Preston Access and Mobility Map
Preston Access and Mobility Map
ACCESS AND MOBILITY GUIDE Preston Central Shopping Centre Public Transport Travel Information Preston Central Shopping Centre is located on High Street between Clinch Avenue and Bruce/ David Street and extends along Gower Street to the east and to St Georges Road in the west including Preston Train Station. Trains Community Transport is a service for older people or people with a disability who are not able to use private or public transport, or taxis. If you need support with transport for shopping, getting to social groups or other activities in Darebin, the Community Transport Service can pick you up. For information or to book contact 8470 8828. Preston Central incorporates Preston Market (with 130 food and retail stalls), two supermarkets, community and civic services including Darebin Municipal Offices, Centrelink, Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre, and Preston Police Station. The Preston Train Station is located 350m from High Street Preston and is serviced by the South Morang Line. Taxis —13 Cabs 132 227, —Silver Top 131 008, Wheelchair Accessible Taxis (WAT) With over 200 speciality shops and services in and around High Street, it provides for weekly and daily shopping needs including a full range of banks, post office, professional services, and a plethora of multicultural eating houses, cafes and restaurants. —13 Cabs 136 294 For more information about Preston Central Shopping Centre go to: Public Transport Victoria timetables —Silver Top 8413 7202 —Charter MaxiTaxi 0413 460 136 Buses —552 North East Reservoir — Northcote Plaza (via High St) —553 Preston — West Preston (via Reservoir) —903 Altona — Mordialloc (via Coburg, Preston & Heidelberg) You can purchase roadside assistance for electric wheelchairs and scooters, contact RACV Emergency Wheelchair Assistance on 13 11 11, For information on accessible travel and using a mobility aid on public transport contact PTV on 1800 800 007, Multi-Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) provides eligible passengers with half price taxi fares. Contact the Taxi Services Commission on 1800 638 802, Free Myki travel passes are available to eligible passengers and can be used on Victoria’s public transport network. See website for further information: All buses have low floor accessibility at all times. —527 Gowrie Train Station (Glenroy) — Northland (via Murray Rd) 527 has limited low floor services, see bus timetable for low floor bus operating times. YOUR GUIDE TO ACCESS AND MOBILITY IN PRESTON The Map identifies key access features such as toilets, car parking, taxi ranks, bus stops, railway stations, telephones, public toilets and pedestrian crossing points. There are five mobility maps in total, covering the shopping precincts of Preston Central, Broadway Reservoir, Reservoir Village, Fairfield Village and Northcote. Copies of the maps are available from the Darebin Customer Service Centres and on the City of Darebin website: نبيراد ءاحنأ يف لقنتلا ىلع مكتدعاسمل ةطيرخ هذه. اهيفو فقوم ىلع اهيف اورثعت نأ مكنكمي يتلا ةنكمألا لوح تامولعم ةرجألا تارايس، ماعلا لقنلاو، نيقاعملا تارايس فقاومو، ضيحارملاو ةماعلا، ةماعلا دعاقملاو، سلجملا نئابز ةمدخ لثم ةماهلا ينابملاو، ةطرشلا زكارمو تابتكملاو. 本地圖為您在戴瑞賓市出行提供便利,其中包含有關如何 查找計程車候車處、公共交通、殘障人士停車場、公共廁 所、公共座椅,以及市議會客戶服務中心、圖書館和警察 局等重要機構的資訊。 Αυτός είναι ένας χάρτης που θα σας βοηθήσει να κυκλοφορήσετε στο Darebin. Έχει πληροφορίες για το πού θα βρείτε σταθμούς (πιάτσες) ταξί, δημόσιες συγκοινωνίες, χώρους στάθμευσης αυτοκινήτων αναπήρων, δημόσιες τουαλέτες, δημόσια καθίσματα, και σημαντικά κτήρια όπως Κέντρα εξυπηρέτησης πελατών του Δήμου, βιβλιοθήκες, και αστυνομικά τμήματα. यह नक्शा डेयरबिन घूमने में आपकी मदद करने के लिए है. इसमें यह जानकारी भी दी गई है कि आपको टैकस ् ी रैक ं , सार्वजनिक परिवहन, अक्षम लोगों के लिए पार्किंग, सार्वजनिक शौचालय, सार्वजनिक सीटे,ं और परिषद ग्राहक सेवा, पुसत ् कालय और पुलिस स्टश े न जैसी महत्वपूरण ् इमारतें कहां मिल सकती है.ं Questa è una mappa per aiutarvi a navigare il borgo di Darebin. Offre informazioni sulla posizione di stazioni taxi, mezzi di trasporto pubblico, parcheggi per disabili, gabinetti pubblici, panchine e gli edifici importanti come Servizio clienti del Comune, biblioteche e stazioni di polizia. Оваa карта e за да ви помогне да се снајдете во Даребин. Таа има информации каде може да се најде стојалиште за такси, јавен превоз, паркинг за онеспособени лица, јавни тоалети, јавни места за одмор и важни објекти како Општински центар за услуга на клиенти, библиотеки и полициски станици. 274 Gower Street, Preston PO Box 91, Preston, Vic 3072 T 8470 8888 F 8470 8877 E Darebin City Council has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of printing, and can not be held liable for changes to services and assets. Please note: The listed assets and services have not been assessed against accessibility standards in compiling this information. This is a map to help you get around Darebin. It has information about where you can find a taxi rank, public transport, disabled parking, public toilets, public seats, and important buildings like Council customer service, libraries and police stations. This Mobility Map is designed to help people with a disability or mobility difficulties to get around Preston Central. CITY OF DAREBIN Disclaimer National Relay Service TTY dial 133 677 or Speak & Listen 1300 555 727 or, then enter 03 8470 8888 Speak Your Language 8470 8470 Tani waa Khadriidad kaa caawimaysa inaad kala barato Darebin. Waxay xambaarsan tahay macluumaad aad ka helli karto goobaha taagsidu dhigato, gaadiidka dadweynaha, baarkinada dadka iinta leh, musqulaha dadweynaha, kuraasta dadweynaha, dhismayaasha muhiimka ah sida adeegyada macaamiisha Golaha, maktabadaha iyo maxadooyinka dadweynaha. Bản đồ này giúp quý vị đi lại trong địa phận Darebin và có thông tin để quý vị có thể tìm ra nơi xe taxi đón khách, phương tiện chuyên chở công cộng, chỗ đậu xe dành cho người khuyết tật, nhà vệ sinh công cộng, ghế ngồi công cộng và các tòa nhà quan trọng như dịch vụ khách hàng của Hội đồng Thành phố, thư viện và đồn cảnh sát. ACCESS AND MOBILITY IN PRESTON mins M O RA NG - 2 0 Walk 22km east to Northland Shopping Centre from corner of Murray Rd and High St SAFEWAY SUPERMARKET CLINCH CLINCH AVE SOUTH CENTRELINK AVE ANGLICAN CHURCH BEAUCH AMP ST P 527 & 903 MURRA Y RD P P ST G EOR GES RD MURRAY MARY S T P RD 527 & 903 DAREBIN INTERCULTURAL CENTRE P ROSEB ERRY A VE PRESTON STATION P P P PRESTON MARKET P 552 & 553 P P PRESTON POLICE STATION TOWNH AL P HIGH ST R P PRESTON LIBRARY ST EET GOWER DAREBIN CITY COUNCIL PRESTO COOMA MARY S T N ST P DALGE T Y ST BRUCE Walk 100m south to Darebin Information & Volunteer Resource Centre (DIVRS) from corner of Bruce St and High St ST P DAVID ST 552 & 553 CRAMER PARK Walk 350m west to NMIT from corner of Bruce St and Edith St P PRESTON OVAL FLIND ERS ST REET - 29 min s EDITH ST R ST ST CRAME KELVIN G VE L AVE Walk 190m south to Preston Neighbourhood House from corner of David St and High St N Walk 120m south to Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre from corner of Bruce St and High St ACCESS AND MOBILITY IN PRESTON P Designated accessible parking bay Bus stop Train station ATM / bank Designated accessible toilet Bus route Train line Public phone Designated crossing point Off street car park Night rider bus stop (Route 956) Post office Public seat Taxi rank Darebin Customer Service Centre Walkway