July 5, 2015 - Windsor Catholic


July 5, 2015 - Windsor Catholic
Saint Joseph Parish
1747 Poquonock Avenue
P.O. Box 253
Poquonock, CT 06064-0253
Reverend Robert B. Vargo, J.C.L.
Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese of Hartford
Reverend Michael A. Ruminski
Parochial Vicar
Reverend Robert T. Russo
Pastor Emeritus
Mrs. Michelle M. Harris
Parish Secretary
Ms. Lori A. Possum
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Telephone: (860) 688-9566
Fax (860) 683-2225
E-mail stjoepoquonock@aol.com
Deacon Ronald Biamonte
Deacon R. Carl Lickwar
Ms. Lori A. Possum
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Telephone (860) 285-0696
FAX (860) 683-2225
E-mail stjoseph.churchfin@yahoo.com
Mrs. Gayle M. Brick
Coordinator of Parish Ministries
Office Hours: Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Telephone (860) 688-9566
Fax (860) 683-2225
E-mail StJoseph.Ministry@yahoo.com
Mr. Scott P. Rioux
Director of Music
Mrs. Cynthia A. Glick
Coordinator of Faith Formation
Office Hours: Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs 9:00 am-2:30 pm
Telephone (860) 683-0366
Fax (860) 683-2225
E-mail StJosephFaithFormation@hotmail.com
Mr. Edward Kozloski
Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday morning at 10:30 am
Please call parish office to schedule a date.
Marriage: Arrangements should be made by calling
the Rectory at least six months in advance.
Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 pm
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the Rectory.
Daily Mass: 7:30 am
Alternating weeks with Saint Gabriel Parish
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:15 pm
Sunday Masses: 9:15 am, 11:45 am
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Our mission is to reflect God’s saving love by promoting strong ministries that enrich every aspect of parish life
through prayer and worship, education, family life, community outreach and charity. In doing this, we reflect the
joy of the Risen Christ who dwells in us. We believe in the fullest collaboration of clergy and laity to achieve our
common mission to make Christ present in our world, that we may join Him one day in the next.
e-mail: stjoepoquonock@aol.com
website: www.windsorcatholic.org
Accessible by
Side entrance
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day
Today’s Gospel is the origin of the saying, “A
prophet is without honor in his own country.”
Perhaps you too have experienced rejection
by those whom you think know you the best. It can be
discouraging, even if you are fully confident in yourself.
Certainly the Church has encountered opposition in the
world, and even some within the Church-some of our bestloved saints-have felt rejected by the Church. When that
happens, we have Jesus as our model. Let us pray to him
today for strength, whatever we may be facing.
11:45 AM
June 27th/June 28th Weekly Collection....$4,199
Maintenance and Repair Collection…....$1,428
Thank you for your generosity to
and support of Saint Joseph Parish
5:15 PM
9:15 AM
Please pray for: Mickey Matusiewicz
(Wife of +John Matusiewicz)
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn the week of
July 5th, for the greater glory of God and for
+Patricia McCartney
Requested by
A Friend
Flowers for the Church
Flowers enhance the visual beauty of the
liturgical environment. Wouldn’t it be nice
on occasion to have a fresh floral
arrangement that is delivered on Saturday
for our weekend Masses?
We would place it in the Sanctuary and leave it in the
Church throughout the following week. A few people have
expressed an interest in donating these flowers to
memorialize a loved one, a birthday, wedding anniversary,
anniversaries of death, and other special occasions. If you
are interested in doing this, please contact the Rectory
Office. We will publish the memorial in the weekly bulletin
and place the order with our regular supplier.
suggested offering is $50—$75.
July 5 (The Fourteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time)
(Anniversary in Heaven)
req. by His Son, Joseph Palladino
req. by Lori Possum
Daily 7:30 AM Masses for Monday through Friday,
July 6th through July 10th, will be celebrated at Saint
Gabriel Church.
Parishioners wishing to attend weekday Mass are
invited and encouraged to attend
2:30 PM
Please remember the members, loved ones, and
friends of our Parish Family who are ill, aged,
troubled, or grieving. Pray for their physical,
emotional, and mental well-being.
July 4 (The Vigil of the Fourteenth
Sunday in Ordinary Time)
(Birthday Remembrance)
req. by Bob & Dina Adame
5:15 PM
9:15 AM
11:45 AM
July 11 (The Vigil of the Fifteenth
Sunday in Ordinary Time)
req. by Her Husband, Daniel
July 12 (The Fifteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time)
(Birthday Remembrance)
req. by Her Daughter, Granddaughter, &
(9th Anniversary Remembrance)
req. by His Wife, Marian, & Family
2016 Mass Intentions Book
Parishioners wishing to schedule announced
Mass intentions for 2016 are invited to call or stop
by the Rectory.
The customary stipend offering ($10 for weekday Masses;
$20 for Sunday Masses) should be given at the time the
Mass is booked.
“By following Jesus’ new Commandment of
unselfish love, our lives can be richly fulfilling,
and marked by joy and peace. In contrast,
treating others as either means or obstacles to
one’ self-serving goals, while never learning to love
generously, is an impoverished way to live.”
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo [Former] Chairman, Committee
on Pro-Life Activities Statement for Respect Life Month,
September 26, 2011.
Defending Our Religious Liberty #175
Under the new health care reform law, the federal
government demands that almost all health plans fully cover
female sterilization and drugs and devices that prevent
pregnancy, including those that can cause an early abortion.
Why should religious institutions be forced to pay for
procedures that go against their moral principles?
If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition
to the federal health care mandate by calling U.S. Secretary
of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at
202-205-5445, and your elected representatives. Let them
know that the mandate is in violation of our First
Amendment right to religious freedom.
Saint Gabriel School-Fourth Quarter Honor Roll
Saint Gabriel School is proud to announce that
the following Saint Joseph Parish students have
made the Honor Roll for the fourth marking period of the
2014-2015 school year:
Grade 8: Honors: Taylor Douglas, Zoe Gosselin,
Emile Shwayhat and Gabrielle Wassell.
Honorable Mention: Lliam Caroon.
Congratulations to the following couples
who celebrated the
Sacrament of Marriage
Saint Joseph Parish
Saturday, June 27, 2015:
Barbara Izabel and Milton Guay
Suzanne Rummans and Shaun Allen
Saint Joseph Remembrance Fund
It is customary and fitting to remember loved
ones who have died with memorial donations to a
favorite cause or charity. In this way the memory of
the deceased is honored and a good work, either
civic or religious, is perpetuated. There are numerous
charities that have been traditionally designated for such
Grade 7: Honors: Sabrina Louro.
Remembrance Fund are restricted to the betterment and
furtherance of our worship and our place of worship—the
Grade 6: Honors: Justin Asberry, Jeremy Blackwood,
Rachel Delskey, and Virginia Machon.
We are grateful to the following who have donated to the
Remembrance Fund in loving memory of:
Volunteer Opportunity at Mary’s Place
Mary’s Place, a center for grieving children and
families, is looking for Volunteer Facilitators to
work with grieving children and teens. Mary’s
Place provides a safe place in which children, teens and
families who are grieving a death, share their experiences,
receive support, and find comfort.
Training will be provided. Next training session begins
October 2nd. A one-year commitment is required.
Are you ready to make a difference in the life of a grieving
child? Visit MarysPlaceCt.org or call Lisa Peluso at 860688-9621.
A Family Perspective—Today’s gospel is so
familiar, it hurts! The home town folks couldn't
accept the presence of God in Jesus. After all,
they had watched him grow up. We can easily
make the same mistake if we don’t see God
present in the ordinary routines of our family. “The Lord be
with you” is a statement of fact. Believe it. Live it.
~Bud Ozar
Look with new eyes at the people in your
neighborhood. Whose son or daughter has the
capacity to serve God’s people as a priest,
brother, or sister? Pray and invite them to
consider a religious vocation and have them call
Father Anthony Smith, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan
Center at Saint Thomas Seminary, via phone at 860-7617456,
+John Matusewicz
Pauline M’Grath
+Walter Whelan
Janet Terkildsen
Social Action Corner
Monthly Food Collection
Bags are available this weekend for the July food collection.
The food bank has requested jelly, coffee and tea, iced tea,
toilet paper, paper napkins, and pasta sauce.
South Park Inn Collection NEXT Weekend
Social Action is sponsoring a collection for South Park Inn,
a homeless shelter in Hartford. The shelter is in great need
of men’s size large and extra large underwear and tee
shirts. They can also use toiletries, such as toothbrushes,
toothpaste, soap, and shampoo.
The collection is
scheduled for July 11th &12th.
Next Meeting
The next Social Action meeting is September 14th at 6 PM
in Father Doherty Hall.
For more information on how you can participate in Social
Action contact Lisa Andersen at 860-688-3474 or
Landers403@comcast.net or Sue Claughsey at 860-2980550 or rnsue51@yahoo.com.
“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things
with great love.”
Mother Teresa
JULY 5, 2015
Religious Education
The Religious Education Office is closed for the summer.
The Catholic Youth Spectacular is a fun day to gather with
youth from other parishes and schools! All parish youth and
young adults in grades 7 and higher are invited to attend the
10th Annual Catholic Youth Spectacular on Sunday, September
20th, on the grounds of the Archdiocesan Center at Saint
Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. Call the Religious Education
Office for more information and to obtain a Registration
form. Reduced registration fees are available for those who
register before July 6th.
Registration for 2015/2016 Religious Education – All
students entering Kindergarten through 10th Grade in August
must be registered in order to attend classes beginning this
Fall. The Religious Education Office is closed for the summer,
but registrations can still be submitted and students will be
placed in classes in which there are openings. Parents who
have not yet picked up their registration packets will find
packets downstairs in Father Doherty Hall; new families should
contact the Religious Education Office. Registered families will
receive program information in August.
Looking for Religious Education Teachers! It’s true that
some of the volunteer Catechists in our Religious Education
Program are parents or grandparents with children enrolled in
the program, but many teachers are parishioners without a
family member in the program. Are you being called – are
you able to help? Catechists are provided with books, lesson
plans and supplemental materials, as well as support from the
Coordinator and other Religious Education teachers. Please
call Cyndie Glick in the Religious Education Office if you would
like to learn more about becoming a teacher or coteacher. Please take a copy of the pamphlet Why Be a
Catechist?, available at the entrances of the Church.
THANK YOU to those who have volunteered to be Catechists
for the upcoming Religious Education school year! We
anticipate that teachers will be needed for the following grades:
# of Catechists
1, or 2 co-teachers
1, or 2 co-teachers
A New Religious Education Program for Special Needs
Children and their families will be available beginning this
fall at Saint Therese Church in Granby. Celia Lofink, who has
taught Religious Education for Special Needs Children and is a
Second Year Lay Ministry Student with an undergraduate and
Masters Degree in Special Education and a PhD in Educational
Psychology, will head the new program. Classes will generally
meet twice a month and the registration fee is $75. A focused,
customized program will be built around you and your
children’s needs, interests and abilities. Please contact the
Religious Education Office for a registration form, or contact
Celia at 860-874-2074 or by email, crlofink@gmail.com.
JULY 5, 2015
Ministry Message
Family Dance for LIFE will be held on Saturday,
July 11th, at the Shrine of Saint Anne for
Mother. Come out and enjoy the dance music of
the 40’s—70’s and support Pro-Life efforts here in
CT. A vigil Mass will be offered at 6:15 PM. For more
information visit: http://ylifeproifeyouthgroup.blogspot.com
Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, July
13th, at 7:00 - 9:00 PM in Father Doherty Hall. If you
would like to request a prayer shawl or find out more
about the ministry, please contact Darlene Kennedy at
860-688-9482 or kingskid1953@comcast.net
“Summer of Spirituality” - Have you ever
listened to the Gospel and were unsure of its
The Adult Education Committee of Saint
Gabriel’s Parish Council invites you to attend evenings of
enlightenment through the “Summer of Spirituality” series! An
evening to discuss, reflect and nourish your faith is something
we all can use. Come to one, a few, or many evenings is one
way to better live out your faith.
Deacon R. Carl Lickwar will present on Wednesdays, July
15th, and August 19th at Saint Gabriel’s Lower Church from
6 PM – 7 PM.
Saint Gabriel School Summer Camp 2015
Summer camp at Saint Gabriel School is a fun time
for children in Kindergarten through 8th Grade. All
summer camp sessions are supervised by trained teaching
staff from Saint Gabriel School. There are four different weeks
to choose from!
Summer Camp weeks:
July 6 - July 10
July 13 - July 17
July 20 - July 24
July 27 - July 31
Summer Camp hours are 9:00 AM - 4 PM (before and after
care is available)
Each weekly themed camp session will include craft projects,
daily snack making, games, water play and weekly field trips to
area State Parks, bowling and/or movies and local in-town
venues. Campers are supplied with the materials needed for
the daily activities (art, snack making, water play). Any
questions please call Saint Gabriel School at 860-688-6401 or
email spranaitis@stgabrielschool.org
At the Shrine of Lourdes in Litchfield, Route 118,
Litchfield, CT, Father Richard Schebera, SMM, a much
appreciated member of the Summer Staff at the Shrine
and retired professor of Theology at Saint Louis
University in Saint Louis, MO, will be offering three
scripture lectures in July: “We learn as much from
Jesus’ actions as from His words.” on the following
Thursdays: July 9th, July 16th, and July 23rd.
The lectures will be held in the air conditioned Grotto
Chapel from 7—8:15 PM.
Free will donations will be
accepted. All are welcome. For further information, call 860567-1041 or e-mail : lourdesshrinect@gmail.com.