May 2012 - Holy Trinity Orthodox Church


May 2012 - Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
MAY 2012
The Paralytic
4th of Pascha
5th of Pascha
6th of Pascha
St. Tikhon’s Monastery
Father’s of 1st E.C.
Ch. School 8:30 A.M.
Divine Liturgy 9:00A.M.
Coffee Hour –
Study Group
St. John the
Ss. Cyril &
Discovering Icons slide
Lecture at Christ the
Savior, Southbury 7 pm
our Lord
Festal Vesperal Liturgy
6:00 P. M. followed by
Pot Luck supper
New Hieromartyr
Basil Martysz
of Polotsk
CT Deanery meeting
7:00 p.m. Southbury, CT
24 Ascension of 25
Diocesan Council meeting
7:30 p.m. Springfield, MA
9 Mid-Pentecost
22 St. Euphrosyne 23
Fr. David away for vacation
May 11 – May 15
St. Alexis Toth
of Wilkes-Barre
& Minneapolis
Parish Council Meeting
7:00 P. M.
Labas / Bichun
7th of Pascha
Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M.
Coffee Hour Raymond/Ludko
The Blind Man
Ch. School 8:30 A.M.
Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M.
Coffee Hour – Men’s Club
Study Group
Mothers Day
Samaritan Woman
Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M.
Coffee Hour - Kokus
? ? ? ?
Great Vespers 5:00P.M.
General Confession
Great Vespers 5:00P.M.
Great Vespers 5:00P.M.
Great Vespers 5:00P.M.
May 2012
Monthly Newsletter of
305 Washington Street • PO Box 2876 • New Britain, CT 06050-2876
MAY 2012
The Great Feast of our Lord’s Ascension is always on
the Thursday of the 6th week of Pascha. We will celebrate this feast on
Wednesday, May 23rd with Festal
Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00 p.m. Following the services we will have Festal Pot
Luck supper. Please see Phyllis or
Rosemary to sign-up to bring something to share.
St. Tikhon’s Monastery is celebrating
the 108th Pilgrimage on Memorial
Day, May 28th. Fr. David will be
traveling to the monastery for the
liturgy and festivities. If anyone would
like to attend, please inform him so we
can car pool or caravan.
DISCOVERING ICONS: A slide presentation by V. Rev. Andrew Tregubov, a renowned Russian-American master iconographer, author, and lecturer Friday, May 11, 2012 at
7:00 PM at Christ the Savior Orthodox
Church. Fr. Andrew wrote “The Light of
Christ,” a study of the iconography of
Gregory Kroug (published by the Diocese
of New England) and his icons have appeared as illustrations in a number of theological books.
will continue to meet on Sunday’s following coffee hour
during Great Lent. We will continue our study of the
Divine Liturgy and the Church Year. Our schedule is
May 13th & 27th.
PARISH COUNCIL: The next meeting of
the 2012 Parish Council will be held on Monday evening, May 21st at 7:00 P.M. due to the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. All council members are reminded of
the schedule change and asked to make every effort to
attend the meeting.
held on the last Saturday of each month (except for
lenten periods) following Great Vespers. All regular
communicants should make every effort to attend each
General Confession. The next General Confession will
be held after Pascha on Saturday, May 26th.
The May charity collection is for the Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF]. OCF is the official
collegiate campus ministry program under SCOBA now
the Episcopal Assembly. Our mission is to support fellowships on college campuses,
whose members experience and
witness to the Orthodox Christian
Church through community life,
prayer, service to others and study
of the Faith. Our headquarters is
located in Brookline, Mass and supports over 300 local
university chapter across the U.S. and Canada. In addition, we provide a variety of thoughtful and innovative
programming, including regional training, annual conferences, and domestic and international service learning
projects. Your generosity helps Orthodox Christian Fellowship fortify students with the desire, inspiration and
knowledge during their college years necessary to develop and strengthen their connection to Christ and His
Please be generous by using the envelopes provided in our
monthly mailing. Collection will be taken on the last Sunday
of the month. Visit the OCF web site at
Archpriest David Koles, Rector
9 Frankie Lane
Terryville, CT 06786
Phone: 860-573-0013
Birthdays & Anniversaries in MAY:
Diane Karabin
Gale Dilger
Melissa Dresko
Rebecca McCallum
Meredith Dresko
Mark Myszka
Nicholas Kokus
Michael James Ahern
Sonia Matyczyk;
Tessa Karabin Mah
Timothy & Sarah Clark
Peter & Diane Steffick
Nelson & Arlene Potter
Gabriel & Nadine Cabrera
Enrico & Ellen Santoro
Ed & Olga Skotnicki
Kevin & Leslie Delaney
Ledgecrest Nursing Home, Berlin
Natasha Zaiko
Home: Jim Dounouk, Mary Fairbanks, Susan Labas, George
Liwen, Stella Liwen, Irene Prigodich, Helen Roberts and
John Steffick.
Please remember our departed brothers and sisters in your
Child Joseph Hayevsky
Child Paul Horacha
5 mo
Joseph Belonitsky
Nicholas Ramiani
Mit. Apr Joseph Dankevich
Rector: 1921 - 1956
Mit. Apr. Konstantine Kamonsky
Rector: 1964 - 1966
Olga Hamilla Palm
Child Mark John Shimchick
4 days
Mary Turko
Anna Belomyzy
The following parishioners (and friends) are now homeAndrew
bound or in long-term care facilities. If there are any names
missing, please inform Fr. David. The regular schedule of
visitations is included on the monthly calendar. Parishioners Peter Lashenka, Sr.
are welcomed and encouraged to make regular visitations to
Katherine Pikalovich
nursing homes and shut-ins. Our loved ones NEED to feel
connected to their parish family.
John Skovich
Moesey Korolko
Jerome Home, New Britain
Anna Gribb
Sadie Albino
Lubov MacKendrick
Helen Karabin
John Horbal, Sr.
Stephen Kotlarz
Arbor Rose, New Britain
Child Mary Molchan
Nona Belomyzy
Child Andrew Hrut
3 wks
Mary Camarata
Peter Bardeck
Valentina Maney
Middlewoods, Newington
Jennie Skovich
Walter Anop
Walnut Hill, New Britain
Gregory Srogi
Olga Skotnicki
Mary Cherpak
David Ankuda
Child Nicholas Martinuk
10 mo
St. Lucian Residence, New Britain
Mary Kotrady
Child Nicholas Matyschsyk
13 mo
May 1926
May 1 1912
May 1 1934
May 1 1936
May 1 1956
May 1 1984
May 1 1998
May 3 1959
May 4 1941
May 4 1952
May 4 1978
May 6 1920
May 6 1966
May 6 1972
May 6 1984
May 7 1919
May 7 1978
May 8 1957
May 8 1979
May 9 1966
May 9 1971
May 9 1986
May 10 1909
May 10 1913
May 10 1963
May 10 1976
May 10 1980
May 10 1980
May 12 1946
May 13 1921
May 13 1921
May 13 1946
May 14 1922
May 14 1922
Child Daria Dochuk
Mary Molchan
Child Eugenia Mut
Anna Tavoronok
Peter Matyschsyk
Constanty Chodziutko
Alice Murr
Alexander Panevich
George Kotrady
Child Mary Stropunov
Child Kiril Marnov
Catherine Bardeck
Pauline Selelyo
Katherine Semenyuk
Louise Cote
Alexander Shevchuk
John Truhan
Wasily Zaiko, Jr.
Zenaida Zapatka
Elia Panut
Vladimir Dubovsky
Stephen Demko
Leon Murawski
Jesse Mazur
Jewett H. Foster
Nadezhda Keyko
Eusimenia Martilov
Child Sally Krish
Haig Beristain
Child Anna Panasevich
John Keyko
George Horbal
Catherine Ellard
Melanie Stepanuk
Mary Kurtz
Steve Koren
Stephanida Lamberg
Child Olga Martinchik
1 mo
2 wks
8 mo
3 mo
5 mo
2 mo
4 mo
May 14 1927
May 14 1961
May 15 1922
May 15 1931
May 15 1978
May 15 1985
May 15 1986
May 16 1983
May 18 1960
May 19 1913
May 19 1913
May 19 1996
May 19 2001
May 20 1936
May 20 2001
May 20 2003
May 22 1955
May 22 1960
May 22 2008
May 23 1941
May 23 1963
May 23 1982
May 23 1983
May 23 1997
May 24 1986
May 25 1970
May 27 1911
May 27 1941
May 27 2000
May 28 1926
May 28 1951
May 28 1986
May 28 1998
May 29 1933
May 29 1947
May 29 1963
May 29 2004
May 31 1910
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of
Poor in spirit means to be humble. Humility is the realization that all your gifts and blessings come from the grace of
God. To have poverty of spirit means to be completely
empty and open to the Word of God. When we are an empty
cup and devoid of pride, we are humble. Humility brings an
openness and an inner peace, allowing one to do the will of
God. He who humbles himself is able to accept our frail nature, to repent, and to allow the grace of God to lead us to
It is pride, the opposite of humility, that brings misery. For
pride brings anger and the seeking of revenge, especially
when one is offended. If every man were humble and poor in
spirit, there would be no war!
Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
If we are humble and appreciate that all of our gifts and
blessings come from God, we grow in love and gratitude for
Jesus Christ our Savior. But this can only produce mourning
and regret over our own sins and the sins of this world, for
we have hurt the one who has been so good to us. One also
mourns for the suffering of others.
St. Gregory describes another reason to mourn: the more one
ascends in meditation of Divine Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and then realize the poverty of human nature, man can
only be left in sorrow. When one contemplates that we were
made in the image and likeness of God and lived in Paradise,
the Garden of Eden, and compare that to our present state
after the Fall, one can only mourn our present condition. But
the sentence continues that they shall be comforted, by the
Comforter, the Holy Spirit, and hopefully one day in the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Mourning in this context is called a blessing, because
mourning our fallen nature creates in us a desire to improve
ourselves and to do what is right!
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
St. Gregory of Nyssa taught that the Beatitudes build one
upon another. A humble person becomes meek, or becomes
gentle and kind, and exhibits a docility of spirit, even in the
face of adversity and hardship. A person that is meek is one
that exhibits self-control. St. Augustine advises us to be
meek in the face of the Lord, and not resist but be obedient
to him. Obedience and submission to the will of God are
certainly not in vogue these days, but they will bring one
peace in this world and in the next.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
A continuous desire for justice and moral perfection will
lead one to a fulfillment of that desire — a transition and
conversion to holiness. This is true for all the virtues — if
you hunger and thirst for temperance, you will head towards
the goal you have in mind. St. Augustine, in his discourse on
the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, notes the correspondence of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and their ne- 3
cessity in fulfilling the Beatitudes. For example, one must
have the gift of fortitude so one may be courageous in seeking justice.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Mercy is the loving disposition towards those who suffer
distress. Love, compassion, and forgiveness towards one’s
neighbor will bring peace in your relationships. We say in
the Lord’s Prayer: Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. As we are merciful to others,
so our Heavenly Father will be merciful with us! Jesus reminds us that whatever “you did to the least of my brethren,
you did it to me”. (Matthew 25:31-46) St. Paul calls for the
obedience of faith in the beginning and end of his Letter to
the Romans (1:5, 16:25-27). The following are ways to be
merciful to your neighbor, as well as obedient in faith to
Christ our Savior.
The Corporal Works of Mercy: Feed the Hungry, Give drink
to the thirsty, Clothe the naked, Shelter the homeless, Comfort the imprisoned, Visit the sick, Bury the dead.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy: Admonish sinners, Instruct
the uninformed, Counsel the doubtful Comfort the sorrowful, Be patient with those in error, Forgive offenses, Pray for
the living and the dead.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
Moses (Exodus 33:20), John (1:18), and Paul (1Timothy
6:16) all say that no one can see God here on earth! But Jesus says the pure of heart shall see God! To be pure of heart
means to be free of all selfish intentions and self-seeking
desires. What a beautiful goal! How many times have any of
us performed an act perfectly free of any personal gain?
Such act is pure love. An act of pure and selfless giving
brings happiness to all.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Peacemakers not only live peaceful lives but also try to bring
peace and friendship to others, and to preserve peace between God and man. St. Gregory of Nyssa calls a peacemaker a man who brings peace to another; but one cannot
give another what one does not possess oneself. Hence the
Lord wants you first to be yourself filled with the blessings
of peace and then to communicate it to those who have need
of it. By imitating God’s love of man, the peacemakers become children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus said many times that those who follow Him will be
persecuted. “If they persecute me, they will persecute you”.
(John 15:20-21) Stephen, Peter and Paul, nearly all of the
Apostles, and many Christians in the Roman era suffered
martyrdom. The twentieth century with its two World Wars
and endless regional conflicts has seen its share of martyrs
such as Maximilian Kolbe, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the
Central American martyrs. But the Lord promised those that
suffer for his sake will be rewarded with the Kingdom of
THE ORTHODOX FAITH, Spring 2010, No. 38
Christ is risen!
Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann
My belief in Christ does not come from the opportunity
given to me to participate since earliest childhood in the paschal celebration. Rather, Pascha is made possible, that
unique night fills with light and joy and such victorious
power in the greeting "Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!"
because my faith itself was born from experience of the living Christ. How and when was it born? I don’t know, I don’t
remember. I only know that every time I open the gospel and
read about Christ, read his words, read his teaching, I consciously repeat, with all my heart and being, what was said
by those who were sent to arrest Christ but who returned to
the Pharisees without him: "No man ever spoke like this
man" (Jn. 7:46). Therefore what I know first of all is that
Christ’s teaching is alive, and that nothing on earth can be
compared with it. And this teaching is about him, about eternal life, about victory over death, about a love that conquers
and overcomes death. I know as well that in a life where
everything seems so difficult and tiresome, the one constant
that never changes and never leaves is this inner awareness
that Christ is with me. "I will not leave you as orphans, I will
come to You" (Jn. 14:18). And he does come and give the
feeling of his presence through prayer, through a thrill of
soul, through a joy so incomprehensible, yet so very alive,
through his mysterious, but again so certain, presence in
church during services and in sacraments. This living experience is always growing, this knowledge, this awareness which becomes so
obvious that Christ is here and that his
word has been fulfilled: whoever loves
Me, "I will love him and manifest myself to him Jn. 14:21). And whether I
am in a crowd or alone, this certitude of
his presence, this power of his word,
this joy of faith in him remains with
me. This is the only answer and the
only proof.
"Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you
mourn the incorrupt amid corruption?" All Christianity,
therefore, is the experience of faith repeated again and again
as if for the first time, through its incarnation in rites, words,
music, and colors. To the unbeliever, it may indeed seem
like a mirage; he hears only words, he sees only incomprehensible ceremonies, and he understands them only outwardly. But for believers, all of this radiates from within,
and not as proof of his faith, but as its result, as its life in the
world, in the soul, in history. Therefore the darkness and
sadness of Holy Friday is for us something real, alive, contemporary; we can cry at the cross and experience everything that took place in that triumph of evil, treachery, cowardice, and betrayal; we can contemplate the life-bearing
tomb on Holy Saturday with excitement and hope. And
therefore, every year we can celebrate Easter, Pascha,
the Resurrection. For Easter is not the remembrance of
an event in the past. It is the real encounter in happiness and
joy, with him whom our hearts long ago knew and encountered as the life and light of all light. Easter night testifies
that Christ is alive and with us, and that we are alive with
him. The entire celebration is an invitation to look at the
world and life, and to behold the dawning of the mystical
day of the Kingdom of light. "Today the scent of Spring begins," sings the church, "and the new creation exults..." It
exults in faith, in love and in hope.
This is the day of resurrection,
Let us be illumined by the feast,
Let us embrace each other,
Let its call "brothers" even those that hate us,
And forgive all by the resurrection,
And so let us cry: Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And upon those in the tombs bestowing life.
great joy which his disciples had as they received the
promise of the Holy Spirit who was to come to assure the
Lord's presence with them, enabling them to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. (Luke 24:48-53; Acts 1:811; Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:16-19)
In the Church the believers in Christ celebrate these very
same realities with the conviction that it is for them and
for all men that Christ’s departure from this world has
taken place. The Lord leaves in order to be glorified with
God the Father and to glorify us with himself. He goes in
order to “prepare a place" for us, and to take us also into
the blessedness of God s presence. He goes to open the
way for all flesh into the "heavenly sanctuary ….the Holy
Place not made by hands." (See Hebrews 8-10) He goes
in order to send the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the
Father, to bear witness to him and his gospel in the world,
by making him powerfully present in the lives of his disciples.
Great Feast of Ascension
Jesus did not live with his disciples after his resurrection
as he did before his death. Filled with the glory of his divinity, he appeared at different times and places to his
people, assuring them that it was he, truly alive in his
risen and glorified
The March Parish Council meeting was held in the church
hall on March 26, 2012. Warden Gladys Labas called the
meeting to order at 7:00 pm. A quorum was noted and the
meeting began with “O Heavenly King”.
Pastor’s Report
Father David noted that over the next couple of weeks there
On the fortieth day after his passover, Jesus ascended into will be much activity in our parish, including spring cleaning
on March 31, which starts at 8:30am. He suggested that the
heaven to be glorified on the right hand of God. The ascension of Christ is his final physical departure from this council members should avail themselves for Paschal activiworld after the resurrection. It is the formal completion of ties, including Holy Week services, Pascha, etc. On Sunday,
his mission in this world as the Messianic Savior. It is his April 1 in the afternoon the Service of Holy Unction will be
held at Three Saints Church in Ansonia. The Kursk Root
glorious return to the Father who had sent him into the
Icon will be available for veneration there, also.
world to accomplish the work that he had given him to
do. (John 17:4-5)
Warden’s Report
Warden Gladys Labas said that the church has received the
The Church's celebration of the ascension, as all such feslast installment of the Bissland Fund. The Centennial Comtal celebrations, is not merely the remembrance of an
mittee has been created. The members are Evelyn Cherpak,
event in Christ's life. InDiane Dounouk, Paul Salina, Louise Balkun and Gladys
deed, the ascension itself
Labas. If anyone else is interested in joining the committee,
is not to be understood as
they are welcome.
though it were simply the
supernatural event or a
Secretary’s Report
man floating up and away
Motion to accept the minutes of the February meeting was
into the skies. The holy
made by Nick Kokus, seconded by Chris Dresko.
scripture stresses Christ's
Financial Report – Sarah Clark stated that there is no
physical departure and his
report for February. However, she read off the figglorification with God the
Father, together with the
February income
February expense
Income over Expense
$ 7,339.08
$ 3,596.17
The figures were audited. Sarah stated that the Bissland
funds have now been placed in a separate account. Also,
George Ludko stated that the 2011 actual income and expense figures have been loaded on the “old” computer and a
financial report by line item has been printed for everyone
to review.
will sit on the finance committee. They include Sarah Clark,
George Ludko, Nelson Potter, Paul Culton, Meredith Dresko, Nadine Cabrera, Paul Salina, Father David and Gladys
Labas. Their charge is to define the funds that we have and
how these funds will be allocated in the future. In addition
they will obtain investment recommendations and audits of
the church’s finances from a reputable accounting firm.
By- law Committee
Members are Father David and Gladys presently. Gladys
reported that sexual misconduct information should be inEd Bichun made a motion that the Budget Summary for
cluded in the by-laws. Dan Bradanini has a revised set of by2011 be released to the parish body. Dan Belonick seconded laws that he was working on this committee will review.
the motion. After discussion as to whether the cash donation Timeline is June.
figure included the Bissland fund, which it did, Chris Dresko
asked that the report be re-formatted to show a separate cate- From the Floor
gory for the Bissland money. He motioned that the motion
No business.
on the floor be tabled for now until report reworked. Rather
than tabling the motion, Ed Bichun withdrew his original
motion as did Dan Belonick. Chris Dresko then moved to
Commemoration Plaque for Bissland - George Matyczyk
have the report reflect a separate category for the Bissland
said that he gave the vendor a picture so that a full size
funds. Ed Bichun seconded. Motion carried.
drawing can be rendered for the Bissland plaque. The plaque
will be ready one month after the vendor gets our approval.
The presentation of the plaque is scheduled for Pentecost,
Standing Committees
June 3, to coincide with our name’s day celebration and
luncheon organized by the Men’s Club. Gladys thanked
Building and Grounds
George for working on this project.
• Cemetery Vault Destruction - George Matyczyk reFor May Charity - Ed Bichun made a motion to collect for
ported that the vault was imploded and the land was graded. the OCF. Sarah Clark seconded the motion. Carried.
Trees were also cut down. George will work with Father
David to choose a suitable stone for the pillars that will hold From the Floor
the gate. He plans to mount a plaque, honoring the BissEd Bichun reported that the deadline for submission of aplands, on one of the pillars. George will take care of finding plications for the Anthony Bichun Scholarship is April 30.
someone to seed the graded area.
The scholarship(s) will be awarded on May 20.
• House Demolition - George Matyczyk said that we need George Matyczyk gave an update on the concrete work to be
done. Kastle Boos came out to survey the church grounds.
to contact our neighbors about our plans to demolish the
Pussy willows are cut and ready for Palm Sunday.
house. Our front apartment tenant has moved out already.
Security for Pascha- we will check with Mike Wanik.
The back apartment tenants will move out in a couple a
The topic of what to do with the 2 pews in the garage. Father
weeks. Gladys said that she will send a leave notice to the
David suggested that if we re-furbish the garage for office
back tenant. Dave Bartos inquired as to whether there is a
plan to move the archives and other church materials to an- space, we may be able to use them.
Chris Dresko asked if the council will continue to organize
other storage location. Discussion followed resulting in a
the cleaning schedule. Gladys will send out a list to all memmotion by Dave Bartos to lease a storage unit to house archives, robes, coverings, etc. for 6 months if necessary for a bers.
cost of up to $100/month. Seconded by Ellen Santoro. Mo- George Ludko suggested that the Church apply for its own
credit card in order to pay for large expense items. He mention carried.
tioned that the Bank of America has a no annual fee card.
• Church Hall Counter - George Matyczyk hired Martin
George Ludko made a motion to apply to Bank of America
cabinets to install the cabinets in the church hall. He gave
them a $1200 deposit to begin work. The cabinet wood and for a credit card. Ed Bichun second. Motion carried.
the counter top material were selected and the plugs were
*Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by G. Ludko.
raised to above the counter height. Ed Bichun mentioned
The meeting concluded with “It is Truly Meet”.
that the cut out storage area near the elevator shaft might
contain wires from the elevator and that we should proceed
NEXT MEETING Monday, April 30th at 7pm
with caution.
Finance Committee
George Ludko reported that there are seven members that
Respectfully submitted by
Ellen Santoro