Uwharrie Living - Uwharrie Point
Uwharrie Living - Uwharrie Point
Uwharrie Point Community Association Uwharrie Living Serenity Unspoiled Volume 16 , Issue 5, May 2015 www.uwharriepoint.org UPCA Annual Meeting & Election: Sunday, May 17, 2015 @ 3 pm The 21st Annual Meeting & Election for the Uwharrie Point Community Association will be held on Sunday, May 17 at 3 pm at the Clubhouse. Ballots for the 2015 UPCA Board of Directors Election were mailed to all members on April 17, 2015. If you did not receive a ballot or misplaced it, please contact the UPCA Office. It is important that all members submit a “signed” ballot so that the required quorum is obtained in order to validate the election. Please note that if your ballot does not include your printed name and signature, it is not valid and cannot be counted. If you do not plan on attending the Annual Meeting on May 17, please return a completed ballot no later than May 15th. You may also attend the meeting in person and cast your votes at that time. Please understand that it is important we receive your “signed” ballot so that we have the required quorum to validate the election. We hope you will make plans to attend in order to learn more about what your Association has accomplished during the past year and also news about future projects. Thanks to Adopt-a-Highway Volunteers! On April 21st, eleven property owners volunteered to conduct the Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up along Uwharrie Point Parkway from the Badin Family Restaurant to the Main Entrance of Uwharrie Point. The clean-up only took about an hour and the group gathered 28 bags of litter. The timing was perfect as the clean-up was conducted prior to guests arriving for the ACC Men’s Golf Championship weekend. The Uwharrie Point Community Association (UPCA) has adopted the roadway just outside our community since 1997. Special thanks to: Charlie Buchta, Sidney Muir, Jeff Bost, Karen Shelor, Kim Bost, Pat Salmonese, Andrea Hawkins, Jan Foster, Leonard Shelor, Rhonda Blystone, and not pictured, Candace Fleece. May 10 Mother’s Day May 13 UPCA Board of Directors Meeting –cancelled May 17 UPCA Annual Meeting & May 25 Memorial Day June 21 Father’s Day Election at 3 pm June 17 UPCA Board of Directors Meeting at 3 pm “Celebration of Our Freedom” Fireworks Sponsorships It may seem early to begin thinking about the Fourth of July Fireworks show, but it involves a great deal of planning to make sure it happens successfully. The July fireworks show has been a signature event in our community for nearly two decades. It has brought together Uwharrie Point and Old North State Club families and friends for what has become the most significant “feel good” patriotic event of the year. Quite a few guests and prospects also attend, and the event has played a key role in some past decisions to purchase real estate and join the Club. Since 2011, UPCA, McConnell Golf, and Uwharrie Point Realty, have jointly co-sponsored the July fireworks event with each funding $500 towards the goal of $8,000, which equals the amount historically spent on the show. In addition, sponsorships from property owners, club members, family, friends, businesses, etc. are needed to fund the balance of the show. This is an opportunity for property owners, club members, and businesses to sponsor the fireworks event in honor of or in memory of someone who has served or is serving our country, our state, our county or our community. https:// www.facebook.com/ uwharriepoint http://bit.ly/ UwharriePointGooglePlus All sponsorships will be recognized in a printed brochure that will be distributed prior to the July 4th fireworks event. We have also arranged for all non-club members and businesses who sponsor the event to be our guests at the club on July 4th. We hope you can see how important this event is to the community and club, and that you will decide to participate as a sponsor for the program. If you would like to be a fireworks sponsor, please complete a sponsorship form and return it to the UPCA Office no later than June 1st. Forms are available at www.myuwharriepoint.org, at the guardhouse, and at the UPCA Office. Checks can be made payable to UPCA with a memo designated to fireworks. http:// www.pinterest.com/ uwharriepoint EMS Community Medical Fair Day - May 30 SATURDAY MAY 30, 2015 from 10:00 am—2:00 pm BADIN LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING Meet your Paramedic, Fire and Medical Responder Professionals FREE CHILD SAFETY KITS Tips from the Polly Klass Foundation: DNA, Finger Printing Guideline, What to talk about in Family Meetings LOCK UP THE GUNS HOT DOG LUNCH Complements of your Badin Lake Volunteer Medical Responders and Badin Lake Fire Department Games VITAL SIGNS MONITORING Blood Pressure, Pulse, O2 Saturation, Learn your numbers HELPFUL 911 GUIDELINE HANDOUT What to do and expect when you call 911 WATER SAFETY Learn safety tips from local agencies Free whistles, wrist bands reminders Lake maps will be available for purchase Be smart, PUT IT ON! OUTDATED PRESCRIPTION DRUG DISPOSAL OPPORTUNITY Under the auspices of the Montgomery Sheriff Department Hosted by: BADIN LAKE VOLUNTEER MEDICAL RESPONDERS BADIN LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRST HEALTH OF THE CAROLINA’S Understanding Your Grinder Pump System and What You Can Do To Help It Operate Effectively The grinder tank and pump system at all Uwharrie Point residences takes wastewater from the toilet, sink, shower, bath, dishwasher, and washing machine and conveys it to Handy Sanitary District’s wastewater collection system. Please following these guidelines to prevent damages to the wastewater system: Homeowners should not only consider what you put into your grinder pump from the sources listed above, but take into consideration that once the wastewater leaves your property it is transferred into the community system and further into Troy where it is processed. Any nonacceptable items placed into your system could also result in blockages or damages to the lines in the community which could result in increased fees if major line repairs are needed. 1) To avoid blockages and damage to your grinder pump/tank, the following items should NOT be placed into your system by washing them down the drains, garbage disposals, or toilets: Glass Metal Gravel, sand (including aquarium stone) Coffee grinds Seafood or Egg shells Socks, rags, or cloths Plastic or Rubber (toys, utensils, condoms, gloves, etc.) Sanitary napkins, tampon dispensers, or tampons Diapers (including disposable) and Wipes Candle wax Kitty litter Explosives Flammable materials Lubricating oil, grease, or cooking oil Paint or paint thinner Strong chemicals Gasoline or diesel products Any non- biodegradable wipes or other nonbiodegradable products Also, avoid putting any vegetable matter, including tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. into the sewer system. Vegetable matter turns to sludge and chemicals to dissolve this are very costly. 2) It is against the law (NC General Statutes) to plumb the items below into your system. Storm water/downspout runoff Sump pump discharge Water softener backwash Air purification/dehumidifier discharge Condensation line discharge Outdoor pool/Jacuzzi drainage 3) For accessibility purposes, and to avoid damaging the tank lid located on your property: Do not walk on, cover, or place objects on top of the lid Do not block the vent Keep plant growth and other landscaping at least 2-3 feet from the lid No permanent structures within 6 feet of the outside edges of the lid. If any digging is planned anywhere on your property, contact NC ONE CALL (1-800-632-4949 or 811 from your cell) for location/verification of underground utilities 4) To avoid damaging the pump control panel, and more importantly, for your safety, do not open the door of the pump control panel for any reason. If an alarm sounds, it can be turned off by pressing the silence button (push button encased with rubber), located on the outside face, bottom right side of the pump control panel. The alarm light will remain on. 5) The pump control panel and the disconnect switch (on the 4x4 post) must be accessible at all times to allow a District technician to interrupt power to the E-One panel for the purpose of repairing the grinder system as necessary. If you own your grinder pump and issues occur, you must call a plumber first to diagnose the problem. If you need a new pump, you should contact Handy Sanitary to install a new pump. Once Handy installs their pump, they will be responsible for it going forward. If Handy has installed your pump, when an alarm sounds, you see an overflow, or you notice any out of the ordinary occurrences related to the operation of your wastewater system, contact Handy Sanitary District by calling (336)-859-2553. If you call after regular business hours, the phone message will direct you to our 24 hour on-call personnel. Uwharrie Point Logo Hats, T-Shirts, Jackets, Golf Shirts, Umbrellas, and More! Links to the Online Store can be found on www.uwharriepoint.org under the Our Community tab, or on www.myuwharriepoint.org under the Member Services tab, or simply click http://uwharriepoint.deco-apparel.com/shop to begin shopping today! Check out these Classified Ad listings on the website: www.myuwharriepoint.org Roy Earnhardt Pier Construction and Repair 174 Lake Forest Drive New London, NC 28127 w: 336-461-4616 • c: 336-301-0150 There are over 150 vendors or ads listed in the classified section of the website. To find a specific service or for more information about these businesses, go to www.myuwharriepoint.org and check under the Member Services/Classified tab. 336-257-4909
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