The International Higher Education Network in Design, Fashion


The International Higher Education Network in Design, Fashion
Photo: Hannes Matzer
The International Higher
Education Network
in Design, Fashion,
Visual Communication
and Management
of creative companies
Milan, Rome, Turin,
Venice, Florence, Cagliari,
Madrid, Barcelona,
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
founder and President, IED
“We established the Institute in 1966 on the basis of the idea that knowledge and know-how
should grow and mature together. Because we respect the logic both of the market and of the
finest of academic knowledge, we chose to espouse a more authentic, up-to-date culture of
design: so we devised, planned and built up the school of design. We now know what it means
to take an idea and nurture it until it comes to concrete fruition and that is what we teach to
young creatives from all over the world”.
A benchmark for higher education in the fields of Design, Fashion, Visual Communications
and Management in creative disciplines for more than forty years,
IED offers its students a distinct competitive edge and international experience that
accompanies them throughout their lives.
Students come to IED to enrol in its undergraduate courses, its Masters courses and its
advanced training courses, which are held in the local language and in English.
Recognising a History of Excellence
Our graduates and the brilliant positions of responsibility they occupy in the creative
professions and enterprise tell the story of the excellence generated by IED. It’s a success
story that has contributed to the majority of the courses achieving official recognition from
the Ministries of Education and of Research in the countries where the IED operates directly,
whose respective national legal systems provide for undergraduate courses lasting three
years in Italy and Brazil and four years in Spain.
IED has also signed agreements with several prestigious academic institutes to offer
double-branded courses at home and abroad, whose final diplomas are accredited by the
partner institutions. For the 2011-2012 academic year, the institutions are the University of
Westminster in London, the International University of Applied Science in Bad Honnef and the
Aldo Galli Academy in Como.
Photo: Maurizio Costa
central ostrobothnia polytechnic, finland
- danmarks designskole, denmark - design academy
- ecole de communication visuelle, france - ecole de design nantes
atlantique, france - esag penninghen, ecole supérieure d’arts graphiques et d’architecture, france helsinki metropolia university of applied sciences, finland - gerrit rietveld academie, the netherlands
- hawk hochschule für angewandte wissenschaft und kunst, germany - hdk school of design and
crafts, sweden - zhdk zürich university of the arts, switzerland - isem-esmod, france - konstfack,
sweden - kymenlaakson university of applied sciences, finland - university of westminster, london,
united kindom - lathi university of applied sciences, finland - linköping university, sweden - alvar aalto
university school of art and design, helsinki, finland - university college of the creative arts, united
kingdom - university of applied sciences pforzheim, germany - university of applied sciences trier,
germany - university of creative arts (ucca), united kindom - university of kalmar, sweden - university of
ljubljana, slovenia - utrecht school of the arts - hku, the netherlands - willem de kooning academy,
the netherlands - ecv ecole de communication visuelle, france - international university of applied
sciences bad honnef, germany
eindhoven, the netherlands
emily carr institute, canada
- université de montréal, canada - fidm fashion institute of design and
- miad milwaukee institute of art and design, united states - sva school of visual arts, united states - anahuac, mexico - itesm instituto tecnologico y de estudios
superiores de monterrey, campus querétaro, mexico - uaslp, mexico - iteso instituto tecnologico
y de estudios superiores de guadalajara, mexico - universidad del pacifico, santiago, chile universidad jorge tadeo lozano, bogotà, colombia
merchandising, united states
bezalel academy of arts and design, israel
- holon academic institute of technology, israel
- myongji university, korea - donghua university, shanghai, china - beijing institute of fashion
technology, china
otago polytechnic, new zealand
- university of canberra, australia
Academic Partnerships
IED is a member of several international academic bodies and associations (Cumulus, ELIA,
IAA, FIYTA, IIE, EIE and MEC-Brazil) and has signed partnerships and student exchange
agreements with more than 40 of the world’s leading universities in 21 countries. Building on
the extensive versatility of its academic curricula, it is capable of providing students with the
possibility to acquire experience in other accredited institutions or to study in another one of its
own campuses.
Established in many locations in Italy, Spain and Brazil, IED is the only private higher education
academic network operating in the area of design whose roots go deep into the authentic Italian
culture of creativity, while also drawing on invaluable input from all over the world and always
ensuring a holistic view of all the trends and innovations at work in these sectors.
The IED locations
The IED locations
Milan is the hub and the ultimate soul of
Made in Italy: it is the country’s economic
capital, the metropolis of fashion and design
and the cradle of Italy’s leading publishing
businesses. It is no coincidence that Milan
is also the birthplace of many of the world’s
leading contemporary designers.
The courses at the IED in Milan focus their
attention unerringly on research, on enterprise
and on communications.
Venice is the capital of culture and artistic
tourism, the benchmark for artists from
all over the world and researchers from
every background, a city with a setting of
unparalleled beauty and hospitality,
that provides a unique learning experience,
in a context that can only thrive in Venice.
Rome has always been a crossroads of
cultures and nationalities, of social relations
and international events. Housed in a context
that constitutes an historical benchmark of
global significance, the IED school in Rome is
embedded in a strategic cultural panorama of
enormous prestige in the sectors of the visual
arts and of artistic production.
Turin has a well-established reputation as a
productive city in a constant state of cultural
ferment, featuring extensive experience with
new technologies and design for transportation.
IED Turin draws continuously on its contacts
with local and international manufacturing
industry, making a distinctive mark as a hub
of contemporary car design.
Florence can boast one of the world’s most
important artistic and cultural heritages,
but is also a city with a wealth of great craft
traditions, especially in the area of fashion and
accessories. Housed in a location of matchless
perfection for anyone who sets out to study
innovation and the contemporary arts, the
IED curriculum here focuses in particular on
valorising local resources and achieving a
meeting between cultures.
The natural bridge between Europe and the rest
of the Mediterranean basin, the IED’s school in
Cagliari is a place where cultures and traditions
meet in search of a new model of development
and cohabitation, exploring new forms of crossfertilisation between design, creativity, innovation
and business.
The IED locations
The IED locations
São Paulo
Madrid is the throbbing heart of the Spanish
economy, the city where culture, art and
design meld directly with the country’s
entrepreneurialism. The main objective of the
IED courses held in this location is to train
professionals who will be able to move with
ease in continuously evolving contexts.
São Paulo is Latin America’s strategic
nerve centre, the benchmark for the entire
continent in the area of new trends in
fashion and design. The first IED school in
Brazil offers both a chance to get to know
the Made in Italy phenomenon and an
opportunity for it in a country experiencing
rapid economic growth.
Barcelona is an innovative international
metropolis, trendy by definition. Displaying a
characteristically profound sense of beauty
and a pronounced creative capacity, the
IED’s Barcelona school provides courses
rooted in an urban context that numbers
among the world’s best achievers in
balancing quality of life with a continuous
desire to improve and renew.
Photo: Claudio Ripoli
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Rio de Janeiro
Best evidence of Brazilian design’s continuous
growth, Rio contends with São Paulo for the
laurels as Brazil’s cultural hub.
Every day, the newly-established IED school
draws on the city’s traditional excellence
in the sectors of the arts, of entertainment
and of fashion, which is now exported all
over the globe.
The purpose of IED’s International Advisory Board is to provide direction and a critical
conscience, together with an important benchmark support for every IED location’s activities.
The result of a major cultural project launched in 2010, which places the IED Group at the
epicentre of ideas and debate about the design community as a whole, the International
Advisory Board’s members are world personalities:
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate
Derrick de Kerckhove, new media theorist
Remo Bodei, philosopher
Richard Buchanan, business design theorist
Francisco Jarauta, philosopher
The International Advisory Board meets once every year to discuss topics of general interest,
with a special focus on the evolution of design’s role and how it is taught in society.
The experience that emerges from this debate is used to direct the Group’s cultural and
training activities and is transformed into didactic content, contributing to enriching the
background of IED’s lecturers and students alike.
Photo: Andrea Mariani
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The IED’s international lecturing staff includes more than 1,800 professionals working actively
in specific fields, this enables them to provide their students with practical skills and a constant
flow of innovation.
Running right through their work is the idea that a purely academic background is not enough
to keep in step with the times when society is constantly evolving. By ensuring that they are kept
constantly aware of contemporary developments, students are not only able to consolidate their
theoretical knowledge base, but also benefit from a fruitful exchange with the real working world.
Guided by these sector experts, students attending IED take part in workshops, laboratories
and seminars, develop international and interdisciplinary projects and contribute to organising
events, getting to grips with concrete challenges and learning to manage their work competently
and independently.
Photo: Maurizio Costa
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High quality academic and professional
training is one of the essential drivers for
economic growth. If a society is to achieve
excellence in development, encourage
innovation and expand its research,
a partnership between academic structures,
private and public enterprises and istitutions
is crucial. Every year, more than 200 firms
partner in a variety of ways, both nationally
and internationally, with the process of
educating students at the Istituto Europeo
di Design.
The place where school meets enterprise
and research meets experimentation, the IED
Research Centre was established in 1975 to
launch an interactive relationship between
the business community and education.
Since its foundation, the Research Centre
has defined a new model of operations that
adapts to the evolution in markets and firms’
ever-changing needs. A creative team, made
up of researchers and designers with clear
specialisations, is behind an interdisciplinary
process that combines innovative experiences
with basic teaching. This interaction stimulates
participants to explore and conduct research
in innovative areas of design, contributing to
the expertise and excellence that distinguish
the various different IED locations.
TWINS Simone Buonpensiere, Daniele Mazzon
Photo: Edoardo Piva
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In every IED location, students have access
to a library, professional workshops and
computer laboratories equipped with the
latest hardware and software.
In their last year, students can also use the
Job Placement and Partnership Service that
not only helps them to get that all-important,
indispensable experience with one of the
IED’s partner firms, but also accompanies
them in the delicate phase of their first
approach to the working world.
The Information and Orientation Service, SIO
offers support to all students who want to
enrol in the courses, helping them understand
the professions, contexts and potential job
openings. The service provides information
about the school’s organisation and its course
contents, aims and attendance, as well as
about the selection and admission process.
For students from other countries or who do
not live in the city where they have chosen
to study, a special Student Desk provides a
first level of assistance to make it easier to
integrate with the local situation, providing
support in finding housing and accessing
affiliated services and structures.
Photo: Federica di Giovanni
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and financial support
IED supports young creatives by practising
a policy of financial support for deserving
students who enrol in the three and four year
undergraduate courses, in the form of:
IED study scholarships covering part of
the tuition fee.
DSU study scholarships based on regional
norms (in Italy)
Zero-interest loans.
IED Scholarships
Every year, IED grants scholarships based on
merit to students from home and abroad who
have proved to be particularly deserving and
DSU (Right to University Study)
IED promotes the undertakings that
contribute to improving student’s living and
study conditions. In particular, IED signed
an agreement with the Region of Lombardy
in 2011 to promote the Right to University
Study; as a result, it now provides to students
attending those of its courses, in the seats of
Milan and Rome, that are accredited by the
Italian Ministry of Education and Research
(Ministerial Decree 10/12/2010 N°292) the
facilitations and services whose purpose is to
implement the right to study, such as study
scholarships assigned and facilitations for
international mobility and exchanges.
The academic courses at IED are based
on Academic Credits and are geared to
provide students with a complete grounding
in their chosen subjects, combining an
undergraduate course with a postgraduate
(Masters) course. These courses are
structured to allow students to circulate
between IED network’s schools at home
and abroad, while maintaining parity of
To complete its Academic catalogue, IED also
offers Advanced Academic courses, Specialisation courses, Refresher courses and
Summer courses.
The theme of IED’s design learning space is
developed in its four schools, each of which
provides several different specialised schools:
IED Design, IED Moda, IED Visual
Communication and IED Management Lab.
United by the common denominator of design
culture and by the principles that inspire them,
they also share a versatile, cross-fertilising
approach that combines theory and practice
to develop specific profiles and competences.
The teaching method features an energetic
bond with the real world of manufacturing
industry, so that students can acquire
knowledge by a variety of means, including
through workshops and direct experience
with firms operating in their target sectors.
This profitable exchange with the business
community and continuous cross-reference
with the latest scenarios and trends in the
market for design enable students to put
themselves and their talents to the test of real
design projects commissioned by real firms.
As a result of this dual track of theory and
practice and the distinctive dynamic trait of
its educational undertaking, IED’s courses
can often be considered as trend anticipators
more than just in tune with the times.
All IED’s projects, schools and initiatives have
a common denominator: design, devised,
drawn up and applied in its every aspect,
its every form and its thousands of potential
meanings. At IED, we investigate Design as
a transformer of the objects and contents
of our everyday surroundings; Fashion
as a creator of new styles, imagining new
trends; Visual Communication in order to
speak the language of images, while moving
competently and creatively among future
scenarios; Management Lab to create new
ways of managing processes and creative
enterprises and ways of designing that go
beyond products, services and experiences.
Photo: Irene Grey
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IED Italy has seats in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence and Cagliari. The school offer
includes Three Year BA Degrees, three year IED Diplomas and first year certificates, MAs and
summer courses. Ever since the early stages IED has developed innovative and diversified
teaching methodology, concentrated on the synergy between technology and experimentation,
creativity, strategies and integrated communication, market issues and a new form of
Structured on the basis of three years curriculum and earning 180 academic credits,
the undergraduate academic courses have three aims: to impart knowledge about the
technologies, materials and culture of design; to teach the ability to understand the market and
its requirements; to communicate the quality of design.
The first year is devoted to learning the basic methodology needed for a correct approach
to any creative undertaking. In the following years, real client briefs provide the basis for
intensifying the design activities, which are also backed up by supervision from consultants
working in the specific sector. Each course includes a selection of professional specialisations
(Majors) that differ from campus to campus. These specializations allow students to draw from
the rich context offered by the schools’ environment.
Most of the courses held in the Milan and Rome campuses have achieved recognition from the
Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) as First Level Academic Diplomas (Ministerial
Decree 10/12/2010 N°292) Three Year BA Degree.
The campuses in Florence and Venice offer a one-year Certificate diploma course, whose
curriculum contents correspond to the first years of the undergraduate courses.
IED Design interprets the excellence of Italian design by applying an educational process rooted
firmly in the humus of Made in Italy, combining creativity with entrepreneurial drive, technological
innovation and knowledge of the benchmark market.
3M Italia, Agusta, Alessi, Alitalia, Alstom, Apple, Bisazza, BiTicino, Blackberry, Blaukpunt,
BMW, Bombardier, Brastemp, Brionvega, Casa Arte&Design, Campari, Capmar, Cemex,
Colunna, CNC FLEX, Ducati, Emergency, Ferrari, Fiat, Flos, Fontana Arte, Green Cross Italia
Onlus, Heineken Italia, Herman Miller, Hitachi, Hp, Ideal Standard, Gianni Versace Home,
Grupo VIPS, Guzzini Illuminazione, IDEA Zarvos, Illy, Imaginarium, Ikko, Lancia, Lego,
LG, Lonxanet, Luxottica, Maserati, Masisa, Mangels, MaxHaus, Metalarte,
Museu da Lingua Portuguesa, Nike, Nivea, Ospedale Gaslini, OSRAM, Philips, Piaggio,
Piquadro, Pirelli, Poltrona Frau, Renault, Reebok, Riva, SEA Aeroporti, Seat, Sector,
Sedus, Tok&Stok, Una Hotel, Vitra, Volkswagen, Whirlpool, Zicla.
KENWOOD CORE Auöur Elísabet Jóhannsdóttir, Veronica Stellitano, Róbert Gíslason
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IED Design – Italy
IED Design – Italy
Product Design
Transportation Design
The product designer is an expert in
identifying habits and needs, interpreting
dreams and expectations and then converting
them into industrial products. The course
provides students with the theoretical
knowledge and expressive and technical tools
necessary for completing an entire product
design process, from the first idea right
through to its market launch and distribution.
The complexity of transportation and
its design culture call for a thorough
understanding of the entire system of
production. The transportation designer
must be capable of summarising skills of
styling, aerodynamics, feasibility, design,
ergonomics, marketing and communications.
This course provides theoretical and technical
skills to enable students to experiment with
concrete applications based on processing
and developing increasingly complex projects
in the various different areas of mobility.
Three-year BA degree: Milan *, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan*, Rome, Turin,
Majors: Milan -specialisations in Packaging
Design*, Furniture Design*, Lighting Design*
Rome - specialisation in Public Design
Interior Design
The interior designer develops projects to
improve lifestyle and creates new trends in
domestic and professional locations and in
public utility services.
The course teaches the basic tools for
interpreting the systems of relations
connected to organising spaces, valorising
the requirements of innovation, environmental
comfort and installation.
Three-year BA degree: Milan*, Rome *
Three-year IED diploma: Milan*, Rome*, Turin
1st year certificate: Florence**, Venice**
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Event Design,
Furniture Design*, Lighting Design*
Rome - specialisations in Museum Design,
Design for Hospitality, Public Design
SCORP-ION Emre Husmen, Alexandre Goloskok, Aydar Nigmatullin, Maksym Shkinder,
Karla Dennis Soriano Farfan, Chrysanthos Therapontos, Marcos Villalon
Photo: Edoardo Piva
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* course also available in English
** corresponds to the first year of the three-year IED diploma course
Three-year BA diploma: Turin
Majors: Turin - specialisations in Car Design*,
Bike-Yacht-Train* (in English for the 1st year only)
IED Moda caters for the requirements of one of the fundamental sectors in the Italian and
world economies.
According to the major chosen, the academic curriculum may range from purely creative
aspects to management, styling and jewellery design, communication and event organisation,
covering a wide spectrum of professional profiles and furnishing solid cultural foundations and
critical skills.
Adidas, Aeffe, Arena, Armani, Benetton Group, Bread & Butter, Canal, CP Company,
Chilli Beans, COIN, Damiani, Desigual, Diesel, Dolce & Gabbana, Doc Dog, Domingo Ayala,
Ermenegildo Zegna, Ecko Unltd, Elena Mirò, Emilio Pucci, Fazendo Onda, Fendi, Ferré,
Friday’s project, Fossil, Furla, Gattinoni, IBGM, Lacoste, Le Postiche, Levi’s, Louis Vuitton,, Mariona Gen, Mango, Max Mara, Miroglio, Moschillo-Falber, Oficio Moda,
Pickwick, Pomellato, Prada,, Projeto Cidade Escola Aprendiz, Ralph Lauren,
Robe di Kappa, Roberto Cavalli, Roccobarocco, Samsonite, Santa Costancia, Santista,
Superga, Skunkfunk, Swarovski, Timberland, Valentino, Vogue Italia,
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia, WGSN, Yerse.
RAIZ Moises Nieto Narvaez
Photo: Filippo Abrami
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IED Moda – Italy
IED Moda – Italy
Jewellery Design
Fashion Stylist
The jewellery designer knows how to translate
everyday symbolic idioms into tangible
shapes to decorate the human body.
The aim of this course is to train professionals
to be capable of combining knowledge
and commercial requirements to design
and precious jewellery and accessories in
accordance with criteria of originality and
The curriculum includes historical and cultural
components, aspects of sociology and
elements of photography and video, with the
aim of training professional to generate ideas,
nurture and narrate the visual identity of a
fashion brand, a fashion magazine or industry
events, while shaping an image that conveys
their stylistic aspects in an original, appealing
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome, Turin
Major: Turin - specialisation in Accessories
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Majors: Milan - specialisation in Visual
Rome - specialisation in Fashion Editor
Fashion Design
The fashion designer applies an increasingly
multidisciplinary approach to working in the
context of fashion. The purpose of this course
is to provide an extensive cultural, technical
and professional grounding that balances
innovation, in terms of forms and materials,
with the requirements of the market, involving
the entire process that goes from conceiving
an idea to translating it into a product that is
ready to sell.
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome, Turin
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Shoes and
Accessories Design, Print and Textile Design,
Streetwear Design
Rome - specialisation in Shoes and Accessories
BA Honours validated by University of
Westminster: Milan **
1st year certificate: Venice***
STILL LIFE Adelaide Begalli
Photo: Filippo Abrami
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* course also available in English
** course available in English only
*** corresponds to the first year of the three-year IED diploma course
Fashion Marketing
and Communication
This course aims to interpret and achieve
an understanding of fashion as a social,
historical and cultural phenomenon, through
its typical methods of storytelling (magazines,
the web and the new media) and the extent
of its relevance to the market (through
analyses, positioning, distribution, identities
and brands). Students acquire cultural
background knowledge and the critical and
methodological capacities necessary to
devise and convey a brand strategy in the
contemporary world.
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Fashion
Communication, Fashion Marketing
Rome - specialisations in Fashion
Communication, Fashion Marketing
BA Honours under validation by University
of Westminster: Milan, Rome**
IED Visual Communication represents the boundless world of communications through
images. Established as the merger of IED Arti Visive and IED Comunicazione, its development
is based on the assumption that the language of visuals is an essential element of all
The aim of all the courses here is to experiment with all the traditional and digital techniques,
media technologies and tools of visual communication, which students
learn to use with confidence and competence.
Absolut Vodka, Adobe Systems, Amnesty International, Apple Computer Italia, Barilla,
BEIC (Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura), Biblioteca Mario de Andrade, Canon,
Centro Cultural São Paulo, Club To Club, Comune di Milano, Cosmopolitan TV,
Courmayeur Noir in Festival,, Faber Castell, Ferrero,
Fondazione Peggy Guggenheim, Hewlett Packard, Illy, I-Stick, Kukuxumusu, LifeGate, MAIS,, Medici Senza Frontiere, MINI-BMW Italia, Mont Blanc, Moritz, MTV,
Museu da Imagem e do Som, Nestlé, Nike, Orange, Pepsico Beverages Italia,
Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Pirelli, Polaroid, Real Madrid TV, Redbull, SEDEC Estado de Alagoas,
Serial Cut, Siemens, Sony Records, Sony PSP, Studio Azzurro, Studio N!03, Swatch, Telecom,
Universal Music, Unicef, Universal Pictures, Vodafone, YOOX, Zupi, Whirlpool, WWF Italia.
Photo: Hannes Matzer
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IED Visual Communication – Italy
IED Visual Communication – Italy
and Animation
The illustrator is a professional who is
capable of using drawing and techniques
of painting, from the most traditional to
the latest computer methods (computer
graphics and digital animation), to create
images and convey messages.
Photography is an art form born in the last
century that is now applied to a great many
fields: from publishing, advertising and the
new media to fashion, art, theatre and show
The course conveys the skills essential for
working in this area.
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome, Turin
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Illustration,
Turin - specialisation in Children’s books and
Visual Storytelling
Three-year BA degree: Milan*, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan*, Rome, Turin
Milan - specialisation in Fashion Photography*
Rome - specialisation in Publishing and Advertising
Turin - specialisation in Fine Arts & Social Reportage
Graphic Design
Advertising Communications
The graphic designer conveys messages
by creating images, ranging from designing
a firm’s corporate and visual identity to
graphic design for publishing, from product
communication to web design and motion
The course trains professionals of creative
communication able to link the world of
consumption with a social reality involved in a
constantly changing.
Working on building synergy in the creative
couple - art directors and copywriters
are formed professional profiles able
to transformed into a visual message,
audiovisual and any radio communication
objective institutional, commercial or social.
Three-year BA degree: Milan*, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan*, Rome, Turin
Major: Rome - specialisation in Visual Culture
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome, Turin
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Art Direction,
Copywriting, Digital Advertising
Rome - specialisations in Art Direction, Copywriting
Turin - specialisation in Art Direction & Copywriting
1st year certificate: Florence** - specialisation
in Art Direction
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* course also available in English
** corresponds to the first year of the three-year IED diploma course
IED Visual Communication
IED Visual Communication – Italy
Media Design
Sound Design
The media designer is an expert at
processing and providing interdisciplinary
management of sounds and images,
interfaces and interactive contents.
By combining the study of graphic design and
programming with building on and developing
the cultural foundations that we need if we
are to be able to interpret the languages
used in today’s new media, students will
become completely independent designers of
trendsetting multimedia products.
Sound is part of our lives and a qualifying
element in designing communications.
The course includes experiments and
the acquisition of competence and skills
of analytical and expressive synthesis in
the area of recording, audio editing and
producing and processing sound projects.
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Computer Generated Animation
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome,
Cagliari, Turin
Majors: Milan, Rome, Turin - specialisation in
Interface and Interactive Design
1st year certificate: Venice
This course trains professionals to
specialise in using 3D digital technologies
to conceive and model animations and aims
to provide specialised skills in the areas
of animation, of videogames and of visual
special effects.
Video Design
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Visual
Effects, Animation, Virtual Interactive Design &
Rome - specialisation in Videogames
Moving images are the language of our day
and age. A narrative capacity, aesthetic
research, image processing, photography,
editing, interaction are among the skills
of video designers, professionals with the
mastery of linguistic and expressive media
used to describe the world.
Three-year BA degree: Milan, Rome
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome, Turin
Majors: Milan - specialisations in Film maker,
Interactive video installations
Rome - specialisation in Motion Graphics
Turin - specialisation in Film maker & Infotainment
DONNEDENSE: FAME D’ARIA Valentina Valdinoci
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The school focuses on training education in areas related to managing creativity in corporate
processes and concentrates its energies on approaches to the managerial and
entrepreneurial needs of the creativity industry and of artistic output, which the whole word
acknowledges as areas of Italian excellence.
Based on the design thinking approach, the school’s aim is to train managers to be capable
of promoting and managing the process of developing new products and services, in both
creative and conventional enterprises, where they are destined to occupy positions of
strategic importance.
The courses at IED Management Lab have a very strong focus on the area of sustainable
development, which they study both from an environmental and from a social standpoint.
1861 United, ACNielsen, Action Aid, Assorel, Azimut, Agbar, Bassat, BarleyArts,
BMW Motorrad, British Council, Candy, Café del Mar Community, De Agostini, Dietorelle,
Ducati, Edelman, Erickson, Fiat, FilmMaster, Futurebrand, GAP, H-Farm,
K-Events Filmmaster Group, Ford, Klaus Davi, La Caixa, Kraft, Lancia, Mattel,
Medici Senza Frontiere, Mc Donald’s, McCann-Erickson, Meetic, Microsoft, MS&L ITALIA,
MTV, Nike, Nivea, Nokia, Nolan, Osborne, Ogilvy & Mather, Paramount, Philips,
Pubblicità Italia, Publicis, Rana, Rcs Sport, Red Cell, Rolling Stone, Timberland, TVE,
Turismo de Barcelona, Teatre Liceu, Vice, Yahoo, Warner.
PROYECTO Leonardo Calvillo
38 > 39
IED Management Lab – Italy
IED Management Lab – Italy
Marketing: Account
and Brand Management
and Corporate Communications
This course aims to train professionals to
be able to make the critical observation and
evaluation of social and communications
phenomena cohabit with the capacity to
identify new trends in consumption and to
valorise the ability to tell stories about the
forms of creativity encountered.
The account manager is responsible for the
process of creating a campaign, channelling
the designer’s creativity to respond to the
need expressed by a client firm.
The brand manager, for his part, must
have a clear overview of the tangible and
intangible features that feed into brand
Curiosity, the ability to listen to and relate
with other people and to work in a group
are the gifts necessary for product and
marketing managers, sales managers and
public relations managers, professionals
who manage and develop a product’s life
cycle in the marketplace, as well as the
company’s communications and its image.
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Corporate communications:
event management
This course aims to create specialists in
event management, providing them with
the tools they need to take part in the entire
development process.
Creativity, a multi-disciplinary approach,
keeping constantly up to date, problemsolving, versatility, adaptability, leadership
and the ability to capture and interpret the
project’s timescale, economics and contents
are all characteristics that combine with
hands-on experience to shape a unique
professional profile.
Three-year IED diploma: Milan, Rome
Photo: Maurizio Costa
40 > 41
Three-year IED diploma: Turin
Hospitality Management
The Hospitality Manager guarantees
a seamless flow of quality services for
his guests, regardless of whether the
infrastructure in question is a hotel, a
holiday village, a cruise liner or a hospital.
The course is based on the programme
accredited with the University of Bad Honnef
(in Germany), the only German university
operating in this field to be included in the
exclusive association of the “Leading Hotel
Schools of the World”.
The course includes the chance for students
to attend a semester in the university
campus in Germany or abroad with other
international academic partners.
Three-year BA degree issued by the
University of Applied Sciences of Bad
Honnef (Germany): Venice*
The Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts is an institution with a long, well-established reputation
for experience in the area of the restoration of paintings, applied to canvases, boards,
frescos, stuccos and stone. Established in 1976, it now constitutes a case of excellence in its
academic field, as it has the capability to develop the methodological processes and artistic
skills necessary for restoration and conservation work on the various different kinds of cultural
heritage. The academy’s focus on small numbers of students per course, its teaching of the
basic techniques of painting and the presence of technical and scientific specialisation subjects
make its courses suitable to cater for the needs also of students whose secondary school
studies are not purely artistic.
The Aldo Galli Academy has been part of the IED network since 2011 and offers the following
courses, in partnership with the IED:
Five-year course leading to a Masters of Arts degree
Visual Arts
Three-year BA degree
Visual Arts
Two-year Master of Arts degree
For further information:
42 > 43
In the country where culture and innovation in services intersect with production and new
models of business, IED Spain, creative, international and innovative, has two seats, in Madrid
and Barcelona, offering courses in English and Spanish, one-year, three-year and four-years
undergraduate programmes, MAs, specialization programmes and summer courses.
As a result, IED Spain’s purpose is to continue being an international school that makes
innovative design possible alongside industrial and financial rationality, encouraging human
understanding and aimed at creating a true project culture.
Official Design Degrees*
Official University undergraduate degrees in Spain consist of 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer
and Accumulation System) and last four years. At IED Madrid* and IED Barcelona** we offer
Official Design Degrees in: Product Design, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Fashion Design.
Active learning through project-based enquiry is at the basis of our educational methodology.
The 240 ECTS curriculum is flexible and allows for a thorough qualification and specialization of
each degree course through the presence of majors. Every major allows to deepen a specific
area using different approaches to the topic, providing excellent networking opportunities with
the local industries around each campus. Collaborative projects that involve working together
in mixed majors groups or with external professionals and sponsors promote interdisciplinary
learning and help students develop the ability to work with others, the capacity for independent
learning, and greater awareness of the skills they will need to further their career.
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Three-year undergraduate (180 ECTS) courses offered jointly by IED Barcelona and the
University of Westminster.
IED Diploma
Three-year undergraduate courses offered by IED Barcelona: certification programs which do not
lead to an official degree.
Official qualified degrees in Spain are legally recognised as official university qualifications, and enable students to access both
the public and private labour market; they are also recognised at university level in the European Space for Higher Education:
students holding a Design Degree can access official international post-graduate programmes. Training programme offering ECTS
(European Credit Transfer System) credits, encourage the mobility of students around Europe.
* IED Madrid has been recognized by Order 4550/2010, August 27th, by the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Region of Madrid.
** IED Barcelona has been approved as a Higher School of Design (Escola Superior de Disseny IED) by Resolution of March 15th 2011 of
44 > 45
Ministry of Education, Autonomous Government of Catalonia.
The Design School offers a Product Design Degree (specialising in Product/Industrial Design,
Urban Design and Home Design) and a Degree in Interior Design. Students learn about basic
design notions and objectual, spatial, formal and visual development, as well as studying
a range of theoretical-practical, technological, cultural and communications subjects to
help them develop their design projects on the basis of a transversal and multidisciplinary
approach. Upon finishing their Design Degree, students are prepared to work as designers,
defining spaces and products, producing plans, managing projects and presenting them
through digital media. They will gain the necessary critical and analytical skills to determine
the potential demands of users and translate them into forms and spaces which can be
produced through available technologies, selecting the most suitable in each case.
They will be able to contemplate innovative, efficient, socially and environmentally responsible
solutions which anticipate and resolve the needs of society and people in their interaction with
objects and spaces.
Dyson, Philips, Audi, Vitra, iGuzzini, Grupo Bosch, Formica, Retiff, Tubbo, Restalia,
Northern Design, Oltre Luce, Cial, Floss, Vertice 360º, Antares, Grupo Vocento, Fun & Basics,
BMW, Derbi, SEAT, Mercedes, Roca, Honda, Zicla, iniciativa BMW, Piquadro, Capmar,
Casa Decor.
GAP Amaya de Corral
Photo: Juan Ángel de Corral
46 > 47
IED Design – Spain
IED Design – Spain
The course in Interior Design gives to the student the creative, visual and conceptual knowledge
required to design spaces bearing in mind the users, the social aspects or accessibilities, with an
accademic approach based on the professional practice and innovation.
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Interior Design
Interior Design
Conceptualization and design of interior
and exterior spaces, adopting values
such as functionality, comfort, aesthetics,
accessibility and sustainability. Interior
designers develop new construction and
renovation projects for homes, commercial
premises, offices and exhibition spaces,
directly influencing people’s wellbeing and
improving their environment.
The interior designer is the professional
capable of assuming a large typology of
projects for his versatility, space thinking,
functionality, creativity and other proper
resources. The student is formed as a
multidisciplinary professional through the
learning of cultural, technological and
technical knowledge. This professional is
capable of developing interior projects,
stands, communication events, brand
creation and new business, exemptions,
green and leisure areas design.
BA with Honours: Madrid, Barcelona
Majors: Madrid - Interior Design (Spanish)
Barcelona - Interior Design (Spanish\English)
MELODÍAS Angello Zamudio
48 > 49
IED Design – Spain
IED Design – Spain
The course in Product Design trains students to be creative and innovative designers, with project
and technological skills which allow them to develop products and services for users. The teaching
methods are based on the development of projects and innovations.
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Product Design
Product Design
Design of all kinds of objects, produced
industrially or traditionally, making them
attractive and effective to users.
Product designers anticipate the demands
and needs of the market and society,
developing projects in a responsible
way, working on research and the
implementation of new methods, materials
and manufacturing systems. They design
products such as electrical goods, toys,
furniture, etc
Product designers come up with all kinds
of different objects.
Their role is to understand and foresee
market demands and translate them into
a specific project that can be industrially
produced. Job opportunities include: home
accessories, furniture, street furniture,
materials research, 3D modelling, packaging,
merchandising, etc.
Home Design
Design of products, furniture and
accessories for the home. The designer
establishes and anticipates new design
trends linked to domestic, interior and
exterior spaces. Home design professionals
work on the research and implementation of
techniques and materials bringing traditional
and industrial methods together in the
creation of products. They design lamps,
textiles, tableware, furniture, bathroom
pieces and other elements.
MANMADILLO Liliana Serguera
50 > 51
Product for Mobility
The Product for Mobility Design course
prepares professionals to interact with
XXI century society, dynamic and always
in movement. Job opportunities include:
accessories for mobility, bicycle and other
kinds of transports design (segway and
skates), smartphones’ expiriences design.
IED Design – Spain
IED Design – Spain
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Urban Design
Transportation Design
Design of furniture, services and other
elements applicable to urban spaces.
These designers offer solutions to different
social and environmental problems, working
on the planning and improvement of people’s
quality of life, urban landscape and mobility,
to name just a few.
They design and develop services and
products with a public use, and new
concepts for spaces for parks, squares, etc.
Transport designers create interiors and
exteriors for transport vehicles (cars,
lorries, trains, ships, planes) taking into
considerstion commercial, psychological
and social factors linked to mobility.
Job opportunities include: interiors and
exteriors for cars, motorbikes, aeronautical
sector, public transport, color & trim, 3D
modeling and automotive accessories.
BA with Honours: Madrid, Barcelona
Majors: Madrid - Product Design (Spanish), Home Design (Spanish), Urban Design (Spanish)
Barcelona - Product Design (Spanish/English), Product for Mobility (English),
Transportation Design (Bilingual)
ODDBOD Javier Alejandre
52 > 53
The Fashion School offers the Fashion Design Degree, training in a range of disciplines in
the field of fashion. The teaching mrtod is based on the implementation of creativity and
knowledge in the development of a fashion brand: brand identity, the design of a collection,
production, distribution and communications of the project. Students acquire a global vision
of the fashion world on an international level.
The Degree in Fashion Design begins with a first year focused on introducing students to the
fashion system and creating a technical and cultural foundation. Students may choose to take
this year in Spanish or English. During the second, third and fourth year, students are trained
bilingually (Spanish and English) and specialise in one of the training areas: Fashion, Haute
Couture and Dressmaking, Textiles, Accessories, Creative Direction, Strategy, Style and
Inditex, Diesel, Kiehl´s, Havaianas, Dr.Martins, Alexander McQueen, Jimmy Choo, Tom Ford,
Givenchy, Saks, Prada, Armani Privé, Loewe, Sybilla, Bimba & Lola, Custo Barcelona,
Clark´s, Missoni, Desigual, Fila, Levi´s, Alianto, Mango, Ermenegildo Zegna.
PROYECTO María Ruano
54 > 55
IED Moda – Spain
IED Moda – Spain
The degree in fashion Design (available in English, Spanish and bilingual) encompasses all the
aspects and disciplines in the field of fashion: from culture, design and communications, to
distribution and production. Creativity and knowledge are put to the service of the full development
of a brand.
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Fashion Design
Fashion Design
Fashion design education specialising in
the whole fashion system process: brand
identity and image, collection design and
production, communications, distribution
and production strategies. Students learn
to use conceptual, methodological and
project tools to design and develop a range
of collections: women and men’s, ready to
wear, children’s fashion, sportswear, lingerie,
swimwear, etc.
The Fashion Design course aims to ensure
that participants have the knowledge and
understanding as well as the design skills
to work professionally as fashion designers.
Through an active learning methodology
centred on the project, students acquire the
necessary practical skills to express their
creativity and to realize their designs. Job
opportunities include: Fashion designer,
illustrator, consultant, pattern, stylist, textile
designer, visual merchandiser, cool-hunter,
public relations, product manager.
Fashion Design, Haute Couture and
Bespoke Tailoring
Fashion design education specialising in the
learning of traditional, craftsmanship techniques
aiming for excellence, mannequin modelling,
men’s tailoring, haute couture techniques,
etc. Students become professionals capable
of designing and producing unique and
exceptional attire, with a great deal of creativity,
for luxury brands, theatrical productions, films
and advertising campaigns.
Fashion and Textile Design
TESIS Oana Balán
56 > 57
Fashion design education specializing in textile
creation, knitwear design, prints and traditional
textile techniques, as well as the learning
of new technologies applied to textiles,
new materials and eco-fabrics. Through
a multidisciplinary learning experience,
students learn to design and develop fashion,
accessories and home wear collections which
pay special attention to textiles.
Fashion Accessories Design
The Fashion Accessories course aims to
ensure that participants have the complete
knowledge and understanding necessary to
work professionally in designing, producing
and communicating fashion accessories.
Students develop a sensitivity to recognize
the importance of accessories as elements
of social communication and their
importance in dress codes and style. Job
opportunities include: fashion accessories
designer, shoe designer, consultant, blogger,
IED Moda – Spain
IED Moda – Spain
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Fashion and Accessories Design
Styling and Fashion Communication
Design of footwear, handbags, jewellery
and other fashion accessories. Students
learn, in a practical and realistic way, to
design and control the production of a range
of accessories under the same collection
philosophy. They specialize in the wide field
of accessories, without forgetting about the
definition, design and communication of a
brand identity.
The course aims to ensure that participants
have the complete knowledge and
understanding necessary to work
professionally as fashion stylists.
Our students acquire the necessary skills
to analyse and interpret information and
styles presented each season that will
eventually evolve and become trends.
Job opportunities include: consultant for
the development of fashion collections,
catwalks creating complete looks to best
communicate the collection or product,
advertising campaigns, specialized
publications, visual merchandiser, publicity,
image consultant and personal shopper.
Fashion Design and Creative Direction
Design and development of concepts and
contents for the communication of the
identity of fashion companies, brands,
publications, shops, fairs and events.
New communications formats, such as
fashion films, coexist with the classic catwalk
shows, advertising companies and special
events, requiring a professional capable of
conceiving and directing the creativity of
fashion projects through their entire process.
Fashion Design and Communication
Knowledge of the communications
processes and strategies specific
to the fashion world, specializing on
communications channels, from the most
traditional to the most innovative. The course
delves into writing and editing techniques,
fashion image and new media codes,
acquiring a capacity to develop effective
communications concepts for any company.
58 > 59
BA (Hons) in Fashion Design
This is a three-year course taught in English
based on IED’s advanced and successful
active learning educational methodology,
but also validated by the University of
Westminster, which continually generates
highly skilled creative fashion graduates who
go on to successfully establish themselves
at all levels and in all fields of the fashion
industry. The students will undertake a
Bachelor of Honours Degree awarded by
the University of Westminster at IED, valid
throughout the European Community.
Job opportunities include: fashion designer,
stylist, pattern professional, trend setter,
cool-hunter, image consulting.
IED Moda – Spain
IED Moda – Spain
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Fashion Design and Styling
BA (Hons) in Fashion Marketing
& Communication
Knowledge of the mechanisms which drive
style and image consultancy. Students are
capable of perceiving the latest trends,
adapting them to any product or person,
and style-manage film, advertising and TV
projects, with specific image purposes. The
teaching methodology takes into account
all of the phases of the process whereby a
consistent image is created.
Fashion Design and Strategy
Education centered on the research
and development of new strategies and
typologies of fashion projects. The course
offers a global and in-depth view of fashion
and its systems. Students will be able to
design projects, proposing innovations at
every stage of the process, and identifying
solutions for the future of the sector.
SINFONÍA CROMÁTICA Marilia Lima Herrmann
60 > 61
This course is under validation by the prestigious
University of Westminster. The course trains
professionals in tune with current market
needs, fully equipped to enter to the world of
fashion companies in the areas of marketing,
product, communication and distribution. Job
opportunities include: strategist and external
relations, event and fashion shows organizer,
communication and marketing directors,
product or brand managers.
Fashion Marketing and
The course trains professionals in tune with
current market needs, fully equipped to enter
to the world of fashion companies in the areas
of marketing, product, communication and
distribution. Job opportunities include: strategist
and external relations, event and fashion shows
organizer, communication and marketing
directors, product or brand managers.
BA with Honours (4 years): Madrid, Barcelona
Majors in Madrid: Fashion Design (Bilingual), Fashion Design Haute Couture and Bespoke Tailoring
(Bilingual), Fashion and Textile Design (Bilingual), Fashion and Accessories Design (Bilingual),
Fashion Design and Creative Direction (Bilingual), Fashion Design and Communication (Bilingual),
Fashion Design and Styling (Bilingual), Fashion Design and Strategy (Bilingual)
Majors in Barcelona: Fashion Design (Spanish), Fashion and Accessories Design (Spanish);
Fashion Styling and Communication (Spanish)
BA with Honours (3 years) in Fashion Design validated by the University of Westminster:
Barcelona (English).
BA with Honours (3 years) in Fashion Marketing and Communication subjected to validation by
the University of Westminster, Barcelona (English).
Three-year IED diploma in Fashion Marketing and Communication: Barcelona (Spanish).
The Visual Communications School offers the Graphic Design Degree to train professionals
in the fields of communications, visual creativity, advertising, film and TV, new platforms
and digital devices. Students learn to develop the strategic, creative and artistic elements
of audiovisual communications. Upon finishing their degree in Graphic Design, in any of its
specialisations (Graphics, Advertising, Illustration and Animation, Web Design, 3D Animation,
Interactive and New Media Design and Motion Graphics and Video), students will be ready to
offer an effective and creative response to the professional challenge of working in the field of
visual communications in such a complex and changeable society as ours.
El Corte Inglés, Canal+, Apple, AXN TV Channel, Atos Origin, Hogan Lovells, Axn Tv,
Editorial Santillana, Paradores de Turismo, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Revista Metrópolis,
Chupa Chups, Swatch, Canon, Sónar, Madrid City Council, Festival Offf, PSP Sony.
62 > 63
IED Visual Communication – Spain
IED Visual Communication – Spain
The course teaches students to become creative designers with technical knowledge and
innovation capacity. Upon gaining the degree, they can successfully carry out professional design
projects in the various disciplines of the visual arts and communications.
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Visual communications design using
conceptual, technical and project
methodology tools. Graphic designers
convey ideas, facts and values through the
visual identity of a company or institution,
the brand of a product, the visual image
of newspapers, magazines and other
editorial products. In the same way, they
develop the graphics of advertising, online
and multimedia projects, the identification
of headquarters and space signage, the
graphics of containers and packaging, etc.
The course is aimed to form specialists
in visual communication, capable of
conceptualizing, structuring and developing
an effective communication, by controlling
the trinomial formed by methodology,
technics and technology. Job opportunities
include: Digital “New media”, corporate
image, product communication, editorial/
television graphics, collaborating with
advertising agencies and public relations
Illustration and Animation
Conceptual, creative and project academic
education in traditional and digital
techniques which make it possible to tell
stories in a graphic way. The student learns
to create environments and characters
through static and dynamic illustration.
Illustrators and animators carry out their
work in the field of advertising, publishing,
science, comics, TV graphics, film, etc.
NEW YORK, TOKIO, MOSCOW Mattias Lindström
64 > 65
IED Visual Communication – Spain
IED Visual Communication – Spain
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Design of advertising campaigns from
a conceptual and strategic perspective.
Students increase their creativity through the
production of briefings, gaining experience
with the tools needed to carry out effective
commercial communications. Publicists
produce commercials and campaigns,
adapting the concepts to conventional (TV,
radio and press) and non-conventional
(direct marketing, promotions, online
platforms, etc.) media.
During the course students will learn how
to create and spread messages used to
promote and sell products and services. The
course teaches the concepts of advertising
through a series of readings, assignments,
examples, and actual multi-media
advertising campaigns through an exciting,
meaningful, and effective active learning
methodology. Job opportunities include:
communication and advertising campaigns,
public relation companies, projects planner,
creative, copywriter, new media and
audiovisual projects.
3D Animation
Creation of 3D objects, characters and
stages applying the necessary creativity,
expressiveness and animation techniques
to produce them. Info-graphics experts
can model, texturize, light and animate
characters and stages in 3D in the fields of
videogames, advertising, film, simulation,
etc. The teaching method proposes a
balance between creativity, concept and
Motion Graphics and Video
Animated graphics, video and digital
effects. Students acquire the cultural,
technical and methodological foundations to
create audiovisual contents for advertising
agencies, communications and marketing
companies and film and TV production
companies. They will also develop creative
solutions for advertising, video art,
scenography, etc.
LIGHT IN MOTION Luis Miguel Abad, Ander Fernández de Liger
66 > 67
Motion Graphics and Video
This course is aimed to form artistic
professionals able to work in audio-visual
productions and create innovative projects
in visual communication.
The video designer creates motion graphics,
animations and projects where the real
image and graphic designers create a new
communication Language for cinema,
television, Internet and mobiles. Job
opportunities include: cinema, video, TV,
Internet, animation, mobile devices and
IED Visual Communication – Spain
IED Visual Communication – Spain
Majors in Madrid
Majors in Barcelona
Web Design
Media Design
Planning and design of web contents
keeping in mind elements such as usability,
accessibility, interactivity and information
architecture. Web designers convey ideas,
designing interactive services and products
and generating user experiences with media
such as audio, text, images and video.
They create and develop web projects,
online communications strategies, etc.
The multimedia designer is a professional
specialized in developing and creating
products or programs with high technological
contents, aimed mainly to diffusion through
digital systems (computer or network)
and characterized for the multimedia use.
Job opportunities include: the multimedia
designer works in a wide range of market
sectors: multimedia developer, web 2.0,
visual programmer, visual installations, cross
media, visual apps and sound.
Interactive and New Media Design
Design of interactive contents for new
platforms and devices.
Students learn the concepts, techniques
and project methods linked to user
experiences and new communication
and cultural contexts. They develop
multimedia products and services, creatively
integrating audio, text, images and video
for a range of platforms: mobile phones,
the web, touch-screen devices, physical
interfaces, exhibition spaces and converging
Illustration and Animation
The illustrator is a design professional
capable of enliven ideas, concepts,
characters and situations thanks to its
capacity of representation, imitation or
creative transformation of the reality.
Job opportunities include: graphic or web
designer, illustrator, animator, comic drawer,
creator of short films, motion graphics, video
games designer, storyboard artist, creative,
art director.
BA with Honours: Madrid, Barcelona
Majors in Madrid: Graphic Design (Spanish), Illustration and Animation (Spanish), Advertising (Spanish),
3D Animation (Spanish), Motion Graphics and Video (Spanish), Interactive and New Media Design
(Spanish), Web Design (Spanish)
Majors in Barcelona: Graphic Design (Spanish\English), Advertising (Spanish\ English); Motion Graphics
and Video (English), Media Design (Spanish), Illustration and Animation (Spanish)
FESTIVAL OFFF Christian Villacañas
68 > 69
IED Management Lab forms professionals in the strategic and executive fields, with the tools,
knowledge and capacities required to create innovative ideas in the marketing
and communication world.
Revista Tiger, Starbucks, El Corte Inglés, E-Cultura
70 > 71
72 > 73
IED Management Lab – Spain
IED Management Lab – Spain
Majors in Barcelona
Majors in Barcelona
Business Design
Communication and Event Design
The general educational aim of the course
is to create professionals with tools,
knowledge and skills to generate innovative
business ideas, particularly in the field of
communication. We want to create students
with basic knowledge about creativity,
communication and marketing but we will
increase their skills and creative strategic
thinking. The aim of the course is to become
professional people with the ability to design
new ideas and business models, especially
in the field of communication, innovation and
creativity. Job opportunities include: strategic
consultant, advertising manager, social
media strategist, Internet, business manager,
business entrepreneur, marketing manager.
The aim of the course is to train professionals
in the fields of creative communication
and events with the tools, knowledge and
required skills to generate innovative ideas in
the fields of marketing and communication.
The strategic and creative thinking is focused
on the creation and conceptualization of
strategies and global communication plans.
The challenge of this course is to form
professionals with the ability of designing
and managing creative communication
plans, events and experiences.
Job opportunities include: event planner,
public relations director, communication
director, social media strategist,
communication and event producer.
Three-year IED diploma: Barcelona (Bilingual)
Three-year IED diploma: Barcelona (Bilingual)
All works and images illustrated in this brochure come from project works done by students at IED
IED Design
IED Visual Communication
IED Management Lab
Via Sciesa 4
20135 Milano - Italy
Ph. +39 02 5796951
Fax +39 02 5510374
IED Moda
Via Pompeo Leoni 3
20141 Milano - Italy
Ph. +39 02 583361
Fax +39 02 5833660
IED Design
IED Visual Communication
Via Alcamo 11
00182 Roma - Italy
Ph. +39 06 7024025
Fax +39 06 7024041
IED Moda
IED Management Lab
Via Giovanni Branca 122
00153 Roma - Italy
Ph. +39 06 5717651
Fax +39 06 57305476
Via San Quintino 39
10121 Torino - Italy
Ph. +39 011 541111
Fax +39 011 5170167
Palazzo Querini Stampalia
Campo Santa Maria Formosa
Castello 5252
30122 Venezia - Italy
Ph. +39 041 2771164
Fax +39 041 2413886
IED Firenze
Casa della Creatività
Vicolo Santa Maria Maggiore 1
50123 Firenze - Italy
Ph. + 39 055 2676311
Fax +39 055 2645685
Viale Trento 39
09123 Cagliari - Italy
Ph. + 39 070 273505
Fax +39 070 2085066
c/ Flor Alta 8
28004 Madrid - Spain
Ph. +34 91 448 04 44
Fax +34 91 1892402
Torrent de l’Olla 208
08012 Barcelona - Spain
Biada 11-14
08012 Barcelona - Spain
Ph. +34 93 2385889
Fax +34 93 2385909
Rua Maranhão 617
São Paulo - Brazil
Ph. +55 11 366080
Fax +55 11 36608008
av. Joao Luiz Alves, 13
22291-090 Rio de Janerio - Brazil
Ph. +55 21 36833786
Milano, Roma, Torino, Venezia, Firenze, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
Photo: Hannes Matzer
IED Design
IED Visual Communication
IED Management Lab
Via Sciesa 4
20135 Milano - Italy
Ph. +39 02 5796951
Fax +39 02 5510374
IED Moda
Via Pompeo Leoni 3
20141 Milano - Italy
Ph. +39 02 583361
Fax +39 02 5833660
IED Design
IED Visual Communication
Via Alcamo 11
00182 Roma - Italy
Ph. +39 06 7024025
Fax +39 06 7024041
IED Moda
IED Management Lab
Via Giovanni Branca 122
00153 Roma - Italy
Ph. +39 06 5717651
Fax +39 06 57305476
Via San Quintino 39
10121 Torino - Italy
Ph. +39 011 541111
Fax +39 011 5170167
Palazzo Querini Stampalia
Campo Santa Maria Formosa
Castello 5252
30122 Venezia - Italy
Ph. +39 041 2771164
Fax +39 041 2413886
IED Firenze
Casa della Creatività
Vicolo Santa Maria Maggiore 1
50123 Firenze - Italy
Ph. + 39 055 2676311
Fax +39 055 2645685
Viale Trento 39
09123 Cagliari - Italy
Ph. + 39 070 273505
Fax +39 070 2085066
c/ Flor Alta 8
28004 Madrid - Spain
Ph. +34 91 448 04 44
Fax +34 91 1892402
Torrent de l’Olla 208
08012 Barcelona - Spain
Biada 11-14
08012 Barcelona - Spain
Ph. +34 93 2385889
Fax +34 93 2385909
Rua Maranhão 617
São Paulo - Brazil
Ph. +55 11 366080
Fax +55 11 36608008
av. Joao Luiz Alves, 13
22291-090 Rio de Janerio - Brazil
Ph. +55 21 36833786
Milano, Roma, Torino, Venezia, Firenze, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro
The International Higher
Education Network
in Design, Fashion,
Visual Communication
and Management
of creative companies
Milan, Rome, Turin,
Venice, Florence, Cagliari,
Madrid, Barcelona,
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro