
V o l um e
D E C E MB E R 20 1 5
I ss u e
8214 Tavistock Lakes Blvd
Orlando, FL 32827
Message from the Board
Paul Morrison, President
Just wanted to say hi to all who served aboard the USS KING DLG10/DDG41. We had a great time at our last reunion
in Las Vegas this past June. A lot of sightseeing, talking and some gambling.
For those of you that could not make it next year the reunion will be the Washington DC area. A ton of history and exciting things to do. Then in 2017 we will be traveling to New Orleans in September for our reunion.
I want to thank all the Board of Directors and Staff for all the hard work they do keeping this Association above water. It
takes a lot of time and energy to put one of these reunions together.
It is time for members to step up and put there name in the hat to take over some of the positions that has not changed
in years. Remember it is
your Association and by changing directors and staff you could have a lot of new ideas.
I wish all of you a fantastic Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See all of you at the next reunion in 2016.
Vice President
Pete Vuchetich
I wish you and your families the happiest of the Christmas Holidays and New Years Cheer.
I plan to attend the 2016 reunion in Washington DC.
I have never been to our nations capital and I do want to see the WALL and the names of our four shipmates and the
rest of the memorials on the mall.
Membership Director
Robert S. Butkus
Bio Of Our new Membership Director;
I grew up in Northern Indiana in a large family of 7 children and graduated from Munster High School in 1967.
I joined the USN in Oct. ‘67, completed boot at Great Lakes was sent to Visual Communications School in Newport,
Rhode Island. My 1st sea duty was aboard the USS Vance, DER-387 out of Pearl Harbor. I completed 2 Westpac Tours
before heading to Vallejo, CA and was part of a skeleton crew that put her in mothballs. I reported to the USS King DLG10 in Nov. 1969 at Mare Island Naval Shipyard. I was aboard during the 1970 Westpac tour, but left for 2 months emergency leave in Nov. when my family was in a auto accident and I lost my Mom.
I was discharged from the USN and the USS King in August 1971 when offered an early out. My stint in the Navy was
memorable with the travel and friendships made, several which still exist today.
I relocated to S. California and earned an AA degree with honors from Chaffey Community College. While there I worked
as a student counselor, ASB President and President of my graduating Class of 1975. I have lived in California Wine
Country since 1975.
I spent 28 years as an independent Financial Advisor and Money Manager retiring in February 2014. I enjoy traveling,
golf, great wine and getting together with numerous long term friends.
As the new Membership Director of the USS KING ASSOCIATION I’d enjoy seeing numerous fellow Kingsmen at the
Washington D.C. Reunion in June, 2016. Happy Holidays to all.
Communications Director
Chuck White
As this year fly’s by at hypersonic speed, I am reminded by our Buccaneer Publisher, it is time for another article. As I
stew, fret and meticulously fritter away time waiting for inspiration to write, I am reminded of a time in the US Navy’s illustrious history that a young CNO with the name of Elmo Zumwalt initiated changes in the way we do things. In this case
based on Z-gram #107, Sailor of the Year, the USS King also had Sailor of the Month. Along with this theme I had a call
from Charlie Moody who was the first recipient of the award of “Sailor of the Month” way back in May of 1978. To some
that is not that long ago, to others of the OLD NAVY the Z-grams shook up the fabric from Apprentice to Admiral. It is an
interesting read as to what transpired over the few years that Admiral Zumwalt was the Chief of Naval Operations.
Through the eyes of MCPON John “Jack Whittet (http://www.quarterdeck.org/WindsOfChange/030-45%20MCPON%
20Jack%20Whittet.htm) you can get a better understanding of the nature of Z-grams.
Below is the PLAN OF THE DAY for 8 May, 1978.
As we are about to enter the end of 2015, my hope for all of you is a safe Christmas and New Years. Hope to see you
all in Herndon, VA in June.
God Bless America
God Bless America
God Bless America
John Fitzsimons, Director
Hello Kingsmen,
I hope that this newsletter finds everyone in good health and spirits.
Vegas reunion went well, unfortunately nobody became a millionaire. Tour to Grand Canyon was a little long, but I believe that everyone enjoyed the view of a lifetime. I have been there three times myself and still cannot believe how
awesome of a sight it is.
For the most part the arrangements with Crowne Plaza for the 2016 reunion in DC are in place. I wish I could say as
much for the tour which is going extremely rough but hopefully by the end of the year that will be in place. Hope we
have a large turnout for DC, please get your registration forms in as early as possible, which would make our lives easier for final totals.
Take care and God bless. Hope to see everyone in DC.
P.S. Don't forget the gift for the raffle.
Ship’s Store
Terry Winters, Operator
Greetings fellow Kingsmen.
The end of the year is rolling around again and the holidays are upon us. We are holding a Pre-Inventory / Holiday Sale From
the Ships Store. We have taken 20% of the normal price on selected items (Per the attached Flyer). If you have any questions Please give me a call or e-mail. All the items that are for sale can be viewed on the USS KING DLG-10/DDG-41 website
under the ships Store tab.
Hope everyone has a GREAT Holiday
SK2 1970-1973
Pre Inventory / Holiday Sale For USS King (DLG-10/DDG-41) Assn.
(Any Items received by December 15 should be there before the Holidays.)
Items are on sale from December 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 (Only)
“Limited to Quantity on hand”
Ball Caps DLG-10 Plank Owner
Ball Caps DDG-41 Plank Owners
Was $23.00 Now $18.40
Was $23.00 Now $18.40
Polo Shirt Navy Blue DLG-10
Med Was $25.00 Now $20.00 (2 On Hand)
Large Was 25.00 Now $20.00 (6 On Hand)
XL Was $25.00 Now $20.00 (2 On Hand)
XXL Was $27.00 Now $21.60 (5 on Hand
3 XL Was $29.00 Now $23.20 (6 on hand)
4 XL Was $31.00 Now $24.80 (2 On Hand)
God Bless America
(2 On Hand)
(10 on Hand)
Polo Shirt Navy Blue DDG-41)
Large was $25.00 Now $20.00 (5 Oh Hand)
XL Was $25.00 now $20.00 (7 On Hand)
XXL Was 27.00 Now $21.60 (11 On Hand)
3XL Was $29.00 Now $23.20 (1 On Hand)
Polo Shirt Navy Blue DLG-10 Plank Owner
Large Was $30.00 Now $24.00 (2 On Hand)
XL Was $30.00 Now $24.00
(4 On Hand)
XXL Was 32.00 Now $25.60 (3 On Hand)
3 XL Was $34.00 Now $27.20 (4 On Hand)
Polo Shirt Navy Blue DDG-41 Plank Owner
Med Was $30.00 Now $24.00 (2 On Hand)
XL Was $30.00 Now $24.00 (2 on Hand)
XXL Was $32.00 Now $25.60 ( 1 on hand)
3XL Was $34.00 Now $27.20 (2 On Hand)
Polo Shirt Royale Blue DLG-10
3XL Was $34.00 Now $27.20 (3 on hand)
Polo Shirt Royale Blue DDG-41
Med Was $25.00 Now $20.00 ( 1 on Hand)
Large Was $25.00 Now $20.00 (2 On Hand)
XL Was$25.00 Now $20.00 ((1 On Hand)
XXL Was $27.00 Now$21.60 (2 On Hand)
3XL Was $29.00 Now $23.20 (7 On Hand)
Polo Shirt Royale Blue DLG-10 Plank Owner 3XL Was $34.00 Now $27.20 (1 On Hand)
Polo Shirt Royale Blue DDG-41 Plank Owner Large Was $30.00 Now $24.00 (1 On Hand)
XL Was $30.00 Now $24.00 (2 On Hand)
XXL Was $32.00 Now $25.60 (2 on hand)
Polo Shirt White DLG-10)
2XL Was $27.00 Now $21.60 (10 On Hand)
T-Shirts Navy Blue DLG-10 Short Sleeve
Large Was $16.00 now $12.80 ( 3 On Hand)
XL was $16.00 Now $12.80 (1 On Hand)
XXL Was $18.00 Now $14.40 (6 on hand)
3XL Was $20.00 Now $16.00 (3 On Hand)
4 XL Was $21.00 now $16.90 (4 On Hand)
T-Shirts Navy Blue DDG-41 Short Sleeve
Large Was $16.00 Now $12.80 (1 On Hand)
XL Was $16.00 Now $12.80 (5 on Hand)
XXL Was $18.00 Now $14.40 (6 on Hand)
3XL Was $20.00 Now $16.00 (4 On Hand)
4XL Was $21.00 Now $16.90 (4 On Hand)
T-Shirts Navy Blue DLG-10 Short Sleeve Plank Owner
XL Was $21.00 Now $16.90 (3 On Hand)
X XL Was $21.90 Now $16.90 (2 On Hand)
3XL Was $25.00 Now $20.00 ((2 on Hand)
4XL Was $26.00 Now $20.80 (1 On Hand)
Large Embroidered Patch DDG-41
USS King Rocker Patch
Large Label Pin
Challenge Coin DDG-41 Copper W/Case
Coffee Mug DLG-10
Coffee Mug DDG-41
Travel Mug DLG-10 Stainless Steel w Liner
Travel Mug DDG-41 Stainless Steel w Liner
Was $6.00 Now$ 4.80 (80 on hand)
Was $3.00 now $2.40 (68 On Hand)
Was$ 5.00 Now$ 4.00 (80 on hand)
Was $18.00 Now $14.40 (70 On Hand)
Was $12.00 Now $ 9.60 ( 47 On Hand)
Was $12.00 Now$ 9.60 (53 On Hand)
Was $18.00 Now $14.40 (12 On Hand)
Was $18.00 Now $14.40 (41 On Hand)
God Bless America
Dave Bilby, Sr., Director
Administrative Director Report
As normal for this time of year, things have been quiet for this last quarter since the reunion. There continues to be
ship’s store from time to time.
Soon, 2016 membership renewals will be going out.
Reunion planning is already started under John Fitzsimons, and we plan to have the registration forms available on the
website in January. I am already looking forward to our DC reunion in June. Just a reminder that members attending
the June 2014 reunion in Las Vegas approved changing the reunion to September beginning in 2017.
The ship's store operations continue to be successful under Terry Winter’s direction, and the website maintenance continues to be kept current by Chuck White, and the Database is kept up to date by Jim Sievers.
As of October 31, 2015, the checking account balance is $7,084, and the savings account balance is $10,525.
Your Administrative Director, Dave Bilby
The Memorial Table
In Memory of all our fellow shipmates that we have lost and have sailed of to the big ocean in the sky. May god bless.
Application for Membership & Renewal
Please print this blank form & fill it out manually. Form and payment must be mailed.
No Electronic transmission available at this time.
[All personnel, Officer and Enlisted, who served on board the USS King DLG-10 / DDG-41.
Those who are in good standing may participate in and vote at any Association Member’s Meeting(s).]
[Those persons, not qualifying as Regular Members, who have a strong interest in the USS King DLG-10 / DDG-41
Association. Associate Members, in good standing, may participate in Association Meetings, but may not vote.]
___ Check Here if you request your information not be
posted into the Association Database.
_________________________ ____ ________________________
_______________________________ ____________________ ____
Applicant’s First Name
Mid Init Last
Street w/ Apt
Date of Application
Zip Code
______________________ _____________________________ _____________________
[Area Code]Telephone
Spouse’s Name (Optional)
Applicant’s Occupation [Present or former] * Skills and Hobbies * PC Skills & Internet Interests (Use reverse if necessary)
Years served in U. S. Navy: __________ to __________
Years served aboard the USS King:
__________ to __________
__________ to __________
Highest Rate / Rank achieved aboard the USS King:
Highest Rate / Rank achieved while serving in the United States Navy:
Plankowner USS King DLG-10 [1960]
___ Yes
___ No
Plankowner USS King DDG-41 [1977]
___ Yes
___ No
___ Check or Money Order
___ VISA
___ MasterCard
___ Discover
Please provide Credit Card Billing Address if not same as above!
Card# _______________________________________
Expire Date: __________________
Signature: Required
For Credit______________________________________
Card Transaction
Reunion Registration
USS King (DLG-10/DDG-41) Association
June 16-18, 2016
Herndon, Virginia
Make hotel reservations directly with Crowne Plaza, 2200 Centreville Rd, Herndon, VA 20170. Room reservations must be made by
May 28, 2016 to ensure the special reunion rate of $119.00 per night plus 12% tax. The rate is good three days before and three days
after the reunion. Parking is complementary. Make your reservations by calling 1-877-390-5944. Tell them you are attending
the USS KING (DLG-10/DDG-41) Reunion. Handicap rooms are available; please specify when making reservations.
Name____________________________ _________________________Plank Owner?______ DLG or DDG _________
Year Reported Aboard ______ Year Departed ______ Rank/Rate on KING _______ Retirement year/rank __________
Guest Name (s)
(This name will also be used on name badges if requested)
Address ___________________________________________ Email Address ____________________________________
_____________________________State _________ Zip Code _____________ Phone ________________________
Room (s) at
(Yes or No) (circle)
Arrival Day/Date __________________________
Circle those that apply:
Regular Member
Other location?
Departure Day/Date _____________________________________
Association Member
Non Member
Make Name Badge for self ________ for guest (s) ________
$ 9 each total badge cost
$ ___________
Make me a PLANK Owner Badge
$ 4 each
$ ___________
Thursday night reception is $ 60.00 per person
Number attending _______
Buffet-your choice of stuffed flank steak, stuffed chicken breast, stuffed flounder and choice of salad.
$ __________
Friday’s activity
$ 120.00 per person 9:00 AM
Number attending _______
Washington DC tour - Navy Memorial and Arlington (proof of veteran required for bus tour discount)
Members – plan on attending the business meeting Saturday morning and learn what your association is doing to improve
communications and provide services to KING shipmates. This is FREE and will allow your input for future reunion locations.
Saturday night banquet $ 60.00 per person
meal choice 1________________ 2______________
Dinner- your choice of London broil, baked salmon, chicken piccata. Green salad, rolls, coffee, tea.
Registration Fee for REGISTRANT ONLY (NOT GUESTS): $40 for Member or $50 for Nonmember
Total all events and registration fees due by May 15, 2016
$ ________
Pay by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card. Make check payable to USS King Association. Mail check and
Registration form to: Dave Bilby, Sr, 15- 82nd Drive, Suite 221, Gladstone OR 97027. If paying by credit card, please provide the
Type (VISA, MC, Discover), the card number ___________________________________, expiration date ___________________,
and credit card billing address _________________________________________________________________________________
Credit Card Approval Signature ______________________________________________________________
Registration fees, Name, Plank Owner Tags are refundable until May 15, 2016. Meals: full refund before May 31, 2016.
Tour is refundable until May 15, 2016. (Contact Dave Bilby @ 503.317.7024 (cell) or dave@bilbytax.com).