calculus early transcendentals fifth edition
calculus early transcendentals fifth edition
Mathematics 2014–2015 Catalog Mathematics 2014–2015 Catalog CLA DEC 2013 Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 151 Lorong Chuan #02-08 New Tech Park (Lobby H) Singapore 556741 Tel (65) 6410 1200 Fax (65) 6410 1208 e-mail Cengage Learning Asia introducing the new . . . Cengage Technology Editions are being launched to support educators and learners in making a smooth transition from print to digital learning and instruction. These hybrid editions combine full ebooks or digital solutions packages with print editions for maximum flexibility and benefits, including: enhanced student-teacher interactions engaged students, improved learning experiences and better outcomes a growing and interconnected pool of best-selling titles from Cengage Learning Cengage Technology Editions offer the best in print and digital content to create the kinds of blended learning experiences that are fast gaining popularity among students. These editions provide hybrid alternatives to best-selling titles from Cengage Learning in disciplines such as Business and Economics, Science and Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities, and more. Engage with Us! Email • Contents Mathematics Calculus������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Developmental Mathematics���������������������������������������������57 Discrete Mathematics��������������������������������������������������������� 62 Finite Mathematics / Applied Calculus���������������������������66 Liberal Arts Mathematics��������������������������������������������������125 Mathematics������������������������������������������������������������������������140 Mathematics for Education���������������������������������������������� 148 Post-Calculus������������������������������������������������������������������������159 Precalculus����������������������������������������������������������������������������182 Combined Author/Title Index������������������������������������������ 252 Order form/pricelist is available upon request through Cengage Learning Representative. Special price requests for class adoption are subject to approval. Please contact your Cengage Learning Representative for details. Information contained in this catalog is correct at the time of printing. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Mathematics Calculus teaching tips on how one might use the Capstone Exercises in class. • Exercises – revised on actual usage: New exercises abound in the fifth edition of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, International Edition. Based on analyses of actual student usage data, the exercise sets have been overhauled to improve student understanding. Many exercises were added, some were revised, and some were removed. The results are exercise sets that effectively address student learning needs. CONTENTS CALCULUS, 5E Early Transcendental Functions, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Designed for the three-semester engineering calculus course, CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 5e, International Edition continues to offer instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/ Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of calculus student. Every edition from the first to the fifth of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 5e, International Edition has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Capstone Exercises: The Capstone is a new type of exercise that appears in every section. The exercise synthesizes the main concepts of the section and presents them in one exercise. They often contain computational and non-computational parts. These exercises are excellent to work through in class to present a topic for the first time or in class homework review. The Instructor’s Resource Manual offers 1. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Inverse Functions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 2. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Derivatives of Inverse Functions. Related Rates. Newton’s Method. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Differentials. 5. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Differential Equations: Separation of Variables. The Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. PredatorPrey Differential Equations. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces 2 of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. 8. Integration Techniques, L’Hôpital’s Rule, and Improper Integrals. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hôpital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Projects: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. 11. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Vectors in the Plane. Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space. The Dot Product of Two Vectors. The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space. Lines and Planes in Space. Section Project: Distances in Space. Surfaces in Space. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. 12. VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTIONS. Vector-Valued Functions. Section Project: Witch of Agnesi. Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions. Velocity and Acceleration. Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors. Arc Length and Curvature. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction to Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Section Project: Moire Fringes. Differentials. Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables. Directional Derivatives and Gradients. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines. Section Project: Wildflowers. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Section Project: Building a Pipeline. Lagrange Multipliers. 14. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION. Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane. Double Integrals and Volume. Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates. Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia. Section Project: Center of Pressure on a Sail. Surface Area. Section Project: Capillary Action. Triple Integrals and Applications. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Section Project: Wrinkled and Bumpy Spheres. Change of Variables: Jacobians. 15. VECTOR ANALYSIS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path. Green’s Theorem. Section Project: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions. Parametric Surfaces. Surface Integrals. Section Project: Hyperboloid of One Sheet. Divergence Theorem. Stoke’s Theorem. © 2011, 1360pp, Hardback, 9780538735513 AP/HS Edition CALCULUS, 5E Early Transcendentals Functions Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida © 2011, 1360pp, Hardback, 9780538497176 CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, 3e, International Edition developed for one-year courses, is ideal for instructors who wish to successfully bring students up to speed algebraically within precalculus and transition them into calculus. The Larson Calculus program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy 3 that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. Two primary objectives guided the authors in writing this book: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and saves the instructor time. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Table of Contents Update: Chapter 14 has been omitted. • NEW! Chapter Summary gives a concise review of key terms and concepts covered in each chapter. • NEW! Chapter Tests have been added to each chapter and are one page assessments of problems covering key topics. • NEW! Explorations, an optional discovery feature, help students develop intuitive understanding of calculus concepts. These can be deleted without loss of continuity. • UPDATED! Appropriate exercises will be labeled as Writing About the Concepts. • NEW! reference has been added to text exercise sets. FEATURES • The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover calculus and precalculus topics appropriately. • The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover calculus and precalculus topics appropriately. • To address the changing needs of today’s instructors and students and recognizing that the calculus course is presented in a variety of teaching and learning environments, the program resources are available in print and online formats. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Solving Equations. Solving Inequalities. Graphical Representation of Data. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. 3. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and OneSided Limits. Infinite Limits. 4. DIFFERENTIATION The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 5. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Differentials. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Integration by Substitution. Applications of Integration. 7. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Using Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Logarithmic Functions and Differentiation. Logarithmic Functions and Integration. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. 9. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. 10. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using 4 Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and ProductSum Formulas. 11. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. 12. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses and Implicit Differentiation. Hyperbolas and Implicit Differentiation. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Calculus. Graphs of Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics. 13. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. © 2012, 1056pp, Paperback, 9780840069207 calculus student. Every edition from the first to the fifth of Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 5/e has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Capstone Exercises: The Capstone is a new type of exercise that appears in every section. These noncomputational exercises synthesize the main concepts of the section and present them in one exercise. These exercises are excellent to work through in class to present a topic for the first time or as review for an exam. The new Instructor’s Resource Manual offers teaching tips on how one might use the Capstone Exercises in class. • Exercises – revised based on actual usage: New exercises abound in the fifth edition of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENTAL FUNCTIONS. Based on analyses of actual student usage data, the exercise sets have been overhauled to improve student understanding. Many exercises were added, some were revised, and some were removed. The results are exercise sets that effectively address student learning needs. FEATURES CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 5E Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Known for its continued excellence, CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 5/e offers instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/ Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of • Exercise sets have been carefully examined and revised to ensure they cover all calculus topics appropriately. Many new exercises have been added. • A variety of exercise types are included in each exercise set. Questions involving skills, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, applications, and real-data applications are included throughout the text. Exercises are presented in a variety of question formats, including matching, free response, true/false, modeling, and fill-in the blank. • Putnam Exam Questions—taken from the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition—offer challenging problems that often require students to look for creative solutions; Graphical Analysis exercises offer the opportunity to analyze graphs; Think About It exercises require students to use critical reasoning skills to explore the intricacies of calculus. • Explanations, theorems, and definitions in the text have been thoroughly reviewed to ensure the text is mathematically precise and easily comprehensible. 5 • Clear, multi-step examples with worked-out solutions help students learn difficult mathematical concepts. Examples correspond to the exercises, serving as a supportive reference for students. This is the only text on the market where every example, proof, and explanation begins and ends on the same page. CONTENTS 1. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Inverse Functions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 2. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits.Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Derivatives of Inverse Functions. Related Rates. Newton’s Method. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Differentials. 5. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Differential Equations: Separation of Variables. The Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Predator-Prey Differential Equations. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HOPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hôpital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Projects: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. © 2011, 944pp, Hardback, 9780538735520 CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida © 2014, 896pp, Hardback, 9781285060330 6 CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 6E Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Known for its continued excellence, CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition, offers instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/ Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of calculus student. Every edition from the first to the sixth of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. NEW TO THIS EDITION • robust companion website offers multiple tools and resources. Access to these features is free. Students can watch videos explaining concepts or proofs from the book, explore examples, view three-dimensional graphs, download articles from math journals, and much more! • Interactive Examples-Examples throughout the book are accompanied by interactive examples at These interactive examples use Wolfram’s free CDF Player and allow students to explore calculus by manipulating functions or graphs, and observing the results. • Proof Videos-Students can watch videos of co-author Bruce Edwards as he explains the proofs of the theorems in CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition, at • How Do You See It?-The “How Do You See It?” feature in each section presents a real-life problem that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. This exercise is excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • Remark-These hints and tips reinforce or expand on concepts, help students learn how to study mathematics, caution students about common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Exercise Sets-The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous and relevant and include all topics our users have suggested. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so students can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, real-life exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving students the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. • Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) now appears in video format on The proofs also appear in text form at FEATURES • Applications-Carefully chosen applied exercises and examples are included throughout to address the question, “When will I use this?” These applications are pulled from diverse sources, such as current events, world data, industry trends, and more, and relate to a wide range of interests. • Writing About Concepts-Writing exercises at the end of each section are designed to test students’ understanding of basic concepts in each section, encouraging them to verbalize and write answers and promote technical skills that will be invaluable in their future careers. • Theorems-Theorems provide the conceptual framework for calculus. Theorems are clearly stated and separated from the rest of the text by boxes for quick visual reference. Key proofs often follow the theorem and can be found on CONTENTS 1. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and 7 Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Inverse Functions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Derivatives of Inverse Functions, Related Rates. Newton’s Method. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Differential Equations: Separation of Variables. The Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Predator-Prey Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HOPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. Appendix A: Proofs of Selected Theorems (Web). Appendix B: Integration Tables. Appendix C: Pre-calculus Review (Web). Appendix C1: Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. Appendix C2: The Cartesian Plane. Appendix C3: Review of Trigonometric Functions. Appendix D: Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). Appendix E: Complex Numbers (Web). © 2015, 896pp, Hardback, 9781285774794 CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, HYBRID, 6E Early Transcendental Functions (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science) Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Known for its 8 continued excellence, CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition offers instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/ Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of calculus student. Every edition from the first to the sixth of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. NEW TO THIS EDITION • – This robust companion website offers multiple tools and resources. Access to these features is free. Students can watch videos explaining concepts or proofs from the book, explore examples, view three-dimensional graphs, download articles from math journals, and much more! • Interactive Examples – Examples throughout the book are accompanied by Interactive Examples at These interactive examples use Wolfram’s free CDF Player and allow students to explore calculus by manipulating functions or graphs, and observing the results. • Proof Videos – Students can watch videos of coauthor Bruce Edwards as he explains the proofs of the theorems in CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition at • How Do You See It? – The How Do You See It? feature in each section presents a real-life problem that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. This exercise is excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • Remark – These hints and tips reinforce or expand upon concepts, help students learn how to study mathematics, caution students about common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Exercise Sets – The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous and relevant and include all topics our users have suggested. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so students can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, real-life exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving students the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. • Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) now appears in video format on The proofs also appear in text form at FEATURES • Applications – Carefully chosen applied exercises and examples are included throughout to address the question, “When will I use this?” These applications are pulled from diverse sources, such as current events, world data, industry trends, and more, and relate to a wide range of interests. • Writing About Concepts – Writing exercises at the end of each section are designed to test students’ understanding of basic concepts in each section, encouraging them to verbalize and write answers and promote technical skills that will be invaluable in their future careers. • Theorems – Theorems provide the conceptual framework for calculus. Theorems are clearly stated and separated from the rest of the text by boxes for quick visual reference. Key proofs often follow the theorem and can be found on CONTENTS 1. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Inverse Functions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Inverse Functions. Related Rates. Newton’s Method. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. 9 Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Differential Equations: Separation of Variables. The Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Predator-Prey Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HOPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hôpital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Comparisons of Series. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. Appendix A: Proofs of Selected Theorems (Web). Appendix B: Integration Tables. Appendix C: Pre-calculus Review. (Web). Appendix C1: Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. Appendix C2: The Cartesian Plane. Appendix C3: Review of Trigonometric Functions. Appendix D: Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). Appendix E: Complex Numbers (Web). © 2015, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285777054 CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN HOMEWORK AND EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Larson’s CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE HYBRID, Tenth Edition, delivers the same solid and effective pedagogy as his market-leading hardcover text, CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, Tenth Edition, combined with a briefer paperback format that engages students online with Enhanced WebAssign®. The HYBRID demonstrates Larson’s commitment to revolutionizing the way instructors teach and students learn material by moving all the end-of-section exercises from the text online as well as incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. Each new Larson CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE HYBRID includes immediate student access to Enhanced WebAssign®. Widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy, the Larson CALCULUS program is known for addressing the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. 10 NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW HYBRID – The HYBRID provides a cost-effective, briefer option for students—all end-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. Each new HYBRID includes immediate access to Enhanced WebAssign® and the Cengage YouBook. • NEW Chapter Openers - Each Chapter Opener highlights five real-life applications of calculus found throughout the chapter. The applications reference the examples or exercises featured. You can find a full listing of the applications in the Index of Applications. • NEW HOW DO YOU SEE IT? Exercise The How Do You See It? exercise in each section presents a problem that you will solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. • NEW - We’ve created a free website hosting valuable resources. At this website, you can access the following: Proof Videos – Watch coauthor Bruce Edwards present theorems and explain their proofs. Calculus Videos – Watch Dana Mosely explain concepts of calculus. Interactive Examples – Explore examples using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Rotatable Graphs – View and rotate three-dimensional graphs using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Biographies – Read biographies of men and women who were instrumental in creating calculus. Web Appendices – Read the web-only appendices that accompany the text. Data Downloads – Use real data to solve problems. • Table of Contents Changes - We moved Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) to the website www., which also includes videos of co-author Bruce Edwards explaining these proofs. and titled so you can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, reallife exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving you the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. Putnam Exam questions to push the limits of students’ understanding of calculus. Graphing technology exercises for students to make us of a graphing utility to help find solutions. • Enhanced WebAssign Course: The Larson EWA course has over 3,900 textbook questions which have been drawn from the book, and offer more coverage of problems and topics than most online homework programs for Calculus. The EWA course for Larson CALCULUS will present numerous section-level video lessons by Dana Mosely and animated tutorials. In addition to these assets, the course includes exerciselevel features: Read It, Watch It, Master It, and Chat About It links. These tools benefit students with varied learning styles to ensure they get the most out of their online learning experience. • Graded Homework Exercises— Online homework and tests are evaluated using powerful Maple software to ensure mathematical accuracy. Instructors control point values, weighting grades, and whether or not an item is graded. An electronic gradebook helps instructors manage course information easily and can be exported to other files, such as Excel. • CAS Investigation: Many examples throughout the book are accompanied by CAS Investigations. These are collaborative investigations using a computer algebra system (e.g., Maple) to further explore the related example. CAS Investigations are located online and in the Multimedia eBook. CONTENTS FEATURES • REVISED Remarks - To eliminate any possible confusion, all Study Tips and Notes have been combined into one feature, Remarks. These hints and tips can be used to reinforce or expand upon concepts, help you learn how to study mathematics, caution you about common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • REVISED Exercise Sets - The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous, relevant, and cover all topics suggested by our users. The exercises have been reorganized PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain 11 Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Related Rates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Newton’s Method. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. LOGARITHMIC, EXPONENTIAL, AND OTHER TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Bases Other than e and Applications. Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HOPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. © 2014, 576pp, Paperback, 9781285097886 CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Larson’s CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 10E, International Edition program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW Chapter Openers – Each Chapter Opener highlights five real-life applications of calculus found throughout the chapter. The applications reference the examples or exercises featured. You can find a full 12 listing of the applications in the Index of Applications. • NEW HOW DO YOU SEE IT? Exercise – The How Do You See It? exercise in each section presents a problem that you will solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. • NEW – We’ve created a free website hosting valuable resources. At this website, you can access the following: Proof Videos – Watch coauthor Bruce Edwards present theorems and explain their proofs. Calculus Videos – Watch Dana Mosely explain concepts of calculus. Interactive Examples – Explore examples using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Rotatable Graphs – View and rotate three-dimensional graphs using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Biographies – Read biographies of men and women who were instrumental in creating calculus. Web Appendices – Read the web-only appendices that accompany the text. Data Downloads – Use real data to solve problems. • Table of Contents Changes – We moved Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) to the website www., which also includes videos of co-author Bruce Edwards explaining these proofs. FEATURES • REVISED Remarks – To eliminate any possible confusion, all Study Tips and Notes have been combined into one feature, Remarks. These hints and tips can be used to reinforce or expand upon concepts, help you learn how to study mathematics, caution you about common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • REVISED Exercise Sets – The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous, relevant, and cover all topics suggested by our users. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so you can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, reallife exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving you the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. Putnam Exam questions to push the limits of students’ understanding of calculus. Graphing technology exercises for students to make use of a graphing utility to help find solutions. • Enhanced WebAssign Course: The Larson EWA course has over 3,900 textbook questions which have been drawn from the book, and offer more coverage of problems and topics than most online homework programs for Calculus. The EWA course for Larson CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 10E, International Edition will present numerous sectionlevel video lessons by Dana Mosely and animated tutorials. In addition to these assets, the course includes exercise-level features: Read It, Watch It, Master It, and Chat About It links. These tools benefit students with varied learning styles to ensure they get the most out of their online learning experience. • Graded Homework Exercises: Online homework and tests are evaluated using powerful Maple software to ensure mathematical accuracy. Instructors control point values, weighting grades, and whether or not an item is graded. An electronic gradebook helps instructors manage course information easily and can be exported to other files, such as Excel. • CAS Investigation: Many examples throughout the book are accompanied by CAS Investigations. These are collaborative investigations using a computer algebra system (e.g., Maple) to further explore the related example. CAS Investigations are located online and in the eBook. • Writing Style: Simple, mathematically precise instruction and directions are clear and easy to understand for students. CONTENTS PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Related Rates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. 13 Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Newton’s Method. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. LOGARITHMIC EXPONENTIAL AND OTHER TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Bases Other than e and Applications. Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments Centers of Mass and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES L’HOPITAL’S RULE AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. © 2014, 864pp, Paperback, 9781285091105 CALCULUS SINGLE VARIABLE WITH VECTOR FUNCTIONS, AP*, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University © 2012, 948pp, Hardback, 9780840048233 CALCULUS WITH CB COURSESMART EBOOK, 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida CB CourseSmart eBook – The ultimate eBook experience has arrived! Easily access our eBooks with features that will improve your reading experience, and tools to help you take notes and organize your studies. The Larson CALCULUS program has a long history of innovation 14 in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW Chapter Openers - Each Chapter Opener highlights five real-life applications of calculus found throughout the chapter. The applications reference the examples or exercises featured. You can find a full listing of the applications in the Index of Applications. • NEW HOW DO YOU SEE IT? Exercise - The How Do You See It? exercise in each section presents a problem that you will solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. • NEW - We’ve created a free website hosting valuable resources. At this website, you can access the following: Proof Videos – Watch coauthor Bruce Edwards present theorems and explain their proofs. Calculus Videos – Watch Dana Mosely explain concepts of calculus. Interactive Examples – Explore examples using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Rotatable Graphs – View and rotate three-dimensional graphs using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Biographies – Read biographies of men and women who were instrumental in creating calculus. Web Appendices – Read the web-only appendices that accompany the text. Data Downloads – Use real data to solve problems. • Table of Contents Changes - We moved Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) to the website www., which also includes videos of co-author Bruce Edwards explaining these proofs. FEATURES • REVISED Remarks - To eliminate any possible confusion, all Study Tips and Notes have been combined into one feature, Remarks. These hints and tips can be used to reinforce or expand upon concepts, help you learn how to study mathematics, caution you about common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • REVISED Exercise Sets - The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous, relevant, and cover all topics suggested by our users. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so you can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, reallife exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving you the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. Putnam Exam questions to push the limits of students’ understanding of calculus. Graphing technology exercises for students to make us of a graphing utility to help find solutions. • Second Order Differential Equations: Available online, this chapter delves into second order differential equations. This will greatly help engineering and math majors. • Enhanced WebAssign Course: The Larson EWA course has over 3,900 textbook questions which have been drawn from the book, and offer more coverage of problems and topics than most online homework programs for Calculus. The EWA course for Larson CALCULUS will present numerous section-level video lessons by Dana Mosely and animated tutorials. In addition to these assets, the course includes exerciselevel features: Read It, Watch It, Master It, and Chat About It links. These tools benefit students with varied learning styles to ensure they get the most out of their online learning experience. • Graded Homework Exercises: Online homework and tests are evaluated using powerful Maple software to ensure mathematical accuracy. Instructors control point values, weighting grades, and whether of not an item is graded. An electronic gradebook helps instructors manage course information easily and can be exported to other files, such as Excel. • CAS Investigation: Many examples throughout the book are accompanied by CAS Investigations. These are collaborative investigations using a computer algebra system (e.g., Maple) to further explore the related example. CAS Investigations are located online and in the Multimedia eBook CONTENTS P. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. 15 A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Related Rates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Newton’s Method. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. LOGARITHMIC, EXPONENTIAL, AND OTHER TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Bases Other than e and Applications. Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HOPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. 10.6 Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Vectors in the Plane. Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space. The Dot Product of Two Vectors. The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space. Lines and Planes in Space. Section Project: Distances in Space. Surfaces in Space. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. VECTORVALUED FUNCTIONS. Vector-Valued Functions. Section Project: Witch of Agnesi. Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions. Velocity and Acceleration. Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors. Arc Length and Curvature. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction to Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Section Project: Moiré Fringes. Differentials. Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables. Directional Derivatives and Gradients. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines. Section Project: Wildflowers. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Section Project: Building a Pipeline. Lagrange Multipliers. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 14. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION. Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane. Double Integrals and Volume. Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates. Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia. Section Project: Center of Pressure on a Sail. Surface 16 Area. Section Project: Capillary Action. Triple Integrals and Applications. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Section Project: Wrinkled and Bumpy Spheres. Change of Variables: Jacobians. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 15. VECTOR ANALYSIS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path. Green’s Theorem. Section Project: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions. Parametric Surfaces. Surface Integrals. Section Project: Hyperboloid of One Sheet. Divergence Theorem. Stokes’s Theorem. Review Exercises. Section Project: The Planimeter. P.S. Problem Solving. 16. SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* ONLINE. Exact FirstOrder Equations. Second-Order Homogeneous Linear Equations. Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX. A. Proofs of Selected Theorems. B. Integration Tables. C. Precalculus Review (Web). C.1 Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. C.2 The Cartesian Plane. C.3 Review of Trigonometric Functions. D. Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). E. Complex Numbers (Web). F. Business and Economic Applications (Web). instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Designed for the three-semester engineering calculus course, CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition, continues to offer instructors and students innovative teaching and learning resources. The Larson team always has two main objectives for text revisions: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus; and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and save time. The Larson/ Edwards Calculus program offers a solution to address the needs of any calculus course and any level of calculus student. Every edition from the first to the sixth of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. CTE bundled with CM (9789814568876); CTE bunled with MindTap (9789814568883) • - This robust companion website offers multiple tools and resources. Access to these features is free. Students can watch videos explaining concepts or proofs from the book, explore examples, view three-dimensional graphs, download articles from math journals, and much more! • Interactive Examples - Examples throughout the book are accompanied by Interactive Examples at These interactive examples use Wolfram’s free CDF Player and allow students to explore calculus by manipulating functions or graphs, and observing the results. • Proof Videos - Students can watch videos of coauthor Bruce Edwards as he explains the proofs of the theorems in CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition at • How Do You See It? - The How Do You See It? feature in each section presents a real-life problem that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts learned in the lesson. This exercise is excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • Remark - These hints and tips reinforce or expand upon concepts, help students learn how to study mathematics, caution students about common © 2014, 832pp, Paperback, 9789814568869 CALCULUS, HYBRID, 6E Early Transcendental Functions (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science) Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these hybrid versions feature the NEW TO THIS EDITION 17 errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Exercise Sets - The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous and relevant and include all topics our users have suggested. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so students can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step, real-life exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving students the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. • Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) now appears in video format on The proofs also appear in text form at FEATURES • Applications - Carefully chosen applied exercises and examples are included throughout to address the question, “When will I use this?” These applications are pulled from diverse sources, such as current events, world data, industry trends, and more, and relate to a wide range of interests. • Writing About Concepts - Writing exercises at the end of each section are designed to test students’ understanding of basic concepts in each section, encouraging them to verbalize and write answers and promote technical skills that will be invaluable in their future careers. • Theorems - Theorems provide the conceptual framework for calculus. Theorems are clearly stated and separated from the rest of the text by boxes for quick visual reference. Key proofs often follow the theorem and can be found on CONTENTS 1. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Inverse Functions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Inverse Functions. Related Rates. Newton’s Method. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions.Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Differential Equations: Separation of Variables. The Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Predator-Prey Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L’HÔPITAL’S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hôpital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. The Integral Test and p-Series. Comparisons of Series. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY 18 OF SPACE. Vectors in the Plane. Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space. The Dot Product of Two Vectors. The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space. Lines and Planes in Space. Surfaces in Space. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTIONS. VectorValued Functions. Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions. Velocity and Acceleration. Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors. Arc Length and Curvature. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction to Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Differentials. Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables. Directional Derivatives and Gradients. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 14. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION. Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane. Double Integrals and Volume. Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates. Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia. Surface Area. Triple Integrals and Applications. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Change of Variables: Jacobians. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 15. VECTOR ANALYSIS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path. Green’s Theorem. Parametric Surfaces. Surface Integrals. Divergence Theorem. Stoke’s Theorem. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 16. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Web). Exact First-Order Equations. Second-Order Homogeneous Linear Equations. Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. Appendix A: Proofs of Selected Theorems (Web). Appendix B: Integration Tables. Appendix C: Pre-calculus Review (Web). Appendix C1: Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. Appendix C2: The Cartesian Plane. Appendix C3: Review of Trigonometric Functions. Appendix D: Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). Appendix E: Complex Numbers (Web). © 2015, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285777023 CALCULUS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN HOMEWORK AND EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Larson’s CALCULUS HYBRID’ Tenth Edition’ delivers the same solid and effective pedagogy as his marketleading hardcover text’ CALCULUS’ Tenth Edition’ combined with a briefer paperback format that engages students online with Enhanced WebAssign®. The HYBRID demonstrates Larson’s commitment to revolutionizing the way instructors teach and students learn material by moving all the end-of-section exercises from the text online as well as incorporating more real-world applications’ ongoing review’ and innovative technology. Each new Larson CALCULUS HYBRID includes immediate student access to Enhanced WebAssign®. Widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy’ the Larson CALCULUS program is known for addressing the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print’ media’ and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW HYBRID - The HYBRID provides a cost-effective’ briefer option for students--all end-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. Each new HYBRID includes immediate access to Enhanced WebAssign® and the Cengage YouBook. • NEW Chapter Openers - Each Chapter Opener highlights five real-life applications of calculus found throughout the chapter. The applications reference 19 the examples or exercises featured. You can find a full listing of the applications in the Index of Applications. • NEW - We’ve created a free website hosting valuable resources. At this website’ you can access the following: Proof Videos – Watch coauthor Bruce Edwards present theorems and explain their proofs. Calculus Videos – Watch Dana Mosely explain concepts of calculus. Interactive Examples – Explore examples using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Rotatable Graphs – View and rotate three-dimensional graphs using Wolfram’s free CDF player (plug-in required). Biographies – Read biographies of men and women who were instrumental in creating calculus. Web Appendices – Read the web-only appendices that accompany the text. Data Downloads – Use real data to solve problems. • Table of Contents Changes - We moved Appendix A (Proofs of Selected Theorems) to the website www.’ which also includes videos of co-author Bruce Edwards explaining these proofs. FEATURES • REVISED Remarks - To eliminate any possible confusion’ all Study Tips and Notes have been combined into one feature’ Remarks. These hints and tips can be used to reinforce or expand upon concepts’ help you learn how to study mathematics’ caution you about common errors’ address special cases’ or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • REVISED Exercise Sets - The exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they are rigorous’ relevant’ and cover all topics suggested by our users. The exercises have been reorganized and titled so you can better see the connections between examples and exercises. Multi-step’ reallife exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving you the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations. Putnam Exam questions to push the limits of students’ understanding of calculus. Graphing technology exercises for students to make us of a graphing utility to help find solutions. • Second Order Differential Equations: Available online’ this chapter delves into second order differential equations. This will greatly help engineering and math majors. • Enhanced WebAssign Course: The Larson EWA course has over 3’900 textbook questions which have been drawn from the book’ and offer more coverage of problems and topics than most online homework programs for Calculus. The EWA course for Larson CALCULUS will present numerous section-level video lessons by Dana Mosely and animated tutorials. In addition to these assets’ the course includes exerciselevel features: Read It’ Watch It’ Master It’ and Chat About It links. These tools benefit students with varied learning styles to ensure they get the most out of their online learning experience. • Graded Homework Exercises: Online homework and tests are evaluated using powerful Maple software to ensure mathematical accuracy. Instructors control point values’ weighting grades’ and whether of not an item is graded. An electronic gradebook helps instructors manage course information easily and can be exported to other files’ such as Excel. • CAS Investigation: Many examples throughout the book are accompanied by CAS Investigations. These are collaborative investigations using a computer algebra system (e.g.’ Maple) to further explore the related example. CAS Investigations are located online and in the Multimedia eBook CONTENTS P. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Related Rates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Newton’s 20 Method. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. LOGARITHMIC’ EXPONENTIAL’ AND OTHER TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Bases Other than e and Applications. Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler’s Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments’ Centers of Mass’ and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES’ L’HOPITAL’S RULE’ AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor’s Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS’ PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS’ AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. 10.6 Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler’s Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Vectors in the Plane. Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space. The Dot Product of Two Vectors. The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space. Lines and Planes in Space. Section Project: Distances in Space. Surfaces in Space. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. VECTORVALUED FUNCTIONS. Vector-Valued Functions. Section Project: Witch of Agnesi. Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions. Velocity and Acceleration. Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors. Arc Length and Curvature. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction to Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Section Project: Moiré Fringes. Differentials. Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables. Directional Derivatives and Gradients. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines. Section Project: Wildflowers. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Section Project: Building a Pipeline. Lagrange Multipliers. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 14. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION. Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane. Double Integrals and Volume. Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates. Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia. Section Project: Center of Pressure on a Sail. Surface Area. Section Project: Capillary Action. Triple Integrals and Applications. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Section Project: Wrinkled and Bumpy Spheres. Change of Variables: Jacobians. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 15. VECTOR ANALYSIS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path. Green’s Theorem. Section Project: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions. Parametric Surfaces. Surface Integrals. Section Project: Hyperboloid of One Sheet. Divergence Theorem. Stokes’s Theorem. Review Exercises. Section Project: The Planimeter. P.S. Problem Solving. 16. SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* ONLINE. Exact First-Order Equations. Second-Order Homogeneous Linear Equations. SecondOrder Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Review Exercises. 21 P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX. A. Proofs of Selected Theorems. B. Integration Tables. C. Precalculus Review (Web). C.1 Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. C.2 The Cartesian Plane. C.3 Review of Trigonometric Functions. D. Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). E. Complex Numbers (Web). F. Business and Economic Applications (Web). © 2014, 864pp, Paperback, 9781285095004 CALCULUS, HYBRID EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 7E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering value for students, these new hybrid versions feature the same content and coverage found in the full text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. Access to Enhanced WebAssign and the new media-rich Cengage YouBook is included with every new text, giving you an interactive learning experience with the convenience of a text that is both brief and affordable. Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS, Seventh Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all 22 the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Review. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Instructors may cover either Sections 6.2-6.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface. Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. PredatorPrey Systems. Review. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. 23 Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. 12. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. ThreeDimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Discovery Project: The Geometry of a Tetrahedron. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Review. 13. VECTOR FUNCTIONS. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. Applied Project: Kepler’s Laws. Review. 14. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: Designing a Dumpster. Discovery Project: Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points. Lagrange Multipliers. Applied Project: Rocket Science. Applied Project: Hydro-Turbine Optimization. Review. 15. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Iterated Integrals. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Discovery Project: Volumes of Hyperspheres. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Discovery Project: The Intersection of Three Cylinders. Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Applied Project: Roller Derby. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. Review. 16. VECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. Writing Project: Three Men and Two Theorems. The Divergence Theorem. Summary. Review. 17. SECOND- ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Second-Order Linear Equations. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations. Series Solutions. Review. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers . H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 1080pp, Paperback, 9781133112716 CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS, 7e, International Metric Edition texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of CALCULUS, International Metric Edition Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, Stewart has combined the material that previously appeared in Chapters 24 1 and 2. This means that Calculus, 7e, International Metric Edition and Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7e, International Metric Edition have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text, rather than two separate ET and LT versions. • A revised narrative. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes demonstrate an increased emphasis on problem solving. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, International Metric Edition to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes remediation and new Camtasia videos. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. • Stewart’s writing style speaks clearly and directly to students, guiding them through key ideas, theorems, and problem-solving steps, and encouraging them to think as they read and learn calculus. CONTENTS Table of Contents: Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Problems Plus. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change 25 Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Instructors may cover either Sections 6.26.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface. Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Problems Plus. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Problems Plus. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. Problems Plus. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Problems Plus. 12. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Discovery Project: The Geometry of a Tetrahedron. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Review. Problems Plus. 13. VECTOR FUNCTIONS. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. Applied Project: Kepler’s Laws. Review. Problems Plus. 14. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: Designing a Dumpster. Discovery Project: Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points. Lagrange Multipliers. Applied Project: Rocket Science. Applied Project: Hydro-Turbine Optimization. Review. Problems Plus. 15. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Iterated Integrals. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Discovery Project: Volumes of Hyperspheres. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Discovery Project: The Intersection of Three Cylinders. Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Applied Project: Roller Derby. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 16. VECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. Writing Project: Three Men and Two Theorems. The Divergence Theorem. Summary. Review. Problems Plus. 17. SECONDORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Second-Order Linear Equations. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations. 26 Series Solutions. Review. Problems Plus. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of SecondDegree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers . H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to OddNumbered Exercises. © 2012, 1368pp, Hardback, 9780538498845 CALCULUS: CONCEPTS & CONTEXTS, HYBRID WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN PRINTED ACCESS CARD, 3 SEMESTER, 4E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting them with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. This title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a less expensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • Diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry are now available in Enhanced WebAssign. Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • New examples have been added, and examples are now titled for easier reference. The solutions to some of the existing examples have been amplified, and in many cases have been updated to be more timely. • In response to user feedback, specific areas of content have either been condensed, moved, or expanded upon. The material motivating the derivative is briefer and has been combined into a single section called Derivatives and Rates of Change. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences has been moved later in Chapter 3 in order to incorporate more differentiation rules. Coverage of inverse trigonometric functions has been consolidated in a single dedicated section (3.6). The former sections 4.6 and 4.7 have been merged into a single section, with a briefer treatment of optimization problems in business and economics. There is now a full section on volumes by cylindrical shells (6.3). Sections 8.7 and 8.8 have been merged into a single section. • There are new problems in the Focus on Problem Solving sections, as well as a new project, Complementary Coffee Cups. FEATURES • Conceptual Exercises: The most important way to foster conceptual understanding is through assigned problems. Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS offers various types of problems. Some problems require students to explain the meaning of basic concepts, while others test conceptual understanding through verbal description or graphs and tables. Many exercises combine and compare graphical, numerical, and algebraic approaches. • Graded Homework Exercises: Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from basic conceptual exercises and skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs. • Real World Data: CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS incorporates interesting real-world data 27 gathered from a variety of contemporary sources to introduce, motivate, and illustrate the concepts of calculus. CONTENTS Preface. To the Student. Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Running Circles around Circles. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. What Does Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and their Derivatives. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Discovery Project: Hyperbolic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Related Rates. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Integration by Parts. Additional Techniques of Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. More about Areas. Volumes. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where To Sit at the Movies. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 7. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which Is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Exponential Growth and Decay. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. The Logistic Equation. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 8. INFINTE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests; Estimating Sums. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 9. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Discovery Project: The Geometry of a Tetrahedron. Equations of Lines and Planes. Laboratory Project: Putting 3D in Perspective. Functions and Surfaces. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Surfaces. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 10. VECTOR FUNCTIONS. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. Applied Project: Kepler’s Laws. Parametric Surfaces. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 11. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: Designing a Dumpster. Discovery Project: Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points. Lagrange Multipliers. Applied Project: Rocket Science. Applied 28 Project: Hydro-Turbine Optimization. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 12. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Iterated Integrals. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Surface Area. Triple Integrals. Discovery Project: Volumes of Hyperspheres. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Applied Project: Roller Derby. Discovery Project: The Intersection of Three Cylinders. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 13. VECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. Writing Project: Three Men and Two Theorems. The Divergence Theorem. Summary. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry. C. Trigonometry. D. Precise Definitions of Limits. E. A Few Proofs. F. Sigma Notation. G. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. H. Polar Coordinates. I. Complex Numbers. J. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2013, 1168pp, Paperback, 9781285056548 ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION, 2E James Stewart, McMaster University This book is for instructors who think that most calculus textbooks are too long. In writing the book, James Stewart asked himself: What is essential for a calculus course for scientists and engineers? ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition offers a concise approach to teaching calculus that focuses on major concepts, and supports those concepts with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. The book is only 900 pages—twothirds the size of Stewart’s other calculus texts, and yet it contains almost all of the same topics. The author achieved this relative brevity primarily by condensing the exposition and by putting some of the features on the book’s website, Despite the more compact size, the book has a modern flavor, covering technology and incorporating material to promote conceptual understanding, though not as prominently as in Stewart’s other books. ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition features the same attention to detail, eye for innovation, and meticulous accuracy that have made Stewart’s textbooks the best-selling calculus texts in the world. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The book begins with four diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry. These tests address the gaps in many students’ prerequisite skills—and help them start the course with confidence—by giving them opportunities to get up to speed or brush up. • Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • Based on reviewers’ suggestions, a new section on surface area has been added to Chapter 7, “Applications of Integration.” • Updated data in examples and exercises assures that the book maintains its currency and relevance. • More than 35% of the exercises are new, providing instructors with new assignment options, and students with an abundance of practice opportunities. • Enhanced WebAssign® for Stewart’s ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition -is enhanced with new features and functions. These include Enhanced Feedback for incorrect problems, Visualizing Calculus modules and animations, Lecture Video Problems, and a Show Your Work feature that gives you the option of seeing students’ detailed solutions. Plus, Cengage YouBook, a Flashbased eBook version of the text that is interactive and customizable, is fully integrated into Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • The text presents a concise approach to calculus for instructors who want to focus on essential principles and who feel no need for frills. 29 • Brevity is achieved through condensed exposition, fewer examples in some sections, fewer technology and conceptual problems, and fewer appendixes. Problems Plus and Projects have been moved to the author’s website at • Certain topics, for example, the treatment of the integral and the remainder term in Taylor Series, are presented in a manner that is more traditional than in Stewart’s other books. • The text presents exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions late, with the logarithm defined as an integral. Instructors wishing to cover such functions earlier should consider ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 2e, International Metric Edition. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Functions and Their Representations. A Catalog of Essential Functions. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. The Derivative as a Function. Basic Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. The Mean Value Theorem. Derivatives and the Shapes of Graphs. Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. 5. INVERSE FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals and Substitutions. Partial Fractions. Integration with Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Differential Equations. 8. SERIES. Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representing Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. 9. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Parametric Curves. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. 10. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. 11. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Lagrange Multipliers. 12. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. 13. VECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. The Divergence Theorem. Appendix A. Trigonometry. Appendix B. Proofs. Appendix C. Sigma Notation. © 2013, 960pp, Paperback, 9781133492566 ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 2E James Stewart, McMaster University This book is for instructors who think that most calculus textbooks are too long. In writing the book, James Stewart asked himself: What is essential for a threesemester calculus course for scientists and engineers? 30 ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Second Edition, offers a concise approach to teaching calculus that focuses on major concepts, and supports those concepts with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. The book is only 900 pages--two-thirds the size of Stewart’s other calculus texts, and yet it contains almost all of the same topics. The author achieved this relative brevity primarily by condensing the exposition and by putting some of the features on the book’s website, Despite the more compact size, the book has a modern flavor, covering technology and incorporating material to promote conceptual understanding, though not as prominently as in Stewart’s other books. ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS features the same attention to detail, eye for innovation, and meticulous accuracy that have made Stewart’s textbooks the best-selling calculus texts in the world. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The book begins with four diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry. These tests address the gaps in many students’ prerequisite skills--and help them start the course with confidence--by giving them opportunities to get up to speed or brush up. • Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • Based on reviewers’ suggestions, a new section on surface area has been added to Chapter 7, “Applications of Integration.” • Updated data in examples and exercises assures that the book maintains its currency and relevance. • More than 35% of the exercises are new, providing instructors with new assignment options, and students with an abundance of practice opportunities. • Enhanced WebAssign® for Stewart’s ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Second Edition--which combines the mathematics content in this text with the most powerful online homework solution, WebAssign--is enhanced with new features and functions. These include Enhanced Feedback for incorrect problems, Visualizing Calculus modules and animations, Lecture Video Problems, and a Show Your Work feature that gives you the option of seeing students’ detailed solutions. Plus, Cengage YouBook, a Flash-based eBook version of the text that is interactive and customizable, is fully integrated into Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • The text presents a concise approach to calculus for instructors who want to focus on essential principles and who feel no need for frills. • Brevity is achieved through condensed exposition, fewer examples in some sections, fewer technology and conceptual problems, and fewer appendixes. Problems Plus and Projects have been moved to the author’s website at • Certain topics, for example, the treatment of the integral and the remainder term in Taylor Series, are presented in a manner that is more traditional than in Stewart’s other books. • This version of the text presents exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions in Chapter Three. Those who wish to cover such functions later, with the logarithm defined as an integral, should consider the book entitled simply, ESSENTIAL CALCULUS. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Functions and Their Representations. A Catalog of Essential Functions. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. The Derivative as a Function. Basic Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. 3. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. The Mean Value Theorem. Derivatives and the Shapes of Graphs. Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals and Substitutions. Partial Fractions. Integration with 31 Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Differential Equations. 8. SERIES. Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representing Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. 9. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Parametric Curves. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. 10. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. 11. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Lagrange Multipliers. 12. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. 13. VECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. The Divergence Theorem. Appendix A. Trigonometry. Appendix B. Proofs. Appendix C. Sigma Notation. Appendix D. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral © 2013, 960pp, Hardback, 9781133112280 MODELING THE DYNAMICS OF LIFE, 3E Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists Frederick R. Adler, University of Utah Designed to help life sciences students understand the role mathematics has played in breakthroughs in epidemiology, genetics, statistics, physiology, and other biological areas, MODELING THE DYNAMCICS OF LIFE: CALCULUS AND PROBABILTY FOR LIFE SCIENTISTS, Third Edition, provides students with a thorough grounding in mathematics, the language, and ‘the technology of thought’ with which these developments are created and controlled. The text teaches the skills of describing a system, translating appropriate aspects into equations, and interpreting the results in terms of the original problem. The text helps unify biology by identifying dynamical principles that underlie a great diversity of biological processes. Standard topics from calculus courses are covered, with particular emphasis on those areas connected with modeling such as discrete-time dynamical systems, differential equations, and probability and statistics. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Section 1.7 includes double-log graphs and an introduction to allometry, the study of power function relationships among biological measurements. • Section 2.8 includes examples of implicit differentiation and related rates with both geometric and dynamical applications. • Infinite series are introduced first in a new discussion of Taylor series in section 3.7, and then studied more formally in the context of improper integrals in section 4.7. • Integration by partial fractions is introduced in section 4.3 and used to solve the logistic differential equation in section 5.4. Trigonometric substitutions are presented in a new series of exercises in section 4.3. • Computing volumes of solids of revolution is introduced in section 4.6. 32 FEATURES • The first chapter includes a review of functions, units, and linear functions before beginning with the new topic of discrete-time dynamical systems. • Partial solutions to all the odd problems are included in the back of the book, providing valuable guidance for students at no additional cost. • The text integrates mathematical content with modeling, following the process of describing a system, translating appropriate aspects into equations, and interpreting results in terms of the original problem. • The text introduces and develops mathematical methods to analyze three kinds of models: discretetime dynamical systems, differential equations, and stochastic processes. • Three dynamical principles that underlie diverse biological processes are woven throughout: growth, diffusion, and selection. Each theme is studied in turn with the three kinds of models. CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems. 1.1 Biology and Dynamics. 1.2 Variables. Parameters. and Functions in Biology. 1.3 The Units and Dimensions of Measurements and Functions. 1.4 Linear Functions and Their Graphs. 1.5 Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems. 1.6 Analysis of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems. 1.7 Expressing Solutions with Exponential Functions. 1.8 Oscillations and Trigonometry. 1.9 A Model of Gas Exchange in the Lung. 1.10 An Example of Nonlinear Dynamics. 1.11 An Excitable Systems I: The Heart. 2. Limits and Derivatives. 2.1 Introduction to Derivatives. 2.2 Limits. 2.3 Continuity. 2.4 Computing Derivatives: Linear and Quadratic Functions. 2.5 Derivatives of Sums. Powers. and Polynomials. 2.6 Derivatives of Products and Quotients. 2.7 The Second Derivative. Curvature. and Acceleration. 2.8 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 2.9 The Chain Rule. 2.10 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. 3. Applications of Derivatives and Dynamical Systems. 3.1 Stability and the Derivative. 3.2 More Complicated Dynamics. 3.3 Maximization. 3.4 Reasoning About Functions. 3.5 Limits at Infinity. 3.6 Leading Behavior and L’Hopital’s Rule. 3.7 Approximating Functions with Lines and Polynomials. 3.8 Newton’s Method. 3.9 Panting and Deep Breathing. 4. Differential Equations. Integrals. and Their Applications. 4.1 Differential Equations. 4.2 Solving Pure-Time Differential Equations. 4.3 Integration of Special Functions. Integration by Substitution. by Parts. and by Partial Fractions. 4.4 Integrals and Sums. 4.5 Definite and Indefinite Integrals. 4.6 Applications of Integrals. 4.7 Improper Integrals. 5. Analysis of Autonomous Differential Equations. 5.1 Basic Differential Equations. 5.2 Equilibria and Display of Autonomous Differential Equations. 5.3 Stable and Unstable Equilibria. 5.4 Solving Autonomous Differential Equations. 5.5 Two Dimensional Differential Equations. 5.6 The Phase Plane. 5.7 Solutions in the Phase Plane. 5.8 The Dynamics of a Neuron. 6. Probability Theory and Descriptive Statistics. 6.1 Introduction to Probabilistic Models. 6.2 Stochastic Models of Diffusion and Genetics. 6.3 Probability Theory. 6.4 Conditional Probability. 6.5 Independence and Markov Chains. 6.6 Displaying Probabilities. 6.7 Random Variables. 6.8 Descriptive Statistics. 6.9 Descriptive Statistics for Spread. 7. Probability Models. 7.1 Joint Distributions. 7.2 Covariance and Correlation. 7.3 Sums and Products of Random Variables. 7.4 The Binomial Distribution. 7.5 Applications of the Binomial Distribution. 7.6 Waiting Times: Geometric and Exponential Distributions. 7.7 The Poisson Distribution. 7.8 The Normal Distribution. 7.9 Applying the Normal Approximation. 8. Introduction to Statistical Reasoning. 8.1 Statistics: Estimating Parameters. 8.2 Confidence Limits. 8.3 Estimating the Mean. 8.4 Hypothesis Testing. 8.5 Hypothesis Testing: Normal Theory. 8.6 Comparing Experiments: Normal Theory. 8.7 Analysis of Contingency Tables and Goodness of Fit. 8.8 Hypothesis Testing with the Method of Support. 8.9 Regression. © 2013, 960pp, Hardback, 9780840064189 MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN HOMEWORK AND EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 7E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the 33 instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section and/or end-of chapter exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations–providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need and at a lower cost to your students. To request an electronic sample of this Cengage Learning title, go to: www.coursesmart. com/instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! 34 • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS 1 0 . PA R A M E T R I C E Q UAT I O N S A N D P O L A R COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. 12. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. ThreeDimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Discovery Project: The Geometry of a Tetrahedron. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Review. 13. VECTOR FUNCTIONS. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. Applied Project: Kepler’s Laws. Review. 14. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: Designing a Dumpster. Discovery Project: Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points. Lagrange Multipliers. Applied Project: Rocket Science. Applied Project: Hydro-Turbine Optimization. Review. 15. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Iterated Integrals. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Discovery Project: Volumes of Hyperspheres. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Discovery Project: The Intersection of Three Cylinders . Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Applied Project: Roller Derby. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. Review. 16. ECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. Writing Project: Three Men and Two Theorems. The Divergence Theorem. Summary. Review. 17. SECONDORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Second-Order Linear Equations. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations. Series Solutions. Review. APPENDIXES. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers . H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 480pp, Paperback, 9781133110835 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 7E Early Transcendentals, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science) James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section and/or end-of chapter exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! James Stewart’s CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have 35 turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations–providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need and at a lower cost to your students. To request an electronic sample of this Cengage Learning title, go to: www.coursesmart. com/instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, Stewart has combined the material that previously appeared in Chapters 1 and 2. This means that Calculus, 7e, and Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7e, have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text, rather than two separate ET and LT versions. Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text 36 and appear online only. CONTENTS Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Review. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Exponential Growth and Decay. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Hyperbolic Functions. Review. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Review. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bezier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the . Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. APPENDIXES. A. Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 720pp, Paperback, 9781111426705 37 FEATURES SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 7E Early Transcendentals, AP* Edition James Stewart, McMaster University © 2012, 912pp, Hardback, 9780840049322 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS Early Transcendentals Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Known for accuracy, precision, and rigor, Soo Tan now brings those same qualities to the Calculus course. With his clear, concise writing style, and use of relevant, real world examples, Tan introduces abstract mathematical concepts with his intuitive approach that captures student interest without compromising mathematical rigor. In keeping with this emphasis on conceptual understanding, each exercise set begins with concept questions and each end-of-chapter review section includes fill-in-the-blank questions which help students master the definitions and theorems in each chapter. Additionally, many questions asking for the interpretation of graphical, numerical, and algebraic results are included among both the examples and the exercise sets. • Real-life, Relevant Applications: Soo Tan’s intuitive approach to calculus links the abstract ideas of calculus with concrete, real-life examples. One such example—the maglev (magnetic levitation) train is used as a common thread from limits through integration, to show students the connection between all of these concepts. • Intuitive Presentation Style: By introducing the limit concept in the context of finding the rate of change of the maglev, Tan captures student interest from the very beginning – this approach demonstrates the relevance of calculus in the real world. Elsewhere in the text, this intuitive approach is again used to advantage to introduce and explain some of the fundamental theorems in calculus, such as the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. • Guidance When Students Need It: Comments appear next to many of the steps and aid in student understanding. Notes found at the end of many examples further explain and clarify the example, and point out subtleties within them. Cautions advise students on how to avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings, addressing both student misconceptions and situations that often lead students down unproductive paths. • Emphasis on Concepts in the Exercise Sets: End of section Concept Questions are designed to test students’ understanding and encourage students to explain these concepts in their own words. Beginning each end of chapter review, Concept Review Questions give students a chance to check their knowledge of the basic definitions and concepts. • Emphasis on Problem-Solving: Problem-Solving Techniques, at the end of selected chapters, teach students the tools they need to make seemingly complex problems easier to solve. CONTENTS 0. Preliminaries. 1. Limits. 2. The Derivative. 3. Applications of the Derivative. 4. Integration. 5. Applications of the Definite Integral. 6. Techniques of Integration. 7. Differential Equations. 8. Infinite Sequences and Series. 9. Conic Sections, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates. © 2011, 1008pp, Hardback, 9780534465704 38 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 7E Early Transcendentals James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations–providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need and at a lower cost to your students. To request an electronic sample of this Cengage Learning title, go to: www.coursesmart. com/instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, Stewart has combined the material that previously appeared in Chapters 1 and 2. This means that Calculus, 7e, and Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7e, have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text, rather than two separate ET and LT versions. Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips 39 that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Exponential Growth and Decay. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Hyperbolic Functions. Review. Problems Plus. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Review. Problems Plus. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Problems Plus. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Problems Plus. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bezier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. Problems Plus. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the . Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. 40 Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Problems Plus. APPENDIXES. A. Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 936pp, Hardback, 9780538498678 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 7E Vol. 1, Early Transcendentals James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, Stewart has combined the material that previously appeared in Chapters 1 and 2. This means that Calculus, 7e, and Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7e, have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text, rather than two separate ET and LT versions. Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. 41 • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Hyperbolic Functions. Review. Problems Plus. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Review. APPENDIXES. A. Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 600pp, Hardback, 9780538498692 CONTENTS Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Exponential Growth and Decay. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 4E Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science) James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in 42 Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting them with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. This title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • Diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry are now available in Enhanced WebAssign. Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • New examples have been added, and examples are now titled for easier reference. The solutions to some of the existing examples have been amplified, and in many cases have been updated to be more timely. • In response to user feedback, specific areas of content have either been condensed, moved, or expanded upon. The material motivating the derivative is briefer and has been combined into a single section called Derivatives and Rates of Change. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences has been moved later in Chapter 3 in order to incorporate more differentiation rules. Coverage of inverse trigonometric functions has been consolidated in a single dedicated section (3.6). The former sections 4.6 and 4.7 have been merged into a single section, with a briefer treatment of optimization problems in business and economics. There is now a full section on volumes by cylindrical shells (6.3). Sections 8.7 and 8.8 have been merged into a single section. • There are new problems in the Focus on Problem Solving sections, as well as a new project, Complementary Coffee Cups. FEATURES • Conceptual Exercises: The most important way to foster conceptual understanding is through assigned problems. Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS offers various types of problems. Some problems require students to explain the meaning of basic concepts, while others test conceptual understanding through verbal description or graphs and tables. Many exercises combine and compare graphical, numerical, and algebraic approaches. • Graded Homework Exercises: Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from basic conceptual exercises and skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs. • Real World Data: CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS incorporates interesting real-world data gathered from a variety of contemporary sources to introduce, motivate, and illustrate the concepts of calculus. CONTENTS Preface. To the Student. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Running Circles around Circles. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and their Derivatives. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Discovery Project: Hyperbolic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 43 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Related Rates. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Integration by Parts. Additional Techniques of Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. More about Areas. Volumes. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where To Sit at the Movies. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 7. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which Is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Exponential Growth and Decay. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. The Logistic Equation. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 8. INFINTE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests; Estimating Sums. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry. C. Trigonometry. D. Precise Definitions of Limits. E. A Few Proofs. F. Sigma Notation. G. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. H. Polar Coordinates. I. Complex Numbers. J. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781133627159 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, HYBRID REPRINT (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 7E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering value for students, these new hybrid versions feature the same content and coverage found in the full text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. Access to Enhanced WebAssign and the new media-rich Cengage YouBook is included with every new text, giving you an interactive learning experience with the convenience of a text that is both brief and affordable. Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, Seventh Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course! NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring 44 students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average 45 Value of a Function. Review. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. (Instructors may cover either Sections 6.2-6.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface.). Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Function. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. PredatorPrey Systems. Review. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 744pp, Paperback, 9781133112112 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS, 7e, International Metric Edition texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, International Metric Edition, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved 46 to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, International Metric Edition to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, International Metric Edition, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. CONTENTS A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change 47 in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Problems Plus. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. (Instructors may cover either Sections 6.26.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface.). Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Function. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Problems Plus. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Problems Plus. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. Problems Plus. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Problems Plus. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 960pp, Hardback, 9780538498852 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, VOLUME 1, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course 48 while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. CONTENTS A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using 49 the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents.The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Problems Plus. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Review. Problems Plus. Appendix A: Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. Appendix B: Coordinate Geometry and Lines. Appendix C: Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. Appendix D: Trigonometry. Appendix E: Sigma Notation. Appendix F: Proofs of Theorems. Appendix G: Graphing Calculators and Computers. Appendix H: Complex Numbers. Appendix I: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 504pp, Hardback, 9780538497848 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, VOLUME 2, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness 50 of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. CONTENTS 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: Exponential, Logarithmic, and Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Functions. (Instructors may cover either Sections 6.2-6.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface.). Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to 51 Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Problems Plus. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Problems Plus. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. Problems Plus. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Problems Plus. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 648pp, Hardback, 9780538497855 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: CONCEPTS & CONTEXTS, HYBRID WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN PRINTED ACCESS CARD, 3 SEMESTER, 4E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, FOURTH EDITION offers a streamlined approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting them with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS is highly regarded because this text offers a balance of theory and conceptual work to satisfy more progressive programs as well as those who are more comfortable teaching in a more traditional fashion. This title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • Diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry are now available in Enhanced WebAssign. Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • New examples have been added, and examples are now titled for easier reference. The solutions to some of the existing examples have been amplified, and in many cases have been updated to be more timely. • In response to user feedback, specific areas of content have either been condensed, moved, or expanded upon. The material motivating the derivative is briefer and has been combined into a single section called Derivatives and Rates of Change. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences has been moved later in Chapter 3 in order to incorporate more differentiation rules. Coverage of inverse trigonometric functions has been consolidated in a single dedicated section (3.6). The former sections 4.6 and 4.7 have been merged into a single section, with a briefer treatment of optimization problems in business and economics. There is now a full section 52 on volumes by cylindrical shells (6.3). Sections 8.7 and 8.8 have been merged into a single section. • There are new problems in the Focus on Problem Solving sections, as well as a new project, Complementary Coffee Cups. FEATURES • Conceptual Exercises: The most important way to foster conceptual understanding is through assigned problems. Stewart’s CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS offers various types of problems. Some problems require students to explain the meaning of basic concepts, while others test conceptual understanding through verbal description or graphs and tables. Many exercises combine and compare graphical, numerical, and algebraic approaches. • Graded Homework Exercises: Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from basic conceptual exercises and skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs. • Real World Data: CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS incorporates interesting real-world data gathered from a variety of contemporary sources to introduce, motivate, and illustrate the concepts of calculus. CONTENTS Preface. To the Student. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Running Circles around Circles. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and their Derivatives. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Discovery Project: Hyperbolic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Related Rates. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Integration by Parts. Additional Techniques of Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. More about Areas. Volumes. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where To Sit at the Movies. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 7. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which Is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Exponential Growth and Decay. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. The Logistic Equation. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. 8. INFINTE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests; Estimating Sums. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied 53 Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Focus on Problem Solving. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry. C. Trigonometry. D. Precise Definitions of Limits. E. A Few Proofs. F. Sigma Notation. G. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. H. Polar Coordinates. I. Complex Numbers. J. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781285056654 SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL METRIC EDITION, 2E James Stewart, McMaster University This book is for instructors who think that most calculus textbooks are too long. In writing the book, James Stewart asked himself: What is essential for a calculus course for scientists and engineers? SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition offers a concise approach to teaching calculus that focuses on major concepts, and supports those concepts with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. The book is only 550 pages—two-fifths the size of Stewart’s other calculus texts (CALCULUS, 7E, International Metric Edition and CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 7E, International Metric) and yet it contains almost all of the same topics. The author achieved this relative brevity primarily by condensing the exposition and by putting some of the features on the book’s website, Despite the more compact size, the book has a modern flavor, covering technology and incorporating material to promote conceptual understanding, though not as prominently as in Stewart’s other books. SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition features the same attention to detail, eye for innovation, and meticulous accuracy that have made Stewart’s textbooks the best-selling calculus texts in the world. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The book begins with four diagnostic tests in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry. These tests address the gaps in many students’ prerequisite skills—and help them start the course with confidence—by giving them opportunities to get up to speed or brush up. • Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity or for better motivation. • Based on reviewers’ suggestions, a new section on surface area has been added to Chapter 7, “Applications of Integration.” • Updated data in examples and exercises assures that the book maintains its currency and relevance. • More than 35% of the exercises are new, providing instructors with new assignment options, and students with an abundance of practice opportunities. • Enhanced WebAssign® for Stewart’s SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS, 2E, International Metric Edition -is enhanced with new features and functions. These include Enhanced Feedback for incorrect problems, Visualizing Calculus modules and animations, Lecture Video Problems, and a Show Your Work feature that gives you the option of seeing students’ detailed solutions. Plus, Cengage YouBook, a Flash-based eBook version of the text that is interactive and customizable, is fully integrated into Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • The text presents a concise approach to calculus for instructors who want to focus on essential principles and who feel no need for frills. • Brevity is achieved through condensed exposition, fewer examples in some sections, fewer technology and conceptual problems, and fewer appendixes. Problems Plus and Projects have been moved to the author’s website • Certain topics, such as the treatment of the integral and the remainder term in Taylor Series, are presented in a manner that is more traditional than Stewart’s other books. • This version of the text presents exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions 54 late, with the logarithm defined as an integral. Those wishing to cover such functions earlier should consider, ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 2e, International Metric Edition. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Functions and Their Representations. A Catalog of Essential Functions. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. The Derivative as a Function. Basic Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. The Mean Value Theorem. Derivatives and the Shapes of Graphs. Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. 5. INVERSE FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals and Substitutions. Partial Fractions. Integration with Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Differential Equations. 8. SERIES. Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representing Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. 9. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Parametric Curves. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Appendix A: Trigonometry. Appendix B: Proofs. Appendix C: Sigma Notation. © 2013, 648pp, Paperback, 9781133528623 SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 2E James Stewart, McMaster University This book is for instructors who think that most calculus textbooks are too long. In writing the book, James Stewart asked himself: What is essential for a three-semester calculus course for scientists and engineers? SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Second Edition, offers a concise approach to teaching calculus that focuses on major concepts, and supports those concepts with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. The book is only 600 pages--less than half the size of Stewart’s other calculus texts (CALCULUS, Seventh Edition and CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Seventh Edition) and yet it contains almost all of the same topics. The author achieved this relative brevity primarily by condensing the exposition and by putting some of the features on the book’s website, Despite the more compact size, the book has a modern flavor, covering technology and incorporating material to promote conceptual understanding, though not as prominently as in Stewart’s other books. SINGLE VARIABLE ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS features the same attention to detail, eye for innovation, and meticulous accuracy that have made Stewart’s textbooks the best-selling calculus texts in the world. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The book begins with four diagnostic tests--in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry--addressing the gaps in many students’ prerequisite skills by giving them opportunities to get up to speed at the beginning of the Calculus course. • Some material has been rewritten for greater clarity 55 or for better motivation. • Based on reviewers’ suggestions, a new section on surface area has been added to Chapter 7, “Applications of Integration.” • Updated data in examples and exercises assures that the book maintains its currency and relevance. • More than 35% of the exercises are new, providing instructors with new assignment options, and students with an abundance of practice opportunities. • Enhanced WebAssign® for Stewart’s ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, 2nd Edition--which combines the mathematics content in this text with the most powerful online homework solution, WebAssign--is enhanced with new features and functions. These include Enhanced Feedback for incorrect problems, Visualizing Calculus modules and animations, Lecture Video Problems, and a Show Your Work feature that gives you the option of seeing students’ detailed solutions. Plus, Cengage YouBook, a Flash-based eBook version of the text that is interactive and customizable, is fully integrated into Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • The text presents a concise approach to calculus for instructors who want to focus on essential principles and who feel no need for frills. • Brevity is achieved through condensed exposition, fewer examples in some sections, fewer technology and conceptual problems, and fewer appendixes. Problems Plus and Projects have been moved to the author’s website at • Certain topics, or example, the treatment of the integral and the remainder term in Taylor Series, are presented in a manner that is more traditional than Stewart’s other books. • This version of the text presents exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions in Chapter Three. Those who wish to cover such functions later, with the logarithm defined as an integral, should consider the book entitled simply, ESSENTIAL CALCULUS. and Rates of Change. The Derivative as a Function. Basic Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. 3. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: EXPONENTIAL, LOGARITHMIC, AND INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Hyperbolic Functions. 3.7 Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. The Mean Value Theorem. Derivatives and the Shapes of Graphs. Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Evaluating Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals and Substitutions. Partial Fractions. Integration with Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Arc Length. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Differential Equations. 8. SERIES. Sequences. Series. The Integral and Comparison Tests. Other Convergence Tests. Power Series. Representing Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. 9. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Parametric Curves. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Appendix A. Trigonometry Appendix B. Proofs Appendix C. Sigma Notation Appendix D. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral © 2013, 648pp, Hardback, 9781133112785 CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Functions and Their Representations. A Catalog of Essential Functions. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits. Continuity. Limits Involving Infinity. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives 56 Developmental Mathematics STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON/EDWARDS’ CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE, 10TH, 10E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida Need a leg up on your homework or help to prepare for an exam? The Student Solutions Manual contains worked-out solutions for all odd-numbered exercises in Calculus of a Single Variable 10e (Chapters P-11 of Calculus 10e). It is a great resource to help you understand how to solve those tough problems. © 2014, 648pp, Paperback, 9781285085715 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON/EDWARDS’ CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 6TH, 6E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Bruce H. Edwards, University of Florida This manual contains worked-out solutions for all oddnumbered exercises in Larson/Edwards’s CALCULUS OF A SINGLE VARIABLE: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition (Chapters 1-10 of CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, Sixth Edition). ELEMENTARY TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS, 11E Dale Ewen, Parkland Community College; C. Robert Nelson, Champaign Centennial High School ELEMENTARY TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS Eleventh Edition is written to help students with minimal math background successfully prepare for technical, trade, allied health, or Tech Prep programs. The authors focus on fundamental concepts in basic arithmetic including the metric system and measurement, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics, which are supported by thousands of examples, exercises, and applications surrounding such fields as industrial and construction trades, electronics, agriculture/ horticulture, allied health, CAD/drafting, HVAC, welding, auto/diesel service, aviation, natural resources, culinary arts, business/personal finance, and others. For this revision, the authors have added over 150 new exercises, 30 new examples, new applications categories, and a new appendix on simple inequalities. The goal of ELEMENTARY TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS is to engage students and provide them with the math background they need to succeed in future courses and careers. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New categories of applications: culinary arts and business and personal finance. • New and revised applications in agriculture with horticulture added, auto/diesel service, and allied health. • New Appendix C on Simple Inequalities. • 150 new exercises. 30 new examples. © 2015, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285774800 57 FEATURES • This book features a large number of applications from a wide variety of technical areas noted by marginal icons, including industrial and construction trades, electronics, agriculture/horticulture, allied health, CAD/drafting, HVAC, welding, auto/diesel service, aviation, natural resources, culinary arts, and business/personal finance. Marginal icons are used to call attention to the applications, making it easier for instructors and students to benefit from them. • Each chapter opener presents basic information about a technical career. • The inside covers contain useful, frequently referenced information—such as metric system prefixes, English weights and measures, metric and English conversion, and formulas from geometry. • Chapter 1 reviews basic concepts in such a way that students or the entire class can easily study only those sections they need to review. • The use of a scientific calculator has been integrated in an easy to use format throughout the text to reflect its nearly universal use in technical classes and on the job. • Includes signed number drills exercises to assist students in learning addition, subtraction, and multiplication on signed numbers. CONTENTS 1. BASIC CONCEPTS. Unit1A Review of Operations with Whole Numbers. 1.1 Review of Basic Operations. 1.2 Order of Operations. 1.3 Area and Volume. 1.4 Formulas. 1.5 Prime Factorization Divisibility. Unit 1A: Review. Unit 1B Review of Operations with Fractions. 1.6 Introduction to Fractions. 1.7 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. 1.8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions. 1.9 The U.S. System of Weights and Measures. Unit 1B: Review. Unit 1C Review of Operations with Decimal Fractions and Percent. 1.10 Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions. 1.11 Rounding Numbers. 1.12 Multiplication and Division of Decimal Fractions. 1.13 Percent. 1.14 Part, Base, and Rate. 1.15 Powers and Roots. 1.16 Application Involving Percent: Business and Personal Finance. Unit 1C: Review. Chapter 1: Group Activities. Chapter 1: Summary. Chapter 1: Review. Chapter 1: Test. 2. SIGNED NUMBERS AND POWERS OF 10. 2.1 Addition of Signed Numbers. 2.2 Subtraction of Signed Numbers. 2.3 Multiplication and Division of Signed Numbers. 2.4 Signed Fractions. 2.5 Powers of 10. 2.6 Scientific Notation. 2.7 Engineering Notation. Chapter 2: Group Activities. Chapter 2: Summary. Chapter 2: Review. Chapter 2: Test. Chapter 1-2: Cumulative Review. 3. THE METRIC SYSTEM. 3.1 Introduction to the Metric System. 3.2 Length. 3.3 Mass and Weight. 3.4 Volume and Area. 3.5 Time, Current, and Other Units. 3.6 Temperature. 3.7 Metric and U.S. Conversion. Chapter 3: Group Activities. Chapter 3: Summary. Chapter 3: Review. Chapter 3: Test. 4. MEASUREMENT. 4.1 Approximate Numbers and Accuracy. 4.2 Precision and Greatest Possible Error. 4.3 The Vernier Caliper. 4.4 The Micrometer Caliper. 4.5 Addition and Subtraction of Measurements. 4.6 Multiplication and Division of Measurements. 4.7 Relative Error and Percent of Error. 4.8 Color Code of Electrical Resistors. 4.9 Reading Scales. Chapter 4: Group Activities. Chapter 4: Summary. Chapter 4: Review. Chapter 4: Test. Chapter 1-4: Cumulative Review. 5. POLYNOMIALS: AN INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA. 5.1 Fundamental Operations. 5.2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions. 5.3 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials. 5.4 Multiplication of Monomials. 5.5 Multiplication of Polynomials. 5.6 Division by a Monomial. 5.7 Division by a Polynomial. Chapter 5: Group Activities. Chapter 5: Summary. Chapter 5: Review. Chapter 5: Test. 6. EQUATIONS AND FORMULAS. 6.1 Equations. 6.2 Equations with Variables in Both Members. 6.3 Equations with Parentheses. 6.4 Equations with Fractions. 6.5 Translating Words into Algebraic Symbols. 6.6 Applications Involving Equations. 6.7 Formulas. 6.8 Substituting Data into Formulas. 6.9 Reciprocal Formulas Using a Calculator. Chapter 6: Group Activities. Chapter 6: Summary. Chapter 6: Review. Chapter 6: Test. Chapters 1-6: Cumulative Review. 7. RATIO AND PROPORTION. 7.1 Ratio. 7.2 Proportion. 7.3 Direct Variation. 7.4 Inverse Variation. Chapter 7: Group Activities. Chapter 7: Summary. Chapter 7: Review. Chapter 7: Test. 8. GRAPHING LINEAR EQUATIONS. 8.1 Linear Equations with Two Variables. 8.2 Graphing Linear Equations. 8.3 The Slope of a Line. 8.4 The Equation of a Line. Chapter 8: Group Activities. Chapter 8: Summary. Chapter 8: Review. Chapter 8: Test. Chapters 1-8: Cumulative Review. 9. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. 9.1 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Graphing. 9.2 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Addition. 9.3 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Substitution. 9.4 Applications Involving Pairs of Linear Equations. Chapter 9: Group Activities. Chapter 9: Summary. 58 Chapter 9: Review. Chapter 9: Test. 10. FACTORING ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS. 10.1 Finding Monomial Factors. 10.2 Finding the Product of Two Binomials Mentally. 10.3 Finding Binomial Factors. 10.4 Special Products. 10.5 Finding Factors of Special Products. 10.6 Factoring General Trinomials. Chapter 10: Group Activities. Chapter 10: Summary. Chapter 10: Review. Chapter 10: Test. Chapters 1-10: Cumulative Review. 11. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 11.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring. 11.2 The Quadratic Formula. 11.3 Applications Involving Quadratic Equations. 11.4 Graphs of Quadratic Equations. 11.5 Imaginary Numbers. Chapter 11: Group Activities. Chapter 11: Summary. Chapter 11: Review. Chapter 11: Test. 12. GEOMETRY. 12.1 Angles and Polygons. 12.2 Quadrilaterals. 12.3 Triangles. 12.4 Similar Polygons. 12.5 Circles. 12.6 Radian Measure. 12.7 Prisms. 12.8 Cylinders. 12.9 Pyramids and Cones. 12.10 Spheres. Chapter 12: Group Activities. Chapter 12: Summary. Chapter 12: Review. Chapter 12: Test. Chapters 1-12: Cumulative Review. 13. RIGHT TRIANGLE TRIGONOMETRY. 13.1 Trigonometric Ratios. 13.2 Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Angles. 13.3 Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Sides. 13.4 Solving Right Triangles. 13.5 Applications Involving Trigonometric Ratios. Chapter 13: Group Activities. Chapter 13: Summary. Chapter 13: Review. Chapter 13: Test. 14. TRIGONOMETRY WITH ANY ANGLE. 14.1 Sine and Cosine Graphs. 14.2 Period and Phase Shift. 14.3 Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines. 14.4 Law of Sines: The Ambiguous Case. 14.5 Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Cosines. Chapter 14: Group Activities. Chapter 14: Summary. Chapter 14: Review. Chapter 14: Test. Chapters 1-14: Cumulative Review. 15. BASIC STATISTICS. 15.1 Bar Graphs. 15.2 Circle Graphs. 15.3 Line Graphs. 15.4 Other Graphs. 15.5 Mean Measurement. 15.6 Other Average Measurements and Percentiles. 15.7 Range and Standard Deviation. 15.8 Grouped Data. 15.9 Standard Deviation for Grouped Data. 15.10 Statistical Process Control. 15.11 Other Graphs for Statistical Data. 15.12 Normal Distribution. 15.13 Probability. 15.14 Independent Events. Chapter 15: Group Activities. Chapter 15: Summary. Chapter 15: Review. Chapter 15: Test. 16. BINARY AND HEXADECIMAL NUMBERS. 16.1 Introduction to Binary Numbers. 16.2 Addition of Binary Numbers. 16.3 Subtraction of Binary Numbers. 16.4 Multiplication of Binary Numbers. 16.5 Conversion from Decimal to Binary System. 16.6 Conversion from Binary to Decimal System. 16.7 Hexadecimal System. 16.8 Addition and Subtraction of Hexadecimal Numbers. 16.9 Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion. 16.10 Hexadecimal Code for Colors. Chapter 16: Group Activities. Chapter 16: Summary. Chapter 16: Review. Chapter 16: Test. Chapters 1-16: Cumulative Review. Appendix A: Tables. Table 1: Formulas from Geometry. Table 2: Electrical Symbols. Appendix B: Exponential Equations. Appendix C: Simple Inequalities Appendix D: Instructor’s Answer Key to All Exercises. © 2015, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285199191 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION Laura Bracken, Lewis-Clark State College; Ed Miller, Lewis-Clark State College INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, International Edition offers a practical approach to the study of intermediate algebra concepts, consistent with the needs of today’s student. The authors help students to develop a solid understanding of functions by revisiting key topics related to functions throughout the text. They put special emphasis on the worked examples in each section, treating them as the primary means of instruction, since students rely so heavily on examples to complete assignments. Many of the applications (both within the examples and exercises) are also uniquely designed so that students have an experience that is more true to life—students must read information as it appears in headline news sources and extract only the relevant information needed to solve a stated problem. This promotes the text’s focus on developing better study habits, problem solving and critical thinking skills along with orienting students to think and reason mathematically. Through INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, International Edition, students will not only be better 59 prepared for future math courses, they will be better prepared to solve problems and answer questions they encounter in their own lives. FEATURES • Functions early and often. The authors introduce several key concepts related to functions in Chapter 3 and then revisited in more depth in later chapters, where appropriate. The concepts include domain, range, maximum, minimum, zeros, evaluating functions, and translating functions. These concepts appear as soon as students complete their review of elementary algebra and their initial work with polynomials. • Applications with data in “as is” form. Many of the application exercises and examples reference information taken directly from headline news, research studies, or reports. The excerpts contain information that is relevant to solve the problems as well as extraneous information that requires students to read and think critically, rather than randomly “plug and chug.” No bigger than “texts” or “tweets,” these authentic excerpts help students develop the skill of using information found in every day media to solve problems and make decisions not only in Intermediate Algebra, but in their own lives. • Five Steps Framework for Problem Solving. Based on the work of George Polya, the Five Steps provide a framework for solving application problems and are used consistently throughout the textbook to solve a wide variety of problems. Putting the Five Steps to use will help students overcome any trepidation, so that they can confidently unravel application problems, no matter their type. • Success in College Mathematics. To help students better understand the culture of college, these chapter opener narratives address topics such as personal responsibility, study skills, and time management. Follow-up exercises appear at the end of each section to help students reflect on their own attitudes and habits so that they can improve their performance and ensure success. • Examples with step-by-step explanation. Each step of the worked examples is accompanied by an annotation that explains how the solution progresses, from the first line to the final answer. Color-coding and boldface are also used to help students easily identify the operation that occurs in each step. • Side-by-side Examples. Some of the processes used to solve arithmetic equations can be directly applied to solve algebraic equations. Accordingly, some of the worked examples are set up with an arithmetic equation and a parallel algebraic equation side-byside. In this format, students can more readily see how each step of the solution to one equation mimics the other and how they can apply what they already know to something new. • Practice Problems. Following a set of worked examples in each section are a short set of Practice Problems that mirror the examples. Students can use the Practice Problems to check their understanding of the concepts or skills presented. • Problem Solving: Practice and Review. Found in the majority of the section-ending exercise sets are a set of four applications-based exercises called ProblemSolving: Practice and Review. Because these problems do not necessarily involve the concepts or skills taught in the section, students need to think critically about the information and relationships in the problem. • Find the Mistake. Each section-ending exercise set includes Find the Mistake exercises. In each of these exercises, students are asked to identify the error and then rework the problem correctly. By including these exercises the authors cultivate greater self-sufficiency on the part of students—encouraging them to develop the skills they need to correct their own work. • Learning the Language of Math. Vocabulary matching exercises that appear before the section-ending exercises as well as writing exercises that appear within the section-ending exercises help students improve their knowledge of vocabulary and notation. CONTENTS 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRA. Success in College Mathematics: Personal Responsibility. Sets and Numerical Expressions. Algebraic Expressions. Equations and Inequalities in One Variable. Scientific Notation and Unit Analysis. Applications and Problem Solving. Slope and Linear Equations in Two Variables. Writing the Equation of a Line. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 1. Chapter Test. 2. POLYNOMIALS AND ABSOLUTE VALUE. Success in College Mathematics: Studying for Tests. Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Polynomial Expressions. Factoring Polynomials: Greatest Common Factor and Grouping. Factoring Trinomials: Trinomials 60 and a Strategy for Factoring Completely. Polynomial Equations. Absolute Value Equations. Conjunctions, Disjunctions, and Absolute Value Inequalities. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 2. Chapter Test. 3. RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Problem Solving. Introduction to Relations and Functions. Linear and Constant Functions. Quadratic and Cubic Functions. Polynomial Models. Absolute Value Functions. Translation of Polynomial Functions. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 3. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Chapters 1-3. 4. SYSTEM OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Finding and Learning from Mistakes. Systems of Linear Equations. Algebraic Methods. Applications. Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables. Matrix Methods. Systems of Linear Inequalities. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 4. Chapter Test. 5. RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Making Connections. Simplifying, Multiplying, and Dividing Rational Expressions. Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions. Complex Rational Expressions. Rational Equations in One Variable. Rational Functions. Variation. Division of Polynomials; Synthetic Division. Rational Inequalities. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 5. Chapter Test. 6. RADICAL EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Keys for Success Introduction to Radicals. Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions. Dividing Radical Expressions and Conjugates. Rational Exponents. Radical Equations. Radical Functions. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 6. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Chapters 4-6. 7. QUADRATIC EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Planning for the Future. Complex Numbers. Solving Quadratic Equations. Completing the Square. Quadratic Formula. Quadratic Functions. Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function. Quadratic Inequalities. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 7. Chapter Test. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Final Exams. Operations with Functions and One-to-One Functions. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithmic Functions. Natural Logarithms and Logarithm Rules. Applications. Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Equations. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 8. Chapter Test. 9. CONIC SECTIONS SYSTEMS OF NON- LINEAR EQUATIONS. Success in College Mathematics: Why Study Mathematics? Distance Formula, Midpoint Formula, and Circles. Ellipses. Parabolas. Hyperbolas. Systems of Non-Linear Equations in Two Variables. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 7. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Chapters 7-9. 10. SEQUENCES, SERIES AND THE BINOMIAL THEOREM. Success in College Mathematics: Final Exams. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. The Binomial Theorem. Study Plan for Review of Chapter 10. Chapter Test. APPENDIX. A1: Reasonability and Problem Solving. A2: Determinants and Cramer’s Rule. A3: Developing the Equations of Conic Sections © 2014, 1040pp, Paperback, 9781133365204 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR KAUFMANN/SCHWITTERS ALGEBRA FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS, 10TH, 10E Kaufmann/Schwitters The Student Solutions Manual provides worked-out solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. © 2015, 608pp, Paperback, 9781285863979 61 Discrete Mathematics DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Susanna S. Epp, DePaul University Susanna Epp’s DISCRETE MATHEMATICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL REASONING, provides the same clear introduction to discrete mathematics and mathematical reasoning as her highly acclaimed DISCRETE MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, but in a compact form that focuses on core topics and omits certain applications usually taught in other courses. The book is appropriate for use in a discrete mathematics course that emphasizes essential topics or in a mathematics major or minor course that serves as a transition to abstract mathematical thinking. The ideas of discrete mathematics underlie and are essential to the science and technology of the computer age. This book offers a synergistic union of the major themes of discrete mathematics together with the reasoning that underlies mathematical thought. Renowned for her lucid, accessible prose, Epp explains complex, abstract concepts with clarity and precision, helping students develop the ability to think abstractly as they study each topic. In doing so, the book provides students with a strong foundation both for computer science and for other upper-level mathematics courses. FEATURES • Epp addresses difficulties in understanding logic and language with very concrete and easy-toconceptualize examples, helping students with a variety of backgrounds better comprehend basic mathematical reasoning, and enabling them to construct sound mathematical arguments. • A large number of exercises provide ample practice for students, with numerous applied problems covering an impressive array of applications. • Worked examples are developed in intuitive problemsolution format. Proof solutions are developed in two steps, with discussion on how one might come to devise the proof oneself followed by a concise version of the proof,enabling students of different levels to work at their own pace with adequate support and additional help for those who need it. • Margin notes highlight issues of particular importance and help students avoid common mistakes. • “Test Yourself” questions with answers at the end of each section provide immediate feedback to students regarding their understanding of basic concepts. CONTENTS 1. SPEAKING MATHEMATICALLY. Variables. The Language of Sets. The Language of Relations and Functions. 2. THE LOGIC OF COMPOUND STATEMENTS. Logical Form and Logical Equivalence. Conditional Statements. Valid and Invalid Arguments. 3. THE LOGIC OF QUANTIFIED STATEMENTS. Predicates and Quantified Statements I. Predicates and Quantified Statements II. Statements with Multiple Quantifiers. Arguments with Quantified Statements. 4. ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY AND METHODS OF PROOF. Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction. Direct Proof and Counterexample II: Rational Numbers. Direct Proof and Counterexample III: Divisibility. Direct Proof and Counterexample IV: Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem. Indirect Argument: Contradiction and Contraposition. Indirect Argument: Two Classical Theorems. 5. SEQUENCES, MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION, AND RECURSION. Sequences. Mathematical Induction I. Mathematical Induction II. Strong Mathematical Induction and the Well-Ordering Principle. Defining Sequences Recursively. Solving Recurrence Relations by Iteration. 6. SET THEORY. Set Theory: Definitions and the Element Method of Proof. Set Identities. Disproofs and Algebraic Proofs. Boolean Algebras and Russell’s Paradox. 7. PROPERTIES OF FUNCTIONS. Functions Defined on General Sets. One-to-one, Onto, and Inverse Functions. Composition of Functions. Cardinality and Sizes of Infinity. 8. PROPERTIES OF RELATIONS. Relations on Sets. Reflexivity, Symmetry, and Transitivity. Equivalence Relations. Modular Arithmetic and Zn. The Euclidean Algorithm and Applications. 9. COUNTING. 62 Counting and Probability. The Multiplication Rule. Counting Elements of Disjoint Sets: The Addition Rule. The Pigeonhole Principle. Counting Subsets of a Set: Combinations. Pascal’s Formula and the Binomial Theorem. 10. GRAPHS AND TREES. Graphs: An Introduction. Trails, Paths, and Circuits. Matrix Representations of Graphs. Isomorphisms of Graphs. Trees: Examples and Basic Properties. Rooted Trees. © 2011, 648pp, Hardback, 9780495826170 • Includes worked-out exercises in each section to illustrate crucial problem solving techniques. • Supplies a rich collection of examples and visual diagrams that clearly illustrate key concepts. CONTENTS <p>CHAPTER 1. Foundations: Sets, Logic, and Algorithms. <br> CHAPTER 2. Integers and Mathematical Induction. <br> CHAPTER 3. Relations and Posets. <br> CHAPTER 4 Matrices and Closures of Relations. <br> CHAPTER 5. Functions. <br> CHAPTER 6. Congruences. <br> CHAPTER 7. Counting Principles. <br> CHAPTER 8. Discrete Probability. <br> CHAPTER 9. Recurrence Relations. <br> CHAPTER 10. Algorithms and Time Complexity. <br> CHAPTER 11 Graph Theory. <br> CHAPTER 12. Trees and Networks. <br> CHAPTER 13. Boolean Algebra and Combinatorial Circuits. <br> CHAPTER 14. Finite Automata and Languages.<br> </p> © 2010, 880pp, Hardback, 9789814296359 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Theory and Applications (Revised Edition) D.S. Malik, Creighton University; M. K. Sen, University of Calcutta <p align=”justify”><i>Discrete Mathematics: Theory and Applications (Revised Edition)</i> offers a refreshing alternative for the undergraduate Discrete Mathematics course. In this revised text, the authors, Dr. Malik and Dr. Sen, employ a classroom-tested, student-focused approach that is conducive to effective learning. Each chapter motivates students through the use of real-world, concrete examples. Ample exercise sets provide alternative practice to allow students to apply what they learn, while programming exercises in each chapter allow opportunities for computer science application. This text is a true blend of theory and applications.</p> NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new chapter on discrete probability. FEATURES • Designed for an undergraduate course in Discrete Mathematics, mainly for students in mathematics or in computer science. • Provides over 100 exercises and a rich set of programming exercises per chapter. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 4E Susanna S. Epp, DePaul University Susanna Epp’s DISCRETE MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 4e, International Edition provides a clear introduction to discrete mathematics. Renowned for her lucid, accessible prose, Epp explains complex, abstract concepts with clarity and precision. This book presents not only the major themes of discrete mathematics, but also the reasoning that underlies mathematical thought. Students develop the ability to think abstractly as they study the ideas of logic and proof. While learning about such concepts as logic circuits and computer addition, algorithm analysis, recursive thinking, computability, automata, 63 cryptography, and combinatorics, students discover that the ideas of discrete mathematics underlie and are essential to the science and technology of the computer age. Overall, Epp’s emphasis on reasoning provides students with a strong foundation for computer science and upper-level mathematics courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new Chapter 1 introduces students to some of the precise language that is a foundation for much mathematical thought, and is intended as a warm-up before addressing topics in more depth later on. • New material on the definition of sound argument, trailing quantifiers, infinite unions and intersections, and Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. • Expanded discussion of writing proofs and avoiding common mistakes in proof-writing. • Increased coverage of functions of more than one variable and functions acting on sets. • New margin notes are provided to provide better context-sensitive help highlighting issues of particular importance. FEATURES • Epp addresses inherent difficulties in understanding logic and language with very concrete and easyto-conceptualize examples, an approach that helps students with a variety of background better comprehend basic mathematical reasoning, and enables them to construct sound mathematical arguments. • Around 2500 exercises providing ample practice for students, with numerous applied problems covering an impressive array of applications. • Over 500 worked examples in problem-solution format. Proof solutions are intuitively developed in two steps, a discussion on how to approach the proof and a summary of the solution, to allow students the choice or quicker or more deliberate instruction depending on how well they understand the problem. • Flexible organization, allowing instructors the ability to mix core and optional topics easily to suit a wide variety of discrete math course syllabi and topic focus. • Features, definitions, theorems, and exercise types are clearly marked and easily navigable, making the book an excellent reference that students will want to keep and continually refer back to in their later courses. CONTENTS 1. SPEAKING MATHEMATICALLY. Variables. The Language of Sets. The Language of Relations and Functions. 2. THE LOGIC OF COMPOUND STATEMENTS. Logical Form and Logical Equivalence. Conditional Statements. Valid and Invalid Arguments. Application: Digital Logic Circuits. Application: Number Systems and Circuits for Addition. 3. THE LOGIC OF QUANTIFIED STATEMENTS. Predicates and Quantified Statements I. Predicates and Quantified Statements II. Statements with Multiple Quantifiers. Arguments with Quantified Statements. 4. ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY AND METHODS OF PROOF. Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction. Direct Proof and Counterexample II: Rational Numbers. Direct Proof and Counterexample III: Divisibility. Direct Proof and Counterexample IV: Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem. Direct Proof and Counterexample V: Floor and Ceiling. Indirect Argument: Contradiction and Contraposition. Indirect Argument: Two Classical Theorems. Application: Algorithms. 5. SEQUENCES, MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION, AND RECURSION. Sequences. Mathematical Induction I. Mathematical Induction II. Strong Mathematical Induction and the Well-Ordering Principle. Application: Correctness of Algorithms. Defining Sequences Recursively. Solving Recurrence Relations by Iteration. Second-Order Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients. General Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction. 6. SET THEORY. Set Theory: Definitions and the Element Method of Proof. Properties of Sets. Disproofs and Algebraic Proofs. Boolean Algebras, Russell’s Paradox, and the Halting Problem. 7. FUNCTIONS. Functions Defined on General Sets. One-to-one, Onto, Inverse Functions. Composition of Functions. Cardinalitywith Applications to Computability. 8. RELATIONS. Relations on Sets. Reflexivity, Symmetry, and Transitivity. Equivalence Relations. Modular Arithmetic with Applications to Cryptography. Partial Order Relations. 9. COUNTING AND PROBABILITY. Introduction. Possibility Trees and the Multiplication Rule. Counting Elements of Disjoint Sets: The Addition Rule. The Pigeonhole Principle. Counting Subsets of a Set: Combinations. r-Combinations with Repetition Allowed. Pascal’s Formula and the Binomial Theorem. Probability Axioms and Expected Value. Conditional Probability, Bayes’ 64 Formula, and Independent Events. 10. GRAPHS AND TREES. Graphs: Definitions and Basic Properties. Trails, Paths, and Circuits. Matrix Representations of Graphs. Isomorphisms of Graphs. Trees. Rooted Trees. Spanning Trees and a Shortest Path Algorithm. 11. ANALYZING ALGORITHM EFFICIENCY. Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Their Graphs. Application: Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency I. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: Graphs and Orders. Application: Efficiency of Algorithms II. 12. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS AND FINITE STATE AUTOMATA. Formal Languages and Regular Expressions. Finite-State Automata. Simplifying FiniteState Automata. © 2011, 984pp, Paperback, 9780495826163 MATHEMATICS, 3E A Discrete Introduction Edward R. Scheinerman, The Johns Hopkins University MATHEMATICS: A DISCRETE INTRODUCTION teaches students the fundamental concepts in discrete mathematics and proof-writing skills. With its clear presentation, the text shows students how to present cases logically beyond this course. All of the material is directly applicable to computer science and engineering, but it is presented from a mathematician’s perspective. Students will learn that discrete mathematics is very useful, especially those whose interests lie in computer science and engineering, as well as those who plan to study probability, statistics, operations research, and other areas of applied mathematics. NEW TO THIS EDITION • This edition has been revised based on input from reviewers and users, as well as the author’s understanding of the course. This includes correcting and adding to the existing content. • Featuring more than 25% increase in problems. Some of these new problems, which are included in problem sets and chapter tests, are interrelated to develop ideas across chapters, providing a stronger understanding of the materiel. FEATURES • Self-Tests: A self-test appears at the end of every chapter. The problems are of various degrees of difficulty, and complete answers appear in Appendix B. • Induction: The sections on mathematical induction have been reworked with new motivational material, more examples, and more problems. The induction section is now essentially independent of the proof by smallest counterexample section. • The book includes sections covering topics such as recurrence relations and combinatorial proof. • The introductory section, “Joy,” motivates students by describing the pleasure of doing mathematics. • Proof Templates: Proof templates appear throughout the book and give students the basic skeleton of the proof as well as boilerplate language. • Growing Proofs: The author teaches students how to write proofs by instructing them to begin their proofs by first writing the first sentence and next writing the last sentence. Students then work the proof from both ends until they meet in the middle. • Mathspeak: Marginal notes explain many of the idiosyncrasies of mathematical English. • Hints: Appendix A contains an extensive collection of hints (and some answers when necessary) that point students in the correct direction. CONTENTS 1. FUNDAMENTALS. Joy. Speaking (and Writing) of Mathetimatics. Definition. Theorem. Proof. Counterexample. Boolean Algebra. Self Test. 2. COLLECTIONS. Lists. Factorial. Sets I: Introduction, Subsets. Quantifiers. Sets II: Operations. Combinatorial Proof: Two Examples. Self Test. 3. COUNTING AND RELATIONS. Relations. Equivalence Relations. Partitions. Binomial Coefficients. Counting Multisets. Inclusion-Exclusion. Self Test. 4. MORE PROOF. Contradiction. Smallest Counterexample. Induction. Recurrence Relations. Self Test. 5. FUNCTIONS. Functions. The Pigeonhole Principle. Composition. Permutations. Symmetry. Assorted Notation. Self Test. 65 6. PROBABILITY. Sample Space. Events. Conditional Probability and Independence. Random Variables. Expectation. Self Test. 7. NUMBER THEORY. Dividing. Greatest Common Divisor. Modular Arithmetic. The Chinese Remainder Theorem. Factoring. Self Test. 8. ALGEBRA. Groups. Group Isomorphism. Subgroups. Fermat’s Little Theorem. Public-Key Cryptography I: Introduction. Public-Key Cryptography II: Rabin’s Method. Public-Key Cryptography III: RSA. Self Test. 9. GRAPHS. Graph Theory Fundamentals. Subgraphs. Connection. Trees. Eulerian Graphs. Coloring. Planar Graphs. Self Test. 10. PARTIALLY ORDERED SETS. Partially Ordered Sets Fundamentals. Max and Min. Linear Orders. Linear Extensions. Dimension. Lattices. Self Test. APPENDICES. Lots of Hints and Comments; Some Answers. Solutions to Self Tests. Glossary. Fundamentals. Index. © 2013, 504pp, Hardback, 9780840049421 Finite Mathematics / Applied Calculus APPLIED CALC (WITH COURSEMATE PRINTED ACCESS CARD), 2E Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process APPLIED CALC, 2nd edition is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today’s learners at a valuebased price. Geared toward business and social science majors, this text helps students develop the analytical thinking skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Straightforward language and an award-winning writing style promote conceptual understanding of mathematical topics and real-world contexts. An innovative combination of content delivery both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets, including end-ofchapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. Also available is Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®—a complete online homework management system for students and professors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Chapter 1 “Functions and Models” has been revised and expanded to provide a more in-depth review of prerequisite material. • Answers to odd-numbered problems are included in the text. • The text contains many new and updated real-life applications. FEATURES • Every 4LTR Press solution comes complete with an engaging print textbook, tear-out review cards, an interactive digital solution (CourseMate), and an eBook all of which were directly influenced from student focus groups, surveys, and interviews. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Tear-out Tech Cards in both the Student and Instructor Editions contain tips on using graphing calculators. • Instructor Prep Cards in the Instructor’s Edition make preparation simple with detachable cards for each chapter, offering a quick overview of chapter content, including Concept Overview, Key Words, and Concept Challenges for Students. • Every 4LTR Press solution comes with CourseMate, the interactive digital component that offers a full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles. Quizzes, flashcards, lecture videos, solution videos, extra practice exercises, and more are only a click away. *(please make sure the resources you list pertain to your title and are available.)* • All of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none including PowerLecture (an instructor CD/DVD), Cengage Learning Testing Powered by Cognero, an Instructor’s Edition, an e-book, an online Instructor’s Solutions Manual, and an online Student Solutions Manual. 66 CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. 1.1 Functions 1.2 Linear Functions 1.3 Quadratic Functions 1.4 Polynomial and Rational Functions 1.5 Exponential Functions and Logarithms 1.6 Function Modeling and Combining Functions. 2. THE DERIVATIVE. 2.1 Average Rate of Change 2.2 Limits and Instantaneous Rates of Change 2.3 The Derivative as a Slope: Graphical Methods 2.4 The Derivative as a Function: Algebraic Method 2.5 Interpreting the Derivative 3. DIFFERENTIATION TECHNIQUES. 3.1 Basic Derivative Rules 3.2 The Product and Quotient Rules 3.3 The Chain Rule 3.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Rules 3.5 Implicit Differentiation 4. DERIVATIVE APPLICATIONS. 4.1 Maxima and Minima 4.2 Applications of Maxima and Minima 4.3 Concavity and the Second Derivative 4.4 Related Rates. 5. THE INTEGRAL. 5.1 Indefinite Integrals 5.2 Integration by Substitution 5.3 Using Sums to Approximate Area 5.4 The Definite Integral 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 6. ADVANCED INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS. 6.1 Integration by Parts 6.2 Area Between Two Curves 6.3 Differential Equations and Applications 6.4 Differential Equations: Limited Growth and Logistic Growth Models. 7. MULTIVARIABLE FUNCTIONS AND PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. 7.1 Multivariable Functions 7.2 Partial Derivatives 7.3 Multivariable Maxima and Minima 7.4 Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. © 2015, 288pp, Paperback, 9781285061825 APPLIED CALC (WITH MATHEMATICS COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD) Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process Applied CALC is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today’s learners at a value-based price. Geared toward business and social science majors, this text equips students with the analytical tools and technological skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Straightforward language and writing style promote conceptual understanding, and the incorporation of real-life applications, examples, and data helps engage students--even those with minimal interest in mathematics. An innovative combination of content delivery both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets, including end-ofchapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. Also available is Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®—a complete online homework management system for students and professors. FEATURES • An innovative combination of content delivered both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets based on input from student focus groups, surveys, and interviews. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Detachable Review Cards for each chapter provide students a portable study tool containing information to prepare for class and for tests, including section objectives, definitions of key terms, and section summaries. • Detachable Tech Cards in both the Student and Instructor Editions contain tips on using graphing calculators. • Detachable Instructor Prep Cards for each chapter make preparation simple by offering section objectives, teaching tips (including common student errors, suggested homework assignments, and time management tips), and Make It Real projects. • A full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles is available to students with the purchase of a new book. Interactive quizzes, videos, extra examples and problems, flashcards, answers and solutions, and more are only a click away. • All of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none including 67 PowerLecture (an instructor CD/DVD), an Instructor’s Edition, an e-book, an online Instructor’s Manual, and an online Student’s Solutions Manual. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Applied Calculus to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR MODELS. 1.1 Functions. Function Notation. Graphs of Functions. Domain and Range. Exercises. 1.2 Linear Functions. Intercepts. Linear Equations. Finding the Equation of a Line. Other Forms of Linear Equations. Graphing Linear Functions. Exercises. 2. NONLINEAR MODELS. 2.1 Quadratic Function Models. Exercises. 2.2 Exponential Function Models. Exponential Function Graphs. Properties of Exponents. Finding an Exponential Function from a Table. Using Exponential Regression to Model Data. Finding an Exponential Function from a Verbal Description. Exercises. 3. THE DERIVATIVE. 3.1 Average Rate of Change. Graphical Interpretation of the Difference Quotient. Exercises. 3.2 Limits and Instantaneous Rates of Change. Limits. Exercises. 3.3 The Derivative as a Slope: Graphical Methods. TangentLine Approximations. Numerical Derivatives. Exercises. 3.4 The Derivative as a Function: Algebraic Method. Estimating Derivatives. Exercises. 3.5 Interpreting the Derivative. Exercises. 4. DIFFERENTIATION TECHNIQUES. 4.1 Basic Derivative Rules. Derivative Notation. The Constant Rule. The Power Rule. Constant Multiple Rule. Sum and Difference Rule. Exercises. 4.2 The Product and Quotient Rules. Exercises. 4.3 The Chain Rule. Composition of Functions. The Chain Rule. Chain Rule: Alternative Form. Exercises. 4.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Rules. Exponential Rule. Logarithmic Rule. Exercises. 4.5 Implicit Differentiation. Exercises. 5. DERIVATIVE APPLICATIONS. 5.1 Maxima and Minima. Continuity. Relative and Absolute Extrema. Critical Values. The First Derivative Test. Exercises. 5.2 Applications of Maxima and Minima. Revenue, Cost, and Profit. Area and Volume. Exercises. 5.3 Concavity and the Second Derivative. Concavity. The Second Derivative Test. Point of Diminishing Returns. Position, Velocity, and Acceleration. Curve Sketching. Exercises. 5.4 Related Rates. Exercises. 6. THE INTEGRAL. 6.1 Indefinite Integrals. Basic Integration Rules. Indefinite Integral Applications. Exercises. 6.2 Integration by Substitution. Differentials. Integration by Substitution. Exercises. 6.3 Using Sums to Approximate Area. Exercises. 6.4 The Definite Integral. Summation Notation. The Definite Integral. Definite Integral Properties. Exercises. 6.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Changing Limits of Integration. Exercises. 7. ADVANCED INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS. 7.1 Integration by Parts. Exercises. 7.2 Area Between Two Curves. Difference of Accumulated Changes. Exercises. 7.3 Differential Equations and Applications. Newton’s Law of Heating and Cooling. Exercises. 7.4 Differential Equations: Limited Growth and Logistic Growth Models. Limited Growth Model. Logistic Growth Model. Exercises. 8. MULTIVARIABLE FUNCTIONS AND PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. 8.1 Multivariable Functions. Exercises. 8.2 Partial Derivatives. Cross Sections of a Surface. Second-Order Partial Derivatives. Exercises. 8.3 Multivariable Maxima and Minima. Exercises. 8.4 Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. Graphical Interpretation of Constrained Optimization Problems. Exercises. © 2012, 256pp, Paperback, 9780840065636 Coming Soon! APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9E A Brief Approach, International Edition Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College A traditional book with a modern feel, market-leading APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: A BRIEF APPROACH, 9e, 68 International Edition teaches by application and uses real-world examples to motivate students. It combines solid theory with innovative technology, includes a robust supplement package, and offers unmatched flexibility that caters to both traditional and modern practitioners. Accessible for majors and non-majors alike, the new Ninth Edition utilizes an intuitive approach that marries real-life instances to what would otherwise be abstract concepts. This is the focus of new and insightful Portfolio features, which highlight the careers of actual persons and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily operations. Numerous exercises, including Diagnostic Tests, ensure that students have a solid understanding of textbook information before advancing to the next topic. Plus, algebra review notes which refer to the Preliminaries chapter appear where you need them, when you need them. And by offering a powerful array of supplements such as Enhanced WebAssign®, the new Ninth Edition enables students to maximize their study time and succeed in class. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Over 100 new and updated student-friendly applications. Topics include: global defense spending, public transportation budget deficit, cost of the Health Care Bill, brain cancer survival rate, small car market share, Case-Shiller Home Price Index, rate of business failures, solar panel production, seat belt use, Mexico’s hedging tactic, medical costs for veterans, and bounced-check charges. • Four new Portfolio features illustrate mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms and an Antibody Assay Developer at Ventana Medical. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 100 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Algebra review when you need it: Diagnostic Tests begin the Preliminaries chapter, offering students a chance to see which algebra skills they need to review before beginning regular coursework. Additionally, algebra review notes, keyed to the review chapter, appear where you need them, when you need them. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on CourseMate, these videos directly correspond to exercises found within the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily operations. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link to the list of applications. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” questions also pop up throughout the text in special boxes. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises feature in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, showing students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. • Complete exercise sets: Section exercise sets include “Concept” questions, and chapter reviews contain fillin-the-blank “Concept Review” questions. Additional routine and true-false questions have been added as well. • Thorough: Detailed illustrations support examples and exercises, ensuring student understanding. “Explore and Discuss” questions take concepts a step further and spark student discussion. Other pedagogical tools that help students master the material include: “SelfCheck” exercises in every section, “Notes” to clarify more mathematical ideas, “Cautions” highlighting common pitfalls, and more. CONTENTS Preface. 1. PRELIMINARIES. Precalculus Review I. Precalculus Review II. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 1 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Before Moving On. 2. FUNCTIONS, LIMITS, AND THE DERIVATIVE. Functions and Their Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Functions and Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding the Points of Intersection of Two 69 Graphs and Modeling. Limits. Using Technology: Finding the Limit of a Function. One-Sided Limits and Continuity. Using Technology: Finding the Points of Discontinuity of a Function. The Derivative. Using Technology: Graphing a Function and Its Tangent Line. Chapter 2 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 2 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Before Moving On. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. Basic Rules of Differentiation. Using Technology: Finding the Rate of Change of a Function. The Product and Quotient Rules. Using Technology: The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Using Technology: Finding the Derivative of a Composite Function. Marginal Functions in Economics. Higher-Order Derivatives. Using Technology: Finding the Second Derivative of a Function at a Given Point. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. Differentials. Using Technology: Finding the Differential of a Function. Chapter 3 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 3 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Before Moving On. 4. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Applications of the First Derivative. Using Technology: Using the First Derivative to Analyze a Function. Applications of the Second Derivative. Using Technology: Finding the Inflection Points of a Function. Curve Sketching. Using Technology: Analyzing the Properties of a Optimization I. Using Technology: Finding the Absolute Extrema of a Function. Optimization II. Chapter 4 Summary of Principal Terms. Chapter 4 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Before Moving On. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Using Technology. Logarithmic Functions. Compound Interest. Using Technology: Finding the Accumulated Amount of an Investment, the Effective Rate of Interest, and the Present Value of an Investment. Differentiation of Exponential Functions. Using Technology. Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Using Technology: Analyzing Mathematical Models. Chapter 5 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 5 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Before Moving On. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating Definite Integrals. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Using Technology: Evaluating Integrals for PiecewiseDefined Functions. Area between Two Curves. Using Technology: Finding the Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. Using Technology: Business and Economic Applications/Technology Exercises. Chapter 6 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Before Moving On. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables of Integrals. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. Applications of Calculus to Probability. Chapter 7 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 7 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Before Moving On. 8. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding Partial Derivatives at a Given Point. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. The Method of Least Squares. Using Technology: Finding an Equation of LeastSquares Line. Constrained Maxima and Minima and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers. Double Integrals. Chapter 8 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 8 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Before Moving On. Appendix A. The Inverse of a Function. The Graphs of Inverse Functions. Functions That Have Inverses. Finding the Inverse of a Function. Appendix B. Indeterminant Forms and l’Hôpital’s Rule. The Indeterminant Forms 0/0 and ∞/ ∞. Index. © 2012, 688pp, Paperback, 9781111427733 Coming Soon! APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Well known for accuracy, Soo Tan’s APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Ninth Edition balances applications, pedagogy, and technology to provide students the context they need to stay motivated in the course and interested in the material. Accessible for majors and non-majors alike, 70 the text uses an intuitive approach that introduces abstract concepts through examples drawn from common, real-life experiences to which students can relate. It also draws applications from readers’ fields of interest. In addition, insightful Portfolios highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily professional activities. Numerous exercises ensure that students have a solid understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. Algebra review notes, keyed to the review chapter Preliminaries, appear where and when students need them. The text’s exciting array of supplements, including Enhanced WebAssign®, equips students with extensive learning support to help them make the most of their study time. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections NEW TO THIS EDITION • Over 100 new and updated student-friendly applications: Topics include global defense spending, public transportation budget deficits, cost of the Health Care Bill, brain cancer survival rates, small car market share, the Case-Shiller Home Price Index, the rate of business failures, solar panel production, seat belt use, Mexico’s hedging tactic, medical costs for veterans, and bounced-check charges. • Four New Portfolios: Illustrating the value of mathematics in the workplace, this feature includes new interviews with professionals such as the Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms and a Research Associate at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 100 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Algebra review when it’s needed: A Diagnostic Test begins the Preliminaries chapter, offering students a chance to see which algebra skills they need to review before beginning regular coursework. Additionally, algebra review notes, keyed to the review chapter, appear where and when students need them. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on CourseMate, the book’s website, these videos directly correspond to exercises found in the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily activities. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link them to the list of applications. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” boxes throughout the text offer students the opportunity to use technology to further explore mathematical concepts. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises, featured in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, show students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. • Complete exercise sets: Section exercise sets include “Concept” questions, and chapter reviews contain fillin-the-blank “Concept Review” questions. Additional routine and true-false questions have been added as well. • Thorough: Detailed illustrations support examples and exercises, ensuring student understanding. “Explore and Discuss” questions take concepts a step further and spark student discussion. Other pedagogical tools that help students master the material include “SelfCheck” exercises in every section, “Notes” to clarify mathematical ideas, and “Cautions” that highlight common pitfalls. CONTENTS 1. PRELIMINARIES. Precalculus Review I. Precalculus Review II. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. 2. FUNCTIONS, LIMITS, AND THE DERIVATIVE. Functions and Their Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Functions and Mathematical Models. Limits. OneSided Limits and Continuity. The Derivative. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. Basic Rules of Differentiation. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Marginal Functions in Economics. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. Differentials. 4. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. 71 Applications of the First Derivative. Applications of the Second Derivative. Curve Sketching. Optimization I. Optimization II. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Compound Interest. Differentiation of Exponential Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables of Integrals. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. Volumes of Solids of Revolution. 8. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. The Method of Least Squares. Constrained Maxima and Minima and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers. Total Differentials. Double Integrals. Applications of Double Integrals. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. Applications of Separable Differential Equations. Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations. 10. PROBABILITY AND CALCULUS. Probability Distributions of Random Variables. Expected Value and Standard Deviation. Normal Distributions. 11. TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS AND INFINITE SERIES. Taylor Polynomials. Infinite Sequences. Infinite Series. Series with Positive Numbers. Power Series and Taylor Series. More on Taylor Series. Newton’s Method. 12. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Measurement of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions. Integration of Trigonometric Functions APPENDIX A. The Inverse of a Function. The Graphs of Inverse Functions. Functions That Have Inverses. Finding the Inverse of a Function. APPENDIX B. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hôpital’s Rule. The Indeterminate Forms 0/0 and infinity/infinity. APPENDIX C. The Standard Normal Distribution. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Index. © 2014, 896pp, Hardback, 9781133607717 APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 10E A Brief Approach Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: A BRIEF APPROACH, Tenth Edition balances modern applications, solid pedagogy, and the latest technology to engage students and keep them motivated in the course. Suitable for majors and non-majors alike, the text uses an intuitive approach that teaches concepts through examples drawn from real-life situations from students’ fields of interest. In addition, insightful Portfolios highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily professional activities. Numerous exercises, including a Diagnostic Test, ensure that students have a concrete understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. The text’s pedagogical features coupled with an exciting array of supplements equip students with the tools they need to make the most of their study time and to succeed in the course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New and updated applications. • New and updated examples. • New and updated exercises. • Increased emphasis on prerequisite skills in the accompanying Enhanced WebAssign course with the addition of Just-in-Time and Quick Prep Exercises. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: Included in the 10th edition are more than 100 new and updated modern applications to motivate students and to illustrate the relevance of mathematics in everyday life. Topics include: Mobile Devise Usage; U.S. Public 72 Debt; Outsourcing of Jobs; Inflation; Bank Failures; Social Networks; Gini Index; and Isoquants. • Portfolio features outlining the real-life experiences of a variety of professionals who use mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms and a Principal Software Engineer at Iron Mountain. • Technology experiences: “Modeling with Data” exercises appear in many of the Using Technology subsections, giving students an inside look at how the author constructed the functions found in the exercises. • Algebra review when you need it: A Diagnostic Test at the start of the Preliminaries chapter offers students a chance to see which algebra skills they need to review before beginning regular coursework. Additionally, algebra review notes, keyed to the Preliminaries chapter, appear where you need them, when you need them. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” questions emerge throughout the text in special boxes. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises feature in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, showing students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. CONTENTS 1. PRELIMINARIES. Precalculus Review I. Precalculus Review II. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. 2. FUNCTIONS, LIMITS, AND THE DERIVATIVE. Functions and Their Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Functions and Mathematical Models. Limits. OneSided Limits and Continuity. The Derivative. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. Basic Rules of Differentiation. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Marginal Functions in Economics. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. Differentials. 4. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Applications of the First Derivative. Applications of the Second Derivative. Curve Sketching. Optimization I. Optimization II. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Compound Interest. Differentiation of Exponential Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables of Integrals. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. Applications of Calculus to Probability. 8. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. The Method of Least Squares. Constrained Maxima and Minima and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers. Total Differentials. Double Integrals. © 2015, 704pp, Hardback, 9781285464640 APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, HYBRID EDITION, 9E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Well known for accuracy, Soo Tan’s APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Ninth Edition balances applications, pedagogy, and technology to provide 73 students the context they need to stay motivated in the course and interested in the material. Accessible for majors and non-majors alike, the text uses an intuitive approach that introduces abstract concepts through examples drawn from common, real-life experiences to which students can relate. It also draws applications from readers’ fields of interest. In addition, insightful Portfolios highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily professional activities. Numerous exercises ensure that students have a solid understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. Algebra review notes, keyed to the review chapter Preliminaries, appear where and when students need them. The text’s exciting array of supplements, including Enhanced WebAssign®, equips students with extensive learning support to help them make the most of their study time. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Over 100 new and updated student-friendly applications: Topics include global defense spending, public transportation budget deficits, cost of the Health Care Bill, brain cancer survival rates, small car market share, the Case-Shiller Home Price Index, the rate of business failures, solar panel production, seat belt use, Mexico’s hedging tactic, medical costs for veterans, and bounced-check charges. • New Portfolios: Illustrating the value of mathematics in the workplace, this feature includes new interviews with professionals such as the Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms and an Antibody Assay Developer at Ventana Medical. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 100 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Algebra review when it’s needed: A Diagnostic Test begins the Preliminaries chapter, offering students a chance to see which algebra skills they need to review before beginning regular coursework. Additionally, algebra review notes, keyed to the review chapter, appear where and when students need them. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on CourseMate, the book’s website, these videos directly correspond to exercises found in the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily activities. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link them to the list of applications. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” boxes throughout the text offer students the opportunity to use technology to further explore mathematical concepts. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises, featured in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, show students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. • Thorough: Detailed illustrations support examples and exercises, ensuring student understanding. “Explore and Discuss” questions take concepts a step further and spark student discussion. Other pedagogical tools that help students master the material include “SelfCheck” exercises in every section, “Notes” to clarify mathematical ideas, and “Cautions” that highlight common pitfalls. CONTENTS 1. PRELIMINARIES. Precalculus Review I. Precalculus Review II. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. 2. FUNCTIONS, LIMITS, AND THE DERIVATIVE. Functions and Their Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Functions and Mathematical Models. Limits. OneSided Limits and Continuity. The Derivative. 3. DIFFERENTIATION. Basic Rules of Differentiation. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Marginal Functions in Economics. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. Differentials. 4. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Applications of the First Derivative. Applications of the Second Derivative. Curve Sketching. Optimization I. Optimization II. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Compound Interest. Differentiation of 74 Exponential Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables of Integrals. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. Volumes of Solids of Revolution. 8. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. The Method of Least Squares. Constrained Maxima and Minima and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers. Total Differentials. Double Integrals. Applications of Double Integrals. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. Applications of Separable Differential Equations. Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations. 10. PROBABILITY AND CALCULUS. Probability Distributions of Random Variables. Expected Value and Standard Deviation. Normal Distributions. 11. TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS AND INFINITE SERIES. Taylor Polynomials. Infinite Sequences. Infinite Series. Series with Positive Numbers. Power Series and Taylor Series. More on Taylor Series. Newton’s Method. 12. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Measurement of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions. Integration of Trigonometric Functions APPENDIX A. The Inverse of a Function. The Graphs of Inverse Functions. Functions That Have Inverses. Finding the Inverse of a Function. APPENDIX B. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hôpital’s Rule. The Indeterminate Forms 0/0 and infinity/infinity. APPENDIX C. The Standard Normal Distribution. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Index. © 2014, 704pp, Paperback, 9781285082691 APPLIED CALCULUS, BRIEF HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONE-TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 6E Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! This text for the one-semester applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students’ interest and show them the practical side of calculus. The book’s many applications are related to finance, business, and such general-interest topics as the learning curves in airplane production, the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apple and Oracle stock prices, the distance traveled by sports cars, lives saved by seat belts, and the cost of a congressional victory. The Sixth Edition maintains the hallmark features that have made BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS so popular: contemporary and interesting applications; careful and effective use of technology, including graphing calculator and spreadsheet coverage; constant pedagogical reinforcement through section summaries, chapter summaries, annotated examples, and extra practice problems; Just-in-Time algebra review material; and a variety of exercises and assignment options including Applied Exercises, Conceptual Exercises, and Explorations and Excursions. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section 75 exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The Hybrid Edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • New exercises have been added, enhancing in particular the number and quality of business applications. Exercises and examples have also been updated with the most current real data available. • An icon now identifies Just-in-Time Review material, which provides students with helpful algebra guidance via blue annotations to the right of the mathematics in every example throughout the text. • A new design and new artwork improve the presentation and flow of material, and boost the aesthetic appeal of the book for today’s learners. FEATURES • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, 6th Edition, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The pedagogy and exercises in this proven text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial assistance (e.g., Read It eBook pages, Watch It videos, and Master It tutorials) and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Assign as many as 2,300 problems that match your text’s end-of-section exercises. • Many of the book’s contemporary and interesting applications use real, sourced data from a wide range of fields including athletics, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, management science and business, personal finance and management, social and behavioral sciences, and topics of general interest. A globe icon identifies real-world examples. • Sourced exercises establish factual basis and enable further research. • Regression (modeling) exercises in Chapter 1 ask students to use calculators to fit equations to actual data, and illustrate the methods used to develop the models in applied exercises throughout the book. Students can also benefit from optional examples on linear regression, power regression, quadratic regression, and exponential regression. • The book presents substantial treatment of limits involving infinity, graphing rational functions, and elasticity of demand. In addition to these expanded applications, more challenging exercises are included as well as a complete proof of the Chain Rule based on Carathédory’s definition of the derivative. • Brief Examples, located immediately to the right of the boxes that summarize results, illustrate and provide immediate reinforcement of the concepts. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS. Real Numbers, Inequalities, and Lines. Exponents. Functions: Linear and Quadratic. Functions: Polynomial, Rational, and Exponential. 2. DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USES. Limits and Continuity. Rates of Change, Slopes, and Derivatives. Some Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. HigherOrder Derivatives. The Chain Rule and the Generalized Power Rule. Nondifferentiable Functions. 3. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Graphing Using the First Derivative. Graphing Using the First and Second Derivatives. Optimization. Further Applications of Optimization. Optimizing Lot Size and Harvest Size. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Two Applications to Economics: Relative Rates and Elasticity of Demand. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Definite Integrals and Areas. Further Applications of Definite Integrals: Average Value and Area Between Curves. Two Applications to Economics: Consumers’ Surplus and Income Distribution. Integration by Substitution. 6. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables. Improper Integrals. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations. Further Applications of Differential Equations: Three Models of Growth. 7. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Optimizing Functions of Several Variables. Least Squares. Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization. Total Differentials and Approximate Changes. Multiple Integrals. © 2013, 504pp, Paperback, 9781133364801 76 APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s APPLIED CALCULUS, Sixth Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, APPLIED CALCULUS appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Current Applications: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by updated versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been kept. New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest to contemporary students, such as Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, Androids, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill, and the U.S. stock market “flash crash” in May 2010. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa; for instance, a cost equation like C = 10x + 50 can be thought of as defining a cost function C(x) = 10x + 50. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. This allows students to see from the outset why it’s important to learn about sums, products, etc. of functions rather than simply how to manipulate them. • Chapter 3: The material on limits now includes extensive discussions of when, and why, substitution can be used to obtain a limit. The book now also follows the usual convention of allowing only onesided limits at endpoints of domains. This approach also applies to derivatives, where the text now disallows derivatives at endpoints of domains, as is the normal convention. • Chapter 4: The closed-form formula for the derivative of |x|, introduced in Section 4.1, is now more fully integrated into the text, as is that for its antiderivative (in Chapter 6). • Chapter 6: The sections on antiderivatives and substitution have been reorganized and streamlined, and now include discussion of the closed-form antiderivative of |x| as well as new exercises featuring absolute values. The definite integral is now introduced in the realistic context of the volume of oil released in an oil spill comparable in size to the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill. • Chapter 8: The discussion of level curves in Section 8.1 is now more extensive, and includes added examples and exercises. • Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data, and continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as spending on housing construction, modeling tax revenues, and pollution control. 77 • Chapter Review Exercises: Chapter review exercise sets have been expanded to be more representative of the material within the chapter. Students will appreciate the applications in these exercises, all of which revolve around the fictitious online bookseller,, and the various (and often amusing) travails of company CEO John O’Hagan and his business associate Marjory Duffin. In addition, numerous new conceptual Communication and Reasoning exercises include many dealing with common student errors and misconceptions. • More Flexible Technology Guides: End-of-chapter Technology Guides now discuss the use of spreadsheets in general rather than focusing exclusively on Microsoft® Excel. This enables readers to use any of the several alternatives now available, such as Google’s online Google Sheets®, Open Office®, and Apple’s Numbers®. Calculus. 7. FURTHER INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE INTEGRAL. Integration by Parts. Area Between Two Curves and Applications. Averages and Moving Averages. Applications to Business and Economics: Consumers’ and Producers’ Surplus and Continuous Income Streams. Improper Integrals and Applications. Differential Equations and Applications. 8. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima. Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. Double Integrals and Applications. 9. TRIGONOMETRIC MODELS. Trigonometric Functions, Models, and Regression. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. © 2014, 544pp, Paperback, 9781285056401 CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression. 2. NONLINEAR FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Exponential Functions and Models. Logarithmic Functions and Models. Logistic Functions and Models. 3. INTRODUCTION TO THE DERIVATIVE. Limits: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. Limits and Continuity. Limits: Algebraic Approach. Average Rate of Change. Derivatives: Numerical and Graphical Viewpoints. Derivatives: Algebraic Viewpoint. 4. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Derivatives of Powers, Sums, and Constant Multiples. A First Application: Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. 5. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Maxima and Minima. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Higher Order Derivatives: Acceleration and Concavity. Analyzing Graphs. Related Rates. Elasticity. 6. THE INTEGRAL. The Indefinite Integral. Substitution. The Definite Integral: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. The Definite Integral: Algebraic Approach and the Fundamental Theorem of APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONE-TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 6E Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! This text for the one- or two-semester applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students’ interest and show them the practical side of calculus. The book’s many applications are related to finance, business, and such general-interest topics 78 as learning curves in airplane production, the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apple and Oracle stock prices, the distance traveled by sports cars, lives saved by seat belts, and the cost of a congressional victory. The Sixth Edition maintains the hallmark features that have made APPLIED CALCULUS so popular: contemporary and interesting applications; careful and effective use of technology, including graphing calculator and spreadsheet coverage; constant pedagogical reinforcement through section summaries, chapter summaries, annotated examples, and extra practice problems; Just-in-Time algebra review material; and a variety of exercises and assignment options including Applied Exercises, Conceptual Exercises, and Explorations and Excursions. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The Hybrid Edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • New exercises have been added, enhancing in particular the number and quality of business applications. Exercises and examples have also been updated with the most current real data available. • An icon now identifies Just-in-Time Review material, which provides students with helpful algebra guidance via blue annotations to the right of the mathematics in every example throughout the text. • A new design and new artwork improve the presentation and flow of material, and boost the aesthetic appeal of the book for today’s learners. FEATURES • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for APPLIED CALCULUS, 6th Edition, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The pedagogy and exercises in this proven text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial assistance (e.g., Read It eBook pages, Watch It videos, and Master It tutorials) and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Assign as many as 2,300 problems that match your text’s end-of-section exercises. • Many of the book’s contemporary and interesting applications use real, sourced data from a wide range of fields including athletics, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, management science and business, personal finance and management, social and behavioral sciences, and topics of general interest. A globe icon identifies real-world examples. • Sourced exercises establish factual basis and enable further research. • Regression (modeling) exercises in Chapter 1 ask students to use calculators to fit equations to actual data, and illustrate the methods used to develop the models in applied exercises throughout the book. Students can also benefit from optional examples on linear regression, power regression, quadratic regression, and exponential regression. • The book presents substantial treatment of limits involving infinity, graphing rational functions, and elasticity of demand. In addition to these expanded applications, more challenging exercises are included as well as a complete proof of the Chain Rule based on Carathédory’s definition of the derivative. • Brief Examples, located immediately to the right of the boxes that summarize results, illustrate and provide immediate reinforcement of the concepts. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS. Real Numbers, Inequalities, and Lines. Exponents. Functions: Linear and Quadratic. Functions: Polynomial, Rational, and Exponential. 2. DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USES. Limits and Continuity. Rates of Change, Slopes, and Derivatives. Some Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. HigherOrder Derivatives. The Chain Rule and the Generalized Power Rule. Nondifferentiable Functions. 3. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Graphing Using the First Derivative. Graphing Using the First and Second Derivatives. Optimization. Further Applications of Optimization. Optimizing Lot Size and Harvest Size. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Two Applications to Economics: Relative Rates and Elasticity of Demand. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Definite Integrals and Areas. Further Applications of Definite Integrals: 79 Average Value and Area Between Curves. Two Applications to Economics: Consumers’ Surplus and Income Distribution. Integration by Substitution. 6. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables. Improper Integrals. Numerical Integration. 7. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Optimizing Functions of Several Variables. Least Squares. Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization. Total Differentials and Approximate Changes. Multiple Integrals. 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Triangles, Angles, and Radian Measure. Sine and Cosine Functions. Derivatives of Sine and Cosine Functions. Integrals of Sine and Cosine Functions. Other Trigonometric Functions. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Separation of Variables. Further Applications of Differential Equations: Three Models of Growth. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations: Euler’s Method. 10. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Geometric Series. Taylor Polynomials. Taylor Series. Newton’s Method. 11. PROBAILITY. Discrete Probability. Continuous Probability. Uniform and Exponential Random Variables. Normal Random Variables. © 2013, 688pp, Paperback, 9781133364771 of the Supreme Court, water shortage, the fastest pitch in baseball, and pollution and the depletion of natural resources. The Sixth Edition maintains the hallmark features that have made APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition so popular: contemporary and interesting applications; careful and effective use of technology, including graphing calculator and spreadsheet coverage; constant pedagogical reinforcement through section summaries, chapter summaries, annotated examples, and extra practice problems; Just-in-Time algebra review material; and a variety of exercises and assignment options including Applied Exercises, Conceptual Exercises, and Explorations and Excursions. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New exercises have been added, enhancing in particular the number and quality of business applications. Exercises and examples have also been updated with the most current real data available. • An icon now identifies Just-in-Time Review material, which provides students with helpful algebra guidance via blue annotations to the right of the mathematics in every example throughout the text. • A new design and new artwork improve the presentation and flow of material, and boost the aesthetic appeal of the book for today’s learners. FEATURES APPLIED CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University This text for the applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students’ interest and show them the practical side of calculus. The book’s many applications are related to finance, business, and such general-interest topics as the growing population of Africa, the composition • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The pedagogy and exercises in this proven text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial assistance (e.g., Read It eBook pages, Watch It videos, and Master It tutorials) and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. • Many of the book’s contemporary and interesting applications use real, sourced data from a wide range of fields including athletics, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, management science and business, personal finance and management, social and behavioral sciences, and topics of general interest. A globe icon identifies real-world examples. • Sourced exercises establish factual basis and enable further research. 80 • Regression (modeling) exercises in Chapter 1 ask students to use calculators to fit equations to actual data, and illustrate the methods used to develop the models in applied exercises throughout the book. Students can also benefit from optional examples on linear regression, power regression, quadratic regression, and exponential regression. • The book presents substantial treatment of limits involving infinity, graphing rational functions, and elasticity of demand. In addition to these expanded applications, more challenging exercises are included as well as a complete proof of the Chain Rule based on Carathédory’s definition of the derivative. • Brief Examples, located immediately to the right of the boxes that summarize results, illustrate and provide immediate reinforcement of the concepts. • Optional Graphing Calculator Explorations and exercises explore new topics, allow students to easily carry out otherwise messy calculations, or show the limitations and pitfalls of technology. To allow for optional use of the graphing calculator, the Calculator Explorations are boxed, and an icon identifies exercises that require a graphing calculator. CONTENTS Applications to Economics: Consumers’ Surplus and Income Distribution. Integration by Substitution. 6. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables. Improper Integrals. Numerical Integration. 7. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Optimizing Functions of Several Variables. Least Squares. Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization. Total Differentials and Approximate Changes. Multiple Integrals. 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Triangles, Angles, and Radian Measure. Sine and Cosine Functions. Derivatives of Sine and Cosine Functions. Integrals of Sine and Cosine Functions. Other Trigonometric Functions. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Separation of Variables. Further Applications of Differential Equations: Three Models of Growth. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations: Euler’s Method. 10. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Geometric Series. Taylor Polynomials. Taylor Series. Newton’s Method. 11. PROBABILITY. Discrete Probability. Continuous Probability. Uniform and Exponential Random Variables. Normal Random Variables. © 2013, 912pp, Paperback, 9781133103936 1. FUNCTIONS. Real Numbers, Inequalities, and Lines. Exponents. Functions: Linear and Quadratic. Functions: Polynomial, Rational, and Exponential. 2. DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USES. Limits and Continuity. Rates of Change, Slopes, and Derivatives. Some Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. HigherOrder Derivatives. The Chain Rule and the Generalized Power Rule. Nondifferentiable Functions. 3. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Graphing Using the First Derivative. Graphing Using the First and Second Derivatives. Optimization. Further Applications of Optimization. Optimizing Lot Size and Harvest Size. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Two Applications to Economics: Relative Rates and Elasticity of Demand. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Definite Integrals and Areas. Further Applications of Definite Integrals: Average Value and Area Between Curves. Two APPLIED CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and 81 TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Current Applications: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by updated versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been kept. New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest to contemporary students, such as Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, Androids, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill, and the U.S. stock market “flash crash” in May 2010. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa; for instance, a cost equation like C = 10x + 50 can be thought of as defining a cost function C(x) = 10x + 50. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. This allows students to see from the outset why it’s important to learn about sums, products, etc. of functions rather than simply how to manipulate them. • Chapter 3: The material on limits now includes extensive discussions of when, and why, substitution can be used to obtain a limit. The book now also follows the usual convention of allowing only onesided limits at endpoints of domains. This approach also applies to derivatives, where the text now disallows derivatives at endpoints of domains, as is the normal convention. • Chapter 4: The closed-form formula for the derivative of |x|, introduced in Section 4.1, is now more fully integrated into the text, as is that for its antiderivative (in Chapter 6). • Chapter 6: The sections on antiderivatives and substitution have been reorganized and streamlined, and now include discussion of the closed-form antiderivative of |x| as well as new exercises featuring absolute values. The definite integral is now introduced in the realistic context of the volume of oil released in an oil spill comparable in size to the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill. • Chapter 8: The discussion of level curves in Section 8.1 is now more extensive, and includes added examples and exercises. • Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data, and continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as spending on housing construction, modeling tax revenues, and pollution control. • Chapter Review Exercises: Chapter review exercise sets have been expanded to be more representative of the material within the chapter. Students will appreciate the applications in these exercises, all of which revolve around the fictitious online bookseller,, and the various (and often amusing) travails of company CEO John O’Hagan and his business associate Marjory Duffin. In addition, numerous new conceptual Communication and Reasoning exercises include many dealing with common student errors and misconceptions. • More Flexible Technology Guides: End-of-chapter Technology Guides now discuss the use of spreadsheets in general rather than focusing exclusively on Microsoft® Excel. This enables readers to use any of the several alternatives now available, such as Google’s online Google Sheets®, Open Office®, and Apple’s Numbers®. CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions 82 and Models. Linear Regression. 2. NONLINEAR FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Exponential Functions and Models. Logarithmic Functions and Models. Logistic Functions and Models. 3. INTRODUCTION TO THE DERIVATIVE. Limits: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. Limits and Continuity. Limits: Algebraic Approach. Average Rate of Change. Derivatives: Numerical and Graphical Viewpoints. Derivatives: Algebraic Viewpoint. 4. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Derivatives of Powers, Sums, and Constant Multiples. A First Application: Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. 5. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Maxima and Minima. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Higher Order Derivatives: Acceleration and Concavity. Analyzing Graphs. Related Rates. Elasticity. 6. THE INTEGRAL. The Indefinite Integral. Substitution. The Definite Integral: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. The Definite Integral: Algebraic Approach and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. 7. FURTHER INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE INTEGRAL. Integration by Parts. Area Between Two Curves and Applications. Averages and Moving Averages. Applications to Business and Economics: Consumers’ and Producers’ Surplus and Continuous Income Streams. Improper Integrals and Applications. Differential Equations and Applications. 8. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima. Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. Double Integrals and Applications. 9. TRIGONOMETRIC MODELS. Trigonometric Functions, Models, and Regression. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. © 2014, 768pp, Paperback, 9781133936695 Coming Soon! APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONE-TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 6E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! A traditional book with a modern feel, market-leading APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Sixth Edition, teaches by application and uses realworld examples to motivate students. It combines solid theory with innovative technology, includes a robust supplement package, and offers unmatched flexibility that caters to both traditional and modern practitioners. Accessible for majors and non-majors alike, the new Sixth Edition utilizes an intuitive approach that marries real-life instances to what would otherwise be abstract concepts. This is the focus of new and insightful Portfolios, which highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they use math in their professions. Numerous exercises ensure that students have a solid understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. By offering a powerful array of supplements such as Enhanced WebAssign®, the new Sixth Edition enables students to maximize their study time and succeed in class. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a less- 83 expensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • The sixth edition includes many new and updated student-friendly applications. Topics include: worker efficiency, optics, inventory control, air pollution, public transportation budget deficit, brain cancer survival rate, motion of cars, Case-Shiller Home Price Index, solar panel production, and federal lobbying. • Eight new Portfolios illustrate the real-life experiences of a variety of professionals who use mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the City Manager of Fanfoto, Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms, and a Principal Software Engineer at Iron Mountain. • Updated Excel coverage enhances the student experience. • Complement your text and course content with study and practice materials. Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 100 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Technology experiences: “Modeling with Data” exercises appear in many of the Using Technology subsections, giving students an inside look at how the author constructed the functions found in the exercises. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on the CourseMate, these videos directly correspond to exercises found within the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily operations. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link to the list of applications. CONTENTS Preface. 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers.Polynomials.Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. Integral Exponents. Solving Equations. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Quadratic Equations. Inequalities and Absolute Value.Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 1 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Before Moving On. 2. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Equations of Lines. Using Technology: Graphing Straight Lines. Functions and Their Graphs. Using Technology: Graphing a Function. The Algebra of Functions. Linear Functions. Quadratic Functions. Portfolio. Using Technology: Constructing Matehmatical Models from Raw Data. Functions and Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 2 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Before Moving On. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Using TEchnology. Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Using Technology: Analyzing Matematical Models. 4. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Compound Interest. Using Technology: Finding the Accumulated Amount of an Investment, the Effective Rate of Interest, and the Present Value of an Investment. Annuities. Using Technology: Finding the Amount of an Annuity. Amortization and Sinking Funds. Using Technology: Amortizing a Loan. Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. Chapter 4 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 4 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Before Moving On. 5. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Linear Equations: An Introduction. Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Multiplication. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. Using Technology: Finding the Inverse of a Square Matrix. Chapter 5 Summary of Principal 84 Formulas and Terms. Chapter 5 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Before Moving On. 6. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming Problems. Graphical Solutions of Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Maximization Problems. Portfolio. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Minimization Problems. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Minimization Problems. Chapter 6 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Before Moving On. 7. SETS AND PROBABILITY. Sets and Set Operations. The Number of Elements in a Finite Set. The Multiplication Principle. Permutations and Combinations. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating n!, P (n,r) and C (n,r). Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events. Definition of Probability. Rules of Probability. Chapter 7 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 7 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Before Moving On. 8. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN PROBABILITY. Use of Counting Techniques in Probability. Conditional Probability and Independent Events. Bayes’ Theorem. Distributions of Random Variables. Using Technology: Graphing a Histogram. Expected Value. Portfolio. Variance and Standard Deviation. Using Technology: Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation. Chapter 8 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 8 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Before Moving On. 9. THE DERIVATIVE. Limits. Using Technology: Finding the Limit of a Function. One-Sided Limits and Continuity. Using Technology: Finding the Points of Discontinuity of a Function. The Derivative. Using Technology: Graphing a Function and Its Tangent Line. Basic Rules of Differentiation. Using Technology: Finding the Rate of Change of a Function. The Product and Quotient Rules; Higher-Order Derivatives. Using Technology: The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Using Technology: Finding the Derivative of a Composite Function. Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Using Technology. Marginal Functions in Economics. Chapter 9 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Before Moving On. 10. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Applications of the First Derivative. Using Technology: Using the First Derivative to Analyze a Function. Applications of the Second Derivative. Using Technology: Finding the Inflection Points of a Function. Curve Sketching. Using Technology: Analyzing the Properties of a Function. Optimization I. Using Technology: Finding the Absolute Extrema of a Function. Optimization II. Chapter 10 Summary of Principal Terms. Chapter 10 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. Chapter 10 Before Moving On. 11. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating Definite Integrals. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Using Technology: Evaluating Integrals for PiecewiseDefined Functions. Area between Two Curves. Using Technology: Finding the Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. Using Technology: Business and Economic Applications/Technology Exercises. Chapter 11 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 11 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 11 Review Exercises. Chapter 11 Before Moving On. 12. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding Partial Derivatives at a Given Point. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. Chapter 12 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 12 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 12 Review Exercises. Chapter 12 Before Moving On. © 2013, 752pp, Paperback, 9781133364856 APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College A traditional book with a modern feel, market-leading APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 6E, International Edition teaches by application and uses real-world examples to motivate students. It combines solid theory with innovative technology, includes a robust supplement 85 package, and offers unmatched flexibility that caters to both traditional and modern practitioners. Accessible for majors and non-majors alike, the new Sixth Edition utilizes an intuitive approach that marries real-life instances to what would otherwise be abstract concepts. This is the focus of new and insightful Portfolios, which highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they use math in their professions. Numerous exercises ensure that students have a solid understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. By offering a powerful array of supplements such as Enhanced WebAssign®, the new Sixth Edition enables students to maximize their study time and succeed in class. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The sixth edition includes many new and updated student-friendly applications. Topics include: worker efficiency, optics, inventory control, air pollution, public transportation budget deficit, brain cancer survival rate, motion of cars, Case-Shiller Home Price Index, solar panel production, and federal lobbying. • Eight new Portfolios illustrate the real-life experiences of a variety of professionals who use mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the City Manager of Fanfoto, Senior Vice President of Supply at Earthbound Farms, and a Principal Software Engineer at Iron Mountain. • Updated Excel coverage enhances the student experience. • Complement your text and course content with study and practice materials. Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 100 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Technology experiences: “Modeling with Data” exercises appear in many of the Using Technology subsections, giving students an inside look at how the author constructed the functions found in the exercises. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on the CourseMate, these videos directly correspond to exercises found within the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily operations. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link to the list of applications. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” questions emerge throughout the text in special boxes. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises feature in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, showing students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. • Complete exercise sets: Section exercise sets include “Concept” questions, and chapter reviews contain fillin-the-blank “Concept Review” questions. Additional routine and true-false questions have been added as well. CONTENTS 1. FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers. Polynomials. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. Integral Exponents. Solving Equations. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Quadratic Equations. Inequalities and Absolute Value. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 1 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Before Moving On. 2. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Equations of Lines. Using Technology: Graphing Straight Lines. Functions and Their Graphs. Using Technology: Graphing a Function. The Algebra of Functions. Linear Functions. Quadratic Functions. Portfolio. Using Technology: Constructing Mathematical Models from Raw Data. Functions and Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 2 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Before 86 Moving On. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Using Technology. Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Functions as Mathematical Models. Portfolio. Using Technology: Analyzing Mathematical Models. 4. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Compound Interest. Using Technology: Finding the Accumulated Amount of an Investment, the Effective Rate of Interest, and the Present Value of an Investment. Annuities. Using Technology: Finding the Amount of an Annuity. Amortization and Sinking Funds. Using Technology: Amortizing a Loan. Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. Chapter 4 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 4 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Before Moving On. 5. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Linear Equations: An Introduction. Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Multiplication. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. Using Technology: Finding the Inverse of a Square Matrix. Chapter 5 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 5 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Before Moving On. 6. LINEAR PROGRAMMING Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming Problems. Graphical Solutions of Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Maximization Problems. Portfolio. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Minimization Problems. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Minimization Problems. Chapter 6 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Before Moving On. 7. SETS AND PROBABILITY. Sets and Set Operations. The Number of Elements in a Finite Set. The Multiplication Principle. Permutations and Combinations. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating n!, P (n,r) and C (n,r). Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events. Definition of Probability. Rules of Probability. Chapter 7 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 7 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Before Moving On. 8. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN PROBABILITY. Use of Counting Techniques in Probability. Conditional Probability and Independent Events. Bayes’ Theorem. Distributions of Random Variables. Using Technology: Graphing a Histogram. Expected Value. Portfolio. Variance and Standard Deviation. Using Technology: Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation. Chapter 8 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 8 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Before Moving On. 9. THE DERIVATIVE. Limits. Using Technology: Finding the Limit of a Function. One-Sided Limits and Continuity. Using Technology: Finding the Points of Discontinuity of a Function. The Derivative. Using Technology: Graphing a Function and Its Tangent Line. Basic Rules of Differentiation. Using Technology: Finding the Rate of Change of a Function. The Product and Quotient Rules; Higher-Order Derivatives. Using Technology: The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Using Technology: Finding the Derivative of a Composite Function. Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Using Technology. Marginal Functions in Economics. Chapter 9 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Before Moving On. 10. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Applications of the First Derivative. Using Technology: Using the First Derivative to Analyze a Function. Applications of the Second Derivative. Using Technology: Finding the Inflection Points of a Function. Curve Sketching. Using Technology: Analyzing the Properties of a Function. Optimization I. Using Technology: Finding the Absolute Extrema of a Function. Optimization II. Chapter 10 Summary of Principal Terms. Chapter 10 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. Chapter 10 Before Moving On. 11. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and the Rules of Integration. Integration by Substitution. Area and the Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating Definite Integrals. Evaluating Definite Integrals. Using Technology: Evaluating Integrals for PiecewiseDefined Functions. Area between Two Curves. Using Technology: Finding the Area between Two Curves. Applications of the Definite Integral to Business and Economics. Using Technology: Business and Economic Applications/Technology Exercises. Chapter 11 Summary 87 of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 11 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 11 Review Exercises. Chapter 11 Before Moving On. 12. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding Partial Derivatives at a Given Point. Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. Chapter 12 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 12 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 12 Review Exercises. Chapter 12 Before Moving On. © 2013, 976pp, Paperback, 9781133109310 NEW TO THIS EDITION • New exercises have been added, enhancing in particular the number and quality of business applications. Exercises and examples have also been updated with the most current real data available. • An icon now identifies Just-in-Time Review material, which provides students with helpful algebra guidance via blue annotations to the right of the mathematics in every example throughout the text. • A new design and new artwork improve the presentation and flow of material, and boost the aesthetic appeal of the book for today’s learners. FEATURES BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University This text for the applied or business calculus course uses intriguing real-world applications to engage students’ interest and show them the practical side of calculus. The book’s many applications are related to finance, business, and such general-interest topics as the growing population of Africa, the composition of the Supreme Court, water shortage, the fastest pitch in baseball, and pollution and the depletion of natural resources. The Sixth Edition maintains the hallmark features that have made BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition so popular: contemporary and interesting applications; careful and effective use of technology, including graphing calculator and spreadsheet coverage; constant pedagogical reinforcement through section summaries, chapter summaries, annotated examples, and extra practice problems; Just-in-Time algebra review material; and a variety of exercises and assignment options including Applied Exercises, Conceptual Exercises, and Explorations and Excursions. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The pedagogy and exercises in this proven text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial assistance (e.g., Read It eBook pages, Watch It videos, and Master It tutorials) and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. • Many of the book’s contemporary and interesting applications use real, sourced data from a wide range of fields including athletics, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, management science and business, personal finance and management, social and behavioral sciences, and topics of general interest. A globe icon identifies real-world examples. • Sourced exercises establish factual basis and enable further research. • Regression (modeling) exercises in Chapter 1 ask students to use calculators to fit equations to actual data, and illustrate the methods used to develop the models in applied exercises throughout the book. Students can also benefit from optional examples on linear regression, power regression, quadratic regression, and exponential regression. • The book presents substantial treatment of limits involving infinity, graphing rational functions, and elasticity of demand. In addition to these expanded applications, more challenging exercises are included as well as a complete proof of the Chain Rule based on Carathédory’s definition of the derivative. • Brief Examples, located immediately to the right of the boxes that summarize results, illustrate and provide 88 immediate reinforcement of the concepts. • Optional Graphing Calculator Explorations and exercises explore new topics, allow students to easily carry out otherwise messy calculations, or show the limitations and pitfalls of technology. To allow for optional use of the graphing calculator, the Calculator Explorations are boxed, and an icon identifies exercises that require a graphing calculator. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS. Real Numbers, Inequalities, and Lines. Exponents. Functions: Linear and Quadratic. Functions: Polynomial, Rational, and Exponential. 2. DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USES. Limits and Continuity. Rates of Change, Slopes, and Derivatives. Some Differentiation Formulas. The Product and Quotient Rules. HigherOrder Derivatives. The Chain Rule and the Generalized Power Rule. Nondifferentiable Functions. 3. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Graphing Using the First Derivative. Graphing Using the First and Second Derivatives. Optimization. Further Applications of Optimization. Optimizing Lot Size and Harvest Size. Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Differentiation of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Two Applications to Economics: Relative Rates and Elasticity of Demand. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Definite Integrals and Areas. Further Applications of Definite Integrals: Average Value and Area Between Curves. Two Applications to Economics: Consumers’ Surplus and Income Distribution. Integration by Substitution. 6. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Integration by Parts. Integration Using Tables. Improper Integrals. Numerical Integration. Differential Equations. Further Applications of Differential Equations: Three Models of Growth. 7. CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Optimizing Functions of Several Variables. Least Squares. Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization. Total Differentials and Approximate Changes. Multiple Integrals. © 2013, 672pp, Paperback, 9781133103974 BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONE-TERM MATH AND SCIENCE) James Stewart, McMaster University; Daniel Clegg, Palomar College Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign® . The result—a briefer, less expensive printed text that engages students online! New from James Stewart and Dan Clegg, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID takes an intuitive, less formal approach to calculus without sacrificing the mathematical integrity. Featuring a wide range of applications designed to motivate students with a variety of interests, clear examples detailing important mathematical processes, and a vast collection of exercises appropriate for students with disparate skill sets, this first edition is perfect for students who need to learn how to apply calculus concepts rather than replicate the formal proofs behind the techniques. Early coverage of exponential and logarithmic functions allows for the inclusion of many interesting applications throughout the text. Available with a range of supplements including Enhanced WebAssign®, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID makes calculus approachable so any student can understand the concepts and be successful in the course. FEATURES • Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, a hybrid version of the text is offered that includes all of the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of- 89 section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online and saves them money! • Stewart/Clegg’s writing style speaks clearly and directly to students, guiding them through key ideas, theorems, and problem-solving steps, and encouraging them to think as they read and learn calculus. • Prepare Yourself exercises are designed to check students’ prerequisite skills before they attempt the core exercise set. These exercises acknowledge the variety of math abilities, and show students what they need to work on before they move forward. • Challenge Yourself exercises are more difficult problems intended to elicit students’ deeper understanding of key concepts. These exercises are designed to be assigned by instructors who wish to aim at a higher level and keep their more advanced students interested. • Projects are included throughout to motivate students and help them see the relation of calculus to real life and their intended fields of study. They can be worked in class, assigned as group projects, or given as extra credit. • Tools for Enriching Calculus for Applied Calculus— an online, interactive resource that allows applied calculus students to work with animations to deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart/Clegg’s Brief Applied Calculus to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in the Stewart/Clegg text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart/Clegg includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content throughout. • Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Functions and their Representations. Combining and Transforming Functions. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Polynomial Models and Power Functions. Exponential Models. Logarithmic Functions. 2. THE DERIVATIVE. Measuring Change. Limits. Rates of Change and Derivatives. The Derivative as a Function. 3. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Short Cuts to Finding Derivatives. Introduction to Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation and Logarithms. Exponential Growth and Decay. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Related Rates. Maximum and Minimum Values. Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching. Optimization. Optimization in Business and Economics. 5. INTEGRALS. Cost, Area, and the Definite Integral. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Net Change Theorem and Average Value. The Substitution Rule. Integration by Parts. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applications to Economics. Applications to Biology. Differential Equations. Improper Integrals. Probability. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Maximum and Minimum Values. LaGrange Multipliers. © 2012, 400pp, Paperback, 9781111990121 BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION James Stewart, McMaster University; Daniel Clegg, Palomar College New from James Stewart and Dan Clegg, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition takes an intuitive, 90 less formal approach to calculus without sacrificing the mathematical integrity. Featuring a wide range of applications designed to motivate students with a variety of interests, clear examples detailing important mathematical processes, and a vast collection of exercises appropriate for students with disparate skill sets, this first edition is perfect for students who need to learn how to apply calculus concepts rather than replicate the formal proofs behind the techniques. Early coverage of exponential and logarithmic functions allows for the inclusion of many interesting applications throughout the text. Available with a range of supplements including Enhanced WebAssign®, BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS, International Edition makes calculus approachable so any student can understand the concepts and be successful in the course. FEATURES • Stewart/Clegg’s writing style speaks clearly and directly to students, guiding them through key ideas, theorems, and problem-solving steps, and encouraging them to think as they read and learn calculus. • Prepare Yourself exercises are designed to check students’ prerequisite skills before they attempt the core exercise set. These exercises acknowledge the variety of math abilities, and show students what they need to work on before they move forward. • Challenge Yourself exercises are more difficult problems intended to elicit students’ deeper understanding of key concepts. These exercises are designed to be assigned by instructors who wish to aim at a higher level and keep their more advanced students interested. • Projects are included throughout to motivate students and help them see the relation of calculus to real life and their intended fields of study. They can be worked in class, assigned as group projects, or given as extra credit. • Tools for Enriching Calculus for Applied Calculus— an online, interactive resource that allows applied calculus students to work with animations to deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart/Clegg’s Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in the Stewart/Clegg text become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart/ Clegg includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content throughout. • Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Functions and their Representations. Combining and Transforming Functions. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Polynomial Models and Power Functions. Exponential Models. Logarithmic Functions. 2. THE DERIVATIVE. Measuring Change. Limits. Rates of Change and Derivatives. The Derivative as a Function. 3. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Short Cuts to Finding Derivatives. Introduction to Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation and Logarithms. Exponential Growth and Decay. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Related Rates. Maximum and Minimum Values. Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching. Optimization. Optimization in Business and Economics. 5. INTEGRALS. Cost, Area, and the Definite Integral. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Net Change Theorem and Average Value. The Substitution Rule. Integration by Parts. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applications to Economics. Applications to Biology. Differential Equations. Improper Integrals. Probability. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Maximum and Minimum Values. LaGrange Multipliers. © 2012, 528pp, Paperback, 9781111570057 91 analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. FEATURES BRIEF CALCULUS, 9E An Applied Approach, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Designed specifically for business, economics, or life/ social sciences majors, BRIEF CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, 9E International Edition motivates students while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief book emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts. Applied problems drawn from government sources, industry, current events, and other disciplines provide well-rounded examples and appeal to students’ diverse interests. The Ninth Edition builds upon its applications emphasis through updated exercises and relevant examples. Pedagogical features—from algebra review to study tips—continue to provide extra guidance and practice. In addition, the BRIEF CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, 9E International Edition program offers a strong support package—including Enhanced WebAssign® and the book’s website, CourseMate—that allows students to review the material independently and retain key concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries— helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Revised! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. More than 3,500 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications —all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. • A wide variety of relevant examples—each of which is titled for easy reference—includes solutions presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. Examples that illustrate real-life situations are identified with an icon. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS, GRAPHS, AND LIMITS. The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane and Slope. Functions. Limits. Continuity. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 92 3. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and the General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The ThreeDimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. Appendix A. Precalculus Review. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. Appendix B. Alternative Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Appendix C. Formulas. © 2013, 640pp, Paperback, 9781133109785 BRIEF CALCULUS, 9E An Applied Approach, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science) Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Designed specifically for business, economics, or life/social sciences majors, BRIEF CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, Ninth Edition, motivates students while fostering understanding and mastery. This brief book emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts. Applied problems drawn from government sources, industry, current events, and other disciplines provide well-rounded examples and appeal to students’ diverse interests. The Ninth Edition builds upon its applications emphasis through updated exercises and relevant examples. Pedagogical features--from algebra review to study tips--continue to provide extra guidance and practice. In addition, the BRIEF CALCULUS program offers a strong support package--including Enhanced WebAssign® and the book’s website, CourseMate--that allows students to review the material independently and retain key concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries-- helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the 93 printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. FEATURES • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Revised! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. More than 3,500 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications --all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. Exponential Growth and Decay. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and the General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The ThreeDimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. Appendix A. Precalculus Review. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. Appendix B. Alternative Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Appendix C. Formulas. © 2013, 544pp, Paperback, 9781133365143 CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS, GRAPHS, AND LIMITS. The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane and Slope. Functions. Limits. Continuity. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 3. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. CALCULUS, 9E An Applied Approach, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science) Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid version features the instructional presentation found in CALCULUS AN APPLIED APPROACH, Ninth Edition while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Designed specifically for 94 business, economics, or life/social sciences majors, CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, Ninth Edition, motivates students while fostering understanding and mastery. The book emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts. Applied problems drawn from government sources, industry, current events, and other disciplines provide well-rounded examples and appeal to students’ diverse interests. The Ninth Edition builds upon its applications emphasis through updated exercises and relevant examples. Pedagogical features—from algebra review to study tips—continue to provide extra guidance and practice. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. • New! Chapter on Differential Equations, includes topics on solutions of differential equations, separation of variables, and first-order linear differential equations. • New! Summarize guides students in creating sectionlevel concept summaries. Summarize is aimed at helping students process and organize key concepts, while providing a valuable study tool. • New and Revised! Based on analyses of actual student usage data, the Exercise Sets available in both EWA and the eBook have been revised to improve student comprehension. Exercises progress from skilldevelopment problems to more challenging, real-life applications—all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlight the learning outcomes of that section and provide instructors a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • A wide variety of relevant examples—each of which is titled for easy reference—include solutions presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. Examples that illustrate real-life situations are identified with an icon. • Tech Tutor boxes provide guidance on using technology to ease lengthy calculations, present a graphical solution, or discuss where using technology can lead to misleading or wrong solutions. In addition, exercises requiring technology are identified with a graphing calculator icon. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS, GRAPHS, AND LIMITS. The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane and Slope. Functions. Limits. Continuity. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 3. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and the General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The ThreeDimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. 95 Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian Measure of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions. 9. PROBABILITY AND CALCULUS. Discrete Probability. Continuous Random Variables. Expected Value and Variance. 10. SERIES AND TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS. Sequences. Series and Convergence. p-Series and the Ratio Test. Power Series and Taylor’s Theorem. Taylor Polynomials. Newton’s Method. 11. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Solutions of Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Applications of Differential Equations. APPENDIX A: PRECALCULUS REVIEW. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. APPENDIX B: ALTERNATIVE INTRODUCTION TO THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS. APPENDIX C: FORMULAS. © 2013, 720pp, Paperback, 9781133115007 Coming Soon! sources, industry, current events, and other disciplines provide well-rounded examples and appeal to students’ diverse interests. The Ninth Edition builds upon its applications emphasis through updated exercises and relevant examples. Pedagogical features--from algebra review to study tips--continue to provide extra guidance and practice. In addition, the text offers a strong support package--including Enhanced WebAssign® and the book’s website, CourseMate--that allows students to review the material independently and retain key concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! A new closing chapter, “Differential Equations,” includes topics on solutions of differential equations, separation of variables, and first-order linear differential equations. • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries-- helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. FEATURES CALCULUS, 9E An Applied Approach Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Designed specifically for business, economics, or life/social sciences majors, CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, Ninth Edition, motivates students while fostering understanding and mastery. The book emphasizes integrated and engaging applications that show students the real-world relevance of topics and concepts. Applied problems drawn from government • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations 96 related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Updated! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. Approximately 5,000 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications--all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS, GRAPHS, AND LIMITS. The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane and Slope. Functions. Limits. Continuity. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 3. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. 5. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and the General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 6. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 7. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The ThreeDimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian Measure of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions. 9. PROBABILITY AND CALCULUS. Discrete Probability. Continuous Random Variables. Expected Value and Variance. 10. SERIES AND TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS. Sequences. Series and Convergence. p-Series and the Ratio Test. Power Series and Taylor’s Theorem. Taylor Polynomials. Newton’s Method. 11. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Solutions of Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Applications of Differential Equations. Appendix A. Precalculus Review. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. Appendix B. Alternative Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Appendix C. Formulas. © 2013, 864pp, Hardback, 9781133109280 CALCULUS CONCEPTS, 5E An Informal Approach to the Mathematics of Change, International Edition Donald R. LaTorre, Clemson University; John W. Kenelly, Clemson University; Sherry Biggers, Clemson University; Laurel R. Carpenter, Designed for a one or two-semester Applied Calculus course,this innovative text features a graphing calculator approach, incorporating real-life applications and such technology as graphing utilities and Excel® spreadsheets to help students learn mathematical skills that they will use in their lives and careers. The texts overall goal is to improve learning of basic calculus concepts by involving students with new material in a way that is different from traditional practice. The 97 development of conceptual understanding coupled with a commitment to make calculus meaningful to the student are guiding forces. The material involves many applications of real situations through its datadriven, technology-based modeling approach. The ability to correctly interpret the mathematics of reallife situations is considered of equal importance to the understanding of the concepts of calculus. CALCULUS CONCEPTS, 5e, International Edition presents concepts in a variety of forms, including algebraic, graphical, numeric, and verbal. Targeted toward students majoring in liberal arts, economics, business, management, and the life and social sciences, the text’s focus on technology along with its use of real data and situations make it a sound choice to help students develop an intuitive, practical understanding of concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Many of the book’s examples and activities are new. In addition, many data sets have been revised to incorporate more recent data. • The concept of limits is introduced early in Chapter 1 and used throughout the discussion of models in the remainder of that chapter. The concept is also used to help students understand differentiation and integration. • Formerly presented in a self-contained chapter, coverage of sine models has been incorporated throughout the text in optional sections and activities. • Differential equations and slope fields are introduced in a pair of optional sections located at the end of the integration chapters. • The text has been carefully rewritten so that narrative sections are as clear and concise as possible. • While a real-world context is still used as the platform for most of the discussion, some of the less critical details of these contextual descriptions are now presented to the side of the primary narrative in Notes, allowing students to focus on key ideas without potentially getting distracted. • Definitions and other important mathematical elements are highlighted in boxes for easy reference, and selected mathematical and interpretation skills are illustrated in Quick Examples. • Each section’s activity set has been reworked to incorporate an orderly development of the skills and concepts presented in that section. • Many activities have been rewritten to be more student-friendly, and others have been replaced with up-to-date applications. Even-numbered activities are similar to, but not necessarily identical to, oddnumbered activities. • Many activities have been rewritten to be more student-friendly, and others have been replaced with up-to-date applications. Even-numbered activities are similar to, but not necessarily identical to, oddnumbered activities. CONTENTS Table of Contents: Each chapter concludes with a summary, a concept check, and review activities 1. INGREDIENTS OF CHANGE: FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Functions—Four Representations. Function Behavior and End Behavior Limits. Limits and Continuity. Linear Functions and Models. Exponential Functions and Models. Models in Finance. Constructed Functions. Logarithmic Functions and Models. Quadratic Functions and Models. Logistic Functions and Models. Cubic Functions and Models. Cyclic Functions and Models. Representations of a Sine Function. Characteristics of Sine Functions. 2. DESCRIBING CHANGE: RATES. Measures of Change over an Interval. Measures of Change at a Point. Rates of Change—Notation and Interpretation. Rates of Change—Numerical Limits and Non-existence. Rates of Change Defined over Intervals. Sketching Rate-of-Change Graphs. 3. DETERMINING CHANGE: DERIVATIVES. Simple Rate-of-Change Formulas. Exponential, Logarithmic, and Cyclic Rateof-Change Formulas. Rates of Change for Functions That Can Be Composed. Rates of Change of Composite Functions. Rates of Change for Functions That Can Be Multiplied. Rates of Change for Product Functions. Limits of Quotients and L’Hôpital’s Rule. 4. ANALYZING CHANGE: APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVE S. Linearization. Relative Extreme Points. Relative Extreme Points. Inflection Points and Second Derivatives. Marginal Analysis. Optimization of Constructed Functions. Related Rates. 5. ACCUMULATING CHANGE: LIMITS OF SUMS AND THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL. An Introduction to Results of Change. Limit of Sums and the Definite Integral. Accumulation Functions. The Fundamental Theorem. Antiderivative Formulas for Exponential, Natural Log, and Sine Functions. The Definite Integral—Algebraically. Differences of Accumulated Change. Average Value and Average Rate of Change. Integration of Product or Composite 98 Functions. 6. ANALYZING ACCUMULATED CHANGE: INTEGRALS AND ACTION. Perpetual Accumulation and Improper Integrals. Streams in Business and Biology. Calculus in Economics—Demand and Elasticity. Calculus in Economics—Supply and Equilibrium. Calculus in Probability—Part 1. Calculus in Probability—Part 2. Differential Equations—Slope Fields and Solutions. Differential Equations—Proportionality and Common Forms. 7. INGREDIENTS OF MULTIVARIABLE CHANGE: FUNCTIONS AND RATES. Multivariable Functions and Contour Graphs. Cross-Sectional Models and Rates of Change. Partial Rates of Change. Compensating for Change. 8. ANALYZING MULTIVARIABLE CHANGE: OPTIMIZATION. Extreme Points and Saddle Points. Multivariable Optimization. Optimization Under Constraints. Least-Squares Optimization. Answers to Odd Activities. Index of Applications. Subject Index. FEATURES © 2012, 744pp, Paperback, 9780538735384 COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS, 2E An Applied Approach, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Anne V. Hodgkins, Phoenix College COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, 2E, International Edition provides your students a comprehensive resource for their college algebra and applied calculus courses. The mathematical concepts and applications are consistently presented in the same tone and pedagogy to promote confidence and a smooth transition from one course to the next. The consolidation of content for two courses in a single text saves you time in your course—and saves your students the cost of an extra textbook. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries— helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Revised! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. More than 7,000 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications—all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. • A wide variety of relevant examples—each of which is titled for easy reference—includes solutions presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. 99 Examples that illustrate real-life situations are identified with an icon. CONTENTS 0. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers: Order and Absolute Value. The Basic Rules of Algebra. Integer Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring. Fractional Expressions. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations. Mathematical Modeling. Quadratic Equations. The Quadratic Formula. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities. Other Types of Inequalities. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Linear Modeling and Direct Variation. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. The Algebra of Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial Division. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 5. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Solving Linear Systems Using Substitution. Solving Linear Systems Using Elimination. Linear Systems in Three or More Variables. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. 6. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Linear Systems. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 7. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. Limits. Continuity. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. 8. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. 9. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 10. DERIVATIVES OF EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. 11. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and The General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 12. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. 14. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian Measure of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions. ONLINE. 15. SERIES AND TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Series and Convergence. p-Series and the Ratio Test. Power Series and Taylor’s Theorem. Taylor Polynomials. Newton’s Method. 16. PROBABILITY. Counting Principles. Probability. Discrete and Continuous Random Variables. Expected Value and Variance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Appendix A: An Introduction to Graphing Utilities. Appendix B: Conic Sections. Conic Sections. Conic Sections and Translations. Appendix C: Further Concepts in Statistics. Data and Linear Modeling. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Appendix D: Precalculus Review. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. Appendix E: Alternate Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Appendix F: Differential Equations. Solutions of Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Applications of Differential Equations. Appendix G: Formulas. Differentiation and Integration Formulas. Formulas from Business and Finance. Appendix H: Properties and Measurement. Review of Algebra, Geometry, and 100 Trigonometry. Units of Measurements. Appendix I: Graphing Utility Programs. Appendix J: Mathematical Induction. Supplements: © 2013, 1136pp, Paperback, 9781133105183 FINITE (WITH MATHEMATICS COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD) Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process, FINITE is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today’s learners at a value-based price. FINITE uses intriguing, real-world applications to capture the interest of business, economics, life science, and social science majors. This practical approach to mathematics, along with the integration of graphing calculators and Excel spreadsheet explorations, exposes students to the tools they will encounter in future careers. An innovative combination of content delivery both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets, including end-of-chapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. Also available is Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®—a complete online homework management system for students and professors. FEATURES • An innovative combination of content delivered both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets based on input from student focus groups, surveys, and interviews. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Detachable Review Cards for each chapter provide students a portable study tool containing information to prepare for class and for tests, including section summaries and review exercises. • Detachable Tech Cards in both the Student and Instructor Editions contain tips for using graphing calculators and Excel. • Detachable Instructor Prep Cards for each chapter make preparation simple by offering chapter summaries, chapter outlines, and lists of applications. • A full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles is available to students with the purchase of a new book. Interactive quizzes, videos, extra examples and problems, flashcards, answers and solutions, and more are only a click away. • All of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none including PowerLecture (an instructor CD/DVD), an Instructor’s Edition, an e-book, an online Instructor’s Manual, and an online Student’s Solutions Manual. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Applied Calculus to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS. 1.1 Real Numbers, Inequalities, and Lines. Real Numbers and Inequalities. Sets and Intervals. The Cartesian Plane. Lines and Slopes. Equations of Lines. General Linear Equation. 1.2 Exponents. Positive Integer Exponents. Properties of Exponents. Zero and Negative Exponents. Roots and Fractional Exponents. Fractional Exponents. Avoiding Pitfalls in Simplifying. Learning Curves in Airplane Production. 1.3 Functions. Functions. Solving Quadratic Equations. Derivation of the Vertex Formula. Derivation of the Quadratic Formula. 1.4 More About Functions. Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Piecewise Linear Functions. Composite Functions. Shifts of Graphs. 1.5 Exponential Functions. Exponential Functions. 101 Compound Interest. Depreciation by a Fixed Percentage. The Number e. Continuous Compounding of Interest. Intuitive Meaning of Continuous Compounding. The Function y = ex. Exponential Growth. Justification of the Formula for Continuous Compounding. 1.6 Logarithmic Functions. Common Logarithms. Properties of Common Logarithms. Graphs of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Logarithms to Other Bases. Natural Logarithms. Carbon-14 Dating. 2. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. 2.1 Simple Interest. Simple Interest Formula. Total Amount Due on a Loan. Discounted Loans and Effective Interest Rates. 2.2 Compound Interest. Compound Interest Formula. Growth Times. Rule of 72. Effective Rates. Recap. 2.3 Annuities. A First Example. Geometric Series. Accumulated Account Formula. Sinking Funds. How Long Will It Take?. 2.4 Amortization. Present Value of an Annuity. Amortization. Unpaid Balance. Equity. 3. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. 3.1 Systems of Two Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Equations. Graphical Representations of Equations. Equivalent Systems of Equations. Elimination Method. 3.2 Matrices and Linear Equations in Two Variables. Matrices. Augmented Matrices from Systems of Equations. Row Operations. Solving Equations by Row Reduction. 3.3 Systems of Linear Equations and the Gauss–Jordan Method. Names for Many Variables. Row-Reduced Form. 3.4 Matrix Arithmetic. Equality of Matrices. Transpose of a Matrix. Identity Matrix. Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Addition and Subtraction. Matrix Multiplication as Evaluation. Identity Matrices. Matrix Multiplication with Systems of Equations. Matrix Multiplication and Row Operations. 3.5 Inverse Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations. Inverse Matrices. How to Find Inverse Matrices. Solving AX = B Using A-1. 3.6 Introduction to Modeling: Leontief Models. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. 4.1 Linear Inequalities. Inequalities in Two Variables. Vertices of Feasible Regions. Bounded and Unbounded Regions. Applications. 4.2 Two-Variable Linear Programming Problems. Linear Programming Problems. Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming. Extensions to Larger Problems. 4.3 The Simplex Method for Standard Maximum Problems. Standard Maximum Problems. Matrix Form of a Standard Maximum Problem. The Initial Simplex Tableau. Basic and Nonbasic Variables. The Pivot Element. The Pivot Operation. The Simplex Method. 4.4 Standard Minimum Problems and Duality. Standard Minimum Problems. The Dual of a Standard Minimum Problem. Matrix Form. Mixed Constraints: A Transportation Problem. 5. PROBABILITY. 5.1 Sets, Counting, and Venn Diagrams. Sets and Set Operations. Addition Principle for Counting. The Multiplication Principle for Counting. The Number of Subsets of a Set. 5.2 Permutations and Combinations. Factorials. Permutations. Combinations. 5.3 Probability Spaces. Random Experiments and Sample Spaces. Events. Probabilities of Possible Outcomes. Probabilities of Events. Probability That an Event Does Not Occur. Probability Space. Addition Rule for Probability. 5.4 Conditional Probability and Independence. Conditional Probability. The Product Rule for Probability. Independent Events. 5.5 Bayes’ Formula. Bayes’ Formula. 5.6 Random Variables and Distributions. Random Variables. Expected Value. Binomial Distribution. 6. STATISTICS. 6.1 Random Samples and Data Organization. Random Samples. Bar Chart. Histogram. 6.2 Measures of Central Tendency. Mode. Median. Mean. Mean, Median, and Mode. 6.3 Measures of Variation. Range. Box-and-Whisker Plot. Interpreting Box-and-Whisker Plots. Sample Standard Deviation. 6.4 Normal Distributions and Binomial Approximation. Discrete and Continuous Random Variables. Normal Distribution. z-Scores.The Normal and Binomial Distributions. 7. MARKOV CHAINS. 7.1 States and Transitions. States and Transitions. Markov Chains. Types of Transition Matrices. State Distribution Vectors. The kth State Distribution Vector. Duration in a Given State. 7.2 Regular Markov Chains. Regular Markov Chains. The Fundamental Theorem of Regular Markov Chains. How to Solve D • T = D. 7.3 Absorbing Markov Chains. Absorbing Markov Chains. Standard Form. Transition Times and Absorption Probabilities. 8. GAME THEORY. 8.1 Two-Person Games and Saddle Points. Payoff Matrix. Optimal Strategy. Finding Saddle Points. 8.2 Mixed Strategies. Mixed Strategies and Expected Values. Optimal Mixed Strategies for Games. Other Interpretations of Mixed Strategies. 8.3 Games and Linear Programming. Games as Linear Programming Problems. Every Game Has a Solution. Index. © 2012, 320pp, Paperback, 9780840065551 102 FINITE MATH AND APPLIED CALCULUS, HYBRID, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS, Sixth Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated Examples and Exercises: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by more current versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been retained. • Current Topics in Applications: New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest to contemporary students. These include Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, Androids, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, travel to Cancun, the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill, and the U.S. stock market “flash crash” of May 6, 2010. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. • Early Treatment of the Mathematics of Finance: Formerly Chapter 5, “The Mathematics of Finance” is now Chapter 2 because many important finance topics relate directly to the first discussions of compound interest and other mathematical models in Chapter 1. The discussion of the mathematics of finance does not require the use of logarithmic functions to solve for exponents analytically, but instead focuses on numerical solutions using the technologies discussed. The use of logarithms is presented as an option for students and instructors who prefer to use them. • Chapter 10: The material on limits now discusses extensively when, and why, substitution can be used to obtain a limit. The text now also follows the usual convention of allowing only one-sided limits at endpoints of domains. This approach also applies to derivatives, where the book now disallows derivatives at endpoints of domains, as is the normal convention. • Chapter 11: The closed-form formula for the derivative of |x|, introduced in Section 11.1, is now more fully integrated into the text, as is that for its antiderivative (in Chapter 13). • Chapter 13: The sections on antiderivatives and substitution have been reorganized and streamlined, and now include discussion of the closed-form antiderivative of |x| and well as new exercises featuring absolute values. The definite integral is now introduced in the realistic context of the volume of oil released in an oil spill comparable in size to the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill. • Chapter 15: The discussion of level curves in Section 103 15.1 is now more extensive, and includes added examples and exercises. • Updated Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data. These helpful applications continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as subprime mortgages, hybrid car production, the diet problem (in linear programming), spending on housing construction, modeling tax revenues, and pollution control. CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression. 2. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities, Loans, and Bonds. 3. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Two Equations in Two Unknowns. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 4. MATRIX ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS. Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Multiplication. Matrix Inversion. Game Theory. Input-Output Models. 5. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Graphing Linear Inequalities. Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Solving General Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method and Duality. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. Cardinality. The Addition and Multiplication Principles. Permutations and Combinations. 7. PROBABILITY. Sample Spaces and Events. Relative Frequency. Probability and Probability Models. Probability and Counting Techniques. Conditional Probability and Independence. Bayes’ Theorem and Applications. Markov Systems. 8. RANDOM VARIABLES AND STATISTICS. Random Variables and Distributions. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Normal Distributions. 9. NONLINEAR FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Exponential Functions and Models. Logarithmic Functions and Models. Logistic Functions and Models. 10. INTRODUCTION TO THE DERIVATIVE. Limits: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. Limits and Continuity. Limits: Algebraic Approach. Average Rate of Change. Derivatives: Numerical and Graphical Viewpoints. Derivatives: Algebraic Viewpoint. 11. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Derivatives of Powers, Sums, and Constant Multiples. A First Application: Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. 12. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Maxima and Minima. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Higher Order Derivatives: Acceleration and Concavity. Analyzing Graphs. Related Rates. Elasticity. 13. THE INTEGRAL. The Indefinite Integral. Substitution. The Definite Integral: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. The Definite Integral: Algebraic Approach and the Fundamental Theorem of. 14. FURTHER INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE INTEGRAL. Integration by Parts. Area Between Two Curves and Applications. Averages and Moving Averages. Applications to Business and Economics: Consumers’ and Producers’ Surplus and Continuous Income Streams. Improper Integrals and Applications. Differential Equations and Applications. 15. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima. Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. Double Integrals and Applications. 16. TRIGONOMETRIC MODELS. Trigonometric Functions, Models, and Regression. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. © 2014, 952pp, Paperback, 9781285056364 104 FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, FINITE MATHEMATICS AND APPLIED CALCULUS, 6E, International Edition appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated Examples and Exercises: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by more current versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been retained. • Current Topics in Applications: New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest to contemporary students. These include Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, Androids, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, travel to Cancun, the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill, and the U.S. stock market “flash crash” of May 6, 2010. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. • Early Treatment of the Mathematics of Finance: Formerly Chapter 5, “The Mathematics of Finance” is now Chapter 2 because many important finance topics relate directly to the first discussions of compound interest and other mathematical models in Chapter 1. The discussion of the mathematics of finance does not require the use of logarithmic functions to solve for exponents analytically, but instead focuses on numerical solutions using the technologies discussed. The use of logarithms is presented as an option for students and instructors who prefer to use them. • Chapter 10: The material on limits now discusses extensively when, and why, substitution can be used to obtain a limit. The text now also follows the usual convention of allowing only one-sided limits at endpoints of domains. This approach also applies to derivatives, where the book now disallows derivatives at endpoints of domains, as is the normal convention. • Chapter 11: The closed-form formula for the derivative of |x|, introduced in Section 11.1, is now more fully integrated into the text, as is that for its antiderivative (in Chapter 13). • Chapter 13: The sections on antiderivatives and substitution have been reorganized and streamlined, and now include discussion of the closed-form antiderivative of |x| and well as new exercises featuring absolute values. The definite integral is now introduced in the realistic context of the volume of oil released in an oil spill comparable in size to the BP 2011 Gulf oil spill. • Chapter 15: The discussion of level curves in Section 15.1 is now more extensive, and includes added examples and exercises. 105 • Updated Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data. These helpful applications continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as subprime mortgages, hybrid car production, the diet problem (in linear programming), spending on housing construction, modeling tax revenues, and pollution control. CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression. 2. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities, Loans, and Bonds. 3. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Two Equations in Two Unknowns. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 4. MATRIX ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS. Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Multiplication. Matrix Inversion. Game Theory. Input-Output Models. 5. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Graphing Linear Inequalities. Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Solving General Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method and Duality. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. Cardinality. The Addition and Multiplication Principles. Permutations and Combinations. 7. PROBABILITY. Sample Spaces and Events. Relative Frequency. Probability and Probability Models. Probability and Counting Techniques. Conditional Probability and Independence. Bayes’ Theorem and Applications. Markov Systems. 8. RANDOM VARIABLES AND STATISTICS. Random Variables and Distributions. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Normal Distributions. 9. NONLINEAR FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Exponential Functions and Models. Logarithmic Functions and Models. Logistic Functions and Models. 10. INTRODUCTION TO THE DERIVATIVE. Limits: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. Limits and Continuity. Limits: Algebraic Approach. Average Rate of Change. Derivatives: Numerical and Graphical Viewpoints. Derivatives: Algebraic Viewpoint. 11. TECHNIQUES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Derivatives of Powers, Sums, and Constant Multiples. A First Application: Marginal Analysis. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. 12. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Maxima and Minima. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Higher Order Derivatives: Acceleration and Concavity. Analyzing Graphs. Related Rates. Elasticity. 13. THE INTEGRAL. The Indefinite Integral. Substitution. The Definite Integral: Numerical and Graphical Approaches. The Definite Integral: Algebraic Approach and the Fundamental Theorem of. 14. FURTHER INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE INTEGRAL. Integration by Parts. Area Between Two Curves and Applications. Averages and Moving Averages. Applications to Business and Economics: Consumers’ and Producers’ Surplus and Continuous Income Streams. Improper Integrals and Applications. Differential Equations and Applications. 15. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Functions of Several Variables from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima. Constrained Maxima and Minima and Applications. Double Integrals and Applications. 16. TRIGONOMETRIC MODELS. Trigonometric Functions, Models, and Regression. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions and Applications. © 2014, 1320pp, Paperback, 9781285056357 106 FINITE MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 11E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Market-leading FINITE MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Eleventh Edition balances modern applications, solid pedagogy, and the latest technology to provide students the context they need to stay motivated in the course and interested in the material. Suitable for majors and non-majors alike, the text uses an intuitive approach that teaches concepts through examples drawn from real-life—particularly from students’ fields of interest. In addition, insightful Portfolios highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily professional activities. Numerous exercises ensure that students have a concrete understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. The text’s pedagogical features coupled with an exciting array of supplements equip students with the tools they need to make the most of their study time and to succeed in the course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New and updated applications. • New and updated examples. • New and updated exercises. • Increased emphasis on prerequisite skills in the accompanying EnhancedWebAssign course with the addition of Just-in-Time and Quick Prep Exercises. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: Included in the 11th edition are more than 150 new and updated modern applications to motivate students and to illustrate the relevance of mathematics in everyday life. Topics include: social media accounts, corporate fraud, criminal justice, cyber privacy, brand switching among college students, use of landlines vs. cellphones, impact of gas prices, credit card ownership, smartphone ownership, mobile ad revenues, existing home sales, and hybrid vehicle mileage. • Portfolio features illustrate mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the City Manager of Fanfoto and the Technical Director, Europe, of SpiderCloud Wireless. • Technology experiences: “Modeling with Data” exercises appear in many of the Using Technology subsections, giving students an inside look at how the author constructed the functions found in the exercises. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” questions emerge throughout the text in special boxes. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises feature in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, showing students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. CONTENTS PREFACE. 1. STRAIGHT LINES AND LINEAR FUNCTIONS. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. Using Technology: Graphing a Straight Line. Linear Functions and Mathematical Models. Using Technology: Evaluating a Function. Intersection of Straight Lines. Using Technology: Finding the Point(s) of Intersection of Two Graphs. The Method of Least Squares. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding an Equation of a Least-Squares Line. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 1 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Before Moving On. 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Linear Equations: An Introduction. Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Over-determined Systems. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Over-determined Systems. 107 Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Multiplication. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. Using Technology: Finding the Inverse of a Square Matrix. Leontief Input—Output Model. Using Technology: The Leontief Input—Output Model. Chapter 2 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 2 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Before Moving On. 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: A GEOMETRIC APPROACH. Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming Problems. Graphical Solutions of Linear Programming Problems. Sensitivity Analysis. Chapter 3 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 3 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Before Moving On. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH. The Simplex Method: Standard Maximization Problems. Portfolio. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Minimization Problems. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Minimization Problems. The Simplex Method: Nonstandard Problems. Chapter 4 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 4 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Before Moving On. 5. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Compound Interest. Using Technology: Finding the Accumulated Amount of an Investment, the Effective Rate of Interest, and the Present Value of an Investment. Annuities. Using Technology: Finding the Amount of an Annuity. Amortization and Sinking Funds. Using Technology: Amortizing a Loan. Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. Chapter 5 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 5 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Before Moving On. 5. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. The Number of Elements in a Finite Set. The Multiplication Principle. Permutations and Combinations. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating n!, P (n,r) and C (n,r). Chapter 6 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Before Moving On. 7. PROBABILITY. Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events. Definition of Probability. Rules of Probability. Use of Counting Techniques in Probability. Conditional Probability and Independent Events. Bayes’ Theorem. Chapter 7 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 7 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Before Moving On. 8. PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS AND STATISTICS. Distributions of Random Variables. Using Technology: Graphing a Histogram. Expected Value. Portfolio. Variance and Standard Deviation. Using Technology: Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation. The Binomial Distribution. The Normal Distribution. Applications of the Normal Distribution. Chapter 8 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 8 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Before Moving On. 9. MARKOV CHAINS AND THE THEORY OF GAMES. Markov Chains. Using Technology: Finding Distribution Vectors. Regular Markov Chains. Using Technology: Finding the Long-term Distribution Vector. Absorbing Markov Chains. Game Theory and Strictly Determined Games. Portfolio. Games with Mixed Strategies. Chapter 9 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 9 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Before Moving On. Appendix A: Introduction to Logic. Propositions and Connectives. Truth Tables. The Conditional and the Biconditional Connectives. Laws of Logic. Arguments. Applications of Logic to Switching Networks. Appendix B: The System of Real Numbers. Appendix C: A Review of Logarithms. Appendix D: Tables. Table 1: Binomial Probabilities. Table 2: The Standard Normal Distribution. Answers to OddNumbered Exercises. Index. © 2015, 704pp, Hardback, 9781285464657 FINITE MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Market-leading FINITE MATHEMATICS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 10e, International Edition educates by application and real-world examples. A traditional book with a modern feel, the text pairs pioneering technology with rocksolid theory, offers a vigorous supplement package, and delivers matchless flexibility to both traditional 108 and modern practitioners. The Tenth Edition breaks new ground by dovetailing real-life case studies into textbook material, creating a volume that is approachable for both majors and non-majors. This is achieved through the use of Portfolio features, which spotlight actual professionals and the usage of math in their day-to-day business. Furthermore, the text abounds with helpful exercises, including Diagnostic Tests, which assure students of a firm grasp on textbook information before they move on to the following section. And, by offering a powerful array of supplements such as Enhanced WebAssign®, the new Tenth Edition enables students to maximize their study time and succeed in class. NEW TO THIS EDITION • More than 90 new and updated student-friendly applications. Topics include: health care spending, global defense spending, box office receipts, retirement planning, home affordability, tire safety, alternative fuel vehicles, cost of taking time off, New York courts total caseload, lightning injuries, and government debt. • Five new Portfolio features illustrate mathematics in the workplace. Among those interviewed are the City Manager of Fanfoto and the Technical Director, Europe, of SpiderCloud Wireless. • Updated Excel content enlarges the student experience. FEATURES • Motivating real-world applications: With more than 90 new and updated applications, Tan’s exercises build student interest and illustrate the real-world relevance of mathematics. • Technology experiences: “Modeling with Data” exercises appear in many of the Using Technology subsections, giving students an inside look at how the author constructed the functions found in the exercises. • Study Tabs that work: Convenient color-coded Study Tabs, similar to Post-It® notes, make it easy for students to flag pages that they want to revisit later. • Solution videos and tutorials: Available on the CourseMate, these videos directly correspond to exercises found within the text and provide additional instruction, including a Graphing Calculator Tutorial. • Math for life: Real-world applications in the areas of business, economics, behavioral, life, physical, and social sciences bring relevance to mathematical results and make chapter concepts come to life for students. In addition, Portfolio interviews show how professionals use mathematics in their daily operations. Applied examples are clearly marked with photo icons that link to the list of applications. • Flexibility: Optional coverage offers instructors different ways to tailor technology to their course needs. For example, “Using Technology” sections show how graphing utilities can facilitate the analysis and solution of complicated problems. “Exploring with Technology” questions emerge throughout the text in special boxes. And, “Modeling with Data” exercises feature in many of the “Using Technology” subsections, showing students how some of the functions found in the exercises are constructed. • Complete exercise sets: Section exercise sets include “Concept” questions, and chapter reviews contain fillin-the-blank “Concept Review” questions. Additional routine and true-false questions have been added as well. CONTENTS 1. Straight Lines and Linear Functions. The Cartesian Coordinate System. Straight Lines. Using Technology: Graphing a Straight Line. Linear Functions and Mathematical Models. Using Technology: Evaluating a Function. Intersection of Straight Lines. Using Technology: Finding the Point(s) of Intersection of Two Graphs. The Method of Least Squares. Portfolio. Using Technology: Finding an Equation of a Least-Squares Line. Chapter 1 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 1 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Before Moving On. 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Linear Equations: An Introduction. Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Unique Solutions. Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Using Technology: Systems of Linear Equations: Underdetermined and Overdetermined Systems. Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. Using Technology: Matrix Multiplication. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. Using Technology: Finding the Inverse of a Square Matrix. Leontief Input—Output Model. Using Technology: The Leontief Input—Output Model. Chapter 2 Summary of 109 Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 2 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Before Moving On. 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: A GEOMETRIC APPROACH. Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming Problems. Graphical Solutions of Linear Programming Problems. Sensitivity Analysis. Chapter 3 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 3 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Before Moving On. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH. The Simplex Method: Standard Maximization Problems. Portfolio. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Standard Minimization Problems. Using Technology: The Simplex Method: Solving Minimization Problems. The Simplex Method: Nonstandard Problems. Chapter 4 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 4 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Before Moving On. 5. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Compound Interest. Using Technology: Finding the Accumulated Amount of an Investment, the Effective Rate of Interest, and the Present Value of an Investment. Annuities. Using Technology: Finding the Amount of an Annuity. Amortization and Sinking Funds. Using Technology: Amortizing a Loan. Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. Chapter 5 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 5 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Before Moving On. 5. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. The Number of Elements in a Finite Set. The Multiplication Principle. Permutations and Combinations. Portfolio. Using Technology: Evaluating n!, P (n,r) and C (n,r). Chapter 6 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 6 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Before Moving On. 7. PROBABILITY. Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events. Definition of Probability. Rules of Probability. Use of Counting Techniques in Probability. Conditional Probability and Independent Events. Bayes’ Theorem. Chapter 7 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 7 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Before Moving On. 8. PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS AND STATISTICS. Distributions of Random Variables. Using Technology: Graphing a Histogram. Expected Value. Portfolio. Variance and Standard Deviation. Using Technology: Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation. The Binomial Distribution. The Normal Distribution. Applications of the Normal Distribution. Chapter 8 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 8 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Before Moving On. 9. MARKOV CHAINS AND THE THEORY OF GAMES. Markov Chains. Using Technology: Finding Distribution Vectors. Regular Markov Chains. Using Technology: Finding the Long-term Distribution Vector. Absorbing Markov Chains. Game Theory and Strictly Determined Games. Portfolio. Games with Mixed Strategies. Chapter 9 Summary of Principal Formulas and Terms. Chapter 9 Concept Review Questions. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Before Moving On. Appendix A: Introduction to Logic. Propositions and Connectives. Truth Tables. The Conditional and the Biconditional Connectives. Laws of Logic. Arguments. Applications of Logic to Switching Networks. Appendix B: The System of Real Numbers. Appendix C: A Review of Logarithms. Appendix D: Tables. Table 1: Binomial Probabilities. Table 2: The Standard Normal Distribution. Answers to OddNumbered Exercises. Index. © 2012, 656pp, Paperback, 9780840049070 FINITE MATHEMATICS, ENHANCED EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK FOR ONE TERM MATH AND SCIENCE PRINTED ACCESS CARD), 7E Howard L. Rolf, Baylor University Instructors are loyal to Howard Rolf’s text because teaching from it is easy. Why? Exercises at a variety of levels, flexible technology integration, and many interesting business applications make concepts relevant, clear, and easier to understand for students. The new edition of FINITE MATHEMATICS continues to rely on a rich array of examples and a student-friendly 110 approach to illustrate the utility of mathematical concepts in analyzing and solving problems. Optional graphing calculator problems and Microsoft® Excel® applications are available for instructors who wish to bring technology into the course. This Enhanced Edition includes instant access to Enhanced WebAssign®, the most widely-used and reliable homework system. Enhanced WebAssign® presents over a thousand problems, links to relevant textbook sections, video examples, problem-specific tutorials, and more, that help students grasp the concepts needed to succeed in this course. As an added bonus, the Start Smart Guide has been bound into this text. This guide contains instructions to help students learn the basics of WebAssign quickly. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Enhanced WebAssign®, the most widely-used and reliable homework system, presents over a thousand problems, links to relevant textbook sections, video examples, problem-specific tutorials, and more, that help students grasp the concepts needed to succeed in this course. As an added bonus, the Start Smart Guide has been bound into this text. This guide contains instructions to help students learn the basics of WebAssign quickly. • This edition includes many new exercises that use real data with modern business applications, further reinforcing the relevance of this material to applied math students. • CengageNOW saves you time and provides students with an efficient way to study. Based on answers to chapter pre-tests, Personalized Study plans direct students to interactive tutorials and videos that they need to review. Results flow directly to the instructor gradebook. CengageNOW is also ideal for self-study, with no setup required by you. • Videos of the author working through text examples, previously located on a CD, are now available on the book companion website. • Many new exercises use real data with modern business applications, further reinforcing the relevance of the material to applied math students. • Expanded Microsoft Excel guidance includes more real-life material and larger scale projects in the accompanying technology exercises. • Videos of the author working through text examples, previously located on a CD, are now available on the book companion website. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LINES. Functions. Graphs and Lines. Mathematical Models and Applications of Linear Functions. 2. LINEAR SYSTEMS. Systems of Two Equations. Systems with Three Variables: An Introduction to a Matrix Representation of a Linear System of Equations. Gauss-Jordan Method for General Systems of Equations. Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Leontief Input-Output Model in Economics. Linear Regression. 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Solutions of Systems of Inequalities: A Geometric Picture. Linear Programming: A Geometric Approach. Applications. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: THE SIMPLEX METHOD. Setting Up the Simplex Methods. The Simplex Method. The Standard Minimum Problem: Duality. Mixed Constraints. Multiple Solutions, Unbounded Solutions, and No Solutions. What’’s Happening in the Simplex Method? (Optional). 5. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities and Sinking Funds. Present Value of an Annuity and Amortization. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets. Counting Elements in a Subset Using a Venn Diagram. Basic Counting Principles. Permutations. Combinations. A Mixture of Counting Problems. Partitions (Optional). 7. PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Equally Likely Events. Compound Events: Union, Intersection, and Complement. Conditional Probability. Independent Events. Bayes’’ Rule. Markov Chains. 8. STATISTICS. Frequency Distributions. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion: Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation. Random Variables and Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variables. Expected Value of a Random Variable. Binomial Experiments and Binomial Distribution. Normal Distribution. Estimating Bounds on a Proportion. 9. GAME THEORY. Two-Person Games. Mixed Strategy Games. 10. LOGIC. Statements. Conditional Statements. Equivalent Statements. Valid Arguments. APPENDIX A: REVIEW TOPICS. Properties of Real Numbers. Solving Linear Equations. Coordinate Systems. Linear Inequalities and Interval Notation. APPENDIX B: USING A TI-83 GRAPHING CALCULATOR. Notation. Arithmetic Operations. Graphing. Evaluating A Function. Finding the Intersection of Two Graphs. Constructing a Table. Matrices. Statistics. APPENDIX C: USING EXCEL. © 2011, 920pp, Hardback, 9780538497329 111 offering more options to meet the expectations and needs of today’s instructors and students. Enhanced WebAssign®, available with the text, includes an increased number of problems and supporting assets. In addition, the Rolf package now includes YouBook (an interactive eBook version of the text that instructors can customize), CourseMate, and a hybrid version of the text. • Discussions and keystroke instructions in Using Excel have been updated to Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. FINITE MATHEMATICS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONETERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 8E Howard L. Rolf, Baylor University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Instructors are loyal to Howard Rolf’s text because teaching from it is easy. Why? Exercises at a variety of levels, flexible technology integration, and many interesting business applications make concepts relevant, clear, and easier to understand for students. The new edition of FINITE MATHEMATICS continues to rely on a rich array of examples and exercises and a student-friendly approach to illustrate the applications of mathematical concepts in analyzing and solving problems. Optional graphing calculator problems and Microsoft® Excel® applications are available for instructors who wish to bring technology into the course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The end-of-chapter review has been expanded to include Important Concepts. This new feature summarizes the key theorems, formulas, and equations from the chapter. Important Concepts together with Important Terms provides students with a comprehensive and useful tool for study and review. • Updated problem sets include many new exercises that use real data with modern business applications, further reinforcing the relevance of this material to applied math students. • The book’s technology program has been expanded, FEATURES • Detailed computations enable students to easily follow successive steps in the problem-solving process. • More than 3,200 exercises and 500 examples offer instructors and students with an abundance of homework and practice problems. Examples and exercises are cross-referenced, identifying for students a corresponding exercise to check their understanding after they read through an example and solution. • Exercises are graded by level of difficulty: level 1 for routine problems, level 2 for elementary word problems, and level 3 for more thought-provoking problems. • Discussion questions provide the option of using the graphing calculator or spreadsheet technology to solve the problem. “Explorations” encourage students to think more deeply about mathematical concepts, often providing an opportunity to use the graphing calculator. Many of these exercises may be used for group projects or writing assignments. • References to technology keep the text current with new applications. “Using Your TI Graphing Calculator” and “Using Excel” boxes walk students through the steps necessary to apply the technology to selected exercises. Additional guidance on how to use the graphing calculator is found in an appendix. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LINES. Functions. Graphs and Lines. Mathematical Models and Applications of Linear Functions. 2. LINEAR SYSTEMS. Systems of Two Equations. Systems with Three Variables: An Introduction to a Matrix Representation of a Linear System of Equations. Gauss-Jordan Method for General Systems of Equations. Matrix Operations. 112 Multiplication of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Leontief Input-Output Model in Economics. Linear Regression. 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Solutions of Systems of Inequalities: A Geometric Picture. Linear Programming: A Geometric Approach. Applications. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: THE SIMPLEX METHOD. Setting Up the Simplex Methods. The Simplex Method. The Standard Minimum Problem: Duality. Mixed Constraints. Multiple Solutions, Unbounded Solutions, and No Solutions. What’s Happening in the Simplex Method? (Optional). 5. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities and Sinking Funds. Present Value of an Annuity and Amortization. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets. Counting Elements in a Subset Using a Venn Diagram. Basic Counting Principles. Permutations. Combinations. A Mixture of Counting Problems. Partitions (Optional). 7. PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Equally Likely Events. Compound Events: Union, Intersection, and Complement. Conditional Probability. Independent Events. Bayes’ Rule. Markov Chains. 8. STATISTICS. Frequency Distributions. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion: Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation. Random Variables and Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variables. Expected Value of a Random Variable. Binomial Experiments and Binomial Distribution. Normal Distribution. Estimating Bounds on a Proportion. 9. GAME THEORY. TwoPerson Games. Mixed Strategy Games. 10. LOGIC. Statements. Conditional Statements. Equivalent Statements. Valid Arguments. APPENDIX A: REVIEW TOPICS. Properties of Real Numbers. Solving Linear Equations. Coordinate Systems. Linear Inequalities and Interval Notation. APPENDIX B: USING A TI-83/84 GRAPHING CALCULATOR. Notation. Arithmetic Operations. Graphing. Evaluating A Function. Finding the Intersection of Two Graphs. Constructing a Table. Matrices. Statistics. APPENDIX C: USING EXCEL. © 2014, 640pp, Paperback, 9781285084640 FINITE MATHEMATICS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONETERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s FINITE MATHEMATICS, Sixth Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, FINITE MATHEMATICS appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Current Applications: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by more current versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been retained. New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest 113 to contemporary students. These include Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, stock market gyrations, shorting the stock market, and travel to Cancun. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa; for instance, a cost equation like C = 10x + 50 can be thought of as defining a cost function C(x) = 10x + 50. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. This allows students to see from the outset why it’s important to learn about sums, products, etc. of functions rather than simply how to manipulate them. • Early Treatment of the Mathematics of Finance: Formerly Chapter 5, “The Mathematics of Finance” is now Chapter 2 because many important finance topics relate directly to the first discussions of compound interest and other mathematical models in Chapter 1. The discussion of the mathematics of finance does not require the use of logarithmic functions to solve for exponents analytically, but instead focuses on numerical solutions using the technologies discussed. The use of logarithms is presented as an option for students and instructors who prefer to use them. • Updated Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data. These helpful applications continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as subprime mortgages, hybrid car production, and the diet problem (in linear programming). • Chapter Review Exercises: Chapter review exercise sets have been expanded to be more representative of the material within the chapter. Students will appreciate the applications in these exercises, all of which revolve around the fictitious online bookseller,, and the various (and often amusing) travails of company CEO John O’Hagan and his business associate Marjory Duffin. In addition, numerous new conceptual Communication and Reasoning exercises include many dealing with common student errors and misconceptions. • More Flexible Technology Guides: End-of-chapter Technology Guides now discuss the use of spreadsheets in general rather than focusing exclusively on Microsoft® Excel®. This enables readers to use any of the several alternatives now available, such as Google’s online Google Sheets®, Open Office®, and Apple’s Numbers®. FEATURES • Case Studies: Each chapter ends with a Case Study, an extended application that uses and illustrates the central ideas of the chapter, focusing on the development of mathematical models appropriate to the topics. Ideal for assignment as projects, these applications conclude with groups of exercises. • Before We Go On: Most examples are followed by supplementary discussions, which may include a check on the answer, a discussion of the feasibility and significance of a solution, or an in-depth look at what the solution means. • Quick Examples: Most definition boxes include quick, straightforward examples that students can use to solidify their understanding of each new concept. CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression. 2. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities, Loans, and Bonds. 3. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Two Equations in Two Unknowns. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 4. MATRIX ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS. Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Multiplication. Matrix Inversion. Game Theory. Input-Output Models. 5. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Graphing Linear Inequalities. Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Solving General 114 Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method and Duality. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. Cardinality. The Addition and Multiplication Principles. Permutations and Combinations. 7. PROBABILITY. Sample Spaces and Events. Relative Frequency. Probability and Probability Models. Probability and Counting Techniques. Conditional Probability and Independence. Bayes’ Theorem and Applications. Markov Systems. 8. RANDOM VARIABLES AND STATISTICS. Random Variables and Distributions. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Normal Distributions. © 2014, 520pp, Bundled Package, 9781285056319 FINITE MATHEMATICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Full of relevant, diverse, and current real-world applications, Stefan Waner and Steven Costenoble’s FINITE MATHEMATICS, 6E, International Edition helps your students relate to mathematics. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Thorough, clearly delineated spreadsheet and TI Graphing Calculator instruction appears throughout the text. The Technology Notes and Technology Guides are optional, allowing you to include any amount of technology instruction in your courses. Acclaimed for accuracy and readability, FINITE MATHEMATICS, 6E, International Edition appeals to, and is appropriate for, all types of teaching and learning styles. Resources, such as the accompanying author website, allow the text to support a range of course formats, from traditional lectures to strictly online courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Current Applications: Many examples and exercises based on dated information have been replaced by more current versions; those based on unique or historically interesting data have been retained. New and updated real data applications reflect topics that are of intense current interest or of general interest to contemporary students. These include Facebook, XBoxes, iPhones, iPads, foreclosure rates, the housing crisis, subprime mortgages, stock market gyrations, shorting the stock market, and travel to Cancun. The inside back cover lists corporations referenced in the applications. • Connection Between Functions and Equations: Chapter 1 now discusses the common practice of representing functions as equations and vice versa; for instance, a cost equation like C = 10x + 50 can be thought of as defining a cost function C(x) = 10x + 50. The authors encourage students to see this connection and equip them to be able to switch from one interpretation to the other. • Discussion of Functions in Context: Coverage of functions and models in Section 1.2 now includes a discussion of the algebra of functions presented through the context of important applications rather than as an abstract concept. This allows students to see from the outset why it’s important to learn about sums, products, etc. of functions rather than simply how to manipulate them. • Early Treatment of the Mathematics of Finance: Formerly Chapter 5, “The Mathematics of Finance” is now Chapter 2 because many important finance topics relate directly to the first discussions of compound interest and other mathematical models in Chapter 1. The discussion of the mathematics of finance does not require the use of logarithmic functions to solve for exponents analytically, but instead focuses on numerical solutions using the technologies discussed. The use of logarithms is presented as an option for students and instructors who prefer to use them. • Updated Case Studies: A number of the Case Studies at the ends of the chapters have been extensively revised with updated real data. These helpful applications continue to reflect topics of current interest, such as subprime mortgages, hybrid car production, and the diet problem (in linear programming). • Chapter Review Exercises: Chapter review exercise 115 sets have been expanded to be more representative of the material within the chapter. Students will appreciate the applications in these exercises, all of which revolve around the fictitious online bookseller,, and the various (and often amusing) travails of company CEO John O’Hagan and his business associate Marjory Duffin. In addition, numerous new conceptual Communication and Reasoning exercises include many dealing with common student errors and misconceptions. • More Flexible Technology Guides: End-of-chapter Technology Guides now discuss the use of spreadsheets in general rather than focusing exclusively on Microsoft® Excel®. This enables readers to use any of the several alternatives now available, such as Google’s online Google Sheets®, Open Office®, and Apple’s Numbers®. FEATURES • Case Studies: Each chapter ends with a Case Study, an extended application that uses and illustrates the central ideas of the chapter, focusing on the development of mathematical models appropriate to the topics. Ideal for assignment as projects, these applications conclude with groups of exercises. • Before We Go On: Most examples are followed by supplementary discussions, which may include a check on the answer, a discussion of the feasibility and significance of a solution, or an in-depth look at what the solution means. • Quick Examples: Most definition boxes include quick, straightforward examples that students can use to solidify their understanding of each new concept. CONTENTS 0. PRECALCULUS REVIEW. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Multiplying and Factoring Algebraic Equations. Rational Expressions. Solving Polynomial Equations. Solving Miscellaneous Equations. The Coordinate Plane. 1. FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Functions from the Numerical, Algebraic, and Graphical Viewpoints. Functions and Models. Linear Functions and Models. Linear Regression. 2. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities, Loans, and Bonds. 3. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS AND MATRICES. Systems of Two Equations in Two Unknowns. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Equations. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 4. MATRIX ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS. Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication. Matrix Multiplication. Matrix Inversion. Game Theory. Input-Output Models. 5. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Graphing Linear Inequalities. Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically. The Simplex Method: Solving Standard Maximization Problems. The Simplex Method: Solving General Linear Programming Problems. The Simplex Method and Duality. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. Cardinality. The Addition and Multiplication Principles. Permutations and Combinations. 7. PROBABILITY. Sample Spaces and Events. Relative Frequency. Probability and Probability Models. Probability and Counting Techniques. Conditional Probability and Independence. Bayes’ Theorem and Applications. Markov Systems. 8. RANDOM VARIABLES AND STATISTICS. Random Variables and Distributions. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Random Variables. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. Normal Distributions. © 2014, 696pp, Paperback, 9781285056272 FINITE MATHEMATICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Howard L. Rolf, Baylor University Instructors are loyal to Howard Rolf’s text because teaching from it is easy. Why? Exercises at a variety of levels, flexible technology integration, and many interesting business applications make concepts relevant, clear, and easier to understand for students. FINITE MATHEMATICS, 8E, International Edition continues to rely on a rich array of examples and exercises and a student-friendly approach to illustrate the applications of mathematical concepts in analyzing and solving problems. Optional graphing calculator 116 problems and Microsoft® Excel® applications are available for instructors who wish to bring technology into the course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The end-of-chapter review has been expanded to include “Important Concepts”—a new feature that summarizes the key theorems, formulas, and equations from the chapter. “Important Concepts” together with “Important Terms” provides students with a comprehensive and useful tool for study and review. • Updated problem sets include many new exercises that use real data with modern business applications, further reinforcing the relevance of this material to applied math students. • The book’s technology program has been expanded, offering more options to meet the expectations and needs of today’s instructors and students. Enhanced WebAssign®, available with the text, includes an increased number of problems and supporting assets. In addition, the Rolf package now includes YouBook (an interactive eBook version of the text that instructors can customize), CourseMate, and a hybrid version of the text. • Discussions and keystroke instructions in “Using Excel” boxes have been updated to Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. FEATURES • Detailed computations enable students to easily follow successive steps in the problem-solving process. • More than 3,200 exercises and 500 examples offer instructors and students with an abundance of homework and practice problems. Examples and exercises are cross-referenced, identifying for students a corresponding exercise to check their understanding after they read through an example and solution. • Exercises are graded by level of difficulty: level 1 for routine problems, level 2 for elementary word problems, and level 3 for more thought-provoking problems. • Discussion questions provide the option of using the graphing calculator or spreadsheet technology to solve the problem. “Explorations” encourage students to think more deeply about mathematical concepts, often providing an opportunity to use the graphing calculator. Many of these exercises may be used for group projects or writing assignments. • References to technology keep the text current with new applications. “Using Your TI Graphing Calculator” and “Using Excel” boxes walk students through the steps necessary to apply the technology to selected exercises. Additional guidance on how to use the graphing calculator is found in an appendix. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND LINES. Functions. Graphs and Lines. Mathematical Models and Applications of Linear Functions. 2. LINEAR SYSTEMS. Systems of Two Equations. Systems with Three Variables: An Introduction to a Matrix Representation of a Linear System of Equations. Gauss-Jordan Method for General Systems of Equations. Matrix Operations. Multiplication of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Leontief Input-Output Model in Economics. Linear Regression. 3. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Solutions of Systems of Inequalities: A Geometric Picture. Linear Programming: A Geometric Approach. Applications. 4. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: THE SIMPLEX METHOD. Setting Up the Simplex Methods. The Simplex Method. The Standard Minimum Problem: Duality. Mixed Constraints. Multiple Solutions, Unbounded Solutions, and No Solutions. What’s Happening in the Simplex Method? (Optional). 5. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities and Sinking Funds. Present Value of an Annuity and Amortization. 6. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets. Counting Elements in a Subset Using a Venn Diagram. Basic Counting Principles. Permutations. Combinations. A Mixture of Counting Problems. Partitions (Optional). 7. PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Equally Likely Events. Compound Events: Union, Intersection, and Complement. Conditional Probability. Independent Events. Bayes’ Rule. Markov Chains. 8. STATISTICS. Frequency Distributions. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion: Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation. Random Variables and Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variables. Expected Value of a Random Variable. Binomial Experiments and Binomial Distribution. Normal Distribution. Estimating Bounds on a Proportion. 9. GAME THEORY. TwoPerson Games. Mixed Strategy Games. 10. LOGIC. 117 Statements. Conditional Statements. Equivalent Statements. Valid Arguments. APPENDIX A: REVIEW TOPICS. Properties of Real Numbers. Solving Linear Equations. Coordinate Systems. Linear Inequalities and Interval Notation. APPENDIX B: USING A TI-83/84 GRAPHING CALCULATOR. Notation. Arithmetic Operations. Graphing. Evaluating A Function. Finding the Intersection of Two Graphs. Constructing a Table. Matrices. Statistics. APPENDIX C: USING EXCEL. © 2014, 912pp, Paperback, 9781285084688 MATH APPS (WITH MATH COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD) Ronald J. Harshbarger, University of South Carolina Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process, MATH APPS is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today’s learners at a value-based price. The book’s concept-based approach, multiple presentation methods, and interesting and relevant applications keep students who typically take the course—business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences majors— engaged in the material. An innovative combination of content delivery both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets, including end-ofchapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. Also available is Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®—a complete online homework management system for students and professors. FEATURES • An innovative combination of content delivered both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets based on input from student focus groups, surveys, and interviews. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Detachable Review Cards for each chapter provide students a portable study tool containing information to prepare for class and for tests, including objectives, keywords, formulas, and practice tests. • Detachable Tech Cards in both the Student and Instructor Editions contain tips for using graphing calculators and Excel. • Detachable Instructor Prep Cards for each chapter make preparation simple by offering a chapter preview, chapter and section objectives, a section on applications, and a section on problem classification. • A full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles is available to students at CourseMate for MATH APPS. Log in at cengagebrain. com. Interactive Quizzes, videos, extra examples and problems, flashcards, answers and solutions, and more are only a click away. • All of the content and resources you expect with a supplements package that is second to none including PowerLecture (an instructor CD/DVD), an Instructor’s Edition, an interactive e-Book, an online Instructor’s Manual and Student’s Solutions Manual. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Applied Calculus to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. CONTENTS 1. Linear Equations and Functions. 1.1. Solutions of Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable. Equations. Linear Inequalities. 1.2. Functions. Relations and Functions. Graphs of Functions. Function Notation. Domains and Ranges. Operations with Functions. 1.3. Linear Functions. Intercepts. Rate of Change; Slope of a Line. Writing Equations of Lines. 1.4. Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations. Graphical Solution. Solution by Substitution. Solution by Elimination. Three Equations in Three Variables. 1.5. Applications of Functions in 118 Business and Economics. Total Cost, Total Revenue, and Profit. Break-Even Analysis. Supply, Demand, and Market Equilibrium. Supply, Demand, and Taxation. Chapter Exercises. 2. Quadratic and Other Special Functions. 2.1. Quadratic Equations. Factoring Methods. The Quadratic Formula. 2.2 Q u a d r a t i c F u n c t i o n s : Parabolas. Parabolas. 2.3. Business Applications of Quadratic Functions. Supply, Demand, and Market Equilibrium. Break-Even Points and Maximization. 2.4. Special Functions and Their Graphs. Basic Functions. Polynomial and Rational Functions. Piecewise Defined Functions. 2.5. Modeling Data with Graphing Utilities (optional). Chapter Exercises. Chapter 3 Matrices. 3.1. Operations with Matrices. Addition and Subtraction of Matrices. Scalar Multiplication. 3.2. Multiplication of Matrices. Product of Two Matrices. 3.3. Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Solving Systems of Equations. Systems with Unique Solutions. Systems with Nonunique Solutions. Nonsquare Systems. 3.4. Inverse of a Square Matrix. Matrix Equations. Determinants. Chapter Exercises. 4. Inequalities and Linear Programming. 4.1 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. One Linear Inequality in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Inequalities. 4.2. Linear Programming: Graphical Methods. Solving Graphically. 4.3. The Simplex Method: Maximization. The Simplex Method. Tasks and Procedure. Nonunique Solutions: Multiple Solutions and No Solution. 4.4. The Simplex Method: Duality and Minimization. Dual Problems. Duality and Solving. 4.5. The Simplex Method with Mixed Constraints. Mixed Constraints and Maximization. Mixed Constraints and Minimization. Chapter Exercises. 5. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 5.1. Exponential Functions. Modeling with Exponential Functions. 5.2. Logarithmic Functions and Their Properties. Logarithmic Functions and Graphs. Modeling with Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Change of Base. 5.3. Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithmic. Properties. Growth and Decay. Economic and Management Applications. Chapter Exercises. 6. Mathematics of Finance. 6.1. Simple Interest and Arithmetic Sequences. Future Value. Arithmetic Sequences. 6.2 Compound Interest and Geometric Sequences. Compound Interest. Geometric Sequences. 6.3. Future Values of Annuities. Ordinary Annuities. Annuities Due. 6.4. Present Values of Annuities. Ordinary Annuities. Annuities Due. Deferred Annuities. 6.5. Loans and Amortization. Amortization. Unpaid Balance of a Loan. Chapter Exercises. 7. Introduction to Probability. 7.1. Probability and Odds. Sample Spaces and Single Events. Empirical Probability. Odds. 7.2. Unions, Intersections, and Complements of Events. Inclusion Exclusion Principle. 7.3. Conditional Probability: The Product Rule. 7.4. Probability Trees and Bayes’ Formula. Probability Trees. Bayes’ Formula. 7.5. Counting: Permutations and Combinations. Permutations. Combinations. 7.6. Permutations, Combinations, and Probability. Chapter Exercises. 8. Probability and Data Description. 8.1. Binomial Probability Experiments. 8.2. Describing Data. Statistical Graphs. Types of Averages. Variance and Standard Deviation. 8.3. Discrete Probability Distributions. Discrete Probability Distributions. Measures of Dispersion. The Binomial Distribution. Binomial Formula. 8.4. Normal Probability Distribution. z-Scores. Chapter Exercises. 9. Derivatives. 9.1. Limits. Notion of a Limit. Properties of Limits, Algebraic Evaluation. Limits of Piecewise Defined Functions. 9.2. Continuous Functions; Limits at Infinity. Continuous Functions. Limits at Infinity. 9.3. Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change: The Derivative. Instantaneous Rates of Change: Velocity. Tangent to a Curve. Differentiability and Continuity. 9.4. Derivative Formulas. Additional Formulas. Marginal Revenue. 9.5. The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule. Product Rule. Quotient Rule. 9.6. The Chain Rule and the Power Rule. Chain Rule. Power Rule. 9.7. Using Derivative Formulas. 9.8. Higher-Order Derivatives. Second Derivatives. Higher-Order Derivatives. 9.9. Derivatives in Business and Economics. Marginal Revenue. Marginal Cost. Marginal Profit. Chapter Exercises. 10. Applications of Derivatives. 10.1. Relative Maxima and Minima: Curve Sketching. 10.2. Concavity: Points of Inflection. Points of Inflection. Second-Derivative Test. 10.3. Optimization in Business and Economics. Absolute Extrema. Maximizing Revenue. Minimizing Average Cost. Maximizing Profit. 10.4. Applications of Maxima and Minima. 10.5. Rational Functions: More Curve Sketching. Asymptotes. More Curve Sketching. Chapter Exercises. 11. Derivatives Continued. 11.1. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Using Properties of Logarithms. 11.2. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. 11.3. Implicit Differentiation. 11.4. Related Rates. Percent Rates of Change. Solving Related-Rates Problems. 11.5. Applications in Business and Economics. Elasticity of Demand. Taxation in a Competitive Market. Chapter Exercises. 12. Indefinite Integrals. 12.1. The Indefinite Integral. 12.2. The Power Rule. 12.3. Integrals Involving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Integrals Involving Exponential Functions. Integrals Involving Logarithmic Functions. 12.4. The Indefinite Integral in Business and Economics. Total Cost and Profit. National Consumption and Savings. 12.5. Differential Equations. Solution of Differential Equations. Separable Differential Equations. Applications of Differential Equations. 119 Chapter Exercises. 13. Definite Integrals: Techniques of Integration. 13.1. The Definite Integral: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Estimating the Area under a Curve. 13.2. Area between Two Curves. 13.3. Definite Integrals in Business and Economics. Continuous Income Streams. Consumer’s Surplus. Producer’s Surplus. 13.4. Using Tables of Integrals. 13.5. Integration by Parts. 13.6. Improper Integrals and Their Applications. Chapter Exercises. 14. Functions of Two or More Variables. 14.1. Functions of Two or More Variables. 14.2. Partial Differentiation. First-Order Partial Derivatives. Higher-Order Partial Derivatives. 14.3. Functions of Two Variables in Business and Economics. Joint Cost and Marginal Cost. Production Functions. Demand Functions. 14.4. Maxima and Minima. 14.5. Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multipliers. Chapter Exercises. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Index. © 2012, 368pp, Paperback, 9780840058225 MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONE-TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 10E Ronald J. Harshbarger, University of South Carolina; James J. Reynolds, Clarion University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 10th Edition, is intended for a two-semester applied calculus or combined finite mathematics and applied calculus course. The book’s concept-based approach, multiple presentation methods, and interesting and relevant applications keep students who typically take the course--business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences majors-engaged in the material. This edition broadens the book’s real-life context by adding a number of environmental science and economic applications. The use of modeling has been expanded, with modeling problems now clearly labeled in the examples. Also included in the Tenth Edition is a brief review of algebra to prepare students with different backgrounds for the material in later chapters. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign. • Updated Exercise Sets: Drill exercises throughout the text have been revised and reorganized to improve grading and pairing. In addition, multi-step problems have been revised to give students additional opportunities to interpret results. • New Applications: Interesting applications illustrate the relevance of mathematics in business, management, and the life and social sciences. Datadriven applications have been updated or replaced with contemporary applications that address social, environmental, and economic issues. The variety of the application examples and exercises is one of the most appreciated features of this book. • Technology: The Technology Notes, Calculator Notes, and Spreadsheet Notes throughout the text have been streamlined. Specific step-by-step instructions for using the various features of a graphing calculator or Microsoft® Excel are now included in two new appendices--Graphing Calculator Guide and Excel Guide. Excel information has been updated to include Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. Technology material remains optional, so instructors and students may skip it without loss of continuity. • CourseMate: CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook- 120 specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • Comprehensive Exercise Sets: While the overall variety and grading of drill and application exercises offer problems for different skill levels, there are enough challenging problems to stimulate students in thoughtful investigations. Many sets contain critical thinking and thought-provoking multi-step problems that extend students’ knowledge and skills. • Flexibility: To accommodate alternate teaching approaches, the text offers a great deal of flexibility in the order in which topics may be presented and the degree to which they may be emphasized. Consequently, the book can be adapted to variations in coverage and sequencing of topics at different colleges and universities, depending upon the purpose of the course and the nature of the student audience. • Technology: An icon throughout the text denotes Technology Notes, Calculator Notes and Spreadsheet Notes. Step-by-step instructions for using the various features of a graphing calculator or Microsoft® Excel are included in two new appendices. • Objective Lists: Every section begins with a brief list of objectives that outline the goals of that section and aid instructors in lesson planning/preparation. CONTENTS 0. ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS. Sets. The Real Numbers. Integral Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Operations with Algebraic Expressions. Factoring. Algebraic Fractions. 1. LINEAR EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Solutions of Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable. Functions. Linear Functions. Graphs and Graphing Utilities. Solution of Systems of Linear Equations. Applications of Functions in Business and Economics. 2. QUADRATIC AND OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Equations. Quadratic Functions: Parabolas. Business Applications Using Quadratics. Special Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling; Fitting Curves to Data with Graphing Utilities (optional). 3. MATRICES. Matrices. Multiplication of Matrices. Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Solving Systems of Equations. Inverse of a Square Matrix; Matrix Equations. Applications of Matrices: Leontief InputOutput Models. 4. INEQUALITIES AND LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming: Graphical Methods. The Simplex Method: Maximization. The Simplex Method: Duality and Minimization. The Simplex Method with Mixed Constraints. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions and Their Properties. Solution of Exponential Equations: Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 6. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest; Sequences. Compound Interest; Geometric Sequences. Future Value of Annuities. Present Value of Annuities. Loans and Amortization. 7. INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY. Probability; Odds. Unions and Intersections of Events: One-Trial Experiments. Conditional Probability: The Product Rule. Probability Trees and Bayes’ Formula. Counting: Permutations and Combinations. Permutations, Combinations, and Probability. Markov Chains. 8. FURTHER TOPICS IN PROBABILITY; DATA DESCRIPTION. Binomial Probability Experiments. Data Descriptions. Discrete Probability Distributions; The Binomial Distribution. Normal Probability Distribution. The Normal Curve Approximation to the Binomial Distribution. 9. DERIVATIVES. Limits. Continuous Functions; Limits at Infinity. Rates of Change and Derivatives. Derivative Formulas. The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule. The Chain Rule and the Power Rule. Using Derivative Formulas. Higher-Order Derivatives. Applications: Marginals and Derivatives. 10. APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Relative Maxima and Minima: Curve Sketching. Concavity: Points of Inflection. Optimization in Business and Economics. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Rational Functions: More Curve Sketching. 11. DERIVATIVES CONTINUED. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Applications in Business and Economics. 12. INDEFINITE INTEGRALS. The Indefinite Integral. The Power Rule. Integrals Involving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Applications of the Indefinite Integral in Business and Economics. Differential Equations. 13. DEFINITE INTEGRALS: TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Area Under a Curve. The Definite Integral: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Area Between Two Curves. Applications of Definite Integrals in Business and Economics. Using Tables of Integrals. Integration by Parts. Improper Integrals and Their Applications. Numerical Integration 121 Methods: Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson’s Rule. 14. FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. Functions of Two or More Variables. Partial Differentiation. Applications of Functions of Two Variables in Business and Economics. Maxima and Minima. Maxima and Minima of Functions Subject to Constraints: Lagrange Multipliers. Appendix A: Financial Tables. Appendix B: Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve. Appendix C: Calculator Guide. Appendix D: Guide to Excel. © 2013, 832pp, Paperback, 9781133364832 MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Ronald J. Harshbarger, University of South Carolina; James J. Reynolds, Clarion University M AT H E M AT I C A L A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R T H E MANAGEMENT, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 10E, International Edition is intended for a two-semester applied calculus or combined finite mathematics and applied calculus course. The book’s conceptbased approach, multiple presentation methods, and interesting and relevant applications keep students who typically take the course—business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences majors—engaged in the material. This edition broadens the book’s real-life context by adding a number of environmental science and economic applications. The use of modeling has been expanded, with modeling problems now clearly labeled in the examples. Also included in the Tenth Edition is a brief review of algebra to prepare students with different backgrounds for the material in later chapters. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated Exercise Sets: Drill exercises throughout the text have been revised and reorganized to improve grading and pairing. In addition, multi-step problems have been revised to give students additional opportunities to interpret results. • New Applications: Interesting applications illustrate the relevance of mathematics in business, management, and the life and social sciences. Datadriven applications have been updated or replaced with contemporary applications that address social, environmental, and economic issues. The variety of the application examples and exercises is one of the most appreciated features of this book. • Technology: The Technology Notes, Calculator Notes, and Spreadsheet Notes throughout the text have been streamlined. Specific step-by-step instructions for using the various features of a graphing calculator or Microsoft® Excel are now included in two new appendices—Graphing Calculator Guide and Excel Guide. Excel information has been updated to include Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. Technology material remains optional, so instructors and students may skip it without loss of continuity. • CourseMate: CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbookspecific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! FEATURES • CourseMate: CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbookspecific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • Flexibility: To accommodate alternate teaching approaches, the text offers a great deal of flexibility in the order in which topics may be presented and the degree to which they may be emphasized. Consequently, the book can be adapted to variations in coverage and sequencing of topics at different colleges and universities, depending upon the purpose of the course and the nature of the student 122 audience. • Technology: An icon throughout the text denotes Technology Notes, Calculator Notes and Spreadsheet Notes. Step-by-step instructions for using the various features of a graphing calculator or Microsoft® Excel are included in two new appendices. • Objective Lists: Every section begins with a brief list of objectives that outline the goals of that section and aid instructors in lesson planning/preparation. CONTENTS 0. ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS. Sets. The Real Numbers. Integral Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Operations with Algebraic Expressions. Factoring. Algebraic Fractions. 1. LINEAR EQUATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Solutions of Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable. Functions. Linear Functions. Graphs and Graphing Utilities. Solution of Systems of Linear Equations. Applications of Functions in Business and Economics. 2. QUADRATIC AND OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Equations. Quadratic Functions: Parabolas. Business Applications Using Quadratics. Special Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling; Fitting Curves to Data with Graphing Utilities (optional). 3. MATRICES. Matrices. Multiplication of Matrices. Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Solving Systems of Equations. Inverse of a Square Matrix; Matrix Equations. Applications of Matrices: Leontief InputOutput Models. 4. INEQUALITIES AND LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Linear Inequalities in Two Variables. Linear Programming: Graphical Methods. The Simplex Method: Maximization. The Simplex Method: Duality and Minimization. The Simplex Method with Mixed Constraints. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions and Their Properties. Solution of Exponential Equations: Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 6. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest; Sequences. Compound Interest; Geometric Sequences. Future Value of Annuities. Present Value of Annuities. Loans and Amortization. 7. INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY. Probability; Odds. Unions and Intersections of Events: One-Trial Experiments. Conditional Probability: The Product Rule. Probability Trees and Bayes’ Formula. Counting: Permutations and Combinations. Permutations, Combinations, and Probability. Markov Chains. 8. FURTHER TOPICS IN PROBABILITY; DATA DESCRIPTION. Binomial Probability Experiments. Data Descriptions. Discrete Probability Distributions; The Binomial Distribution. Normal Probability Distribution. The Normal Curve Approximation to the Binomial Distribution. 9. DERIVATIVES. Limits. Continuous Functions; Limits at Infinity. Rates of Change and Derivatives. Derivative Formulas. The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule. The Chain Rule and the Power Rule. Using Derivative Formulas. Higher-Order Derivatives. Applications: Marginals and Derivatives. 10. APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES. Relative Maxima and Minima: Curve Sketching. Concavity: Points of Inflection. Optimization in Business and Economics. Applications of Maxima and Minima. Rational Functions: More Curve Sketching. 11. DERIVATIVES CONTINUED. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Applications in Business and Economics. 12. INDEFINITE INTEGRALS. The Indefinite Integral. The Power Rule. Integrals Involving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Applications of the Indefinite Integral in Business and Economics. Differential Equations. 13. DEFINITE INTEGRALS: TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Area Under a Curve. The Definite Integral: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Area Between Two Curves. Applications of Definite Integrals in Business and Economics. Using Tables of Integrals. Integration by Parts. Improper Integrals and Their Applications. Numerical Integration Methods: Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson’s Rule. 14. FUNCTIONS OF TWO OR MORE VARIABLES. Functions of Two or More Variables. Partial Differentiation. Applications of Functions of Two Variables in Business and Economics. Maxima and Minima. Maxima and Minima of Functions Subject to Constraints: Lagrange Multipliers. Appendix A: Financial Tables. Appendix B: Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve. Appendix C: Calculator Guide. Appendix D: Guide to Excel. © 2013, 1088pp, Paperback, 9781133108481 123 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR BERRESFORD/ROCKETT’S APPLIED CALCULUS, 6TH, 6E Geoffrey C. Berresford, Long Island University; Andrew M. Rockett, Long Island University Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 384pp, Paperback, 9781133104018 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR TAN’S APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9TH, 9E Soo T. Tan, Stonehill College Check your work and reinforce your understanding with this manual, which contains complete solutions for all odd-numbered exercises in the text. You will also find problem-solving tips plus additional algebra steps and review for selected problems. © 2014, 320pp, Paperback, 9781133960928 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR ROLF’S FINITE MATHEMATICS, 8TH, 8E Howard L. Rolf, Baylor University Check your work--and your understanding--with this manual, which provides worked-out solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. © 2014, 256pp, Paperback, 9781285084695 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR WANER/COSTENOBLE’S FINITE MATH, 6E Stefan Waner, Hofstra University; Steven Costenoble, Hofstra University Check your work and reinforce your understanding with this manual, which contains complete solutions for all odd-numbered exercises in the text. You will also find problem-solving strategies plus additional algebra steps and review for selected problems. © 2014, 320pp, Paperback, 9781285085586 124 Liberal Arts Mathematics FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRAIC MODELING, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E Daniel L. Timmons, Alamance Community College; Catherine W. Johnson, Alamance Community College; Sonya McCook, Alamance Community College FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRAIC MODELING, 6E, International Edition strives to show the student connections between math and their daily lives. Algebraic modeling concepts and solutions are presented in non-threatening, easy-to-understand language with numerous step-by-step examples to illustrate ideas. Whether they are going on to study early childhood education, graphic arts, automotive technologies, criminal justice, or something else, students will discover that the practical applications of mathematical modeling will continue to be useful well after they have finished this course. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new four-color design helps further distinguish the features of the text. • Examples and exercises have been updated. • A brand new Chapter R A Review of Algebra Fundamentals has been added and it gives students an opportunity to review the algebra skills needed to be successful in a modeling course. • A section on scientific notation has been added. • Chapter 1 Mathematical Model Fundamentals has been reorganized. • Geometric models has been moved from chapter 5 to chapter 2. • Chapter 7 Probability Models has been reorganized creating additional sections. • Chapter 8 Modeling with Statistics now includes a section on reading and interpreting graphical information. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning®, Enhanced WebAssign is now available with FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRAIC MODELING, 6E, International Edition. Enhanced WebAssign combines the exceptional mathematics content that you know and love with the most powerful online homework solution, WebAssign. Enhanced WebAssign engages students with immediate feedback, rich tutorial content, and interactive e-books that help students to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of their subject matter. Online assignments can be built by selecting from thousands of text-specific problems or supplemented with problems from any Cengage Learning textbook. FEATURES • Laboratory Exercises at the end of each chapter get students involved in guided hands-on activities. Some are designed to be completed as individual assignments and others require group work. CONTENTS A REVIEW OF ALGEBRA FUNDAMENTALS. Real Numbers and Mathematical Operations. Solving Linear Equations. Percents. Scientific Notation. 1. MATHEMATICAL MODEL FUNDAMENTALS. Mathematical Models. Formulas. Ratio and Proportion. Word Problem Strategies. 2. GEOMETRIC MODELS. Models and Patterns in Plane Geometry. Models and Patterns in Triangles. Models and Patterns in Art and Architecture: Perspective and Symmetry. Models and Patterns in Art and Architecture and Nature: Scale and Proportion. Models and Patterns in Music. 3. GRAPHING. Rectangular Coordinate System. Graphing Linear Equations. Slope. Writing Equations of Lines. Applications and Uses of Graphs. 4. FUNCTIONS. Functions. Using Function Notation. Linear Functions as Models. Direct and Inverse Variation. Quadratic Functions as Models. Exponential Functions as Models. 5. MATHEMATICAL MODELS IN CONSUMER MATH. Mathematical Models in the Business World. Mathematical Models in Banking. Mathematical Models in Consumer Credit. Mathematical Models in Purchasing an Automobile. Mathematical Models in Purchasing a Home. Mathematical Models in Insurance Options and Rates. Mathematical Models in Stocks, Mutual Funds, 125 and Bonds. Mathematical Models in Personal Income. 6. MODELING WITH SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS. Solving Systems by Graphing. Solving Systems Algebraically. Applications of Linear Systems. Systems of Non-Linear Functions. 7. PROBABILITY MODELS. Sets and Set Theory. What is Probability? Theoretical Probability. Odds. Tree Diagrams and the Counting Principle. Probabilities Involving “Or”. Probabilities Involving “And”. Permutations and Combinations. 8. MODELING WITH STATISTICS. Introduction to Statistics and Surveys. Frequency Tables and Histograms. Reading and Interpreting Graphical Information. Descriptive Statistics. Variation. Normal Curve. Scatter Diagrams and Linear Regression. © 2014, 464pp, Paperback, 9781133365839 FEATURES • An innovative combination of content delivery both in print and online provides a core text and a wealth of comprehensive multimedia teaching and learning assets based on input from student focus groups and surveys, and from interviews with nearly 120 faculty and students. • Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course. • Chapter in Review cards at the back of the Student Editions provide students a portable study tool containing all of the pertinent information for class preparation. • Your Instructor’s Edition will include one Prep Card per chapter, perforated so you can slide it into your briefcase or leave it on the podium while you lecture. These cards include Topics, a chapter outline, key terms, and various activities both for in-class exercises and take-home assignments. • A full suite of unique learning tools that appeal to different learning styles is available to students with the purchase of a new book. Downloadable flash cards, practice problems, video tutorials, exercise solutions and more are only a click away. CONTENTS MATH FOR LIBERAL ARTS (WITH ARTS COURSEMATE WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD) Karl Smith, Santa Rosa Junior College Created through a “student-tested, faculty-approved” review process, involving over 120 students and faculty members, MATH is an engaging and accessible solution that accommodates the busy lifestyles of today’s learners at a value-based price. This paperback text offers a full suite of learning aids, including end-ofchapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises and practice quizzes aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. MATH presents concepts in a visual and approachable way, ideal for combating the math anxiety often found in Liberal Arts Math students. Also available is Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®—a complete online homework management system for students and professors. 1. THE NATURE OF NUMERATION. Math Anxiety Source. What’s the Problem? Early Numeration Systems. HinduArabic Numeration Systems. Different Numeration Systems. Binary Numeration Systems. History of Calculating Devices. 2. THE NATURE OF NUMBERS. It’s Natural. Prime Numbers. Numbers — Up and Down. It’s a Long Way From Zero to One. It’s Irrational. Be Real. Mathematical Modeling. 3. THE NATURE OF ALGEBRA. Polynomials. Factoring. Evaluation, Application, and Spreadsheets. Equations. Inequalities. Algebra in Problem Solving. Ratios, Proportions, and Problem Solving. Percents. Modeling Uncategorized Problems. 4. THE NATURE OF GEOMETRY. Geometry. Polygons and Angles. Triangles. Mathematics, Art, and Non-Euclidean Geometries. Perimeter and Area. Surface Area, Volume and Capacity. 5. THE NATURE OF NETWORKS. Euler Circuits and Hamiltonian Cycles. Trees and Minimum Spanning Trees. Topology and Fractals. 6. THE NATURE OF GROWTH. Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Equations. Applications of Growth and Decay. 7. THE NATURE OF MONEY. It’s Simple. Buying on Credit. 126 Credit Card Interest. Compound Interest. Buying a Home. 8. THE NATURE OF SETS AND LOGIC. Introduction to Sets. Set Relationships. Operations with Sets. Venn Diagrams. Survey Problems Using Sets. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. 9. THE NATURE OF COUNTING. Permutations. Combinations. Counting Without Counting. Rubik’s Cube and Instant Insanity. 10. THE NATURE OF CHANCE. It’s Not Certain. Probability Models. Odds and Conditional Probability. Mathematical Expectation. Frequency Distributions and Graphs. Descriptive Statistics. It’s Normal. 11. THE NATURE OF GRAPHS – THE MARRIAGE OF ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY. Cartesian Coordinate System. Functions. Lines. Systems and Inequalities. Graphing Curves. 12. THE NATURE OF VOTING AND APPORTIONMENT. Voting. Voting Dilemmas. Apportionment. Apportionment Paradoxes. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! Interactive Excursions are now available through Enhanced WebAssign. These activities with assignable questions are based on the Excursions found in the textbook. Through these activities, students can become more openly engaged as they explore the Excursions in a newly enriched, media-enhanced environment. • New! A comprehensive skills-review is now available through Enhanced WebAssign. This preloaded and assignable review presents students with questions that focus on prerequisite skills. The review will help students refresh their knowledge and fill in any gaps so they may advance more smoothly through new concepts or topics. FEATURES © 2011, 272pp, Paperback, 9781439047026 MATHEMATICAL EXCURSIONS, ENHANCED EDITION, 3RD, 3E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Joanne S. Lockwood, Nashua Community College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College; Daniel K. Clegg, Palomar College MATHEMATICAL EXCURSIONS, Third Edition, teaches you that mathematics is a system of knowing and understanding our surroundings. For example, sending information across the Internet is better understood when you understand prime numbers; the perils of radioactive waste take on new meaning when you understand exponential functions; and the efficiency of the flow of traffic through an intersection is more interesting after seeing the system of traffic lights represented in a mathematical form. You will learn those facets of mathematics that strengthen your quantitative understanding and expand the way you know, perceive, and comprehend your world. We hope you enjoy the journey. • The Third Edition’s table of contents has been reorganized and rearranged to group the chapters by broad topics that you can cover sequentially. • In the News exercises, based on media sources, have been added to this edition, providing another way to engage students by demonstrating the contemporary use of mathematics. • Chapter Summaries now appear in an easy-to-use grid format organized by section. Each summary point is now paired with the page numbers of an example that illustrates the concept, and exercises that allow students to practice the relevant skill or technique. • All application Examples, Exercises, and Excursions have been updated to reflect the most recent data and trends. • Definitions are now boxed and highlighted for greater prominence throughout the text, facilitating study and review. • All graphing calculator notes have been updated to refer to the TI-84 Plus. • In the Answer Section, answers to Chapter Test exercises now include a reference to a similar example in the text, making it easy for students to review relevant material for exercises that they answer incorrectly. • Content includes a subsection on Reading and Interpreting Graphs, a section on Right Triangle Trigonometry, and a section on Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. 127 CONTENTS 1. PROBLEM SOLVING. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Excursion: KenKen Puzzles: An Introduction. Problem Solving with Patterns. Excursion: Polygonal Numbers. Problem-Solving Strategies. Excursion: Routes on a Probability Demonstrator. Chapter 1 Summary. Chapter 1 Review. Chapter 1 Test. 2. SETS. Basic Properties of Sets. Excursion: Fuzzy Sets. Complements, Subsets, and Venn Diagrams. Excursion: Subsets and Complements of Fuzzy Sets. Set Operations. Excursion: Union and Intersection of Fuzzy Sets. Applications of Sets. Excursion: Voting Systems. Infinite Sets. Excursion: Transfinite Arithmetic. Chapter 2 Summary. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Test. 3. LOGIC. Logic Statements and Quantifiers. Excursion: Switching Networks. Truth Tables, Equivalent Statements, and Tautologies. Excursion: Switching Networks-Part II. The Conditional and the Biconditional. Excursion: Logic Gates. The Conditional and Related Statements. Excursion: Sheffer’s Stroke and the NAND Gate. Symbolic Arguments. Excursion: Fallacies. Arguments and Euler Diagrams. Excursion: Using Logic to Solve Crypterithms. Chapter 3 Summary. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Test. 4. APPORTIONMENT AND VOTING. Introduction to Apportionment. Excursion: Apportioning the 1790 House of Representatives. Introduction to Voting. Excursion: Variations of the Borda Count Method. Weighted Voting Systems. Excursion: Blocking Coalitions and the Banzhaf Power Index. Chapter 4 Summary. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Test. 5. THE MATHEMATICS OF GRAPHS. Graphs and Euler Circuits. Excursion: Pen-Tracing Puzzles. Weighted Graphs. Excursion: Extending the Greedy Algorithm. Planarity and Euler’s Formula. Excursion: The Five Regular Convex Polyhedra. Graph Coloring. Excursion: Modeling Traffic Lights with Graphs. Chapter 5 Summary. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Test. 6. NUMERATION SYSTEMS AND NUMBER THEORY. Early Numeration Systems. Excursion: A Rosetta Tablet for the Traditional Chinese Numeration System. Place-Value Systems. Excursion: Subtraction via the Nines Complement and the EndAround Carry. Different Base Systems. Excursion: Information Retrieval via a Binary Search. Arithmetic in Different Bases. Excursion: Subtraction in Base Two via the Ones Complement and the End-Around Carry. Prime Numbers. Excursion: The Distribution of the Primes. Topics from Number Theory. Excursion: A Sum of the Divisors Formula. Chapter 6 Summary. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Test. 7. GEOMETRY. Basic Concepts of Euclidean Geometry. Excursion: Preparing a Circle Graph. Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures. Excursion: Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle with Changing Dimensions. Properties of Triangles. Excursion: Topology: A Brief Introduction. Volume and Surface Area. Excursion: Water Displacement. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Excursion: Approximating the Value of Trigonometric Ratios. Non-Euclidean Geometry. Excursion: Finding Geodesics. Fractals. Excursion: The Heighway Dragon Fractal. Chapter 7 Summary. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Test. 8. MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS. Modular Arithmetic. Excursion: Computing the Day of the Week. Applications of Modular Arithmetic. Excursion: Public Key Cryptography. Introduction to Group Theory. Excursion: Wallpaper Groups. Chapter 8 Summary. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Test. 9. APPLICATIONS OF EQUATIONS. First-Degree Equations and Formulas. Excursion: Body Mass Index. Rate, Ratio, and Proportion. Excursion: Earned Run Average. Percent. Excursion: Federal Income Tax. Second-Degree Equations. Excursion: The Sum and Product of the Solutions of a Quadratic Equation. Chapter 9 Summary. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Test. 10. APPLICATIONS OF FUNCTIONS. Rectangular Coordinates and Functions. Excursion: Dilations of a Geometric Figure. Properties of Linear Functions. Excursion: Negative Velocity. Finding Linear Models. Excursion: A Linear Business Model. Quadratic Functions. Excursion: Reflective Properties of a Parabola. Exponential Functions. Excursion: Chess and Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Excursion: Benford’s Law. Chapter 10 Summary. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. Chapter 10 Test. 11. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Excursion: Day-of-the-Year Table. Compound Interest. Excursion: Consumer Price Index. Credit Cards and Consumer Loans. Excursion: Car Leases. Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. Excursion: Treasury Bills. Home Ownership. Excursion: Home Ownership Issues. Chapter 11 Summary. Chapter 11 Review Exercises. Chapter 11 Test. 12. COMBINATORICS AND PROBABILITY. The Counting Principle. Excursion: Decision Trees. Permutations and Combinations. Excursion: Choosing Numbers in Keno. Probability and Odds. Excursion: The Value of Pi by Simulation. Addition 128 and Complement Rules. Excursion: Keno Revisited. Conditional Probability. Excursion: Sharing Birthdays. 12.6 Expectation. Excursion: Chuck-a-luck. Chapter 12 Summary. Chapter 12 Review Exercises. Chapter 12 Test. 13. STATISTICS. Measures of Central Tendency. Excursion: Linear Interpolation and Animation. Measures of Dispersion. Excursion: Geometric View of Variance and Standard Deviation. Measures of Relative Position. Excursion: Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams. Normal Distribution. Excursion: Cut-Off Scores. Linear Regression and Correlation. Excursion: An Application of Linear Regression. Chapter 13 Summary. Chapter 13 Review Exercises. Chapter 13 Test. © 2015, 1008pp, Hardback, 9781285454221 MATHEMATICAL EXCURSIONS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E • Mathematical Excursions, 3E, International Edition’s table of contents has been reorganized and rearranged to group the chapters by broad topics that you can cover sequentially. • In the News exercises, based on media sources, have been added to this edition, providing another way to engage students by demonstrating the contemporary use of mathematics. • Chapter Summaries now appear in an easy-to-use grid format organized by section. Each summary point is now paired with the page numbers of an example that illustrates the concept, and exercises that allow students to practice the relevant skill or technique. • All application Examples, Exercises, and Excursions have been updated to reflect the most recent data and trends. • Definitions are now boxed and highlighted for greater prominence throughout the text, facilitating study and review. • All graphing calculator notes have been updated to refer to the TI-84 Plus. • In the Answer Section, answers to Chapter Test exercises now include a reference to a similar example in the text, making it easy for students to review relevant material for exercises that they answer incorrectly. FEATURES Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Joanne S. Lockwood, Nashua Community College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College; Daniel K. Clegg, Palomar College MATHEMATICAL EXCURSIONS, 3E, International Edition teaches students that mathematics is a system of knowing and understanding our surroundings. For example, sending information across the Internet is better understood when one understands prime numbers; the perils of radioactive waste take on new meaning when one understands exponential functions; and the efficiency of the flow of traffic through an intersection is more interesting after seeing the system of traffic lights represented in a mathematical form. Students will learn those facets of mathematics that strengthen their quantitative understanding and expand the way they know, perceive, and comprehend their world. We hope you enjoy the journey. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Content includes a subsection on Reading and Interpreting Graphs, a section on Right Triangle Trigonometry, and a section on Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. • An online algebra review appendix helps students review prerequisite algebra concepts. • An Excursion activity and corresponding Excursion Exercises conclude each section, providing concept reinforcement and opportunities for inclass cooperative work, hands-on learning, and development of critical-thinking skills. CONTENTS 1. PROBLEM SOLVING. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Excursion: KenKen Puzzles: An Introduction. Problem Solving with Patterns. Excursion: Polygonal Numbers. Problem-Solving Strategies. Excursion: Routes on a Probability Demonstrator. Chapter 1 Summary. Chapter 1 Review. Chapter 1 Test. 2. SETS. Basic 129 Properties of Sets. Excursion: Fuzzy Sets. Complements, Subsets, and Venn Diagrams. Excursion: Subsets and Complements of Fuzzy Sets. Set Operations. Excursion: Union and Intersection of Fuzzy Sets. Applications of Sets. Excursion: Voting Systems. Infinite Sets. Excursion: Transfinite Arithmetic. Chapter 2 Summary. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Test. 3. LOGIC. Logic Statements and Quantifiers. Excursion: Switching Networks. Truth Tables, Equivalent Statements, and Tautologies. Excursion: Switching Networks—Part II. The Conditional and the Biconditional. Excursion: Logic Gates. The Conditional and Related Statements. Excursion: Sheffer’s Stroke and the NAND Gate. Symbolic Arguments. Excursion: Fallacies. Arguments and Euler Diagrams. Excursion: Using Logic to Solve Crypterithms. Chapter 3 Summary. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Test. 4. APPORTIONMENT AND VOTING. Introduction to Apportionment. Excursion: Apportioning the 1790 House of Representatives. Introduction to Voting. Excursion: Variations of the Borda Count Method. Weighted Voting Systems. Excursion: Blocking Coalitions and the Banzhaf Power Index. Chapter 4 Summary. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Test. 5. THE MATHEMATICS OF GRAPHS. Graphs and Euler Circuits. Excursion: Pen-Tracing Puzzles. Weighted Graphs. Excursion: Extending the Greedy Algorithm. Planarity and Euler’s Formula. Excursion: The Five Regular Convex Polyhedra. Graph Coloring. Excursion: Modeling Traffic Lights with Graphs. Chapter 5 Summary. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Test. 6. NUMERATION SYSTEMS AND NUMBER THEORY. Early Numeration Systems. Excursion: A Rosetta Tablet for the Traditional Chinese Numeration System. Place-Value Systems. Excursion: Subtraction via the Nines Complement and the EndAround Carry. Different Base Systems. Excursion: Information Retrieval via a Binary Search. Arithmetic in Different Bases. Excursion: Subtraction in Base Two via the Ones Complement and the End-Around Carry. Prime Numbers. Excursion: The Distribution of the Primes. Topics from Number Theory. Excursion: A Sum of the Divisors Formula. Chapter 6 Summary. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Test. 7. GEOMETRY. Basic Concepts of Euclidean Geometry. Excursion: Preparing a Circle Graph. Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures. Excursion: Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle with Changing Dimensions. Properties of Triangles. Excursion: Topology: A Brief Introduction. Volume and Surface Area. Excursion: Water Displacement. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Excursion: Approximating the Value of Trigonometric Ratios. Non-Euclidean Geometry. Excursion: Finding Geodesics. Fractals. Excursion: The Heighway Dragon Fractal. Chapter 7 Summary. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Test. 8. MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS. Modular Arithmetic. Excursion: Computing the Day of the Week. Applications of Modular Arithmetic. Excursion: Public Key Cryptography. Introduction to Group Theory. Excursion: Wallpaper Groups. Chapter 8 Summary. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Test. 9. APPLICATIONS OF EQUATIONS. First-Degree Equations and Formulas. Excursion: Body Mass Index. Rate, Ratio, and Proportion. Excursion: Earned Run Average. Percent. Excursion: Federal Income Tax. Second-Degree Equations. Excursion: The Sum and Product of the Solutions of a Quadratic Equation. Chapter 9 Summary. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Test. 10. APPLICATIONS OF FUNCTIONS. Rectangular Coordinates and Functions. Excursion: Dilations of a Geometric Figure. Properties of Linear Functions. Excursion: Negative Velocity. Finding Linear Models. Excursion: A Linear Business Model. Quadratic Functions. Excursion: Reflective Properties of a Parabola. Exponential Functions. Excursion: Chess and Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Excursion: Benford’s Law. Chapter 10 Summary. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. Chapter 10 Test. 11. THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE. Simple Interest. Excursion: Day-of-the-Year Table. Compound Interest. Excursion: Consumer Price Index. Credit Cards and Consumer Loans. Excursion: Car Leases. Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. Excursion: Treasury Bills. Home Ownership. Excursion: Home Ownership Issues. Chapter 11 Summary. Chapter 11 Review Exercises. Chapter 11 Test. 12. COMBINATORICS AND PROBABILITY. The Counting Principle. Excursion: Decision Trees. Permutations and Combinations. Excursion: Choosing Numbers in Keno. Probability and Odds. Excursion: The Value of Pi by Simulation. Addition and Complement Rules. Excursion: Keno Revisited. Conditional Probability. Excursion: Sharing Birthdays. 12.6 Expectation. Excursion: Chuck-a-luck. Chapter 12 Summary. Chapter 12 Review Exercises. Chapter 12 Test. 13. STATISTICS. Measures of Central Tendency. Excursion: Linear Interpolation and Animation. Measures of Dispersion. Excursion: Geometric View 130 of Variance and Standard Deviation. Measures of Relative Position. Excursion: Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams. Normal Distribution. Excursion: Cut-Off Scores. Linear Regression and Correlation. Excursion: An Application of Linear Regression. Chapter 13 Summary. Chapter 13 Review Exercises. Chapter 13 Test. © 2013, 1008pp, Paperback, 9781111579081 MATHEMATICS, 7E A Practical Odyssey, International Edition David B. Johnson, Diablo Valley College; Thomas A. Mowry MATHEMATICS: A PRACTICAL ODYSSEY, 7E, International Edition demonstrates mathematics’ usefulness and relevance to students’ daily lives through topics such as calculating interest and understanding voting systems. Well known for its clear writing and unique variety of topics, the text emphasizes problemsolving skills, practical applications, and the history of mathematics, and unveils the relevance of mathematics and its human aspect to students. To offer flexibility in content, the book contains more information than might be covered in a one-term course. The chapters are independent of each other so instructors can select the ideal topics for their courses. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! New section on Fair Division in Chapter 6 has been added. • New! Lecture Videos by Dana Mosley ideal for promoting individual study and review and help support students in online courses. • Updated! Examples, exercises, and articles have been updated and added with current real-world data and issues. • New material has been added connecting math and art. • Chapter openers have been updated. FEATURES • Accessibility: Emphasizing problem-solving skills, the variety of applications-oriented examples and exercises connect the material to students’ lives. “…in the Real World” feature incorporates specific chapter material into a real-world context. The authors have an accessible writing style that engages students and retains their interest. • Usability: This book is user friendly. The examples do not skip steps; key points are boxed for emphasis; procedures are given step-by-step, making them easier to follow and understand; and an abundance of exposition is provided. • History: Students see the human side of mathematics as the history of the subject matter is interwoven throughout most chapters. In addition, “Historical Notes” give in-depth biographies of the prominent people involved. • Flexibility: The text offers an assortment of content to choose from. The chapters are independent of each other so instructors can select the ideal topics for their courses. • Topic X Real World Connections: The “Topic X . . .” feature incorporates specific chapter material into a real-world context. CONTENTS Preface. 1. LOGIC. Deductive Logic versus Inductive Logic. Symbolic Logic. Truth Tables. More on Conditionals. Analyzing Arguments. Chapter 1 Review. 2. SETS AND COUNTING. Sets and Set Operations. Applications of Venn Diagrams. Introduction to Combinatorics. Permutations and Combinations. Infinite Sets. Chapter 2 Review. 3. PROBABILITY. History of Probability. Basic Terms of Probability. Basic Rules of Probability. Combinatorics and Probability. Expected Value. Conditional Probability. Independence; Trees in Genetics. Chapter 3 Review. 4. STATISTICS. Population, Sample, and Data. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion. The Normal Distribution. Polls and Margin of Error. Linear Regression. Chapter 4 Review. 5. FINANCE. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Annuities. Amortized Loans. Annual Percentage Rate with a TI’s TVM Application. Payout Annuities. Chapter 5 Review. 6. VOTING AND APPORTIONMENT. Voting Systems. Methods of Apportionment. Flaws of 131 Apportionment. Chapter 6 Review. 7. NUMBER SYSTEMS AND NUMBER THEORY. Place Systems. Addition and Subtraction in Different Bases. Multiplication and Division in Different Bases. Prime Numbers and Perfect Numbers. Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio. Chapter 7 Review. 8. GEOMETRY Perimeter and Area. Volume and Surface Area. Egyptian Geometry. The Greeks. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Linear Perspective. Conic Sections and Analytic Geometry. Non-Euclidean Geometry. Fractal Geometry. The Perimeter and Area of a Fractal. Chapter 8 Review. 9. GRAPH THEORY. A Walk through Königsberg. Graphs and Euler Trails. Hamilton Circuits. Networks. Scheduling. Chapter 9 Review. 10. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Review of Exponentials and Logarithms. Review of Properties of Logarithms. Exponential Growth. Exponential Decay. Logarithmic Scales. Chapter 10 Review. 11. MATRICES AND MARKOV CHAINS. Review of Matrices. Introduction to Markov Chains. Systems of Linear Equations. Long-Range Predictions with Markov Chains. Solving Larger Systems of Equations. More on Markov Chains. Chapter 11 Review. 12. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Review of Linear Inequalities. The Geometry of Linear Programming. Chapter 12 Review. 12. LINEAR PROGRAMMING (ONLINE). Introduction to the Simplex Method. The Simplex Method: Complete Problems. Chapter 12 Review. 13. THE CONCEPTS AND HISTORY OF CALCULUS (ONLINE). Review of Rations, Parabolas, and Functions. The Antecedents of Calculus. Four Problems. Newton and Tangent Lines. Newton on Falling Objects and the Derivative. The Trajectory of a Cannonball. Newton and Areas. Conclusion. Chapter 13 Review. APPENDIXES. Appendix A. Appendix B Using a Graphing Calculator. Appendix C Graphing with a Graphing Calculator. Appendix D Finding Points of Intersection with a Graphing Calculator. Appendix E Dimensional Analysis. Appendix F Body Table for the Standard Normal Distribution. Index. © 2012, 1024pp, Paperback, 9780840048363 MATHEMATICS, 10E Its Power and Utility, International Edition Karl Smith, Santa Rosa Junior College MATHEMATICS: ITS POWER AND UTILITY, 10E, International Edition combines a unique and practical focus on real-world problem solving allowing even the least-interested or worst-prepared student to appreciate the beauty and value of math while mastering basic concepts and skills they will apply to their daily lives. The first half of the book explores the POWER and historic impact of mathematics and helps students harness that POWER by developing an effective approach to problem solving. The second half builds upon this foundation by exploring the UTLITY and application of math concepts to a wide variety of real-life situations: money management; handling of credit cards; inflation; purchase of a car or home; the effective use of probability, statistics, and surveys; and many other topics of life interest. Unlike many mathematics texts, MATHEMATICS: ITS POWER AND UTILITY, 10E, International Edition assumes a basic working knowledge of arithmetic, making it effective even for students with no exposure to algebra. Completely self-contained chapters make it easy to teach to a customized syllabus or support the precise pace and emphasis that students require. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The “Power/Utility of Math” section openers (formerly called “In This World: The Power/Utility of Math”) have been rewritten. These introductory boxes are designed to engage students by encouraging them to think about how the material in the section relates to their life. • The “Problem of the Day” feature in the end-of-section exercise sets is now called “The Power/Utility of Math” to better reflect its direct connection to the section 132 opener with the same name. These exercises, now boxed and prominently titled, can be found at the beginning of each end-of-section exercise set. • An outline of “Essential Ideas,” together with problems that correspond with these ideas, has been moved from the end-of-chapter review material to each chapter opener. • Over 300 new problems have been included. • The Chapter Summary and Review sections have been reorganized and redesigned, making them easier for students to use in identifying their strengths and weaknesses. • Section 7.5, which is included in the chapter on applications of percent, now includes information on 401(K) and retirement. • Section 7.6, which is included in the chapter on applications of percent, now contains information on amortization, including an amortization table. • A new section called “Connectives and Truth Tables” has been added to chapter 8, sets and logic. FEATURES • The first half of the book, “The Power of Math,” develops some ideas in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The second half of the book, “The Utility of Math,” develops the ideas around mathematics that students will use outside of the classroom. • Each chapter opener helps students anticipate upcoming topics. Topics included in “The Power of Math” or “The Utility of Math” section openers are identified. A list of essential ideas tells students what they need to know after they have worked through the chapter. Algebra. Inequalities. Summary and Review. 4. Percents and Problem Solving. Ratio and Proportion. Problem Solving with Proportions. Percent. Problem Solving with Percents. Summary and Review. 5. Introduction to Geometry. Euclidean Geometry. Angles and Polynomials. Triangles. Similar Triangles. Summary and Review. 6. Measurement and Problem Solving. Precision, Accuracy, and Estimation. Perimeter. Area. Volume and Capacity. Miscellaneous Measurements. Converting Units. Summary and Review. Part II: APPLICATIONS: THE UTILITY OF MATHEMATICS. 7. Applications of Percent. Discount, Sale Price, and Sales Tax. Simple Interest. Buying on Credit. Credit Card Interest. Compound Interest. Buying a Home. Summary and Review. 8. Sets and Logic. Introduction to Sets. Set Relationship. Operations with Sets. Venn Diagrams. Survey Problems Using Sets. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Connectives and Truth Tables. Summary and Review. 9. Probability. Introduction to Probability. Probability Models. Odds and Conditional Probability. Mathematical Expectation. Summary and Review. 10 Statistics. Frequency Distribution and Graphs. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Position. Measures of Dispersion. The Normal Curve and Sampling. Summary and Review. 11. Graphs. Cartesian Coordinate System. Functions. Lines. Systems and Inequalities. Graphing Curves. Summary and Review. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781111579104 CONTENTS Part I: FOUNDATIONS: THE POWER OF MATHEMATICS. 1. Arithmetic, Calculators, and Problem Solving. Math Anxiety. Formulating the Problem. Fractions and Decimals. Rounding and Estimation. Exponents and Prime Factorization. Common Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Fractions. Hindu-Arabic Numeration System. Different Numeration System. Summary and Review. 2. Sets of Numbers. Symbol Shock. Addition of Integers. Subtraction of Integers. Multiplication of Integers. Division of Integers. Rational and Irrational Numbers. Summary and Review. 3. Introduction to Algebra. Polynomials. Similar Terms. Simplification. Equations. Solving Equations. Problem Solving with MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS A Process Approach, International Edition Mark A. Freitag Freitag’s MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS: A PROCESS APPROACH, International Edition was developed using the five Content 133 Standards from the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Traditionally, textbooks for pre-service elementary teachers have focused on problem solving. However, problem solving is not the only process through which mathematics is learned. It is also learned through mathematical reasoning, communication, representation, and connections. Recent trends in mathematics education now advocate implementing all five processes as a vital part of learning and doing mathematics. Consequently, preserve teachers need to have concrete experiences with these processes that they will be required to teach. The goal of this textbook is to treat each of the processes equitably by using an approach in which the five processes serve as the central pedagogical theme. Most of the examples, exercises, and activities are designed to either model the processes or to have students become directly engaged in working with them. By doing so, pre-service teachers will not only come to understand the different processes, but also appreciate them as an integral to learning and doing mathematics. If this broader view can be instilled in pre-service teachers, they are more likely to give their students a more well-rounded and holistic view of mathematics once they enter the classroom. The content of the book is directly related to the mathematics that is taught in grades K – 8. The purpose is not to reteach elementary mathematics. Rather, the intent is to look at the content from a theoretical or generalized point of view, so that elementary and middle-grades teachers can better understand the concepts and processes behind the mathematics they will teach. In short, the book focuses on the “why” behind the mathematics in addition to the “how.” FEATURES • The FIVE MATHEMATICAL PROCESSES identified in the NCTM Principles and Standards are used as a framework for this textbook through which the content is stated, explained, demonstrated, and engaged. This “process approach” can be seen in the EXAMPLES and each process is identified by the appropriate icon. • An OPENING PROBLEM appears on the first page of each chapter and provides an application of the upcoming content. The problems can be answered by using specific content contained within the chapter. Answers are given directly before the Chapter Review. • GETTING STARTED introduces each chapter and relates the mathematical content of the chapter to how the concepts are used in an elementary classroom. • CLASSROOM LEARNING OBJECTIVES are tables that feature specific learning outcomes from the K – 8 classroom and are adapted from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Each table lists the learning objectives that are relevant to the content of the chapter and then indicates the grade level at which the objective is most likely to be taught. • DEFINITIONS and THEOREMS are clearly identified. • STUDENT PAGES from elementary textbooks provide further connections to the elementary classroom by demonstrating how concepts are often presented to elementary students. • HISTORICAL NOTES provide a context for the content by identifying historical figures or occurrences relevant to the content of the section. • CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING in-text quizzes provide an opportunity for students to monitor their understanding of the content through quick skillcheck exercises. Answers to all items are given after the chapter review exercises. • TALK ABOUT IT questions are included in Check Your Understanding and give students the opportunity to discuss the content they have just learned. You can use these questions to start a lecture or give them to small groups of students to respond to. • ACTIVITIES provide students with an opportunity to engage the material of each subsection by solving a problem often using a hands-on manipulative. Activities in the book are designed to take up minimal classroom time usually taking only five to ten minutes. Answers to all items are given after the chapter review exercises. CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL PROCESSES. Getting Started: The NCTM Process Standards. Communication Through Mathematical Representations. Inductive Reasoning and Patterns. Deductive Reasoning and Proof. Mathematical Problem Solving. Problem Solving with Different Strategies. Chapter 1 Review. Answers to Check Your Understandings and Activities. 2. SETS. Getting Started: Sets in the Classroom. Set Basics. Set Operations. Chapter 2 Review. Answers to 134 Chapter 2 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 3. NUMBERS AND NUMERATION. Getting Started: Numbers and Numeration in the Classroom. A Brief History of Numeration. The Hindu-Arabic or Decimal System. Other Base Numeration Systems. Chapter 3 Review. Answers to Chapter 3 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 1-3. 4. WHOLE-NUMBER COMPUTATION. Getting Started: Whole-Number Computation in the Classroom. Understanding Whole-Number Addition and Subtraction. Adding and Subtracting Large Numbers. Understanding Whole-Number Multiplication and Division. Multiplying and Dividing Large Numbers. Computation in Base b. Chapter 4 Review. Answers to Chapter 4 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 5. BASIC NUMBER THEORY. Getting Started: Number Theory in the Classroom. Divisibility, Primes, and Composites. Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiples. Modular and Clock Arithmetic. Chapter 5 Review. Answers to Chapter 5 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 6. THE INTEGERS. Getting Started: Integers in the Classroom. Integer Basics, Addition, and Subtraction. Integer Multiplication and Division. Chapter 6 Review. Answers to Chapter 6 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 4-6. 7. FRACTIONS AND THE RATIONAL NUMBERS. Getting Started: Fractions and the Rational Numbers in the Classroom. Fractions and the Set of Rational Numbers. Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers. Chapter 7 Review. Answers to Check Your Understandings and Activities. 8. DECIMALS, REAL NUMBERS, AND PROPORTIONAL REASONING. Getting Started: Decimals and Proportional Reasoning in the Classroom. Decimals and the Real Numbers. Decimal and Real Number Operations. Proportional Reasoning. Percents. Chapter 8 Review. Answers to Chapter 8 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 9. ALGEBRAIC THINKING. Getting Started: Algebraic Thinking in the Classroom. Numerical Sequences. Functions and Their Representations. Linear Functions and Constant Change. Solving Equations and Inequalities. Algebraic Thinking and Mathematical Modeling. Chapter 9 Review. Answers to Chapter 9 Check You Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 7-9. 10. GEOMETRICAL SHAPES. Getting Started: Geometrical Shapes in the Classroom. Lines, Planes, and Angles. Triangles. Quadrilaterals, Polynomials, and Circles. Geometric Surfaces and Solids. Chapter 10 Review. Answers to Chapter 10 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 11. CONGRUENCE, SIMILARITY, AND CONSTRUCTIONS. Getting Started: Congruence, Constructions, and Similarity in the Classroom. Congruent Shapes. Similar Shapes. Basic Geometrical Constructions. Constructing Shapes. Chapter 11 Review. Answers to Chapter 11 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 12. COORDINATE AND TRANSFORMATION GEOMETRY IN THE CLASSROOM. Getting Started: Coordinate and Transformation Geometry in the Classroom. Coordinate Geometry. Transformations. Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetry with Transformations. Geometric Patterns. Chapter 12 Review. Answers to Chapter 12 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 10-12. 13. MEASUREMENT. Getting Started: Measurement in the Classroom. Length and the Measurement Process. Perimeter and Area. Surface Area. Volume. Other Measures. Chapter 13 Review. Answers to Chapter 13 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 14. STATISTICAL THINKING. Getting Started: Statistical Thinking in the Classroom. Formulating Questions and Collecting Data. Representing and Analyzing Data with Statistical Graphs. Representing and Analyzing Data with Descriptive Statistics. Abuse of Statistics. Chapter 14 Review. Answers to Chapter 14 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 15. PROBABILITY. Getting Started: Probability in the Classroom. Experimental Probability and Making Predictions from Data. Theoretical Probability. Conditional and Geometric Probability, Odds, and Expected Value. Counting Techniques and Probability. Chapter 15 Review. Answers to Chapter 15 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 13-15. © 2014, 1104pp, Paperback, 9781133109976 135 NATURE OF MATHEMATICS, 12E Karl Smith, Santa Rosa Junior College Written for liberal arts students and based on the belief that learning to solve problems is the principal reason for studying mathematics, Karl Smith introduces students to Polya’s problem-solving techniques and shows them how to use these techniques to solve unfamiliar problems that they encounter in their own lives. Through the emphasis on problem solving and estimation, along with numerous in-text study aids, students are assisted in understanding the concepts and mastering the techniques. In addition to the problem-solving emphasis, THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS is renowned for its clear writing, coverage of historical topics, selection of topics, level, and excellent applications problems. Smith includes material on such practical real-world topics as finances (e.g. amortization, installment buying, annuities) and voting and apportionment. With the help of this text, thousands of students have “experienced” mathematics rather than just do problems--and benefited from a writing style that boosts their confidence and fosters their ability to use mathematics effectively in their everyday lives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The examples throughout the book have been redesigned to more effectively engage students. Each now includes a title and is presented in a fresh, easy-to-read format. • A “Chapter Challenge” problem appears in each chapter, providing additional problem-solving practice. To encourage students to stretch their problem-solving skills, these new types of problems present contexts other than those presented in the chapter. • “Historical Quest” problems, an overwhelming success in the previous edition, appear more frequently in the Twelfth Edition. These problems are designed to involve students in the historical development of the great ideas in mathematical history. • Expanded and updated chapter openers include “What in the World?” introductions, which draw students into the material by relating the mathematics to common scenarios they may encounter in their everyday lives. • The prologue--updated for this edition--asks the all-important question, “Why Math?”. The prologue puts mathematics into a historical perspective for students, and is also designed to encourage them to begin thinking about problem solving. • Updated for this edition, the problems accompanying the “Why Not Math?” epilogue show students how mathematics touches just about every course of study. FEATURES • Real-World Problem-Solving Emphasis: Polya’s method of problem solving is used throughout the text. Students learn how to apply these techniques to solve problems they encounter in their everyday lives in such areas as finance (installment buying, amortization, annuities) and voting and apportionment. • Flexibility: The chapters are independent of one another and allow maximum teaching flexibility. • Learning Aids: The book offers a variety of interesting and helpful learning aids. Icons like “Caution” and “Stop” guide students through concepts. “Historical Notes” place students’ view of mathematics in a historical perspective and include a category of related problems entitled “Historical Quest”. “Chapter Summaries” include chapter review exercises, group research projects, and individual research projects. Additionally, a list of important terms and types of problems, including section references, is available to students at • Exercise Sets: Problems range from easy to challenging and are clearly marked by type. “Level 1” problems are mechanical or drill. “Level 2” problems require the understanding of concepts. “Level 3” problems require problem-solving skills or original thinking. CONTENTS Prologue: Why Math? A Historical Overview. 1. THE NATURE OF PROBLEM SOLVING. The Nature of Problem Solving. Problem Solving. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Scientific Notation and 136 Estimation. Summary. 2. THE NATURE OF SETS. Sets, Subsets, and Venn Diagrams. Operations with Sets. Applications of Sets. Finite and Infinite Sets. Summary. 3. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. Deductive Reasoning. Truth Tables and the Conditional. Operators and Laws of Logic. The Nature of Proof. Problem Solving Using Logic. Logic Circuits (Optional). Summary. 4. THE NATURE OF NUMERATION SYSTEMS. Early Numeration Systems. Hindu-Arabic Numeration System. Different Numeration Systems. Binary Numeration System. History of Calculating Devices (Optional). Summary. 5. THE NATURE OF NUMBERS. Natural Numbers. Prime Numbers. Integers. Rational Numbers. Irrational Numbers. Groups, Fields, and Real Numbers. Discrete Mathematics. Cryptography (Optional). Summary. 6. THE NATURE OF ALGEBRA. Polynomials. Factoring. Evaluation, Applications, and Spreadsheets. Equations. GUEST ESSAY: “CHAOS”. Inequalities. Algebra in Problem Solving. Ratios, Proportions, and Problem Solving. Percents. Modeling Uncategorized Problems. Summary. 7. THE NATURE OF GEOMETRY. Geometry. Polygons and Angles. Triangles. Similar Triangles. Right Triangle Trigonometry (Optional). Mathematics, Art, and Non-Euclidean Geometries (Optional Sections). Summary. 8. THE NATURE OF NETWORKS AND GRAPH THEORY. Euler Circuits and Hamiltonian Cycles. Trees and Minimum Spanning Trees. Topology and Fractals. GUEST ESSAY: “WHAT GOOD ARE FRACTALS?”. Summary. 9. THE NATURE OF MEASUREMENT. Perimeter. Area. Surface Area, Volume and Capacity. Miscellaneous Measurements (Optional). U.S.-Metric Conversions. Summary. 10. THE NATURE OF GROWTH. Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Equations. Applications of Growth and Decay. Summary. 11. THE NATURE OF SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Interest. Installment Buying. Sequences. Series. Annuities. Amortization. Summary of Financial Formulas. Summary. 12. THE NATURE OF COUNTING. Permutations. Combinations. Counting without Counting. Rubik’s Cube and Instant Insanity (Optional). Summary. 13. THE NATURE OF PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Mathematical Expectation. Probability Models. Calculated Probabilities. The Binomial Distribution (Optional). GUEST ESSAY: “EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION”. Summary. 14. THE NATURE OF STATISTICS. Frequency Distributions and Graphs. Descriptive Statistics. The Normal Curve. Correlation and Regression. Sampling (Optional). Summary. 15. THE NATURE OF GRAPHS AND FUNCTIONS. Cartesian Coordinates and Graphing Lines. Graphing Half-Planes. Graphing Curves. Conic Sections. Functions. Summary. 16. THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS. Systems of Linear Equations. Problem Solving with Systems. Matrix Solution of a System of Equations. Inverse Matrices. Modeling with Linear Programming (Optional). Summary. 17. THE NATURE OF VOTING AND APPORTIONMENT. Voting. Voting Dilemmas. Apportionment. Apportionment Flaws. Summary. 18. THE NATURE OF CALCULUS (OPTIONAL). What Is Calculus? Limits. Derivatives. Integrals. Summary. Epilogue: Why Not Math? Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and in the Humanities. Appendices. A. Glossary. B. Selected Answers. C. Index. © 2012, 1024pp, Hardback, 9780538737586 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR AUFMANN/LOCKWOOD/NATION/ CLEGG’S MATHEMATICAL EXCURSIONS, 3RD, 3E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Joanne S. Lockwood, Nashua Community College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College; Daniel K. Clegg, Palomar College Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 256pp, Paperback, 9781133112211 137 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR BELLO/KAUL/BRITTON’S TOPICS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 10TH, 10E STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR TIMMONS/JOHNSON/MCCOOK’S FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRAIC MODELING, 6E, 6E Ignacio Bello, University of South Florida; Anton Kaul, California Polytechnic State University; Jack R. Britton, Late of University of South Florida Daniel L. Timmons, Alamance Community College; Catherine W. Johnson, Alamance Community College; Sonya McCook, Alamance Community College Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in TOPICS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 10th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples. Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in FUNDAMENTALS OF ALGEBRAIC MODELING, 6th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples. © 2014, 288pp, Paperback, 9781285420745 © 2014, 176pp, Paperback, 9781285420424 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR FREITAG’S MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS: A PROCESS APPROACH TOPICS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Mark A. Freitag © 2014, 400pp, Paperback, 9781285420233 Ignacio Bello, University of South Florida; Anton Kaul, California Polytechnic State University; Jack R. Britton, Late of University of South Florida Written for the Math for Liberal Arts course, TOPICS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, 10e, International Edition helps students see math at work in the world 138 by presenting problem solving in purposeful and meaningful contexts. Many of the problems in the text demonstrate how math relates to subjects—such as sociology, psychology, business, and technology—that generally interest students. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A Getting Started outline of objectives that corresponds to the objective heads in the exposition and in the end-of-section exercise sets has been added to the beginning of each section to provide students with a map to navigate each chapter. • In response to feedback from reviewers, Chapter 5 on Number Theory and the Real Numbers has been extensively revised and condensed creating a more comprehensive chapter. • Throughout the text, applications have been replaced and revised for currency and student interest. Exercises now include diverse topics such as the garbage pizza, gadgets owned by Americans, hacked passwords, the correlation of healthcare to life expectancy, the total cost of college, and many more. • The following topics are now more easily accessible in the printed book rather than being available online only: the section on linear programming, right triangle trigonometry, chaos and fractals, as well as the chapters on voting and apportionment, and graph theory. • Exclusively from Cengage Learning®, Enhanced WebAssign combines the exceptional mathematics content that you know and love with the most powerful online homework solution, WebAssign. Enhanced WebAssign engages students with immediate feedback, rich tutorial content, and interactive e-books that help students to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of their subject matter. Online assignments can be built by selecting from thousands of text-specific problems or supplemented with problems from any Cengage Learning textbook. • An Instructor’s Edition is available for the tenth edition providing instructors with an appendix in the book that contains answers to all exercises and an appendix that outlines the exercises that are available through Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • Motivational chapter and section opening vignettes contain applications drawn from a broad range of fields and introduce students to the techniques and ideas covered. Applications are further integrated throughout the text, examples and in the exercise sets to help students develop the skills to apply problemsolving techniques in the real-world. • The text incorporates suggestions of AMATYC’s Standards for Introductory College Mathematics. For instance, the authors de-emphasize the more abstract and theoretical aspects of the subject matter, placing emphasis on promoting the understanding and use of concepts introduced. • A unique problem-solving approach emphasized throughout the text helps students learn the mathematical skills that will benefit them in their lives and careers. Using the RSTUV method (Read, Select, Think, Use, and Verify), this approach guides students through problems and includes references to similar problems in the exercise set. • A strong technology focus motivates students and shows them different ways in which mathematics can be applied. Web references and Web It exercises in the text offer students ways to utilize the Internet as an educational and creative tool to study mathematical concepts. Graph It, a feature found in the book margins, provides step-by-step directions for solving specific examples using the TI-83 graphing calculator. CONTENTS 1. PROBLEM SOLVING. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Estimation: A Problem-Solving Tool. Graph Interpretation: A Problem-Solving Tool. 2. SETS. Sets: A Problem-Solving Tool. Set Operations. Venn Diagrams. The Number of Elements in a Set: A Problem-Solving Tool. Infinite Sets. 3. LOGIC. Statements. Truth Tables: A Problem-Solving Tool. The Conditional and the Biconditional. Variations of the Conditional and Implications. Euler Diagrams: A Problem-Solving Tool. Truth Tables and Validity of Arguments. 4. NUMERATION SYSTEMS. Egyptian, Babylonian, and Roman Numeration Systems. The Hindu-Arabic (Decimal System). Number Systems with Bases Other Than 10. Binary Octal, and Hexadecimal Arithmetic. 5. NUMBER THEORY AND THE REAL NUMBERS. Number Theory: Primes and Composites. Whole Numbers, Integers, and Order of Operations. Operations with Rational Numbers, Expanded and Scientific Notation. Rationals and Irrationals as Decimals: Percents. Radicals and Real Numbers. Number Sequences. 6. EQUATIONS, 139 INEQUALITIES, AND PROBLEM SOLVING. Solutions of First-Degree (linear) Sentences. Graphs of Algebraic Sentences. Sentences Involving Absolute Values. Quadratic Equations. Modeling and Problem Solving. Ratio, Proportion, and Variation. 7. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Graphing Relations and Functions. Linear Functions, Relations, and Applications. Slopes and Equations of a Line. Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Two Linear Equations in Two Variables. Linear Inequalities. Linear Programming. 8. GEOMETRY. Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles. Triangles and Other Polygons. Perimeter and Circumference. Area Measure and the Pythagorean Theorem. Volume and Surface Area. Networks, NonEuclidean Geometry, and Topology. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Chaos and Fractals. 9. MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS. Clock and Modular Arithmetic. Abstract Mathematical Systems: Groups and Fields. Game Theory. 10. COUNTING TECHNIQUES. The Sequential Counting Principle (SCP): A Problem-Solving Tool. Permutations. Combinations. Miscellaneous Counting Methods. 11. PROBABILITY. Sample Spaces and Probability. Counting Techniques and Probability. Computations of Probabilities. Conditional Probability. Independent Events. Odds and Mathematical Expectation. 12. STATISTICS. Sampling, Frequency Distributions, and Graphs. Measures of Central Tendency: The Mean, Median, and Mode. Measures of Dispersion: The Range and Standard Deviation. The Normal Distribution: A Problem-Solving Tool. Statistical Graphs: A ProblemSolving Tool. Making Predictions: Linear Regression. Scattergrams and Correlation. 13. YOUR MONEY AND YOUR MATH. Interest, Taxes, and Discounts. Credit Cards and Consumer Credit. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and the Rule of 78. Buying a House. Investing in Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. 14. VOTING AND APPORTIONMENT. Voting Systems. Voting Objections. Apportionment Methods. Apportionment Objections. 15. GRAPH THEORY. Introduction to Graph Theory. Euler Paths and Euler Circuits. Hamilton Paths and Hamilton Circuits. Trees. © 2014, 992pp, Paperback, 9781133365808 Mathematics MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN HOMEWORK AND EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR MULTI TERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 7E James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section and/or end-of chapter exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations–providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need and at a lower cost to your students. To request an electronic sample of this Cengage Learning title, go to: www.coursesmart. com/instructors. 140 NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS 1 0 . PA R A M E T R I C E Q UAT I O N S A N D P O L A R COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. 12. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. ThreeDimensional Coordinate Systems. Vectors. The Dot Product. The Cross Product. Discovery Project: The 141 Geometry of a Tetrahedron. Equations of Lines and Planes. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Review. 13. VECTOR FUNCTIONS. Vector Functions and Space Curves. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions. Arc Length and Curvature. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration. Applied Project: Kepler’s Laws. Review. 14. PARTIAL DERIVATIVES. Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximation. The Chain Rule. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: Designing a Dumpster. Discovery Project: Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points. Lagrange Multipliers. Applied Project: Rocket Science. Applied Project: Hydro-Turbine Optimization. Review. 15. MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. Double Integrals over Rectangles. Iterated Integrals. Double Integrals over General Regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates. Applications of Double Integrals. Triple Integrals. Discovery Project: Volumes of Hyperspheres. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates. Discovery Project: The Intersection of Three Cylinders . Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates. Applied Project: Roller Derby. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals. Review. 16. ECTOR CALCULUS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals. Green’s Theorem. Curl and Divergence. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas. Surface Integrals. Stokes’ Theorem. Writing Project: Three Men and Two Theorems. The Divergence Theorem. Summary. Review. 17. SECONDORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Second-Order Linear Equations. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations. Series Solutions. Review. APPENDIXES. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers . H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 480pp, Paperback, 9781133110835 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, 7E Early Transcendentals, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science) James Stewart, McMaster University Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section and/or end-of chapter exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! James Stewart’s CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations–providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need and at a lower cost to your students. To request an electronic sample of this Cengage Learning title, go to: www.coursesmart. com/instructors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • TOC change: For this edition, Stewart has combined 142 the material that previously appeared in Chapters 1 and 2. This means that Calculus, 7e, and Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7e, have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text, rather than two separate ET and LT versions. Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined – and some material has been moved to an appendix—to streamline the presentation of these early topics. • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. CONTENTS Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Graphing Calculators and Computers. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Review. 2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. 3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? 143 Implicit Differentiation. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Exponential Growth and Decay. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Hyperbolic Functions. Review. 4. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. 5. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. 6. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas between Curves. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Review. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bezier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the . Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. APPENDIXES. A. Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. The Logarithm Defined as an Integral. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 720pp, Paperback, 9781111426705 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, VOLUME 1, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically 144 gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. CONTENTS A Preview of Calculus. 1. FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Review. Principles of Problem Solving. 2. DERIVATIVES. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents.The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation Formulas. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller 145 Coaster. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule. Applied Project: Where Should a Pilot Start Descent? Implicit Differentiation. Laboratory Project: Families of Implicit Curves. Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences. Related Rates. Linear Approximations and Differentials. Laboratory Project: Taylor Polynomials. Review. Problems Plus. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Maximum and Minimum Values. Applied Project: The Calculus of Rainbows. The Mean Value Theorem. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Summary of Curve Sketching. Graphing with Calculus and Calculators. Optimization Problems. Applied Project: The Shape of a Can. Newton’s Method. Antiderivatives. Review. Problems Plus. 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Review. Problems Plus. Appendix A: Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. Appendix B: Coordinate Geometry and Lines. Appendix C: Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. Appendix D: Trigonometry. Appendix E: Sigma Notation. Appendix F: Proofs of Theorems. Appendix G: Graphing Calculators and Computers. Appendix H: Complex Numbers. Appendix I: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 504pp, Hardback, 9780538497848 SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, VOLUME 2, 7E James Stewart, McMaster University James Stewart’s CALCULUS texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart’s trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart’s texts best-sellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart’s writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension. • NEW examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called “Problems Plus” have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. “Problems Plus” sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem. • NEW! This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned. • NEW “PS” icons denoting problem-solving margin 146 notes are aimed at increasing instructors’ awareness of this important aspect of Stewart’s approach. • UPDATED! Tools for Enriching Calculus—a free, online, interactive resource that allows Calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning—has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students. • NEW-AND-IMPROVED! Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, to encourage the practice that’s so critical for concept mastery. The meticulously crafted pedagogy and exercises in our proven texts become even more effective in Enhanced WebAssign, supplemented by multimedia tutorial support and immediate feedback as students complete their assignments. Enhanced WebAssign for Stewart now includes opportunities for students to review prerequisite skills and content both at the start of the course (in conjunction with four diagnostic tests) and at the beginning of each section. In addition, at the problem-level, student can get extra help in the form of “math mentor” feedback and video solutions. • NEW! Interested in a simple way to complement your text and course content with study and practice materials? Cengage Learning’s CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. CourseMate goes beyond the book to deliver what you need! • NEW! Cengage YouBook is a Flash-based eBook that is interactive and customizable! Containing all the content from Stewart’s Calculus, 7e, YouBook features a text edit tool that allows you to rewrite, delete, modify, or add to the textbook narrative as needed. With YouBook, you can quickly re-order entire chapters and sections or hide any content you don’t teach to create an eBook that perfectly matches your syllabus. Additional media assets include interactive simulations, animations, and video clips that complement the traditional text presentation. The YouBook also lets you embed videos of your own or from YouTube directly into eBook pages. • NEW! Hybrid versions of the text provide a lessexpensive, shorter option for students using EWA. End-of-section problems are omitted from the text and appear online only. FEATURES • Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their preexisting knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book’s website where they can seek help. CONTENTS 4. INTEGRALS. Areas and Distances. The Definite Integral. Discovery Project: Area Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem. Writing Project: Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 5. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Areas Between Curves. Applied Project: The Gini Index. Volume. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Work. Average Value of a Function. Review. Problems Plus. 6. INVERSE FUNCTIONS: Exponential, Logarithmic, and Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Functions. (Instructors may cover either Sections 6.2-6.4 or Sections 6.2*-6.4*. See the Preface.). Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. The Natural Logarithmic Function. The Natural Exponential Function. General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applied Project: Where to Sit at the Movies. Hyperbolic Functions. Indeterminate Forms and l’Hospital’s Rule. Writing Project: The Origins of l’Hospital’s Rule. Review. Problems Plus. 7. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Trigonometric Substitution. Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. Strategy for Integration. Applied Project: Calculus and Baseball. Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems. Discovery Project: Patterns in Integrals. Approximate Integration. Improper Integrals. Review. Problems Plus. 8. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Arc Length. 147 Discovery Project: Arc Length Contest. Area of a Surface of Revolution. Discovery Project: Rotating on a Slant. Applications to Physics and Engineering. Discovery Project: Complementary Coffee Cups. Applications to Economics and Biology. Probability. Review. Problems Plus. 9. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling with Differential Equations. Direction Fields and Euler’s Method. Separable Equations. Applied Project: How Fast Does a Tank Drain? Applied Project: Which is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down? Models for Population Growth. Linear Equations. Predator-Prey Systems. Review. Problems Plus. 10. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Curves Defined by Parametric Equations. Laboratory Project: Families of Hypocycloids. Calculus with Parametric Curves. Laboratory Project: Bézier Curves. Polar Coordinates. Laboratory Project: Families of Polar Curves. Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates. Conic Sections. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Review. Problems Plus. 11. INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Laboratory Project: Logistic Sequences. Series. The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums. The Comparison Tests. Alternating Series. Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests. Strategy for Testing Series. Power Series. Representations of Functions as Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series . Laboratory Project: An Elusive Limit. Writing Project: How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series. Applications of Taylor Polynomials. Applied Project: Radiation from the Stars. Review. Problems Plus. APPENDIXES. A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values. B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines. C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations. D. Trigonometry. E. Sigma Notation. F. Proofs of Theorems. G. Graphing Calculators and Computers. H. Complex Numbers. I. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises. © 2012, 648pp, Hardback, 9780538497855 Mathematics for Education MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES, MATHEMATICS FOR TEACHERS Activities, Models, and Real-Life Examples Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College To become a successful mathematics teacher, you must first become a successful mathematics student. Ron Larson and Robyn Silbey’s first edition of MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES, MATHEMATICS FOR TEACHERS: ACTIVITIES, MODELS, AND REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES helps students aspire to be the best educators they can be. Peruse the book and you’ll find Classroom Activities integrated into each section; modeling Examples that ask students how to model math concepts in the classroom; real-life Examples that model math concepts students will encounter in their everyday lives; and finally, to frame Ron and Robyn’s approach, Common Core State Standards relevant to each lesson to provide future teachers with the knowledge of what their students should know at various grade levels. FEATURES • An Activity, similar to what can be found in an elementary mathematics textbook, appears before every lesson. These can be completed as part of the coursework or simply used as a motivational tool for the lesson because they cover topics within the lessons but are not prerequisites of the lessons. • Featured in the margin, Standards are grouped by grade levels (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) and appear at the beginning of each lesson. Domain and cluster statements indicate the area of the Common Core State Standards that pertain to the lesson. • Learning Objectives appear at the beginning of each 148 lesson and identify the concepts taught in the lesson. • Real-Life Examples show the math concepts in a reallife situation and are indicated by the green example head graphic. • Modeling Examples show how to use manipulatives, fraction strips, number line models, area models, set models, and so on, to model math concepts in the classroom. These are indicated by the orange example head graphic. • Mathematical Practices appear throughout each lesson and highlight the connection between the Examples and the processes and proficiencies identified in the Common Core Math Practices. • Classroom Tips appear in the margin throughout each lesson, and they provide additional information for a teacher to use in the elementary/middle school classroom such as teaching suggestions, problemsolving methods, classroom motivators (activities), what students learn in doing the example, additional information about the example, or differing definitions (e.g., U.S. versus European). • Writing a Solution Key Exercises develops the elementary/middle school teacher’s ability to write a rubric for grading students’ work and appear in every lesson exercise set. • A Grading the Activity Exercise appears in every lesson exercise set and provides the elementary/middle school teacher practice in grading an assignment. • In Your Classroom Exercises are application/concept exercises similar to the ones found in classroom textbooks. These appear in every lesson exercise set and include connections on how to teach the concept in the classroom. CONTENTS 1. PROBLEM SOLVING. Problem-Solving Strategies. More Problem-Solving Strategies. Reasoning and Logic. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 2. SETS AND NUMERAL SYSTEMS. Sets. Whole Numbers. Number Lines and Numeral Systems. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 3. OPERATIONS WITH WHOLE NUMBERS. Adding Whole Numbers. Subtracting Whole Numbers. Multiplying Whole Numbers. Dividing Whole Numbers. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 4. EXPONENTS AND ESTIMATION. Mental Math and Estimation. Exponents. Order of Operations. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 5. NUMBER THEORY. Divisibility Tests. Primes and Composites. Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 6. FRACTIONS. Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Fractions. Multiplying and Dividing Fractions. Ratio and Proportion. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 7. DECIMALS AND PERCENTS. Decimals. Adding and Subtracting Decimals. Multiplying and Dividing Decimals. Percents. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 8. INTEGERS. Integers. Adding and Subtracting Integers. Multiplying and Dividing Integers. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 9. RATIONAL NUMBERS AND REAL NUMBERS. Rational Numbers. Solving Equations Using Rational Numbers. Real Numbers. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 10. POLYGONS AND POLYHEDRA. Triangles. Quadrilaterals. Polygons and Tessellations. Polyhedra. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 11. MEASUREMENT. Standard and Nonstandard Units. Perimeter and Area of Polygons. Surface Area of a Polyhedron. Volume of a Polyhedron. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 12. CIRCLES AND CIRCULAR SOLIDS. Circumference and Area of Circles. Surface Area of Circular Solids. Volume of Circular Solids. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 13. CONGRUENCE AND SIMILARITY. Congruence of Triangles. Similarity. Construction Techniques. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 14. TRANSFORMATIONS. Translations and Rotations. Reflections. Dilations and Scale Drawings. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 15. COORDINATE GEOMETRY. The Coordinate Plane and Distance. Slope of a Line. Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 16. PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Counting Techniques. Independent and Dependent Events. Expected Value. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. 17. STATISTICS. Graphs of Data. Measure of Central Tendency. Variation. Other Types of Graphs. Chapter Summary, Review Exercises, and Chapter Test. Answers. Index. © 2015, 784pp, Hardback, 9781285447100 149 elementary and middle-grades teachers can better understand the concepts and processes behind the mathematics they will teach. In short, the book focuses on the “why” behind the mathematics in addition to the “how.” FEATURES MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS A Process Approach Mark A. Freitag Freitag’s MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS: A PROCESS APPROACH was developed using the five Content Standards from the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Traditionally, textbooks for pre-service elementary teachers have focused on problem solving. However, problem solving is not the only process through which mathematics is learned. It is also learned through mathematical reasoning, communication, representation, and connections. Recent trends in mathematics education now advocate implementing all five processes as a vital part of learning and doing mathematics. Consequently, pre-serve teachers need to have concrete experiences with these processes that they will be required to teach. The goal of this textbook is to treat each of the processes equitably by using an approach in which the five processes serve as the central pedagogical theme. Most of the examples, exercises, and activities are designed to either model the processes or to have students become directly engaged in working with them. By doing so, pre-service teachers will not only come to understand the different processes, but also appreciate them as an integral to learning and doing mathematics. If this broader view can be instilled in pre-service teachers, they are more likely to give their students a more well-rounded and holistic view of mathematics once they enter the classroom. The content of the book is directly related to the mathematics that is taught in grades K – 8. The purpose is not to reteach elementary mathematics. Rather, the intent is to look at the content from a theoretical or generalized point of view, so that • The FIVE MATHEMATICAL PROCESSES identified in the NCTM Principles and Standards are used as a framework for this textbook through which the content is stated, explained, demonstrated, and engaged. This “process approach” can be seen in the EXAMPLES and each process is identified by the appropriate icon. • An OPENING PROBLEM appears on the first page of each chapter and provides an application of the upcoming content. The problems can be answered by using specific content contained within the chapter. Answers are given directly before the Chapter Review. • GETTING STARTED introduces each chapter and relates the mathematical content of the chapter to how the concepts are used in an elementary classroom. • CLASSROOM LEARNING OBJECTIVES are tables that feature specific learning outcomes from the K - 8 classroom and are adapted from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Each table lists the learning objectives that are relevant to the content of the chapter and then indicates the grade level at which the objective is most likely to be taught. • DEFINITIONS and THEOREMS are clearly identified. • STUDENT PAGES from elementary textbooks provide further connections to the elementary classroom by demonstrating how concepts are often presented to elementary students. • HISTORICAL NOTES provide a context for the content by identifying historical figures or occurrences relevant to the content of the section. • CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING in-text quizzes provide an opportunity for students to monitor their understanding of the content through quick skillcheck exercises. Answers to all items are given after the chapter review exercises. • TALK ABOUT IT questions are included in Check Your Understanding and give students the opportunity to discuss the content they have just learned. You can use these questions to start a lecture or give them to small groups of students to respond to. 150 • ACTIVITIES provide students with an opportunity to engage the material of each subsection by solving a problem often using a hands-on manipulative. Activities in the book are designed to take up minimal classroom time usually taking only five to ten minutes. Answers to all items are given after the chapter review exercises. CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL PROCESSES. Getting Started: The NCTM Process Standards. Communication Through Mathematical Representations. Inductive Reasoning and Patterns. Deductive Reasoning and Proof. Mathematical Problem Solving. Problem Solving with Different Strategies. Chapter 1 Review. Answers to Check Your Understandings and Activities. 2. SETS. Getting Started: Sets in the Classroom. Set Basics. Set Operations. Chapter 2 Review. Answers to Chapter 2 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 3. NUMBERS AND NUMERATION. Getting Started: Numbers and Numeration in the Classroom. A Brief History of Numeration. The Hindu-Arabic or Decimal System. Other Base Numeration Systems. Chapter 3 Review. Answers to Chapter 3 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 1-3. 4. WHOLE-NUMBER COMPUTATION. Getting Started: Whole-Number Computation in the Classroom. Understanding Whole-Number Addition and Subtraction. Adding and Subtracting Large Numbers. Understanding Whole-Number Multiplication and Division. Multiplying and Dividing Large Numbers. Computation in Base b. Chapter 4 Review. Answers to Chapter 4 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 5. BASIC NUMBER THEORY. Getting Started: Number Theory in the Classroom. Divisibility, Primes, and Composites. Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiples. Modular and Clock Arithmetic. Chapter 5 Review. Answers to Chapter 5 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 6. THE INTEGERS. Getting Started: Integers in the Classroom. Integer Basics, Addition, and Subtraction. Integer Multiplication and Division. Chapter 6 Review. Answers to Chapter 6 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 4-6. 7. FRACTIONS AND THE RATIONAL NUMBERS. Getting Started: Fractions and the Rational Numbers in the Classroom. Fractions and the Set of Rational Numbers. Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers. Chapter 7 Review. Answers to Check Your Understandings and Activities. 8. DECIMALS, REAL NUMBERS, AND PROPORTIONAL REASONING. Getting Started: Decimals and Proportional Reasoning in the Classroom. Decimals and the Real Numbers. Decimal and Real Number Operations. Proportional Reasoning. Percents. Chapter 8 Review. Answers to Chapter 8 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 9. ALGEBRAIC THINKING. Getting Started: Algebraic Thinking in the Classroom. Numerical Sequences. Functions and Their Representations. Linear Functions and Constant Change. Solving Equations and Inequalities. Algebraic Thinking and Mathematical Modeling. Chapter 9 Review. Answers to Chapter 9 Check You Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 7-9. 10. GEOMETRICAL SHAPES. Getting Started: Geometrical Shapes in the Classroom. Lines, Planes, and Angles. Triangles. Quadrilaterals, Polynomials, and Circles. Geometric Surfaces and Solids. Chapter 10 Review. Answers to Chapter 10 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 11. CONGRUENCE, SIMILARITY, AND CONSTRUCTIONS. Getting Started: Congruence, Constructions, and Similarity in the Classroom. Congruent Shapes. Similar Shapes. Basic Geometrical Constructions. Constructing Shapes. Chapter 11 Review. Answers to Chapter 11 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 12. COORDINATE AND TRANSFORMATION GEOMETRY IN THE CLASSROOM. Getting Started: Coordinate and Transformation Geometry in the Classroom. Coordinate Geometry. Transformations. Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetry with Transformations. Geometric Patterns. Chapter 12 Review. Answers to Chapter 12 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 10-12. 13. MEASUREMENT. Getting Started: Measurement in the Classroom. Length and the Measurement Process. Perimeter and Area. Surface Area. Volume. Other Measures. Chapter 13 Review. Answers to Chapter 13 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 14. STATISTICAL THINKING. Getting Started: Statistical Thinking in the Classroom. Formulating Questions and Collecting Data. Representing and Analyzing Data with Statistical Graphs. Representing and Analyzing Data with Descriptive Statistics. Abuse of Statistics. Chapter 14 Review. Answers to Chapter 14 Check Your Understandings and Activities. 15. PROBABILITY. Getting Started: Probability in the Classroom. Experimental Probability and 151 Making Predictions from Data. Theoretical Probability. Conditional and Geometric Probability, Odds, and Expected Value. Counting Techniques and Probability. Chapter 15 Review. Answers to Chapter 15 Check Your Understandings and Activities. Reviewing the Big Ideas Chapters 13-15. © 2014, 1104pp, Hardback, 9780618610082 MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 5E Tom Bassarear, Keene State College MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, 5E, International Edition offers future teachers a comprehensive mathematics course designed to foster concept development through examples, investigations, and explorations. In this text, intended for the one- or two-semester course required of Education majors, Bassarear demonstrates that there are many paths to solving a problem, and sometimes problems have more than one solution. The author presents real-world problems—problems that require active learning in a method similar to how archaeologists explore an archaeological find: they carefully uncover the site, slowly revealing more and more of the structure. Visual icons throughout the main text allow instructors to easily connect content to the hands-on activities in the corresponding Explorations Manual. With this exposure, future teachers will be better able to assess student needs using diverse approaches. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The new edition features improved visual representations of concepts, adding diagrams and illustrations. • Updated Instructor Resource Manual! Now with additional answers to the exercises in the Explorations Manual. • NEW 4-color design. 2-color design upgraded to 4-color to better present the author’s approach to teaching. • NEW chapter openers outline the sections within the chapter and the Investigations that appear within the section. • NEW Looking Back feature appears before the Chapter Summary in each chapter and includes a brief discussion about problem solving, reasoning, connections and relationships, unit, and equivalence as it applies to each chapter. • Updated! The 4e content for chapter 1 has been rearranged to reflect 4 sections instead of the 7 found in the 4e. • NEW component has been added to the Classroom Connection feature in which examples of actual assignments appropriate for elementary math students are illustrated. In addition to this, questions in the exercise sets have been identified as a part of Classroom Connection, along with margin boxes throughout the text. An apple icon identifies and ties in all three parts of this feature. • NEW exercises have been added to most chapters. NEW sub-categories have been added to the exercises and they have been rearranged breaking these down into these three topics for most chapters: Basic, Deepening Your Understanding, and From Standardized Assessments. • NEW From Standardized Assessments exercises appear as a subset in the exercise sets in most chapters. Since they are actual questions that appear on standardized assessments, these give students a sense of the high-cognitive level of questions to expect on national assessments. • NEW Investigations have been added to most chapters and have been renumbered to increase accessibility. Multiple strategies occur after many Investigations allowing students to analyze numerous approaches to solving problems. CONTENTS 1. FOUNDATIONS FOR LEARNING MATHEMATICS. 1.1 Getting Started and Problem Solving. Investigation 1.1a Pigs and Chickens. Investigation 1.1b A Coin Problem. 1.2 Patterns and Communication. Investigation 1.2a 152 Sequences and Patterns. Investigation 1.2b Patterns in Multiplying by 11. Investigation 1.2c Pascal’s Triangle. Investigation 1.2d Communicating Patterns in a Magic Square. 1.3 Reasoning and Proof. Investigation 1.3a Does Your Answer Make Sense? Investigation 1.3b Inductive Thinking With Fractions. Investigation 1.3c Deductive Reasoning and Venn Diagrams. Investigation 1.3d Why is the Sum of Two Even Numbers an Even Number. Investigation 1.3e Darts, Proof, and Communication. Investigation 1.3f The Nine Dots Problem. Investigation 1.3g How Many Games in the Tournament?. 1.4 Representation and Connections. Investigation 1.4a How Long Will it Take the Frog to Get Out of the Well?. Investigation 1.4b How Many Pieces of Wire?. Looking Back on Chapter 1. Chapter 1 Summary. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. 2. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS. 2.1 Sets. Investigation 2.1a Classifying Quadrilaterals. Investigation 2.1b Describing Sets. Investigation 2.1c How Many Subsets?. Investigation 2.1d Translating Among Representations. Investigation 2.1e Finding Information from Venn Diagrams. 2.2 Algebraic Thinking. Investigation 2.2a A Variable by Any Other Name is Still a Variable. Investigation 2.2b Baby-sitting. Investigation 2.2c Choosing Between Functions. Investigation 2.2d Matching Graphs to Situations. Investigation 2.2e Developing “Graph Sense.” . Investigation 2.2f Looking for Generalizations. Investigation 2.2g How Many Dots?. 2.3 Numeration. Investigation 2.3a Relative Magnitude of Numbers. Investigation 2.3b What if Our System was Based on One Hand?. Investigation 2.3c How Well do you Understand Base Five?. Investigation 2.3d Base Sixteen. Looking Back on Chapter 2. Chapter 2 Summary. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. 3. THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 3.1 Understanding Addition. Investigation 3.1a Pattern in the Addition Table. Investigation 3.1b Mental Addition. 3.1c Children’s Strategirs for Adding Large Numbers. Investigations 3.1d An Alternative Algorithm. Investigation 3.1e Addition in Base Five. Investigation 3.1f Children’s Mistakes. Investigation 3.1g What Was the Total Attendance?. Investigation 3.1h Estimating by Making Compatible Numbers. Investigation 3.1i Number Sense with Addition. 3.2 Understanding Subtraction. Investigation 3.2a Mental Subtraction. Investigation 3.2b Children’s Strategies for Subtraction with Large Numbers. Investigation 3.2c An Alternative Algorithm. Investigation 3.2d Children’s Mistakes in Subtraction. Investigation 3.2e Rough and Best Estimations with Subtraction. Investigation 3.2f Number Sense with Subtraction. 3.3 Understanding Multiplication. Investigation 3.3a A Pattern in the Multiplication Table. Investigation 3.3b Mental Multiplication. Investigation 3.3c An Alternative Algorithm. Investigation 3.3d Why Does the Trick for Multiplying by 11 Work?. Investigation 3.3e Multiplication in Base Five. Investigation 3.3f Children’s Mistakes in Multiplication. Investigation 3.3g Developing Estimation Strategies for Multiplication. Investigation 3.3h Using Various Strategies in a Real-life Multiplication Situation. Investigation 3.3i Number Sense with Multiplication. 3.4 Understanding Division. Investigation 3.4a Mental Division. Investigation 3.4b Understanding Division Algorithms. Investigation 3.4c The Scaffolding Algorithm. Investigation 3.4d Children’s Mistakes in Division. Investigation 3.4e Estimates with Division. Investigation 3.4f Number Sense with Division. Investigation 3.4g Applying Models to a Real-life Situation. Investigation 3.4h Operation Sense. Looking Back on Chapter 3. Chapter 3 Summary. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. 4. NUMBER THEORY. 4.1 Divisibility and Related Concepts. Investigation 4.1a Interesting Dates. Investigation 4.1b Patterns in Odd and Even Numbers. Investigation 4.1c Understanding Divisibility Relationships. Investigation 4.1d Determining the Truth of an Inverse Statement. Investigation 4.1e Understanding Why the Divisibility Rule for 3 Works. Investigation 4.1f Divisibility by 4 and 8. Investigation 4.1g Creating a Divisibility Rule for 12. 4.2 Prime and Composite Numbers. Investigation 4.2a The Sieve of Eratosthenes. Investigation 4.2b Numbers with Personalities: Perfect and Other Numbers. 4.3 Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple. Investigation 4.3a Cutting Squares Using Number Theory Concepts. Investigation 4.3b Methods for Finding the GCF. Investigation 4.3c Relationships Between the GCF and the LCM. Investigation 4.3d Going Deeper into the GCF and LCM. Looking Back on Chapter 4. Chapter 4 Summary. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. 5. EXTENDING THE NUMBER SYSTEM. 5.1 Integers. Investigation 5.1a Subtraction with Integers. Investigation 5.1b The Product of a Positive and a Negative Number. 5.2 Fractions and Rational Numbers. Investigation 5.2a Rational Number Contexts: What Does 3/4 Mean?. Investigation 5.2b Wholes and Units: 153 Sharing Brownies. Investigation 5.2c Unitizing. Investigation 5.2d Fund-Raising and Thermometers. Investigation 5.2e Partitioning with Number Line Models. Investigation 5.2f Partitioning with Area Models. Investigation 5.2g Partitioning with Discrete Models. Investigation 5.2h Determining an Appropriate Representation. Investigation 5.2i Sharing Cooking. Investigation 5.2j Ordering Rational Numbers. Investigation 5.2k Estimating with Fractions. 5.3 Understanding Operations with Fractions. Investigation 5.3a Using Fraction Models to Understand Addition of Fractions. Investigation 5.3b Connecting Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers. Investigation 5.3c Estimation and Mental Arithmetic: Sums and Differences of Fractions. Investigation 5.3d Estimating sums and Differences with Fractions. Investigation 5.3e Understanding Multiplication of Rational Numbers. Investigation 5.3f Division of Rational Numbers. Investigation 5.3g Estimating Products and Quotients. Investigation 5.3h When Did He Run Out of Gas?. Investigation 5.3i They’ve Lost Their Faculty!. 5.4 Beyond Integers and Fractions: Decimals, Exponents, and Real Numbers. Investigation 5.4a Base 10 Blocks and Decimals. Investigation 5.4b When Two Decimals Are Equal. Investigation 5.4c When is the Zero Necessary and When is it Optional?. Investigation 5.4d Connecting Decimals and Fractions. Investigation 5.4e Ordering Decimals. Investigation 5.4f Rounding with Decimals. Investigation 5.4g Decimals and Language. Investigation 5.4h Decimal Sense: Grocery Store Estimates. Investigation 5.4i Decimal Sense: How Much Will the Project Cost?. Investigation 5.4j How Long Will She Run?. Investigation 5.4k Exponents and Bacteria. Investigation 5.4l Scientific Notation: How Far is a LightYear?. Investigation 5.4m Square Roots. Looking Back on Chapter 5. Chapter 5 Summary. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. 6. PROPORTIONAL REASONING. 6.1 Ratio and Proportion. Investigation 6.1a Unit Pricing—Is Bigger Always Cheaper?. Investigation 6.1b How Many Trees Will be Saved?. Investigation 6.1c How Much Money Will the Trip Cost?. Investigation 6.1d Reinterpreting Old Problems. Investigation 6.1e Using Estimation with Ratios. Investigation 6.1f Comparing Rates. Investigation 6.1g Is the School on Target?. Investigation 6.1h Finding Information from Maps. Investigation 6.1i From Raw Numbers to Rates. Investigation 6.1j How Much Does That Extra Light Cost?. 6.2 Percents. Investigation 6.2a Who’s the Better Free-Throw Shooter?. Investigation 6.2b Understanding a Newspaper Article. Investigation 6.2c Buying a House. Investigation 6.2d Sale?. Investigation 6.2e What is a Fair Reason?. Investigation 6.2f How Much Money Did the Bookstore Pay for the Textbook?. Investigation 6.2g The Copying Machine. Investigation 6.2h 132% Increase. Investigation 6.2i Saving for College. Investigation 6.2j How Much Does that Credit Card Cost You?. Looking Back on Chapter 6. Chapter 6 Summary. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. 7. UNCERTAINTY: DATA AND CHANCE. 7.1 The Process of Collecting and Analyzing Data. Investigation 7.1a What is Your Favorite Sport?. Investigation 7.1b How Many Siblings do you Have?. Investigation 7.1c Going Beyond a Computational Sense of Average. Investigation 7.1d How Many Peanuts Can You Hold in One Hand?. Investigation 7.1e How Long Does it Take Students to Finish the Final Exam? Investigation 7.1f Videocassette Recorders. Investigation 7.1g Fatal Crashes. Investigation 7.1h Hitting the Books. 7.2 Going Beyond the Basics. Investigation 7.2a How Many More Peanuts Can Adults Hold Than Children?. Investigation 7.2b Scores on a Test. Investigation 7.2c Which Battery do You Buy?. Investigation 7.2d Understanding Standard Deviation. Investigation 7.2e Analyzing Standardized Test Scores. Investigation 7.2f How Long Should the Tire be Guaranteed?. Investigation 7.2g Comparing Students in Three Countries. Investigation 7.2h Grade Point Average. Investigation 7.2i What Does Amy Need to Bring Her GPA up to 2.5?. 7.3 Concepts Related to Chance. Investigation 7.3a Probability of Having 2 Boys and 2 Girls. Investigation 7.3b Probability of Having 3 Boys and 2 Girls. Investigation 7.3c Probability of Having at Least 1 Girl. Investigation 7.3d 50-50 Chance of Passing. Investigation 7.3e What is the Probability of Rolling a 7?. Investigation 7.3f What is the Probability of Rolling a 13 with 3 Dice?. Investigation 7.3g “The Lady of the Tiger. Investigation 7.3h Gumballs. Investigation 7.3i Is this a Fair Game?. Investigation 7.3j What about this Game?. Investigation 7.3k Insurance Rates. 7.4 Counting and Chance. Investigation 7.4a How Many Ways to Take the Picture?. Investigation 7.4b How Many Different Election Outcomes?. Investigation 7.4c How Many Outcomes this Time?. Investigation 7.4d Pick a Card, Any Card!. Investigation 7.4e So You Think You’re Going to Win the Lottery?. Looking Back on Chapter 7. Chapter 7 Summary. Chapter 7 Review 154 Exercises. 8. GEOMETRY AS SHAPE. 8.1 Basic Ideas and Building Blocks. Investigation 8.1a Playing Tetris. Investigation 8.1b Different Objects and Their Functions. Investigation 8.1c Point, Line, and Plane. Investigation 8.1d Measuring Angles. 8.2 Two-Dimensional Figures. Investigation 8.2a Recreating Shapes from Memory. Investigation 8.2b All the Attributes. Investigation 8.2c Classifying Figures. Investigations 8.2d Why Triangles are so Important. Investigation 8.2e Classifying Triangles. Investigation 8.2f Triangles and Venn Diagrams. Investigation 8.2g Congruence with Triangles. Investigation 8.2h Quadrilaterals and Attributes. Investigation 8.2i Challenges. Investigation 8.2j Relationships Among Quadrilaterals. Investigation 8.2k Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon. Investigation 8.2l What are my Coordinates?. Investigation 8.2m Understanding the Distance Formula. Investigation 8.2n The Opposite Sides of a Parallelogram are Congruent. Investigation 8.2o Midpoints of any Quadrilateral. 8.3 Three-Dimensional Figures. Investigation 8.3a What do you See?. Investigation 8.3b Connecting Polygons to Polyhedra. Investigation 8.3c Features of ThreeDimensional Objects. Investigation 8.3d Prisms and Pyramids. Investigation 8.3e Different Views of a Building. Investigation 8.3f Isometric Drawings. Investigation 8.3g Cross Sections. Investigation 8.3h Nets. Looking Back on Chapter 8. Chapter 8 Summary. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. 9. GEOMETRY AS T R A N S FO R M I N G S H A P E S . 9 . 1 Co n g r u e n c e Transformations. Investigation 9.1a Understanding Translations. Investigation 9.1b Understanding Reflections. Investigation 9.1c Understanding Rotations. Investigation 9.1d Understanding Translations, Reflections, and Rotations. Investigation 9.1e Connecting Transformations. Investigation 9.1f Transformations and Art. 9.2 Symmetry and Tessellations. Investigation 9.2a Reflection and Rotation Symmetry in Triangles. Investigation 9.2b Reflection and Rotation Symmetry in Quadrilaterals. Investigation 9.2c Reflection and Rotation Symmetry in Other Figures. Investigation 9.2d Letters of the Alphabet and Symmetry. Investigation 9.2e Patterns. Investigation 9.2f Symmetries of Strip Patterns. Investigation 9.2g Analyzing Brick Patterns. Investigation 9.2h Which Triangles Tessellate?. Investigation 9.2i Which Regular Polygons Tessellate?. Investigation 9.2j Tessellating Trapezoids. Investigation 9.2k More Tessellating Polygons. Investigation 9.2l Generating Pictures Through Transformations. 9.3 Similarity. Investigation 9.3a Understanding Similarity. Investigation 9.3b Similarity Using an Artistic Perspective. Investigation 9.3c Using Coordinate Geometry to Understand Similarity. Looking Back on Chapter 9. Chapter 9 Summary. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. 10. GEOMETRY AS MEASUREMENT. 10.1 Systems of Measurement. Investigation 10.1a Developing Metric Sense. Investigation 10.1b Converting Among Units in the Metric System. 10.2 Perimeter and Area. Investigation 10.2a What is the Length of the Arc?. Investigation 10.2b Converting Units of Area. Investigation 10.2c Using the Pythagorean Theorem. Investigation 10.2d Understanding the Area Formulas for Circles. Investigation 10.2e A 16-Inch Pizza Versus an 8-Inch Pizza. Investigation 10.2f How Big in the Footprint?. Investigation 10.2g Making a Fence with Maximum Area. 10.3 Surface Area and Volume. Investigation 10.3a Are Their Picture Misleading?. Investigation 10.3b Finding the Volume of a Hollow Box. Investigation 10.3c Surface Area and Volume. Looking Back on Chapter 10. Chapter 10 Summary. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. © 2012, 784pp, Paperback, 9781111578657 MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION Ricardo Fierro, California State University, San Marcos MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, International Edition is designed to give prospective elementary school teachers a profound understanding of the mathematical content they are expected to know and be able to teach. Chapters integrate and are built around the NCTM Standards and 155 Expectations, the new Common Core Standards and highlights from research literature. As a result students follow a precise learning path that begins with the “Where Are We Going?” Chapter Openers to the Yellow Markers showing the process standards throughout the context, to the Concept Maps, to the Section Problem Sets with their “refreshers” of process standards as directions, to the Chapter Organizer with Learning Outcomes, and finally, conclude at the Chapter Test with their overarching Learning Outcomes. The author steadfastly guides the student through the course and the many concepts from the content standards using the process standards and Learning Outcomes to teach students to become better students and hence better prospective teachers. FEATURES • The relevant NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS (NCTM) PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS OF MATHEMATICS (2000) appear in the exposition. These Principles and Standards that are adopted by the NCTM represent the most significant and influential collaboration among educators to improve mathematics education at a national level. It is the gold standard used by many states to meet the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 that requires challenging standards for grades 3-8 mathematics and annual assessment. • COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS (CCSS) are also referenced in the text. The CCSS are “aligned with college and work expectations; build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards; and include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills.” The idea behind CCSS is that “Common standards will help ensure that students are receiving a high quality education consistently, from school to school and state to state. Common standards will provide a greater opportunity to share experiences and best practices within and across states that will improve our ability to best serve the needs of students.” States that voluntarily accept the Common Core standards would eliminate their own state standards. • In addition to the NCTM Content Standards, there are five NCTM PROCESS STANDARDS: Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation. The Process Standards are integrated by an icon throughout the text that highlights where the standard appears and specifies which standard is being used. In addition, the homework problems are categorized by the applicable Process Standard to give prospective teachers a chance to explore a particular process in more depth and improve their perception of problems that assess the process. This unique differentiation is important because the processes connect students to the teaching and learning of mathematical content. • “Where Are We Going?” CHAPTER OPENERS identify upcoming topics and help to place the material to be presented in a manageable context. • Unique CONCEPT MAPS visually recap ideas and help you synthesize the material by showing how key mathematical ideas are related. • PreK–8 problems from actual elementary math textbooks appear in CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS— with explanations—giving prospective teachers another opportunity to see that the topics they are studying are relevant to the elementary curriculum. Actual pages from these textbooks are also shown as appropriate to provide context. • A VARIETY OF HOMEWORK PROBLEMS appears at the end of each section and chapter to increase interest and flexibility in teaching. They reflect the content and processes that prospective elementary school teachers need to know and teach. They support the national trend of integrating instruction, assessment, content standards, and process standards. • A VARIETY OF HOMEWORK PROBLEMS appears at the end of each section and chapter to increase interest and flexibility in teaching. They reflect the content and processes that prospective elementary school teachers need to know and teach. They support the national trend of integrating instruction, assessment, content standards, and process standards. • A CHAPTER ORGANIZER grid summarizes key learning outcomes and ideas presented in the chapter followed by a set of review questions which offers a variety of additional problems to reinforce students’ learning. The chapter test is organized by learning outcomes so students connect the link between objectives and concepts, and how knowledge is acquired which reflects the national trend of integrating instruction, assessment, and NCTM content and process standards. • The National Center for Education Statistics 156 administers a nationwide standardized test—National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—to a pooled random sample of fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders. NAEP has released selective questions, called RELEASED ITEMS in the textbook, from various fourth- and eighth-grade tests to help improve student learning. A sampling of these questions appear in the text, as do questions from state tests, to illustrate what elementary students will see in standardized assessment tests. CONTENTS 1. PROBLEM SOLVING AND REASONING. Patterns and Inductive Reasoning. Problem-Solving Strategies. Algebra and Problem Solving. Logic and Deductive Reasoning. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 2. SETS, NUMERATION, AND ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION WITH WHOLE NUMBERS. Sets and Operations. Numbers and Numeration. Models and Properties of Addition and Subtraction. Algorithms for WholeNumber Addition and Subtraction. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 3. MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION WITH WHOLE NUMBERS. Models and Properties of Multiplication. Models of Division. Algorithms for Whole-Number Multiplication and Division. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 4. ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY AND INTEGERS. Divisibility of Counting Numbers. Prime and Composite Numbers, LCM, and GCF. Integers. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 5. RATIONAL NUMBERS AND FRACTIONS. Concept of Fractions and Representations. Addition and Subtraction with Rational Numbers. Multiplication and Division with Rational Numbers. Ratios and Proportional Reasoning. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 6. DECIMALS, REAL NUMBERS, AND PERCENTS. Decimals and Operations. Repeating Decimals, Irrational Numbers, and Real Numbers. Percent and Percent Change. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 7. ALGEBRA AND FUNCTIONS. Representing and Creating Functions. Solving Equations. Algebra Tiles. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 8. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. Graphical Representation of Data. Measures of Center and Variation. Percentiles, Box Plot, and Outliers. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 9. PROBABILITY. Basics of Probability. Probability Rules. Expected Value, Odds, Simulation, and Normal Distribution. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 10. INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRY. Representation of Building Blocks of Geometry. Pairs of Angles and Types of Polygons. Three-Dimensional Shapes. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 11. MEASUREMENT. Concept of Measurement and Measurement Systems. Perimeter and Area. The Pythagorean Theorem and Triangle Inequalities. Volume and Surface Area. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 12. TRIANGLES AND QUADRILATERALS. Congruence Axioms for Triangles. Euclidean Constructions. Similarity. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 13. COORDINATE GEOMETRY AND PLANE TRANSFORMATIONS. Representations of Lines. Properties of Polygons Using Coordinate Geometry. Transformations of the Plane. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. © 2013, 976pp, NonBook-Disk, 9781111989934 NATURE OF MATHEMATICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 12E Karl Smith, Santa Rosa Junior College Written for liberal arts students and based on the belief that learning to solve problems is the principal reason for studying mathematics, Karl Smith introduces students to Polya’s problem-solving techniques and shows them how to use these techniques to solve unfamiliar problems that they encounter in their own lives. Through the emphasis on problem solving and estimation, along with numerous in-text study aids, students are assisted in understanding the concepts and mastering the techniques. In addition to the problemsolving emphasis, THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS, 12e, International Edition is renowned for its clear writing, coverage of historical topics, selection of topics, level, and excellent applications problems. Smith includes material on such practical real-world topics as finances (e.g. amortization, installment buying, annuities) and voting and apportionment. With the help of this text, 157 thousands of students have “experienced” mathematics rather than just do problems—and benefited from a writing style that boosts their confidence and fosters their ability to use mathematics effectively in their everyday lives. NEW TO THIS EDITION • The examples throughout the book have been redesigned to more effectively engage students. Each now includes a title and is presented in a fresh, easy-to-read format. • A “Chapter Challenge” problem appears in each chapter, providing additional problem-solving practice. To encourage students to stretch their problem-solving skills, these new types of problems present contexts other than those presented in the chapter. • “Historical Quest” problems, an overwhelming success in the previous edition, appear more frequently in the Twelfth Edition. These problems are designed to involve students in the historical development of the great ideas in mathematical history. • Expanded and updated chapter openers include “What in the World?” introductions, which draw students into the material by relating the mathematics to common scenarios they may encounter in their everyday lives. • The prologue—updated for this edition—asks the all-important question, “Why Math?”. The prologue puts mathematics into a historical perspective for students, and is also designed to encourage them to begin thinking about problem solving. • Updated for this edition, the problems accompanying the “Why Not Math?” epilogue show students how mathematics touches just about every course of study. FEATURES • Real-World Problem-Solving Emphasis: Polya’s method of problem solving is used throughout the text. Students learn how to apply these techniques to solve problems they encounter in their everyday lives in such areas as finance (installment buying, amortization, annuities) and voting and apportionment. • Flexibility: The chapters are independent of one another and allow maximum teaching flexibility. • Learning Aids: The book offers a variety of interesting and helpful learning aids. Icons like “Caution” and “Stop” guide students through concepts. “Historical Notes” place students’ view of mathematics in a historical perspective and include a category of related problems entitled “Historical Quest”. “Chapter Summaries” include chapter review exercises, group research projects, and individual research projects. Additionally, a list of important terms and types of problems, including section references, is available to students at • Exercise Sets: Problems range from easy to challenging and are clearly marked by type. “Level 1” problems are mechanical or drill. “Level 2” problems require the understanding of concepts. “Level 3” problems require problem-solving skills or original thinking. CONTENTS Prologue: Why Math? A Historical Overview. 1. THE NATURE OF PROBLEM SOLVING. The Nature of Problem Solving. Problem Solving. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Scientific Notation and Estimation. Summary. 2. THE NATURE OF SETS. Sets, Subsets, and Venn Diagrams. Operations with Sets. Applications of Sets. Finite and Infinite Sets. Summary. 3. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. Deductive Reasoning. Truth Tables and the Conditional. Operators and Laws of Logic. The Nature of Proof. Problem Solving Using Logic. Logic Circuits (Optional). Summary. 4. THE NATURE OF NUMERATION SYSTEMS. Early Numeration Systems. Hindu-Arabic Numeration System. Different Numeration Systems. Binary Numeration System. History of Calculating Devices (Optional). Summary. 5. THE NATURE OF NUMBERS. Natural Numbers. Prime Numbers. Integers. Rational Numbers. Irrational Numbers. Groups, Fields, and Real Numbers. Discrete Mathematics. Cryptography (Optional). Summary. 6. THE NATURE OF ALGEBRA. Polynomials. Factoring. Evaluation, Applications, and Spreadsheets. Equations. GUEST ESSAY: “CHAOS”. Inequalities. Algebra in Problem Solving. Ratios, Proportions, and Problem Solving. Percents. Modeling Uncategorized Problems. Summary. 7. THE NATURE OF GEOMETRY. Geometry. Polygons and Angles. Triangles. Similar Triangles. Right Triangle Trigonometry (Optional). Mathematics, Art, and Non-Euclidean Geometries (Optional Sections). Summary. 8. THE NATURE OF NETWORKS AND GRAPH THEORY. Euler Circuits and Hamiltonian Cycles. Trees and Minimum Spanning Trees. Topology and Fractals. GUEST ESSAY: “WHAT GOOD ARE FRACTALS?”. Summary. 9. THE NATURE OF MEASUREMENT. Perimeter. Area. Surface Area, 158 Volume and Capacity. Miscellaneous Measurements (Optional). U.S.-Metric Conversions. Summary. 10. THE NATURE OF GROWTH. Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Equations. Applications of Growth and Decay. Summary. 11. THE NATURE OF SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Interest. Installment Buying. Sequences. Series. Annuities. Amortization. Summary of Financial Formulas. Summary. 12. THE NATURE OF COUNTING. Permutations. Combinations. Counting without Counting. Rubik’s Cube and Instant Insanity (Optional). Summary. 13. THE NATURE OF PROBABILITY. Introduction to Probability. Mathematical Expectation. Probability Models. Calculated Probabilities. The Binomial Distribution (Optional). GUEST ESSAY: “EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION”. Summary. 14. THE NATURE OF STATISTICS. Frequency Distributions and Graphs. Descriptive Statistics. The Normal Curve. Correlation and Regression. Sampling (Optional). Summary. 15. THE NATURE OF GRAPHS AND FUNCTIONS. Cartesian Coordinates and Graphing Lines. Graphing Half-Planes. Graphing Curves. Conic Sections. Functions. Summary. 16. THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS. Systems of Linear Equations. Problem Solving with Systems. Matrix Solution of a System of Equations. Inverse Matrices. Modeling with Linear Programming (Optional). Summary. 17. THE NATURE OF VOTING AND APPORTIONMENT. Voting. Voting Dilemmas. Apportionment. Apportionment Flaws. Summary. 18. THE NATURE OF CALCULUS (OPTIONAL). What Is Calculus? Limits. Derivatives. Integrals. Summary. Epilogue: Why Not Math? Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and in the Humanities. Appendices. A. Glossary. B. Selected Answers. C. Index. © 2012, 1024pp, Paperback, 9781111428518 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES, MATHEMATICS FOR TEACHERS Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College © 2015, 340pp, Paperback, 9781285447148 Post-Calculus Coming Soon! A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 10E Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 10E, International Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differential equations. This proven and accessible text speaks to beginning engineering and math students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, “Remarks” boxes, definitions, and group projects. Written in a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, this book provides a 159 thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Exercises in this edition have been updated to better test and challenge students. Revisions are based on reviewer and user input, as well as the author’s understanding of the course goals. • Chapter 6 now starts with a new section on the review of power series. • This edition contains an optional section on Green’s functions in Chapter 4 and for those who have extra time in their course to consider this elegant application of variation of parameters in the solution of initial-value and boundary-value problems. • New projects have been added to the text to show how the concepts of Differential Equations will apply to students’ intended careers. FEATURES • The four-color design adds depth of meaning to all of the graphics, particularly three-dimensional pieces and visuals that involve multiple curves in a graph. The author directed the creation of each piece of art to ensure that it is as mathematically correct as the text. • Extended homework problems at the end of selected section exercises were submitted and classroomtested by members of the teaching math community. • The development of material in this text progresses intuitively, and explanations are clear and concise. Exercises reinforce and build on chapter content. • This text guides students through material necessary to progress to the next level of study; its clear presentation and mathematical precision make it an excellent reference tool in future courses. • While this text is time-tested and widely accepted, it has remained current with the addition of new exercises, such features as “Contributed Problems,” and the enhanced four-color presentation. Numerical Method. Chapter 2 in Review. 3. MODELING WITH FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Linear Models. Nonlinear Models. Modeling with Systems of First-Order Differential Equations. Chapter 3 in Review. 4. HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Preliminary Theory-Linear Equations. Reduction of Order. Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients. Undetermined Coefficients-Superposition Approach. Undetermined Coefficients-Annihilator Approach. Variation of Parameters. Cauchy-Euler Equation. Solving Systems of Linear Differential Equations by Elimination. Nonlinear Differential Equations. Chapter 4 in Review. 5. MODELING WITH HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Linear Models: Initial-Value Problems. Linear Models: Boundary-Value Problems. Nonlinear Models. Chapter 5 in Review. 6. SERIES SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Review of Power Series Solutions About Ordinary Points. Solutions About Singular Points. Special Functions. Chapter 6 in Review. 7. LAPLACE TRANSFORM. Definition of the Laplace Transform. Inverse Transform and Transforms of Derivatives. Operational Properties I. Operational Properties II. Dirac Delta Function. Systems of Linear Differential Equations. Chapter 7 in Review. 8. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Preliminary Theory. Homogeneous Linear Systems. Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems. Matrix Exponential. Chapter 8 in Review. 9. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Euler Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Multistep Methods. Higher-Order Equations and Systems. Second-Order Boundary-Value Problems. Chapter 9 in Review. Appendix I: Gamma Function. Appendix II: Matrices. Appendix III: Laplace Transforms. Answers for Selected Odd-Numbered Problems. © 2013, 480pp, Paperback, 9781133492450 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Definitions and Terminology. Initial-Value Problems. Differential Equations as Mathematical Models. Chapter 1 in Review. 2. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Solution Curves Without a Solution. Separable Variables. Linear Equations. Exact Equations and Integrating Factors. Solutions by Substitutions. A 160 material in their course. FEATURES Coming Soon! A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 5E Frank R. Giordano; William P. Fox; Steven B. Horton Offering a solid introduction to the entire modeling process, A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 5E, International Edition delivers an excellent balance of theory and practice, giving students hands-on experience developing and sharpening their skills in the modeling process. Throughout the book, students practice key facets of modeling, including creative and empirical model construction, model analysis, and model research. The authors apply a proven six-step problem-solving process to enhance students’ problem-solving capabilities — whatever their level. Rather than simply emphasizing the calculation step, the authors first ensure that students learn how to identify problems, construct or select models, and figure out what data needs to be collected. By involving students in the mathematical process as early as possible — beginning with short projects — the book facilitates their progressive development and confidence in mathematics and modeling. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A new chapter on Modeling with Decision Theory including Probability and Expected Value, Decision Trees, and Conditional Probabilities. • A new chapter on Game Theory including sections on Illustrative Modeling Examples and Total Conflict as a Linear Program Model: Pure and Mixed Strategies. • New and revised problems, examples, and projects. • Chapters on Dimensional Analysis and Similitude and Graphs of Functions as Models have been removed from the text, and are available on the companion website for instructors who still want to include this • Offering new chapters on Modeling with Decision Theory and Game Theory. • The fifth edition is packed with scenarios and illustrative examples, enabling students to see theories and models in action. • Exercises and projects give students hands-on experience putting what they have learned into relevant practice. • UMAP Models are included on the website for easy reference and review. • Problems from the COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling also are included on the website, giving students experience clarifying, analyzing, and proposing solutions to the same open-ended problems on the rigorous MCM. • Tying in a variety of current tools, technology labs and technology worked examples are available on the web for many technologies, including Excel, Maple, and Mathematica. CONTENTS 1. Modeling Change. 2. The Modeling Process, Proportionality, and Geometric Similarity. 3. Model Fitting. 4. Experimental Modeling. 5. Simulation Modeling. 6. Discrete Probabilistic Modeling. 7. Optimization of Discrete Models. 8. Modeling with Graph Theory. 9. Modeling with Decision Theory. 10. Game Theory. 11. Modeling with a Differential Equation. 12. Modeling with Systems of Differential Equations. 13. Optimization of Continuous Modeling. 14. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude. 15. Graphs of Functions as Models. Appendix A: Problems from the Mathematics Contest in Modeling, 1985-2007. Appendix B: An Elevator Simulation Model. Appendix C: The Revised Simplex Method. Appendix D. Brief Review of Integration Techniques. © 2014, 704pp, Paperback, 9781285077499 161 A TRANSITION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E Doug Smith, University of North Carolina at Wilmington; Maurice Eggen, Trinity University; Richard St. Andre, Central Michigan University A TRANSITION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS, 7e, International Edition helps students make the transition from calculus to more proofs-oriented mathematical study. The most successful text of its kind, the 7th edition continues to provide a firm foundation in major concepts needed for continued study and guides students to think and express themselves mathematically—to analyze a situation, extract pertinent facts, and draw appropriate conclusions. The authors place continuous emphasis throughout on improving students’ ability to read and write proofs, and on developing their critical awareness for spotting common errors in proofs. Concepts are clearly explained and supported with detailed examples, while abundant and diverse exercises provide thorough practice on both routine and more challenging problems. Students will come away with a solid intuition for the types of mathematical reasoning they’ll need to apply in later courses and a better understanding of how mathematicians of all kinds approach and solve problems. NEW TO THIS EDITION • An expanded Preface to the Student reviews what students are expected to know about standard number systems, sets, functions, and basic terminology at the beginning of the course, outlines why the ability to do proofs is important, and provides practice exercises verifying properties of integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. • Several key sections crucial to student understanding have been extensively revised for improved clarity. Chapter 1 (Logic and Proofs) now closes with a summary of proof methods, reinforced with revamped examples and exercises. Results from elementary number theory in the first two chapters are now better highlighted and tied together more cohesively. Chapter 4 (Functions) is reorganized for improved flow, with review of the most basic properties and terminology moved to the Preface to the Student and study of additional properties of functions now included. The section on countable sets in Chapter 5 has been completely rewritten for greater accessibility. • Exercise sets have been thoroughly refreshed, with new exercises in almost every section and expanded Proofs to Grade exercises. • Throughout the text biographical footnotes have been added to provide a historical perspective on the development of the foundations of mathematics. FEATURES • The authors follow a logical development of topics, and write in a readable style that is consistent and concise. As each new mathematical concept is introduced the emphasis remains on improving students’ ability to write proofs. • Worked examples and exercises throughout the text, ranging from the routine to the challenging, reinforce the concepts. • Proofs to Grade exercises test students’ ability to distinguish correct reasoning from logical or conceptual errors. • A flexible organization allows instructors to expand coverage or emphasis on certain topics and include a number of optional topics without any disruption to the flow or completeness of the core material. CONTENTS 1. LOGIC AND PROOFS. Propositions and Connectives. Conditionals and Biconditionals. Quantifiers. Basic Proof Methods I. Basic Proof Methods II. Proofs Involving Quantifiers. Additional Examples of Proofs 2. SET THEORY. Basic Notions of Set Theory. Set Operations. Extended Set Operations and Indexed Families of Sets. Induction. Equivalent Forms of Induction. Principles of Counting. 3. RELATIONS AND PARTITIONS. Relations. Equivalence Relations. Partitions. Ordering Relations. Graphs. 4. FUNCTIONS. Functions as Relations. 162 Constructions of Functions. Functions That Are Onto; One-to-One Functions. One-to-One Correspondences and Inverse Functions. Images of Sets. Sequences. 5. CARDINALITY. Equivalent Sets; Finite Sets. Infinite Sets. Countable Sets. The Ordering of Cardinal Numbers. Comparability of Cardinal Numbers and the Axiom of Choice. 6. CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA: GROUPS. Algebraic Structures. Groups. Subgroups. Operation Preserving Maps. Rings and Fields. 7. CONCEPTS OF ANALYSIS: COMPLETENESS OF THE REAL NUMBERS. Ordered Field Properties of the Real Numbers. The Heine-Borel Theorem. The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem. The Bounded Monotone Sequence Theorem. Comparability of Cardinals and the Axiom of Choice. © 2011, 416pp, Paperback, 9780495826705 which is carefully explained and proved in detail. • There are many more examples and exercises than in the previous edition: There are about 350 examples and 1600 exercises (18% of which are new). FEATURES • The text may be used for either courses that cover rings before groups (as in earlier editions) OR courses that cover groups before rings. • The flexible design of this text makes it suitable for courses of various lengths and different levels of mathematical sophistication. • The chapters are organized around two themes, arithmetic and congruence, that are developed first for the integers and then for rings, polynomials, and groups. • The emphasis throughout is on clarity of exposition. CONTENTS 1. Arithmetic in Z Revisited. 2. Congruence in Z and Modular Arithmetic. 3. Rings. 4. Arithmetic in F[x]. 5. Congruence in F[x] and Congruence-Class Arithmetic. 6. Ideals and Quotient Rings. 7. Groups. 8. Normal Subgroups and Quotient Groups 9. Topics in Group Theory. 10. Arithmetic in Integral Domains. 11. Field Extensions. 12. Galois Theory. 13. Public-Key Cryptography. 14. The Chinese Remainder Theorem. 15. Geometric Constructions. 16. Algebraic Coding Theory. 17. Lattices and Boolean Algebras (available online only). ABSTRACT ALGEBRA, 3E An Introduction © 2013, 616pp, Hardback, 9781111569624 Thomas W. Hungerford, Cleveland State University Abstract Algebra: An Introduction is set apart by its thematic development and organization. The chapters are organized around two themes: arithmetic and congruence. Each theme is developed first for the integers, then for polynomials, and finally for rings and groups. This enables students to see where many abstract concepts come from, why they are important, and how they relate to one another. New to this edition is a “groups first” option that enables those who prefer to cover groups before rings to do so easily. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Extensively revised to include an alternate path allowing instructors to cover Rings before Groups as in previous editions OR Groups before Rings. • For the benefit of beginners, the proofs early in the book are broken into clearly marked steps, each of CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACT ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Joseph A. Gallian, University of Minnesota, Duluth CO N T E M P O R A RY A B S T R AC T A LG E B R A , 8 E , International Edition provides a solid introduction to the traditional topics in abstract algebra while 163 conveying to students that it is a contemporary subject used daily by working mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and chemists. The text includes numerous figures, tables, photographs, charts, biographies, computer exercises, and suggested readings giving the subject a current feel which makes the content interesting and relevant for students. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Over 200 new exercises! • New Examples! • Refreshed quotations, historical notes, and biographies! FEATURES • “Why Is Abstract Algebra Useful?” essay on the author’s website shows students the importance of studying abstract algebra and its applicability to everyday life. This motivational essay can be incorporated into a lesson on the first day of class, or can serve as a motivational tool further along in the course. • Coverage of proof writing is provided on the instructor’s website in the updated essay “Advice for students learning proofs.” This essay provides basic guidance for students encountering proof writing for the first time or needing to freshen their skills. • This text focuses on abstract algebra as a contemporary subject, with concepts and methodologies currently being used by computer scientists, physics, and chemists. • Extensive coverage of groups, rings, and fields, plus a variety of non-traditional special topics. • A good mixture of now more that 1750 computational and theoretical exercises appearing in each chapter and in Supplementary Exercise sets that synthesize concepts from multiple chapters. • Emphasis on computation and proof writing, with an abundance of exercises to help students develop both skills. • Lines from popular songs, poems, and quotations give the text a fresh, contemporary feel and keep students engaged. CONTENTS PART I: INTEGERS AND EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS. Preliminaries. Properties of Integers. Complex Numbers. Modular Arithmetic. Mathematical Induction. Equivalence Relations. Functions (Mappings). Exercises. PART I: GROUPS. 1. Introduction to Groups. Symmetries of a Square. The Dihedral Groups. Exercises. Biography of Neils Abel 2. Groups. Definition and Examples of Groups. Elementary Properties of Groups. Historical Note. Exercises. 3. Finite Groups; Subgroups. Terminology and Notation. Subgroup Tests. Examples of Subgroups. Exercises. 4. Cyclic Groups. Properties of Cyclic Groups. Classification of Subgroups of Cyclic Groups. Exercises. Biography of J. J. Sylvester. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 1-4. 5. Permutation Groups. Definition and Notation. Cycle Notation. Properties of Permutations. A Check-Digit Scheme Based on D5. Exercises. Biography of Augustin Cauchy. 6. Isomorphisms. Motivation. Definition and Examples. Cayley’s Theorem. Properties of Isomorphisms. Automorphisms. Exercises. Biography of Arthur Cayley. 7. Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem. Properties of Cosets. Lagrange’s Theorem and Consequences. An Application of Cosets to Permutation Groups. The Rotation Group of a Cube and a Soccer Ball. Exercises. Biography of Joseph Lagrange. 8. External Direct Products. Definition and Examples. Properties of External Direct Products. The Group of Units Modulo n as an External Direct Product. Applications. Exercises. Biography of Leonard Adleman. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 5-8 9. Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups. Normal Subgroups. Factor Groups. Applications of Factor Groups. Internal Direct Products. Exercises. Biography of Évariste Galois 10. Group Homomorphisms. Definition and Examples. Properties of Homomorphisms. The First Isomorphism Theorem. Exercises. Biography of Camille Jordan. 11. Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups. The Fundamental Theorem. The Isomorphism Classes of Abelian Groups. Proof of the Fundamental Theorem. Exercises. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 9-11. PART III: RINGS. 12. Introduction to Rings. Motivation and Definition. Examples of Rings. Properties of Rings. Subrings. Exercises. Biography of I. N. Herstein. 13. Integral Domains. Definition and Examples. Fields. Characteristic of a Ring. Exercises. Biography of Nathan Jacobson. 14. Ideals and Factor Rings. Ideals. Factor Rings. Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals. Exercises. Biography of Richard Dedekind. Biography of Emmy Noether. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 12-14. 15. Ring Homomorphisms. Definition and Examples. Properties of Ring Homomorphisms. 164 The Field of Quotients. Exercises. 16. Polynomial Rings. Notation and Terminology. The Division Algorithm and Consequences. Exercises. Biography of Saunders Mac Lane. 17. Factorization of Polynomials. Reducibility Tests. Irreducibility Tests. Unique Factorization in Z[x]. Weird Dice: An Application of Unique Factorization. Exercises. Biography of Serge Lang. 18. Divisibility in Integral Domains. Irreducibles, Primes. Historical Discussion of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Unique Factorization Domains. Euclidean Domains. Exercises. Biography of Sophie Germain. Biography of Andrew Wiles. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 15-18. PART IV: FIELDS. 19. Vector Spaces. Definition and Examples. Subspaces. Linear Independence. Exercises. Biography of Emil Artin. Biography of Olga Taussky-Todd. 20. Extension Fields. The Fundamental Theorem of Field Theory. Splitting Fields. Zeros of an Irreducible Polynomial. Exercises. Biography of Leopold Kronecker. 21. Algebraic Extensions. Characterization of Extensions. Finite Extensions. Properties of Algebraic Extensions Exercises. Biography of Irving Kaplansky. 22. Finite Fields. Classification of Finite Fields. Structure of Finite Fields. Subfields of a Finite Field. Exercises. Biography of L. E. Dickson. 23. Geometric Constructions. Historical Discussion of Geometric Constructions. Constructible Numbers. Angle-Trisectors and Circle-Squarers. Exercises. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 1923. PART V: SPECIAL TOPICS. 24. Sylow Theorems. Conjugacy Classes. The Class Equation. The Probability That Two Elements Commute. The Sylow Theorems. Applications of Sylow Theorems. Exercises. Biography of Ludvig Sylow. 25. Finite Simple Groups. Historical Background. Nonsimplicity Tests. The Simplicity of A5. The Fields Medal. The Cole Prize. Exercises. Biography of Michael Aschbacher. Biography of Daniel Gorenstein. Biography of John Thompson. 26. Generators and Relations. Motivation. Definitions and Notation. Free Group. Generators and Relations. Classification of Groups of Order up to 15. Characterization of Dihedral Groups. Realizing the Dihedral Groups with Mirrors. Exercises. Biography of Marshall Hall, Jr.. 27. Symmetry Groups. Isometries. Classification of Finite Plane Symmetry Groups. Classification of Finite Group of Rotations in R³. Exercises. 28. Frieze Groups and Crystallographic Groups. The Frieze Groups. The Crystallographic Groups. Identification of Plane Periodic Patterns. Exercises. Biography of M. C. Escher. Biography of George Pólya. Biography of John H. Conway. 29. Symmetry and Counting. Motivation. Burnside’s Theorem. Applications. Group Action. Exercises. Biography of William Burnside. 30. Cayley Digraphs of Groups. Motivation. The Cayley Digraph of a Group. Hamiltonian Circuits and Paths. Some Applications. Exercises. Biography of William-Rowan Hamilton. Biography of Paul Erdös. 31. Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory. Motivation. Linear Codes. Parity-Check Matrix Decoding. Coset Decoding. Historical Note: The Ubiquitous Reed-Solomon Codes. Exercises. Biography of Richard W. Hamming. Biography of Jessie MacWilliams. Biography of Vera Pless. 32. An Introduction to Galois Theory. Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory. Solvability of Polynomials by. Radicals. Insolvability of a Quintic. Exercises. Biography of Philip Hall. 33. Cyclotomic Extensions. Motivation. Cyclotomic Polynomials. The Constructible Regular n-gons. Exercises. Biography of Carl Friedrich Gauss. Biography of Manjul Bhargava. Supplementary Exercises for Chapters 24-33. © 2013, 656pp, Paperback, 9781133606758 Coming Soon! DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University; Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS, 8E, International Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differential equations. This proven and accessible text speaks to beginning engineering and math students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, “Remarks” boxes, definitions, and group 165 projects. Written in a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, the book provides a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Exercises in this edition have been updated to better test and challenge students. Revisions are based on reviewer and user input, as well as the author’s understanding of the course goals. • Chapter 6 now starts with a new section on the review of power series. • This edition contains an optional section on Green’s functions in Chapter 4 and for those who have extra time in their course to consider this elegant application of variation of parameters in the solution of initial-value and boundary-value problems. • New projects have been added to the text to show how the concepts of Differential Equations will apply to students’ intended careers. FEATURES • The four-color design adds depth of meaning to all of the graphics, particularly three-dimensional pieces and visuals that involve multiple curves in a graph. The author directed the creation of each piece of art to ensure that it is as mathematically correct as the text. • Extended homework problems at the end of selected section exercises were submitted and classroomtested by members of the teaching math community. • The development of material in this text progresses intuitively, and explanations are clear and concise. Exercises reinforce and build on chapter content. • This text guides students through material necessary to progress to the next level of study; its clear presentation and mathematical precision make it an excellent reference tool in future courses. • While this text is time-tested and widely accepted, it has remained current with the addition of new exercises, such features as “Contributed Problems,” and the enhanced four-color presentation. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Definitions and Terminology. Initial-Value Problems. Differential Equations as Mathematical Models. Chapter 1 in Review. 2. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Solution Curves Without a Solution. Separable Variables. Linear Equations. Exact Equations and Integrating Factors. Solutions by Substitutions. A Numerical Method. Chapter 2 in Review. 3. MODELING WITH FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Linear Models. Nonlinear Models. Modeling with Systems of First-Order Differential Equations. Chapter 3 in Review. 4. HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Preliminary Theory-Linear Equations. Reduction of Order. Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients. Undetermined Coefficients-Superposition Approach. Undetermined Coefficients-Annihilator Approach. Variation of Parameters. Cauchy-Euler Equation. Solving Systems of Linear Differential Equations by Elimination. Nonlinear Differential Equations. Chapter 4 in Review. 5. MODELING WITH HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Linear Models: Initial-Value Problems. Linear Models: Boundary-Value Problems. Nonlinear Models. Chapter 5 in Review. 6. SERIES SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Review of Power Series Solutions About Ordinary Points. Solutions About Singular Points. Special Functions. Chapter 6 in Review. 7. LAPLACE TRANSFORM. Definition of the Laplace Transform. Inverse Transform and Transforms of Derivatives. Operational Properties I. Operational Properties II. Dirac Delta Function. Systems of Linear Differential Equations. Chapter 7 in Review. 8. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Preliminary Theory. Homogeneous Linear Systems. Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems. Matrix Exponential. Chapter 8 in Review. 9. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Euler Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Multistep Methods. Higher-Order Equations and Systems. Second-Order Boundary-Value Problems. Chapter 9 in Review. 10. PLANE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. Autonomous Systems. Stability of Linear Systems. Linearization and Local Stability. Autonomous Systems as Mathematical Models. Chapter 10 in Review. 11. ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS AND FOURIER SERIES. Orthogonal Functions. Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions. Fourier Cosine and Sine Series. Sturm-Liouville Problem. Bessel and Legendre Series. Chapter 11 in Review. 12. BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS IN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES. Separable Partial Differential Equations. Classical PDE’s and Boundary-Value Problems. Heat Equation. Wave Equation. Laplace’s 166 Equation. Nonhomogeneous Boundary-Value Problems. Orthogonal Series Expansions. Higher-Dimensional Problems. Chapter 12 in Review. 13. BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS IN OTHER COORDINATE SYSTEMS. Polar Coordinates. Polar and Cylindrical Coordinates. Spherical Coordinates. Chapter 13 in Review. 14. INTEGRAL TRANSFORM METHOD. Error Function. Laplace Transform. Fourier Integral. Fourier Transforms. Chapter 14 in Review. 15. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Laplace’s Equation. Heat Equation. Wave Equation. Chapter 15 in Review. Appendix I: Gamma Function. Appendix II: Matrices. Appendix III: Laplace Transforms. Answers for Selected Odd-Numbered Problems. © 2013, 664pp, Paperback, 9781133492467 adept at moving between different representations to solve nonlinear differential equations equally well as traditional linear equations. Certain models reappear throughout the text as running themes to synthesize different concepts from multiple angles, and a dynamical systems focus emphasizes predicting the long-term behavior of these recurring models. Students will discover how to identify and harness the mathematics they will use in their careers, and apply it effectively outside the classroom. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New in-depth models on timely and relevant applications such as SIR infectious disease modeling. • Chapters on First-Order Systems, Linear Systems, and Forcing and Resonance have been extensively rewritten for better clarity and readability. • Several sections, particularly in Chapters 2-4, have been reorganized for teaching flexibility and to better fit into class time constraints. • Exercise sets have been thoroughly refreshed with updated problems throughout the text. FEATURES DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION (WITH DE TOOLS PRINTED ACCESS CARD), 4E Paul Blanchard, Boston University; Robert L. Devaney; Glen R. Hall, Boston University Incorporating an innovative modeling approach, this text for a one-semester differential equations course emphasizes conceptual understanding to help students relate information taught in the classroom to real-world experiences. Going beyond a traditional emphasis on technique, the authors focus on understanding how differential equations are formulated and interpreting their meaning to applied models from a variety of disciplines. A three-pronged qualitative, numeric, and analytic approach stresses visualizing differential equations geometrically, utilizing the latest computational technology to investigate the behavior of solutions, and predicting the behavior of solutions as they apply to models. The presentation weaves various points of view together so students become • The book’s modeling approach emphasizes understanding of the meaning of variables and parameters in a differential equation and interpreting this meaning in an applied setting. • Revisited models in the text reinforce recurring themes and synthesize multiple concepts to solve practical problems. This helps students develop a natural intuition for how to approach an applied problem in real life without a road map. • A large number of well-chosen exercises integrate the qualitative, numerical, and analytic arguments behind a solution and require students to demonstrate understanding of the concepts behind the problem. • Lab activities at the end of each chapter offer deeper explorations of models, and require students to summarize their results in a report that demonstrates the necessary qualitative, numerical, and analytic arguments. • Certain exercises make optional use of specific applets in the DE Tools suite to harness the power of technology in solving differential equations. CONTENTS 1. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Modeling 167 via Differential Equations. Analytic Technique: Separation of Variables. Qualitative Technique: Slope Fields. Numerical Technique: Euler’s Method. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions. Equilibria and the Phase Line. Bifurcations. Linear Equations. Integrating Factors for Linear Equations. 2. FIRST-ORDER SYSTEMS. Modeling via Systems. The Geometry of Systems. Analytic Methods for Special Systems. Euler’s Method for Systems. The Lorenz Equations. 3. LINEAR SYSTEMS. Properties of Linear Systems and the Linearity Principle. Straight-Line Solutions. Phase Planes for Linear Systems with Real Eigenvalues. Complex Eigenvalues. Special Cases: Repeated and Zero Eigenvalues. Second-Order Linear Equations. The Trace-Determinant Plane. Linear Systems in Three Dimensions. 4. FORCING AND RESONANCE. Forced Harmonic Oscillators. Sinusoidal Forcing. Undamped Forcing and Resonance. Amplitude and Phase of the Steady State. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge. 5. NONLINEAR SYSTEMS. Equilibrium Point Analysis. Qualitative Analysis. Hamiltonian Systems. Dissipative Systems. Nonlinear Systems in Three Dimensions. Periodic Forcing of Nonlinear Systems and Chaos. 6. LAPLACE TRANSFORMS. Laplace Transforms. Discontinuous Functions. Second-Order Equations. Delta Functions and Impulse Forcing. Convolutions. The Qualitative Theory of Laplace Transforms. 7. NUMERICAL METHODS. Numerical Error in Euler’s Method. Improving Euler’s Method. The Runge-Kutta Method. The Effects of Finite Arithmetic. 8. DISCRETE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. The Discrete Logistic Equation. Fixed Points and Periodic Points. Bifurcations. Chaos. Chaos in the Lorenz System. APPENDICES. A. Changing Variables. B. The Ultimate Guess. C. Complex Numbers and Euler’s Formula. © 2011, 864pp, Paperback, 9781133110590 ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College The cornerstone of ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA 7E, International Edition is Larson’s clear, careful, and concise presentation of material—written so that students can fully understand how mathematics works. This program balances theory with examples, applications, and geometric intuition for a complete, step-by-step learning system. Featuring a new design that highlights the relevance of the mathematics and improves readability for students, the Seventh Edition also incorporates new conceptual Capstone exercises that reinforce multiple concepts in each section. Data and applications reflect current statistics and examples to engage students and demonstrate the link between theory and practice. Cengage Learning’s Enhanced WebAssign®, which allows you to create online homework assignments that draw from thousands of the text’s end-of-chapter questions, is available with the text. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Enhanced WebAssign® combines the exceptional mathematics content in this text with the most powerful online homework solution, WebAssign. Enhanced WebAssign engages students with immediate feedback and rich tutorial content to help them develop a deeper conceptual understanding of their subject matter. Students have access to an interactive eBook offering links to YouTube videos, video solutions, and more to bring the mathematics to life. You can build online assignments by selecting from thousands of text-specific problems, supplemented with problems from any Cengage Learning textbook. • A new, more student-friendly design includes a greater number of images that make content more relevant 168 for students. The trim size and font size in the exercise sets have been increased, making the text easier for students to read. • To motivate students by emphasizing the relevance of the content, each chapter opener contains a list of sections, five photos with references to applications, and an arrow indicating the section in which each application appears. • New Capstone exercises, each of which covers several concepts, have been added in each section. Conceptual in nature, they reinforce key ideas learned in the section without being time-consuming or tedious for students. FEATURES • Coverage of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) includes an online technology guide. Appendix B—also available online—offers an introduction to MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica, and Graphing Calculators; a walkthrough of the keystrokes needed for select examples; an applications section; and “Technology Pitfalls” students may encounter in using their CAS. • All real data in the exercises and examples has been updated to reflect current statistics and information. Many new exercises have been added to the text as well. • Learning objectives are available at the beginning of every section and online at the student website for quick reference and/or review. • Guided Proofs help students successfully complete theoretical proofs by leading them, step-by-step, through the logical sequence of statements necessary to reach the correct conclusion. • Pedagogical support—including self-assessment tools, review sections, and writing activities—allows students to check their understanding of each section and helps them develop critical thinking skills. of Determinants. 4. VECTOR SPACES. Vectors in Rn. Vector Spaces. Subspaces of Vector Spaces. Spanning Sets and Linear Independence. Basis and Dimension. Rank of a Matrix and Systems of Linear Equations. Coordinates and Change of Basis. Applications of Vector Spaces. 5. INNER PRODUCT SPACES. Length and Dot Product in Rn. Inner Product Spaces. Orthogonal Bases: Gram-Schmidt Process. Mathematical Models and Least Squares Analysis. Applications of Inner Product Spaces. 6. LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS. Introduction to Linear Transformations. The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. Matrices for Linear Transformations. Transition Matrices and Similarity. Applications of Linear Transformations. 7. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Symmetric Matrices and Orthogonal Diagonalization. Applications of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. 8. COMPLEX VECTOR SPACES (online). Complex Numbers. Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers. Polar Form and Demoivre’s Theorem. Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products. Unitary and Hermitian Spaces. 9. LINEAR PROGRAMMING (online). Systems of Linear Inequalities. Linear Programming Involving Two Variables. The Simplex Method: Maximization. The Simplex Method: Minimization. The Simplex Method: Mixed Constraints. 10. NUMERICAL METHODS (online). Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting. Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. Power Method for Approximating Eigenvalues. Applications of Numerical Methods. © 2013, 448pp, Paperback, 9781133111344 CONTENTS 1. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS Introduction to Systems of Equations. Gaussian Elimination and GaussJordan Elimination. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 2. MATRICES. Operations with Matrices. Properties of Matrix Operations. The Inverse of a Matrix. Elementary Matrices. Applications of Matrix Operations. 3. DETERMINANTS. The Determinant of a Matrix. Evaluation of a Determinant Using Elementary Operations. Properties of Determinants. Applications ELEMENTS OF MODERN ALGEBRA, 8E Linda Gilbert, University of South Carolina, Upstate ELEMENTS OF MODERN ALGEBRA, Eighth Edition, is intended for an introductory course in abstract algebra taken by Math and Math for Secondary 169 Education majors. Helping to make the study of abstract algebra more accessible, this text gradually introduces and develops concepts through helpful features that provide guidance on the techniques of proof construction and logic analysis. The text develops mathematical maturity for students by presenting the material in a theorem-proof format, with definitions and major results easily located through a user-friendly format. The treatment is rigorous and self-contained, in keeping with the objectives of training the student in the techniques of algebra and of providing a bridge to higher-level mathematical courses. The text has a flexible organization, with section dependencies clearly mapped out and optional topics that instructors can cover or skip based on their course needs. Additionally, problem sets are carefully arranged in order of difficulty to cater assignments to varying student ability levels. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Alerts that draw attention to counterexamples, special cases, proper symbol or terminology usage, and common misconceptions. Frequently these alerts lead to True/False statements in the exercises that further reinforce the precision required in mathematical communication. • More emphasis placed on special groups, such as the general linear and special linear groups, the dihedral group, and the group of units. • Moving some definitions from the exercises to the sections for greater emphasis. • Using marginal notes to outline the steps of the induction arguments required in the examples. • More than 200 new theoretical and computational exercises have been added. • Many new examples have also been added to this edition. construction skills. • Symbolic marginal notes are used to help students analyze the logic in the proofs of theorems without interrupting the natural flow of the proof. CONTENTS 1. FUNDAMENTALS. Sets. Mappings. Properties of Composite Mappings (Optional). Binary Operations. Permutations and Inverses. Matrices. Relations. 2. THE INTEGERS. Postulates for the Integers (Optional). Mathematical Induction. Divisibility. Prime Factors and Greatest Common Divisor. Congruence of Integers. Congruence Classes. Introduction to Coding Theory (Optional). Introduction to Cryptography (Optional). 3. GROUPS. Definition of a Group. Properties of Group Elements. Subgroups. Cyclic Groups. Isomorphisms. Homomorphisms. 4. MORE ON GROUPS. Finite Permutation Groups. Cayley’s Theorem. Permutation Groups in Science and Art (Optional). Cosets of a Subgroup. Normal Subgroups. Quotient Groups. Direct Sums (Optional). Some Results on Finite Abelian Groups (Optional). 5. RINGS, INTEGRAL DOMAINS, AND FIELDS. Definition of a Ring. Integral Domains and Fields. The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain. Ordered Integral Domains. 6. MORE ON RINGS. Ideals and Quotient Rings. Ring Homomorphisms. The Characteristic of a Ring. Maximal Ideals (Optional). 7. REAL AND COMPLEX NUMBERS. The Field of Real Numbers. Complex Numbers and Quaternions. De Moivre’s Theorem and Roots of Complex Numbers. 8. POLYNOMIALS. Polynomials over a Ring. Divisibility and Greatest Common Divisor. Factorization in _F[x]_ . Zeros of a Polynomial. Solution of Cubic and Quartic Equations by Formulas (Optional). Algebraic Extensions of a Field. © 2015, 528pp, Hardback, 9781285463230 FEATURES • Nearly 300 True/False statements that encourage the students to thoroughly understand the statements of definitions and results of theorems appear in this edition. • Descriptive labels and titles are used with definitions and theorems to indicate their content and relevance. • Strategy boxes appear to give guidance and explanation about techniques of proof. This feature forms a component of the bridge that enables students to become more proficient in their proof 170 Putting it All Together. Regular Induction. Induction with Inequalities. Recursion and Extended Induction. Uniqueness Proofs, the WOP, and a Proof of the Division. Algorithm. 3. SETS, RELATIONS, AND FUNCTIONS. Sets. Set Operations. Set Theory. Indexed Families of Sets. Cartesian Products. Relations. Functions. Composition of Functions. Cardinality. © 2012, 144pp, Paperback, 9780547165387 INTRODUCTION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS Coming Soon! A Guide to Understanding Proofs Connie M. Campbell, Millsaps College This text offers a crucial primer on proofs and the language of mathematics. Brief and to the point, it lays out the fundamental ideas of abstract mathematics and proof techniques that students will need to master for other math courses. Campbell presents these concepts in plain English, with a focus on basic terminology and a conversational tone that draws natural parallels between the language of mathematics and the language students communicate in every day. The discussion highlights how symbols and expressions are the building blocks of statements and arguments, the meanings they convey, and why they are meaningful to mathematicians. In-class activities provide opportunities to practice mathematical reasoning in a live setting, and an ample number of homework exercises are included for self-study. This text is appropriate for a course in Foundations of Advanced Mathematics taken by students who’ve had a semester of calculus, and is designed to be accessible to students with a wide range of mathematical proficiency. It can also be used as a self-study reference, or as a supplement in other math courses where additional proofs practice is needed. CONTENTS 1. LOGIC. Introduction and Terminology. Statements and Truth Tables. Logical Equivalence and Logical Deductions. The Contrapositive, Negation, and Converse of an Implication Statement. Quantifiers. 2. PROOF WRITING. Terminology and Goals. Existence Proofs and Counterexamples. Direct Proofs (“If, then” or “For every” Statements). Using Cases in Proofs. Contrapositive Arguments. Contradiction Arguments. LINEAR ALGEBRA, 3E A Modern Introduction, International Edition David Poole, Trent University David Poole’s innovative book emphasizes vectors and geometric intuition from the start and better prepares students to make the transition from the computational aspects of the course to the theoretical. Designed for a one- or two-semester introductory course and written in simple, “mathematical English” Poole focuses his approach on benefiting student visualization and connection to the material. He offers concrete examples to engage the student before presenting abstraction, and immediately follows up theoretical discussion with further examples and an array of applications from a variety of disciplines. Students from a variety of backgrounds and learning styles benefit from Poole’s practical approach, which covers vectors and vector geometry early in order to enable students to visualize the mathematics while they are doing matrix operations. With a concrete understanding of vector geometry, students are able to visualize and understand the meaning of the calculations that they will encounter and develop mathematical maturity for thinking abstractly. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Reorganized Chapter 1 with earlier introduction to 171 modular arithmetic and finite linear algebra, and a new vignette in Chapter 4 on Lewis Carroll’s condensation method. • Over 300 new or revised exercises as well as new applications of linear economic models, a topic of importance to business and economics students • Enhanced WebAssign, new for the Third Edition, offering online homework and course management built around the book. • “Technology Bytes”, an extensive online appendix that shows Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB instructions key for working out examples and exercises from the text in a computer algebra system. • Complete Solutions Manual available for instructors via the Solutions Builder for easy, online access. FEATURES • Explorations (1 per chapter) providing deeper discovery-based guides on key concepts, designed for individual or group work. • 400+ examples, usually worked in greater detail and more emphasis on readability than most books. • Over 2000 exercises, and applied problems from a wide variety of engineering, physical science, biological science, and business disciplines. • Context-sensitive margin notes for extra help and cross-references. • Vignettes highlighting real-world applications in business, science, and society with expanded discussion of the concepts behind the applications. CONTENTS 1. VECTORS. Introduction: The Racetrack Game. The Geometry and Algebra of Vectors. Length and Angle: The Dot Product. Exploration: Vectors and Geometry. Lines and Planes. Exploration: The Cross Product. Applications: Force Vectors; Code Vectors. Vignette: The Codabar System. 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Introduction: Triviality. Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations. Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems. Exploration: Lies My Computer Told Me. Exploration: Partial Pivoting. Exploration: Counting Operations: An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms. Spanning Sets and Linear Independence. Applications: Allocation of Resources; Balancing Chemical Equations; Network Analysis; Electrical Networks; Linear Economic Models; Finite Linear Games. Vignette: The Global Positioning System. Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. 3. MATRICES. Introduction: Matrices in Action. Matrix Operations. Matrix Algebra. The Inverse of a Matrix. The LU Factorization. Subspaces, Basis, Dimension, and Rank. Introduction to Linear Transformations. Vignette: Robotics. Applications: Markov Chains; Linear Economic Models; Population Growth; Graphs and Digraphs; Error-Correcting Codes. 4. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS. Introduction: A Dynamical System on Graphs. Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Determinants. Vignette: Lewis Carroll’s Condensation Method. Exploration: Geometric Applications of Determinants. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of n x n Matrices. Similarity and Diagonalization. Iterative Methods for Computing Eigenvalues. Applications and the Perron-Frobenius Theorem: Markov Chains; Population Growth; The Perron-Frobenius Theorem; Linear Recurrence Relations; Systems of Linear Differential Equations; Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems. Vignette: Ranking Sports Teams and Searching the Internet. 5. ORTHOGONALITY. Introduction: Shadows on a Wall. Orthogonality in Rn. Orthogonal Complements and Orthogonal Projections. The Gram-Schmidt Process and the QR Factorization. Exploration: The Modified QR Factorization. Exploration: Approximating Eigenvalues with the QR Algorithm. Orthogonal Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices. Applications: Dual Codes; Quadratic Forms; Graphing Quadratic Equations. 6. VECTOR SPACES. Introduction: Fibonacci in (Vector) Space. Vector Spaces and Subspaces. Linear Independence, Basis, and Dimension. Exploration: Magic Squares. Change of Basis. Linear Transformations. The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. The Matrix of a Linear Transformation. Exploration: Tilings, Lattices and the Crystallographic Restriction. Applications: Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations; Linear Codes. 7. DISTANCE AND APPROXIMATION. Introduction: Taxicab Geometry. Inner Product Spaces. Exploration: Vectors and Matrices with Complex Entries. Exploration: Geometric Inequalities and Optimization Problems. Norms and Distance Functions. Least Squares Approximation. The Singular Value Decomposition. Vignette: Digital Image Compression. Applications: Approximation of Functions; Error-Correcting Codes. Appendix A: Mathematical Notation and Methods of Proof. Appendix B: Mathematical Induction. Appendix C: Complex Numbers. Appendix D: Polynomials. © 2011, 768pp, Paperback, 9780538735445 172 Coming Soon! LINEAR ALGEBRA, 4E A Modern Introduction David Poole, Trent University work. • Ample applied problems from a wide variety of disciplines, including mathematics, physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, geography, psychology, and sociology. • Context-sensitive margin notes for extra help and cross-references. • Vignettes showcase modern applications of linear algebra. • Biographical sketches highlight many of the mathematicians who contributed to the development of linear algebra. CONTENTS David Poole’s innovative LINEAR ALGEBRA: A MODERN INTRODUCTION, 4e emphasizes a vectors approach and better prepares students to make the transition from computational to theoretical mathematics. Balancing theory and applications, the book is written in a conversational style and combines a traditional presentation with a focus on student-centered learning. Theoretical, computational, and applied topics are presented in a flexible yet integrated way. Stressing geometric understanding before computational techniques, vectors and vector geometry are introduced early to help students visualize concepts and develop mathematical maturity for abstract thinking. Additionally, the book includes ample applications drawn from a variety of disciplines, which reinforce the fact that linear algebra is a valuable tool for modeling real-life problems. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Writing Projects offer students opportunities to research and write about linear algebra. Projects are designed for individual or group work. • Chapter 8: Codes is an online chapter combining all material on codes previously interspersed throughout the text. • More than 100 new or revised exercises. FEATURES • “Technology Bytes”, an extensive online appendix that shows Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB instructions key for working out examples and exercises from the text in a computer algebra system. • Explorations provide deeper discovery-based guides on key concepts, designed for individual or group 1. VECTORS. Introduction: The Racetrack Game. The Geometry and Algebra of Vectors. Length and Angle: The Dot Product. Exploration: Vectors and Geometry. Lines and Planes. Exploration: The Cross Product. Writing Project: Origins of the Dot Product and the Cross Product. Applications. 2. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Introduction: Triviality. Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations. Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems. Writing Project: A History of Gaussian Elimination. Explorations: Lies My Computer Told Me; Partial Pivoting; Counting Operations: An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms. Spanning Sets and Linear Independence. Applications. Vignette: The Global Positioning System. Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. 3. MATRICES. Introduction: Matrices in Action. Matrix Operations. Matrix Algebra. The Inverse of a Matrix. The LU Factorization. Subspaces, Basis, Dimension, and Rank. Introduction to Linear Transformations. Vignette: Robotics. Applications. 4. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS. Introduction: A Dynamical System on Graphs. Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Determinants. Writing Project: Which Came First-the Matrix or the Determinant? Vignette: Lewis Carroll’s Condensation Method. Exploration: Geometric Applications of Determinants. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of n x n Matrices. Writing Project: The History of Eigenvalues. Similarity and Diagonalization. Iterative Methods for Computing Eigenvalues. Applications and the Perron-Frobenius Theorem. Vignette: Ranking Sports Teams and Searching the Internet. 5. ORTHOGONALITY. Introduction: Shadows on a Wall. Orthogonality in Rn. Orthogonal Complements and Orthogonal Projections. The GramSchmidt Process and the QR Factorization. Explorations: 173 The Modified QR Factorization; Approximating Eigenvalues with the QR Algorithm. Orthogonal Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices. Applications. 6. VECTOR SPACES. Introduction: Fibonacci in (Vector) Space. Vector Spaces and Subspaces. Linear Independence, Basis, and Dimension. Writing Project: The Rise of Vector Spaces. Exploration: Magic Squares. Change of Basis. Linear Transformations. The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. The Matrix of a Linear Transformation. Exploration: Tilings, Lattices and the Crystallographic Restriction. Applications. 7. DISTANCE AND APPROXIMATION. Introduction: Taxicab Geometry. Inner Product Spaces. Explorations: Vectors and Matrices with Complex Entries; Geometric Inequalities and Optimization Problems. Norms and Distance Functions. Least Squares Approximation. The Singular Value Decomposition. Vignette: Digital Image Compression. Applications. 8. CODES. (Online) Code Vectors. Vignette: The Codabar System. Error-Correcting Codes. Dual Codes. Linear Codes. The Minimum Distance of a Code. Appendix A: Mathematical Notation and Methods of Proof. Appendix B: Mathematical Induction. Appendix C: Complex Numbers. Appendix D: Polynomials. © 2015, 720pp, Hardback, 9781285463247 comprehensive text, the book maintains clarity by explaining the profound ideas of linear algebra in simple terms. Theorems, corollaries, properties, definitions, proofs, and worked examples are presented in a brief and easy-to-understand style so that students can fully comprehend how mathematics works. FEATURES • Written and organized for non-mathematics majors with focus on the algebra of matrix, linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix, matrix diagonalization, and quadratic forms. • Easy for instructors to customize for courses ranging from 35 to 72 teaching hours. • Lucid and brief proofs are provided for difficult theorems to help students better grasp the theory and concepts behind them. • Includes more than 450 questions that are carefully categorized at different levels of difficulty (basic and tough). • Supplementary exercises are also provided for further practice. This allows instructors to select exercises according to the abilities and competencies of their classes. CONTENTS 1. Determinants. 2. Matrices. 3. Systems of Linear Equations. 4. Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations. 5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization of Matrices. 6. Quadratic Forms. 7. Applications. Appendix A. Inner Product Space, Hermitian Quadratic Form. Appendix B. Jordan Canonical Form (Abstract). © 2010, 400pp, Hardback, 9789814232005 LINEAR ALGEBRA Theory and Applications Yuma Ju, Tsinghua University, Beijing; Wenxun Xing, Tsinghua University, Beijing; Cuiqin Lin, Tsinghua University, Beijing; Jinde Hu , Tsinghua University, Beijing Linear Algebra: Theor y and Applic ations is conceptualized and written by distinguished authors as a main text or as a reference book for students who need to apply linear algebraic techniques for solving problems related to their specific disciplines. As a 174 • Numerous exercises providing practice on mathematical concepts and applying techniques in Maple, Student Projects for group or individual work help students apply the modeling process in fully integrated fashion and synthesize the mathematical techniques they have learned. • Flexible coverage allowing instructors to choose topics based on level, topic emphasis, and one- or two-semester sequences. Core chapters require only basic calculus, while later chapters requiring some multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and probability can be omitted without loss of continuity. MATHEMATICAL MODELING WITH MAPLE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION CONTENTS William P. Fox With an innovative approach that leverages the power of the Maple® computer algebra system as an analytical tool, MATHEMATICAL MODELING WITH MAPLE, International Edition offers an effective introduction to mathematical modeling of compelling real world applications. Intended for students with a background in calculus, the text shows how to formulate, build, solve, analyze, and critique models of applications in math, engineering, computer science, business, and the physical and life sciences. The book utilizes Maple for computations, plotting results graphically, and dynamically analyzing results within the modeling process. Easy-to-follow software instructions are provided, and Maple syntax in the book is also offered online as Maple workbooks allowing students to quickly and interactively work problems as they read. MATHEMATICAL MODELING WITH MAPLE, International Edition helps students develop their analytical skills while harnessing the power of cutting-edge modern technology, allowing them to become competent, confident problem solvers for the 21st century. FEATURES • Focuses on three core aspects of modeling: Creative and Empirical Modeling, Model Analysis, and Model Research. Students will learn a structured approach to constructing models, learn how to work backwards to analyze assumptions, and apply what they’ve learned to other scenarios. • Careful introduction to Maple, intuitively exposing students to the syntax and graphing capabilities of the software in tandem with showing them its effectiveness in assisting the modeling process. 1. INTRODUCTION TO MAPLE. The Structure of Maple. A General Introduction to Maple. Maple Quick Review. Maple Training. 2. INTRODUCTION, OVERVIEW, AND THE PROCESS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING. Introduction. The Modeling Process. Illustrative Examples. 3. DISCRETE DYNAMICAL MODELS. Introduction. Modeling Discrete Change. Tower of Hanoi. Drug Dosage Problem. Time Value of Money. Simple Mortgage. The Spotted Owl. Equilibrium Values and Long-term Behavior. Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems. Growth of a Yeast Culture. Spread of a Contagious Disease. Systems of Discrete Dynamical Systems. Merchants. Competitive Hunter Model. Fast Food Tendencies. Modeling Predator-Prey, SIR, and Military. Predator-Prey. SIR of an Epidemic. Modeling Military Insurgencies. 4. MODEL FITTING CRITERION. Introduction. Different Curve Fitting Criterion. Plotting the Residuals for a Least-Squares Fit. Bass Fish. Population. Bounding on Chebyshev’s. 5. MODELING WITH PROPORTIONALIT Y AND GEOMETRIC SIMILARITY. Introduction. Proportionality. Kepler’s Law. Bass Fishing Derby. Geometric Similarity. Heart Sizes. Crew Races. Terror Bird. 6. EMPIRICAL MODEL BUILDING. Introduction. Simple One Term Models. Bass Fishing Derby. Terror Bird Revisited. Fitting an (n − 1)st order Polynomials to N Data Points. Polynomial Smoothing. Cost of a U.S. Postage Stamp. The Cubic Spline Model. Population Fruit Flies. Vehicle Stopping Distance. Cost of a U.S. Postage Stamp. 7. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Introduction. Formulating Linear Programming Problems. Product Mix of New Drinks. Financial Planning. Blending. Production Planning. Graphical simplex. CPU Memory Chips. Feasible Region. Minimization Problem. Unbounded Case. 175 Graphical Sensitivity Analysis. The Simplex Method and Tableaus. Linear Programming with Maple. Data Envelopment Analysis. Ranking Banks. Ranking Banks as an LP. Sensitivity Analysis with Maple. 8. SINGLE VARIABLE OPTIMIZATION. Introduction. Single Variable Optimization and Basic Theory. Applications of MaxMin Theory. Chemical Company. Manufacturing. SP6 Computer Development. Applied Optimization Models. Inventory Problem. Oil Rig Location. Numerical Search Methods. Unrestricted Methods. Dichotomous Search. Golden Section Search. Fibonacci Search. Interpolation Methods. 9. MODELING USING UNCONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION: MAXIMIZATION AND MINIMIZATION WITH SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction. Basic Theory. The Hessian Matrix. Unconstrained Optimization. Least Squares. Find the Island. Numerical Search Methods. Gradient Search. Modified Newton’s Method. 10. EQUALITY AND INEQUALITY CONSTRAINED MULTIVARIABLE OPTIMIZATION. Introduction. Equality Constraints: Method of LaGrange Multipliers. Basic Theory. Graphical Representations. Cobb Douglas. Oil Transfers. Inequality Constraints: Kuhn-Tucker (KTC Condition). Spanning Cones. Two-variable Linear. Maximize Profit from Perfume. Minimum Variance of Investment Returns. 11. MODELS WITH LINEAR ALGEBRA. Introduction. Introduction to Systems of Equations. Models with Unique Solutions Using Systems of Equations. A Bridge Too Far. Leontief Economic Models. Least Squares Revisited. Natural Cubic Splines Revisited. Models with Infinite Solutions using Systems of Equations. Basic Chemical Balancing. Redox Equations. 12. ORDINARY FIRST ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS MODELS. Introduction. Applied First Order Models. Radioactive Decay. Newton’s Law of Cooling. Mixtures. Population Models. Spread of a Disease. Slope Fields and Qualitative Assessment of Autonomous ODEs. Analytical Solutions to First ODEs. Separation of Variables. Linear Equations. Numerical Methods for Solutions to First Order Differential Equations. Euler’s Method. Improved Euler’s Method. Runga-Kutta 4 Method. 13. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR FIRST ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Introduction. Applied Systems of ODEs and Models. Economic Supply and Demand. Circuits. Competition. PredatorPrey. Diffusion. Insurgencies. Phase Portraits and Qualitative Assessment of Autonomous Systems. Fish Pond. Solving Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous Systems of ODEs with Constant Coefficients. Applied Systems with Maple. Diffusion. Diffusion through Two Membranes. Electrical Circuits. Numerical Methods to Systems of ODEs with Maple. Predator-Prey Model. 14. DISCRETE PROBABILITY MODELS. Introduction. Introduction to Classical Probability. Reliability Models in Engineering and Science. Overbooking Airlines Model. Markov Chains. 15. CONTINUOUS PROBABILITY MODELS. Introduction. Reliability Revisited. Modeling using the Normal Distribution. Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing. Regression: Linear, Transformed, and Nonlinear. 16. SIMULATION MODELS. Introduction. Introduction. Monte Carlo Simulation. Deterministic Behavior. Area Problems. Volume Problems. Probabilistic Behavior. Applied Simulation Models. Missile Attacks. Gasoline Inventory. 17. MODELING WITH GAME THEORY. Introduction. Zero-sum Games. PredatorPrey. Hitter-Pitcher Duel. Non- Zero-sum Games. Nash Arbitration. Illustrative Example: Artist’s Guild Strike. © 2012, 592pp, Paperback, 9781111576516 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 9E Richard L. Burden, Youngstown State University; J. Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University This well-respected text gives an introduction to the modern approximation techniques and explains how, why, and when the techniques can be expected to work. The authors focus on building students’ intuition to help them understand why the techniques presented work in general, and why, in some situations, they fail. With a wealth of examples and exercises, the text demonstrates the relevance of numerical analysis to a variety of disciplines and provides ample practice for students. The applications chosen demonstrate concisely how numerical methods can be, and often must be, applied in real-life situations. In this edition, 176 the presentation has been fine-tuned to make the book even more useful to the instructor and more interesting to the reader. Overall, students gain a theoretical understanding of, and a firm basis for future study of, numerical analysis and scientific computing. A more applied text with a different menu of topics is the authors’ highly regarded NUMERICAL METHODS, Third Edition. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Updated technology coverage and programs to reflect current standards, incorporating more modern timesaving techniques. • Added exercises and applications per request from the market. • The authors have further curbed the use of theory and increased use of methods to keep up with Engineering-service trend while maintaining spread across audiences. FEATURES • Limits course prerequisites to calculus with no overt Differential Equations or Linear Algebra dependencies. • Balances theory and methods to stake a wide middle ground between audiences who need to know the mathematics and audiences who only need to know the essential techniques. • Flexible coverage to suit one- or two-semester courses and differing student levels, with careful attention paid to marking optional material and alternate paths for instructors. • Theory coverage emphasizes mathematical thought and is especially accessible for students who’ve optionally taken undergrad math foundations courses like Real Analysis or Transition to Advanced Math. • Over 2,500 exercises from simple drill to advanced theoretical problems. • Numerous real-life applications to engineering, computer science, physical sciences, biological sciences, and social sciences. • Technology-neutral algorithms easily adapted to various software. Specific instructions given for Maple in limited cases where software-specific questions are absolutely required. CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES AND ERROR ANALYSIS. Review of Calculus. Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic. Algorithms and Convergence. Numerical Software. 2. SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS IN ONE VARIABLE. The Bisection Method. FixedPoint Iteration. Newton’s Method and its Extensions. Error Analysis for Iterative Methods. Accelerating Convergence. Zeros of Polynomials and Müller’s Method. Survey of Methods and Software. 3. INTERPOLATION AND POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION. Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial. Data Approximation and Neville’s Method Divided Differences. Hermite Interpolation. Cubic Spline Interpolation. Parametric Curves. Survey of Methods and Software. 4. NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION. Numerical Differentiation. Richardson’s Extrapolation. Elements of Numerical Integration. Composite Numerical Integration. Romberg Integration. Adaptive Quadrature Methods. Gaussian Quadrature. Multiple Integrals. Improper Integrals. Survey of Methods and Software. 5. INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. The Elementary Theory of Initial-Value Problems. Euler’s Method. Higher-Order Taylor Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Error Control and the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Method. Multistep Methods. Variable Step-Size Multistep Methods. Extrapolation Methods. Higher-Order Equations and Systems of Differential Equations. Stability. Stiff Differential Equations. Survey of Methods and Software. 6. DIRECT METHODS FOR SOLVING LINEAR SYSTEMS. Linear Systems of Equations. Pivoting Strategies. Linear Algebra and Matrix Inversion. The Determinant of a Matrix. Matrix Factorization. Special Types of Matrices. Survey of Methods and Software. 7. ITERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN MATRIX ALGEBRA. Norms of Vectors and Matrices. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. The Jacobi and GaussSiedel Iterative Techniques. Iterative Techniques for Solving Linear Systems. Relaxation Techniques for Solving Linear Systems. Error Bounds and Iterative Refinement. The Conjugate Gradient Method. Survey of Methods and Software. 8. APPROXIMATION THEORY. Discrete Least Squares Approximation. Orthogonal Polynomials and Least Squares Approximation. Chebyshev Polynomials and Economization of Power Series. Rational Function Approximation. Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation. Fast Fourier Transforms. Survey of Methods and Software. 9. APPROXIMATING EIGENVALUES. Linear Algebra and Eigenvalues. Orthogonal Matrices and Similarity Transformations. The Power Method. Householder’s Method.The QR Algorithm.Singular Value Decomposition. Survey of Methods and Software. 10. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS. Fixed Points for Functions of Several Variables. Newton’s Method. Quasi-Newton Methods. Steepest Descent 177 Techniques. Homotopy and Continuation Methods. Survey of Methods and Software. 11. BOUNDARYVALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. The Linear Shooting Method. The Shooting Method for Nonlinear Problems. Finite-Difference Methods for Linear Problems. Finite-Difference Methods for Nonlinear Problems. The Rayleigh-Ritz Method. Survey of Methods and Software. 12. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Elliptic Partial-Differential Equations. Parabolic PartialDifferential Equations. Hyperbolic Partial-Differential Equations. An Introduction to the Finite-Element Method. Survey of Methods and Software. © 2011, 888pp, Paperback, 9780538735643 • NEW! A section of Fourier Series and Fast Fourier Transforms has been added. • The first two chapters in the previous edition on Mathematical Preliminaries, Taylor Series, OatingPoint Representation, and Errors have been combined into a single introductory chapter to allow instructors and students to move quickly. • Some sections and material have been re-moved from the new edition such as the introductory section on numerical integration. Some material and many bibliographical items have been moved from the textbook to the website. • The two chapters, in the previous edition, on Ordinary Differential Equations have been combined into one chapter. • Many of the pseudocodes from the text have been programmed in MATLAB, Mathematica, and Maple and appear in the website so that they are easily accessible. • More figures and numerical examples have been added. FEATURES NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E E. Ward Cheney, University of Texas at Austin; David R. Kincaid, University of Texas at Austin Authors Ward Cheney and David Kincaid show students of science and engineering the potential computers have for solving numerical problems and give them ample opportunities to hone their skills in programming and problem solving. NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING, 7E, International Edition also helps students learn about errors that inevitably accompany scientific computations and arms them with methods for detecting, predicting, and controlling these errors. NEW TO THIS EDITION • UPDATED! The Solving Systems of Linear Equations chapter has been moved earlier in the text to provide more clarity throughout the text. • NEW! Exercises, computer exercises, and application exercises have been added to the text. • More Accessible: Computer codes and other material are now included on the text website--giving you and your students easy access without tedious typing. Matlab, Mathematica, and Maple computer codes and the ¿Overview of Mathematical Software appendix are all now available online. • Visual Learning: Because concrete codes and visual aids are helpful to every reader, the authors have added even more figures and numerical examples throughout the text--ensuring students gain solid understanding before advancing to new topics. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION. Preliminary Remarks. Review of Taylor Series. 2. FLOATING-POINT REPRESENTATION AND ERRORS. Floating-Point Representation. Loss of Significance. 3. LOCATING ROOTS OF EQUATIONS. Bisection Method. Newton’s Method. Secant Method. 4. INTERPOLATION AND NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION. Polynomial Interpolation. Errors in Polynomial Interpolation. Estimating Derivatives and Richardson Extrapolation. 5. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION. Lower and Upper Sums. Trapezoid Rule. Romberg Algorithm. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON NUMERICAL INTEGRATION. Simpson’s Rule 178 and Adaptive Simpson’s Rule. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas. 7. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Naive Gaussian Elimination. Gaussian Elimination with Scaled Partial Pivoting. Tridiagonal and Banded Systems. 8. ADDITIONAL TOPICS CONCERNING SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Matrix Factorizations. Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Power Method. 9. APPROXIMATION BY SPLINE FUNCTIONS. First-Degree and Second-Degree Splines. Natural Cubic Splines. B Splines: Interpolation and Approximation. 10. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Taylor Series Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Stability and Adaptive Runge-Kutta and Multistep Methods. 11. SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Methods for First-Order Systems. Higher-Order Equations and Systems. Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Methods. 12. SMOOTHING OF DATA AND THE METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. Method of Least Squares. Orthogonal Systems and Chebyshev Polynomials. Other Examples of the LeastSquares Principle. 13. MONTE CARLO METHODS AND SIMULATION. Random Numbers. Estimation of Areas and Volumes by Monte Carlo Techniques. Simulation. 14. BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Shooting Method Shooting Method Algorithm. A Discretization Method. 15. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Parabolic Problems. Hyperbolic Problems. Elliptic Problems. 16. MINIMIZATION OF FUNCTIONS. One-Variable Case. Multivariate Case. 17. LINEAR PROGRAMMING. Standard Forms and Duality. Simplex Method. Approximate Solution of Inconsistent Linear Systems. APPENDIX A. ADVICE ON GOOD PROGRAMMING PRACTICES. Programming Suggestions. APPENDIX B. REPRESENTATION OF NUMBERS IN DIFFERENT BASES. Representation of Numbers in Different Bases. APPENDIX C. ADDITIONAL DETAILS ON IEEE FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC. More on IEEE Standard Floating-Point Arithmetic. APPENDIX D. LINEAR ALGEBRA CONCEPTS AND NOTATION. Elementary Concepts. Abstract Vector Spaces. ANSWERS FOR SELECTED PROBLEMS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. INDEX. © 2013, 704pp, Paperback, 9781133491811 Coming Soon! NUMERICAL METHODS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 4E Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University; Richard L. Burden, Youngstown State University NUMERICAL METHODS, 4E, International Edition emphasizes the intelligent application of approximation techniques to the type of problems that commonly occur in engineering and the physical sciences. Students learn why the numerical methods work, what kinds of errors to expect, and when an application might lead to difficulties. The authors also provide information about the availability of high-quality software for numerical approximation routines. The techniques are the same as those covered in the authors’ top-selling Numerical Analysis text, but this text provides an overview for students who need to know the methods without having to perform the analysis. This concise approach still includes mathematical justifications, but only when they are necessary to understand the methods. The emphasis is placed on describing each technique from an implementation standpoint, and on convincing the student that the method is reasonable both mathematically and computationally. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New examples and exercises appear throughout the text, offering fresh options for assignments. • Chapter 7, “Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems,” includes a new section on Conjugate Gradient Methods. • Chapter 10, “Solutions of Systems of Nonlinear Equations,” includes a new section on Homotopy and Continuation Methods. • Revised techniques for algorithms and programs are included in six languages: FORTRAN, Pascal, C, MAPLE, Mathematica, and MATLAB. • All of the Maple material in the text is updated to 179 conform with the newest release (Maple 7). All of the material on the CD that accompanies the book is updated to conform to the latest available versions of Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB. • This edition includes many more examples of Maple code. FEATURES • Worked examples using computer algebra systems help students understand why the software usually works, why it might fail, and what to do when a software program fails. • The exercise sets include problems reflecting a wide range of difficulty as well as problems that offer good illustrations of the methods being discussed, while requiring little calculation. • The book contains instructions for a wide range of popular computer algebra systems. • This text is designed for use in a one-semester course, but contains more material than needed. Instructors have flexibility in choosing topics and students gain a useful reference for future work. CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES AND ERROR ANALYSIS. Introduction. Review of Calculus. Round-off Error and Computer Arithmetic. Errors in Scientific Computation. Computer Software. 2. SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS OF ONE VARIABLE. Introduction. The Bisection Method. The Secant Method. Newton’s Method. Error Analysis and Accelerating Convergence. Müller’s Method. Survey of Methods and Software. 3. INTERPOLATION AND POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION. Introduction. Lagrange Polynomials. Divided Differences. Hermite Interpolation. Spline Interpolation. Parametric Curves. Survey of Methods and Software. 4. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION AND DIFFERENTIATION. Introduction. Basic Quadrature Rules. Composite Quadrature Rules. Romberg Integration. Gaussian Quadrature. Adaptive Quadrature. Multiple Integrals. Improper Integrals. Numerical Differentiation. Survey of Methods and Software. 5. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF INITIAL-VALUE PROBLEMS. Introduction. Taylor Methods. Runge-Kutta Methods. Predictor-Corrector Methods. Extrapolation Methods. Adaptive Techniques. Methods for Systems of Equations. Stiff Differentials Equations. Survey of Methods and Software. 6. DIRECT METHODS FOR SOLVING LINEAR SYSTEMS. Introduction. Gaussian Elimination. Pivoting Strategies. Linear Algebra and Matrix Inversion. Matrix Factorization. Techniques for Special Matrices. Survey of Methods and Software. 7. ITERATIVE METHODS FOR SOLVING LINEAR SYSTEMS. Introduction. Convergence of Vectors. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Conjugate Gradient Methods. The Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Methods. The SOR Method. Error Bounds and Iterative Refinement. Survey of Methods and Software. 8. APPROXIMATION THEORY. Introduction. Discrete Least Squares Approximation. Continuous Least Squares Approximation. Chebyshev Polynomials. Rational Function Approximation. Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation. Fast Fourier Transforms. Survey of Methods and Software. 9. APPROXIMATING EIGENVALUES. Introduction. Isolating Eigenvalues. The Power Method. Householder’s Method. The QR Method. Survey of Methods and Software. 10. SOLUTIONS OF SYSTEMS OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS. Introduction. Newton’s Methods for Systems. Quasi-Newton Methods. The Steepest Descent Method. Survey of Methods and Software. Homotopy and Continuation Methods. 11. BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Introduction. The Linear Shooting Method. Linear Finite Difference Methods. The Nonlinear Shooting Method. Nonlinear Finite-Difference Methods. Variational Techniques. Survey of Methods and Software. 12. NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Introduction. Finite-Difference Methods for Elliptic Problems. Finite-Difference Methods for Parabolic Problems. Finite-Difference Methods for Hyperbolic Problems. Introduction to the Finite-Element Method. Survey of Methods and Software. © 2013, 608pp, Paperback, 9780495385691 180 STUDENT RESOURCE WITH SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR ZILL’S A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 10TH, 10E Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 10th Edition INSTRUCTOR DESCRIPTION: This manual contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR FAIRES/BURDEN’S NUMERICAL METHODS, 4TH, 4E Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University; Richard L. Burden, Youngstown State University Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 320pp, Paperback, 9780495392989 © 2013, 256pp, Paperback, 9781133491927 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR CHENEY/KINCAID’S NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING, 7TH, 7E E. Ward Cheney, University of Texas at Austin; David R. Kincaid, University of Texas at Austin Go beyond the answers—see what it takes to get there and improve your grade! This manual provides workedout, step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. This gives you the information you need to truly understand how these problems are solved. © 2013, 176pp, Paperback, 9781133491804 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR GALLIAN’S CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACT ALGEBRA, 8TH, 8E Joseph A. Gallian, University of Minnesota, Duluth Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACT ALGEBRA, 8th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples. © 2013, 144pp, Paperback, 9781133608530 181 Precalculus STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON/FALVO’S ELEMENTARY LINEAR ALGEBRA, 7TH, 7E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; David C. Falvo, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 256pp, Paperback, 9781133111320 ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY is ideal for a two-term course and known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and carefully written exercises of the mathematical concepts. With the Ninth Edition, the author continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, on-going review and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign features fully-integrated content from the text, with the addition of End-of-Section problems and Chapter Tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR ZILL/WRIGHT’S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS, 8TH, 8E Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University; Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University This manual contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the odd-numbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 384pp, Paperback, 9781133491958 • Fresh Chapter Openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presenting in the following chapter. • Innovative Summarize Features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented How Do You See It? Exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter 182 projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced Exercise Sets deliver more rigor, relevancy and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts • Expanded Section Objectives offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched Remarks reinforce or expand upon concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute student support through CalcChat. com, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • Side-By-Side Examples help students not only see that a problem can be solved in more than one way but how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES, AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in One Variable. Modeling with Linear Equations. Quadratic Equations and Applications. Complex Numbers. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities in One Variable. Other Types of Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters P-2. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND CONICS. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Conics. Translations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 3-5. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. TRIGONOMETRY. Angles and Their Measure. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 6-8. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. 183 P.S. Problem Solving. 11. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 9-11. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A: Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B: Concepts in Statistics (web). Representing Data. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 976pp, Hardback, 9781133959748 ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 6E Real Mathematics, Real People Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6th Edition, is an ideal student and instructor resource for courses that require the use of a graphing calculator. The quality and quantity of the exercises, combined with interesting applications and innovative resources, make teaching easier and help students succeed. Retaining the series’ emphasis on student support, selected examples throughout the text include notations directing students to previous sections to review concepts and skills needed to master the material at hand. The book also achieves accessibility through careful writing and design--including examples with detailed solutions that begin and end on the same page, which maximizes readability. Similarly, side-byside solutions show algebraic, graphical, and numerical representations of the mathematics and support a variety of learning styles. Reflecting its new subtitle, this significant revision focuses more than ever on showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives and future careers. NEW TO THIS EDITION • With the extensive revision to create the Sixth Edition, this book’s original subtitle, “A Graphing Approach,” no longer represents the text’s essence (although the graphing calculator is still required). The author’s changes and the new title, “ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE,” address a primary need in education today-relevance. The mathematics in this text is both real and relevant, and the people introduced are either already in or preparing for careers in which they will use mathematics. • New Chapter Openers highlight real modeling data problems, each showing a graph of the data, a section reference, and a short description of the data. • A new Explore the Concept feature engages students in active discovery of mathematical concepts, strengthens critical thinking skills, and helps build intuition. • A new What’s Wrong? feature points out common errors made using graphing utilities. • A new Vocabulary and Concept Check appears at the beginning of the exercise set for each section. Each of these checks asks fill-in-the-blank, matching, and noncomputational questions designed to help students learn mathematical terminology and to test basic understanding of that section’s concepts. • The section exercises are now grouped into four categories: Vocabulary and Concept Check, Procedures and Problem Solving, Conclusions, and Cumulative Mixed Review. Many of the exercises are titled for easy reference. • New Algebraic-Graphical-Numerical Exercises allow students to solve a problem using multiple approaches. This helps students see that a problem can be solved in more than one way--and that different methods yield the same result. • New Modeling Data Exercises are multi-part applications that involve real-life data, offering students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models. • New Capstone Exercises, one per section, are conceptual problems that synthesize key topics and provide students with a better understanding of the concepts in a section. These exercise are excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • To facilitate familiarity with the basic functions, the 184 book retains its compilation of several elementary and non-elementary functions in a Library of Parent Functions. As in the previous edition, each function is introduced at the first point of use in the text with a definition and description of basic characteristics. New to this edition are Library of Parent Functions Examples, which are identified in the title of the example, and the Review of Library of Parent Functions after Chapter 4. A summary of the functions appears on the inside cover of the text. CONTENTS Each chapter concludes with a chapter summary, review exercises, a chapter test, and proofs in mathematics. P. PREREQUISITES. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Factoring. Rational Expressions. The Cartesian Plane. Representing Data Graphically. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Introduction to Library of Functions. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Shifting, Reflecting, and Stretching Graphs. Combinations of Functions. Inverse Functions. 2. SOLVING EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations and Problem Solving. Solving Equations Graphically. Complex Numbers. Solving Quadratic Equations Algebraically. Solving Other Types of Equations Algebraically. Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically. Linear Models and Scatter Plots. Cumulative Test: Chapters P–2. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–2. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Quadratic Models. Cumulative Test: Chapters 1-3. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Nonlinear Models. Cumulative Test: Chapters 3–4. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–4. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles and Their Measure. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Library of Parent Functions Review. 6. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Cumulative Test: Chapters 5–7. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–7. 8. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MATRICES. Solving Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Multivariable Linear Systems. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Circles and Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Cumulative Test: Chapters 8–10. Progressive Summary: Ch P–10. APPENDIX A: TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT GUIDE. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (Web only). Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. APPENDIX C: VARIATION (Web only) APPENDIX D: SOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES (Web only). APPENDIX E: SYSTEMS OF INEQUALITIES (Web only). Solving Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. APPENDIX F: MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION (Web only). © 2012, 1008pp, Hardback, 9781111428426 ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 8E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, Eighth Edition, incorporates the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By integrating interactive learning techniques, 185 the Aufmann author team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The text also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. The authors’ proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the eighth edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW Concept Check Exercises--Each exercise set starts with exercises that are designed to test your students’ understanding of new concepts. • NEW Enrichment Exercises--Each exercise set concludes with an exercise or exercises that are designed to extend the concepts presented in the section or to provide exercises that challenge your students’ problem-solving abilities. • NEW Interactive Demonstrations--New Interactive Demonstrations allow you to adjust parameters and immediately see the change produced by your adjustment. These Interactive Demonstrations run on computers and on mobile devices. Instructions for using each of the demonstrations are provided. You can access these Interactive Demonstrations by scanning a QR code, with a QR reader app, or by using the web address supplied in the directions. • NEW An Interactive Technology Approach via WolframAlpha--Several Integrating Technology features show how WolframAlpha can be used to perform computations, solve equations, graph functions, and find regression functions. WolframAlpha runs on computers and mobile devices. WolframAlpha often provides an alternative to the use of a graphing calculator. WolframAlpha can be accessed by scanning a QR code or by using the address: http://www. FEATURES • Mid-Chapter Quizzes help you assess your students’ understanding of the concepts studied earlier in the chapter. The answers for all exercises in the Mid- Chapter Quizzes are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises appendix, along with a reference to the section in which a particular concept was presented. • Chapter Test Preps summarize the major concepts discussed in each chapter. These Test Preps help your students prepare for a chapter test. For each concept there is a reference to a worked example illustrating the concept and at least one exercise in the Chapter Review Exercise Set relating to that concept. • Visualize the Solution, available with both algebraic and graphical solutions when appropriate, are provided to help you visualize the mathematics of the example and to create a link between the algebraic and visual components of a solution. • “Exploring Concepts with Technology” feature appears after the last section in each chapter and provides you the option to use calculators or computers to solve computationally difficult problems. In addition, students are challenged to think about pitfalls that can be produced when using technology to solve mathematical problems. • “Integrating Technology” boxes show how technology can be used to illustrate concepts and solve many mathematical problems. Examples and exercises that require a calculator or a computer to find a solution are identified by the graphing calculator icon. • Modeling sections and exercises rely on the use of a graphing calculator or a computer. These optional sections and exercises introduce the idea of a mathematical model and help you see the relevance of mathematical concepts. CONTENTS PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS. The Real Number System. Integer and Rational Number Exponents. Polynomials. Mid-Chapter P Quiz. Factoring. Rational Expressions. Complex Numbers. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter P Test Prep. Chapter P Review Exercises. Chapter P Test. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Absolute Value Equations. Formulas and Applications. Quadratic Equations. Mid-Chapter 1 Quiz. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. Variation and Applications. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 1 Test Prep. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Two-Dimensional Coordinate System and Graphs. Introduction to Functions. Linear Functions. 186 Mid-Chapter 2 Quiz. Quadratic Functions. Properties of Graphs. Algebra of Functions. Modeling Data using Regression. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 2 Test Prep. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Test. Chapter 2 Cumulative Review Exercises. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Mid-Chapter 3 Quiz. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Graphs of Rational Functions and Their Applications. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 3 Test Prep. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions and Their Applications. Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications. Properties of Logarithms and Logarithmic Scales. MidChapter 4 Quiz. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential Growth and Decay. Modeling Data with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 4 Test Prep. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles and Arcs. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Mid-Chapter 5 Quiz. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of the Other Trigonometric Functions. Graphing Techniques. Harmonic Motion--An Application of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 5 Test Prep. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 6. TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES AND EQUATIONS. Verification of Trigonometric Identities. Sum, Difference, and Cofunction Identities. Double- and Half-Angle Identities. Mid-Chapter 6 Quiz. Identities Involving the Sum of Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Equations. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 6 Test Prep. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 7. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines and Area. Vectors. Mid-Chapter 7 Quiz. Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers. De Moivre’s Theorem. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 7 Test Prep. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 8. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Axes. Mid-Chapter 8 Quiz. Introduction to Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of the Conics. Parametric Equations of the Conics. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 8 Test Prep. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Mid-Chapter 9 Quiz. Partial Fractions. Inequalities in Two Variables and Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 9 Test Prep. Chapter 9 Review Exercises. Chapter 9 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 10. MATRICES. G a u s s i a n E l i m i n a t i o n Method. Algebra of Matrices. Inverse of a Matrix. MidChapter 10 Quiz. Determinants. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 10 Test Prep. Chapter 10 Review Exercises. Chapter 10 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 11. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Series. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mid-Chapter 11 Quiz. Mathematical Induction. Binomial Theorem. Permutations and Combinations. Introduction to Probability. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 11 Test Prep. Chapter 11 Review Exercises. Chapter 11 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. Solutions to the Try Exercises. Answers to Selected Exercises. Instructor Additional Answers. Index. © 2015, 1088pp, Hardback, 9781285449425 ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 13E Earl W. Swokowski, late of Marquette University; Jeffery A. Cole, Anoka-Ramsey Community College The latest edition of Swokowski and Cole’s ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, 13e, International Edition retains the elements that have made it so popular with instructors and students alike: clear exposition, an appealing and uncluttered layout, 187 and applications-rich exercise sets. The excellent, timetested problems have been widely praised for their consistency and their appropriate level of difficulty for precalculus students. The book also covers some more challenging topics, such as Descartes’ Rule of Signs and the Theorems on Bounds, which have been eliminated from other texts or relegated to an appendix. The Thirteenth Edition features updated topical references and data, and continues to be supported by outstanding technology resources. Mathematically sound, this book effectively prepares students for further courses in mathematics. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New Chapter Tests at the end of each chapter provide an additional source of exam questions and great practice for students. The new items include straightforward questions based on exercises in the sections as well as questions that require students to stretch their thinking a bit and expand their use of the basic concepts. • Arrow notation is introduced earlier (Section 3.2) and revisited more often in this edition, bolstering precalculus content to more effectively prepare students for calculus topics. • Approximately 20% of the exercises are new or revised, including many featuring updated real data and new applications. • New Examples illustrate numerous topics: find the inverse of a rational function (Section 5.1, with the method for checking presented in a marginal note); predict a quantity using the decay formula (Section 5.3); how to show that an equation is not an identity (Section 7.1); use the subtraction formula for the cosine to find an exact value when given an exact trigonometric value and the sign of another trigonometric function (Section 7.3); and how to find double angle values of other trigonometric functions given that the tangent of an angle is a constant (Section 7.4). • Other new examples: solve a polynomial equation by using the theorem on nth roots (Section 8.6); substitute to aid in solving a system of equations (Section 9.2); find terms of a sequence that is recursively defined in terms of two preceding terms (Section 10.1); given two terms of an arithmetic sequence, find another term using a new formula (Section 10.2); given two terms of a geometric sequence, find another term using a new formula (Section 10.3); and graph a system of inequalities using parametric equations (Section 11.4). FEATURES • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for this text to encourage the practice that’s critical for concept mastery. • Many exercises have online tutorials associated with them. These exercises are easily identified in the text with icons, making it simple for students to get extra practice as needed. The exercises are also assignable through Enhanced WebAssign®. • Each concept is explained with great care, including step-by-step comments in the solutions of the examples. Graphs, figures, charts, and tables help students interpret graphical data, and accompany many examples. • The text provides many topical examples showing how mathematical concepts have real-life applications. • Each exercise set begins with drill problems and then progresses to more challenging problems. Some exercises ask students to produce and examine a table of values as an aid to solve a problem. Others ask students to interpret some aspect of a given table of values. Many involve graphical solutions. CONTENTS Every chapter ends with Review Exercises, Discussion Exercises, and a Chapter Test. 1. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Fractional Expressions. 2. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Equations. Applied Problems. Quadratic Equations. Complex Numbers. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. More on Inequalities. 3. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinate Systems. Graphs of Equations. Lines. Definition of Function. Graphs of Functions. Quadratic Functions. Operations on Functions. 4. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Polynomial Functions of Degree Greater than 2. Properties of Division. Zeros of Polynomials. Complex and Rational Zeros of Polynomials. Rational Functions. Variation. 5. INVERSE, EXPONENTIAL, AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. 6. THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Values of Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Graphs. Additional Trigonometric Graphs. Applied Problems. 7. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. 188 Trigonometric Equations. The Addition and Subtraction Formulas. Multiple-Angle Formulas. Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product Formulas. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions. 8. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Vectors. The Dot Product. Trigonometric Form for Complex Numbers. De Moivre’s Theorem and nth Roots of Complex Numbers. 9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Systems of Linear Equations in More than Two Variables. The Algebra of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Properties of Determinants. Partial Fractions. 10. SEQUENCES, SERIES AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Permutations. Distinguishable Permutations and Combinations. Probability. 11. TOPICS FROM ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics. Appendix I: Common Graphs and Their Equations. Appendix II: A Summary of Graph Transformations. Appendix III: Graphs of the Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses. Appendix IV: Values of the Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles on a Unit Circle. © 2012, 992pp, Paperback, 9780840068897 ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach This best selling author team explains concepts simply and clearly, without glossing over difficult points. Problem solving and mathematical modeling are introduced early and reinforced throughout, providing students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking. Comprehensive and evenly paced, the book provides complete coverage of the function concept, and integrates a significant amount of graphing calculator material to help students develop insight into mathematical ideas. The authors’ attention to detail and clarity, the same as found in James Stewart’s market-leading Calculus text, is what makes this text the market leader. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Approximately 20% of the exercises in the text are new. In addition, each exercise set has been restructured to begin with new concept exercises, and reorganized to more closely follow the exposition in the corresponding section. • The section entitled “Principles of Problem Solving” is now a Prologue to the book. Problem Solving sections, each highlighting a particular problem solving principle, are now posted on the Book Companion Website. • Discovery Projects, which encourage and motivate students to further explore chapter topics, are now available on the Book Companion Website. • All examples in the book are now paired with a new Now Try Exercise XX, allowing students to reinforce their understanding of a concept by practicing the technique that is involved. This integration also teaches and encourages students to solve rather than just memorize. • Chapter 3 has been completely rewritten to focus more sharply on the fundamental and crucial concept of function. The material on quadratic functions, formerly in this chapter, is now part of the chapter on polynomial functions. • Chapter 4 now begins with a section on quadratic functions, leading to higher degree polynomial functions. (Section 4.1). • Chapter 6 includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and right triangles (Section 6.4), which is needed in applying the Laws of Sines and Cosines in the following section, as well as for solving trigonometric equations in Chapter 8. • Chapter 7 includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions (Section 7.5) to better segue into the section on harmonic motion that follows. • Chapter 8 has been completely revised, including two new sections on trigonometric equations (Sections 8.4 189 and 8.5) that expand coverage of this topic. • The addition of a new Chapter 10, “Vectors in Two and Three Dimensions,” allowed the authors to reorganize the related topics in the book around more cohesive themes. CONTENTS Prologue: Principles of Problem Solving. P. PREREQUISITES. Modeling the Real World. Real Numbers and Their Properties. The Real Number Line and Order. Integer Exponents. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Factoring Algebraic Expressions. Rational Expressions. Chapter P Review. Chapter P Test. Focus on Problem Solving: General Principles. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Chapter Overview. Basic Equations. Modeling with Equations. Quadratic Equations. Complex Numbers. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities. Chapter 1 Review. Chapter 1 Test. Focus on Modeling: Making the Best Decisions. 2. COORDINATES AND GRAPHS. Chapter Overview. The Coordinate Plane. Graphs of Equations in Two Variables. Graphing Calculators: Solving Equations Graphically. Lines. Modeling: Variation. Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Lines to Data. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 1 and 2. 3. FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. What Is a Function?. Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Average Rate of Change of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 3 Test. Focus on Modeling: Functions as Models. 4. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs. Dividing Polynomials. Real Zeros of Polynomials. Complex Numbers. Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. Chapter 4 Review. Chapter 4 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Chapter 5 Review. Chapter 5 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 3, 4, and 5. 6. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: RIGHT TRIANGLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. Angle Measure. Trigonometry of Right Triangles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Triangles. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test. Focus on Modeling: Surveying. 7. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: UNIT CIRCLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. The Unit Circle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Trigonometric Graphs. More Trigonometric Graphs. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling Harmonic Motion. Chapter 7 Review. Chapter 7 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Sinusoidal Curves to Data. 8. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Chapter Overview. Trigonometric Identities. Addition and Subtraction Formulas. Double-Angle, Half-Angle, and Sum-Product Identities. Basic Trigonometric Equations. More Trigonometric Equations. Chapter 8 Review. Chapter 8 Test. Focus on Modeling: Traveling and Standing Waves. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 6, 7, and 8. 9. POLAR COORDINATES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Chapter Overview. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Chapter 9 Review. Chapter 9 Test. Focus on Modeling: The Path of a Projectile. 10. VECTORS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS. Chapter Overview. Vectors in Two Dimensions. The Dot Product. Three –Dimensional Coordinate Geometry. Vectors in Three Dimensions. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Chapter 10 Review. Chapter 10 Test. Focus on Modeling: Vector Fields. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 9 and 10. 11. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Chapter Overview. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices. The Algebra of Matrices. Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule. Partial Fractions. Systems of NonLinear Equations. Systems of Inequalities. Chapter 11 Review. Chapter 11 Test. Focus on Modeling: Linear Programming. 12. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Overview. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Rotation of Axes. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter 12 Review. Chapter 12 Test. Focus on Modeling: Conics in Architecture. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 11 and 12. 13. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Chapter Overview. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic 190 Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematics of Finance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Chapter 13 Review. Chapter 13 Test. Focus on Modeling: Difference Equations. 14. COUNTING AND PROBABILITY. Chapter Overview. Counting Principles. Permutations and Combinations. Probability. Binomial Probability. Expected Value. Chapter 14 Review. Chapter 14 Test. Focus on Modeling: The Monte Carlo Method. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 11 and 12. APPENDIX Calculators and Calculations. © 2012, 1152pp, Paperback, 9780840068637 innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. Two primary objectives guided the authors in writing this book: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and saves the instructor time. NEW TO THIS EDITION ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, LEVEL 1, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College © 2014, 976pp, Hardback, 9781133950967 • Table of Contents Update: Chapter 14 has been omitted. • NEW! Chapter Summary gives a concise review of key terms and concepts covered in each chapter. • NEW! Chapter Tests have been added to each chapter and are one page assessments of problems covering key topics. • NEW! Explorations, an optional discovery feature, help students develop intuitive understanding of calculus concepts. These can be deleted without loss of continuity. • UPDATED! Appropriate exercises will be labeled as Writing About the Concepts. • NEW! reference has been added to text exercise sets. FEATURES CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, developed for one-year courses, is ideal for instructors who wish to successfully bring students up to speed algebraically within precalculus and transition them into calculus. The Larson Calculus program has a long history of • The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover calculus and precalculus topics appropriately. • Questions involving skills, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, applications, and real-data applications are included throughout the text. Exercises are presented in a variety of question formats, including matching, free response, true/false, modeling, and fill-in the blank. • To address the changing needs of today’s instructors and students and recognizing that the calculus course is presented in a variety of teaching and learning environments, the program resources are available in print and online formats. 191 CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Solving Equations. Solving Inequalities. Graphical Representation of Data. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. 3. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and OneSided Limits. Infinite Limits. 4. DIFFERENTIATION The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 5. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Differentials. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Integration by Substitution. Applications of Integration. 7. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Using Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Logarithmic Functions and Differentiation. Logarithmic Functions and Integration. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. 9. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. 10. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and ProductSum Formulas. 11. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. 12. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses and Implicit Differentiation. Hyperbolas and Implicit Differentiation. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Calculus. Graphs of Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics. 13. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. © 2012, 1056pp, Hardback, 9780840068330 CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College CALCULUS I WITH PRECALCULUS, 3e, International Edition developed for one-year courses, is ideal for instructors who wish to successfully bring students up to speed algebraically within precalculus and transition them into calculus. The Larson Calculus program has a long history of innovation in the calculus market. It has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for its solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates 192 print, media, and technology products for successful teaching and learning. Two primary objectives guided the authors in writing this book: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and saves the instructor time. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Table of Contents Update: Chapter 14 has been omitted. • NEW! Chapter Summary gives a concise review of key terms and concepts covered in each chapter. • NEW! Chapter Tests have been added to each chapter and are one page assessments of problems covering key topics. • NEW! Explorations, an optional discovery feature, help students develop intuitive understanding of calculus concepts. These can be deleted without loss of continuity. • UPDATED! Appropriate exercises will be labeled as Writing About the Concepts. • NEW! reference has been added to text exercise sets. FEATURES • The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover calculus and precalculus topics appropriately. • The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover calculus and precalculus topics appropriately. • To address the changing needs of today’s instructors and students and recognizing that the calculus course is presented in a variety of teaching and learning environments, the program resources are available in print and online formats. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Solving Equations. Solving Inequalities. Graphical Representation of Data. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. 3. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and OneSided Limits. Infinite Limits. 4. DIFFERENTIATION The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. 5. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Differentials. 6. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Integration by Substitution. Applications of Integration. 7. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Using Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Logarithmic Functions and Differentiation. Logarithmic Functions and Integration. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. 9. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. 10. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and ProductSum Formulas. 11. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND CALCULUS. Limits of Trigonometric Functions. 193 Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. 12. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses and Implicit Differentiation. Hyperbolas and Implicit Differentiation. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Calculus. Graphs of Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics. 13. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. © 2012, 1056pp, Paperback, 9780840069207 COLLEGE ALGEBRA A Make it Real Approach, International Edition Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College ; Scott L. Adamson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College; Trey Cox, ChandlerGilbert Community College; Alan E. O’Bryan, Arizona State University This new text provides a contemporary approach to college algebra, ideal for the many skeptical or apprehensive students who ask, “When am I ever going to use this?” The key phrase is “Make It Real” since the goal is to make the material relevant and understandable to today’s college students. But many books make this claim—so how is COLLEGE ALGEBRA: MAKE IT REAL, International Edition different? In other texts, which simply wrap realworld situations around problems, the context isn’t needed to do the mathematics. Written by skilled and passionate teachers, this text uses real-world data sets and situations to draw out mathematical concepts. Students are immersed in familiar contexts—from golf course ratings to Egyptian pyramids—from which concepts emerge naturally, and then guided in using their understanding of those ideas to make sense of the mathematics. The real-world contexts are not only helpful for understanding procedures—they’re necessary. The concept of a function, the use of modeling, and the thorough integration of real-world applications are integral to the text. If there’s one new college algebra text crafted to stand up to a “reality check” comparison with your current book, this is it. FEATURES • Explanations and Examples: A conversational tone and detailed explanations make the math come alive for students. Intriguing, relevant photographs and carefully rendered graphics pique students’ interest and capture their attention. Meaningful real world contexts inform students about the world and motivate them to investigate mathematical concepts. Familiarity with these contexts, from which ideas emerge intuitively, are not only helpful for comprehending procedures—they’re necessary. One student commented, “It’s like having the teacher standing over my shoulder explaining things to me.” • Variety of Homework Exercises: The overarching philosophy of developing students’ mathematical reasoning and persistent problem solving is evident throughout the homework exercises, which are divided into four sections: Concepts and Skills (for practicing procedures and demonstrating a basic understanding of key concepts), Show You Know (requiring written explanations of big ideas), Make It Real (real world contexts that help students understand the world and make connections between mathematics and their lives), and Stretch Your Mind (requiring deep thought, creativity, and persistence). • Study Sheets: The end-of-chapter Study Sheets present a series of questions focused on the big ideas of the chapter. As students reflect upon these questions, they solidify their understanding of the key mathematical concepts. The Study Sheets are an ideal chapter review activity to help students prepare for the end-of-chapter exam. • Review Exercises: End-of-chapter review exercises al low students to refine their conceptual understanding and mathematical expertise. Grouped by section number, these exercises make it easy to focus on particular areas of study. • Distinctive Treatment of Modeling and Graphs: In keeping with the book’s approach, the authors 194 promote student comprehension by presenting modeling and graphs in familiar contextual situations; that is, models and graphs describe the underlying behavior that is embedded into the context. Modeling and graphs are used extensively; for instance, Section 6.2 on Exponential Function Modeling and Graphs features nine examples, all of which include a real world context. • Unique Make It Real Projects: These end-of-chapter projects allow students to apply the concepts learned in the chapter to data collected from an area of personal interest. By allowing students to focus on a real world context of their choosing, their motivation and interest in doing the mathematics increases. Additionally, the Make It Real Projects provide learners another avenue for developing mathematical reasoning and persistent problem solving as they make sense of the mathematical ideas. Using Matrices to Solve Linear Systems. Matrix Operations and Applications. Using Inverse Matrices to Solve Matrix Equations. Chapter 8 Review. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781111988272 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 6E Real Mathematics, Real People, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL MODELING, FUNCTIONS, AND CHANGE. Mathematical Modeling. Functions and Function Notation. Functions Represented by Tables and Formulas. Functions Represented by Graphs. Functions Represented by Words. Preview to Inverse Functions. Chapter 1 Review. 2. LINEAR FUNCTIONS. Functions with Constant Rates of Change. Modeling with Linear Functions. Linear Regression. Systems of Linear Equations. Systems of Linear Inequalities. Chapter 2 Review. 3. TRANSFORMATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Horizontal and Vertical Shifts. Horizontal and Vertical Reflections. Vertical Stretches and Reflections. Horizontal Stretches and Compressions. Chapter 3 Review. 4. QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS. Variable Rates of Change. Modeling with Quadratic Functions. Quadratic Functions, Graphs, and Forms. Chapter 4 Review. 5. POLYNOMIAL, POWER, AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Higher-Order Polynomial Function Modeling. Power Functions. Rational Functions. Chapter 5 Review. 6. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Percentage Change. Exponential Function Modeling and Graphs. Compound Interest and Continuous Growth. Solving Logarithmic and Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Function Modeling. Chapter 6 Review. 7. MODELING WITH OTHER TYPES OF FUNCTIONS. Combinations of Functions. Piecewise Functions. Composition of Functions. Logistic Functions. Choosing a Mathematical Model. Chapter 7 Review. 8. MATRICES. COLLEGE ALGEBRA: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6e, International Edition is an ideal student and instructor resource for courses that require the use of a graphing calculator. The quality and quantity of the exercises, combined with interesting applications and innovative resources, make teaching easier and help students succeed. Retaining the series’ emphasis on student support, selected examples throughout the text include notations directing students to previous sections to review concepts and skills needed to master the material at hand. The book also achieves accessibility through careful writing and design—including examples with detailed solutions that begin and end on the same page, which maximizes readability. Similarly, side-byside solutions show algebraic, graphical, and numerical representations of the mathematics and support a variety of learning styles. Reflecting its new subtitle, this significant revision focuses more than ever on showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives and future careers. NEW TO THIS EDITION • With the extensive revision to create the Sixth Edition, this book’s original subtitle, “A Graphing Approach,” no longer represents the text’s essence (although the graphing calculator is still required). The author’s changes and the new title, “COLLEGE ALGEBRA: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE,” address a primary 195 need in education today—relevance. The mathematics in this text is both real and relevant, and the people introduced are either already in or preparing for careers in which they will use mathematics. • New Chapter Openers highlight real modeling data problems, each showing a graph of the data, a section reference, and a short description of the data. • A new Explore the Concept feature engages students in active discovery of mathematical concepts, strengthens critical thinking skills, and helps build intuition. • A new What’s Wrong? feature points out common errors made using graphing utilities. • A new Vocabulary and Concept Check appears at the beginning of the exercise set for each section. Each of these checks asks fill-in-the-blank, matching, and noncomputational questions designed to help students learn mathematical terminology and to test basic understanding of that section’s concepts. • The section exercises are now grouped into four categories: Vocabulary and Concept Check, Procedures and Problem Solving, Conclusions, and Cumulative Mixed Review. Many of the exercises are titled for easy reference. • New Algebraic-Graphical-Numerical Exercises allow students to solve a problem using multiple approaches. This helps students see that a problem can be solved in more than one way—and that different methods yield the same result. • New Modeling Data Exercises are multi-part applications that involve real-life data, offering students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models. • New Capstone Exercises, one per section, are conceptual problems that synthesize key topics and provide students with a better understanding of the concepts in a section. These exercise are excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • To facilitate familiarity with the basic functions, the book retains its compilation of several elementary and non-elementary functions in a Library of Parent Functions. As in the previous edition, each function is introduced at the first point of use in the text with a definition and description of basic characteristics. New to this edition are Library of Parent Functions Examples, which are identified in the title of the example, and the Review of Library of Parent Functions after Chapter 4. A summary of the functions appears on the inside cover of the text. CONTENTS exercises, a chapter test, and proofs in mathematics. P. PREREQUISITES. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Factoring. Rational Expressions. The Cartesian Plane. Representing Data Graphically. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Introduction to Library of Functions. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Shifting, Reflecting, and Stretching Graphs. Combinations of Functions. Inverse Functions. 2. SOLVING EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations and Problem Solving. Solving Equations Graphically. Complex Numbers. Solving Quadratic Equations Algebraically. Solving Other Types of Equations Algebraically. Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically. Linear Models and Scatter Plots. Cumulative Test: Chapters P–2. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–2. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Quadratic Models. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Nonlinear Models. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–4. 5. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MATRICES. Solving Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Multivariable Linear Systems. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Cumulative Test: Chapters 3–5. 6. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. 7. CONICS AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Circles and Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Parametric Equations. Cumulative Test: Chapters 6–7. Progressive Summary: Ch P–7. APPENDIX A: TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT GUIDE. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (Web only). Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. APPENDIX C: VARIATION (Web only) APPENDIX D: SOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES (Web only). APPENDIX E: SYSTEMS OF INEQUALITIES (Web only). Solving Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. APPENDIX F: MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION (Web only). © 2012, 736pp, Paperback, 9781111575267 Each chapter concludes with a chapter summary, review 196 COLLEGE ALGEBRA Concepts and Contexts, International Edition James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach; Phyllis Panman This text bridges the gap between traditional and reform approaches to algebra encouraging students to see mathematics in context. It presents fewer topics in greater depth, prioritizing data analysis as a foundation for mathematical modeling, and emphasizing the verbal, numerical, graphical and symbolic representations of mathematical concepts as well as connecting mathematics to real life situations drawn from the students’ majors. FEATURES • The problems, the models and the real life data are the three features of this book. They are used to relate the mathematics to the students’ lives and to show the usefulness and relevance of the mathematics to the modern reality. CONTENTS 1. DATA, FUNCTIONS, AND MODELS. Making Sense of Data. Visualizing Relationships in Data. Equations: Describing Relationships in Data. Functions: Describing Change. Function Notation: The Concept of Function as a Rule. Working with Functions: Graphs and Graphing Calculators. Working with Functions: Getting Information from the Graph. Working with Functions: Modeling Real-World Relationships. Making and Using Formulas. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Bias in Presenting Data. EXPLORATION 2: Collecting and Analyzing Data. EXPLORATION 3: Every Graph Tells a Story. 2. LINEAR FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Working with Functions: Average Rate of Change. Linear Functions: Constant Rate of Change. Equations of Lines: Making Linear Models. Varying the Coefficients: Direct Proportionality. Linear Regression: Fitting Lines to Data. Linear Equations: Getting Information from a Model. Linear Equations: Where Lines Meet. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: When Rates of Change. EXPLORATION 2: Linear Patterns. EXPLORATION 3: Bridge Science. EXPLORATION 4: Correlation and Causation. EXPLORATION 5: Fair Division of Assets. 3. EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Exponential Growth and Decay. Exponential Models: Comparing Rates. Comparing Linear and Exponential Growth. Graphs of Exponential Functions. Fitting Exponential Curves to Data. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Extreme Numbers: Scientific Notation. EXPLORATION 2: So You Want to be a Millionaire? EXPLORATION 3: Linear Patterns. EXPLORATION 4: Modeling Radioactivity with Coins and Dice. 4. LOGARITHMS AND EXPONENTIAL MODELS. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Logarithmic Scales. The Natural Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Equations: Getting Information from Model. Working With Functions: Composition and Inverse. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Super Origami. EXPLORATION 2: Orders of Magnitude. EXPLORATION 3: Semi-Log Graphs. EXPLORATION 4: The Even-Tempered Clavier. 5. QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Working with Functions: Shifting and Stretching. Quadratic Functions and their Graphs. Maxima and Minima: Getting Information from a Model. Quadratic Equations: Getting Information from a Model. Fitting Quadratic Curves to Data. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Transformation Stories. EXPLORATION 2: Toricelli’s Law. EXPLORATION 2: Quadratic Patterns. 6. POWER, POLYNOMIAL, AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Working with Functions: Algebraic Operations. Power Functions: Positive Powers. Polynomial Functions: Combining Power Functions. Fitting Power and Polynomial Curves to Data. Power Functions: Negative Powers. Rational Functions. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Only in the Movies? EXPLORATION 2: Proportionality: Shape and Size. EXPLORATION 3: Managing Traffic. EXPLORATION 4: Alcohol and the Surge Function. 7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND CATEGORICAL DATA. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Using Matrices to Solve Systems of Linear Equations. Matrices and Categorical Data. Matrix 197 Operations: Getting Information from Data. Matrix Equations: Solving a Linear System. Concept Check and Review. EXPLORATION 1: Collecting Categorical Data. EXPLORATION 2: Will the Species Survive? ALGEBRA TOOLKIT A: WORKING WITH NUMBERS. Numbers and Their Properties. The Number Line and Intervals. Integer Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. ALGEBRA TOOLKIT B: WORKING WITH EXPRESSIONS. Combining Algebraic Expressions. Factoring Algebraic Expressions. Rational Expressions. ALGEBRA TOOLKIT C: WORKING WITH EQUATIONS. Solving Basic Equations. Solving Quadratic Equations. Solving Basic Inequalities. ALGEBRA TOOLKIT D: WORKING WITH GRAPHS. The Coordinate Plane. Graphs of Two-Variable Equations. Using a Graphing Calculator. Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically. © 2011, 816pp, Paperback, 9780538733151 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, EIGHTH EDITION, incorporates the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By integrating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann author team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The Eighth Edition also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. Additional program components that support student success include tutorial practice, online homework, Live Online Tutoring, and Instructional DVDs. The authors’ proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the Eighth Edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW Concept Check Exercises - Each exercise set starts with exercises that are designed to test your students’ understanding of new concepts. • NEW Enrichment Exercises - Each exercise set concludes with an exercise or exercises that are designed to extend the concepts presented in the section or to provide exercises that challenge your students’ problem solving abilities. • NEW Interactive Demonstrations - New Interactive Demonstrations allow you to adjust parameters and immediately see the change produced by your adjustment. These Interactive Demonstrations run on computers and on mobile devices. Instructions for using each of the demonstrations are provided. You can access these Interactive Demonstrations by scanning a QR code, with a QR reader app, or by using the web address supplied in the directions. • NEW An Interactive Technology Approach via WolframAlpha - Several Integrating Technology features show how WolframAlpha can be used to perform computations, solve equations, graph functions, and find regression functions. WolframAlpha runs on computers and mobile devices. WolframAlpha often provides an alternative to the use of a graphing calculator. Access WolframAlpha by scanning a QR code or by using the address: FEATURES • Mid-Chapter Quizzes help you assess students’ understanding of the concepts studied earlier in the chapter. The answers for all exercises in the MidChapter Quizzes are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises Appendix, along with a reference to the section in which a particular concept was presented. • A Quantitative Reasoning feature demonstrates math solutions to real-world problems and is compliant with MAA Guidelines and AMATYC 2006 Crossroads Revisited. • Chapter Test Preps summarize the major concepts 198 discussed in each chapter. These Test Preps help students prepare for a chapter test. For each concept there is a reference to a worked example illustrating the concept and at least one exercise in the Chapter Review Exercise Set relating to that concept. • Visualize the Solution, available with both algebraic and graphical solutions when appropriate, are provided to help students visualize the mathematics of the example and to create a link between the algebraic and visual components of a solution. • Exploring Concepts with Technology features appear after the last section in each chapter and provide you the option to use calculators or computers to solve computationally difficult problems. In addition, students are challenged to think about pitfalls that can be produced when using technology to solve mathematical problems. • Integrating Technology boxes show how technology can be used to illustrate concepts and solve many mathematical problems. Examples and exercises that require a calculator or a computer to find a solution are identified by the graphing calculator icon. CONTENTS P. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS. The Real Number System. Integer and Rational Number Exponents. Polynomials. Mid-Chapter P Quiz. Factoring. Rational Expressions. Complex Numbers. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter P Test Prep. Chapter P Review Exercises. Chapter P Test. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Absolute Value Equations. Formulas and Applications. Quadratic Equations. MidChapter 1 Quiz. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. Variation and Applications. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 1 Test Prep. Chapter 1 Review Exercises. Chapter 1 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Two-Dimensional Coordinate System and Graphs. Introduction to Functions. Linear Functions. Mid-Chapter 2 Quiz. Quadratic Functions. Properties of Graphs. Algebra of Functions. Modeling Data using Regression. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 2 Test Prep. Chapter 2 Review Exercises. Chapter 2 Test. Chapter 2 Cumulative Review Exercises. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Mid-Chapter 3 Quiz. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Graphs of Rational Functions and Their Applications. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 3 Test Prep. Chapter 3 Review Exercises. Chapter 3 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions and Their Applications. Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications. Properties of Logarithms and Logarithmic Scales. Mid-Chapter 4 Quiz. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential Growth and Decay. Modeling Data with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 4 Test Prep. Chapter 4 Review Exercises. Chapter 4 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 5. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Mid-Chapter 5 Quiz. Hyperbolas. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 5 Test Prep. Chapter 5 Review Exercises. Chapter 5 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 6. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Mid-Chapter 6 Quiz. Partial Fractions. Inequalities in Two Variables and Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 6 Test Prep. Chapter 6 Review Exercises. Chapter 6 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 7. MATRICES. Gaussian Elimination Method. Algebra of Matrices. Inverse of a Matrix. Mid-Chapter 7 Quiz. Determinants. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 7 Test Prep. Chapter 7 Review Exercises. Chapter 7 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 8. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Series. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mid-Chapter 8 Quiz. Mathematical Induction. Binomial Theorem. Permutations and Combinations. Introduction to Probability. Exploring Concepts with Technology. Chapter 8 Test Prep. Chapter 8 Review Exercises. Chapter 8 Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. SOLUTIONS TO THE TRY EXERCISES. ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES. INSTRUCTOR ADDITIONAL ANSWERS. INDEX. © 2015, 784pp, Hardback, 9781285434773 199 COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS, 2E An Applied Approach, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Anne V. Hodgkins, Phoenix College COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, 2E, International Edition provides your students a comprehensive resource for their college algebra and applied calculus courses. The mathematical concepts and applications are consistently presented in the same tone and pedagogy to promote confidence and a smooth transition from one course to the next. The consolidation of content for two courses in a single text saves you time in your course—and saves your students the cost of an extra textbook. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries— helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. FEATURES • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Revised! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. More than 7,000 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications—all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. • A wide variety of relevant examples—each of which is titled for easy reference—includes solutions presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. Examples that illustrate real-life situations are identified with an icon. CONTENTS 0. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers: Order and Absolute Value. The Basic Rules of Algebra. Integer Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring. Fractional Expressions. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations. Mathematical Modeling. Quadratic Equations. The Quadratic Formula. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities. Other Types of Inequalities. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Linear Modeling and Direct Variation. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. The Algebra of Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial Division. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational 200 Functions. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 5. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Solving Linear Systems Using Substitution. Solving Linear Systems Using Elimination. Linear Systems in Three or More Variables. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. 6. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Linear Systems. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 7. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. Limits. Continuity. The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph. Some Rules for Differentiation. Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals. The Product and Quotient Rules. The Chain Rule. 8. APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Higher-Order Derivatives. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates. Increasing and Decreasing Functions. Extrema and the FirstDerivative Test. Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test. 9. FURTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE. Optimization Problems. Business and Economics Applications. Asymptotes. Curve Sketching: A Summary. Differentials and Marginal Analysis. 10. DERIVATIVES OF EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. Natural Exponential Functions. Derivatives of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Growth and Decay. 11. INTEGRATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals. Integration by Substitution and The General Power Rule. Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals. Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs. The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum. 12. TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION. Integration by Parts and Present Value. Integration Tables. Numerical Integration. Improper Integrals. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System. Surfaces in Space. Functions of Several Variables. Partial Derivatives. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Lagrange Multipliers. Least Squares Regression Analysis. Double Integrals and Area in the Plane. Applications of Double Integrals. 14. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian Measure of Angles. The Trigonometric Functions. Graphs of Trigonometric Functions. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. Integrals of Trigonometric Functions. ONLINE. 15. SERIES AND TAYLOR POLYNOMIALS. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Series and Convergence. p-Series and the Ratio Test. Power Series and Taylor’s Theorem. Taylor Polynomials. Newton’s Method. 16. PROBABILITY. Counting Principles. Probability. Discrete and Continuous Random Variables. Expected Value and Variance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Appendix A: An Introduction to Graphing Utilities. Appendix B: Conic Sections. Conic Sections. Conic Sections and Translations. Appendix C: Further Concepts in Statistics. Data and Linear Modeling. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Appendix D: Precalculus Review. The Real Number Line and Order. Absolute Value and Distance on the Real Number Line. Exponents and Radicals. Factoring Polynomials. Fractions and Rationalization. Appendix E: Alternate Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Appendix F: Differential Equations. Solutions of Differential Equations. Separation of Variables. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Applications of Differential Equations. Appendix G: Formulas. Differentiation and Integration Formulas. Formulas from Business and Finance. Appendix H: Properties and Measurement. Review of Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Units of Measurements. Appendix I: Graphing Utility Programs. Appendix J: Mathematical Induction. Supplements: © 2013, 1136pp, Paperback, 9781133105183 COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Vernon C. Barker, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 7e, International Edition, uses the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By incorporating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann team helps students to better understand 201 concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The text also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. The authors’ proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the Seventh Edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Mid-Chapter Quizzes New to this edition, these quizzes help you assess your understanding of the concepts studied earlier in the chapter. The answers for all exercises in the Mid-Chapter Quizzes are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises appendix, along with a reference to the section in which a particular concept was presented. • Chapter Test Preps The Chapter Test Preps summarize the major concepts discussed in each chapter. These Test Preps help you prepare for a chapter test. For each concept there is a reference to a worked example illustrating the concept and at least one exercise in the Chapter Review Exercise Set relating to that concept. FEATURES • Visualize the Solution When appropriate, both algebraic and graphical solutions are provided to help you visualize the mathematics of the example and to create a link between the algebraic and visual components of a solution. • Exploring Concepts with Technology The optional Exploring Concepts with Technology feature appears after the last section in each chapter and provides you the opportunity to use calculators or computers to solve computationally difficult problems. In addition, you are challenged to think about pitfalls that can be produced when using technology to solve mathematical problems. • Integrating Technology Integrating Technology boxes show how technology can be used to illustrate concepts and solve many mathematical problems. Examples and exercises that require a calculator or a computer to find a solution are identified by the graphing calculator icon. • Modeling sections and exercises rely on the use of a graphing calculator or a computer. These optional sections and exercises introduce the idea of a mathematical model and help you see the relevance of mathematical concepts. • Chapter Review Exercise Sets and Chapter Tests The Chapter Review Exercise Sets and the Chapter Tests, at the end of each chapter, are designed to provide you with another opportunity to assess your understanding of the concepts presented in a chapter. The answers for all exercises in the Chapter Review Exercise Sets and the Chapter Tests are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises appendix along with a reference to the section in which the concept was presented. CONTENTS Each chapter concludes with Exploring Concepts with Technology, Summary, Assessing Concepts, Review Exercises, Quantitative Reasoning, Chapter Test, and Cumulative Review Exercises. P. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS. The Real Number System. Integer and Rational Number Exponents. Polynomials. Factoring. Rational Expressions. Complex Numbers. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Absolute Value Equations. Formulas and Applications. Quadratic Equations. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. Variation and Applications. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. A Two Dimensional Coordinate System and Graphs. Introduction to Functions. Linear Functions. Quadratic Functions. Properties of Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Modeling Data Using Regression. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. The Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Graphs of Rational Functions and Their Applications. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions and Their Applications. Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications. Properties of Logarithms and Logarithmic Scales. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential Growth and Decay. Modeling Data with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles and Arcs. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of the Other Trigonometric Functions. Graphing Techniques. Harmonic Motion—An Application of the Sine and Cosine Functions. 6. TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES AND 202 EQUATIONS. Verification of Trigonometric Identities. Sum, Difference, and Cofunction Identities. Doubleand Half-Angle Identities. Identities Involving the Sum of Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Equations. 7. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines and Area. Vectors. Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers. De Moivre’s Theorem. 8. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Axes. Introduction to Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of the Conics. Parametric Equations. 9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in More than Two Variables. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Partial Fractions. Inequalities in Two Variables and Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. 10. MATRICES. Gaussian Elimination Method. The Algebra of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Cramer’s Rule. 11. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Series. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Permutations and Combinations. Introduction to Probability. © 2011, 1072pp, Hardback, 9781439049396 in college or in their careers. The program addresses the needs of students at all levels--and in particular those who may have struggled in previous algebra courses-offering an abundance of examples and exercises that reinforce concepts and make learning more dynamic. The early introduction of functions in Chapter 1 ensures compatibility with syllabi and provides a framework for student learning. Instructors can also opt to use graphing technology as a tool for problem solving and for review or retention. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New! A Summarize feature guides students in creating section-level concept summaries-- helping them process and organize key concepts while providing a valuable study tool. • New! How Do You See It? exercises ask students to draw conclusions about information presented visually. Requiring little or no calculation, these exercises check students’ conceptual understanding of key concepts. • New and Updated! Projects, which appear in selected sections, connect real-life data and applications and give your students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models from large data sets. • New! CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook. Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. FEATURES COLLEGE ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS AND LIFE SCIENCES, 2E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Anne V. Hodgkins, Phoenix College COLLEGE ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS AND LIFE SCIENCES, Second Edition, meets the demand for courses that emphasize problem solving, modeling, and real-world applications for business and the life sciences. The authors provide a firm foundation in algebraic concepts, and prompt students to apply their understanding to relevant examples and applications they are likely to encounter • Every section begins with a list of objectives that highlights the learning outcomes of that section and provides instructors with a tool for lesson planning. • Appearing in the middle of each chapter, Mid-Chapter Quizzes are single-page tests that let students practice skills and concepts learned in the chapter. This opportunity for self-assessment helps uncover potential weaknesses that might require further review of the material. • Revised! Section-ending Business Capsules and accompanying exercises address business situations related to the mathematical concepts covered in the chapter. • Revised! At the beginning of each exercise set, Skills Warm Up exercises give students practice of skills covered in previous sections that are used in the 203 exercise set; answers are provided at the back of the text to reinforce understanding. • Revised! The Exercise Sets have been revised based on actual student usage data to improve student comprehension. Approximately 5,000 exercises progress from skill-development problems to more challenging, real-world applications--all of which can be customized to the difficulty level of the instructor’s choice. • A wide variety of relevant examples--each of which is titled for easy reference--includes solutions presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically to provide further insight into mathematical concepts. Examples that illustrate real-life situations are identified with an icon. and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Appendix A: An Introduction to Graphing Utilities. Appendix B: Conic Sections. Conic Sections. Conic Sections and Translations. Appendix C: Further Concepts in Statistics. Data and Linear Modeling. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. © 2013, 720pp, Hardback, 9781133108498 CONTENTS 0. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers: Order and Absolute Value. The Basic Rules of Algebra. Integer Exponents. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring. Fractional Expressions. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations. Mathematical Modeling. Quadratic Equations. The Quadratic Formula. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities. Other Types of Inequalities. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Linear Modeling and Direct Variation. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Transformations of Functions. The Algebra of Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial Division. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. 5. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Solving Linear Systems Using Substitution. Solving Linear Systems Using Elimination. Linear Systems in Three or More Variables. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. 6. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Linear Systems. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 7. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences COLLEGE ALGEBRA, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONETERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 6E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, this new hybrid edition features the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign. The result—a briefer printed text that engages students online! Do your students attempt to memorize facts and mimic examples to make it through algebra? James Stewart, author of the worldwide, best-selling calculus texts, saw this scenario time and again in his classes. So, along with longtime coauthors Lothar Redlin and Saleem Watson, he wrote COLLEGE ALGEBRA specifically to help students learn to think mathematically and to develop genuine problem-solving skills. Comprehensive and evenlypaced, the text has helped hundreds of thousands of students. Incorporating technology, real-world applications, and additional useful pedagogy, the sixth edition promises to help more students than ever build 204 conceptual understanding and a core of fundamental skills. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW! The hybrid edition of the text provides a lessexpensive, shorter option for students. End-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only. The hybrid edition is packaged with Enhanced WebAssign and the Cengage YouBook. • Early Chapter on Functions. The chapter on Functions now appears earlier in the book--moving from Chapter 3 to Chapter 2. The review material (in Chapters P and 1) has been streamlined and rewritten, allowing Instructors to more quickly get to the key part of the course—functions. • Diagnostic Test. A diagnostic test, designed to test preparedness for college algebra, is available at the beginning of the book. This allows Instructors to more easily determine if their students are ready for the material they will encounter in college algebra or if they should review some basic algebra skills. As a result instructors can better schedule and organize their lecture topics. • Exercises. More than 30% of the exercises are new. This includes new Concept Exercises and new Skills exercises. Updated exercises provide more relevant material that will engage students. Concept and Skill exercises will improve their students’ ability to handle application problems and allow instructors to spend more time on more interesting applied problems. • Book Companion Website. A new website www. contains Discovery Projects for each chapter and Focus on Problem Solving sections that highlight different problem-solving principles outlined in the Prologue. Instructors can direct students to this additional source for learning problem solving skills. • Chapter P Preliminaries. This chapter now contains a section on basic equations, including linear equations and power equations. Instructors have available to them important review material which ultimately will help in their students’ greater understanding of graphing functions. • Chapter 1 Equations and Graphs. This is a new chapter that includes an introduction to the coordinate plane and graphs of equations (in two variables), as well as the material on solving equations. Including these topics in one chapter highlights the relationship between algebraic and graphical solutions of equations. Instructors will now have more book support in explaining the relationship between data and its graphical representation and the algebraic representation of that data. FEATURES • The new Get Ready feature at the beginning of a section lets students know which previous sections they need to have mastered before starting the section. • Concept exercises, in addition to drill/skill exercises, vary from easy to difficult and help ensure that students are truly grasping the algebraic theories. • Cumulative Reviews appear after select groups of chapters and help students gauge their progress and gain experience in taking tests that cover a broad range of concepts and skills. CONTENTS Preface. To the Student. Are You Ready for College Algebra? Prologue: Principles of Problem Solving. P. PREREQUISITES. Modeling the Real World with Algebra. The Real Numbers. Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Factoring. Rational Expressions. Solving Basic Equations. Chapter P Review. Chapter P Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Making the Best Decisions. 1. EQUATIONS AND GRAPHS. The Coordinate Plane. Graphs of Equations in Two Variables; Circles. Lines. Solving Equations Graphically. Modeling with Equations. Solving Quadratic Equations. Solving Other Types of Equations. Solving Inequalities. Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities. Chapter 1 Review. Chapter 1 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting Lines to Data. 2. FUNCTIONS. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Average Rate of Change of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Modeling with Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs. Dividing Polynomials. Real Zeros of Polynomials. Complex Numbers. Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. Modeling Variation. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 3 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Chapter 4 Review. Chapter 4 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 2, 3, and 4. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting 205 Exponential and Power Curves to Data. 5. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Partial Fractions. Systems of Nonlinear Equations. Systems of Inequalities. Chapter 5 Review. Chapter 5 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Linear Programming. 6. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations. The Algebra of Matrices. Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations. Determinants and Cramer’s Rules. Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Computer Graphics. 7. CONIC SECTIONS. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Chapter 7 Review. Chapter 7 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 5, 6, and 7. FOCUS ON MODELING: Conics in Architecture. 8. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematics of Finance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Chapter 8 Review. Chapter 8 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Modeling with Recursive Sequences. 9. PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS. Counting. Probability. Binomial Probability. Expected Value. Chapter 9 Review. Chapter 9 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 8 and 9. FOCUS ON MODELING: The Monte Carlo Method. APPENDIX A: Calculations and Calculations. APPENDIX B: Graphing with a Graphing Calculator. APPENDIX C: Using the TI-83/84 Graphing Calculator. © 2013, 576pp, Paperback, 9781133600435 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, HYBRID EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN - START SMART GUIDE FOR STUDENTS), 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s COLLEGE ALGEBRA HYBRID, Ninth Edition, delivers the same sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts to prepare students for further study in mathematics as his market-leading hardcover text, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, Ninth Edition, combined with a briefer paperback format that engages students online with Enhanced WebAssign®. The HYBRID demonstrates Larson’s commitment to revolutionizing the way instructors teach and students learn material by moving all the end-of-section exercises from the text online as well as incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. Each new Larson HYBRID includes immediate student access to Enhanced WebAssign®. The ninth edition features “How Do You See It?” exercises that give students practice applying the concepts, and new “Summarize” features, “Checkpoint” problems, and a Companion Website that reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® offers fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • State-of-the-art package provides a cost-effective, briefer option for students--all end-of-section exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only, and each new HYBRID includes immediate access to Enhanced WebAssign® and the Cengage YouBook. • Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, including all end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problemspecific videos, animations, and lecture videos. The robust online homework solution allows instructors to assign, collect, grade, and record homework assignments online, minimizing workload and streamlining the grading process. It also gives students the ability to stay organized with assignments and have up-to-date grade information. • Fresh chapter openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative “Summarize” features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented “How Do You See It?” exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the 206 lesson. • Original “Checkpoint” problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced “Exercise Sets” deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded “Section Objectives” offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 1 .EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES, AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in One Variable. Modeling with Linear Equations. Quadratic Equations and Applications. Complex Numbers. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities in One Variable. Other Types of Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters P-2. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND CONICS. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Conics. Translations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 3-5. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. TwoVariable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 6-8. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A: ERRORS AND THE ALGEBRA OF CALCULUS. APPENDIX B CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (WEB). Representing Data. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 544pp, Hardback, 9781133950530 207 Revisited. • Chapter Test Preps The Chapter Test Preps summarize the major concepts discussed in each chapter. These Test Preps help you prepare for a chapter test. For each concept there is a reference to a worked example illustrating the concept and at least one exercise in the Chapter Review Exercise Set relating to that concept. FEATURES COLLEGE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Vernon C. Barker, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 7e, International Edition uses the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By incorporating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The text also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. Additional program components that support student success include tutorial practice, online homework, Live Online Tutoring, and Instructional DVDs. The authors’ proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the Seventh Edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Mid-Chapter Quizzes New to this edition, these quizzes help you assess your understanding of the concepts studied earlier in the chapter. The answers for all exercises in the Mid-Chapter Quizzes are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises appendix, page XX, along with a reference to the section in which a particular concept was presented. • A Quantitative Reasoning feature demonstrates math solutions to real-world problems and is compliant with MAA Guidelines and AMATYC 2006 Crossroads • Visualize the Solution When appropriate, both algebraic and graphical solutions are provided to help you visualize the mathematics of the example and to create a link between the algebraic and visual components of a solution. • Exploring Concepts with Technology The optional Exploring Concepts with Technology feature appears after the last section in each chapter and provides you the opportunity to use calculators or computers to solve computationally difficult problems. In addition, you are challenged to think about pitfalls that can be produced when using technology to solve mathematical problems. • Integrating Technology Integrating Technology boxes show how technology can be used to illustrate concepts and solve many mathematical problems. Examples and exercises that require a calculator or a computer to find a solution are identified by the graphing calculator icon. • Modeling sections and exercises rely on the use of a graphing calculator or a computer. These optional sections and exercises introduce the idea of a mathematical model and help you see the relevance of mathematical concepts. • Chapter Review Exercise Sets and Chapter Tests The Chapter Review Exercise Sets and the Chapter Tests, at the end of each chapter, are designed to provide you with another opportunity to assess your understanding of the concepts presented in a chapter. The answers for all exercises in the Chapter Review Exercise Sets and the Chapter Tests are provided in the Answers to Selected Exercises appendix along with a reference to the section in which the concept was presented. CONTENTS Table of Contents P. PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS. The Real Number System. Integer and Rational Number Exponents. Polynomials. Factoring. Rational 208 Expressions. Complex Numbers. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Absolute Value Equations. Formulas and Applications. Quadratic Equations. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. Variation and Applications. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. A Two-Dimensional Coordinate System and Graphs. Introduction to Functions. Linear Functions. Quadratic Functions. Properties of Graphs. The Algebra of Functions. Modeling Data Using Regression 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. The Remainder of Theorem and the Factor Theorem. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Graphs of Rational Functions and Their Applications. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions and Their Applications. Logarithmic Functions and Their Applications. Properties of Logarithms and Logarithmic Scales. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential Growth and Decay. Modeling Data with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. 5. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. 6. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in More Than Two Variables. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Partial Fractions. Inequalities in Two Variables and Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. 7. MATRICES. Gaussian Elimination Method. The Algebra of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Cramer’s Rule. 8. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences and Series. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Permutations and Combinations. Introduction to Probability. © 2011, 784pp, Paperback, 9781439049365 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 8E Jerome E. Kaufmann, Western Illinois University (Retired); Karen L. Schwitters, Seminole Community College Known for a clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets, Jerome E. Kaufmann and Karen L. Schwitters’s COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8E, International Edition is an easy-to-use book that focuses on building technique and helping students hone their problem-solving skills. The eighth edition focuses on solving equations, inequalities, and problems; and on developing graphing techniques and using the concept of a function. Updated with new application problems and examples throughout, the eighth edition is accompanied by a robust collection of teaching and learning resources, including Enhanced WebAssign®, an easy-to-use online homework management system for both instructors and students. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Classroom Examples: For every example in the text, there is an associated classroom example problem similar to the example problem. Answers to the classroom example problems are furnished in the Complete Solutions Manual but not in the Student’s Edition. These classroom examples provide an excellent source of an additional problem to further the understanding of the example presented. • Chapter summaries: Chapter Summaries have taken on an entirely new look. The summaries are presented in a grid fashion by objectives. Each row contains the objective, pertinent information summarizing that objective, and an example problem with solution for that objective. • Objectives. Each section begins with a numbered list of objectives for that section. Then in the Problem Set following that section, groups of problems are 209 identified by section objections. FEATURES • A Chapter test appears at the end of each chapter to give students ample opportunity to prepare for their exams. • Cumulative Review Problem Sets appear at the ends of Chapter 2-8 to ensure that students retain the concepts of earlier chapters. • Problems called “Thoughts into Words” are included in all problems sets except the review exercises. These problems are designed to encourage students to express, in written form, their thoughts about various mathematical ideas. • Problem solving is an integral part of this text, as is recommended by the standards produced by NCTM and AMATYC. With problem solving as its focus, Chapter 1 pulls together and expands on a variety of approaches to solving equations and inequalities. Polya’s four-phase plans is used as a basis for developing various problem solving strategies. Applications of radical equations are a part of Section 1.5, and applications of slope are in Section 2.3. Functions are introduced in Chapter 3 and are immediately used to solve problems. Exponential and logarithmic functions become problem-solving tools in Chapter 5. Systems of equations provide more problem solving power in Chapter 6. Problem solving is the unifying theme of Chapter 9. • The Enhanced WebAssign component will include approximately 2500 homework questions and a YouBook. CONTENTS 0. SOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA: A REVIEW. Some Basic Ideas. Exponents. Polynomials. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. Radicals. Relationship Between Exponents and Roots. Complex Numbers. Chapter 0 Summary. Chapter 0 Review Problem Set. Chapter 0 Test. 1. EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES, AND PROBLEM SOLVING. Linear Equations and Problem Solving. More Equations and Applications. Quadratic Equations. Applications of Linear and Quadratic Equations. Miscellaneous Equations. Inequalities. Quadratic and Rational Inequalities. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities. Chapter 1 Summary. Chapter 1 Review Problem Set. Chapter 1 Test. 2. COORDINATE GEOMETRY AND GRAPHING TECHNIQUES. Coordinate Geometry. Graphing Techniques: Linear Equations and Inequalities. Determining the Equation of a Li ne. More on Graphing. Circles, Ellipses, and Hyperbolas. Chapter 1 Summary. Chapter 1 Review Problem Set. Chapter 1 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-2). 3. FUNCTIONS. Concept of a Function. Linear Functions and Applications. Quadratic Equations. Transformations of Some Basic Curves. Combining Functions. Direct and Inverse Variation. Chapter 3 Summary. Chapter 3 Review Problem Set. Chapter 3 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-3). 4. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Dividing Polynomials and Synthetic Division. Remainder and factor Theorems. Polynomial Equations. Graphing Polynomial Functions. Graphing Rational Functions. More on Graphing Rational Functions. Chapter 4 Summary. Chapter 4 Review Problem Set. Chapter 4 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-4). 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponents and Exponential Functions. Applications of Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions. Logarithms. Logarithmic Functions. Exponential Equations, Logarithmic Equations, and Problem Solving. Chapter 5 Summary. Chapter 5 Review Problem Set. Chapter 5 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-5). 6. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS. Systems of Two Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Three Linear Equations in Three Variables. Matrix Approach to Solving Linear Systems. Determinants. Cramer’s Rule. Partial Fractions. Chapter 6 Summary. Chapter 6 Review Problem Set. Chapter 6 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-6). 7. ALGEBRA OF MATRICES. Algebra of 2 × 2 Matrices. Multiplicative Inverses. m x n Matrices. Systems of Linear Inequalities: Linear Programming. Chapter 7 Summary. Chapter 7 Review Problem Set. Chapter 7 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-7). 8. CONIC SECTIONS. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Systems Involving Nonlinear Equations. Chapter 8 Summary. Chapter 8 Review Problem Set. Chapter 8 Test. Cumulative Review Problem Set (Chapters 0-8). 9. SEQUENCES AND MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Another Look at Problem Solving. Mathematical Induction. Chapter 9 Summary. Chapter 9 Review Problem Set. Chapter 9 Test. © 2013, 800pp, Paperback, 9781111990480 210 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 6E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach Do your students attempt to memorize facts and mimic examples to make it through algebra? James Stewart, author of the worldwide, best-selling calculus texts, saw this scenario time and again in his classes. So, along with longtime coauthors Lothar Redlin and Saleem Watson, he wrote COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 6E, International Edition specifically to help students learn to think mathematically and to develop genuine problemsolving skills. Comprehensive and evenly-paced, the text has helped hundreds of thousands of students. Incorporating technology, real-world applications, and additional useful pedagogy, the sixth edition promises to help more students than ever build conceptual understanding and a core of fundamental skills. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Early Chapter on Functions. The chapter on Functions now appears earlier in the book—moving from Chapter 3 to Chapter 2. The review material (in Chapters P and 1) has been streamlined and rewritten, allowing Instructors to more quickly get to the key part of the course—functions. • Diagnostic Test. A diagnostic test, designed to test preparedness for college algebra, is available at the beginning of the book. This allows Instructors to more easily determine if their students are ready for the material they will encounter in college algebra or if they should review some basic algebra skills. As a result instructors can better schedule and organize their lecture topics. • Exercises. More than 30% of the exercises are new. This includes new Concept Exercises and new Skills exercises. Updated exercises provide more relevant material that will engage students. Concept and Skill exercises will improve their students’ ability to handle application problems and allow instructors to spend more time on more interesting applied problems. • Book Companion Website. A new website, www., contains Discovery Projects for each chapter and Focus on Problem Solving sections that highlight different problem-solving principles outlined in the Prologue. Instructors can direct students to this additional source for learning problem solving skills. • Chapter P Preliminaries. This chapter now contains a section on basic equations, including linear equations and power equations. Instructors have available to them important review material which ultimately will help in their students’ greater understanding of graphing functions. • Chapter 1 Equations and Graphs. This is a new chapter that includes an introduction to the coordinate plane and graphs of equations (in two variables), as well as the material on solving equations. Including these topics in one chapter highlights the relationship between algebraic and graphical solutions of equations. Instructors will now have more book support in explaining the relationship between data and its graphical representation and the algebraic representation of that data. FEATURES • The Get Ready feature at the beginning of a section lets students know which previous sections they need to have mastered before starting the section. • Concept exercises, in addition to drill/skill exercises, vary from easy to difficult and help ensure that students are truly grasping the algebraic theories. • Practice What You’ve Learned features at the end of each example directs students to a similar problem in the exercises, allowing them to immediately reinforce the concept just covered. • Cumulative Reviews appear after select groups of chapters and help students gauge their progress and gain experience in taking tests that cover a broad range of concepts and skills. CONTENTS Preface. To the Student. Are You Ready for College Algebra? Prologue: Principles of Problem Solving. P. 211 PREREQUISITES. Modeling the Real World with Algebra. The Real Numbers. Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Factoring. Rational Expressions. Solving Basic Equations. Chapter P Review. Chapter P Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Making the Best Decisions. 1. EQUATIONS AND GRAPHS. The Coordinate Plane. Graphs of Equations in Two Variables; Circles. Lines. Solving Equations Graphically. Modeling with Equations. Solving Quadratic Equations. Solving Other Types of Equations. Solving Inequalities. Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities. Chapter 1 Review. Chapter 1 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting Lines to Data. 2. FUNCTIONS. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Average Rate of Change of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Modeling with Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs. Dividing Polynomials. Real Zeros of Polynomials. Complex Numbers. Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. Modeling Variation. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 3 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Chapter 4 Review. Chapter 4 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 2, 3, and 4. FOCUS ON MODELING: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. 5. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Partial Fractions. Systems of Nonlinear Equations. Systems of Inequalities. Chapter 5 Review. Chapter 5 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Linear Programming. 6. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations. The Algebra of Matrices. Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations. Determinants and Cramer’s Rules. Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Computer Graphics. 7. CONIC SECTIONS. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Chapter 7 Review. Chapter 7 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 5, 6, and 7. FOCUS ON MODELING: Conics in Architecture. 8. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematics of Finance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Chapter 8 Review. Chapter 8 Test. FOCUS ON MODELING: Modeling with Recursive Sequences. 9. PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS. Counting. Probability. Binomial Probability. Expected Value. Chapter 9 Review. Chapter 9 Test. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 8 and 9. FOCUS ON MODELING: The Monte Carlo Method. APPENDIX A: Calculations and Calculations. APPENDIX B: Graphing with a Graphing Calculator. APPENDIX C: Using the TI-83/84 Graphing Calculator. © 2013, 784pp, Paperback, 9781111990305 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 9E, International Edition is known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts to prepare students for further study in mathematics. With the ninth edition, Larson continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. “How Do You See It?” exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new “Summarize” features, “Checkpoint” problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. 212 NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh chapter openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative “Summarize” features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented “How Do You See It?” exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original “Checkpoint” problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced “Exercise Sets” deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded “Section Objectives” offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute homework support through, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • “Side-by-Side Examples” help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Special Products. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. EQUATIONS, INEQUALITIES, AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in One Variable. Modeling with Linear Equations. Quadratic Equations and Applications. Complex Numbers. Other Types of Equations. Linear Inequalities in One Variable. Other Types of Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters P-2. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND CONICS. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Conics. Translations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 3-5. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. TwoVariable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem 213 Solving. 8. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 6-8. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A: ERRORS AND THE ALGEBRA OF CALCULUS. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (WEB). Representing Data. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 624pp, Paperback, 9781133959700 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 11E R. David Gustafson, Rock Valley College (Emeritus); Jeff Hughes, Hinds Community College Clearly written and comprehensive, Gustafson and Hughes’ popular book, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 11E, International Edition provides in-depth and precise coverage, incorporated into a framework of tested teaching strategy. The authors combine carefully selected pedagogical features and patient explanations to give students a book that preserves the integrity of mathematics, yet does not discourage them with material that is confusing or too rigorous. Long respected for its ability to help students quickly master difficult problems, this book also helps them develop the skills they’ll need in future courses and in everyday life. Retaining the mathematical precision instructors have come to expect, the authors have focused on making this new edition more modern to better illustrate to students the importance of math in their world. NEW TO THIS EDITION • STRATEGY BOXES: To enable students to build on their mathematical reasoning and approach problems with confidence, Strategy boxes offer problem-solving techniques and steps at appropriate points in the material. • CAUTION BOXES: Caution boxes appear throughout the text to alert students to common errors and misunderstandings, and reinforce correct mathematics. • NOW TRY EXERCISES: A reference to a Now Try exercise follows all Examples and Self Check problems, providing students an additional opportunity to assess their understanding of the concept related to each worked example. These references also show students a correspondence between the examples in the book and the exercise sets. • TITLED EXAMPLES: Descriptive titles have been added to clearly identify the topic and purpose of each example. • DESIGN: Color is used to highlight and differentiate definition boxes, property and theorem boxes, and strategy boxes—helping to categorize information for students and making it easier to absorb and remember. FEATURES • STUDENT-FRIENDLY WRITING STYLE: Clear, concise, and friendly exposition helps to alleviate student anxiety about reading a mathematics textbook. The writing is informal yet accurate. Students and instructors alike should find the reading both interesting and inviting. • CAREERS IN MATHEMATICS CHAPTER OPENERS: To encourage students to explore careers that use mathematics and make a connection between math and real life, each chapter opens with Careers in Mathematics. New, exciting careers are showcased in this edition. Featuring information taken primarily from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, these snapshots include information on how professionals use math in their work and who employs them. A web address is provided, allowing students to learn more about the career. • SECTION OPENERS: To pique interest and motivate students to read the material, each section begins with a contemporary photo and a real-life application that will appeal to students of varied interests. • NUMBERED OBJECTIVES: Numbered learning 214 objectives, which are listed at the beginning of each section and appear as subheadings in the section, keep students focused. • EXAMPLE STRUCTURE: To help students gain a deeper understanding of how to solve each problem, solutions to examples begin with a stated approach. The examples are engaging, and step-by-step solutions with annotations are provided. CONTENTS 0. A REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA. Sets of Real Numbers. Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation. Rational Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 1. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations and Rational Equations. Applications of Linear Equations. Quadratic Equations. Applications of Quadratic Equations. Complex Numbers. Polynomial and Radical Equations. Inequalities. Absolute Value. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 2. THE RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM AND GRAPHS OF EQUATIONS. The Rectangular Coordinate System. The Slope of a Nonvertical Line. Writing Equations of Lines. Graphs of Equations. Proportion and Variation. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 3. FUNCTIONS. Functions and Function Notation. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial and Other Functions. Transformation of Functions. Rational Functions. Operations on Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Applications of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Applications of Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 5. SOLVING POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS. The Remainder and Factor Theorems; Synthetic Division. Descartes’ Rule of Signs and Bounds on Roots. Roots of Polynomial Equations. Approximating Irrational Roots of Polynomial Equations. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 6. LINEAR SYSTEMS. Systems of Linear Equations. Gaussian Elimination and Matrix Methods. Matrix Algebra. Matrix Inversion. Determinants. Partial Fractions. Graphs of Linear Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 7. CONIC SECTIONS AND QUADRATIC SYSTEMS. The Circle and the Parabola. The Ellipse. The Hyperbola. Solving Problems Using Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. 8. NATURAL NUMBER FUNCTIONS AND PROBABILITY. The Binomial Theorem. Sequences, Series, and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematical Induction. Permutations and Combinations. Probability. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. 9. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE (online). Interest. Annuities and Future Value. Present Value of an Annuity; Amortization. Linear Programming. Chapter Review. Chapter Test. Cumulative Review Exercises. Appendix I: A PROOF OF THE BINOMIAL THEOREM. Appendix II: TABLES. Powers and Roots. Base-10 Logarithms. Base-e Logarithms. Appendix III: ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES (in Student Edition only). © 2013, 848pp, Paperback, 9781133103509 FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE, 5E A Modeling Approach to College Algebra Bruce Crauder, Oklahoma State University; Benny Evans, Oklahoma State University; Alan Noell, Oklahoma State University FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE: A MODELING APPROACH TO COLLEGE ALGEBRA, Fifth Edition is optimal for both non-traditional and terminal students taking college algebra and those who may continue onto calculus. The authors’ incorporate graphing utilities, functions, modeling, real data, applications and projects to develop skills, giving students the practice they need to not only master basic mathematics but apply it in future courses and careers. With a streamlined presentation, fresh design and added features such as “Test Your Understanding”, the fifth edition reinforces the authors’ focus on connecting math in the real world with added applications in business and social sciences, promotes mastery of the material and fosters critical thinking. Enhanced WebAssign now features increased 215 exercise coverage, personalized study plans, lecture videos and more that make it easier to get started with online homework. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh design with additional color and photographs enhances the clarity and appeal of the exposition. • Streamlined and updated layout allows for a greater focus on the topics and presentations that work so well in the classroom. • Up-to-the-minute real-data invigorates the exercise sets and connects to the real-world. • New! Test Your Understanding feature follows examples in the text and challenges students to solve similar problems. Answers are provided to reinforce correct work. • New! Solving Inequalities section in Chapter 2 expands upon the fundamental ideas of solving equations by the method of crossing graphs. • New! Constant Percentage Change section in Chapter 4 allows for additional discussion and for students to master its importance in applications of exponential functions. • Additional business and social sciences applications strengthen the authors’ commitment to showing students the importance of mathematics in the world around them. • Trimmed Algebraic Look sections are either grouped together at the end of chapters or placed in the appendix. Teachers may decide which of these materials they wish to use. • Reorganized Skill exercises are now located at the end of the major exercises to emphasis the importance of the major exercises and the many applications they contain. • Revised treatment of topics eliminates the use of the logarithm in exponential regression and power regression; and quadratics, higher-degree polynomials, and rational functions is now in one section. Rates of Change with Formulas. A Further Look: Areas Associated with Graphs. 2. GRAPHICAL AND TABULAR ANALYSIS. Table and Trends. Graphs. Solving Linear Equations. Solving Nonlinear Equations. Inequalities. Optimization. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Limits. A Further Look: Shifting and Stretching. A Further Look: Optimizing with Parabolas. 3. STRAIGHT LINES AND LINEAR FUNCTIONS. The Geometry of Lines. Linear Functions. Modeling Data with Linear Functions. Linear Regression. Systems of Equations. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. A Further Look: Secant Lines. 4. EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS. Exponential Growth and Decay. Constant Percentage Change. Modeling Exponential Data. Modeling Nearly Exponential Data. Logarithmic Functions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Solving Exponential Equations. 5. A SURVEY OF OTHER COMMON FUNCTIONS. Logistic Functions. Power Functions. Modeling Data with Power Functions. Combining and Decomposing Functions. Polynomials and Rational Functions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Fitting Logistic Data using Rates of Change. A Further Look: Factoring Polynomials, Behavior at Infinity. 6. RATES OF CHANGE. Velocity. Rates of Change for Other Functions. Estimating Rates of Change. Equations of Change: Linear and Exponential Functions. Equations of Change: Graphical Solutions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. APPENDIX. A.1 Order of Operations. A.2 Definition of a Function. A.3 Geometric Constructions. A.4 Inverse Function. A.5: Solving Equations by Factoring. A.6 Equations of Lines. A.7 Elementary Properties of Exponents. A.8 Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers. BRIEF ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES. © 2014, 560pp, Hardback, 9781133365556 CONTENTS Prologue: Calculator Arithmetic. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. 1. FUNCTIONS. Functions Given by Formulas. Functions Given by Tables. Functions Given by Graphs. Functions Given by Words. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Average 216 FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE, 5E College Algebra, International Edition Bruce Crauder, Oklahoma State University; Benny Evans, Oklahoma State University; Alan Noell, Oklahoma State University FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE: A MODELING APPROACH TO COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 5E, International Edition is optimal for both non-traditional and terminal students taking college algebra and those who may continue onto calculus. The authors’ incorporate graphing utilities, functions, modeling, real data, applications and projects to develop skills, giving students the practice they need to not only master basic mathematics but apply it in future courses and careers. With a streamlined presentation, fresh design and added features such as “Test Your Understanding”, the fifth edition reinforces the authors’ focus on connecting math in the real world with added applications in business and social sciences, promotes mastery of the material and fosters critical thinking. Enhanced WebAssign now features increased exercise coverage, personalized study plans, lecture videos and more that make it easier to get started with online homework. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh design with additional color and photographs enhances the clarity and appeal of the exposition. • Streamlined and updated layout allows for a greater focus on the topics and presentations that work so well in the classroom. • Up-to-the-minute real-data invigorates the exercise sets and connects to the real-world. • New! Test Your Understanding feature follows examples in the text and challenges students to solve similar problems. Answers are provided to reinforce correct work. • New! Solving Inequalities section in Chapter 2 expands upon the fundamental ideas of solving equations by the method of crossing graphs. • New! Constant Percentage Change section in Chapter 4 allows for additional discussion and for students to master its importance in applications of exponential functions. • Additional business and social sciences applications strengthen the authors’ commitment to showing students the importance of mathematics in the world around them. • Trimmed Algebraic Look sections are either grouped together at the end of chapters or placed in the appendix. Teachers may decide which of these materials they wish to use. • Reorganized Skill exercises are now located at the end of the major exercises to emphasize the importance of the major exercises and the many applications they contain. • Revised treatment of topics eliminates the use of the logarithm in exponential regression and power regression; and quadratics, higher-degree polynomials, and rational functions is now in one section. CONTENTS Prologue: Calculator Arithmetic. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. 1. FUNCTIONS. Functions Given by Formulas. Functions Given by Tables. Functions Given by Graphs. Functions Given by Words. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Average Rates of Change with Formulas. A Further Look: Areas Associated with Graphs. 2. GRAPHICAL AND TABULAR ANALYSIS. Table and Trends. Graphs. Solving Linear Equations. Solving Nonlinear Equations. Inequalities. Optimization. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Limits. A Further Look: Shifting and Stretching. A Further Look: Optimizing with Parabolas. 3. STRAIGHT LINES AND LINEAR FUNCTIONS. The Geometry of Lines. Linear Functions. Modeling Data with Linear Functions. Linear Regression. Systems of Equations. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. A Further Look: Secant Lines. 4. EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS. Exponential Growth and Decay. Constant Percentage Change. Modeling Exponential Data. Modeling Nearly Exponential Data. Logarithmic Functions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Solving Exponential Equations. 5. A SURVEY OF OTHER COMMON FUNCTIONS. Logistic Functions. Power 217 Functions. Modeling Data with Power Functions. Combining and Decomposing Functions. Polynomials and Rational Functions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. A Further Look: Fitting Logistic Data using Rates of Change. A Further Look: Factoring Polynomials, Behavior at Infinity. 6. RATES OF CHANGE. Velocity. Rates of Change for Other Functions. Estimating Rates of Change. Equations of Change: Linear and Exponential Functions. Equations of Change: Graphical Solutions. Summary. Chapter Review Exercises. APPENDIX. A.1 Order of Operations. A.2 Definition of a Function. A.3 Geometric Constructions. A.4 Inverse Function. A.5: Solving Equations by Factoring. A.6 Equations of Lines. A.7 Elementary Properties of Exponents. A.8 Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers. BRIEF ANSWERS TO SELECTED EXERCISES. © 2014, 560pp, Paperback, 9781133365594 AP/HS Edition PRECALCULUS, 6E Mathematics for Calculus High School Edition Level 1 James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach © 2012, 1104pp, Hardback, 9781111428747 PRECALCULUS A Make It Real Approach, International Edition Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College ; Scott L. Adamson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College; Trey Cox, ChandlerGilbert Community College; Alan E. O’Bryan, Arizona State University This new text provides a contemporary approach to college algebra, ideal for the many skeptical or apprehensive students who ask, “When am I ever going to use this?” The key phrase is “Make It Real” since the goal is to make the material relevant and understandable to today’s college students. But many books make this claim—so how is PRECALCULUS: A MAKE IT REAL APPROACH, International Edition different? In other texts, which simply wrap realworld situations around problems, the context isn’t needed to do the mathematics. Written by skilled and passionate teachers, this text uses real-world data sets and situations to draw out mathematical concepts. Students are immersed in familiar contexts—from golf course ratings to Egyptian pyramids—from which concepts emerge naturally, and then guided in using their understanding of those ideas to make sense of the mathematics. The real-world contexts are not only helpful for understanding procedures—they’re necessary. The concept of a function, the use of modeling, and the thorough integration of real-world applications are integral to the text. If there’s one new precalculus text crafted to stand up to a “reality check” comparison with your current book, this is it. FEATURES • Explanations and Examples: A conversational tone and detailed explanations make the math come alive for students. Intriguing, relevant photographs and carefully rendered graphics pique students’ interest and capture their attention. Meaningful real world contexts inform students about the world 218 and motivate them to investigate mathematical concepts. Familiarity with these contexts, from which ideas emerge intuitively, are not only helpful for comprehending procedures—they’re necessary. One student commented, “It’s like having the teacher standing over my shoulder explaining things to me.” • Variety of Homework Exercises: The overarching philosophy of developing students’ mathematical reasoning and persistent problem solving is evident throughout the homework exercises, which are divided into four sections: Concepts and Skills (for practicing procedures and demonstrating a basic understanding of key concepts), Show You Know (requiring written explanations of big ideas), Make It Real (real world contexts that help students understand the world and make connections between mathematics and their lives), and Stretch Your Mind (requiring deep thought, creativity, and persistence). • Study Sheets: The end-of-chapter Study Sheets present a series of questions focused on the big ideas of the chapter. As students reflect upon these questions, they solidify their understanding of the key mathematical concepts. The Study Sheets are an ideal chapter review activity to help students prepare for the end-of-chapter exam. • Review Exercises: End-of-chapter review exercises al low students to refine their conceptual understanding and mathematical expertise. Grouped by section number, these exercises make it easy to focus on particular areas of study. • Distinctive Treatment of Modeling and Graphs: In keeping with the book’s approach, the authors promote student comprehension by presenting modeling and graphs in familiar contextual situations; that is, models and graphs describe the underlying behavior that is embedded into the context. Modeling and graphs are used extensively; for instance, Section 6.2 on Exponential Function Modeling and Graphs features nine examples, all of which include a real world context. • Unique Make It Real Projects: These end-of-chapter projects allow students to apply the concepts learned in the chapter to data collected from an area of personal interest. By allowing students to focus on a real world context of their choosing, their motivation and interest in doing the mathematics increases. Additionally, the Make It Real Projects provide learners another avenue for developing mathematical reasoning and persistent problem solving as they make sense of the mathematical ideas. CONTENTS 1. MATHEMATICAL MODELING, FUNCTIONS, AND CHANGE. Mathematical Modeling. Functions and Function Notation. Functions Represented by Tables and Formulas. Functions Represented by Graphs. Functions Represented by Words. Preview to Inverse Functions. Chapter 1 Review. 2. LINEAR FUNCTIONS. Functions with Constant Rates of Change. Modeling with Linear Functions. Linear Regression. Systems of Linear Equations. Systems of Linear Inequalities. Chapter 2 Review. 3. TRANSFORMATIONS AND FUNCTIONS. Horizontal and Vertical Shifts. Horizontal and Vertical Reflections. Vertical Stretches and Reflections. Horizontal Stretches and Compressions. Chapter 3 Review. 4. QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS. Variable Rates of Change. Modeling with Quadratic Functions. Quadratic Functions, Graphs, and Forms. Chapter 4 Review. 5. POLYNOMIAL, POWER, AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Higher-Order Polynomial Function Modeling. Power Functions. Rational Functions. Chapter 5 Review. 6. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Percentage Change. Exponential Function Modeling and Graphs. Compound Interest and Continuous Growth. Solving Logarithmic and Exponential Equations. Logarithmic Function Modeling. Chapter 6 Review. 7. MODELING WITH OTHER TYPES OF FUNCTIONS. Combinations of Functions. Piecewise Functions. Composition of Functions. Logistic Functions. Choosing a Mathematical Model. Chapter 7 Review. 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Periodic Functions. Angle Measure (Degrees and Radians). The Unit Circle and Trigonometric Functions. Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions. Modeling with Trigonometric Functions. Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Chapter 8 Review. 9. TRIANGLE TRIGONOMETRY AND APPLICATIONS. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Law of Cosines. Law of Sines. Polar Coordinates. Vectors. Chapter 9 Review. 10. TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Law of Cosines. Law of Sines. Chapter 10 Review. 11. CONIC SECTIONS. Slices of a Cone. Ellipses and Circles. Parabolas. Hyperbolas. Chapter 11 Review. 12. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Sequences. Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences. Series. Chapter 12 Review. © 2013, 944pp, Paperback, 9781111988289 219 PRECALCULUS, 12E Functions and Graphs, International Edition Earl Swokowski, late of Marquette University; Jeffery Cole, AnokaRamsey Community College The latest edition of Swokowski and Cole’s PRECALCULUS: FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS, 12e, International Edition retains the elements that have made it so popular with instructors and students alike: clear exposition, an appealing and uncluttered layout, and applications-rich exercise sets. The excellent, timetested problems have been widely praised for their consistency and their appropriate level of difficulty for precalculus students. The book also provides calculator examples, including specific keystrokes that show students how to use various graphing calculators to solve problems more quickly. The Twelfth Edition features updated topical references and data, and continues to be supported by outstanding technology resources. Mathematically sound, this book effectively prepares students for further courses in mathematics. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New Chapter Tests at the end of each chapter provide an additional source of exam questions and great practice for students. The new items include straightforward questions based on exercises in the sections as well as questions that require students to stretch their thinking a bit and expand their use of the basic concepts. • Arrow notation is introduced earlier (Section 2.2) and revisited more often in this edition, bolstering precalculus content to more effectively prepare students for calculus topics. • Approximately 20% of the exercises are new or revised, including many featuring updated real data and new applications. • New Examples illustrate numerous topics: find the inverse of a rational function (Section 4.1, with the method for checking presented in a marginal note); predict a quantity using the decay formula (Section 4.3); how to show that an equation is not an identity (Section 6.1); use the subtraction formula for the cosine to find an exact value when given an exact trigonometric value and the sign of another trigonometric function (Section 6.3); and how to find double angle values of other trigonometric functions given that the tangent of an angle is a constant (Section 6.4). • Other new examples: solve a polynomial equation by using the theorem on nth roots (Section 7.6); substitute to aid in solving a system of equations (Section 8.2); find terms of a sequence that is recursively defined in terms of two preceding terms (Section 9.1); given two terms of an arithmetic sequence, find another term using a new formula (Section 9.2); given two terms of a geometric sequence, find another term using a new formula (Section 9.3); and graph a system of inequalities using parametric equations (Section 10.4). FEATURES • Exclusively from Cengage Learning, Enhanced WebAssign® offers an extensive online program for this text to encourage the practice that’s critical for concept mastery. • Many exercises have online tutorials associated with them. These exercises are easily identified in the text with icons, making it simple for students to get extra practice as needed. The exercises are also assignable through Enhanced WebAssign®. • Each concept is explained with great care, including step-by-step comments in the solutions of the examples. Graphs, figures, charts, and tables help students interpret graphical data, and accompany many examples. • The text provides many topical examples showing how mathematical concepts have real-life applications. • Each exercise set begins with drill problems and then progresses to more challenging problems. Some exercises ask students to produce and examine a table of values as an aid to solve a problem. Others ask students to interpret some aspect of a given table of values. Many involve graphical solutions. CONTENTS Each chapter ends with Review Exercises, Discussion Exercises, and a Chapter Test. 1. TOPICS FROM ALGEBRA. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. 220 Algebraic Expressions. Equations. Complex Numbers. Inequalities. 2. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinate Systems. Graphs of Equations. Lines. Definition of Function. Graphs of Functions. Quadratic Functions. Operations on Functions. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Polynomial Functions of Degree Greater Than 2. Properties of Division. Zeros of Polynomials. Complex and Rational Zeros of Polynomials. Rational Functions. Variation. 4. INVERSE, EXPONENTIAL, AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Values of the Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Graphs. Additional Trigonometric Graphs. Applied Problems. 6. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Trigonometric Equations. The Additions and Subtraction of Formulas. Multiple-Angle Formulas. Product-To-Sum and SumTo-Product Formulas. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions. 7. APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Vectors. The Dot Product. Trigonometric Form for Complex Numbers. De Moivre’s Theorem and nth Roots of Complex Numbers. 8. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Systems of Linear Equations in More Than Two Variables. The Algebra of Matrices. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Properties of Determinants. Partial Fractions. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Infinite Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Permutations. Distinguishable Permutations and Combinations. Probability. 10. TOPICS FROM ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations of Conics. Appendix I: Common Graphs and Their Equations. Appendix II: A Summary of Graph Transformations. Appendix III: Graphs of the Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses. Appendix IV: Values of the Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles on a Unit Circle. © 2012, 912pp, Paperback, 9780840068903 PRECALCULUS, 6E Real Mathematics, Real People, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College PRECALCULUS: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6e, International Edition is an ideal student and instructor resource for courses that require the use of a graphing calculator. The quality and quantity of the exercises, combined with interesting applications and innovative resources, make teaching easier and help students succeed. Retaining the series’ emphasis on student support, selected examples throughout the text include notations directing students to previous sections to review concepts and skills needed to master the material at hand. The book also achieves accessibility through careful writing and design—including examples with detailed solutions that begin and end on the same page, which maximizes readability. Similarly, side-byside solutions show algebraic, graphical, and numerical representations of the mathematics and support a variety of learning styles. Reflecting its new subtitle, this significant revision focuses more than ever on showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives and future careers. NEW TO THIS EDITION • With the extensive revision to create the Sixth Edition, this book’s original subtitle, “A Graphing Approach,” no longer represents the text’s essence (although the graphing calculator is still required). The author’s changes and the new title, “PRECALCULUS: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, International Edition ,” address a primary need in education today— relevance. The mathematics in this text is both real and relevant, and the people introduced are either already in or preparing for careers in which they will use mathematics. • New Chapter Openers highlight real modeling data 221 problems, each showing a graph of the data, a section reference, and a short description of the data. • A new Explore the Concept feature engages students in active discovery of mathematical concepts, strengthens critical thinking skills, and helps build intuition. • A new What’s Wrong? feature points out common errors made using graphing utilities. • A new Vocabulary and Concept Check appears at the beginning of the exercise set for each section. Each of these checks asks fill-in-the-blank, matching, and noncomputational questions designed to help students learn mathematical terminology and to test basic understanding of that section’s concepts. • The section exercises are now grouped into four categories: Vocabulary and Concept Check, Procedures and Problem Solving, Conclusions, and Cumulative Mixed Review. Many of the exercises are titled for easy reference. • New Algebraic-Graphical-Numerical Exercises allow students to solve a problem using multiple approaches. This helps students see that a problem can be solved in more than one way—and that different methods yield the same result. • New Modeling Data Exercises are multi-part applications that involve real-life data, offering students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models. • New Capstone Exercises, one per section, are conceptual problems that synthesize key topics and provide students with a better understanding of the concepts in a section. These exercise are excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • To facilitate familiarity with the basic functions, the book retains its compilation of several elementary and non-elementary functions in a Library of Parent Functions. As in the previous edition, each function is introduced at the first point of use in the text with a definition and description of basic characteristics. New to this edition are Library of Parent Functions Examples, which are identified in the title of the example, and the Review of Library of Parent Functions after Chapter 4. A summary of the functions appears on the inside cover of the text. CONTENTS Each chapter concludes with a summary, review exercises, a chapter test, and proofs in mathematics. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Introduction to Library of Functions. Lines in the Plane. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Shifting, Reflecting, and Stretching Graphs. Combinations of Functions. Inverse Functions. Linear Models and Scatter Plots. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Complex Numbers. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Quadratic Models. Progressive Summary (Chapters 1 and 2). 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Nonlinear Models. Cumulative Test: Chapters 1–3. Progressive Summary (Chapters 1–3). 4. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Library of Parent Functions Review. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Cumulative Test: Chapters 4–6. Progressive Summary (Chapters 1–6). 7. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MATRICES. Solving Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Multivariable Linear Systems. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 8. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. 9. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Circles and Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas and Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. 222 Cumulative Test: Chapters 7–9. Progressive Summary (Chapters 3–9). 10. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY IN THREE DIMENSIONS. The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System. Vectors in Space. The Cross Product of Two Vectors. Lines and Planes in Space. APPENDIX A: TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT GUIDE. APPENDIX B: REVIEW OF GRAPHS, EQUATIONS, AND INEQUALITIES (WEB ONLY). The Cartesian Plane. Graphs of Equations. Solving Equations Algebraically and Graphically. Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically. Representing Data Graphically. APPENDIX C: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (WEB ONLY). Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. APPENDIX D: VARIATION (WEB ONLY). APPENDIX E: SOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES (WEB ONLY). APPENDIX F: SYSTEMS OF INEQUALITIES (WEB ONLY). Solving Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. APPENDIX G: MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION (WEB ONLY). © 2012, 896pp, Paperback, 9781111572419 PRECALCULUS, 3E A Concise Course, International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s PRECALCULUS: A CONCISE COURSE, 3E, International Edition is known for delivering the same sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts as his marketleading PRECALCULUS, 9E, International Edition. In PRECALCULUS: A CONCISE COURSE, 3E, International Edition, the author offers instructors a streamlined presentation to precalculus that is a perfect onesemester alternative to traditional textbooks. With the third edition, Larson continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new summarize features, checkpoint problems, and a companion website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh Chapter Openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative Summarize Features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented How Do You See It? Exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced Exercise Sets deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded Section Objectives offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched Remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute homework support through, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • Side-By-Side Examples help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also 223 how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A: A REVIEW OF FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA (WEB). Real Numbers and Their Properties. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Factoring. Rational Expressions. Solving Equations. Linear Inequalities in One Variable. Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (WEB). Representing Data. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 592pp, Paperback, 9781285051314 PRECALCULUS, 6E Mathematics for Calculus, International Edition James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach This best selling author team explains concepts simply and clearly, without glossing over difficult points. Problem solving and mathematical modeling are introduced early and reinforced throughout, providing students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking. Comprehensive and evenly paced, the book provides complete coverage of the function concept, and integrates a significant amount of graphing calculator material to help students develop insight into mathematical ideas. The authors’ attention to detail and clarity, the same as found in James Stewart’s market-leading Calculus text, is what makes this text the market leader. NEW TO THIS EDITION • More than 20% of the exercises in the text are new. In addition, each exercise set has been restructured to begin with new Concept exercises, and reorganized to more closely follow the exposition in the corresponding section. Cummulative Review Tests, which follow chapters 4, 7, 9, 11, and 13, are new to this edition as well. 224 • The section entitled “Principles of Problem Solving” is now a Prologue to the book. Problem Solving sections, each highlighting a particular problem solving principle, are now posted on the Book Companion Website. • Discovery Projects, which encourage and motivate students to further explore chapter topics, are now available on the Book Companion Website. • All examples in the book are now paired with a new Now Try Exercise, allowing students to reinforce their understanding of a concept by practicing the technique that is involved. This integration also teaches and encourages students to solve rather than just memorize. • Chapter 2 has been completely rewritten to focus more sharply on the fundamental and crucial concept of function. The material on quadratic functions, formerly in this chapter, is now part of the chapter on polynomial functions. • Chapter 3 now begins with a section on quadratic functions, leading to higher degree polynomial functions. • Chapter 5 includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs (Section 5.5) to better segue into the section that follows (on harmonic motion). • Chapter 6 includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and right triangles (Section 6.4), which is needed in applying the Laws of Sines and Cosines in the following section, as well as for solving trigonometric equations in Chapter 7. • Chapter 7 has been completely revised, including two new sections on trigonometric equations (Sections 7.4 and 7.5) that expand coverage of this topic. • Chapter 8 is completely revised, and now features a sharper focus on the concept of coordinate systems and a new section on parametric equations. CONTENTS Prologue: Principles of Problem Solving. 1. FUNDAMENTALS. Chapter Overview. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Fractional Expressions. Equations. Modeling with Equations. Inequalities. Coordinate Geometry. Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically. Lines. Modeling Variation. 2. FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. What Is a Function?. Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Average Rate of Change of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 Test. Focus on Modeling: Functions as Models. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs. Dividing Polynomials. Real Zeros of Polynomials. Complex Numbers. Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 3 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Chapter 4 Review. Chapter 4 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 2, 3, and 4. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: UNIT CIRCLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. The Unit Circle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Trigonometric Graphs. More Trigonometric Graphs. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling Harmonic Motion. Chapter 5 Review. Chapter 5 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Sinusoidal Curves to Data. 6. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: RIGHT TRIANGLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. Angle Measure. Trigonometry of Right Triangles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Triangles. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test. Focus on Modeling: Surveying. 7. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Chapter Overview. Trigonometric Identities. Addition and Subtraction Formulas. DoubleAngle, Half-Angle, and Sum-Product Identities. Basic Trigonometric Equations. More Trigonometric Equations. Chapter 7 Review. Chapter 7 Test. Focus on Modeling: Traveling and Standing Waves. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 5, 6, and 7. 8. POLAR COORDINATES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Chapter Overview. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Chapter 8 Review. Chapter 8 Test. Focus on Modeling: The Path of a Projectile. 9. VECTORS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS. Chapter Overview. Vectors in Two Dimensions. The Dot Product. Three –Dimensional Coordinate Geometry. Vectors in 225 Three Dimensions. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Chapter 9 Review. Chapter 9 Test. Focus on Modeling: Vector Fields. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 8 and 9. 10. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Chapter Overview. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices. The Algebra of Matrices. Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule. Partial Fractions. Systems of Non-Linear Equations. Systems of Inequalities. Chapter 10 Review. Chapter 10 Test. Focus on Modeling: Linear Programming. 11. CONIC SECTIONS. Overview. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Rotation of Axes. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter 11 Review. Chapter 11 Test. Focus on Modeling: Conics in Architecture. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 10 and 11. 12. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Chapter Overview. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematics of Finance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Chapter 12 Review. Chapter 12 Test. Focus on Modeling: Difference Equations. 13. LIMITS: A PREVIEW OF CALCULUS. Chapter Overview. Finding Limits Numerically and Graphically. Finding Limits Algebraically. Tangent Lines and Derivatives. Limits at Infinity: Limits of Sequences. Areas. Chapter 13 Review. Chapter 13 Test. APPENDIX: Calculators and Calculations. © 2012, 1008pp, Paperback, 9780840068866 PRECALCULUS, 6E Real Mathematics, Real People, Alternate International Edition Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College PRECALCULUS: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6e, International Edition is an ideal student and instructor resource for courses that require the use of a graphing calculator. The quality and quantity of the exercises, combined with interesting applications and innovative resources, make teaching easier and help students succeed. Retaining the series’ emphasis on student support, selected examples throughout the text include notations directing students to previous sections to review concepts and skills needed to master the material at hand. The book also achieves accessibility through careful writing and design--including examples with detailed solutions that begin and end on the same page, which maximizes readability. Similarly, side-byside solutions show algebraic, graphical, and numerical representations of the mathematics and support a variety of learning styles. Reflecting its new subtitle, this significant revision focuses more than ever on showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives and future careers. NEW TO THIS EDITION • With the extensive revision to create the Sixth Edition, this book’s original subtitle, “A Graphing Approach,” no longer represents the text’s essence (although the graphing calculator is still required). The author’s changes and the new title, “ ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6e, International Edition,” address a primary need in education today--relevance. The mathematics in this text is both real and relevant, and the people introduced are either already in or preparing for careers in which they will use mathematics. • New Chapter Openers highlight real modeling data problems, each showing a graph of the data, a section reference, and a short description of the data. • A new Explore the Concept feature engages students in active discovery of mathematical concepts, strengthens critical thinking skills, and helps build intuition. • A new What’s Wrong? feature points out common errors made using graphing utilities. • A new Vocabulary and Concept Check appears at the beginning of the exercise set for each section. Each of these checks asks fill-in-the-blank, matching, and noncomputational questions designed to help students learn mathematical terminology and to test basic understanding of that section’s concepts. • The section exercises are now grouped into four categories: Vocabulary and Concept Check, 226 Procedures and Problem Solving, Conclusions, and Cumulative Mixed Review. Many of the exercises are titled for easy reference. • New Algebraic-Graphical-Numerical Exercises allow students to solve a problem using multiple approaches. This helps students see that a problem can be solved in more than one way--and that different methods yield the same result. • New Modeling Data Exercises are multi-part applications that involve real-life data, offering students the opportunity to generate and analyze mathematical models. • New Capstone Exercises, one per section, are conceptual problems that synthesize key topics and provide students with a better understanding of the concepts in a section. These exercise are excellent for classroom discussion or test preparation. • To facilitate familiarity with the basic functions, the book retains its compilation of several elementary and non-elementary functions in a Library of Parent Functions. As in the previous edition, each function is introduced at the first point of use in the text with a definition and description of basic characteristics. New to this edition are Library of Parent Functions Examples, which are identified in the title of the example, and the Review of Library of Parent Functions after Chapter 4. A summary of the functions appears on the inside cover of the text. CONTENTS Each chapter concludes with a chapter summary, review exercises, a chapter test, and proofs in mathematics. P. PREREQUISITES. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Factoring. Rational Expressions. The Cartesian Plane. Representing Data Graphically. 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Introduction to Library of Functions. Graphs of Equations. Lines in the Plane. Functions. Graphs of Functions. Shifting, Reflecting, and Stretching Graphs. Combinations of Functions. Inverse Functions. 2. SOLVING EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear Equations and Problem Solving. Solving Equations Graphically. Complex Numbers. Solving Quadratic Equations Algebraically. Solving Other Types of Equations Algebraically. Solving Inequalities Algebraically and Graphically. Linear Models and Scatter Plots. Cumulative Test: Chapters P–2. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–2. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions and Asymptotes. Graphs of Rational Functions. Quadratic Models. Cumulative Test: Chapters 1-3. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Nonlinear Models. Cumulative Test: Chapters 3–4. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–4. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles and Their Measure. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Library of Parent Functions Review. 6. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas. 7. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Cumulative Test: Chapters 5–7. Progressive Summary: Chapters P–7. 8. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MATRICES. Solving Systems of Equations. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Multivariable Linear Systems. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Circles and Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Cumulative Test: Chapters 8–10. Progressive Summary: Ch P–10. APPENDIX A: TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT GUIDE. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (Web only). Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. APPENDIX C: VARIATION (Web only) APPENDIX D: SOLVING LINEAR EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES (Web only). APPENDIX E: SYSTEMS OF INEQUALITIES (Web only). Solving Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. APPENDIX F: MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION (Web only). © 2012, 1008pp, Paperback, 9781111430269 227 PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, 3E, International Edition is known for delivering the same sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts as the market-leading PRECALCULUS, 9E, International Edition with a laser focus on preparing students for calculus. In PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, 3E, International Edition, the author includes a brief algebra review to the core precalculus topics along with coverage of analytic geometry in three dimensions and an introduction to concepts covered in calculus. With the third edition, Larson continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more realworld applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of End-of-Section problems and Chapter Tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh Chapter Openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative Summarize Features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented How Do You See It? Exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced Exercise Sets deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded Section Objectives offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched Remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute homework support through, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • Side-By-Side Examples help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. 228 EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 7-9. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY IN THREE DIMENSIONS. The ThreeDimensional Coordinate System. Vectors in Space. The Cross Product of Two Vectors. Lines and Planes in Space. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. LIMITS AND AN INTRODUCTION TO CALCULUS. Introduction to Limits. Techniques for Evaluating Limits. The Tangent Line Problem. Limits at Infinity and Limits of Sequences. The Area Problem. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A. Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra. A.1 Real Numbers and Their Properties. A.2 Exponents and Radicals. A.3 Polynomials and Factoring. A.4 Rational Expressions. A.5 Solving Equations. A.6 Linear Inequalities in One Variable. A.7 Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B. Concepts in Statistics (web). B.1 Representing Data. B.2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. B.3 Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 1088pp, Paperback, 9781133954606 PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College With the same design and feature sets as the market leading Precalculus, 8/e, this addition to the Larson Precalculus series provides both students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts. Designed for a two-term course, this text contains the features that have made Precalculus a complete solution for 229 both students and instructors: interesting applications, cutting-edge design, and innovative technology combined with an abundance of carefully written exercises. In addition to a brief algebra review and the core precalculus topics, PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, International Edition, covers analytic geometry in three dimensions and introduces concepts covered in calculus. NEW TO THIS EDITION • NEW Cap Stone Exercises – the Cap Stone exercises assesses students understanding of all concepts covered in the section’s material. • NEW detailed Chapter Review – The new edition now includes explanations and/or examples for all learning objectives. This will further promote students’ understanding of the material. • NEW Caution/Warning boxes – The warnings cautions students away from common errors and pitfalls. • NEW Algebra Helps – the author provides appropriate caution boxes, study tips and algebra helps to guide the student through difficult concepts. • Improved Examples (graphical solution side by side with algebraic solution). This is intended to improve the students graphical understanding of algebra. • New/Revised End of section exercises. • Enhanced WebAssign. FEATURES • Side-by-side Example Solutions for select examples include multiple problem solving approaches—such as algebraic, graphical, and numerical—to appeal to a variety of teaching and learning styles. • Checkpoints after each Example/Solution refer students to similar drills in the Section Exercises, allowing students to practice and reinforce the concepts they just learned. Answers to Checkpoints are included at the back of the book. • Vocabulary Checks open every set of Section Exercises. This review of mathematical terms, formulas, and theorems provides regular assessment and reinforcement of students’ understanding of algebraic language and concepts. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test: Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test: Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. 230 Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test: Chapters 7-9. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY IN THREE DIMENSIONS. The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System. Vectors in Space. The Cross Product of Two Vectors. Lines and Planes in Space. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. LIMITS AND AN INTRODUCTION TO CALCULUS. Introduction to Limits. Techniques for Evaluating Limits. The Tangent Line Problem. Limits at Infinity and Limits of Sequences. The Area Problem. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test: Chapters 10-12. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A: REVIEW OF FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA. Real Numbers and Their Properties. Exponents and Radicals. Polynomials and Factoring. Rational Expressions. Solving Equations. Linear Inequalities in One Variable. Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B: CONCEPTS IN STATISTICS (WEB). Representing Data. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. Least Squares Regression. © 2011, 1152pp, Paperback, 9780538735483 PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, LEVEL 4, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College © 2014, 1120pp, Hardback, 9781133962885 PRECALCULUS, ENHANCED WEBASSIGN EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR MATH AND SCIENCE, 1-TERM), 6E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach The market leading textbook in precalculus is now available in a cost-saving paperback format. PRECALCULUS, ENHANCED WEBASSIGN EDITION contains the same sound mathematics found in the authors’ original text, PRECALCULUS: MATHEMATICS FOR CALCULUS, Sixth Edition plus full support of Cengage Learning’s powerful online homework program, Enhanced WebAssign. Each new Enhanced WebAssign Edition features the Start Smart Guide for Students, a simple step-by-step how-to booklet for getting started with online homework. The result is a customized resource that will better prepare students for future courses in mathematics and sciences. In PRECALCULUS: MATHEMATICS FOR CALCULUS, 231 Sixth Edition best-selling authors, James Stewart, Lothar Redlin and Saleem Watson refine their focus on problem solving and mathematical modeling to provide students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking. The author team explains critical concepts simply and clearly, without glossing over difficult points to provide complete coverage of the function concept, and integrates a significant amount of graphing calculator material to help students develop insight into mathematical ideas. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New paperback format gives your students a costsaving choice without sacrificing any of the highquality content you expect from this marketingleading text. • Enhanced WebAssign, used by over one million students at more than 1,100 institutions, allows you to assign, collect, grade, and record homework assignments via the web. This proven and reliable homework system includes thousands of algorithmically generated homework problems, links to relevant textbook sections, lecture videos, problem-specific tutorials, and more. • The Enhanced WebAssign Start Smart Guide for Students_ gets your students up and running quickly with Enhanced WebAssign so they can study smarter and improve their performance in class. • New and updated exercises. More than 20% of the exercises in the text are new. In addition, each exercise set has been restructured to begin with new “Concept” exercises, and reorganized to more closely follow the exposition in the corresponding section. “Cumulative Review Tests” , which follow chapters 4, 7, 9, 11, and 13, are new to this edition as well. • New “Principles of Problem Solving” Prolugue ties to the Problem Solving sections, each highlighting a particular problem solving principle which are now avaialble Book Companion Website. • Discovery Projects encourage and motivate students to further explore chapter topics, and are now available on the Book Companion Website. • All examples in the book are now paired with a new Now Try Exercise XX, allowing students to reinforce their understanding of a concept by practicing the technique that is involved. This integration also teaches and encourages students to solve rather than just memorize. • Chapter 2 has been completely rewritten to focus more sharply on the fundamental and crucial concept of function. The material on quadratic functions, formerly in this chapter, is now part of the chapter on polynomial functions. • Chapter 3 now begins with a section on quadratic functions, leading to higher degree polynomial functions. • Chapter 5 includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs (Section 5.5) to better segue into the section that follows (on harmonic motion). CONTENTS Prologue: Principles of Problem Solving. 1. FUNDAMENTALS. Chapter Overview. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Fractional Expressions. Equations. Modeling with Equations. Inequalities. Coordinate Geometry. Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically. Lines. Modeling Variation. 2. FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. What Is a Function?. Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Average Rate of Change of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 Test. Focus on Modeling: Functions as Models. 3. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs. Dividing Polynomials. Real Zeros of Polynomials. Complex Numbers. Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational Functions. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 3 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Polynomial Curves to Data. 4. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Chapter Overview. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Chapter 4 Review. Chapter 4 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 2, 3, and 4. 5. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: UNIT CIRCLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. The Unit Circle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Trigonometric Graphs. More Trigonometric Graphs. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling Harmonic Motion. Chapter 5 Review. Chapter 5 Test. Focus on Modeling: Fitting 232 Sinusoidal Curves to Data. 6. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: RIGHT TRIANGLE APPROACH. Chapter Overview. Angle Measure. Trigonometry of Right Triangles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Triangles. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test. Focus on Modeling: Surveying. 7. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Chapter Overview. Trigonometric Identities. Addition and Subtraction Formulas. DoubleAngle, Half-Angle, and Sum-Product Identities. Basic Trigonometric Equations. More Trigonometric Equations. Chapter 7 Review. Chapter 7 Test. Focus on Modeling: Traveling and Standing Waves. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 5, 6, and 7. 8. POLAR COORDINATES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Chapter Overview. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Chapter 8 Review. Chapter 8 Test. Focus on Modeling: The Path of a Projectile. 9. VECTORS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS. Chapter Overview. Vectors in Two Dimensions. The Dot Product. Three –Dimensional Coordinate Geometry. Vectors in Three Dimensions. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Chapter 9 Review. Chapter 9 Test. Focus on Modeling: Vector Fields. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 8 and 9. 10. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Chapter Overview. Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables. Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables. Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices. The Algebra of Matrices. Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule. Partial Fractions. Systems of Non-Linear Equations. Systems of Inequalities. Chapter 10 Review. Chapter 10 Test. Focus on Modeling: Linear Programming. 11. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Overview. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Rotation of Axes. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter 11 Review. Chapter 11 Test. Focus on Modeling: Conics in Architecture. Cumulative Review Test: Chapters 10 and 11. 12. SEQUENCES AND SERIES. Chapter Overview. Sequences and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematics of Finance. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Chapter 12 Review. Chapter 12 Test. Focus on Modeling: Difference Equations. 13. LIMITS: A PREVIEW OF CALCULUS. Chapter Overview. Finding Limits Numerically and Graphically. Finding Limits Algebraically. Tangent Lines and Derivatives. Limits at Infinity: Limits of Sequences. Areas. Chapter 13 Review. Chapter 13 Test. © 2014, 1040pp, Paperback, 9781133594765, PRECALCULUS, HYBRID EDITION (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK PRINTED ACCESS CARD AND START SMART GUIDE FOR STUDENTS), 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s PRECALCULUS HYBRID, Ninth Edition, delivers the same sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts as his market-leading hardcover text, PRECALCULUS, Ninth Edition, combined with a briefer paperback format that engages students online with Enhanced WebAssign®. The HYBRID demonstrates Larson’s commitment to revolutionizing the way instructors teach and students learn material by moving all the end-of-section exercises from the text online as well as incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. Each new Larson HYBRID includes immediate student access to Enhanced WebAssign®. The ninth edition features “How Do You See It?” exercises that give students practice applying the concepts, and new “Summarize” features, “Checkpoint” problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® offers fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • State-of-the-art package provides a cost-effective, briefer option for students--all end-of-section 233 exercises are omitted from the text and appear online only and each new HYBRID includes immediate access to Enhanced WebAssign® and the Cengage YouBook. • Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, including all end-of-section problems and chapter tests, as well as problemspecific videos, animations, and lecture videos. The robust online homework solution allows instructors to assign, collect, grade, and record homework assignments online, minimizing workload and streamlining the grading process. It also gives students the ability to stay organized with assignments and have up-to-date grade information. • Fresh chapter openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative “Summarize” features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented “How Do You See It?” exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original “Checkpoint” problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced “Exercise Sets” deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded “Section Objectives” offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications 234 of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 7-9. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A. Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra. A.1 Real Numbers and Their Properties. A.2 Exponents and Radicals. A.3 Polynomials and Factoring. A.4 Rational Expressions. A.5 Solving Equations. A.6 Linear Inequalities in One Variable. A.7 Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B. Concepts in Statistics (web). B.1 Representing Data. B.2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. B.3 Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 688pp, Hardback, 9781133950547 Coming Soon! PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s PRECALCULUS, 9E, International Edition is known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts to expertly prepare students for the study of calculus. With the ninth edition, the author continues to revolutionize the way students learn the material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of End-of-Section problems and Chapter Tests, as well as problem-specific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh Chapter Openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative Summarize Features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented How Do You See It? Exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced Exercise Sets deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded Section Objectives offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched Remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute homework support through, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • Side-By-Side Examples help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also 235 how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAHS. Rectangular Coordinates. Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Mathematical Modeling and Variation. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions and Models. Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree. Polynomial and Synthetic Division. Complex Numbers. Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. Nonlinear Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Two-Variable Linear Systems. Multivariable Linear Systems. Partial Fractions. Systems of Inequalities. Linear Programming. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS. Matrices and Systems of Equations. Operations with Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. The Determinant of a Square Matrix. Applications of Matrices and Determinants. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY. Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Partial Sums. Geometric Sequences and Series. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Counting Principles. Probability. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 7-9. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX A. Review of Fundamental Concepts of Algebra. A.1 Real Numbers and Their Properties. A.2 Exponents and Radicals. A.3 Polynomials and Factoring. A.4 Rational Expressions. A.5 Solving Equations. A.6 Linear Inequalities in One Variable. A.7 Errors and the Algebra of Calculus. APPENDIX B. Concepts in Statistics (web). B.1 Representing Data. B.2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. B.3 Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 976pp, Paperback, 9781133954576 PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION Karla Neal, Louisiana State University; R. David Gustafson, Rock Valley College (Emeritus); Jeff Hughes, Hinds Community College PRECALCULUS, International Edition prepares students for calculus and the rigors of that course, having been written by teachers who have taught the courses and seen where students need help—and where other texts have come up short. The text features precise definitions and exposition, carefully crafted pedagogy, 236 and a strong emphasis on algebraic, transcendental, and trigonometric functions. To show students how important and relevant precalculus topics are to their future coursework, an optional Looking Ahead to Calculus feature appears in each chapter. The varied examples and exercises include many that encourage students to use and understand graphs, as opposed to simply draw them, providing additional sound preparation for calculus. FEATURES • LOOKING AHEAD TO CALCULUS: Offering an interesting glimpse into calculus, this feature demonstrates the relevance of precalculus topics to students’ future success. Each feature (placed at the end of the chapter to allow instructional flexibility) includes objectives referencing the related chapter material, discussion of the topics, and “Connect to Calculus” exercises. References to this optional material (highlighted so that instructors may teach or skip it at their discretion) appear throughout each chapter, reinforcing the connection between the topics at hand and future courses. • ACCENTS ON TECHNOLOGY AND CALCULATORS: Accents on Technology appear throughout the textbook to encourage students to become intelligent users of technology and grasp concepts graphically. They illustrate and guide the use of a TI-84 graphing calculator for specific problems. Although graphing calculators are incorporated into the book, their use is not required. All graphing topics are fully discussed in traditional ways. • CAREERS IN MATHEMATICS CHAPTER OPENERS: To encourage students to explore careers that use mathematics and make a connection between math and real life, each chapter opens with Careers in Mathematics. New, exciting careers are showcased in this edition. Featuring information taken primarily from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, these snapshots include information on how professionals use math in their work and who employs them. A web address is provided, allowing students to learn more about the career. • SECTION OPENERS: Each section begins with a contemporary photo and a real-life application that will appeal to students of varied interests, piquing interest and motivating students to read the material. • NUMBERED OBJECTIVES: Numbered learning objectives, which are listed at the beginning of each section and appear as subheadings in the section, keep students focused. • STUDENT-FRIENDLY WRITING STYLE: Clear, concise, and friendly exposition helps to alleviate student anxiety about reading a mathematics textbook. The writing is informal yet accurate. Students and instructors alike should find the reading both interesting and inviting. • STRATEGY BOXES: To enable students to build on their mathematical reasoning and approach problems with confidence, Strategy boxes offer problem-solving techniques and steps at appropriate points in the material. • CAUTION BOXES: Caution boxes appear throughout the text to alert students to common errors and misunderstandings, and reinforce correct mathematics. • COMMENTS: Comment boxes appear throughout the textbook, providing additional insights; for instance, clarification on a specific step or concept in an example, or a tip for studying the material. • TITLED EXAMPLES: Descriptive titles have been added to clearly identify the topic and purpose of each example. CONTENTS R. BASIC CONCEPTS. Linear Equations and Applications. Complex Numbers. Quadratic Equations and Applications. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. The Rectangular Coordinate System. Equations of Lines. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 1. GRAPHS AND FUNCTIONS. Graphs of Equations. Functions and Function Notation. Graphs of Functions. Basic Graphs. Transformations of Graphs. Operations on Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus 2. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Quadratic Functions. Polynomial Functions. Rational Zeros of Polynomial Functions. Roots of Polynomial Equations. Rational Functions. Polynomial and Rational Inequalities. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 3. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions, Graphs, and Applications. Applications of Exponential Functions. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Applications of Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. 237 Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 4. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles and Their Measurement. The Unit Circle and Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle; Fundamental Identities. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant Functions. Regression and Other Graphs Involving Trigonometric Functions. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 5. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant Functions (Optional). Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Sum and Difference Formulas. Double-Angle, PowerReduction, Half-Angle Formulas. Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product Formulas. Trigonometric Equations I. Trigonometric Equations II. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 6. APPLICATIONS; OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. Solving Right Triangles. More Right Triangle Applications. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Area of Triangles. Angular and Linear Velocity—Circular Motion. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 7. POLAR COORDINATES; VECTORS. Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations and Graphs. Complex Plane; Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Vectors. Dot Product. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 8. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MATRICES. Systems of Linear Equations. Gaussian Elimination and Matrix Methods. Matrix Algebra. Matrix Inversion. Determinants. Partial Fractions. Graphs of Linear Inequalities. Linear Programming (available on website). Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 9. CONIC SECTIONS AND QUADRATIC SYSTEMS. The Circle and the Parabola. The Ellipse. The Hyperbola. Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 10. NATURAL NUMBER FUNCTIONS AND PROBABILITY. The Binomial Theorem. Sequences, Series, and Summation Notation. Arithmetic Sequences. Geometric Sequences. Mathematical Induction. Permutations and Combinations (available on website). Probability (available on website). Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. Looking Ahead to Calculus. 11. INTRODUCTION TO CALCULUS (available on website). Limits. Properties of Limits. Limits and Continuity. Average Rate of Change. Tangents and Derivatives. Area and Integrals. Chapter Summary. Chapter Test. APPENDIX. Sets of Real Numbers. Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation. Radicals and Rational Exponents. Polynomials. Factoring Polynomials. Rational Expressions. © 2013, 1024pp, Paperback, 9780495826675 PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E David Cohen, late of University of California, Los Angeles; Theodore B. Lee, City College of San Francisco; David Sklar, San Francisco State University Written by David Cohen and co-authors Theodore B. Lee and David Sklar, PRECALCULUS, 7e, International Edition focuses on the use of a graphical perspective to provide a visual understanding of college algebra and trigonometry. Cohen’s texts are known for their clear writing style and outstanding, graded exercises and applications, including many examples and exercises involving applications and real-life data. Graphs, visualization of data, and functions are introduced and emphasized early on to aid student understanding. Although the text provides thorough treatment of the graphing calculator, the material is arranged to allow instructors to teach the course with as much or as little graphing utility work as they wish. NEW TO THIS EDITION • In addition to being honed in numerous sections to improve clarity, this edition combines material from PRECALCULUS: A PROBLEMS-ORIENTED APPROACH, International Edition with that of PRECALCULUS: WITH UNIT-CIRCLE TRIGONOMETRY, 4e, International Edition—creating a single book that accommodates the introduction of trigonometry with either a right triangle approach or a unit-circle approach. 238 • This edition’s broader content allows instructors wishing to introduce trigonometry via right triangles to do so by covering Chapters 6 through 10. Instructors wishing to introduce trigonometry via the unit circle may do so by skipping Chapter 6 and then covering Chapters 7 through 10. • Section 1.7 presents rewritten coverage of symmetry that features an increased emphasis on geometry. • In Section 2.4, the “table” presentation of non-linear inequalities is complemented with a sign chart on a number line. • In Section 3.4, “Techniques in Graphing,” material on graphing techniques has been rewritten to include coverage of vertical and horizontal scaling of graphs. • Section 3.5, ‘Methods of Combining Functions,” includes new material of an abstract nature in discussing combinations of two even functions, two odd functions, or an even function and an odd function to determine whether properties are “preserved.” • In Section 3.6, the presentation of inverse functions has been rewritten to emphasize the connection between a one-to-one function and its inverse function. • Section 4.6 includes a more detailed discussion and analysis of limiting behavior without using limits or limit notation. Enhanced discussion of limiting behavior (developed in Sections 4.6 and 4.7) continues in Sections 5.1 through 5.3 with the analysis of asymptote and other end behavior of graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions. • A new Section 14.6 on limits at infinity helps students in the transition to a calculus course. • To keep the text at a manageable length, many “Projects” are now referenced but not included in the book. Instead, they are accessible online at http:// CONTENTS 1. FUNDAMENTALS. Sets of Real Numbers. Absolute Value. Solving Equations (Review and Preview). Rectangular Coordinates. Visualizing Data. Graphs and Graphing Utilities. Equations of Lines. Symmetry and Graphs. Circles. 2. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES. Quadratic Equations: Theory and Examples. Other Types of Equations. Inequalities. More on Inequalities. 3. FUNCTIONS. The Definition of a Function. The Graph of a Function. Shapes of Graphs. Average Rate of Change. Techniques in Graphing. Methods of Combining Functions. Iteration. Inverse Functions. 4. POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS: APPLICATIONS TO OPTIMIZATION. Linear Functions. Quadratic Functions. Using Iteration to Model Populations Growth (Optional Section). Setting Up Equations That Devine Functions. Maximum and Minimum Problems. Polynomial Functions. Rational Functions. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. The Exponential Function y = ex. Logarithmic Functions. Properties of Logarithms. Equations and Inequalities with Logs and Exponents. Compound Interest. Exponential Growth and Decay. 6. AN INTRODUCTION TO TRIGONOMETRY VIA RIGHT TRIANGLES. Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles. Right-Triangle Applications. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Trigonometric Identities. 7. THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Radian Measure. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Evaluating the Trigonometric Functions. Algebra and the Trigonometric Functions. Right-Triangle Trigonometry. 8. GRAPHS OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of y = A sin(Bx-C) and y = A cos(Bx-C). Simple Harmonic Motion. Graphs of the Tangent and the Reciprocal Functions. 9. ANALYTICAL TRIGONOMETRY. The Addition Formulas. The DoubleAngle Formulas. The Product-to-Sum and Sum-toProduct Formulas. Trigonometric Equations. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions. 10. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Right-Triangle Applications. The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane: A Geometric Approach. Vectors in the Plane: An Algebraic Approach. Parametric Equations. Introduction to Polar Coordinates. Curves in Polar Coordinates. DeMoivre’s Theorem. 11. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS. Systems of Two Linear Equations in Two Unknowns. Gaussian Elimination. Matrices. The Inverse of a Square Matrix. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. Systems of Inequalities. 12. THE CONIC SECTIONS. The Basic Equations. The Parabola. Tangents to Parabolas (Optional Section). The Ellipse. The Hyperbola. The Focus-Directrix Property of Conics. The Conics in Polar Coordinates. Rotation of Axes. 13. ROOTS OF POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS. Division of Polynomials. The Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Rational and Irrational Roots. Conjugate 239 Roots and Descartes’s Rule of Signs. Introduction to Partial Fractions. More About Partial Fractions. 14. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN ALGEBRA. Mathematical Induction. The Binomial Theorem. Introduction to Sequences and Series. Arithmetic Sequences and Series. Geometric Sequences and Series. Introduction to Limits. Appendix A.1: Significant Digits. Appendix A.2: √2 is Irrational. Appendix A.3: The Complex Number System. Answers. Index. © 2012, 1184pp, Paperback, 9781111428778 PRECALCULUS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 5E J. Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University; James DeFranza, St. Lawrence University PRECALCULUS, 5e, International Edition, focuses on teaching the essentials that students need to both fulfill their precalculus requirement and be fully prepared to succeed in calculus. The text presents an integrated review of algebra and trigonometry while covering fundamental calculus concepts, and providing the solid grounding in analysis and graphing that is necessary to make a successful transition to calculus. This streamlined text provides all the mathematics that students need—without bogging them down in review material or overwhelming them with too much, too soon. The authors have purposely kept this book, unlike many available Precalculus books, at a length that can be covered in one term. NEW TO THIS EDITION • A large number of carefully designed applications that emphasize the importance and relevance of precalculus and calculus have been added to the examples and exercise sets. They cover a wide range of areas, including biology, ecology, medicine, physics, economics, geometry, engineering, archeology, optimization, social science, finance, space science, and mathematics. Highlighted and placed at the ends of sections, the applications can be included or not at the instructor’s discretion. • All exercise sets have been reviewed to ensure that the material covered in the section, and the techniques presented in the examples, are sufficient to permit students to work the problems. As in previous editions, exercises vary in level from routine to those that offer applications and extend the theory presented. Approximately 30% of the routine exercises, purposely similar in design to those in the previous edition, are new. • Chapter 4, “Trigonometric Functions,” now reviews right triangle trigonometry (likely to be most familiar to students) earlier in the chapter so that students feel more comfortable with the subject before they are exposed to the unit circle definition needed for calculus. This approach facilitates an easier transition for students, while still emphasizing the need to give trigonometry a functional approach consistent with the other topics in the text. • New “Principles of Problem Solving” comments, which highlight key techniques, augment the book’s problem-solving focus. The comments—provided when a technique is presented initially and then explicitly used later when needed—are designed to help students develop systematic procedures for setting up and solving routine as well as application problems. • The authors conducted an exhaustive check of every example, exercise, explanation, and essentially every line of the text, honing as needed to clarify, assure accuracy, and further emphasize the relevance of mathematics—without altering the compact “essentials” presentation. FEATURES • The terminology in the text parallels that used in calculus texts, and the examples and exercises are presented in the way students will encounter them in calculus—preparing students for their next course and providing them with a good head start. • To maintain the text’s brevity while allowing instructors greater flexibility in assigning content, the Book Companion Website includes coverage of useful, yet not fundamental, material on such topics 240 as Descartes’ Rule of Signs, Rotation of Axes for conic sections, and solving systems of equations. • The authors weave an algebra and trigonometry review throughout the text to help students see where the gaps in their background must be filled before they take calculus. • Explanations in the margin alert students to material that applies directly to calculus to help them prioritize their study. • New concepts are presented using relevant applications, reinforced first with examples and then with the exercises. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Functions. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 The Real Line. 1.3 The Coordinate Plane. 1.4 Equations and Graphs. 1.5 Using Technology to Graph Functions. 1.6 Functions. 1.7 Linear Functions. 1.8 Quadratic Functions. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus. Chapter Test. Chapter 2 New Functions From Old. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Other Common Functions. 2.3 Arithmetic Combinations of Functions. 2.4 Composition of Functions. 2.5 Inverse Functions. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus. Chapter Test. Chapter 3 Algebraic Functions. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Polynomial Functions. 3.3 Finding Factors and Zeros of Polynomials. 3.4 Rational Functions. 3.5 Other Algebraic Functions. 3.6 Complex Roots of Polynomials. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus. Chapter Test. Chapter 4 Trigonometric Functions. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Measuring Angles. 4.3 Right-Triangle Trigonometry. 4.4 The Sine and Cosine Functions. 4.5 Graphs of the Since and Cosine Functions. 4.6 Other Trigonometric Functions. 4.7 Trigonometric Identities. 4.8 Inverse Trigonometric Functions. 4.9 Additional Trigonometric Applications. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus. Chapter Test. Chapter 5 Exponential and Logarithm Functions. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 The Natural Exponential Function. 5.3 Logarithm Functions. 5.4 Exponential Growth and Decay. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus. Chapter Test. Chapter 6 Conic Sections, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Parabolas. 6.3 Ellipses. 6.4 Hyperbolas. 6.5 Polar Coordinates. 6.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates. 6.7 Parametric Equations. Review Exercises. Exercises for Calculus . Chapter Test. © 2012, 464pp, Paperback, 9780840068880 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR COHEN/LEE/SKLAR’S PRECALCULUS, 7TH, 7E David Cohen, late of University of California, Los Angeles Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2012, 768pp, Paperback, 9781111428242 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR CRAUDER/EVANS/NOELL’S FUNCTIONS AND CHANGE: A MODELING APPROACH TO COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 5TH, 5E Bruce Crauder, Oklahoma State University; Benny Evans, Oklahoma State University; Alan Noell, Oklahoma State University Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in INTRODUCTION, 9th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples. © 2014, 344pp, Paperback, 9781133365587 241 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR KAUFMANN/SCHWITTERS’ COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8TH, 8E STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR MCKEAGUE/TURNER’S TRIGONOMETRY, 7TH, 7E Jerome E. Kaufmann, Western Illinois University (Retired); Karen L. Schwitters, Seminole Community College Charles P. McKeague, Cuesta Community College; Mark Turner, Cuesta College Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 368pp, Paperback, 9781111990459 © 2013, 320pp, Paperback, 9781111989767 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 9TH, 9E STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR NEAL/GUSTAFSON/HUGHES’ PRECALCULUS Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all oddnumbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions. © 2014, 528pp, Paperback, 9781133962946 Karla Neal, Louisiana State University; R. David Gustafson, Rock Valley College (Emeritus) Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. © 2013, 392pp, Paperback, 9780495826668 242 STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR WILSON’S PRECALCULUS: MAKE IT REAL Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College ; Scott L. Adamson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College; Trey Cox, ChandlerGilbert Community College; Alan E. O’Bryan, Arizona State University Contains fully worked-out solutions to all of the oddnumbered exercises in the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer. STUDENT STUDY AND SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College © 2014, 752pp, Paperback, 9781285177694 © 2013, 448pp, NonBook-Disk, 9781111988388 STUDENT STUDY AND SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S PRECALCULUS WITH LIMITS, 3RD, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College STUDENT STUDY AND SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY, 9TH, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all oddnumbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions. This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all oddnumbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions. © 2014, 752pp, Paperback, 9781133947219 © 2014, 776pp, Paperback, 9781133954415 243 STUDENT STUDY AND SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S PRECALCULUS: A CONCISE COURSE, 3RD, 3E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all oddnumbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions. © 2014, 416pp, Paperback, 9781133954491 STUDENT STUDY GUIDE FOR WILSON’S PRECALCULUS: MAKE IT REAL Frank Wilson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College ; Scott L. Adamson, Chandler-Gilbert Community College; Trey Cox, ChandlerGilbert Community College; Alan E. O’Bryan, Arizona State University Written by the text authors, this Study Guide includes review material for each section of the text. It includes section objectives, concepts, vocabulary, exercises, worked out examples, and practice chapter tests with solutions. © 2013, 256pp, Paperback, 9781111988340 STUDENT STUDY GUIDE AND SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR LARSON’S TRIGONOMETRY, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all oddnumbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions. © 2014, 416pp, Paperback, 9781133954293 STUDY GUIDE WITH SOLUTIONS FOR FAIRES/DEFRANZA’S PRECALCULUS, 5TH, 5E J. Douglas Faires, Youngstown State University; James DeFranza, St. Lawrence University Written by the authors of the core text, this Student Study Guide with Solutions reinforces student understanding with detailed explanations, worked-out examples, and practice problems. © 2012, 448pp, Paperback, 9781111427368 244 STUDY GUIDE WITH STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR AUFMANN’S ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 8TH, 8E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Reinforces student understanding and aids in test preparation with detailed explanations, worked-out examples, and practice problems. Lists key ideas to master and builds problem-solving skills. Includes worked solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. © 2015, 1056pp, Paperback, 9781285451121 STUDY GUIDE WITH STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR AUFMANN’S COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8TH, 8E Richard N. Aufmann, Palomar College; Richard D. Nation, Palomar College Reinforces student understanding and aids in test preparation with detailed explanations, worked-out examples, and practice problems. Lists key ideas to master and builds problem-solving skills. Includes worked solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text. © 2015, 768pp, Paperback, 9781285454962 TRIGONOMETRY, HYBRID (WITH ENHANCED WEBASSIGN WITH EBOOK LOE PRINTED ACCESS CARD FOR ONETERM MATH AND SCIENCE), 2E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach Reflecting Cengage Learning’s commitment to offering flexible teaching solutions and value for students and instructors, these new hybrid versions feature the instructional presentation found in the printed text while delivering end-of-section exercises online in Enhanced WebAssign®. The result: a briefer printed text that engages students online! James Stewart, author of the best-selling calculus textbook series, and his coauthors Lothar Redlin and Saleem Watson, wrote TRIGONOMETRY to address a problem they frequently saw in their classrooms: Students who attempted to memorize facts and mimic examples—and who were not prepared to “think mathematically.” With this text, Stewart, Redlin and Watson help students learn to think mathematically and develop true, lasting problem-solving skills. Patient, clear, and accurate, TRIGONOMETRY consistently illustrates how useful and applicable trigonometry is to real life. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Exercise Sets: More than 20% of the exercises are new, including new Concept Exercises for each section. Key exercises are now linked to examples in the text to help students better understand the concepts involved as they do their homework. • Book Companion Website: A new website, www., contains Discovery Projects for each chapter and Focus on Problem Solving sections that highlight different problem-solving principles outlined in the Prologue. Though the book itself 245 introduces the notion of problem solving to the student, the website provides reinforcement of that skill. • Chapter 1 Functions and Graphs: This chapter has been rewritten to focus more sharply on the fundamental and crucial concept of function. A new section entitled “Getting Information from the Graph of a Function” encourages students to think of the graph of a function as a tool for understanding the behavior of the function. • Chapter 2 Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach This chapter includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs. Introducing this topic here reinforces the “function” concept in the context of trigonometry. • Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions: Right Triangle Approach This chapter includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and right triangles (Section 6.4), which is needed for applying the Laws of Sines and Cosines in the following section, as well as for solving trigonometric equations in Chapter 4. Whether or not you cover inverse trig functions in your course, complete content on this important topic is provided, better preparing students for calculus. • Chapter 4 Analytic Trigonometry: This chapter has been completely revised. There are two new sections on trigonometric equations (Sections 4.4 and 4.5). The material on this topic (formerly in Section 4.5) has been expanded and revised, and the addition of more examples helps students better grasp this difficult topic. • Chapter 5 Polar Coordinates and Parametric Equations: This chapter is now more sharply focused on the concept of a coordinate system. The section on parametric equations is new to this chapter. The material on vectors is now in its own chapter. Separating the parametric equations from vectors better distinguishes these topics for students. This is of particular importance since both topics are likely to be new to students in Trigonometry. • Chapter 6 Vectors in Two and Three Dimensions: This is a new chapter with a new Focus on Modeling section. By isolating the vectors coverage, students are provided with more examples and more detailed coverage of vectors—an exciting topic that they may be covering concurrently in physics classes. • Chapter 7 Analytic Geometry: This chapter is now more closely devoted to the topic of analytic geometry, especially the conic sections; the section on parametric equations has been moved to Chapter 5. Students likely did not cover conics in the college algebra course they took prior to trigonometry, so the expanded conics coverage provides them with the visual understanding of often-abstract geometric forms. • Chapter 8 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: The material on the natural exponential function is now in a separate section. Expanded coverage provides the students with more examples for help with homework exercise. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Coordinate Geometry. Lines. What is a Function? Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Lines to Data. 2. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: UNIT CIRCLE APPROACH. The Unit Circle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Trigonometric Graphs. More Trigonometric Graphs. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling Harmonic Motion. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Sinusoidal Curves to Data. 3. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: RIGHT TRIANGLE APPROACH. Angle Measure. Trigonometry of Right Triangles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Triangles. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Focus on Modeling: Surveying. 4. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Trigonometric Identities. Addition and Subtraction Formulas. Double-Angle, Half-Angle, and ProductSum Formulas. Basic Trigonometric Equations. More Trigonometric Equations. Focus on Modeling: Traveling and Standing Waves. 5. POLAR COORDINATES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Focus on Modeling: The Path of a Projectile. 6. VECTORS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS. Vectors in Two Dimensions. The Dot Product. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry. Vectors in Three Dimensions. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Focus on Modeling: Vector Fields. 7. CONIC SECTIONS. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Rotation of Axes. Polar Equations of Conics. Focus on Modeling: Conics 246 in Architecture. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Damped Harmonic Motion. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. APPENDIX A: Algebra Review. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Equations. Inequalities. APPENDIX B: Geometry Review. Congruence and Similarity of Triangles. The Pythagorean Theorem. APPENDIX C: Graphing Calculators. Using a Graphing Calculator. Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically. © 2013, 480pp, Paperback, 9781111574475 TRIGONOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2E James Stewart, McMaster University; Lothar Redlin, Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus; Saleem Watson, California State University, Long Beach James Stewart, author of the best-selling calculus textbook series, and his coauthors Lothar Redlin and Saleem Watson, wrote TRIGONOMETRY, 2E, International Edition to address a problem they frequently saw in their classrooms: Students who attempted to memorize facts and mimic examples—and who were not prepared to “think mathematically.” With this text, Stewart, Redlin and Watson help students learn to think mathematically and develop true, lasting problem-solving skills. Patient, clear, and accurate, TRIGONOMETRY, 2E, International Edition consistently illustrates how useful and applicable trigonometry is to real life. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Exercise Sets: More than 20% of the exercises are new, including new Concept Exercises for each section. Key exercises are now linked to examples in the text to help students better understand the concepts involved as they do their homework. • Book Companion Website: A new website contains Discovery Projects for each chapter and Focus on Problem Solving sections that highlight different problem-solving principles outlined in the Prologue. Though the book itself introduces the notion of problem solving to the student, the website provides reinforcement of that skill. • Chapter 1 Functions and Graphs: This chapter has been rewritten to focus more sharply on the fundamental and crucial concept of function. A new section entitled “Getting Information from the Graph of a Function” encourages students to think of the graph of a function as a tool for understanding the behavior of the function. • Chapter 2 Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach This chapter includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and their graphs. Introducing this topic here reinforces the “function” concept in the context of trigonometry. • Chapter 3 Trigonometric Functions: Right Triangle Approach This chapter includes a new section on inverse trigonometric functions and right triangles (Section 6.4), which is needed for applying the Laws of Sines and Cosines in the following section, as well as for solving trigonometric equations in Chapter 4. Whether or not you cover inverse trig functions in your course, complete content on this important topic is provided, better preparing students for calculus. • Chapter 4 Analytic Trigonometry: This chapter has been completely revised. There are two new sections on trigonometric equations (Sections 4.4 and 4.5). The material on this topic (formerly in Section 4.5) has been expanded and revised, and the addition of more examples helps students better grasp this difficult topic. • Chapter 5 Polar Coordinates and Parametric Equations: This chapter is now more sharply focused on the concept of a coordinate system. The section on parametric equations is new to this chapter. The material on vectors is now in its own chapter. Separating the parametric equations from vectors 247 better distinguishes these topics for students. This is of particular importance since both topics are likely to be new to students in Trigonometry. • Chapter 6 Vectors in Two and Three Dimensions: This is a new chapter with a new Focus on Modeling section. By isolating the vectors coverage, students are provided with more examples and more detailed coverage of vectors—an exciting topic that they may be covering concurrently in physics classes. • Chapter 7 Analytic Geometry: This chapter is now more closely devoted to the topic of analytic geometry, especially the conic sections; the section on parametric equations has been moved to Chapter 5. Students likely did not cover conics in the college algebra course they took prior to trigonometry, so the expanded conics coverage provides them with the visual understanding of often-abstract geometric forms. • Chapter 8 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: The material on the natural exponential function is now in a separate section. Expanded coverage provides the students with more examples for help with homework exercise. CONTENTS 1. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. Coordinate Geometry. Lines. What is a Function? Graphs of Functions. Getting Information from the Graph of a Function. Transformations of Functions. Combining Functions. One-to-One Functions and Their Inverses. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Lines to Data. 2. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: UNIT CIRCLE APPROACH. The Unit Circle. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers. Trigonometric Graphs. More Trigonometric Graphs. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs. Modeling Harmonic Motion. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Sinusoidal Curves to Data. 3. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: RIGHT TRIANGLE APPROACH. Angle Measure. Trigonometry of Right Triangles. Trigonometric Functions of Angles. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Triangles. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. Focus on Modeling: Surveying. 4. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Trigonometric Identities. Addition and Subtraction Formulas. Double-Angle, Half-Angle, and ProductSum Formulas. Basic Trigonometric Equations. More Trigonometric Equations. Focus on Modeling: Traveling and Standing Waves. 5. POLAR COORDINATES AND PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Form of Complex Numbers; DeMoivre’s Theorem. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Focus on Modeling: The Path of a Projectile. 6. VECTORS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS. Vectors in Two Dimensions. The Dot Product. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry. Vectors in Three Dimensions. The Cross Product. Equations of Lines and Planes. Focus on Modeling: Vector Fields. 7. CONIC SECTIONS. Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Shifted Conics. Rotation of Axes. Polar Equations of Conics. Focus on Modeling: Conics in Architecture. 8. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions. The Natural Exponential Function. Logarithmic Functions. Laws of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Modeling with Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Damped Harmonic Motion. Focus on Modeling: Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. APPENDIX A: Algebra Review. Real Numbers. Exponents and Radicals. Algebraic Expressions. Equations. Inequalities. APPENDIX B: Geometry Review. Congruence and Similarity of Triangles. The Pythagorean Theorem. APPENDIX C: Graphing Calculators. Using a Graphing Calculator. Solving Equations and Inequalities Graphically. © 2013, 624pp, Paperback, 9781133110743 TRIGONOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College Larson’s TRIGONOMETRY, 9E, International Edition is known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts. With the ninth edition, the author continues to revolutionize the way students learn material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing 248 review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features, Checkpoint problems, and a Companion Website reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. Enhanced WebAssign® features fully integrated content from the text, with the addition of End-ofSection problems and Chapter Tests, as well as problemspecific videos, animations, and lecture videos. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Fresh Chapter Openers highlight real-life problems that connect to the examples and exercises presented in the following chapter. • Innovative Summarize Features help students organize the lesson’s key concepts into a concise summary, providing a valuable study tool at the end of each section. • Unprecedented How Do You See It? Exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson. • Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students’ understanding of the concepts in the paired example. • New Series Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, video solutions, and more to support students outside the text. • Enhanced Exercise Sets deliver more rigor, relevancy, and coverage than ever before and feature multi-step, real-life exercises to reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts. • Expanded Section Objectives offer students the opportunity to preview what will be presented in the upcoming section. • Enriched Remarks reinforce or expand on concepts helping students learn how to study mathematics, avoid common errors, address special cases, or show alternative or additional steps to a solution of an example. • Up-to-the-minute homework support through, an independent website, provides students with free solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text. FEATURES • Side-By-Side Examples help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also how different methods—algebraically, graphically, and numerically—yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles. CONTENTS P. PREREQUISITES. Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties. Solving Equations. The Cartesian Plane and Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. TRIGONOMETRY. Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. ANALYTIC TRIGONOMETRY. Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-toSum Formulas. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY. Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. COMPLEX NUMBERS. Complex Numbers. Complex Solutions of Equations. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. DeMoivre’s Theorem. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS. Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. TOPICS IN ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Chapter Summary. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. 249 Problem Solving. APPENDIX A Concepts in Statistics (web). A.1 Representing Data. A.2 Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion. A.3 Least Squares Regression. © 2014, 592pp, Paperback, 9781133954248 TRIGONOMETRY, INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 7E Charles P. McKeague, Cuesta Community College; Mark Turner, Cuesta College Choose the book written for the way you teach with McKeague/Turner’s best-selling TRIGONOMETRY, 7E, International Edition. This trusted edition presents contemporary concepts in short, manageable sections using the most current, detailed examples and high-interest applications. Captivating illustrations of trigonometry concepts in action, such as Lance Armstrong’s cycling success, the Ferris wheel, and even the human cannonball, as well as unique Historical Vignettes help motivate and keep students’ interest throughout your course. TRIGONOMETRY, 7E, International Edition continues to use a standard rightangle approach to trigonometry with an unmatched emphasis on study skills that prepares students for future success in advanced courses, such as calculus. The book’s proven blend of exercises, fresh applications, and projects is now combined with a simplified approach to graphing and the convenience of Enhanced WebAssign®—a leading, time-saving online homework tool for instructors and students that’s correlated with your Instructor’s Edition for cohesive support. NEW TO THIS EDITION • Student Learning Objectives: Each section begins with a list of student learning objectives that describe the specific, measurable knowledge and skills that students are expected to achieve. Learning objectives help the student to identify and focus on the important concepts in each section and increase the likelihood of their success by having established and clear goals. For instructors, learning objectives can help in organizing class lessons and learning activities and in creating student assessments. • Learning Objectives Assessments: Multiple choice questions have been added at the end of every problem set, and are designed to be used in class or outside of class to assess student learning. Each question directly corresponds to one of the student learning objectives for that section. Answers to these questions are not available to students, but are provided for instructors in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual. These problems can be especially useful for schools and institutions required to provide documentation and data relating to assessment of student learning outcomes. • Matched Practice Problems: In every section of this book, each example is now paired with a matched practice problem that is similar to the example. These problems give students an opportunity to practice what they have just learned before moving on to the next example. Instructors may want to use them as inclass examples or to provide guided practice activities in class. Answers are given in the answers section in the back of the book. • Concepts and Vocabulary: Each problem set begins with a new set of questions that focus on grasping the main ideas and understanding the vocabulary/ terminology presented in that particular section. Most of these questions are short-answer, but in some cases also include matching or other formats. • Cumulative Tests: To help students review previous learning and better retain information, three cumulative tests have been added to the book. These are similar to the chapter tests, except that the questions pertain to all of the sections in the book up to that point. The Cumulative Tests are good resources for students studying for a midterm exam or final exam. Answers to both odd and even problems for cumulative tests are given in the back of the book. • New Exercises and Applications: New exercises and applications have been added in some sections to help students gain a better grasp of key concepts and to help motivate students and stimulate their interest in trigonometry. 250 FEATURES • A simplified, step-by-step approach to graphing introduces the sine and cosine functions first to make graphing as accessible as possible for your students. A step-by-step framing approach simplifies the graphing process throughout Chapter 4. • Captivating themes throughout the text highlight trigonometry concepts in action with illustrations such as the human cannonball, cycling, the Ferris wheel, sports, navigation systems, and cable cars. These intriguing themes, clearly marked with icons in the examples and problem sets, help students correlate one lesson with another throughout the course. • Enhanced WebAssign®: This revision is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of exercises that are included within Enhanced WebAssign®. All of the odd problems in each problem set, and in some cases a number of even problems, are now available in electronic form. This proven homework system is enhanced to include links to textbook sections, video examples, and problem-specific tutorials that clarify learning. • Additional unique Historical Vignettes in this edition intrigue students by providing background on the ways in which many of the central ideas in trigonometry originated. Identities. Sum and Difference Formulas. Double-Angle Formulas. Half-Angle Formulas. Additional Identities. Summary. Test. Projects. 6. EQUATIONS. Solving Trigonometric Equations. More on Trigonometric Equations. Trigonometric Equations Involving Multiple Angles. Parametric Equations and Further Graphing. Summary. Test. Projects. Cumulative Test. 7. TRIANGLES. The Law of Sines. The Law of Cosines. The Ambiguous Case. The Area of a Triangle. Vectors: An Algebraic Approach. Vectors: The Dot Product. Summary. Test. Projects. 8. COMPLEX NUMBERS AND POLAR COORDINATES. Complex Numbers. Trigonometric Form for Complex Numbers. Products and Quotients in Trigonometric Form. Roots of a Complex Number. Polar Coordinates. Equations in Polar Coordinates and Their Graphs. Summary. Test. Projects. Cumulative Test. Appendix A: REVIEW OF FUNCTIONS. Introduction to Functions. The Inverse of a Function. Answers to Selected Exercises. Index. © 2013, 592pp, Paperback, 9781111989811 CONTENTS 1. THE SIX TRIGNONMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angles, Degrees, and Special Triangles. The Rectangular Coordinate System. Definition I: Trigonometric Functions. Introduction to Identities. More on Identities. Summary. Test. Projects. 2. RIGHT ANGLE TRIGONOMETRY. Definition II: Right Triangle Trigonometry. Calculators and Trigonometric Functions of an Acute Angle. Solving Right Triangles. Applications. Vectors: A Geometric Approach. Summary. Test. Projects. 3. RADIAN MEASURE. Reference Angle. Radians and Degrees. Definition III: Circular Functions. Arc Length and Area of a Sector. Velocities. Summary. Test. Projects. Cumulative Test. 4. GRAPHING AND INVERSE FUNCTIONS. Basic Graphs. Amplitude, Reflection, and Period. Vertical and Horizontal Translations. The Other Trigonometric Functions. Finding an Equation From its Graph. Graphing Combinations of Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Summary. Test. Projects. 5. IDENTITIES AND FORMULAS. Proving TRIGONOMETRY, LEVEL 1, 9E Ron Larson, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College © 2014, 592pp, Hardback, 9781133954323 251 Combined Author/Title Index A A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, International Edition, 10e, p.159 A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, International Edition, 5e, p.161 A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, International Edition, 7e, p.162 Abstract Algebra, 3e, p.163 Adler, Modeling the Dynamics of Life, 3e, p.32 Algebra & Trigonometry, 9e, p.182 Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, International Edition, 13e, p.187 Algebra and Trigonometry, 6e, p.184 Algebra and Trigonometry, 8e, p.185 Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 3e, p.189 Algebra and Trigonometry, Level 1, 9e, p.191 Applied CALC (with CourseMate Printed Access Card), 2e, p.66 Applied CALC (with Mathematics CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.67 Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 10e, p.72 Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9e, p.68/p.70 Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid Edition, 9e, p.73 Applied Calculus, Brief Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.75 Applied Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.78 Applied Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.77 Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.80/p.81 Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.83 Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 6e, p.85 Aufmann/Barker/Nation, College Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 7e, p.201 Aufmann/Barker/Nation, College Algebra, International Edition, 7e, p.208 Aufmann/Lockwood/Nation/Clegg, Mathematical Excursions, Enhanced Edition, 3rd, 3e, p.127 Aufmann/Lockwood/Nation/Clegg, Mathematical Excursions, International Edition, 3e, p.129 Aufmann/Lockwood/Nation/Clegg, Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann/Lockwood/Nation/Clegg’s Mathematical Excursions, 3rd, 3e, p.137 Aufmann/Nation, Algebra and Trigonometry, 8e, p.185 Aufmann/Nation, College Algebra, 8e, p.198 Aufmann/Nation, Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann’s Algebra and Trigonometry, 8th, 8e, p.245 Aufmann/Nation, Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann’s College Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.245 B Bassarear, Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, International Edition, 5e, p.152 Bello/Kaul/Britton, Student Solutions Manual for Bello/Kaul/ Britton’s Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, 10th, 10e, p.138 Bello/Kaul/Britton, Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, International Edition, 10e, p.138 Berresford/Rockett, Applied Calculus, Brief Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.75 Berresford/Rockett, Applied Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.78 Berresford/Rockett, Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.88 Berresford/Rockett, FINITE (with Mathematics CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.101 Berresford/Rockett, Student Solutions Manual for Berresford/ Rockett’s Applied Calculus, 6th, 6e, p.124 Blanchard/Devaney/Hall, Differential Equations, International Edition (with DE Tools Printed Access Card), 4e, p.167 Bracken/Miller, Intermediate Algebra, International Edition, p.59 Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.88 Brief Applied Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), p.89 Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition, p.90 Brief Calculus, 9e, p.92/p.93 Burden/Faires, Numerical Analysis, International Edition, 9e, p.176 C Calculus Concepts, 5e, p.97 Calculus I with Precalculus, 3e, p.191 Calculus I with Precalculus, International Edition, 3e, p.3/p.192 Calculus Single Variable with Vector Functions, AP*, 7e, p.14 Calculus of a Single Variable, 10e, p.6 Calculus of a Single Variable, 5e, p.5 Calculus of a Single Variable, 6e, p.7 Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e, p.10 Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid, 6e, p.8 Calculus of a Single Variable, International Edition, 10e, p.12 Calculus with CB CourseSmart eBook, 10e, p.14 Calculus, 5e, p.2/p.3 Calculus, 9e, p.94/p.96 Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e, p.19 Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.22 Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.17 Calculus, International Metric Edition, 7e, p.24 Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester, 4e, p.27 Campbell, Introduction to Advanced Mathematics, p.171 Cheney/Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing, International Edition, 7e, p.178 Cheney/Kincaid, Student Solutions Manual for Cheney/ Kincaid’s Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 7th, 7e, p.181 252 Combined Author/Title Index Cohen, Student Solutions Manual for Cohen/Lee/Sklar’s Precalculus, 7th, 7e, p.241 Cohen/Lee/Sklar, Precalculus, International Edition, 7e, p.238 College Algebra, p.194/p.197 College Algebra and Calculus, 2e, p.99/p.200 College Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 7e, p.201 College Algebra with Applications for Business and Life Sciences, 2e, p.203 College Algebra, 6e, p.195 College Algebra, 8e, p.198 College Algebra, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.204 College Algebra, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign Start Smart Guide for Students), 9e, p.206 College Algebra, International Edition, 11e, p.214 College Algebra, International Edition, 6e, p.211 College Algebra, International Edition, 7e, p.208 College Algebra, International Edition, 8e, p.209 College Algebra, International Edition, 9e, p.212 Contemporary Abstract Algebra, International Edition, 8e, p.163 Crauder/Evans/Noell, Functions and Change, 5e, p.215/p.217 Crauder/Evans/Noell, Student Solutions Manual for Crauder/ Evans/Noell’s Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra, 5th, 5e, p.241 Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.105 Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 11e, p.107 Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 10e, p.108 Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card), 7e, p.110 Finite Mathematics, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.113 Finite Mathematics, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 8e, p.112 Finite Mathematics, International Edition, 6e, p.115 Finite Mathematics, International Edition, 8e, p.116 Fox, Mathematical Modeling with Maple, International Edition, p.175 Freitag, Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, p.150 Freitag, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, p.133 Freitag, Student Solutions Manual for Freitag’s Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers: A Process Approach, p.138 Functions and Change, 5e, p.215/p.217 Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling, International Edition, 6e, p.125 D G Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, International Edition, 8e, p.165 Differential Equations, International Edition (with DE Tools Printed Access Card), 4e, p.167 Discrete Mathematics, p.62/p.63 Discrete Mathematics with Applications, International Edition, 4e, p.63 Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, International Edition, 8e, p.163 Gallian, Student Solutions Manual for Gallian’s Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.181 Gilbert, Elements of Modern Algebra, 8e, p.169 Giordano/Fox/Horton, A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, International Edition, 5e, p.161 Gustafson/Hughes, College Algebra, International Edition, 11e, p.214 E Elementary Linear Algebra, International Edition, 7e, p.168 Elementary Technical Mathematics, 11e, p.57 Elements of Modern Algebra, 8e, p.169 Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, International Edition, 4e, p.63 Essential Calculus, International Metric Edition, 2e, p.29 Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 2e, p.30 Ewen/Nelson, Elementary Technical Mathematics, 11e, p.57 F FINITE (with Mathematics CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.101 Faires/Burden, Numerical Methods, International Edition, 4e, p.179 Faires/Burden, Student Solutions Manual for Faires/Burden’s Numerical Methods, 4th, 4e, p.181 Faires/DeFranza, Precalculus, International Edition, 5e, p.240 Faires/DeFranza, Study Guide with Solutions for Faires/ Defranza’s Precalculus, 5th, 5e, p.244 Fierro, Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, International Edition, p.155 Finite Math and Applied Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.103 H Harshbarger, MATH APPS (with Math CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.118 Harshbarger/Reynolds, Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 10e, p.120 Harshbarger/Reynolds, Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 10e, p.122 Hungerford, Abstract Algebra, 3e, p.163 I Intermediate Algebra, International Edition, p.59 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics, p.171 J Johnson/Mowry, Mathematics, 7e, p.131 Ju/Xing/Lin/Hu, Linear Algebra, p.174 253 Combined Author/Title Index K Kaufmann/Schwitters, College Algebra, International Edition, 8e, p.209 Kaufmann/Schwitters, Student Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters Algebra for College Students, 10th, 10e, p.61 Kaufmann/Schwitters, Student Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters’ College Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.242 L LaTorre/Kenelly/Biggers/Carpenter, Calculus Concepts, 5e, p.97 Larson, Algebra & Trigonometry, 9e, p.182 Larson, Algebra and Trigonometry, 6e, p.184 Larson, Algebra and Trigonometry, Level 1, 9e, p.191 Larson, Brief Calculus, 9e, p.92/p.93 Larson, Calculus I with Precalculus, 3e, p.191 Larson, Calculus I with Precalculus, International Edition, 3e, p.3/p.192 Larson, Calculus, 9e, p.94/p.96 Larson, College Algebra, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign - Start Smart Guide for Students), 9e, p.206 Larson, College Algebra, International Edition, 9e, p.212 Larson, College Algebra, 6e, p.195 Larson, Elementary Linear Algebra, International Edition, 7e, p.168 Larson, Mathematical Practices, Mathematics for Teachers, p.148 Larson, Precalculus with Limits, International Edition, 2e, p.229 Larson, Precalculus with Limits, International Edition, 3e, p.228 Larson, Precalculus with Limits, Level 4, 3e, p.231 Larson, Precalculus, 3e, p.223 Larson, Precalculus, 6e, p.221/p.226 Larson, Precalculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with Ebook Printed Access Card and Start Smart Guide for Students), 9e, p.233 Larson, Precalculus, International Edition, 9e, p.235 Larson, Student Solutions Manual for Larson’s College Algebra, 9th, 9e, p.242 Larson, Student Solutions Manual for Larson’s Mathematical Practices, Mathematics for Teachers, p.159 Larson, Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Trigonometry, 9e, p.244 Larson, Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Algebra & Trigonometry, 9th, 9e, p.243 Larson, Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus with Limits, 3e, p.243 Larson, Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus with Limits, 3rd, 3e, p.243 Larson, Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus: A Concise Course, 3rd, 3e, p.244 Larson, Trigonometry, International Edition, 9e, p.248 Larson, Trigonometry, Level 1, 9e, p.251 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, 10e, p.6 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, 5e, p.5 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, 6e, p.7 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e, p.10 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid, 6e, p.8 Larson/Edwards, Calculus of a Single Variable, International Edition, 10e, p.12 Larson/Edwards, Calculus with CB CourseSmart eBook, 10e, p.14 Larson/Edwards, Calculus, 5e, p.2/p.3 Larson/Edwards, Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e, p.19 Larson/Edwards, Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.17 Larson/Edwards, Student Solutions Manual for Larson/ Edwards’ Calculus of a Single Variable, 10th, 10e, p.57 Larson/Edwards, Student Solutions Manual for Larson/ Edwards’ Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 6th, 6e, p.57 Larson/Falvo, Student Solutions Manual for Larson/Falvo’s Elementary Linear Algebra, 7th, 7e, p.182 Larson/Hodgkins, College Algebra and Calculus, 2e, p.99/p.200 Larson/Hodgkins, College Algebra with Applications for Business and Life Sciences, 2e, p.203 Linear Algebra, p.174 Linear Algebra, 3e, p.171 Linear Algebra, 4e, p.173 M MATH APPS (with Math CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.118 MATH for Liberal Arts (with Arts CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.126 Malik/Sen, Discrete Mathematics, p.62/p.63 Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 10e, p.120 Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 10e, p.122 Mathematical Excursions, Enhanced Edition, 3rd, 3e, p.127 Mathematical Excursions, International Edition, 3e, p.129 Mathematical Modeling with Maple, International Edition, p.175 Mathematical Practices, Mathematics for Teachers, p.148 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, p.150 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, International Edition, p.155 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, International Edition, 5e, p.152 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, p.133 Mathematics, 10e, p.132 Mathematics, 3e, p.65 Mathematics, 7e, p.131 McKeague/Turner, Student Solutions Manual for McKeague/ Turner’s Trigonometry, 7th, 7e, p.242 McKeague/Turner, Trigonometry, International Edition, 7e, p.250 Modeling the Dynamics of Life, 3e, p.32 Multivariable Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.33/p.140/p.142 N Nature of Mathematics, 12e, p.136 Nature of Mathematics, International Edition, 12e, p.157 254 Combined Author/Title Index Neal/Gustafson, Student Solutions Manual for Neal/ Gustafson/Hughes’ Precalculus, p.242 Neal/Gustafson/Hughes, Precalculus, International Edition, p.236 Numerical Analysis, International Edition, 9e, p.176 Numerical Mathematics and Computing, International Edition, 7e, p.178 Numerical Methods, International Edition, 4e, p.179 P Poole, Linear Algebra, 3e, p.171 Poole, Linear Algebra, 4e, p.173 Precalculus, p.218 Precalculus with Limits, International Edition, 2e, p.229 Precalculus with Limits, International Edition, 3e, p.228 Precalculus with Limits, Level 4, 3e, p.231 Precalculus, 12e, p.220 Precalculus, 3e, p.223 Precalculus, 6e, p.218/p.221/p.224/p.226 Precalculus, Enhanced WebAssign Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook Printed Access Card for Math and Science, 1-Term), 6e, p.231 Precalculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with Ebook Printed Access Card and Start Smart Guide for Students), 9e, p.233 Precalculus, International Edition, p.236 Precalculus, International Edition, 5e, p.240 Precalculus, International Edition, 7e, p.238 Precalculus, International Edition, 9e, p.235 R Rolf, Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for One Term Math and Science Printed Access Card), 7e, p.110 Rolf, Finite Mathematics, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 8e, p.112 Rolf, Finite Mathematics, International Edition, 8e, p.116 Rolf, Student Solutions Manual for Rolf’s Finite Mathematics, 8th, 8e, p.124 S Scheinerman, Mathematics, 3e, p.65 Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, p.38 Single Variable Calculus, 4e, p.42 Single Variable Calculus, 7e, p.35/p.38/p.39/p.41/p.142 Single Variable Calculus, Hybrid Reprint (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.44 Single Variable Calculus, International Metric Edition, 7e, p.46 Single Variable Calculus, Volume 1, 7e, p.48/p.144 Single Variable Calculus, Volume 2, 7e, p.50/p.146 Single Variable Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester, 4e, p.52 Single Variable Essential Calculus, International Metric Edition, 2e, p.54 Single Variable Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 2e, p.55 Smith, MATH for Liberal Arts (with Arts CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.126 Smith, Mathematics, 10e, p.132 Smith, Nature of Mathematics, 12e, p.136 Smith, Nature of Mathematics, International Edition, 12e, p.157 Smith/Eggen/St. Andre, A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, International Edition, 7e, p.162 Stewart, Calculus Single Variable with Vector Functions, AP*, 7e, p.14 Stewart, Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.22 Stewart, Calculus, International Metric Edition, 7e, p.24 Stewart, Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester, 4e, p.27 Stewart, Essential Calculus, International Metric Edition, 2e, p.29 Stewart, Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 2e, p.30 Stewart, Multivariable Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.33/p.140/p.142 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, 4e, p.42 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, 7e, p.35/p.38/p.39/p.41/p.142 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, Hybrid Reprint (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e, p.44 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, International Metric Edition, 7e, p.46 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, Volume 1, 7e, p.48/p.144 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus, Volume 2, 7e, p.50/p.146 Stewart, Single Variable Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester, 4e, p.52 Stewart, Single Variable Essential Calculus, International Metric Edition, 2e, p.54 Stewart, Single Variable Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 2e, p.55 Stewart/Clegg, Brief Applied Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for OneTerm Math and Science), p.89 Stewart/Clegg, Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition, p.90 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 3e, p.189 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, College Algebra, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.204 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, College Algebra, International Edition, 6e, p.211 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Precalculus, 6e, p.217/p.220/ p.223/p.225 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Precalculus, Enhanced WebAssign Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook Printed Access Card for Math and Science, 1-Term), 6e, p.231 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Trigonometry, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for OneTerm Math and Science), 2e, p.245 Stewart/Redlin/Watson, Trigonometry, International Edition, 2e, p.247 Stewart/Redlin/Watson/Panman, College Algebra, p.197 Student Resource with Solutions Manual for Zill’s A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th, 10e, p.181 255 Combined Author/Title Index Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann/Lockwood/Nation/ Clegg’s Mathematical Excursions, 3rd, 3e, p.137 Student Solutions Manual for Bello/Kaul/Britton’s Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, 10th, 10e, p.138 Student Solutions Manual for Berresford/Rockett’s Applied Calculus, 6th, 6e, p.124 Student Solutions Manual for Cheney/Kincaid’s Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 7th, 7e, p.181 Student Solutions Manual for Cohen/Lee/Sklar’s Precalculus, 7th, 7e, p.241 Student Solutions Manual for Crauder/Evans/Noell’s Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra, 5th, 5e, p.241 Student Solutions Manual for Faires/Burden’s Numerical Methods, 4th, 4e, p.181 Student Solutions Manual for Freitag’s Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers: A Process Approach, p.138 Student Solutions Manual for Gallian’s Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.181 Student Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters Algebra for College Students, 10th, 10e, p.61 Student Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters’ College Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.242 Student Solutions Manual for Larson’s College Algebra, 9th, 9e, p.242 Student Solutions Manual for Larson’s Mathematical Practices, Mathematics for Teachers, p.159 Student Solutions Manual for Larson/Edwards’ Calculus of a Single Variable, 10th, 10e, p.57 Student Solutions Manual for Larson/Edwards’ Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 6th, 6e, p.57 Student Solutions Manual for Larson/Falvo’s Elementary Linear Algebra, 7th, 7e, p.182 Student Solutions Manual for McKeague/Turner’s Trigonometry, 7th, 7e, p.242 Student Solutions Manual for Neal/Gustafson/Hughes’ Precalculus, p.242 Student Solutions Manual for Rolf’s Finite Mathematics, 8th, 8e, p.124 Student Solutions Manual for Tan’s Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9th, 9e, p.124 Student Solutions Manual for Timmons/Johnson/McCook’s Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling, 6e, 6e, p.138 Student Solutions Manual for Waner/Costenoble’s Finite Math, 6e, p.124 Student Solutions Manual for Wilson’s Precalculus: Make It Real, p.242 Student Solutions Manual for Zill/Wright’s Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, 8th, 8e, p.180 Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Trigonometry, 9e, p.244 Student Study Guide for Wilson’s Precalculus: Make It Real, p.243 Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Algebra & Trigonometry, 9th, 9e, p.243 Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus with Limits, 3e, p.243 Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus with Limits, 3rd, 3e, p.243 Student Study and Solutions Manual for Larson’s Precalculus: A Concise Course, 3rd, 3e, p.244 Study Guide with Solutions for Faires/Defranza’s Precalculus, 5th, 5e, p.244 Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann’s Algebra and Trigonometry, 8th, 8e, p.245 Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual for Aufmann’s College Algebra, 8th, 8e, p.245 Swokowski/Cole, Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, International Edition, 13e, p.187 T Tan, Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 10e, p.72 Tan, Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9e, p.68/p.70 Tan, Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid Edition, 9e, p.73 Tan, Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.83 Tan, Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 6e, p.85 Tan, Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 11e, p.107 Tan, Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 10e, p.108 Tan, Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, p.38 Tan, Student Solutions Manual for Tan’s Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9th, 9e, p.124 Timmons/Johnson/McCook, Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling, International Edition, 6e, p.125 Timmons/Johnson/McCook, Student Solutions Manual for Timmons/Johnson/McCook’s Fundamentals of Algebraic Modeling, 6e, 6e, p.138 Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, International Edition, 10e, p.138 Trigonometry, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 2e, p.245 Trigonometry, International Edition, 2e, p.247 Trigonometry, International Edition, 7e, p.250 Trigonometry, International Edition, 9e, p.248 Trigonometry, Level 1, 9e, p.251 W Waner, Applied Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.77 Waner/Costenoble, Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.80/p.81 Waner/Costenoble, Finite Math and Applied Calculus, Hybrid, 6e, p.103 Waner/Costenoble, Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e, p.105 Waner/Costenoble, Finite Mathematics, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e, p.113 Waner/Costenoble, Finite Mathematics, International Edition, 6e, p.115 Waner/Costenoble, Student Solutions Manual for Waner/ Costenoble’s Finite Math, 6e, p.124 Wilson, Applied CALC (with CourseMate Printed Access Card), 2e, p.66 Wilson, Applied CALC (with Mathematics CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), p.67 256 Combined Author/Title Index Wilson/Adamson/Cox/O’Bryan, College Algebra, p.194 Wilson/Adamson/Cox/O’Bryan, Precalculus, p.218 Wilson/Adamson/Cox/O’Bryan, Student Solutions Manual for Wilson’s Precalculus: Make It Real, p.242 Wilson/Adamson/Cox/O’Bryan, Student Study Guide for Wilson’s Precalculus: Make It Real, p.243 Z Zill, A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, International Edition, 10e, p.159 Zill, Student Resource with Solutions Manual for Zill’s A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th, 10e, p.181 Zill/Wright, Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, International Edition, 8e, p.165 Zill/Wright, Student Solutions Manual for Zill/Wright’s Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, 8th, 8e, p.180 257 ORDER FORM / PRICE LIST QTY YEAR ISBN NO. AUTHOR TITLE/EDITION PAGE NO. PRICE(USD) A __ 2013 9781133492450 Zill A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, International Edition, 10e p.159 275.95 __ 2014 9781285077499 Giordano A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, International Edition, 5e p.161 302.95 __ 2011 9780495826705 Smith A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, International Edition, 7e p.162 257.95 __ 2013 9781111569624 Hungerford Abstract Algebra, 3e p.163 156.95 __ 2014 9781133959748 Larson Algebra & Trigonometry, 9e p.182 267.95 __ 2012 9780840068897 Swokowski Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, International Edition, 13e p.187 295.95 __ 2012 9781111428426 Larson Algebra and Trigonometry, 6e p.184 293.95 __ 2015 9781285449425 Aufmann Algebra and Trigonometry, 8e p.185 281.95 __ 2012 9780840068637 Stewart Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 3e p.188 284.95 __ 2014 9781133950967 Larson Algebra and Trigonometry, Level 1, 9e p.191 186.95 __ 2015 9781285061825 Wilson Applied CALC (with CourseMate Printed Access Card), 2e p.66 89.95 __ 2012 9780840065636 Wilson Applied CALC (with Mathematics CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card) p.67 83.95 __ 2015 9781285464640 Tan Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 10e p.72 243.95 __ 2012 9781111427733 Tan Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9e p.68 243.95 __ 2014 9781133607717 Tan Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 9e p.70 284.95 __ 2014 9781285082691 Tan Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid Edition, 9e p.73 142.95 __ 2013 9781133364801 Berresford Applied Calculus, Brief Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e p.75 125.95 __ 2013 9781133364771 Berresford Applied Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e p.78 125.95 __ 2014 9781285056401 Waner Applied Calculus, Hybrid, 6e p.77 151.95 __ 2013 9781133103936 Berresford Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e p.80 288.95 __ 2014 9781133936695 Waner Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e p.81 286.95 __ 2013 9781133364856 Tan Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e p.83 125.95 __ 2013 9781133109310 Tan Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, International Edition, 6e p.85 294.95 2013 9781133103974 Berresford Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition, 6e p.88 273.95 B __ • Prices quoted here are correct at time of printing and are subject to change without prior notice QTY __ YEAR ISBN NO. 2012 AUTHOR TITLE/EDITION 9781111990121 Stewart PAGE NO. PRICE(USD) Brief Applied Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science) p.89 125.95 __ 2012 9781111570057 Stewart Brief Applied Calculus, International Edition p.90 181.95 __ 2013 9781133109785 Larson Brief Calculus, 9e p.92 259.95 __ 2013 9781133365143 Larson Brief Calculus, 9e p.93 125.95 __ 2012 9780538735384 LaTorre Calculus Concepts, 5e p.97 248.95 __ 2012 9780840068330 Larson Calculus I with Precalculus, 3e p.191 298.95 __ 2012 9780840069207 Larson Calculus I with Precalculus, International Edition, 3e p.3/p.192 298.95 __ 2014 9781285060330 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, 10e p.6 173.95 __ 2011 9780538735520 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, 5e p.5 262.95 __ 2015 9781285774794 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, 6e p.7 262.95 __ 2014 9781285097886 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e p.10 146.95 __ 2015 9781285777054 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid, 6e p.8 146.95 __ 2014 9781285091105 Larson Calculus of a Single Variable, International Edition, 10e p.12 263.95 __ 2012 9780840048233 Stewart Calculus Single Variable with Vector Functions, AP*, 7e p.14 173.95 __ 2014 9789814568869 Larson Calculus with CB CourseSmart eBook, 10e p.14 265.95 __ 2011 9780538497176 Larson Calculus, 5e p.3 179.95 __ 2011 9780538735513 Larson Calculus, 5e p.2 272.95 __ 2013 9781133109280 Larson Calculus, 9e p.96 286.95 __ 2013 9781133115007 Larson Calculus, 9e p.94 125.95 __ 2014 9781285095004 Larson Calculus, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science), 10e p.19 169.95 __ 2012 9781133112716 Stewart Calculus, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook for Multi Term Math and Science), 7e p.22 169.95 __ 2015 9781285777023 Larson Calculus, Hybrid, 6e p.17 169.95 __ 2012 9780538498845 Stewart Calculus, International Metric Edition, 7e p.24 281.95 __ 2013 9781285056548 Stewart Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester, 4e p.27 169.95 __ 2011 9780538733151 Stewart College Algebra p.196 218.95 __ 2013 9781111988272 Wilson College Algebra p.193 194.95 __ 2013 9781133105183 Larson College Algebra and Calculus, 2e p.99/p.200 256.95 __ 2011 9781439049396 Aufmann College Algebra and Trigonometry, International Edition, 7e p.201 281.95 __ 2013 9781133108498 Larson College Algebra with Applications for Business and Life Sciences, 2e p.203 250.95 __ 2012 9781111575267 Larson College Algebra, 6e p.195 262.95 __ 2015 9781285434773 Aufmann College Algebra, 8e p.198 251.95 __ 2013 9781133600435 Stewart College Algebra, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign with eBook LOE Printed Access Card for One-Term Math and Science), 6e p.204 114.95 __ 2014 9781133950530 Larson College Algebra, Hybrid Edition (with Enhanced WebAssign - Start Smart Guide for Students), 9e p.206 115.95 C • Prices quoted here are correct at time of printing and are subject to change without prior notice QTY __ YEAR ISBN NO. 2013 9781133103509 AUTHOR TITLE/EDITION Gustafson PAGE NO. 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