T he P atriotswin S uper B owl XLIXB y : D onshae J oyner A pple W


T he P atriotswin S uper B owl XLIXB y : D onshae J oyner A pple W
April 2015
Issue 3
Ridgway Register
I N T E R E S T :
T h e
Super Bowl XLIX
Award Season
Top 10 Lists
Suessical Review
Technology Tidbits
Creative Writing
Video Game Summary
I S S U E :
Calling All Disney Fans
The Spotlight On… Captain Karli Byrne
Sensational Seussical
Stop the Sequels: A
Letter to Hollywood
A Night at the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice
A Grammy Summary
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
Spitball: A Story for All
P a t r i o t s
w i n
S u p e r
B o w l
B y :
D o n s h a e
J o y n e r
Super Bowl 49 was a
little crazy. It was the Seahawks vs. the Patriots.
In the first quarter, no one
scored. Obviously, this Super
Bowl was off to a boring start.
In the second quarter, the New England Patriots
scored a touchdown pass with
Brandon LaFell. Then it was
the Seahawks ball. The Seahawks were doing well. Russell
Wilson fired it down the field
with an amazing catch by Chris
Matthews. Once they were in
the Red Zone, Beast Mode
(Marshawn Lynch) ran it into
the end zone. Once the Patriots got the football Tom Brady
threw a perfect pass to Rob
Gronkowski to put them up 147. It was the Seahawks’ ball.
They ran the ball very hard.
After that Russell Wilson threw
a wide open pass to Doug
Baldwin to tie it up 14-14.
They ended the quarter.
A p p l e
In the third quarter,
the Seahawks had a good
drive, but couldn’t capitalize.
They kicked a field goal that
put them in the lead 17-14.
The Super Bowl was a well contested
game but the Patriots came out successful.
B y :
The Apple Watch will
run a version of iOS designed
from the ground up. It supports touch navigation, but the
User Interface can also be
Then it was the
fourth and final quarter. The
Seahawks could have capitalized, but they didn’t. The Patriots scored a touchdown with
Danny Amendola. Then, they
scored another touchdown
with Julian Edelman. That
touchdown put them in the
lead 28-24. On the last play of
the game, the Seahawks almost threw a touchdown, but it
was picked off by Malcolm
Butler. It was the end. The
Patriots succeeded to be the
Super Bowl champions.
In the end ,it was a
good game, but I wanted the
Seahawks to win. Let’s see
how everything goes next year.
The Patriots had an exciting
drive, but they had to punt it.
On the next play, Russell Wilson threw another pass to
Doug Baldwin for the touchdown. They ended the quarter
W a t c h
The Apple Watch will
be released on 4.24.15. Many
Apple fans are anxious to buy
it. Starting at $549, it will also
be available in a sport version.
H i t s S t o r e s
M o n t h
T a a h a M a l i k
controlled by the handset's
'Digital Crown'. This mechanical wheel, one that you would
normally use to set the time on
a regular watch, let’s you scroll
and browse through the user
interface. Things that you can
do on the watch includes turning the Digital Crown which
allows you to turn quickly and
easily. There are apps like
T h i s
Messages, Music, and Calendar, just like on the iPhones.
My opinion of this
watch is that it is great. Since I
used to be a Samsung fan, (I
still half am!) I am impressed
with the features of this new
watch. Check it out in stores
P a g e
T o p
R i d g w a y
T e n
R e g i s t e r
C a l l i n g A l l D i s n e y F a n s :
I n f l u e n t i a l D i s n e y C h a r a c t e r s
B y : G r a c e Y u r k o
And now the moment you’ve
all been waiting for…
The top 5 Influential Disney
#5. Hercules
Hercules 1997
Hercules may just seem like
a twist on a Greek legend,
but it has so much happiness
and life lessons within it.
Hercules doesn’t just begin
as a hero on Olympus. He
actually starts out the complete opposite. He is a misfit
in his own town, with everyone thinking he is just a huge
klutz, not belonging in their
town. What I love most about
Hercules is that he defeated
the odds. No one in his town
believed in him, and Phil, his
guide to being a hero, didn’t
believe in him at first. He just
didn’t give up on his dream,
and I think that is a great
lesson to teach. Another lesson that was important that
almost every Disney portrays
is that love always prevails.
He never gave up on Meg,
and he would give up his
godly powers for her. If that
isn’t love, I don’t know what
is. If I may say so myself,
#4. Quasimodo
The Hunchback of Notre
Dame 1996
I bet we all forgot who this
guy was! The Hunchback of
Notre Dame is a very old
movie, but after watching it
quite recently, I really saw the
true meaning of the movie
that I probably missed when I
was younger. Quasimodo is a
great character, but he isn’t
the perfect Disney prince. He
was one of the most influential and wonderful character
Disney has ever made. Quasimodo was physically disfigured, yet he had a heart of
gold. New movies say they
are, “the first Disney movies
to teach kids that you don’t
need a love interest”, but
truly, that is not the case.
This movie proves that no
matter how you look, you can
be a great person, and you
shouldn’t judge people based
on what they look like. Quasimodo, thank you for being an
extremely inspirational character that taught us the true
meaning of beauty.
#3. Simba
The Lion King 1994
So, I think we all saw a Lion
King character coming on
this list. There are plenty of
characters to choose from,
but I thought Simba showed
the best traits of inspiration.
Having so much weight on
his shoulders being king and
coupled with the fact that he
has the guilt (thanks Scar) of
killing his father, he runs
away from his old life. He was
raised by Timone and
Pumba, and lived in the forest under a roof with no
rules. But, in the long run,
Simba learns that you can’t
run away from your prob-
lems, and that you should
stand up for the people you
care about.
#2. Mulan
Mulan 1998
Well, it’s kind of obvious why
I put her so high on this list!
Mulan was probably the first
Disney princess to show that
girls don’t need to be a damsel in distress, and they don’t
need to wait for a man. Seriously though, Mulan showed
true courage, bravery, and
compassion. She chose to
dress as a man to save her
father to fight in the war, so
he didn’t have to. We all
know, none of us would do
that. Then, let’s not forget
she caused a landslide to
stop the Hun army. And how
can we forget that she SAVED
CHINA! Yeah, she is pretty
awesome. She also teaches
girls that we don’t need to be
damsels in distress and can
be empowering, strong, and
compassionate princesses!
#1. Mickey Mouse
Several titles 1928-2014
I am sure you all saw this
coming. Mickey Mouse is the
true spirit of the Walt Disney
Corporation, and will probably continue to be a famous
icon for the rest of our natural lives. Mickey Mouse may
just seem like a kid cartoon,
but he gives everyone something more. Joy. He cheers up
people around the globe,
causing children and adults
alike to smile. He makes a
Mickey Mouse is one of Disney’s most beloved characters.
causing children and adults
alike to smile. He makes a
gloomy room into a happy
one with just one laugh. As a
signature icon, everyone is
familiar with Mickey, and
adores him. He has the humor to make people laugh,
and being around since the
late 1920’s; it brings adults
back memories from a simpler and more magical time.
Mickey Mouse is the most
influential character, giving
us the gift of joy and nostalgia.
Overall, Disney has
many influential characters
that prove, it is not just a
bunch of kids’ stuff. They are
a part of our childhood, and
probably inadvertently have
huge impacts on us. Whether
a princess, prince, magical
being, or just a mouse; Disney never seems to lack that
magical touch we will always
I s s u e
P a g e
T h e S p o t l i g h t o n …
C a p t a i n K a r l i B y r n e
B y : J o r d a n M u r p h y
Karli is an inspirational captain.
I sat down with the basketball team’s captain, Karli Byrne. She
was super nice and really honest
about everything. We talked about
subjects ranging from how she thinks
the team is doing and to what she
does after school.
Jordan Murphy: How many years have
you played on the Ridgway Basketball
team and how long have your been
playing basketball in general?
Karli Byrne: 3 years on the school’s
team and 4 years altogether.
JM: Does basketball help you to relax?
KB: Yes, when I play, it is the only
thing I think about.
JM: What do you think are your team’s
greatest strengths?
KB: We get along and run a lot together.
JM: What do you think you need to
improve on the most: offense or defense?
KB: Both, we are equally weak in each
JM: Who is your favorite basketball
KB: I don’t really watch professional
basketball or keep up with it. But, I do
watch a lot of college basketball. I
think that I can learn more from
watching the college players than the
JM: Which team was the hardest to
play against?
KB: Riverside was definitely our biggest competition this year.
JM: What do you think is your weakness while playing the game?
KB: I’m not a very good left-handed
JM: Since you have started playing,
how much do you think you’ve improved on a scale from 1-10?
KB: A solid 8, we all have gotten better
and learned how everyone plays individually. This makes us better as a
team, but we can always improve.
JM: Do you find it a lot harder to keep
your grades up to stay on the team?
KB: Sometimes it’s harder than other
times, but overall yes, most kids do
their homework after school but if you
have practice you don’t get home untill late so it keeps me up later, but I
always make sure I keep my grades
JM: Did your after school schedule
change once basketball season
KB: Yes, my homework gets done
later. Everything pretty much gets
done later.
JM: Do you play any other sports?
KB: Yes, I play softball.
JM: What other hobbies do you have?
KB: I play softball, and I’m not really
into acting or musical stuff, sports
take up most of my time!
In conclusion, I would love to
give a big shout out to Karli. It was her
first interview and she did fantastic. It
was so much fun and really great to
get to know her as the serious basketball player she is. The Ridgway Girls’
Basketball team has wrapped up their
season ending with a 12-4 record.
This was a really amazing season for
the whole team. Congratulations to
the team and their coaches for all
their hard work. I can’t wait for next
year’s season. Go Hawks!
S e n s a t i o n a l S e u s s i c a l
R e v i e w
B y : T i f f a n y M o h a b i r
“Seussical Jr.” was
Samuel M. Ridgway’s school
play of 2014-2015. The production starred 5th- 8th graders.
The major characters were
Jojo, played by Alexia Shepard,
Horton, played by Ravon Fuller
and Gertrude McFuzz, played
by Grace Yurko. The advisors
were Mrs. Christina Wick and
Mr. Michael Melvin.
Seussical Jr. aired on
February 4th, 5th, and 6th of
2015. The play included differ-
ent parts from some of Dr.
Seuss books. It was a mix between Horton Hears a Who
with scenes with Mazie the
bird. Yurtle the Turtle was included as well.
My overall opinion
about the play is it was amazing. It was so cute when
Gertrude sings a song about
Horton! My favorite part was
when the Wickersham brother
(Kayman Brown) sang The Lion
King verse. Congratulations, to
all of the cast and
crew members for
all their hard work
and amazing talents. You ladies
and gentlemen
were very creative
and put lots of
effort into it and
that showed all
through the performance.
The iconic logo of Seussical Jr.
P a g e
R i d g w a y
Dear Hollywood:
Stop milking these
awful sequels! Some movies
need sequels so we can expand on mysteries or untold
stuff in the first one, but films
like The Expendables or
Transformers need to be put
to rest! (At least Taken and
the animated Titanic train
wrecks are now free from
your greedy grasp because
you killed those franchises.)
But your sequels to comedies
like Larry The Cable Guy are
just added for the toddlers
who loved Cars.
S t o p T h e S e q u e l s :
L e t t e r t o H o l l y w o o d
B y : P a t r i c k H a m p s o n
And let’s not forget
your crime for making hundreds upon thousands upon
millions of poorly made low
budget animated sequels
just designed to make
money. You probably learned
your lesson after making 12
Land Before Time sequels.
Others are just the sorriest
excuses for sequels called
“mock busters” (if you can
call them sequels, that is).
snow producing women in
blue singing that dreadful
song and looping it over and
over again. What’s next,
Paranormal Activity 6 or Alvin
and the Chipmunks 4 or the
Nut Job 2?! (Oh no, I think
ideas sparked for you.)
The best answer is
to stop or else people will
stop watching your movies
and sit there watching some
Patrick Hampson of the
“The KCA ’s
are an award
show where kids
all over the world
vote for their
favorite stars,
movies, and
R e g i s t e r
So in conclusion,
get your act to together, Hollywood and stop the sequels!
A perfect example of the onslaught of Land Before Time
Ridgway Register
N i g h t a t t h e N i c k e l o d e o n
K i d ’ s C h o i c e A w a r d s
B y : S t e p h a n i e S h a w
The Nickelodeon
Kid’s’Choice Awards was on
March 28, 2015. The KCA’s
are an award show where
kids all over the world vote for
their favorite stars, movies,
and songs. The winners are
picked by us! It’s not picked
by the producers of the show
like the Oscars. Some of the
categories are Favorite Movie,
Favorite Female Singer, Favorite Song, Favorite Cartoon,
Favorite TV Actor, Favorite
Music Group, Favorite Videogame, Favorite TV Actress,
Favorite Male Singer, Favorite
Reality Show, Favorite Book,
Favorite Movie Actress, Favorite Villain, Favorite Male Butt
kicker, Favorite Female Butt
kicker, Favorite Family TV
Show, Favorite New Artist,
and more!
Marano, Nick Jonas, Diary of
a Wimpy Kid, Emma Stone,
Angelina Jolie(Maleficent),
Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer
Lawrence, Modern Family,
and Fifth Harmony. Overall, a
night at the KCA’s is awesome!
The winners were
The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay Part 1,
Selena Gomez, Bang
Bang, SpongeBob
Squarepants, Ross
Lynch, One Direction,
Minecraft, Laura
The Blimp is the award given at
the Kids’ Choice Awards.
I s s u e
P a g e
A G r a m m y S u m m a r y
B y : J o r d a n M u r p h y
The award that winning artists take home at the
Grammy Awards.
The 57th Grammys aired on
Sunday, February 8th. It was showed
on CBS at 8pm. Some of the biggest
artists came to get rewarded for their
hard work. Some exciting news for
people on the go is that you can now
get the streaming on your phone!
Unlike the Tony Awards or the Oscars,
the Grammys are an award show for
some of the greatest singers and song
In fact, a popular winner this
year was Sam Smith. He took home
FOUR GRAMMYS! Beating out Taylor
Swift and the queen herself, BEYONCE! His acceptation speech to
everyone was “I won a GRAMMY!” and
then he walked off the stage. Later
that night he said, “I want to thank the
man who this record is about… thank
you so much for breaking my heart
because I have four Grammys!”
At the Grammys everyone
was so excited to see their favorite
artist perform and win. Back in 2009,
Kanye West jumped up on the stage
saying that Beyonce should have won.
This time at the Grammys he did it as
a joke! He went on stage while Prince
was announcing Beck’s win for Album
of the Year. Even though it was only a
joke, it still shocked many people. He
did say at the end of his little speech
that this was only a joke.
In conclusion, the Grammys
were a great way to award new and
old artists. These artists worked hard
for their awards. Sam Smith was a
huge winner this year. He worked
really hard for what he got. The Grammys were an amazing experience for
the artists and even the audience to
F i v e N i g h t s a t F r e d d y ’ s
B y : D o n s h a e J o y n e r
Do you love horror
games? If you do then you are
in luck. Scott Cawthorn has
released yet another Five
Nights at Freddy’s. If you haven’t tried it out yet then I will tell
you all about it.
First of all, this is the
third game in the series. If you
haven’t tried the first two, you
should try them. The third one
will then actually make sense.
In the third one the phone guy
says that the old building in
Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 was
burnt down. Also, the building
that you are now in is a horror
attraction. Therefore, of
course, you work the night shift
like in the other two games.
The goal of the game is finish
your work during the night shift
and make it until 6 A.M. alive.
Secondly, there is
only one animatronic who is
trying to kill your character. It is
named Springtrap. This animatronic looks like an old, worndown, scary bunny. Springtrap
is coming after you to get
vengeance for killing him.
There are also hallucinations
of all the past characters including Foxy, Freddy, Chica,
Marionette, and Balloon Boy.
Lastly, there are little
miniature games that you play
after games or that you find
during the game. During a
miniature game, the goal is to
look for a clue that will help
you later in the game. Playing
them will get you a good ending at the finish.
Now that you’ve
heard all about it, let’s see if
you can beat the game.!
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 is horrifying in so many ways.
The Ridgway Register is the school newspaper of Samuel M. Ridgway Middle School.
The purpose of Ridgway Register is to proR I D G W A Y
Advisor: Ms. Zoog
Student Editor: Grace Yurko
Members: 5th-8th Graders
vide an informational and interesting newspaper for the students of Ridgway. The advisor of Ridgway Register is Ms. Zoog and the
student editor of the newspaper is Grace
Room: 104
Meetings: Every Wednesday and first three
Mondays of the month
Email: czoog@edgewaterpark.k12.nj.us
A newspaper by the students, for the
Yurko. All students are invited to participate
in Ridgway Register. If you love news, sports,
fashion, electronics, and writing: the Ridgway
Register is for you! For more information on
joining the newspaper, please see Ms. Zoog
in Room 104.
S p i t b a l l : A S t o r y f o r A l l
B y : E r i n O ’ B r i e n
A g e s
Chapter 2
The Mountain Fall
"Aahhhh!" screamed Liam.
"Heellpp mmee!"
Liam was falling of the mountain. WOOSH spitball came to the rescue; he flew under Liam and Liam
landed on his back.
Spitball said "Liam, you can
not tell anybody that I have these powers.”
Liam fainted when he heard
Spitball talk. He fell off Spitballs back.
Spitball came to the rescue again but
this time brought Liam to his secret
Tune in to the next issue of the Ridgway Register to continue the adventure of Spitball and Liam in Chapter 3.
Spitball reveals his super powers and secret lair.