Sponsorship Packet - Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
Sponsorship Packet - Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
[Virginia Commonwealth University] EXPANSION AND COLONIZATION PROCEDURES PACKET National Convention Sponsorship Guide 2016 FOUR DECADES, ONE GOAL: LATINO EMPOWERMENT ©2016 Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. Version 1.0 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Executive Director ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Partnership ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 About Lambda Theta Phi | Fast Facts ................................................................................................................................. 5 Lambda Theta Phi Data ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Lambda Theta Phi Social Outreach & Presence ..................................................................................................... 5 Latino Market National Data ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Convention Events......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Welcome Reception .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Salute Competition ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Mental Health Keynote & Workshops .......................................................................................................................... 7 Elections ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Alumni Social ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Lambda Pride Event.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Philanthropic Luncheon....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Career Associations ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Presidential Awards Banquet ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Benefits of Supporting Lambda Theta Phi ....................................................................................................................... 9 Leadership has its merits .................................................................................................................................................... 9 Diversity....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Values ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Interconnected ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Projected Attendance .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Convention Hotel.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 About the Deauville ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Sponsorship Levels........................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Title Sponsor ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Leadership Sponsor............................................................................................................................................................... 11 Brown Sponsor ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 White Sponsor ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Chivalrous Sponsor ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Payment Information ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Online ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Mail ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Message from Executive Director 2 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide MESSAGE FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Potential Sponsor: The National Board of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. invites you to become a sponsor of our 40th Anniversary Celebration Bi-Annual National Convention, “United In Vision, Defining Our Future & Leading The Movement”, to be held on Thursday, June 23rd to Sunday, June 26th, 2016 at the Deauville Beach Resort in sunny Miami Beach, FL. The National Convention is held every two (2) years as a method to continuously educate our members on a wide variety of topics and conduct fraternity business as well as celebrate the Fraternity’s academic, service and leadership accomplishments. Each convention has a focused theme along with a focus on Fraternal growth with our National Elections. As a Sponsor of the National Convention, your company/organization will have a major branded identity at our event that will host hundreds of Latino alumni and undergraduates. Lambda Theta Phi will have representatives from every major city across the nation participating in the event, so your branded identity will be marketed throughout the country. Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. is the first Latino Fraternity to be nationally recognized. Lambda Theta Phi consists of over 136 satellite chapters representing all of the major metropolitan areas across the United States. Lambda Theta Phi is a non-profit service/social fraternity emphasizing Latino/a unity and the celebration of the Latino/a culture while promoting academic excellence and community service. Enclosed you will find additional information about Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. and how to become a sponsor. Please contact me at executivedirector@lambda1975.org if you have any questions or visit our convention website at www.lambdaconvention.com. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this information and we hope to count on your support. Sincerely, Jarrod Cruz Executive Director LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Message from Executive Director 3 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide PARTNERSHIP One of the greatest challenges facing Latin@s in the United States is that of educational attainment. As the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States, the fate of Latin@s is tightly coupled with the fate of all Americans. If Latin@s are to truly participate in the future growth of the nation, it is imperative that they are adequately trained and educated to assert roles of leadership and provide the nation with their unique perspective. In 2011, Latin@s became the largest minority group on four-year university campuses (Fry,2011); however, Latin@s continue to be disproportionately overrepresented in two-year and less selective four-year institutions, and underrepresented in the nation’s selective and highly selective institutions (Posselt, Jaquette, Bielby & Bastedo, 2012). Despite current upward trends in four-year university enrollment, Latin@s remain the least educated minority racial/ethnic group in terms of bachelor’s degree completion with only 13% of Latin@s 25-29 having completed a degree (National Center for Education Statistics, 2011; Fry, 2011), in contrast to 39% of Caucasians ages 25-29 who had completed a bachelor’s degree. As the Leader of the Latino Greek Movement, and as part of our founding principles to advance identity & equality and to promote scholarship, it is imperative that Lambda Theta Phi work towards advancing the interests of Latin@s in university enrollment, graduation, and beyond. This is not only a well-principled moral decision that will impact Latin@ student access and success in college, but it is also practical, as our primary membership consists of Latino university men. Our decision to partner with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) is monumental in the Fraternity’s history as its first official philanthropic and service partner. CHCI is a well-established organization that marries programming to support college-going among American Latin@ youth with leadership development and political awareness. CHCI is an ideal partner to help Lambda Theta Phi fulfill its mission and values as an organization that seeks to support, enhance and unify the Latin@ community. Virginia Sector Vice President Engin Toper takes a photo with the six (6) students Lambda Theta Phi sponsored during its inaugural year in the partnership. Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi volunteer to mentor Latin@ youth during the CHCI Ready 2 Lead (R2L) Power Hour in Washington, DC at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in 2015. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Partnership 4 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide ABOUT LAMBDA THETA PHI | FAST FACTS Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. is the first and largest nationally recognized Greek-letter organization founded as a Latin Fraternity. Lambda Theta Phi consists of over 130 satellite chapters representing all of the major metropolitan areas across the United States. Lambda Theta Phi is a non-profit service/social fraternity emphasizing Latino/a unity and the celebration of the Latino/a culture while promoting academic excellence and community service. At the undergraduate level, our brothers are active within the Fraternity and in other student organizations. Our brothers perform community service, promote our culture by sponsoring events which highlight and celebrate our heritage, participate in educational workshops, and enjoy many social programs. At the professional level, among our ranks you will find attorneys, doctors, and engineers. Our brothers are shaping young minds as educators and as dedicated fathers. The men in brown and white are defending this country at home and abroad in the area of law enforcement and in the armed forces. We are strengthening our country’s economy as entrepreneurs. Our brothers are teaching leadership as coaches, mentors, and community activists. The Lambdas are affecting policy and change as elected officials serving on City Councils, Boards of Education, U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Senate. In short, Lambdas are contributing and excelling in every facet of human endeavor. Our illustrious history is not only our past but our guiding light to the future. As the first, we overcame many obstacles. Not having much guidance in our formative stages, we persevered and became stronger. Lambda is the product of vision, strength, and unity. Our history serves as a legacy and testament to our accomplishments and greatness. LAMBDA THETA PHI DAT A Over 8,000 Alumni and Undergraduate Members Nationwide Over 136 University/College Campuses, Alumni entities Nationwide Average Member Age: 33 Age Range: 18 to 60 Average Yearly Income: $45,000 - $65,000 Percent of Members with Post-Graduate Degrees: 22% (National Average is 4%) Average Attendance of Members at Convention: 275 – 325 LAMBDA THETA PHI SOCIAL OUTREACH & PRESE NCE Highest # of Facebook Likes among all Latino organizations with over 13,000 [facebook.com/Lambda1975] o Facebook reach is over 30,000 Almost 4,000 followers on Instagram [instagram.com/lambdas1975/] Over 2,300 followers on Twitter [twitter.com/Lambdas1975] LATINO MARKET NATIONAL DATA 65% of U.S. Hispanics are US-born (median age of 18) 70% of U.S. Hispanics are under 35 years’ old By 2030 Latinos will represent 26% of under 18 year olds Latino teens will grow 62% between 2001 – 2020 Latinos 15-34 control 37% of total Hispanic income Latino Population Share of 15-34 Year Olds Is Sizeable (18%) Latinos under 35 spend $400+ billion annually 75% of Latinos speak English exclusively or are bilingual There are 2.0+ million Latinos enrolled in US Colleges & Universities LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | About Lambda Theta Phi | Fast Facts 5 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide CONVENTION EVENTS Below is a list and description for many of the events our sponsors can assist us with this year. More information about this year’s National Convention can be found online at our Convention website at www.lambdaconvention.com or through our National Website online at www.thelambdas.org. WELCOME RECEPTION Official opening of the National Convention (LambdaCon16). This is a social gathering and opportunity for Brothers and guests to network, reconnect, and meet some vendors as the convention gets ready to start. SALUTE COMPETITION As with any Fraternity our traditions are one item that separates us. Come witness our public display of our tradition that many deem as “poetry in motion” as teams from all over the U.S. come to claim bragging rights on who has the best salute in 2016 LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Convention Events 6 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide MENTAL HEALTH KEYNOT E & WORKSHOPS Lambda strives to always stay relevant in current events. One of the items talked about the most has been the efforts to maintaining strong mental health. We have a packed agenda and a keynote speaker dedicated to this effort in 2016. The workshop luncheon provides the opportunity to educate our members about the important topic of this year’s theme, Mental Health. We are pleased to bring Ross Szabo, a social pioneer who has led the youth mental health movement and an expert at creating sustainable mental health curriculum and programs, to our National Convention this year so our members have the tools, resources and curriculum to take back to their campuses and in their communities. This is an important topic facing our country today and out members will be one step ahead of understanding the need to focus on their own mental health as they do their physical health and personal health and well-being. ELECTIONS The key difference that makes our conventions different from conferences is our focus on the next level of leadership and key org changes. The candidate speeches election forum is the platform to discuss the direction for Lambda Theta Phi’s next National Executive Board. ALUMNI SOCIAL The alumni of Lambda Theta Phi will gather to network & mingle with fellow alumni & esteemed guests. Bring business cards as this is a great opportunity to meet not only tomorrow’s leaders but today’s trailblazers LAMBDA P RIDE EVENT Join Lambda Pride for their ally social event. This event is open to ALL brothers and friends in the Miami area. Are you a supportive brother that has experienced not knowing what to say or how to be supportive to one struggling with their sexuality? If the answer is yes, let this event be a starting point. Brothers who identify as LGBTQ will be present to offer suggestive strategies that can be used and not come across as offensive or disrespectful. PHILANTHROPIC LUNCHEON Join Lambda as we celebrate the accomplishments of our fundraising efforts for our CHCI Philanthropy over the past year through the Latino Leaders Campaign. You’ll have the opportunity to meet some of the students that Lambda sponsored for their internship to D.C. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Convention Events 7 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide CAREER ASSOCIATIONS Part of being Leaders of the Latino Greek Movement is ensuring that we are leading in our respective careers. Lambda Theta Phi is proud to have alumni and undergraduate members in all major career fields who connect socially and professionally and support and mentor one another virtually through social media. The National Convention is the opportunity to connect with one another to continue to enhance the relationship and share best practices or learn how to grow in your career. Come for the opportunity, stay for the networking potential. Lambdas in Advertising, Marketing, Graphic Design Lambdas in Animal Sciences, Veterinarians Lambdas in Architecture, Building, Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing Lambdas in the Arts Lambdas in Business Lambdas in Communications, Broadcasting, Media, Journalism Lambdas in Engineering Lambdas in Finance & Accounting Lambdas in Healthcare, Health Administration, Health Promotions Lambdas in Hotel, Restaurant, Hospitality Lambdas in Human Resources Lambdas in Education Lambdas in Law Lambdas in Law Enforcement Lambdas in Medicine Lambdas in Mental Health Lambdas in Politics, Public Administration, Elected Officials Lambdas in Psychology, Sociology Lambdas in Real Estate Lambdas in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Lambdas in Social Work Lambdas in Student Affairs/Higher Education PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS BANQUET A marquee event where the convention turns to celebrate on the accomplishments of many Brothers in the past year. Awards are distributed to individuals, entities, and we all celebrate Lambda Theta Phi. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Convention Events 8 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide BENEFITS OF SUPPORTING LAMBDA THETA PHI Lambda Theta Phi provides access to a wide variety of Latino leaders who are actively engaged in the community, on their campuses and active members within society. Our members come from all over the country and several countries, including Puerto Rico and Mexico. They hold positions or have interest in many career fields and employed in many companies or through private practice. Below is an idea of the other benefits our sponsors will have by partnering with Lambda Theta Phi during our National Convention this year. LEADERSHIP HAS ITS M ERITS Not only has the organization taken a stance on leadership since our inception, but 40 years later, the organization and all of our entities maintain a leadership focus in their communities and college campuses. From our engaged alumni, to growing undergraduates, our organization connects many people who are passionate towards the betterment of our community DIVERSITY We are a Fraternity based on Latin@ values, however we are a very inclusive organization and have attracted the passions of many men throughout our history. Our primary focus has been on Latin@ values but when we help a community grow, we are helping everyone in a community grow VALUES Our values are held together by the core of Unity, Respect, Culture, Brotherhood, and Pride. We are an organization of great integrity and dedicated to our mission INTERCONNECTED We have a motto, “En La Union, Esta La Fuerza”, meaning “In Unity, There is Strength”. Not only does the organization make strides in our growth, but many individual members are well connected with organizations & a great potential for you to expand your footprint in our communities. PROJECTED ATTENDANCE This year’s National Convention will surely be highly attended. The South Florida/Miami area is thriving with many alumni and undergraduate members of our organization with a number of other Latin@ Greek members in the surrounding area. We are excited to be welcoming over 300 members from all over the country, Puerto Rico and Mexico at this year’s National Convention. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Benefits of Supporting Lambda Theta Phi 9 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide CONVENTION HOTEL The Deauville Beach Resort will host over 300 brothers for the 2016 National Convention. The location is a perfect setting as we celebrate 40 years as the Leaders of the Latino Greek Movement. The Beatles launched their historic career on the Ed Sullivan Show which was filmed on the stage in the main ballroom. This year, Lambda Theta Phi will honor and celebrate our historic 40 years on that same very stage. ABOUT THE DEAUVILLE The Deauville Beach Resort has always attracted the media and Hollywood’s attention. Since the 1950’s the hotel has been favored by famous elite such as Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Joey Bishop, Tony Bennett, and of course The Beatles. Many celebrities have performed in the hotel’s classy ballrooms and spent time at the Deauville’s suites. More recently; The Deauville, has become a top destination for Film and TV productions. Because of its convenient and beautiful oceanfront location; the Deauville is a perfect location for both exterior pool and beach scenes. Its interior design is great for different period recreations and our extensive ballrooms and banquet space offer a clean slate where magic can happen. With large open spaces available both interior and exterior, the Deauville is a comfortable and ideal production location. More information about the hotel, event spaces, etc. can be found online at deauvillebeachresortmiami.com. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Convention Hotel 10 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide SPONSORSHIP LEVELS We would be excited to have you and/or your company/organization as a sponsor of this year’s National Convention. Your company/organization will have a major branded identity at the event that will host over 300 Latinos who will be in attendance in Miami Beach, FL. Lambda Theta Phi will also have representatives from every major city across the nation participating in the event, so your branded identity will be marketed throughout the country. Additionally, you will be taking part in the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Fraternity’s existence and accomplishments which include academic achievement, philanthropy, community service and leadership. We hope to hear from you by Friday, May 20, 2016. TITLE SPONSOR $10,000 (1 available) Branded as title sponsor on all communication and documents for Lambda Convention Sponsor of Presidential Awards Banquet Exclusive right to address the audience for at least 10 min at banquet on Saturday Opportunity to introduce keynote speaker of the banquet and distribute awards to recipients with leadership Up to three (3) representatives have reserved seating at all lunches and banquet Logo near the front page of program and on convention website Full Page advertisement in program (sponsor provided) Presence on National website for 6 months Formal recognition plaque during banquet Complimentary Sponsor table in vendor hall Sponsored social media announcement with logo and link to site Exclusive access to list of all convention participants LEADERSHIP SPONSOR $5,000 (2 available) Opportunity to either Sponsor Lunch on Friday or Saturday (Luncheon will include sponsor name) Opportunity to welcome the membership at the beginning of lunch and speak for 5-7 minutes Up to two (2) representatives have reserved seating at all lunches and the banquet on Saturday Logo displayed in convention program & website as a sponsor ½ page advertisement in program (sponsor provided) Formal recognition plaque during banquet Complimentary sponsor table in vendor hall Sponsored social media announcement with logo and link to site LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Sponsorship Levels 11 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide BROWN SPONSOR $3,000 (3 available) Opportunity to either sponsor “Salute Competition”, “Alumni Social” or “Lambda Pride Social” Up to two (2) representatives have reserved seating at all lunches and banquet on Saturday Logo displayed in convention program & website as a sponsor ¼ page advertisement in program (sponsor provided) Formal recognition plaque during banquet Complimentary sponsor table in vendor hall Social media announcement with logo and link to site WHITE SPONSOR $1,000 (4 available) Opportunity to either sponsor “Welcome Reception”, “Career Association”, “Mental Health Workshops”, or “National Elections” One (1) representative have reserved seating at all lunches and banquet on Saturday Logo displayed in convention program & website as a sponsor Formal recognition plaque during banquet Complimentary sponsor table in vendor hall Social media announcement with logo and link to site CHIVALROUS SPONSOR $625 40th Anniversary Awards Banquet Table Sponsor Opportunity to sponsor a table during the Awards Banquet on Saturday o Includes 10 reserved seats; 3-course meals, etc. Listed as a table sponsor during presentation Social media announcement recognizing all table sponsors Program Advertisements Options: Full Page - $250; Half Page - $150; Quarter Page - $75 Opportunity to advertise your business/organization in our Convention Program to be distributed to over 300 members and available electronically on our website/social media with a reach over 30,000 Customized advertisement with your branding Advertisement listed on the website and promoted once during the year via social media Various (please inquire at executivedirector@lambda1975.org) Support Lambda Theta Phi with a variety of logistics opportunities; For Example: o Badge Sponsor with Logo on the badge for all attendees o Bag sponsor for attendees with shared logo on the bags o Individual vendors LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Sponsorship Levels 12 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide PAYMENT INFORMATION There are a couple options for payment: Online or Mail. Please see the options below. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Executive Director Jarrod Cruz at executivedirector@thelambdas.org. Artwork must be camera ready and electronically submitted by June 1, 2016. o Full Page Size: 8 ½ x 11 o Half Page Size: 8 ½ x 5 ½ o Quarter Page Size: 4 ¼ x 5 ½ Artwork can be submitted electronically to Jarrod Cruz at executivedirector@thelambdas.org o Must be high resolution (no bleeding) ONLINE You may complete your application and payment online using the following address. Once we receive your application and payment, we will send you an acknowledgement and follow-up for any artwork or items that may be requested. Please note that artwork DOES NOT have to be submitted at the time of the application or payment. We encourage all sponsors to submit their application and their payment by Friday, May 20, 2016. Go online at http://www.thelambdas.org/?page_id=2179 and choose your application and payment options. Payment types accepted include Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. MAIL Once you have completed your application online and indicated that you wish to make a payment via mail on the checkout screen, please send your payment and a copy of your application receipt to the following address. Please write all checks to “Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.” Jarrod Cruz Executive Director, Lambda Theta Phi 3976 SW 166th Place Road Ocala, Florida 34473 For general information, email info@lambda1975.org Specific information, call Executive Director Jarrod Cruz (866) 425-2623 or email executivedirector@thelambdas.org. LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Payment Information 13 [Lambda Theta Phi] 2016 National Convention Sponsorship Guide LAMBDA THETA PHI LATIN FRATERNITY, INC. | Payment Information 14