MASON INDUSTRIES, Inc. Manufacturers of Vibration Control Products NY Mailing Address: PO Box 410, Smithtown, NY 11787 350 Rabro Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 631/348-0282 FAX 631/348-0279 2101 W. Crescent Ave., Suite D Anaheim, CA 92801 714/535-2727 FAX 714/535-5738 TYPE CERTIFIED FOR DNHS : : CUSTOMER P.O. : MASON M.I. : DWG. NO. : JOB NAME CUSTOMER 2" Deflection B, B2, C2, 2-C2 & 4-C2 Series Hangers TYPE DNHS RATINGS Rated Capacity (lbs) Size DNHS-B-20 20 Double Deflection DNHS-B-26 26 Neoprene Element DNHS-B-35 35 with projecting bushing DNHS-B-50 50 DNHS-B-65 65 DNHS-B-85 85 DNHS-B-115 115 DNHS-B-150 150 Neoprene Spring Cup 210 DNHS-B2-210 290 with a projecting bushing DNHS-B2-290‡ 450 DNHS-B2-450 to prevent steel to steel ‡ DNHS-B2-680 680 contact 125 DNHS-C2-125 170 DNHS-C2-170 210 DNHS-C2-210 260 DNHS-C2-260 330 DNHS-C2-330 460 DNHS-C2-460 610 DNHS-C2-610 ‡ 880 DNHS-C2-880 DNHS-C2-1210‡ 1210 DNHS-C2-1540‡ 1540 DNHS-C2-1870‡ 1870 Legend to Tables on Right Hand Side: DNHS-2-C2-2420‡ 2420 3080 DNHS-2-C2-3080‡ †includes double deflection neoprene element DNHS-2-C2-3740‡ 3740 ††applies to spring only. DNHS-4-C2-3520‡ 3520 * with Red inner Spring DNHS-4-C2-4840‡ 4840 * with Green inner Spring DNHS-4-C2-6160‡ 6160 ‡ DNHS-4-C2-7480 7480 Upper & Lower Rods by others Hanger elements have straight line deflection curves. LRP - Lower Rod Penetration URP - Upper rod penetration MRD - Lower Rod Penetration TYPE DNHS DIMENSIONS (inches) Size Range D H DNHS-B-20-150 4 9 DNHS-B2-210-680 4 9 4 10 1/4 DNHS-C2-125-1870 8 12 DNHS-2-C2-2420-3740 DNHS-4-C2-3520-7480 7 15 W 4 3/4 4 3/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 8 7/8 LRP 5 1/8 5 1/8 5 1/4 6 8 URP MRD 3/4 3 3/4 3 3 1/4 7/8 5 1 6 1 1/4 Rated Spring Avg. Defl. Spring Defl.† Constant†† Neoprene Color/ Stripe (in) (lbs/in) [in) 2.75 8 Tan 2.53 12 White/Blue 2.55 16 Purple 2.55 24 White/Red 0.35 2.45 31 Brown 2.45 40 White/Blk 2.35 57 Silver 2.35 75 Orange 2.47 99 Silver 2.35 144 Blue 0.35 2.35 224 Tan 2.35 340 Gray 2.90 50 Purple 2.80 70 Brown 2.70 90 Red 2.60 120 White 2.40 165 Black 2.40 230 0.40 Blue 2.40 305 Green 2.40 440 Gray 2.40 605 Silver 2.40 770 Gray Silver 2.40 935 2.40 605 Silver 2.40 770 0.40 Gray 935 2.40 Silver 2.40 440 Gray 2.40 605 Silver 0.40 2.40 770 Gray Silver 2.40 935 Published ratings allow minimum 25% additional travel to solid. For a full 50% specified minimum, use the following ratings Derated Derated Capacity Defl. Capacity Defl. (lbs) (in) (lbs) (in) Size Size B2-450 410 1.83 2-C2-2420 2020 1.67 B2-680 565 1.66 2-C2-3080 2570 1.67 C2-880 800 1.82 2-C2-3740 3120 1.67 C2-1210 1010 1.67 4-C2-3520 3600 1.67 C2-1540 1285 1.67 4-C2-4840 4040 1.67 C2-1870 1560 1.67 4-C2-6160 5145 1.67 4-C2-7480 6245 1.67 CERTIFICATION DATA inch SPECIFIED DEFLECTION TAG : UNIT : PLAN VIEW OF HANGER LOCATION: Click with mouse for each location > 1 : 6 : 2 : 7 : 3 : 8 : 4 : 9 : 5 : 10 : Material for One Set : DWN : FORM S-629-2b CHKD : DATE : Sets Required DWG NO. : 01/98
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