One day Anh recalls that Mrs Borny said to him, “Ahn you`re a very


One day Anh recalls that Mrs Borny said to him, “Ahn you`re a very
No. 12
Date 20/11/2014
Week 7
Term 4
Dear St Thomas Aquinas Families,
Last Friday our children were privileged to view two drama
presentations in our school hall by students from St
Columba’s. The presentations, based on the children’s
books Stanley Paste, The Rainbow Fish, Billy the Punk and
The Littlest Refugee, were excellent and really engaged
our children in the narrative and messages of the stories.
It’s incredible to see the dedication and creativity of
students when the purpose of their learning really counts.
In this case the way in which the high school students
presented the performances really appealed to their
audience’s head and heart.
As a school we have been blessed to be able to offer
drama literacy workshops through a trained actor, Lucinda
Amour on a weekly basis. Drama literacy is an incredibly
high quality learning experience resourced and developed
through the Diocesan creative arts program called
The aim of this initiative is to use drama techniques in
conjunction with quality children’s literature to improve
literacy, interpersonal skills and empathy in students. At the
same time our classroom teachers in Grades 4-6 have been
up- skilled in these techniques and have been able to
teach drama literacy to the younger classes in the school.
The presentations by the high school students on Friday of
the The Littlest Refugee reminded me again of Anh Doh’s
inspirational story of a family escaping war-torn Vietnam
looking for a better future for their family.
One day Anh recalls
that Mrs Borny said
to him, “Ahn you’re
a very talented story
teller. She had no
idea how far that one
line of
would take him.”
Anh’s life story is one which demonstrates the critical
importance that education can play in enabling a person
to develop to their full potential. In the book he also
illustrates the importance that teachers play, sometimes
unknowingly, in this development. One English teacher in
particular, Mrs Borny who through her kindness, dedication and pastoral care had a profound
effect on Anh’s future.
As a student Anh attended a Catholic high school but due to his family’s poverty they were not
able to purchase the full complement of textbooks for him to use at school. To manage this
situation Anh would borrow textbooks from fellow students whilst they were attending other
lessons. This method meant that he spent considerable time and effort on this juggling quest.
Sometimes when his friends were absent he would have to go to lessons without the prescribed
book. When asked by the teacher where his book was he would say he had forgotten it. He was
too proud and embarrassed to admit the truth.
Mrs Borny was troubled by this inconsistent behaviour and instinctively knew that there was more
to this than met the eye. She took the trouble to collect discarded textbooks and gave these to
Anh – no questions asked.
One day Anh recalls that Mrs Borny said to him, “Ahn you’re a very talented story teller ”. She had
no idea how far that one line of encouragement would take him. Ahn would eventually study to
be a lawyer, later become a film-maker, comedian and celebrated author. Years later Ahn had
the opportunity to meet up with Mrs Borny again. Ahn recounted that he walked up to her, gave
her an enormous hug and told her about everything she’d done for him as a student. Mrs Borny
was surprised and shocked and couldn’t believe that he would even remember her. He
presented her with a leather-bound copy of his movie script and told her that it was her who
convinced him to write.
As parents, teachers, grandparents and families we do plant seeds of faith, hope and dreams in
our children through our words and actions. The legacy of this planting is often beyond our
Until next time,
Sergio Rosato
FROM THE REC (Religious Education Coordinator)
Christmas Concert 2014
This year we are embracing a concert theme of Christmas in Australia through our music, narration and
costume. The clothing suggestions for each grade tie in with the particular songs that the students are learning. Please
do not feel obliged to invest significant time or cost in the organisation of costumes. Homemade and created from
ready-to-hand materials is best. Students are encouraged to dress for the concert as follows:
Kindergarten – angels
Year 1 – outback colours (red, orange, yellow) with
tinsel trim (e.g. garland or lei)
Year 2 – traditional/Biblical shepherds
Year 3 – Christmas colours (red, green, white)
Year 4 – Mary and Joseph
Year 5 – Aussie shepherds (denim jeans/shorts & checked
Year 6 – Magi/kings
Joanne Toohey, REC
Why We Do the Things We Do – Advent
The Church calendar begins with the Advent season, the four weeks leading up to Christmas. This period is a time of
preparation, not just for Christmas gifts and luncheons and holidays, but for the great feast of God’s revelation through
the birth of Jesus Christ. How privileged we are to live in this age of salvation! For centuries before Jesus’ birth, the
Jewish people waited for the coming of the promised Messiah as foretold by the Scriptures. We find ourselves in a similar
position as we look forward to the second coming of Christ at the end of time. Although we do not know the hour nor
the day, each Advent we renew our faith in this great promise.
Class Placements 2015
At this time of year, the school commences the process of placing students in classes for the following year. If you have
a reasonable request for a placement for your child for 2015, you are required to put the request in writing stating child’s
name, child’s present class, your request and the reason for the request.
NOTE: It is important that parents understand this is not an opportunity to request a specific teacher as your child’s class
teacher for next year. Teachers will not be assigned classes for 2015 until mid-December. Class lists will be formed first
and then teachers assigned to the classes.
Requests may relate to special needs, pastoral care, wellbeing needs or the like. No absolute promises regarding class
placements can be made by the school. Please be assured that the best interests of the children will be carefully and
professionally considered by teachers as they form class groupings for 2015.
There are MANY factors which affect the placement of students. Parental requests are only one of the issues to be
taken into account. The school has a highly rigorous process in place which carefully considers all these factors before
placing a student in a class.
For requests to be considered, they must be received at the school office no later than Friday, 21 November, 2014.
Please note that no requests will be considered after this date.
Book Club
The final Book Club for the year (Issue 8) is here! However, due to the Book Fair, we did not intend to hand it
out to classes. However, if you would like to look at or order from Book Club you can collect the pamphlets
from the library. Karen Bousfield, Teacher Librarian
Bus Travel for Students in Year 3, 2015
At the end of the year all students in Year 2 with bus passes will be automatically taken off the bus
company system as they progress from infants to primary level. Therefore, it will be necessary for those
students to reapply for 2015. To be eligible for free bus travel, a primary school student must reside
more than 1.6 kilometres radial distance from the centre of the school property, or 2.3 kilometres or
more by the most direct practicable walking route to the nearest point of entry to the school.
If you have received a bus pass application recently from Blue Mountains Bus Company for your student moving into
Year 3 in 2015, please complete the form as soon as possible and send it to the school office for processing. All forms
must be returned by this Friday, 21 November 2014.
Cuppa & Chat
The final Cuppa & Chat for 2014 will be held next Monday, 24 November at 9.05am in the Hall. All welcome!
We thank all those parents who have joined us throughout the year.
Lost Property
As we approach the end of the year we ask all parents to please check the lost property box for any
items your child may have lost at the school during the term.
Students Not Returning for 2015
The school is currently interviewing families for enrolment for 2015. Places are limited in some grades. To enable
the school to plan appropriately we would appreciate families of students in Grades K-5 who are not returning in
2015 to please notify the school in writing as soon as possible. Your timely attention to this matter would be much
appreciated as the implications regarding staffing and resourcing by the Catholic Education Office stem from
accurate enrolment numbers.
Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students, who received Merit Awards at this week’s and last week’s
School Assemblies. Well done on your efforts everyone – keep up the good work!
Week 6
Noah Barr
Mollie Bauerhuit
Sarah Boxall
Lucy Brown
Marlowe Carey
Lucas Claudino
Amelia Crouch
Mitchell Cunningham
Joshua Curtis
Claire Dixon
Addison Down
Texas Down
Noah Edwards
Week 7
Gabriel Bagatella
Emily Burnett
Tom Butler
Ferris Carey
Anneliese Carroll
Zachary Carvasiglia
Ysobel Chalice
Brooke Conway
William Crighton
Alex Cullinane
Olivia De La Harpe
Neive DeBono
Jessica Ellis
Ruby Fuhrmann
Harry Ghata
Abbey Gomez
Zachary Gonzalez
Lillian Gosling
Emily Hall
Angus Hayden
Julia Hoare
Erin Hutchinson
Ebony Kent
Ella Laurent
Joseph Mahns
Keith Eddy
Leonie Ellis
Hannah Green
Filip Grus
Ryan Hanrahan
Jeremy Harris
Luke Harrison
Sebastian Jamnicky
Ella Laurent
Emma Lowe
Aiden Machon
Luke Major
Ebony Manning
Tess Morris
Keyuri Naidoo
Oliver Neale
Paige Noonan-Michels
Mitchell Owen
Amelia Peake
Ryan Perryman
Benjamin Prior
Abigail Rogers
Mark Rubelj
Lucas Sawyer
Steffani Scroczynski
David McMaster
Chelsea Muller
Zoe Mylne
Sarah-Jane Noonan-Michels
Kiara Nugent
Matthew Nutland
Molly Peake
Will Peake
Luca Penserini
Jack Poulter
Nathan Press
Christian Ramos-McNeil
Ariella Smith
Benjamin Synnott
Julian Sypka
Jorja Teuma
Antonio Todarello
Maria Todarello
Ryan Trent
Harry Watson
Jesse Wiggins
Tahlia Woolley
Matilda Worrall
Benedict Zierholz
Lachlan Roberts
William Rogers
Archer Sproule
Isabella Stewart
Millie Ticehurst
Madisyn Treble
Gabriel Valle
Aiden Wade-Ferrell
Jackson Williams
Lachlan Williamson
Callum Wulff
Alex Wydmuch
Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Visits
This week and next week, we will be hosting the children and families of our Kindergarten intake for 2015 for 4 visits.
During their time at school the children will be able to meet staff and other children as well as engage in a number of
activities in preparation for next year. Whilst the children are occupied with all that, their parents and carers will have
the opportunity to connect with each other. We look forward to our new Kindergarten students and their families
joining our school community for our final 2 visits on Thursday 27 & Friday 28 November from 9.30am -10.30am.
Year 6 Excursion to Mary Mackillop Place North Sydney
Recently our Year 6 students visited Mary Mackillop Place at North Sydney. The excursion included a
guided tour of the museum dedicated to St Mary of the Cross and the Memorial Chapel, which contains
the tomb of Mary. The excursion provided a spiritual and reflective experience for our senior students to
learn about the life and witness of Australia’s first saint.
It was a privilege for both the students and teachers to visit this sacred place where Mary Mackillop actually lived
during her final years. Before returning to school the children also visited the Harbour Bridge and The Museum of
Contemporary Art. Thank you to the Year 6 team - Kate Mackenzie, Geraldine Lohan and James Costigan for
coordinating this most worthwhile excursion.
First Holy Communion
God’s blessings and congratulations to all students who will be receiving their First Eucharist this coming
Saturday and Sunday. Our prayers are with you and families on this sacred occasion.
Principal’s Morning Tea for Effort in Learning
This Friday we will host the final morning tea for the year acknowledging student effort in learning. The 44
students nominated by their teachers will join Mr Rosato & Mrs Llewellyn for a special morning tea
celebrating their consistent effort.
Student National Achievement
Congratulations to Georgie Purcell (6L) on her dual successes in both Irish Dancing and Athletics over the course of
2014. Georgie placed 4th at the Australian Irish Dancing Championships and qualified for the World Championships
for the 2nd year in a row. Last week, Georgie was also selected for the Athletics Trans-Tasman Challenge Team to
compete against New Zealand. Well done Georgie on these wonderful achievements!
Student Banking for 2014
The last day for student banking will be on Tuesday 9 December (Week 10).
Monday 24
Week 8
Week 9
Monday 1
9.05am Cuppa & Chat (final for 2014)
12.30pm Assembly – 6L presenting
3.40pm Leadership Meeting
11.40am Year 1 Incursion in hall
3.40pm Staff Meeting
8.30am Staff Briefing
9.20am Parish Mass – Year 3 attending
8.30am Staff Prayer
School Band
9.30am – 10.30am Kindergarten 2015 Orientation
9.30am – 10.30am Kindergarten 2015 Orientation
12.30pm Advent Assembly
3.40pm Leadership Meeting
3.40pm Staff Meeting
8.30am Staff Briefing
9.20am Parish Mass – Kindergarten attending
8.30am Staff Prayer
School Band
Important Dates to Remember for Term 4 2014
Kindergarten 2015 Orientation:
Thanksgiving Mass:
Christmas Concert:
Year 6 Picnic Day:
School Awards Assembly:
Year 6 Graduation Mass:
Last Day of Term 4 2014:
Staff Development Days:
(Week 8) – Thursday 27 & Friday 28 November 9.30am-10.30am
Tuesday 9 December at 12.00noon
Thursday 11 December at 7.00pm
Monday 15 December
Tuesday 16 December at 12.00noon (in the Church)
Wednesday 17 December at 7.00pm
Wednesday 17 December (for students)
Thursday 18 & Friday 19 December (pupil free)
My School Lunchbox – Thanks for Your Support: What people are saying about My School Lunchbox – “This business is one of
the best for food safety in the Blue Mountains. Again congratulations. (Food Premises Assessment Report); thanks for both of my girls
school lunches last Friday. They loved it!; my girls have loved everything they’ve ordered so far – it’s a great service, thanks; thank
you for making my children’s day with your beautifully presented and beautifully tasting food; thank you for providing such a great
service. We have been ordering for our son every week this term and he really looks forward to ordering his lunch. Many thanks.”
We would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support, allowing for the growth of this local business. We look forward to
servicing you all in the future. Rae. For further information, or to place an order, go to
Jackeroo Ranch School Holiday Horse Riding Camps: Located at Bingletree Station in the beautiful Turon Valley (in the
Bathurst area) Jackeroo Ranch (established 54 years) is running their popular summer horse riding camps. Pre-Christmas Camps:
From 10-20 December. Come anytime – from 3 days to 10 days. January 2015 Camps: 1st Week: Saturday 3 January – Saturday 10
January; 2nd Week: Saturday 10 January – Sunday 18 January. Shorter stays are possible if camps are not fully booked. These
camps are for ‘horse mad’ children aged 6 to 16 years. Five to six hours per day are devoted to horse activities including a one
hour lesson and three hours trail riding – with tuition still being given. As well, campers are taught grooming, saddling, haltering,
catching a horse, safety aspects and many other facets of horsemanship. Catered for beginners to advanced riders. We
specialise in teaching nervous riders and developing their confidence.
Other activities include gold panning, cattle
feeding/checking, cattle mustering, camp fires and native wildlife spotting. (The property abounds with kangaroos, wallabies,
wombats, wonderful bird life as well as being a working cattle farm and Quarter Horse Stud. There are Poll Hereford calves and
Quarter Horse foals now being born.) This is not just a camp, but a wonderful farm experience your child will treasure for ever!
Bookings essential. Enquiries please phone Mrs Pattie Hudson on 6337 7173 (nights are best).
Astronomy Night: The UWS Penrith Observatory will be running an Astronomy Night on Saturday, 6 December from 8pm –
10pm. The evening will include a presentation, a 3D astronomy movie and stargazing through the University’s computerised
telescopes (weather permitting). Cost: $15 adult, $10 child/concession and $40 family. Bookings are essential: Book and pay
online:, What’s On. Enquiries: Phone (02)4736 0135 or email
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