - AFTON OK SMITH, CURTIS L - KANSAS OK SMITH, DALLAS R - GROVE OK SMITH, DANIEL J - GROVE OK SMITH, DON R - MIAMI OK SMITH, EARL L - JOPLIN MO SMITH, ELMER - MIAMI OK SMITH, ELMER - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, FREDDY R - TULSA OK SMITH, GARY E - CASSVILLE MO SMITH, GEORGE A - COFFEYVILLE KS SMITH, GERALD L - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, H P MD - TULSA OK SMITH, HARVEY D - WYANDOTTE OK SMITH, HOWARD - JAY OK SOUTHWICK, MARVIN H - TULSA OK SOWDER, CHESTER E - CARL JUNCTION MO SPARKS, EARL E - INDEPENDENCE KS SPARKS, JAMES A - AFTON OK SPARKS, ROWLAND K - GROVE OK SPARLIN, JAMES - BAXTER SPRINGS KS SPARLING, CARROL - AFTON OK SPARROW, ROBERT N - FAIRLAND OK SPAULDING, FRANK - VINITA OK SPEAKS, BOYD - LOCUST GROVE OK SPEER, HOMER - LANGLEY OK SPEIGEL, DAVID C - ADAIR OK SPEIGHT, LELAN D - MENA AR SPENCE, DOYLE - JAY OK SPENCE, FRANK H - CHELSEA OK SPENCER, DAVID - ADAIR OK SPENCER, JAMES L - JOPLIN MO SPENCER, KENNETH D - KANSAS OK SPENCER, LORA - JAY OK SPENCER, REUBEN - CHECOTAH OK SPERRY, LLOYD C - GROVE OK SPEXARTH, DUANE E - GROVE OK SPICER, E E - TULSA OK SPINKS, TONY G - O’FALLON MO SPINNAKER POINT - TULSA OK SPOHN, LULA L - EUCHA OK SPRAGUE, DAVE P - CHOUTEAU OK SPRIGGS, ROBERT & DOY D - WICHITA KS SPRINGER, DENNIS O - COLCORD OK SPRINGFIELD, ESTER D - GROVE OK SPRINGLE, EDWARD J - VINITA OK SPURGEON, ERICK W - AFTON OK 10 - NE Connection SPURGEON, LEE E JR - WYANDOTTE OK SPURLOCK, CHARLES R JR - MIAMI OK SPYCHALSKI, ROBERT J - WYANDOTTE OK SPYRES, EDNA M - JAY OK SPYRES, GERARD M - LOCUST GROVE OK SQUIRREL, RAYMOND - SALINA OK ST LOUIS & SAN FRANCISCO RR - TOPEKA KS STADLER, KARL A - APPLETON WI STAFFORD, JACK B - GROVE OK STAFFORD, JAMES H - BLUEJACKET OK STAFFORD, JAY L - BOSSIER CITY LA STAFFORD, KENNETH - SILOAM SPRINGS AR STALEY, MAX L - KANSAS CITY MO STANBERRY, VERNON E - AFTON OK STANDEFORD, JAMES D - WELCH OK STANDINGWATER, TERRY SR - SALINA OK STANDLEE, ROY W - MULVANE KS STANLEY, ARTHUR - ROSE OK STANLEY, D C - SALINA OK STANLEY, ERIC - ROSE OK STANLEY, GRADY - NOWATA OK STANLEY, H V - PRYOR OK STANLEY, WALTER - VINITA OK STANSELL, WILLIAM F - QUAPAW OK STAPLETON, ROBERT E - JAY OK STAPP, JOHNIE F - MIAMI OK STARK, HAROLD U - GROVE OK STARK, WARREN C DO - SENECA MO STARK, WESLEY R - GROVE OK STARR, B E - CHELSEA OK STEELE, BILL - AFTON OK STEFFENS, DON W - PRYOR OK STEFFERNS, MARTIN L - TIFTON GA STEINBECK, JAMES E - AFTON OK STELTS, LEONARD - WYANDOTTE OK STEPHENS, BOB L - FAIRLAND OK STEPHENS, BOBBY C - FAIRLAND OK STEPHENS, HUGH E - LOCUST GROVE OK STEPHENS, HUGH E - TULSA OK STEPHENS, LOUIS M - HACKETT AR STEPHENSON ADVERTISING - TULSA OK STEPHENSON, MIKE - DISNEY OK STEPP, MIKE A - FAIRLAND OK STEVENS, F L - COLORADO SPRINGS CO STEVENS, LOUIE W - VINITA OK STEVENS, RAYMOND L - DISNEY OK STEVENSON, DANNY R - OKC OK STEWART, BOBBY G - DOUGLASS KS STEWART, CHESTER - ADAIR OK STEWART, CLARENCE - EUCHA OK STEWART, EDITH M - JAY OK STEWART, GLADYS M - KETCHUM OK STEWART, JAY F - JOPLIN MO STEWART, JIMMIE W - LOCUST GROVE OK STEWART, JOHN B - MIAMI OK STEWART, RICHARD L - MIAMI OK STEWART, RUSSELL L - BIG CABIN OK STEWART, SCOTT T - KETCHUM OK STEWART, WAYNE - POST TX STICE, FRANK - WELCH OK STICE, RAY - WELCH OK STILES, J E - ADAIR OK STILL, GERALD A - SKIATOOK OK STILL, HERMAN C - AFTON OK STIMSON, CLAUDE L - PRYOR OK STINSON, MARION D - SALINA OK STIRLING, GORDON - PRYOR OK STJOHN, BOB - GROVE OK STOCKTON, BOBBY J - WYANDOTTE OK STOCKTON, DAVID L - GROVE OK STOGSDILL, BRENDA - GROVE OK STOGSDILL, LINDA - MIAMI OK STOKES, BILL - AFTON OK STOLL, WAYNE B - MIAMI OK STONE, DAVID R - CHELSEA OK STONE, PAUL L - TULSA OK STONECIPHER, JOHN - KANSAS OK STONER, CHARLES E - DISNEY OK STONER, JUNE E (GALVIN) - KETCHUM OK STONEYS AUTO MACHINE SHOP - KANSAS OK STORM, H F - DISNEY OK STORY, BILL - GRAVETTE AR STORY, SALLEY O - CHELSEA OK STOTTS, BERNICE - GROVE OK STOUDER, VIRGIL - INDEPENDENCE KS STOUT, ASHER D - TULSA OK STOUT, BILL D - GROVE OK STOUT, FRED D - INOLA OK STOUT, RALPH - SALINA OK STOUT, RALPH - TULSA OK STOVALL, B R - WYANDOTTE OK STOVALL, ROY - WYANDOTTE OK STOVALL, TOM - WYANDOTTE OK STOWE, EUGENE E - LANGLEY OK STOWELL, RANDALL E - AFTON OK STOWERS, ALLAN D - TULSA OK STRAIT, LEONARD C - JOPLIN MO STRAIT, MARY L - LINCOLN AR STRANDLUND, CALVIN E - GROVE OK STRANEY, LINDSAY - AFTON OK STRANGE, JOHNNY P - PRYOR OK STRATTON, VIRGINIA - FAIRLAND OK STRESE, EDWARD E - CHOUTEAU OK STRICKLAND, RENNARD DR - TULSA OK STRICKLAND, RUSSELL D - CORPUS CHRISTI TX STRICKLEN, LOREN L - SALINA OK STRICKLER, E E - BARTLESVILLE OK STRICKLIN, ROGER D - CHELSEA OK STRONG, PATRICIA C - PRYOR OK STRONG, STEVE W - AFTON OK STROUP, E F - MIAMI OK STROYICK, FORREST - CHELSEA OK STUART, MAMIE - DISNEY OK STUCK, CHARLES E - GROVE OK STUDIE, JO E - JAY OK STUMBO, RALPH - GROVE OK STURGEON, RALPH V SR - COPAN OK STURGESS, JERRY - STRANG OK STURGESS, MICHAEL - KETCHUM OK STUTSMAN, FRED E - FAIRLAND OK SUESS, VERN L - TULSA OK SULLIVAN, DENNIS L SR - CHELSEA OK SULLIVAN, EDWARD L - JAY OK SULLIVAN, G M - TULSA OK SULLIVAN, WILLIAM C - TULSA OK SULLIVAN, WILLIAM R - VINITA OK SUMMA, LARRY J - BIG CABIN OK SUMMA, OSCAR - CHELSEA OK SUMMERFIELD, LEVI - JAY OK SUMMERFIELD, ROY - EUCHA OK SUMMERFIELD, SANDERS - EUCHA OK SUMMERS, A E - GROVE OK SUMMERS, HERBERT L - GROVE OK SUMPTER, JIM - COLCORD OK SUMTER, ED J - CHOUTEAU OK SUNDAY, JESS E - VINITA OK SUNDERMAN, ARLEN A - JOPLIN MO SURFACE, JOHN L - EUCHA OK SUSKEY, HAROLD - CATOOSA OK SUTTER, FRANCES - ADAIR OK SUTTER, JOE T - SALINA OK SUTTON, LEROY - MIAMI OK SWAGGERTY, ALVY - CHELSEA OK SWAGGERTY, LARRY J JR - AFTON OK SWANGO, BENJAMIN E - GROVE OK SWANGO, MURIEL F - WELCH OK SWANGO, STEVE J - MIAMI OK SWARTZENDRUBER, H L - WILSON WY SWEARENGIN, JOE J - SALINA OK SWEAT, RAY - PEGGS OK SWEETEN, DENNIS A - MIAMI OK SWEETEN, MERLE - MIAMI OK SWEETWATER, BRYAN - BEAUMONT TX SWEPSTON, SHERMAN - COLCORD OK SWIFT, L D - POINT LOOKOUT MO SWIFT, LOREN K - MESA AZ SWIGER, FRANK - COFFEYVILLE KS SWINGLE, LOUIS K - MIAMI OK SWINNEY, GORDON W - BARTLESVILLE OK SWINNEY, JIM L - GROVE OK SWISHER, THOMAS P - WYANDOTTE OK SWITZER, DONALD W - PINEVILLE MO SWOGGER, CHARLES K - JAY OK SYLVESTER, WALTER C - GRAVETTE AR January 19 is Na onal Popcorn Day Popped Buffalo Parmesan Popcorn Biscoff Cookie Popcorn 4 cups popped corn 2 tablespoons bu er 2 tablespoons hot pepper sauce (such as Frank’s or Tabasco) 1/4 teaspoon Cajun seasoning 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 8 cups popped corn 1 bag white chocolate chips 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1/4 cup Biscoff spread (in the peanut bu er aisle) 1 cup crushed shortbread cookies In a small saucepan, melt the bu er over low heat. When the bu er starts to melt, add the hot sauce and Cajun seasoning. S r to combine and remove from heat. Slowly pour the mixture over the popped popcorn and toss to combine un l fully distributed. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese and toss to coat. Serve immediately. Birthday Cake Popcorn 6 cups popped corn 1 1/2 cups almond bark, melted 1/4 cup vegetable shortening 1 cup yellow cake mix Sprinkles Place popcorn in a large mixing bowl. Melt the almond bark in a double boiler. Add the vegetable shortening and s r un l shortening is melted and combined. Add cake mix and s r un l smooth. Pour over the popcorn and gently toss to coat evenly. Pour the popcorn out onto cookie sheets to cool and harden. Sprinkle immediately with your favorite sprinkles. Wait un l fully hardened, then break into pieces to serve. Can be stored in an air ght container. Line a flat surface with wax paper. In a microwaveable bowl, melt the white chocolate chips and the oil for 45 seconds. S r, then heat for an addi onal 15 seconds un l melted and smooth. S r in the Biscoff spread to combine. Pour the popcorn and crushed cookies into the bowl and s r gently to coat thoroughly with the Biscoff mixture. Spread the coated popcorn onto the wax paper in an even layer and let sit and harden for about an hour. Break popcorn into pieces and store in an air ght container. Popcorn facts The average American eats 68 quarts of popcorn a year. In colonial mes, Americans ate popcorn for breakfast. They mixed it with milk, sugar and cream. Popcorn’s scien fic name is zea mays everta, and it is the only type of corn that will pop. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s largest popcorn ball measured 12 feet in diameter and required 2,000 pounds of corn, 40,000 pounds of sugar, 280 gallons of corn syrup, and 400 gallons of water to create. January 2015 - 11 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TULSA, OK Permit 2171 TAKE ONE AND SHOW IT TO YOUR PHARMACIST. SAVE UP TO 85% ON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AT PARTICIPATING PHARMACIES WHEN YOU SHOW YOUR CO-OP CONNECTIONS CARD. ANOTHER MEMBER BENEFIT BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR LOCAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. FIND ALL THE WAYS TO SAVE AT WWW.CONNECTIONS.COOP Pharmacy discounts are Not Insurance, and are Not Intended as a Substitute for Insurance. The discount is only available at participating pharmacies. • CELL PHONE • CLEANING SERVICES • DAY CARE • INSURANCE • LEGAL SERVICES • HOME REPAIRS • FUEL • MUSEUMS • PRESCRIPTIONS • TOOLS APPLICANCES • INTERNET • TOOLS • FLOWERS • CRAFTS • TIRES • CONCERTS • PET FOOD • MOVIE RENTALS • HOTELS • HOME IMPROVEMENTS • SPORTSWEAR • RENTAL CARS • PIZZA • GROCERIES • OIL CHANGE • FROZEN YOGURT • DINING OUT • EYEWEAR • LAWN CARE • BRACES • OFFICE SUPPLIES • WATER PARKS • FITNESS CLUBS •